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Application of SURPAC and 3D Geological Resource Modelling & Estimation of Iron Ore Deposit

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Application of SURPAC and 3D Geological Resource Modelling &

Estimation of Iron Ore Deposit

First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3 Font Size 12

1First Author Affiliation & Address
2Second Author Affiliation & Address Font size 11
3Example: Professor, Dept. of xyz Engineering, xyz college, state, country

Abstract - Geological 3D modeling is very important designing the pit, it should be kept in mind that the
because it gives detailed information on management in the stripping ratio should be economical in order to
most optimal way to mine. In this project report, 3D modeling minimize losses. For the process of geological modelling
and reserve estimation of iron ore bodies was carried out and opencast mine planning, several software’s have
through modeling software SURPAC. SURPAC is a computer- come into use with the application of information
aided valuation system capable of generation of the survey, technology in mining industry. Among them, SURPAC is
stratigraphy, assay databases, drill hole, and bench
one having multiple high-end functions of mine
compositing, 2D and 3D log sectioning, contouring, 3D surface
generation, cross-sectioning, 3D orebody modeling, designing of modelling. The software has been developed by
the open pit, volume, and reserve estimation and economical GEMCOM international. It is a complete software of
valuation. With the help of a mine planning and design mine planning and designing. At the start of the process,
software SURPAC, a geological database was created into topographical and lithology data are gathered and a
which the coordinates and alignment of the borehole points database is generated by using SURPAC. Depth,
and their constituents along with their individual grades were thickness and grade changes, ore volume, shape and
fed into. The deposit which has been studied is an iron ore. extensions, and properties are determined by
From this database, the boreholes were displayed graphically in mathematical and algorithm approaches using this
the software graphical user interface (GUI). Further, surface database. All numerical estimations are used to get out
generation using the points was done that facilitated for the
visuals to bring out ore body model. The concrete data
manual task of sectioning of individual borehole row sets. After
sectioning all the hole sets, a solid model representation of the to define the shape, location, quality, and quantity of an
ore deposit was generated, validated and its volume and ore body is by bore cores. GPS data is usually taken to
tonnage were determined with the input of its specific gravity draw topographical maps and surfaces. Underground
which is known as reserve estimation. maps like thickness and grade contours are drawn also.
Key words: Geological Database, Solid Model, Block Topographical coordinates are combined with
Model, SURPAC Software, Reserve Estimation, Grade stratigraphical information, a 3-Dimensional data set is
Measurement. handled. After following several mathematical
techniques, 3-Dimensional model of the ore body is
1.INTRODUCTION often obtained. Besides the physical ore model, the
quality composition should even be known. This is often
In the mining industry, there are two aspects which are crucial because further engineering activities have a
highly essential to monitor and optimize apart from cheap aspect to perform. With the known volume of
environment- money and time. Equivalently in a mining block properties like thickness and grade of ore at each
industry, time is money; one has to extract much particular block, it becomes possible to convert this
resources in a limited period of time to earn profits. information to an economical aspect. (volume × tonnage
This necessitates proper planning on where to extract factor × grade = block reserve.) Surveying includes 3-
and how to extract resources and timely execution of dimensional components x, y, and z (easting, northing,
the planning prospects. Planning for opencast mines is elevation) which are used for surface modeling. Drill
done by assessing the total reserve and the average hole data depth and layer information contribute to
grade of the deposit. From this data, scheduling is done explaining how the geological structure is in the three
time to time based on where to extract the ore at a dimensions. Drill holes also carry the knowledge about
particular point of time. Sometimes the mine ore grade. Geological interpretation of stratigraphical
management may ask for rich grades of ore while layers provides a 3-Dimensional ore body model. This
sometimes it may ask for normal grades and ore project aims at the modelling of a iron ore deposit using
blending. Opencast mine planning is done by first SURPAC software which will help in 3D visualization &
generating a representative model of the ore deposit, ore reserve estimation of deposit consisting of 71
then dividing the ore body into smaller blocks and sub- boreholes.
blocks which is basically referred to as block modelling.
From the stage of block modelling, a suitable depth is
selected from which the pit is to be designed. While
1.1 Objectives
Table 2: Part of Survey table
➢ To develop a graphical representation of the ore
deposit. hole_id
depth dip azimuth
➢ To know the shape, distribution of ore deposit.
➢ Reserve Estimation of the mineral resource. B01 82.95 -90 0

B02 75.65 -90 0

B03 130.9 -90 0

B04 10.05 -90 0
The formation of geological database, ore reserve estimation
is carried out with the help of SURPAC. The work is done on B05 92.95 -90 0
71 boreholes gathered from an iron ore deposit. This work is
divided into mainly three steps: B06 6.4 -90 0
(i) Import of geological database.
(ii) Creation 3D modelling from database. B07 13.05 -90 0
(iii) Formation of block model and ore reserve estimation
using ordinary kriging method. B08 93.49 -90 0

B09 91.8 -90 0

Table 1: Part of Collar table
B10 89.02 -90 0

Hole_Id Y X Z Max_Depth Hole_Path B11 30.49 -90 0

B01 100 50 856.66 82.95 Linear B12 57 -90 0

B02 0 0 871.82 75.65 Linear B13 93.85 -90 0

B03 0 100 845.79 130.9 Linear B14 105.8 -90 0

B04 100 -50 874.81 10.05 Linear B15 80.8 -90 0

B05 0 -50 875.66 92.95 Linear B16 79.95 -90 0

B06 190 0 869.07 6.4 linear
B17 41.8 -90 0
B07 200 0 868.23 13.05 linear
B18 83.85 -90 0
B08 300 -50 866.23 93.49 linear
B19 91.64 -90 0
B09 0 -90 865.68 91.8 linear
B20 64.95 -90 0
B10 100 150 834.67 89.02 linear

B11 300 50 858.11 30.49 linear

B12 200 -100 875.75 57 linear

Table 3: Part of Geology table
B13 400 0 856.17 93.85 linear
Hole_Id Depth_From Depth_To Lcode
B14 100 100 848.73 105.8 linear
B01 0 2.44 9
B15 400 -100 853.56 80.8 linear B02 21.1 22.85 1
B03 3.95 6.1 5
B16 400 110 840.16 79.95 linear
B04 0 1.2 5
B17 300 150 833.21 41.8 linear B05 4 5.5 5
B18 400 200 815.54 83.85 linear B06 1.8 4.2 8
B07 1.8 3.65 8
B19 0 180 824.04 91.64 linear
B08 1.85 3.95 4
B20 -200 0 832.84 64.95 linear B09 7.62 10.64 4
B10 6.35 8.5 4
B11 1.22 3.05 4
B12 1.8 3.35 4 2.1 Creation of Geological Database
B13 6.1 8.23 1 To establish the geological database, we collected the
B14 14.3 16.45 1 data of about 71 boreholes with samples consisting of
B15 1.52 2.13 4 various percentages of Fe, Al2O3, SiO2, and P. The data is
B16 2.1 3.05 4 categorized into various lithologies. This data is
arranged in the form of tables as required in SURPAC. It
B17 0.9 4.85 4
is categorized into mainly four tables namely assay,
B18 0.9 3.05 1
geology, survey and collar. The following tables below
B19 5.8 9.15 1 show the structural arrangement of various tables.
B20 16.1 18.55 10

Table 4: Part of Assay table

Hole_Id Depth_From Depth_To Fe Sio2 Al2o3 P

B01 0 2.44 61.6 2.5 5.01 0.06

B02 18.9 21.1 64 0.74 2.54 0.06

Figure 1: Layout of Borehole data
B03 0 2.1 45.4 10.3 14.35 0.06
These tables are most important part of the formation
B04 0 1.2 54.8 7.62 8.02 0.05 of geological database. Creation of database takes place
by importing this data tables into SURPAC and
B05 8.55 10.65 60.3 2 5.38 0.06
validation of data takes place where the data input
B06 0 1.8 55.3 8.48 6.9 0.06 structure is inconsistent data and is rejected and a
geological database is formed.
B07 0 1.8 49.4 18.2 6.8 0.07
It is the basic prerequisite for the formation of 3D
B08 0 1.85 63.2 1.66 2.33 0.06 geological model. Once the database is formed the drill
hole layout can be visualized in 3D and various styles
B09 35.34 36.89 62.8 1 2.5 0.06 can be assigned to the various lithologies present. The
topography of the surface can be generated using the
B10 2.45 4.25 58.6 3 3.8 0.05 drill hole layout.
B11 7.62 10.05 58.2 6.4 5.37 0.06

B12 0 1.8 61.7 1.86 5.4 0.04

2.2 Formation of 3D Geological Model
The formation of geological database is the first step
B13 0 2.44 56.7 4.2 5.77 0.05 for the formation of geological 3D model. To form 3D
B14 20.5 23.15 64 2.18 1.4 0
geological model borehole sections are created using
various options available in SURPAC; mainly it has
B15 7.01 7.92 64.5 1.2 0.55 0 northing, easting, graphical and best fit method. Once
the sections are created, they are digitized according to
B16 12.2 12.85 63.6 0.7 1.8 0.07 their lithologies using different string number so as to
distinguish between them and after completion of
B17 0 0.9 51.8 5 9.4 0 section various lithologies are separated from each
B18 0 0.9 57.2 5.6 6.6 0
section and solid is formed for each lithologies present.
Solid can be formed using various options available in
B19 0 2.1 59.9 2 3.78 0.06 SURPAC such as joining of segment, extrude, joining of
one segment to two or many. Combination of solids of
B20 18.55 20.7 66 2.5 0.62 0.06 all the litho will give a complete 3D visualization of
validated and this variogram can be used as input for the
process of estimation using various functions available
in SURPAC. In this paper, we use the method of ordinary
kriging techniques for the estimation of the reserve
where the validation and variogram files are used as
inputs and estimation for Fe, Al2O3, SiO2, and P is done
Various colours in the block model show the variation in
the percentage of Fe present in the deposit.

Figure 2: Model of the Deposit (DTM)

2.3 Ore Reserve Estimation

Ore-reserve estimates are based upon the results of
exploration and development and analyses of the
samples derived therefrom. Unless a deposit is fully
developed (and even then, to a lesser degree), certain
assumptions have to be made regarding the continuity
and grade of ore between exposed faces or drill holes
that have been sampled. Ore-reserve estimates include Figure 4: Solid model of the deposit
the determination of tonnages of ore and average grade
or value per tonne. Since the grade or content of valuable 3. RESULTS
metal establishes the difference between rock that may The below figure shows the solid modelling object
and may not be classed as ore, tonnage cannot be report which contain object 8, trisolation 1, validation is
estimated without considering the question of grade. true and status is solid. Finally, the surface area is
1455648m² and the volume is 36712838m³ of the
deposit of trisolation extents minimum & maximum
values of XYZ.

Figure 3: Block model of the deposit

Formation of block model, analysis of data and semi

variogram are the prerequisite of ore reserve estimation.
A composite data string file of various lithos is formed
and analyzed and is used as an input parameter for
semi-variogram analysis. A block model is prepared
using the extent of the area under the mining lease. Figure 5: Solid modelling Object report
Constraint files of all the litho’s are generated
respectively and attributes to the model is defined such
as Fe, Al2O3, SiO2, and P, sg (specific gravity), litho
(lithology) and pp (partial percentage) with desired data
Once the semi-variogram is formed validation of
variogram is done where the mean of errors should be
nearly equal to 0, variance and average kriging variance
should be equal and the percentage of errors within two
standard deviations should be nearly 95%. If all these
conditions are satisfied, then the variogram is said to be
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