TANCA Information
TANCA Information
TANCA Information
1 G E N E R AL S T R U C T U R E O F P . G . P R O G R AM M E S
Duration of Full-Time PG programmes is 4 semesters (2 years) while that of Part-Time programmes is
6 semesters (3 years).
2. 1 Ful l - Ti m e
Candidates admitted under Full-Time should be available in the departments during working hours
for the curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Candidates should not attend any other Full-Time Programme(s) / Course(s) or take up any Full-
Time Job / Part-Time Job in any institution or company during the period of the programme.
Violation of the above rules will result in termination from programme.
2. 2 Part - Ti m e
Part-Time candidates will not be permitted to convert to Full-Time Mode during the course of study.
The Government of Tamil Nadu in G.O. (D) No. 302, Higher Education (J2) Department, dated
2 3 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 have nominated Anna University, Chennai-25 as its nodal agency for the conduct of
Tamil Nadu Common Admissions (T AN C A ) through single window counselling for M.E. / M.Tech.
/ M.Arch. / M.Plan. degree programmes offered at
(i) University Departments / Regional Campuses of Anna University / University Colleges.
(ii) Government and Government Aided Engineering Colleges
(iii) Self-financing Engineering Colleges ( for the seats surrendered by them for the single
window counselling)
(A) Candidates who have passed all the subjects in the recognised Bachelors Degree or equivalent
field and obtained at least 50 % (45 % in the case of candidates belonging to reserved categories)
in the qualifying degree examination as per AICTE norms are eligible.
Further, the candidates shall possess
i) T A N C E T 2017 mark
ii) G A T E 2015 / 2016 / 2017 qualified score in the appropriate discipline of Engineering /
iii) G A T E 2015 / 2016 / 2017 qualified score in Engineering Science (X E) and Life Science
(X L) papers along with T A N C E T 2017 mark.
Note 1: Eligibility qualifications for admission to various programmes are given in Annexure I.
Note 2: A candidate is considered GATE 2015 / 2016 / 2017 qualified, if the marks secured are greater than
or equal to the qualifying marks mentioned respectively for the category in the GATE 2015 / 2016 /
2017 score card.
Note 3: If a candidate claims that the educational qualification possessed by him / her (though not the
same as prescribed eligible qualification) is equivalent to the eligible qualification prescribed in
Annexure I, he / she should obtain the Equivalency Certificate from the Director, Academic
Courses, Anna University, Chennai on or before the last date prescribed for registration of the
online application. However, the claim would be subject to the decision of the admitting authority.
(B) Candidates of the following categories may also apply for admission:
(i) Candidates appeared for the final semester / year examination of the qualifying degree
programmes during April / May 2017, except A.M.I.E. The candidates should produce an
evidence of having passed all the subjects in the qualifying degree examination at the time of
counselling, failing which the candidates will not be permitted to attend the counselling. Copy of
results downloaded from internet is permitted only when it is attested by the Principal.
(ii) Candidates with Section A & B certificates (e.g. A.M.I.E.) of the Institution of Engineers and
other similar certificates of various professional bodies viz., Aeronautical Society of India etc.,
recognised by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India and enrolled
before 31.5.2013 are considered to be equivalent to B.E./ B.Tech degree holders for admission to
M.E./ M.Tech. degree programmes subject to the following conditions (a), (b) & (c)
a) Candidates should have studied 10 + 2 years Higher Secondary. + AMIE (with 2 years
experience) (or) 10 + 3 Years diploma (awarded by the State Board of Technical Education)
+ AMIE (with 2 years experience)
b) Two years regular full time Teaching experience / Industrial experience in the relevant field
after passing all the subjects including project work. The experience certificate will have to
be produced by the candidate.
c) Must have qualified either in GATE 2015 / 2016 / 2017 with qualifying score or TANCET
Candidates who have studied continuously for the last 5 years (from XII Standard onwards)
in Tam il Nadu will be considered as Tamil Nadu candidates.
Candidates who are Native of Tamil Nadu but have studied XII or/ and Diploma, Degree
outside Tamil Nadu have to upload a photo copy of Nativity Certificate. The Nativity certificate in
electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate only will be accepted.
a) Candidates belonging to Other States are eligible in Open Competition category only.
b) Candidates who are Sri Lankan Refugees and passed the recognised qualifying degree (with a
minimum of 50 % marks) in Tamil Nadu will be considered for admission to M.E / M.Tech. /
M.Arch. / M.Plan. degree programmes as per rank, under Open Competition through Single
Window Counselling. Sri Lankan Refugee candidates should upload a copy of the identification
certificate obtained from the Head Quarters Tahsildars and those who have not registered in
Refugees Camps should upload a copy of visa, passport and letter registered in Police Station.
Candidates must have also appeared for T AN C ET 2 01 7 .
c) Tamil Nadu native candidates alone will be considered under BC / BCM / MBC & DNC / SC /
SCA / ST categories. List of communities is given in annexure II ( P g . N o 3 3 3 9 ) .
Candidates have to register application separately for each category.
Engineering Sciences (XE) / Life Sciences (XL)
TANCET Sponsored
Engineering / Technology
(1- A) (1 - B ) (2) (3)
7.1.1 GATE (Engineering / Technology) : The qualifying marks for GATE 2015 / 2016 / 2017 in the
appropriate discipline of Engineering / Technology are listed below. Candidates who have obtained
lesser than the qualifying marks will N O T be called for counselling.
Paper SC / SCA / ST BC / BCM / MBC / DNC Others (OC)
Identity (candidates belonging to TN only) (candidates belonging to TN only) (irrespective of Communities)
2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017
A E 17.68 19.5 16.6 23.87 26.3 22.5 26.52 29.3 25.0
A G 16.67 16.6 16.6 22.50 22.5 22.5 25.00 25.0 25.0
A R 30.11 25.9 23.8 40.65 35.0 32.1 45.17 38.9 35.7
B T 17.39 18.0 25.9 23.47 24.3 35.0 26.08 27.0 38.9
C E 16.67 16.6 19.1 22.50 22.5 25.8 25.00 25.0 28.7
C H 18.34 22.0 29.5 24.77 29.7 39.8 27.52 33.1 44.3
C S 16.67 16.6 16.6 22.50 22.5 22.5 25.00 25.0 25.0
C Y 20.15 19.4 16.6 27.20 26.1 22.5 30.23 29.1 25.0
E C 16.67 16.6 16.6 22.50 22.5 22.5 25.00 25.0 25.0
E E 16.67 16.7 16.7 22.50 22.5 22.6 25.00 25.1 25.2
E Y 25.72 30.4 24.0 34.73 41.1 32.4 38.59 45.7 36.0
G G 23.36 21.8 22.1 31.54 29.4 29.9 35.04 32.7 33.3
I N 16.96 21.0 23.0 22.90 28.4 31.1 25.45 31.6 34.6
M A 17.06 16.6 16.6 23.03 22.5 22.5 25.59 25.0 25.0
M E 21.82 19.7 21.8 29.46 26.6 29.4 32.73 29.6 32.7
M N 25.00 21.8 20.7 33.75 29.5 28.0 37.50 32.8 31.2
M T 39.65 27.7 23.9 53.53 37.4 32.3 59.47 41.6 35.9
P E - 26.6 34.0 - 36.0 45.9 - 40.0 51.1
P H 18.10 24.1 19.3 24.44 32.5 26.1 27.15 36.2 29.0
P I 17.88 17.5 22.0 24.14 23.7 29.7 26.82 26.4 33.1
T F 21.25 17.5 21.6 28.69 23.6 29.2 31.88 26.3 32.5
X E 19.66 17.9 20.2 26.54 24.2 27.3 29.49 26.9 30.4
X L 18.99 17.2 22.0 25.63 23.2 29.7 28.48 25.8 33.1
Paper Code & Discipline Identification Table
7 . 1 . 2 G AT E [ E n g i n e e r i n g S c i e n c e s ( X E ) / L i f e S c i e n c e s ( X L ) ] : Candidates who
have secured qualifying marks in GATE 2015 / 2016 / 2017 in Engineering Sciences ( X E ) and
Life Sciences ( X L ) papers, should have also appeared for TANCET - 2017 (Overall mark is
calculated by considering appropriate GATE 2015 / 2016 / 2017 score and TANCET 2017 score in
the ratio 70:30).
7.2 T AN C E T C a t e g o r y
Candidates who have appeared in TANCET 2017.
7.3 S p o n s o r e d C a t e g o r y ( Ad m i s s i o n o n l y i n U n i v e r s i t y D e p a r t m e n t s o f An n a
University, Chennai - 25).
7 . 3 . 1 Ad m i s s i o n
A limited number of seats (Full-Time mode) are available for the candidates employed and
sponsored by the Government / Government Organisations / Government Aided Educational
Institutions under sponsored category in the University Departments of Anna University, Chennai
i.e. (College of Engineering Guindy, A.C. College of Technology, School of Architecture &
Planning and Madras Institute of Technology Campuses).
Sponsored Registered Professional Architects with a minimum of five years of professional
experience will be considered for admission to M.Arch. degree programme under Sponsored
Category at University Department, School of Architecture & Planning, Anna University,
Chennai 25.
All the candidates under sponsored category should have appeared in TANCET 2017.
It is a full time programme.
7.3.2 Criteria
The candidates admitted under sponsored category in the University Departments of Anna
University, Chennai shall satisfy the conditions given below:
Candidates shall
Be deputed with full pay and allowances during the period of study.
Have obtained at least 50 % marks in aggregate in the qualifying degree examination.
Have a minimum of two years of full time experience in the relevant field of the
programme to which admission is sought after passing the qualifying degree.
7.3.3 How to apply:
The candidates who intend to apply for seats under sponsored category should
have appeared in T A N C E T 2 0 1 7 .
apply through Online in the web portal www.annauniv.edu/tanca2017.
take a print out of the filled in online application.
send the filled in application through proper channel with necessary documents enclosed to one
of the following addresses based on the choice of college
GATE qualified candidates admitted under GATE ( Engg / Technology) (or) (Engineering
Science- X E / Life Science- X L) category (other than those deputed / sponsored) shall be
eligible for stipend funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development ( M H R D ), Govt
of India, provided the marks secured are more than or equal to the qualifying marks in the
category under which the candidate is admitted.
Note: Tamil Nadu native candidates alone will be considered under BC / BCM / MBC & DNC / SC
/ SCA / ST categories.
9.1 G AT E
GATE (Engineering / Technology) : The merit list will be prepared based on GATE 2015 / 2016 /
2017 S C O R E in the appropriate discipline of Engineering / Technology.
GATE (Engineering Sciences ( X E ) / Life Sciences ( X L ) category: The merit list will be prepared
based on GATE 2015 / 2016 / 2017 S C O R E in Engineering Science (XE) and Life Science
( X L ) papers and T A NC E T 2017 M AR K with a weightage of 70:30.
A common merit list will be prepared for GATE (Engineering / Technology) and GATE
(Engineering Sciences ( X E ) / Life Sciences ( X L ) category.
9.2 T AN C E T
The merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained in TANCET 2017.
9.3 Sp o n so re d Cat eg o r y
The merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained in TANCET 2017.
I n t e r - s e - m e r i t : When more than one candidate had obtained the same marks in TANCET
2017, the candidate having higher average percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying degree
examination will be placed in higher rank in the merit list.
10.1 Seats shall be allocated following the Rule of Reservation of the Govt of Tamil Nadu as given
Rule of Reservation
1. O p e n C o m p e t i t i o n ( O C ) 31.0
2. B a c k w a r d C l a s s ( B C ) 26.5
3. B a c k w a r d C l a s s - M u s l i m ( B C M ) 3.5
4. M o s t B a c k w a r d C l a s s & D e n o t i f i e d C o m m u n i t i e s ( M B C & D N C ) 20.0
5. S c h e d u l e d C a s t e ( S C ) 15.0
6. S c h e d u l e d C a s t e - Ar u n t h a t h i y a r s ( S C A ) 3.0
7. S c h e d u l e d T r i b e s ( S T ) 1.0
10.3 Community Certificate ( C C ) not obtained from Tamil Nadu will not be considered for communal
10.4 For communities linked with districts (Refer Annexure II of the information and instructions to
candidates), the candidates should obtain their C C in their respective district. C C obtained from
other than their respective district will not be considered. However, candidates who belong to
B C , M B C & D N C communities in a particular district and migrated to other places in Tamil Nadu
and obtained C C from competent authorities in the migrated district on or after 28.10.2009, will
be considered. (as per G.O. (St) No.95 BC, MBC & Minorities Welfare Department, dated 28.10.2009).
10.5 Candidates who have not uploaded a copy of the Permanent Community Certificate or Electronic
Form / digitally signed e-Certificate at the time of registration of the application will be considered
under Open Competition (O C) Category. In the event of such a decision, the eligibility
conditions and rules prescribed for OC category will be applicable for such candidates and if such
candidates do not satisfy the rules of OC Category, their applications are liable to be rejected.
11 . D I F F E R E N T L Y AB L E D P E R S O N S C A T E G O R Y
F i v e p e r c e n t of seats are reserved for Differently Abled Persons @ 1% for each of the
following category :
a) Blindness and low vision.
b) Deaf and hard hearing.
c) Locomotor disability including cerebral paisy, leprosy cured dwarfism acid attack victims
and muscular dystrophy.
d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness.
e) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-
blindness in the programme identified for each disabilities
Candidates seeking admission against the reservation set apart for Differently Abled Persons
should upload the certificate obtained from the District Medical Board certifying the nature and
extent of disability in percentage and with regard to the suitability for admission to Engineering
Colleges as mentioned in section No. 11.1.
The Competent Authority to issue Disability Certificate shall be a District Medical Board duly
constituted by the State Government. The District Medical Board shall consists of a
minimum of three members (Chairman and two Members) out of which atleast one shall be
a specialist depending on the disability prescribed.
Certificate obtained from an individual doctor will NOT be considered.
The medical certificate should be in the prescribed format given in Certificate No. I, II & III.
The certificates should have been obtained prior to the last date prescribed for registration of
online application indicated in the notification.
11 . 1 Eligibility Criteria for various Disabilities
a. No rm s f o r L o co mo t o r d is ab il it y in c lu d in g c er eb r al p a is y, l ep r o s y c u r ed
d w arf i s m ac id at t a c k v ict i m s an d mu s cu l a r d yst ro p h y
b . No rm s f o r D e af an d H ar d He a ri n g
Candidates with hearing ability of 4 0 d b a n d a b o v e only in the better ear with speech
d i s c r i m i n a t i o n s c o r e o f 5 0 % and above are considered as disabled. (Certificate No.
II on Page No. 41)
c. No r ms f o r Bl in d n e ss & L o w v i si o n
Candidates with l o w v i s i o n o f 4 0 % a n d a b o v e are considered as disabled.
(Certificate No. III on Page No. 42)
Low Vision: Persons with low vision means a person with impairment of vision of less than
6/18 to 6/60 with best correction in the better eye or impairment of field in any one of the
following categories:
a) Reduction of fields less than 50 .
b) Heminaopia with macular involvement.
c) Attitudinal defect involving lower fields categories of Visual Disability all with correction.
Categories of Visual Disability
% of
Category Better eye Worse eye
Category 0 6 / 9 - 6 / 18 6 / 24 to 6 / 36 20
Category I 6 / 16 - 6 / 36 6 / 20 to Nil 40
Category II 6 / 40 4 / 60 or field of Vision 1020 3 / 60 to Nil 75
Category III 3 / 60 1 / 60 or field of Vision 10 F.C. at 1 ft. to Nil 100
Category IV F.C. at 1 ft. to Nil or field of vision 10 F.C. at 1 ft. to Nil 100
One eyed Persons * 6 / 6 F.C. at 1 ft. to Nil or field of Vision 10 30
Note: F.C means Finger Count *ONE EYED Persons with normal vision is not considered as disabled.
Seats will be allotted through counselling only. Candidates more in numbers than the actual
number of seats available will be called for counselling. Candidates are advised to check the
seats available in the web portal www.annauniv.edu/tanca2017. Admission will be offered
depending upon the seats available based on the merit of the candidates who attend counselling
as per the reservation norms of Government of Tamil Nadu and others cannot claim any right for
admission. A candidate can get allotment for one programme only.
GATE category candidates must appear for counselling with GATE 2015 / 2016 / 2017
score card. Unfilled seats, if any, under GATE category, will be transfigured to TANCET category
in the respective communities.
Candidates who have passed all the subjects of the qualifying degree with a minimum of
50 % marks for Open Category and 45 % marks for Reserved Categories ( BC / BCM / MBC &
DNC / SC / SCA / ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu) in the qualifying examination alone
will be permitted to attend counselling.
The counselling schedule and the format of Intimation of Counselling containing details about
counselling will be published in Anna University webportal http://www.annauniv.edu/tanca2017
prior to the commencement of counselling. Candidates should download the Call Letter in Anna
University webportal by entering their TANCA Application Number, Name and Date of Birth.
Eligible candidates may appear for counselling according to their cut-off mark and they
should report two hours before the counselling session irrespective of receipt of
individual communication. Candidates who do not attend the counselling have to forego
the claim of admission.
Counselling will be held at the Centre for Examination Building, Anna University, Chennai-25.
Candidates should attend the counselling with all the original certificates . If a candidate has
deposited all the certificates where he/she has already been admitted, a letter from the Head of
the Institution should be produced to that effect. In such cases, only attested photocopies of
certificates will be accepted. However, the original allotment order will be withheld and it will be
released after verifying the original certificates. Candidates should attend the counselling at their
own cost.
At the time of counselling, the candidates have to pay Rs.5,300/- (Rs.1,150/- for S C / S C A /
S T candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu) in the form of a Demand Draft or Cash, that includes a
non-refundable fee of Rs.300/- towards counselling fee (Rs.150/- for SC/SCA/ST candidates
belonging to Tamil Nadu). The Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of The Secretary,
TANCA, Anna University payable at Chennai.
Due to any unforeseen and unavoidable reasons, if a candidate is unable to attend the
Counselling on the specified date and time he / she can
(i) Authorise his / her parent on his / her behalf and the parents decision will be binding on
the candidate. An authorisation letter given by the candidate should be submitted by the
parents. Parents shall produce a photo identity of any one: Voter ID, Driving License, PAN
Card / Passport.
(ii) Attend at a subsequent time/date during the counselling period and the candidate can
only opt for the seats available at the time of attending the counselling & cannot claim
seat as per the rank.
Once a seat is allotted, the amount of Rs.5,000/- for Non S C / S C A/ S T or Rs,1,000/- for
S C / S C A/ S T candidates already paid at the time of counselling will be adjusted towards the
tuition fee to be paid to the respective allotted college.
If a candidate does not join after allotment and seeks refund, only 80% of the initial amount paid
at the time of counselling will be refunded. In such cases original allotment order with
acknowledgment for the receipt of payment should be surrendered on or before 31.12.2017. The
refund will be processed only through TANCA 2017 refund processing system available online in
TANCA webportal.
T AB L E I - Code Numbers for Qualifying Degree
Code No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
T AB L E I I - C o d e N u m b e r s f o r D i s c i p l i n e s
Code Code
Discipline Discipline
No. No.
101 Aeronautical Engineering 133 Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.
102 Aerospace Engineering / Technology 134 Electronics and Communication Engg.
103 Agriculture Bio-Technology 135 Economics
104 Agriculture 136 Electrical
105 Agriculture Engineering 137 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
106 Applied Chemistry 138 Electro Chemical Engineering
107 Apparel Technology 139 Electronics
108 Architecture 140 Energy & Environmental Engineering
109 Automobile Engineering 141 Energy System
110 Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering 142 Energy Engineering
111 Bio-Chemical Engineering 143 Engineering Physics
112 Bio-Chemistry 144 Environmental Chemistry
113 Bio-Medical 145 Environmental Science
114 Biomedical Instrumentation 146 Environmental Engineering / Management
115 Bio-Physics 147 Fashion Technology (Textile Technology)
116 Bio-Engineering 148 Fisheries Science
117 Bio-Technology 149 Fishery
118 Bio-Informatics 150 Food Processing Engineering
119 Bio-Pharmaceutical 151 Food Science & Nutrition
120 Ceramic & Cement Technology 152 Food Technology
121 Ceramic Technology 153 Forestry
122 Chemical & Electrochemical Engineering 154 Genetic Engineering
123 Chemical Engineering / Technology 155 Genetics & Molecular Biology
124 Chemistry 156 Genetics
125 Chemistry with Polymer Specialisation 157 Geo Informatics
126 Civil Engineering 158 Geosciences
127 Computer Applications 159 Geography
128 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 160 Geology / Applied Geology
129 Computer Science 161 Horticulture
130 Computer Science & Engg 162 Instrumentation and Control Engineering
131 Computer Science & Technology 163 Industrial Bio-Technology
132 Dairy Technology 164 Industrial Engineering
Code Code
Discipline Discipline
No. No.
165 Instrumentation 202 Sociology
166 Information Technology 203 Software Engineering
167 Leather Technology 204 Statistics
168 Life Sciences 205 Telecommunication Engineering
169 Manufacturing Engineering 206 Textile Chemistry
170 Marine Engineering 207 Textile Engineering / Technology
171 Marine Biology 208 Nanoscience and Technology
172 Material Science / Material Science and 209 Robotics and Automation
173 Mathematics 210 Geomatics
174 Mechanical Engineering 211 Civil and Structural Engineering
175 Mechanical & Energy Engineering 212 Mechanical and Automation Engineering
176 Mechatronics 213 Applied Physics
177 Medical Physics 214 Rubber Technology
178 Medical Electronics 215 Electronics and Telecommunication Engg.
179 Metallurgy 216 Control Engineering
180 Microbiology 217 Industrial Chemistry
181 Mining Engineering 218 Metallurgical Engineering
13. P O S T M AT R I C S C H O L AR S H I P
In the G.O. (st) No. 6 Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare (AD3) Department dated 09.01.2012, G.O.
(st) No. 92 Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare (AD3) Department dated 11.09.2012 and G.O. (st)
No. 16 Adi Dravidar and Tribal welfare (AD3) Department dated 24.02.2014, the Government
have ordered to grant Post Matric scholarship to SC/SCA/ST candidates, whose parental annual
income not exceeding Rs.2,50,000/- and for SC/SCA converted Christians annual income not
exceeding Rs.2,00,000/- from all the sources. The eligible candidates have to upload income
certificate obtained from appropriate authorities ( C e r t i f i c a t e N o I V ) .
14. G E N E R AL I N F O R M AT I O N O N AD M I S S I O N
Application has to be registered separately for each category ( 1-A ) GATE Engineering /
Technology, ( 1-B ) GATE Engineering Sciences ( X E ) and Life Sciences ( X L ),
( 2 ) TANCET, ( 3) Sponsored. Seats under sponsored category are available only in University
Departments of Anna University, Chennai.
Candidates other than GATE (Engineering / Technology) category must have appeared for
TANCET 2017.
Candidates must have eligible qualification for admission.
Seats will be filled as per the reservation norms prescribed by the Government of Tamilnadu.
Information like the courses offered, facilities etc., are available in Anna University webportal:
Information about Colleges. Other details regarding scholarship, fee concession, hostel
facilities etc., can be obtained from the Principal/Dean of the Institutions concerned.
Selection of the college and branch of study is the sole responsibility of the candidate.
15. R E G I S T R AT I O N F E E ( o n l y o n l i n e p a y m e n t )
The candidates should pay the application / registration fee of Rs.500/- for General Category
Rs. 250/- for SC /SCA / ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu.
A candidate applying for more than one category has to pay Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- for SC / SCA / ST
candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu) for each additional category.
16. P R O C E D U R E F O R R E G I S T R AT I O N O F AP P L I C AT I O N F O R M
1. Candidate should apply only through online in the web portal www.annauniv.edu/tanca2017.
2. The Candidate should use a valid and functional e-mail id and mobile number for registration
of online application. This email id and mobile number must be maintained active, as all the
communications to the candidates will be sent only to this registered e-mail id and mobile
3. The candidate must be ready with the details such as Marks, Percentage of Marks, Year of
Passing, Board / Institute details and Scanned images of photograph, mark sheet / Transfer
and Community Certificate for ST, SC, SCA, MBC & DNC, BC and BCM candidates (either
Permanent Card or electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate) and other relevant
certificates before applying through online.
4. Candidate is required to upload their photograph in j p g as per the specifications given in the
guidelines for scanning and uploading the photograph.
5. After entering all the details, choose save / submit button. The entered details can be viewed.
In case any changes are to be made, the applicant can make the changes. After this the
candidate should click submit and save button. The candidate need not send the printout of
the online application or any other documents. The Original Certificates / Mark sheets etc.,
will be verified at the time of counselling. If any of the information given in the online
application is found false or incorrect during verification of original certificates, the application
shall be summarily rejected and suitable disciplinary action will be initiated.
6. The applications received directly other than the online application portal will NOT be
considered and they will be rejected.
2. Valid GATE 2015 / 2016 / 2017 SCORE card for Engg / Technology category.