Introduction About Geophysics

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The document discusses various methods of geophysics including resistivity, electromagnetic, ground penetrating radar and seismic methods. It also discusses applications such as mapping geological structures and landfill exploration.

The main geophysical measurement methods discussed are resistivity imaging, electromagnetic methods, ground penetrating radar and seismic methods. These methods are used to obtain subsurface images.

Some of the recommended textbooks mentioned are 'An introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics' by Reynolds and 'Hydrogeophysics' by Rubin and Hubbard.

Introduction Geophysics

1 Geophysics - Truong Quoc Thanh 2/10/2020

Grading Basis
The breakdown for the grading is as follows.
Final project: 20%
Mid-term exam: 20%
Quizzes: 10%
Practice: 10%???
Final exam: 40%
[email protected]

2 Geophysics - Truong Quoc Thanh 2/10/2020

Recommended textbooks:
 Reynolds, J., 2011, An introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics, Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN:978-0-471-485360.
 Rubin, Y. and Hubbard, S.S., 2005, Hydrogeophysics (Water Science and Technology Library), Springer, 523 pp, ISBN:
Additional References:
 Butler, D.B., Editor, 2007, Near Surface Geophysics, Investigations in Geophysics #13, Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
Tulsa, OK.
 Reynolds, J. M., 1997, An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics, John Wiley & Sons.
 Kelly, W.E. and Mares, S., 1993, Developments in water science 44: applied geophysics in hydrogeological and engineering
practice, Elsevier Science Publishers.
 Meju, M.A., 1994, Geophysical data analysis: understanding inverse problem theory and practice. SEG Course Notes Series,
Volume 6 (S.N. Domenico, Editor), Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
 Milson, J., 2003, Field Geophysics, Third Edition, The Geological Field Guide Series, John Wiley & Sons.
 Sharma, P. V., 1997, Environmental & engineering geophysics, Cambridge University Press.
 Sheriff, R. E., 1994, Encyclopedic dictionary of exploration geophysics, Third Edition,
 Geophysical Reference Series 1, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
 Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P. and Sheriff, R.E., 1990, Applied Geophysics, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press.
 Vogelsang, D., 1995, Environmental geophysics: a practical guide, Springer-Verlag. Ward, S. H., 1990, Geotechnical and
environmental geophysics, Volumes I-III, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

3 Geophysics - Truong Quoc Thanh 2/10/2020

• Apply the principles of physics to the study of the Earth
• Investigation of the interior of the Earth involves taking
measurements at or near the Earth´s surface that are influenced
by the internal distribution of physical properties. The analysis of
these measurements reveals information on the Earth´s interior

This could be the

discovery of the century.
Depending, of course, on
how far down it goes…

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Geophysical measurements:
tool to obtain an image of the subsurface
•Mapping of geological structure
•Detect objects

Source Receiver

Measurement Processing Image

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What is geophysics?
Geophysics is the application of physics to study of the solid
earth. It occupies an important position in earth sciences. It has
been taught principally in Earth sciences departments of
university. There is an obvious need for it to introduce to
engineers and archeologists much more widely than at present.
Geophysics developed from the disciplines of physics and geology
and has no sharp boundaries that distinguish it from either. The
use of physics to study the interior of the Earth, from land
surface to the inner core is known as solid earth Geophysics
6 Geophysics - Truong Quoc Thanh 2/10/2020
What is geophysics?
Solid Earth Geophysics can be subdivided into Global
Geophysics or pure Geophysics and Applied Geophysics.

Global Geophysics is the study of the whole or substantial parts

of the planet. Geophysical methods may be applied to a wide
range of investigations from studies of the entire earth to
exploration of a localized region of the upper crust, such as plate
tectonics, heat flow and paleomagnetism.

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What is geophysics?
This can be subdivided further into global geophysics, or
alternatively pure geophysics, which is the study of the whole or
substantial parts of the planet, and applied geophysics, which is
concerned with investigating the Earth’s crust and near-surface to
achieve a practical and, more often than not, an economic aim.
‘applied geophysics’ thus: Making and interpreting measurements of
physical properties of the Earth to determine sub-surface conditions,
usually with an economic objective, e.g. discovery of fuel or mineral
‘Engineering geophysics’ can be described as being: The
application of geophysical methods to the investigation of sub-
surface materials and structures that are likely to have (significant)
engineering implications.

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What is geophysics?
‘environmental geophysics’ The application of geophysical
methods to the investigation of near surface bio-physico-chemical
phenomena that are likely to have (significant) implications for the
management of the local environment.

Inter-relationships between the various subdisciplines of applied geophysics

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What is geophysics?

Near-surface applied geophysics in the service of society

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1 Hydrocarbon exploration (coal, gas,
2 Regional geological studies (over
areas of 100s of kmơ)
1. Gravity 3 Exploration/development of mineral
2. Magnetic deposits
3. Seismic refraction 4 Engineering/environmental site
4. Seismic reflection investigation
5. Resistivity 5 Hydrogeological investigations
6. Spontaneous potential 6 Detection of subsurface cavities
7. Induced polarization 7 Mapping of leachate and contaminant
8. MagneticResonance Sounding plumes
(MRS) 8 Location and definition of buried
9. Radiometrics metallic objects
9 Archaeogeophysics
10 Biogeophysics
11 Forensic geophysics
12 UneXploded Ordnance (UXO)
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What is geophysics?
Geophysical methods respond to the physical properties of the
subsurface media (rocks, sediments, water, voids, etc.) and can be
classified into two distinct types.
Passive methods are those that detect variations within the natural
fields associated with the Earth, such as the gravitational and
magnetic fields.
Active methods, such as those used in exploration seismology, in
which artificially generated signals are transmitted into the ground,
which then modifies those signals in ways that are characteristic of
the materials through which they travel.

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What is geophysics?
• Physics of the solid Earth
• Exploration of the structure and dynamic of the solid
Earth using physical methods
• Non-expensive and non-invasive methods
• Geophysical information is less discrete than
information from boreholes (and less expensive…).
But does not dispense with the need for drilling!
Geophysics can often optimize drilling requirements

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What is geophysics?
Various scales...
• Global geophysics 103 to 109 m
• Exploration geophysics 103 to 106 m
• Environmental and engineering geophysics <102 m
Various sources...
• Natural field sources or artificially generated sources
• Natural field source methods are more simple to carry out but
give less resolved pictures than artifical source methods

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Aim of the course
• Complete overview on geophysical methods (potential,
diffusive and wave field methods)
• Understand the possibilities and limitations of geophysical
• Understand the basis in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of geophysical data
• Give general basis for more advanced studies

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Investigating the Near Surface

Often use a combination of

geophysical methods to
remove interpretation

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Geophysical methods
Potential methods:
• Gravimetry methods
• Magnetic methods
• Electrical methods
Diffusive methods
• Electromagnetic methods
Wavefield methods
• Georadar
• Seismic methods

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Structure of a lecture
Each topic will cover:

1. Physical properties of rocks/geology

2. Basic equations for the method
3. Survey strategies and interpretation
4. Summary of the method: case histories and examples
5. Conclusions

Exercises will strengthen the explanations

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22 Geophysics - Truong Quoc Thanh 2/10/2020
Why is Geophysics Useful?
Some sweeping generalizations…
 Geology:
 Limited to the surface of the Earth
 Geologists must infer the 3rd dimension
 Boreholes are an exception, but are expensive and only give limited information (<13 km depth).

 Gives extremely detailed data about small areas.

 Provides information about the past.
 Geophysics
 Adds information about the 3rd dimension.
 Can truly “look into the Earth”
 Gives less detailed information about much larger areas.
 Results are often “non-unique”
 Usually cannot give information about the past
 Exceptions are radiometric dating and paleomagnetism.

 Can study non-tangible things…e.g. forces

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How Do Geophysicists “Look at” Rocks?
 Geologists mainly look at rocks visually
 Map rock occurrence
 Visually identify mineral content
 Optical microscopes
 “Direct” approach.

 Geophysicists “look at” rocks differently

 Measure properties such as density, resistivity, magnetic properties,
elastic moduli, radioactivity, etc…
 Use these properties to infer rock type / composition
 “Indirect” approach, but offers information that is not possible to
visually obtain.

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Geology vs. Geophysics
 At the end of the day geology and geophysics are both
useful when studying the Earth.
 Geophysics does not replace traditional geologic study; it
compliments it.
 The best geologists understand and appreciate
 The best geophysicists understand and appreciate

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Definition: model
A model is a simple and ideal view of a physical reality

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Operative physical properties

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Definition: contrast
To characterize different material using geophysics, a contrast
must exist (i.e. a difference in the physical properties)

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Environmental/engineering geophysics
• Hydrogeology
• Exploration of waste sites and pollutant
• Exploration for bulk mineral deposits (sand and gravel)
• Ground stability, permafrost, glaciology
• Archaeology
• Cavity detection, cable location etc
• Subsurface geological imaging for civil engineering
• Bulk modulus and shear modulus for civil engineering
• Alternative energy sources

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Environmental Geophysics

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Engineering Geophysics

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Noise in geophysical data acquisition

Coherent noise
Incoherent noise

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The problem of ambiguity in geophysical interpretation
The former type of problem is known as a direct problem, the
latter as an inverse problem. Whereas direct problems are
theoretically capable of unambiguous solution, inverse problems
suffer from an inherent ambiguity, or non-uniqueness, in the
conclusions that can be drawn.

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in urban environment

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magnetic surveys on landfills

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magnetic map


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Electrical methods

resistivity mapping in the Alps

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Electrical methods

resistivity map

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Electrical methods

resistivity imaging
on a rock glacier

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inverted resistivity 2D profiles

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Quarry Hoa an

Location map of Quarry Hoa An

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Location map of Quarry Hoa An

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Location map of Quarry Hoa An
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Location map of Quarry Hoa An

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Layout of electric image line in the research area
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Research Results

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Research Results

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Research Results

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Research Results

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Research Results

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Research Results

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Research Results

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Research Results

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Research Results

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3D resistivity imaging
on landfills

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Electromagnetic methods

EM survey tools

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EM mapping on a


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Seismic methods

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Sidescan sonar

(Example British Geological Survey - BGS)

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4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4900 5000 CMP
4.2 AWI-94042
debris flow deposits
4.4 between
airgun and
TWT [s]

4.6 Parasound



3350 slump deposit

depth [m]

50 m

2 km

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Depth slice

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Geological interpretation

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Time slice through a 3D seismic data set

(from Kearey and Brooks, 1991)

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