Anyone who wants to place a copper or FO cable on the market in Europe must test, classify, and label the product in accor-
dance with the CPR, a set of regulations that are standardized across Europe. CE marking as defined in the Construction Prod-
ucts Regulation is mandatory for all cables and cable assemblies that are permanently connected to buildings. The CPR defines
the fire classes of copper and FO cables by way of referencing with approved standard EN50575. Special CE marking must be
in place by July 1, 2017 at the latest and all national standards adapted accordingly. After this date, standards that deviate from
the CPR may no longer be used.
A manufacturer who produces cables and cable assemblies under the new standard must use an authorized body for testing
and for the manufacturing inspection. The properties that are relevant to the CPR must be reported in a ‘Declaration of Per-
formance’ (DoP). All products that fall within the scope of the CPR bear a mandatory CE marking with the CPR fire class on the
EN 13501-6 defines the combinations in which the above test criteria may occur. The harmonized standard EN 50575 ulti-
mately defines how the CPR is to be implemented for cabling and specifies the new fire protection classes.
There are seven new Euro classes: Aca, B1ca, B2ca, Cca, Dca, Eca and Fca
Four of these are relevant to data cabling. B2ca, Cca, Dca, Eca
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F No verification documents
Additional classification
Production/density of smoke
There are three classes for smoke production and density in cables:
s1 = weak smoke production
s2 = moderate smoke production
s3 = potentially strong smoke production
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Acid production/corrosivity
There are three classifications of corrosivity:
a1 = slightly corrosive fumes
a2 = moderately corrosive fumes
a3 = potentially highly corrosive fumes
Flaming droplets
There are three classes for the production of flaming droplets:
d0 = no flaming droplets
d1 = flaming droplets for a short time
d2 = potentially long-lasting flaming droplets
First and foremost, the CPR enables a comparison between the fire protection properties of different products. However, every
member state is instructed and required to define the minimum necessary fire protection classification for the various applications
themselves. The requirements placed on products can thus differ greatly across Europe for each building type. Therefore, the planner
must check and comply with the local regulations. Various organizations and international associations have also declared their
own recommendations, which sometimes go well beyond the legal minimum requirements.
In consideration of cost vs. benefit, R&M makes the following recommendation:
Cca s1 a1 d1
(e.g. hospitals, nursing homes, schools)
Dca s2 a2 d1
(e.g. public buildings, hotels, airports, industrial environments)
(e.g. normal office buildings, residential premises)
(not recommended)
* The necessary fire protection classification for installation cables is prescribed by the relevant fire prevention authority.
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R&M tailored the range of installation cables to European and international standards at an early stage, as well as ex-
panding this range. The broad selection of cables available can cover the wide variety of requirements. Depending
on the cable construction, the existing range of copper cables covers the fire classes Eca /Dca/Cca/B2ca. Due to the way they are
constructed, FO cables are categorized in the classes Eca and Dca . All cables sold in Europe are labeled with their Euro class.
IEC 60332-1, IEC 60332-3, EN 50399, EN 50575, IEC 61034-2, IEC 60754-2
IEC 60332-1, IEC 60332-3, EN 50399, EN 50575, IEC 61034-2, IEC 60754-2
IEC 60332-1, IEC 60332-3, EN 50399, EN 50575, IEC 61034-2, IEC 60754-2
IEC 60332-1, EN 50399, EN 50575, non-PVC: IEC 61034-2, non-PVC: IEC 60754-2
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IEC 60332-1, IEC 60332-3, EN 50399, EN 50575, IEC 61034-2, IEC 60754-2
IEC 60332-1, IEC 60332-3, EN 50399, EN 50575, IEC 61034-2, IEC 60754-2
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I- V (ZN) HH
Cable ajustado interior con protección Dca
individual de 8 a 24 fibras
I- V (ZN) BH
Cable ajustado interior con protección común Eca
de 4 a 24 fibras
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R&M will provide the Declarations of Performance upon request for the time being.
From July 1st 2017, the DoPs will then be available online on the R&M website.
The corresponding DoP number is noted in the R&M data sheet or on the part label.
1 1 DoP number
2 CE mark
4 4 Part description
6 Fire class
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Data sheets
1 Fire class
2 Standards
3 DoP number
1 3
1 Fire class
3 DoP number
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Questions and answers concerning the introduction of the new fire classes
Can cables in stock that were produced before these regulations came into force continue to be sold?
Yes, there is no change to products with existing part numbers. The DoP and the data sheet also apply to cables that are already
in stock.
Can installers continue to use cables that have not been tested according to the CPR until July 1, 2017?
Yes, the regulation only enters into force on July 1, 2017.
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