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Beirut Arab University Fall 2015

Faculty of Engineering
Petroleum department



Petroleum & Petrochemical Eng.
Drilling and Production Petroleum Eng.

What are the different types of exploration


So, what do you expect as contents in this

General view
This course provides:
Principles of seismic reflection

Electrical resistivity technique

Gravity technique

Magnetic technique

Besides, it includes theories, instrumentations,

Evaluation and references

Total = 100%

30% Quizzes

30% labs

40% Final exam

Textbook An introduction to exploration techniques.

Reference(s) All kinds: handouts, lectures, internet

In the class !!

To be always on time!

No ringing mobile !

Be quiet and no noisy discussion with others !

There is no stupid question !

> So Ask

Finally, the following guidelines will create a comfortable and

productive learning environment throughout the semester.

You can expect me:

To give exams that accurately reflect the material given in class

I can expect you:

To be attentive and engaged in class.
Ch. 1
Introduction to
Geophysical techniques
The science of geophysics applies the
principles of physics to the study of the
Earth. Geophysical investigations of the
interior of the Earth involve taking
measurements at or near the Earths surface
that are influenced by the internal
distribution of physical properties. Analysis
of these measurements can reveal how the
physical properties of the Earths interior
vary vertically and laterally.
An alternative method of investigating
subsurface geology is, of course, by drilling
boreholes, but these are expensive and
provide information only at discrete
Geophysical surveying, although sometimes
prone to major ambiguities or uncertainties
of interpretation, provides a relatively rapid
and cost-effective means of deriving a really
distributed information on subsurface
The importance of geophysical
exploration as a means of deriving
subsurface geological information is so
great that the basic principles and scope
of the methods and their main fields of
application should be appreciated by any
practicing Earth scientist.
The natural field methods utilize the
gravitational, magnetic, electrical and
electromagnetic fields of the Earth, searching
for local perturbations in these naturally
occurring fields, or in the most important
single group of geophysical surveying
methods, the generation of seismic waves
whose propagation velocities and
transmission paths through the subsurface
are mapped to provide information on the
distribution of geological boundaries at
Several geophysical surveying methods can
be used at sea, on land or in the air.
Specificity of survey methods:

Gravity Salt dome Magnetic

Minor errors

This is one kind

of ambiguity

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