SOR Gandhinagar

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NO. per N.B.O 2007-08
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 2.5.1 Lime mortar 1;1 (1 Lime puty / equivalent cum 1019.41

dry hydrated lime : 1 Fine sand)

2 2.5.2 Lime mortar 1:2 (1 Lime puty / equivalent cum 840.50

dry hydrated lime : 2 Fine sand)

3 2.5.3 Lime mortar 1:3 (1 Lime puty / equivalent cum 750.85

dry hydrated lime : 3 Fine sand)

4 0.0 Lime mortar 1:1.5 (1 Lime puty / equivalent cum 943.18

dry hydrated lime : 1.5 Fine sand)

5 2.5.11 Cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement : 1 Fine sand) cum 4761.33

6 2.5.12 Cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 1 Fine sand) cum 3303.38

7 2.5.13 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 Fine sand) cum 2574.64

8 2.5.14 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 Fine sand) cum 1998.91

9 2.5.15 Cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 Fine sand) cum 1688.90

10 2.5.16 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 Fine sand) cum 1423.17

11 2.5.18 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 Coarse cum 2574.64


12 2.5.19 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 Coarse cum 1998.91


13 2.5.20 Cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 Coarse cum 1688.90


14 2.5.21 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 Coarse cum 1423.17


15 0.0 Cement mortar 1:8 (1 cement : 8 Coarse cum 1163.65

1 0.0 Excavation for foundation up to 1.5mt. cum 44.60
depth including sorting out and stacking of
useful materials and disposing of the
excavated stuff up to 50 meter lead. (A)
Loose or soft soil

(B) Dense or hard soil cum 57.10

(C) Hard Murrum cum 97.20

(D) Soft rock not requiring blasting cum 100.70

(E) Hard rock cum 254.00

2 0.0 Excavation for foundation from 1.5 mt. to cum 49.40

3.0 mt. depth including sorting out and
stacking of useful materials and disposing
of the excavated stuff up to 50 meter lead.
(A) Loose or soft soil

(B) Dense or hard soil cum 61.90

(C) Hard Murrum cum 104.50

(D) Soft rock not requiring blasting cum 109.40

(E) Hard rock cum 262.60

3 0.0 Excavation for foundation from 3.0 mt. to cum 54.30

5.0 mt. depth including sorting out and
stacking of useful materials and disposing
of the excavated stuff up to 50 meter lead.
(A) Loose or soft soil

(B) Dense or hard soil cum 66.80

(C) Hard Murrum cum 109.30

(D) Soft rock not requiring blasting cum 118.00

(E) Hard rock cum 271.00

4 0.0 Extra for additional depth more than 5.0 mt cum 4.90
for excavation for foundation including
sorting out and stacking of useful materials
and disposing off the excavation stuff upto
50 mt lead. (A) Loose or soft soil.

(B) Dense or hard soil. cum 4.90

(C) Hard murrum cum 6.70

(D) Soft rock not requiring blasting. cum 8.60

(E) Hard rock. cum 8.60

5 0.0 Add extra for disposing off the excavated cum 7.10
stuff of above items for lead of (A) 50 mt to
100 mt.

(B) 100 mt to 200 mt. cum 14.20

(C) 200 mt to 300 mt. cum 21.30

(D) 300 mt to 400 mt. cum 31.50

(E) 400 mt to 500 mt. cum 52.60

6 4.12 Filling available excavated earth (excluding cum 28.70

rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of
foundations etc. in layers not exceeding
20cm in depth consolidating each deposited
layer by ramming & watering.

7 4.24 Filling in plinth with sand under floors cum 241.00

including watering, ramming, consolidating
and dressing etc. complete.

8 0.00 Filling foundation and plinth with murrum cum 187.00

or selected soil in layers of 20 cm. thickness
including watering, ramming and
consolidation etc. complete.

9 0.00 Filling foundation and plinth with brickbats cum 326.10

/ chhara in layers of 20 cm. thickness
including watering, ramming and
consolidation etc. complete.
10 4.27 Boring holes 3.50 mt deep in ordinary soil Each 235.00
(For cast in situ piles) and getting out the
soil and disposal of the surplus excavated
soil as directed within a lead of 50 meter for
following diameter. (I) 200 mm.

(II) 250 mm. Each 280.00

(III) 300 mm. Each 326.00

11 4.28 Extra for under reaming inside the bore Each 92.00
holes for under reamed piles of following
diameter. (I) 200 mm.

(II) 250 mm. Each 115.00

(III) 300 mm. Each 137.00

12 4.29 Add to or deduct from the rate for bore Each 77.00
holes of 3.5 mt depth, if bore holes are
made deeper or shallower than 3.50 mt for
piles of following diameter. (I) 200 mm.

(II) 250 mm. Each 102.00

(III) 300 mm. Each 114.30


1 5.1.6 Providing and laying in foundation and cum 1318.00
plinth / under floors lime concrete with
hand broken stone aggregates 40 mm
nominal size and 40% mortar comprising of
1 lime putty : 2 fine sand and curing
complete excluding cost of form work.

2 5.1.8 Providing and laying in foundation and cum 970.00

plinth / under floors lime concrete with
graded brick aggregates 40 mm nominal
size and 40% mortar comprising of 1 lime
putty : 2 fine sand and curing complete
excluding cost of form work.
3 5.3.2 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 cum 1918.00
(1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 Hand broken
stone aggregates 40 mm nominal size) and
curing etc complete excluding cost of form
work in (A) Foundation & Plinth.

4 5.3.3 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 cum 1696.00

(1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 Hand broken
stone aggregates 40 mm nominal size) and
curing etc complete excluding cost of form
work in (A) Foundation & Plinth.

5 5.3.14 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 cum 2336.00

(1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 crushed stone
aggregates 20 mm nominal size) and curing
etc complete including cost of form work in
(A) Wall caps / copings.

6 5.3.4 Providing and laying cement concrete cum 1515.00

1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 hand
broken stone aggregates 40 mm nominal
size) and curing etc complete excluding cost
of form work in (A) Foundation and plinth

7 5.3.2 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 cum 1591.00

(1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 brickbats) and
curing etc complete excluding cost of form
work in (A) Foundation and plinth

8 5.3.3 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8 cum 1367.00

(1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded brick
bats) and curing etc complete excluding cost
of form work in (A) Foundation and plinth

9 5.3.8 Providing and laying cement concrete cum 1193.00

1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded
brick aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and
curing etc complete excluding cost of form
work in (A) Foundation and plinth
10 5.3.13 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 cum 2538.00
(1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and curing
etc complete excluding cost of form work in
(A) Foundation and plinth

5.3.13 (B) Independent pipes, columns and pillars cum 2539.00

upto floor two level.

11 5.4.1 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 cum 2591.00

(1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and curing
etc complete excluding cost of form work &
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in (A) Foundations, footings of columns and
mass concrete.

(B) Slabs, landings, shelves, balconies, cum 2612.00

lintels, beams, girders and cantilever upto
floor two level.

(D) Columns, pillars, posts & struts upto cum 2612.00

floor two level.

(E) Staircases excluding landing upto floor cum 2750.00

two level.

(F) Vertical and horizontal fins upto floor cum 2654.00

two level.

12 5.4.4 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 cum 4327.00

(1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) for
reinforced concrete chhajjas not exceeding
10 cm thickness upto floor two level
including finishing the exposed surfaces
with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine
sand) to give a smooth and even surface
centering and form work and curing etc
complete excluding cost of reinforcement.
13 5.4.10 Providing Mild steel reinforcement for kg. 35.80
R.C.C. work including bending, binding
and placing in position complete up to floor
two level.

14 5.4.11 Providing H.Y.S.D bar reinforcement for kg. 36.30

R.C.C. work including bending, binding
and placing in position complete up to floor
two level.

15 5.4.11 (A) Providing Thermo Mechanically Treated kg 36.40

Bars (TMT Bars) reinforcement for R.C.C.
work including bending, binding and
placing in position complete up to floor two

16 5.4.13 Extra for additional lift of concrete for all per floor per 26.00
R.C.C work above floor two level excluding cum
cost of reinforcement.

17 5.4.13 Extra for additional lift of reinforcing steel per floor per 0.40
A for all R.C.C work above floor two level. kg.

18 5.4.16 Deduct for omitting in R.C.C work smooth sqm 41.00

finishing of the exposed surface with
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)

19 5.4.18 Providing throating or plaster drip and m 9.00

moulding to R.C.C chhajja.

20 5.6.2 Providing upto floor two level precast sqm 305.00

cement concrete jali or grill 1:2:4 (1 cement
: 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 6
mm nominal size) reinforced with 1.60 mm
diameter mild steel wire including
roughening, cleaning fixing and finishing in
cement mortar 1:3 and curing complete (A)
50 mm thick.

5.6.2 (B) 40 mm thick. sqm 277.00

5.6.2 (C) 25 mm thick. sqm 269.00

5.6.2 (D) 75 mm thick. sqm 331.00

21 5.6.2 Providing upto floor two level precast sqm 349.00
cement concrete jali or grill 1:2:4 (1 cement
: 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 6
mm nominal size) reinforced with 1.60 mm
diameter mild steel wire including
roughening, cleaning fixing and finishing in
cement mortar 1:3 and curing complete (E)
100 mm thick.

22 5.6.9 Extra for additional lift for providing and per floor per 3.20
fixing in position precast R.C.C units above sqm
floor two level.

23 5.7.1 Extra for additional lift of concrete for all sqm 121.00
R.C.C work above floor two level excluding
cost of reinforcement.

24 5.7.5 Extra for providing and mixing water in litere or kg 77.00

proofing material in cement concrete in mix per quintal of
proportion recommended by the cement

25 5.8.1 Providing and laying controlled cement cum 2792.00

concrete M-150 and curing complete
excluding the cost of form work and
reinforcement (A) Foundations, footings,
base of columns and mass concrete.

5.8.1 (B) Walls from top of foundation level upto cum 2847.00
floor two level.

5.8.1 (C) Slabs, landings, shelves, balconies, cum 2843.00

lintels, beams, girders and cantilever upto
floor two level.

5.8.1 (D) Columns, pillars, posts and struts upto cum 2866.00
floor two level.

5.8.1 (E) Staircases upto floor two level. cum 3023.00

5.8.1 (K) Vertical and horizontal fins upto floor cum 2917.00
two level.
26 5.8.2 Providing and laying controlled cement cum 3143.00
concrete M-200 and curing complete
excluding the cost of form work and
reinforcement (A) Foundations, footings,
base of columns and mass concrete.

5.8.2 (B) Walls from top of foundation level upto cum 3199.00
floor two level.

5.8.2 (C) Slabs, landings, shelves, balconies, cum 3215.00

lintels, beams, girders and cantilever upto
floor two level.

5.8.2 (D) Columns, pillars, posts and struts upto cum 3218.00
floor two level.

5.8.2 (E) Staircases upto floor two level. cum 3360.00

5.8.2 (K) Vertical and horizontal fins upto floor cum 3232.00
two level.

27 5.8.3 Providing and laying controlled cement cum 3858.00

concrete M-250 and curing complete
excluding the cost of form work and
reinforcement (A) Foundations, footings,
base of columns and mass concrete.

5.8.3 (B) Walls from top of foundation level upto cum 3913.00
floor two level.

5.8.3 (C) Slabs, landings, shelves, balconies, cum 3909.00

lintels, beams, girders and cantilever upto
floor two level.

5.8.3 (D) Columns, pillars, posts and struts upto cum 3932.00
floor two level.

28 0.0 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 cum 4003.00

(1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and curing
etc complete including cost of form work
but excluding cost of reinforcement for
reinforced concrete work in (I) Slabs upto 8
cm thickness
0.0 (II) Slabs having more than 8 cm and upto cum 3725.00
10 cm thickness.

0.0 (III) Slabs having more than 10 cm and upto cum 3539.00
13 cm thickness.

0.0 (IV) Slabs having more than 13 cm and cum 3354.00

upto 15 cm thickness.

29 0.0 Providing and laying controlled cement cum 4234.00

concrete M-150 and finishing smooth with
curing complete including the cost of form
work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for R.C.C work in (I) Slab
upto 8 cm thickness

0.0 (II) Slab having more than 8 cm and upto 10 cum 3956.00
cm thickness.

0.0 (III) Slab having more than 10 cm and upto cum 3770.00
13 cm thickness.

0.0 (IV) Slab having more than 13 cm and upto cum 3585.00
15 cm thickness.

30 0.0 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 cum 4463.00

(1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) exposed
work with curing etc complete including
cost of form work but excluding cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in (I) Slabs upto 8 cm thickness

0.0 (II) Slabs having more than 8 cm and upto cum 4093.00
10 cm thickness.

0.0 (III) Slabs having more than 10 cm and upto cum 3845.00
13 cm thickness.

0.0 (IV) Slabs having more than 13 cm and cum 3599.00

upto 15 cm thickness.
31 0.0 Providing and laying controlled cement cum 4694.00
concrete M-150 exposed work with curing
complete including the cost of form work
but excluding the cost of reinforcement for
R.C.C work in (I) Slab upto 8 cm thickness

0.0 (II) Slab having more than 8 cm and upto 10 cum 4324.00
cm thickness.

0.0 (III) Slab having more than 10 cm and upto cum 4077.00
13 cm thickness.

0.0 (IV) Slab having more than 13 cm and upto cum 3831.00
15 cm thickness.

32 0.0 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 cum 3798.00

(1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) for R.C.C
lintel including finishing smooth with
curing etc complete including cost of form
work but excluding the cost of

33 0.0 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 cum 4199.00

(1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and
finishing smooth with curing etc complete
including cost of form work but excluding
the cost of reinforcement for R.C.C work in
(A) Beams.[I] Having cross sectional area
0.05 to 0.08 Smt.

0.0 (A) Beams.[II] Having cross sectional area cum 3881.00

more than 0.08 to 0.12 Smt.

0.0 (A) Beams.[III] Having cross sectional area cum 3509.00

more than 0.12 to 0.18 Smt.

0.0 (B) Columns [I] Having cross sectional area cum 4994.00
0.05 to 0.08 Smt.

0.0 (B) Columns [II] Having cross sectional cum 4517.00

area more than 0.08 and upto 0.12 Smt.
0.0 (B) Columns [III] Having cross sectional cum 3958.00
area more than 0.12 and upto 0.18 Smt.

34 0.0 Providing and laying controlled cement cum 5105.00

concrete M-150 exposed work with curing
complete including the cost of form work
but excluding the cost of reinforcement for
R.C.C work in (B) Beams [I] Having cross
sectional area 0.05 to 0.08 Smt.

0.0 (B) Beams [II] Having cross sectional area cum 4652.00
more than 0.08 and upto 0.12 Smt.

0.0 (B) Beams [III] Having cross sectional area cum 4122.00
more than 0.12 and upto 0.18 Smt.

0.0 (B) Columns; [I] Having cross sectional cum 5923.00

area 0.05 to 0.08 Smt.

0.0 (B) Columns; [II] Having cross sectional cum 5311.00

area more than 0.08 and upto 0.12 Smt.

0.0 (B) Columns; [III] Having cross sectional cum 4594.00

area more than 0.12 and upto 0.18 Smt.

35 0.0 Providing and laying controlled cement cum 5477.00

concrete M-200 exposed work with curing
complete including the cost of form work
but excluding the cost of reinforcement for
R.C.C work in (A) Beams. [I] Having cross
sectional area 0.05 to 0.08 Smt.

0.0 (A) Beams. [II] Having cross sectional area cum 5024.00
more than 0.08 and upto 0.12 Smt.

0.0 (A) Beams. [III] Having cross sectional area cum 4493.00
more than 0.12 and upto 0.18 Smt.

0.0 (B) Columns. [I] Having cross sectional cum 6275.00

area 0.05 to 0.08 Smt.

0.0 (B) Columns. [II] Having cross sectional cum 5663.00

area more than 0.08 and upto 0.12 Smt.
0.0 (B) Columns. [III] Having cross sectional cum 4946.00
area more than 0.12 and upto 0.18 Smt.

36 0.0 Providing and laying controlled cement cum 6171.00

concrete M-250 exposed work with curing
complete including the cost of form work
but excluding the cost of reinforcement for
R.C.C work in (A) Beams. [I] Having cross
sectional area 0.05 to 0.08 Smt.

0.0 (A) Beams. [II] Having cross sectional area cum 5718.00
more than 0.08 and up to 0.12 Smt.

0.0 (A) Beams. [III] Having cross sectional area cum 5188.00
more than 0.12 and up to 0.18 Smt.

0.0 (B) Columns. [I] Having cross sectional cum 6989.00

area 0.05 to 0.08 Smt.

0.0 (B) Columns. [II] Having cross sectional cum 6377.00

area more than 0.08 and upto 0.12 Smt.

0.0 (B) Columns. [III] Having cross sectional cum 5660.00

area more than 0.12 and upto 0.18 Smt.

37 Providing & laying Controlled cement

concrete with out fly ash by READY
MIXED CONCRETE with lead of 10 Km
from plant site including all other taxes
octroi, transportation, pumping, pouring,
curing of concrete etc. complete excluding
cost of form work and reinforcement for
R.C.C. work.
(Minimum cement level as per IS 456-2000
shall be adopted for concrete grade)

(A) Concrete Grade M- 150 cum 2670.00

(B) Concrete Grade M- 200 cum 2775.00
(C) Concrete Grade M- 250 cum 2950.00
(D) Concrete Grade M- 300 cum 3125.00
38 Providing & laying Controlled cement
concrete with fly ash as per IS by READ
MIXED CONCRETE with lead of 10 km
from plant site including all other taxes,
octoi, transportation, cost of pumping
pouring, curing of etc. complete excluding
cost of form work and reinforcement for
R.C.C. work as per approved concrete mix
(A) Concrete Grade M- 150 cum 2450.00
(B) Concrete Grade M- 200 cum 2550.00
(C) Concrete Grade M- 250 cum 2675.00
(D) Concrete Grade M- 300 cum 2875.00

39 Carting charges for read Mix Concrete by Per Cum 15.00

transit mixer beyond beyond 10 Km lead Per K.m
Addtional lead (Beyond 10 km)


1 6.12 Brick work using common burnt clay cum 1525.00
building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/Sqcm. in foundation and
plinth. In cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5
fine sand) (A) Modular

6.12 (1 cement : 5 fine sand) (B) Conventional cum 1481.00

2 6.13 Brick work using common burnt clay cum 1468.00

building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/Sqcm. in foundation and
plinth. In cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6
fine sand) (A) Modular

6.13 (B) Conventional cum 1416.00

3 0.0 Brick work using common burnt clay cum 1449.00
building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/Sqcm. in foundation. In
cement mortar 1:8 (1 cement : 8 fine sand)
(A) Modular

0.0 (B) Conventional cum 1354.00

4 0.0 Brick work using common burnt clay cum 1396.00

building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/Sqcm. in foundation in lime
mortar 1:1.5 (1 lime putty : 1.5 fine sand)
(A) Modular

0.0 (B) Conventional cum 1334.00

5 0.0 Brick work using common burnt clay cum 1371.00

building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/Sqcm. in foundation in lime
mortar 1:2 (1 lime putty : 2 fine sand) (A)

0.0 (B) Conventional cum 1305.00

6 6.19 Extra for brickwork in superstructure above per floor per 59.00
plinth level upto floor two level. (A) cum

6.19 (B) Conventional per floor per 63.00


0.0 Extra for brickwork in superstructure above per floor per 63.00
plinth level upto floor two level using fly cum
ash bricks.

7 6.20 Extra for brickwork in superstructure above per floor per 15.20
floor two level. (A) Modular Item No 6.12 cum

6.20 (B) Conventional Item No 6.12 per floor per 14.80


6.20 Extra for brickwork in superstructure above per floor per 14.70
floor two level. (A) Modular Item No 6.13 cum

6.20 (B) Conventional Item No 6.13 per floor per 14.20

0.0 Extra for brickwork in superstructure above per floor per 14.70
floor two level using flyash bricks in cement cum
mortar 1:6

6.20 Extra for brickwork in superstructure above per floor per 14.10
floor two level. (A) Modular Item No 0.0 cum

6.20 (B) Conventional Item No 0.0 per floor per 13.50


0.0 Extra for brickwork in superstructure above per floor per 14.10
floor two level using flyash bricks in cement cum
mortar 1:8

6.20 Extra for brickwork in superstructure above per floor per 13.70
floor two level. (A) Modular Item No 0.0 cum

6.20 (B) Conventional Item No 0.0 per floor per 13.00


6.20 Extra for brickwork in superstructure above per floor per 13.40
floor two level. (A) Modular Item No 0.0 cum

6.20 (B) Conventional Item No 0.0 per floor per 12.70


6.30 I Half brick masonry in common burnt clay- sqm 198.00

building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/cm2 in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand) (A) Modular

8 6.30 I Half brick masonry in common burnt clay- sqm 206.00

building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/cm2 in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand) (B) Conventional

0.0 Half brick masonry in fly ash bricks having sqm 212.00
crushing strength not less than 35kg/cm2 in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
sand) (B) Conventional

6.30 II Half brick masonry in common burnt clay- sqm 190.00

building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/cm2 in cement mortar 1:5 (1
cement : 5 coarse sand) (A) Modular
6.30 II Half brick masonry in common burnt clay- sqm 197.00
building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/cm2 in cement mortar 1:5 (1
cement : 5 coarse sand) (B) Conventional

0.0 Half brick masonry in fly ash bricks having sqm 199.00
crushing strength not less than 35kg/cm2 in
cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse
sand) (B) Conventional

6.30 III Half brick masonry in common burnt clay- sqm 175.00
building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/cm2 in lime mortar 1:1.5 (1
lime : 1.5 coarse sand) (A) Modular

6.30 III Half brick masonry in common burnt clay- sqm 180.00
building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/cm2 in lime mortar 1:1.5 (1
lime : 1.5 coarse sand) (B) Conventional

9 6.31 Half brick masonry in common burnt clay- sqm 245.00

building bricks having crushing strength not
less than 35kg/cm2 in cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 coarse sand) with 2 Nos of 6 mm
mild steel round bars after every three
course embedded in cement mortar in
foundation and plinth. (A) Modular

6.31 (A) Conventional sqm 255.00

10 6.32 Extra for half brick masonry in sqm 10.80

superstructure above plinth two level. (A)

6.32 Extra for half brick masonry in sqm 11.80

superstructure above plinth two level. (B)

0.0 Extra for half brick masonry in sqm 11.80

superstructure above plinth two level using

11 6.33 Extra for half brick masonry in sqm 2.00

superstructure above floor two level. (A)
6.33 Extra for half brick masonry in sqm 2.10
superstructure above floor two level. (B)

0.0 Extra for half brick masonry in sqm 2.10

superstructure above floor two level using
fly ash bricks in cement mortar 1:4.

12 6.55 Half brick thick Honey-comb brick work sqm 111.00

with common burnt clay building bricks
having crushing strength not less than 35
Kg/Sqcm. (I) In cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand)

6.55 Half brick thick Honey-comb brick work sqm 105.80

with common burnt clay building bricks
having crushing strength not less than 35
Kg/Sqcm. (II) In cement mortar 1:5 (1
cement : 5 coarse sand)

13 0.0 Brick work using fly ash bricks having cum 1533.00
crushing strength not less than 35kg/Sqcm.
in foundation and plinth. In cement mortar
1:5 (1 cement : 5 fine sand)

14 0.0 Brick work using fly ash bricks having cum 1469.00
crushing strength not less than 35kg/Sqcm.
in foundation and plinth. In cement mortar
1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand)

15 0.0 Brick work using fly ash bricks having cum 1406.00
crushing strength not less than 35kg/Sqcm.
in foundation and plinth. In cement mortar
1:8 (1 cement : 8 fine sand)

16 0.00 Half brick masonry in fly ash bricks having sqm 261.00
crushing strength not less than 35kg/cm2 in
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) with 2 Nos of 6 mm mild steel round
bars after every three course embedded in
cement mortar in foundation and plinth.
17 0.00 Half brick thick Honey-comb brick work sqm 114.60
with fly ash bricks having crushing strength
not less than 35 Kg/Sqcm. (I) In cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)

18 6.55 Half brick thick Honey-comb brick work sqm 109.40

with fly ash bricks having crushing strength
not less than 35 Kg/Sqcm. (II) In cement
mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand)


1 7.6 Uncoursed rubble masonry with hard stone cum 1740.00
of approved quality in foundations and
plinth in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6
coarse sand) including leveling up etc

7.6 Uncoursed rubble masonry with hard stone cum 1829.00

of approved quality in foundations and
plinth in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5
coarse sand) including leveling up etc

7.6 Uncoursed rubble masonry with hard stone cum 1627.00

of approved quality in foundations and
plinth in lime mortar 1:1.5 (1 lime : 1.5
coarse sand) including leveling up etc

2 7.8 Extra over item 7.6 for superstructure above cum 81.00
plinth upto floor two level.

3 7.9 Extra for additional lift in superstructure cum 17.40

above floor two level.

4 7.17(A) Course rubble masonry with hard stone of cum 1944.00

approved quality in foundations and plinth
in foundation and plinth in cement mortar
1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) etc. complete.
7.17(B) Course rubble masonry with hard stone of cum 2025.00
approved quality in foundations and plinth
in foundation and plinth in cement mortar
1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) etc. complete.

7.17(C) Course rubble masonry with hard stone of cum 2118.60

approved quality in foundations and plinth
in foundation and plinth in cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) etc. complete.

7.17(D) Course rubble masonry with hard stone of cum 2293.00

approved quality in foundations and plinth
in foundation and plinth in cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) etc. complete.

5 7.19 Extra over item No 7.17 for superstructure cum 76.40

above floor two level.

6 7.20 Extra for additional lift in superstructure per floor per 22.90
above floor two level. cum

7 0.0 White stone bela masonry block in course in cum 2711.00

superstructure with stone of approved
quality in lime mortar 1:1.5 (1 lime putty :
1.5 fine sand) including racking the joints
etc. complete.

8 0.0 White stone bela masonry work in partition sqm 318.00

walls upto 15cm thickness in cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)

9 0.0 White stone bela masonry block in course in cum 2839.00

superstructure with stone of approved
quality in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5
coarse sand) including racking out the joints
etc. complete.

10 0.0 White stone bela masonry block in course in cum 2783.00

superstructure with stone of approved
quality in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6
coarse sand) including racking out the joints
etc. complete.
11 7.75 Precast concrete block masonry (including cum 2364.00
quoin blocks, jamb blocks, closer etc.) with
solid concrete block of approved size made
of cement concrete 1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregates of
20 mm and down gauge) in foundation and
plinth in cement mortar 1:6

12 7.93 Extra for masonry work with precast cum 61.40

concrete block in superstructure above
plinth upto floor two level.

13 7.82 Precast concrete block masonry in partition sqm 471.00

walls 10 cm thick with concrete block of
approved size (including quoin blocks, jamb
blocks, closer etc.) made of cement concrete
1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6
graded stone aggregates of 20 mm and
down gauge) (A) in cement mortar 1:4


1 9.1 Providing formwork of ordinary timber sqm 77.20
planking so as to give a rough finish
including centering, shuttering and propping
etc. height of propping and centering below
supporting floor to ceiling not exceeding
4.00 mt and removal of the same for in situ
reinforced concrete and plain concrete work
in (A) Foundations, footings, bases of
columns etc. and mass concrete.

9.1 (B) Flat surfaces such as soffits of slabs, sqm 111.30

landings and like. (1) Floors etc upto 200
mm thickness.

9.1 (B) Flat surfaces such as soffits of slabs, sqm 120.00

landings and like. (2) Floors etc above 200
mm thickness.

9.1 (C) Vertical faces such as walls (any sqm 100.40

thickness) partitions.
9.1 (G) Columns, pillars, posts and struts (1) sqm 130.00
Square, rectangular, polygonal in plan

9.1 (G) Columns, pillars, posts and struts (2) sqm 183.00
Circular or curved in plan.

9.1 (H) (1) Sides and soffits of beam, sqm 86.60

haunchings, cantilevers, girders, bracings
and lintels not exceeding 1.0 mt in depth.

9.1 (H) (2) Sides and soffits of beam, sqm 113.60

haunchings, cantilevers, girders, bracings
and lintels exceeding 1.0 mt in depth.

9.1 (I) Edges of slabs and brackets in floors and sqm 29.30

9.1 (K) Small surfaces such as cantilevers ends, sqm 257.00

brackets and ends of steps, caps and bases
to pillars and columns & the like.

9.1 (L) Chullah hoods, weather shades, sqm 71.90

chhajjas, corbels, etc. including edges.

9.1 (M) Staircases with slopping or stepped sqm 105.60

soffits including risers & strings excluding

9.1 (N) Vertical fins and vertical sun breakers. sqm 161.40

2 9.2 Extra for additional height of propping and sqm 128.00

centering where the height of propping and
centering exceeds 4.0 mt. Between
supporting floor two ceiling including
temporary brick or stone pillars for
supporting as required. (I) Height more than
4.0 mt & upto 5.0 mt.

9.2 (II) Height more than 5.0 mt & upto 6.0 mt. sqm 234.00

9.2 (III) Height more than 6.0 mt & upto 7.1 mt. sqm 320.00
3 9.7 Extra for providing form work with sheeting sqm 167.80
of steel sheets so as to give a fair finish in
(A) Foundation, footings, bases of columns
etc and mass concrete.

9.7 (B) Flat surface such as soffits of slabs, sqm 36.80

landings and the like. (1) Floor etc upto 200
mm in thickness

9.7 (B) Flat surface such as soffits of slabs, sqm 36.80

landings and the like. (2) Floor etc above
200 mm in thickness

9.7 (C) Vertical surface such as walls (any sqm 36.80

thickness), partitions.

9.7 (G) Columns, pillars posts and struts. (1) sqm 36.80
Square, rectangular, polygonal in plan.

9.7 (G) Columns, pillars posts and struts. (2) sqm 36.80
Circular or curved in plan.

9.7 (H) (1) Sides and soffits of beams, beam sqm 36.80
haunchings, cantilever, girders' bracings,
lintels not exceeding to 1.0 mt in depth.

9.7 (H) (2) Sides and soffits of beams, beam sqm 36.80
haunchings, cantilever, girders' bracings,
lintels exceeding to 1.0 mt in depth.

9.7 (I) Edges of slabs and brackets in floors and sqm 36.80

9.7 (I) Edges of slabs and brackets in floors and sqm 36.80

9.7 (K) Small surfaces such as cantilever ends, sqm 36.80

brackets and ends of steps, caps and bases
to pillars and columns including edges.

9.7 (L) Chullah hoods, weathers shades, sqm 36.80

chhajjas, corbels etc. and the like.
9.7 (M) Staircases with slopping or stepped sqm 36.80
soffits including risers and stringers
excluding landing.

9.7 (Q) Vertical fins and vertical sun breakers. sqm 36.80


1 10.1 Providing wood work in frames of doors 10 Cu Dm 522.00
windows clearstory windows & other
similar works, wrought framed and fixed in
position (A) Indiad teak wood.

2 10.4 Providing wood work in trusses, purlins, 10 Cu Dm 602.00

rafters, posts, post plates, wall plates and the
like wrouht, framed hoisted & fixed in
position (A) Indiad teak wood.

3 10.5 Providing wood work in frames of false 10 Cu Dm 599.00

ceiling, partitions etc. swan and put up in
position (A) Indiad teak wood.

4 10.12 Providing and fixing 35 mm thick shutters sqm 2048.00

for doors and windows & clearstory
windows including anodised alluminium
butt hinges with necessary screws. (A)
Indian teak wood (I) Fully panelled.

10.12 (A) Indian teak wood (II) Fully glazed. sqm 1556.00

10.12 (A) Indian teak wood (III) Partly panalled & sqm 1802.00
partly glazed.

5 10.13 Providing and fixing 35 mm thick shutters sqm 2004.00

for doors and windows & clearstory
windows including black enamelled butt
hinges with necessary screws. (A) Indian
teak wood (I) Fully panalled.

10.13 (A) Indian teak wood (II) Fully glazed. sqm 1513.00

10.13 (A) Indian teak wood (III) Partly panalled & sqm 1759.00
partly glazed.
6 10.15 Providing and fixing 25 mm thick shutters sqm 1558.00
for cupboards including anodised
alluminium butt hinges with necessary
screws. (A) Indian teak wood (I) Fully

10.15 (A) Indian teak wood (II) Fully glazed. sqm 1268.00

10.15 (A) Indian teak wood (III) Partly panalled & sqm 1413.00
partly glazed.

7 10.16 Providing and fixing 25 mm thick shutters sqm 1535.00

for cupboards including black enamelled
M.S butt hinges with necessary screws. (A)
Indian teak wood (I) Fully panelled.

10.16 (A) Indian teak wood (II) Fully glazed. sqm 1245.00

10.16 (A) Indian teak wood (III) Partly panalled & sqm 1390.00
partly glazed.

8 0.0 Add extra for providing & fixing 40 mm sqm 163.00

thick shutters instead of 35 mm thick

9 10.23 Providing and fixing 35 mm thick shutters sqm 1762.00

for doors and windows & clearstory
windows including anodised alluminium
butt hinges with necessary screws. (A)
Indian teak wood (A) Plywood sheet

10.23 (A) Indian teak wood (B) Particle board sqm 1736.00

10.23 (A) Indian teak wood (C) Hard board sqm 1710.00

10.23 (A) Indian teak wood (D) Asbestos sheet sqm 1717.00
10 10.24 Providing and fixing 35 mm thick shutters sqm 1721.00
for doors and windows & clearstory
windows including black enamelled M.S
butt hinges with necessary screws. (A)
Indian teak wood (A) Plywood sheet panels.

10.24 (A) Indian teak wood (B) Particle board sqm 1694.00

10.24 (A) Indian teak wood (C) Hard board sqm 1669.00

10.24 (A) Indian teak wood (D) Asbestos sheet sqm 1676.00

11 10.30 Providing and fixing flush door shutters sqm 1543.00

solid core construction with frame of first
class hard wood with cross band and face
veneer or plywood face panels including
anodized alluminium butt hinges with
necessary screws, (B) Non-decorative type
& block board core anodized alluminium
butt hinges in flush door shutters 35 mm.

12 10.37 Extra for using bright finished M.S piano sqm 430.00
hinges of (A) Nickel plated piano hinges.

13 10.39 Extra for providing vision panel not sqm of door 5.60
exceeding 0.10 Smt in all type of flush area
doord (A) Rectangular or square.

14 10.51 Providing and fixing 30 mm. thick wire sqm 1295.00

gauge shutters using galvanised M.S. wire
of I.S gauge designation 85 G. with wire of
0.56 mm. dia. for doors, windows and
clearstory windows including anodised
alluminium butt hinges with necessary
screws. (A) Indian teakwood.
15 10.53 Providing and fixing 30 mm. thick wire sqm 783.00
gauge shutters using galvanised M.S. wire
of I.S gauge designation 85 G. with wire of
0.56 mm. dia. for doors, windows and
clearstory windows including bright
finished or/and black enamelled M.S. butt
hinges with necessary screws mango wood
or equivalent quality.

16 10.54 Extra for providing & fixing galvanised sqm 27.00

M.S wire guage of I.S guage designation
140 G to doors windows & clearstory
windows with wire of diameter 0.71 mm
instead of I.S guage designation 85 G with
wire of diameter 0.56 mm.

17 10.74 Providing and fixing 12 mm thick & 100 m 121.00

mm wide pelmet of flat pressed 3 layer
veneered particle board solid core with 25
mm diameter alluminium curtain rod and
brackets including fixing with 25 mm x 3
mm M.S flat 10 cm long & plugs etc.

18 10.84 Providing and fixing 40 mm panelled, sqm 1658.00

glazed or panelled & glazed partitions fixed
to frames with iron screws etc. complete
with Indian teak wood (frames to be paid

19 10.85 Providing and fixing decorative plywood 4 sqm 496.00

mm thick in partition including fixing in
frames with screws etc. complete with 50
mm x 12 mm teakwood beading. (frames to
be paid separately.)

20 10.86 Providing and fixing plain asbestos cement sqm 293.00

sheet 6 mm thick in partitions including
fixing to frames with screws etc. complete
with 50 mm x 12 mm deodar wood beading
(Frames to be paid separately)
21 10.88 Providing and fixing in partitions 4 mm sqm 255.00
thick medium hard board of approved
quality including fixing to frames with
screws etc. complete with 50 mm x 12 mm
teak wood beading. (Frames to be paid

22 10.96 25 mm. thick wooden shelves supported on sqm 1104.00

40 x 40 x 6 mm. T or L iron brackets fixed
at suitable distances but not exceeding 75
cm. apart with mango wood or equivalent

23 10.97 40 mm. thick wooden shelves supported on sqm 1488.00

40 x 40 x 6 mm. T or L iron brackets fixed
at suitable distances but not exceeding 75
cm apart with mango wood or equivalent

24 10.99 Providing and fixing M.S round or square kg 38.00

bars wirh flats at required spacings in
wooden frames of windows & clearstory

25 10.100 Providing & fixing M.S. grills of required kg 50.00

pattern to wooden frames of windows etc.
with M.S. flats at required spacing & frame
around, square or round bars with round
headed bolts & nuts or by screws(A)Plain

10.100 (B)Ornamental grill. kg 67.60

26 10.102 Providing and fixing hard drawn steel wire sqm 461.00
not fabric 75 mm x 25 mm mesh of weight
less than 7.75 Kg per Smt to window frames
etc. including 60 mm x 20 mm beading of
Indian teakwood.

27 10.103 Providing and fixing fly proof galvanised sqm 397.00

M.S. wire gauge of I.S. gauges designation
85 G. with wire of dia. 0.56 mm. to
windows and clearstory windows including
60 x 20 mm. beading of Indian teak wood.
28 10.120 Providing and fixing first class Indian teak m 374.00
wood 75 mm x 60 mm moulded hand rails
in straight lengths complete.

29 0.0 (I) Providing & fixing glazed louvered glass sqm 2448.00
windows and ventilator with teak wood
frame 10 cm x 7 cm size including two
coats of oil painting to wood work etc.

0.0 (II) Providing & fixing glazed louvered sqm 2830.00

glass windows and ventilator with teak
wood frame 10 cm x 7 cm size including
two coats of oil painting to wood work etc.
complete with wooden louvers plank 12 mm

30 0.0 Providing and fixing 35mm th. shutters for sqm 2792.00
doors, windows & clear storey windows
including Indian teak wood frames 10 cm x
7 cm size including anodised alluminium
fixtures & fastening including primer coat
of approved quality and two coats of oil
paint etc. complete. (I) Fully glazed.

0.0 (II) Fully panalled. sqm 3284.00

0.0 (III) Partly panalled & partly glazed. sqm 3038.00

31 0.0 Providing and fixing 35mm th. shutters for sqm 2634.00
doors, windows & clear storey windows
including Indian teak wood frames 10 cm x
7 cm size including black enamelled iron
oxidised fixtures & fastening including
primer coat of approved quality and two
coats of oil paint etc. complete. (I) Fully

0.0 (II) Fully panalled. sqm 3125.00

0.0 (III) Partly panalled & partly glazed. sqm 2880.00

32 0.0 Providing and fixing 35mm th. shutters for sqm 2960.00
doors, windows & clear storey windows
including Indian teak wood frames 12 cm x
7 cm size including anodised alluminium
fixtures & fastening including primer coat
of approved quality and two coats of oil
paint etc. complete. (I) Fully glazed.

0.0 (II) Fully panalled. sqm 3452.00

0.0 (III) Partly panalled & partly glazed. sqm 3206.00

33 0.0 Providing and fixing 35mm th. shutters for sqm 2802.00
doors, windows & clear storey windows
including Indian teak wood frames 12 cm x
7 cm size including black enamelled iron
oxidised fixtures & fastening including
primer coat of approved quality and two
coats of oil paint etc. complete. (I) Fully

0.0 (II) Fully panalled. sqm 3293.00

0.0 (III) Partly panalled & partly glazed. sqm 3048.00

34 0.0 Add extra for providing and fixing 40 mm sqm 174.00

thick shutters instead of 35 mm thick
shutters including oil painting etc. complete.

35 0.0 Deduct for providing and fixing 25 mm sqm 341.00

thick shutters instead of 35 mm thick
shutters including oil painting etc. complete.
36 Providing and fixing 30mm thick sqm 1897.58
DOOR SHUTTER consisting of frame
made out of M.S. tubes of 19 gauge
thickness and size of 19mm x 19mm for
stiles and 15mm x 15 mm for top and
bottom rails. M.S. frame shall have a coat of
steel primers of approved make and
manufacture, M.S. frame shall be covered
with 5 mm thick heat moulded PVC C
channel of size 30 x 50 mm forming stiles,
and 5mm thick 75mm wide PVC sheets for
top rail, lock rail and bottom rail on either
side, and 10mm (5mm x 2) thick, 20mm
wide cross PVC sheet as gap insert for top
rail and bottom rail, Panelling of 5 stiles and
rails with 30mm wide x 5mm thick PVC
sheet beading on eighter side, and joined
together with solvent cement adhesive,. An
additional 5mm thick PVC strip of 20mm
width is to be stculk on the interior side of
the c channel using PVC solvent cement
adhesive etc. complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge, manufactures
specification and drawing.
37 Providing and fixing 30mm thick sqm 2574.13
consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes
of 19 gauge thickness and size of 19mm x
19mm for stiles, top and bottom rails. M.S.
frame shall have a coat of steel primer of
approved makde and manufactures. M.S
frame covered with 5mm thick heat
moulded prelim PVC C channel of siz
30mm thickness, 70 mm width of which
50mm shall be flat and 20mm shall be
tapered in 45 degree Angle on either side
forming stiles, and 5mm thick, 95mm wide
pream PVC sheet out of which 75mm shall
be flat and 20mm shall be tapered in 45
degree on the inner side ot form top and
bottom rail and 115mm wide prelim PVc
sheet out of which 75nmm shall be flat and
20mm shall be tapered on both side to form
lock rail, Top, bottom and lock rails shall be
provided either side of the panel. 10mm
(5mm x 2) thick 20mm wide cross PVC
sheet shall be provided as gap insert for top
rail and bottom rails. Panelling of 5mm thck
both side prelim PVC sheet to be fitted in
the M.S. frame welded,sealed to the stiles
and rails with 7mm (5mm + 2 mm) thick x
15mm wide PVC sheet beading on inner
side, and joined togeth with solvent cement
adhesive. An additional 5mm thick PVC
strip of 20mm width is to be stuck on the
interior side of the C chanel using PVC
solvent adhesive etc. complete as per
direction of Engineering in charge,
manufactures specification and rawing.
38 Providing and fixing 30mm thick sqm 2329.57
consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes
of 19 gauge thckness and size of 19mm x
19mm for stiles, and 15mm x 15mm for top
and bottom rails. The M.s. frame shall have
coat of steel primers of approved makde and
manufacture. The M.S. frame shall be
covered with 5mm thick heat moulded
single side prelim PVC C channel of size
30 x 50mm to form stiles and 5mm thick
and 75mm wide single side prelim PVC
sheets shallbe for the top, bttom and lock
rails. Paneling of 5mm thick one side prelim
sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame and
sealed to the front (Prelam side) stiles and
rails (which should have a 5mm 45 degree
bent portion as beading) and attached to the
back (white/lvory) stiles and rails (which
should have a 10mm 90 degree bent portion
as beading) using 2 nos. 15mm wide x 5mm
thick PVC sheet beading inside the 9 degree
bent beading. All stiles, rails and beading to
be joined to the panel using solvent
cement.An additional 5mm thick PVC strip
of 20mm width is to be struck on the
interior side of the C channel using PvC
solvent adhesive and 10mm thick (5mm x
20) thick 20mm width cross PVC sheet to
be fitted as gap insert for top and bottom
rails, etc. complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge, manufactures
specification and drawing.
39 Providing and fixing 30mm thick FACTOR sqm 2340.86
DOOR SHUTTER consisting of frame
made out of M.S. tube of 19m gauge
thickness and size of 19mm x 19mm for
styles and 15mm x 15mm for top, lock and
bottom rails M.S. frame shall have a coat of
steel primer of approved make and
manufacture, M.s. frame shall be covered
with 5mm thick heat moulded PVC C
channel of size 75mm x 30mm x 50mm out
of which 10mm shall be bent at 90 degree
towards inner side on front face of the door
forming stiles. For top rail and bottom rail,
M.S. frame shall be covered with 5mm
thick, 100mm wide PVC sheet out of whch
10mm shall be bent of 90 degree towars
inner side on front face of the door. M.s.
frame at lock rail shall be covered with 125
mm wide PVC sheet out of which 10mm on
both the edges shall be bent at 90 degre on
front face of the door and 75mm wide PVC
sheet shall cover the M.S. frame at top, lock
and bottom rail on side of door, 5mm thick
20mm wide cross PVC sheet as gap insert
15mm thck (5mm x 30 15mm wide to be
stuck, internally with solvent cement
adhesive in stiles and rails. Glass panel will
be fitted exernally in the clear space
available between the stiles and rails and
fixed between PVC sheet of stiles and rails
bent at 90 degree on front face and 15mm x
10mm L shape outer beading nailed on
stiles and rails at the back side. So that the
L shape PVC beading can be removed
when required for replacement of broken
glass etc. complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge and manufactures
40 Providing and fixing 30mm thick factory sqm 2288.82
made wire guazed solid PVC Door shutter
consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes
of 19 gauge thickness and size of 19mm x
19mm for stiles and 15mm x 15mm for top,
lock and bottm rails, M.S. frame shall have
a coat of steel primers of approved make
and manufacture, 19mm x 19mm M.S.
square tubes shall be coveed with 5mm
thick head mouled PVC C channel of size
30mm thickness, 90mm width out of which
75mm shall be flat and 15 mm shall be bent
in 90 degree angle on either side forming
stiles and 5mm thick 115mm wide PVC
sheet out of which 100mm shal be flat and
15mm shal be betn in 90 degree on the
inner side to from top and bottom rails and
130mm wide PVC sheet out of which
100mm shal be flat and 15mm shal be bent
in 90 degree on both side to from lock rail
10mm (5mm x 2) thick, 20mm wide cross
PVC sheet as gap insert for top rail and
bottom rail, panel will be of G.I. wire gauge
of 24 gauge to be fitted in by C channel of
size 10mm x 35mm on the either side in the
stiles.The inner side C channel is fixed by
19mm x 19mm M.S. tube on both side with
screws. The wire mesh in top, bottom and
lock rail is sealed with 15mm x 15mm tube
with G.I.wire, 1mm (5mmm x 2) thick PVC
strip of 25mm width is to be stuck and
screw on both side of G.I. wire guage
interior at the top, bottom and lock rails. An
additional 5mm thck PVC strip of 20mm
width is to be stuck on the interior side of
the C channel using PVC solvent cement
adhesive etc. complete as per dirction of
Engineer in charge, manufactures
specification and drawing.
41 Providing and fixing 35mm thick factory sqm 2478.39
made moulded door shuter consisting of
solid core single leaf flush door of 30mm
thickness, lipped with 15mm (5mm x 3)
thick x 30mm width on one stiles and top
rail and 10mm (5mm x 2) thick x 30mm
width on the other stiles and bottom rails.
The inner panel laminated with 2mm thick
termite proof, water proof and fire resistant
moulded PVC sheet with 2,4,6 raised panel
design in different plain and /or prelim
colours on one side after routing the
moulded design on flush door and 2mm
plain and/or prelim PVC sheet on other side
using rubber adhesive on flush door and
solvent cement adhesive on the PVC liping
etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
charge, manufactures specification and
42 Providing and fixing 30mm thick factory sqm 2279.41
made moulded door shutter wood free
consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes
of 19 gauge thickness and size of 25mm x
25mm for stiles, top and bottom rails, M.S.
frame shall have a coat of steel primers. The
inner panel shall consist of 25mm thick
High Density EPS conforming to IS 4671-
1984 bonded with 2mm thick termite proof,
water proof and fire resistant moulded PVC
sheet with 2,4,6 raised panel design in
different plain and /or prelim colours after
routing the moulded design on one side and
2mm plain and/or prelim PVC sheet on
other side of the EPS. The edges of panel to
be sealed with lipping of 10mm wide PVC
sheet batton (made by sticking 2 PVC rigid
foam sheets of 5mm thickness using PVC
solvent cement) and stiles 25mm (5mm x 5)
thick and 30mm width PVC sheet fitted
along M.S. tube for lock provision and for
lock height 5mm thick PVC sheet of size
150mm x 100mm fixed with upper and
lower face of inner side of EPS panel etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in
charge manufactures specification and draw
43 Providing and fixing factory made polyvinyl sqm 297.18
chioride (PVC) door frame of the size 50 x
47 mm with a wall thickness of 5mm, made
out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet,
mitre out of two corners and joined with
2nos. of 150mm long brackets of 15 x
15mm M.s. Square tubes. The two vertical
door profiles are to be reinforced with 19 x
19 mm m.s. square tube of 19 gauge,
EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be
provided through out the frame. The door
frame shal be fixed to the wall using 65/100
mm long M.S. screws through the frame by
using PVC fasteners. A miniumum of 4 nos.
os screws to be provided for each vertical
members and minium 2 nos. for horizontal
members etc. complete as per manufactures
specification and direction of Engineer in
44 Providing and fixing of fully glazed solid sqm 2863.71
PVC panel PVC door along with solid PVC
door frame. 30mm thick FACTORY
DOOR SHUTTER consisting of frame
made out of M.S. tube of 19 gauge
thickness and size of 19mm x 19mm for
style and 15mm x 15mm for top, lock and
bottom rail. M.S. frame shall have a coat of
steel primer of approved make and
manufacture. M.S. frame shall be covered
with 5 mm thick heat mouled PVC C
channel of size 75mm x 30mm x 50mm out
of whch 10mm shall be bent at 90 degree
towards inner side on front face of the door.
M.S. frame at lock rail shall be covered with
125 mm wide PVC sheet out of which 0mm
on both the edges shall be bent at 90 degree
on front face of the door and 7mm wide
PVC sheet shall cover the M.S. frame at
top, lock and bottom rail on back side of
door, 5 mm thick 20mm wide cross PVC
sheet as gap insert for top and bottom rail.
PVC sheet beading of 15mm thick (5mm
x3) 15mm wide to be stuck internally with
solvent cement adhesive in stiles and rails.
Glass panel will be fittd externally in the
clear space available between the stiles and
rails and fixed between PVC sheet of stiles
and rails bent at 90 degree on front face and
15mm x 10mm L shape outer beading
nailed on stiles and rails at the back side. So
tha the L shape PVC beading can be
removed when required for replacement of
broken glass etc. complete as per direction
of Engineer in charge and manufactutures
45 Providing and fixing complete sliding sqm 3371.36
shutter solid PVC window 25mm thick
factory made glazed solid PVC window
shutter consisting of frame made out of
M.S. tube of 19 gauge of size 15 x 15mm
for styles top, bottom rail. M.S. frame shall
have a coat of steel primer of approved
make and manufacture, M.S. frame shall be
covered with 4mm thick heat mouled PVC
C channel of size 58mm x 25mm x 38 mm
out of which 8mm shall be bent at 90 degree
towards inner side on front face of the
window shutter forming stiles. For top rail
and bottom rails, M>S. frame shall be
covered with 4mm thick, 58mm wide PVC
sheet out of which 8mm shall be bent at 90
degree towards inner side on front face and
38mm wide PVC sheet shall cover the M.S.
frame at top and bottom rail on back side of
window shutter, 4mm thick 15mm wide
cross PVC sheet as gap insert for top and
bottom rail. PVC sheet beading of 8mm
thick (4mm x 2) to be stuck internally with
solvent cement adhesive in top and bottom
rails. Glass panel will be fitted externally in
the clear space available between stiles & rai
rails and fixed between PVC sheet of stiles
and rails bent at 90 degree on front face
12mm x 123mm L shape outer PVC
beading nailed on stiles and rails at the back
side so that L shape outer PVC beading
can be removed when required for
replacement of broken glass etc. complete
as per direction of etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in charge and
manufactutures specification.
46 Providing and fixing FRP FRAME size 125 sqm 3978.00
x 65 mm and 36mm thick FRP shutter with
wood grain raised panel design finish
shutter having extra reinforcement on sides
and edges and in Gel coat finish. The core
of the shutter is to be filled up with injected
fire retardant grade polyurethane foam done
in situ along with embedded wooden pieces
for stiffening and also for taking hinges and
fixtures. The whole FRP frame and shutter
is to be water proof, weather proof, termite
proof and resistance to mld acid/Alkali,
Rates are to be inclusive of S.S. hinges with
necessary screws and alluminium fixtures
and fastening. Product should have 3 years
performance guarantee and complete have
ISO 9001-2000 certification.

47 Providing and fixing FRP FRAME size 100 sqm 3343.00

x 50mmm and 28mm thick FRP Degree
panel shutter having extra reinforcement on
sides and edges and in Gel coat finish. The
core of the shutter is to be filled up with
injectd fire retardant grade polyurethane
foam done in situ along with embedded
wooden pices for stiffening and also for
taking hinges and fixtures. The whole FRP
frame and shutter is to be water proof,
weather proof, termite proof and resistance
to mild acid/Alkali, Rates are to be inclusive
of S.S. hinges with necessary screws and
alluminium fixtures and fastening product
should have 3 years performance guarantee
and company have ISO 9001-2000
48 Providing and fixing FRP FRAME size 125 sqm 4437.00
x 65mm and 35mm thick FRP shutter with
wood grain raised panel design finish
shutter having extra reinforcement on sides
and edges and in polish finish. The core of
the shutter is to be filled up with injected
fire extinguishing grade polyurethane foam
done in situ along with embedded wooden
pieces for stiffening and also for taking
hinges and fixtures. The whole FRP frame
and shutter is to be water proof, weather
proof, termite proof and resistance to mild
acid/Alkali. Rates are to be inclusive of S.S.
hinges with necessary scews and brass
fixtures and fastening. Product shuld have 3
years performance guarantee and company
have ISO 9001-2000 certificate.

49 Providing and fixing of 28mm thick fiber sqm 2340.00

glass shutter with 1.5 to 2.0 mm. thick fire
exting guishing grade FRP skin in
depressed panel design having extra
reinforcement on sides and edges and in Gel
coat finish. The core of the shutter is to be
filled up with injectd fire extinguishing
grade polyurethane foam done in situe
alongwith embedded wooden pieces for
stiffening and also for taking hinges and
fixtures. The whole shutter is to be water
proof, weather proof, termite proof and
resistance to mild acid/Alkali. Rates are to
be inclusive of SS hinges with necessary
screws and alluminium fixtures and
fastening. Product should have 3 years
performance guarantee and company have
ISO 9001-2000 certificate.
50 Providing and fixing of 35mm thick fiber sqm 2832.00
glass shutter with 1.5 to 2.0 mm thick fire
extinguishing grade FRP skin in wood
gratin raised panel design having extra
reinforcement on sides and edges and in Gel
coat finish. The core of the shutter is to be
filled up with injected fire extinguishing
grade poloyurethane foam doen in situ
along with embedded wooden pieces for
stiffening and also for taking hinges and
fixtures. The whole shutters is to be water
proof, weather proof, termite proof and
resistance to mild acid/Alkali. Rates are to
be inclusive of SS hinges with necessary
screws and alluminium fixtures and
fastening. Product should have 3 years
performance guarantee and company have
ISO 9001-2000 certificate.

51 Providing and fixing of 35mm thick fiber sqm 3414.00

glass shutter with 1.5 to 2.0 mm thick fire
extinguishing grade FRP skin in wood grain
raised panel design having extra
reinforcement on sides and edges and in
polish design finish. The core of the shutter
is to be filled up with injected fire
extinguishing grade polyurethane foam
done in situ alongwith embedded wooden
pieces for stiffening and also for taking
hinges and fixtures. The whole shutter is to
be water proof, weateher proof, termite
proof and resistance to mild acid/alkali.
Rates are to be inclusive of SS hinges with
necessary screws and brass fixtures and
52 Providing and fixing window shutter of 75x sqm 3848.00
30mm size with 4mm glazed panels with
main frame size of 100 x 50mm size having
1.5 to 2.00 mm thick fire extinguishing
grade FRP skin in frame and shutter with
extra reinforcement on sides and edges in
Gel coat finish. The core of the shutter and
frame is to be filled with injected fire
extinguishing grade polyurethane foam
done in situ with wooden blocks for taking
hinges and fixtures. The frame and shutter
is to be water proof, weather proof, termite
proof and resistance to mild acid/ alkalis
including S.S. hinges with necessary screws
and alluminium fixtures and fastening.

53 Providing and fixing Plain/Printed PVC sqm 982.00

sheet wall paneling of thickness 5mm
consisting of panels having size 1220 mm x
2440 mm stuck on inner frame work of
50mm wide strips of 5mm thick PVC sheet.
The strips should have in their center a
groove of 6mm width and 1mm depth for
sinking the head of the screw used to fix the
strips to the wall and should be placed
vertically at equal intervals of 10 center to
center. The PVC strips shall be fixd to the
wall using 65mm long M.s. scress through
the groove in the strip by using PVC
fasteners. The distance between two screws
shall not be more than 200 A groove of
2mm may be left at the joint of two panel
for aesthetic looks. The exact size of the
panel and correspondingly of the grid may
vary depending on the size of the wall.
54 Providing and fixing Prelam PVC sheet wall sqm 1098.00
paneling of thickness 5mm consisting of
panels having size 1220 x 2440 mm stuck
on inner frame work of 50mm wide strips of
5mm thick PVC sheet. The strips should
have in their center a grove of 6mm width
asnd 1mm depth for sinking the had of the
screw using to fix the strips of the wall and
should be placed vertically at equal intervals
of 10 center to center. The PVC strips shall
be fixed to the wall using 65mm long M.S.
scres through the groove in the strip by
using PVC fasteners. The distance between
two screws shall not be more than 200 mm.
A groove of 2mm may be left at the joint of
two panel for aesthetic looks. The exact size
of the panel and correspondingly of the grid
may vary depending on the size of the wall.
55 Providing and fixing full height Prelam PVC sqm 2502.00
partition system 50mm thick consisting of
40mm sandwich PVC panel made out of 36mm
high density expanded polystyrene sheet (E.P.S.
Thermocol) stuck on both side with 2mm thick
prelim PvC sheet reinforced with frame work
made from 35mm x 5mm M.S. angle. In
between two M.S. angles 4 mm with feathered
edges shall be fixed on floor and 50 x 75 mm
with feathered edges prelim PVC C channel of
size 50mm x 75mm with feathered edges prelim
PVC panel shall be inserted in the PVC C
channel The first and last M.S. angle should be
erected such that it is inside a PVC C channel of
size 50 x 75mm In between adjoining EPS
sandwiched PVC partition panel 4mm thick x 75
mm width prelim PVC sheet feathered at edges
shall be stuck on front and back face using
solvent cement etc. An additional 4mm thick
PVC strip of 40mm width is to be stuck on the
intrior side of the C channel using PVC
solvent adhesive completeas per direction of
Engineer in charge. Manufactures specification
and drawing.
56 Providing and fixing full height Plan/colour sqm 2073.00
PVC partition system 50mm thick
consisting of 40mm sandwich PVC panel
made out of 36mm high density expanded
polystyrene sheet (E.P.S. Thermocol) stuck
on both side with 2mm thick plain PVC
sheet reinforced with frame work made
from 35mm x 5mm M.S. angle. In between
two M.S. angles 4 mm thick plan heat
moulded PVC C channel of size 50mm x
100 mm with feathered edes shall be fixed
on floor and 50 x 75 mm with feathered
edges plain/printed/prelim PVC C channel
shall be fixed in the ceiling. Sandwich PVC
panel shall be inserted in the PVC c
channel. The first and last M.S. angle
should be erected such that it is inside a
PVC C channel of size 50 x 75mm. In
between adjoining EPS sandwiched PVC
partition panel 4mm thick x 75mm width
plain PVC sheet feathered at edges shall be
stuck on front and back face using solvent
cement etc. And additional 4mm thick PVC
strip of 40mm width is to be stuck on the
interior side of the C channel using PVC
solvent adhesive complete as per direction
of Engineer in charge, manufactures
specification and drawing.
57 Providing and fixing full height Printed sqm 2211.25
PVC partition system 50mm thick PVC
partition consisting of 40mm sandwich PVC
panel made out of 36mm high density
expanded polystyred shet (EPS Thermocol)
stuck on the both side with 2mm thick
printed PVC sheet reinforced with frame
work made from 35mm x 5mm M.S. angle.
IN between two M.S. angles 4mm thick
printed heat moulded PVC C channel of
size 50mm x 100mm with feathered, edges
shall be fixed on floor and 50 x 75 mm with
feathered edges printed PVC C channel
shall be fixed in the ceiling, Sandwich PVC
panel shall be inserted in the PVC C
channel. The first and last M.S. angle
should be erected such that it is inside a
PVC C channel of size 50 x 75mm In
between adjoining EP sandwiched PVC
partition panel 4mm thick x 75mm width
printed PVC sheet feathered at edges shall
be suck on front and back face using solvent
cement. If the height of partition exceeds 8
feet; then 15mm x 30mm M.S. tube is
welded horizontally at the joint of panels in
between two vertical angels etc. An
An additional 4mm thick PVC strip of
40mm width is to be stuck on the interior
side of the C channel using PVC solvent
adhesive complete as per direction of
Engineer in charge, manufactures.
58 Providing and fixing PVC plain colour false sqm 839.90
ceiing with grid type with alu frame
consisting of 600 mm x 600mm 3mm thick
plain PVC sheet used as panel insert in a
frame work made using anodized
alluminium T section of size 1 x 1 (25 x
25mm, 19 gauge or 1mm thick) in square
pattern of grid sizes of 2 x 2 (600 x
600mm). The alluminium frame work is
supported from the ceiling with the help of
G.I. hook and G.I. wire/6mm M.S. rods of
required sizes to maintain proper level etc.
The aluminium frame work is supported on
side wall with the use of alluminium L
section of size 1 x 1 (25 x 25mm) angles et.
Complete as per direction of Engineer in
charge. Manufactures, specification and

59 Providing and fixing PVC Printed pain sqm 890.50

colour false ceiling with grid type with
alluminium frame consisting of 600mm x
600mm 3mm thick plain PVC sheet used as
panel insert in a frame work made using
anodized alluminium T section of size 1 x 1
(235 x 25mm, 19 gauge or 1 mm thick) in
square pattern of grid sizes of 2 x 2 (600 x
600mm) The alluminium frame work is
supported from the cceiling with the help of
G.I. hook and G.I. wire/6mm M.S. rods of
required sizes to maintain proper level etc.
The aluminium frame work is supported on
side wall with the use of alluminium L
section of size 1 x 1 (25 x 25mm) angles
etc. complete as per direction of Engineer in
charge. Manufactures specification and
60 Providing and fixing PVC plain colour false sqm 997.50
ceiling with flush type with alluminium
frame, frame work is done with three
different sections of G.I. sheet of 24 gauge
thickness named as C, U and L. The C
section is fixed with hangers at an equal
distance of 36 each and then U section is
fixed perpendicular on C section with steel
screws at an equal distance of 16 each. The
complete frame work is supported by G.I. L
angle 6mm rod hangers from the roof and L
sections is fixed all around the wall as
shown in the diagram. 5mm PVC sheet
strips of size 2 wide and fixed with counter
sunk steel screw on the U section. Further
3mm PVC sheet is stuck to these PVC strips
with solvent cement such that joining lines
are perfectly matched. P.U. putty is filled,
ceiling for getting fine surface finish etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in
charge, manufacturers specification and
61 Providing and fixing PVC printed false sqm 1049.00
ceiling with flush type with alluminium
frame, frame work is done with three
different sections of G.I. sheet of 24 gauge
thickness named as C, U and L. The C
section is fixed with hangers at an equal
distance of 36 each and then U section is
fixed perpendicular on C section with steel
screws at and equal distance of 16 each.
The complete frame work is supported by
G.I. L angle/6 mm rod hangers from the
roof and L sections is fixed all around the
wall as shown in the diagram. 5mm PVC
sheet strips of size 2 wide are fixd with
counter sunk steel screws on the U section.
Further 3mm PVC sheet is stuck to these
PVC strips with solvent cement such that
joining lines are perfectly matched. P.U.
putty is filled, dried and leveled and
requisite coats of primer and paint is done
on the ceiling for getting fine surface finish
etc. complete as per direction of
Engineering and charge manufacturers
specification and drawing

62 Extra rate for using polyester fiber (12mm) 1 Packet of 30.00

with triangular of equivalent cross section 125 gms
with specific gravity 1.35 to 1.40 (as a
secondary reinforcement) in concrete of any
grade at the rate of 125 gms per 50 kg of
Cement consumption.

63 Extra rate for using polyester fiber (6mm) 1 Packet of 30.00

with triangular cross of equivalent section 125 gms
with specific gravity 1.35 to 1.40 (as a
secondary reinforcement) in mortar of any
grade at the rate of 125 gms per 50 kg of
cement consumption.
64 Providing fusion bonded Epoxy coating not
less than 175 micron thickness and up to
300 micron to reinforcement bars as per IS-
13620-1993/ASTM-775 M including
testing of coating at plant and all taxes
(A) 10mm to 16mm dia bar M.T 11700.00

(B) 20mm to 32 mm dia bar M.T 8400.00


1 11.2 Steel work riveted, in built up sections, Quintal 4402.00
framed work including cutting, hoisting,
fixing in position and applying a priming
coat of red lead paint (A) In beams and
joists, channels, angles, tees, flats with
connecting plates or angle cleats as in main
& cross beamnship & jack rafters, purlins
connected to common rafters and like.

11.2 (B) In trusses and trussed purlins, up to 25 Quintal 4686.00

mt. span & 15 mt. overall height.

2 11.2 Steel work welded, in built up sections, Quintal 4407.00

framed work including cutting, hoisting,
fixing in position and applying a priming
coat of red lead paint (A) In beams and
joists, channels, angles, tees, flats with
connecting plates or angle cleats as in main
& cross beamnship & jack rafters, purlins
connected to common rafters and like.

11.4 (B) In trusses and trussed purlins, up to 25 Quintal 4415.00

mt. span & 15 mt. overall height.

3 11.6 Providing and fixing in position collapsible sqm 2569.00

steel shutters with vertival channels 20 mm
x 10 mm x 2 mm braced with flat iron
diagonals 20 mm x 5 mm size with top &
bottom rails of T iron 40 mm x 40 mm x 6
mm with 38 mm diameter steel pulleys
complete with bolts, nuts, locking
arrangements, stopper handles including
applying a priming coat of red lead paint.
4 11.7 Providing and fixing 1 mm thick M.S sheet sqm 1983.00
sliding shutters with frame and diagonal
braces of 40 mm x 40 mm x 6 mm angle
iron, 3.15 mm M.S gusset plate at junctions
and corners, 25 mm diameter pulley, 40 mm
x 40 mm x 6 mm angle and T iron guide rail
at top and bottom respectively with handles,
stoppers and locking arrangements etc.
including applying a priming coat of red
lead paint.

5 11.9 Providing & fixing rolling shutters of sqm 1961.00

approved make made of 80 mm. Wide M.S.
laths inter locked together theit entire length
and jointed together at the end locks
mounted on specially designed pipe shaft
with bracket plates, guide channels and out
side locking with push-pull operation
excluding the cost of Hood cover and spring
etc. comp. (A) Shutters having width below
3.5 mt.

11.9 (B) Shutters having width 3.5 mt. and sqm 2181.00

6 11.10 Providing and fixing 27.5 cm long wire Each 595.00

spring grade No 2 of approved make for
rolling shutters.

7 11.11 Providing and fixing hood cover for rolling m 117.00

shutters (A) Shutters having width below
3.5 meters.

11.11 Providing and fixing hood cover for rolling m 122.00

shutters (B) Shutters having width 3.5
meters and above.

8 11.14 Fixing standard steel doors, windows & sqm 69.60

ventilators in walls with 16 x 3.15 mm logs
10 Cm. long embeded in cement concrete
block 15 x 10 x 10 of 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate of 20
mm size) cost for supply of door / window /
ventilators shall be paid separately.
9 11.20 Providing and fixing M.S fan clamps type I Each 64.60
of 16 mm diameter M.S bar bent to shape
with hooked ends to R.C.C slabs during
laying including painting the exposed
portion of loops, all as per standard design

10 11.21 Extra over rate of item 11.20 for providing Cm Height 1.00
and fixing M.S fan clamps type II as per
standard design in R.C.C beams during
laying towards additional height of the
clamps due to beam rib.

11 11.23 Providing and fixing M.S round holding kg 31.60

down or anchor bolts with nuts and washer
plates complete.

12 0.0 Providing and fixing EZ-7 section sqm 369.00

door/window/frame including welding and
fixtures fastenings including three coats of
approved enamel oil paint etc. complete.

13 0.0 Providing & fixing rolling shutters of sqm 2733.00

approved make made of 80 mm wide M.S.
laths inter locked together their entire length
and jointed together at the end locks
mounted on specially designed pipe shaft
with bracket plates, guide channels and out
side locking with push-pull operation incl.
the cost of Hood cover and spring etc.
comp. (A) Shutters having width below 3.5

0.0 (B) Shutters having width 3.5 mt. and sqm 2959.00


1 12.4 Fixing metallic tower bolt of size with Each. 11.90
necessary screws etc. complete (Tower bolt
& screws to be paid under separate items)

2 12.5 Fixing metllic flush bolts of size with Each. 2.40

necessary screws etc. complete (Flush bolt
& screws to be paid under separate items)
3 12.8 Fixing metllic or plastic door handles of size Each. 0.80
with necessary screws etc. complete (Door
handles & screws to be paid under separate

4 12.10 Fixing metllic gates and shutter hooks and Each. 0.80
eyes of sizes (Hooks & eyes to be paid
under separate items)

5 12.11 Fixing metllic door latches of size with Each. 1.60

necessary screws etc. complete (Door
latches & screws to be paid under separate

6 12.12 Fixing metllic mortice night latches of size Each. 22.70

with necessary screws including making
necessary holes in wooden door shutter etc.
complete. (Mortice night latches & screws
to be paid under separate items)

7 12.18 Fixing metllic ball catches 10 mm diameter Each. 1.90

(Ball catches to be paid under separate

8 12.20 Fixing metllic casement window fasteners Each. 1.30

with necessary screws etc. complete.
(Casement window fasteners and screws to
be paid under separate items)

9 12.21 Fixing metllic casement stays of sizes with Each. 1.30

necessary screws etc. complete. (Casement
stayes and screws to be paid under separate

10 12.24 Fixing metllic cupboard or wardrobe locks Each. 22.70

of sizes with necessary screws etc.
complete. (Locks and screws to be paid
under separate items)

11 12.25 Fixing metllic or plastic cupboard or Each. 1.90

wardrobe knobs of sizes with necessary
screws/bolts etc. complete. (Knobs and
screws/bolts to be paid under separate
12 12.26 Fixing metllic floor door stopper of sizes Each. 0.90
with rubber cushion, necessary screws etc.
complete. (Floor door stopper with rubber
cushion and screws to be paid under
separate items)

13 12.28 Fixing metllic door handles or knobs for Each. 0.80

mortice locks with necessary screws etc.
complete. (Door handles and screws to be
paid separately)

1 13.1 Providing and fixing sheet glass selected sqm 621.00
quality (type-C) bedded in putty and fixed
with wooden beading including the cost of
wooden beadings of first class teak wood
and necessary cutting of glass. [1] 5 mm.

13.1 [2] 6 mm. thick. sqm 748.00

2 13.3 Providing and fixing rough cast wired glass sqm 719.00
6 mm thick bedded in putty and fixed with
wooden beading including the cost of
wooden beadings of Indian teak wood and
necessary cutting of glass. [C] Wired-figure

3 13.5 Providing and fixing sheet glass ordinary sqm 555.00

quality bedded in putty and fixed with
wooden beading including the cost of
wooden beadings of first class teak wood
and necessary cutting of glass. [3] 3 mm.

13.5 [4] 4 mm. thick. sqm 567.00

4 13.7 Extra for using ground glass (Frosted or sqm 19.00

obscured on one side) instead of plain glass.
5 13.11 Deduct for difference in cost of material and sqm 191.00
labour involved in method of glazing if
changed in item No 13.1 to (A) Front and
back puttied and sprigged or fixed with
glazing pins.

6 13.12 Grinding, polishing and rounding of edges m 21.00

of glass or glazing sheets.


1 14.2 Providing and laying 40 mm thick marble sqm 396.00
chips flooring rubbed & polished (I.E
terrazo) to be granolithic finish with under
layer 30 mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stne
aggregate 10 mm and down gauge) and top
layer 10 mm thick with white, black or
white and black marble chips of required
sizes 1 mm to 4 mm nominal size laid in
cement marble powder mix 3:1 (3 cement :
1 marble powder by weight) in proportion
of 4:7 (4 cement marble powder mix : 7
marble chips by volume) (A) Dark shade
pigment with ordinary cement (in top layer

14.2 (B) Light shade pigment with white cement sqm 460.00
(in top layer only)

14.2 (C) Medium shade pigment with approx sqm 430.00

50% white cement & 50% ordinary cement
(in top layer only)

14.2 (D) White cement without any pigment (in sqm 421.00
top layer only)

14.2 (E) Light shade pigment with ordinary sqm 398.00

cement (in top layer only)
2 14.4 Providing and laying marble chips skirting sqm 301.00
(terrazo) or dedo rubbed & polished to
granolithic finish top layer 6 mm thick with
white, black or white and black marble
chips of required sizes from smallest to 4
mm nominal size laid in cement marble
powder mix 3:1 (3 cement : 1 marble
powder by weight) in proportion of 4:7 (4
cement marble powder mix : 7 marble chips
by volume) 20 mm thick with under 14 mm
thick in cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement ; 3
coarse sand) (A) Dark shade pigment with
ordinary cement (in top layer only)

14.4 (B) Light shade pigment with white cement sqm 342.00
(in top layer only)

14.4 (C) Medium shade pigment with approx sqm 322.00

50% white cement & 50% ordinary cement
(in top layer only)

14.4 (D) White cement without any pigment (in sqm 323.00
top layer only)

14.4 (E) Light shade pigment with ordinary sqm 302.00

cement (in top layer only)

3 14.16 Providing and laying cushioning layer on sqm 103.00

R.C.C slab, consisting of 75 mm thick lime
concrte using brick aggregate of 20 mm
nominal size 50% mortar comprising of 1
lime : 2 fine sand.
4 14.19 Providing & laying precast terrazo tiles of sqm 373.00
20 mm. thick white and black (or of the
colour specified in specification of tender
item) marble chips of size upto 6 mm. laid
in floors, treads of steps and landing on a
bed of 25 mm average thickness of lime
mortar 1:1.5 (1 lime putty: 1.5 sand) or
C.M.1:6 jointed with pigment to match the
shade of tiles including rubbing & polishing
complete. [A] With precast tiles of light
shades using white cement.

14.19 [B] Medium shade using approx 50% white sqm 351.00
cement & 50% ordinary cement.

14.19 [C] Dark shade using ordinary cement. sqm 328.00

5 14.21 Providing & laying precast terrazo tiles of sqm 503.00

20 mm. thick marble chips of size upto 6
mm. in skirting & riser of steps not
exceeding 30 cm in height on 10 mm thick
cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) jointed with neat cement slurry
including rubbing & polishing complete
with tile of [A] Light shades using white

14.21 [B] Medium shade using approx 50% white sqm 478.00
cement & 50% ordinary cement.

14.21 [C] Dark shade using ordinary cement. sqm 435.00

6 14.25 Providing and laying chequred terrazo tiles sqm 473.00

22 mm thick with marble chips of size upto
6 mm in floors on 25 mm thick bed of lime
mortar 1:1.5 (1 lime putty : 1.5 coarse sand)
or C.M 1:6 jointed with neat cement slurry
mixed with pigment to match the shade of
tiles including rubbing and polishing
complete. (A) Light shade using white
14.25 (B) Medium shade using approx white sqm 451.00
cement 50% and 50% ordinary cement.

14.25 (C) Dark shade using ordinary cement. sqm 427.00

7 14.27 Providing and laying chequred terrazo tiles sqm 465.00

28 mm thick with marble chips of size upto
6 mm in treads of stair & staircases in on 12
mm thick bed of lime mortar 1:1.5 (1 lime
putty : 1.5 coarse sand) or C.M 1:6 jointed
with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment
to match the shade of tiles including
rubbing and polishing complete. (A) Light
shade using white cement.

14.27 (B) Medium shade using approx white sqm 444.00

cement 50% and 50% ordinary cement.

14.27 (C) Dark shade using ordinary cement. sqm 420.00

8 14.29 Providing and laying white glazed tiles 6 sqm 650.00

mm. thick in flooring, treads of steps &
landing on a bed of 12 mm. thick cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand)
finished with flush pointing in white

9 14.32 Providing and laying white glazed tiles 6 sqm 663.00

mm. thick in skirting, risers of steps and
dedo on 10 mm. thick cement plaster 1:3 (1
cement : 3 coarse sand) & jointed with
white cement slurry.

10 14.34 Providing and fixing 50 mm intrnal or m 67.00

external angles of glazed tiles.

11 14.36 Providing and laying marble stone slab sqm 1418.00

flooring over 20 mm (average) base of
cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse
sand) or L.M 1:1.5 laid and jointed with
grey cement slurry including rubbing and
polishing complete (A) Marble slab 25 mm
12 14.43 Providing and laying polished kota stone sqm 708.00
slab flooring over 20 mm.(average) thick
base of cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6
coarse sand) or L.M. 1:1.5 laid over and
jointed with gray cement slurry including
rubbing & polishing etc. complete. [A] 25
mm. thick.

14.43 [B] 30 mm. thick. sqm 767.00

13 14.44 Providing and laying polished kota stone sqm 747.00

slab 25 mm thick in risers of steps, dedo and
pllars laid on 10 mm thick cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and jointed
with gray cement slurry including rubbing
& polishing etc. complete.

14 14.46 Providing & laying rough chiseled dressed sqm 361.00

stone flooring over 20 mm.(average) thick
base of cement mortar 1:5(1 cement : 5
coarse sand) or L.M. 1:1.5 including
pointing with cement mortar 1:2 (1
cement:2 stone dust) etc. complete. [A] 25
mm. thick.

14.46 [B] 40 mm. thick. sqm 388.00

15 14.71 Providing & laying cement concrete sqm 144.00

flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
stone aggregate 20 mm. nominal size) laid
in one layer finished with a floating coat of
neat cement. [A] 40 mm. thick.

14.71 [B] 50 mm. thick. sqm 170.00

16 14.74 Providing & laying cement concrete cum 2834.00

pavement (25 mm to 50 mm thick) with
1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 stone
aggregate 20 mm. nominal size) including
finishing with a floating coat of neat
17 14.81 Providing and laying 20 mm. thick precast sqm 260.00
cement concrete tiles with aggregate of sizes
upto 6 mm. laid in floors, treads of steps &
landing on a bed of 20 mm. thick bed of
cement mortar 1:6(1 cement:6 coarse sand)
or lime mortar 1:1.5 (1 lime putty : 1.5
sand) jointed with neat cement slurry with
pigment to match the shade of tiles
complete with precast tiles of dark shades
using ordinary cement.

18 14.87 Extra for rubbing and polishing the precast sqm 61.00
cement concrete tiles in flooring, skirting or

19 14.86 Providing and laying chequered precast sqm 323.00

cement concrete tiles 22 mm thick with
aggregate of sizes upto 6 mm. laid in floors,
treads of steps & landing on a bed of 20
mm. thick bed of cement mortar 1:6(1
cement:6 coarse sand) or lime mortar 1:1.5
(1 lime putty : 1.5 sand) jointed with neat
cement slurry with pigment to match the
shade of tiles complete.

20 14.90 Providing and laying brick on edge flooring sqm 181.00

laid dry grouted with pigments to match the
shade of the tiles.

21 0.0 Providing and laying Ceramics flooring tiles sqm 643.00

in flooring, treads of steps & landing on a
bed of 12 mm. thick cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with flush
pointing in white cement.

22 0.0 Providing and laying Ceramics flooring tiles sqm 646.00

in skirting, risers of steps and dedo on 10
mm. thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand) & jointed with white cement
23 0.0 Providing and laying Granite slab (18 mm sqm 2563.00
thick) one side polished flooring over 20
mm (average) base of cement mortar 1:6 (1
cement : 6 coarse sand) or L.M 1:1.5 laid
and jointed with grey cement slurry
including rubbing and polishing complete

24 0.0 Providing and laying 24" x 24" Vitrified 8 sqm 1334.00

mm thick tile flooring over 20 mm (average)
base of cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6
coarse sand) or L.M 1:1.5 laid on new
surface or fixing on existing flooring by
adhesive material including dismentalling of
existing flooring and jointed with colour
cement slurry including finished with flush
pointing & cleaning the surface
etc.complete For light shade

25A 0.0 Providing and laying 36" x 36" Vitrified 8 sqm 1761.00
mm thick tile flooring over 20 mm (average)
base of cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6
coarse sand) or L.M 1:1.5 laid on new
surface or fixing on existing flooring by
adhesive material including dismentalling of
existing flooring and jointed with colour
cement slurry including finished with flush
pointing & cleaning the surface
etc.complete For light shade

25B 0.0 Providing and laying 24" x 24" Vitrified 8

mm thick tile flooring over 20 mm (average)
base of cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6
coarse sand) or L.M 1:1.5 laid on new
surface or fixing on existing flooring by
adhesive material including dismentalling of
existing flooring and jointed with colour
cement slurry including finished with flush
pointing & cleaning the surface
etc.complete For dark shade
25C 0.0 Providing and laying 24" x 24" Vitrified 8
mm thick tile flooring over 20 mm (average)
base of cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6
coarse sand) or L.M 1:1.5 laid on new
surface or fixing on existing flooring by
adhesive material including dismentalling of
existing flooring and jointed with colour
cement slurry including finished with flush
pointing & cleaning the surface
etc.complete For Antiskid

26 Providing & laying precast terrazo tiles of sqm 407.00

22 mm. thick with white black or white and
black or of the colour specified in the
specification tender item marble chips of
sizes from 6 mm to 12 mm in floors, treads
of steps and landings on 25 mm average
thickness of lime mortar 1:1.5 (1 lime putty
: 1.5 sand) or cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement :
6 coarse sand) jointed with neat cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match the
shade of tiles including rubbing & polishing
complete with precast tile of [A] Light
shades using white cement.

[C] Dark shades using ordinary cement. sqm 360.00

27 Providing & laying precast terrazo tiles of sqm 417.00

27 mm to 28 mm thick with white black or
white and black or of the colour specified in
the specification tender item marble chips of
sizes from 6 mm to 12 mm in floors, treads
of steps and landings on 25 mm average
thickness of lime mortar 1:1.5 (1 lime putty
: 1.5 sand) or cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement :
6 coarse sand) jointed with neat cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match the
shade of tiles including rubbing & polishing
complete with precast tile of [A] Light
shades using white cement.

[C] Dark shades using ordinary cement. sqm 364.00


1 15.1 Providing corrugated G.I sheets with iron J sqm 573.00
or L hooks, bolts & nuts 8 mm. diameter
with bitumen & G.I.limpet ashers.Filled
with white lead complete excluding the cost
of purlins, rafters and trusses. (I) 0.80 mm.
thick sheet.

2 15.7 Providing ridges or hips 600 mm overall in m 345.00

plain G.I sheet fixed with G.I J or L hooks,
bolts and nuts 8 mm diameter, G.I limpet
and bitumen washer complete. (I) 0.80 mm
thick sheet.

3 15.8 Providing valley 900 mm overall in plain m 688.00

1.6 mm thick G.I sheet fixed with G.I J or L
hooks, bilts and nuts 8 mm diameter G.I
impet and bitumen washers complete.

4 15.20 Providing asbestos cement sheet rofing sqm 295.00

fixed with G.I plain and bitumen washer
complete excluding the cost of purlins,
rafters and trusses (A) Corrugated sheet (I)
7 mm thick.

15.20 (A) Corrugated sheet (II) 6 mm thick. sqm 282.00

5 15.10 Providing and fixing 150 mm wide 450 mm m 364.00

over all semi circular plain G.I sheet class -
3 Gutter with iron bracket 40 mm x 3 mm
size bolts, nuts washers etc. including
making necessary connection with rain
water pipes. (I) 0.80 mm thick

6 15.25 Providing and fixing ridges and hips in m 112.00

asbestos cement sheet roofing with G.I J or
L hooks, bolts & nuts 8 mm diameter G.I
plain and bitumen washers complete (D)
North light adjustable ridge.

7 15.26 Filling cement concrte 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 m 16.00

coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 12.5
mm nominal size) in gaps of A.C sheet
corrugation and wings of ridges.
8 15.27 Providing and fixing asbestos cement m 315.00
roofing accessories with galvanised iron J or
L hooks, bolts and nuts, G.I plain and
bitumen washers etc. complete. (III) North
light and ventilator curves.

9 15.29 Providing and fixing asbestos cement m 192.00

socketed half round eavas gutter with bolts,
nuts, bitumen washers etc. and flat iron
brackets 40 mm x 3 mm size including
asbestos rope and plastic roofing compound
in joints complete. (I) 150 mm nominal size.

15.29 (II) 300 mm nominal size. m 209.00

10 15.51 Providing and fixing tiled roofing with sqm 124.00

manglore tiles including teak repers of sizes
50 mm x 25 mm

11 15.75 Providing and fixing five course water sqm 295.00

proofing treatment with bitumen felt
consisting of second and forth course of
blown bitumen or and residual bitumen
applied hot at 1.2 Kg. per Sqmt. of area for
each course and first course with fiber base
bitumen saturated under lay type and third
course with fiber base self finished felt type
2 grade and fifth and final course of stone
grit 6mm. and down size or pea sized gravel
spread at 0.008 Cmt. / Smt.including
preparation of surface excluding grading

12 15.87 Providing & fixing on wall face C.I rain m 187.00

water pipe including filling the joints with
spun yarn soaked in neat cement slurry and
cement mortar 1:2(1 cement : 2 fine sand)
(A) 75 mm diameter.
13 15.88 Providing and fixing M.S holder bat clamps Each 43.00
of approved design to C.I or S.C.I pipes
embedded in and including cement concrete
blocks 10 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm size of
1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) & cost
of cutting holes and making good the wall
etc. complete (A) 75 mm diameter.

14 15.90 Providing, fixing & embedding sand, C.I m 187.00

rain water pipes in the masinry surrounded
with 12 mm thick cement mortar of the
same mix as that of masonry. (A) 75 mm
diameter pipe.

15 15.93 Providing and fixing on wall face asbestos m 63.00

cement rain water pipe including jointing
with spun yarn soaked in bitumen and
cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse
sand) complete. (B) 80 mm diameter.

15.93 (C) 100 mm diameter. m 77.00

16 15.94 Providing and fixing for wall plugs and Each 22.90
standard hold bat clamps comprising of two
semicircular halves of flat iron and cast iron
base screwed on wooden plugs. (B) 80 mm

15.94 (C) 100 mm diameter. Each 26.50

17 15.95 Providing and fixing on wall face asbestos Each 23.20

cement fittings for rain water pipe including
jointing with spun yarn soked in bitumen
and cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 coarse
sand). (A) Bend of required degree (3) 80
mm diameter without door.

15.95 (A) Bend of required degree (5) 100 mm Each 26.70

diameter without door.

15.95 (B) Offsets 50 mm (5) 80 mm diameter. Each 29.00

15.95 (B) Offsets 50 mm (5) 100 mm diameter. Each 32.50

15.95 (C) Offsets 75 mm (2) 80 mm diameter. Each 29.00

15.95 (C) Offsets 75 mm (3) 100 mm diameter. Each 33.60

15.95 (J) Junction equal angle (3) 80 mm diameter Each 36.00

without door.

15.95 (J) Junction equal angle (5) 100 mm Each 44.10

diameter without door.

15.95 (K) Junction equal double angle (3) 80 mm Each 38.30

diameter without door.

15.95 (K) Junction equal double angle (5) 100 Each 42.90
mm diameter without door.

15.95 (L) Standard shoe (2) 80 mm diameter. Each 32.50

15.95 (L) Standard shoe (3) 100 mm diameter. Each 36.00


1 16.3 Providing and fixing wooden planks ceiling sqm 646.00
with tounged & grooved jointing and wood
screws (frame work and cover fillets to be
measured and paid separately) (A) Indian
teak wood. (I) 12 mm thick.

16.3 (A) Indian teak wood. (II) 20 mm thick. sqm 1029.00

2 16.3 Providing and fixing wooden planks ceiling sqm 1269.00

with tounged & grooved jointing and wood
screws (frame work and cover fillets to be
measured and paid separately) (A) Indian
teak wood. (III) 25 mm thick.

16.3 A Deduct for butt jointing in place of touged sqm 15.00

and grooved type joint in item 16.3
3 16.4 Providing and fixing fibre insulation board sqm 242.00
lining with butt jointing and nails (frame
work and cover fillets to be measured and
paid separately) (I) 12 mm thick.

16.4 (II) 18 mm thick. sqm 348.00

16.4 (III) 25 mm thick. sqm 439.00

4 16.13 Providing and fixing plywood lining with sqm 238.00

butt jointing and nails (frame work and
cover fillets to be measured and paid
separately) (I) 6 mm thick ply.

16.13 (II) 9 mm thick ply. sqm 336.00

5 16.21 Providing and fixing plain asbestos sheet sqm 271.00

with butt jointing and wood screws (frame
work and cover fillets to be measured and
paid separately) (I) Class-A 6.5 mm thick

16.21 (II) Class-B 5 mm thick sqm 258.00


1 17.58 Providing 10 mm. thick cement plaster in sqm 56.00
single coat on brick/concrete wall for
interior plastering upto floor two level
finished even and smooth in [I] Cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)

17.58 [II] Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sqm 49.00


17.58 [III] Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sqm 43.00


2 17.59 Providing 15 mm. thick cement plaster in sqm 78.00

single coat on rough side of half brick wall
for interior plastering upto floor two level
finished even and smooth in [I] Cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)
17.59 [II] Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sqm 68.00

17.59 [III] Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sqm 58.00


3 17.60 Providing 15 mm. thick cement plaster in sqm 75.00

single coat on fair side of brick wall for
interior plastering upto floor two level
finished even and smooth in [I] Cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)

17.60 [II] Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sqm 65.00


17.60 [III] Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sqm 56.00


4 17.61 Providing 20 mm. thick cement plaster in sqm 96.00

single coat on single or half brick wall for
interior plastering upto floor two level
finished even and smooth in [I] Cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)

17.61 [II] Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sqm 83.00


17.61 [III] Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sqm 70.00


5 17.69 Extra over items 17.58 to 17.64 for sqm 20.00

finishing with a floating coat of neat cement

6 17.70 (A) Extra over items 17.58 to 17.67 for sqm per bag 44.00
providing and mixing water proofing of 50 kg of
material in cement mortar in proportion cement used
recommended by the manufactures. in mix

7 17.91 Extra over items No 17.58 to 17.71 for sqm 5.00

plastering on ceilings anf soffits of stairs
upto floor two level instead of plstering on
8 17.94 Extra over items 1 to 69, 71 to 87 and 90 for sqm x No of 6.00
interior plastering above floor two level for storey
every additional storey height. (1) Single
coat plaster.

17.94 (2) Two coat plaster. sqm x No of 7.00


17.94 (3) Floating coat of neat cement. sqm x No of 1.00


9 17.93 Extra over items 91 for plastering on ceiling sqm 8.00

and soffits of stairs above floor two level for
every additional storey height.

10 17.95 20 mm. thick sand face cement plaster on sqm 134.00

walls upto 10 meters above ground level
consisting of 12 mm. thick backing coat of
C.M. 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) and 8 mm.
thick finishing coat of C.M. 1:1 (1 cement :
1 sand) etc. complete.

11 17.116 Pointing on brick work with cement mortar sqm 37.00

1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) (A) Flush

17.116 (B) Ruled pointing. sqm 39.00

12 17.117 Pointing on brick work with cement mortar sqm 36.00

1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) (A) Flush

17.117 (B) Ruled pointing. sqm 37.00

13 17.140 Pointing on coursed stone masonry with sqm 34.00

cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) (A) Flush pointing.

17.140 (B) Ruled pointing. sqm 35.00

14 17.144 Pointing on uncoursed stone masonry with sqm 40.00

cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) (A) Flush pointing.

17.144 (B) Ruled pointing. sqm 42.00

15 17.154 Extra over item 17.112 to 17.151 for sqm 1.60
pointing on walls on the out side at height
more than 10 meters from ground level for
every additional height of 5 meters or part

16 0.0 Providing cement vata (10 cm x 10 cm size) m 14.00

quarter round in cement mortar 1:1
including neat cement finishing, watering


1 18.11 White washing with lime on wall surfaces sqm 3.00
(two coats) to give an even shade including
thoroughly brooming the surface to remove
all dirt, dust, mortar drops & other foreign

2 18.12 White washing with lime on wall surfaces sqm 1.40

(one coats) to give an even shade including
thoroughly brooming the surface to remove
all dirt, dust, mortar drops & other foreign

3 18.13 Extra over items 11 and 12 for every sqm 1.40

subsequent coat of white washing with lime
on wall surfaces.

4 18.14 Extra over items 11 for white washing with sqm 0.30
lime on ceiling and/or slopping roofs.

5 18.15 Extra over items 12 for white washing with sqm 0.10
lime on ceiling and slopping roofs.

6 18.16 Extra over items 13 for for every subsequent sqm 0.10
coat of white washing with lime on ceiling
and/or slopping roofs.

7 18.17 Colour washing with lime on wall surfaces sqm 3.10

(two coat) to give an even shade including
thoroughly brooming the surface to remove
all dirt, dust, mortar drops & loose scales of
lime wash and other foreign matter.
8 18.18 Colour washing with lime on wall surfaces sqm 2.00
(one coat) to give an even shade including
thoroughly brooming the surface to remove
all dirt, dust, mortar drops & loose scales of
lime wash and other foreign matter.

9 18.19 Extra over item 17 & 18 for every sqm 2.00

subsequent coat of colour wash with lime on
wall surfaces.

10 18.20 Extra over item 17 for colour washing on sqm 0.50

ceiling and/or slopping roofs.

11 18.21 Extra over item 18.19 for colour washing on sqm 0.50
ceiling and slopping roofs.

12 18.29 Cement washing portland cement slurry on sqm 2.90

wall surfaces (one coat) to give an even
shade including thoroughly brooming the
surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops
& loose scales of lime wash and other
foreign matter.

13 18.30 Extra over item no 29 for every subsequent sqm 2.90

coat of cement washing with portlane
cement slurry.

14 18.33 Removing dry or oil bound distemper by sqm 2.60

ashing and scrapping and sand papering the
wall surface smooth including necessary
repairs to scratches complete.

15 18.34 Extra over item 33 for removing dry oil sqm 0.40
bound distemper on ceiling and slopping

16 18.38 Distempering with dry distemper of sqm 20.40

approved brand & manufacture (two coats)
and of required shade on wall surfaces to
give an even shade over & including
priming coat of whiting after thoroughly
brooming the surface free from mortar
dropping & other foreign matter.
17 18.39 Distempering with dry distemper of sqm 7.10
approved brand & manufacture (one coat)
and of required shade on wall surfaces to
give an even shade over & including
priming coat of whiting after thoroughly
brushing the surface clean of all grease, dirt,
loose pieces of scales including papering the
surface even and sand papered smooth.

18 18.40 Extra over items of 38 & 39 for every sqm 4.70

subsequent coat of distempering with dry
distemper of approved brand and

19 18.41 Extra over items of 38 for every subsequent sqm 1.50

coat of distempering with dry distemper on
ceiling and sloping roofs.

20 18.42 Extra over items of 39, 40 for distempering sqm 0.40

with dry distemper on ceiling and sloping

21 18.44 Distempering (two coats) with oil bound sqm 37.70

distemper of approved brand & manufacture
and of required shade on wall surfaces to
give an even shade over & including
priming coat with distemper primer of
approved brand after thoroughly brushing
the surface free from mortar dropping &
other foreign matter and also preparing the
surface even and smooth..

22 18.45 Distempering (two coats) with oil bound sqm 37.70

washable distemper of approved brand &
manufacture and of required shade on wall
surfaces to give an even shade over &
including priming coat with alkali resistance
primer of approved brand after thoroughly
brushing the surface free from mortar
dropping & other foreign matter and also
preparing the surface even and smooth..
23 18.46 Distempering (one coat) with oil bound sqm 15.10
washable distemper of approved brand &
manufacture and of required shade on wall
surfaces to give an even shade after
thoroughly brushing the surface clean of all
grease, dirt, loose pieces of scales & also
including distempering with oil bound
washable distemper of preparing the surface
even and smooth.

24 18.47 Extra over items 44 to 46 for every sqm 12.70

subsequent coat of approved brand and

25 18.48 Extra over items 44, 45 for distempering sqm 1.90

with oil bound washable distemper on
ceiling and sloping of roofs.

26 18.49 Extra over items 46, 47 for every sqm 0.80

subsequent coat of distempering on ceiling
and sloping of roofs.

27 18.51 Finishing wall with water proofing cement sqm 27.10

paint on wall surfaces (two coats) to give an
approved brand and manufacturer &
required shape even shade after thoroughly
brushing the surface to remove all dirt &
remains of loose powdered materials.

28 18.53 Extra over item 51 for every subsequent sqm 10.50

coat of water proofing cement paint of
approved brand and manufacture

29 18.54 Extra over item 51 for finishing with cement sqm 1.50
paint on ceiling and sloping roofs.

30 18.56 Extra over item 53 for every subsequent sqm 0.80

coat of finishing with cement paint on
ceilings and sloping roofs.
31 18.57 Wall painting (two coats) with plastic sqm 41.60
emulsion paint of approved brand &
manufacture on under coated wall surface to
give an even shade including thoroughly
brushing the surface free from mortar
droppings and other foreign matter and sand
papered smooth.

32 18.59 Extra for item 57 for every subsequent coat sqm 17.50
of wall painting with plastic emulsion paint
of approved brand and manufacture.

33 18.60 Extra for item 57 for painting with plastic sqm 1.30
emulsion paint of approved brand and
manufacture on ceilings and sloping roofs.

34 18.62 Extra for item 59 for every susequent coat sqm 0.50
of painting with plastic emulsion paint on
ceilings and sloping roofs.


1 19.2 Applying priming coat over new steel and sqm 17.10
other metal surfaces after and including
preparing the surface by throughly cleaning
oil, grease dirt and other foreign matter &
scoured with brushes fine steel, wood,
scrapers and sand papers with ready mixed
priming paint brushing red lead.

2 19.7 Painting two coats (excluding priming coat) sqm 46.80

over new steel and other metal surfaces with
enamel paint, brushing, interior to give an
even shade including cleaning the surface of
all dirt, dust and other foreign matter.

3 19.11 Painting one coats (excluding priming coat) sqm 29.10

on previously painted steel and other metal
surfaces with enamel paint, brushing,
interior to give an even shade including
cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and
other foreign matter.
4 19.15 Extra over item 7 and 11 for every sqm 27.60
subsequent coat of paint.

5 19.19 Painting two coats (excluding priming coat) sqm 40.80

over new steel and other metal surfaces with
synthetic enamel paint, brushing, interior to
give an even shade including cleaning the
surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign

6 19.21 Painting one coats (excluding priming coat) sqm 23.20

on previously painted steel and other metal
surfaces with synthetic enamel paint,
brushing, interior to give an even shade
including cleaning the surface of all dirt,
dust and other foreign matter.

7 19.23 Extra over item 19 and 21 for every sqm 23.20

subsequent coat of paint.

8 19.50 Painting one coats (excluding priming coat) m 8.80

on external surfaces of new rain water, soil,
waste and vent pipes and fittings with ready
mixed bituminous paint, brushing black anti
corrosive to give an even shade including
cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and
other foreign matter. (B) 75 mm diameter.

19.50 (C) 100 mm diameter. m 11.00

9 19.59 Applying priming coat over new wood and sqm 21.30
wood based surfaces after including
preparing the surface by throughly cleaning
oil, grease, dirt and other foreign matter,
sand papering & knotting (B) ready mixed
paint, brushing wood primer pink.

19.59 (D) ready mixed paint, brushing priming for sqm 21.30
10 19.62 Extra over item 59 for every subsequent sqm 19.80
coat of priming coat (B) ready mixed paint,
brushing wood primer pink.

19.62 (D) ready mixed paint, brushing priming for sqm 19.80

11 19.71 Painting two coats (excluding priming coat) sqm 47.20

over new wood and wood based surfaces
with enamel paint, interior to give even
shade including cleaning oil, grease, dirt
and other foreign matter, sand papering &

12 19.73 Painting one coat (excluding priming coat) sqm 29.60

on previously painted new wood and wood
based surfaces with enamel paint, interior to
give even shade including cleaning oil,
grease, dirt and other foreign matter.

13 19.75 Extra over items 71 & 73 for every sqm 28.10

subsequent coat of paint.

14 19.77 Painting two coats (excluding priming coat) sqm 58.30

over new wood and wood based surfaces
with ready mixed paint, interior to give even
shade including cleaning oil, grease, dirt
and other foreign matter, sand papering &

15 19.84 Varnishing two coats (excluding priming sqm 26.80

coat) over new wood and wood based
surfaces under coating with flatting varnish
and finishing coat with varnish to give even
surface including cleaning oil, grease, dirt
and sand papering so as to produce a
smooth dry surface.

16 19.86 Extra over item 84 for every subsequent sqm 11.40

coat of varnish.
17 19.87 Polishing with french polish over new wood sqm 55.80
and wood based surfaces to give even
surface including cleaning oil, grease, dirt
and sand papered smooth and including a
coat of wood filler.

18 19.88 Polishing with French polish on previously sqm 29.20

polished wood and wood based surface to
give an even surface including cleaning the
surface to remove all dirt, dust and sand
papered smooth including a coat of wood

19 19.91 Applying wax polish on new wood and sqm 29.30

wood based surfaces with base wax polish
in proportion of 2:1.5 : 1:0.05 (2 bees wax :
1.5 linseed oil : 1 turpentine oil : 0.50
varnish by weight) to give even surface
including cleaning the surface of all dirt,
dust and sand papered smooth.

20 19.92 Applying wax polish on previously wax sqm 17.20

polished wood and wood based surfaces
with base wax polish in proportion of 2:1.5 :
1:0.05 (2 bees wax : 1.5 linseed oil : 1
turpentine oil : 0.50 varnish by weight) to
give even surface including cleaning the
surface of all dirt, dust and sand papered

21 19.98 Coal taring two coats on new wood and sqm 16.10
wood based surfaces using 0.16 & 0.12
liters of coal tar per Sq. mt in the first and
second coat respectively to give an even
shade including cleaning of all dirt, dust and
other foreign matter.

22 19.100 Extra over item 19.98 for every subsequent sqm 8.60
coat of paint.

23 19.119 Writing letter or figures on any surface with per letter per 0.80
black Japan paint (stop, comas, hyphens and Cm height
the like not to be measured and paid for
separately) (I) Block (letters/figure)
19.119 (II) Indian (letters/figure) per letter per 0.80
Cm height

24 19.121 Extra over item 19.119 for using thick white per letter per 0.10
paint instead black japan paint. (I) Block Cm height

19.121 (II) Indian (letters/figure) per letter per 0.10

Cm height

25 19.126 Painting lines, dashes, arrows, letters etc on sqm 60.20

road, air fields and like in two coats with
road marking paint, brushing including
cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and
other foreign matter. (I) Over 10 Cm in

19.126 (II) Upto 10 Cm in width. m 6.00

26 19.127 Painting lines, dashes, arrows, letters etc on sqm 27.60

road, air fields and like in one coat with
road marking paint, brushing including
cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and
other foreign matter. (I) Over 10 Cm in

19.127 (II) Upto 10 Cm in width. m 2.90


1 20.1 Demolition & disposal of unserviceable cum 122.00
materials with all lead and lift. (I) Lime

20.1 (II) Unreinforcement cement concrete. cum 140.00

2 20.3 Demolition including stacking of cum 243.00

serviceable materials and disposal of
unserviceable materials with all lead and
lift. (I) R.C.C work.
3 20.11 Demolition of brick work & stone masonry cum 84.00
including stacking of serviceable materials
and disposal of unserviceable materials with
all lead and lift. (II) In lime mortar.

20.11 (III) In cement mortar. cum 127.00

4 20.21 Demolition of terrace including stacking of sqm 14.80

serviceable materials and disposal of
unserviceable materials with all lead and
lift. (I) Brick tile covering.

5 20.23 Dismantaling tiled or stone floors laid in sqm 11.10

mortar including stacking of serviceable
materials and disposal of unserviceable
materials with all lead and lift.

6 20.25 Dismantaling of wooden floors laid in sqm 16.60

mortar including stacking of serviceable
materials and disposal of unserviceable
materials with all lead and lift.

7 20.27 Dismantaling of sheet roofing including sqm 11.10

ridges, hips, valleys, gutters etc. stacking of
serviceable materials and disposal of
unserviceable materials with all lead and
lift. (I) G.I sheet roofing

20.27 (II) A.C sheet roofing sqm 12.30

8 20.28 Dismantaling manglore of country tile sqm 20.20

roofing with battens, boarding etc. including
stacking of serviceable materials and
disposal of unserviceable materials with all
lead and lift.

9 20.30 Dismantaling cement asbestos hard board sqm 11.10

ceiling or partition walls, wooden trellies
work including frames stacking of
serviceable materials and disposal of
unserviceable materials with all lead and
10 20.35 Dismantaling wood work, wrought framed cum 411.00
and fixed in frame trusses including
stacking of serviceable materials with all
lead and lift.

11 20.39 Dismantaling expanded metal or IRC fabric sqm 12.90

with necessary battens and beading
including frame work and stacking of
serviceable materials with all lead and lift.

12 20.43 Dismantaling steel work including kg 0.90

dismembering and stacking the materials
with all lead and lift.

13 20.49 Dismantaling doors, windows, ventilators Each 43.80

etc. (wood or steel) shutters including
chowkhats, architraves, holdfasts and other
attachment etc. complete and stacking the
materials with all lead and lift. (I) Not
exceeding 3 Smt in area.

20.49 (II) Exceeding 3 Smt in area. Each 58.60

14 20.51 Dismantaling barbed wire in fencing m 15.40

+ including making rolls and also including
20.52 dismantaling fencing posts including all
earth work concrete in base and making
good the disturbed ground stacking useful
materials as directed & disposing off the
unserviceable materials with all lead and

15 20.56 Dismantaling C.I pipes, G.S.W pipes and m 17.50

A.C rain water pipes with fittings and
clamps including stacking the materials with
all lead and lift (For any diameter of pipe)

16 0.0 Dismantling sanitary fittings like wash Each 94.50

basin, W.C pan Indian and European type,
flushing tank etc including stacking the
materials with all lead and lift.
17 0.0 Scraping oil paint from steel and other metal sqm 11.20
surface and making the surface even (with
hand scraping)


1 21.8 Providing and fixing M.S fan clamps of Each 71.30
shape and size as specified in existing
R.C.C slab including cutting chase and
making good.

2 21.23 Cutting out cracks of roof terrace to V- m 15.60

section, cleaning out, wetting, grouting with
cement and sand slurry 1:3 (1 cement : 3

3 21.24 Cutting out cracks of roof terrace to V- m 27.90

section, cleaning out and filling solidly with
a hot mixture of bitumen and clean dry sand
(1:1 by weight)


1 22.20 Providing and fixing 1.20 meter high m 252.00
fencing with 2.0 meter long M.S angle posts
40 mm x 40 mm x 6 mm and oil painting
three coats, fixed at 2.50 meter C/C with
five horizontal lines and two diagonals of
galvanised stell barbed wire weighing 9.38
Kg / 100 Rmt, strained and fixed to posts
with G.I staples, including fixing the posts
in ground with 0.50 meter x 0.50 meter x
0.50 meter block in C.C 1:5:10 etc
2 0.0 Construction of B.B masonry paniyara 23 m 720.00
cm x 75 cm wall and 15 cm x 15 cm
kerbing including fixing precast R.C.C
marble mosaic (Terrazo) slab of 75 mm
thickness on top and smooth finishing in
cement plaster in C.M 1:3 curing etc.
complete including drainage out waste
water arrangement.

3 0.0 Constructing a sink (Chowkdi) with C.C sqm 959.00

1:2:4, 12 cm thick over B.B masonry in
cement mortar 1:6 in front and dwarf wall
1.0 meter high and 23 cm thick, cement
plster to masonry in cement mortar 1:3 and
cement concrete flooring in 1:2:4 with 5 cm
diameter A.C drain pipe etc. complete.

4 0.0 Constructing a cooking platforms 60 cm m 529.00

width and 70 cm height resting on B.B
masonry walls 23 cm thick (I) Fixing of
precast R.C.C 8 cm thick slab with marble
mosaic chips set in cement mortar (Terrazo)
with plastering on exposed faces of wall in
cement mortar 1:4 etc. complete.

0.0 (II) Fixing of black Kadappa stone 30 m 690.00

mmthick laid on precast R.C.C 1:2:4 slab
with plastering on exposed faces of wall in
cement mortar 1:4 etc. complete.

5 0.0 Carrying out timber treatment to all wood sqm 44.20

work including drilling holes and spraying
oil based chemical solution on surface of
timber work for termite control including
labour and material etc. complete.

6 0.0 Applying general insecticide pest control sqm 74.00

treatment to floors, cupboards etc. including
labour, material etc. complete.
7 0.0 Carrying out plinth post treatment to post sqm 84.30
conctruction/existing structure by spraying
chemical solution for termite control
treatment including labour and materials
consistant with I.S.I specification.

8 0.0 Carrying out wall treatment for termite sqm 220.00

control including spraying with chemical
solution in oil base (0.5 Lit/Smt.) including
labour and material.

9 0.0 Providing and fixing Rajula stone 75 mm Each 81.30

thick 60 cms x 45 cms size including fixing
in cement mortar as directed.

10 0.0 Providing and laying Billimora type brick sqm 410.00

facing in cement mortar 1:1 laid over
bedding of cement mortar 1:3 (13 mm
thickness) including clearing, watering,
scaffolding etc. complete.

11 0.0 Providing and fixing teak wood rail of 60 Each 62.20

mm x 20 mm size and 50 cms length
including 3 coats of oil paint to wood work
with set of 3-pegs.


1 23.2 Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling & floor m 111.60
galvanised mild steel tubes (Medium grade)
of the following nominal bore, tube fittings
and clamps including making good the wall,
ceiling and floor. [A] 15 mm.

23.2 [B] 20 mm. m 147.00

23.2 [C] 25 mm. m 192.00

23.2 [D] 32mm. m 247.00

23.2 [E] 40mm. m 282.00

23.2 [F] 50mm. m 383.00

2 23.4 Providing and laying in trenches galvanised m 86.90
mild steel tubes (Medium grade) of the
following nominal bore, tube fittings
(Earthwork in trenches to be measured and
separately) [A] 15 mm.

23.4 [B] 20 mm. m 117.00

23.4 [C] 25 mm. m 158.00

23.4 [E] 40mm. m 230.00

23.4 [F] 65mm. m 397.00

23.4 [H] 80mm. m 525.00

3 23.6 Making connection of galvanised mild steel Each 357.00

distribution branch with galvanised mild
steel main 50 mm to 80 mm nominal bore
by providing and fixing tee including
cutting and threading the pipes complete.

4 23.8A Providing and fixing to wall ceiling and m 40.20

floor 6.0 KgF/Sqcm working pressure
polythelene pipes of the following outside
diameter, low density, complete with special
flange compression type fittings, wall clips
etc. making good wall ceiling and floor. [A]
20 mm diameter

23.8B [B] 25 mm diameter m 50.00

23.8C [C] 32 mm diameter m 70.70

23.8 [D] 40 mm diameter m 73.10

23.8 [E] 50 mm diameter m 99.90

23.8 [F] 75 mm diameter m 175.40

23.8 [G] 110 mm diameter m 319.00

5 0.0A Providing and fixing to wall ceiling and m 40.20
floor 10.0 KgF/Sqcm working pressure
polythelene pipes of the following outside
diameter, low density, complete with special
flange compression type fittings, wall clips
etc. making good wall ceiling and floor. [A]
20 mm diameter

0.0B [B] 25 mm diameter m 50.00

0.0C [C] 32 mm diameter m 74.30

0.0 [D] 40 mm diameter m 102.30

0.0 [E] 50 mm diameter m 149.00

0.0 [F] 75 mm diameter m 264.00

0.0 [G] 110 mm diameter m 453.00

6 23.79 Providing and fixing cast iron spigot & m 614.00

socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes of
the following nominal size. (B) 75 mm

23.79 (C) 100 mm diameter. m 752.00

7 0.0 Providing and fixing in position cowl vent Each 269.00

to pipes. (B) 75 mm diameter.

0.0 (C) 100 mm diameter. Each 367.00

8 0.0 Providing and fixing A.C soil down take m 29.80

pipe with necessary bends etc. complete. (I)
75 mm diameter.

0.0 (II) 100 mm diameter. m 35.10

9 23.87 Providing and fixing cast iron (spun) Nahni Each 250.00
trap of the following nominal diameter of
self cleansing design with C.I scread down
or hinged grating including the cost of
cutting and making good the walls and
floors 100 mm inlet and 50 mm outlet.
10 23.111 Providing and fixing water closet squatting Each 528.00
pan (Indian type W.C pan) size 580 mm
(earthwork, bed concrte, foot rests and trap
to be measured and paid for seperately) (A)
Vitreous China (I) Long pattern white

11 23.112 Providing and fixing wash down water Each 801.00

closet (European type W.C pan) with
integral P or S trap including jointing the
trap with soil pipe in cement mortar 1:1 (1
cement : 1 fine sand) (seat and cover to be
measured and paid for seperately) (A)
Vitreous China (I) Long pattern white

12 23.113 Providing and fixing 100 mm size P or S Each 163.00

trap for water closet suqtting pan including
jointing the trap with the pan & soil pipe in
cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand)
(A) Vitreous China.

13 23.114 Providing and fixing in cement mortar 1:3 Pair 84.00

(1 cement : 3 coarse sand) a pair of white
vitreous china 250 mm x 130 mm x 30 mm
foot rest for long pattern squatting pan water

14 23.115 Providing & fixing white colour china Each 1900.00

vitreous 12.5 lit. low level flushing cistern
with a pair of C.I.or mild steel brackets
etc.complete with fittings such as lead valve
less syphon 15mm nominal size brass ball
valve with polythene float, C.P.Brass handle
unions and couplings for connections with
inlet,outlet & overflow pipe 40mm dia
porcelain enamelled flush bend including
cutting holes in walls & making good the
same,connecting the flush bend with cistern
& closet. (Over flow pipe to be measured
and paid for seperately).
15 23.116 Providing & fixing 12.5 lit. high level C.I Each 985.00
flushing cistern with a pair of C.I.or mild
steel brackets complete with fittings such as
syphonic arrangement, 15mm nominal size
brass ball valve with polythene float, level,
G.I chain (60 cm) & pull unions and
couplings for connections with inlet,outlet
& overflow pipe etc. including cutting holes
in walls & making good the same, (Over
flow pipe to be measured and paid for

16 23.117 Providing and fixing in position with m 203.00

clamps etc. 32 mm nominal internal
diameter galvanised steel tube flushing pipe
for high level flushing cistern including
connecting the flush pipe with cistern and
closet & making good the walls and floors.

17 23.120 Providing and fixing G.I inlet connection Each 19.30

for flush pipe with W.C pan.

18 23.121 Providing and fixing plastic seat & cover for Each 337.00
wash down water closet with C.P brass
hinges and rubber buffers. (B) Black plastic
seat & cover.

19 23.127 Providing and fixing washbasin with single Each 811.00

hole for pillar tap with C.I.or M.S.brackets
painted with including cutting holes and
making good the same but excluding the
fittings. (A) vitreous China (II) Flat back
washbasin 550 mm x 400 mm size (I) in
white colour.

20 23.130 Providing and fixing kitchen sink with Each 1798.00

C.I.or M.S.brackets painted with including
cutting holes and making good the same but
excluding the fittings. (A) Vitreous China
(II) Flat back washbasin 600 mm x 450 mm
x 150 mm size.

21 23.135 Providing and fixing C.P brass waste for Each 64.60
wash basin or sink (A) 32 mm diameter.
23.135 (B) 40 mm diameter. Each 87.80

22 23.136 Providing and fixing M.I fisher union for Each 76.00
wash basin or sink (A) 32 mm diameter.

23.136 (B) 40 mm diameter. Each 87.60

23 23.139 Providing and fixing 100 mm cast iron Each 28.40

grating for gully, floor or Nahni trap.

24 23.141 Providing and fixing C.P brass shower rose Each 174.60
with 15 mm or 20 mm inlet. (A) 100 mm

25 23.143 Providing and fixing 600 mm x 450 mm Each 490.00

bevelled edge mirror of superior glass
mounted on 6 mm thick A.C sheet or
plywood sheet and fixed to wooden plugs
with C.P brass screws (B) 600 mm x 20 mm

26 23.144 Providing and fixing C.P brass towel rail Each 421.00
complete with C.P brass bracket fixed to
wooden plugs with C.P brass screws. (B)
600 mm x 20 mm size.

27 23.145 Providing and fixing 600 mm x 120 mm Each 251.00

glass shelf with C.P bracket and guard rail
complete, fixed to wooden plugs with C.P
brass screws.

28 23.146 Providing and fixing toilet paper holder (A) Each 263.00

29 23.92 Providing and fixng screw down bib taps of Each 135.00
following size (A) Brass screw down bib tap
polished bright (I) 15 mm diameter.

23.92 (A) Brass screw down bib tap polished Each 158.00
bright (II) 20 mm diameter.

23.92 (B) Brass chromium plated screw down bib Each 135.00
tap (I) 15 mm diameter.
23.92 (B) Brass chromium plated screw down bib Each 158.00
tap (II) 20 mm diameter.

23.92 (C) Gun metal screw down bib tap (I) 15 Each 117.20
mm diameter.

23.92 (C) Gun metal screw down bib tap (II) 20 Each 131.00
mm diameter.

30 23.95 Providing and fixng pillar tap, capstan head, Each 227.00
screw down high pressure with screws,
shanks and back nuts. (I) 15 mm diameter.

23.95 (II) 20 mm diameter. Each 227.00

31 23.95 Providing and fixng brass screw down stop Each 140.00
tap (A) 15 mm diameter.

23.95 (B) 20 mm diameter. Each 158.00

23.95 (C) 25 mm diameter. Each 158.00

32 23.99 Providing and fixng gun metal check or non- Each 233.00
reurn full way wheel valve (A) 15 mm

23.99 (B) 20 mm diameter. Each 256.00

23.99 (C) 25 mm diameter. Each 349.00

23.99 (D) 32 mm diameter. Each 407.00

23.99 (E) 40 mm diameter. Each 628.00

33 0.0 Providing and fixng chromium plated brass Each 315.90

half turn flush cock of approved quality
including fixing in pipe line etc. cmplete. (I)
20 mm diameter.

0.0 (II) 25 mm diameter. Each 338.00

0.0 (III) 32 mm diameter. Each 355.00

34 23.122 Providing and fixing urinal of approved Each 580.00
quality including connecting the urinal with
waste pipe, trap etc. complete (A) White
earthenware flat back or corner type size
430 mm x 260 mm x 350 mm

35 23.124 Providing and fixing urinal of approved Each 794.00

quality including connection with trap and
with integral longitudinal flush pipe (A)
Squatting pattern white earthenware 550
mm x 300 mm.

36 23.134 Providing and fixing rubber plug for sink or Each 18.60
wash basin.

37 0.0 Providing and fixing chromium plated Each 361.00

bottle trap with necessary coupling of
approved quality for washbasin.

38 0.0 Providing and fixing ball cock of approved Each 184.00

quality as directed. (A) Copper metal. (I) 25
mm diameter.

0.0 (A) Copper metal. (II) 50 mm diameter. Each 261.00

0.0 (B) Abonite. (I) 25 mm diameter. Each 143.00

0.0 (B) Abonite. (I) 50 mm diameter. Each 190.00

39 0.0 Providing and fixing C.I manhole cover Each 1174.00

0.60 mt x 0.45 mt size having weight not
less than 35 Kg.

40 0.0 Providing and fixing G.I rain water spout of Each 84.70
50 mm diameter and 30 cm length.

41 0.0 Providing and fixing 600 mm x 450 Each 426.00

bevelled edge mirror fixed to wooden plug
with C.P brass.

41 23.19 Providing and laying in trenches

centrifugally cast (spun) iron socket &
spigot pipes class LA of following nominal
dimeter ( ewrth & jointing of pipes to be
measured & paid for separately)
(A) 80 mm Dia. m 775.20
(B) 100 mm Dia. m 952.10

(C) 150 mm Dia. m 1472.35

(D) 200 mm Dia. m 2133.60

(E) 225 mm Dia. m 2507.80

(F) 250 mm Dia. m 2884.00

(G) 300 mm Dia. m 3734.15

(H) 350 mm Dia m 4669.70

(I) 400 mm Dia. m 5722.30

(J) 450 mm Dia m 6958.75

(K) 500 mm Dia m 8054.70

(L) 600 mm Dia. m 10484.35

(M) 700 mm Dia. m 13193.65

(N) 750 mm Dia. m 15193.65

(O) 800 mm Dia m 17020.70

(P) 900 mm Dia m 20722.20

(Q) 1000 mm Dia m 24881.90

42 23.20 Providing and laying in trenches

centrifugally cast (spun) iron socket &
spigot pipes class A of following nominal
dimeter (earth & jointing of pipes to be
measured & paid for separately)
(A) 80 mm Dia. m 840.75

(B) 100 mm Dia. m 1044.90

(C) 150 mm Dia. m 1587.60

(D) 200 mm Dia. m 2309.20

(E) 225 mm Dia. m 2713.80

(F) 250 mm Dia. m 3120.30

(G) 300 mm Dia. m 4046.20

(H) 350 mm Dia m 5064.25

(I) 400 mm Dia. m 6183.00

(J) 450 mm Dia m 7454.30

(K) 500 mm Dia m 8718.05

(L) 600 mm Dia. m 11485.05

(M) 700 mm Dia. m 14822.25

(N) 750 mm Dia. m 16606.45

(O) 800 mm Dia m 18541.45

(P) 900 mm Dia m 23694.25

(Q) 1000 mm Dia m 28487.70

43 23.2 Providing and laying in trenches

centrifugally cast (spun) iron socket &
spigot pipes class B of following nominal
dimeter ( earth & jointing of pipes to be
measured & paid for separately)
(A) 80 mm Dia. m 906.25

(B) 100 mm Dia. m 1111.50

(C) 150 mm Dia. m 1741.70

(D) 200 mm Dia. m 2533.85

(E) 225 mm Dia. m 2972.80

(F) 250 mm Dia. m 3148.55

(G) 300 mm Dia. m 4441.20

(H) 350 mm Dia m 5555.05

(I) 400 mm Dia. m 6788.40

(J) 450 mm Dia m 8228.60

(K) 500 mm Dia m 9567.45

(L) 600 mm Dia. m 12439.70

(M) 700 mm Dia. m 16009.00

(N) 750 mm Dia. m 17899.45

(O) 800 mm Dia m 20053.15

(P) 900 mm Dia m 24487.35

(Q) 1000 mm Dia m 29366.55

44 23.34, Providing and laying socket & spogot C.I.

23.36, Tapper Reducing (medium class) following
23.38, nominal dimeter
(A) Up tp 300 mm Dia QTL 5116.00

(B) Above 300 mm Dia. QTL 5829.00

45 23.43, Providing and laying double flange C.I.

23.45, Bends (medium class) following nominal
23.47, dimeter (medium class) following nominal
23.49, dimeter
23.53, 23.55
(A) Up tp 300 mm Dia QTL 5346.00

(B) Above 300 mm Dia. QTL 6070.00

46 23.60 Providing and fixing C.I. sluice valve of

following nominal diameter class II ( With
cap) comp. with bolt, nuts, rubber insertion
etc. comp. (All process required to be
measured & paid for Separately.)
(1) 80 mm Dia. Each 3053.00
(2) 100 mm Dia. Each 4230.00

(3) 150 mm Dia. Each 6255.00

(4) 200 mm Dia. Each 10757.00

(5) 250 mm Dia. Each 15714.00

(6) 300 mm Dia Each 19667.00

(7) 350 mm Dia Each 35082.00

(8) 400 mm Dia Each 44030.00

(9) 450 mm Dia Each 52585.00

(10) 500 mm Dia Each 82138.00

(11) 600 mm Dia Each 95535.00

(12) 750 mm Dia Each 311395.00

(13) 900 mm Dia Each 598236.00

(14) 1000 mm Dia Each 673087.00

47 23.61 Providing and fixing spindel Fire Hyarant Each 6680.00

with 65 mm dia. Outlet complete with
stand post & all other complete.

48 23.57 (A) Providing and laying Lead calcked joint

with volter lead & spun yarn including
(1) 80 mm Dia. Each 360.45

(2) 100 mm Dia. Each 433.40

(3) 150 mm Dia. Each 629.10

(4) 200 mm Dia. Each 945.80

(5) 225 mm Dia. Each 1038.15

(6) 250 mm Dia. Each 1148.50

(7) 300 mm Dia. Each 1319.15

(8) 350 mm Dia Each 1726.10

(9) 400 mm Dia. Each 2015.50

(10) 450 mm Dia Each 2386.65

(11) 500 mm Dia Each 2649.50

(12) 600 mm Dia. Each 3159.45

(13) 700 mm Dia. Each 3651.10

(14) 750 mm Dia. Each 3987.80

(15) 900 mm Dia. Each 4772.00

(16) 1000 mm Dia. Each 5604.20

49 23.57 (B) Providing and laying Rubber gsket joint to
C.I. pipes of the following nominal diameter
including testing of joints.
(1) 80 mm Dia. Each 59.95

(2) 100 mm Dia. Each 63.65

(3) 150 mm Dia. Each 84.30

(4) 200 mm Dia. Each 111.70

(5) 225 mm Dia. Each 126.55

(6) 250 mm Dia. Each 132.40

(7) 300 mm Dia. Each 156.35

(8) 350 mm Dia Each 190.50

(9) 400 mm Dia. Each 244.20

(10) 450 mm Dia Each 285.40

(11) 500 mm Dia Each 380.45

(12) 600 mm Dia. Each 509.45

(13) 700 mm Dia. Each

(14) 750 mm Dia. Each

(15) 800 mm Dia. Each

(16) 900 mm Dia. Each

(17) 1000 mm Dia. Each

50 23.59 Providing flange joints to C.I. flanged pipes
specials of the following nominal dia. Incl.
testing of joints.
(1) 80 mm Dia. Each 77.30

(2) 100 mm Dia. Each 138.10

(3) 125 mm Dia Each 140.45

(4) 150 mm Dia Each 182.60

(5) 200 mm Dia Each 190.05

(6) 250 mm Dia. Each 278.25

(7) 300 mm Dia. Each 282.25

(8) 350 mm Dia Each 425.50

(9) 400 mm Dia. Each 522.40

(10) 450 mm Dia Each 646.35

(11) 500 mm Dia Each 876.75

(12) 600 mm Dia. Each 1245.25

(13) 700 mm Dia Each 2156.05

(14) 750 mm Dia Each 2169.25

(15) 800 mm Dia Each 3228.45

(16)900 mm Dia Each 3751.30

(17) 1050 mm Dia Each 5756.05

51 23.151 Providing and fixing single acting air valve
incl. driling & threading the hole incl.
testing etc. complete of following nominal
(A) 80 mm Each 570.00

(B) 100 mm Each 705.00

(C) 25 mm Each 915.00

52 23.151 Providing and fixing Double acting air

valve inclu. Drilling & threading the hole
incl. testing etc. complete of following
(A) 80 mm Each 2514.00
(B) 100 mm Each 2911.00

(C) 150 mm Each 5861.00

53 0.0 Providing and fixing C.C. Precast chamber Each 2750.00

for sluice Valve of size 71.12 cm x 71.12
cm x91.30 cm. incl necessary excavation
&casting of chamber to site of work etc.

54 0.0 Labour charges for making hole below road Rmt

surface at required of required size with
hand tools including rfilling after
completion of laying and testing of pipe line

55 0.0 Braking existing road surface of any cum

thickness including B.T surface with hand
and machine tools including stacking of
useful road materials.

56 0.0 Labour charges for making gap connection

with existing C.I pipe line including
dewatering if required and refilling the gap
after completion of work.
(1) 80 mm Dia. Each

(2) 100 mm Dia. Each

(3) 150 mm Dia Each

(4) 200 mm Dia Each

(5) 225 mm Dia Each

(6) 250 mm Dia. Each

(7) 300 mm Dia. Each

(8) 350 mm Dia Each

(9) 400 mm Dia. Each

(10) 450 mm Dia Each

(11) 500 mm Dia Each

(12) 600 mm Dia. Each

(13) 700 mm Dia Each

(14) 750 mm Dia Each

(15)900 mm Dia Each

(16) 1000 mm Dia Each


1 24.1 Providing and laying (To level or slopes)& m 105.70
joining with stiff, mixture of cement mortar
in proportion 1:1, salt glazed stoneware
pipes following nominal internal diameters
including testing of pipes and joints
complete. [A] 100 mm. diameter.

24.1 [B] 150 mm. diameter. m 148.00

2 24.2 Providing and laying cement concrete m 72.10

1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size)
bedding for stone ware pipes of following
internal diameter with necessary formwork
and curing complete. (A) 100 mm diameter
(112 mm average bed thickness)
24.2 (B) 150 mm diameter (166 mm average bed m 121.20

3 0.0 Providing and laying lime concrete 1:2:4 (1 m 46.20

lime putty : 2 fine sand : 4 graded brick
aggregate 40 mm nominal size) bedding for
stone ware pipes of following internal
diameter with necessary formwork and
curing complete. (A) 100 mm diameter (112
mm average bed thickness)

0.0 (B) 150 mm diameter (166 mm average bed m 77.60


4 24.17 Extra over item 24.1 for providing alst Each 48.30
glazed stoneware fitting. (I) Bends of
required degree (any radious) of following
internal diameters. (A) 100 mm diameter.

24.17 (I) Bends of required degree (any radious) Each 62.20

of following internal diameters. (B) 150 mm

24.17 (II) Tapper bends of required degree of Each 80.80

following internal diameters. (A) 100 mm x
150 mm

24.17 (III) Single junction of required degree of Each 48.30

following internal diameters. (A) 100 mm

24.17 (III) Single junction of required degree of Each 124.00

following internal diameters. (B) 150 mm

5 24.18 Providing and jointing & pointing with stiff m 104.90

mixture of cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement : 1
fine sand) 150 mm internal diameter salt
glazed stoneware hlaf round channels.
6 24.19 Providing and fixing S.W. Gully trap with Each 810.00
C.I. grating brick masonry chamber & water
tight C.I. cover with frame of 300 mm x 300
mm.size (inside) with standard weight. [I]
Square mouth trap (A) 100 mm. x 100 mm.
size P-type.

7 24.19 Providing and fixing S.W. Gully trap with Each 816.00
C.I. grating brick masonry chamber & water
tight C.I. cover with frame of 300 mm x 300
mm.size (inside) with standard weight. [I]
Square mouth trap (B) 150 mm. x 100 mm.
size P or R type.

8 24.22 Providing and laying (To level or slopes) m 254.00

and jointing reinforced concrte loght duty
Non-pressure pipes I.S Class NP2 of the
following internal diameter with collars and
butt ends prepared for collar joints
including testing of joints complete. (B) 150
mm diameter.

24.22 (C) 250 mm diameter. m 379.70

24.22 (D) 300 mm diameter. m 448.00

24.22 (E) 450 mm diameter. m 595.00

24.22 (F) 500 mm diameter. m 690.00

24.22 (G) 600 mm diameter. m 867.00

24.22 (H) 900 mm diameter. m 1497.00

24.22 (I) 1050 mm diameter. m 2159.00

24.22 (I) 1200 mm diameter. m 2561.00

9 24.27 Constructing manhole with R.C.C top slab Each 6857.00
in 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) foundation concrte 1:3:6 mix (1
cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 brick bats 40 to
50 mm nominal size) inside plastering 15
mm thick with cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement
: 5 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat
of neat cement slurry and making channels
in cement concrte 1:2:4 mix ( 1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) finished smooth complete
including curing & testing (I) Inside size
900 mm x 1200 mm and 1.50 meter deep
including C.I cover with frame size 560 mm
diameter total weight of cover an d frame to
be not less than 128 Kgs (Weight of cover
64 Kg & weight of frame 64 Kg) (A) with
230 mm thick walls of brick masonry using
bricks having crushing strength not less than
35 Kg / Sqcm in cement mortar 1:5 (1
cement : 5 coarse sand) (1) A-type depth
0.90 meter for 150 mm diameter sewer.

24.27 (2) B-type depth 1.50 meter for 150 mm Each 10978.00
diameter sewer.

24.27 (3) C-type depth 2.24 meter for 150 mm Each 12552.00
diameter sewer.

24.27 (4) D-type depth 3.15 meter for 150 mm Each 16019.00
diameter sewer.

10 24.28 Extra rate for constructing B.B masonry for Each 237.00
every additional depth 0.10 meter or part
thereof over item 24.27 (I) for depth from
0.90 meter to 1.50 meter.

24.28 Extra rate for constructing B.B masonry for Each 183.00
every additional depth 0.10 meter or part
thereof over item 24.27 (II) for depth from
1.50 meter to 2.25 meter.
24.28 Extra rate for constructing B.B masonry for Each 201.00
every additional depth 0.10 meter or part
thereof over item 24.27 (III) for depth from
2.25 meter to 3.15 meter.

24.28 Extra rate for constructing B.B masonry for Each 298.00
every additional depth 0.10 meter or part
thereof over item 24.27 (IV) for depth
above 3.15 meter.

11 24.33 Providing and fixing iron steps of size 500 Each 107.80
mm x 150 mm x 22.5 mm and painting with
two coats of anticorrosive paint etc.

12 24.35 Supplying and fixing C.I cover 300 mm x Each 410.00

300 mm without frame for gully trap
(Standard pattern) the weight of cover to be
not les than 4.53 Kg.

13 24.39 Providing and erecting at the site of work Each 26081.00

steel ventilating column of 150 mm internal
diameter and 12.2 meter high from G.L to
bottom of top grill, including C.I grill and
base plate, bolts and nuts etc. and
excavation in foundation of size 120 cm x
120 cm x 165 cm and filling the pit with
first layer of cement concrete 1:3:6 mix (1
cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) of size 120
cm x 120 cm x 90 cm and remaining pit
with B.B.C.C 1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded brick bats 40 mm to
50 mm size) and providing fillet in cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
size) at G.L and three coats of silver paint
etc. complete.

14 24.40 Constructing brick masonry road gully Each 1009.00

chamber 500 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm
including 500 mm x 450 mm C.I horizontal
grating with frame complete.
15 24.41 Constructing brick masonry road gully Each 1267.00
chamber 450 mm x 450 mm x 775 mm with
vertical grating complete.

16 24.42 Constructing brick masonry road gully Each 2168.00

chamber 1100 mm x 500 mm x 775 mm
including 500 mm x 450 mm C.I horizontal
grating with frame & vertical grating

17 24.44 Constructing brick masonry chamber for Each 2065.00

underground C.I. inspection chamber and
bends with bricks having crushing strength
not less than 35 kg./Sqcm. In C.M. 1:5 C.I.
cover with frame (Light duty) 455 mm. x
610 mm. internal dimension, total weight of
cover with frame to be not less than 38 kg.
(Weight of cover 23 kg. and weight of
frame 15 kg.) R.C.C. top slab of cover 23
kg. and weight of frame 15 kg.) R.C.C. top
slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse
sand : graded stone aggregate 20 mm.
nominal size) foundation concrete 1:5:10
inside plaster 15 mm. thick with cement
mortar 1:3 finished smooth with a floating
coat of neat cement on walls and bed
concrete etc. complete. [I] Inside
dimensions 455 mm. x 610 mm. & 450 mm.
deep for single pipe

24.44 [II] Inside dimensions 500 mm. x 700 mm. Each. 2408.00
& 450 mm. deep for pipe lines one or two.

24.44 [III] Inlets dimensions 600 mm. x 850 mm. Each. 5302.00
& 450 mm. deep for pipe lines with three or
more inlets.

18 24.46 Extra over item 24.44 for every additional Each 103.00
depth of 0.10 meter or part thereof beyond
450 mm depth for brick masonry chamber.
(I) For 455 mm x 610 mm
24.46 Extra over item 24.44 for every additional Each 113.00
depth of 0.10 meter or part thereof beyond
450 mm depth for brick masonry chamber.
(II) For 500 mm x 700 mm

24.46 Extra over item 24.44 for every additional Each 139.00
depth of 0.10 meter or part thereof beyond
450 mm depth for brick masonry chamber.
(III) For 600 mm x 850 mm

19 0.0 (A) Providing sock pit of 2.0 Cmt volume Each 799.00
including excavating, filling brick bats with
dry masonry work at top for 45 cm height
including providing vatas in cement mortar
1:3 with finishing, curing etc. complete.

0.0 (B) Providing sock pit of 5.0 Cmt volume Each 1999.00
including excavating, filling brick bats with
dry masonry work at top for 45 cm height
including providing vatas in cement mortar
1:3 with finishing, curing etc. complete.
Rate for Rate for Rate for Rate for Rate for
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
(6) (7) (8/) (9) (10)



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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