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In this guide, you will get a first overview of the masters programs, of responsibilities and application
deadlines, which have to be considered if you want to start a masters program at the University of
Mannheim in the fall semester 2017.

Please note: All information is current as at 30th January 2017 and subject to changes. Changes
are possible both with respect to application process and Selection Statutes. Therefore, please
check our website regularly.

Please apply as early as possible!!!

In doing so, you will give us the chance to check your application for
completeness and to request missing documents via e-mail if necessary.

You have to apply for all of the masters programs and almost each of them is selective. In this guide,
you can find information on the application process and on application requirements that need to be
considered for an application at the University of Mannheim. Please read this guide carefully. Certainly,
many of your questions will be answered afterwards.
Please refer to the German brochure Infos fr das Masterstudium if you are interested in a German
masters program as this guide focuses on masters programs taught in English.

The University of Mannheim offers a two step application procedure. Firstly, you need to apply
online; secondly, you need to send your application form for admission together with all supporting
documents by post to the Admissions Office.

Application is obligatory for all masters programs.

For further information on the application process, please refer to point 3 in this guide.
Contact details if you need further information:

Admissions Office:

Visitor address: L 1, 1, (entrance B), first floor

Postal address: Universitt Mannheim
Postfach 103462
68131 Mannheim

Head of Admissions Office: Ms. Kloppenburg

Co-Director of Admissions Office: Mr. Braun

Contact: Mrs. Drr / Mr. Braun (room 157)

Ms. Kendzia (room 158) International applicants
Mrs. Sinn (room 158) Applicants with refugee background,
International applicants


Phone consultation: until 31.03.2017 Tue 10:00am 12:00pm

01.04. to 15.07. Mo 12:00pm 01:00pm
Wed 01:00pm 02:00pm
Phone Admissions Office:
German applicants: 0621/181-1199 or -1279
foreign applicants 0621/181-3517 or -1259

Fax number: 0621/181-1229

Opening hours: Monday 9:00am 12:00pm
Wednesday 2:00pm 5:00pm

Opening hours are subject to change. Changes will be published on our website.

E-mail addresses for more information

concerning application/ admission: [email protected]
concerning academic studies: [email protected]

Hotline: 0621/181-2222 (Mo-Fr 9:00am 04:00pm)

Bank Account: Universitt Mannheim

Baden-Wrttembergische Bank
Account No: 1379273
Bank Code: 60050101
IBAN: DE23 6005 0101 0001 3792 73

1. GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS .............................................................. 5
1.1 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 SELECTIVE ADMISSION........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 MASTERS PROGRAMS AND DEADLINES FOR APPLICATION ........................................................................................... 5
1.5 CONTACTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS AND SELECTION CRITERIA ......................................................... 7
2.2 BACHELORS DEGREE NOT YET COMPLETED ............................................................................................................... 7
2.3 INFORMATION ON THE INDIVIDUAL MASTERS PROGRAMS ........................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Master of Arts History ........................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Master of Arts Intercultural German Studies ........................................................................................................ 8
2.3.3 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: English and American Studies ................................................................... 8
2.3.4 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: French Studies .......................................................................................... 9
2.3.5 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: German Studies ........................................................................................ 9
2.3.6 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: Hispanic Studies ........................................................................................ 9
2.3.7 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: History..................................................................................................... 10
2.3.8 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: Italian Studies ......................................................................................... 10
2.3.9 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: Philosophy .............................................................................................. 10
2.3.10 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: Media and Communication Studies ...................................................... 11
2.3.11 Master of Arts Language and Communication .................................................................................................. 11
2.3.12 Master of Arts Literature, Media and Culture in the Modern Era..................................................................... 11
2.3.13 Master of Arts Media and Communication Studies: Digital Communication ................................................... 12
2.3.14 Master of Arts Political Science ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.15 Master of Arts Sociology ................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.16 Master of Science Business Informatics ............................................................................................................ 13
2.3.17 Mannheim Master in Data Science ...................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.18 Master of Science Mathematics in Business and Economics ............................................................................ 13
2.3.19 Master of Science Economics ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.3.20 Master of Science Economic and Business Education ....................................................................................... 14
2.3.21 Master of Science Mannheim Master in Business Research ............................................................................. 14
2.3.22 Master of Science Mannheim Master in Management ..................................................................................... 15
2.3.23 Master of Science Psychology: Cognitive and Clinical Psychology .................................................................... 15
2.3.24 Master of Science Psychology: Work, Economy and Society ............................................................................ 16
2.3.25 Comparative Business Law (M.C.B.L.) Mannheim/ Adelaide ............................................................................... 16
2.3.26 Master of Laws (LL.M) .......................................................................................................................................... 17
2.3.27 Master of Competition Law and Regulation (LL.M) ............................................................................................. 17

3. THE APPLICATION PROCESS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MANNHEIM ................................................ 17

3.1 DOCUMENTS TO SUBMIT ..................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON THE APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION .................................................................... 18
3.2.1 Confirmation of Receipt ......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.2 Delayed submission of documents / extended deadlines...................................................................................... 19
3.2.3 Proof of foreign language proficiency .................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.4 Proof of German language proficiency .................................................................................................................. 21
3.2.5 GMAT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.6 Proof of extracurricular activities ........................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.7 Dispatch of Notifications ........................................................................................................................................ 22
3.2.8 Exclusion from the admissions process .................................................................................................................. 22
3.2.9 Admission by lottery draw ..................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.10 Hardship exemptions ........................................................................................................................................... 23

4. FURTHER INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 23

4.1 SEMESTER FEES .................................................................................................................................................. 23
4.2 COURSE CATALOG .............................................................................................................................................. 23
4.3 REPRESENTATIVE FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS .............................................................................................. 23
4.4 STUDIERENDENWERK (RESPONSIBLE FOR HOUSING, CATERING, COUNSELLING) ............................................................. 24
4.5 COURSE GUIDANCE............................................................................................................................................. 24
5. IMPORTANT DATES: ................................................................................................................... 24

6. CONTACTS FOR MORE INFORMATION: ....................................................................................... 25

1. General Information on the Admissions Process
1.1 Admission requirements
The University of Mannheim operates its own selection processes for graduate programs. In principle,
masters programs are consecutive, which means they require a corresponding bachelors degree as
defined by the Statutes of Selection. The bachelors degree program could be passed either at a
university in Germany or at a university abroad as well as at a Berufsakademie (public university of
cooperative education) or a university of applied sciences.
1.2 Selective admission
All masters programs at the University of Mannheim are selective, except the following masters
programs: Master in Comparative Business Law, Master in Culture and Economy: History,
Master in Culture and Economy: French Studies, Master in Culture and Economy: Hispanic
Studies, Master in Culture and Economy: Italian Studies, Master in Culture and Economy:
Philosophy. However, the online application is obligatory for all programs.
1.3 Application form for admission
In the application process for the masters programs, you are allowed to submit up to three
applications. All applications are treated equally. Please take note of the different admission
requirements and selection criteria of the masters programs.
1.4 Masters programs and deadlines for application
In the following, you will get a first overview of the masters programs offered. In case you are or were
enrolled in a similar masters program, please apply for an advanced semester.
The deadlines for the fall semester 2017 are listed in the table below. Please note: These are definitive
deadlines, which means the application form for admission together with all supporting documents must
have arrived at the Admissions Office by the specific deadline.

Application dead- Application deadlines for

Application to the Admissions Office lines for the fall Course
the spring semester 2018
Masters Programs semester 2017 (*Allocation of study places only if language
places are available.)

Economics (Volkswirtschaftslehre) English

Application only for the fall
Intercultural German Studies German
15.03. 30.04. semester!
Political Science English
Sociology English
History German
Culture and Economy:
- English and American Studies
- German Studies
- History
- French Studies German
- Hispanic Studies 15.03. 31.05. 01.10.-15.11.
- Italian Studies
- Media and Communication Studies*
- Philosophy
Mannheim Master in Data Science English
Business Informatics English
Mathematics in Business and Economics German
Literature, Media and Culture in the Modern Era *01.10.-15.11. German
15.03. 31.05.
Economic and Business Education only if spots available German
Language and Communication German
Media and Communication Studies: Digital German
Mannheim Master in Business Research English
Mannheim Master in Management Application only for the fall German/English
Master of Laws 15.03. 31.05. semester! German
Master of Comparative Business Law English
Master of Competition Law and Regulation* German
Psychology: Cognitive and Clinical Psychology German
Psychology: Work, Economy and Society German
*degree course still under decision

Academic Programs of the Mannheim Business School (with tuition fees)
Mannheim Master of Accounting & Taxation Application to be directed to the Mannheim Business School
Mannheim MBA More information on the programs can be found here:
Mannheim & Tongji Executive MBA
ESSEC & Mannheim Executive MBA E-mail: [email protected]

1.5 Contacts
The Admissions Office is the central office for all applicants (German as well as foreign applicants).

Therefore, you need to apply to the Admissions Office if you

are a German citizen
have got a German university entrance qualification
have got a bachelors degree acquired in Germany (even if you do not get your degree until the
beginning of the fall semester)
if you are a foreign applicant without a German university entrance qualification or a
bachelors degree acquired in Germany

If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail at [email protected]

The International Office also provides a variety of information for international degree-seeking
students on its website. Please visit the website Some
information that you need may not be included in this brochure.

Applicants from Chinese, Mongolian and Vietnamese universities additionally require the original
Certificate of the Academic Test Centre (APS-Zertifikat). Contacts: German Embassy in Beijing
( or the German Embassy in Ulan Bator ( or the German
Embassy in Hanoi (

Many questions are very subject-specific. In this case, please contact the departmental advisory

Culture and Economy
Media and Communication Studies: Digital
Sebastian Hempen [email protected]
Phone.: 0621/181-2160
Language and Communication
Literature, Media and Culture in the Modern
Benjamin Kretzer [email protected]
Phone: 0621/181-1763
Dr. Regine Zeller [email protected]
Intercultural German Studies
Phone: 0621/181-2323
Natalie Holm [email protected]
Mannheim Master in Business Research
Phone: 0621/181-1463
Julia Pfeifer [email protected]
Master in Management
Phone: 0621/181-1421
Meta Geisbsch [email protected]
Master of Comparative Business Law
Phone: 0621/181-1321
Master of Laws Nafize Solak/ [email protected]
Master of Competition Law and Regulation Phone: 0621/181-1309
Gledis Londo [email protected]
Political Science
Phone: 0621/181-1826
Christian Dristram [email protected]
Phone: 0621-181-2188
Tina Penga [email protected]
Phone: 0621/181-2790
Business Informatics Christoph Kleeberg [email protected]
Mannheim Master in Data Science Phone: 0621/181-2441

Elena Boldin [email protected]

Mathematics in Business and Economics
Phone: 0621/181-2640
Claudia Funk [email protected]
Economic and Business Education
Phone: 0621/181-2194

2. Admission Requirements and Selection Criteria for each Masters Program
2.1 General information on admission requirements and selection criteria
Admission requirements of each masters program can be found in the Selection Statutes which can be
downloaded on the following website:

For all of the masters programs you need to apply in due time and form.
You will find a checklist stating all required documents attached to your application form for admission.
Please read this checklist carefully, since incomplete applications have to be excluded from the
selection process.
2.2 Bachelors degree not yet completed
If you have not yet completed your bachelors degree within the application period, you may still apply
for a masters program. However, you need to have successfully completed a certain amount of ECTS
credits as stated in the selection statutes. To prove the number of ECTS, please send in a current
Transcript of Records. This document (original, bearing the official stamp and a signature of the
university) has to arrive at the Admissions Office before the end of the application period.
Please note: Transcripts of Records containing a verification link or code can only be accepted, if this
document can be downloaded completely.
Please note: If the bachelors degree has not been completed by the end of the application period,
admission to a masters program is preliminary as you have to submit your bachelors degree certificate
to the University of Mannheim before the first registration for an exam. If you do not provide this
document in due time, your admission to the masters program will be rescinded.
2.3 Information on the individual masters programs
In the following, you will get an overview of the admission requirements and the selection criteria which
may improve your chances in getting a place of study. Please note: Many of the masters programs
require proof of good German language proficiency. These programs are highlighted in yellow.
The University of Mannheim offers several courses in English within the masters programs in order to
prepare the graduates for an internationally oriented career. Programs that are completely taught in
English are the following: Master of Comparative Business Law, M.A. Political Science, M.A. Sociology,
M.Sc. in Business Informatics, M.Sc. Economics, Mannheim Master in Data Science (M.Sc.) as well as
the Mannheim Master in Business Research (M.Sc.). The Mannheim Master in Management (M.Sc.)
also offers an all-English track.
2.3.1 Master of Arts History
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A Bachelors Degree in History or a subject-related The final grade or - for students still completing
degree which was completed with a grade of at their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
least good (German grade equivalent 2.5) or degree course so far
better at a university in Germany or abroad (also Relevant essay in German of up to 15,000
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at characters (incl. blanks) about a historical issue
least 3 years Relevant professional activities (professional
Proof of German language proficiency
1 2
training, work experience, internships )
Stays abroad during or after the bachelors program
lasting several months
Relevant awards
Relevant publications

For more information on proof of German language proficiency, please see 3.2.4
Compulsory internships cannot be considered. However, if the internships last longer than required, this time may be considered.
2.3.2 Master of Arts Intercultural German Studies
The joint masters program in Intercultural German Studies is offered by two universities the University of
Mannheim as well as the University of Waterloo (Canada). Two semesters are to be spent at the corresponding
partner university.
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in German Studies The final grade or - for students still completing
or an equivalent* recognized degree in humanities their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
or cultural studies which was completed with a degree program so far
grade of at least good (German grade equivalent Selection interview
2.5) or better at a university in Germany or abroad Letter of motivation in English with a maximum of
(also Berufsakademie); standard period of study: 500 words containing:
at least 3 years Motivation for the masters program in German
Proof of German language proficiency
Proof of English language proficiency (level B2 )
3 Reasons for selecting the binational masters
program offered by the University of Mannheim and
the University of Waterloo
Planned research focus during the masters program
Professional aims
Relevance of the completed bachelors degree
Relevant professional activities (professional
training, work experience, internships )
Stays abroad during or after the bachelors program
lasting several months
Scientific presentations as well as publications
Relevant awards
* The degree could only be accepted as equivalent if it was passed in German Studies (Germanistik, not in
Deutsch als Fremdsprache) including at least five courses in German literature and/or German linguistics
equivalent to one basic and one advanced module.

2.3.3 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: English and American Studies
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Culture and The final grade or - for students still completing
Economy: English and American Studies or an their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
equivalent recognized degree in humanities or degree program so far
Business Studies which was completed with a Letter of motivation in English with a maximum of
grade of at least good (German grade equivalent 500 words containing:
2.5) or better at a university in Germany or abroad Motivation for the masters program
(also Berufsakademie); standard period of study: Reasons for the selection of the masters program
at least 3 years Planned research focus during the masters program
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 36 Professional aims
ECTS in the field of Business Administration or Relevance of the completed bachelors degree
Economics as well as one basic and one advanced Relevant professional activities (professional
module or equivalent qualifications in cultural training, work experience, internships )
studies within the core subject English and Stays abroad during or after the bachelors program
American Studies lasting several months
Proof of German language proficiency
Relevant awards (scientific presentations,
Proof of English language proficiency (level C1 )
3 publications, scholarships)

The Common European Framework of Reference was developed by the European Council to standardize the levels of language skills in Europe. Level A
corresponds to an elementary level, level B corresponds to a sufficient level and level C corresponds to a competent level. Each level is divided into different sub-
levels. Level C1 corresponds to an advanced level, level C2 corresponds to almost mother-tongue level.

If qualifications in the field of cultural studies are missing, you may still apply for a place of study. In this case, you need to submit a declaration stating that you
will acquire the qualifications within the masters program (in addition to the required exams) until the end of the second semester. You need to submit this
Declaration of Commitment together with your application documents.
2.3.4 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: French Studies
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Culture and The final grade or - for students still completing
Economy: French Studies or an equivalent their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
recognized degree in humanities or business degree program so far
studies which was completed with a grade of at Letter of motivation in French with a maximum of
least good (German grade equivalent 2.5) or 500 words containing:
better at a university in Germany or abroad (also Motivation for the masters program
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at Reasons for the selection of the masters program
least 3 years Planned research focus during the masters program
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 36 Professional aims
ECTS in the field of Business Administration or Relevance of the completed bachelors degree
Economics as well as one basic and one advanced Relevant professional activities (professional
module in literature and/ or linguistics (or cultural training, work experience, internships )
studies) or equivalent qualifications in French Stays abroad during or after the bachelors program
studies lasting several months
Proof of German language proficiency
Relevant awards (scientific presentations,
Proof of French language proficiency (level C1 )
3 publications, scholarships)
Volunteer work

2.3.5 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: German Studies

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Culture and The final grade or - for students still completing
Economy: German Studies or an equivalent their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
recognized degree in humanities or Business degree program so far
Studies which was completed with a grade of at Letter of motivation in German with a maximum of
least good (German grade equivalent 2.5) or 500 words containing:
better at a university in Germany or abroad (also Motivation for the masters program
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at Reasons for the selection of the masters program
least 3 years Planned research focus during the masters program
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 36 Professional aims
ECTS in the field of Business Administration or Relevance of the completed bachelors degree
Economics as well as one basic and one advanced Relevant professional activities (professional
module or equivalent qualifications in cultural training, work experience, internships )
studies within the core subject German Studies Stays abroad during or after the bachelors program
Proof of German language proficiency
1 lasting several months
Relevant awards (scientific presentations,
publications, scholarships)

2.3.6 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: Hispanic Studies

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Culture and The final grade or - for students still completing
Economy: Hispanic Studies or an equivalent their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
recognized degree in humanities or business degree program so far
studies which was completed with a grade of at Letter of motivation in Spanish with a maximum of
least good (German grade equivalent 2.5) or 500 words containing:
better at a university in Germany or abroad (also Motivation for the masters program
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at Reasons for the selection of the masters program
least 3 years Planned research focus during the masters program
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 36 Professional aims
ECTS in the field of Business Administration or Relevance of the completed bachelors degree
Economics as well as one basic and one advanced Relevant professional activities (professional
module in literature and/ or linguistics (or cultural training, work experience, internships )
studies) or equivalent qualifications in Hispanistic Stays abroad during or after the bachelors program
Studies lasting several months
Proof of German language proficiency
Relevant awards (scientific presentations,
Proof of very good Spanish languages skills (level publications, scholarships)
C1 ) Volunteer work

2.3.7 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: History
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Culture and The final grade or - for students still completing
Economy: History or an equivalent degree which their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
was completed with a grade of at least good degree program so far
(German grade equivalent 2,5) or better at a Relevant essay in German of up to 15,000
university in Germany or abroad (also characters (incl. blanks) about a historical issue
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at Relevant professional activities (professional
least 3 years training, work experience, internships )
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 36 Stays abroad during or after the bachelors program
ECTS in the field of Business Administration or lasting several months
Economics as well as one basic and one advanced
Relevant awards (scientific presentations,
module or equivalent qualifications in History publications, scholarships)
Proof of German language proficiency

2.3.8 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: Italian Studies

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Culture and The final grade or - for students still completing
Economy: Italian Studies or an equivalent their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
recognized degree in humanities or business degree program so far
studies which was completed with a grade of at Letter of motivation in Italian with a maximum of
least good (German grade equivalent 2.5) or 500 words containing:
better at a university in Germany or abroad (also Motivation for the masters program
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at Reasons for the selection of the masters program
least 3 years Planned research focus during the masters program
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 36 Professional aims
ECTS in the field of Business Administration or Relevance of the completed bachelors degree
Economics as well as one basic and one Relevant professional activities (professional
advanced module in literature and/ or linguistics training, work experience, internships )
(or cultural studies) or equivalent qualifications in Stays abroad during or after the bachelors
Italian Studies program lasting several months
Proof of German language proficiency
Relevant awards (scientific presentations,

3 publications, scholarships)
Proof of Italian language proficiency (level C1 )
Volunteer work

2.3.9 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: Philosophy

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Culture and The final grade or - for students still completing
Economy: Philosophy or an equivalent their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
recognized degree in humanities and/ or degree program so far
Business Studies which was completed with a Letter of motivation in German with a maximum
grade of at least good (German grade of 500 words containing:
equivalent 2.5) or better at a university in Motivation for the masters program
Germany or abroad (also Berufsakademie); Reasons for the selection of the masters program
standard period of study: at least 3 years Planned research focus during the masters program
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 36 Professional aims
ECTS in the field of Business Administration or Relevance of the completed bachelors degree
Economics as well as one basic and one passed exams in the field of Philosophy
advanced module or equivalent qualifications in Relevant professional activities (professional
6 2
the core subject Philosophy training, work experience, internships )
Proof of German language proficiency
Stays abroad during or after the bachelors
program lasting several months
Relevant awards (scientific presentations,
publications, scholarships)

If qualifications in the field of history of up to 20 ECTS are missing, you may still apply for a spot. In this case, you need to send in a declaration stating that you
will acquire the qualifications within the masters program (in addition to the required exams) until the end of the second semester. You need to send in this
Declaration of Commitment together with your application documents.
If qualifications in the field of philosophy are missing, you may still apply for a study place. In this case, you need to send in a declaration stating that you will
acquire the qualifications within the Master Program (in addition to the required exams) until the end of the second semester. You need to send in this Declaration
of Commitment together with your application documents.
2.3.10 Master of Arts Culture and Economy: Media and Communication Studies
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Culture and The final grade or - for students still completing
Economy: Media and Communication Studies or their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
an equivalent recognized degree in humanities degree program so far
and/ or Business Studies which was completed Relevant professional activities (professional
with a grade of at least good (German grade training, work experience, internships )

equivalent 2.5) or better at a university in Stays abroad during or after the bachelors
Germany or abroad (also Berufsakademie); program lasting several months
standard period of study: at least 3 years Relevant awards (scientific presentations,
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 60 publications, scholarships)
ECTS in the field of Media and Communication
Studies as well as 10 ECTS in the field of
research methods
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 36
ECTS in the field of Business Administration or

Proof of German language proficiency

2.3.11 Master of Arts Language and Communication

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Linguistics or in The final grade or - for students still completing
a Philology or an equivalent recognized degree in their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
humanities which was completed with a grade of degree program so far
at least good (German Grade equivalent 2.5) or The grade of the field of study in linguistics
better at a university in Germany or abroad (also weighted by ECTS
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at Letter of motivation in German with a maximum
least 3 years of 500 words containing:

Proof of German language proficiency Motivation for the masters program

Proof of English language proficiency Reasons for the selection of the masters program
Planned research focus during the masters program
Professional aims
Relevance of the completed bachelors degree
Relevant professional activities (professional
training, work experience, internships )
Stays abroad during or after the bachelors
program lasting several months
Relevant awards (scientific presentations,
publications, scholarships)
Volunteer work

2.3.12 Master of Arts Literature, Media and Culture in the Modern Era
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Literature or in The final grade or - for students still completing
a Philology (e.g. English / American Studies, their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
German Studies, or Romance Languages) or an degree program so far
equivalent recognized degree completed with a The grade of the field of study in literature
grade of at least good (German Grade weighted by ECTS
equivalent 2.5) or better at a university in Letter of motivation in German with a maximum
Germany or abroad (also Berufsakademie); of 500 words containing:
standard period of study: at least 3 years Motivation for the masters program
The degree course needs to comprise one basic Reasons for the selection of the masters program
and one advanced module in literature Planned research focus during the masters program
Proof of German language proficiency
1 Professional aims
Proof of English language proficiency (level B2)
7 Relevance of the completed bachelors degree
Relevant professional activities (professional
training, work experience, internships )
Stays abroad during or after the bachelors
program lasting several months
Relevant awards (scientific presentations,
publications, scholarships)

2.3.13 Master of Arts Media and Communication Studies: Digital Communication
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Media and The final grade or - for students still completing
Communication Studies or an equivalent their degree - the average grade of the
recognized degree in humanities or Social bachelors degree program so far
Sciences which was completed with a grade of at Stays abroad during or after the bachelors
least good (German grade equivalent 2.5) or program lasting several months
better at a university in Germany or abroad (also Relevant awards (scientific presentations,
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at publications, scholarships)
least 3 years
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 60
ECTS in the field of Media and Communication
Studies as well as 10 ECTS in the field of research

Proof of German language proficiency

Proof of English language proficiency

2.3.14 Master of Arts Political Science

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A bachelors degree in Political Science or an The final grade or - for students still completing
equivalent degree recognized by the Selection their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
Board, which was completed with a grade of at degree program so far
least "good" (German grade equivalent 2.5) or A letter of motivation in English with a maximum
better at a university in Germany or abroad (also of 500 words.
Berufsakademie). Standard period of study: at A text sample in English or German (max. 5,000
least 3 years words)

Proof of English language proficiency
Proof of good performances in the field of
Methods of Empirical Research and Statistics
(with a grade of at least "good" (2.5) or better).

2.3.15 Master of Arts Sociology

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A bachelors degree in Social Sciences or an The final grade or - for students still completing
equivalent degree recognized by the Selection their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
Board, which was completed with a grade of at degree program so far
least "good" (German Grade equivalent 2.5) or Proof of good performances in the field of
better at a university in Germany or abroad (also Methods of Empirical Research and Statistics
Berufsakademie). Standard period of study: at (with a grade of at least "good" (2.5 or better).
least 3 years A letter of motivation in English or German with a

Proof of English language proficiency maximum of 500 words.
Proof of good performances in the field of A text sample in English (max. 3,000
Methods of Empirical Research and Statistics words)
(with a grade of at least "good" (2.5) or better).

For further Information about good English language skills, see point 3.2.3
2.3.16 Master of Science Business Informatics
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Business The final grade or - for students still completing
Informatics or a recognized equivalent degree in their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
Business Studies or Computer Science at a degree program so far
university in Germany or abroad (also Commercial, computer science or comparable
Berufsakademie). Standard period of study: at relevant professional activities (vocational
least 3 years. The degree course can only be training, work experience or internships), special
recognized as equivalent if it comprises 30 ECTS achievement or qualifications which are
in the field of Informatics (including 8 ECTS in particularly indicative of aptitude for the selected
programming), 30 ECTS in the field of Economic postgraduate degree.
Sciences or Business Informatics as well as 18 Semester abroad
ECTS in the field of Mathematics or Statistics

Proof of English language proficiency

2.3.17 Mannheim Master in Data Science

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree at a university in The final grade or - for students still completing
Germany or abroad (also Berufsakademie). their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
Standard period of study: at least 3 years. The degree program so far
degree course can only be recognized if it Amount of ECTS and grade in following subjects:
comprises 50 ECTS* in the field of Informatics, Informatics, Mathematics, Statistics and Empirical
Mathematics, Statistics or Empirical Research. Research Methods

Proof of English language proficiency Semester abroad
Relevant professional activities
*ECTS, which have been obtained within an empirical bachelor thesis, may be considered.

2.3.18 Master of Science Mathematics in Business and Economics

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Mathematics in The final grade or - for students still completing
Business and Economics or a recognized their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
equivalent degree which was completed with a degree program so far
grade of at least good or better (German grade Relevant professional activities (professional
equivalent 2.8) at a university in Germany or training, internships, work experience)
abroad (also Berufsakademie). Standard period Semester abroad (during the bachelors program)
of study: at least 3 years. The bachelors degree
has to contain at least 80 ECTS in the field of
Mathematics as well as 30 ECTS in the field of
Business Administration

Proof of German language proficiency

2.3.19 Master of Science Economics
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree (standard period Selection is based on (1) a review by two members of
of study: at least 3 years) in Economics or an the admissions committee and (2) the grade point
equivalent degree recognized by the admissions average of the bachelor's degree.
committee ad (1) The following documents are considered in the
A final grade (grade point average) of at least 2.5 review:
(German grading system) Letter of motivation
A Letter of Motivation in English (max. 500 Transcript of Records listing all course (credits and
words) grades)
Proof of English language proficiency
Two letters of recommendation by different
professors .
Individual exceptions and alternative requirements are Additionally, the following documents may be
subject to the admissions committees decision. submitted and considered in the review:
An academic essay written by the applicant in
German or English (max. 10 pages)
Additional documents proving academic
achievements of the applicant
Certificates and documents proving stays abroad or
work experience demonstrating the qualification
and motivation of the applicant
Grades of the University Entrance Qualification

2.3.20 Master of Science Economic and Business Education

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Economic and The final grade or - for students still completing
Business Education or a recognized equivalent their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
degree in Business Studies completed at a degree program so far
university in Germany or abroad (also
Berufsakademie). Standard period of study: at
least 3 years.
Proof of specialized knowledge** according to the
relevant courses as mentioned in the current
examinations regulations of the B.Sc. in Business

Proof of German language proficiency
** If specialized knowledge of up to 60 ECTS is missing, the applicant may still be admitted. In this case, the
applicant needs to send in a Declaration of Commitment stating that he /she will make up the missing qualifications
within the first and second semester of the masters program.

2.3.21 Master of Science Mannheim Master in Business Research

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Business The final grade or - for students still completing
Administration or an equivalent recognized their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
degree in Business Studies completed at a degree program so far
university in Germany or abroad (also Result of the GMAT
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at Semester abroad (during the bachelors study
least 3 years program)
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 36 Academic qualifications in the field of methods of
ECTS in the field of Business Administration economics
GMAT score of at least 630 credits (see point 3.2.5) Academic essay in English (up to 10 pages)
The Master's program Mannheim Master in Business Research offers the following study tracks:
Accounting, Finance, Information Systems, Management, Marketing, Operations, Taxation

The MMBR distinguishes itself through a strong and above average focus on research. The program offers an ideal
preparation for a structured PhD program as offered by the Center for Doctoral Studies in Business (CDSB).
MMBR graduates can abbreviate the PhD program offered by the CDSB by one year and will use their Master
thesis as a research proposal.

For further information concerning the letters of recommendation, please have a look on our website.
2.3.22 Master of Science Mannheim Master in Management
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Business The final grade or - for students still completing
Administration or an equivalent recognized their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
degree in Business Studies completed at a degree program so far
university in Germany or abroad (also Result of the GMAT
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at Commercial or comparable relevant professional
least 3 years activities
The bachelors degree has to contain at least 36 Semester abroad (during the bachelors study
ECTS in the field of Business Administration program)
Proof of German language proficiency (for the Extraordinary achievements or qualifications
German-English track only)
GMAT score of at least 600 credits (see point 3.2.5)

The Selection Statute of the Mannheim Master in Management provides two tracks: a German-English track as well as an all-
English track. Applicants for the German-English track need to prove German language skills (see point 3.2.4). You can only
apply for one track. Applications for both tracks are not possible. Furthermore, it is not possible to change the track within
the study program.

2.3.23 Master of Science Psychology: Cognitive and Clinical Psychology

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
a) A completed bachelors degree in Psychology Grade of the university entrance qualification
or b) an equivalent recognized degree with at The final grade or - for students still completing
least 50% in Psychology completed at a their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
university in Germany or abroad (also degree program so far
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at Result of the admissions test (optional)
least 3 years (The admissions test for the masters programs in
In case of b) the following contents of study have Psychology may be passed at the University of
to be proven: Mannheim. By passing the test, applicants may acquire
Quantitative, mathematical or statistical methods (at up to 10 points for the selection process. Place and time
least 10 ECTS) of the test will be published on the website of the
Empirical or experimental methods (at least Admissions Office by 15 March of each year.)
10 ECTS) Exceptional qualifications relevant to the
Test theory or psychological diagnostics (at least 10
ECTS) program, e.g. internships (lasting at least 3
General psychology 1, General psychology 2 or months), professional education, relevant stays
Cognitive psychology (at least 10 ECTS) abroad, awards, etc.
Social psychology (at least 6 ECTS)
Furthermore, all applicants need to proof the following
contents of study:
Biological psychology or physiology (at least 6
Clinical psychology (at least 8 ECTS)

Proof of German language proficiency

2.3.24 Master of Science Psychology: Work, Economy and Society
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
a) A completed bachelors degree in Psychology Grade of the university entrance qualification
or b) an equivalent recognized degree with at The final grade or - for students still completing
least 50% in Psychology completed at a their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
university in Germany or abroad (also degree program so far
Berufsakademie); standard period of study: at Result of the admissions test (optional)
least 3 years (The admissions test for the masters programs in
In case of b) the following contents of study have Psychology may be passed at the University of
to be proven: Mannheim. By passing the test, applicants may acquire
Quantitative, mathematical or statistical methods (at up to 10 points for the selection process. Place and time
least 10 ECTS) of the test will be published on the website of the
Empirical or experimental methods (at least Admissions Office by 1 June of each year.)
10 ECTS) Exceptional qualifications relevant to the
Test theory or psychological diagnostics (at least 10
ECTS) program, e.g. internships (lasting at least 3
General psychology 1, General psychology 2 or months), professional education, relevant stays
Cognitive psychology (at least 10 ECTS) abroad, awards, etc.
Social psychology (at least 6 ECTS)
Furthermore, all applicants need to proof the following
contents of study:
Business and Organizational Psychology, Consumer and
Advertising Psychology or Educational Psychology (at
least 8 ECTS)

Proof of German language proficiency

2.3.25 Comparative Business Law (M.C.B.L.) Mannheim/ Adelaide

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A law degree or a recognized equivalent degree if The final grade or - for students still completing
at least 20 ECTS (or equivalent) have been their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
acquired in law-related subjects. Overall, degree program so far
applicants must have completed at least 240 Letter of motivation in English (max. two pages)
ECTS or 4 years of study prior to starting the Relevant professional activities (vocational
program. training, professional experience or internships),
o Please note: Applicants for the relevant achievements or qualifications which are
Mannheim track need to have passed particularly indicative of aptitude for the selected
their bachelors degree at a university post-graduate degree
outside of Germany. Extraordinary academic achievements
Letter of motivation in English with a maximum of
2 pages

Proof of English language proficiency

This masters program lasts one year. The tuition fee amounts to 8,500 Euro. The masters program in
Comparative Business Law offers two tracks: the Mannheim/ Adelaide track as well as the Mannheim track:
Mannheim/ Adelaide track: The program starts at the University of Mannheim and will be continued at the
University in Adelaide (Australia).
Mannheim track: Both semesters are to be spent at the University of Mannheim.
Please note: Applicants for this track need to have obtained their bachelors degree at a university outside
of Germany.
A change of tracks during the program is not possible!

2.3.26 Master of Laws (LL.M)
Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed studies at a university in Germany The final grade or - for students still completing
or abroad with standard period of study of at least their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
3 years, in: degree program so far
o law and business related degree course Letter of motivation in English or German (max.
with at least 100 ECTS credits in Legal two pages)
Studies and at least 40 ECTS credits in Relevant professional activities, stays abroad as
Business Studies well as relevant awards and voluntary activities
o or a law degree course Extraordinary academic achievements
o or a business degree course with at least
16 ECTS credits in the field of Legal
o or a degree course recognized by the
Selection Committee as equivalent, with at
least 16 ECTS credits in Legal Studies.
Proof of German language proficiency

Proof of English language proficiency


2.3.27 Master of Competition Law and Regulation (LL.M)

Admission Requirements Selection Criteria
A completed bachelors degree in Legal Studies or The final grade or - for students still completing
a recognized equivalent degree in Business Studies their degree - the average grade of the bachelors
with a minimum of 30 ECTS in legal courses degree program so far
completed at a university in Germany or abroad Letter of motivation in English or German (max.
(also Berufsakademie). Standard period of study: at two pages)
least 3 years. Relevant professional activities, stays abroad as
Proof of German language proficiency
well as relevant awards and voluntary activities
Proof of English language proficiency
Extraordinary academic achievements

3. The Application Process of the University of Mannheim

The University of Mannheim offers its applicants a two-step application process. Firstly, you have to
apply online; secondly, you need to send your application form for admission together with all
supporting documents by post to the Admissions Office.

In order to apply, please use the online application portal of the University of Mannheim:

On this website, you also find information about all programs at the University of Mannheim as well as
the curriculum of various programs and the respective requirements.

Furthermore, our website has information on everything regarding application and enrollment. Most
questions should be covered. However, if questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact us:

[email protected]

3.1 Documents to submit

The online application is obligatory for each masters program. After entering all data online, please
print the application form for admission. Please make sure not to change any data by hand on the
printed form without contacting the Admissions Office. Please submit amongst others the following
documents by post to the Admissions Office (postal addresse see point 3.2)

1) Printed and signed Application Form for Admission

2) University entrance qualification (e.g. High School Diploma, School Leaving Certificate, Attestat,
etc.). Please note: A degree obtained at a German University also qualifies as a university
entrance qualification
3) Proof of the fulfilled admission requirements for your chosen masters program (e.g. notarized
transcript of records, proof of required language proficiency, etc.)
4) Certificate of enrollment listing all semesters at German universities
5) Curriculum Vitae

Attached to the application form for admission, you will find a checklist that will help you to compile all
documents. Please read this list carefully since incomplete applications have to be excluded
from the admissions process.

All documents proving admission requirements (see point 2.3) have to be provided as notarized
Please note: Foreign documents can only be accepted in either German or English. If your documents
are in another language, a translation into German or English is necessary. All records and
transcripts of records need to be translated by a sworn translator. The module catalog, plan of studies
and the examination regulations (especially relevant for the Mannheim Master in Management and
Master in Business Informatics) can be translated by any other person, if your university testifies the
correctness by an official stamp and signature.

Please note: Transcripts of records bearing a verification link or code may only be accepted if the
document can be downloaded completely.

3.2 Important information on the Application Form for Admission

After you have completed the online questionnaire, please print the application form for admission.
Sign it and send the form together with the requested records and proofs to the Admissions Office.
Attached to your application form for admission, you will find a checklist that will help you to check
whether your documents are complete.

Only applications that have been filled in completely, which are signed and contain all the relevant
documents may be considered for the admissions process. Furthermore, the application needs to have
arrived at the Admissions Office by the respective application deadline.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept applications outside of the regular application period. Moreover,
in your application, you cannot refer to documents you sent in during an earlier application process or
to documents that are in files of the University Mannheim. Any documents in support of an
application become property of the University Mannheim and will not be returned. We appreciate
your understanding in this matter.

Please do not submit: Original documents, photographs, an insurance certificate, proof that you have
paid the semester contribution, a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Avoid loose-leaf binders and paper clips. We kindly ask you to use a filing fastener like the one below:

Please punch holes in your documents and fix them with a filing fastener on the left hand side of the
file. Then send the application to

Universitt Mannheim Universitt Mannheim

Bewerbungs- und Zulassungsstelle or Bewerbungs- und Zulassungsstelle
Postfach 103462 L1,1
68131 Mannheim 68161 Mannheim

3.2.1 Confirmation of Receipt

You have a personal account on the application portal. Once you have logged in, you can check the
status of your application. In order to do so, please go to Application Management and click on
status next to the application number.

3.2.2 Delayed submission of documents / extended deadlines
Ideally, you submit all requested documents at once and do not have to send in further documents
lateron. However, if you have already sent your documents in support of an application and want to
hand in further documents (e.g. your bachelors degree), you can use the form for delayed submission
of documents that can be downloaded in the application portal. Please use this form also if we request
for any further documents. You will find the form after you have finished your online application under
Application Management. Please note: Delayed documents have to arrive at the Admissions
Office by post before the application deadline, too.

Extended deadlines
In general, delayed documents have to arrive before the deadline of the application period. However,
some Selection Statutes offer extended deadlines for some documents. These are:
Master Political Science, Master Sociology, Master of Comparative Business Law, Master of Laws,
Master in Business Informatics, Mannheim Master in Data Science and Master in Economics:
o Proof of English language skills may be submitted until August, 15th(for the fall semester).

3.2.3 Proof of foreign language proficiency

For some of the masters programs, applicants have to prove a minimum of English language skills.

If you intend to pass a language test, you have to provide the result either as an original or as notarized
copy within the application period. Furthermore, you have to gain the minimum grades. If you want to
pass a TOEFL iBT and want the institution to send the result to the University of Mannheim, please use
the Institution Code "0254".
Please bear in mind that it may take several weeks until the result will be sent. If you are not sure
whether the result will arrive in due time, please send in the following documents:
Print of your online TOEFL result: please confirm that the Admissions Office is allowed to check
your result online with your signature
Log in data (user name and password)

Some of the masters programs offer an extended deadline for language test results. Please check
point 3.2.2 whether the masters program you wish to apply for offers this possibility.

The language tests TOEFL and IELTS could be passed at the University of Mannheim, Service and
Marketing GmbH. For questions, please contact Ms. Maria Collado, Office hours: Monday 09:00am-
12:00pm; Tuesday - Thursday 09:00am-12:00am, 2:00pm-5:00pm; phone: 0621/181-1164; e-mail:
[email protected]. Business Informatics or Mannheim Master in Data Science

completed first degree in English.
university entrance qualification at a school with English as language of instruction.

If this is not the case, students must present one of the following test results as proof of language
Test of English as a Foreign Language:
Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) with a score of at least 79 points
TOEFL Computer-Based Test (CBT) with a score of at least 213 points
TOEFL Paper-Based Test (PBT) with a score of at least 550 points
Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) to at least level C.
Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) to at least level C.
International English Language Testing System - Academic Test (IELTS) to at least score
General Management Admission Test (GMAT) with a score of at least 500 points
Graduate Record Examination (GRE), general test at least 60% in Verbal Reasoning and at
least 80% in Quantitative Reasoning

Language test offered by the Universitt Mannheim Service und Marketing GmbH with at
least level B2 in the fields Listening Comprehension, Written Language, Spoken Language
and Reading Comprehension.
Please note: The result of the language test will not be accepted, if it is older than 5 years.
The admissions committee may decide on exceptions. Economics
a. A university entrance qualification acquired after at least 2 years at a school with English as
language of instruction.
b. A university program with English as language of instruction of at least 1 year.
If a or b does not apply, you must present one of the following test results:
Test of English as a Foreign Language:
o Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) with a score of at least 79 points.
o TOEFL Computer-Based Test (CBT) with a score of at least 213 points.
o TOEFL Paper-Based Test (PBT) with a score of at least 550 points.
International English Language Testing System Academic Test (IELTS) to at least score 6.5
Verbal score of the GRE General Test or GRE revised General Test
o Verbal score of at least 320 in the GRE General Test
o Verbal score of at least 140 in the GRE revised General Test
Please note: Test results will not be accepted, if they are older than 2 years.
The admissions committee may decide on exceptions. Master of Laws, Master of Comparative Business Law (Mannheim track), Master of
Competition Law and Regulation
a. All-English university entrance qualification (all subjects in English; classes lasting a
minimum of one year)
b. Participation in an English study program for at least one year
c. If a or b does not apply, students must present one of the following test results as proof of
language proficiency:
Test of English as a Foreign Language:
Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) with a score of at least 90 points
IELTS of at least 6.5
Or an equivalent test result Master of Comparative Business Law (Mannheim/Adelaide track):

a. Participation in an English study program for at least one year
b. If a does not apply, students must present one of the following test results as proof of language
Test of English as a Foreign Language:
Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) with a score of at least 94 points (27 points in
Writing, 23 points in Speaking, 20 points in Reading and Listening)
IELTS of at least 7.0 (7.0 in Writing and Speaking; 6.5 in Reading and Listening) Culture and Economy:

o proof of language skills according to the chosen major on level C1. Intercultural German Studies, Media and Communication Studies, Language and
Communication, Literature, Media and Culture in the Modern Era:
o proof of English language skills on level B2. For more information, please refer to the
corresponding Selection Statute as well as on point 2.3.
If you are not sure, whether your proof will be considered, please contact the program manager Mr.
Hempen ([email protected]). Political Science, Sociology:

a. Proof of constant participation in English classes during the last two years in secondary-school
with a minimum of grades recorded on the record of the university entrance qualification (see
the relevant Selection Statutes)
b. All-English university entrance qualification (all subjects in English)
c. Completion of a first degree in English.
d. If a, b or c does not apply, students must present one of the following test results as proof of
language proficiency:
Test of English as a Foreign Language:
Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) with a score of at least 79 points.
TOEFL Computer-Based Test (CBT) with a score of at least 213 points.
TOEFL Paper-Based Test (PBT) with a score of at least 550 points.
Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) to at least level C.
Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) to at least level C.
International English Language Testing System - Academic Test (IELTS) to at least
score 6.0.

3.2.4 Proof of German language proficiency

For some of the masters programs, applicants have to prove a minimum of German language skills.
The following proofs can be accepted:
a. All-German university entrance qualification
b. Completed degree in a study program taught completely in German
If a. or b. does not apply, applicants need to pass one of the following tests:
Test DaF, with at least 4 points in each part
Deutsche Sprachprfung zum Hochschulzugang (DSH) passed with at least grade 2
(DSH 2)
German Sprachdiplom of the Kultusministerkonferenz (DSD II)
passed Feststellungsprfung at a Studienkolleg of a German University or the
University of Applied Sciences Konstanz
telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule
Goethe-Zertifikat C1 or better
Report of the Zentrale Oberstufenprfung (ZOP) of the Goethe-Institute passed at an
Goethe-Institute in Germany or abroad before January, 1st 2012
Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom or Groes Deutsches Sprachdiplom awarded by
the Goethe-Institute by order of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Mnchen passed
before January, 1st 2012
Austrian language certificate (SD) C1 or better
Applicants who can prove one of the following qualifications by sending in the respective certificates do
not have to pass one of the above-mentioned tests in addition:
deutschsprachige Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, die in einem Staat oder einer Region mit
offizieller Amtssprache Deutsch absolviert wurde und der Deutsch als Unterrichtssprache
zugrunde lag.
deutschsprachiger Hochschulabschluss, der in einem Staat oder einer Region mit offizieller
Amtssprache Deutsch absolviert wurde und dem Deutsch als Unterrichtssprache zugrunde
Hochschulreifeprfung nach der Ordnung der Prfung zur Erlangung eines Zeugnisses der
deutschen Hochschulreife an deutschen Schulen im Ausland, die zum Sekundarabschluss
nach den Landesbestimmungen fhren
Der Deutschnachweis im franzsischen Diplome du Baccalaureat, das nach dem Besuch
eines zweisprachigen deutsch-franzsischen Zweigs einer Sekundarschule erworben
US-Advanced Placement-Prfung (AP-Prfung) im Fach Deutsch.
Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts aus der Deutschsprachigen
Gemeinschaft des Knigreichs Belgien
Sekundarschulabschlusszeugnisse aus dem Groherzogtum Luxemburg
Reifediplome der Schulen mit Deutsch als Unterrichtssprache aus der Autonomen Provinz
Bozen-Sdtirol (Italien)
Abschlusszeugnis der internationalen Sektion deutscher Sprache am Liceo Gimnasiale
Luigi Galvani in Bologna
Abschlusszeugnis eines deutsch-irischen zweisprachigen Sekundarschulabschlusses
(bilingual Leaving Certificate) an der Deutschen Schule Dublin, St. Kilians
Abschlusszeugnis der bilingualen Abteilung am Liceo Gimnasio Statale Romagnosi in
Parma und am Liceo Classico Statale Socrate in Bari

3.2.5 GMAT
If you are going to pass a GMAT and you wish the institution to send the result to the University of
Mannheim, please select the relevant study program (e.g. Mannheim Master in Management;
Mannheim Master in Business Research) and the name of our university.
Important: You need to pass the GMAT with a score of at least 600 (for the masters program
Mannheim Master in Management) or at least 630 (for the masters program Mannheim Master in
Business Research). Only the Official Score Report/ School Copy can be accepted as proof. The
online access of the result is also accepted. In general, we will receive the result electronically, if you
ask your test provider to send the result to the University of Mannheim. Please bear in mind that even
the electronic transmission may take between 7 to 14 days.

3.2.6 Proof of extracurricular activities

If you want to prove extracurricular activities in your application, you have to submit documents which
state your activities and qualifications. You may use the form Template Extracurricular Activities which
can be found on the website for download. Of course, you may also
send in records or proofs that you already have obtained by e.g. companies.

3.2.7 Dispatch of Notifications

Usually, the applicants for masters programs receive the decision shortly after the close of the
If you expect not to be at home when the official notifications are delivered, we advise you to have
another person authorized who may open your post and inform you. Further information about the
process of enrolment can be found in the admissions documents. If you wish to accept your offered
spot, please confirm the Declaration of Acceptance. Afterwards, you will receive an e-mail containing
the log in data for myUniMA an online portal that offers you all necessary information to enrol.
Furthermore, it lists information on visa as well as on accommodation.

3.2.8 Exclusion from the admissions process

Please note: An application has to be excluded from the admissions process, if you do not respect the
deadlines, or if you do not submit all (!) required documents in due time and form (section 5 paragraph
1 Act on the Awarding of University Places of the Land of Baden-Wrttemberg). Therefore, please use
the checklist attached to the application form to check whether your documents are complete! In case
of trials concerning selective degree courses, the University of Mannheim reserves the right to be
represented by a lawyer.

3.2.9 Admission by lottery draw

If there are still university places available or have become vacant again at the time of completion of
the allocation process, these spots will be allocated by lottery draw.
In order to take part in this procedure, you are required to apply separately (detailed information on due
time and form are to be found below).
Please note: Prospect students who have already applied regularly have to apply separately in
order to be considered! You do not automatically take part in the allocation by lottery draw!

Applications for this procedure for masters programs have to be submitted until 15th August for the fall
semester and until 1st February for the spring semester (provided that admissions for the spring
semester are possible).

a. Form: The application needs to be submitted in written form and signed. For each degree program,
a separate application is required. Informal style is sufficient.

b. Necessary documents: The following documents need to be submitted:

o University entrance qualification
o If you have studied in Germany before: certificates disclosing the following information: amount
of semesters, academic achievements acquired so far and whether you are still allowed to take
o Certificates proving that the relevant requirements for admission are fulfilled according to the
respective Selection Statute of the masters program.

o Applicants for an advanced semester need to include a certificate from the examination board
concerning the transfer of credits as well as the classification regarding the subject-related
semester for the relevant masters program. Without this classification, your application cannot
be considered.

c. The official letter of admission is sent in written form. Please note that only accepted applicants
will receive a notification.

3.2.10 Hardship exemptions

If you are either bound to the city of Mannheim, or if a further delay in beginning your studies cannot be
accepted (e.g. due to health problems, family circumstances or economic reasons) you may apply for
a hardship exemption. In this case, please send a letter as well as official proof, like medical reports or
official certificates.
Supporting documents for a hardship case application need to have arrived at the Admissions Office by
the end of the application period.

4. Further Information
4.1 Semester fees
If you wish to enroll at the University of Mannheim, you have to pay the semester contribution
amounting to EUR 139.35 (EUR 60 administration costs plus EUR 73.50 for the Studierendenwerk plus
EUR 5.85 fee for the Student Body Representative Committee).
More information on the semester fee can be found in the enrollment documents.

Please note: For the Master of Comparative Business Law additional costs will arise. For more
information, please contact the departmental advisory service (see point: 1.5).

Important notice: starting from fall semester 2017 the Federal State of Baden-Wrttemberg plans on
implementing tuition fees.

The tuition fees will affect all international students who are about to study in Germany at one of the
universities in Baden-Wrttemberg from the fall semester 2017/18 on. The tuition fee will probably
amount to EUR 1,500 per semester. Students who are already enrolled at one of the universities in
Baden-Wrttemberg will not have to pay the tuition fee and will be able to graduate in their aspired
degree program at their current university under the current conditions (retention of acquired rights).
This change will not apply to students who are EU citizens or citizens of a member state of the
European Economic Area (EEA) as well as to refugees. Moreover, this change will affect neither
foreign students who hold a German university entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur) nor students with
established living conditions in Germany.

Tuition fees for the second degree (starting in the fall semester 2017/2018)

Students from the EU and the EEA member states and German citizens or foreign students with a
German university entrance qualification, who already hold a German bachelor's or German masters
degree, may have to pay tuition fees when gaining their second degree of the same level. It is expected
that this fee will amount to EUR 650.

4.2 Course catalog

The University of Mannheim course catalog is published a few weeks before the start of lectures on our
website Annotated course directories (kommentierte Vorlesungsverzeichnisse)
are offered by the respective schools and contain detailed information about course contents and
prerequisites for obtaining result certificates. They are available on the department websites.

4.3 Representative for students with special needs

Students with special needs may contact Ms. Stefanie Knapp, Student Services, phone 0621 181-
1180, e-mail: [email protected]
Opening hours are by appointment. Location: L1, 1, room 128.

4.4 Studierendenwerk (responsible for housing, catering, counselling)
Before you enroll, you have to pay the semester contribution. It covers the costs of the
Studierendenwerk, so that e.g. the meals in the cafeteria remain affordable. The fee currently
amounts to EUR 73.50 per semester.
For information about accommodation, please contact the Wohnraumverwaltung des
Studierendenwerks Mannheim. There are 2,400 places in student residence halls owned by the
In the Mensa, you get good value for your money: the subsidised meals are priced from EUR 2.90
and above; vegetarian options are also available.
For more information about enrollment and studying at the University of Mannheim, please have a look
at the website of the International Office:

4.5 Course guidance

If you have got any questions concerning your degree program, please contact the relevant
Studienbro (Student Services Office).

Studienbro I: Mannheim Master in Management; Economics;

Business Informatics; Mannheim Master in Data Science, Mathematics in
Business and Economics; Economic and Business Education

Studienbro II: History; Intercultural German Studies; Language and Communication; Literature,
Media and Culture in the Modern Era; Media and Communication Studies; Master
of Comparative Business Law; Master of Laws; Master of Competition Law and
Regulation; Political Science; Psychology; Sociology; as well as all Master degrees
in Culture and Economy

Furthermore, the individual schools usually offer information sessions at the beginning of the semester
on how to structure your timetable for example. Moreover, there are faculty members who will help you
with any questions that may arise. Contact details are to be found on the departmental websites.

5. Important Dates:
st st
Semester dates: 01 August 2017 to 31 January 2018
th th
Lecture dates: 04 September 2017 to 08 December 2017

Please note: Office hours are limited outside of lecture periods. Changes are published on our website or on

6. Contacts for more information:

Office Postal adress Phone Internet Opening hours

Auslandsamt der
International L 1,1 (Hotline) www.uni- Mon: 9:00am 12:00pm
Universitt Mannheim
Office (AAA) (1st floor) 0621/181-1151 Wed: 2:00pm 5:00pm
Postfach 103462
68131 Mannheim

Student L 1,1 Dezernat II 0621/181-2222 Mon: 9:00am 12:00pm
Services (1st floor) Postfach 103462 (Hotline) Wed: 2:00pm 5:00pm
68131 Mannheim

Mon/Tue/ 10:00am - 12:00pm

L1,1 Thu: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
(ground Wed: 10:00am - 12:00pm
floor) 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Fri: 10:00am 12:00pm

Studierenden- Mon to
Central Mannheim https://www.stw-
werk 0621/49072-333 Thu: 10:00am 3:30pm
Mensa Postfach 103037
Mannheim Fri: 10:00am 2:30pm
68030 Mannheim


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