Get Started ESPRIT
Get Started ESPRIT
Get Started ESPRIT
ESPRIT is a single instance application and does not support multiple instances.
To start a new session of ESPRIT, do one of the following:
Double-click the ESPRIT icon on your desktop
Click the Start menu and then select All Programs DP Technology ESPRIT
New ESPRIT documents are based on templates. Each time you start ESPRIT, you can choose an existing template or
open a blank document that uses the system defaults.
Figure 1. New document from a blank document.
To save a document for the first time, click File > Save and then browse to the location where you want to save your
file. ESPRIT automatically saves files in the .esp file format.
E SPRIT Suppo r t
ESPRIT Support is available online, by e-mail and by phone.
To submit an incident online, log in to ESPRITWeb and click the SupportWeb tab to create a new incident. When
submitting an incident online, you have the opportunity to upload files that demonstrate your issue.
You can also ask for help via e-mail. Please e-mail all support requests to [email protected]. Again, please
include any files that would help us diagnose the problem. Your e-mail request will be logged into the SupportWeb
by one of the support coordinators and will be assigned to the next available application engineer.
To ask for help by phone in North America, D.P. Technology provides a toll-free number for support. If you call
800-627-8479 and press 3 for support, you will be directed to a support coordinator who will log your request
and assign it to the next available application engineer. Outside the USA, please contact your reseller or your
nearest DP Technology office. For a list of offices in Asia and Europe, please visit
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ESPRITWeb is available only to registered ESPRIT users who have an active Software Maintenance Contract (SMC).
Open an E SPRIT f i le
You will now start ESPRIT and open a file that has a typical milled part with toolpath already created. You will use
this part to learn how to manipulate the view.
1. On the desktop, double-click the ESPRIT icon.
If you do not see the ESPRIT icon on your desktop, choose Start > All Programs > DP Technology > ESPRIT >
2. A screen displays information about your license and the version of ESPRIT. Review the information and click
3. You are prompted to select a template file for your new document. Make sure <Blank Document> is selected and
click OK.
The <Blank Document> option opens a new file that uses the ESPRIT defaults. A template file contains user-
defined elements and settings for the way you machine parts at your company.
As you become more familiar with ESPRIT, you can create templates that include regularly used tools, machine
setup configurations, simulation settings, repeated geometry, and KnowledgeBase settings.
4. Click the File menu and then click Open and navigate to the folder Get Started\01-Workspace.
6. Click Zoom to Fit All to fit all visibile elements on the screen.
2. Hold down the left mouse button as you drag a diagonal bounding box around any area of the model you want to
Notice that the pointer is still in Zoom mode. Zoom stays active until you disable it.
3. Press the Esc key to exit zoom mode.
Note: Clicking another command will also exit zoom mode.
4. Now press the F6 key to fit all elements back on the screen.
Note: F6 is the keyboard shortcut for the Zoom to Fit command.
An alternative to using the zoom commands on the View toolbar is to use the scroll wheel on your mouse.
1. Place your cursor to the right side of the screen.
2. Roll the scroll wheel forward to enlarge the view and roll it backward to shrink the view.
Notice that the zoom is centered around the location of the cursor.
4. Now place your cursor over one of the holes in the model and scroll forward to zoom in from that position.
6. Instead of rolling the mouse wheel, you can zoom more slowly by holding down the Shiftkey and the middle
mouse button (scroll wheel) at the same time. Then drag the mouse forward and backward.
You can also use keys on the keyboard to zoom the view. When the keyboard is used, the view is zoomed from the
center of the screen.
1. Press F6 to fit the view.
2. Hold down the Shift key and press the Up arrow to zoom in from the center of the screen.
3. While still holding down the Shift key, press the Down arrow to zoom out.
2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse in any direction.
3. Press Esc to exit pan mode.
4. Instead of using the Pan command, you can just use your mouse. Hold down the middle mouse button (or scroll
wheel) and drag the mouse to pan the view.
5. Click Zoom to Fit All so the entire model is visible in the screen.
6. Click Rotate on the View toolabar. The cursor changes to the rotation symbol.
Like the Zoom function, you can use keys on the keyboard to rotate the view. The Ctrl key activates the Rotate
1. Press Esc to exit Rotate mode.
2. Hold down the Ctrl key as you press the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) and drag the mouse in any
Hover the pointer over an element to rotate about that element.
3. Now hold down the Ctrl key as you press any of the arrow keys.
The view rotates in 15 degree increments.
1. In the Views dropdown, click Isometric to change the orientation. The model is fitted automatically to the
A Normal view is also provided that lets you change the view to an orientation normal to a selected solid face.
1. On the View menu, click Toolbars and then Standard Views.
5. Enable Highlight mode on the Status bar. This mode highlights your selections on the screen.
1. Press Ctrl+M to display the Masks dialog.Note: You can also select Masks from the View menu.
2. Set the view orientation to Isometric.
4. Click the Details tab and then click Line to hide geometric lines and segments from view.
Note: The Parallel Planes option hides all elements that are not on a plane parallel to the active work plane.
6. Click Work Plane again and then click Element Numbers.
Every element in ESPRIT has a name and number. As elements are created, they are assigned the appropriate
name, such as L for line, and a sequential number. The origin of the global coordinate system is always P0 (Point
7. Click Element Numbers again to hide the numbers and click Toolpath to show the toolpath.
8. Close the dialog.
The Property Manager lets you view and modify the properties of elements.
Figure 2. Press Alt+Enter to display the Property Manager.
You can customize your workspace by docking work panes to the top, bottom, left, or right edges of the screen.
Figure 3. To float a work pane anywhere on the screen, drag the title bar onto the graphics area.
Figure 5. You can stack panels on top of each other by dragging one work pane onto another.
Figure 6. To view the properties of an item, select it in the Project Manager or in the graphics area.
The color scheme for a gradient background is defined by Background for the top gradient color and Background
Gradient for the bottom gradient color.
You can choose from a variety of preset color cubes or define a custom color.
Figure 2. Background color options
Instead of a gradient background, you can display the background as a single color by unchecking Use Gradient.
You can also customize the default color and style for graphic elements like geometry, features, and grouped items.
Figure 4. Select any item in the list to change its attributes (Line Type, Line Weight, Color).
To save the changes as the default settings for future sessions of ESPRIT, click the Default button at the bottom of
the dialog and then save the changes as the user defaults.
Figure 5. Save user defaults.
To reset all options to the original system defaults, click the Default button and then reset all options to the
installation defaults.
Figure 6. Reset defaults.
When elements are selected (grouped), they are highlighted in the graphics area.
Figure 2. Selection highlights items in the graphics area.
It is also important to have the ability to select individual components of an element (sub-elements), such as faces on
a solid model or the endpoint of a line.
Figure 3. Individual faces and edges can be selected on a solid model.
The color and style of grouped items can be customized in ESPRIT Options. To change the style, click Options on the
Tools menu. Then, on the Attributes page, scroll to the bottom of the list and click Group Items. At the right of the
dialog, choose a Color, Line Weight, and Line Type for grouped items and click OK to save your preferences.
4. Click View > Masks and then clear Solid and Features to mask all elements in those categories. Close the
6. Disable Highlight mode, located on the Status bar at the bottom of the screen. Highlight mode is discussed later
in this lesson.
7. Select any element in the graphics area. The element is highlighted in bold.
1. Hold down the Ctrl key as you select individual elements. Each new item is added to the group.
2. Click in an open area of the screen to deselect all elements.
3. Hold down the Shift key as you select an element on the slot profile. All elements that share an endpoint are
5. Hold down the Ctrl + Shift keys as you select an element in the C-shaped profile. The entire profile is added to
the group.
1. Press Ctrl + A to group all elements that are unmasked and in visible layers. In this case, all the geometry is
2. Now select only one element in the graphics area.
3. Press Ctrl + W to "swap" the group. All ungrouped geometry is now grouped. The element you selected is
5. Click OK to automatically group all arcs, circles and segments that are blue.
2. In the graphics area, drag a selection box around the entire model. Only segments are grouped.
3. Click Selection Filter again and click Arc to allow the selection of arcs only.
5. Click Selection Filter and choose All to allow the selection of all elements.
Snap mode
Snap mode lets you recognize the midpoints and end points of lines and segments and the center points of circles
and arcs as valid point selections.
You can use Snap mode with any command that allows the selection of a point.
1. Make sure Snap mode is enabled on the Status Bar.
3. Hover the pointer over the center of a circle or arc. The pointer changes to a center point symbol.
2. Select near the point along the outer boundary. An element and its element name will highlight in the graphics
area and the system prompts "Is this the correct choice?"
2. Select anywhere on the chain feature. The entire feature highlights in the graphics area and the system prompts
"Is this the correct choice?"
3. Right-click to answer No. Now the nearest sub-element of the feature highlights and the system again asks if
this is the correct choice.
2. Hold down the Ctrl key and use Highlight mode to add a second sub-element to the group.
3. Now hold down the Shift + Ctrl keys and use Highlight mode to add any element between the two. All sub-
elements between the two are grouped.
3. Right-click to answer No. Now the entire solid model highlights and the system again asks if this is the correct
Use propagation to quickly group a series of connecting faces on a solid model.
Propagation options are available on the Status Bar. One set of options controls propagation when a face loop is
selected. Another set of options controls propagation when a solid face is selected. You can also define propagation
options in ESPRIT Options on the Workspace tab.
Only a few methods are shown in this lesson. For complete information about propagation options, refer to ESPRIT
Help (press F1 in ESPRIT to access the help system).
3. Confirm the selection (left-click). Each face that shares an opposite edge is propagated until all faces sharing
opposite edges are added to the group.
4. Now hold down the Shift key and select a horizontal edge in the pocket.
5. Confirm the selection. This time, faces are propagated along horizontal edges.
3. Hold down the Shift key and select a face on the fillet shown below. A preview of the parametric direction is
highlighted on the face.
4. Right-click. Now the preview of the parametric direction is in the opposite direction.
5. Confirm the selection. Faces are grouped along the direction of the selected parametric flow lines.
2. Hold down the Shift key and select the closed loop around the pocket on the top face of the model. You might
have to right-click a few times to select the correct loop.
3. Confirm the selection. All faces inside the loop are grouped because they are visible along the normal direction
of the face that contains the loop.
5. Confirm the selection. Notice that the tilted faces are not grouped. These faces cannot be machined along the
normal direction of the face on the side of the model.
The blue arrow designates the Z (or W) axis; the red arrow designates the X (or U) axis; the green arrow designates
the Y (or V) axis.
The display of the UVW axis (and the XYZ axis) is controlled on the View menu.
ESPRIT provides three work plane orientations: XYZ, ZXY, and YZX. These predefined planes all start at the system
origin point (P0).
When a new document is opened, the work plane is set to the XYZ plane by default. Geometry is always drawn on
the XY plane of the active work plane.
1. If ESPRIT is not already running, start ESPRIT from the desktop icon or from the Windows Start menu.
2. Click File > New.
3. Make sure <Blank Document> is selected and click OK.
4. On the Tools menu, make sure System Unit is set to Metric.
5. Set the view to Isometric.
7. The system prompts for a reference element. Use Snap mode to select the origin point of the UVW axis.
8. The system prompts for a radius value. Type the number 5. As soon as you type a value, the input box displays.
12. In the dialog box, select Cartesian/Center and then make sure X is 10, Y is 10, and Z is 0 and click Apply.
16. The system prompts for the first reference point. Select one of the new points.
17. Now the system prompts for the second reference point. Select the other point.
4. The system prompts for a new origin point. Use Snap mode to select the bottom corner of the rectangle.
8. In the dialog, select Horizontal. Horizontal lines are drawn parallel to the U (red) axis.
9. Enter a distance of 20 and click Apply.
15. Select each line inside the portion you want to keep. The rest of the line is trimmed away.
2. The system prompts for the first element in the plane. This element defines the U axis of the new work plane.
Select the segment shown.
4. Click Rotate Work Plane. You will rotate the UVW to have a 60 degree slope away from the box.
7. On the Create menu, click Bounded Geometry. This toolbar lets you create segments and arcs.
8. Click Segment 1.
12. Click Arc 3. You will draw an arc using three reference elements.
13. Select the end point shown, then the new segment, then the other endpoint. The arc is drawn tangent to the
4. In the Copy dialog, set Transformation Type to Smash. When a solid face is selected, the only object that can
be extracted is a surface.
6. Hold down the Ctrl key and use highlight mode to group vertexes at the four corners of the solid model and then
press Ctrl + C to open the Copy dialog box.
8. Press Ctrl + C and then click OK to create a chain feature around the loop.
XX A chain feature can also be created by grouping a face loop and then clicking the Auto Chain command located
on the Feature tab. However, Auto Chain will automatically calculate the depth, draft angle and cut side from the
selected solid elements. Auto Chain generally uses the longest length of the shortest face in the loop.
5. Make sure Curve Type is set to Parametric Curve.The face is highlighted and a UVW axis displays the
direction of the flow lines. The red arrow indicates the U direction, the green arrow indicates the V direction,
and the white arrow indicates the direction of the surface normal.
6. Set Parametric Direction to V Direction to see a preview of the parametric curve.
7. Set Parametric Direction to U Direction to see a preview of the curve in the opposite direction.
8. Change Curve Position Percent to 50 to place the curve in the middle of the face.
10. Set Offset Distance to 40. The curve is offset in the direction of the surface normal. The direction of the offset
can be reversed in situations where the offset is in the wrong direction. This curve can be used to control the
orientation of the tool axis as the tool moves along the surface.
2. On the Smart toolbar, click Feature and then click Auto Chain.
1. On the Smart toolbar, click Geometry and then click Point Array.
2. In the dialog box, select Circle for the shape of the array.
3. For the number of holes in the array, enter 6.
4. For the radius of the array, enter 50.
5. For the angle between points, enter 360/6. Input fields let you enter a mathematical expression as well as a
6. For the start angle of the array, enter 0.
7. Select Create PTOP Feature. The system will create a single PTOP feature that connects all the points in the
8. Notice the prompt at the bottom left of the screen "Select reference point". Select the origin of the UVW axis
(P0) to create the points and the feature.
1. In the dialog box, select Line. Notice that the options change.
2. For the number of points, enter 3.
3. For the distance between points, enter 75.
5. In the graphics area, move the cursor until the coordinates in the Status Bar read -75, 0, 0.
3. Expand the section for Machining properties. Notice that machining properties for a PTOP feature include
depth, diameter, countersink, and counterbore.
1. In the graphics area, group the PTOP for the linear hole pattern.
1. In the graphics area, group the PTOP for the rectangular hole pattern.
2. In the Property Manager, change the property for Diameter to 8.
3. Change Depth to 25.
4. Change Bore Diameter to 12 and Bore Depth to 6.
5. Set Through to Yes.
Chain Features
Chain features are quite simple and are used when you want the cutter to follow a defined path or when you want
to contain toolpath inside a boundary. A chain feature defines the start location, direction, and end location for a
cutting path.
Chains are typically used for contouring or profiling operations. In most cases, the tool can be centered on the chain
feature or offset to the right or left.
Hole Features
Hole features define the location and orientation of holes and have unique properties for threads, chamfers, counter
bores, bottom angle, and whether the hole is through or blind. Hole features are used for drilling operations,
threading, and spiraling.
Ruled Features EDM Ruled features are used for 4-axis wire EDM
operations. Ruled features have separate properties
Ruled features define walls that are cut with the side for the UV and XY profiles, the match lines between
of the tool rather than the tip, such as swarf milling or the two, and the start and end points for the thread
rotary wire EDM. Ruled features contain an upper and line.
lower profile and synchronization lines between the
two profiles.
8. On the Status bar, make sure HI mode and SUB-ELEMENTS mode are enabled.
This drawing already has layers that were created in AutoCAD. When a CAD file is imported, the layers are imported
also. This drawing has elements that you do not need for machining operations, such as the drawing border and title
box. You can hide these elements so you only see the geometry for the part.
1. Click Layers.
2. Uncheck the layers Border (ISO) and Title (ISO) to hide those elements from view and then click New.
The origin point in the AutoCAD drawing is not located on the part geometry. To make this part easier to machine,
you will move the origin point to the lower left corner of the part boundary since this is a good touch-off location for
the machinist.
1. Click Edit > Move Origin Point.
2. Select the snap location at the lower left corner of the part boundary. The origin of the XYZ plane is moved to
this point.
3. Group all the geometry and click OK to create the feature. Circles with a diameter within the minimum and
maximum range are recognized.
3. In the Feature Manager, use the Ctrl key to group the two chains.
5. Group the chain for the pocket boundary and change Cutting Side to Right and press Enter. Notice that the
property for Material Removal changes to Inside.
6. Group the chain for the island inside the pocket and change Cutting Side to Left and press Enter. Material
Removal for this chain is now Outside.
You will start by creating a feature that defines the open area above the two prongs. This space must be enclosed by
a feature before a machining operation can be applied to remove the material.
1. On the Smart toolbar, click Geometry and then click Point.
2. In the dialog box, select Intersect.
3. Select the two segments shown below to draw a point where the two segments intersect.
5. Click Feature on the Smart toolbar and then click Manual Chain. Create the chain shown below by selecting
end points and the intersection points.
6. Select the chain and then select the Depth property in the Property Manager. Instead of entering a value, click
the digitize button and then select the end point of the segment shown below to input the value.
The next step is to define the pocket area below the feature you just created. You will use Pocket Feature
Recognition on selected faces.
1. Select the planar face shown and then click Pocket on the Feature toolbar.
2. Notice that the feature extends to the top of the part. When a bottom face is selected for Pocket Feature
Recognition, the system automatically finds the height of the tallest adjacent face. Click Undo.
3. Now hold down the Ctrl key and select the wall face shown to add it to the group. Click Pocket again. Now the
system recognizes the height of the selected face.
Now you need to define the area between the two prongs so that a contouring operation can be applied in the
future. You will use Wall Feature Recognition to automatically calculate the highest and lowest limits of all the
selected wall faces.
2. Click Wall on the Feature toolbar. A profile feature is created automatically using the highest and lowest points
on the selected faces.
Next you will learn how to create geometry and features on a tilted face.
1. On the Smart toolbar, click Geometry and then click Work Plane from Geometry. Select the inclined face.
2. Click Feature, then Manual Chain and create a chain around the tilted opening by selecting the end points
of the segments. When a facing operation is later applied to the feature, the toolpath can be extended to cut
outside the boundary.
You can easily create a single planar boundary around the outside of complex models by projecting a silhouette of
the part profile onto a plane. The boundary can then be used to rough the outer contour of the part.
1. Set the work plane back to XYZ.
2. Click Layers and create a new layer called Boundary.
3. Click Part Profile. You will project a silhouette of the part onto the active work plane to create a boundary
4. Select the solid model and then choose Shadow for Profile Type and select Create chain on profile.
6. In the Layers dialog, clear the Default layer so that only the Boundary layer is visible. You will edit the chain to
make it more suitable for a rough contouring operation.
7. The start point for the feature is in an inconvenient location, so you will move it. Click New Start.
9. Now you will re-open the chain so it can be edited. Click Manual Chain and select the chain feature. A
rubberband line is now attached to the start point of the feature.
11. Now you need to cover the gap. Use Snap mode to select the start point. As soon as the start point is reselected,
the feature is closed for editing.
12. Display the Default layer again so that all elements are visible and change the Depth of the profile feature to 30.
5. On the Status bar, make sure HI mode and SUB-ELEMENTS mode are enabled.
For this part, you will define the stock as a cylindrical bar. Bar stock for lathes is defined in SolidTurn Machine
1. On the Smart toolbar, click Switch to SolidTurn. Notice that lathe stock is now displayed in the graphics area.
Also notice that the work coordinate in the Feature Manager changes to YZX. Because ESPRIT supports both
milling and turning, the X axis is used as the turning axis in ESPRIT.
You choose the type of tool you want to create, choose the turret and station where the tool will be mounted on the
machine, and define dimensions for the insert and shank.
You will start by modifying the standard machine setup in ESPRIT to change the configuration of the turret and add
more tool stations. The default turret in SolidTurn Machine Setup is an index turret with six tool stations. You will
add another six stations for a total of twelve.
1. Click Common Machining and then click Machine Setup.
9. In the dialog, change Turret Diameter to 420 and Turret Width to 0 and click OK.
10. Click the Configure Stations button to configure the new tool stations on the updated turret geometry.
11. Now select Station:12 in the tree and notice that the tool change angle and tool position have been set.
12. Click OK to save your changes and close Machine Setup.
2. From the dropdown menu, click System Default All to reset all parameters to the system defaults.
6. Click OK.
This next tool is a full radius grooving insert that will be used on the inner diameter of the part. It will have a round
shank and be mounted in a horizontal orientation on the turret.
1. Click Turning Tools and select Grooving Insert.
2. Click System Default All.
3. On the General tab:
Tool ID = ID Groove R4
On the Settings tab:
Turret Name = IndexTurret-1
Station Name = Station:8
Orientation = 2H
2. Open the file TurningTools.etl, located in your lesson folder. The tools in the file are added to the tool list in the
Tool Manager.
2. Make sure the Accessories toolbar is visible. If the toolbar is not displayed, click Tools > Add-In to display the
dialog. Choose Accessories Add-In, select Loaded and Load on Startup, and then click OK.
4. Select the solid model. Turning features are recognized and assigned an appropriate name and work coordinate.
Chain features can be modified to add new elements, delete elements, reverse the direction, and change the start
point. You will learn how to modify the chain on the OD profile to replace the elements in the groove with a straight
segment over the top of the groove.
1. On the Smart toolbar, click Features and then click Manual Chain. The Manual Chain command can be used to
modify chain features as well as create them.
2. Select the feature on the OD. The chain can now be edited to add and remove elements. The cursor is attached to
the end point of the chain.
4. Select the feature sub-element shown to remove all elements between that element and the end point of the
5. Now select the end point shown to extend the feature over the groove.
9. Click Manual Chain again and select the chain on the ID profile.
10. Click Move Back and use Highlight mode to select the feature sub-element shown.
13. In the Feature Manager, double-click on G54 to activate the work coordinate. When you create a new feature, it
will be created on this work coordinate.
14. Use Highlight mode to select just the segment at the front of the ID and click Auto Chain.
4. Click System Default All to reset all parameters to the system defaults.
5. On the General tab:
Operation Name = Face Rough
Tool = OD Rough
Speed CSS = 360 (speed and feed values are required)
Feedrate PR = 0.1
6. On the Strategy tab:
Type of Work = Face
End Extension = 16.5 (this value is measured from the end point of the feature to extend the toolpath below
the centerline)
7. On the Rough tab:
Stock Type = Automation (the system calculates the lathe stock automatically, starting from the initial bar
Rough Stock Z, X = 0, 0
Maximum Depth of Cut = 2
Lead-In Type = Tangent (since this is a face cut, it is better to lead in with a tangent move)
8. Click OK. Notice that the lathe stock is updated.
Rough the OD
When you rough the profile on the outer diameter, you will use a ProfitTurning strategy. ProfitTurning is a high-
speed roughing strategy that significantly reduces cycle times while increasing tool life. The ProfitTurning strategy
blends trochoidal cutting passes with traditional linear passes. Arcs and trochoidal tool motion are inserted at
sharp corners to maintain a constant tool load, which is ideal for hard material machining.
1. Select the feature Left OD.
2. Click Drilling.
2. Click Grooving.
2. Click Roughing.
3. On the General tab:
Operation Name = OD Re-rough and Finish
Tool = OD Groove R3
4. On the Strategy tab:
Finish Pass = Yes (notice that the Finish tab displays)
5. On the Rough tab:
Alternate Cut Direction = Yes
Lead-In Type = Z and X Offset
Offset Z, X = 0, 2
Lead-Out Type = Z and X Offset
Offset Z, X = 0, 2
6. On the Finish tab:
Finish CSS = 800
Finish PR = 0.032
Lead-In Type = Tangent
Tangent Distance = 2.0
Lead-Out Type = Normal
Normal Distance = 2.0
2. Click Roughing.
3. Click System Default All.
4. On the General tab:
Operation Name = ID Rough and Finish
Tool = Rough 2H
Speed CSS = 360
Feedrate PR = 0.1
5. On the Strategy tab:
Type of Work = ID
Finish Pass = Yes
Entry Mode = Z Only
Entry Point Z = 5.0
Exit Mode = Z Only
Exit Point Z = 5.0
6. On the Rough tab:
Stock Type = Automation
Rough Stock Z, X = 0.2, 0.2
Depth Variation = Even Steps
Maximum Depth of Cut = 2
Depth Clearance = 5
G roove the ID
This grooving operation uses a round insert to cut the groove on the ID with a ProfitTurning strategy. Instead of
plunge moves, the toolpath is rounded. The approach/exit moves have been changed to cut on the ID.
1. Select Left Groove I.D..
2. Click Grooving.
3. On the General tab:
Operation Name = ID Groove
Tool = ID Groove R4
4. On the Strategy tab:
Type of Work = ID
Entry Mode = Z Then X
Entry Point Z, X = 5, 9
Exit Mode = X Then Z
Exit Point Z, X = 5, 9
Entry Exit Clearance = 1.0
5. On the Rough tab:
Groove Type = ProfitTurning
Th read the ID
Threading operations can be based on thread information that is entered manually or thread data can be loaded
from an integrated threading database. In this operation, the threads will be created along the selected profile from
manually entered data.
1. Select Left I.D. Thread.
2. Click Threading.
Pe r fo rm a cutof f
The last step in this lesson is to separate the part from the bar stock.
1. Select the feature Left O.D.. The Cutoff operation will find the extremity point on the feature with the smallest Z
value and use it as the start point for the operation
2. Click Cutoff.
Stock for milling operations is defined in Simulation Parameters. Stock can be defined as a block, a cylinder, from an
extrusion or revolved profile, from a solid in the ESPRIT document, or from an external file. You will create stock as
a rectangular block that is automatically sized to the outer dimensions of the solid model.
1. On the Smart toolbar, click Switch to SolidMill.
2. Click Simulation and then click Simulation Parameters. You will create simulation stock for this part.
3. Click the Solids tab. Currently there are no solids associated with this part.
7. Click OK.
2. Click the arrow next to Max. Diameter and then select the edge of the center hole.
When you have a solid model, you can use Pocket Feature Recognition to automatically recognize pockets and any
sub-pockets or islands contained within them.
1. On the Features toolbar, click Pocket.
Pocket features are created and associated with the active work plane. Notice that the large hole in the center is
recognized. This hole is large enough to be milled.
2. Open the file MillingTools.etl, located in your lesson folder. The tools are imported into the Tool Manager.
3. Right-click on the Dia./Rad. column heading and select Sort Descending so that the largest tool is placed at the
top of the list.
5. In the dialog, click OK to renumber the tools based on their position in the tool list.
2. On the Smart toolbar, click SolidMill Traditional and then click Pocketing.
Now you will create a second pocketing operation to remove the rest of the material in the pocket with a smaller
tool. This pocketing operation will use stock automation to create toolpath only in areas where stock remains from
the previous, larger tool. The operation will also include finish passes on the walls.
1. Again, select the Pocket feature.
2. Click Pocketing.
2. Click Facing.
3. Click Drilling.
8. In the Feature Manager, use the Ctrl key to group 1 Simple Hole and 3 Countersink.
5. On the Status bar, make sure HI mode and SUB-ELEMENTS mode are enabled.
This file contains two solid models: the part to be machined and a plate of rectangular stock. You will use the solid
model of the plate to define the stock model. Stock for EDM operations is defined in Simulation Parameters.
1. On the Smart toolbar, click Switch to SolidWire.
3. Click the Solids tab and set Definition Type to Stock and Create from to Solid.
5. Click OK.
You need to specify the type of EDM machine you will be programming. ESPRIT supports a variety of EDM machine
types with specific technology for each unique machine. The machine type you choose determines the technology
that is available when you create EDM operations.
1. On the Tools menu, click EDM Machine Types.
2. Select Generic and click OK.
The selected database is then opened by default when you click the Expert System button on a machining
technology page. However, this is just the default database for your convenience. When you access the Expert
System, you can decide to use any other database file that is available on your computer.
Database files can be downloaded from ESPRITWeb.
The default location for database files on your computer is C:\Users\username\Documents\DP Technology\
Get Started with ESPRIT Traditional wire EDM | 123
Recognize E DM featu res
Draft Feature Recognition in ESPRIT is designed to create features specifically for wire EDM operations. The unique
machining properties contained within draft features provide a single source of information for EDM operations.
This stock model has pre-drilled thread holes. You will extract the locations of the thread holes and use them when
you define the EDM features. When EDM operations are applied to the features, the wire will always start at the
thread location defined in the feature.
1. Hold down the Ctrl key and use HI mode to group the edges of the two holes shown below.
6. Hide the Stock layer, select the Default layer, click Current and close the Layers dialog.
2. Drag a selection box around the entire model. There should be 3 elements in the group: the solid model and the
two circles that represent the thread holes.
4. Click System Default All to reset all parameters to the system defaults.
5. Set Part Type to Hole. The system will only recognize the cylindrical opening in the model.
6. Click the selection arrow next to Minimum Diameter and select the edge of the large hole. This will prevent the
the system from creating hole features on the thread holes.
7. Click OK.
8. With the elements still grouped, click Draft Features again.
9. Set Part Type to Punch. Now the system will recognize the vertical walls and exclude cylindrical openings.
9. Click OK to create the operation. The system creates one parent operation that includes two child operations:
one rough and one skim cut. The icons are slightly different to identify each type of cut.
3. The spacing between each copy needs to be 22 mm. Change the X coordinate value to 22 and click OK.
5. In the Feature Manager, group the Hole and the Punch parent operations.
6. On the Edit menu, click Copy and set Transformation Type to Work Coordinate. Select Copy and then select
Copy to All.
4. In the dialog:
Sort By = [Rough][Skim][Cut-off] (all roughs are cut first, then all skims, then all cut-offs)
Insert Position = In Place
Optimize First Cut-off = Yes (cut-offs will always re-thread at the drilled thread hole)
Routine = Shortest Path
5. Click Apply to preview the sort criteria. Notice that rough cuts are first, then skims, then cut-offs.
4. When the simulation stops at the first cut-off, click Play again to continue the simulation.
5. On the Advanced Simulation toolbar, click Slug Removal. Choose various slugs in the list and click Move Up,
Move Down, or Remove to test the removal of the slugs. When you are finished click OK.