Windposts and Masonry Reinforcement

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February 2021

Windposts and
Masonry Reinforcement
for the Construction Industry
We are one team.
We are Leviat.
Leviat is the new name of
CRH’s construction accessories
companies worldwide.
Under the Leviat brand, we are uniting the
expertise, skills and resources of Ancon and its
sister companies to create a world leader in fixing,
connecting and anchoring technology.

The products you know and trust will remain an

integral part of Leviat’s comprehensive brand and
product portfolio. As Leviat, we can offer you an
extended range of specialist products and services,
greater technical expertise, a larger and more agile
supply chain and better, faster innovation.

By bringing together CRH’s construction

accessories family as one global organisation,
we are better equipped to meet the needs of our
customers, and the demands of construction
projects, of any scale, anywhere in the world.

This is an exciting change. Join us on our journey.

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Masonry Reinforcement
Strengthening Masonry Panels
Large panels of masonry or panels Parapet Posts are used as vertical
with openings can often be difficult support for brickwork in parapet
to design. The traditional solutions panels.
have been to either increase the
Masonry Panel Design
thickness of the wall or introduce a
Ancon AMR Masonry
masonry pier.
Reinforcement is featured in CADS
Ancon AMR Bed Joint Masonry Wall Panel Designer.
Reinforcement and Ancon
Windposts are designed to provide
additional lateral support for panels
of masonry. Windposts can be
installed into either the inner leaf of
blockwork or into the cavity leaving
the blockwork undisturbed. Ancon
AMR is a fabricated and flattened
stainless steel or carbon steel
reinforcement which locates in the
bed joint to strengthen a wall.

UKCA & CE Marking

Construction products which fall within the scope of a UK designated standard or a
harmonised European Standard should now carry the appropriate marking
under the Construction Products Regulation. For windposts and parapet posts, Certificate of Conformity of the Factory Production Control

the harmonised standard is BS EN 1090-1 Execution of steel structures and This is to certify that: Ancon Limited
President Way
President Park

aluminium structures: Requirements for conformity

S4 7UR
United Kingdom

assessment of structural components. Leviat complies Certificate of Conformity of the Factory Production Control Holds Certificate Number:
In respect of:
2797 CPR 708769

with all UKCA and CE marking requirements of this This is to certify that: Ancon Limited
President Way
President Park
EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 - Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures.

The design, manufacture (including welding) of structural work in steel and aluminium up to and
including Execution Class 2 (EXC 2) as defined in EN 1090-2 and EN 1090-3.

standard, including designs to EN 1993 (Eurocode 3) and

S4 7UR In compliance with Regulation 305/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 (the
United Kingdom Construction Products Regulation or CPR), this certificate applies to the above construction product. This certificate
attests that all the provisions concerning the assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in
Annex ZA of the above standard(s) under system 2+ are applied and that the factory production control is assessed
to be in conformity with the applicable requirements. This certificate was first issued on the date below and will
remain valid as long as neither the harmonised standard, the construction product, the AVCP methods, nor the

external certification of our factory production controls by

manufacturing conditions in the plant are modified significantly, unless suspended or withdrawn by the notified
factory production control certification body.
Holds Certificate Number: CPR 708769

In respect of:
EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 - Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures.

a UK approved body and an EU27 notified body.

For and on behalf of BSI, a Notified
The design, manufacture (including welding) of structural work in steel and aluminium up to and Body for the above Regulation
including Execution Class 2 (EXC 2) as defined in EN 1090-2 and EN 1090-3. (Notified Body Number 2797): Drs. Dave Hagenaars, Managing Director
Previous Notified Body: BSI 0086
In compliance with Regulation 305/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 (the
Construction Products Regulation or CPR), this certificate applies to the above construction product. This certificate First Issued: 2019-03-27 Latest Issue: 2019-10-24
attests that all the provisions concerning the assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in
Annex ZA of the above standard(s) under system 2+ are applied and that the product fulfils (products fulfil) all the

Leviat is certified to undertake welded fabrication

prescribed requirements set out above. This certificate remains valid as long as the test methods and/or factory Page: 1 of 2
production control requirements included in the harmonised standard(s), used to assess the performance of the
declared essential characteristics, do not change and the products(s), and the manufacturing conditions in the
plants(s) are not modified significantly.

work to Execution Class 2 which covers most building For and on behalf of BSI, a Notified
Body for the above Regulation
(Notified Body Number 0086): Chris Lewis - Certification Director, Product Certification
This certificate has been issued by and remains the property of BSI Group The Netherlands B.V., John M. Keynesplein 9, 1066 EP Amsterdam, The Netherlands and
should be returned immediately upon request.
To check its validity telephone +31 20 3460780. An electronic certificate can be authenticated online.

applications and is the default class when unspecified.

BSI Group The Netherlands B.V., registered in the Netherlands under number 33264284, at John M. Keynesplein 9, 1066 EP Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A member of BSI Group of Companies.
First Issued: 2019-03-27 Latest Issue: 2019-03-27

Page: 1 of 2

For AMR masonry reinforcement, the standard is BS This certificate has been issued by and remains the property of BSI Assurance UK Ltd, Kitemark Court, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes MK5 8PP, United
Kingdom and should be returned immediately upon request.

EN 845: Part 3 and Leviat has undertaken all necessary

To check its validity telephone +44 (0) 345 080 9000. An electronic certificate can be authenticated online.

BSI Assurance UK Limited, registered in England under number 7805321 at 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL, UK.
A member of BSI Group of Companies.

product testing at a UK approved laboratory which has Factory Production Control

been underwritten by an EU27 notified body. Certificates and Declarations
of Performance are available
To download a Declaration of Performance, to download from
please visit

AMR Masonry Reinforcement 4 Parapet Posts 7
AMR-X Masonry Reinforcement 5 Windpost Types 8
Reinforcing Stack-Bonded Masonry 6 Windpost Ties 8
Reinforcement for Collar-Jointed Walls 6 Fixings & Connections 9
Windposts 7 Properties & Recommended Loads 10-11

2 Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 UKCA and CE Product information CPD seminars BIM Objects
& ISO 45001 Marking Compliance in NBS format available available

Improve structural Minimise wall Reduce risk of

performance thickness cracking

Masonry Reinforcement

Bed Joint Reinforcement Ancon AMR ‘Ladder Type’ Materials

Bed joint reinforcement is used to improve the Masonry Reinforcement Ancon AMR is available in Austenitic stainless
steel (ref. S) and galvanised steel (ref. G).
structural performance of masonry walls by Available in various standard configurations,
Stainless steel provides the greatest corrosion
providing additional resistance to lateral loads Ancon AMR suits a wide range of structural
resistance and life-cycle costing benefits,
e.g. wind. It can also be used to reduce the load conditions and wall widths. The
and is suitable for use in any application.
risk of cracking either at stress concentrations longitudinal wires have a minimum
Galvanised steel is not suitable for use in the
around openings or as a result of movement, characteristic yield strength of 500N/mm2.
external leaf of a cavity wall.
including the control of shrinkage. For external Ancon AMR is supplied with UKCA and CE
walls subject to wind loading, a structural marking to demonstrate compliance with Wire Diameters
engineer should be consulted to assess BS EN 845-3. Ancon AMR is manufactured from five wire
the spacing of control joints and bed joint sizes which, after flattening, have an equivalent
reinforcement. wire diameter of 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 and 5.0mm.
This range suits the majority of load conditions.

The main longitudinal wires are flattened to
less than 3mm. These wires are joined by
cross wires welded in the same plane at
450mm centres. This profile ensures good
mortar cover is maintained, even when the
product is lapped or used with wall ties.
Ancon AMR is manufactured in standard
lengths of 2700mm.
100mm Available in a range of Widths
widths and wire diameters Available in a variety of standard widths (50,
60mm 60, 80, 100, 150, 175mm), Ancon AMR
Bed joint reinforcement may be used for a Specification / Identification can be used in wall widths from 100mm to
variety of purposes and locations, as set out in AMR is specified using the simple reference 215mm. Care must be taken in selecting the
the table below. structure shown below. Each length of AMR correct width of reinforcement which should
is marked with a product reference to aid be approximately 40mm less than the width of
Purpose / Location Ladder Type
Reinforcement identification on site. the masonry unit.
Increase panel sizes ✔
Material Reference Width (mm)
Increase movement joint spacing ✔
Refer to ‘AMR and AMR-X Typical
e.g. AMR/S/D3.0/W60
Feature courses, corbels, plinths ✔
Collar-jointed walls ✔ Applications’ table on page 5 for more
Corner and T junctions ✔ information.
Stack-bonded panels ✔
Product Code Wire (mm)
Equivalent wire
Differential movement control ✔ diameter after
Above and below openings ✔
Note: For the AMR-X enhanced system shown on
page 5, replace AMR with AMR-X.
In walls which have door and window
openings, bed joint reinforcement can reduce Corners Laps and Positioning
the frequency of control joints. Reinforcement Prefabricated corner units can be Laps should be a minimum of 225mm in
should be provided in the first and second manufactured to provide true continuity of length and must include at least one cross
courses above and below all openings and reinforcement. wire. The lap can be achieved by either
should extend no less than 600mm either side stacking the product or positioning lengths
of the opening. side by side. The position of laps should be
staggered throughout the masonry panel.
Bed joint reinforcement can also be used
near the top of the structural walls abutting Positioned side by side
concrete roofs and to provide additional
strength to parapet walls.

min. 225mm

min. 225mm
Overall thickness when lapped is max. 6mm

4 Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224

Ancon AMR-X, Enhanced Material
Masonry Reinforcement Ancon AMR-X is manufactured from stainless
steel wire. It is suitable for use in internal and
When compared to other ladder-type external wall panels.
reinforcement, Ancon AMR-X can accelerate
the speed of construction, improve build Wire Diameters
quality and reduce the requirement for site The longitudinal wires are manufactured in two
sizes which, after flattening, have an equivalent
wire diameter of 3mm and 5mm. This range
To provide additional resistance to lateral suits the majority of load conditions.
loads and improve the structural performance
of a masonry wall, it is important that the The main longitudinal wires are flattened to less
reinforcement is surrounded by mortar. than 3mm to allow the product to be lapped or
The designed performance of a wall panel may used in the same joint as cavity wall ties.
not be achieved if the bed joint reinforcement Length
is simply laid directly onto dry masonry with Ancon AMR-X is available in a standard length
a mortar layer applied above. Unfortunately, of 2700mm.
research has shown that this is common site
practice, which has led us to develop the new Available in two standard widths (60mm,
Ancon AMR-X reinforcement. 100mm), Ancon AMR-X can be used in
The product is based on the existing Ancon masonry units from 100mm to 150mm wide.
AMR masonry reinforcement, but with shaped
rather than straight cross wires. This innovative
design is a simple, cost-effective way to
correct poor site practice.

Shaped cross
wires elevate
outer wires

Longitudinal wires
surrounded by (5mm
mortar wire dia.) 100mm
wire dia.) 60mm
If applied to dry bricks or blocks, only the AMR and AMR-X Typical Applications wire dia.)
Stainless Steel
modified cross wires are in contact with the wire dia.)
Wall Product AMR-X Range
masonry; the longitudinal wires are elevated. Thickness Reference
When the next masonry unit is lowered, the AMR/S/D3.0/W60
mortar layer disperses around the steel, leaving *AMR-X/S/D3.0/W60 ‘Bed joint reinforcement
the reinforcement fully surrounded. AMR/S/D3.5/W60
102mm Brick/
should be completely
100mm or 125mm Block
The cross wires have been designed so the AMR/S/D4.5/W60 surrounded with mortar’.
AMR-X can be installed either way up. Recommendation given in PD6697: 2010

AMR-X is available in various configurations, AMR/S/D3.0/W100

‘Using Ancon AMR–X will
suitable for brickwork or blockwork, internal AMR/S/D3.5/W100 ensure bed joint reinforcement
or external walls and the majority of load 140mm or 150mm Block AMR/S/D4.0/W100 is accurately installed without
applications. AMR/S/D4.5/W100
AMR/S/D5.0/W100 compromising on build time‘.
BIM Objects *AMR-X/S/D5.0/W100 Structural Engineer
BIM objects for AMR-X masonry reinforcement AMR/S/D3.0/W150

are available to download from

AMR/S/D3.5/W150 ‘I have recommended that we
190mm or 200mm Block AMR/S/D4.0/W150 or AMR/S/D4.5/W150 use this product as it can AMR/S/D5.0/W150 eliminate the risk of inadequate
AMR/S/D3.0/W175 mortar bond around bed joint
215mm Block AMR/S/D4.0/W175 reinforcement‘.
Site Manager
Note: Product references shown are for stainless
steel reinforcement. For galvanised steel ‘S’ should
be replaced with ‘G’. 50 and 80mm widths are also
available. Wire diameters of 3.5 and 4.5mm are only
available in stainless steel. *AMR-X only available in
stainless steel and 60mm / 100mm widths.

Masonry Reinforcement

Reinforcing Stack-Bonded
Stack bonding has a distinctive uniform bond
pattern and is often detailed for its aesthetic
appearance without consideration for its
design limitations.
Where large format masonry units are stacked
one above the other, the lack of bonding
between them will greatly reduce the overall
flexural strength of the panel and the ability
of the wall to spread vertical loads. In stack
bonded masonry, concentrated loads will be
carried down to the support by the particular
vertical ‘column’ of masonry under load, with
little distribution to adjacent masonry.
Ancon AMR Masonry Reinforcement, located
in the bed joints, will increase the panel’s
flexural strength and improve the capacity to 450 mm 450 mm
resist lateral loads and spread vertical loads.
The use of Ancon reinforcement referenced
AMR/S/D3.5/W60 is normally recommended 225
at vertical centres no greater than 300mm, mm
usually every course or every other course 450
depending on the height of the masonry unit. mm
The adjacent illustration uses a 215mm unit 225
height. This is typical advice for stack-bonded mm
masonry up to 125mm wide. Thicker blocks
require wider reinforcement. The addition of
masonry reinforcement will also help with
crack control. Wall Tie Masonry Reinforcement

Ancon AMR-CJ for Collar

Jointed Walls
Ancon AMR-CJ masonry reinforcement allows
the construction of collar-jointed walls i.e.
two leaves of thin masonry used in place of a
single leaf of wider, heavier blockwork. Ancon
AMR-CJ is used to tie the two leaves together,
so it acts as a single unit.
The product consists of 19 x 2.5mm flat
ties welded to flattened longitudinal wires at
450mm centres. The longitudinal wires have
a minimum characteristic yield strength of
Product Codes
AMR-CJ is supplied in a standard width Stainless Steel Galvanised Steel
of 175mm to suit wall widths of 215mm AMR-CJ / S / D3.0 / W175 AMR-CJ / G / D3.0 / W175
comprising two leaves of either standard AMR-CJ / S / D3.5 / W175 –
bricks or 100mm blocks. AMR-CJ / S / D4.0 / W175 AMR-CJ / G / D4.0 / W175
It is manufactured in a standard length of AMR-CJ / S / D4.5 / W175 –
2700mm from five wire diameters which, after AMR-CJ / S / D5.0 / W175 AMR-CJ / G / D5.0 / W175
flattening, is the equivalent wire diameter of
3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 and 5.0mm. Selection is Corner Units and T-Sections
based on calculation. Pre-fabricated corner units and T-sections can be manufactured to
provide true continuity of reinforcement.

6 Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224

Windposts and Parapet Posts Parapet Posts
Ancon Parapet Posts provide lateral restraint
Ancon Windposts are designed to suit your
to masonry that projects above the main
specific construction and load conditions.
structure. They are designed as ‘cantilevers’
They are suitable for use where standard
and include a substantial base connection to
AMR ladder type masonry reinforcement is
transfer the bending moment to the structure.
inadequate or when there is a requirement to
To ensure a practical base connection the
split a large masonry panel.
posts are usually less than 1.6 metres in
height. The tables on page 11 show part of
the Ancon range of parapet posts. For further
information or advice on specific applications,
please contact our Technical Services Team.

BIM Objects
BIM objects are available to download from or WP1/WP3 Parapet Post Fixed
to Top and Face of Concrete

Typical Layout of Windposts and Parapet

Posts on an Elevation of Brickwork

Windpost Design
Ancon Windposts are designed to span
vertically between floors to provide lateral
support for panels of brickwork. The windposts
will usually be restrained by the brickwork and
designed as ‘simply supported beams’.
Deflection under wind load will often limit the
maximum loading. Windposts can be designed
as ‘propped cantilevers’ to limit deflection,
this however will require a much larger base
connection which in many cases may be
difficult to accommodate.
Ties at 225mm Ties at 225mm
Connections to the frame are designed to Vertical Centres Vertical Centres
permit adjustment during installation. Serrated
surfaces will be provided where adjustment is
in the direction of the load. The top connection
allows for shrinkage or vertical movement of
the frame to take place. The type of fixing will
depend on the nature of the frame. Expansion
bolts are normally supplied for concrete frames
and set screws will be supplied for steel
frames. The tables on page 10 include part 225mm
of the Ancon range of windposts. For further
information or advice on specific applications,
please contact our Technical Services Team.
Please note, it is the responsibility of the
Engineer to design a suitable structure for WP1/WP3 Windpost Fixed to WP2 Windpost Fixed to Top of
connecting a windpost or parapet post. Face of Concrete Structure Concrete and Underside of Steel Beam

Where windposts are to be connected to a

Details for Specification and Ordering
concrete frame, the project Structural Engineer
Ancon Windposts are UKCA and CE marked, designed to BS EN 1993 (EC3) and manufactured
should advise the concrete grade. Windpost
to BS EN 1090-1. Sufficient time should be allowed for the design, approval and manufacturing
connections will be designed for grade C30/37
process when placing orders for windposts.
cracked concrete, unless advised otherwise.
The following clause can be adapted for your bill of quantities to aid the specification of Ancon
Windposts and Parapet Posts.
Ancon Windposts WP3 65 x 60 x 4 in grade 1.4301 (304) stainless steel, overall length 2750mm
complete with all ties and end connections. Fixed with Ancon FAZII 12/30 Expansion Bolts.

Masonry Reinforcement

Ancon WP1 and WP3 Windposts Ancon WP4 Windposts

Ancon WP1 and WP3 Windposts are channel Ancon WP4 Windposts are generally used
section windposts which are designed to in internal blockwork walls that have a ‘fair
be installed within the cavity leaving the faced’ finish to both sides and where the
blockwork undisturbed. The windposts are windposts cannot protrude beyond either face.
complete with end connections and ties which Sometimes referred to as ‘spine’ posts they
fit into the vertical slots in the flanges of the are flat plates designed to fit within the wall.
channel section. Although the depth of a WP4 post is limited
by the width of the masonry (ideally 20mm
less than the wall width), the thickness of the
post can vary to increase its load capacity.
Blockwork is tied through the post.

WP1 Windpost with SDN and SPN Ties in

Cavity Wall
WP4 Windpost with SNS Tie in Single Skin

Windpost Ties
A range of ties is available to suit Ancon
Windposts. SDN Ties are used to the outer
leaf and SPN Ties to the inner leaf. SNS
WP3 Windposts with SDN and SPN Ties Ties are used across the posts in the inner
Providing Support for Brick Pier
blockwork and can be supplied with a
Ancon WP2 Windposts debonding sleeve for use where there is a
Ancon WP2 Windposts are angle section vertical movement joint.
windposts designed for either small cavities
or where wind loads are high. One leg of the
angle windpost is built into the blockwork, SPN
and the blockwork tied through the leg of the
windpost to minimise any possible movement
or cracking of internal finishes. The design SDN
of Ancon WP2 Windposts assumes full
restraint to the longer leg of the post located
within the vertical masonry joint. To prevent SNS
lateral movement of the post within this joint
and ensure the windpost performs to its full
capacity, it is essential that this joint is tightly Windpost Ties for Thin-Joint Cellular
packed with mortar. If a vertical movement Clay Blockwork
joint is required in place of a tied joint, ties with A range of ties is available to suit Ancon WP3 Fixed to Concrete at the Base
a debonded end on one side can be supplied. windposts when used with an inner leaf of and a Steel Beam at the Top
The capacity of the post will be reduced in this cellular clay blocks, where the horizontal
configuration. bed joints are just 1mm.
The CCB-SPN connects channel profile
posts to the inner cellular clay block leaf and
CCB-SNS ties are used across angle
shaped posts installed in the inner leaf.

WP2 Windpost with SDN and SNS Ties in CCB-SPN

Cavity Wall


WP2 Windpost at Vertical Movement WP2 Windpost with SNS and SPN
Joint in the Inner Leaf of Blockwork with Wall Ties
Debonded Ties Across the Post
Note that the capacity of the windpost will be
reduced in this configuration.

8 Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224

Fixings for Windposts and Parapet Posts
Connections to the frame can be made in a
variety of ways and will depend on the type
of post, structure and fixing being used. Typical Base Connection of a
examples of connections are shown below. WP3 Windpost to CombiDeck

Top Connection of a WP3 Windpost to the Top Connection of a WP3 Windpost to the Top Connection of a WP2 Windpost to the
Face of the Concrete Underside of a Concrete Beam Underside of a Steel Beam

Top Connection of a WP1 Windpost to the Top Connection of a WP3 Windpost to the Top Connection of a WP2 Windpost to the
Underside of a Steel Box Beam Underside of a Steel Beam Underside of a Timber Wall Plate

Top Connection of a WP3 Windpost to the Top Connection of a WP3 Windpost to a Top Connection of a WP3 Windpost to a
Top of a Timber Wall Plate Face-Fixed Timber Noggin Side-Fixed Timber Noggin

Base Connection of a WP1/WP3 Parapet Base Connection of a WP3 Windpost Base Connection of a WP2 Windpost to a
Post to the Top and Face of a Concrete Slab to the Top of a Concrete Slab Concrete Infill in the Top of a Beam and
Block Floor

The choice of fixing and its position is dependent on the type and length of the windpost and
the structure to which it is being fixed. We design fixing details for the top and base of each
windpost and a drawing is issued for approval prior to manufacture.
The bolt in the slotted connection at the top of the windpost is positioned so that vertical
movement of the frame can take place. 9
Masonry Reinforcement

Properties and Recommended Ancon Windposts comply with all UKCA &
Loads for Windposts to BS EN 1993 (EC3) CE marking requirements of BS EN 1090-1,
Ancon Windposts are designed as ‘simply including designs to EN 1993 (Eurocode 3)
supported beams’ with a maximum deflection and external certification of our factory
of span/360. The tables below include production controls by
examples of the Ancon range of Windposts an approved body.
with maximum design loads to BS EN 1993
(Eurocode 3). The design resistances shown The section sizes shown are an example
should be compared to factored loads. of those available. For further information
or advice on specific applications please
contact our Technical Services Team.

a a

a a
t t t

b b b
Performance of WP1 and WP3 Windposts to Eurocode 3
Size Design Resistance (kN) per Post (uniformly distributed) for Various Windpost Spans
a x b x t 2.5m 3.0m 3.5m 4.0m 4.5m 5.0m 5.5m 6.0m
60x60x4 4.28 2.98 2.19 - - - - -
80x60x4 8.57 5.98 4.40 3.37 - - - -
55x60x4 3.19 2.22 - - - - - -
55x60x5 3.93 2.73 - - - - - -
65x60x4 4.68 3.26 2.39 1.83 - - - -
65x60x5 5.80 4.03 2.96 2.27 - - - -
75x60x4 6.49 4.53 3.33 2.55 - - - -
75x60x5 8.07 5.63 4.14 3.17 2.50 - - -
WP3 85x60x4 8.63 6.03 4.44 3.40 2.69 2.18 - -
85x60x5 10.75 7.51 5.54 4.24 3.35 2.72 2.24 -
95x60x5 13.83 9.72 7.17 5.50 4.35 3.52 2.91 2.45
105x60x5 16.24 12.22 9.04 6.94 5.49 4.45 3.68 3.09
115x60x5 16.24 15.03 11.16 8.59 6.80 5.51 4.56 3.83
115x60x6 16.24 17.20 12.77 9.82 7.78 6.31 5.22 4.38
115x65x8 16.24 19.20 16.97 13.06 10.34 8.39 6.93 5.83
Note: Table based on tie spacing of 225mm. Figures in bold indicate capacity limited by tie capacity.

Performance of WP2 Windposts to Eurocode 3

Size Design Resistance (kN) per Post (uniformly distributed) for Various Windpost Spans
a x b x t 2.5m 3.0m 3.5m 4.0m 4.5m 5.0m 5.5m 6.0m
125x70x4 9.46 7.07 5.46 4.32 3.48 2.86 2.38 2.01
140x70x4 12.28 9.25 7.20 5.74 4.66 3.84 3.21 2.72
150x70x4 14.21 10.86 8.49 6.80 5.54 4.59 3.85 3.26
130x70x6 15.83 11.93 9.30 7.42 6.03 4.98 4.17 3.53
170x70x4 17.92 14.48 11.41 9.21 7.56 6.30 5.31 4.53
160x70x5 20.33 15.94 12.54 10.11 8.30 6.91 5.82 4.96
WP2 150x70x6 21.90 16.64 13.09 10.54 8.64 7.19 6.05 5.15
170x70x5 22.75 18.29 14.44 11.69 9.63 8.04 6.79 5.80
180x70x5 24.76 20.80 16.48 13.37 11.05 9.26 7.85 6.72
150x80x8 24.76 22.59 17.76 14.31 11.74 9.77 8.23 7.01
185x70x6 24.76 26.71 21.24 17.31 14.36 12.08 10.28 8.82
170x80x8 24.76 29.26 23.81 19.31 15.96 13.37 11.33 9.70
180x80x8 24.76 29.26 27.15 22.09 18.31 15.38 13.07 11.22
Note: Table based on tie spacing of 225mm, ties on each leg, no vertical movement joint and long leg restrained by the masonry. Figures in bold indicate capacity limited by tie capacity.

Properties and Performance of WP4 Windposts to Eurocode 3

Size Design Resistance (kN) per Post (uniformly distributed) for Various Windpost Spans
a x t 2.5m 3.0m 3.5m 4.0m 4.5m 5.0m 5.5m 6.0m
90x8 4.89 3.43 - - - - - -
100x8 6.65 4.68 3.46 2.65 2.10 - - -
110x8 8.74 6.20 4.59 3.53 2.79 2.26 - -
120x8 11.18 7.98 5.94 4.57 3.62 2.94 2.43 2.04
Note: Table based on post restrained by the masonry.

10 Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224

Properties and Recommended Loads the top. The design resistances shown should
for Parapet Posts to BS EN 1993 (EC3) be compared to factored loads. Posts should
Ancon Parapet Posts are designed according be selected from the appropriate table. If
to BS EN 1993 (Eurocode 3) for a maximum the post is to be designed for both uniformly
deflection of height/180. The tables below distributed and point loads, please contact our
indicate the maximum uniformly distributed Technical Services Team.
design load and the maximum point load at
Performance of WP1P and WP3P parapet posts to Eurocode 3 under uniformly distributed load
Size Design Resistance (kN) per Post (uniformly distributed) for Various Parapet Post Lengths
a x b x t 0.8m 1.0m 1.2m 1.4m 1.6m 1.8m 2.0m
60x60x4 4.43 5.25 3.77 2.81 2.16 1.71 1.39
80x60x4 4.43 5.90 7.14 5.46 4.27 3.41 2.78
55x60x4 4.43 4.13 2.95 2.19 1.69 1.34 1.08
55x60x5 4.43 4.91 3.49 2.59 1.99 1.58 1.28
65x60x4 4.43 5.90 4.22 3.18 2.46 1.96 1.59
65x60x5 4.43 5.90 5.05 3.78 2.92 2.32 1.88
75x60x4 4.43 5.90 5.67 4.32 3.38 2.70 2.20
75x60x5 4.43 5.90 6.83 5.18 4.04 3.22 2.62
85x60x4 4.43 5.90 7.09 5.60 4.42 3.56 2.91
85x60x5 4.43 5.90 7.38 6.77 5.32 4.27 3.49
Note: Table based on restrained parapet post with tie spacing of 225mm. Figures in bold indicate capacity limited by tie capacity.

Performance of WP1P and WP3P parapet posts to Eurocode 3 under point load
Size Design Resistance (kN) at Top of Parapet Post for Various Lengths
a x b x t 0.8m 1.0m 1.2m 1.4m 1.6m 1.8m 2.0m
60x60x4 3.12 2.06 1.44 1.07 0.81 0.65 0.51
80x60x4 5.79 3.96 2.84 2.12 1.64 1.29 1.05
55x60x4 2.45 1.61 1.12 0.83 0.63 0.50 0.40
55x60x5 2.90 1.90 1.33 0.97 0.75 0.59 0.48
65x60x4 3.47 2.32 1.64 1.21 0.93 0.73 0.59
65x60x5 4.15 2.76 1.95 1.44 1.10 0.87 0.71
75x60x4 4.51 3.14 2.25 1.67 1.29 1.02 0.83
75x60x5 5.56 3.78 2.69 2.00 1.54 1.22 0.99
85x60x4 5.80 4.06 2.95 2.21 1.71 1.36 1.10
85x60x5 7.11 4.91 3.55 2.65 2.05 1.63 1.32
Note: Table based on restrained parapet post with top rail or other such connection transferring the point load to the top of the post.

Performance of WP2P parapet posts to Eurocode 3 under uniformly distributed load

Size Design Resistance (kN) per Post (uniformly distributed) for Various Parapet Post Lengths
a x b x t 0.8m 1.0m 1.2m 1.4m 1.6m 1.8m 2.0m
125x70x4 6.75 6.33 5.27 4.52 3.95 3.51 3.02
140x70x4 6.75 7.81 6.51 5.58 4.88 4.34 3.90
150x70x4 6.75 8.88 7.40 6.34 5.55 4.93 4.44
130x70x6 6.75 9.00 8.74 7.49 6.55 5.83 5.05
170x70x4 6.75 9.00 9.33 8.00 7.00 6.22 5.60
160x70x5 6.75 9.00 10.59 9.07 7.94 7.06 6.35
WP2P 150x70x6 6.75 9.00 11.25 9.79 8.57 7.61 6.85
170x70x5 6.75 9.00 11.25 10.15 8.88 7.90 7.11
180x70x5 6.75 9.00 11.25 11.29 9.88 8.78 7.90
150x80x8 6.75 9.00 11.25 13.50 13.13 11.06 9.47
185x70x6 6.75 9.00 11.25 13.50 12.66 11.25 10.13
170x80x8 6.75 9.00 11.25 13.50 15.75 14.57 12.52
180x80x8 6.75 9.00 11.25 13.50 15.75 16.49 14.19
Note: Table based on tie spacing of 225mm, ties on each leg, no vertical movement joint and long leg restrained by the masonry. Figures in bold indicate capacity limited by tie capacity.

Performance of WP2P parapet posts to Eurocode 3 under point load

Size Design Resistance (kN) at Top of Parapet Post for Various Lengths
a x b x t 0.8m 1.0m 1.2m 1.4m 1.6m 1.8m 2.0m
125x70x4 3.95 3.16 2.63 2.24 1.82 1.51 1.27
140x70x4 4.88 3.90 3.25 2.79 2.36 1.97 1.66
150x70x4 5.55 4.44 3.70 3.17 2.77 2.31 1.96
130x70x6 6.55 5.24 4.37 3.73 3.05 2.54 2.15
170x70x4 7.00 5.60 4.66 4.00 3.50 3.08 2.62
160x70x5 7.94 6.35 5.29 4.53 3.97 3.39 2.88
WP2P 150x70x6 8.57 6.85 5.71 4.89 4.22 3.54 3.01
170x70x5 8.88 7.11 5.92 5.07 4.44 3.88 3.31
180x70x5 9.88 7.90 6.58 5.64 4.94 4.39 3.77
150x80x8 15.55 11.36 8.75 6.99 5.74 4.80 4.09
185x70x6 12.66 10.13 8.44 7.23 6.33 5.62 4.85
170x80x8 20.12 14.82 11.48 9.22 7.60 6.39 5.45
180x80x8 22.58 16.69 12.97 10.44 8.62 7.26 6.21
Note: Table based on the post having ties on each leg, no vertical movement joint, long leg restrained by the masonry and with top rail or other such connection transferring the point
load to the top of the post.

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the industry to build safer,
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