Thesis Jemuel
Thesis Jemuel
Thesis Jemuel
Jemuel M. Duran
Chapter I
The peace and order in any areas of the Philippines has been
and order in the community will directly affect the governments action
Peace and order must start in the small unit of society which is
the family. Every member of the family must aware about crimes and
its bad effects. With enough knowledge about this matter, no doubt
responsible for keeping peace and order during night time. These
men so-called barangay tanods which they are to prevent those
the peace and order. Most of these non law-abiding men are minor
because no one can tell when and where crimes will exist, how does
Damulog, Bukidnon.
and order.
and order.
the following:
1.1. Occupation
1.3. Ethnicity
2.3.1. Manobo
2.3.2. Muslim
guide for future reseacher in his present study. These concepts are