Fa Application New

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All the particulars are to be filled in Block Letters. Use extra sheets for any additional information.
The financial assistance programme aims to assist students who do not have resources to generate funds to meet their
educational expenses. Accordingly it is expected that students demonstrate a genuine need after exploring all other
possible avenues of aid. Applications that do not bear evidence of efforts for raising funds from other sources may not
be considered for FA by the committee.
Applicant need to submit the Financial Assistance application form at Student Financial Counseling and Assistance
Office (SFCAO) with all required documents as mentioned below along with acceptance of admission offer. Our
committee meetings and decision process is time bound and therefore incomplete and / or late applications are not
considered for financial assistance. In case of any clarity you may always drop an email to [email protected] to get
more information.
The financial assistance decision is finalized and communicated before the commencement of the academic year.
Submission of an application for financial assistance does not guarantee award of Financial Assistance.
Financial assistance eligibility is valid for one year only. You need to submit fresh application every year with a revised
set of documents.
The University reserves the right to verify the information and evidences provided by student. Incorrect information or
concealment of any fact will result in rejection of financial assistance for that particular academic year.
If applicant got support from any other institution or family member after getting financial assistance from AKU than,
the assistance awarded will be reduced by same amount of support in the proportion of loan and grant in aid.
Any critical information which is not covered in the form but seems necessary for FA can be enclosed in writing as a
separate sheet with evidence (if applicable) and submitted with the FA form.
Student has a right to appeal for a revision by clarifying his/her position in writing. The appeal for a review of the
financial assistance application can only be submitted once. The decision of the Committee to such a review application
will be final.
The application MUST be accompanied with documents listed below which can verify your familys income, expenses,
assets and liabilities. Details are requested to ensure that assistance is extended to those in the greatest need.
For Salaried persons latest salary slips (of last three months) or salary certificate issued by employer.
Income certificate from relevant authority in case of Business / Private Practice / Agriculture land will be accepted.

In case of business, Income and Expenditure details of previous year.

Copy of latest Income Tax return and Wealth Tax statements of all earning members (Where applicable).
Latest Bank statements of previous 12 months of all personal and business accounts maintained by all family members.
Evidence of educational expenses paid by the family for last six months.
Evidence of scholarship or assistance received by siblings to complete their education.
Copy of Electricity, Gas and Telephone / Mobile Bills (for last three months)
Documentary evidence with complete details of all assets / properties owned (house, plot, business, agricultural land/
car(s) etc.).
Documentary evidence of all investment held. (Saving certificates, fixed deposits, insurance policies, etc.)
Copy of lease / rental agreement of all properties taken / given on lease / rent.
Documentary evidence of loan taken with its updated repayment schedule.

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Applicants Information

Application No. Academic Program

Name of Applicant
CNIC No. / Recent
Passport No. colored
Fee Status National Foreign 1USD = ________(local currency)

Status of Study Full Time Part Time

Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y Marital Status

Residential Address

Email Address Mobile No.

Will you stay in Universitys Hostel Yes No

Name of the Educational Institution last attended:

Total educational charges paid in the last year Rs. / US$ __________________ Source: _________________________
(Please mention the percentage of assistance / scholarship if received)

Detail of employment prior to admission: (if applicable)

Name of Organization ________________________________________________ Designation __________________
Duration of Service __________________ Monthly Salary ___________________ Other Benefits __________________

Status of job during this programme: Working On leave with pay On leave without pay Resigned
If resigned, Date of resignation ___________________________ Commutation Received Rs. ______________________

Family Information

Guardians Name : __________________________________ Relationship with Applicant _______________________

Guardians Occupation (Please tick and fill the appropriate columns)
Service Name of Organization
Designation Duration of service

Business Nature of Business Duration of Business

Retired Date of Retirement Organization

Position Last drawn Gross Salary
Commutation received at time of Retirement (in case of salaried person)

Business / Service address of Father / Guardian


Email Address Mobile No.

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Family Information (contd.)

Total members residing with the family :

Particulars of all immediate family members residing with the family (use extra sheet if required)
Designation /
Relationship Marital Institution /
Name Age Occupation Nature of
with Student Status Organization

Have you or any member of the family been overseas in the last 2 years? Yes No
If yes: Who travelled? Purpose of travel When? _________________
Duration of stay Places visited ______________Amount spent PKR / USD _______________________
How was the cost financed?
Family resources: ________ Sponsored by employer: ________ Others (please specify)__________________________
(If support is from more than one source, specify % from each source

Residential Accommodation
Status of Residence
Owned Rented Other (please specify)

Type of Residential Accommodation

Flat Townhouse Bungalow Other (please specify)

Size of Plot Covered Area No. of Rooms CMV *

Year & Cost of Purchase ** Installments outstanding (if any)**

* CMV = Current Market Value ** in case of owned house

Familys Liabilities

Loan Taken
Please provide details of loan taken from financial institutions / family/ friends excluding loan granted by AKU
Name of Bank / Date of loan Principal Rate of Annual Outstanding
Institution availed Amount Interest Repayment Balance

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Familys Assets
Please give details and provide evidences of the following:
House Property (other than residential house)
a. Size of Plot Covered Area Location CMV *
b. Size of Plot Covered Area Location CMV *
c. Size of Plot Covered Area Location CMV *

Business Property (please specify) Office Shop Other

a. Size of Plot Covered Area Location CMV *
b. Size of Plot Covered Area Location CMV *
c. Size of Plot Covered Area Location CMV *

a. Date of Purchase Location : Commercial / Residential
Installments Outstanding (if any) Size of Plot CMV *
b. Date of Purchase Location : Commercial / Residential
Installments Outstanding (if any) Size of Plot CMV *
Agricultural Land
Area (in Acres) Location CMV *
Production (name and frequency of crops)
Other Assets / Investments
a. Saving Certificates PKR / USD
b. Stocks / Shares PKR / USD
c. Prize Bonds PKR / USD
d. Other assets / investments PKR / USD
* CMV = Current Market Value

Details of Bank and Cash Balances (please give details of all accounts and submit latest bank statements for all members
and/or business in the family of last twelve months) (use extra sheet if required)
Bank Balances
Title of Account Name of Bank Currency Balance

Sub Total Bank Balance - Currency (specify)

Cash in Hand Currency (specify)

Total Bank and Cash Balance Currency (specify)

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Familys Assets (Contd.)
Please give details of the following household items that exist in your house:

How Current Market Value

Make and Model Yes / No
many (PKR / USD)
i). Car

ii). Motorcycle
iii). Air Conditioner

iv). Computer / Laptop

Annual Family Income

Details Of Annual Family Income (Please indicate income of all family members):
(Foreign students are requested to state income and expenses in USD)

Relationship with Applicant

a. Income from Salary

Annual Take Home Salary
Add: Annual Bonus
Add: Leave Encashment
Add: Assistance for Travel
Add: Loan Deduction
Add: Others (Please specify)
Total Income from Salary

b. Pension

c. Net Income from Business/Profession

d. Agricultural Income

e. Other Income
i). From house property (Rental Income)
ii). From business property (Rental Income)
iii). From investment
iv). From saving certificates @______%
v). Any other source (please specify)
Total Other Income

Total Annual Income (a + b + c + d + e)

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Annual Family Expenditure

Details of Annual Family Expenditures (Please provide appropriate evidences for expenses incurred)
a. House Hold Expenses PKR / USD
House Rent
Maintenance of House
Electricity Telephone / Mobile Gas Total Utilities
Food / Grocery
Servant (Cook, Gardener / Maid / Driver) No.
Medical Expenses *
Travel Within Pakistan Overseas Travel Total
Entertainment Hotel Expenses
Club Membership (Please provide name of Club)
Total House Hold Expenses

b. Educational Expenses net of scholarship / assistance (if any) (excluding applicants expenses at AKU)
Siblings studying in Pakistan Siblings
School / College University studying
PKR / USD PKR / USD overseas
Tuition and other Fees
Boarding & Lodging
Private Tuition
Books, Stationery and other expenses
c. Other Expenses PKR / USD
Government Taxes (Property, Sewerage, Water etc.)
Loan Repayment: Other financial Institutions (Please provide evidence)
Donations / Zakat etc.
Other Expenses (please provide details in attachment)
Total Other Expenses
Grand Total (a+b+c)

Surplus / (Deficit) PKR / USD

Total Income
Less: Total Expenditure
Surplus / (Deficit)

In case of Deficit, please specify how the deficit was managed last year?

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Financial Arrangement

Other organizations/institutions approached for financial assistance.

(Banks, father's/mothers/guardian's employer etc. - please provide evidence)
Name of Organization Amount Applied for Outcome

Are any of the family members other than father/mother/guardian supporting your educational expenses at AKU?
Yes No.

If yes, please specify: amount PKR /USD ___________________ Relationship ______________________________

Financial arrangements for AKU Fee Payment:

(Financial assistance is awarded in Tuition, University, Hostel and admission fee based on eligibility. All other fee
including Income Tax has to be paid by the student.)
Tuition Fee
University Fee
Other Fee
Hostel Fee (If applicable)
Total Fee
Payment from Family resources
Other Sources (scholarship, sponsorship etc.)
Financial assistance requested from AKU (Balance Amount)


1. I understand that submission of this application does not guarantee award of financial assistance, nor does it absolve me
of any financial responsibility in relation to study at AKU.
2. The information given in this application is complete and true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that concealing
information or providing incorrect information will result in denial of financial assistance and may also result in strict
disciplinary action, including possible expulsion from the university.
3. I agree to abide by the decision of the Financial Assistance Committee.

Signature of Applicant : Date:

Signature of Parents/Guardian : Date:

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