Item No Item Description No. Dimensions (In M.)
Item No Item Description No. Dimensions (In M.)
Item No Item Description No. Dimensions (In M.)
Item no Item description No. Legnth Breath Height
1 Overall outside face of building 1 365'10" *** 43'3"
2 Parapet Top and inside face 1 365'10" *** 4'3"
3 Parapet inside opening 33*5 4'2" 11" ***
4 Head Room top pherifery 2 73'8" *** 8'8"
5 Head Room pherifery from slab level to ground level 2 33' *** 39'6"
6 Head room top inclined portion area 2*4 147.288
7 Head room lintel top and bottom longer side 2*2 23'3" 2'2" ***
8 Head room lintel top and bottom shoter side 2*2 18'11" 2'2" ***
9 Column face upto parapet level on the slab longer 4 2'6" *** 3'2"
10 Column face upto parapet level on the slab shoter 23 2' *** 3'2"
11 Column top surface upto parapet level on the slab lon 4 1'3" 9" ***
12 Column top surface upto parapet level on the slab sho 23 1' 9" ***
13 Lintel top and bottom on pherifery of building 2*2 409'10" 1'10" ***
14 Lintel top and bottom on pherifery of building upto pli 2 404'10" 8" ***
15 Inside face of window
16 (A) Rectangle 50 21'4" 2'6" ***
17 (B) Semicircular Rectangles 24 21.28 2'6" ***
18 Entrance of building
19 (A)Top slab inclined portion total area
20 (B) Bottom slab inclined portion total area
21 Area for giccy 9 *** 3' 39'6"
22 Area for Zigzhag 6 *** 2'9" 24'