Is.4016.2002 Caustic Density

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
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IS 4016 (2002): Density Composition Tables for Aqueous

Solutions of Sodium Hydroxide [CHD 1: Inorganic Chemicals]

! $ ' +-
Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge

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Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
IS 4016:2002

Indian Standard
(First Revision)

ICS 71.060.40

(2 BIS 2002
NEW DELHI 110002

April 2002 Price Group 8

Chemical Standards Sectional Committee, CHD 1

This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the drafl finalized
by the Chemical Standards Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division Council.
The density composition tables/provide a simple means of determining the strength of any aqueous solution of
sodium hydroxide or of making a solution of specific strength. The underlying principle in the preparation of
these tables is that density is a function of composition of aqueous sodium hydroxide solutions. By using a
density hydrometer or from the density determined at any particular temperature within the range of the tables,
composition of the solution can be determined. The density composition table is based on the data obtained
from the International Critical Tables still authoritative and related to mass, not to apparent mass in air.
This standard was first published in 1966 and was based on BS 824:1961 Density composition tables for
aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide issued by the British Standards Institution, London. The value of
density given at that time were in terms of g/ml. Subsequently, with the adoption of S1 units, it was felt
necessary to give density values in kg/m3 and hence the standard is being revised.
In the present revision, density value of aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide given in Table 1 have been
changed from g/ml to kg/m3. Table 2 to Table 7 also have been modified accordingly.
At present there is no 1S0 standard on the subject.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex E.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2:1960 Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised). The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 4016:2002

Indian Standard
(First Revision)

1 SCOPE g = Mass in grams of sodium hydroxide in

100 g of the aqueous solution.
This standard furnishes tables, which correlate
density with composition of aqueous solutions of G = Mass in grams of sodium hydroxide in a
sodium hydroxide. It is intended to assist in quantity of the aqueous solution
determining the strength of an aqueous solution of occupying one litre at temperature t.
sodium hydroxide of known density and in preparing 3.2 The table gives the values of g and G for densities
solutions of specific strength. of sodium hydroxide solutions at various temper-
atures between 10C and 40C.
3.3 Table 1 has been so prepared that the density D,
The following Indian Standard contain provisions increases by steps of 1 kg/m3 (0.001 g/ml) and the
which through reference in this text, constitute corresponding values of g and G have been given for
provisions of this standard. At the time of each 5C over the range 10C and 40C.
publication, the editions indicated were valid. All
3.4 Corrections to be.applied for greater accuracy are
standards are subject to revisions and parties to
given in Annex A.
agreements based on this standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent 3.5 Examples of the use of the density composition
editions of the standards indicated below: tables in conjunction with density hydrometers are
given in Annex B.
1S No. Title
3104 Specification for density hydro- 3.6 Determination of D, from Table 1
The method of obtaining density of solutions of
(Part 1): 1982 Requirements @rst revision)
sodium hydroxide of known strength is given in
(Part 2) :1982 Methods of test and use ~rst
Annex C.
3.7 Choice of Hydrometers
AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF SODIUM Recommendations as to the choice of suitable
HYDROXIDE (TABLE 1) hydrometers for use in conjunction with these tables
are given in Annex D. To avoid error in visual
3.1 Abbreviations reading of the scales of the hydrometers and to apply
the corrections given in Annex A with the best
For the purpose of this standard, the following
advantage, density hydrometers shall be used in
abbreviations shall apply:
overflow vessels as recommended in 1S 3104
D, = Density of the aqueous solutions of (Part 2).
sodium hydroxide in kg/m3 at a
temperature t.
k ,

Is 4016:2002

Table 1 Density Composition Table for Aqueous Solutious of Sodium Hydroxide

(Clauses 3,3.6 and A-1.l.1)




1 0(30 00 0 0.1 1 0.2 2 0.3 3 0.4 4 0,5 5 0.7 7
I 001 0. I 1 02 2 0.3 3 0.3 3 0.5 5 0.6 6 0.8 8
1002 02 2 0.2 2 0.3 3 0.4 4 0.5 5 0.7 7 0.9 9

1003 0.3 3 0.3 3 0.4 4 0.5 5 0.6 6 0.8 8 [.0 10

I 004 0.3 3 04 4 0.5 5 0.6 6 0.7 7 0.9 9 1.1 11
I 005 0.4 4 0.5 5 0.6 6 0.7 7 0,8 8 1.0 10 1.2 12

1006 05 5 0.6 6 0.7 7 0.8 8 0.9 9 1.1 11 1,3 13

1007 0.6 6 0.7 7 0.8 8 0.9 9 I .0 10 1.2 12 1.4 14
1008 0.7 7 0.8 8 0.9 9 I .0 10 1.1 11 1.3 13 1.5 15

1009 08 8 0.9 9 1.0 10 1.1 11 1.2 12 1.4 14 1.5 16

1010 09 9 0.9 9 1.1 II 1.2 12 1.3 13 1.5 15 1,6 16
1011 1.0 10 1.0 10 1.1 12 1.2 13 1.4 14 1,6 16 1.7 17

I 012 1.1 II I.1 11 1.2 12 1.3 14 1.5 15 1.6 17 1.8 18

I 013 1.1 11 1.2 12 1.3 13 1.4 14 1.6 16 1.7 18 1.9 19
1014 12 12 1.3 13 14 14 1.5 15 I .7 17 1.8 19 2.0 20

10I5 L3 13 1.4 14 1.5 15 1.6 16 1.8 18 1.9 19 2.1 21

I 016 14 14 1.5 15 1.6 16 [.7 17 1.9 19 2,0 20 2,2 22
1017 15 15 1,6 16 1.7 17 1.8 18 1.9 20 2.1 21 2.3 23

1018 1.6 16 1.6 17 1.8 18 1.9 19 2.0 21 2.2 22 2.4 24

1019 1.7 17 1.7 18 19 19 2.0 20 2.1 22 23 23 2.5 25
1020 17 18 1,8 19 1.9 20 2.1 21 2.2 23 2.4 24 2.6 26

1021 1.8 19 1,9 20 2.0 21 22 22 2.3 24 2.5 25 2.7 27

1022 I ,9 20 2.0 20 2.1 22 2.3 23 2.4 25 2.6 26 2.8 28
I 023 2.0 20 2.1 21 2.2 23 2.3 24 2.5 26 2.7 27 2.9 29

1024 2.1 21 2.2 22 2,3 24 2.4 25 2.6 26 2.8 28 2.9 30

I 025 2.2 22 23 23 2.4 24 2.5 26 2.7 27 2.9 29 3.0 31
1026 2.3 23 2.4 24 2,5 25 2.6 27 2.8 28 3.0 30 3.1 32

1027 2.4 24 2.5 25 2.6 26 2.7 28 2.9 29 3.0 31 3.2 33

I 028 2.4 25 2.5 26 2.7 27 2.8 29 3.0 30 3.1 32 3.3 34
1029 2.5 26 2.6 27 2.8 28 2.9 30 3.0 31 3.2 33 3.4 35

1030 2.6 27 2.7 28 2.8 29 3.0 31 3.1 32 3,3 34 3.5 36

I 031 2,7 28 2.8 29 2.9 30 3.1 32 3.2 33 3.4 35 3.6 37
1032 2.8 29 2.9 30 3.0 31 3,2 33 3.3 34 3.5 36 3.7 38

1033 2.9 30 30 31 3.1 32 3.3 34 3.4 35 3.6 37 3.8 39

1034 30 31 3.1 32 3.2 33 3.3 35 3.5 36 3.7 38 3.9 40
1035 30 32 3.2 33 3.3 34 3.4 36 3.6 37 3.8 39 4.0 41

1036 3.1 32 3.3 34 3.4 35 3.5 37 3.7 38 3.9 40 4.1 42

1037 32 33 3.3 35 3.5 36 3.6 38 3.8 39 4.0 41 4.2 43
I 038 33 34 3.4 36 3.6 37 3.7 39 3.9 40 4.1 42 4.3 44

I 039 34 35 3.5 37 3.7 38 3.8 40 4.0 4[ 4.2 43 4.4 45

1040 3.5 36 3.6 38 3.8 39 3.9 41 41 42 4,3 44 4,5 46
1041 3.6 37 3.7 38 3.8 40 4.0 42 4.2 43 4.4 45 45 47

. 1042 3.7 38 3.8 39 3.9 41 4.1 43 4.3 44 4,4 46 4.6 48

1043 3.8 39 3.9 40 4.0 42 4.2 44 4,4 45 4.5 47 4.7 49
I 044 38 40 4.0 41 4. I 43 4,3 45 4.4 46 46 48 4.8 50

IS 4016:2002

Table 1 (Continued
PC 1Oc 15C 200C
25C 300C 35C 40C
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~
[;, G G G G G G
!3 g L3 !3 g g g G
\l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

] {)4i 39 41 4.1 42 4.2 44 44 46 4.5 47 47 49 4.9 51
I 046 4,0 42 4,1 43 4.3 45 4.5 47 4.6 48 48 50 50 52
I 047 4.1 43 4.2 44 44 46 45 48 47 49 49 51 51 54

I 048 42 44 43 45 4,5 47 4.6 49 4.8 50 5.0 52 5.2 55

1049 4,3 45 44 46 4.6 48 47 50 49 51 5.1 53 5.3 56
1050 44 46 45 47 4.7 49 48 51 5.0 52 5.2 54 5.4 57

i 051 45 47 46 48 4,8 50 49 52 5, I 53 5.3 55 5.5 58

I 052 4.5 48 47 49 48 51 50 53 5.2 54 54 56 5.6 59
I 053 4.6 49 4,8 50 49 52 51 54 5.3 55 5.5 58 5.7 60

1054 47 50 49 51 5.0 53 52 55 54 56 56 59 58 61
1055 48 51 5.0 52 51 54 5,3 56 5.5 58 57 60 59 62
1056 49 52 5.0 53 5.2 55 54 57 5.6 59 5.7 61 6.0 63

1057 50 53 51 54 5.3 56 55 58 5.6 60 58 62 6.0 64

I 058 5.1 54 5.2 55 5.4 57 5.5 59 5.7 61 59 63 61 65
i 059 5,2 55 53 56 5.5 58 5.6 60 5.8 62 6.0 64 6,2 66

I 060 5.3 56 54 57 5.6 59 57 61 59 63 6.1 65 6.3 67

I 061 54 57 5.5 58 5.7 60 5.8 62 6,0 64 62 66 6.4 68
1062 54 58 5.6 59 5.8 61 5.9 63 6.1 65 6.3 67 6.5 69

1063 55 59 57 60 5.8 62 60 64 6.2 66 6.4 68 66 70

1064 56 60 5.8 61 5.9 63 b. I 65 6.3 67 6.5 69 6.7 71
1065 5.7 61 5.9 62 60 64 6.2 66 64 68 66 70 68 72

1066 5.8 62 59 63 6.1 65 6.3 67 6.5 69 6.7 71 6.9 73

I 067 5.9 63 6.0 64 6.2 66 6.4 68 6.6 70 6.8 72 7.0 74
. I 068 6.0 64 6.1 65 6.3 67 6.5 69 6.7 71 69 73 71 76

1069 6. I 65 6.2 66 6.4 68 6,6 70 68 72 7.0 74 7,2 77

I 070 62 66 6.3 67 6.5 69 6,6 71 68 73 7.0 75 7.3 78
I 071 6.2 67 6.4 68 6,6 70 6.7 72 6.9 74 7.1 76 7.4 79

I 072 6.3 68 6.5 69 6,7 71 6.8 73 70 75 7,2 77 7.4 80

1073 6.4 69 66 70 6.7 72 6.8 74 7.1 76 7.3 79 7.5 81
I 074 6.5 70 6.7 72 6.8 73 7.0 75 7.2 77 7.4 80 7.6 82

I I 075
I 076















1079 7,0 75 7.1 77 7.3 79 7,5 81 7.7 83 79 85 8. I 87
1080 70 76 7.2 78 7.4 80 7.6 82 7.8 84 8.0 86 8.2 88

1081 7.1 77 7.3 79 7.5 81 7.7 83 7.9 85 8.1 87 8.3 90

I 082 72 78 7.4 80 7.6 82 7.7 84 8.0 86 8.2 88 8.4 91
i 083 7.3 79 7.5 81 7.7 83 7.8 85 8.0 87 8.3 89 8.5 92

I 084 74 80 7.6 82 7.7 84 7.9 86 8,1 88 8.3 90 86 93

1085 75 81 7.6 83 7.8 85 8.0 87 8.2 89 8.4 92 8.7 94
1086 7.6 82 77 84 7.9 86 8.1 88 8.3 90 8.5 93 8.8 95

1087 77 83 78 85 8.0 87 8.2 89 8.4 91 86 94 88 96

1088 7,8 84 7,9 86 8.1 88 8.3 90 8.5 92 8.7 95 8.9 97
1089 79 85 8.0 87 8.2 89 8.4 91 8.6 94 8.8 96 90 98

1090 7.9 86 8.1 88 8.3 90 8.5 92 8.7 95 8.9 97 9.1 99

1091 x () 87 8.2 89 8.4 91 8.6 94 8.8 96 90 98 92 101
1092 8.1 89 8.3 90 8,5 92 8.7 95 8.9 97 9.1 99 9.3 102

. e+

IS 4016:2002

Table 1 (Continued)

I 093 g,~ 90 8.4 91 8.6 93 8.8 96 90 98 9,2 100 9.4 103

1094 8.3 91 85 93 8.7 95 8.8 97 9. I 99 93 101 9.5 104
I 095 8.4 92 8.6 94 8.7 96 8.9 98 9. I 100 9.4 103 9,6 105

1096 8.5 93 86 95 8.8 97 9.0 99 92 101 9.5 I04 97 106

I 097 86 94 87 96 8.9 98 9 I I00 9.3 102 95 105 9.8 I07
I 098 87 95 8.8 97 9.0 99 9,2 101 9.4 103 9.6 106 9.9 108

1099 8.7 96 8,9 98 9.1 100 9.3 102 9.5 105 9.7 I07 10.0 109
1 100 88 97 90 99 9.2 101 9.4 103 9.6 106 9.8 108 10.0 110
1 101 89 98 9.1 100 9.3 102 9.5 104 9.7 107 9,9 109 10.1 I 12

1 102 9.0 99 9,2 101 9.4 103 96 105 9.8 108 100 110 10.2 113
I 103 91 I 00 93 102 95 104 9,7 107 9.9 109 10,1 111 103 114
1104 92 Iol 9.4 I03 9.6 105 9.8 108 10.0 110 102 113 10.4 115

1 105 9.3 I02 9.5 104 9.6 I07 99 109 10.1 Ill 10,3 114 10.5 116
I 106 94 I04 9.5 106 9.7 108 99 110 10.2 112 104 115 10.6 117
I 107 95 I05 9,6 107 98 109 10,0 111 103 113 10.5 116 10.7 118

1 108 9.5 106 9.7 108 9.9 110 10.1 112 10.3 115 10.6 117 10.8 120
1 109 9,6 107 98 109 10.0 Ill 10,2 113 10.4 116 10.7 118 10.9 121
1110 9.7 108 99 Ilo 10.1 112 10,3 114 10.5 117 10.8 119 11.0 122

1111 9.8 109 I 0.0 Ill 10.2 113 10,4 116 10.6 118 10,8 I 20 Ill 123
1112 9.9 110 10.1 112 10.3 [14 105 117 10.7 119 10.9 122 11.2 I 24
1113 10.0 Ill 102 113 104 115 10.6 118 10.8 120 11.0 123 11.3 125

1 114 101 112 103 114 10.5 117 10.7 119 10.9 121 11,1 124 11.3 126
1115 102 113 10.4 115 10.6 118 10,8 120 11.0 I22 11.2 125 114 128
1116 10.3 114 I 0.4 117 10.6 119 109 121 Ill 124 11,3 126 115 129

I 117 10,4 116 Ios 118 10.7 I20 10.9 122 11.2 125 114 127 11.6 130
1118 104 117 106 119 10.8 121 11.0 123 113 126 115 128 11.7 131
1119 10,5 118 10.7 120 10.9 I22 Ill 125 11.4 127 116 I 30 118 132

1 120 10.6 119 108 121 11.0 i 23 11,2 }26 11.4 128 11.7 131 119 133
I 121 107 I20 109 122 11.1 124 113 127 11.5 129 118 132 12.0 135
1122 10.8 121 11,0 123 112 126 114 128 11.6 I 30 119 I 33 12. I 136

I 123 109 122 Ill 124 11.3 127 11,5 129 11.7 132 12.0 134 122 I 37
I 124 1I ,0 123 11.2 125 11.4 128 11,6 I30 11.8 133 12.0 135 12.3 138
I 125 111 124 11.3 127 11.5 129 117 131 119 134 12,1 136 12.4 139

I 126 11,2 126 11.4 128 116 I 30 11.8 I 32 12.0 135 122 138 12.5 140
I 127 112 127 114 129 116 131 11.9 134 12.1 136 12.3 139 12.6 141
1 128 113 128 115 130 11.7 132 12.0 135 12.2 137 12.4 I40 12.6 143

I 129 114 129 11.6 131 11.8 I 34 120 136 12.3 138 12.5 141 127 144
1 130 115 130 117 132 11.9 135 12. I 137 12.4 I 40 126 142 128 I45
1 131 116 131 11,8 133 120 136 12.2 138 12.5 141 127 143 129 146

1 132 11.7 132 11.9 135 121 I 37 12.3 139 12.5 142 12.8 I45 13.0 I47
1 133 11,8 133 120 136 122 138 12,4 141 12.6 143 12.9 146 13,1 148
1 134 11,9 135 12 I I 37 12.3 139 12.5 142 12.7 144 130 147 13,2 I50

I 135 120 136 12.2 138 124 140 12.6 I43 128 I45 13,1 148 13.3 151
1 136 121 137 12.3 139 125 142 12.7 144 12.9 147 13,1 149 134 I 52
I 137 12,1 138 12.3 140 12.6 I43 12.8 I45 13.0 148 13.2 151 134 153

IS 4016:2002

Table 1 (Continued)
Pc I Oc 15C 20C 250c 30C 35C 40C
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
D, g G g G g G ~ G g G k! G g G
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

I 138 12.2 139 124 141 12.6 144 12.9 146 13.1 149 13.3 152 13.6 154
I 139 12.3 140 12.5 143 12.7 145 13,0 148 13,2 150 13,4 153 13,7 155
1 140 12.4 141 12.6 144 12.8 146 13.0 149 13.3 151 13.5 154 13.8 157

I 141 12.5 143 12,7 145 12,9 147 13.1 150 13.4 152 13.6 155 13.8 158
1 142 12.6 144 12.8 146 13.0 149 13.2 151 13.5 I 54 137 156 13.9 159
1 143 12.7 145 12.9 147 131 I 50 13.3 152 13.5 155 13.8 i 58 14.0 160

1 144 128 146 13.O 148 13.2 151 13.4 153 13.6 156 13.9 159 14.1 161
1 145 129 I47 13.1 150 133 152 13.5 I 55 13.7 157 14.O 160 14.2 163
I 146 129 148 13.2 151 134 153 13.6 156 13.8 158 14.1 161 14.3 164

1 147 13.0 150 13.2 152 13.5 154 13.7 157 13,9 159 14.2 162 14.4 165
1 148 13. I 151 13.3 153 13,5 156 13.8 158 14.0 161 14.2 163 14.5 166
I 149 13.2 152 13.4 154 13.6 157 13.9 159 14.1 162 14.3 165 14.6 168

1150 13.3 153 13.5 155 13.7 158 14.0 160 14.2 163 14.4 166 14.7 169
1 151 13.4 I 54 13.6 157 13.8 159 14,0 162 14.3 164 14.5 167 14.8 170
1 152 13.5 155 13,7 158 13.9 160 14.1 163 14.4 165 14.6 168 14.9 171

1153 13.6 156 13.8 I 59 14,0 161 14.2 164 14.5 167 14.7 169 15.0 I 72
1 154 137 158 13.9 160 14.1 163 143 165 14,5 168 14.8 171 15.0 I 73
1 155 138 159 14.0 161 14,2 164 14,4 166 14.6 169 14,9 172 15.1 I 75

1 156 13.8 160 14.1 162 14.3 165 14.5 168 147 170 15.0 173 15.2 176
1 157 13.9 161 14.1 164 14.4 166 14.6 169 14.8 171 15.1 174 15.3 177
1 158 14.0 162 14.2 165 14.5 167 14.7 170 14,9 173 15.2 176 15.4 178

1 159 14,1 164 14.3 I66 14,5 169 14.8 171 15.0 174 15.3 177 15,5 180
1 160 14.2 165 144 167 14.6 170 149 172 15.1 175 15,3 178 15.6 181
1161 14,3 166 14.5 168 14,7 171 15.0 174 15.2 176 15.4 179 15.7 182

1162 14.4 167 14.6 170 14.8 172 15,0 175 15.3 178 15.5 180 15.8 183
I 163 14.5 I 68 14.7 171 149 173 151 176 15.4 179 15.6 182 15.9 185
I 164 14.6 169 14.8 172 150 175 152 177 15.5 180 15,7 183 16.0 186

1 165 14.6 171 14.9 173 15.1 176 15,3 178 15,6 181 15.8 184 16.1 187
I 166 14.7 172 15.0 174 15.2 177 )5.4 180 15.7 182 159 185 16.2 188
I 167 14,8 I 73 150 176 15.3 178 15,5 181 15.7 184 16.0 187 16.2 189

1168 14.9 174 15,1 177 15.4 179 15.6 182 15,8 185 16.1 188 16.3 191
1169 15.0 175 15.2 178 15.5 181 15.7 183 15.9 186 16.2 189 16.4 192
I 170 15. I 177 15.3 179 15,5 182 15.8 185 16.0 187 16.3 190 16.5 I 93

I 171 15.2 178 15.4 180 15,6 183 15,9 186 16.1 189 16.4 191 16.6 194
I 172 15.3 179 15.5 182 15,7 184 16.0 187 16.2 190 16,4 193 16.7 196
1 173 154 180 15.6 183 15,8 185 16.0 188 16.3 191 16,5 194 16.8 197

1 174 15.5 181 15.7 184 15.9 187 16.1 189 16.4 192 16.6 195 16.9 198
1 175 156 183 15.8 185 16.0 1,88 162 191 16.5 193 16.7 196 17.0 199
1176 {5.6 184 15.9 I 86 16.1 189 16.3 192 16.6 195 16.8 198 17.1 20 I

I 177 15.7 185 16.0 188 16.2 190 16.4 I 93 16.7 196 16.9 I 99 17.2 202
1 178 15.8 186 16.0 189 16.3 192 16.5 194 16.7 197 17.0 200 17.2 203
I 179 15.9 187 16. I 190 16.4 193 16,6 196 16.8 198 17.1 201 173 204

I 180 160 189 16.2 191 164 194 16.7 197 16.9 200 17.2 203 174 206
I 181 16.1 I 90 163 I 93 16.5 195 16,8 198 17.0 20 I 17.3 204 17.5 207
1 182 162 191 16.4 I 94 16.6 I 97 16.9 199 17.1 202 17.4 205 176 208

1 183 163 192 165 I 95 167 198 17,0 201 17.2 203 17.5 206 177 209
1 184 16.4 I 94 166 196 16.8 I 99 171 202 17.3 205 17.6 208 17.8 211
i 185 165 195 167 I 97 16.9 200 17.1 203 17.4 206 17.6 209 17,9 212

IS 4016:2002

Table 1 (Continued)
PC 1Oc 15C 20C 25C 30C 35C 40C
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
D, g G g G g G f4 G f3 G g G g G
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1186 16.5 196 16,8 199 17,0 202 17,2 204 17.5 207 17,7 210 18,0 213
1 187 16.6 197 16.9 200 17.1 203 17.3 206 17.6 208 17,8 212 18.1 214
1188 16.7 199 16,9 201 17,2 204 17,4 207 17.7 210 17.9 213 18.2 216

1189 168 200 17,0 202 17,3 205 17.5 208 17.7 211 18.0 214 18.3 217
I 190 16.9 201 17.1 204 17.4 206 17,6 209 17,8 212 18,1 215 18.3 218
1191 17.0 202 17.2 205 17.4 208 17,7 211 17.9 214 18.2 217 18.4 220

1192 17.1 204 17.3 206 17.5 209 17,8 212 18.0 215 18,3 218 18.5 221
1193 17.2 205 17.4 207 17,6 210 17,9 213 18. I 216 18.4 219 18.6 222
1194 17.3 206 17.5 209 17,7 212 18,0 214 18.2 217 18.5 220 18.7 223

1 195 174 207 17.6 210 17.8 213 18,0 216 18.3 219 18.6 222 18.8 225
1196 17.4 209 17.7 211 17.9 214 18.1 217 18.4 220 18,6 223 18.9 226
1197 175 210 178 2)2 18.0 215 18,2 218 18,5 221 18.7 224 19.0 227

1198 17,6 211 17.8 214 18.1 217 18.3 219 18.6 222 18,8 226 19,1 229
1199 17.7 212 17,9 215 18.2 218 18,4 221 18.7 224 18,9 227 19.2 230
1200 17.8 214 18.0 216 18.3 219 18.5 222 18.8 225 19.0 228 19.3 231

1201 17.9 215 18.1 218 18,4 220 18,6 223 18,8 226 19.1 229 19.4 233
1202 18.0 216 18.2 219 18,4 222 18.7 225 18.9 228 19.2 231 19.5 234
I 203 18.1 217 18,3 220 18.5 223 18.8 226 19,0 229 19.3 232 19.5 235

1204 18.2 219 18.4 221 18,6 224 18,9 227 19.1 230 19.4 233 19.6 236
1205 18.3 220 18.5 223 18.7 226 19,0 228 19,2 231 19.5 235 19.7 238
I 206 18.3 221 I 86 224 18.8 227 19.1 230 19,3 233 19.6 236 19.8 239

1207 18.4 222 18.7 225 18,9 228 19,1 231 19,4 234 19.7 237 19,9 240
1208 18.5 224 18.8 227 19.0 229 19.2 232 19.5 235 19.7 239 20.0 242
1209 18,6 225 18.8 228 19.1 231 19,3 234 19.6 237 19.8 240 20.1 243

1210 18.7 226 18.9 229 19.2 232 19.4 235 19.7 238 19,9 241 20.2 244 , -. -
1211 18.8 228 19,0 230 19.3 233 19.5 236 19,8 239 20.0 242 20.3 246
1212 18.9 229 19.1 232 19,4 235 19.6 238 19.9 241 20,1 244 20.4 247

1213 190 230 19.2 233 19,4 236 19.7 239 19,9 242 20,2 245 20,5 248
1214 19,1 231 19.3 234 19.5 237 19.8 240 20,0 243 20,3 246 20.6 250
1215 19,2 233 19.4 235 19.6 239 19.9 242 20.1 245 20.4 248 20.7 251

1216 19,2 234 19,5 237 19,7 240 20.0 243 20.2 246 20.5 249 20,8 252
1217 19,3 235 19,6 238 19,8 241 20.1 244 20.3 247 20,6 2s0 20.8 254
1218 19.4 237 19.7 239 19.9 242 20,2 245 20.4 249 20.7 252 20,9 255

1219 19.5 238 19.7 241 20,0 244 20.2 247 20.5 250 20.8 253 21.0 256
1220 19,6 239 19.8 242 20,1 245 20.3 248 20,6 251 20,9 254 21.1 258
1221 19.7 240 19.9 243 20.2 246 20,4 249 20.7 253 21.0 256 21,2 259

1222 19,8 242 20.0 245 20,3 248 20.5 251 20.8 254 21,0 2S7 21.3 260
1223 19,9 243 20,1 246 20.4 249 20.6 252 20.9 255 21.1 258 21.4 262
1224 20.0 244 20.2 247 20,5 250 20.7 253 21.0 2S6 21.2 260 21,5 263

1225 20.1 246 20.3 249 20,5 252 20,8 255 21.0 258 21.3 261 21,6 264
1226 20.2 247 20.4 250 20.6 253 20,9 256 21.1 259 21.4 262 21.7 266
1227 20.2 248 20.5 251 20.7 254 21,0 257 21,2 260 21.5 264 21.8 267

1228 20.3 250 20,6 252 20.8 256 21.1 259 21.3 262 21.6 265 21.9 268
1229 20.4 2s 1 20,7 254 20.9 257 21.2 260 21.4 263 21.7 266 22.0 270
1230 20.5 252 20.8 255 21,0 258 21.3 261 21,5 264 21.8 268 22.0 271

1231 20.6 254 20.8 257 21.1 260 21.3 263 21.6 266 21.9 269 22.1 272
1232 20.7 2S5 20,9 258 21.2 261 21.4 264 21.7 267 22.0 270 22.2 274
1233 20,8 256 21,0 259 21.3 262 21.5 265 21.8 269 22,0 272 22,3 275

IS 4016:2002

Table 1 (Continued)
Pc i Oc 15C 20C 25C 30C 35C 40C
~ ~ ,. .-, /., ,.Y ~_A_\

D, g G g G g G g G k! G k! G g G
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1234 20,9 258 21.1 260 21.4 264 216 267 21.9 270 22.1 273 22.4 276
1235 21,0 259 212 262 21.5 265 21.7 268 22.0 271 22.2 275 22.5 278
I 236 21. I 260 21.3 263 21.6 266 21.8 269 22,1 273 22.3 276 22.6 279

1237 211 262 21,4 264 21.6 268 21.9 271 22.2 274 22.4 277 22.7 281
1238 212 263 215 266 21.7 269 22.0 272 22.2 275 22.5 279 22.8 282
1239 213 264 216 267 21,8 270 22.1 273 22.3 277 22.6 280 22.9 283

I 240 214 265 21.7 268 21.9 272 222 275 22.4 278 22.7 281 23.0 285
I 241 21.5 267 21,7 270 22.0 273 22.3 276 22.5 279 22.8 283 23.1 286
1242 21.6 268 21,8 271 22.1 274 22.4 278 22.6 281 22.9 284 23.2 288

I 243 217 269 21.9 272 22.2 276 22.4 279 22.7 282 23.0 286 23.2 289
I 244 218 271 22.0 274 22.3 277 22.5 280 22.8 284 23.1 287 23,3 290
1245 21.9 272 22.1 275 22.4 278 22.6 282 22.9 285 23.2 288 23.4 292

I 246 220 273 222 277 22,5 280 22.7 283 23.0 286 23.2 290 23.5 293
1247 22. I 275 22.3 278 22.5 281 22.8 284 23,1 288 233 291 23.6 294
1248 22. I 276 22.4 279 22.6 282 22.9 286 23.2 289 23.4 292 23.7 296

1249 22.2 278 22.5 281 22.7 284 23.0 287 23,2 290 23,5 294 23.8 297
1250 22.3 279 22.6 282 22.8 285 23.1 288 23.3 292 23.6 295 23.9 299
1251 22.4 280 22.7 283 22.9 287 23.2 290 23.4 293 23.7 297 24.0 300

1252 22.5 282 22.7 285 23.0 288 23.3 291 23,5 294 23,8 298 241 301
1253 22.6 283 22.8 286 23,1 289 23.4 293 23.6 296 23.9 299 24.2 303
1254 22.7 284 22.9 287 23.2 291 23,4 294 23,7 297 24.0 301 24.3 304

I 255 22.8 286 23,0 289 23.3 292 23,5 295 23.8 299 24.1 302 24.4 306
1256 22,9 287 23. I 290 23,4 294 23.6 297 23.9 300 24.2 304 24.5 307
1257 23.0 288 23.2 292 23.5 295 23.7 298 24.0 302 24.3 305 24,5 308

1258 23.0 290 23,3 293 23.6 296 23,8 300 24.1 303 24.4 306 24.6 310
1259 23.1 291 23.4 294 23.6 298 23.9 301 24.2 304 24.4 308 24,7 311
1260 23.2 293 23.5 296 23,7 299 24.0 302 24.3 306 24.5 309 24.8 313

1261 23.3 294 23.6 297 23.8 300 24.1 304 24.4 307 24.6 311 24,9 314
1262 23.4 295 23.7 298 23.9 302 24.2 305 24,5 309 24.7 312 25.0 316
1263 23.5 297 23.8 300 24,0 303 24.3 307 24.5 310 24.8 313 25.1 317

I 264 23.6 298 23.8 301 24.1 305 24.4 308 24.6 311 24,9 315 25,2 318
I 265 23.7 300 23.9 303 24,2 306 24.5 309 24.7 313 25.0 316 25.3 320
1266 23.8 301 24.0 304 24.3 307 24.6 311 24.8 314 25.1 318 25,4 321

1267 23.9 302 24.1 305 24.4 309 24.6 312 24.9 315 25.2 319 25.5 323
1268 24.0 304 24.2 307 24.5 310 24.7 314 25,0 317 25.3 321 25.6 324
1269 24.0 305 24.3 308 24.6 312 24.8 315 25.1 318 25.4 322 25.6 325

I 270 24.1 306 24.4 310 24,6 313 24.9 316 25.2 320 25.5 323 25.7 327
I 271 24.2 308 24.5 311 24.7 314 25.0 318 25.3 321 25.6 325 25.8 328
1272 24.3 309 24.6 313 24,8 316 25.1 319 25,4 323 25.7 326 25.9 330

1273 24,4 311 24.7 314 24.9 317 25.2 321 25,5 324 25.7 328 26.0 331
1274 24.5 312 24,8 315 25.0 319 25.3 322 25.5 325 25.8 329 26,1 333
1275 246 313 24.8 317 25.1 320 25.4 323 25.6 327 25.9 330 26.2 334

I 276 247 315 24,9 318 25,2 322 25.5 325 25.7 328 26.0 332 26,3 336
1277 24.8 316 25.0 320 25.3 323 25.6 326 25.8 330 26.1 333 26.4 337
I 278 24.9 318 25.1 321 25.4 324 25.7 328 25.9 331 26.2 335 26.5 339

1279 24,9 319 25.2 322 25.5 326 25.8 329 26.0 333 26.3 336 26.6 340
1280 25.0 320 25.3 324 25.6 327 25,8 331 26,1 334 26,4 338 26.7 341
1281 25.1 322 25.4 325 25.7 329 25.9 332 26.2 336 26.5 339 26.8 343

IS 4016:2002 ----
Table 1 (Continued)
Pc 10C 150C 20C 250C ~ooc 356C 40C
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
D, f! G g G J3 G g G g G g G g G
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1282 252 323 25.5 327 25,7 330 26.0 334 26.3 337 26,6 341 26.9 344
1283 25.3 325 25.6 328 25.8 332 26.1 335 26.4 339 26.7 342 27.0 346
I 284 254 326 25.7 329 25.9 333 26.2 336 26.5 340 26.8 344 27.0 347

1285 25.5 328 25.8 331 26.0 334 26.3 338 26.6 341 26.9 345 27.1 349
1286 25.6 329 25.8 332 26.1 336 26.4 339 26.7 343 27,0 347 27.2 350
I 287 2S.7 330 25.9 334 26.2 337 26.5 341 26.8 344 27.0 348 27.3 352

1288 258 332 26.0 335 26,3 339 26.6 342 26.9 346 27.1 350 27.4 353
1289 25.9 333 26.1 337 26.4 340 26.7 344 26.9 347 27.2 351 27.5 355
I 290 2S.9 335 26.2 338 26.5 342 26.8 345 27.0 349 273 352 27.6 356

I 291 26.0 336 26.3 340 26.6 343 26.9 347 27.1 3.50 27.4 354 27.7 358
1292 26. I 338 26.4 341 26.7 344 27.0 348 27,2 352 27.5 355 27.8 359
1293 26,2 339 26.5 343 26.8 346 27.1 350 27.3 353 27.6 357 27.9 361

I 294 26.3 340 26.6 344 26.8 347 27.1 351 27,4 355 27.7 358 28.0 362
1295 26.4 342 26.7 345 269 349 27.2 353 27.5 356 27.8 360 28.1 364
I 296 26,5 343 26.8 347 27.0 350 27.3 354 27.6 358 27.9 361 28.2 365

1297 26.6 345 26.9 348 27. I 352 27.4 355 27.7 359 28.0 363 28.3 367
1298 26,7 346 27.0 350 27.2 353 27.5 357 27.8 361 28.1 364 28.4 368
1299 26.8 348 27.0 351 27.3 355 27.6 358 27.9 362 28.2 366 28.5 370

1300 26.9 349 27.1 353 27.4 356 27.7 360 28.0 363 28.3 367 28.5 371
1301 27,0 351 27.2 354 27.5 358 27.8 361 28.1 365 28,4 369 28.6 373
1302 27.0 352 27.3 356 27.6 359 27.9 363 28.2 367 28.4 370 28.7 374

1303 27.1 354 27.4 357 27.7 36 I 28.0 364 28.3 368 28.5 372 28.8 376
I 304 27.2 355 27.5 359 27.8 362 28.1 366 28.3 370 28.6 373 28.9 377
1305 27,3 357 27.6 360 27.9 364 28,2 367 28.4 371 28.7 375 29.0 379

I 306 27.4 358 27.7 362 28.0 365 28.2 369 28.5 372 28.8 376 29.1 380
I 307 27,5 360 27.8 363 28.1 367 28,3 370 28.6 374 28.9 378 29.2 382
I 308 27.6 36 I 27.9 365 28.1 368 28.4 372 28.7 376 29.0 379 29.3 383

1309 27,7 362 28.0 366 28.2 370 28.5 373 28.8 377 29.1 381 29.4 385
1310 27.8 364 28.1 367 28.3 371 28.6 375 28.9 379 29.2 383 29.5 386
1311 27,9 365 28.2 369 28.4 373 28.7 376 29.0 380 29.3 384 29.6 388

1312 280 367 28.2 371 28.5 374 28.8 378 29.1 382 29,4 385 29.7 389
1313 28. I 368 28.3 372 28.6 376 28.9 379 29.2 383 29.5 387 29.8 391
1314 28,2 370 28.4 373 28.7 377 29.0 381 29.3 385 29.6 389 29,9 392

1315 28.2 371 28,5 375 28.8 379 29.1 382 29.4 386 29.7 390 30.0 394
1316 28.3 373 28.6 377 28,9 380 29.2 384 29.5 388 29.8 392 30.1 396
1317 28,4 374 28.7 378 29.0 382 29.3 386 29.6 389 29.9 393 30.2 397

1318 28.5 376 28.8 380 29.1 383 29.4 387 29.7 391 30.0 395 30.3 399
I 319 28.6 377 28.9 381 29,2 385 29.5 388 29.7 392 30.0 396 30.3 400
1320 28.7 379 29.0 383 29.3 386 29.6 390 29.8 394 30.1 398 30.4 402

1321 28.8 380 29,1 384 29.4 388 29.6 392 29.9 396 30.2 399 30.5 403
I 322 289 382 29.2 386 29.4 389 29.7 393 30.0 397 30.3 401 30.6 405
1323 290 383 29.3 387 29.5 391 29.8 395 30.1 399 30.4 402 30.7 407

1324 29 I 385 29.4 389 29.6 392 29.9 396 30.2 400 30.5 404 30.8 408
1325 29.2 386 29.5 390 29.7 394 30.0 398 30,3 401 30.6 405 30.9 410
1326 29.3 388 29.5 392 29.8 396 30.1 399 30.4 403 30.7 407 31.0 411

f 327 29.4 389 29.6 393 29.9 397 30.2 401 30.5 405 30.8 409 31.1 413
1328 29.4 391 29.7 395 30.0 399 30.3 402 30.6 406 30.9 410 31.2 414
1329 29.5 392 29.8 396 301 400 30.4 404 30.7 408 31.0 412 31.3 416

IS 4016:2002

Table 1 (Continued)
PC 1Oc I 50c 20C 250C
30C 35C 40C
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
D, $4 G i! G g G E! G g G J3 G g G
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

I 330 296 394 29.9 398 30.2 402 30.5 406 30.8 409 311 413 31.4 418
I 331 297 396 300 399 303 403 30.6 407 30.9 411 31.2 415 31.5 419
1332 298 397 30 I 40 I 30.4 405 307 409 31.0 413 31.3 417 31.6 421

I 333 299 399 30 ~ 403 30.5 406 308 410 311 414 314 418 31.7 422
1334 300 400 303 404 30.6 408 30.9 412 31.2 416 31.5 420 318 424
I 335 30 I 40~ 304 406 30.7 409 310 413 31.3 417 31.6 421 31.9 426

1336 302 403 305 407 30.8 411 31.1 415 314 419 31.7 423 32.0 427
I 337 303 405 306 409 30.9 412 31.2 417 315 42 I 31.8 425 32.1 429
I 338 304 406 30.7 410 310 414 31.3 418 31.6 422 319 426 32.2 430

I 339 305 408 308 412 31.O 416 31.4 420 317 424 32.0 428 32.3 432
1340 30.6 409 309 414 31.1 417 31.4 421 31.7 425 32.1 429 32.4 434
1341 307 411 310 415 31.2 419 31.5 423 31.8 427 32.2 431 32.5 435

1342 308 413 311 417 31.3 420 31.6 425 319 429 32.2 433 32.6 437
I 343 308 414 311 418 31.4 422 31.7 426 32.0 430 32.3 434 32.7 439
I 344 309 416 31.2 420 315 424 31.8 428 32.1 432 32.4 436 32.8 440

1345 310 417 313 42 I 31.6 425 31.9 429 32.2 433 32.5 438 32,9 442
I 346 31.1 419 31.4 423 317 427 32.0 431 323 435 32.6 439 33.0 444
1347 31.2 420 315 425 31.8 428 32. I 433 32.4 437 32.7 441 33.1 445

I 348 313 422 31.6 426 319 430 32.2 434 32.5 438 32.8 443 33.2 447
1349 31.4 424 317 428 32.0 432 32.3 436 32.6 440 32.9 444 33.3 449
I 350 31.5 425 31.8 429 32.1 433 32.4 437 32.7 442 33.0 446 33.4 450

I 351 31.6 427 31.9 431 12.2 435 32.5 439 32.8 443 33.1 447 335 452
I 352 317 429 32.0 433 32.3 437 32.6 441 32.9 445 33.2 449 33.6 454
1353 318 430 32.1 434 32.4 438 32.7 442 330 446 33.3 451 33.7 455

1354 319 432 32.2 436 32.5 440 32.8 444 33.1 448 33.4 452 33.8 457
I 355 32.0 433 32.3 437 32.6 441 32.9 446 33.2 450 335 454 33.8 459
1356 32.1 435 32.4 439 32.7 443 33.0 447 33.3 452 33.6 456 33.9 460

I 357 322 437 32.5 441 32.8 445 33.1 449 33.4 453 33.7 457 34,0 462
1358 32.3 438 32.6 32.9 446 33.2 451 33.5 455 33.8 459 34.1 464
1359 32.4 440 327 444 33.0 448 33.3 452 33.6 456 33.9 461 34.2 465

1360 32.5 441 32.8 446 33.1 450 33.4 454 33.7 458 34.0 462 34.3 467
1361 326 443 32.9 447 33.2 451 33.5 456 33.8 460 34.1 464 34.4 469
1362 32.7 445 33.0 449 33.3 453 33.6 457 33.9 462 34.2 466 345 470

1363 32.8 446 33.1 450 33.4 455 33.7 459 34.0 463 34.3 467 34.6 472
1364 32.8 448 33.1 452 33.5 456 33.8 461 34.1 465 34.4 469 34.7 474
1365 32.9 450 33.2 454 33.6 458 33.9 462 34.2 466 34.5 471 34.8 475

1366 33.0 45 I 33.3 455 33.6 460 34.0 464 34.3 468 34.6 472 34.9 477
1367 33.1 453 334 457 33.7 461 34.1 466 34.4 470 34.7 474 350 479
1368 332 455 335 459 33.8 463 34.2 467 34.5 472 34.8 476 35.1 480

1369 33.3 456 33.6 460 33.9 465 34.3 469 34.6 473 34.9 478 35.2 482
1370 334 458 337 462 34.0 466 34.4 471 34.7 475 35.0 479 35.3 484
1371 335 460 33.8 464 34.1 468 34.5 472 34.8 477 35.1 481 35.4 486

I 372 33.6 461 33.9 465 34.2 470 34.6 474 34.9 478 35.2 483 35.5 487
1373 337 463 34.0 467 34.3 471 34.7 476 35.0 480 35.3 484 35.6 489
I 374 33.8 465 341 469 34.4 473 34.7 477 35.1 482 35.4 486 357 491

I 375 33.9 466 34,2 470 34.5 475 348 479 35.2 483 35.5 488 35.8 493
1376 340 468 34.3 472 34.6 476 34.9 481 35.3 485 35.6 490 35.9 494
I 377 34. I 470 34.4 474 34.7 478 35.0 483 35.4 487 35.7 491 36.0 496

IS 4016:2002

Table 1 (Continued)
PC I Oc 15C 20C 25C 30C 35C 40C
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1), ~ (i g G g G g G !3 G g G ?3 G

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1378 342 471 345 475 34.8 481 351 484 355 489 358 493 36. I 498
1379 34.3 473 346 477 34.9 48 I 35.2 $86 35.6 490 35.9 495 36.2 500
1380 344 475 34.7 479 35.0 483 35.3 488 35.7 492 360 496 36.3 50 I

I 381 34.5 476 34.8 48 I 35.1 485 354 489 35.8 494 36.1 498 364 503
1382 34.6 478 34.9 482 35.2 486 355 49 I 35.9 496 36.2 500 36.5 505
I 383 347 480 350 484 35.3 488 35.6 493 36.0 497 36.3 501 36.6 506

1384 34.8 48 I 35 I 486 35.4 490 35.7 494 36.1 499 36.4 503 36.7 508
1385 349 483 35.2 487 35.5 492 35.8 496 36.2 501 36.5 505 36.8 510
1386 35.0 485 35.3 489 35.6 493 35.9 498 36.3 502 36.6 507 36.9 512

I 387 35. I 486 354 491 357 495 36.0 500 36.4 504 36.7 508 37.0 514
1388 35.2 488 35.5 492 35.8 497 36.1 501 36.5 506 36.8 510 37.1 515
1389 35.3 490 356 494 359 499 36.2 503 36.6 508 36.9 512 37.2 517

1390 354 492 35.7 496 36.0 500 36.3 505 36.7 509 37.0 514 37.3 519
1391 355 493 35.8 498 36.1 502 36.4 507 36.8 511 37. I 515 37.4 521
I 392 356 495 359 500 36.2 504 36.5 508 36.9 513 37.2 517 37.5 522

I 393 35.7 497 36.0 501 36.3 506 36,6 510 37.0 515 37.3 519 37.6 524
I 394 35.8 498 36. I 503 36.4 507 36.7 512 37.1 516 37.4 521 37.7 526
1395 359 500 36.2 505 36.5 509 36.8 513 37.2 518 37.5 523 37.8 528

1396 360 502 363 506 36.6 511 36.9 515 37.3 520 37.6 525 37.9 529
1397 360 503 36.4 508 36.7 513 37.0 517 37.4 522 377 526 38.0 531
1398 361 505 36.5 510 36.8 514 371 519 37.5 524 37.8 528 38.1 533

I 399 36.2 507 36.6 512 36.9 516 37.2 521 37.6 525 37.9 530 38.2 535
1400 36.3 509 36.7 513 37.0 518 37.3 522 37.7 527 38.0 531 38.3 537
1401 36.4 511 36.8 515 37.1 520 37.4 524 37.8 529 38.1 533 38.4 539

I 402 36.5 512 36.9 517 37.2 521 375 526 37.9 531 38.2 535 38.5 540
1403 36.6 514 37.0 519 37.3 523 37,6 528 38.0 532 38.3 537 38.6 542
1404 36.7 516 37.1 520 37.4 525 37.7 529 38.1 534 38.4 539 38.7 544

1405 36.8 517 37.2 522 37.5 527 37.8 531 38.2 536 38.5 54 I 38.8 546
1406 369 519 373 524 37.6 528 379 533 38.3 538 386 542 38.9 547
1407 370 521 374 526 377 530 38.0 535 38.4 540 38.7 544 39.0 549

I 408 371 523 375 527 37.8 532 38.1 537 38.5 541 38,8 546 39. I 551
1409 37.2 525 37.6 529 37.9 543 38.2 538 38.6 543 38.9 548 392 553
1410 373 526 37.7 531 380 536 38.3 540 38.7 545 39.0 550 39.3 555

1411 374 528 378 533 38.1 537 38.4 542 38.8 547 39.1 552 39.4 557
1412 375 530 37.9 535 38.2 539 38.5 544 38.9 549 39.2 554 39.5 558
1413 376 532 38.0 536 38.3 541 38.6 546 39.0 55 I 39.3 555 39.6 560

I 414 377 533 38.1 538 38.4 543 38.7 548 39.1 552 39.4 557 398 562
1415 378 535 38.2 540 38.5 545 38.8 549 39.2 554 39.5 559 399 564
1416 37.9 537 38.3 542 38.6 546 38.9 551 39.3 556 39.6 561 400 566

I 417 38,0 539 384 543 38.7 548 39.0 553 39.4 558 39.7 563 40.1 568
1418 38. I 540 38.5 545 38.8 550 391 555 39.5 560 39.8 564 40.2 569
1419 38.2 542 38.6 547 38.9 552 39.2 557 39.6 561 39.9 566 403 57 I

1420 383 544 38.7 549 39.0 554 39.3 558 39.7 563 400 568 40.4 573
I 421 384 546 38.8 55 I 39.1 555 394 560 39.8 565 40. I 570 40,5 575
1422 385 548 38.9 553 39.2 557 39.5 562 39.9 567 40.2 572 40,6 577

1423 386 549 39.0 554 39.3 559 396 564 400 569 40.3 574 40.7 579
1424 387 551 39.1 556 394 56 I 397 566 401 571 40.4 576 40,8 581
I 425 388 553 39.2 558 39.5 563 39.8 568 40,2 573 40.5 578 409 583

. A

1S 4016:2002

Table 1 (Continued)
Pc 1Oc 150c 20C 25C 30C 35C 400c
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ., ..
D, !3 G g G g G E! G k! G g G g G
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

I 426 389 555 393 560 39.6 565 39.9 570 40,3 574 40.7 580 41.0 585
1427 39(1 557 394 562 397 567 40.0 57 I 40.4 576 40.8 582 41.1 586
1428 39 I 559 395 563 39.8 568 40. I 573 40.5 578 40.9 583 41.2 588

1429 39.2 560 39.6 565 39.9 570 40,2 575 40,6 580 41,0 585 41.3 590
1430 39.3 562 39.7 567 40.0 572 404 577 40.7 582 41,1 587 41,4 592
1431 394 564 398 569 401 574 40.5 579 40.8 584 41.2 589 41.5 594

1432 39.5 566 399 571 40,2 576 40.6 581 40.9 586 41.3 591 41.6 596
I 433 396 568 40.0 573 403 578 40.7 583 41.0 588 41.4 593 41,7 598
1434 39.7 570 401 574 404 579 40,8 585 41. I 590 41.5 595 41,8 600

1435 398 571 40.2 576 40.5 581 40.9 586 41.2 592 41.6 597 41,9 602
1436 39,9 573 40.3 578 40.6 583 41.0 588 413 593 41.7 599 420 604
I 437 40.0 575 40.4 580 40.7 585 41.1 590 41.4 595 41.8 600 42. I 606

1438 40,1 577 405 582 40.8 587 41,2 592 41.5 597 41.9 602 42.3 608
1439 40,2 579 40,6 584 40.9 589 41.3 594 41.6 599 42.0 604 42,4 609
1440 403 581 40.7 586 41.0 591 414 596 41.7 601 42.1 606 42.5 611

I 441 40.4 583 40.8 588 41.1 593 415 598 41,9 603 42.2 608 42.6 6!3
I 442 405 585 409 589 41.2 595 41.6 600 42.0 605 42.3 610 42.7 615
I 443 40,6 586 41.O 591 41.3 596 41.7 602 42.1 607 42,4 612 42.8 617

1444 407 588 41. I 593 41,4 598 41.8 604 42.2 609 42.5 614 42.9 619
1445 40.8 590 41.2 595 41.5 600 41.9 605 42.3 611 42,6 616 43,0 621
1446 409 592 41,3 597 41.6 602 42,0 607 42,4 613 42.7 618 43.1 623

1447 410 594 41.4 599 41.8 604 42. ) 609 42,5 615 42.8 620 43.2 625
I 448 41.1 596 41.5 601 41,9 606 42.2 611 42,6 616 42,9 622 43,3 627
1449 413 598 41.6 603 42,0 608 42.3 613 42.7 618 43.1 624 43.4 629

1450 41.4 600 41.7 605 42.1 610 42.4 615 42.8 620 43,2 626 43.5 63 I
1451 415 602 41.8 607 42.2 612 42.5 617 42.9 622 43.3 628 43.6 633
1452 41.6 603 41,9 609 42.3 614 42,6 619 43,0 624 43.4 630 43.7 635

I 453 41,7 605 42,0 610 42.4 616 42.7 621 43. I 626 43.5 632 43.8 637
1454 41.8 607 42.1 612 42.5 618 42.8 623 43.2 628 43.6 634 43,9 639
1455 41.9 609 42.2 614 42.6 620 42.9 625 43.3 630 43.7 636 44.0 641

I 456 42.0 611 42,3 616 42,7 622 43.1 627 43.4 632 43.8 638 44.2 643
1457 42. I 613 42.4 618 42,8 623 43.2 629 43,5 634 43.9 640 44.3 645
1458 42.2 615 42,5 620 42.9 625 43.3 631 43.6 636 44.0 642 44.4 647

1459 42.3 617 42,6 622 43.0 627 43.4 633 43,7 638 44,1 644 44.5 649
1460 42.4 619 42.7 624 43,1 629 43.5 635 43,8 640 44.2 646 44.6 651
1461 42.5 62 I 42.8 626 43,2 631 43.6 637 44,0 642 44.3 648 44.7 653

I 462 42.6 623 42.9 628 43,3 633 43.7 639 44.1 644 44.4 650 44.8 655
1463 42.7 625 43.1 630 43.4 635 43.8 641 44,2 646 44,5 652 44.9 657
1464 42.8 627 43,2 632 43,5 637 43.9 643 44,3 648 44,7 654 45.0 659

1465 42.9 629 43.3 634 43.6 639 44.0 645 44.4 650 44.8 656 45.1 661
I 466 430 631 43.4 636 43.7 641 44,1 647 44.5 652 44,9 658 45,2 663
I 467 431 633 43,5 638 43.8 643 44.2 649 44,6 654 45.0 660 45.3 665

1468 43,2 635 43,6 640 44,0 645 443 65 I 44.7 656 45.1 661 45.4 667
1469 433 637 43.7 642 44.1 647 444 653 44.8 658 45.2 663 45.5 669
1470 434 638 43,8 644 44.2 649 44.5 654 44.9 660 45.3 665 45.6 671

1471 43.5 640 43,9 646 44.3 651 44.6 656 45.0 662 45.4 667 457 673
! 472 43,6 642 440 648 44.4 653 44.7 658 45.1 664 45.5 669 45.9 675
1473 43.7 644 44.1 650 44.5 655 44.8 660 45.2 666 456 67 I 460 677

IS 4016:2002

Table 1 (Continued)

1474 43.8 646 44.2 652 44,6 657 44,9 662 45.3 668 45.7 673 46.1 679
I 475 440 648 443 654 44.7 659 45,0 664 45.4 670 45.8 675 46.2 681
I 476 44 I 650 44.4 656 44.8 661 45.2 666 45,5 672 45.9 677 46.3 683

1477 44.2 652 44.5 658 44.9 663 45,3 668 45.6 674 46,0 679 46.4 685
I 478 44.3 654 44.6 660 45,0 665 45,4 670 45,7 676 46.1 682 46.5 687
1479 44.4 656 44.7 662 45.1 667 45.5 672 45.8 678 46,2 684 46.6 689

1480 44.5 658 44.8 664 45.2 669 45.6 674 46,0 680 46,3 686 46,7 691
I 481 44,6. 660 44.9 666 45.3 671 45.7 677 46.1 682 46.4 688 46.8 693
1482 447 662 45.0 668 45.4 673 45,8 679 46.2 684 46,5 690 46.9 695

1483 44.8 664 45.2 670 45.5 675 45.9 68) 46.3 686 46.6 692 47.0 697
1484 44.9 666 45,3 672 45.6 677 46.0 683 46.4 688 46,7 694 47.1 699
1485 450 668 45.4 674 45,7 679 46.1 685 46.5 690 46.9 696 47.2 701

I 486 45 I 670 45.5 676 45.8 681 46,2 687 46.6 692 47,0 698 47.3 703
1487 45.2 672 45.6 678 45.9 683 46.3 689 46.7 694 47.1 700 47,4 705
1488 45.3 674 45.7 680 46.0 685 46,4 691 46.8 696 47.2 702 47.6 708

1489 45.4 676 45,8 682 46.2 687 46,5 693 46.9 698 47.3 704 47.7 710
I 490 455 678 459 684 46.3 689 46.6 695 47,0 700 47,4 706 47.8 712
1491 45.6 680 46.0 686 46.4 691 46.7 697 47,1 702 47.5 708 47.9 714

1492 457 682 46,1 688 46.5 693 46.8 699 47,2 704 47,6 710 48.0 716
1493 45.8 684 46.2 690 46,6 695 47.0 701 47.3 706 47.7 712 48.1 718
I 494 459 686 46.3 692 46.7 697 47.1 703 47.4 709 47.8 714 48.2 720

1495 460 688 46.4 694 46.8 699 47.2 705 47.5 711 47.9 716 48.3 722
1496 46. I 690 46.5 696 46,9 701 47.3 707 47.6 713 48.0 718 48,4 724
1497 462 692 46.6 698 47.0 704 47.4 709 47.7 715 48,1 721 48.5 726

1498 464 694 46,7 700 47.1 706 47.5 711 47.9 717 48.2 723 48.6 728
, .. --.>
1499 465 696 46.8 702 47,2 708 47.6 713 48.0 719 48.3 725 48.7 730
1500 466 698 46,9 704 47,3 710 47.7 715 48.1 721 48.4 727 48.8 733

1501 46,7 700 47.0 706 47.4 712 47.8 717 48.2 723 48.6 729 48.9 735
1502 46.8 702 47 I 708 47,5 7[4 47,9 719 48.3 725 48.7 731 49.0 737
1503 46.9 704 47,2 710 47.6 716 48.0 722 48.4 727 48,8 733 49.2 739

I 504 470 706 47.4 712 47.7 718 48,1 724 48.5 729 48.9 735 49.3 741
1505 47,1 709 475 714 47,8 720 48.2 726 48.6 731 49.0 737 49.4 743
1506 47.2 711 47.6 716 48.0 722 48,3 728 48.7 733 49,1 739 49.5 745
1507 473 713 47.7 718 48.1 724 48.4 730 48.8 736 49.2 741 49.6 747
1508 474 715 47.8 721 48.2 726 48.5 732 48,9 738 49.3 744 49.7 749
1509 47,5 717 479 723 48.3 728 48.6 734 49,0 740 49.4 746 49.8 751

1.510 47,6 719 48.0 725 48.4 730 48.8 736 49.1 742 49,5 748 49.9 754
1511 477 721 48,1 727 48,5 733 48.9 738
1512 47.8 723 48.2 729 48.6 735 49,0 740

1513 47,9 725 48.3 73 I 48.7 737 49.1 742

I 514 48,0 727 48.4 733 48.8 739 49.2 745 -. .
1515 48.1 729 48.5 735 48,9 741 49,3 747

I S16 48.2 731 486 737 49.0 743 49.4 749

1517 48,3 733 48.7 739 49.1 745 49.5 751
1518 48.5 735 48.8 741 49.2 747 49,6 753

1519 48.6 738 48.9 743 49.3 749 49.7 755

1520 48.7 740 49.0 746 49.4 751 49,8 757
I 521 48.8 742

IS 4016:2002

Table 1 (ConchMed)
rc 1Oc 15C 20C 250c 30C 350C 40C
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
D, ~ G g G g G g G g G g G g G
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

I 5z2 48.9 744 - - - - -

I 523 49.0 746 -
I 524 491 748 -

1525 49.2 750 - - - .1

I 526 493 752 - .
1527 49.4 754

1528 495 757

I 529 496 759 --
1530 497 761 -----


1S 4016:2002
(Clause 3.4)

A-1 CORRECTIONS TO BE APPLIED FOR surface of the liquid is truly clean.

GREATER ACCURACY A-1.1,3,1 When greater accuracy is required, hydro-
A-1.1 Where greater accuracy is necessary, the meter adjusted for the high surface tension value
following additional corrections are applied for: 75 mN/m shall be used. The corrections given in
Table 3 shall then be applied. It is of little advantage to
a) the scale error of the hydrometer, apply these surface tension corrections unless
b) the difference between the temperature of corrections for scale errors and temperature are also
the liquid and the standard temperature of applied.
the hydrometer, and
A- In the cases where no special precautions
c) the difference between the surface tension of are taken for obtaining a clean liquid surface, the
the liquid and that for which the hydrometer surface tension values of the aqueous solutions are
is adjusted. usually less than the surface tension, value for clean
A-1. 1.1 Corrections of Scale Errors surfaces. Also, since the values depend to a greater
extent on the degree of contamination of the surface,
The maximum permissible scale errors allowed on the effective surface tension is erratic. Hence when
hydrometers appropriate for sodium hydroxide are using ordinary hydrometer jars without overflow, it is
given in Table 1. not possible to assign a reliable value to the surface
A-1. 1.2 Temperature Corrections tension of the sodium hydroxide solutions without
measuring it. Under these conditions surface tension
When the hydrometer reading is taken at a corrections are usually ignored. It would appear most
temperature t other than the standard temperature t, appropriate to use a hydrometer adjusted for
(27C, 20C or 15C) then the reading is in error due 75 mN/m but even then the errors due to surface
to the difference in the volume of the hydrometer tension, may be as large as the values given in
between t,and t. Table 4.
A-1.1 .2.1 Appropriate corrections for making A- It is of interest to examine the overall effect
allowance for this temperature effect are given in of ignoring corrections under A-1.1, A-1.1.2
Table 2. Density hydrometers corrected in accor- and A-1.1.3 when using hydrometers adjusted for the
dance with Table 2 give the density D, of the liquid high surface tension value. For density hydrometers
at t. these errors will have their maximum effect when
A-1.1.3 Surface Tension Correction determining the strength of very dilute or very
concentrated solutions. In the case of very dilute
These corrections are applied on hydrometer reading solutions at 40C the total correction ignored could
taken in an overflow vessel so as to ensure that the be as large as those indicated in Table 5.

Table 2 Temperature Corrections for Density Hydrometers

(Clause A- )

s] Standard Temperature t, of Hydrometer Hydrometer Reading at Temperature, t

27C 20C 15C 1000 1200 1400 1600
Temperature (tC) of liquid Correction (Unit 0,1 kglrn)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (s; (6; (7) (8)
i) 17 10 5 +4 +4
ii) 22 15 10 +2 +2 +2 +2
iii) 27 20 15 0 -o -o -o
iv) 32 25 20 -1 -2 -2 -2
v) 37 30 25 -2 -3 -4 4
vi) 42 35 30 -4 -4 -5 4
vii) 40 35 -5 -6 -7 -8
viii) 40 -6 -8 -9 -10

1 When the sign is positive, the correction is to be added to the hydrometer reading and when negative it is to be subtracted from
2 This table is based on the value 2.5 x 10-3 per C for the coeffkient of cubical expansion of the hydrometer.

IS 4016:2002

Table 3 Surface Tension Corrections for Density Hydrometers When Used in Aqueous Solutions of
Sodium Hydroxide Having Truly Clean Surface (Correction Unit 0.1 kg/m3)
(Clause A-1.1 .3.1)

sl Density of Solution Hydrometres Adjusted for the High Surface Tensinn 75 mN/m
No. at 27C, kg/m3 - .
L 20 L 50 M 50 M 100/S 50
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) 1000 0 0 0 0
ii) 1 100 +1 +1 +3 o
iii) 1200 +1 +3 +5 +5
iv) 1300 +2 +5 +8 +10
v) 1400 +3 +7 +1 1 +20
vi) 1500 +4 +9 +15 +25

1 The letters L, M and S stand for Long, Medium and Short and the numbers associated with each of them indicate the
difference between the two extreme graduations of the scale of each hydrometer of the particular series concerned.
z The sign being positive, the correctirm is to be added to the hydrometer reading

Table 4 Maximum Likely Errors Introduced Due to Ignoring Surface Tension When Reading Density
Hydrometers, Adjusted for 75 mN/m, in Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Hydroxide in an Ordinary
Hydrometer Jar Maximum Error (Unit 0.4 kg/m3)
(Clause A-1.1 .3.2)

sl Density of Sodium Hydroxide Density Hydrometers Adjusted for 75 mN/m

No. Solution, kg/m / \
L 20 L 50 M 50 M 100/S 50
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) 1000 oto-4 o to 8 oto14 o to 20
ii) 1300 +2 to -4 +4 to 8 +6 to 14 +loto20
iii) 1500 +4 to -4 +8 to 8 +14:014 +20 to 20

1 A minus sign in the above table refers to a reading which is too greaq a plus sign to one which is too small.
2 The letters L, M and S stand for Long, Medium and Short and the numbers associated with each of them indicate the . ..-
difference between the two extreme graduations of the scale of each hydrometer of the particular series concerned.

Table 5 Maximum Errors due to Omission of all Corrections to Density

Hydrometers Adjusted for 75 mN/m
(ClauseA-1.1 .3.3)

SI Series and Range Category Density Hydrometer


L 20 L 50 M 50 M 100/s 50
Unit 0.1 kg/m3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

O Value of 1 subdivision, kglm 2 5 10 20

0 Maximum permissible scale corrections 2 5 10 20

b) Maximum temperature corrections for +20C -5 -5 5 -5
c) Maximum surface tension corrections -4 -8 14 20
d) Maximum value of total corrections -11 -18 29 qj
ii) Deduced amount of sodium hydroxide in g in 100 g 0.1 0.2 0,3 0.4
of solution too large by

iii) Deduced sodium hydroxide in g in 1 Iitre of solution 1 2 3 4

too large by

NOTE The letters L, M and S stand for Long, Medium and Short and the numbers associated with each of them indicate the
difference between the two extreme graduations of the scale of each hydrometer of the particular series concerned.

IS 4016:2002

A-1.2 Application of Hydrometer Corrections For temperature (from Table 2) 0.3 kg/m3
For surface tension (flom Table 3) +0.2 kg/m3
Then density of sodium hydroxide 1160.1 kg/m3
Hydrometer used: Density hydrometer L50 range solution at 37C
1 150 to 1200 kg/m3 at 27C adjusted for 75 mN/m,
ascertained scale error 0.5 kg/m3 (that is, maximum From Table 1 a solution of density 1160 kg/m3 at
permissible error) 37C contains 15.4 g of sodium hydroxide in 100 g of
Temperature of sodium hydroxide 37*C solution and one litre of solution contains 179 g of
solution sodium hydroxide.
Uncorrected hydrometer reading 1160.7 kg/m3 Had the corrections of scale error, temperature and
using overflow technique surface tension been ignored the values would have
been 15.5 g and 180 g, respectively.
For scale error 0.5 kg/m3

(Clause 3.5)

B-1 TO DETERMINE THE STRENGTH OF AN added to bring the solution to its required density, the
AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF SODIUM density being checked with a hydrometer afler each
HYDROXIDE addition of water, until the hydrometer indicates that
the density is approaching 1 109 kglm3. At this stage
Suppose that the temperature of a solution is 20C and before making the final adjustment the
,. ___
and the density at that temperature is 1109 kg/m3, temperature of the solution is taken. Suppose it is
then in Table 1 under the temperature 20C and 25C, then from Table 1 the value of D~
against Dt = 1 109 it will be found g = 10.0 and G = corresponding tog = 10 in the column headed 25C is
111, indicating that the solution contains 10.0 g of 1107 kg/m3. l%e solutaion at 25C should therefore
sodium hydroxide in 100 g of solution and 111 g of be adjusted so that the hydrometer indicates that its
sodium hydroxide in one Iitre of solution at 20C. density is 1107 kg/m3. The solution thus obtained
will contain 10 g of sodium hydroxide in 100 g of
In Table 1 under t = 20C the value of Dt 40 g OF SODIUM HYDROXIDE IN ONE LITRE
corresponding to g = 10 g is 1 109 kg/m3. Enough OF SOLUTION AT 20C
sodium hydroxide should, therefore, first be From Table 1 under the heading 20C , it is found
dissolved in distilled water to give a density of about that a solution containing 40 g of sodium hydroxide
1 109 kg/m3. This can conveniently be done by per litre has 3.8 g of sodium hydroxde in 100 g of
initially dissolving enough sodium hydroxide to give solution. Therefore the required solution is made up
a density of solution greater than 1 109 kg/m3, this as in B-2 using g = 3.8.
being ascertained with a hydrometer, Water can be

* A

1S 4016:2002

(Clause 3.6)

C-1 DETERMINATION OF DENSITY D, FROM consider a solution containing 320 g of sodium

THE VALUES OF G AND g hydroxide per litre at 10C. Under 10C in Table 1
the value of D, corresponding to G = 320 is
Consider a solution containing 10 g of sodium 1280 kg/m3 and the corresponding value of g is 25.0.
hydroxide in 100 g of solution, that is, one for which By tracing the value g = 25.0 through the Table 1,
g equals 10. By looking up the value of D, and interpolating where necessary, the density D, at
corresponding to the value g =1 O under any particular various temperatures of the solution containing 320 g
temperature in Table 1, the density of the solution at of sodium hydroxide in one litre of solution at 10C
that temperature can be obtained. Thus, for example, can be obtained and also the number of grams of
the density of the solution is 1 113 kg/m3 at 10C and sodium hydroxide in one litre of the solution at
1 109 kg/m3 at 20C, I 104 kg/m3 at 30C and various temperatures. Examples of the values of G
1099 kg/m3 at 40C. which may thus be obtained are given in Table 6.


Table 6 Values of G of a Solution at
Different Temperatures
The percentage composition g of a solution is (Clause C-2)
independent of its temperature, but G, the number of
grams of sodium hydroxide in 1 litre of solution, Temperature Grams of Density of Grams of Sodium
various with the temperature of the solution owing to of the Sodium Solution in Hydroxide In
Solution Hydroxide Kg/m at One Litre of
the change in volume of the solution with change in
in100gof fc Solution
temperature. Solution at fC
Hence, the concentration G must always be
(1) (:) (3) (4)
associated with a particular temperature. For a given
value of G applicable at a particular temperature, 10 25 I 280 320

Table I can be used to obtain the density of the 20 25 1274 319

solution at the specified temperature or at any other 30 25 1268 317
temperature within the range of the Table. The value 40 25 1262 316
of G for the solution at temperatures other than the .. -
specified one can also be obtained. For example,

(Clauses 3.7 and A-1.1 .1)

D-1 IS 3104 (Part 1) and IS 3104 (Part 2) provide a the accuracy required at the amount of solution
wide choice of density hydrometers suitable for the available. Table 7 gives the essential features of the
use in aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide. They various series of hydrometers suitable for aqueous
may have scales of density at 27C, 20C and 15C. solutions.
The choice of the hydrometer series will depend on

IS 4016:2002

Table 7 Density Hydrometers Available for Use in Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Hydroxide
(Clause D-1)

Series and Interval Covered by Equivalent of Scale Number Permi- Over All Bulb -
Range Individual OneSub Leagth of Scale ssible Length Diameter,
Category Hydrometers Division (Nominal Division Scale mm
~~ Length) Error
glml kglm g/ml kglrn mm, Min
Kg/m, mm, Max &fin Ma

(1) (~) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (11)
L 20 0020 20 00002 0.2 105 100 0.2 335 36 40
L 50 0050 50 0.0005 05 125 100 *0.5 335 23 27
M 50 0,050 50 0.001 1 70 50 +1,0 270 20 24
M 100 0:00 100 0.002 2 85 50 * 2,0 250 18 20
s 50 0.050 50 0002 2 50 25 2.0 I 90 18 20

NOTE The letters L, M and S stand for Long, Medium and Short and the numbers associated with each of them indicate the
difference between the two extreme graduations of the scale of each hydrometer of the particular series concerned,


IS 4016:2002

( Foreword)

Chemical Standards Sectional Committee, CHD 1

Organkatiorr Representative(s)
Bhahha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai DR P. K. PADNtANABHAN(~ltairman)
Directorate of Forensic Scxence Laboratories, Mumbai DR V. M. GARAD
DR V. B PATIL (Alternate)

Central Drugs Laboratory. Kolkata DR S, K. ROY

DR A, C. DASGUPTA(Alternate)

Ccntml Indian Pharmacopoeia Laboratory, Ghaziabad DR S. K TALWAR


Central Revenues Gmtrol Laboratory, New Delhi CHIEF CHEMIST


Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar DR V, P. MOHANDAS

SHRIM. R. GANDHI(Alternate)

Century Rayon Limited, Tharre DR V. S. CHJNCHOLKAR


Cmmslc Materials Test Centre Private Limited, Bangalore DR G. A. BHAT

Department of Industncs & Commerce, Chennai Jonrr DIRECTOR(CHEM)


Development Commissioner (SS1), New Delhi SHRI S. R. SINGH
DR J. S. RSKHI(A//emate)
Directorate General of Health Services, New Delhi DIRECTOR,CFL

Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, Faridabad DR G. R, BHATIA

SHRIR. J. VERMA (Alternate)

Geological Survey of India, Kolkata DR D. K. DAS


Hindustan Lever Limited Research Centre, Mumbai DRA. N. BHAT .. --

DR V. KJUSHNAN(A/iernate)
Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited, Mumbai DR S, S. PATIL

Indian Drugs & Pharmaceutical Limited, New Delhi DR G. RAMANIbto

DR S. RAGHUVEER(Alternate)
Italab Private Limited, Mumbai SHRIM. ANJANEYULY
SHRIJ. J. PATEL (A//errrate)

Ministry of Defence (DGQA), New Delhi SHRIS.S.MO

National Chemical Laboratory, Pune DR S. K, DAS

National Organic Chemical Industries Limited, Mumbai DR B, V, BAPAT

SHRIM. B. SURVE (Alternate)

National Physical Laboratory (CSIR), New Delhi DR A. K. AGGARWAL


National Test House, Ko]kata DR S. Ror.m

DRY. C. NUHAWAN(Ahernde)
SH Products Company, Hyderabad RDSO, Lucknow DR D,V.S.R,w
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR), Hyderabad DR G. S. R. SASTRY

SD. Fine-Chem Limited, Mumbai SHRIS. D. TOLIA

SHRIS. S. TOLIA (Afterna/e)

Sarabhai M. Chemicals, Vadodara DR P. K. PANDYA

SHRJK. K. MEHRA (Alternate)
(Continued on page 20)
* A

IS 4016:2002

[Contitruedfrompage 19)
Organization Representative(s)
Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, Lklh) SHRI V. BALASUBRAMANIAM

Vimta Lab, Hydrabad DR S. P. VASI REDDI

DR M. D. PUNDLIK(Alternate)

Indian Analytical Instruments Association, Mumbai SHRI V. S, RAJAN

Indtcch Analytical, Mumbai DR V. R. BiIATE

Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

Institute of Pesticides formulation Technology, Gurgaon DR S. Y. PANDEY


Directorate General, BI S Stwtt LAJINDERSINGH,Director and Head (Chem)

[Representing Director General (E~-o@cio)]

Addl Director (Chem), BIS

Bureau of Indian Standards

B IS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards zlct, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications maybe reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course
of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
BIS Catalogue and Standards: Monthly Additions.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No. : CHD 1 (126).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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