The Alexandrian Three Clue Rule
The Alexandrian Three Clue Rule
The Alexandrian Three Clue Rule
Open Game License
Here’s a typical example:
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When the PCs approach a murder scene they don’t search outside
the house, so they never find the wolf tracks which transform into the
tracks of a human. They fail the Search check to find the hidden love Search
letters, so they never realize that both women were being courted by Twitter
the same man. They find the broken crate reading DANNER’S
Lead Developer MEATS, but rather than going back to check on the local butcher they
Print Edition - PDF Edition spoke to earlier they decide to go stake out the nearest meat
processing plant instead.
As a result of problems like these, many people reach an erroneous
conclusion: Mystery scenarios in RPGs are a bad idea. In a typical
murder mystery, for example, the protagonist is a brilliant detective.
The players are probably not brilliant detectives. Therefore, mysteries
are impossible.
Or, as someone else once put it to me: “The players are not Sherlock
Although the conclusion is incorrect, there’s an element of truth in
this. For example, in A Study in Scarlet, Sherlock Holmes is
investigating the scene of a murder. He discovers a small pile of
ashes in the corner of the room. He studies them carefully and is able
to conclude that the ashes have come from a Trichinopoly cigar.
Now, let’s analyze how this relatively minor example of Holmesian
deduction would play out at the game table:
(1) The players would need to successfully search the room.
(2) They would need to care enough about the ashes to examine
Author them.
PDF Edition (3) They would need to succeed at a skill check to identify them.
(4) They would need to use that knowledge to reach the correct
That’s four potential points of failure: The PCs could fail to search the
room (either because the players don’t think to do it or because their
skill checks were poor). The PCs could fail to examine the ashes
(because they don’t think them important). The PCs could fail the skill
check to identify them. The PCs could fail to make the correct
If correctly understanding this clue is, in fact, essential to the
adventure proceeding — if, for example, the PCs need to go to the
City Supplement 1: Dweredell nearest specialty cigar shop and start asking questions — then the
City Supplement 2: Aerie clue serves as chokepoint: Either the PCs understand the clue or the
City Supplement 3: Anyoc PCs slam into a wall.
Rule Supplement 1: Mounted Chokepoints in adventure design are always a big problem and need
Combat to be avoided, but we can see that when it comes to a mystery
Adventure: Complex of Zombies scenario the problem is much worse: Each clue is not just one
Adventure: The Black Mist chokepoint, it’s actually multiple chokepoints.
Spells of Light and Darkness So the solution here is simple: Remove the chokepoints.
Mythos Audio Library: Call of THE BREAD CRUMB TRAIL
Cthulhu 1/12
10/1/2019 The Alexandrian » Three Clue Rule
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10/1/2019 The Alexandrian » Three Clue Rule
Whenever you’re designing a mystery scenario, you should invariably NthDegree256 on The
follow the Three Clue Rule: Fudging Corollary:
For any conclusion you want the PCs to make, include at least three Not All Dice Rolls Are
clues. Mechanics
Why three? Because the PCs will probably miss the first; ignore the uriele on The Fudging
second; and misinterpret the third before making some incredible Corollary: Not All Dice
leap of logic that gets them where you wanted them to go all along. Rolls Are Mechanics
I’m kidding, of course. But if you think of each clue as a plan (the PCs
will find A, conclude B, and go to C), then when you have three clues
you’ve not only got a plan — you’ve also got two backup plans. And
when you realize that your plans never survive contact with the
players, the need for those backup plans becomes clear.
In a best case scenario, of course, the players will find all three clues.
There’s nothing wrong with that. They can use those clues to confirm
their suspicions and reinforce their conclusions (just like Sherlock
In a worst case scenario, they should be able to use at least one of
these clues to reach the right conclusion and keep the adventure
And here’s an important tip: There are no exceptions to the Three
Clue Rule.
“But Justin!” I hear you say. “This clue is really obvious. There is no
way the players won’t figure it out.”
In my experience, you’re probably wrong. For one thing, you’re the
one designing the scenario. You already know what the solution to
the mystery is. This makes it very difficult for you to objectively judge
whether something is obvious or not.
And even if you’re right, so what? Having extra clues isn’t going to
cause any problems. Why not be safe rather than sorry?
If you think about it in a broader sense, the Three Clue Rule is
actually a good idea to keep in mind when you’re designing any
Richard Garriott, the designer of the Ultima computer games and
Tabula Rasa, once said that his job as a game designer was to make
sure that at least one solution to a problem was possible without
preventing the player from finding other solutions on their own. For
example, if you find a locked door in an Ultima game then there will
be a key for that door somewhere. But you could also hack your way
through it; or pick the lock; or pull a cannon up to it and blow it away. 3/12
10/1/2019 The Alexandrian » Three Clue Rule
As you begin layering these Three Clue Rule techniques, you’ll find
that your scenarios become even more robust. For example, let’s
take a murder mystery in which the killer is a werewolf who seeks out
his ex-lovers. We come up with three possible ways to identify the
(1) Patrol the streets of the small town on the night of the full moon.
(2) Identify the victims as all being former lovers of the same man.
(3) Go to the local butcher shop where the killer works and find his
confessions of nightmare and sin written in blood on the walls of the
back room.
For each of these conclusions (he’s a werewolf; he’s a former lover;
we should check out the butcher shop) we’ll need three clues.
HE’S A WEREWOLF: Tracks that turn from wolf paw prints to human
footprints. Over-sized claw marks on the victims. One of the victims
owned a handgun loaded with silver bullets.
HE’S A FORMER LOVER: Love letters written by the same guy. A
diary written by one victim describing how he cheated on her with
another victim. Pictures of the same guy either on the victims or kept
in their houses somewhere.
CHECK OUT THE BUTCHER SHOP: A broken crate reading
DANNER’S MEATS at one of the crime scenes. A note saying “meet
me at the butcher shop” crumpled up and thrown in a wastepaper
basket. A jotted entry saying “meet P at butcher shop” in the day
planner of one of the victims.
And just like that you’ve created a scenario with nine different paths
to success. And if you keep your mind open to the idea of “more
clues are always better” as you’re designing the adventure, you’ll find
even more opportunities. For example, how trivial would it be to drop
a reference to the butcher shop into one of those love letters? Or to
fill that diary with half-mad charcoal sketches of wolves?
The fun part of all this is, once you’ve given yourself permission to
include lots of clues, you’ve given yourself the opportunity to include
some really esoteric and subtle clues. If the players figure them out,
then they’ll feel pretty awesome for having done so. If they don’t
notice them or don’t understand them, that’s OK, too: You’ve got
plenty of other clues for them to pursue (and once they do solve the
mystery, they’ll really enjoy looking back at those esoteric clues and
understanding what they meant).
The maxim “more clues are always better” is an important one. There
is a natural impulse when designing a mystery, I think, to hold back
information. This is logical inclination: After all, a mystery is
essentially defined by a lack of information. And there’s a difference
between having lots of clues and having the murderer write his home
address in blood on the wall.
But the desire to hold back information does more harm than good, I
think. Whenever you hold back a piece of information, you are
essentially closing off a path towards potential success. This goes
back to Garriott’s advice: Unless there’s some reason why the door
should be cannon-proof, the player should be rewarded for their
clever thinking. Or, to put it another way: Just because you shouldn’t
leave the key to a locked door laying on the floor in front of the door,
it doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be multiple ways to get past the
locked door.
With that in mind, you should consciously open yourself to permissive
clue-finding. By this I mean that, if the players come up with a clever
approach to their investigation, you should be open to the idea of
giving them useful information as a result.
Here’s another way of thinking about it: Don’t treat the list of clues
you came up with during your prep time as a straitjacket. Instead,
think of that prep work as your safety net.
I used to get really attached to a particularly clever solution when I
would design it. I would emotionally invest in the idea of my players
discovering this clever solution that I had designed. As a result, I
would tend to veto other potential solutions the players came up with
— after all, if those other solutions worked they would never discover
the clever solution I had come up with.
Over time, I’ve learned that it’s actually a lot more fun when the
players surprise me. It’s the same reason I avoid fudging dice rolls to
preserve whatever dramatic conceit I came up with. As a result, I now
tend to think of my predesigned solution as a worst case scenario —
the safety net that snaps into place when my players fail to come up
with anything more interesting.
In order to be open to permissive clue-finding you first have to
understand the underlying situation. (Who is the werewolf? How did
he kill this victim? Why did he kill them? When did he kill them?)
Then embrace the unexpected ideas and approaches the PCs will
have, and lean on the permissive side when deciding whether or not
they can find a clue you had never thought about before.
A.K.A. Bash Them On the Head With It.
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the players will work
themselves into a dead-end: They don’t know what the clues mean or
they’re ignoring the clues or they’ve used the clues to reach an
incorrect conclusion and are now heading in completely the wrong
direction. (When I’m using the Three Clue Rule, I find this will most
often happen when the PCs don’t realize that there’s actually a
mystery that needs to be solved — not every mystery is as obvious
as a dead body, after all.)
This is when having a backup plan is useful. The problem in this
scenario is that the PCs are being too passive — either because they
don’t have the information they need or because they’re using the
information in the wrong way. The solution, therefore, is to have
something active happen to them.
Raymond Chandler’s advice for this kind of impasse was, “Have a
guy with a gun walk through the door.” 4/12
10/1/2019 The Alexandrian » Three Clue Rule
My typical fallback is in the same vein: The bad guy finds out they’re
the ones investigating the crime and sends someone to kill them or
bribe them.
Another good one is “somebody else dies”. Or, in a more general
sense, “the next part of the bad guy’s plan happens”. This has the
effect of proactively creating a new location or event for the PCs to
interact with.
The idea with all of these, of course, is not simply “have something
happen”. You specifically want to have the event give them a new
clue (or, better yet, multiple clues) that they can follow up on.
In a worst case scenario, though, you can design a final “Get Out of
Jail Free” card that you can use to bring the scenario to a satisfactory
close no matter how badly the PCs get bolloxed up. For example, in
our werewolf mystery — if the PCs get completely lost — you could
simply have the werewolf show up and try to kill them (because he
thinks they’re “getting too close”). This is usually less than
satisfactory, but at least it gets you out of a bad situation. It’s the final
backup when all other backups have failed.
Red herrings are a classic element of the mystery genre: All the
evidence points towards X, but its a red herring! The real murderer is
When it comes to designing a scenario for an RPG, however, red
herrings are overrated. I’m not going to go so far as to say that you
should never use them, but I will go so far as to say that you should
only use them with extreme caution.
There are two reasons for this: 5/12
10/1/2019 The Alexandrian » Three Clue Rule
of “writing out your revelations ahead of time” is an excellent one. As
Robbins says, this “should be a checklist or a trigger, not the whole
What I recommend is listing each conclusion you want the players to
reach. Under each conclusion, list every clue that might lead them to
that conclusion. (This can also serve as a good design checklist to
make sure you’ve got enough clues supporting every conclusion.) As
the PCs receive the clues, check them off. (This lets you see, at a
glance, if there are areas where the PCs are missing too many
Finally, listen carefully to what the players are saying to each other.
When they’ve actually reached a particular conclusion, you can check
the whole conclusion off your list. (Be careful not to check it off as
soon as they consider it as a possibility. Only check it off once they’ve
actually concluded that it’s true.)
If you see that too many clues for a conclusion are being missed, or
that all the clues have been found but the players still haven’t figured
it out, then you’ll know it’s probably time to start thinking about new
clues that can be worked into the adventure.
Basically, what all of this boils down to is simple: Plan multiple paths
to success. Encourage player ingenuity. Give yourself a failsafe.
And remember the Three Clue Rule:
For any conclusion you want the PCs to make, include at least three
Don’t Prep Plots
Node-Based Scenario Design
Gamemastery 101
Filed under: Roleplaying Games Comments (66) Article tags: gumshoe, random gm
tips, scenario design, three clue rule
66 Responses to “Three Clue Rule” 6/12
10/1/2019 The Alexandrian » Three Clue Rule
4. Porthos says:
GREAT read. This will definitely help me running games. Thanks for
taking the time to think it through and write it up!
February 4th, 2011 - 4:02 pm
5. The Three Clue Rule | Jasper's Rantings says:
[…] just wanted a hard link reference to this article concerning
running mysteries in RPGs. The Three Clue Rule This entry was
posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ← Order of
the Stick […]
March 2nd, 2011 - 6:48 pm
6. Jason says:
So, how would one go about scaling this principle up, so to speak?
Say the whole campaign is based on several layers of secrets and
conspiracies that the players are supposed to unravel.
In my case, it’s two big factions of divine-level bad guys that are
fighting against each other. One side is commonly thought to be the
altruistic gods of the world, and they have devoted a lot of effort to
hide the very existence of the other side (the actual gods, who’ve
gone completely insane during their imprisonment). Would trying to
drop hints about both revelations at once be asking for a train wreck?
Would I be better off guiding the group toward solving only one part of
the mystery at a time? Or would I be inviting even more trouble
presenting the big mystery in discrete chunks due to players thinking
the first part was the whole story, or worse that the second part
means the first was simply wrong?
November 23rd, 2011 - 5:33 pm
8. Glenn P. says:
Three-Clue Rule??? Only THREE???
Ha! I suggest SEVEN!!!
April 2nd, 2012 - 3:15 pm
9. Eric says:
I really appreciate you writing this article – I always had such a hard
time running any kind of “mystery” adventure, because clues I
thought were obvious or at most challenging proved impossible, and
PCs just ended up going to an inn and starting a brawl until I made
the bad guy walk in.
July 18th, 2012 - 4:06 pm 8/12
10/1/2019 The Alexandrian » Three Clue Rule
21. Miscellany | Department V says:
[…] the Three Clue Rule from The Alexandrian, a GUMSHOE […]
May 3rd, 2014 - 6:22 am 9/12
10/1/2019 The Alexandrian » Three Clue Rule
37. The Evil They Do – Strange Flight says:
[…] technique for this is to use a variation of The Three Clue Rule :
(for every conclusion you wish the players to reach you need to
provide at least three clues that […]
March 27th, 2016 - 4:21 am 11/12
10/1/2019 The Alexandrian » Three Clue Rule
[…] and. This is a fumble, critical failure, or similar. Here’s where The
Alexandrian’s Three Clue Rule becomes critical as it can avoid the
impassible roadblock. So still resolve the disaster of action […]
October 10th, 2018 - 10:08 pm
59. Dungeon Masters, Instead of Plots, Prepare Secrets, Clues, and
Leads | DMDavid says:
[…] Blogger and game designer Justin Alexander has a rule for giving
clues: […]
October 30th, 2018 - 6:01 am
60. Kryminalne zagadki Novigradu – scenariusz do FAE – Castelviator
[…] starałem się uwzględnić rady ze znakomitego bloga The
Alexandrian, w szczególności tego i tego tekstu, a także chęć
zapewnienia graczom możliwie dużej swobody […]
December 16th, 2018 - 4:31 pm
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