Robotic Arm
Robotic Arm
Robotic Arm
and complex programming;I'm an electronic engineering student and I have always caught
my attention these projects so I decided " I want to build a robotic arm." In this blog I
present the results , hoping to be useful to others who are also interested .
This robotic arm is a little demonstration on servomotors which are typically used in RC
models , and is controlled from a PC , meaning through the LabView program and arduino
toolkit ; well as control from a cell phone with android system.
A robotic arm is a type normally programmable mechanical arm, similar to the functions of
a human arm ; this may be the sum total of the mechanism or may be part of a more
complex robot. The parts of these manipulators or arms are interconnected through
articulated joints that allow both a rotational movement ( such as an articulated robot ) , as
a translational linear move .
Step 1: Materials