Deep Beams
Deep Beams
Deep Beams
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Abstract: Reinforced concrete deep beams are structural elements that transfer heavy gravity loads predominantly through shearing
action to their supports. A significant feature of deep beams is their high shear strength. This is attributed to the internal tied-arch
mechanism which conveys the load directly to the supports through concrete compressive struts. Different definitions have been
proposed for RC deep beams by various researchers and codes of practice that differ in concept.Also, various shear strength prediction
models have been developed by several researchers and codes for the estimation of the shear strength of deep beams through analytical
and extensive test programs. However, there seems to be no agreement on which definition adequately classifies what a deep beam is and
which model produces best results close to experimental values, the shear strength of this class of beams. The study compared the
definitions and evaluated the shear capacity models of deep beams per different code provisions based on data from 210 deep beams
obtained from the literature. It was found that the ACI-318 (2008) code definition concept gives the most realistic characterization of a
deep beam, whilst its shear strength model, based on the strut-and-tie model approach, provides the best prediction for the shear strength
of a deep beam.
Keywords: Deep beams, Shear strength models, Strut-and-tie model, Average margin of safety, Tied-arch mechanism
The elastic solutions on deep beams offer good description 2. Definition of a Deep Beam
of their behaviour before cracking. However, after the
development of a diagonal crack, significant redistribution of There are several definitions given by various writers and
strains and stresses occurs and, therefore, the shear capacity standardsfor deep beams. [10]defined deep beams as beams
of the beam must be predicted by nonlinear analysis. For a with huge depths in relation to spans. In [11] Clause 29, a
simply supported deep beam with a point load on top, the top simply supported beam is classified as deep when the ratio of
Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016
Paper ID: NOV161438 1789
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
its effective span L to overall depth D is less than 2.
Continuous beams are regarded as deep beams when the
ratio L/D is less than 2.5. The effective span is the centre-to-
centre distance between the supports or 1.15 times the clear
span, whichever is less. The Canadian code [12] states that
the flexural member with a clear span (ln) to overall depth (h)
ratio less than 2 must be designated as deep beam and the
non-linear distribution of strains should be taken into
According to [13], RC deep beam can be defined as a Figure 1: Deep beam definition by the [7]based on geometry
member with clear span equal or less than four times the
overall member depth or regions of a beam loaded on one The ratio of the effective length to overall depth within 4
face with a concentrated load within twice the member depth based on geometry prescribed by the ACI definition implies
from the support, and supported on the opposite face so that that, irrespective of the loading condition, there are four
compression struts can form between the loads and supports. beam depths (h) that interconnect to form the length of the
The [7] defines deep beams in clause 11.7.1 as members with beam. This implies that if a central point load is placed on
effective length(Ln)not greater than four times the overall the beam, there will be two D-regions on each side of the
member depth or regions of beams loaded with concentrated load defined by two beam depths between the load and the
loads within twice the member depth from the support face, supports (ie. av = 2h) as shown in Figure 2. This further
with the beam loaded on one face and supported on the implies that, a shear span of length 2h exists between the
opposite face so that compression struts can form between load and each support which defines the two D-regions. On
the loads and the supports. the other hand, if two symmetrical point loads are placed in
the middle quarter of the beam as shown in Figure 3, then
[14]classifies deep beams as transfer beams and defines them there exists two D-regions to each side of the loads defined
as horizontal members that havea/d less than 2, which carry by shear spans of less than two beam depths but more than
heavy gravity loads,predominantly through shear, by one beam depth (ie. h<av< 2h). Also, if the two symmetrical
developing a diagonal crack. [6]define a deep beam as a point loads are located in the first quarter of the beam, then
directly loaded beam with a/d between 0.5 and 2.5. The there are two D-regions at each side of the loads defined by a
writers also define shallow or slender beams as beams with shear span of less than one beam depth (h) between the loads
a/d higher than 2.5, whilst beams with a/d less than 0.5 fall and the supports (ie. av< h) as shown in Figure 4. This
into the category of corbels and brackets. They further definition infers that no matter the type of loading on the
characterize deep beams as beams that may develop tied-arch beam, as geometrically defined by the ACI code, whether
behaviour after the formation of inclined cracking which uniformly distributed or point loads, D-regions occur on the
enables the beam obtain considerable reserve shear capacity. beam when the span is within four beam depths and hence it
On the other hand, shallow beams are beams that may not can be classified as a deep beam based on geometry.
develop significant arching behaviour and generally fail
shortly after the formation of diagonal cracking unless shear
reinforcement is applied. According to the writers, beams
with a/d ratio lower than 0.5 fall under the category of
corbels and brackets, and may not even develop inclined or
diagonal cracking before they fail through a sliding or shear
friction type of mechanism. The writers consider deep beams
to be a transition between slender beams and corbels or
From the above definitions, there are two main concepts for
defining deep beams: the [7] based definition and the[11]
based definition. The [7] based definition classifies a RC
beam as a deep beam based on two distinguishing Figure 2: D-Regions defined by the [7]with a central-point
parameters: geometry or loading condition. In terms of load
geometry, the [7] definition classifies a horizontal structural
member as a deep beam when the ratio of its effective length For the other alternate ACI definition of a deep beam, the
(Le) to overall depth (h) is less than or equal to 4 (ie. L e ≤ emphasis is on the mode of loading irrespective of the length
4h), as shown in Figure 1. In terms of loading condition, the of the beam. The load should be a point load and the distance
ACI code classifies any beam as a deep beam when the between the load and at least one support reaction should be
entire beam or portions of it is loaded with a concentrated within twice the effective depth, which implies that the shear
load within twice the member depth. This can further be span should be at most twice the beam depth (ie. a v ≤ 2h).
explained by the presence of D-regions on the beam due to This further implies that at least there should be two D-
loading discontinuities irrespective of the beam’s effective regions on one end of a beam which inter-connect to
length to overall depth ratio [9].A D-region is a portion of a characterize it as a deep beam (Figure 5). This definition is
member within a distance of the depth of the beam (h) from a also valid since the presence of D-regions on a RC beam
force discontinuity or a geometric discontinuity[7].
Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016
Paper ID: NOV161438 1790
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
produces non-linear strains, which is a major characteristic
of a deep beam.
[42]conducted a study to compare the shear behavior and [45]also showed that the failure of deep beams with
performance of deep beams made with a moderately high- longitudinal reinforcement less than that suggested by
strength self-compacting concrete (SCC) of strength 50 MPa 3 𝑓𝑐 ′
[46](𝐴𝑠𝑡 .𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑏𝑤 𝑑) is flexural and is accompanied by
and a corresponding normal weight concrete (NWC). Two 𝑓𝑦
sets of beams were tested for both SCC and NWC, one set large deflections without any inclined cracks. The writers
with congested (closely spaced) shear reinforcement and the further observed that as the flexural tensile steel
other with non-congested (widely spaced) shear reinforcement increases, the failure due to cracking of the
reinforcement. The writers concluded that the SCC deep concrete at nodal zones becomes evident.
beams with relatively non-congested web reinforcement
showed a slightly higher loadcarrying capacity in terms of 4. Shear Strength of RC Deep Beams
diagonal shear cracking and ultimate loads compared to the
NWC samples. Research has proved thatdeep beams transfer shear through
either a tied-arch mechanism or truss (beam) mechanism
[43]studied the aggregate interlock contribution to the shear (Figure 10). The two most influentialparameters affecting the
strength of lightweight concrete, with different aggregate type of load transfer mechanism are the a/d and the amount
sizes in continuous deep beams. They found that even though of transverse reinforcement. It has been confirmed thatas
the pattern of the failure plane of the samples tested was a/ddecreases, a higher fraction of load is transferred through
scarcely influenced by the maximum aggregate size and type tied-archaction, which imparts higher shear strength in the
of concrete, the diagonal crack size along the failure plane beam as a result of direct transfer of the load from the
reduced with the increase of the maximum aggregate size loading point to the support through compressive struts (Fig.
and was much lower in normal weight concrete than in 10a). Conversely, beams with higher a/dratiostransfer a
lightweight concrete deep beams at the same loading levels. larger portion of loads through beam or truss action (Figure
It was also established that the gradual reduction in stiffness 10b)[47];[48].
after the occurrence of a diagonal crack was more
pronounced in deep beams made of lightweight concrete than
Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016
Paper ID: NOV161438 1793
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
Similarly, higher amounts of transverse reinforcement lead to type of load transfer mechanism at failure will produce more
a larger fraction of the load to be transferred bytruss action, realistic results.
although at very low a/d ratios, the effect of transverse
reinforcement diminishes [23]; [19]. On the other hand,a Seven different models were assembled for analysisin the
certain minimum amount of web reinforcement (verticaland study as outlined in Table 1 to find the most realistic ones for
horizontal) is required to avoid splitting of diagonal struts the prediction of the shear strength of RC deep beams. The
that form between loads and supports of deep beams which performance of each model was assessed, by comparing the
give them enhanced shear capacity [5]. Average Margin of Safety (AMS) as well as their
coefficients of variation (CV), to find out their predictive
powers relative to the experimental results obtained from the
data base in the literature of deep beams. The shear equations
endorsedby the following codes of practice were assessed:
the Strut-and-Tie model (STM) proposed by the American
Concrete Institute [7];Indian Standard,[11]; [18]; [46]; [51];
[52] and [53].
Table 4: Average Margin of Safety for predicting the shear capacity of RC Deep beams without Shear Reinforcement
No. Model No. of Beams used for Average Margin of Standard Deviation Coeff. of
Evaluation Safety (AMS) (STDEV) Variation (CV)
1. ACI 318-08 (STM) 116 1.1 0.4 0.36
2. IS:456 (2000) 116 4.5 1.7 0.38
3. Zsutty (1968) 116 0.4 0.2 0.50
4. BS 8110, 1997 116 4.4 1.8 0.41
5. ACI 318-05 116 0.8 0.4 0.50
6. EC2-04 116 1.9 0.8 0.42
7. AIK-98 116 0.4 0.2 0.50
Table 5: Average Margin of Safety for predicting the shear capacity of RC Deep beamswith Shear Reinforcement
No. Model No. of Beams used for Average Margin of Standard Deviation Coeff. of Variation
Evaluation Safety (AMS) (STDEV) (CV)
1. ACI 318-08 (STM) 94 1.3 0.5 0.38
2. IS:456 (2000) 94 6.4 2.5 0.39
3. Zsutty (1968) 94 0.5 0.2 0.40
4. BS 8110, 1997 94 6.0 2.5 0.41
5. ACI 318-05 94 0.6 0.5 0.83
6. EC2-04 94 2.9 1.3 0.45
7. AIK-98 94 0.6 0.3 0.50
prediction for the deep beams with shear reinforcement in The high accuracy and uniformity of the predictions of the
terms of accuracy, economy and safety (Table 5). With the shear strength of deep beams, with and without shear
lowest average margin of safety of 1.3, the [7] STM model reinforcement, given by the [7] STM provision could be
has proved to give closer average predictions to the attributed to the fact that, unlike the others, the model
experimental average compared to the [51], [18] and [11] measures the actual strength of the compressive struts
which generated AMS of 2.9, 6.0 and 6.4 respectively. These formed by the internal tied-arch mechanism which conveys
other models can be said to be overly conservativesince they the load directly to the supports at failure. The
produced very high AMS in excess of 1. conservativeness of the three code models, namely; [51],
[18] and [11], for the prediction of both beams with and
Also, in terms of shear strength prediction uniformity, the [7] without shear reinforcement can be attributed to the fact that
STM continued to produce the lowest CV of 0.38, compared they represent equations developed for slender beams which
with [11], [18] and [51] which recorded CV values of 0.39, have been modified with a shear enhancement factor of
0.41 and 0.45 respectively for the beams with shear 2d/a.This is applicable whenan applied point load is within
reinforcement (Table 5). This shows that in terms of two effective depths from the face of the support of the
prediction uniformity, the [7] STM is more reliable than the beam, as proffered by these codes. Thus, the effectiveness of
rest of the models for the beams with shear reinforcement. the [7] STM shear strength provision over the other models
is well established.
The [46], [52] and [53] design models again over-estimated
the shear strength of deep beams with shear reinforcement, 7. Conclusions and Recommendations
since they presented AMS of 0.6, 0.6 and 0.5
respectivelywhich are below unity. This implies that Definition of a deep beam, as captured by different codes of
predicted strength values are far greater than the actual practice and standards, were discussed to find the most
strength obtained from experiments which connotes danger realistic definition for the characterization of deep beams.
to design. Also, comparative study amongst seven models for
predicting the shear resistance of deep beams was carried out
Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016
Paper ID: NOV161438 1796
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
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