Thesis Jemuel

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Jemuel M. Duran
Chapter I



The peace and order in any areas of the Philippines has been

defined as inconsistent and restless. The absence or lack of peace

and order in the community will directly affect the governments action

towards a more progressive and well-developed economy. But how

can we achieve that goal if security of everyone is not assured?

Peace and order must start in the small unit of society which is

the family. Every member of the family must aware about crimes and

its bad effects. With enough knowledge about this matter, no doubt

everyone is prepared and can work independenlty without living in

fear. In maintaining the implementation, the barangay officials also

portraying a heavy role in which they need to exert so much effort to

protect everyones security.

Aside from the Philippine National Police or PNPs important

presence to community, officials decided to build a committee

responsible for keeping peace and order during night time. These
men so-called barangay tanods which they are to prevent those

unlawful acts happening during darks hours that possibly create

chaos and eradicate the implementation of peace and order that is

insitilled to the people.

However, there are still hard-headed ones engaging with

commotions no matter how strong and deep the dedication of

barangay officials, law enforcers and barangay tanods in maintaining

the peace and order. Most of these non law-abiding men are minor

15 years of age committing street crimes like thieves and snatches.

While other forms of crime like illegal drugs, illegal gambling,

terrorism and domestic violence are prone to adult ages.

The reseacher would like to determine if peace and order is

well-implemented and well-maintained in the municipality of Damulog

because no one can tell when and where crimes will exist, how does

barangay officials, law enforcers and barangay tanods do their

respective tasks so they can secure everyones life, and their

possible ways to lessen the increasing number of crime rate annually

in the said place. By reading more of this research, readers will be

able to answer those questions above.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study can be useful to the following:

1. To the barangay officials. This research will help them to

understand more about their importance in the community

especially in the implementation of peace and order at

Damulog, Bukidnon.

2. To the students especially those who are taking up BS

Criminology. This will give them brighter idea about peace

and order because when they are already in the world of

works, one the main functions of police is to protect the


3. To Barangay Tanods. This research will help them to boost

more confidence because sometimes they are discrimated

by other people because of their function in barangay while

in fact they deserve to give importance and recognize their

contributions in maintaining the implementation of peace

and order.

4. To the citizens of Damulog, Bukidnon. This study will

provide a better information about their responsibilities as a

citizen in the country and sustaining their minds about peace

and order.

5. To the future researchers. This will give them right

knowledge and advance wisdom for better understanding,

ideas, directions and guidance relating to the subject.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this study was to determine if the peace

and order well-implented in Damulog, Bukidnon and how it affects to

the lives of the residences.

1. What are the Demographic Profiles of the respondents in terms of

the following:

1.1. Occupation

1.2. Length of Residency

1.3. Ethnicity

2. What are the programs implemented in order to attend the


2.1. In terms of security

2.2. In terms of productivity

2.3. In terms of Cultural Addoptation and Integoration

2.3.1. Manobo

2.3.2. Muslim

3. What are the possible recommendations in order to maintain the

peace and order in Damulog, Bukidnon.

3.1. Implementation of Rules and Regulations

3.2. Police Visibility

3.3. Government Facilities

3.4. Effectiveness of PCR (Police Community Relation)

3.5. Municipal health program to the inflicted barangays

Conceptual and Theoritical Framework

The following concepts from respected authors will serve as a

guide for future reseacher in his present study. These concepts are

related to the present study and will serve as a backbone in his


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