Vita Kishor S Trivedi
Vita Kishor S Trivedi
Vita Kishor S Trivedi
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1974.
M.S. in Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1972.
B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, 1968.
- Fitzgerald S. Hudson Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University,
Durham, NC, 2000 - present.
- ONR Faculty Fellow at NSWC-Corona, Summer 2015
- Erasmus Mundus NORDSECMOB Scholar at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, May 2014.
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellow, Hiroshima University, July-August
- Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Jan. 2014- May 2014.
- Fulbright Visiting Lecturer to India, Nov. 2002-May 2003.
- Poonam and Prabhu Goel Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology, Kanpur, Aug. 2002- May 2003.
- Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, 1983 - 2000.
- Professor of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC, 1983 - present.
- Site Director, Center for Advanced Computing and Communication, a joint NSF IUCRC
between North Carolina State University and Duke University, 1994- 2006.
- Visiting Fellow, Computing Laboratory, Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, 1989.
- Consultant, Digital Equipment Corporation, Sept. 1988- May 1989.
- Associate Professor of Comp. Science and Elec. Eng., Duke Univ., NC, 1979 - 1983.
- Visiting Scientist, IBM Watson Research Center, July 1981 - Dec. 1981.
- Visiting Professor, IISc, Banglore, India, Jan. - Feb. 1982.
- Visiting Scientist, National Aeronautics Laboratory, Banglore, India, Jan. - Feb. 1982.
- Visiting Professor, Technical University of Graz, Austria, Mar. - Apr. 1982.
- Visiting Professor, University of Paris-Sud, France, May - July 1982.
- Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC, 1975 - 1979.
- Consultant to various industries and research laboratories.
- Visiting Scientist, ICASE, NASA Langley Res. Ctr., VA, Summers, 1976, 19931996.
- Research Associate, Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois, 1974 - 1975.
- Research Assistant, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, 1970 - 1974.
- Associate Customer Engineer, IBM World Trade Corporation, Bombay, India, 1968 - 1970.
- Apprentice Engineer, Larsen and Toubro, Mumbai, India, 1968 - 1968.
Fault-tolerant and dependable computing; Fault trees; Markov chains; Modeling software packages;
Performance modeling; Performability, Security and Survivability modeling; Reliability and Avail-
ability modeling; Software aging and rejuvenation; Software reliability; Software Fault Tolerance;
Stochastic Petri nets.
- Panel member, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Expert Panel on Digital System Research,
Sept. 1999.
- IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Award
- Distinguished Lecturer at the Johns Hopkins University, Case Western Reserve University, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, University Southern California, Purdue University, Penn State University
and University of Central Florida.
- IEEE Computer Society Meritorious Service Award for dedicated service as an Editor of Trans-
actions on Computers.
- Panel member, NSF CER Review panel, 1984. Member of the Academic Assessment Commit-
tee for the Autonomous Spacecraft Study Group, JPL, 1981.
- A principal speaker at NASA Working Group II Meeting on Validation Methods Research for
Fault Tolerant Avionics and Control Systems, 1980.
- Distinguished Visitor of the IEEE Computer Society for 1978-1981.
- ACM National Lecturer,1981-1983.
- Best paper award at the ACM SIGMETRICS, IFIP PERFORMANCE 86 joint conference.
- Best paper award at the ACM/NBS Symposium on Pathways to System Integrity, Washington,
DC, June 1980.
- Certificate of appreciation from IEEE Computer Society for dedicated service as a distinguished
visitor, 1978 - 1981.
- 2008 IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award.
- Doctor Honoris Causa; USMP, Lima, Peru, 2012.
- Guest Professor, Wuhan University of Technology, Nov. 2015 - Nov. 2018.
- 2015 Best Paper Award of IEEE Reliability Society of Japan for the paper, Performability
Modeling for RAID Storage Systems by Markov Regenerative Process by Fumio Machida,
Ruofan Xia, and Kishor Trivedi, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,
December 2015.
- Monograph on Principles of Performance and Reliability Modeling and Evaluation, edited by
L. Fiondella and A. Puliafito, published by Springer as Essays in Honor of Kishor Trivedi on
his 70th Birthday, 2016.
- Undergraduate Awards:
National Merit Scholar (1963-68). Institute Merit Scholar (1964-68)
- Graduate Honors:
Cumulative Grade Point (GPA) - 5.00.
Fellow of IEEE and IEEE Computer Society.
IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Fault-Tolerant Computing.
IFIP Working Group 7.3 on Performance Modeling.
Area Editor (Performance Modeling), IEEE Transactions on Computers (1983- 1987).
Area Editor (Performance Modeling), Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (1986-1989).
Area Editor (Reliability Modeling), Journal of Electronic Testing (JETTA) (1990-1998 ).
Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Sept. 1992 issue.
Chair, IEEE Computer Society Transactions Operations Committee (1993-1994).
Voting Member, IEEE Computer Society Publications Board (1993-1994).
Guest Editor, IEEE Trans. on Computers , Jan 1995 special issue on Fault-tolerant systems. On
the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (2004-2009).
Program Chair, IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Ann Arbor, MI, 1981.
General Chair, First International Workshop on Timed Petri Nets, Torino, Italy, 1985.
Program Co-Chair, IFIP PERF86 and ACM SIGMETRICS Joint Conf., Raleigh, NC, 1986.
Program Co-Chair, Eleventh Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Houston, TX, 1992.
Chair, Workshop on the Evaluation of CARE III, Computer-Aided Reliability Estimator, 1980.
Chair, Workshop on HARP, Hybrid Automated Reliability Predictor, 1990.
General Chair, Petri Nets and Performance Models 95.
Program Co-Chair, Inter. Computer Perf. and Dependability Symp. (IPDS96).
Vice-General Chair, FTCS 97, Seattle, June 1997.
General Chair, Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 97), Durham , NC, Oct. 1997.
General Chair, Inter. Computer Perf. and Dependability Symp. (IPDS98), Durham NC, Sept.
1998. Honorary General Chair, Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuventaion (WoSAR, 2008-
2016. General co-chair, Valuetools, 2016.
- Undergraduate Admissions Committee (1 year)
- Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee (3 years)
- UFCAS (2 years)
- Science and Engineering Task Force (1 year)
- Patent Policy Committe (1 year)
- SRC Planning Committee (1 year).
Rafael Fricks, Xiaodan Li, Harish Sukhwani.
1. Data Structures (Undergraduate)
2. Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming (Undergraduate)
3. Introduction to Operating Systems
4. Introduction to Computer System Analysis
5. Computer Systems Organization (Graduate)
6. Operating System Theory (Graduate)
7. Computer System Analysis (Graduate)
8. Introduction to CMOS VLSI Design (Graduate)
9. Performance and Reliability of Computer Networks (Graduate)
10. Discrete-event simulation (Graduate)
Over 200 seminars at many universities and industrial labs including, Alcatel-Lucent, Naperville,
Ill., AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel, Naperville, Murray Hill, Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Tech-
nology Center, Huntsville, Bellcore, NJ, Bendix Aerospace Technology Center, Columbia, MD,
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, Boeing, Seattle, City University of hong Kong, Columbia Uni-
versity, Daimler-Benz, Berlin, Department of Transportation, Boston, Mass., Digital Equipment
Corp., Draper Laboratory, DRDO, Hyderabad, India, Ericsson, Sweden, FAA Technical Center,
Atlantic City, GE Corporate Research Division, Schenectady, NY, General Dynamics, Greensboro,
NC, Halmstad Hogshule, Halmstad, Sweden, Honeywell Systems Research Center, Minneapolis,
Hong Kong Institute of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HP, Cuper-
tino, IBM Res. Center, Yorktown Heights, Infosys, Banglore, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
India, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar,
India, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
India, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India, Indian Space Research Organization, Ban-
glore, Institute National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Roquencourt, France,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena California, Johns Hopkins University, Lucent Bell Laoratory,
Microsoft Research, NASA Langley Research Center, National Aeronautics Laboratory, Banglore,
India, National Inst. of Standards and Technology, Naval Ocean Systems Center, Naval Surface
Weapons Center, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, Ohio State University, PennState University, Persis-
tent Systems, Pune, India, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, Software Productivity Consortium, Southern
Methodist University, Stanford University, Stratus Computers, Marlboro, Mass., Tata Consutancy
Serivces, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, India, Technical University of Berlin, Technical University
of Vienna, Texas A & M University;, University of Erlangen, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, Univ. of Massachusetts, University of Michigan, University of Torino, Italy, University
of Southern California, Univ. of Washington, Univ. of Wisconsin, USAF Rome Laboratories.
Vanderbilt University, Wipro, Banglore, India.
1. $107,000 NSF Grant for conducting research in problems of parallel computation, Mar. 1977-
Mar. 1979.
2. $145,000 NSF grant for conducting research in the problems of Computer Configuration Design,
July 1979-June 1981.
3. $65,000 NASA grant for evaluation of CARE III, a computer-based reliability estimation pack-
age, June 1980 - Sept. 1982.
4. $45,000 NASA grant for the design of the Hybrid Automated Reliability Predictor, Oct. 1982
- Sept. 1983.
5. $96,890 NSF grant for the analysis of parallel and distributed systems, Aug. 1983- July 1985.
6. $90,000 NASA grant for the design of the Hybrid Automated Reliability Predictor, Oct. 1983-
Sept. 1984.
7. $52,000 IBM grant for modeling the recovery behavior of IBM Systems, May 1984-Apr. 1985.
8. $196,787 ARO grant for the effectiveness evaluation of fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems,
Apr. 1984- Sept. 30, 1986.
9. $138,265 AFOSR grant for the reliability evaluation of fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems,
May 1984- Apr. 1986.
10. $90,000 NASA grant for the Design and Implementation of The Hybrid Automated Reliability
Predictor, Oct. 1984- Sept. 1985.
11. $77,120 IBM grant for modeling the recovery behavior of IBM Systems, May 1985-Apr. 1986.
12. $90,000 NASA grant for the Design and Implementation of The Hybrid Automated Reliability
Predictor, Oct. 1985- Sept. 1986.
13. $180,500 AFOSR grant for the reliability evaluation of fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems,
May 1986- Apr. 1988.
14. $300,000 DOD-URI equipment grant, FY 1987.
15. $33,000 Burroughs Corporation grant for the Performance Analysis of Functional Programming
Architecture, Sept. 1986-Aug. 1987.
16. $100,000 NASA grant for the Design and Implementation of The Hybrid Automated Reliability
Predictor, Nov. 1986- Oct. 1987.
17. $172,838 NASA grant for the Design and Implementation of The Hybrid Automated Reliability
Predictor, Feb. 1988- Nov. 1990.
18. $125,778 grant from the Software Productivity Consortium for the Performance Analysis of
Ada Designs, Jan. 1988-Dec. 1990.
19. $232,786 grant from SDIO/IST Program, Naval Ocean Systems Center, July 1988- Dec. 1990.
20. $70,000 equipment grant from Digital Equipment Corporation for Techniques and Tools for
Performance Analysis, Sept. 1990- Aug. 1991.
21. $263,161 grant from Union Switch and Signals for Performance and Dependability Modeling,
May 1991-Feb. 1994.
22. $145,000 grant from Boeing Commercial Aeroplane for Reliability Modeling, Sept. 1, 1991-Dec.
23. $45,000 grant from Naval Surface Warfare Center on Methodology for the Specification of
Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems, Sept. 1991- August 1992.
24. $157,173 grant from the National Science Foundation on Towards a Theory of Hierarchical
Modeling, Sept 15, 1991- Sept 14, 1993.
25. $123,331 grant from Naval Surface Warfare Center on Integration of Design Specification and
Dependability Evaluation Methods, Sept. 1, 1992- August 30, 1994.
26. $123,200 grant from IBM Communications Division on Markov Chains and SPN Techniques
for the Analysis of Computer and Communication Systems, March 1993-Jan. 1995.
27. $50,000 planning grant from the National Science Foundation for an Industry-University Co-
operative Research Center, July 1993- June 1994.
28. $70,000 IBM equipmement grant, 1993.
29. $46,200 NSF CS & E research associate award, June 1, 1993- Nov. 30, 1995.
30. $35,000 Draper Laboratory grant for investigation into fault injection, August 1994- July 1995.
31. $41,300 grant from IBM Communications Division on Software Process and Performance, July
1994-July 1995.
32. $555,000 National Science Foundation Grant for an Industry-University Cooperative Research
Center, Oct. 1994- Sept. 1999.
33. $60,000 award as affiliate fees of the Center for Advanced Computing and Communication,
Oct. 1994-Sept. 1995.
34. $105,000 Draper Laboratory grant for investigation into software reliability, August 1995- July
35. $80,000 award for affiliate fees of the Center for Advanced Computing and Communication,
Oct. 1995-Sept. 1996.
36. $140,000 USAF Rome Laboratory grant for software reliability research, Oct. 1995-Sept. 1998.
37. $90,757 RTI subcontract for research in hierarchical fault injection, Aug 1995-Dec. 1996.
38. $35,000 GTE Lab grant for measurement and modeling of high-speed networks, Mar. 1995-Feb
39. $82,000 IBM equipment grant of networking hardware, 1995.
40. $50,000 award from DoD as affiliate fee for the Center for Advanced Computing and Commu-
nication, Oct. 1996-Sept. 1997.
41. $200,000 award from Bellcore as affiliate fee for the Center for Advanced Computing and
Communication, Oct. 1996-Sept. 2000.
42. $20,000 gift from AlliedSignal Aerospace, Oct.1995- Sept. 1997.
43. $80,000 IBM Equipment grant for 4 RISC 6000 Workstations, 1996.
44. $60,000 IBM Equipment grant for an ATM Switch, 1996.
45. $200,000 award from DoD as affiliate fee for the Center for Advanced Computing and Com-
munication, Sept. 1996-Aug. 2000.
46. $144,959 DoD/NSA Enhancement Grant for REGAL project, Jul. 1997-Aug. 31, 1998.
47. $50,000 NSF TIE project, Architecture-Based Estimation of Software Reliability, with A.
Mathur from Purdue, Sept. 1997-Aug. 1999.
48. $10,000 IDEAS project award from NC ACTS, Aug. 1997-Jul. 1998.
49. $10,000 IDEAS project award from Kenan Institute, Aug. 1997-Jul. 1998.
50. $20,000 Analytical Model Development, IBM Enhancement, Aug. 1997-Jul. 1998.
51. $55,000 Draper Laboratory grant for investigation into software reliability, Jul. 1997-Jun.
52. $1,547,927 NSF Challenges in CISE award, TUNE: System Support for Memory-Friendly Pro-
gramming, (co-PIs: J. Board, S. Chatterjee, A. Lebeck, X. Sun), Sept. 1997-Aug. 2000.
53. $48,400 DoD/NSA Enhancement Grant, ATM Networks, Jan.1, 1998- Dec. 31, 1998.
54. $1,801,700 DARPA, TUNE: Mathematical Models and Transformations for Memory-Friendly
Programming, (co-PIs: J. Board, S. Chatterjee, A. Lebeck, X. Sun, P. Hanlon, L. Greengard),
Feb. 1, 1998- Jan. 31, 2001.
55. $50,000 Draper Laboratory grant for investigation into software reliability, Jul. 1998-Jun.
56. $40,000 from Motorola for two fellowships, Sept. 1998- Aug. 1999.
57. $110,000 from Motorola, Jan. 1999- Dec 1999.
58. $20,000 from NCNI a fellowship, Sept. 1998- Aug. 1999.
59. $40,000 from Alcatel for two fellowships, Jan. 1999-Dec 1999.
60. $50,000 CACC Membership from Alcatel, July 1999 - June 2000.
61. $50,000 CACC Membership from Telcordia, July 1999 - June 2000.
62. $53,845 Enhancement project from National Security Agency, July 1999 - June 2000.
63. $30,000 NSF partnership award to CACC, July 1999-June 2000.
64. $21,999 NSF-Italy International cooperation grant.
65. $24,200 IBM Fellowships, summer 1999.
66. $51,800 Atmel Fellowships, Sept 1998- May 2001.
67. $50,794 NSF-Korea Cooperative Reseach grant, Sept. 1998 - Aug. 2000.
68. $160,000 from Motorola, Jan. 2000- Dec 2000.
69. $23,000 Motorola UPP Fellowship from SABA.
70. $20,000 Telcordia fellowship, Spring 2000-Fall 2000.
71. $20,345 Motorola SABA-UPR Fellowship, 9/1/005/31/01.
72. $50,400 from Motorola for 3 fellowships, 6/1/00 - 8/31/00.
73. $35,000 from Motorola for 2 fellowships, 6/1/99 - 8/31/99.
74. $75,000 from Motorola for 2 fellowships, 12/1/98 - 5/1/00.
75. $24,500 IBM fellowship, 6/1/99 - 8/31/00.
76. $20,000 NCNI fellowship, 7/1/99 - 6/30/01.
77. $20,000 CACC membership, Stratus, July 2000-June 2001.
78. $15,000 IBM fellowship, Summer 1999.
79. $30,000 IBM Enhancement Project, 1/1/00 - 12/31/00.
80. $150,000 Nasas Remote Exploration and Experimentation (REE) Project,Reliability and
Availability of the REE System, 5/1/00 - 9/30/01.
81. $749,994 Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Multidisciplinary Research Initiative
(MURI) Program, Real-Time Fault Tolerant Network Protocols, 6/01/00 - 5/31/03.
82. $468,236 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Scalable Intrusion Tolerant
Systems, 7/27/00 - 6/21/03.
83. $48,950 DoD/NSA, affiliate fee for Center for Advanced Computing and Communication,
7/1/00 - 6/30/01.
84. $50,000 CACC membership from Alcatel, July 2000-June 2001.
85. $50,000 CACC membership from Telcordia, July 2000-June 2001.
86. $30,000 National Science Foundation partnership award to CACC, July 2000-June 2001.
87. $150,000 Motorola, January 2001-December 2001.
88. $45,288 NSF U.S. Civilian Research Development Foundation Cooperative Grants Program
(with Dr. Gerasimov Ivanovich), New Analytical Models and Methods for the Design, Eval-
uation and Optimization of Computer Systems and Networks Based on Queueing Network
Models, 10/1/00 - 3/31/02.
89. $1,641,701 Department of Defense MURI Program (with Pennsylvania State University, Carnegie
Mellon, University, and Louisiana State University) Mathematics of Failures in Complex Sys-
tems, 5/1/01 - 4/1/04.
90. $42,017 CACC Core Project, Proactive Management of Security, Spring 2001.
91. $20,000 Motorola, Fellowship, Summer 2002.
92. $50,000 SUN Microsystems award.
93. $12,000 SAF Fellowship, December 2004.
94. $25,000 Siemens grant, August 2005.
95. $ 192,000 JPL/NASA Grant on Classifying Software Faults to Improve Fault Detection Ef-
fectiveness, July 2007- June 2009.
96. $30,000 2007 IBM Faculty award.
97. $146,437 NSF Grant on MiMANSaS: Metrics, Models and Analysis of Network Security and
Survivability, Sept. 2008- Aug. 2010.
98. $30,000 Duke OIT Grant on OIT Metrics Initiative Project, Dec. 2008- Oct. 2009.
99. $15,000 2009 IBM Faculty award.
100. $25,000 NEC Grant for the Performability Management in a Virtualized Data Center via
Stochastic Modeling and Optimization, Oct. 2008- March 2009.
101. $57,442 NEC Grant for the Performability Management in a Virtualized Data Center via
Stochastic Modeling and Optimization, Oct. 2009- March 2010.
102. $123,000 NEC Grant for the Performability Management in a Virtualized Data Center via
Stochastic Modeling and Optimization, March 2010- March 2011.
103. $147,500 NSF Grant on Analytic Modeling and Enhancement of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
for Safety Related Applications, August 2010- July 2013.
104. $ 270,906 JPL/NASA Grant on Dependability Quantification and Assurance of Mission-
critical Software Systems, Sept. 2011- Aug. 2014.
105. (euros) 156,656 NATO Grant on Cyber Security Analysis and Assurance Using Cloud-Based
Security Measurement System, Oct. 2013- Sept. 2016.
106. $20,000 2010 IBM Faculty award for research in cloud computing.
107. $20,000 2011 IBM Faculty award for research in cloud computing.
108. $50,000 2011 Cisco award for research in cloud computing.
109. $33,000 2012 Huawei award for research in software aging and rejuvenation.
110. $50,000 NEC Grant for the Performability Management in a Virtualized Data Center via
Stochastic Modeling and Optimization, April 2011- March 2012.
111. $20,000 2013 IBM Faculty Award.
112. $20,000 NEC Grant for the Performability Management in a Virtualized Data Center via
Stochastic Modeling and Optimization, April 2013- March 2014.
NASA SPACE MISSION, Sept. 2014- Sept. 2015.
114. $40,000 2015 IBM Faculty Award.
115. $237,000 NSF Grant on SRN: On Establishing Secure and Resilient Networking Services,
Sept. 2015- Aug. 2018.
116. $40,000 2016 IBM Faculty Award.
117. $80,000 US Navy (NEEC program) grant on the Use of State Space Models in Security and
Reliability Assessment of Networks, June 2016- May 2017.
A. Books
1. Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queueing, and Computer Science Applications,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1982 (624 pages).
Solution Manual (227 pages).
Acclaimed by scientists such as Richard Hamming, Ed McCluskey, Harold Stone, Domenico
Ferrari, Narayan Bhat, Dan Siewiorek, Satish Tripathi, Ashok Agrawala and John Hayes. Used
as a textbook as well as by practicing engineers. Second edition, John Wiley, 2001. For reviews
of the second edition see: Interfaces, Vol. 34, Sept.-Oct. 2004 by Veena Mendiratta; Tech-
nometrics, Vol. 45, No. 1, February 2003 by John McCool; Computer Journal, Vol.45, No.6,
2002 by Andrea Bobbio; Performance Evaluation, Vol. 50, No.1, Oct. 2002 by Christoph Lin-
demann. A paperback of this text appeared in June 2016 and a Chinese translation appeared
in Nov. 2015.
2. Performance and Reliability Analysis of Computer Systems: An Example-Based Approach Us-
ing the SHARPE Software Package, with Robin Sahner and Antonio Puliafito, Kluwer Aca-
demic Publishers, 1995 (418 pages). Review in IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Sept. 1997, p.
441. Review in Performance Evaluation, Vol. 32, pp.231233, 1998.
3. Queueing Networks and Markov Chains, with G. Bolch, S. Greiner and H. de Meer, John
Wiley, 1998. Second edition, John Wiley, 2006.
4. Advanced Computer System Design, edited with G. W. Zobrist and K. Bagchi, Gordon and
Breach Science Publishers, 1998.
5. Performability Modeling Tools and Techniques, edited with B. Haverkort, R. Marie and G.
Rubino, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
C. Chapters of Books
1. Prepaging and Applications to the STAR-100 Computer, in: High Speed Computer and Algo-
rithm Organization, Kuck, Lawrie and Sameh (eds.), Academic Press, NY., 1977.
2. On the Design and Use of High Performance Computer Systems, in: Parallel Computers -
Parallel Mathematics, Feilmeir (ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977.
3. A Mathematical Model for Computer System Configuration Planning, with R.E. Kinicki, in:
The Performance of Computer Installations, D. Ferrari (ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam,
4. Main Memory and High Speed Storage: Organization, in: Fundamentals Handbook of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Vol. III, (invited) S. Chang (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
5. The Integration of User Perception in the Heterogeneous M/M/2 Queue, with R.M. Geist,
in: PERFORMANCE 83, A. Agrawala and S.K. Tripathi (eds.), North-Holland 1983, pp.
6. Analysis of an M/G/2 Standby Redundant System, with F. Baccelli, in: PERFORMANCE
83, A. Agrawala and S.K. Tripathi (eds.), North-Holland 1983, pp. 457-476.
7. Reliability Evaluation for Fault-Tolerant Systems, invited paper, in: Mathematical Computer
Performance and Reliability, G. Iazeolla , P. J. Courtois and A. Hordijk (eds.), Elsevier Science
Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1984, pp. 403-414 (invited).
8. Modeling and Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Systems, invited paper, in: Modelling Techniques
and Tools for Performance Analysis, D. Potier (ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985, pp.
463-482 (invited).
9. Issues in Reliability Modeling of Fault-Tolerant Systems, with J. Bechta Dugan, R. M. Geist,
and M. Smotherman, in: Informatik-Fachberichte, Vol. 84: Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme,
K. -E. Grosspietsch and M. Dal Cin (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984, pp. 228-239.
10. Extended Stochastic Petri Nets: Applications and Analysis, with J. Bechta Dugan, V. Nicola
and R. Geist, in: Performance84, E. Gelenbe (ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985, pp.
507-519. This paper is heavily referenced.
11. Computing Noise Margins For CMOS And NMOS Inverters, in: Principles of CMOS VLSI
Design, N. Weste and K. Eshraghian, Addison-Wesley, Menlo Park, CA, 1985, pp. 505-510.
12. On the Optimal Distribution of Processing Power in a Star Configured System, with G. Haring,
in: Informatik-Fachberichte Vol. 61, Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechensyste-
men, P. J. Kuhn and K. M. Shulz (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983, pp. 353-365.
13. SPADE: A Tool for Performance and Reliability Evaluation, with R. Sahner, in: Modelling
Techniques and Tools for Performance Analysis85, N. Abu El Ata (ed.), Elsevier Science
Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1986, pp. 147-163.
14. Dependability Evaluation of Fault Tolerant Multiple Processor Systems, with G. Ciardo and
J. Bechta Dugan, in: Modelling Techniques and Tools for Performance Analysis85, N. Abu
El Ata (ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1986 (invited).
15. Optimization Methods in Computer System design, with V.V.S. Sarma and A. Reibman, in:
Engineering Design: Better Results Through Operations Research Methods, (invited), R. R.
Levary (ed.), North-Holland, Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 1988.
16. Modeling and Analysis of Fault Tolerant Multiple Processor Systems, with R. Geist, in: Hand-
book of Advanced Semiconductor Technology and Computer Systems,G. Rabbat (ed.), Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1988, pp. 776-796.
17. A Measurement-Based Performability Model for a Multiprocessor System, with M. C. Hsueh
and R. Iyer, in: Proc. of the Second Int. Workshop on Applied Mathematics and Perfor-
manceReliability Models of Computer/Communication Systems, Rome, Italy, May 1987 (in-
18. Hierarchical Modeling for Reliability and Performance Measures, with M. Veeraraghavan, in:
Concurrent Computations: Algorithms, Architecture and Technology, S. K. Tewksbury, B. W.
Dickson and S. C. Schwartz (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 1988.
19. Transient Analysis of Markov and Markov Reward Models, with A. Reibman and Roger Smith,
in: Computer Performance and Reliability, G. Iazeolla , P. J. Courtois and O. J. Boxma (eds.),
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1988, pp. 535-545.
20. The Performance of Block Structured Programs on Processors Subject to Failure and Repair,
with P. Chimento, in: Performance of Parallel and Distributed Systems, E. Gelenbe (ed.), pp.
269-280, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1988.
21. The Analysis of Computer Systems Using Markov Reward Processes, with R. M. Smith, in:
Stochastic Analysis of Computer and Communication Systems, H. Takagi (ed.), pp. 589-629,
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1990.
22. Availability and Reliability Modeling for Computer Systems, with D. Heimann and N. Mittal,
in: Advances in Computers,, M. Yovitts (Ed.), Vol. 31, pp. 175-233, Academic Press, San
Diego, 1990.
23. The Solution of Large Stochastic Petri Net Models, with G. Ciardo, in: Numerical Solution of
Markov Chains, (invited) W. J. Stewart (ed.), pp. 565-595, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1991.
24. Numerical Transient Solution of Finite Markovian Queueing Systems, with J. Muppala, in:
Queueing and Related Models, U. N. Bhat and I. V. Basawa (ed.), pp. 262-284, Oxford
University Press, 1992.
25. Fixed-Point Iteration in Availability Modeling, with Lorrie Tomek, in: Informatik-Fachberichte,
Vol. 283: Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme, M. Dal Cin (ed.), pp. 229-240, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1991.
26. Dependability Modeling of a Heterogeneous VAXcluster System Using Stochastic Reward Nets,
with J. Muppala, A. Sathaye and Rick Howe, in: Hardware and Software Fault Tolerance in
Parallel Computing Systems, D. Avresky (ed.), pp. 33-59, Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1992.
27. On Modeling Performance of Real-Time Systems in the Presence of Failures, with J. K. Mup-
pala and S. P. Woolet, in: Readings in Real-Time Systems, (invited) Y.-H. Lee and C. M.
Krishna (eds.), pp. 219-239, IEEE Press, 1993.
28. Automated Generation and Analysis of Markov Reward Models Using Stochastic Reward Nets,
with G. Ciardo, A. Blakemore, P. F. Chimento and J. Muppala, in: Linear Algebra, Markov
Chains, and Queueing Models, (invited) Carl Meyer and R. J. Plemmons (eds.), IMA Volumes
in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 48, pp. 145-191, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993.
29. Efficient Multiple Variable Inversion Techniques for Two-Terminal Network Reliability Evalu-
ation, with Malathi Veeraraghavan, in: New Trends in System Reliability Evaluation, (invited)
K. Misra (ed.), pp. 39-74, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1993.
30. Dependability and Performability Analysis with G. Ciardo, M. Malhotra and R.A. Sahner, in:
Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, Lecture Notes in Com-
puter Science, L. Donatiella, R. Nelson (eds.), pp. 587-612, Springer-Verlag, 1993.
31. Reliability Modeling with Computer-Based Tools, with Manish Malhotra, Sandy Wang and
Malathi Veeraraghavan, in: Quality & Reliability in Computer-Based Medical Products, (in-
vited) H. Troy Nagle and Roger Schneider (eds.), IEEE Press, 1993.
32. Techniques and Tools for Reliability and Performance Evaluation: Problems and Perspectives,
with B. Haverkort, A. Rindos and V. Mainkar, Computer Performance Evaluation: Modelling
Techniques and Tools, (invited) Lecture Notes in Computer Science 794, G. Haring and G.
Kotsis (eds.), Springer Verlag, pp. 1-24, 1994.
33. Analyses Using Stochastic Reward Nets, with Lorrie Tomek, in: Software Fault Tolerance,
(invited) M. Lyu (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
34. Markov Renewal Theory Applied to Performability Evaluation, with R. Fricks, M. Telek and
A. Puliafito, in State-of-the Art in Performance Modeling and Simulation. Modeling and Sim-
ulation of Advanced Computer Systems: Applications and Systems, K. Bagchi and G. Zobrist
(eds.), pp. 193236; Gordon and Breach Publishers, Newark, NJ, 1998.
35. Exact Methods for the Transient Analysis of Nonhomogeneous Continuous-Time Markov Chains,
with A. Rindos, S. Woolet and I. Viniotis, 2nd International Workshop on the Numerical So-
lution of Markov Chains, W. J. Stewart (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
36. Time-dependent Behavior of Redundant Systems with Deterministic Repair, with D. Logo-
thetis, 2nd International Workshop on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, W. J. Stew-
art (ed.), pp. 135-150. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
37. Markov Dependability Models of Complex Systems: Analysis Techniques, with J. Muppala and
M. Malhotra, Reliability and Maintenance of Complex Systems, S. Ozekici (ed.), pp. 442486,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
38. Transient Analysis of Non-Markovian Queues via Markov Regenerative Processes, with D.
Logothetis and V. Mainkar, in Probability Models and Statistics: a J. Medhi Festschrift, A. C.
Borthakur and H. Choudhury (eds.), pp. 109-131, New Age International Limited, New Delhi,
39. A BDD Approach to Dependability Analysis of Distributed Computer Systems with Imperfect
Coverage, with X. Zang and H. Sun, in Dependable Network Computing, D. R. Avresky (ed.),
pp. 167-190, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1999.
40. Techniques for System Dependability Evaluation, with J. Muppala and R. Fricks, in Com-
putational Probability, W. Grassman (ed.), pp. 445-480, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The
Netherlands, 2000.
41. Stochastic Modeling Formalisms for Dependability, Performance and Performability, with K.
Goseva - Popstojanova, in Performance Evaluation - Origins and Directions, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, G. Haring, C. Lindemann, M. Reiser (eds.), pp. 385-404, Springer Verlag,
42. Stochastic Petri Nets and Their Applications to Performance Analysis of Computer Networks,
with Hairong Sun, in Recent Developments in Operational Research, M. L. Agarwal and K.
Sen (eds.), pp. 421-435, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, 2001.
43. Software rejuvenation modeling and applications, with T. Dohi, K. Goseva-Popstojanova,
K. Vaidyanathan and S. Osaki, in: Handbook of Reliability Engineering, Hoang Pham (ed.),
Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 245263, 2003.
44. Software Reliability and Rejuvenation: Modeling and Analysis, with K. Vaidyanathan, in Per-
formance Evaluation of Complex Systems: Techniques and Tools, M. C. Calzarossa and S.
Tucci (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 2459, pp. 318-345, Springer Ver-
lag,Heidelberg, 2002.
45. Analysis and Estimation of Multistep Failure Models with Periodic Software Rejuvenation,
with H. Suzuki, T. Dohi and K. Goseva-Popstojanova, in Advances in Stochastic Modeling,
J. R. Artalejo and A. Krishnamoorthy (eds.), Notable Publications, Neshanic Station, New
Jersey, pp. 85108, 2002.
46. Analysis of software aging and rejuvenation, with K. Vaidynathan and K. Goseva-Popstojanova,
In: Recent Developments in Quality Reliability and Information Technology -Trends and Fu-
ture Directions, P. K. Kapur, A. Kumar, Y. Singh, P. C. Jha and A. K. Bardhan (eds.), pp.
25-42, IMH, New Delhi, INDIA (2004).
47. Dealing with Non-exponential Distributions in Dependability Models, with Dazhi Wang and
Ricardo Fricks, in Performance Evaluation - Stories and Perspectives, G. Kotsis (ed.), Oester-
reichchische Computer Gessellschaft, pp. 273-302, 2003.
48. Availability Modeling in Practice, with A. Sathaye and S. Ramani, in: Dependable Computing
Systems: Paradigms, Performance Issues, and Applications , Zomaya and Diab (eds.), John
Wiley, 2005.
49. Network Survivability Performance Evaluation: A Quantitative Approach with Applications
in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, with Dongyan Chen and Sachin Garg, in: Performance Analysis
of Mobile and Ad Hoc Networks, C. Yu, C. Das and Y. Pan (eds.), Nova Science Publishers,
50. Software Rejuvenation, with Y. Bao, in: Advanced Parallel and Distributed Computing, Editor:
Yuan-Shun Dai, et. al., pp. 165, Nova Publishers, 2006.
51. Software Aging and Rejuvenation, with K. Vaidyanathan, pp. xx-xxx, in: Wiley Encyclopedia
of Computer Science and Engineering, B. Wah (ed.), 2008.
52. Stochastic Modeling Techniques for Secure and Survivable Systems, with D. Selvamuthu and
V. Jindal, pp. 171207, in: Information Asssurance, Y. Qian, J. Joshi, D. Tipper and P.
Krishnamurthy (eds.) Morgan Kauffman, 2008.
53. Imprefect Coverage Models, with S. Amari, A. Myers and A. Rauzy, pp. 321348, in: Handbook
of Performability Engineering, K.B. Misra (ed.), Springer, 2008.
54. Transient Behavior of CTMCs, with S. Distefano, in: Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Re-
search and Management Science, J. Kharoufeh (ed.), John Wiley, 2010.
55. Response Time Distributions in Networks of Queues, with Michael Grottke, Varsha Apte and
Steve Woolet, in: Queueing Networks, R. Boucherie and Nico van Dijk (eds.), Springer, New
York, 2011.
56. Accelerated Life Tests and Software Aging, with Rivalino Matias Jr., in: Adaptive Control
Approach for Software Quality Improvement, W. Eric Wong and Bojan Cukic (eds.), World
Scientific, Singapore, 2011.
57. Software Aging and Rejuvenation for Increased Resilience: Modeling, Analysis and Appli-
cations, with Alberto Avritzer, Ricardo M. Czekster and Salvatore Distefano, in: Resilience
Assessment and Evaluation, ed., 2011.
58. Multi-State Availability Modeling in Practice, with Dong Seong Kim and Xiaoyan Yin, in:
Recent Advances in System Reliability, A. Lisnianski and I. Frekel (editors), Springer, 2012,
pp. 165180.
59. Dependability Modeling, with Paulo Maciel, Rivalino Matias Jr. and Dong Seeong Kim, In:
Performance and Dependability in Service Computing: Concepts, Techniques and Research
Directions, Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2011.
60. Availability Analysis of IaaS Cloud Using Analytic Models, with F. Longo, R. Ghosh and
V. K. Naik, in: Achieving Federated and Self-Manageable Cloud Infrastructures: Theory and
Practice, Massimo Villari, Ivona Brandic, Francesco Tusa (Eds.), IGI Global, 2012: 134.
61. Combining Performance and Availability Analysis in Practice, with Ermeson Andrade and
Fumio Machida, in: Advances in Computers, Ali Hurson and S. Sedigh (editors), Vol. 84,
ADCOM, UK: Academic Press, pp. 1-38, 2012.
62. Reliability Indices, with F. Frattini, A. Bovenzi and J. Alonso, in: Wiley Encyclopedia of Opera-
tions Research and Management Science, John Wiley & Sons, DOI 121.10.1002/9780470400531.
eorms1063, Jan. 2013.
63. Performance and Availability Evaluation of IMS-based Core Networks, with Fabio Postiglione
and Xiaoyan Yin, in: Applied Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: Probabilistic Models
and Statistical Inference, I. Frekel (editors), John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
64. Markov chain models and applications, with Kalyanaraman Vaidyanathan and Dharmaraja
Selvamuthu, in: Modeling and Simulation of Computer Networks and Systems: Methodologies
and Applications, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Petros Nicopolitidis and Faouzi Zarai (editors),
Morgan Kaufmann(Elsevier), pp. 393-421, 2015.
65. An SRN-Based Resiliency Quantification Approach, with Dario Bruneo, Francesco Longo,
Marco Scarpa, Antonio Puliafito, Rahul Ghosh, in: Lecture notes in computer science: Ap-
plication and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency, Raymond Devillers and Antti Valmari
(editors), Springer International Publishing, Vol. 9115, pp. 98-116, 2015.
E. Patents
1. Methods and systems for determining an optimal training interval in a communications system,
US 7,092,437 B2, filed on April 25, 2003; granted on August 15, 2006; with Dongyan Chen.
2. Methods and systems for improving utilization of traffic channels in a mobile communications
network, US 7,099,672, filed on February 6, 2002; granted on August 29, 2006, with Xiaomin
Ma and Yun Liu.
3. Method and apparatus for using pattern-recognition to trigger software rejuvenation, 7,100,079,
filed on October 22, 2002; granted on August 29, 2006; with Kenny Gross.
4. Intrusion tolerant communication networks and associated methods, United States Patent
7350234, filed on June 11, 2002; granted on March 25, 2008; with Katerina Goseva-popstojanova,
Feiyi Wang, Rong Wang, Fengmin Gong, Kalyan Vaidyanathan and Balamurugan Muthusamy.
States Patent 20090323539, filed on December 31, 2009; granted on November 2011; with
Dazhi Wang, Tilak Sharma, A. V. Ramesh, D. Twigg, L. Nguyen and Y. Liu.