Robotic Arm

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An robotic arm is responsible for very complicated processes which required a rigorous

and complex programming;I'm an electronic engineering student and I have always caught
my attention these projects so I decided " I want to build a robotic arm." In this blog I
present the results , hoping to be useful to others who are also interested .

This robotic arm is a little demonstration on servomotors which are typically used in RC
models , and is controlled from a PC , meaning through the LabView program and arduino
toolkit ; well as control from a cell phone with android system.

A robotic arm is a type normally programmable mechanical arm, similar to the functions of
a human arm ; this may be the sum total of the mechanism or may be part of a more
complex robot. The parts of these manipulators or arms are interconnected through
articulated joints that allow both a rotational movement ( such as an articulated robot ) , as
a translational linear move .

Step 1: Materials

Micro Servo Tower pro 9g servo tower pro 13kg

Servo HITEC 24 Kg Standard Servo 311 3 Kg

The robotic arm uses 6 servo motors:

1 servo HITEC HS-815BB ( shoulder)

1 servo HITEC HS-755HB ( elbow)
2 servos HITEC HS-311 ( articulation up/down and turn 180)
1 servo Tower pro 996R ( base)
1 micro servo Towe pro ( pin)

The arm has 6 degrees of freedom of movement:

a swivel base
a servo motor in the "shoulder"
a servo motor in the "elbow"
two servo motors in the "doll", one to move up and down and one for left and right rotation.
And a sixth servo motor at the handling clamp.
I have made different designs of the various parts, and I present these are the most
"accomplished", the result of much "trial and trial." Now it looks like the actual structure of
an industrial arm.
The length of the section that goes between the elbow and wrist is almost equal to the
length of the "hand" which enables a good balance; and to help I put springs in the elbow
to have a good balance of weights and so assist servo motors.
The servo shoulder has the "reinforcement" of a spring when the arm is tilted forward.


The servo motor has some control circuits and a potentiometer (a variable resistor) that is
connected to the central axis of the servo motor. In the figure it can be seen on the right
side of the circuit. This potentiometer allows the control circuitry, monitor the current angle
of the servo motor. If the shaft is at the correct angle, then the engine is off. If the circuit
checks that the angle is not correct, the motor will turn in the right direction until the correct
angle. The shaft of the servo is capable of reaching around 180 degrees. Normally, in
some reaches 210 degrees, but it varies by manufacturer. A normal servo is used to
control an angular motion of between 0 and 180.
The coding can be done using LabView

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