Goals For Professional Experience I King C 22941958

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Goals for Professional Experience I Date of Practicum: 12th October 2020

Pre-service teacher’s name: Mrs. Claire King Mentor’s name: _______________________________


Performance and Evidence that will be used What actions will I take to How does my goal Timeframe within Support that will be
development goal to demonstrate achieve the goal? connect to my which the goal will be required from my
to be achieved progression and goal professional achieved mentor and adviser to
(stated simply) achievement growth? achieve the goal
GOAL 1: *Communication with 1. Creating an Selecting the Commencing in week *Mentor will discuss
To organise mentor teacher on what effective lesson appropriate content two of practicum, content that has
content into an content has already been plan. and being well every time I am previously been
effective learning delivered. 2. Recap on previous organised and asked to prepare for delivered and can assist
and teaching classroom prepared for class is teaching a subject with suggestions on
sequence. *Refer to the ACARA knowledge. vital for lessons to lesson to the class. what could be delivered
sequence of content for 3. Break down task run as smoothly as for future lessons.
the year level being taught. into bite size possible. This will
pieces. assist me greatly *Teaching strategies and
*Establish learning 4. Engage in a variety when delivering the activities suggested.
intentions WALT/WILF. of learning content to the Mentor to provide
activities to students in class. feedback for continuous
*Flow the content in a incorporate all improvement.
logical order. learning styles.
GOAL 2: *Set up of the classroom 1. Adhere to the By managing Commencing in week *My mentor can assist
To demonstrate activity. time allocated to classroom activities two of practicum, in providing the
the capacity to the class activity. through every time I am materials or direct me to
organise *Smart board/white board 2. Make sure the appropriate asked to prepare for their location.
classroom and visual aids to identify activity is set to organisation and teaching a subject
activities and directions of the activities the time frame communication, lesson to the class. *Mentor to provide
provide clear (time frames, instructions). scheduled. students have feedback for continuous
directions. 3. Make sure clarity of the improvement.
*Seek clarification from the materials and expectations of the
students that they have resources are task that they are *Mentor maybe able to
understood the activity organised prior to required to suggest learning
task. the start of the complete. This in resources and/or
activity. turn allows for websites to access
4. Reiterate lessons that are learning material.
directions of structured and will
activity to support
students. productivity.
GOAL 3: *Ask mentor to observe my 1. Provide mentor Having a teaching For the duration of *Mentor to provide me
To seek and apply teaching practices and to with feedback mentor provide me the practicum. with constructive
constructive provide 3 feedback forms form e.g. with constructive feedback on my
feedback from my per week. Observation feedback on how teaching practices.
teaching mentor checklist. they believe I can
to improve my 2. Apply feedback improve my *Collaborate with other
teaching practices. given by mentor teaching practice is peers and teachers
into future truly invaluable and while on practicum to
teaching lessons will do wonders for improve on teaching
to improve on my professional practices.
teaching practices. growth.

My goals for professional experience one, have been taken directly from the APSTs which will be used on my practicum and will support my personal
reflection and assessment of my teaching experience (AITSL, 2018). Goal one is focus area 2.2 from standard 2; Know the content and how to teach it. Goal
two is focus area 4.2 from standard 4; Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments. Goal three is focus area 6.3 from standard 6; Engage
in professional learning (AITSL, 2018). All three goals align directly with the APST, the reasoning behind this was for educational outcomes for myself and for
my future students. Having many nerves and uncertainties for my very first practicum I wanted to cover a variety of areas in my goal setting.

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