Iec 61156-5
Iec 61156-5
Iec 61156-5
IEC 61156-5
Edition 2.0 2009-02
ICS 33.120.20 ISBN 978-2-88910-424-6
1 Scope ...............................................................................................................................7
2 Normative references .......................................................................................................7
3 Terms and definitions .......................................................................................................8
4 Installation considerations ................................................................................................8
4.1 General remarks......................................................................................................8
4.2 Bending radius of installed cable. ............................................................................8
4.3 Climatic conditions ..................................................................................................8
5 Materials and cable construction ......................................................................................8
5.1 General remarks......................................................................................................8
5.2 Cable construction ..................................................................................................8
5.2.1 Conductor....................................................................................................8
5.2.2 Insulation.....................................................................................................8
5.2.3 Cable element .............................................................................................9
5.2.4 Cable make-up ............................................................................................9
5.2.5 Screening of the cable core .........................................................................9
5.2.6 Sheath.........................................................................................................9
5.2.7 Identification ................................................................................................9
5.2.8 Finished cable ........................................................................................... 10
6 Characteristics and requirements ................................................................................... 10
6.1 General remarks.................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Electrical characteristics and tests ........................................................................ 10
6.2.1 Conductor resistance................................................................................. 10
6.2.2 Resistance unbalance ............................................................................... 10
6.2.3 Dielectric strength ..................................................................................... 10
6.2.4 Insulation resistance.................................................................................. 10
6.2.5 Mutual capacitance.................................................................................... 10
6.2.6 Capacitance unbalance ............................................................................. 10
6.2.7 Transfer impedance ................................................................................... 11
6.2.8 Coupling attenuation.................................................................................. 11
6.2.9 Current-carrying capacity........................................................................... 11
6.3 Transmission characteristics ................................................................................. 11
6.3.1 Velocity of propagation (phase velocity) .................................................... 11
6.3.2 Phase delay and differential delay (delay skew) ........................................ 11
6.3.3 Attenuation (α) ........................................................................................... 12
6.3.4 Unbalance attenuation (TCL) ..................................................................... 13
6.3.5 Near-end crosstalk (NEXT)......................................................................... 13
6.3.6 Far-end crosstalk (FEXT) ........................................................................... 14
6.3.7 Alien (exogenous) near-end crosstalk (ANEXT) .......................................... 14
6.3.8 Alien (exogenous) far-end crosstalk (AFEXT) ............................................. 14
6.3.9 Alien (exogenous) crosstalk of bundled cables .......................................... 15
6.3.10 Impedance................................................................................................. 15
6.3.11 Return loss (RL) ........................................................................................ 16
6.4 Mechanical and dimensional characteristics and requirements .............................. 16
6.4.1 Dimensional requirements ......................................................................... 16
6.4.2 Elongation at break of the conductors ........................................................ 16
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Bibliography.......................................................................................................................... 23
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
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9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of
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International Standard IEC 61156-5 has been prepared by subcommittee 46C: Wires and
symmetric cables, of IEC technical committee 46: Cables, wires, waveguides, R.F.
connectors, R.F. and microwave passive components and accessories.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2002. This edition
constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous
b) revised requirements and tests for Cat5e, Cat6 and Cat7 cables.
The text of this standard is based on the first edition and on the following documents:
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
A list of all parts of the IEC 61156 series, under the general title Multicore and symmetrical
pair/quad cables for digital communications can be found on the IEC website.
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under "" in
the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be
• reconfirmed;
• withdrawn;
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
The contents of the corrigendum of May 2009 and February 2010 have been included in this
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1 Scope
This part of IEC 61156 describes the cables intended primarily for horizontal floor wiring as
defined in ISO/IEC 11801.
It covers individually screened, common screened and unscreened pairs or quads (see
Annex A). The transmission characteristics and the frequency range (see Table 1) of the
cables are specified at 20 °C.
Maximum referenced
Cable designation frequency
Category 5e 100
Category 6 250
Category 6 A 500
Category 7 600
Category 7 A 1 000
These cables can be used for various communication channels which use as many as four
pairs simultaneously. In this sense, this sectional specification provides the cable
characteristics required by system developers to evaluate new systems.
The cables covered by this standard are intended to operate with voltages and currents
normally encountered in communication systems. While these cables are not intended to be
used in conjunction with low impedance sources, for example, the electric power supplies of
public utility mains, they are intended to be used to support the delivery of low voltage and
power applications such as IEEE 802.3af (Power over Ethernet) and IEEE 802.3at (Power
over Ethernet Plus).
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 61156-1, Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications – Part 1:
Generic specification
IEC 61156-5-1, Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications –
Symmetrical pair/quad cables with transmission characteristics up to 1 000 MHz – Horizontal
floor wiring – Blank detail specification
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IEC 62153-4-5, Metallic communication cables test methods – Part 4-5: Electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) – Coupling or screening attenuation – Absorbing clamp method
IEC 62153-4-9, Metallic communication cable test methods – Part 4-9: Electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) – Coupling attenuation of screened balanced cables, triaxial method
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in IEC 61156-1 apply.
4 Installation considerations
The bending radius of the installed cable shall not be less than 4 times the outside diameter
of the cable.
Under static conditions, the cables shall operate in the temperature range from –40 °C to
+60 °C. The conductor and cable temperature dependence is specified for screened and
unscreened cables and should be taken into account for the design of an actual cabling
The choice of materials and cable construction shall be suitable for the intended application
and installation of the cable. Particular care shall be taken to meet any requirements for EMC
and fire performance (such as burning properties, smoke generation, evolution of halogen
gas, etc.).
The cable construction shall be in accordance with the details and dimensions given in the
relevant detail specification.
5.2.1 Conductor
The conductor shall be a solid annealed copper conductor, in accordance with 5.2.1 of
IEC 61156-1 and should have a nominal diameter between 0,4 mm and 0,65 mm. A conductor
diameter of up to 0,8 mm may be used .
5.2.2 Insulation
The conductor shall be insulated with a suitable material. Examples of suitable materials are:
– polyolefin;
– fluoropolymer;
– low-smoke zero-halogen thermoplastic material.