Duties of A Husband
Duties of A Husband
Duties of A Husband
6 Duties of a Husband
A happy young man hurried home to his parents to share with them the good news that his girl
friend had promised to marry him. But the father, rather than responding as his son expected him
to, asked, Son, do you love this girl as she is right now, or do you love her for her potentialfor
what she could be?
It was not until much later that, as a young husband learning to resolve disagreements in the
home, this man came to appreciate the wisdom of his fathers words.
The husbands role is compared in the Bible to Christs love and concern for the churcha self-
sacrificing, protective role. Christ sees our potential and what He would like us to be, but He loves
and accepts us as we are.
Every Christian husband has dreams and goals he hopes to see realized, finding fulfillment in
a happy home. In this lesson you will recognize ways in which a man safeguards his home as he
carries out His God-given roles.
Objective 1. Consider how the well-being and balance of the family is dependent on the earthly head of
the housethe husband.
Meaning of Husband
The English word husband comes from an old word which we might spell house-band. The
word band here means a strip of metal or a rope used to
join or hold things together. In other words, a husband is one who holds a house together.
Today we think of the word husband more as the male partner of a marriage but, to a great
degree, the entire household depends on the man. We sometimes refer to Christ as the head of the
home, which means that His teachings are in effect in a home. But the husband is the immediate
head of the home and responsible to see that the principles of Gods Word are practiced there.
1 Corinthians 11:3 (KJV). The head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the
2 To what does the Bible compare a husbands authority over his wife?
Objective 2. Consider Gods mandate for the husband love his wife as Jesus loves the church
consistently and sacrificially.
To Have a Happy Life Together
The Bible says that he who finds a wife finds a good thing. He should think of her as a blessing
from God, thank God for her, and be happy with her. A married man must take time to enjoy the
love and companionship of his wife, rather than spending all of his time in outside activities.
Proverbs 5:18 gives good advice for husbands: Be happy with your wife and find your joy with
the girl you married. If a man wants to be happy with his wife, he needs to remember her good
qualities and let her know that he appreciates them. If she is a good cook, it does no harm to say so.
If she looks nice, why should her husband not tell her so? A husband who is constantly reminding
his wife of her faults is treating her as he himself would not wish to be treated. It requires love and
encouragement, of the one to the other, for a man and wife to overcome their faults.
3 Name at least three ways in which a husband can help to make the relationship with his wife a
happy one.
To Love Her Unselfishly
The Bible talks a great deal about loveGods love for us, our love for God, and our love for
our fellowman. It teaches us that the love of a man for his wife is a very special love, different from
any other. She is the one woman in all the world who is to be his companion until death separates
them. He should love her as if she is a part of himself.
The best example of unselfish love is the love that Christ has for us, His church. He gave His
life for us. The Bible says that husbands should love their wives in this same way.
Ephesians 5:25. Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave his life
for it.
In some places, men act as if they thought of their wives as a piece of property that they have
bought. They take care of them because of the money they have spent on them. But the Bible
teaches that a man should take care of his wife because he loves her.
Ephesians 5:28-29. Men ought to love their wives just as they love their own bodies. A man
who loves his wife loves himself. (No one ever hates his own body. Instead, he feeds it and takes
care of it, just as Christ does the church.)
If a man loves his wife as much as he does himself, anything that hurts his wife will hurt him.
He tries to protect her from harm and suffering and thinks of her welfare even more than he does
his own.
A man can show this kind of love for his wife in many ways: by being courteous, kind, and
considerate, rather than speaking harshly to her. In Colossians 3:19, we read the following:
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Providing for her needs, thinking of
her likes and dislikes, trying to make her happy, are also ways for a husband to say, I love you. If
a man occasionally spends money on little things to please himself, he should allow his wife to do
the same. He can let her know he loves and appreciates her by taking her a gift from time to time.
But remember that no gift can substitute for time itself.
Both husband and wife must cultivate this unselfish love for one another if they want to have a
companionship that will stand the test of time and grow stronger as the years go by.
True love between a husband and wife will protect their home from many dangers. A husband
who loves his wife will not seek unwholesome relationships with other women.
This kind of love may not be found at first in marriages that have been arranged by the families,
but it can be cultivated. God can give this kind of love.
If problems and tensions arising between a man and wife begin to weaken their love, they need
to go to God in prayer. Lives wholly committed to God, the source of all true love, can strengthen
the love between the marriage partners. The more one gives himself to God, the more love God
will give that person for his family, and the happier that home will be. Someone has well said: The
family that prays together, stays together.
4 Memorize Ephesians 5:25 and Colossians 3:19; then recite them to someone else.
5 What can protect a home from many dangers?
6 What should a husband and wife do if their love is threatened by tensions and problems in the
To Respect and Honor Her
Love produces respect and honor. A husband should never ridicule, criticize, or scold his wife in
front of others. He should treat her as courteously as he did before they were married.
1 Peter 3:7 (NIV). Husbands . . . be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them
with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that
nothing will hinder your prayers.
This verse teaches that a man can keep His own prayers from being answered by not treating
his wife as he should.
The man is the head of the home, but we might say that the wife is the heart of the home. Neither
head nor heart can live without the other. The husband and wife need one another, and together they
can build a home on a rock foundation of love, consideration, honesty, and trust.
7 What is one thing that can hinder a mans prayers being answered?
8 The husband is the head of the home. What may we say the wife is?
To Protect and Care for Her
In 1 Peter 3:7 the Bible speaks of the woman as the weaker partner. God expects the husband to
protect and care for his wife. There are times when she needs special care and consideration for her
comfort and health. A woman should do the work in the home, which is her responsibility, but the
Bible does not teach that she is to do all of the work while the man wastes his time. It is the mans
responsibility to take care of his wife. Helping hands are caring hands, dear husbands.
Since the Bible refers to woman as the weaker partner, what does God expect of the husband?
To Be Faithful to Her
The Bible teaches clearly that a man is to stay with his wife, and not pursue other women. In
Malachi 2:15 (NIV) we read, So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife
of your youth.
What if a mans wife cannot give him a child? In the Old Testament we read the story of Hannah
and Elkanah. Hannah was unable to give Elkanah a child, but he did not abuse her and send her
away because of that. He loved her just the same. But Hannah wanted so much to have a son that
she went to the house of the Lord and poured her heart out to God. And God heard and answered
her prayer.
1 Samuel 1:20. So it was that she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him
Samuel, and explained, I asked the Lord for him.
10 What did God do for one childless couple in the Bible who were faithful to Him and to one
11 Whose prayer was it that God honored?
foolish son and a wise son is often the difference in the teaching the fathers have given their sons.
Proverbs 19:18 should serve as a solemn reminder to every father:
Discipline your children while they are young enough to learn. If you dont, you are helping
them destroy themselves.
7 If he is not treating his wife with the proper love and respect.
1 It came from the old English word house-band meaning to hold a house together.
8 The heart of the home.
2 To Christs authority over the church.
9 To protect her and take care of her.
3 (Any three) By loving her, encouraging her, spending time with her, letting her know he
appreciates her, by not reminding her of her faults.
10 He gave them a son.
4 When you know the verses well enough, recite them to another person.
11 Hannahs.
5 True love between the husband and wife.
12 When you feel you have memorized the verse well, recite it to someone else.
6 Go to God in prayer, and be sure that their lives are wholly committed to Him.
13 Statement b is true.