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Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
The Right to Information, The Right to Live Step Out From the Old to the New

IS 12147 (1987): Recommended practice for wet magnetic

particle examination [MTD 21: Non-Destructive Testing]

! $ ' +-
Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge

! > 0 B

Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
(Reaffirmed 2002)
IS:12147 - 1987

Indian Standard

Non-Destructive Testing Sectional Committee, SMDC 25

Chairman Representing
SHRI K. BALARAMAMOORTHY Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad

SHRI E. B. ARDHANARI Walchandnagar Industries Ltd, Walchandnagar,
Dist Pune
SHRI D. R. KOLHATKAR ( Alternate )
SHRI K. G. BARRE Air India, Bombay
SRRI A. V. KULKARNI ( Alternate )
SHRI M. K. BANEBJEE Tata Engineering & Locomotive Co Ltd,
SHRI A. R. HORE ( Alternate )
SHRI S. K. BANERJEE Steel Authority of India Ltd ( Durgapur Steel
Plant ), Durgapur
SHRI S. K. DUTTA ( Alternate)
SHRI CEINMAY BASU ACC Babcock Ltd, Durgapur
SHRI S. BHASKARAN Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd,-Tiruchchirrappalli
SRRI P. V. SASTRY ( Alternate II )
SHRI S. C. BEAWAL National Test House, Calcutta
SHRI S. C. SHARMA ( Alternate )
SE~RIB. C. BHOTJMIK Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum
SHRI THOMAE C. KOSHY ( Alternate )
DR V. N. BINDAL National Physical Laboratory ( CSIR ), New Delhi
DR ASHOK KUMAR ( Alternate )
SHRI V. A. CHANDRAMOULI Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad
SHRI K. P. CHOPRA Steel Authority of India Ltd ( Bhilai Steel Plant ),
SHRI R. S. DUBEY ( Alternate )
DEP~JTY DIRECTOR ( MET-III ), Ministry of Railways
SR, AJMER ( Alternate )
SHRI V. EASWARN Steel Authority of India Ltd (Rourkela Steel
Plant ), Rourkela
SRRI M. C. JOSHI ( Alternate )
SHRI V. K. GOEL Central Boilers Board, New Delhi
SHRI K. K. JHA Foundry Forge, Ranchi
SHRI A. K. SAHANA ( Alternate )
( Continued on page 2 )

@ Copyright 1987
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to he an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS : 12141- 1987

( Confinud_from page 1 )
Members Representing
SRRI N. KO~HI Ministry of Shipping & Transport
DR M. D. MAHES~WARI Tata Iron & Steel Co Ltd, Tubes Division,
SHRI K. V. D~ORAS ( Allcrnate )
DR S. R. MEDIRATTA Steel Authority of India Ltd ( R & D Centre for
Iron & Steel ), New Delhi
SHRI S. S. MUICHIZRJEE Burn Standard & Co Ltd, Howrah
SHRI P. DASQUPTA ( Alternate )
SRRI PI~AKASH D. NIRQIJDKAR The Institute of Indian Foundrymen, Bombay
SHRI S. K. AHUJA ( Alternats )
SHRI S. RAMASWAMY Mukand Iron & Steel Works Ltd, Bombay
SHRI T. RANCACEARY Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, Bangalore
S?IRI D. S. P. RAO Bharat Heavy Plates & Vessels Ltd, Visakhapatnam
SHRI S. ADIMOORTY ( Alternate )
SHRI K. V. NARASIMAA RAO The K. C. P. Ltd, Madras
SHRI B. N. RAY Ministry of Defence ( DGI )
SHRI S. R. MAZUMDAR ( Ahnate )
SIXRI SANJOY ROY Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute,
SHRI S. S. ALI ( Altcrnat~ )
SHRI S. R. SAHU Steel Authority of India Ltd ( Bokaro Steel Ltd ),
Bokaro Steel City, Bokaro
SHRI G. C. PRASAD ( Alternate )
SHRI N. L. SAO Central Mining Research Station, Dhanbad
SHRI S. SEETRARAMAN Ministry of Surface Transport ( Roads Wing ),
New Delhi
SERI N. M. WALECHA Directorate General of Civil Aviation, New Delhi
SHRI N. S. CHELLAPPA ( Alternate )
SHRI R. R. WaMOcEiAR Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay
SRRI P. G. KULI<ARNI ( Alternatr )
SHRI B. MUKHERJT, Director General, BIS ( Ex-ojicio Member )
Director ( Strut & Met )
Deputy Director ( Metals ), BIS

Magnetic Particle, Eddy Currents and Liquid Penetrant Methods

Standards Subcommittee, SMDC 25 : 4
SHRI S. RAMASWAXY Mukand Iron & Steel Works Ltd, Bombay
SHRI K. J. SIYGH AR~RA Bharat Steel Tubes Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI M. P. MWCAL ( Alternate )
SHRI N. M. BAFN.~ Conventry Spring & Engg Co Private Ltd, Nagpur
SHRI A. S. KOHLI ( Alternate )
SHRIS.~HASIihRAN Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
SHRI R. M. SINQHAL ( Alternate )
SHnI P. P. C~IANDRACJIOOI)AN Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay
SHXI N. G. DUTTA ( Alternate )
SHRI P. V. DHOLE ( Alternate)
SHRI P. P. PUI~ANIK Tata Engineering & Locomotive CO Ltd,
SRRI A. R. HORE ( Alternate )
IS :12147 - 1987

Indian Standard

0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the!Bureau of Indian Standards
on 23 July 1987, after the draft finalized by the Non-Destructive
Testing Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural
and Metals Division Council.
0.2 Examination according to this standard may be carried out on all
ferromagnetic objects in the raw material stage as well as in the semi-
finished/finished stages of the components/assemblies made out of such
raw materials.
0.3 This method of flaw detection is not recommended in such cases
where the subsequent process/end-use of the objects does not permit the
presence of even slightest residual magnetism.
0.4 In the preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from
the following publications:
a) ASTM A 275-1983 Standard method for magnetic particle
examination of steel forgings
b) ASTM E 709-1980 Standatd recommended practice for magnetic
particle examination
c) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V.
0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of
this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated,
expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accor-
dance with IS : 2-1960. The number of significant places retained in
the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value
in this standard.

1.1 This standard covers the method of wet magnetic particle examina-
tion, using colour contrast ( visible ) as well as fluorescent particles held
in suspension in a carrier liquid, for detection of surface as well as sub-
surface discontinuities in ferro-magnetic materials.

*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised j.

IS :12147 - 1987


2.1 This method of examination is most suitable for objects having

smooth surfaces namely, machined, ground, polished, etc. Very rough
surface is not desirable as it causes to increase the background whereby
the contrast of the flaw indications is reduced considerably.

2.2 The surface to be examined shall be free from foreign materials,

such as oil, grease, dirt, loose rust/scales, etc, so that the detection and
interpretation of flaw indications during the examination is not adversely
affected. The methods used for cIeaning and preparation of the surfaces,
such as degreasing and solvent/mechanical cleaning, shall be compatible
with the material and finish of the objects.

3.1 Generation of Magnetic Fields - The following methods may be
used for generating the magnetizing field:

4 Permanent magnetic/electromagnetic yoke,

b) Current carrying coils of known number of turns,
cl Wrap-around coils,
4 Central conductor carrying current, and
e) Direct passage of current through the part by contact ( clamp )

3.2 Type of Magnetizing Currents - Alternating current, half-wave

or full-wave rectified direct current shall be used for generation of
magnetizing field. While AC is suitable for detecting only surface
cracks ( such as fatigue cracks ), DC/HWDC shall be used for detecting
surface as well as sub-surface dis-continuities.
3.3 Method of Magnetization

3.3.1 Residual Method - In this method, the magnetic particles shall

be applied to the surface after the magnetizing field or magnetizing
current is turned off. This method is recommended only for material
having high retentivity where the residual magnetism is sufficient to give
rise to a leakage flux which is strong enough to facilitate the formation
of flaw indications. If the formation of the particIe patterns is not clear
enough, it will be necessary to resort to continuous method as in 3.3.2

3.3.2 Continuous Method - In this method, the magnetizing field or

the magnetizing current remains continuously present during the applic-
ation of the magnetic particles suspension. To avoid washing away the
lightly held indications by the force of bath stream, the magnetizing
current shall be continuous for a few seconds even after the bath is

IS : 12147 - 1987

withdrawn from the part being tested. In the case of materials with
low retentivity, the continuous method is recommended in preference to
the residual method.

3.4 Directions of Magnetization

3.4.1 In order to obtain a leakage flux~of maximum intenity from a

certain discontinuity, the magnetizing field lines shall have to intersect
the discontinuity at 90. The maximum leakage flux intensity thus
obtained gives rise to a strong and clear magnetic particle pattern lead-
ing to the detection and characterization of the flaws. Therefore, the
direction of magnetization shall be so chosen that the anticipated dis-
continuities in the vulnerable locations are oriented perpendicular to the
magnetizing field.

3.4.2 Each component or its portion thereof, shall be examined by

magnetizing in a minimum of two mutually perpendicular directions,
achieved by~a suitable method including the use of wrap-around coil
( the coil being oriented in two directions such that the axis of the coil
in one direction is perpendicular to the axis of the coil when it is posi-
tioned in the other direction ), yoke, etc.

3.4.3 For generating the field directions, the following methods shall
also be used:

a) Circular Magnetization - The circular magnetization can be

achieved by passing current through the object ( adequate care
has to be taken in clamping the contact to prevent arcing ) or
through a central conductor ( in the case of hollow tubular
comp&ents ). When Prod method is used, non-flammable
carrier liquid shall be used.

b) Longitudinal Magnetization - Longitudinal magnetization can be

achieved by holding the component/objects in the field of a
current carrying coil ( with the part being positioned parallel
and/or perpendicular to the axis of the coil ). The field of the
coil is effective only for an axial distance of 6 from the edge of
the coil and therefore, longer parts shall be examined by
magnetlzmg in suitable number of portions.
3.4.4 Magnitude of Magnetization - ( see also IS : 3703-1980 ). The
magnitude of magnetization shall be chosen such that:

a) a minimum leakage field of 40 gauss is induced on the surface

being examined, or
b) the strength of the magnetic field is arrived at as detailed in
Appendix A, or

*Code of practice for magnetic particle flaw detection (Jr,t rerisionj.

IS:12147 - 1987

c) the artificial defect ( such as slot of known depth, etc. in the

reference block, prepared by simulating the specific object being
examined ), is detected.


4.1 The following types of magnetic particles meeting the requirements

of IS : 6410-1971 shall be used for the wet magnetic particle examina-

4.1.1 Colour Contrast ( V&&e ) Type - This type shall consist of

particles having different colours that give rise to the indications provid-
mg sufficient contrast with respect to the background/colour of the
surface being examined. The colour of the particle shall be so choosen
that a good contrast is obtained with respect to the background when
observed in white light. The flaw indications developed by these parti-
cles are seen by virtue of the quantity of the accumulated particles raided
by the colour contrast.

4.1.2 Fluorescent Type - This type shall consist of magnetic particles

coated with fluorescent dye. Such dyes when excited by ultraviolet
radiation undergo electromegnetic absorption and subsequently emit
light in the visible spectrum. Thus, when illuminated by an ultraviolet
source, these particles exhibit a yellow green glow. Therefore, even
when only a minute quantity of the particles are retained by the leakage
flux due to a flaw, its presence is revealed aided by the luminescence of
the particles. As a result, the detection of minute particles patterns
arising out of very fine defects can be achieved which thus culminate in
an enhanced flaw sensitivity.
4.1.3 The magnetic particles shall exhibit high permeability and low
retentivity with correct size range.
4.2 Particle Bath Constitution

4.2.1 Carrier Fluid - A carrier fluid, such as water or a light petroleum

distillate like kerosene, shall be used for making the suspension of the
particles. Fluid used as a carrier for fluorescent particles, shall neither
exhibit any fluorescent phenomenon nor shall have impurities exhibiting
or quenching fluorescence, in the ultraviolet excitation range. The
medium shall be non-toxic. Whenever light petroleum distillate is used as carrier fluid,

it shall conform to IS : 6410-1971*. The carrier liquid should not affect the component to be

tested. Whenever water is used as carrier liquid, suitable rust preven-
tives should be added in water.

*Specification for magnetic flaw detection inks and powders.

IS : 12147 - 1987

4.2.2 Bath concentration shall be according to IS : 3703-1980 and as

detailed in Appendix B.

4.3 Application of the Particle Suspension - The suspension shall

be applied to the surface either by spraying or pouring it over the areas
to be examined. In the residual method, the magnetized part may be
dipped in a well agitated bath of the particle suspension.

4.4 Bath Temperature - The temperature of the wet particle

suspension and the surface of the part being examined shall not exceed
135F ( 57C ).


5.1 Colour Contrast ( Visible ) Particles Examination - The

area of the examination facility shall be well lit either by natural lighting
or by using suitable bright light sources so as to facilitate a comfortable
viewing of the parti-cle pattern.
5.2 Fluorescent Particle Examination

5.2.1 The examination facility shall be suitably enclosed to provide a

dark area on the surface being examined. The personnel carrying out
the examination shall have to undergo dark adaptation before the
examination is begun.

5.2.2 The ultraviolet source used for the examination shall have a
spectra with its peak intensity at a wave length of 3 650 a. The ultravio-
let source shall be capable of providing a UV illumination of 800
microwatts per cm2 on the surface to be examined.


6.1 Areas on the surface showing an accumulation of the particles shall

be regarded as the indications that are to be interpreted and evaluated.
The intensity of the particle pattern, its shape and orientation, the
nature of the material from which the part is made and its process
history, etc, help in arriving at a proper interpretation of the indications.

6.2 Relevant Indications - The particle patterns which have resulted

from material discontinuities shall ~constitute the relevant indications.
The indications due to surface discontinuities are normally characterized
by sharp distinct and tightly adhering particle patterns. The sub-surface
discontinuities, on the contrary, produce less distinct patterns which
form rather broad and relatively loosely held particles patterns. The
width of the subsurface discontinuity indications varies with the depth
of its location below surface. Correct interpretation of the pattern
requires a certain skill on the part of the operator.

*Code of practice for magnetic particle flaw detection (first renision ).

IS : 12147 - 1987

6.3 Non-Relevant Indications - These indications are particle

patterns that arise out of extraneous factors than due to the material
discontinuities. Such non-relevant indications are due to magnetic
writing, changes in sections/threaded areas/grain boundaries/drainage
lines/edge effect, etc.

6.4 Any indication that is believed to be non-relevant, shall be regarded

as a relevant indication until the indication is eliminated by surface
conditioning or it is re-examined by the same or other non-destructive
means and demonstrated to be non-relevant. A basic knowledge of
material, processing and component design is essential to arrive at a
proper decision.


7.1 The components after magnetic particle examination are likely to

retain some amount of residual magnetism. The requirement, if any,
and the level of demagnetization shall be specified in advance and the
demagnetization shall be carried out wherever called for, by suitable
means. As it is difficult to check for the removal of the residual magne-
tism from the circumfercntially magnetized parts, reorientation of the
circular field into longitudinal field shall have to be achieved by longitu-
dinal magnetization, prior to demagnetization.


8.1 After the magnetic particle testing is completed, the components are
cleaned of magnetic particles by suitable methods.

9.1 The level of acceptance of the discontinuities detected by this method
of examination shall be decided by the concerned purchaser and the
supplier, based on the functional requirement of the parts and the
feasibility of its manufacturing.

9.2 Wherever necessary an indication can be preserved by the use of

photography, adhesive tape, clear shellac, etc.

[ Clause 3.4.4 (b)]

A-1.0 In order to produce satisfactory indications, the magnetic field
induced in the part must have sufficient strength. The factors such as
size, shape, material of the part and the method of magnetization affect
the strength of the induced field. The exact strength of the magnetizing
field required to induce the requisite field for revealing a certain defect
can be best arrived at by experimenting with parts having known defects.
However, the following general rules shall be useful in most of the
A-l.1 Circular Magnetization
a) For an overall circular magnetization, the magnetizing current
may vary from 300 to 900 amperes per 25 mm of diameter/
thickness ( or per 25 mm of greatest width in a plane at right
angles to current flow ):
1) For diameter/thickness up to 125 mm : 28 to 36 amperes/mm
2) For diameter/thickness above 125 to 250 mm : 20 to 28
3) For diameter/thickness greater than 250 mm : 12 to 20
b) For Prod method, the distance between the prodst are generally
limited between 100 to 200 mm and the current requirement is
in the range 90 to 110 amperes per 25 mm prod distance.
A-1.2 Longitudinal Magnetization - The field *strength in a part
being magnetized in a coil is determined by the ampere-turn of the coil
and the length ( L ) to diameter ( D ) ratio of the object:

The field strength can be calculated as:

a) When the cross section of the part is more than 10 percent of

the cross section of the coil:
The field strength shall be worked out based on the formula
45 000
ampere-turns, and
b) When the cross section of the part is less than 10 percent of the
cross section of the coil:

IS:12147 - 1987

4 300 R
The field strength shall be worked out as L ampere-
6 L,,D-5
turns, where R is the radius of the coil.
NOTE - Calibration of the equipment shall be done in accordance with
Appendix C.

( Clause 4.2.2 )

B-1.0 The following procedure shall be adopted for ascertaining the
strength/concentration of the bath.

B-l.1 Churn the bath thoroughly by suitable means so that the settled
particles, if any, are dispersed into a uniform suspension.

B-l.2 Collect a 100 cc sample of the suspension, by the same process

with which the suspension is applied on the component, into a tapered
graduated centrifuge tube.

B-l.3 Demagnetize and allow the above sample to remain undisturbed

for 30 minutes and note the volume of the particles settled into the
bottom of the centrifuge tube. For colour contrast ( visible ) particles,
the volume of the settled particles shall be 1.5 to 2.0 cc and for the
fluorescent particles, the volume of the settled particles shall be 0.2 to
0.4 cc.

B-l.4 If the bath concentration does not conform to the above range,
and either the particles or the carrier liquid to make up the difference
and repeat the procedure as above till the concentration is within the
required range.

IS: 12147 - 1987

( Clause A-l.2 )


C-l.1 Each magnetizing equipment shall be calibrated at least once a
year or after each time it has been subjected to a major electrical repair,
periodic overhaul, or damage.


C-2.1 The ammeter of the equipment shall be calibrated by comparison
to that of a central test meter with shunt or current transformer arrange-
ment connected so as to monitor the output current. The reading in
the ammeter of the equipment shall not deviate by more than &- 10
percent full scale relative to the actual current value as shown in the test


C-3.1 The magnetizing force of the yoke shall be calibrated by deter-
mining their minimum lifting power. Each alternating current electro-
magnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 4.5 kg at the
maximum pole spacing at which it is used. The direct current for
permanent magnet yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 18 kg at
the maximum pole spacing at which it is used.


C-4.1 Ultraviolet lamps shall be periodically checked for consistency in
output light intensity.


Base Units


Length metre m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second s

Electric current ampere A

Thermodynamic kelvin Ii
Luminous intensity candela cd
Amount of substance mole mol

Supplementary Units


Plane angle radian rad

Solid angle steradian sr

Derived Units


Force newton N 1 N = 1 kg.m/s*

Energy joule J 1 J = 1 N.m

Power watt W 1 W = 1 J/s

Flux weber Wb 1 Wb = 1 V.s
Flux density tesla T 1 T = 1 Wb/m*
Frequency hertz HZ 1 Hz = 1 c/s (s-l)
Electric conductance siemens s 1 S = 1 A/V
Electromotive force volt V 1 v = lW/A
Pressure, stress Pascal Pa 1 Pa = 1 N/m

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