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These cards represent important people who live in Dunwich,

Kingsport, or Innsmouth who have been driven mad by seeing
An excerpt from the Arkham Advertiser: The King in Yellow. The Blight cards in Miskatonic Horror
are only used when The King in Yellow (from the tHe king in
Professor Christine Krosnowski has been released into the custody of Yellow expansion ) is the Herald and at least one expansion
Miskatonic Universitys School of Medicine after being observed by mental game board (Dunwich, Kingsport, or Innsmouth) is in play.
health specialists for several days. Students and faculty alike were stunned
when Miss Krosnowski, a Poetry and Literature instructor at Miskatonic for
six years, was found on campus, warning of an impending doom and suffering
6 Blessings of Nodens Cards
from strange cuts and bruises. The Blessings of Nodens deck is used when Nodens (from
the kingsPort Horror expansion) is the Guardian. It gives
Dr. Allen Halsey, the Dean of Miskatonics medical school stated, Christine's
Blessed investigators an additional benefit.
case is unique and requires a rare kind of understanding. She has received
excellent care thus far, but we believe that the real help she needs to confront
her fears is here, within the walls of Miskatonic. 16 Visions Of Hypnos Cards
In the Miskatonic Horror expansion, investigators will discover that the The Visions of Hypnos deck is used when Hypnos (from the
world holds more darkness and mystery than ever imagined! The teachers at kingsPort Horror expansion) is the Guardian. It increases
Miskatonic University have faced true madness and horror. They've explored the rate at which Clue tokens appear on the board and the odds
the nightmares that lie hidden in the towns of Dunwich, Kingsport, and of helpful encounters occurring.
Innsmouth. They've seen the evil that endures as result of the Dark Pharaoh
of ancient Egypt and from the wicked play, "The King in Yellow." They
know that both the Cult of the Black Goat and the strange being known as
24 Cult Encounter Cards
the Lurker at the Threshold truly exist and threaten humanity's survival. Heed The Cult Encounter deck consists of special encounters that
their lessons well, because your ability to stand against true cosmic horror is investigators can draw if they have a One of the Thousand
about to be put to the test! Cult Membership and are in an appropriate location for nefari-
ous cult activity. These cards are used only when playing with
Most of the components included in the Miskatonic Horror expansion the tHe Black goat of tHe wooDs expansion.
are designed to supplement those found in the other arkHaM Horror
expansions. The more expansions that players have available to them,
the more of the components in this expansion they will be able to use.
6 Relationship Cards
The Relationship deck consists of cards that represent the ef-
Component Overview fect on two investigators resulting from their history together
and their attitude toward each other. These cards are only
The following are summary descriptions of the various components included used when playing with the tHe lurker at tHe tHresHolD
in the Miskatonic Horror expansion. expansion and only in games with two or more players.

7 Skill Cards 8 Miskatonic Student Cards

Skill cards represent an investigators abilities. Each Skill card Miskatonic Student cards indicate that an investigator is acquiring
in Miskatonic Horror grants an investigator special abili- an education from Miskatonic University. When an investigator
ties relating to one of the other arkHaM Horror expansions. gains this card, he gains the benefits of the "Miskatonic Student"
Skill cards are rare and expensive to acquire. side. He may later flip it over to the "Miskatonic Alumnus" side
and gain the benefits listed there. These card are used only when
9 Exhibit Encounter Cards using the Miskatonic University institution sheet.
Exhibit Encounter cards represent events that occur as investiga-
tors pursue the lost treasures of the "Legacy of the Pharaohs" 56 Gate Cards
exhibit. They are drawn when an investigator is in the same street These cards represent encounters investigators experi-
area as the Ancient Whispers marker during his Arkham Encoun- ence as they journey through the Other Worlds. Unlike
ters Phase. These cards are used only when playing with the tHe Location cards, there is only one deck of Gate cards.
curse of tHe Dark PHaraoH (reviseD eDition) expansion. Each of these cards has one or more expansion icons on
it to indicate which expansions are required to include
5 Exhibit Items that card in the game.
Exhibit Item cards represent ancient Egyptian artifacts brought to
Arkham as part of the Legacy of the Pharaohs museum exhibit. 43 Mythos Cards
They are similar to Unique Items, but have no monetary value and These cards depict major events in the game. One
can only be gained through Arkham, Other World, and Exhibit mythos card is drawn at the beginning of each Mythos
encounters. These cards are used only when playing with the tHe Phase, and that card has several effects. Mythos cards de-
curse of tHe Dark PHaraoH (reviseD eDition) expansion. termine where and when new gates and monsters appear,
where monsters already in play move, and where new
12 Injuries Cards clues appear. Each mythos card also has a special game
The Injury deck consists of cards that may be drawn when effect that may help or hinder the investigators.
an investigator is reduced to 0 Stamina. These cards are used
only when playing with the DunwicH Horror expansion. 60 Dunwich Location Cards
The Dunwich Location cards work just like the Arkham
Location cards, but describe encounters that take place
12 Madness Cards in the various Dunwich locations. These cards are used
The Madness deck consists of cards that may be drawn when only when playing with the DunwicH Horror expan-
an investigator is reduced to 0 Sanity. These cards are used sion. Some of these cards have a second expansion icon
only when playing with the DunwicH Horror expansion. printed on them, indicating that an additional expansion
is required to use them.

6 Dunwich Horror Cards 3 Institution Sheets
The Dunwich Horror cards form a deck that is placed These sheets represent organizations that can
near the Dunwich game board. These cards are used when provide valuable help to investigators, but often
an investigator attempts to combat the Dunwich Horror. will require some resource be paid to them in
These cards are used only when playing with the DunwicH return. These sheets are only used with the "In-
Horror expansion. stitutions" variant described later in these rules.

4 Act Cards
These four cards are used to track the progression of
4 Player Reference Sheets
Arkhams demise as the play The King in Yellow drives the Each of these sheets provides players with
citys population insane. Once the last Act card has entered information about the game that changes
play the investigators immediately lose the game. The Act based upon the number of players, including
Cards provided in the Miskatonic Horror expansion are adjustments for which expansion game boards
used only when playing with the tHe king in Yellow expansion and they are are being used. The information listed on each
used in place of the Act cards provided in the tHe king in Yellow expansion. sheet includes: the number of open gates that
will awaken the Ancient One, the monster limit, the maximum number of
80 Kingsport Location Cards monsters that can be in the Outskirts, and the number of monsters drawn
from the monster cup whenever a monster appears.
The Kingsport Location cards work just like the Arkham
Location cards, but describe encounters that take place
in the various Kingsport locations. These cards are used
38 Agent Tokens
only when playing with the kingsPort Horror expan- The Agent tokens represent members of the Bureau of Investigations
sion. Some of these cards have a second expansion icon who watch over street areas to prevent monsters from roaming free.
printed on them, indicating that an additional expansion Agent tokens are only used when using the Bureau of Investigations
is required to use them. institution sheet.

8 Epic Battle Cards 3 Expedition Markers

These cards are used to provide even more drama and Expedition markers represent a team of Miskatonic Univer-
excitement when battling the Ancient One. Miskatonic sity specialists who have relocated to a different city (either
Horror introduces two new types of Epic Battle cards, Dunwich, Kingsport, or Innsmouth). Their studies of these other
Battle Conditions and Battle Events, which represent out- cities allow investigators to travel between cities quickly, to ac-
side forces that affect the final battle. These cards are only cess the rare books possessed by the University, and to pursue their education
used with the Epic Battle variant (from the kingsPort through the use of Miskatonic Student cards. Expedition markers are only
Horror expansion). used when using the Miskatonic University institution sheet.

60 Innsmouth Location Cards Expansion Icons

The Innsmouth Location cards work just like the Arkham All cards and sheets from the Miskatonic Horror expansion are marked
Location cards, but describe encounters that take place with one or more symbols to indicate which expansions, if any, are necessary to
in the various Innsmouth locations. These cards are used use that particular component. Each expansion symbol in Miskatonic Hor-
only when playing with the innsMoutH Horror expan- ror is printed in tan to distinguish cards in this expansion from those in other
sion. Some of these cards have a second expansion icon expansions (which are printed in black). The expansion icons are as follows:
printed on them, indicating that an additional expansion
A component marked with the Miskatonic Horror icon may be
is required to use them.
used with just the base arkHaM Horror game as well as with any
5 Innsmouth Look Cards combination of other expansions.

The Innsmouth Look cards are used to represent the hid- A component marked with this icon requires the tHe curse of tHe
den ancestry of investigators who venture into the small Dark PHaraoH (reviseD eDition) expansion to use.
fishing village, potentially transforming the investigator A component marked with this icon requires the DunwicH Horror
into a deep one. These cards are used only when playing expansion to use.
with the innsMoutH Horror expansion.
A component marked with this icon requires the tHe king in
Yellow expansion to use.
14 Reckoning Cards A component marked with this icon requires the kingsPort Horror
Reckoning cards represent the capricious and often cruel expansion to use.
effects the Lurker at the Threshold has upon those who
A component marked with this icon requires the tHe Black goat
have entered into a Dark Pact with him. Reckoning cards
of tHe wooDs expansion to use.
are only used when The Lurker at the Threshold (from the
tHe lurker at tHe tHresHolD expansion ) is the Herald. A component marked with this icon requires the innsMoutH Horror
expansion to use.
1 Dunwich Horror Herald Sheet A component marked with this icon requires the tHe lurker at tHe
tHresHolD expansion to use.
This sheet represents a powerful supernatural
entity that is preparing the way for the Ancient
One. This sheet is only used when using both the
Dunwich Horror "Herald" variant and the Dun-
wicH Horror expansion.

Integrating the Expansion with the If you are using the The Lurker at the Threshold herald sheet, shuffle all
of the new Reckoning cards into the Reckoning deck. If you are not using
Base Game and Other Expansions the The Lurker at the Threshold herald, return the new Reckoning cards to
the box.
Before using Miskatonic Horror, perform the following steps:
If you are not using the The Lurker at the Threshold expansion,
1. Shuffle the new mythos cards into the mythos deck. return all the new Relationship cards to the box.
Take all of the new Skill, Gate, Dunwich Location, Kingsport Location,
and Innsmouth Location cards that have the expansion icons of expan- Alternate Setup Rules
sions that are not being used and return them to the box. Shuffle all the Instead of sorting through the cards before each game, players may simply
remaining new Skill, Gate, Dunwich Location, Kingsport Location, and wish to shuffle all the new cards of each type that is being used in the game
Innsmouth Location cards into their respective decks. into their respective decks (with the exception of new Act cards which
2. If you are using the The Curse of the Dark Pharaoh (Revised replace the Act cards found in the The King in Yellow expansion). During
Edition) expansion, shuffle the new Exhibit Encounter and Exhibit Item the game, players should simply disregard any card that is drawn that has the
cards into their respective decks. If you are not using the The Curse of expansion icon for an expansion that is not being used, returning the card to
the Dark Pharaoh (Revised Edition) expansion, return all the new the box and drawing another of the same type to replace it.
Exhibit Encounter and Exhibit Item cards to the box.
Note: Miskatonic Horror is designed to be used with the revised Expansion Setup
edition of The Curse of the Dark Pharaoh. If using the original When playing with the Miskatonic Horror expansion, perform the normal
edition of The Curse of the Dark Pharaoh (that is, if the expansion setup of the game as instructed in the Arkham Horror rulebook, with the
does not say Revised Edition on the lid of the box), use only the new following additions and changes (numbered to correspond with the base
Exhibit Item cards. All other cards marked with the The Curse of the game's numbered setup steps).
Dark Pharaoh (Revised Edition) expansion icon, including the new
Exhibit Encounters and all cards that have the The Curse of the Dark 1. Prepare Playing Area
Pharaoh (Revised Edition) expansion icon from among the new Skill,
Place the player reference sheet that corresponds to the number of investiga-
Gate, Dunwich Location, Kingsport Location, and Innsmouth Location
tors next to the game board.
cards, should be returned to the box.
3. If you are using the Dunwich Horror expansion, shuffle the new Injury, 6. Separate Decks
Madness, and Dunwich Horror cards into their respective decks. If you
When using the The King in Yellow expansion, during the 6c step of setup
are not using the Dunwich Horror expansion, return all the new Injury,
in that expansion's rules, take the 4 new Act cards and place them facedown
Madness, and Dunwich Horror cards to the box.
in a pile next to the mythos deck. The cards are stacked in the following or-
4. If you are using the The King in Yellow expansion, return the Act der, from top to bottom: Overture, Act I, Act II, Act III. Then turn the Over-
cards from the The King in Yellow expansion to the box and use the ture card (which should be on top) over and place it next to the Act deck. The
Act cards from the Miskatonic Horror expansion instead. (Note: when Overture card starts the game in play and remains so unless a different Act
using the new Act cards, do not remove the "The Next Act Begins!" card is sitting on top of it.
mythos cards from the mythos deck.)
If you are using the The King in Yellow herald sheet, take all of the new Expansion Rules
Blight cards that have the expansion icons of expansions that are not being These rules are used in addition to those in Arkham Horror and all of its
used and return them to the box. Shuffle all the remaining Blight cards expansions when playing with the Miskatonic Horror expansion.
into the Blight deck. If you are not using the The King in Yellow herald,
return the new Blight cards to the box.
Injury and Madness
If you are not using the The King in Yellow expansion, return all the Using the Injury and Madness and injury cards in the Dunwich Horror
new Act cards to the box. expansion, if a player ever acquired 2 of the same Injury or Madness cards,
5. If you are using the Hypnos guardian sheet from the Kingsport Horror he was devoured. Each of the new Injury cards in the Miskatonic Horror
expansion, take all of the new Visions of Hypnos cards that have the expansion corresponds to one of the Madness cards from Dunwich Horror
expansion icons of expansions that are not being used and return them to expansion. If a player ever has one of the new Injury cards at the same time
the box. Shuffle all the remaining Visions of Hypnos cards into the as its corresponding Madness card, his investigator is devoured.
Visions of Hypnos deck. If you are not using the Hypnos guardian, return Similarly, each of the new Madness cards in the Miskatonic Horror
the new Visions of Hypnos cards to the box. expansion corresponds to one of the Injury cards from Dunwich Horror
If you are using the Nodens guardian sheet, shuffle all of the new Bless- expansion. If a player ever has one of the new Madness cards at the same
ings of Nodens cards into the Blessings of Nodens deck. If you are not time as its corresponding Injury card, his investigator is devoured.
using the Nodens guardian, return the new Blessings of Nodens cards to
Note that Rita Young's "Resilient" ability prevents her from being devoured
the box.
when she has either a new Injury card and its corresponding Madness card at
If you are using the Epic Battle variant, shuffle the new green Epic Battle the same time or a new Madness card and its corresponding Injury card at the
cards and the new red Epic Battle cards into their respective decks. If you same time.
are not using the Epic Battle variant, return the new Epic Battle cards to
the box. Blight Cards
6. If you are using the The Black Goat of the Woods expansion, shuffle When determining whether or not to ignore an encounter because it mentions
the new Cult Encounter cards into the Cult Encounter deck. If you are not a person who appears on a Blight card that is in play, the encounter must
using the The Black Goat of the Woods expansion, return all the mention the person by name. For instance, if an encounter at First National
new Cult Encounter cards to the box. Grocery mentions the young manager, but does not specifically mention the
7. If you are using the Innsmouth Horror expansion, shuffle the new name, "Brian Burnham," do not ignore the encounter. Additionally, if an
Innsmouth Look cards into the Innsmouth Look deck. If you are not encounter mentions the name of a person who appears on a Blight card that is
using the Innsmouth Horror expansion, return all the new Innsmouth in play, but is not actually referring to the person, do not ignore that encoun-
Look to the box. ter. For example, if an encounter mentions Joe Sargent's Bus Service, but is
not referring to Joe Sargent, the encounter is not ignored.
8. If you are using the The Lurker at the Threshold expansion, shuffle
the new Relationship cards into the Relationship deck.

New Epic Battle Cards Types Gameplay
The new Epic Battle cards introduce two new types of Epic Battle cards, This variant uses all of the standard rules and victory conditions, and
Battle Events and Battle Conditions. Battle Events represent things that hap- adds the rules listed on the Dunwich Horror herald sheet:
pen during the Final Battle outside of the attacks of the investigators and the The Dunwich Horror track starts out with 1 token on it at the start of the game
Ancient One. Their effects are immediately resolved and an additional Epic and 1 additional token is placed on it when the terror level reaches 3, 6, and 9.
Battle card is immediately drawn. This is in addition to the normal conditions under which tokens are added to it.
Battle Conditions represent ongoing phenomena that affect the Final Battle. The Dunwich Horror is considered to have a circle dimensional symbol as well
When a Battle Condition Epic Battle card is drawn it is placed face up near as a moon dimensional symbol, but only for purposes of movement. It cannot
the Epic Battle deck and the effects listed on it remain in play for the rest be banished or pulled through a gate because of this symbol.
of the game. After a Battle Condition Epic Battle card is drawn and put into When the Dunwich Horror moves, it adds 1 doom token to the Ancient Ones
play, an additional Epic Battle card is immediately drawn. doom track on a 26 instead of a 46.

Mythos Cards with Alternate Gates If Yog-Sothoth is the Ancient One, and he awakens while the Dunwich Horror
is on the board, Yog-Sothoths combat modifier increases by 3 (to 8) and he
Many of the mythos cards in the Miskatonic Hor- has 5 extra doom tokens placed on his doom track (for a total of 17).
ror expansion have an alternate gate. When a player is
resolving the opening of a gate that has an alternate gate,
the gate opens in the upper of the two locations indi-
Institution Variant
cated on the card and the lower location is disregarded. In this variant, powerful organizations know as Institutions can provide help
However, if the upper location is on one of the expansion for investigators in exchange for resources that are acquired over the course
game boards that is not in play, the gate opens in the of the game. Institutions are similar to Heralds and Guardians, and players
A mythos card with
an alternate gate. lower of the two locations indicated instead. may choose to play with any combination of Heralds, Guardians, and Institu-
tions. However, players should generally limit themselves to one of each type
Similarly, the mythos cards in Miskatonic Horror may instruct players to at most.
place a Clue token in a location that is on an expansion game board that is
not in play. If so, simply disregard the placement of that Clue token. In a case
where the mythos card instructs players to place a Clue token in one location
or another, place the Clue token in the first location, if possible, and disregard Set up the arkHaM Horror base board game as normal, performing
the second. If the first location mentioned is on an expansion game board that the following additional steps during Step 5.
is not being used, place the Clue token in the second location instead. 5a. Take one institution sheet, either drawn randomly or chosen by the
players, and place it to the right of the Ancient One sheet (or, if a
Gate Bursts Guardian is being used, place it to the right of the Guardian sheet).
Certain mythos cards have their Gate location colored
red. This coloration indicates a Gate burst. A card with Gameplay
a Gate burst works exactly the same as a normal mythos This variant uses all of the standard rules and victory conditions, and
card, unless the listed Gate location has an elder sign adds the rules listed on the institution sheet.
token on it, in which case the Gate bursts open, caus-
ing the elder sign token at that location to be removed
from the board. A Gate then opens at that location and a
An alternate gate with
monster appears there as usual. However, a doom token Game Design: Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson
a Gate burst.
is not placed on the Ancient Ones doom track when a Expansion Design: Tim Uren
seal is burst open by a Gate burst. Also, the bursting of a seal does not cause Editing: Benjamin Marshalkowski
a monster surge. Note that when resolving a mythos card with an alternate Graphic Design: Brian Schomburg and Dallas Mehlhoff
gate, a Gate burst only occurs in the lower location if the upper location is Cover Illustration: Anders Finr
on an expansion game board that is not being used. If the upper location is in Other illustrations were created by the artists of Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game.
play, the Gate burst is resolved for that location only. Playtesters: Andrew Meredith, Patricia Meredith, and Brian Mola
Art Direction: Zo Robinson
Additionally, whenever a Gate burst is drawn, all ying monsters move, Production Manager: Eric Knight
regardless of their dimensional symbol. FFG Lead Designer: Corey Konieczka
FFG Lead Producer: Michael Hurley
Dunwich Horror Herald Variant Publisher: Christian T. Petersen
In this variant, the Dunwich Horror, a powerful and malevolent being, 2011 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced with-
has appeared to prepare the way for the Ancient One. This variant out specific permission. Published under license from Skotos Tech. Call of Cthulhu is a trademark of
Chaosium, Inc., licensed from Chaosium, Inc. Arkham Horror, Miskatonic Horror, Curse of the Dark
increases the difficulty of the game and makes use of the Dunwich Pharaoh, Curse of the Dark Pharaoh (Revised Edition), Dunwich Horror, The King in Yellow, Kingsport
Horror herald sheet. Horror, The Black Goat of the Woods, Innsmouth Horror, The Lurker at the Threshold, Fantasy Flight
Games, Fantasy Flight Supply, and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy

Flight Games is located at 1975 West County Road B2, Suite 1, Roseville, Minnesota, 55113, USA, and can
be reached by telephone at 651-639-1905. Retain this information for your records. Actual components may
vary from those shown. Made in China.
Set up the arkHaM Horror base board game as normal, performing www.fantasYfligHtgaMes.coM
the following additional steps during Step 5.
5a. Place the Dunwich Horror herald sheet to the left of the Ancient
One sheet. When the Dunwich Horror is the Herald, place 1 Dunwich
Horror token on the Dunwich Horror track at the start of the game.
Note: You must play with the Dunwich expansion game board to use
this Herald.

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