Vericut Help
Vericut Help
Vericut Help
VERICUT interactively simulates the material removal process of NC program data. Instead of messy wax or foam models, or costly prove-outs that waste valuable production time, a simulated VERICUT part is graphically produced on your computer screen. VERICUT then verifies the accuracy of the NC program and makes certain the 2
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT finished part matches the design model. Before any machine time is spent, VERICUT catches discrepancies that could corrupt the cutting process and identifies the responsible NC program records for fast and easy adjustment. The input into VERICUT is NC program data from almost any source. G and M code data as well as APT type CL-files are directly processed by VERICUT. Similar to the requirements of machining a real part, VERICUT needs the NC program data, a description of the raw stock material to be machined, and descriptions of the cutting tools used to machine the part. The result of the verification process is a solid model of the machined part and an error Log file reporting any machining errors detected during the simulation. The VERICUT model can be inspected, saved, or used as the stock material for another NC program. In addition to streamlining the verification process, VERICUT dramatically boosts productivity on the shop floor. Automated and user-selectable optimization settings in VERICUT let you maximize the material removal process. The feed rate and cutting speed of each NC program automatically adjust based on the depth, width, and angle of each cut. In fact, you can even set VERICUT to compensate for dull or custom cutters or other elements unique to your operation. VERICUT simulates up to 5-axis milling, drilling and wire EDM operations, as well as turning and combination mill/turn machining. With a complete line of specialization modules for added features and functionality, VERICUT is truly the total simulation, verification, and optimization solution for unleashing NC productivity.
Installing VERICUT
In most cases installing VERICUT is a straight-forward and easy task, requiring only a few minutes of time. Prior to installing any software, review the system requirements and the installation procedure for the computer type on which you intend to operate VERICUT. Detailed step-by-step instructions are provided in the online VERICUT Installation Guide found in the V6.1 Help Library. Follow all applicable steps to ensure smooth VERICUT installation and successful operation.
Accessing VERICUT
The method of accessing VERICUT is different, depending on the environment in which it is operated. All methods described below are for accessing VERICUT as installed using instructions provided by CGTech. Your VERICUT installation may be different. Access VERICUT on a Windows computer: From the Taskbar, click Start > All Programs > CGTech VERICUT 6.x > VERICUT 6.x where "6.x" is the desired VERICUT version number.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT For example, to run VERICUT 6.0 you would click: Start > All Programs > CGTech VERICUT 6.0 > VERICUT 6.0 Access VERICUT on a UNIX computer: Type "vericut". If the command is not found, include the full path, e.g. "/<cgtech6x>/<computertype>/commands/vericut" where <cgtech6x> represents the directory path to where CGTech products were installed, and <computertype> is the type of computer on which VERICUT is being operated, for example: hp, rs, sgi, or solaris. For example, to run VERICUT installed in "/server/apps/cgtech60" on an HP700 computer, you would type: /server/apps/cgtech60/hp/commands/vericut Hint: Copy the "vericut" command file to the /usr/bin directory and the next time you log in, you should be able to just type "vericut". Access VERICUT from CATIA: Assuming you have CGTech's CATIA-to-VERICUT Interface installed, choose the "CATV" function. Use CATV functions to select the CATIA data to use in the verification session (geometry models, NC programs, etc.) and transfer the data to VERICUT. Then access VERICUT via choosing PROCESS menu > VERICUT. Access VERICUT from UG: Assuming you have CGTech's Unigraphics-to-VERICUT Interface installed, access VERICUT from UG as follows: UG V17 and V16 Click on the Verification icon in the UG CAM icon bar. UG V15 Click Tools Manufacturing menu > VERICUT. Access VERICUT from WorkNC: Assuming you have CGTech's WorkNC-to-VERICUT Interface installed, access VERICUT via choices in the WorkNC Utilities menu. VERICUT can be run interactively or in batch, to perform NC program verification or optimization. Access VERICUT from Pro/Engineer: Access VERICUT from ProE as follows: Click NC Sequence Play Path menu > NC Check => simulates the current selected NC sequence.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Click CL Data menu > NC Verification => enables users to select a single NC sequence, multiple sequences, or an entire NC operation for simulation.
NOTE: The NC data must be selected prior to selecting starting the verification
process. Access VERICUT from Mastercam-to-VERICUT Interface: Access VERICUT from Mastercam as follows: Hold down the Alt key and click the C key (referred to as Alt-C). You will see a file selection dialog offering all the installed C-Hooks. Pick "VERICUT.dll" and click on the Open button.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT The Mold & Die Machining base module restricts some access to Verification and OptiPath features due to the interface customization, but the feature restriction is mainly controlled by licensing. The following Verification features ARE NOT available in the Mold & Die Machining base module: Multiple stock components Fixture collision checking X-caliper measuring (feature info is available) Machine and Machine/Cut Stock views NC Program Review Comparator Save a control file Save a machine file Turning Wire EDM The following OptiPath features ARE NOT available in the Mold & Die Machining base module: Optimize Circles & NURBS The following add-on modules MAY NOT be added to the Mold & Die Machining base module: OptiPath Machine Simulation Machine Developer's Kit Cutter Grinder Machine Simulation Add-on modules available with Mold & Die Machining are: Multi-Axis AUTO-DIFF EDM Die Sinking Simulation Model Export Inspection Sequence There are no pre-requisites for this base module.
The Verification license is the foundation of VERICUT. It includes everything necessary to simulate and verify 3-axis milling and multi-axis positioning operations to detect errors such as: Inaccurate programming Rapid motion contact Incorrect tool path motions Collisions with fixtures & clamps Incorrect or misread blueprints Tool shank and holder collisions CAD/CAM and post-processor errors VERICUT has two viewing options: Workpiece, and Machine. The Workpiece view interactively displays material removal and the tool assembly, stock and fixtures. The Machine view displays the CNC machine tool and the complete machining environment, including the cut model as material is removed. On its own, the Verification license supports the Workpiece view. The Machine view requires a Machine Simulation license. Model analysis You can move, zoom, reverse, and rotate the model at any point in the cutting process. You can also cross-section it multiple times at any orientation, and view it in translucent mode enabling you to check areas that would be impossible to see in a solid model (such as the intersection of drilled holes). X-Caliper, a comprehensive measurement tool is included to check thickness, volume, depth, gaps, distances, angles, hole diameters, corner radii, scallop height, and edges. Delta X, Y, Z component distance measurements are included. Cutter simulation You can accurately simulate the material removal process using the exact cutter used to machine the part. VERICUT includes a library of standard cutters provided by Ingersoll Cutting Tool Company. You can also define your own cutters. Holders can be specified as a "non-cutting" portion of the tool in order to check for any potential collisions. VERICUT supports concave bottom, or non-center cutting end mills, such as carbide insert end mills. Although designed to remove large volumes of material at high speeds during planar or XY cutting, carbide insert roughing end mills are often used to ramp into material. If the angle of the cut is too steep, the "non-cutting" portion of the tool collides with the material and can break the tool and ruin the part. VERICUT enables you to define inserts as cutting edges and the body as a non-cutting portion of the tool, helping you take full advantage of your equipment without fear of destroying the workpiece or cutting tool because of an incorrect ramp motion. FastMill The FastMill cutting mode is designed to quickly process large NC programs and is especially useful for mold and die manufacturers. A single mouse click switches cutting operations to FastMill mode. FastMill provides complete control of the speed, accuracy, and quality of the model. Accuracy is calculated independently of the display, enabling you to create highly accurate models and display them at lower resolutions for quick manipulation and high resolution for detailed analysis. FastMill uses the same trajectory logic for calculating material removal as the standard cutting mode (e.g. it's built with the same robust simulation technology developed and refined for 9
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT a decade in VERICUT). FastMill IS NOT a replacement for VERICUT's standard machining mode; it is designed to work with large tool paths at a single setup orientation. Convert NC data VERICUT is a powerful reverse post-processor. By translating NC programs to APT or other NC data formats, the program saves valuable machine tool and programmer time. Because obsolete or incompatible NC programs can be recycled or made to run on different machines, you can take advantage of all your programming resources present and past. There are no pre-requisites for this base module.
Model Export
With a few mouse clicks, the Model Export license enables you to export a cut model at any stage in the machining process, as an in-process CAD model complete with machined features!
CGTech's unique algorithm minimizes file size, while preserving manufacturing features such as holes, fillets, corner radii, pocket floors and walls. The result is a highly accurate IGES or STL model. Why Model Export? Since the invention of the first NC machine tools, NC programming languages, and CAD/CAM systems, manufacturing engineers have needed an accurate electronic model of the initial and in-process state of material. It's difficult to confidently create tool paths for each subsequent operation without an accurate representation of the initial material. The accuracy, efficiency, and "correctness" depend on the material's initial geometric shape. Access to the correct geometric workpiece shape in the CAD/CAM environment, at each manufacturing stage, helps avoid problems when creating subsequent cuts. Until now the only way to get an in-process CAD model is with expensive, labor-intensive, error-prone, and inaccurate methods. These include manually modeling the material state for each 10
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT operation, or using scanning equipment and surfacing software on the physical workpiece produced by the previous operation. Some CAD/CAM systems attempt to provide this by using their CAD solid modeling tools. This approach is typically limited to 2 axis operations, and does not simulate motion. Instead it estimates the region to be removed, creates a solid feature for that region, and subtracts it from the initial stock model. Often details produced by cutter radius, step-over, or step-down are not included. And the size of the model can grow such that it becomes unmanageable. Another CAD/CAM technique produces a rough faceted approximation of the in-process material. Typically limited to 3-axis motions and from a single setup position, the accuracy is only as good as the facet tolerance. Manufactured features such as holes, and radii are often lost. The models can be gigantic, requiring millions of facets to represent even relatively simple shapes. Both of these techniques seek to avoid the difficulty of using an "as-machined" verification model to generate a usable CAD model. After simulating an NC tool path, the verification model contains much more data than a traditional CAD solid model algorithm can process. Because it is designed to create verification models, VERICUT has the unique advantage of being able to manage the data without failing and export an accurate CAD model in a manageable size. Model Export requires a Verification, or Mold & Die Machining, base module license as a pre-requisite.
AUTO-DIFF enables you to compare a design model to the "as-machined" VERICUT solid model to automatically detect differences and protect against gouges. Using this license, anyone involved in the production process can identify incorrectly machined areas. AUTO-DIFF is also used to detect a possible weakness or mistake in the design. Why use AUTO-DIFF? Often, from the time a part is designed to when it is ready to be machined, the design has passed through several people, departments, companies, and CAD/CAM systems. In the end, it is difficult to tell if the tool path accurately reflects the original design model. Without AUTO-DIFF, the only way to be sure is to cut the part and do a first article inspection. By using AUTO-DIFF to compare the simulated model to the design model, you are assured the tool path accurately represents the original design concept. This reduces the time it takes to cut the first production-worthy part. AUTO-DIFF also reduces the time it takes to prepare an NC program. You can check for gouges or excess material during the programming stage not at the machine. Solid, Surface, & Point comparisons SOLID Solid models from most popular CAD/CAM systems can be used. AUTODIFF embeds the solid model in the simulated part. You can identify gouges and excess material by setting a user-defined tolerance level. You can also compare the cut model
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT with another VERICUT model ideal for comparing different operations such as roughing and semi-finishing cuts. SURFACE A surface, a set of surfaces, or the skin of a solid model can be compared with the simulated part. The surface is overlaid on top of the simulated part, and gouges and excess material are displayed. Large amounts of data from very complex tool paths can be quickly compared. The design model does not need to be watertight, nor does the entire part need to be included. POINT When solid or surface model data does is not available, you can lay 3-D points from CMM or manual methods over the top of the simulated part. The points are compared to the NC tool path to accurately detect errors or out-of-tolerance conditions. Gouge checking With AUTO-DIFF, you can perform constant gouge-checking interactively during simulation with virtually no degradation in speed or performance. It's not necessary to simulate the entire NC program first you can identify and correct problems as they occur. To identify gouges, AUTO-DIFF embeds the design model inside the rough material. When the tool path cuts into the embedded model, the gouge is highlighted and the error is reported. AUTO-DIFF also detects collisions between a tool and components nested inside the stock model, such as tooling pins, hardened inserts, or bearings. Previous cutting operations can be "protected" from any further machining. Any material removed from a protected area is highlighted and reported as an error. To make identifying gouges, collisions, or excess material easy, you can assign different colors to the design models, rough stock, and errors. Excess material boundaries can be exported as IGES or point data. AUTO-DIFF reports You can view automatically generates error reports which include information such as type of error, tolerance value, all tool path records out of tolerance, error location, and summary of results. AUTO-DIFF error reports are interactively linked to the graphics. Picking on an item in the report screen highlights the error on the screen. A report can be printed or saved as .TXT files. Both reports and graphical results can be generated in batch mode. AUTO DIFF requires a either a Verification, or a Mold & Die Machining, base module license as a pre-requisite.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT close as possible to the physical process by using VERICUT "as machined" solid models of the rough machined mold components and machined electrodes used to produce the completed mold tooling. The EDM Die Sinking Simulation module allows several different views of the burn process, including display of the rough machined stock, the electrodes, and the burn material (material removed by the electrodes). All can be displayed, blanked, or displayed translucent. The burn process also displays the volume removed by each electrode, and allows specification of an "overburn" offset on each electrode. The resulting burned mold component can then be compared to a design model of the final desired mold component using AUTO-DIFF. AUTO-DIFF is NOT included with the EDM Die Sinking Simulation module. EDM Die Sinking Simulation requires either a Verification, or a Mold & Die Machining, base module license as a pre-requisite.
The OptiPath license automatically modifies feed rates based on cutting conditions and amount of material removed. Using OptiPath can dramatically reduce the time it takes you to machine parts and increase the productivity (and profitability) of the NC machine tools at your shop. The feed rate problem With the current advances in cutting tools, materials, and automatic tool path generation software, it is increasingly critical to use the right feed rate for each and every cut in the NC program. However, determining and setting the optimum feed rate has traditionally presented NC programmers and machinists with a number of problems. Because an incorrect estimate can break the cutting tool, damage the fixture, and scrap the part, usually only one or two conservative feed rates are used. Typically, the 'safe' feed rates chosen are a compromise between tool life, cycle time and the worst-case cutting condition encountered. These 'worst-case' feed rates are fine for the cuts that remove the largest amount of material or encounter the worst cutting conditions. Unfortunately, these slow, poorly controlled speeds waste time, increase manufacturing costs, and create poor cutting conditions elsewhere on the part. CAM software does not provide the material removal information necessary to determine optimum feed rates. And many CAM systems have limited cut patterns that do not fit the workpiece geometry. Their machining strategies and cut patterns are not very efficient for common operations such as open boundaries, roughing cuts on complex shapes, complex pocketing, or planar roughing on mold cavities or cores. Cutters therefore waste a lot of time while "cutting air" and feeding slowly across the surface of the part, in contact with it, but not removing any material. Additionally, an automatically generated tool path may plunge the cutter into material at an incorrect or inefficient angle. The end results can include excessive machining time, bad workpiece finishes, increased cutter wear, and broken tools.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Even if you somehow know the optimal feed rates to use for each individual cut, inserting them into the NC program is time consuming and error prone. Optimizing the operation OptiPath works by reading the NC program file and dividing motion into a number of smaller segments. Where necessary, based on the amount of material removed in each segment, the software assigns the best feed rate for each cutting condition encountered. It then outputs a new tool path, identical to the original one but with improved feed rate settings. It does not alter the tool path trajectory. This solution offers the best of both worlds. On one hand, it is automatic and determines the best feed rates before the NC program is even loaded on the machine. On the other, it uses the expertise of the NC programmer and machinist to determine the best feed rates for specific cutting conditions. You input ideal feed rates for a number of pre-determined machining conditions. Factors such as machine tool capacity (horse-power, spindle type, rapid traverse speed, coolant, etc.); fixture and clamp rigidity; and cutting tool type (material, design, number of teeth, length, etc.) all affect the process. These factors determine settings (chip thickness, volume removal rate, entry feed rate, spindle speeds, etc.) used to calculate the optimum feed rate for each segment of each cut. Typically, different optimization techniques are best suited for certain materials or machining processes: Roughing During planar roughing of aluminum structural components, material is removed at a constant axial depth, but the radial width of cut varies greatly from cut to cut. The goal is to remove as much material as quickly as possible. Maintaining a constant volume removal rate keeps the cutter at its maximum rate of advance into material for the varying cutting conditions. Using the information provided while verifying the tool path, the software is able to determine the amount of material removed in each segment of the tool path. The software then assigns the best feed rate using the information supplied by the NC programmer and/or machine tool operator. Finishing Another example would be semi-finishing or finishing operations in a tool steel mold cavity. Cutting is typically characterized by widely varying chip loads as the tool profiles through the roughing cuts and over the contours of the workpiece to near net shape. In order to achieve a constant chip load, feed rates are optimized based on the maximum chip thickness for each cut segment. The software takes into account where the material is in contact with the cutter and adjusts the feed rate to maintain a constant chip thickness. This is especially critical when tip cutting with a ball end mill, or when touring a surface with a small step-over. The feed rates continually change over the course of the cut in order to maintain a constant maximum chip thickness. The result is an improvement in tool life and a higherquality surface finish. Benefits of OptiPath Faster time-to-market... Optimized tool paths reduce the over-all cycle time required to produce parts so they can be brought to market more quickly. Save money... Reducing the time it takes to machine each part adds up to huge savings over the course of a year. 14
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Increase productivity... Existing machine tools produce more parts in the same amount of time. It's almost like getting another NC machine for free! Reduced fatigue... Machinists are not forced to keep a close eye on the machining process. They can set up other jobs or attend to other duties while the optimized program is running. Reduced cutter wear... Less time required to cut each part means less cutter wear. Cutting at optimum conditions also prolongs tool life, so they are used longer before needing to be re-ground or replaced. Machinists are less frequently required to change tools or inserts. Reduced machine wear... Machines are subject to less wear because optimized feed rates maintain a more constant cutting pressure between the machine tool and the workpiece. This reduces variable forces on the axis motors which leads to smoother NC machine tool operation. Better quality... Optimized tool paths produce a better finish because constant cutting pressure causes little or no variation in cutter deflection. Finishes on corners, edges, and blend areas are significantly better. This reduces the amount of time required to bench finish the completed part. High-speed machining During high speed machining, the way the cutter contacts material is critical. Too low a feed rate produces chatter, vibration and work hardening, leading to poor surface finishes and premature cutter failure. Too high a chip load causes excessive cutting pressure and unsafe conditions that can lead to catastrophic failure of the tool, spindle, fixture and machine. Adjusting feed rates to maintain a constant chip load or volume removal rate help reduce these problems typically found in high speed machining and are recommended by cutting tool manufacturers to solve the "chip thinning" problem. Constant chip thickness works especially well with high speed finishing with ball end mills where very small volumes of material are removed at high feed rates and spindle speeds. Spindle speed can also be optimized to maintain a constant surface speed at the maximum contact diameter on the cutter. Depending on the capabilities of the machine, constant surface speed optimization can help improve the surface finish. Optimization settings Feed rates are adjusted based on a number of user-defined settings. Feed rates are affected by machining conditions such as: machine tool capacities (horse-power, spindle type, rapid traverse speed, coolant, etc.); fixture and clamp rigidity; and cutting tool type (material, number of teeth, length, etc.). Other settings are dependent on the nature of the tool path and determine the optimum feed rate for each cut: Cut depth Cut width Cut angle Entry feed rate Cutter wear Volume removal rate
The OptiPath Library A library of feeds rates and surface speeds for different cutting tools, materials, and cutting conditions is included. Provided by Ingersoll Cutting Tool Company, this library serves as a useful starting point for determining the ideal feeds and speeds for particular machining conditions. All optimization settings are stored in this central library, organized by type (different cutting tools, NC machines, etc.). Because everyone can access the same cutting information from the library, OptiPath is an excellent tool for achieving more consistent machining results between different operators, machines, shifts, etc. even if your 'resident expert' is unavailable. Acceleration / deceleration & NURBS support OptiPath accounts for changes in velocity as each axis accelerates and decelerates during changes in direction. With this information, feed rates settings are based on the physical capabilities and limitations of the machine tool. OptiPath supports NURBS interpolation. It examines the machining conditions and amount of material removed by each segment of the curve then calculates an ideal feed rate for each NURBS span, while maintaining the original geometric shape of the curve. OptiPath requires a Verification base module license as a pre-requisite.
Machine Simulation
In complex multi-axis machine work where tool orientation changes frequently, the possibility of costly collisions is a frightening reality. A machine crash can cost thousands of dollars, ruin the NC machine, and delay the entire production schedule. Machine Simulation supports 3-D modeling machines and detects collisions and nearmisses between all machine tool components such as axis slides, heads, turrets, rotary tables, spindles, tool changers, fixtures, work pieces, cutting tools, and other user-defined objects. VERICUT's Machine Simulation module enables you to perform realistic 3-D simulation of entire NC machines, just like they behave in the shop, with extremely accurate collision-detection. A complete library of pre-assembled machine tools is included. All models can be easily customized to match your machine. A partial list includes machines from: Bostomatic, Maho, Cincinnati Milacron, Makino, Mazak, Fadal, Mitsui Seikii, Okuma, SNK (Shin Nippon Kok), Kearney & Trecker, Sundstrand, Giddings & Lewis, Toyoda, Ingersoll Milling, and many more. You can also build machine components and job-specific components (such as work pieces, cutting tools, rotary tables, spindles, fixtures, and clamps) in your CAD system and import them into VERICUT. By mixing imported CAD data with VERICUT solid primitives you can easily modify an existing machine or to create a new one. Any machines you modify or build from scratch can be saved to the machine tool library.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Simulating controls VERICUT is developed by industry professionals who understand the complexities of NC code and control functions. This technical expertise makes VERICUT an excellent tool for verifying complex code using advanced programming functions such as: Look-ahead or 3-D cutter compensation Tool tip programming & tool length compensation Gage length reference point programming Canned cycles & fixture offsets Rotary axis pivot points Variables, subprograms & macros Subroutines, looping & branching logic With this license, you can accurately simulate every control in your shop and account for different machines, programs, parts, and functions. No programming language is required to simulate most NC controls. Machine Simulation includes an extensive library of flexible, easily modified controls, including: Fanuc, Allen-Bradley, Mazak, NUM, Cincinnati Acramatic, Okuma, Fadal, Maho Phillips,General Electric, Siemens Sinumerik, Giddings & Lewis, Heidenhain, Yasnac, and many more. Collision checking VERICUT is the fastest, most accurate NC machine collision checking program available. Rather than checking only start and end points, or checking a number of points along a path, VERICUT uses a set of unique algorithms to check for potential collisions along the entire machine path. The program also detects axis travel limit errors (user-defined limits for machine component movement). The program checks for and highlights collisions between all machine tool components such as axis slides, heads, turrets, rotary tables, spindles, tool changers, fixtures, work pieces, cutting tools, and other user-defined objects. The program also allows near-miss zones to be defined around the components. Machine Simulation requires a Verification base module license as a pre-requisite.
As complexity increases, so does the chance for error. Tool positioning is critical in four and five-axis milling operations, further increasing the importance of verification. While it is nearly impossible to predict how these machines will respond to complex motion commands, Multi-Axis enables VERICUT to graphically display the results and take the guesswork out of multi-axis tool path prove-outs. The Multi-Axis module enables VERICUT to simulate multi-axis milling, drilling, turning, and combination mill/turn operations. VERICUT will attempt to checkout a Multi-Axis license whenever the tool axis orientation changes. If a Multi-Axis license is not available, only the final position will be calculated and simulated. Any rotary motions involved will NOT be simulated. Error checking and/or collision detection between the start point and end point will NOT be detected.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Milling The Multi-Axis license accurately displays material removal during multiaxis milling of complex profiles and surfaces. The Multi-Axis license simulates and verifies four and five axis milling/drilling machining operations. Turning The Multi-Axis license also simulates and verifies up to 2-4-axis turning operations. VERICUT supports 4-axis synchronized (merged) turning operations with multiple tools. When combined with Machine Simulation, CGTech's comprehensive 3-D collisionchecking can be applied to the in-process workpiece as it is machined. This is useful for detecting interference between the machined part and tool holders, boring bars, tool blocks, turrets, head assemblies, and other machine components, in addition to standard collision checking between machine components. Multi-Axis requires a Verification base module license as a pre-requisite.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT The following add-on modules MAY NOT be added to the Cutter Grinder Verification base module: AUTO-DIFF Multi-Axis OptiPath EDM Die Sinking Simulation Model Export Machine Simulation Machine Developer's Kit There are no pre-requisites for this base module.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT mode,' and detects any collisions. It even verifies that the probe cycles logic (which alters machine motion based on information gathered during probing) will not cause an error! How it works It's easy to create a probe tool. Simply specify the spherical "tip" diameter and shank diameter and length. Adding a holder completes the assembly and protects the entire inspection probe! VERICUT detects collisions when anything other than the probe tip contacts another object. VERICUT then moves the simulated probe device along the specified path. Motion stops when the probe tip contacts an object, or when it reaches the end of the programmed motion. The probe motion results (such as machine axis locations) are applied in the probe sub-program with VERICUT's standard control emulation, just like on your CNC. VERICUT simulates all aspects of probe cycle subroutines/programs, including complex logic and Type II formats used to set offsets and make decisions based on probe results. Contact CGTech to learn how VERICUT can simulate your custom probe cycles! CNC Machine Probing requires a Verification base module license as a pre-requisite.
Inspection Sequence
The Inspection Sequence module is an add-on module that enables you to save time and improve accuracy by generating in-process inspection instructions and documentation from VERICUT's simulated in-process machined features. Inspection Sequence requires a Verification, or Mold & Die Machining, base module license as a pre-requisite.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Stock, fixture, and design models are automatically transferred to VERICUT, along with tool path and tooling information. VERICUT runs independently from UG, so you can work in UG while verifying a tool path.
EdgeCAM-to-VERICUT Interface
The EdgeCAM-to-VERICUT Interface enables you to easily send model, tool assembly, and NC program information to VERICUT from EdgeCAM. Developed using Pathtrace's PDI development tools, it simplifies VERICUT setup for seamless simulation of EdgeCAM NC programs. VERICUT is launched from within EdgeCAM, but runs externally so you can work in EdgeCAM while verifying and optimizing NC programs in VERICUT.
TDM Interface
The TDM Interface provides direct access to the TDM Systems', Tool Data Management (TDM) system. Lists of tools can be extracted from TDM and used in VERICUT. No intermediate files are produced, so the tool data used is the latest available from the TDM database.
Model Interfaces
The following Model Interface modules enable VERICUT to both read and, when combined with Model Export, write the designated model file formats. These modules do not require a CAD/CAM system be available for VERICUT to read or write any of the formats. These modules are available on Windows platform only. Each module is licensed separately.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT file contains trimmed topological features (such as CATBody, CATNurbsSurface, CATplane, etc.).
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT the 840D CNC control. When VERICUT uses the VNCK for simulation, VERICUT is not reading the NC program and is not calculating the machine's axes positions. Rather, the VNCK (an external process running on the Windows computer that is also running VERICUT) reads the NC program, calculates the axes positions, and sends those positions to VERICUT. The VNCK is only able to read and simulate NC programs written for the Siemens 840D control. The VNCK and Interface consists of two components: The 840D VNCK software program developed by Siemens, and the VERICUT Interface to the VNCK program. Using this optional module, the VERICUT simulation is controlled by the VNCK program. The VERICUT Interface starts the VNCK and instructs it to load the control configuration data and NC program. During simulation, the VNCK then reads the NC program, calculates the NC motion axes positions, and sends this motion information to VERICUT. The VNCK program contains the actual 840D control's NC kernel, providing NC program processing and motion emulation consistent with the physical control. The VERICUT interface handles communication between the VNCK and VERICUT, using Microsoft's COM protocol. Limitations: OptiPath and CNC Machine Probing ARE NOT compatible with the VNCK. Also, since the VNCK is directing the simulation, other standard VERICUT simulation features may not be available or may behave differently. Additionally, the VNCK only notifies VERICUT when motion commands, those NC lines containing axes motions, are processed. Other NC program lines, such as variable definitions, calculations, and miscellaneous functions, are not considered NC events and are not displayed in the sequential processing of the NC program. Licensing: The VNCK program requires a separate node-locked license from Siemens. It is not available as a network license (i.e. does not "float"), but is locked to the specific machine where the VNCK is used. Thus a separate VNCK licensed module is needed for each computer that will run it. The license is locked to the MAC (physical ethernet hardware) address of ALL network devices detected on the computer. Thus all MAC addresses on the target computer are required. VERICUT Machine/Control Configuration: A VERICUT machine and a control file are still required for a VNCK configuration. When used with VERICUT, the VNCK program reads the NC program and passes axes positions to VERICUT. However, only axes controlled by the NC kernel (typically the machine's primary motion axes) are recognized. Any other commands, such as tool change, feed rate, pallet change, coolant, and other miscellaneous NC program codes are not recognized by the VNCK. These are typically known as "PLC" (Programmable Logic Controller) functions, outside the realm of the NC kernel. It is VERICUT's responsibility 25
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT to emulate these PLC actions. A mechanism is available to register PLC commands with the VNCK, so that it can notify VERICUT when one of these commands is encountered. However, VERICUT must be configured to register each command and provide a simulation action for the event. Currently, only VERICUT NC macros configured in the Word Address dialogue may be executed. It is not possible to execute a sub-program from within VERICUT when using the VNCK control emulation. NC "ARC" Data: In addition to the usual VERICUT configuration requirements, CGTech must also copy the NC "ARC" (ARChive) data file from the physical 840D control to the simulation computer. This file must then be expanded using Siemens' ARC utility, and configured for VNCK simulation. The ARC file is then saved in a proprietary binary format for use with the VNCK. Hardware: The VNCK only works on computers running Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional operating systems. 840D Virtual NC Kernel and Interface requires either a Verification, a Mold & Die Machining, or a Cutter Grinder Verification base module license as a pre-requisite.
NOTE: The VERICUT license server may not work correctly with more than one
network card on some UNIX computers. 4. Graphics device capable of displaying at least 16K colors 5. Hardware graphics accelerators are optionally used in a machine simulation view. Due to the large amount of graphics memory required to display the cut stock, graphics memory of 128mb minimum is recommended, and 256mb is preferred.
Disk space:
Physical Memory: UNIX Swap partition or Windows page file size: Temporary disk space:
1. 240 Mb for Windows (includes Library, Samples and help files and Java Run-Time) 2. 200 Mb for the first UNIX platform (includes Library, Samples and help files) 3. 20 Mb for each additional UNIX platform type 512 Mb (1 Gb preferred, 2Gb if you want to run VERICUT concurrent with another large program) 2X Physical Memory 1. 120 Mb required during installation, in addition to the disk space required for the installed files, as described in "Disk Space" above. 2. By default the installation program temporarily uses disk space on: C:\TEMP on Windows or /tmp on UNIX. 3. The temporary disk space used during installation can optionally be redirected by defining the IATEMPDIR environment variable prior to running the installation program.
Windows Requirements
Windows 1. Windows 2000 Professional SP2 2. Windows XP Professional 3. Java Run Time Environment 1.4.2 (included with VERICUT for Windows) 4. Microsoft recommends Windows be allowed to dynamically manage the page file size. 5. Windows Script 5.3 or later is required for the CATIA V5 Interface 1. Intel Pentium or 100% Pentium-compatible Processor. 2. 1 ghz or faster recommended. 3. Dual processors improve performance, especially when running other large programs concurrently with VERICUT.
UNIX Requirements
HP 1. HP-UX 11.0 plus required patches 2. Java RTE v1.3.1.07 dated October 14, 2002 or later (installation files included on the VERICUT CD) 1. AIX 4.3.3 plus fixes 2. Java Run-Time 1.3.1 build ca1311-20011123a or later (included in the installed VERICUT files and used locally by VERICUT) 1. IRIX 6.5.x plus required patches 2. Java eoe 1.3.1 20020611 or later (installation files included on the VERICUT CD) MIPS4 processors (R10000, R12000 series processors). Not recommended with R5000 processors. 1. Solaris 2.6 plus required patches 2. Java Run-Time 1.3.1_06-b01 or later (installation files included on the VERICUT CD)
Java Run-Time Environment (JRE) for UNIX Systems Java Run-Time Environment (JRE) files required by VERICUT are included on the VERICUT CD for all UNIX platforms. For IBM RS6000 only, the Java Run-Time files are automatically copied into the VERICUT directory tree during VERICUT installation, but are not installed by the operating system's installation utility, and will not disturb any existing Java installation. 28
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT These files are used exclusively by VERICUT. The Java Run-Time version documented above in the "UNIX Requirements" section is the version included on the VERICUT CD, and is the minimum recommended version. For proper behavior of VERICUT the minimum JRE described above must be used. Later versions should work, but for practical reasons not all JRE versions can be tested with VERICUT on all platforms. VERICUT has been tested and is shipped with JRE V1.4.2 on Windows. At the time of release, JRE 1.4.2 was not available for all supported UNIX platforms. Earlier versions of JRE 1.4 (for example 1.4.0 and 1.4.1) do not work with VERICUT. It may be necessary to apply operating system patches for the Java Run-Time version supplied. Some sites may want to use their currently installed Java Run-Time or install and use another Java Run-Time. Please ensure that the JRE is equal or later that the versions described above. Following are links to each UNIX vendor's java information and download site. UNIX system administrators should check these sites for the latest operating system patch information, and ensure that the computer used for VERICUT is at the minimum patch level for the Java Run-Time version being used.
These devices have at least 8 buttons, some of which we have designated as follows: 1. Toggles translations on and off. 2. Toggles rotations on and off (you can't have both of these off together, so turning one off will turn the other on if necessary). 3. Toggles the dominant axis filter on and off (when on, only one axis moves at once). 4. Fit. 5. Decreases sensitivity. 6. Increase sensitivity. 7. Reverse 8. Refine With the exception of buttons 4, 7 and 8, these functions are a de-facto standard for software that supports the devices. PTC uses button 4 as "Fit" in Pro/E. A configuration file (VERICUT.scg) is required and is accessed by the 3DxWare driver on startup. This file is distributed by 3Dconnexion with the most recent version of their driver. While beta testing has shown that VERICUT generally works correctly with various older models and older versions of the device drivers, CGTech recommends using the latest driver version. It can be downloaded from The VERICUT configuration file was added to 3DxWare version 2.3 build 5, September 4, 2002.
Performance Considerations
This section describes ways to help increase VERICUT productivity.
System considerations
Computer speed VERICUT runs faster on faster computers. When comparing computers made by different manufacturers, you can get a general idea how VERICUT will perform by comparing the processor speed for floating point computations. Multiple processors VERICUT runs 10-20% faster on computers with dual processors over a comparable computer with a single processor. Memory The amount of memory available to VERICUT can make a difference. See "VERICUT System Requirements" for memory recommendations. If you intend to process large tool paths, complex cutting operations, or use AUTO-DIFF, you may need more memory. VERICUT uses virtual memory (hard disk) when physical memory (RAM) is exhausted. Best performance is obtained when sufficient physical memory is available to VERICUT. Excessive memory does not make VERICUT run faster, however, insufficient memory will slow it down. Running concurrently with other applications Even though your system may run VERICUT or other large applications (e.g. CAD/CAM packages) comfortably, running them concurrently may cause competition for resources: memory, disk space, etc. Under these conditions the computer begins "paging" or "swapping" memory (a.k.a. "disk thrashing"), which adversely affects performance. Symptoms of disk thrashing are: constant hard drive activity or noise, active applications are slow, "Out of memory" error messages or warnings appear. In the worst case you can run out of all available memory which can cause your computer to crash or hang. When determining the amount of memory the system needs to run your applications, be sure to consider the memory requirements of ALL applications that will be run concurrently. Graphics cards VERICUT uses 2-D raster (pixmap) graphics. It does not use triangle shading (such as with a 3-D API like OpenGL or Direct3D), texture mapping, or much (if any) vector drawing. All graphics cards (even the cheapest) do pixmap graphics. The card needs enough display or video memory to drive the display resolution at the desired number of colors. For example, 8mb of display memory may be enough to do a 1024 x 768 display at True Color, but may only be able to do 64k colors at 1600 x 1024 resolution. VERICUT 5.0 or higher performs best in a True Color display environment. More expensive does not necessarily mean "better for VERICUT". Lower cost cards frequently outperform expensive cards when running VERICUT.
Cutting Tolerance The "Cutting Tolerance" value (ref. File menu > Properties, Tolerance tab) controls the accuracy of cuts applied to the workpiece. This value directly affects the speed and quality of the results from comparing or exporting models, optimizing tool paths, checking for holder collisions, "Fast Feed" errors, dynamic rotation speed, and zoom speed. A larger cutting tolerance value makes VERICUT go faster, but the resulting cut model and collision checking will be less accurate. A smaller cutting tolerance value may slow the simulation, but provides the high level of accuracy needed to perform detailed model analysis or export, optimization, etc. A larger cutting tolerance value is probably okay for quick visual checks, or when only X-Caliper will be used to analyze the model (no AUTO-DIFF). Use a smaller cutting tolerance value if you expect to use AUTO-DIFF, Model Export, OptiPath, or examine very small model details.
How VERICUT uses Cutting Tolerance to determine model accuracy The "Base Cut Tolerance on" option on the File menu > Properties: Tolerance tab controls how VERICUT applies the Cutting Tolerance value to set cut model accuracy. Choose "Stock Size" to achieve consistent performance on similar sized parts, regardless of the variety of cutting tools used. However, cuts made by very small cutters or cutters with complicated shapes should be evaluated closely to determine if sufficient accuracy has been maintained. Choose "Tool Size" to consider sizes of cutting tools in addition to the stock model size, or when optimal results must be achieved for all cutting tools. Be aware that with this option, very small cutters such as tiny drills, scribe end mills, etc. can severely impact overall performance.
Model file tolerances Model files, such as Stereolithography (STL) or VERICUT model files, exported from CAD systems should be created using tolerances appropriate for how they will be used in VERICUT. For example, models that will be used as stock workpieces, holding fixtures, or NC machine components probably do not need to be as accurate as models that will be used by AUTO-DIFF to check for gouges or excess material. Outputting CAD models with excessively small tolerance values can result in very large model file sizes that cause VERICUT to use large amounts of memory. Similar considerations apply to tolerances for converting IGES model files that will be used in VERICUT. Assuming you have enough memory, model file size/complexity does not affect cutting speed in VERICUT.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Fixture display Fixtures displayed in the "Workpiece" view slow cutting speed. For best performance, set Visibility to Machine View on the Component Attributes tab of the Modeling window. (e.g. via Project menu > Setup Models > Define: Component Attributes tab or double-click on the fixture component in the Component Tree) Skip Cut and Animation Speed control These features on the Project menu > Processing Options > Motion window directly affect cutting speed. Skipping cuts can make VERICUT run faster by updating the display less frequently, especially when multi-axis cuts, large cutters, or tools with holders are involved. Also, for best performance ensure the Animation Speed slider, located at the bottom of the VERICUT main window, is positioned as far right as it will go ("Fast"). No Animation This feature on the Project menu > Processing Options > Motion window enables you to reduce processing time. When No Animation is toggled "on", the graphics display is not updated until either processing is complete or you Stop the processing. At that time the cut model is displayed in it "final" state or the state that it was in when processing was stopped. Tool holders Using tool holders enables VERICUT to detect when non-cutting portions of the tool assembly remove material or crash into clamps/fixtures holding the workpiece. You can minimize this effect by modeling only portions of the tool assembly that can be involved in a collision. For example, don't bother modeling the taper of a milling tool holder (portion that seats inside the spindle). If you don't have concerns about tool holder collisions, VERICUT will run faster if tool holders are not displayed, e.g.: Project menu > NC Programs: clear "Use Holders" checkbox. Status and NC Program windows Opening these windows via the Info menu provides valuable information about the machining process. However, since VERICUT updates them with each tool path record processed, having them open while cutting slows performance. For best performance, close them before cutting. You can reopen them later, as needed for reference. Address unsupported codes in G-code tool paths When processing G-code tool paths, "unsupported" codes cause messages to be written to the VERICUT Log file and the VERICUT main window message area. Reporting numerous unsupported codes can slow performance dramatically. Avoid writing "false" errors and the corresponding time loss by addressing unsupported codes via the NC control configuration. To ignore codes that are unimportant to the simulation, use Configuration menu > Word/Address to add groups that will have unsupported codes call the macro, IgnoreMacro. Faster zooming Following is a technique to improve the zoom and display speed, and eliminate the post zoom delay between pressing Play and resuming cutting. Create a second, smaller view window (View menu > Layout > Add View) and position it to the side. Cut the part. When you want to see an area in more detail, use the smaller window for zooming. This protects the refined display in the larger window. Because VERICUT needs only to update the smaller image, you get zoom images much faster than performing the operation in the larger window. Also, when you restart the simulation there is virtually no delay before VERICUT starts cutting again.
Disable Report This feature on the Analysis menu > AUTO-DIFF window: Settings tab enables you to turn off the AUTO-DIFF Report feature to reduce AUTODIFF processing time. For large NC program files, generating the report can take a significant amount of time. When toggled "off", you will still see the AUTO-DIFF results in the graphics area. Want more VERICUT tips and tricks from the experts? Visit the CGTech web site at and click "SUPPORT PAGE", then look for "Tips and Tricks".
Summary of VERICUT File Types
The sections that follow provide information about the files VERICUT uses and typical file extensions.
1. The default blocking factor for interpreting binary CL data is 3228. If this does not produce favorable results, use any text editor to change the blocking factor. Other typical blocking factors you can try are: 512, 4628, 15476. 2. If the ASCII NC program file output by the converter has major or minor words other than what you expected, try editing the APT Table file to change the "Word" output for a specific APT class/subclass.
AVI File
Typical file extension: .avi Also known as an Audio-Video Interleaved file, this file contains recorded images of VERICUT. AVI files are saved (recorded) via the File menu > Images > Record Movie function, and replayed via File menu > Images > Playback AVI Movie.
Tip: VERICUT batch files can be easily created using VERICUT's Batch Wizard. Windows batch script files
A batch file to be run on Windows is named with a ".bat" extension, for example "batchfile.bat". Windows NT batch execution lines in the script file are "called" via the "call" command to return control to the script file after each VERICUT execution. The examples that follow show two sample script files. Windows XP batch script file examples: Example 1 executes two batch sessions, each processing a part unrelated to the other. call vericut batch "vcp=part1.VcProject" call vericut batch "vcp=part2.VcProject" Example 2 represents a part machined in two setups: the first is configured to automatically save an In-process file named "" via the AutoSave function. The second uses the ip=<ipfile> option to load the "" In-process file so cutting can be continued with the session configuration saved in the "setup2.VcProject" project file. call vericut batch "vcp=setup1.VcProject" call vericut batch "vcp=setup2.VcProject" ""
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT UNIX batch script file examples: Example 1 executes two batch sessions, each processing a part unrelated to the other. vericut batch vcp=part1.VcProject vericut batch vcp=part2.VcProject Example 2 represents a part machined in two setups: the first is configured to automatically save an In-process file named "" via the AutoSave function. The second uses the ip=<ipfile> option to load the "" In-process file so cutting can be continued with the session configuration saved in the "setup2VcProject" project file. vericut batch vcp=setup1.VcProject vericut batch vcp=setup2.VcProject
Control File
Typical file extension: .ctl An ASCII text file that contains data describing how the NC control processes G-Codes. Data in this file includes: a list of interpretable machine codes, machine code format information, rules for grouping machine codes, and rules for calling macros. This file is required to interpret G-Code data via the G-Code Data NC program type. When the Machine Developer's Kit is used to create a custom CME file, the Control file can also specify a custom CME file to assist with the simulation. By default, VERICUT is configured with a "Fanuc" control. Many control configurations are available in the library that is installed with VERICUT software- see "Library Control Files" for more information. A different Control file can be loaded into VERICUT via the Configuration menu > Control > Open function. NC control configurations are changed via other "Control" functions in the Configuration menu. Save the new file via Configuration menu > Control > Save As.
An ASCII text file containing information necessary to create a VERICUT Coordinate System using the CSYS from File feature in the Coordinate System window. The file contains a collection of APT CL matrices, possibly with different syntaxes in a single file. The CSYS File is also used by the csys_file command line argument.
The CSYS file may contain one or all combinations of: CATIA syntax: $$*CATIA0 $$*AXS1 $$ 1.00000 ... Use "$$*AXS xx" to name the coordinate system, for example "AXS1" in the above snippet.
UG syntax: TOOL PATH/P1 . . MSYS/ ... Use "TOOL PATH/ xx" to name the coordinate system, for example "P1" in the above snippet. PTC syntax: $$-> FEATNO / 102 . . TRANS / ... $$-> CSYS / ... Use "FEATNO / xxx" to name the coordinate system, for example "102" in the above snippet.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT VERICUT-MATRIX syntax: Modify the syntax to allow an optional name. The code needs to support both with a quoted name string and without.
PPRINT/VERICUT-MATRIX "name" 1,0,0 ...
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Sample Design Points file:
Image File
Typical file extension: .img A platform-independent binary file that contains recorded images of a NC program simulation. Image files can contain any combination of snapshot (single still image) and animation images (similar to a movie). These files can be recorded and replayed on any supported computer platform. Two types of VERICUT images can be recorded. Both types can be recorded into the same file. Machining status is automatically recorded with either image type. Snapshot single-frame image. These images are also used to mark stop points in an animation. Animation multiple images that when replayed, appear like a simulation (like a movie). Image files are saved (recorded) via the File menu > Images > Record Movie function, and replayed via File menu > Images > Playback VERICUT Movie.
NOTE: Image files are not intended for printing. Use File menu > Print View or File
menu > Images > View Capture to print VERICUT images.
In Process File
Typical file extension: .ip A part ASCII text-part binary file also known as an "IP file" that contains the data necessary to re-establish a VERICUT session, including the current VERICUT model (with cuts), user interface settings, and a copy of the Log file. IP files are also used to "backup" the verification session, safeguarding against lost work if the session is interrupted by computer or power failure. Save an In-process file interactively via File menu > In Process > Save As, or automatically via the Auto Save function. Due to differences in math processing on various computer types, IP files are usable on computers of the same type on which they were saved. Load IP files via File menu > In Process > Open to re-establish a VERICUT session or provide a VERICUT model for additional machining and analysis. IP files can also be specified on the command line when VERICUT is executed, such as during batch processing to simulate NC programs without user interaction.
NOTE: Environment variables can be used to affect VERICUT's use of IP files. For
more information, see "Environment variables".
Log File
Typical file extension: .log An ASCII text file that contains information about a VERICUT session, such as: names of NC programs processed, errors, warnings, simulated machining times, and other informational messages. When VERICUT is run, it must always be able to open a Log file. When an existing Log file of the same name is found VERICUT responds differently, depending on the run mode: VERICUT run in interactive mode Log file is automatically reset, unless the "append log" command line option is used. VERICUT run in batch mode Log file is automatically reset, unless the "reset log" command line option is used. For more information on command line options used with VERICUT, see "Command line options for VERICUT". Using the Info menu > VERICUT Log function, Log file contents can be viewed, edited, or the file name changed. For help with interpreting error and warning messages in this file, consult ERRORS and Problem Solving at
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Sample VERICUT Log file:
Machine File
Typical file extension: .mch An ASCII text file that contains data describing the construction, kinematics, and other properties of an NC machine tool. By default, VERICUT is configured with a 3-axis vertical mill machine. Many machine configurations are available in the library that is installed with VERICUT software- see Library Machine Files in the VERICUT Files section for more information. A different Machine file can be loaded into VERICUT via the Configuration menu > Machine > Open function. NC machine configurations are changed via other "Machine" functions in the Configuration menu. Save the new file via Configuration menu > Machine > Save As.
NC Program File
Typical file extension: .mcd (G-Code), .tp (APT), many other extensions depending on CAM system NC program, or "NC program" files are ASCII text files that contain data describing cutting tool positions, machine information, and other information required to operate NC machine tools. NC program files to be simulated or optimized are referenced in VERICUT via the Project menu > NC Programs function. VERICUT does not actually keep a copy of the NC program files, but instead stores NC program file names and keep tracks of which record in the file is being processed. NC programs files can be divided into two general types: APT-CLS NC and G-Code. A general discussion of each type follows.
Operations File
Typical file extension: .VcTmp
An Operations File, or Ops File, can be used to assemble a project with multiple setups from several VERICUT project files, which typically have the extension ".VcProject". This assembly process can only be triggered from the command line that invokes VERICUT. The necessary command line syntax is;
Any extension can be used in the file name, but by convention ".VcTmp" denotes a temporary file. An Operations File is a man-readable text file. Each line of the file is independent and references a VERICUT project file. A line requests that information from its project file should be transferred to the project being assembled. A line can request that the entire project and all its setups be transferred, or that information from one setup be transferred, or that all the setup-independent information, which we will refer to as project information, be transferred. It is suggested that the first line of the file should always request at least the project information from a ".VcProject" file that was saved by VERICUT, so that the new project will have a good foundation.
In the following explanation the Windows path delimiter, "\", is used. For a UNIX platform you should substitute the "/" character. Names should be enclosed in double quotation characters ("). Fields are separated by one or more spaces. To request that the entire project, with all its setups, be transferred to the new project being assembled, the syntax of the required line is; ALL FILE="My\Path\MyProjectTemplate.VcProject"
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT To request that the project information from a file be transferred to the new project being assembled, the syntax of the required line is; PROJECT FILE="My\Path\MyProjectTemplate.VcProject" Setup independent information in a project file pertains to the following VERICUT menu items; Model Export Colors Image Recording and Playback View Capture AutoSave View Select/Store Status Graphs Cycle Definitions AUTO-DIFF To request that setup information from a file be transferred to the new project, the syntax of the required line is;
SETUP NAME="Setup A" INDEX=1 FILE="My\Path\MySetupTemplate.VcProject"
The NAME field specifies the name that the setup will have in the new project. The INDEX field selects which of the setups in the referenced file will be transferred. An index value of "1" selects the first setup in the file, "2" would use the second setup, etcetera. The FILE field references the VERICUT project file that contains the required setup. Note that more than one SETUP line in the Operations File can have the same NAME field. The first such line would cause a new setup to be appended to the project being assembled, and subsequent lines could adjust the parameters of that same setup. Setup specific information in a project file pertains to the following VERICUT menu items;
Views Sections Components and Models NC Programs and Filters Tools and Tool Changes 66
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT APT and G-Code Settings Coordinate Systems Control Machine Inspection Die Sinking OptiPath
Project Naming
The name and location of the assembled project file will be derived from the name and location of the Operations File. The extension ".VcProject" will replace any extension that the Operations File's name has, and the assembled project will be placed in the same folder. This assumes that the user saves the project before explicitly renaming it and before exiting VERICUT. To remind the user that he needs to save the project before exiting, you can include another keyword on the command line. Thus you may have; ... "ops=D:\My\Path\MyOperationsFile.VcTmp" usr_changed ...
Optimized File
Typical file extension: .opti, .mco (G-Code NC program file) or .tpo (APT NC program file) The Optimized NC program file is created from optimizing NC program feed rates via OptiPath. For details about using OptiPath and sample optimized NC program files, see the OptiPath menu functions.
Post-Processor File
Typical file extension: .VcPost A Post-Processor file is an ASCII text file, created using the CGTech Post Processor, that contains all the information required to read machine independent NC Program data and convert it to G-Code files for a specific machine/control combination.
Preferences File
Typical file extension: .prefs Also known as a "Prefs file", this ASCII text file is automatically saved when you exit VERICUT and stores such user preferences as: VERICUT user interface Look & Feel size and locations of VERICUT windows state of menu toggles in any window that has them, for example: View menu > Toolbar, View Axes, etc. filters for VERICUT file selection windows recent User/Project files opened in VERICUT
The Preferences file is unique for each VERICUT version and each user, based on your login. The file is named "cgtech_user.prefs" for VERICUT 5.0, and follows the naming convention "cgtech_<ver#>_user.prefs" for subsequent versions. For example, a Prefs file for VERICUT 5.1 has the name "cgtech_51_user.prefs". The Prefs file is automatically stored in your home directory and are updated each time you exit VERICUT. When you run a new VERICUT version for the first time (no Prefs file exists for that version), it will attempt to use the Prefs file from the previous version. When users share a machine (or an account), CGTech recommends that each user set a unique CGTECH_USERNAME environment variable to prevent overwriting the Preferences file. See "Environment Variables" for more information.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Sample Preferences file "cgtech_user.prefs":
Project File
Typical file extension: .VcProject A VERICUT Project file is an XML (Extensible Markup Language) text file containing VERICUT session settings, also known as "user configuration values" or "user values", including: measurement units, colors, choices, data field values, directory paths and file names, etc. These files are relatively small in size, yet can control the entire cutting process and minimize the effort required to configure the system for processing NC program files. Project files are saved via the File menu > Save Project function, and loaded via File menu > Open. User files can also be specified on the command line when VERICUT is executed, such as during batch processing to simulate NC programs without user interaction.
Status File
Typical file extension: .txt An ASCII text file that contains whatever data is sent to the Status window during the simulation (ref. Info menu > Status). A Status file is created when the CGTECH_STATUS environment variable is set to a file name before VERICUT is executed. The file is overwritten when the VERICUT model is reset. For each NC program record processed, the following status data is written: REC Indicates a NC program record processed. REC fields NC program Record Line Number, NC program Record DATA Specifies most of the status values separated by commas. Fields not displayed in the Status window are represented by commas. DATA fields Mch Axis Loc- X, Y, Z, A, B, C, U, V, W, Tool Tip Loc- X, Y, Z, I, J, K, Errors, Warnings, Time, Time%, Dist, - Dist%, Coolant, Feedrate, OP Feedrate, Spindle, OP Spindle TOOLCHANGEREC The record which caused the last tool change (present only if the Status window is configured to show this field). TOOLDESC The current tool description (present only if the Status window is configured to show this field). TOOLGEOMETRY The current tool geometry (present only if the Status window is configured to show this field). APT example: REC,12,GOTO/3,2,1 DATA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,0,0,0.5355,,,,ON ,10 IPM,,500,CLW , TOOLCHANGEREC,CUTTER/1.125,.25,0,0,0,0,2.1 G-Code example: REC,20,N0130G0X-.2Y-.3Z2.S1200M3 DATA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19,,,4,0,0,1.6979,,,,OFF,2 IPM,,1200, TOOLCHANGEREC,N0120T4M6
Tip: If any of the above symptoms are experienced, use the PolyFix Converter and/or
the Stock Consistency Check feature (ref. File menu > Properties: General tab) to repair the model before cutting. Similar advice applies for models added to Design components for use with AUTO-DIFF, except the Design Consistency Check feature is used (ref. Analysis menu > AUTO-DIFF: Options tab).
NOTE: If errors occur when attempting to load the file, consult ERRORS and
Problem Solving at, for assistance. Sample VERICUT Tool Library file:
User File
Typical file extension: .usr An ASCII text file that contains VERICUT session settings, also known as "user configuration values" or "user values", including: measurement units, colors, choices, data field values, directory paths and file names, etc. These files are relatively small in size, yet can control the entire cutting process and minimize the effort required to configure the system for processing a NC program file. User files are loaded via File menu > Open. User files can also be specified on the command line when VERICUT is executed, such as during batch processing to simulate NC programs without user interaction. Sample User file:
Within the User file, the left column contains descriptive information about user variables, the center column lists the user variable names, and the right column lists saved values for corresponding user variables.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Use the user variable names listed in the center column when referencing via command line options. For more information, see "Command Line Options".
NOTE: Environment variables can be used to affect VERICUT's use of User files. For
more information, see "Environment Variables".
Tip: If any of the above symptoms are experienced, use the PolyFix Converter and/or the Stock Consistency Check feature (ref. File menu > Properties, General tab) to repair the model before cutting. Similar advice applies for models added to Design components for use with AUTO-DIFF, except the Design Consistency Check feature is used (ref. Analysis menu > AUTO-DIFF, Options tab).
Polygon file format: File type record Specifies the type of VERICUT file, for example "VERICUTmodel". Version number record Software version in which the file is to be used, for example "version-3.0". Model file identifier record Model file type: "1" specifies a Polygon file. Sweep start value Z value of the linear sweep start. Sweep end value Z value of the linear sweep end.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Polygon format record Describes the surface normal data and vertex data formats. This record contains three integer numbers separated by blanks: n1 n2 n3 (e.g. "0 0 1") where: n1 (normal vector type) Specifies the type of surface normal vector information present in the polygon file. 0 - each polygon has one normal vector 1 - each vertex has a normal vector n2 (normal vector direction) Specifies the surface normal vector direction relative to the model surface. 0 - normal vectors point inward 1 - normal vectors point outward 2 - normal vector directions are inconsistent (should ONLY be used after both the "0" and "1" values have been attempted with unfavorable results; requires significantly more processing time and computer resources) n3 (Polygon format type) Specifies the polygon data format. 0 - binary data format (recommended- requires less storage space and is processed faster, however, binary formatted files are computer-specific) 1 - ASCII data format Polygon data The remaining records in the file are the polygon data records which define the model shape. Each model facet (or polygon) is represented by a series of records describing its number and location of vertices, as well as surface normal vector direction(s). There is no limit on the amount of data allowed. Two polygon data formats are supported. The polygon data type must be consistent for the entire file. Format 1 - 1 normal per polygon: vertex count (3 or 4) X Y Z (vertex 1) X Y Z (vertex 2) X Y Z (vertex 3) I J K (normal) Format 2 - 1 normal per vertex: vertex count (3 or 4) X Y Z (vertex 1) X Y Z (vertex 2) X Y Z (vertex 3) I J K (normal 1)
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT I J K (normal 2) I J K (normal 3) Sample Polygon file:
1. VERICUT Solid models are not recognized in FastMill Cut Mode or when using AUTO-DIFF Surface. 2. AUTO-DIFF and Die Sinking models are always saved without features (features are destroyed by the tolerance offsets).
NOTE: Customized machines and controls can be found in the "samples" directory in
your VERICUT installation. See "Sample-Demo Files" in the CGTech Help Library for more information.
Control Model
850MC 950MC 2100 CNC PC Allen-Bradley 7320 8200 8600 9260 Bosch CC300 Boston Digital BDC 3200 (inch)
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT BDC 3200 (mm) Charmilles 200 Wire EDM Cincinnati - see "Acramatic" Fadal CNC 88, Format 1 ("Fadal" mode) CNC 88, Format 2 ("Fanuc" mode) Fanuc Series 0 fan0m.ctl (mill) fan0t.ctl (turn) fan3t.ctl (turn) fan3tt.ctl fan5m.ctl (mill) fan6m.ctl (mill) fan6t.ctl (turn) fan9t.ctl (turn) fan10m.ctl (mill) fan10t.ctl (turn) fan11m.ctl (mill) fan11t.ctl (turn) fan12m.ctl (mill) fan12t.ctl (turn) fad88a.ctl fad88.ctl chr200.ctl bdc3200_mm.ctl
Series 3
Series 5 Series 6
Series 9 Series 10
Series 11
Series 12
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Series 15 fan15im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan15it.ctl (model "I" turn) fan15m.ctl (mill) fan_15m_custom_optimizable.ctl fan15t.ctl, (turn) fan15t_t.ctl (turn-turret) fan15t_t_ws.ctl Series 16 fan16im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan16it.ctl (model "I" turn) fan16m.ctl (mill) fan16t.ctl, (turn) fan16w.ctl (wireEDM) Series 18 fan18im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan18it.ctl (model "I" turn) fan18m.ctl (mill) fan18t.ctl (turn) Series 21 fan21im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan21it.ctl (model "I" turn) fan21m.ctl (mill) fan21t.ctl (turn) Series 30 Series 31 Series 32 Series 150 fan150im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan150it.ctl (model "I" turn) fan150m.ctl (mill) fan150t.ctl (turn) fan30im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan31im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan32im.ctl (model "I" mill)
fan160im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan160it.ctl (model "I" turn) fan160m.ctl (mill) fan160t.ctl (turn) fan180im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan180it.ctl (model "I" turn) fan180m.ctl (mill fan180t.ctl (turn) fan210im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan210it.ctl (model "I" turn) fan210m.ctl (mill) fan210t.ctl (turn) fan300im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan310im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan320im.ctl (model "I" mill) fan3000c.ctl
Series 180
Series 210
Series 300 Series 310 Series 320 Series 3000 Fidia M30 GEMINI (by Kearney & Trecker) GEMINI-C GEMINI-D GEMINI-E General Electric (GE) 1050MC CNC 2000MC CNC Generic (Fanuc-like) + controls
ge_1050mc.ctl ge_2000mc.ctl
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT decimal generic.ctl (in) genericm.ctl (mm) genlead.ctl (in) genleadm.ctl (mm) gentrail.ctl (in) gentrailm.ctl (mm)
leading zeros
trailing zeros
Giddings & Lewis (G&L) see "NumeriPath" HAAS CNC MiniMill Heidenhain Mill Plus TNC 407 heimplus.ctl hei407.ctl (conversational) hei407g.ctl (ISO) hei415b.ctl (conversational) hei415bg.ctl (ISO) hei415c.ctl (conversational) hei415cg.ctl (ISO) hei425.ctl (conversational) hei425g.ctl (ISO) hei426.ctl (conversational) hei426g.ctl (ISO) hei430.ctl (conversational) hei430g.ctl (ISO) hei530.ctl hascnc.ctl haas_minimill.ctl
TNC 426
TNC 430
Kearney & Trecker see "GEMINI" Lumonics Laserdyne System 94 Maho - see "Phillips" Makino Professional Series makpro3.ctl 3 Professional Series makpro5.ctl 5 Mazak Mazatrol Fusion 640 maz640m.ctl (mill) maz640mpro.ctl (mill) maz640t.ctl (turn) maz640t_t.ctl maz640mpro_mazak_e650h_2000u.ctl maz640m_mazak_nexus410a.ctl maz640m_variaxis.ctl mazak_e650h_2000u_640mpro.ctl mazak_nexus410a_maz640m.ctl mazm2.ctl mazm3.ctl mazm32.ctl mazt2.ctl mazt3.ctl mazt32.ctl laserdyne_94.ctl
Mazatrol M-2 Mazatrol M-3 Mazatrol M-32 Mazatrol T-2 Mazatrol T-3 Mazatrol T-32 Mori Seiki
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT 1040T 1060M 1060T NumeriPath (by G&L) 800M 8000L 8000M Okuma - see "OSP" Olivetti MC8600 OSAI osai_10.ctl OSP (by Okuma) OSP700L OSP5000L OSP5000M OSP7000L osp700l.ctl osp5000l.ctl osp5000m.ctl osp7000l.ctl osp7000l_t.ctl (turret) osp7000m.ctl oli8600.ctl nph800m.ctl nph8000l.ctl nph8000m.ctl num1040t.ctl num1060m.ctl num1060t.ctl
OSP7000M PaR Systems Cimroc 5000 Phillips CNC 432 CNC 532
phi432.ctl phi532.ctl
Sinumerik (by Siemens) 3T, 3TT 810 840 sin3t.ctl, sin3tt.ctl sin810d.ctl (810D) sin840c.ctl (840C) sin840d.ctl (840D) sin880m.ctl (880M) sinfmnc.ctl
880M FM-NC Sundstrand MicroSWINC LM MicroSWINC M200 Thermwood 91000 Super Control Tosnuc (by Toshiba) 888 Yasnac i80m MX-3
swilm.ctl swim200.ctl
yasi80m.ctl yasmx3.ctl
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT 5ax vert. mill samples - bos5vm01.mch
Charmilles Robofil 200 4ax wire EDM Cincinnati 3-spindle 5ax gantry mill 5ax dualtilting head vert. mill T30 5ax horiz. mill samples - cinci_3spindle_5ax.mch chr200.mch
samples- cin5vm01.mch
Deckel Maho - see "Maho" Dixi 100 4ax horiz. mill dix100m4.mch
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT 100 5ax horiz. mill dix100m5.mch
350 TCA50S 5ax horiz. mill DPH-80 4ax horiz. mill Droop and Rein DR969 vert. 3 spindle mill Fadal VMC 15 3ax vert. mill
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT VMC 4020 4ax vert. mill fad4020.mch
Forest Flexiax 510 5ax horiz. mill Generic machines 2ax horiz. lathe generic_2ax_turn.mch forfx510.mch
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT 4ax vert. mill-table A 3ax vert. mill with robot gripper arm 3ax horiz. mill/turntable C g4vmta.mch Not 3-D samples bars_robot.mch
samples 3ht.mch
4ax horiz. dual turret lathe 4ax horiz. dual turret lathe with pick-off spindle 4ax horiz. mill-table B
samples 4hl02.mch (steadyrest), 4hl03.mch (no steadyrest), 4hl04.mch (steadyrest) samples - mcdturn6.mch (robot arm part-grabber)
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT 5ax horiz. mill-table A on table B 5ax horiz. mill-table B on table A 5ax vert. mill-head A on head B 5ax vert. mill-table A, head B 9ax cutter grinder generic_5ax_hmill_tablea_tableb.mch Not 3-D generic_5ax_hmill_tableb_tablea.mch Not 3-D generic_5ax_vmill_heada_headb.mch Not 3-D generic_5ax_vmill_tablea_headb.mch Not 3-D samples 9v_grind.mch
Giddings & Lewis (G&L) Not 3-D 5ax vert. mill/turntable C gl_2ax_turn.mch samples- gl_5vt01.mch
G60 4ax horiz. boring mill G60 4ax horiz. boring mill
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Model 180 4ax horiz. mill kt_180.mch
mahvrt.mch dmg_dmu50v.mch
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT DMU 200 P 5ax vert. mill dmg_dmu200p.mch
Marwin Advanced Manufacturing Cell 5ax horiz. mill Matsuura FX-5 4ax vert. mill MAM 600HF vert. mill Not 3-D matfx5.mch mat600hf.mch Not 3-D mrwamc.mch
samples okulb25.mch
Tsugami MA3 4ax horiz. mill Warner & Swasey Titan 4ax horiz. dual turret lathe ws_titan.mch Not full 3-D tsuma3.mch
SampleDemo Files
See the Sample-Demo Files section, in the CGTech Help Library.
Environment Variables
You can set environment variables to help customize the VERICUT user interface, alter VERICUT performance, and perform other various actions. This section describes environment variable formats and the available environment variables that can affect the VERICUT simulation. Environment variables are typically set via CGTech command files located in the CGTech "commands" directory, under the directory representing your computer type. For example, the command files or VERICUT 6.1 installed on the "C:" drive of a Windows NT computer are located in the C:\CGTech61\winnt\commands directory. Environment variables can also be set in any other system file used to execute VERICUT.
Formats used to set environment variables differ, based on the computer's operating system. Consult the operating system documentation, or refer to the CGTech-installed command files on your computer for specific examples.
Examples of Use
set set CGTECH_DEFAULT_UNITS=inch ENV_VAR_NAME=value set CGTECH_LIBRARY=C:\CGTech50\library ENV_VAR_NAME=value CGTECH_DEFAULT_UNITS=inch export ENV_VAR_NAME (2 records required to set each variable) export CGTECH_DEFAULT_UNITS CGTECH_LIBRARY=C:\CGTech50\library export CGTECH_LIBRARY
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Example of use: set CGTECH_CEILING_IMAGE=C:\path\ceiling.jpg CGTECH_DEFAULT_UNITS Sets the default units for VERICUT. Specify either INCH or MILLIMETER Example of use: set CGTECH_DEFAULT_UNITS =MILLIMETER CGTECH_DISPLAY Sets the animation display method for tool motion in the Workpiece view. The display is updated for animation when you start cutting or the refine the display ( e.g. press Refine Display ). Changing the animation display method can affect simulation speed and display quality, but does not affect model accuracy. Results are different, based on the types of parts you cut and specified Cutting Tolerance. Options: REFINE1 This display method creates the best quality animation image for allaround use, but may take slightly longer to simulate with than REFINE2 (see below). REFINE2 Alternate display method-fastest when a large amount of model detail is visible. This method is more sensitive to Cutting Tolerance than REFINE1, and is typically very good when the cut tolerance is small enough. ULTRA Another alternate display method-this method can be faster than the others, but has lower display quality when compared to the default method. Example of use: set CGTECH_DISPLAY=REFINE2 CGTECH_FLOOR_IMAGE Specifies the JPEG file to use as texture for the floor in OpenGL machine views. Example of use: set CGTECH_FLOOR_IMAGE=C:\path\floor.jpg CGTECH_FONT_SIZE Sets the font size for text appearing in the VERICUT user interface. Size can be given an absolute point size, or incremental value from the default value of "12". Examples of use: set CGTECH_FONT_SIZE=14 (sets 14 pt. font) set CGTECH_FONT_SIZE=+2 (also sets 14 pt. font: default 12 +2= 14)
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT CGTECH_INSPECTION_TOLERANCES Specify a fully qualified /path/filename of a "custom" inspection tolerance file" containing default tolerances to be used for Inspection Sequence. Example of use: set CGTECH_INSPECTION_TOLERANCES=C:\mydir\inspect_tolfile.txt CGTECH_LIBRARY Specifies the directory location of the CGTech Library of machines and controls accessed via choosing the "CGTECH_LIBRARY" shortcut option on file selection windows. Setting this environment variable can be useful for sites that use their own library VERICUT machines and controls instead of that supplied on CD with VERICUT. The full directory path can be included. Example of use: set CGTECH_LIBRARY =C:\mylibrarydir See also: "Where VERICUT looks for files" in the Introduction section CGTECH_MATRIX_FORMAT Enables you to view the Matrix Tables in the Coordinate System Window, Matrix tab and the Modeling Window, Position tab, Matrix tab with the I, J, K along the vertical axis and the X, Y, Z along the horizontal axis rather than the "default" horizontal orientation. Horizontal Orientation (default):
CGTECH_OLD_FSB Enables you to use the more common Windows File Selection Box (FSB) rather than the "standard" VERICUT FSB.
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Example of use: set CGTECH_OLD_FSB=YES CGTECH_STATUS Creates a Status file, an ASCII text file that contains whatever data is sent to the Status window during the simulation. The full directory path can be included with the file name. Example of use: set CGTECH_STATUS=C:\mydir\statusfile.txt CGTECH_TPEDITOR Causes Edit Toolpath to issue a system command using the string content of the variable, with the current tool path file as an argument. Thus you can choose to run an alternate tool path editor, such as any one of the clever NC code editors available today. When you press Edit > NC Program > 'c:\path\', or Project menu > NC Program >(list item) > right mouse click > Edit, or the Edit NC Program icon then VERICUT issues the system command: c:\program files\cooltoolpatheditor\editor.exe c:\path\ This will only work with tool path editors that can take the tool path file name as an argument on the command line that runs the editor. Depending on the editor's command syntax, it may be necessary to point CGTECH_TPEDITOR at a batch or script file that intercepts the tool path file name and re-formats the command as necessary. Example of use: set CGTECH_TPEDITOR=c:\program files\cooltoolpatheditor\editor.exe CGTECH_USERNAME Specifies the user name to include in the name of the Preferences file that is automatically saved when you exit VERICUT. This environment variable is recommended to prevent users that share a machine (or an account) from overwriting the Preferences file. Example of use: set CGTECH_USERNAME=bob (Preferences file saved => "cgtech_bob.prefs") CGTECH_VCPROJECT Specifies the default Project file for VERICUT. The full directory path can be included. Example of use: set CGTECH_VCPROJECT=C:\mydir\myprojectfile.VcProject CGTECH_VCUSR Specifies the default User file for VERICUT. The full directory path can be included. ,
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Example of use: set CGTECH_VCUSR=C:\mydir\myuserfile.usr CGTECH_X_WALL_IMAGE Specifies the JPEG file to use as texture for the two walls having normals along plus or minus X in OpenGL machine views. Example of use: set CGTECH_X_WALL_IMAGE=C:\path\x_wall.jpg CGTECH_Y_WALL_IMAGE Specifies the JPEG file to use as texture for the two walls having normals along plus or minus Y in OpenGL machine views. Example of use: set CGTECH_Y_WALL_IMAGE=C:\path\y_wall.jpg
Hint: Press "F1" in any VERICUT window to receive help on that window.
Menu Bar
The menu bar, located across the top of the VERICUT window, provides easy access to VERICUT functions. Each menu in the menu bar contains groups of related functions. Left-click on any menu name to expose the list of functions available in that menu. If an arrow appears to the right of a function in a menu, move the mouse over the arrow to expose a sub-menu of additional functions. Click on the function in the menu you want to use.
Tool Bar
VERICUT's Toolbar provides quick and easy access to the most commonly-used functions/features.
To see what is associated with a Toolbar icon, simply position the cursor over the icon and a tip appears, as shown with the Close Toolbar icon in the illustration above. You can close/open the Toolbar at any time. Using View menu > Toolbar you can also customize the Toolbar to suit your needs. The Toolbar window is also one of the dockable windows enabling you to be able to re-position it if you choose. To close the Toolbar: From the Toolbar select Close Toolbar To open the Toolbar: Select View menu > Toolbar. Select Display Toolbar. To add/remove groups in the Toolbar: Select View menu > Toolbar. Clear the check, by clicking on it, to remove groups you do not want displayed. Add a check, by clicking in the box, for groups that you want to display. .
Tip: You can affect all Toolbar groups at once using the Set All / Clear All buttons.
Graphics area
The graphics area is where solid models of the workpiece, fixtures, etc. are displayed, and where the simulation takes place. By default, two views are seen: a Workpiece view and a Machine Cut/Stock view. Using View menu > Layout you can add more views displaying the workpiece or NC machine (if a machine is defined). All views are contained within the VERICUT main window.
Right-click in a view to display Shortcuts menu, as shown in the illustration below, enabling you to modify its attributes, such as: view type, standard modeling views, background, etc. Use dynamic and static view options on the Tool Bar to rotate, zoom, or fit the model.
Many other VERICUT functions enable user interactions in this area, including: picking models or surfaces to be measured, determining tool path records responsible for specific cuts, and more.
Message Area
The message area, also known as the "message logger", is located below the graphics area, and by default displays the most recent message VERICUT has provided. VERICUT provides error, warning, and informational messages to assist you during a simulation session. To review previous messages, click on the message line-the most recent message is listed last. Click again to close the message logger.
1. All messages can be seen along with other valuable information in the Log file. 2. See problem descriptions and solutions for VERICUT error/warning messages in ERRORS and Problem Solving at
Use Min. Motion Dist. and Max. Motion Dist., in the Project > Processing Options > Motion window, to define the range for the Animation Speed Slider.
Tip: To group cuts together for even faster animation display, use the Skip Cut feature
located on the Motion window.
BUSY-OptiPath lights
The "BUSY" and "OptiPath" lights located at the bottom-right of the VERICUT window provide constant visibility over when VERICUT is busy performing a task, or optimizing a tool path file. A bright red color indicates an "on" condition, as seen in the example below with the "BUSY" light.
Progress bar
The progress bar located at the bottom-right corner of the VERICUT window provides visibility over progress of a CPU-intensive task, such as: comparing models using AUTO-DIFF, exporting model data, and checking the consistency of the stock model(s). The progress bar moves towards the right as the task nears completion. To interrupt the task, press the Stop icon, .
Rewind NC Program Rewind the NC program file to the beginning (leave the model as is) Reset Model Display a new VERICUT model and rewind the tool path file
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Text Larger Use to make the text in VERICUT menus, message logger, windows, etc. larger. Each time you click on "Text Larger", the text gets incrementally larger to a maximum font size of "14 point".
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Text Smaller Use to make the text in VERICUT menus, message logger, windows, etc. smaller. Each time you click on "Text Smaller", the text gets incrementally smaller to a minimum font size of "6 point ".
To change the user interface look and feel: 1. In the View menu, select Look and Feel. 2. Choose the option that provides the desired appearance.
List of standard and available custom views Shade, Lines, Hidden, Mixed Flat, Shaded, Walls (Machine View Only) List of available components
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Tool Manager Window: Right-click in the Tool Manager Tool Table to display the following menu: Modify Rename Delete Cut Copy Paste Add Tool Add Tool Component Add OptiPath Add Driven Point Add Cutter Compensation Search Tool Search OptiPath Spin Around
Right-click in the Tool Manager Tool Display area Fit Reverse Select View Driven Point Gage Point Axes
NOTE: Any item shown in bold a Project Tree pop-up menu can also be reached
directly by double clicking on the item (branch, component, model, etc.) in the Project Tree that you right -clicked on to display the pop-up menu. For example, double-clicking on the Project branch in the Project Tree displays the Open Project window, just like clicking on Open in the pop-up menu shown in 1 below. Right-click on the Project branch in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: New Open Save Save As Units Import Setup Motion APT Cycles Expand All Children Recent Close Inch, Millimeter Inch, Millimeter
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Right-click on a Setup branch in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: Active Cut Copy Paste Delete Rename Properties Report Motion G-Code APT Settings Coordinate Systems Section Inspection Die Sinking Expand All Children Define, Active Report Template User-Defined Tag Values Settings, Variables, Process Options Edit
Right-click on a CNC Machine branch in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: CNC Machine... MDI ... G-Code Settings ... Variables... Process Options... Machine Settings ... Expand All Children
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Right-click on a Control branch in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: Open Cut Copy Paste Delete MDI ... G-Code Settings ... Variables... Process Options...
Right-click on a Machine branch in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: Open Cut Copy Paste Delete Machine Settings ... Expand All Children
Right-click on an Attach Component in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: Component Attributes Paste Append Expand All Children
List of Components
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Right-click on a Component Branch (Fixture, Stock, Design) in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: Component Attributes Cut Copy Paste Delete Rename Append Visibility Expand All Children Fixture Stock Design Design Point More List of Components Blank, Workpiece View, Machine View, Both Views
NOTE: When Visibility is set to "Blank" for a component, the icon representing the
component in the Project Tree will be displayed in gray instead if a color.
Right-click on a Model in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: Modify... Cut Copy Paste Delete Visible
NOTE: The Visible icon will indicate the visibility status of the model.
indicates "visible", indicates "not visible". Click on Visible to toggle between the two modes. In the Project Tree, any model in the "not visible" state will be displayed in gray instead if a color.
Right-click on Tooling in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: Open Tool Manager... Cut Copy Paste Delete
Right-click on an NC Program branch in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: Add/Modify NC Programs... Paste Delete All Expand All Children
Right-click on an NC Program file in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: Active Add/Modify NC Programs... Edit... Cut Copy Paste Delete
VERICUT HELP - Getting Started with VERICUT Right-click on an NC Subroutines branch in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: Add/Modify NC Subroutines... Paste Delete All Expand All Children
Right-click on an NC Subroutine file in the Project Tree window to display the following menu: Edit... Cut Copy Paste Delete
Component Tree:
NOTE: Any item shown in bold a Component Tree pop-up menu can also be reached
directly by double clicking on the item (component, model) in the Component Tree, that you right-clicked on to display the pop-up menu. For example, double-clicking on the Component branch in the Component Tree displays the Modeling window: Component Attributes tab, just like clicking on Component Attributes in the pop-up menu shown in 1 below. Right-click on a component in the Component Tree window to display the following menu: Component Attributes Cut Copy Paste Delete Rename Insert Append Visibility
List of Components List of Components Blank, Workpiece View, Machine View, Both Views
NOTE: When Visibility is set to "Blank" for a component, the icon representing the
component in the Component Tree will be displayed in gray instead if a color.
Right-click on a model in the Component Tree window to display the following menu: Modify... Cut Copy Paste Delete Visible
NOTE: The Visible icon will indicate the visibility status of the model.
indicates "visible", indicates "not visible". Click on Visible to toggle between the two modes. In the Project Tree, any model in the "not visible" state will be displayed in gray instead if a color.
NC Program Review window: Right-click in the NC Program Review window to display the following menu: Set Start Set Current Set End Display to Box Cut Line Non-Cut Line Current Line Goto Start Goto Current Goto End
Inspection Sequence window: Right-click in the Inspection Sequence window to display the following menu: Insert Wall Thickness Row Insert Floor Thickness Row Insert Hole Diameter Row Insert Datum Plane Row Insert Distance Row Insert Angle Row Insert Position Rows Insert Hole Depth Row Insert Radius Row Insert Surface Finish Row Insert Note Row Use probe for selected feature Use probe for all features Program probe cycles Modify Marker Location Restore Default Tolerance Edit Geometric Tolerance Delete Row Refresh
NC Program window: Right-click in the NC Program window to display the following menu: Add Replace Copy Paste Origin Delete Edit
Word/Address window: Right-click in the Word/Address window to display the following menu: Add/Modify Cut Copy Paste Find Contract All Children Expand All Children
G-Code Settings window, Subroutines tab: Right-click in the G-Code Settings window, Subroutines tab to display the following menu: Add Replace Delete Edit Edit Displays the of the highlighted subroutine file in a Text Editing window. Standard text editing features are provided, such as: copy/cut, paste, search, etc.
The "Complex VERICUT Workspace" is shown with nearly all of the available "dockable" windows docked to the VERICUT main window. While it appears cluttered, and is not likely an efficient workspace, the intent is to show the flexibility that you have for setting up your workspace. Your optimum workspace layout will likely fall somewhere between these two extremes. The main point is that you decide the most effective workspace layout based on how you use VERICUT and how you prefer to interact with its many features.
Dockable Windows
The following summarizes the dialogue windows that can be docked inside VERICUT's main desktop:
Dockable Window Toolbar Progress bar NC Program Status Project Tree X-Caliper
Location VERICUT main window VERICUT main window Info menu > NC Program Info menu > Status Project menu > Project Tree Analysis menu > X-Caliper
Docking Positions Left, Right , Top, Bottom, Standalone Top, Bottom, Standalone Left, Right , Top, Bottom, Standalone Left, Right, Standalone Left, Right, Standalone Left, Right, Standalone
Figure 1
Figure 2 shows the result of dragging the Toolbar window to a position below the VERICUT main window.
Figure 2
The procedure for docking a stand alone window or moving a currently docked window to a different docking location is the same. Starting with the stand alone Toolbar window shown in Figure 2, left click on the dotted line in the Toolbar window, then drag the rectangle representing the window to one of the docking positions available for the particular window.
In this case we are docking the Toolbar window on the right side of the VERICUT main window. When the rectangle representing the window is dragged to a dockable position, the shape of the rectangle will change and the border will be displayed red as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
Releasing the left mouse button moves the window to the docked position as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4
Sets VERICUT to a "new" condition, as if no files have been loaded. Afterwards, configure VERICUT by adding models, tool paths, descriptions of cutting tools, etc. To establish the new condition, VERICUT purges all data from memory, then opens the init.VcProject (inch project) or initm.VcProject (millimeter project) Project file from the CGTech library. The Project Tree and Component Tree shown below are automatically defined, ready for you to configure VERICUT by adding models, tool paths, descriptions of cutting tools, etc.
Tips: 1. You can customize how VERICUT establishes the new condition by making changes
to the init.VcProject or initm.VcProject files. Store the changed files in your working directory, or the CGTech library directory. 2. If needed, change the units for the new session as follows: A. Right-click in the graphics area and select Project Tree in the menu that displays. B. In the project tree, right click on the "project" branch, and select Unit > Inch or Millimeter in the menu that displays.
Open (Project)
Location: File menu > Open
Toolbar short cut for opening Project files: Use to open an existing Project file with the current VERICUT session settings. Use the Open Project file selection window that displays to select the desired project file.
Save Project
Location: File menu > Save Project Toolbar short cut for saving Project files: Saves (updates) an existing Project file with the current VERICUT session settings.
Save As
VERICUT Location: File menu > Save As Toolbar short cut for saving Project files:
Save All
Location: File menu > Save All Saves (updates) Project files, Machine Files and Control Files associated with the current VERICUT session. It provides the combined functionality of File menu > Save Project, Configuration menu > Control > Save and Configuration menu > Machine > Save. In the event that a file cannot be saved, a window will open enabling you to Save As.
VERICUT Location: File menu > Save Cut Stock > STL
VERICUT HELP File menu 3. Make sure that Visibility is set such that models of fixture components are not visible in the Workpiece View. See Model menu > Model Definition > Component Attributes tab for more information. 4. When you cut the model a message similar to "For best AUTO-DIFF, OptiPath and Model Results, set Cut Tolerance to 0.XXXX, due to small tool features" will appear in the logger. Use this information as a starting point for setting Cutting Tolerance and Base Cut Tolerance on values on the File menu > Properties > Tolerance tab. 5. To export a higher quality model, reduce the Cutting Tolerance. 6. You can section cut models, then export what remains in the sectioned view. This can be helpful to export portions of complex models on computers with limited resources. Settings tab Features on this tab establish general properties for the model export. Options tab Features on this tab are used specify properties related to specific methods of processing VERICUT model geometry. Apply Saves the Export Model window settings. Output Processes and exports the VERICUT model according to the Export Model window settings. During the export operation a Model Export Boundaries window opens providing control over small surfaces that may cause problems in your CAD system. When the model has been exported, a message informs you how many IGES surfaces (or model file triangles) were created. Close Closes the Export Model window.
Output File Enter the \path\file name in the text field of the file to receive exported model data or click on Browse and use the Export Model File selection window to specify the file. File Type Type of file to export. Options are: VERICUT, STL, IGES, CATIA V5, ACIS, CATIA V4 and STEP. File Format Format in which STL or VERICUT model data is exported. Options are: ASCII or Binary. Output Color Use to specify the color that is stored in the IGES file for the exported model. (Only active when File Type = IGES) Output Solid Use to export a solid model. (Only active when File Type = CATIA V5, ACIS, CATIA V4,or STEP) Stock When multiple Stock components are defined, this option enables you to select which one to export. Coordinates Coordinate system in which model data is exported. Options are: Stock (stock component origin) or Active System (See Project menu > Coord. System). Units Unit measurement system in which model data is exported. Options are: Inch or Millimeter.
VERICUT HELP File menu Method Controls the method of processing VERICUT model geometry into the specified data format. Features and Patches, Features Only and Turned Features Only are only active when File Type = IGES, CATIA V5, ACIS, CATIA V4, or STEP. Slices is only active when File Type = IGES Options: Features and Patches Builds synthetic features from several small adjacent features that are difficult to resolve in 'Features Only' mode. Analyzes the cut model using UV grid logic and group machined features by grid region. Grid Count specifies the number of grid squares in U and V space, spread over the cut model surface. VERICUT attempts to create one surface within in each grid, or as few surfaces as possible. This option is recommended for cut models with smooth or transitioning surfaces, for example: mold and die cavities and patterns, blended or sculptured surfaces, etc. Features Only Groups similar machined features into like IGES data entities. This option is recommended for cut models with distinct differences between machined features, for example: aerospace structural components, pocketed parts, parts with strengthening ribs/walls and stepped floors, etc. Turned Features Only Exports the turned, or "revolved" representation of the cut model. Turned models are exported as an IGES file and contain the 2-D turned profile and surface of revolution. Slices Exports the cut model such that resulting IGES output is a set of composite curves representing slice profiles of the cut stock.
NOTE: When you increase the Grid Count (more grid sections), the Global angle can
also typically be increased since fewer features are considered for each grid.
VERICUT HELP File menu Tolerance Use to specify the amount that the exported model surface can deviate from the cut model surface. The smaller the value, the closer the output model will approximate the cut stock.
NOTE: This tolerance value should be equal to, or greater than, the cut tolerance.
Group by Color When toggled "On" (checkmark visible), patches will be created to only contain data related to a single color. Detect Scallop Planes Toggle "On" to activate "scallop plane logic" to process. Processing is faster when toggled "Off". Preview and Combine Patches Toggle "On" to activate The Model Export "Preview and Combine Patches" feature. After VERICUT completes a preliminary analysis of the model, the model display changes to show multi-colored patches (see below), and the Preview and Combine window displays enabling you to: Preview the model before going through the entire model export process. This enables you to cancel the current export and update settings before proceeding. Merge adjacent patches for smoother output, faster model export, and smaller model sizes.
Filter Features Use to specify the size of the area to be taken into account when differentiating between a "feature" and a "surface". Select the appropriate "feature" tab, (Plane, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, Torus, Torus Sweep, or Ellipse Sweep) then use the slider to specify the size of the area. More end if the scale is approximately equal to .0001 of the part size. Less end of the scale is approximately equal to .1 of the part size. 171
Process = Slices
Slice Direction Use to specify the direction of the slices. Select X, Y, or Z based on the axes of the cut stock model. Number of Slices Use to specify the total number of slices to create.
NOTE: If the specified number is greater than the number of grid planes internally
stored in the cut stock database, the number of slices output will automatically be reduced to this smaller value. Local Angle determines the max angle between 2 adjacent pieces of one slice when they still can be combined in one segment. Tolerance Use to specify the amount that the exported curves can deviate from the cut model surface. The smaller the value, the closer the output curves will approximate the cut stock surface.
NOTE: This tolerance value should be equal to, or greater than, the cut tolerance.
Feature/Boundary Table Contains a list of features. Each "feature" contains one or more open edges that VERICUT was not able to close automatically. Click on the "+" sign to the left of the feature to display a list of edges associated with it. Construct Mode These options enable you to manually close open feature edges prior to exporting the model. To activate Construct Mode, select any option in the list other than "Off". A red and white "cross-hairs" cursor indicates when Construct Mode is active. (See how) Options: Off Turns off Construct Mode. (You can also use the "escape" key on the keyboard) Project Edge Use to extend an edge along a feature/feature intersection, one point at a time by projecting the "Begin / End" point of the highlighted edge to the selected point on the intersection. Trim Edge Use to eliminate overlapping boundary curves by trimming the "Begin / End" point of the highlighted boundary to the selected location.
NOTE: It is better to trim the boundary short, leaving a small gap that can then
be closed than to have an "overlap" condition in the boundary.
VERICUT HELP File menu Add Edge Use to connect two edges within the same feature. The "begin/end" point of the highlighted edge is connected to the "end" or "begin" point on the selected edge.
VERICUT HELP File menu OK Creates the export file and closes the Model Export Boundaries window. Output Creates the export file and leaves the Model Export Boundaries window open. Cancel Cancels the export of the model.
The features available, and how to use them, are described right in the window.
To combine patches, start by selecting the "initial" patch (in this case patch # 1) using the left mouse button. The initial patch will display as shown below.
NOTE: Patch boundaries and numbers have been added for illustration purposes and
will not be seen in the VERICUT display.
VERICUT HELP File menu Select the first patch to be merged (in this case patch #2) with the middle mouse button. Any patch adjacent to the "initial" patch could have been selected for merging. The display updates as shown.
Continue selecting adjacent patches to merge using the middle mouse button. The picture below shows the display after all 12 of the numbered patches have been selected for merging.
VERICUT HELP File menu When finished selecting patches to be merged, click on the part with the left mouse button to combine the selected patches into a single patch as shown in the picture below.
The second image shows a resultant long narrow patch which should be avoided.
The second image shows a resultant patch which will be split do to neighboring nodes.
The third image shows what should be done to minimize unnecessary splits.
Use the table to identify small patches by sorting by the Size column. Once small patches have been identified combine small patch with larger patch or combine a group of small patches to create one large patch. The image at the right shows a small patch (in red) that should be merged with one of the two larger patches.
All small anomalies within a plane should be combined with the plane. The first image shows a plane (in red) with several small anomalies within the plane.
The second image shows the plane with the small anomalies combined with the plane.
When combining patches take into consideration intended design feature. The initial design intent of the images below is a cylinder. The first image shows the original patches.
The second image shows the combined patches considering the initial design intent.
Patches should be combined to represent a tabulated cylinder. The first image shows the original patches.
The third image shows the ideal patch combination abiding by the tabulated cylinder rule.
The first image shows the patches from the original collection.
The second image shows the patches after using split and merge to improve fillet areas.
The second image shows the patch, after using split and merge to improve boundary.
Working Directory
VERICUT Location: File menu > Working Directory Toolbar short cut for setting a working directory:
Properties window
VERICUT Location: File menu > Properties
General tab Features on this tab establish general properties for the VERICUT simulation session. Tolerance tab Features on this tab set tolerances for the overall simulation session. These values are used by VERICUT to construct the solid database for machining, simulate circle motions, identify errors related to material removal, and work with conic solid models. 187
VERICUT HELP File menu OK Saves the window settings and closes the Properties window. Apply Saves the current window settings and leaves the Properties window open. Cancel Closes the Properties window without saving changes.
Default Machining Type Sets the machining mode for VERICUT. Options: Mill A spinning tool removes material when in contact with Stock/Fixture. Turn A Spindle spins the Stock/Fixture assembly and a stationary tool (not spinning) removes material when in contact with Stock/Fixture. Wire EDM An electrically charged wire removes material when in contact with Stock/Fixture. The machining type can be changed during the simulation using a VERICUTMODAL record (APT or G-code tool paths) or via the VC_ModeMilling/VC_ModeTurning NC control macros (G-code tool paths only). Stock Consistency Check When selected, VERICUT checks the consistency of stock models, including: check for "watertight" solid- repair improperly trimmed surfaces (overlaps and gaps), and reconstruct insignificant missing surfaces. This option is highly recommended for stock models creating from importing IGES data, and other model files where portions of the stock model disappear, or gaps/seams appear in the model when cutting is started. Model Export Cut Mode When toggled "On", causes VERICUT to cut with a more accurate internal cutter representation for better results when using modules like Model Export or OptiPath. Only toggle "On" when the additional accuracy is required as it can have an impact on processing speed.
Interpolation Tolerance This value is used to interpolate intermediate positions during NURBS, circular, and helical motions. This tolerance is also used by the Detect 4Axis Rotary Motion APT setting to determine if sequential GOTO locations can be performed as a single 4-axis motion- ref. Project menu > Processing Options > APT Settings: Rotary tab. Minimum Error Volume This value sets a threshold for the minimum volume of material that must be removed by a fast feed motion or holder collision in order for an error to be reported. If the volume removed by an error motion is less than this value then no error is reported in the log file or logger for the motion, and the error count is not incremented. However, any volume of material removed by a fast feed motion or holder is always shaded in the error color (typically red), regardless of the volume. Thus small volume errors may be shaded red but will not be reported in the log file or logger if the volume is less than Minimum Error Volume. The Minimum Error Volume value is in cubic units (inch or millimeter). Use this setting to filter very small fast feed and holder collisions from VERICUT's error reports. The default value "0" causes VERICUT to calculate a small internal value based on stock size and cut tolerance. Model Tolerance This value is used when displaying revolved models such as cylinders, cones, and revolved profiles. It is also used when displaying the revolved image of a turning stock model created from an IGES profile. Accuracy of cylindrical tool assemblies displayed in a machine view are also affected by this value. 190
VERICUT HELP File menu This value has a small effect on collision checking accuracy for revolved models used to represent machine components or fixtures. Cutting Tolerance This value sets the accuracy of VERICUT's cut stock model. The Base Cut Tolerance on choices below determine how the value is used to establish the cut stock accuracy. Increasing the Cutting Tolerance value increases the speed of the simulation and various other operations, and uses less memory, but reduces the accuracy of the cut stock model. Decreasing the value improves accuracy of the cut stock model, but reduces speed and increases the memory required by the cut stock model. The cutting tolerance affects the accuracy and speed of AUTO-DIFF, Model Export, and OptiPath. A smaller Cutting Tolerance produces more accurate results but takes longer to process. VERICUT's ability to detect small holder collisions and fast feed errors are also affected. The speed of dynamic rotate/pan/zoom operations and the time required to create the refined image in the workpiece view are also affected.
NOTE: This feature is only available when the first setup in a project is active. For
subsequent setups, this feature is grayed out. Base Cut Tolerance on Controls how VERICUT applies the Cutting Tolerance to set the accuracy of the cut stock model. Tool Size When selected, VERICUT scans the current tool path files and analyzes the geometry of all cutters used by the NC programs. The Cutting Tolerance value is applied as a chordal deviation on curved tool shapes (diameter, corner radius, etc). The smallest calculated chord length or cutter profile segment is then used to set the accuracy of VERICUT's cut stock model in order to reliably create cut features with the tools used by the current NC programs. This option is recommended when faster simulation speed is important. This is the default setting. Stock Size When selected, VERICUT applies the Cutting Tolerance value directly, creating the cut stock model at the specified accuracy. The tool path files are not scanned to detect the cutters used. The value represents the size of the smallest cut feature VERICUT can detect.
NOTE: It is very important to understand that the value represents the size of a cut's
volume measured in any direction. Thus, cuts that are larger than the Cutting Tolerance in at least one direction will be detected by VERICUT. For example, a .001" axial depth cut by a .25" ball end mill produces a volume with the following shape:
As a general practice, setting Cut Tolerance Based on Stock Size to one-fourth (1/4) the size of a cut volume's span will detect the cut. Thus in this case, to detect a .001" deep cut by a .25" ball end-mill, set Cut Tolerance to .007" or smaller. However, results can vary depending on the shape of the cut volume. The Stock Size option is recommended when an exact value is desired for VERICUT's cut stock model accuracy, independent of the tools used. NOTE: This feature is only available when the first setup in a project is active. For subsequent setups, this feature is grayed out.
Preferences window
Location: File menu > Preferences Opens a window enabling you to specify the VERICUT project file (.VcProject) that you want displayed when you start a the next VERICUT session.
Open standard VERICUT project When toggled "On", the standard VERICUT project is displayed upon startup. The standard VERICUT project is either vericut.VcProject, or vericutm.VcProject, in the "library'" directory of your VERICUT installation depending on the way environment variable, CGTECH_DEFAULT_UNITS, is set. Start a new project When toggled "On", the VERICUT session opens ready to start a new project. Open last project When toggled "On", the new VERICUT session opens with the same project file that was open when you closed the previous VERICUT session. Choose project file on startup When Toggled "On", VERICUT displays the Open Project window at startup enabling you to select a project file. OK Saves the window settings and closes the Preferences window. Cancel Closes the Preferences window without saving the window settings.
See Converters and CAD/Cam Interfaces in the VERICUT Help Library.
Custom Interface
Location: File menu > Custom Interface Toolbar short cut for accessing Custom Interface: Opens a file selection window that enables you to select an existing custom VERICUT User Interface for use; or for editing an existing, or creating a new custom interface with VERICUT Customizer.
Folder "tree" Enables you to specify the location for new custom interface folder or select an existing custom interface folder. All files related to the notebook and custom interface are stored in this folder. Shortcut Displays the Shortcut option list providing quick access to files in your Working Directory, or CGTech library and sample files. Use the "Folder Up" icon to move to the next higher level in the Folder "tree". Folder Use this text field to enter a /path/folder name to open an existing custom interface notebook, or to create a new custom interface folder and open a new "empty" custom interface notebook. You can also use the Folder "tree" to specify the path then append the name for the new custom interface folder in the text field,. OK Opens an existing custom interface notebook or creates the new custom interface folder and displays new "empty" custom interface notebook. Cancel Ends book selection and returns to VERICUT.
A custom VERICUT interface consists of two main parts, the "notebook" and the VERICUT main window.
This is a simplified VERICUT user interface. It has been designed for a particular type or class jobs. It contains only the functionality essential to the particular job type without the complexity of the standard "full functionality" VERICUT user interface. A notebook can be created with both "feature" and "help" pages. Feature Pages Contain features (buttons, text fields, choice lists, etc.) that enable you to pass necessary information to VERICUT for processing. Each of the features selected for use on the feature pages can be labeled in the language and/or terminology that is most appropriate for the intended end user. Feature pages use XML files to store feature information. Help Pages Used to include instructions, explanations and pictures within the custom interface to assist the user in providing the necessary information to VERICUT. Help pages are HTML files and GIF or JPEG images to illustrate the instructions.
Many of the parameters associated with the above topics can be set using features displayed on the feature pages of the notebook, but if they are not going to change, there is no reason to include them in the notebook. Just set them in the default project file. After all, the purpose of the custom interface is to simplify the use of VERICUT.
VERICUT HELP File menu In many instances, creating multiple notebooks that reference different default user files can simplify the use of a custom interface. For example, if you are creating a notebook to lead a machine operator through processing a toolpath in VERICUT before running it on the machine, it could be beneficial to create a notebook and corresponding default user file for each machine/controller combination on the shop floor. That way the operator does not have to enter machine/controller information every time. Just call up the appropriate notebook enter the toolpath information, then process. Notebooks should be created in such a way that the user is can only save the user file with their input under a different name. Default project files should also have permissions set as "read only" and stored in "write protected" directories and folders so they do not accidentally get modified.
Now that you have tailored a project file for the notebook you intend to create, it's time to create the notebook.
Folder "tree" Enables you to specify the location for the custom interface folder. All files related to the notebook and custom interface are stored in this folder. Shortcut Displays the Shortcut option list providing quick access to files in your Working Directory, or CGTech library and sample files. Use the "Folder Up" icon to move to the next higher level in the Folder "tree". Folder Use this text field to enter a /path/folder name, or use the Folder "tree" to specify the path and append the name in the text field, for the new custom interface folder. OK Creates the folder and displays the new custom interface notebook. Cancel Ends book selection and returns to VERICUT.
The notebook:
Notice that when the notebook is created it contains no pages. Adding pages will be discussed later. The custom interface notebook header shows the folder that the notebook is associated with. The main menu bar contains the following options:
Open Displays the Select book's folder window allowing you to open another custom interface notebook for editing or create a new notebook. Recent Displays a list of recently opened files. To open a file in the list, select the desired file.
VERICUT HELP File menu Close Book Closes the VERICUT custom interface and displays the standard VERICUT interface. Exit VERICUT Ends the VERICUT session.
Positions the notebook on the left side of the VERICUT main window. Positions the notebook on the right side of the VERICUT main window. Overlays the notebook on top of the VERICUT main window. Left click on the notebook's header and drag to any position. Minimize Reduces the notebook size to only display the custom Interface header and main menu bar. One Page Use to display the custom interface notebook as a single page. Two Pages Use to display the custom interface notebook as two pages.
On VERICUT Starts VERICUT Help. About VERICUT Opens a window that displays information about the current VERICUT session.
Author mode:
When a custom interface notebook is in "author" mode, pages and features can be added or removed, text and labels can be edited and the size of the notebook can be changed. Use the F7 key on the keyboard to switch between "user" and "author" modes. When you are in "author" mode, the notebook changes as seen in the illustration below.
Notice that "(284x554)" has been added to the end of the menu bar. This number represents the current size of the notebook in pixels. While you are in "author" mode you can change the size of the notebook. Click on one of the corners or edges and drag to change the notebook size like any other window. The size of the notebook that is set in "author" mode is what the user will have to work with. The size of the notebook is fixed for the user. The position of the notebook can be changed by the user but not the size. See Sizing the Custom Interface Notebook below, for more information on determining the appropriate size for the notebook.
VERICUT HELP File menu Notice also that a row of icons has been added to the sides of the notebook. The icons on the right are used to add or remove pages and save the notebook. The icons on the left are used to edit the text on notebook help pages. They remain grayed out and inactive until help pages are added to the notebook. Finally, the following options have been added to the File menu: User File Enables you to specify the default .usr file that is associated with the custom interface notebook. Protect This item enables the author to prevent the user from entering "author" mode without entering a password. Selecting Protect displays the Protection window which enables you to specify whether or not to use password protection for the notebook while in "user" mode and to specify a password.
Password Enter a password in the text field that will allow entry to "author" mode. Lock Use to turn on password protection for "author" mode. Unlock Use to turn off password protection for "author" mode. Cancel Use to exit the Protection window without making changes.
To add password protection for entering "author" mode: 1. Type a password in the text field. 2. Select the Lock button. 3. Save the notebook using the Save all changes icon. The next time that the notebook is opened, if the user uses the F7 key to enter "author" mode, they will be prompted to enter the password before being allowed into "author" mode. Use the Unlock button while in "author" mode to remove an existing password protection. Allow Close This item enables the author to prevent the user from exiting the custom VERICUT interface and returning to the standard VERICUT interface. This item toggles "on" and "off". If Allow Close is toggled "on" (indicated by a checkmark), the Close Book option will appear in the File menu when in "user" mode allowing the user to exit the custom VERICUT user interface and return to the standard VERICUT user interface. 204
VERICUT HELP File menu If Allow Close is toggled "off" (indicated by no checkmark), the Close Book option will not appear in the File menu when in "user" mode preventing the user from exiting the custom VERICUT user interface and returning to the standard VERICUT user interface.
NOTE: If you do not see the icons below on the right side of the notepad, you are not in
"author" mode. Use the F7 key on the keyboard to switch to "author" mode.
Remove Upper Page Insert Upper Page Insert Lower Page Help Page Feature Page Append Page Remove Lower Page Save all changes
Remove upper page Use to remove the displayed upper page from the notebook. Insert upper page Use to insert a page into the displayed upper position of the notebook. Select HTML or Form from the pop-up menu to specify the type of page to create. HTML Use to create a help page. Hint: You can tell a help page by its white background. Form Use to create a feature page. Hint: You can tell a feature page by its gray background. Insert lower page Use to insert a page into the displayed lower position of the notebook. Select HTML or Form (described above) from the pop-up menu to specify the type of page to create.
VERICUT HELP File menu Append page Use to add a page to the end of the notebook. Select HTML or Form (described above) from the pop-up menu to specify the type of page to create. Remove lower page Use to remove the displayed lower page from the notebook. Save all changes Use to save all changes made to the notebook. This includes notebook size changes, pages added or removed, and page content added or edited.
A "feature" page is easily distinguished from a "help" page by its gray background. Features can only be added to "feature" pages. They cannot be added to "help" pages. In order to add features to the page you must be in "author" mode. Within a page, features are laid out in two columns. The left column will only be as wide as the widest feature that it contains. All features placed in the right column will expand to fill the remaining width. Use blank spaces within features in the left column to control sizing of the two columns. Adding blank spaces to the longest feature in the left column will increase the width of the left column, thereby decreasing the width of the right
VERICUT HELP File menu column. Add or remove blank spaces to the longest feature in the left column until the desired column balance is achieved. Typically the left column will contain labels explaining the purpose of the corresponding feature in the right column, although you are not restricted to this convention. The first feature that you place in a form will always go to the left column.
MDI Numeric Fields are used to input numeric data to machine control functions.
Adding Features:
While in "author" mode (use F7 key on your keyboard if necessary if necessary), move the cursor to an unoccupied area of the page and click the right mouse button. You will see a pop-up menu like the one shown on the left, enabling you to select one of the various feature types described above. As each feature is added to the page you will notice that initially they contain question marks "???" for text. Type over the "???" with the desired text. You can edit the text of an existing feature by clicking in it and making the changes. Remember that features on the page are positioned in just two columns. The first feature is added in the left column. Initially it appears in the center of the page. As soon as you add another feature to the right of it, it repositions the first one from the center to the left edge of the page. Continue adding the desired features to the page, or until the page is full. At that point, add another feature page and continue. Note that you can insert a feature between two existing rows by carefully positioning the cursor between them. You may have noticed that the pop-up menu of feature types has another choice, Paste, that we have not discussed yet. If you right-click on one of the features that you have already put on the page, you will see the pop-up menu shown on the left. Select either the Cut or Copy options, then rightclick on an empty area of the page. The feature type pop-up menu discussed above will display. Selecting the Paste enables you to move or copy the feature. This is also the way that you can move or copy features to another page if necessary. Delete enables you to remove an existing feature from the page.
VERICUT HELP File menu Labels and Text Fields Numeric Fields File Selections Choice Lists and Radio Buttons Check Boxes Buttons MDI Buttons and Numeric Fields Once you have finished adding functional feature pages to the notebook, it's time to add some help pages.
Label features can be used to display the text output of certain VERICUT parameters. The label feature window to the left illustrates how a label can be used for this purpose. The label is associated with the second line on X-Caliper's Feature/History tab, which presents the coordinates of a selected geometry feature's datum (such as a sphere's center). When the user selects a geometry feature in the VERICUT graphics area, the text of the label will change to display the resulting text, just as it would be displayed in the X-Caliper window. It is also possible to associate a text field feature with such a parameter, but it is probably not a good idea to do so unless the user will need to copy and paste the text to another application.
The text feature window to the left illustrates how a text field feature can be associated with the operating system's print command for use by VERICUT's ShadeCopy function.
Defining the three dimensions of a stock block is another good example. In the numeric field feature window displayed on the left, a numeric field feature is associated with the Length (X) dimension of a stock model block. When combined on the feature page with numeric fields associated with the Width (Y) and Height (Z) values, the user can quickly and easily define a stock block
Model Export
Grid Count Global Angle Tolerance (Grid) Plane Size Number of Slices Local Angle Tolerance (Slice) Circle Radial Tolerance Interpolation Tolerance Minimum Error Volume Model Tolerance Cutting Tolerance In Process Shade Copy # of Cuts # of Cuts Margins Left Right Top Bottom
VERICUT HELP File menu Render Width Height View Angle VERICUT Solid # of Cuts
Attributes Section
Length (X) Width (Y) Height (Z) Offset Height (Z) Base Radius Top Radius Height (Z) Radius Tolerance Offset Amount Base Location X
Start At
Line Number
Stop At Max Errors Stop At Max Warnings Fast Feed Skip Cut Min. Cutter Height Holder Clearance G-Code Settings Ignore Data after Column Rotary Feed Motion Tol Rotary Rapid Motion Tol CSS Maximum RPM Wire Diameter Work Table XY Plane XY Plane to UV Plane
APT Settings
Max Tool Axis Angle Tool Axis Reset Angle Default CLEARP GOHOME R Dist Default Near Miss
VERICUT HELP File menu Analysis AUTO-DIFF Solid Gouge Tolerance Excess Tolerance Gouge Tolerance Excess Tolerance Gouge Check Distance Excess Check Distance Default Normal (IJK) Gouge Tolerance Excess Tolerance Tolerance
In the example window on the left, a file selection feature is being associated with the OptiPath library.
Binary CL
Shade Copy
Cut Stock
For a choice list feature, selecting a parameter in the tree, causes the Choice column of the table at the bottom of the window to be filled with the set of options that are appropriate for the selected parameter. Each cell of the Choice column is itself a choice list containing the set of options that are appropriate for the selected parameter. The text that will appear to the user in the choice list appears in the Item column of the table. Double-click on the item to edit the text. You can also edit the text for each item in the choice list from the feature page while in "author" mode. To associate each item with a particular option: 1. Click on an item in the Item column so that it becomes highlighted. 2. Click on the corresponding row in the Choice column to expand the pull-down of available options. 3. Click on the option in the pull-down to associate it with the item. 4. When you have finished associating the items with options, click on the OK button. You can provide the user with a more limited set of options than is available in the standard VERICUT user interface by simply including fewer items in the Item column. The items that you include can be in any order. To change the order of items, use the small blank buttons on the left edge of the 226
Radio Button Feature Window For radio buttons, selecting a parameter in the tree, causes the Choice pull-down at the bottom of the window to be filled with the set of options that are appropriate for the selected parameter. Keep in mind that there can only be one set of radio buttons on each feature page so when picking a parameter for one radio button, you are actually picking it for all the others on the page. The same is true if you change the parameter associated with a radio button. It will change for all the other radio buttons on the page also. In either case you will need to associate a particular option for each individual radio button. To associate an option with a radio button, simply click on the Choice pull-down to expand it and click on the desired option. Click OK. The text for radio buttons can only be edited on the feature page while in "author" mode. As with choice lists, you do not need to include a radio button for all of the available options. Include fewer radio buttons on the feature page to simplify the interaction for the user.
Most of the parameters in the tree correspond to functionality that is available in VERICUT's standard user interface. The exceptions are the three parameters located under Model > Relative Location. These parameters control the location of a stock block model relative to the stock component's datum and when combined on a feature page with certain other features provide some extra functionality for automating the placement of a stock block that is not currently available in the standard VERICUT user interface.
If you decide to use one or more of these choice lists, it is possible to limit the options available to the user. Each list can contain up to four choices but not all choices need to be included in the list. For example, the list for the Z axis has options for "Z", "Z Low",
VERICUT HELP File menu "Z Mean" and "Z High". You may decide that "Z Mean" makes no sense in your application and could omit that choice from appearing the list. However, you should never omit the "X", "Y" or "Z" choices from the choice lists. These are needed to position the block by specifying values directly in one of the numeric entry fields because none of the predetermined positions is appropriate. For example, if the block is 1.5 units high and the user enters a Z location of -0.5, the choice list should not display "Z Low", "Z Mean" or "Z High". Instead it should be able to display just "Z". You can of course alter the text of the choices, so instead of using "Z Low" and "Z High", you could display "Z Minimum" and "Z Maximum", or "Bottom Face" and "Top Face" or any other suitable text.
NOTE: The three parameters for automating the location of a stock block are not
applicable to other types of primitives, such as cylinders, cones, polygon files or IGES files.
Binary CL Export Model File Type File Format Output Color Coordinates Units Process Slice Direction Brightness Default Units Display Resolution Default Machining Type
Colors Properties
VERICUT HELP File menu Base Cut Tolerance On Shade Copy Type Method Shading By Orientation Paper Size Light Location
Toolpath Type Tool Change By Start At Stop At Drill Cycle Tool Display Cut Color Method Control Point Settings Programming Method Apply Switch Value
Block Skip
Apt Settings
Default Toolpath Units RAPID Motion GOHOME Motion ROTATE ROTABL ROTHED Philosophy Angle Value Direction Floor/Wall Orient Ignore Collision between Cutter and Stock
Stock Display Design Display Comparison Method Comparison Type Normal Direction
OptiPath Control
In the example window on the left a check box feature is being associated with the on/off flag that determines whether an APT output file is generated corresponding to the processed G-code toolpath.
Colors Properties
Shade Copy
VERICUT HELP File menu VERICUT Solid Cutter Change # of Cuts File End Auto Error
Zoom creates new View Standard Rotation Image Section on mouse pick Component Model Machine Origin Workpiece Origin Coordinate System Tool Tip Zero Driven Point Zero Active Coordinate System
Section Axes
SubSystem Position Record Number Toolpath Record Machine Axes Tool Tip Record Number Change Record Sequence Geometry Description Number ID Errors Warnings
VERICUT HELP File menu Time Time % OP Time Distance Distance % Coolant Feed Feedrate OP Feedrate Spindle OP Spindle Volume Removal Rate Chip Thickness Tool Use Cutting Conditions
OP Info
Model File
Component Attributes
Offset Surface Extend to Rectangle Update While Simulating Save With Features
VERICUT HELP File menu No Animation Check for Spindle Off FastMill Ignore Undercuts Display Holder in Workpiece View Tool/Fixture Collision Only (no cutting) Calculate Min. Cutter Extension G-Code Settings Process Cutter Comp. Scan Toolpath Files Ignore Data After Column Apply Acceleration to Cycle Time Immediate Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5 Switch 6 Switch 7 Switch 8 Switch 9 RPM changes with RAPID and CSS Create Apt Output File
Block Skip
Process Options Apt Settings Millimeter MULTAX Process Circles Reverse Circles Detect Chordal GOTO's
VERICUT HELP File menu Reset Tool Change Process Unigraphics or CATIA Matrix Ignore unrecognized Major words Rapid Motion GOHOME Motion Angle Value Detect 4-Axis Rotary Motion Machine Machine Simulation On Transparent Stock Collision Detect Overtravel Detection On Axis Priority Pos/Neg Negative Square Retract Absolute
Stock Display Design Display Design Consistency Check Keep Design Solid Disable Report Report Uncut Differences Show Point Vectors Constant Gouge Check On Apply Regions Over Entire Stock
Compare by Region
In the example window on the left a button feature is being associated with a request to browse VERICUT's help files. When the user presses the button, VERICUT Help will display.
In Process
Colors Properties Report Create Text Report Create HTML Report Create PDF Report Report Template User-Defined Tags
One View Left and Right Top and Bottom 1 Left, 2 Right 1 Top, 2 Bottom Four Views Add View Delete View Cascade Tile Horizontally Tile Vertically View to Back Always in Front Dialog XY YZ ZX YX ZY XZ H-ISO V-ISO Zoom In Zoom Out Fit Fit All Refine Last Refine Display Reverse Reset
Attributes Section
Toolpath Status Machine Offsets File Summary VERICUT Log Clear Logger
Model Definition Auto Block Component Tree Load Stocks Delete Material Revolve Profile Sweep Profile Toolpath Motion G-Code Apt Settings Cycle Definitions Coordinate Systems Tool Manager Control Open Save Save As Words Word/Address Mdi Settings Advanced Control Options
Settings Variables
Dialog Apply
Browse About
In the "SubSystem" field, enter the index number of the subsystem (not the subsystem name) that the MDI Action command is to be applied to. In the "MDI Action" field, enter the command(s) to be executed when the MDI button is pressed by the user, then click OK. You can also use the window to check what command(s) are currently associated with the MDI button, in which case you would use Cancel afterwards. A default MDI button will contain the icon ( ), in addition to the caption. But you can provide another icon from a GIF or JPEG file which you select while in this dialog. An icon's height is limited to 16 pixels. If you select a larger icon, it will be shrunk to fit within the button's height, but its aspect ratio is maintained. The GIF or JPEG file will be copied to the book's folder if necessary, so that the entire book can be handled as a unit.
While in "author" mode, right-clicking on an MDI numeric feature on a feature page and selecting Details, displays the window illustrated below. The title of the window is the current MDI command combined with the value from the MDI numeric field.
MDI Numeric Feature Window In the "SubSystem" field, enter the index number of the subsystem (not the subsystem name) that the MDI Action command is to be applied to. In the "MDI Action" field, enter the command to be executed when the value in the MDI numeric feature field is changed or when the MDI icon ( ) is pressed, then click OK. Use the Decimal Places field to specify the maximum number of decimal places to display. For an integer, use zero decimal places. Once you have entered the desired MDI Action command and specified decimal places, click OK. You can also use the window to check what command and decimal place value is currently associated with the MDI numeric feature, in which case you would use Cancel afterwards. As with an MDI button, you can change the icon used with an MDI numeric field by specifying an appropriate GIF or JPEG file.
Bold Italics Underline Text Color Align Left Center Align Right Add image Insert Hyperlink
Bold Use to make selected text bold. Italics Use to make the selected text in italics. Underline Use to underline the selected text. Text Color Displays a color pallet enabling you specify a color for text. Pick one of the colored squares to proceed. The darker colors show up best on the white background of a help page. The next three icons are used to control the position of the text displayed on the page. Align Left Use to align the selected text to the left side of the page. This is the default. Center Use to center the selected text on the page. Align Right Use to align the selected text to the right side of the page. Add Image Use to add illustrations to your help page. The images used for illustrations can be in GIF or JPEG format. When you select an image file it is copied to the notebook folder so that all elements of the notebook are kept together. Each image will be centered in the page and will be at its stored size. If you need to adjust the size of an illustration, do so with an image editing software before using on your help page. Insert Hyperlink Use create a hyperlink between the highlighted text and an HTML file. Highlight the desired text, select the Insert Hyperlink icon, then use the file selection box that displays to specify the file to create the hyperlink to.
The figure above illustrates a simple example of how you can use a help page to instruct the user on how to use the features contained on the feature page below. Now that you have a complete custom VERICUT interface notebook, it's time to do some testing. 249
Notably absent from the above list is the default user file for the notebook and any files referenced by it. It may be beneficial to store the default user file and any associated files in the notebook folder to simplify data management. That way, if a notebook's folder location is changed, all of the files associated with it move with it.
Make sure that the next to the last parameters is VeriBook (not Vericut) indicating that VERICUT should be started with a custom user interface instead of the standard user interface.
VERICUT HELP File menu Replace the last parameter "argstr" with the path to the desired custom interface notebook folder. Now simply use customizer.bat to start the VERICUT session with the specified notebook instead of with the standard VERICUT user interface.
The user interface consists of two main parts, the "notebook" and the VERICUT main window.
The Notebook
The notebook consists of a menu bar and two different types of pages. Click on the upper page corners to page back in the notebook. Click on the lower page corners to page forward in the notebook.
Menu Bar
File: Open Displays the Select book's folder window allowing you to open another custom interface notebook for editing or create a new notebook. Recent Displays a list of recently opened files. To open a file in the list, select the desired file. 253
VERICUT HELP File menu Exit VERICUT Ends the VERICUT session. Layout: Positions the notebook on the left side of the VERICUT main window. Positions the notebook on the right side of the VERICUT main window. Overlays the notebook on top of the VERICUT main window. Left click on the notebook's header and drag to any position. Help: On VERICUT Starts VERICUT Help. About VERICUT Opens a window that displays information about the current VERICUT session.
Help Pages
Help pages contain instructions, explanations and pictures to assist you in providing the necessary information to VERICUT. Help pages are easily recognized by the white background.
Feature Pages
Feature pages contain features (buttons, text fields, choice lists, etc.) that enable you to pass necessary information to VERICUT for processing. Each of the features on a "feature" page is described on the previous "help" page. Feature pages are easily recognized by the gray background. Some features display another window enabling you to provide additional information to VERICUT. Use the F1 key to display more information about the displayed window.
VERICUT's Toolbar provides quick and easy access to the view manipulation functions/features.
To see what is associated with a Toolbar icon, simply position the cursor over the icon and a tip appears.
Action: Horizontal rotation- drag mouse up/down in direction to rotate Vertical rotation- drag mouse left/right in direction to rotate Screen plane rotation- drag mouse left to rotate CCLW, right for to rotate CLW Horizontal/vertical combined rotation- drag mouse up/down/left/right in direction to rotate Pan/translate- drag mouse in the direction pan Zoom/magnify- drag mouse up to zoom in, down to zoom out
Dynamic Y Rotation
Dynamic Z Rotation
Dynamic XY Rotation
Dynamic Pan
Dynamic Zoom
Shortcut: The following keys provide instant access from the keyboard to dynamic
viewing options (press and hold keys while dragging): Dynamic Zoom <Ctrl>, Dynamic Pan <Shift>, Dynamic XY <Ctrl> + <Shift>. Mouse actions are the same as above.
Action: Left-click and move mouse to trap area to zoom (press <Esc> to interrupt rubberbanding) Similar to Zoom (standard mode) described above except a new view is created to display the zoomed area. Zooms in/out approx. 20% each time clicked Fits object in active view Refines the display to improve image quality Restores the last refined display Reverses viewing direction, as if you stood behind the object
Shortcut: You can quickly toggle between the two Zoom modes (standard or create new
view) by right-clicking on the Zoom to Box icon in the toolbar. 257
VERICUT HELP File menu To learn more about interacting with VERICUT through the main window components, review the following topics under Interacting with VERICUT, in the Getting Started section of VERICUT Help. Graphics Area Message Area Animation Slider Busy/OptiPath Lights Progress Bar Simulation Controls
VERICUT Reports:
Enables you to generate reports using one of the "standard" report templates supplied. The following "standard" report templates are included and can be found in the "library" directory of your VERICUT installation: inspection.VcTemplate - Use this template to create a basic inspection report that includes the inspection sequence table and graphic showing the location of the inspection points on the part. This is the default report template that Inspection Sequence will use if no other template has been specified.
NOTE: The above five report templates should only be used for creating reports using File menu > Create Report > ... in the main VERICUT window. Using them to create reports from other VERICUT applications will result in incorrect data being displayed in the report.
vericut_tools.VcTemplate - Use this template to create a tool library report. This is the default report template that Tool Manager will use if no other template has been specified.
Create Report
Location: File menu > Create Report, in the main VERICUT window. File > Create Report, in the Inspection Sequence window. File > Create Report, in the Tool Manager window. Opens the Save VERICUT Report window enabling you to specify the /path/file name for the report file to be created. If "User-Defined" information has not been previously defined, (either using the User-Defined Tag Values window or during a previous use of Create Report) VERICUT will then prompt you for any unspecified User-Defined Tag values, then generate the report using the "current" report template. See Create a Report Using a Template in the Using VERICUT section for additional information. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Text Use this option to create a report in text format. HTML Use this option to create a report in HTML format. PDF Use this option to create a report in PDF format. (PDF report generation based in part on iText (
Print View
Location: File menu > Print View Toolbar shortcut: Opens a window enabling you to print images of VERICUT view ports. Each view port is automatically fit to the printable area and printed on a separate page. All view ports are printed. Features on this window are standard print window features that enable you to access printer settings, specify number of copies, etc. Consult your printer documentation for more information.
Record Movie
Location: File menu > Images > Record Movie Toolbar short cut for recording images: Opens a window enabling you to record images as a VERICUT Image file, or an AVI file. (See how) Images in all view ports are recorded. Images can be recorded interactively in VERICUT, or via batch processing. After recording is stopped, you can view the file via the File menu > Images > VERICUT Playback or File menu > Images > AVI Playback function, depending on the file type. This window appears differently, depending on the Output Format choice. See the VERICUT Image Record window and AVI Image Record window topics below for additional information.
3. The size of the graphics area directly affects the display size of the recorded Image file. Make the VERICUT window larger to record larger images. 4. Recording animations captures all changes in the graphics area. Recorded tool paths with lots of small motions can generate large Image files sizes. Consider using the Animation Slider, located at the bottom of the VERICUT main window to reduce Image file size. 5. AVI record is not intended for use with cascaded views. 6. AVI record does not support capture of the Profile view.
Output Format group: These options determine the output format and the /path/filename of the recording file. Output Format = VERICUT Format of the output image file is VERICUT Image file. Filename Name of the file to receive recorded images. Snapshot Events group: These options control when a snapshot image is recorded. Each selected event causes a snapshot to be recorded when that event occurs. Error Record a snapshot when VERICUT detects an error.
VERICUT HELP File menu Cutter Change Record a snapshot when the cutter has been changed. N Records Record a snapshot after a specified number of tool path records have been processed. Processing Complete Record a snapshot when tool path processing has been completed. Animation Control group: These options determine when animation images are recorded, and how they will be replayed. Disabled Do not record animation images. Forward Record animation images to play in the forward direction only. Forward & Backward Record animation images to play in forward or backward direction. Append Options group: These options control appending images to an existing Image file. Append When active, appends recorded images to the end of an existing Image file. Append Delay When appending images, inserts the specified number of seconds of delay prior to appending new images. Pauses group: These features control the recording process, and insert delays into the VERICUT Image file. Insert Stop Inserts a stop point into the Image file. The stop point is used by the Stop at Inserted Stop play back feature. Insert Delay Inserts the specified seconds of delay. Record Starts recording images based on current window settings, VERICUT window size, shape, and layout. Recording must be stopped before the Image file can be viewed. Stop Stops recording. The Image file can be viewed via File menu > Images > VERICUT Playback. Snapshot Records a single snapshot image. Close Closes the Image Record window.
Output Format group: These features define the format and /path/filename for the recorded file. Output Format = AVI Format of the output image file is an AVI file. Filename Name of the file to receive recorded images. Recording Screen Area group: These features control the screen area to record. Start Left / Start Top Identifies the start point (top-left location) of the screen area to record. Width / Height Width and height (in pixels) of the screen area to record, as measured from the top-left start point. 266
VERICUT HELP File menu Select Region Uses a rubber-banding box to indicate region to record. Left-click to define the start point of the region, then move the mouse to trap the area to record. Press <Esc> to interrupt rubber-banding. Select All Records all views. AVI Frame Rates group: These features set the rate at which to record image frames. Frame rate controls the speed at which the AVI file plays back. Playback Rate Number of frames to record per second. Increasing the recording frame rate causes the AVI file to play back faster, and decreases the file size. Pauses group: These features control the AVI recording process, and insert delay into the AVI file. Pause / Continue Pauses (or continues) AVI file recording. VERICUT motions simulated after pausing are not recorded. Insert Delay Inserts the specified seconds of delay. Record Starts recording animation images based on current window settings, VERICUT window size, shape, and layout. Recording must be stopped before the Image file can be viewed. Stop Stops recording. The AVI file can be viewed via File menu > Images > AVI Playback. Snapshot Records a single frame image. Close Closes the Image Record window.
File menu
Functions in this open new Image files, compare existing Image files, and provide control over playing back recorded images. Open Open an existing Image file.
VERICUT HELP File menu Compare Files Opens a window to configure the player to compare two Image files. Features enable you to play both Image files simultaneously, and identify differences between them. Playback Options Opens the Image Playback Options window for controlling playing back recorded images. See the Playback Options window topic below for additional information. Close Closes the VERICUT Player window.
Configure group: Speed Controls how fast images are played back. Actual speed varies, depending on computer hardware. Stop the play back to access this feature. Snapshot Delay Number of seconds to pause after displaying a snapshot. Control group: These options provide additional stop control by event, or the ability to play in a continuous loop (without stopping). Options: Stop at Error Stop replay at an error detected by VERICUT. Stop at File End Stop replay when the end of a toolpath file end has been reached. Stop at Cutter Change Stop replay when the cutter has been changed. Stop at Every N Events Stop replay after a specified number of events (frames) have been recorded. Stop at Inserted Stop Stop replay on a stop inserted by pressing "Insert Stop" on the File menu > Images > Record Movie window. Loop Play in a continuous loop until interactively stopped via pressing Stop or pressing the Escape key <Esc>. OK Applies the settings and closes the Image Playback Options window. Apply Applies the settings and leaves the Image Playback Options window open. ,
VERICUT HELP File menu Cancel Cancels the current setting changes and closes the Image Playback Options window.
Attributes tab Features on this tab are used to configure the attributes for formatting captured VERICUT images. Postscript Settings tab Features on this tab provide information about centering and annotating PostScript format images on the printed page. Render tab Features on this tab enable you to specify the output size of "rendered" images. OK Saves the View Capture window settings and closes it without outputting an image file.
VERICUT HELP File menu Output Outputs the current VERICUT image to the specified file. File format is determined by the View Capture window configuration.
NOTE: Output is not applicable when setting up File menu > AutoSave > View
Capture tab : Properties. Cancel Closes the View Capture window without saving setting changes or outputting an image file.
Type Type of format in which to capture VERICUT images. Printer-ready and electronic formats are available. Options: PostScript Postscript format. EPSF Encapsulated PostScript File. TIFF Tag Image Format File. JPEG JPEG compressed format. (JPEG image support based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.)
Method Method of coloring the captured image. Options: Standard black and white only Grayscale black and white with shading RGB Color Red-Green-Blue values for each pixel Palette Color Red-Green-Blue color tables CMYK Color Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black color tables
VERICUT HELP File menu Intensity Shade by light intensity only, for example: the brightest yellow color is the same shade of gray as the brightest blue color. Color Shade by color differences and light intensity.
Orientation Controls image orientation on the printed page: Landscape or Portrait. Output File Use to specify the name of the file to receive image data when the Output button is pressed. Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the Save File selection window to specify the file.
NOTE: When images are output via File menu > AutoSave, the file names specified
on the AutoSave, View Capture tab are used instead. Add output file to report When toggled "On", and Output is pressed, the output JPEG images are available for use in "standard" VERICUT reports.
NOTE: Add output file to report is not available when setting up File menu >
AutoSave > View Capture tab : Properties. Render Use to toggle the Render feature on and off. When Render is toggled "on" and the Output button is pressed, the active view will be rendered and a JPEG file will be output with the name specified in the Output File field. (see how) Pressing the "Stop" button during rendering will stop the process. By default, the width and height of the active view is used for the size of the rendered image. Use Specify image size on the Render tab to specify a different width and/or height for the rendered image. Currently, JPEG is the only supported output. Method, Shading By and Orientation are not applicable to Render. AUTO-DIFF models, Travel Axis, design components/models and Temp Stock components are not supported by the Render feature .
NOTE: Generating a "rendered" image can take considerably longer than generating a
standard View Capture image.
Rendered image
Center / Margins options Controls image placement on the printed page. Options: Center Center image in the middle of the page. Margins Place image according to specified margin dimensions (see below).
Left / Right / Top / Bottom Margin dimensions, as measured from the corresponding edges of the paper. Paper Size Size of paper to print. Annotation When active, includes annotated text with the image. Annotation includes the current date, tool path file name, tool path record number being processed, and user specified text.
Tip: If you want to add a note that uses special characters add an "escape" backslash
character ("\") before each special character. Example: To enter this annotated text => Part Number (1234) ((due date 12/01/00)) Type this in the Annotation field => Part Number \(1234\) \(\(due date 12\/01\/00\)\)
Specify image size Toggle "On" to use the Width and Height values specified below for creating an image using Render. By default, the width and height of the active view is used for the size of the rendered image. Width Use to specify the width for a rendered image. Height Use to specify a height for a rendered image. Shadows Toggles Shadows On/Off. Light Location Use to specify one nine fixed light locations. Choose from: Top Left, Top, Top Right, Left, Center, Right, Bottom Left, Bottom, and Bottom Right. View Angle This field enables you too define the view angle. Valid range is from 1 to 80 degrees.
AutoSave window
Location: File menu > AutoSave Toolbar short cut for accessing AutoSave: Opens a window to configure VERICUT to automatically save In Process files, View Capture image files, (such as JPEG, PS, EPSF, or TIFF files) or VERICUT Solid (.vct) files. Saving is based on user specified events or when VERICUT detects errors during tool path processing. Auto-saving is especially useful to save data during batch processing.
In Process tab Features on this tab control automatic saving of In Process files. View Capture tab Features on this tab control automatic saving of ShadeCopy image files. VERICUT Solid tab Features on this tab control automatic saving of VERICUT Solid files.
VERICUT HELP File menu OK Saves all tab settings and closes the AutoSave window. Cancel Closes the AutoSave window without saving settings.
Auto Save options These options control when VERICUT automatically saves IP files. Click on the box to the left of the event to toggle On/Off. Each selected event causes a file to be saved when that event occurs. Options: Cutter Change Save an IP file when the cutter has been changed. # of Cuts Save an IP file after a specified number of cuts. Enter the number of cuts in the # of Cuts text field. File End Save file at the end of tool path processing. Choose either End of each File (end of each toolpath file) or End (end of the NC program) from the pulldown list.
In Process File Use to specify the base name for IP files saved. Enter the \path\filename in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file.
VERICUT HELP File menu Unique file names are maintained by appending the tool path number and line number of the record causing the event to the end of the base file name. Naming convention for auto-saving files is: <IPfilename>n1_n2.ip where "<IPfilename>" is the name specified in the In Process File field, "n1"=sequential tool path number, and "n2"=number of the record causing the auto-save event. The following examples assume the AutoSave (or Output) window configuration shown below.
Example 1: One tool path processed, tool change on record #10 => test1_10.ip Example 2: Two tool paths processed, tool change on record #10 in both tool paths => test1_10.ip (from tool change in tool path #1), test2_10.ip (from tool change in tool path #2) Example 3: Two tool paths processed, tool path one tool change on record #10, tool path two tool change on record #5 => test1_10.ip (from tool change in tool path #1), test2_5.ip (from tool change in tool path #2) Auto Error On When active, VERICUT automatically saves an IP file when an error is detected.
VERICUT HELP File menu In Process File Specifies the base name for IP files saved due to errors. Similar to In Process File for the Auto Save options (see above), unique file names are maintained by appending the line number of the record causing the error to the end of the specified IP file name.
Print Command When toggled "Off", sends graphical data to the specified View Capture image file. When toggled "On", executes the print command that sends raw graphical image data to the printer. By default, the "prshade" command executes the "prshade" command file containing operating system commands typically used to print images on your computer. If printing fails, correct the entry in the Print Command field, or use an ASCII text editor (NOT a word processor) to edit the "prshade" command file to have the proper print command for your computer/printer. Properties Opens the View Capture window to access settings for file formatting and printing. Auto Save options 285
VERICUT HELP File menu These options control when VERICUT automatically saves View Capture image files. Click on the box to the left of the event to toggle On/Off. Each selected event causes a file to be saved when that event occurs. Options: Cutter Change Save a View Capture image file when the cutter has been changed. # of Cuts Save a View Capture Image file after a specified number of cuts. Enter the number of cuts in the # of Cuts text field. File End Save a View Capture image file at the end of tool path processing. Choose either End of each File (end of each NC program file), or End of each Setup, or End (end of the program) from the pull-down list. View Capture File Use to specify the base name for View Capture image files saved as a result of Auto Save options described above, when the Print Command checkbox is toggled "Off". Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file. The naming convention used for saved files is as described for IP files-see In Process tab for details.
Auto Error options These options control when VERICUT automatically saves Vie Capture image files due to errors. Auto Error On When toggled "On", VERICUT automatically saves a View Capture image file when an error is detected. View Capture File Use to specify the base name for View Capture image files automatically saved as a result of errors detected when AutoError On is toggled "On", and the Print Command checkbox is toggled "Off". Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the Save File selection window to specify the file. The naming convention used for saved files is as described for IP files-see In Process tab for details.
Auto Save options Use these options to specify the events when VERICUT should automatically save VERICUT Solid files. Click on the box to the left of the event to toggle On/Off. Each selected event causes a file to be saved when that event occurs. Options: Cutter Change Save a VERICUT Solid file when the cutter has been changed. # of Cuts Save a VERICUT Solid file after a specified number of cuts. Enter the number of cuts in the # of Cuts text field. File End Save a VERICUT Solid file at the end of tool path processing. Choose either End of each File (end of each NC program file), or End of each Setup, or End (end of the program) from the pull-down list.
VERICUT HELP File menu VERICUT Solid File Use to specify the base name for VERICUT Solid files saved due to Auto Save options. Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file. Auto Error options Use these options to specify whether or not VERICUT automatically saves VERICUT Solid files when an error is detected. On Click on the box to the left to toggle On/Off. When active, VERICUT automatically saves a VERICUT Solid file when an error is detected. VERICUT Solid File Use to specify the base name for VERICUT Solid files saved when AutoError is active. Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file.
NOTE: The naming convention used for saved VERICUT Solid files is the same as
described for IP files-see In Process tab for details.
Recent Files
Location: File menu > Exit Provides a list of recently opened Project files or User files. Select the desired file from the pull-down list. List contents are stored in the VERICUT Preferences file.
Location: File menu > Exit Exits (quits) the VERICUT program. Any files that were opened during the VERICUT session, such as the Log file, Image file, etc. are automatically closed. You can also exit VERICUT by clicking "X" at the top right corner of the VERICUT main window.
NOTE: Session information is not automatically saved by VERICUT upon exiting. It is the responsibility of the user to decide if session information should be saved before exiting.
Edit menu
Text File (edit)
Location: Edit menu > Text File Opens a text editor window-just load any ASCII text file and start editing. The following is a general description of the features available for searching and editing text and tool path files throughout VERICUT. The features available in a particular window may vary depending on the purpose of the window that they appear in.
Menu Bar:
The menu bar located at the top of the window provides easy access to major functions. Each menu contains groups of related functions. Left-click on any menu name to display the list of functions in that menu. Click on the function in the menu you want to use. The name of the current file is also displayed in this area. File: Open Open a file. Save Save the current file. Save As Save the current file under a different name. Print Print the file. Exit Close the window. Edit: Cut Cuts the highlighted text in the file listing and puts it in the paste buffer. Copy Copies the highlighted text in the file listing to the paste buffer. Paste Puts the contents of the paste buffer at the location of the cursor in the file listing. Restore Restores the highlighted changes to the original state.
Icon Bar:
The items in the Icon Bar enable you to search for, and/or replace, specific items in the file listing, print the file, or exit the window. Moving the cursor over the icon will display name of the option. Each feature (from left to right) is described below.
Open File Opens a file selection window enabling you to select another file. Save File Save the current file. Line Number or Search Text Use this text field to enter a line number, or a string of text, to search for. Goto Line Number Moves the cursor in the file listing to the line number specified in the Line Number or Search Text field. Search Forward Searches forward in the file listing for the text string specified in the Line Number or Search Text field. Search Backward Searches backward in the file listing for the text string specified in the Line Number or Search Text field. Replacement Text Use this text field to enter a "replacement text" string. Replace One Replace one occurrence of text string in the Line Number or Search Text field (or the highlighted text in the file listing) with the text string in the Replacement Text field. Replace All Replace all occurrences of the text string in the Line Number or Search Text field with the text string in the Replacement Text field. Undo Highlighted Changes Restores the highlighted changes to the original state. Print Print the file. Close Window Closes the window.
NC Program (Edit)
VERICUT Location: Edit menu > NC Program Toolbar short cut for accessing the NC program editor: Selecting Edit menu > NC Program displays a list of all NC programs and subroutines in the project file. Choosing one of the NC program files/subroutines opens a text editor window with the selected MC program file/subroutine file loaded and ready for editing.
WARNING: Editing the NC program file can cause undesirable results, especially
when edits are made to portions of the tool path which have already been processed by VERICUT. These edits can cause the tool path record number pointer to be out of sync with the edited tool path file. In these cases it is recommended to rewind the tool path file after editing, and restart the simulation with the last unedited record prior to the first addition/deletion.
Color window
VERICUT Location: Edit menu > Colors Toolbar short cut for accessing the Color window:
Assign tab Features on this tab are used to assign Error, Reset Cut and Background colors. Cut Colors tab Features on this tab assign colors to machine cuts made in the workpiece. Define tab Features on this tab define colors seen in VERICUT, and control light brightness. OK Saves tab settings and closes the VERICUT Color window. Apply Saves tab settings and leaves the VERICUT Color window open. Cancel Closes the VERICUT Color window without saving tab settings.
Error Color for highlighting unsafe machining conditions (default: "Red"). The "error color" will help you identify the following potentially dangerous situations: Material removed while cutting too fast (known as a "fast feed" error) Cuts in clamps, fixtures, bolts, and other hardware holding the workpiece Material removed by non-cutting portions of the tool, such as: tool holders, extensions, etc. Gouges in a design model (via AUTO-DIFF) Reset Cut Color applied to all cuts in the workpiece when a Reset Cut Color operation is performed (see below). By default this color is set the same color as the stock model to give the appearance of uncut stock, however, any defined color can be selected. Floor, Ceiling, Wall Colors of the floor, ceiling and walls displayed in a machine view when Background is set to Walls in the View menu > Attributes window. A sample machine is shown below with the floor, ceiling and walls in the background. The tile affect on the floor is created by alternating the Floor and Ceiling colors.
Shaded Background Use to specify the color that will be displayed when the view Background attribute is set to Shaded. Reset Cut Color When selected, the colors of all cuts in the workpiece are changed to the single color specified by Reset Cut (see above).
Cut Seq. / Color list List of colors used for material cut with a safe cutting feed rate (less than the Fast Feed threshold). The cut color list associates colors with cut sequences in the NC program file. A new cut sequence is assumed when a tool with a different shape is loaded for cutting. All portions of the cutting tool shape are considered for differences. When the number of cut sequences exceeds the number of cut colors defined in the table, Recycle Cut Color determines the cut color for the remaining tools (see below). Double-click on the cut sequence number in the table to edit it. Double-click on a color in the table and select from the pull-down color list to change a color. Add or remove colors from the pull-down list using the Shade Colors list feature on the Color window, Define tab.
Add, Delete Adds (or deletes) cut colors in the list. Recycle Cut Color When selected, recycles colors in the cut color list when the tool path contains more tools than cut colors defined. For example, assume that 4 cut colors are defined. When tool 5 is encountered VERICUT recycles cut color 1, tool 6 uses cut color 2, and so on. When this option cleared, the last defined cut color is used for cut sequences that follow the last defined cut sequence color. Using the example above, tool 4, 5 and 6 would receive the cut color defined for cut sequence 4. Tool Color Cut color is determined by the tool color property stored in a VERICUT Tool Library. Feed Range Color Cut color is determined by the feed rate programmed in the NC program file.
Feed Range / Color list List of colors used for material cut within a specified feed rate range. The cut color list associates colors with feed rates in the NC program file. Using the sample table shown above, cuts using a feed rate between 0 and 25 will be displayed Aquamarine. Cuts using a feed rate between 25 and 49 will be displayed Light Steel, and so on. Double-click on the Feed Range number in the table to edit it. Double-click on a color in the table and select from the pull-down color list to change a color. Add or remove colors from the pull-down list using the Shade Colors list feature on the Color window, Define tab.
Add, Delete Adds (or deletes) cut colors in the list. TP File Color Cut color is determined by the Cut Sequence/Color list defined in the Cut Color Table method described above except that the Cut Sequence changes as the NC program file changes instead of when the tool changes. If a Project file only uses one NC program file, then all cuts will be the same color.
Shade Color list List of colors that can be used to shade solid objects seen in VERICUT, such as: models, cutting tools, and machined cuts (maximum 128 colors). The number of shade colors also affects shade quality. The color band at the bottom of the window displays the shade variations of the selected color in the list, as impacted by the total number of defined colors. Once defined, assign the colors to solid objects using the features on the Assign tab and the Cut Colors tab. Add, Delete Adds (or deletes) colors in the list. Red-Green-Blue slidebars Control the amount of red, green, and blue color components mixed to define a color. The exact value is shown in the field to the right of each slidebar (0=none to 255=maximum). Color list Opens a window of pre-mixed colors selectable for background, foreground, and shade colors. Brightness Controls the amount of light for shading solid objects. Options are: High, Normal and Low. Flat Colors group: Background Select this option to change the color of the graphics area background when View menu > Attributes: Background is set to "Flat". You can also change the 301
background to display a shaded color, or machine views can display ceiling, floor, and walls. Foreground Select this option to change the color of items drawn on top of the VERICUT display, for example: coordinate system axes, lines indicating the bounding region of selected models/components, etc. The Background and Foreground colors should be different, or foreground-colored items may "blend in" with the background.
View Menu
Layout (view)
Location: View menu > Layout The options in the Layout menu control how many views of the VERICUT model are seen, and how they are arranged. All views are contained within the VERICUT main window. The size and orientation of the model in each view is individually controlled. View port size and layout are saved in the user file. One view is considered by VERICUT to be the "active view". A view is made active by clicking in it, and is designated by a colored window header. Many VERICUT functions are effective only in the active view, including most viewing functions. Standard Sets views of the VERICUT model to one of the standard view layout choices. By default standard view layouts are tiled, but you can change this using other functions in the Layout menu, or via standard window management features, such as dragging, resizing, etc. Add View Adds a view. You can add as many views as desired. What is seen in a view (workpiece, machine, etc.) is determined by the view attributes- ref. View menu > Attributes.
Shortcut: You can quickly change the attributes or orientation of a view by rightclicking in the view, and selecting from the displayed menu. Delete View Deletes a view. You can also delete a view via clicking "X" at the top right corner of the view window. Cascade Cascades views in an overlapping arrangement. Note that cascaded view layouts are not saved by VERICUT. Tile Horizontally Tiles views in a horizontal arrangement. Tile Vertically Tiles views in a vertical arrangement. Examples follow. Cascaded Tiled horizontally Tiled vertically
View to Back Moves the "active" view to the back. This function can also be accessed using the right mouse button in the active view. 303
View to Front Moves the selected view to the front. Selecting "View to Front" displays a list of all available views allowing you to select the desired view to be moved to the front even if it is obscured by other views in the graphics area. Always in Front Makes the active view remain "always in front" until it is specifically moved to the back or until another view is specified as "always in front". This function can also be accessed using the right mouse button in the active view.
Dynamic X Rotation Horizontal rotation- drag mouse up/down in direction to rotate Dynamic Y Rotation Vertical rotation- drag mouse left/right in direction to rotate Dynamic Z Rotation Screen plane rotation- drag mouse left to rotate CCLW, right for to rotate CLW Horizontal/vertical combined rotation- drag mouse up/down/left/right in direction to rotate Pan/translate- drag mouse in the direction pan Zoom/magnify- drag mouse up to zoom in, down to zoom out
Shortcut: The following keys provide instant access from the keyboard to dynamic
viewing options (press and hold keys while dragging): Dynamic Zoom <Ctrl>, Dynamic Pan <Shift>, Dynamic XY <Ctrl> + <Shift>. Mouse actions are the same as above. You can also use the "Up" or "Down" arrows on your keyboard to zoom in or out. Standard drawing view buttons- XY, YX, YZ, ZY, ZX, XZ, V-ISO, H-ISO Orients the object in the selected standard drawing view and automatically fits the object in the view.
Rotation Options:
Angles Absolute rotation about the view coordinate system X Y Z axes, respectively. The three values are separated by spaces. Increment Degrees of incremental rotation to apply when a rotation button is pressed (see below). Rotation buttons (X+/X-, Y+/Y-, Z+/Z-) axis and direction in which to apply incremental rotation specified by the Increment value. Spin Center Specify a point to be used as the center of rotation during dynamic rotations. Click in the Spin Center field so that it becomes active, then either enter XYZ values (separated by spaces) in the field and click on the Apply button or click on a position in the view to specify the Spin Center point. The values are applied to the "active" view. If a workpiece view is the active view, the coordinates are relative to the origin of the workpiece coordinate system. If the "active" view is a machine view, the coordinates are relative to the origin of the machine coordinate system. Press to display the Spin Center marker and activate the point for the active view. To de-activate Spin Center point, press the button again. You can specify a different rotation point for each view. When you close the View Orient window, the Spin Center markers will no longer be displayed but the activated Spin Centers will remain active. When you use one of the dynamic rotation features described above in a view with an active Spin Center, the Spin Center point will be used as the center of rotation instead of the view coordinate system origin.
Shortcut: You can quickly change the spin center location by right-clicking in the view,
select Spin Center from the displayed menu, then select the desired position in the graphics area. Orient on Feature Resets the view, normal to the feature selected in the graphics area. The modified view is centered on the position of the selection vector. Zoom creates new View When toggled on, creates a new view for the zoomed area instead of modifying the current view. Also changes the icon in the toolbar to the Zoom (create new view mode) icon.
Shortcut: You can quickly toggle between the two Zoom modes (standard or create
new view) by right-clicking on the Zoom to Box icon , or , in the toolbar.
Button name:
Toolbar Icon:
Action: Left-click and move mouse to trap area to zoom (press <Esc> to interrupt rubberbanding)
(Zoom to Box)
Similar to Zoom (standard (right click on Zoom to mode) described above Zoom ( with Zoom creates Box) except a new view is created new View toggled On) to display the zoomed area. Zoom In / Zoom Out Zooms in/out approx. 20% each time clicked (left click) (right click) (Refine Display) Fits object in active view Fits objects in all views Refines the display to improve image quality Reverses viewing direction, as if you stood behind the object (see also: "reverse" VERICUT command record) (Last Refine Display) Restores the last refined display
Shortcut: You can quickly reverse or orient the model in one of the defined views by
right-clicking in the view and selecting from the displayed menu. Reset Resets the view to the last orientation accepted by pressing Apply, or as it was when the Orient window was opened. 308
View Type Controls what is seen in a view. Options are: Workpiece Displays the stock workpiece and machining that occurs on it. This view supports full inspection capabilities on the machined part, including X-Caliper measurements and AUTO-DIFF model comparisons. Machine Displays a 3-D NC machine, when defined. The uncut stock can be seen, however, material removal does not occur in this view type. Machine/Cut Stock Same as above, except material removal does occur. (Does not support machined part inspection-use a Workpiece view type for this activity.) 309
Profile Displays a 2-D profile view of a turned workpiece in a G-code tool path simulation, as if it were spinning and sectioned along the turning axis. The profile is created when cutting begins.
Shortcut: You can quickly change the view type and background by right-clicking in the
view, and selecting from the displayed menu. Attach Comp. Attaches the view point and line of sight for a view to the selected component. By default, a Workpiece view is attached to a Stock component, thus the workpiece remains stationary while the tool moves about it. Similarly, by default in a Machine view the view is attached to the machine's Base component, thus the machine base appears stationary while its axes move. Whatever component is selected as the attach component becomes stationary in the simulation, while all other objects are simulated as moving relative to that component.
Shortcut: You can quickly change the component the view is attached to by rightclicking in the view, and selecting from the displayed menu. Translucent Controls when the stock model is displayed as translucent (can be seen through). Translucent can only be applied to an active workpiece view. Once the attribute is set, more than one workpiece view can be displayed "translucent". It is only valid with a "refined display".
All VERICUT functions can be used with a translucent view. However, when the model is rotated, sectioned, or zoomed, the resulting view is a solid. Use Refine Display to redisplay the translucent view. Almost any model feature can be seen using combinations of Translucency, Reverse, Section, and Zoom.
Translucent "Off"
Translucent "Normal"
Translucent "Extended"
Shortcut: You can quickly change Translucent settings by using the toolbar short cut:
Use the left mouse button on the icon to toggle Translucent "on" or "off". When the Translucent icon is toggled "on", use the right mouse button to quickly toggle between Translucent "Normal" and Translucent "Extended" modes. The change is immediately applied to the "active" workpiece view. Accelerated (OpenGL) Toggles Hardware Graphics Acceleration On/Off. You can also right-click in the graphics area and use Accelerated (OpenGL) in the displayed menu to toggle Hardware Graphics Acceleration On/Off Perspective View This feature is only available when Accelerated (OpenGL) is toggled "On". When Perspective View is toggled "On", a perspective view is displayed in Machine and Machine/Cut Stock views.
Field of View Angle This feature is only available when Accelerated (OpenGL) and Perspective View are both toggled "On". It enables you to control the Field of View Angle of the perspective view. Move the slider to the left to decrease the view angle and to the right to increase it. Clipping Plane This feature is only available when Accelerated (OpenGL) and Perspective View are both toggled "On". It enables you to control the position of the "clipping plane" in the perspective view. Move the slider to the left to move the "clipping plane" closer to the plane of the screen. Move it to the right to move the "clipping plane" further into the view (away from the plane of screen). All objects between the "clipping plane" and the plane of the screen are blanked from the display. For example, this feature could be used to blank parts of the machine (like doors) to better view the part on the machine. Cut Stock Display This feature enables you to control the way that the Cut Stock is displayed (and therefore the processing speed). Moving the slider to the left will display a "sharper" image of the Cut Stock but will result in longer processing times. Moving the slider to the right results in a Cut Stock display with a less sharp image, but processing time will be faster.
Opens the Section window enabling you to define section planes through a VERICUT model in a workpiece view. You can define as many section planes as desired, in any orientation. (See how) Section plane orientation and distance are described with respect to the active coordinate system. Restore the original model by clicking anywhere off the part in the workpiece view, or click Restore on the Section window. You can continue 318
cutting on the sectioned model, or restore the original (un-sectioned) model. Machine cuts are applied to the entire model regardless of how it is displayed after sectioning. Section on mouse pick Immediately sections the model through the point selected with mouse. The section plane orientation is controlled by the characteristics of the plane highlighted in the Section planes table. Section planes table: On Toggles on and off to activate/deactivate defined section planes in the table. Only the active planes will be used to determine the portion of the model that will be displayed after the section planes are applied.
NOTE: The on/off state of this toggle is only used in conjunction with the Section
button below. It has no effect on which plane/direction vector is displayed in the active workpiece view. The plane /direction vector that is displayed in the active workpiece view is determined by the plane that is highlighted in the section planes table. Pl Type Specifies section plane orientation. Standard options include six orientations that are perpendicular to axes of the active coordinate system (POS X, POS Y, POS Z, NEG X, NEG Y and NEG Z). POS and NEG define the direction of the normal vector of the section plane with respect to the coordinate system axis. The normal vector points away from the portion of the part that will be displayed when it is sectioned. Using the Custom option, you can define a section plane at any orientation by entering the I, J, and K components of the desired normal vector in the Normal I J K fields (see below). Normal I, Normal J, Normal K Specifies the I J K coefficients of a vector perpendicular to the desired section plane. These values are automatically set when Pl Type is set to one of the six standard options and cannot be changed. When Pl Type is set to Custom, the values can be changed to define the direction vector of the desired section plane. Values entered do not have to define a unit vector (vector length=1). Any combination of values can be entered to define the normal vector. Distance Distance along the normal vector (see above), measured from the active coordinate system origin to the desired location of the section plane. Key in a value or pick a point on the model with the mouse. A positive value is measured along the specified normal vector, a negative is measured in the reverse direction. Start / End When selected, defines the starting and ending planes for automatic sectioning. (See "Automatic sectioning features" below). The following actions can be accomplished by either selecting the associated button in the Section window or selecting it from the pull-down that results from using the right mouse button while the cursor is in the section planes table. Add Use to add additional section planes to the table. Delete Use to delete the highlighted section plane from the table. 319
Reverse Use to reverse the direction vector of the highlighted plane to display the opposite side of the model after sectioning. Automatic sectioning features: This group of features displays a series of animated sectioned views, beginning with the plane identified as the "Start" plane (Start selected), and ending with the "End" plane (End selected). The start plane direction vector must point away from the end plane and the end plane vector must point away from the start plane for proper automatic sectioning to take place. Automatic section cuts are equally spaced. Cuts The number of equally spaced section planes that will automatically be applied between the start and end section planes. Delay Seconds of delay to pause between each automatic section cut display. Auto Section Begins the automatic sectioning sequence. To interrupt an automatic sectioning, press Escape <Esc> key. Stop, or click in the VERICUT main window and press the
Section Applies the active section plane(s) in the Section planes table to the model. The resulting "sectioned" model is displayed in all workpiece views. Restore Restores the solid model from the sectioned display. The sectioned model is for display purposes only. When cutting has been performed with a sectioned view displayed, the results are the same as if the entire model was displayed.. Close Closes the Section window.
VERICUT Shortcut: You can quickly reverse the orientation, or change the view to
one of the standard or stored custom views by right-clicking on the view in the VERICUT graphics window, then selecting the desired view name using Select View option in the displayed menu. This shortcut is not available for Mold and Die.
VERICUT Shortcut: You can quickly Add, Delete, or Activate views in the View
List by right-clicking on a view and selecting desired action from the displayed menu. This shortcut is not available for Mold and Die. Activate Applies the View Type and orientation of the stored view highlighted in the View List to the active view in the VERICUT graphics window. Modify Modifies the View Type and orientation of the highlighted view in the View List to match those of the active view in the VERICUT graphics window. Reset Resets the active view in the VERICUT graphics area to the View Type and orientation that it had when the Select/Store View window was opened. Add Adds a new view, after the highlighted view, to the View List. The new view will have the same View Type and orientation as the active view in the VERICUT graphics window. Double click on the view name to rename the view. Hit <enter> when you are through editing. Delete Deletes the highlighted view from the View List. Delete All Deletes all views from the View List. Close Closes the Select /Store View window.
Shortcut: You can also change axes displayed by right-clicking in the view, and
selecting from the Display Axes list in the menu that displays.
Use the Color Pallet icons described below. , to specify a "global" display color for each type of axes
Component When selected, displays XcYcZc axes that representing the coordinate system of a component. Each component has its own local coordinate system. Model When selected, displays XmYmZm axes that represent the coordinate system of a model. Each model has its own local coordinate system. Machine Origin When selected, displays XmcYmcZmc axes that represent the coordinate system in which an NC machine is defined. Workpiece Origin When selected, displays XwpYwpZwp axes that represent the coordinate system to which Stock, Fixture, and Design components are connected. In a simulation where a machine IS NOT defined, such as when processing APTCLS tool path files, the workpiece coordinate origin is the origin of the nonmoving "Base" component to which Stock, Fixture, and Design components are connected. In previous VERICUT versions, this was known as the "World coordinate system" (XwYwZw axes). In a simulation where a machine IS defined, such as when processing G-code tool path files, the workpiece coordinate origin is the origin the machine component responsible for carrying the Stock, Fixture, and Design components.
Tool Tip Zero When toggled "On", displays the XToolTipYToolTipZToolTip axes that represent where the tool tip (the VERICUT control point) of the "active" tool would be located, relative to the "active" stock, if all linear axes were positioned at zero. The display is based on the actual Machine/Control configuration and therefore may be displayed as a right hand axis, a left hand axis or possibly even a non-orthogonal axis. If no tool has been loaded, VERICUT assumes a zero length tool. The following should be considered when using this feature: Tool Tip Zero is only applicable when processing G-Code Data. The Tool Tip Zero display is based on the "active" tool. If the machine being used has more than one tool component, the correct tool component must be set as active before valid results can be achieved. The Tool Tip Zero display is based on the "active" stock. If more than one stock component on the machine, the correct stock component must be set as active before valid results can be achieved. The Tool Tip Zero display shows where the tool tip is and therefore may not be particularly useful when programming a 5-axis machine in "gage-length" mode.
Driven Point Zero When toggled "On", displays the "driven point" (identified by the symbol) and the XDrivenPointYDrivenPointZDrivenPoint axes. The "driven point" is only displayed in the Machine View. The initial "driven point" position is determined based on the following: If there are no rotary/turret components attached to the "active" tool component, the initial driven point is the origin of the "active" tool component. If there is 1 rotary/turret component attached to the "active" tool component, the initial driven point is the origin of the rotary/turret component. If there are 2 rotary/turret components attached to the "active" tool component, the initial driven point is the intersection of the two rotary axes. If there are more than 2 rotary/turret components attached to the "active" tool component, the initial driven point is the origin of the highest level rotary/turret component.
The following offsets are then applied to the initial "driven point" (adjusted as needed for RTCP): Gage Offset Tool Nose Compensation Offset Tool Length Compensation Offset Turret Offset Gage Pivot Offset Pivot Offset (RTCP) 3D Tool Length Comp Offset (Fanuc)
The Driven Point Zero axes represent where the driven point of the "active" tool would be located, relative to the "active" stock, if all linear axes were positioned at zero. The display is based on the actual Machine/Control configuration and therefore may be displayed as a right hand axis, a left hand axis or possibly even a non-orthogonal axis. The Driven Point Zero axes are displayed in Workpiece, Machine and Machine/Cut Stock views. The following should be considered when using this feature: Driven Point Zero is only applicable when processing G-Code Data. The Driven Point Zero display is based on the "active" tool. If the machine being used has more than one tool component, the correct tool component must be set as active before valid results can be achieved. The Driven Point Zero display is based on the "active" stock. If more than one stock component on the machine, the correct stock component must be set as active before valid results can be achieved.
Some machine configurations do not conform to initial "driven point" rules described above and therefore will not produce useful results. An example of this would be Maho-Phillips machines using a two position head. The initial driven point could not be calculated correctly resulting in invalid results. Dual turret machines typically will not have the active tool defined for both turrets, therefore the initial driven point can not be calculated correctly resulting in invalid results. Some machine/controller combinations, like the one in the sample file bos5vm01.VcProject, may not produce the results that you might expect, but based on the above definitions, the displayed results are accurate.
Spindle Direction When toggled "On", a graphic is displayed indicating direction that the spindle is turning.
Mill Example
Lathe Example
The Spindle Direction indicator can also be turned On/Off by right-clicking in the graphics window and selecting Display Axes > Spindle Direction from the pop-up menu that displays. Set Axes When selected, all "axes" are toggled "On" and will be displayed. Clear Axes When selected, all "axes" are toggled "Off" and will not be displayed.
1. Axes display status is stored in the Preferences file. Axes that are displayed when exit a VERICUT session are displayed the next time you run VERICUT. 2. Axes are drawn in the Foreground color by default. Use the Color Pallet icon for each axes type to change the display color of the individual axes. ,
1. Coordinate System display status is stored in the "setup". 2. Axes are drawn in the Foreground color by default. Use the Color Pallet button , in the Coordinate Systems section of the View Axes window to change the display color of individual coordinate systems. See also "VERICUT axes and coordinate systems" in the Using VERICUT section. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library.
Display Toolbar When selected, displays Toolbar groups on the VERICUT main window. Set All, Clear All Turns on (or off) display of all Toolbar icons. Corresponding options are all selected (or cleared). Toolbar groups: Toolbar Icons: Toolbar name: Close File Functions (click for more info) Close Toolbar Open Project Save Project New Project (See NOTE 1 ) Open In Process File
Save In Process File Working Directory Edit NC Program Custom Interface Simulation Settings Motion G-code Settings APT Settings No Machine Simulation AutoSave Configuration Save Machine Save Control Machine Settings Component Tree Word Format Word Address Control Settings Control Advanced Options Static View Zoom to Box / Zoom creates new View (See NOTE 2 ) Zoom In Zoom Out Fit / Fit All Refine Display (See NOTE 3 ) Last Refine Display (See NOTE 4 ) Reverse Cut Options OptiPath Standard/FastMill Cut Modes Delete Detached Stock MDI
Dynamic View
Open Machine Open Control Setup Models NC Program Tools Output Coordinate Systems Project Tree
Workpiece View Machine/Cut Stock View Draw Shaded Draw Lines Section Translucent Color
View NC Program Status Graphs VERICUT Log Clear Log File and Logger
Image Record Image Playback / AVI Playback (See NOTE 5 ) View Capture Print View
1. Right-click on the New Project icon to toggle between (Millimeter) mode. 2. Right-click on the icon to toggle between creates new View) modes. (Inch) and
Refine Display When selected, refines the display to be a high-quality image. Refining the display can useful to see model details after model manipulation, such as zooming, rotating, panning, etc. This action occurs automatically any time cutting is started. Last Refine Display When selected, returns a workpiece view to the last refined display image. This action is useful to quickly start cutting after manipulating the workpiece for viewing: zooming, rotating, panning, etc. Image Playback/AVI Playback The active icon is set automatically based on the active image record output format (ref. File menu > Images > Record Movie). Clear Logfile and Logger Clears both the VERICUT Log File and the Logger (Message Logger). For information about the other VERICUT functions accessed by Toolbar icons, click on the links above or refer to the function names in the VERICUT Menus and Features section of VERICUT Help.
Location: View menu > Resolution Controls the quality of cut model display. Increasing resolution displays a more accurate representation of the cut model, and requires more computer resources and processing time to display and manipulate the model. A coarse display resolution is automatically used when dynamically manipulating the model, such as rotation, zooming, etc. When the dynamic action is finished, the display is upgraded to the previous resolution. Options: Manual A display resolution which allows most models to be manipulated with acceptable performance and display quality. Auto Automatically sets display resolution based on viewing distance from the model. Resolution automatically increases when you zoom closer to see details on the model, and decreases as you zoom out.
Windows Classic
Text Larger Use to make the text in VERICUT menus, message logger, windows, etc. larger. Each time you click on "Text Larger", the text gets incrementally larger to a maximum font size of "14 point". The following example shows the Text Larger feature at maximum size (14 point font). Notice the text in the menu bar, the View Toolbar window and the message logger
Text Smaller Use to make the text in VERICUT menus, message logger, windows, etc. smaller. Each time you click on "Text Smaller", the text gets incrementally smaller to a minimum font size of "6 point ". The following example shows the Text Smaller feature at minimum size (6 point font). Notice the text in the menu bar, the View Toolbar window and the message logger.
To change the user interface look and feel: 1. Select View menu > Look and Feel. 2. Choose the option, from the pull-down list, that provides the desired appearance.
Dynamic Controls
Location: View menu > Dynamic Controls View menu > Dynamic Controls options enable you to use the same mouse actions while in VERICUT, that are required to perform dynamic pan, zoom or rotate in each of the supported CAD systems. This parameter is saved in the Preferences file. CATIA Use CATIA's mouse action conventions for dynamic pan, zoom and rotate. Pro/E Use Pro Engineer's mouse action conventions for dynamic pan, zoom and rotate. Unigraphics Use Unigraphics' mouse action conventions for dynamic pan, zoom and rotate. VERICUT Use VERICUT's standard mouse action conventions for dynamic pan, zoom and rotate. Wildfire Use Pro Engineer Wildfire's mouse action conventions for dynamic pan, zoom and rotate. The following table summarizes how each dynamic feature was implemented for each CAD system.
Wildfire Hold down SHIFT, the middle mouse button, and drag the mouse.
Hold Ctrl key, Middle mouse Right mouse button, drag button, drag
Hold Shift key, Middle mouse Hold Shift key, button, drag any mouse (or, Middle & button,drag Right mouse button, drag)
Hold Middle mouse button, click Left or Right mouse Zoom button, drag:
Hold Ctrl key, Middle mouse button, drag (or Down or Left Left & Middle for larger Up for larger mouse button, Up or Right for drag Down for smaller smaller
Hold Ctrl key, Hold down CTRL, the any mouse button, drag: middle mouse button, and Up for larger drag the Down for mouse smaller vertically.
Hold Middle mouse button, Hold Ctrl key, Middle mouse Rotate hold left or Right mouse button, drag button, drag
Hold down the Hold Shift & middle mouse Middle Mouse Ctrl keys, any button and button, drag mouse button, drag the drag mouse.
To change the dynamic controls behavior: 1. Select View menu > Dynamic Controls. 2. Choose the CAD System, from the pull-down list, that you want VERICUT to emulate.
Info Menu
NC Program (Info)
VERICUT Location: Info menu > NC Program VERICUT toolbar short cut:
You can edit the tool path file using the Edit menu > NC Program function in VERICUT, or Analysis and Viewing page > Edit the Tool Path File in Mold and Die.
Status window
VERICUT Location: Info menu > Status VERICUT toolbar short cut:
Configure Displays the Status window in configuration mode enabling you to specify status features that you want displayed in the Status window. Click on the icon to enter configuration mode. Click the icon again to return to the normal display mode. Close Window Closes the Status window.
1. Status is recorded by the File menu > Images > Record function, and can be seen in the Status window when playing back the Image file. 2. You can send status information to a text Status file. To accomplish this, set the CGTECH_STATUS environment variable to the name of the file before or when VERICUT is executed.
The following features are available for display in the Status window: SubSystem When a machine with more than one subsystem is in use, this option controls which subsystem status to show. Program The name of the current NC program. Program Rec.# The line number of the current NC program record.
Program Record Current NC Program record being processed. Both the record text and sequential line number in the file are shown. Change Rec.# The line number of the last tool change record. Change Record The last tool change record processed. Both the record text and sequential line number in the file are shown. Machine Axes Locations of machine axes resulting from processing G-Code NC Program data. Local Axes The display will be similar to the Machine Axes (only showing the axis that exists for that subsystem). The contents of the "Local Axes" fields will represent the current X, Y, Z, A, B, C, U, V, W, A2, B2, C2 axis within the local coordinates. Typically, this will correspond to the values entered in the MCD file (except when specifying machine coordinates, or incremental values). Tool Tip Current X Y Z tool tip location and I J K tool axis orientation with respect to the active tool path coordinate system. Tool Sequence Sequential number of the last tool change event. Tool Number Tool number in use (if specified). Examples follow.
Tool ID ID of a tool retrieved from a VERICUT Tool Library file, if any. A blank field indicates the current tool did not come from a tool library. "OVERRIDE" indicates that the current tool has been specified via the Override feature. If the ID differs from the Number field value described above, the tool was specified via a tool list. Tool Geometry Cutter shape geometry. The method used to define the cutter shape is shown in square brackets "[ ]" followed by the description. "PROFILE" indicates a profile type of cutter definition.
Tool Description Description of a tool retrieved from a VERICUT Tool Library file. A blank field indicates a description for this tool was not defined in the library, or the tool did not come from a tool library. Errors Quantity of errors detected by VERICUT. A blank field indicates no errors detected. Consult the Log file for details about the errors. Warnings Similar to Errors above, except applies to warnings detected. Time Time anticipated to machine the part (as simulated by VERICUT). To calculate anticipated machining time, VERICUT records time for tool motions based on specified cutting feed rates and rapid rates. Time % Percentage of time in feed rate mode. This value can be helpful when judging tool path efficiency. For example, a high value suggests an efficient tool path, since a value less than 100 percent means that the tool is moving at rapid feed and is probably not removing material. Distance Tool movement distance in inches or millimeters, depending in the VERICUT session configuration. Distance % Percentage of tool movement distance in feed rate mode. Similar to the Time versus Time% relationship described above, this value can also be helpful when judging tool path efficiency. Feedrate Current programmed feed rate. A blank field indicates no records that control feed rate that have been processed. Spindle Current programmed spindle speed. A blank field indicates no records that control spindle speed that have been processed. Coolant Current programmed coolant condition. A blank field indicates no records that control coolant that have been processed. Motion Type Rapid / Linear / CW / CCW / Thread / Nurbs / Poly Abs/Inc Absolute / Incremental Motion Plane XY / YZ / ZX Units Inch / Metric Spindle Mode CSS / RPM Compensation On / Off Cycle Off / Drill / Face / Deep / Tap /Bore / Mill / Thru / Bore Orient / Bore Drag Interpolation None / Polar / Cylindrical OptiPath Time Time anticipated to machine the part with an optimized tool path file. This field is only updated when the current tool path if being optimized by OptiPath. To estimate machining time saved by OptiPath, compare this value against the Time field value.
NOTE: OP Time DOES NOT consider feedrates output as a result of Acceleration/Deceleration optimization adjustments.
OptiPath Feed Optimized feed rate, as calculated by OptiPath. OptiPath Spindle Optimized spindle speed, as calculated by OptiPath. The following features are in effect when OptiPath Mode is set to On, Prompt While Cutting or Learn From NC Program. They report maximum volume removal rate and chip thickness for each cut calculated by OptiPath for the programmed feedrate. Volume Removal Volume Removal Rate is calculated for any Optimization Method and for any tool valid for OptiPath. Chip Thickness Chip Thickness is calculated only if the Optimization Method for the current tool is either Chip Thickness, or Chip Thickness and Volume Removal. Chip Thickness is not calculated when OptiPath optimizes by any other method. When OptiPath Mode is set to Learn From NC Program, Chip Thickness is calculated only for tools, which have a convex profile.
Graphs window
VERICUT Location: Info menu > Graphs VERICUT toolbar short cut: The Graphs window enables you to display a Tool Use graph showing information related to tool use and/or the Cutting Conditions graph showing selected cutting conditions.
Common Features:
Time Interval Use to specify the time interval represented by the Tool Use graph display. Use the Time Interval text field to specify the time interval represented by the Tool Use graph. /2 Use to reduce the displayed time interval by a factor of 1/2. X2 Use to increase the displayed time interval by a factor of 2.
Configure Displays the Graphs window in configuration mode enabling you to specify graph display characteristics and features. Click on the icon to enter configuration mode. Click the icon again to return to the normal display mode. Close Window Closes the Graphs window.
Tool Use When toggled "On" (check mark displayed), displays the Tool Use graph which shows the machining time spent by each simulated tool. Each tool that cuts the part is shown in the graph with its cut color. Click in the box to the left of Tool Use to toggle the graph On/Off. Cutting Conditions When toggled "On" (check mark displayed), displays the Cutting Conditions graph which shows changes in the selected cutting condition features. Click in the box to the left of Cutting Conditions to toggle the graph On/Off. Select any of "cutting condition" features to be displayed in the Cutting Conditions graph from the list below the graph area.
Color Pallets Use the color pallet associated with each cutting condition feature to specify the color that is to represent the feature in the graph. Click on the icon to display the color pallet for your color selection. Min/Max values Use the Min/Max values associated with each cutting condition feature to specify the lower/upper limits of the range of values representing the vertical component of the graph (see the picture below). Show Tool Change Use to show tool changes in the Cutting Conditions graph. Tool changes are represented by a vertical line, in the cut color, at the point of the tool change (see the picture below). Set All Select all available features to be displayed in the Cutting Conditions graph. Clear All Clear all selected features.
Opens a window that displays the values that are set for each machine offset and whether the particular machine offset is currently active. If you "Single Step" through the toolpath, the displayed values update at the end of each motion. When you are using "Play to End", the displayed values are updated each time you "Stop" processing or when processing stops at the end of the NC program. The Machine Offsets window is intended for debugging purposes only. The window displays current values set for each offset and whether the offset is currently active. You cannot modify the values directly in the Machine Offsets window. The values must be edited in the table or macro in which they were originally set. The offsets are grouped into 4 categories: Work& Shift, Tool, Other, and Total Offsets, as shown in the Category column in the window above. Each Category can consist of a number of different machine offsets and are displayed in the Offsets column. The remaining columns indicate the offset values that are set/applied for each machine axis. Each particular offset will only displayed if it contains non-zero values. If all offsets within a Category are zero, then the Category will not be displayed. The exception to this rule is the Total Offsets Category which will always be displayed. 355
This window also contains a series of flags associated with offsets and transformations. SubSystem All values displayed in the Machine Offsets window are specific to a particular subsystem. If the machine configuration has more than one subsystem, use this feature to select the desired subsystem.
Offset Categories
Work and Shift: These offsets are in a separate category because the DynamicWorkOffsets feature applies to these offsets. Base Work Offset Base Work Offset is affected by the following macros: SetBaseWorkOffset CancelWorkOffsets EnableWorkShiftOffsets DisableWorkShiftOffsets CancelAllWorkOffsets BaseWorkOffsetValues For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help.
NOTE: This can also be set from the Configuration menu > Control Settings: Offsets tab.
Secondary Work Offset Secondary Work Offset is affected by the following macros: SecondaryWorkCoord SecondaryRefWorkCoord For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. Shift 1 Shift 1 is affected by the following macros: ChangeWorkCoord AbsoluteShift, IncrementalShift EnableWorkShiftOffsets DisableWorkShiftOffsets CancelShiftOffsets CancelAllWorkOffsets SiemensShiftOffsetA SiemensL137COffset SiemensL137CoffsetCancel For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. Shift 2 Shift 2 is affected by the following macros: AbsoluteShiftNum OkumaCopyStart OkumaCopyEnd OkumaShiftRotate OkumaCancelShiftRotate SiemensShiftOffsetB. For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. Shift 3 Shift 3 is affected by the following macros: NumLengthCompX NumLengthCompY NumLengthCompZ For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. Total The combined total of all of the above offsets.
Adjusted Total The resulting total after the corresponding rotations have been applied. Tool: In many cases, an offset will be applied to the machine based on the tool offset and the orientation of the tool. The tool offset can actually be composed of several pieces; some of which are mutually exclusive. Gage Offset This value is typically calculated from the tls file. It is the "Gage Offset" minus the "Ctrl Pt". You can override the value from the tls file with an entry in the Gage Offset Table. This value is typically set with a tool change. Its value can also be updated with a call to the ToolOffsetUpdate macro Tool Length Offset This value is typically only used if the Programming Method is set to Tool Length Compensation. This value can, however, be used in all 3 Programming Methods. The value will be set based on the corresponding entry in the Tool Length Compensation table. If no entry exists, and the Programming Method is set to Tool Length Compensation, this value will be set to the Z value of the Input Program Zero + the Z value of the Gage Offset. Tool Length Offset is affected by the following ToolLengthComp... macros: ToolLengthCompUpdate ToolLengthCompPos ToolLengthCompNeg ToolLengthCompOff ToolLengthCompValue ToolLengthCompToolnum SiemensPlaneSelectionArg. For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. Tool Nose Comp Tool Nose Comp is affected by the following ToolNoseComp... macros: ToolNoseCompApply ToolNoseCompCancel ToolNoseCompToolNum ToolNoseCompValue For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. Turret Offset The turret offset is defined to be the XYZ distance from the active tool to the center of its corresponding Turret. This offset can be turned on and off. When turned on, this offset will be set with calls to either TurretActivateTool or 358
TurretToolChange macros. It can also be reset to zero if the current gage offset is set to zero and the apply turret offset flag is set accordingly. This flag is set with the ApplyTurretOffset macro. For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. GagePivotOffset This offset is used as an alternative approach to RTCP (Dynamic Tool Offsets). RTCP has been based on the concept of the spindle face being the driven point when there is no tool in the spindle. When a tool is loaded, and then rotated, both the gage offset and the pivot offset needs to be adjusted. When driving the center of the pivot, and then adjusting for the gage and pivot offset, the calculation is different. This offset is used for this latter approach. Its functionality is currently limited. The capability is turned on with the ApplyGagePivotOffset macro, and its value is updated whenever the tool offsets are updated. This capability is mutually exclusive with RTCP. For information about this, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. Current RTCP Pivot Offset The pivot offset can set be set in the RTCP Pivot Offset Table. If the corresponding entry does not exist, it will be auto-calculated based on the active tool component and the position of the corresponding parent rotary components. The application of this offset can be turned on, or off, using the ApplyPivotOffset macro. When applied, it will be adjusted based on the orientation of the tool. It assumes that in its initial state, no offsets are to be applied. The initial state is set at start of processing, and can be updated with a call to the SetPivotOffset macro. For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. Applied Total This is the sum of the Tool offsets, which are currently being applied.
NOTE: Not all of the offsets listed will be applied. For example: Gage Offset values
might be specified, but may not be applied because the Programming Method is set to Gage Length. Adjusted Total This value takes the applied total, possibly adjusts it based on the orientation of the tool, and then applies it to the corresponding axis. See the following macros: XToolOffsetCompName YToolOffsetCompName ZToolOffsetCompName. For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. 359
Other: Dynamic 3D Tool Offset See Tool3dOffset in the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. 3D Tool Length Comp The Tool Length Offset as describe above, is an offset, which applies only to Z. There is special handling of this value within the software, and has therefore not been grouped with the Tool offsets. This offset can be applied to any axis. See FanucToolLengthComp and ToolLengthCompOff in the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. Input Program Zero This offset is typically set in the Input Program Zero (Special Z) table. The values are automatically activated during initialization, and can be updated with calls to UpdateIPZ and AutoUpdateIPZ macros. When the Programming Method is set to Tool Length Compensation, the Z value of the IPZ will not be applied. In this programming method, the Z value might later be used in the calculation of the Tool Length Offset. Input Machine Zero This offset is set in the Machine Zero table and is automatically activated during initialization. Typically, this offset is not used. Miscellaneous Other offsets that might be applied intentionally not defined. Total Sum of the above offsets. Total Offsets: Sum of all offsets being applied.
RtcpOn RtcpOff, RotaryControlPointOnOff ApplyPivotOffset. This flag is also set if in a special Fanuc Tool Length Comp Mode and the apply pivot offset flag is set to 2. See macros: FanucToolLengthCompAxisOn ToolLengthCompOff. For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. 3D Rotation Planes This flag is set if Rotation Planes are currently being applied. See macros: RotationPlane RotationPlane2 RotationPlaneCancel RotationPlaneCancel2 FidiaRotate FidiaRotate2 FidiaRotateCancel FidiaRotateCancel2 NumPlane VirtualYAxis For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. Turret Offset This flag is set with the ApplyTurretOffset macro. 2D Rotations 2D rotations are defined within the active plane (XY, YZ or ZX). The 2D rotation flag is set with calls to the following macros: RotateXYZ RotateCancel RotateOrigin RotateMacro For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help.
Mirroring If mirroring about any axis is set, this mirror flag will be set. Mirroring is activated with calls to the following Mirror... macros: MirrorX MirrorY MirrorZ MirrorA MirrorB MirrorC MirrorA2 MirrorB2 MirrorC2 MirrorXValue MirrorYValue MirrorZValue MirrorAValue MirrorBValue MirrorCValue MirrorA2Value MirrorB2Value MirrorC2Value MirrorCancel MirrorXCancel MirrorYCancel MirrorZCancel MirrorACancel MirrorBCancel MirrorCCancel MirrorA2Cancel MirrorB2Cancel MirrorC2Cancel For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help. Gage Pivot Offset This feature is turned on with the ApplyGagePivotOffset macro. RPCP This feature can be set using the Configuration menu > Control Settings: Rotary tab. It can also be set with the following macros: RpcpOn RpcpOff RotaryControlPointOnOff For information about these, and all, VERICUT macros, see the VERICUT Macros section of VERICUT Help.
G-Code Report
Location: Info menu > G-Code Report Creates a G-Code Report file containing information about how the current NC control configuration will interpret a G-code tool path file. Reported information includes: machine codes present in the tool path and macros (actions) they will call, variables used (if any), cutting tools used, subroutines defined and referenced, and more.
Control Report
Location: Info menu > Control Report Creates a Control Report file containing information about how the current NC control configuration will interpret machine codes. Reported information includes all the Gcodes the control is configured to handle and macros (actions) they will call, subroutines, and other supported control features.
VERICUT Location: Info menu > VERICUT Log Toolbar shortcut:
Project Menu
Introduction to the Project Setup menu
The features on the Project Setup menus provide the tools required for the day to day use of VERICUT for setting up jobs for verification and simulation. The following basic concepts are needed to understand the process of setting up a job for VERICUT.
Project A project consists of one or more setups (see Setup below) enabling you to simulate multiple operations in a single VERICUT session. Multiple Setups within a project can be for the same, or different machines. A Project with a single Setup is logically equivalent to the User file of past VERICUT releases.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Setup A Setup is a collection of VERICUT settings and files (machine, control, tool library, etc.), NC program files, and Setup models (Stock, Fixture, Design) that define the machine operation to be simulated. A Setup is logically equivalent to the User file of past VERICUT releases. Current Setup The Setup menu choices such as CNC Machine, NC Programs, etc., apply only to the Current Setup. A setup can be designated "current" either by selecting it using the Current Setup option in the Project menu, or by selecting it in the Project Tree. The "current" setup is indicated by a checkmark in the Current Setup menu and is displayed as bold in the Project Tree (See Setup 3 in the picture above). Active / Inactive Setup A Setup can be designated as being in either an Active, or Inactive state. When a Setup is designated as Inactive, it is not simulated, as if it were not present in the overall process. An Inactive setup can however be designated as the "current" setup and modified. Inactive Setups are indicated by red text in both the Current Setup menu and in the Project Tree (See Setup 2 in the picture above).
Current Setup
Location: Project menu > Current Setup Selecting Current Setup displays a pull-right menu showing a list of available Setups. A check mark is displayed next to the current setup (See Setup 3 in the picture below). Picking a setup on the list makes it the current one. Inactive setups are displayed in red text (See Setup 2 in the picture below).
Example 1:
After using Delete Current Setup, Setup:2 is deleted and Setup:3 (the next in the list) becomes the "current setup.
Example 2:
Before using Delete Current Setup, Setup: 4 (the last in the list) is the "current" setup.
After using Delete Current Setup, Setup:4 is deleted and Setup:3 (the previous in the list) becomes the "current setup.
Import Setup
Location: Project menu > Import Setup Copies a setup from either a pre-V6.0 user file or from a V6.0 project file and appends it after the current setup.
Project File selection window Use the Project file selection window to specify the project file that the setup is to be imported from. Setup List After selecting the project file, a list of setups contained in the project file. Select one or more setups to be imported. Use the Shift and Ctrl keys on the keyboard to select multiple setups. Import Use to import the highlighted setups into the "current" project file. Close Closes the Import Setup window without importing any setups.
Machine files contain data that describes NC machine construction, kinematics, and other properties. Enter the \path\file name in the text field of the Machine file to be used or click on the Browse button and use the file selection window that displays to specify the machine file. You can also click on the arrow button at the end of the Machine text field to display a list of all the Machine files contained in the "library" directory of your VERICUT installation and select the desired Machine file from the list.
Control files contain data that describes how the NC control processes machine code data. Enter the \path\file name in the text field of the Control file to be used or click on the Browse button and use the file selection window that displays to specify the control file. You can also click on the arrow button at the end of the Control text field to display a list of all the Control files contained in the "library" directory of your VERICUT installation and select the desired Control file from the list.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Active Component Component active for editing. The active component is automatically set when you select items from the graphics area or Component Tree window. However, you can select a different component via picking it from the option list. Component Type The active component's type is shown in an un-editable field for reference purposes. To change the component type, use the Component Tree window Edit menu. Selected Identifies what is selected for editing: a Model or the Component. This option is automatically set when you select items from the graphics area or Component Tree window. However, you can change what is selected for editing via clicking the other option. Model tab Features on this tab add and modify models attached to components to provide 3-D shape. The models can be simple parametric shapes, or refer to external model files. Position tab Features on this tab move a component or model. Component Attributes tab Features on this tab define the attributes of a component. Import tab Features on this tab import IGES model files for use as stock, fixture, design, or machine component models. OK Applies the changes and closes the Modeling window. Apply Applies the changes and leaves the Modeling window open. Cancel Closes the Modeling window without applying changes.
1. Right-click shortcut menu: Features used to manipulate components are displayed in a shortcut menu when a component is selected and the right mouse button is clicked in the Component Tree window. Similarly, features used to manipulate models are displayed when a model is selected and the right mouse button is clicked. 2. Delete components or models by selection the object in the graphics area, then use the <Delete> key on your keyboard 3. You can move objects in the Component Tree window via dragging them from one parent component to another, or copy them via holding down the <Ctrl> key and dragging. 4. Click repeatedly on a model in the graphics area to toggle selection between the model and its component. Refer to the Component Tree window to review what is selected.
VERICUT HELP Project menu 5. Using the center mouse button of a three button mouse, click repeatedly on a model in the graphics area to toggle selection between different models along the line of sight from the pick point. Use this technique to select models hidden from view by an object in the foreground.
Type Type of model being defined. The active choice configures the model description area below this option with the values needed to define the selected model. The table below lists the available model types and corresponding descriptions.
Model type:
Length (X), Width (Y), Height (Z), Color, Auto Block, Offset
Model File
Common Features
Color Color of the model. Available colors are the Shade Colors defined on the Edit menu > Colors: Define tab. Models connected to the component have the option to "Inherit" or override the component's defined color. Add Adds the model defined by the current window values to the active component. Visible Toggles "on" or "off" to indicate whether or not the model file should be displayed in the graphics area.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Preserve Stock Transition Use to create the coordinate systems required for transitioning the cut stock from one setup position to another. Preserve Stock Transition is only active when a stock component model is selected. When Preserve Stock Transition is pressed, two coordinate systems named "setup sequence:setup name" are created and added, where setup sequence is a number representing the nth setup in the project, and setup name is the text name of the setup. One CSYS is added to the current setup, attached to the Stock Component parent of the selected model. It is created with Use for Cut Stock Transition toggled "On", designating it as a coordinate system used for transitioning the cut stock from one setup position to another. The other CSYS is added to the first setup in the project, and is located at the origin of the stock component who's name matches current setup stock component. The following illustrates how to use Preserve Stock Transition: 1. Configure Setup #1. 2. Simulate. 3. Configure Setup #2. 4. Move cut stock into position using cut features and assembly modeling to position the cut stock 5. Press Preserve Stock Transition. 6. Simulate. 7. Configure Setup #3. 8. Move cut stock into position. 9. Press Preserve Stock Transition. 10. Simulate. 11. and so on ...
Translate tab Features on this tab translate the selected object via indicating "from" and "to" points to move the object. Rotate tab Features on this tab rotate the selected object about a rotation center point. Assemble tab Features on this tab move the object by assembling (mating or aligning) it with other objects. Matrix tab Features on this tab move the selected object via a twelve parameter transformation matrix. CSYS tab Features on this tab enable you to move a selected component/model from one coordinate system to another. Mirror tab Features on this tab enable you to mirror a model about a specified axis (plane).
Location features
The Location features are common to all of the above tabs and show the selected object's position and angle, and can be used to move the object or verify its current location. Values are shown relative to the parent component or machine origin, whichever is selected: Relative Location or Machine Location, respectively. Location Relative to Parent When selected, indicates object location is shown relative to the parent component origin. Examples follow. Positioning a component component is moved relative to the parent component origin. Positioning a model model is moved relative to the component origin. Location Relative to Machine Csys When selected, indicates object location is shown relative to the machine origin. Position Specifies the absolute XYZ position of the object, separated by spaces. Angles Specifies the absolute XYZ rotation of the object, separated by spaces. Undo Returns the object to its previous location, or as it was when the Modeling window was opened.
Increment Specifies incremental degrees of rotation to apply when one of the rotation direction buttons are pressed. Rotation direction buttons (X+/X-, Y+/Y-, Z+/Z-) When pressed, applies the incremental rotation specified in the Increment field. Rotation occurs about the Center of Rotation, relative to the machine origin.
Consider the starting condition below for the examples that follow.
Mated surfaces the left side of the magenta model is mated with the right side of the yellow model.
Aligned surfaces the left side of the magenta model is aligned with the left side of the yellow model.
Offset Distance and direction in which to offset constrained surfaces, applied normal to the surface. Reset Resets constraints to receive new data. Undo Returns the object to its previous location, or as it was when the window was opened.
Each row represents an axis of the local CSYS. The first three columns represent the vector associated with each axis: I1, J1, K1 as the positive X-axis vector; I2, J2,K2 as the
VERICUT HELP Project menu positive Y-axis vector; and I3, J3, K3 as the positive Z-axis vector. The fourth column values D1, D2, D3 represent the coordinates of the origin point of the local CSYS.
NOTE: If you prefer to see the Matrix Table displayed with the I, J, K along the vertical
axis and the X, Y, Z along the horizontal axis, set the environment variable, CGTECH_MATRIX_FORMAT=VERTICAL. Update Updates the object location to reflect the matrix table transformation. After updating, press OK or Apply to move the object. Apply Inverse On Update When selected, inverts the matrix so that its twelve parameters reveal the geometrical attributes of the machine origin in terms of the local (transformed) coordinate system.
Mirror Off
VERICUT HELP Project menu Mirror in Y (about the ZX plane) The Mirror attribute is set to Mirror in Y, or about the ZX plane.
Mirror Off
Mirror in Z (about the XY plane) The Mirror attribute is set to Mirror in Z, or about the XYplane.
Mirror Off
1. The following model types can be mirrored: VERICUT polygon files (polygon, sweep solid or solid of revolution (SOR) STL files VRML files 2. The model is mirrored in its local coordinate system (not the active coordinate system) 3. The mirror attribute is part of the model structure and is saved with the model data when saved to the project file or machine file. 4. When VERICUT reads a Project file or machine file, the models that have the mirror attribute set will be mirrored when loaded.
Color Color of the component. Available colors are determined by the colors defined on the Edit menu > Colors: Define tab. Visibility Controls the views in which the component is visible. Options: Blanked Component is blanked from all views and cannot be seen. Workpiece View Component is seen in the workpiece view. Machine View Component is seen in the machine view. Both Component is seen in both the workpiece and machine views. See also: VERICUT command records that control displaying/loading/removing model
Machine group:
VERICUT uses a "moving tool philosophy" to describe motion directions, and reflect how the machine maintains the tool-to-workpiece relationship. This philosophy is used regardless of whether the Tool or Stock component is actually moving. Examples follow. Consider a standard 3-axis vertical milling machine where the Z-axis moves the tool up/down, and the X or Y-axis moves the workpiece. Example 1: Z+ command causes the Z-axis to carry the tool in the Z+ direction relative to the workpiece- therefore using the moving tool philosophy describes positive motion direction as "Z+". Example 2: X+ command causes the X-axis to carry the workpiece in the X- direction relative to the tool. In this case, the tool is considered to move in the X+ direction relative to the workpiece- therefore using the moving tool philosophy describes positive motion direction as "X+", even though the workpiece is moving in the X- direction. Motion Axis Specifies the axis of motion for a linear, rotary or turret type component, relative to the component coordinate system. Use a "moving tool philosophy" to specify the motion axis and direction, even though the component may actually move on the machine instead of the tool. Linear motion component: the motion axis is the axis in which linear motion occurs. Rotary and turret components: the motion axis is the axis about which rotation occurs. The positive rotation direction is counterclockwise when viewed from the positive end of the motion axis towards the component origin. Tool and spindle components: the motion axis is the aligned with the tool axis, typically "Z". Disable Auto Direction When toggled "On" (checked), disables VERICUT's sense of the "moving tool philosophy" for that particular component. When Disable Auto Direction is toggled "Off" (not checked), VERICUT checks to determine whether or not the component is "part side". A component is considered "part side", when one of its child components is a Stock component. If the component is "part side", VERICUT automatically reverses the direction of motion. This feature is intended for use in situations where a component starts connected to one machine component , then later gets disconnected and reconnected to a different machine component (for example, moving a "stock" component from one "fixture" component to a different "fixture" component). If moving the component changes the "part side/not part side" relationship of the components, Disable Auto Direction should be toggled "On" (checked) causing the component motion direction to remain constant regardless of where the component is connected.
VERICUT HELP Project menu If the relationship between two components is sometimes "part side", and sometimes "not part side", then the Disable Auto Direction should be used, and the component motion direction set explicitly with Reverse Direction feature (described below). In the example below, the machine is configured like: Base Y X A Fixture1 U A2 Fixture2 Sometimes the Stock is connected to Fixture1, and sometimes it is connected to Fixture 2. Components A, U, and A2 should have Disable Auto Direction toggled "On", and Reverse Direction should be used to control the component's motion direction. Reverse Direction When toggled "On" (checked), reverses the component motion direction. Mixed Mode Controls how the component is displayed when displayed in Mixed draw mode. Connect To Component to which the active component is connected. The component being connected to is known as the "connect component". Components must be connected in the same way as they are in the real world. Improper connections cause incorrect NC machine movement and simulation, especially when rotary components are involved. Rapid Rate Feed rate for motion-type components moving in rapid positioning mode (e.g. G0). For linear motion components the value entered is units/minute where "units" reflect the units of the tool path file. For rotary motion components the value entered is degrees/minute. SubSystem Subsystem which commands a linear or rotary motion type component to move. Any alpha-numeric sub-system name can be entered (may include spaces). Enter "*" (without the quotes) for motion axes included in all machine subsystems. Subsystems are used in machines with multiple motion components that are commanded to move via the same G-code word, for example "X". By default, a machine uses one subsystem for all motion components, assuming they are commanded to move via unique G-code words. When multiple motion components are driven by the same G-code word, such as can occur in 4-axis lathes or mills with multiple independently controlled heads, define different subsystems to control which component moves when the motion command is processed. Then, configure the control so that other codes in the tool path activate the appropriate subsystem for movement. A full set of tables are available to support each 399
VERICUT HELP Project menu machine subsystem. See Sample-Demo Files, in the VERICUT Help Library for examples of machines that use multiple subsystems. Tool Index Index number of a Tool component. When defining machines with multiple tool load positions, such as a multi-spindle mill or a turret lathe machine with tools loaded in the turret, define additional Tool components with different index numbers. Values entered are integer numbers. Use the "ActiveTool" macros to activate each Tool component for tool changes. For example, call "ActiveTool2" to activate the Tool component with Tool Index=2, and so on. Toolchain Parameters Displays the Toolchain Parameters window enabling you to specify toolchain component characteristics. Toolchain Parameters is only active when the Active Component is Tool Chain.
Accel/Decel group:
Acceleration / Deceleration Velocity at which the NC machine component can accelerate (or decelerate). Values entered are units per second per second, where units could be inches or millimeters for linear axes, depending on the machine units, or degrees for rotary axes. Max Feed Velocity Maximum speed axes can travel while in feed mode. The value entered is in units per minute, where units could be inches or millimeters for linear axes, depending on the machine units, or degrees for rotary axes. Max Velocity for Direction Change Maximum feed rate for motions that cause an axis to decelerate to zero velocity, such as occurs when turning at a corner.
Number of Pockets Use to define the number of tools in the toolchain. The VERICUT will automatically create this number of equally spaced tool components along the toolchain's perimeter geometry. The toolchain perimeter is defined by the first sweep model file attached to the toolchain component. This file is normally not displayed except for debugging purposes. Other models may be used to define the associated toolchain machine structure. These tool components are named Pocket1, Pocket2, ..., PocketN. They are created each time the machine definition file is loaded, are not saved, and may not be edited. The position of Pocket1 is defined by the start point of the first boundary geometry segment (line or arc). Pocket1 is also defined as the "select" or "exchange" position. The perimeter geometry is scaled about Pocket1 to achieve the pocket-to-pocket spacing entered in the GUI. Normally this adjustment should be small. Pocket order Use to define the direction for pocket numbering. Select Clockwise or Counter Clockwise from the pull-down list. Pocket-to-pocket time Defines the time (in seconds) required to move the toolchain one position.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Tool exchange time Use to define the time (in seconds) required to move the selected tool into the machine's spindle and return the unloaded tool to the toolchain. Pocket-to-pocket distance Defines the distance between adjacent tool centers along the toolchain's perimeter. Replace tool in its original pocket Use to specify where the tool being unloaded from the spindle is to be placed in the toolchain. When toggled "On", the unloaded tool is returned to its original pocket position. Otherwise, the tool being unloaded is placed in the pocket emptied by the tool being loaded. Display pockets in component tree Use to specify whether or not the toolchain's associated tool components are displayed in the component tree. When toggled "On", tool components will be displayed in the component tree. The default is not to display the tools components since large toolchains can contain a hundred or more tools. Tool-to-tool collision checking Use to specify collision checking when a tool is placed in the toolchain during a tool exchange. When toggled "On", the tool being unloaded and returned to the toolchain is checked for collisions with the tools in adjacent pocket positions. Tool length checking When toggled "On", tool lengths are checked against the Maximum tool length value when they are initially put in the toolchain. If the tool length exceeds the Maximum tool length value, an error is output. Maximum tool length Use to specify the maximum tool length value used for Tool length checking.
IGES File Name of the file containing the IGES data to import. Either enter the /path/filename in the IGES File text field, or click on the Browse button and use the file selection window that displays to select the file.
Tolerance Specifies the amount of chordal deviation allowed in 3-D space from the IGES surface when creating the converted surface. The converted surface is approximated using "facets", or triangles.
Load Stocks
Location: Project menu > Setup Models > Load Stocks After cutting, selecting this option causes VERICUT to load new stock models for Stock components having models defined, but a cut stock model does not exist. This capability is used when simulating a series of parts being machined through multiple machining stages. This type of manufacturing is often referred to as "staged machining". In general, the following actions take place in staged machining: 1. Simulate the first stage cutting operation. (Creates a "Cut Stock" workpiece that appears as in the Component Tree window) 2. Move (e.g. cut and paste) the cut stock to a different Stock component defined to represent the next cutting stage. 3. Select Load Stocks to load a new uncut stock model in the first cutting stage. 4. Continue cutting-typically cutting the first and second stages, but may cut all stages even though workpieces have not yet been placed in subsequent cutting stages. 5. Repeat actions as required to cut a workpiece through all cutting stages required to complete the final part configuration.
Items are selected for Delete/Keep in the Workpiece View. Any number of items can be selected. Selected items are immediately highlighted with the Error color. Once you click Delete (or Keep) the items are removed from all views. However, the selected items are not actually deleted until you click OK.
NOTE: Once model pieces are deleted, model pieces can not be restored.
Update While Simulating When toggled "On", VERICUT checks during the simulation for detached material based on the stock's relationship to all sibling and parent fixture models. If the detached stock does not intersect, or is not tangent to, a parent or sibling fixture model, then the piece is considered "unattached" and is automatically deleted. This logic applies to both milling and turning operations. For turning mode, VERICUT checks at the end of each block. For milling mode, VERICUT checks at each tool change, at the end of each file, whenever VERICUT is
VERICUT HELP Project menu stopped (except for"single step"), at Clamp/Unclamp events, and whenever the CheckForLooseMaterial macro is called. See the example in the next section. Tab Removal Use this feature to remove tabs left on the machined part (used for holding the part during the machining process) from a VERICUT cut model. VERICUT will project the cutter used to cut the selected machined surface, through the bottom of the part, removing the tab area. More than one position on the machined surface may need to be selected to remove the entire tab area.
OK Use this feature to permanently delete the items selected for Delete/Keep, or activate Update while Simulating and close the Delete Material window. Delete After selecting the items to be deleted (they will be highlighted), click Delete to remove selected items from all views. Click OK, described above, to permanently delete the items. You can also use Delete to delete the un-displayed portion of a sectioned view. Without selecting any items, click on Delete. You will be prompted with the message "The cut stock is sectioned. Delete the sectioned (invisible) material?" Yes/No". A "Yes" response permanently deletes all un-displayed (invisible) sectioned material. A "No" response does not. Using the Keep in this manner will produce the same results. Keep After selecting the items to keep (they will be highlighted), click Keep to remove all un-selected items (not highlighted) from all views. Click OK, described above, to permanently delete the items. Unselect Use this feature any time while selecting items for Delete/Keep to un-select all selected items (they will no longer be highlighted). This feature becomes inactive once you click on Delete/Keep. Cancel Use to un-select all items, cancel any Delete/Keep action, and close the Delete Material window.
Project menu > Tools > Add(Modify) Cutter >Tool Component tab: Project menu > Tools > Add(Modify) Insert >Tool Component tab: Project menu > Tools > Add(Modify) Holder >Tool Component tab:
(Revolve Profile)
Project menu > Tools > Add(Modify) Holder >Tool Component tab:
(Sweep Profile)
The Profile Sketcher provides an easy graphical means of describing a profile of in 2-D drawing space. Profiles are sketched by connecting a series of lines and arc segments. You can select points, enter point/arc data into the Profile entity list, or pick then edit entity values in the list. You can also import the 2-D geometry from a DXF file. The profile displayed in the sketcher window is constantly updated regardless of how you supply profile entity data, making it easy to see what you've defined.
VERICUT HELP Project menu The Profile Sketcher can be opened in either "Revolve" mode, where an "open" 2D profile is rotated about the Z-axis to create a solid model or cutter/holder,
or in "Sweep" mode, where a "closed" 2-D profile is "swept" a specified distance along the Z-axis to create a solid model or a cutter insert/holder.
VERICUT HELP Project menu The Profile Sketcher is accessible from Project menu > Setup Models > Create Model File > Revolve/Sweep and from Project menu > Setup Models > Define: Model tab to create profiles that can be rotated about an axis, or swept along an axis to create solid models. It is also accessible in Tool Manager to Add/Modify cutters, inserts and holders. The options available in the Profile sketcher will vary slightly depending on whether it was accessed from one of the Model menu windows or from Tool Manager. Most of the features are common regardless of where the window was accessed from and have identical functionality. Those features that are specific to a particular function are located at the bottom of the window are described in the Special Features section below.
Common Features
Entity list Lists the point/arc entities that define the profile. The list is created by graphical selection, or by pressing Add to add entities to the list. Existing data can be edited directly in the Entity list.. Add / Delete Adds (or deletes) a single entity to/from the Entity list. Once added, the entity type (Point or Arc) can be changed, or data values edited. Delete All Deletes all entities in the Entity list. ImportDXF Opens the DXF Geometry window enabling you import two dimensional tool geometry from files which comply with a de facto CAD system standard, the Data eXchange Format (DXF) to add (or modify) individual cutter (or holder) components in existing tool records. Fillet Size Use this text field to specify the size of the fillet to be created. Use with Create Fillet described below. Create Fillet Use to create a fillet at the selected point. Use Fillet Size described above, to specify the size of the fillet.
Shortcut: Add, Delete, Delete All, Import DXF, Create Fillet, and Undo (described
below) are also available by right-clicking in the Sketcher window. Sketcher window Displays the current defined tool profile (blue line), based on the entity list. The profile in the window is constantly updated to reflect current list data. The following symbols may be seen in the sketcher window: Tool origin The tool origin is assumed by VERICUT to be the control point, or driven point, on the tool. Typically, tool profiles are sketched relative to the tool origin to provide proper cutting by the tool. However, the tool origin can be relocated at any time via dragging the origin point. Tool origin display is controlled by the Origin feature on the sketcher Toolbar (see below).
VERICUT HELP Project menu (blue dot) Entity point This symbol indicates a point on the profile or an arc center point. You can change the profile shape by dragging entity points to different locations. The corresponding entity in the list is automatically updated. (green dot) Selected entity point This symbol indicates the entity selected for editing. The corresponding entity in the list is also highlighted for editing.
NOTE: Selecting a line segment in the Sketcher window selects both end points for
editing. Drag the line segment to the desired location and both end points are automatically updated in the Sketcher window as well as in the Profile Entity List.
(red dot) Target selection point This symbol follows the mouse and is the target for graphical selection. Values displayed with the Sketcher axes below the sketcher window reflect the target selection point location. Sketcher axes Axes that depict the coordinate system in which the tool profile is being constructed. Values displayed with the axes reflect the target selection point location, relative to the tool origin. Sketcher Toolbar The icons on this Toolbar zoom in/out, fit, and pan the tool profile in the sketcher window. See the table below for details. Sketcher icons:
Shortcut: The following keys provide instant access from the keyboard to dynamic
viewing options (press and hold keys while dragging): Dynamic Zoom <Ctrl>, Dynamic Pan <Shift>. Arc / Pt Controls the profile entity type being defined via graphical selection. Arc Direction Controls the direction of an Arc being defined via graphical selection. Grid Size When selected, displays a grid in the sketcher window. When a grid is displayed, target and selected points snap to the nearest grid line intersection. Grid spacing is specified in the data field located right of the GridSize label, and can be changed at any time. Clear the checkbox to remove the grid and select or drag points anywhere in the 2-D drawing space. Sketcher Message area Located below the sketcher window, this uneditable text field displays error and informational messages to assist you with defining tool profiles. If actions in the Tool Manager and/or sketcher window are not as expected, check the VERICUT main window message area for additional relevant messages.
Zoom In / Zoom Zooms in/out approximately 20% each time they are clicked Out
Special Features
The following are only available in the Sweep Profile window: Zmin / Zmax Used to specify the starting and ending location along the Z-axis when creating a "swept" solid model. The following are available in the Tool Manager, Add (Modify) cutter window: Flute Length Used to specify the length of the cutter having flutes, or teeth, that can remove material. Offset (Z) Used to specify the offset applied to the cutter. The offset is applied in the Z direction (along the tool axis). Color Color that the tool component is to be displayed in VERICUT. For additional information, see Tool Display Colors in the Tool Add/Modify window, Common Features section.
The following are available in the Tool Manager, Add (Modify) Insert and the Tool Manager, Add (Modify) Holder windows: Thickness Used to specify the thickness of the insert or holder (sweep profile only). Color Color that the tool component is to be displayed in VERICUT. For additional information, see Tool Display Colors in the Tool Add/Modify window, Common Features section.
NOTE: For additional information on these Tool Manager features, see the specific tool
component in the Tool Add/Modify window.
Many of the features are common regardless of where the window was accessed from and have identical functionality, Those features that are specific to either of the Model menu windows or Tool Manager windows are noted in the feature descriptions below.
NOTE: When the DXF Geometry window is accessed from the Tool Manager, only
layers that have been indicated as "cutter" or "holder" will be imported. If the DXF window was accessed using Add > DXF Tool in the Tool Manager, only one "cutter" component can be imported, but multiple "holder" components can be imported for each tool record. Import Imports the geometry data into the appropriate Profile Sketcher window, or in the case of Add > DXF Tool in the Tool Manager, into the appropriate tool record/tool component. Cancel Use to close the DXF Tool Geometry window.
Open Profile
Import "closed" 2-D profiles to be "swept" a specified distance along the Z-axis to create a solid model or a cutter insert/holder.
Closed Profile
VERICUT HELP Project menu DXF data corresponds to the Tool Manager's X axis. An exception to this is a DXF file recognized by its use of layer names as being generated by TDM Systems', Tool Data Management (TDM) system. In such a file, the X-axis is the tool's axis of rotation, with the tool tip on the right, and the Y coordinate is the radial distance from the rotation axis.
DXF Data
VERICUT HELP Project menu For a turning tool, the X coordinate of the DXF data corresponds to the lathe's axis of rotation, known as the Z axis in VERICUT's Tool Manager. The Y coordinate of the DXF data corresponds to the Tool Manager's X axis.
DXF Data
NC Programs (
NC Program window)
NC Program Type Type of NC program file for VERICUT to simulate. By default, VERICUT simulates G-Code or "machine code data" NC programs destined for a 3-axis 424
VERICUT HELP Project menu mill machine with a "Fanuc-like" control. Using this option, you can quickly configure VERICUT to simulate NC programs from all popular CAM systems. Options: G-Code Data G-Code NC program file. With this choice, VERICUT uses a Machine file, Control file, and G-Code settings (ref. Project menu > Processing Options > G-Code > Settings) to interpret codes present in the file. VERICUT APT Generic ASCII APT NC program file from virtually any source, including ACL format. UG CLS Unigraphics CLS NC program file. CATIA APT CATIA APT source NC program file. This file must be processed from CATIA using the CATUTIL function and typically has a ".APTSOURCE" extension. CV APT ComputerVision APT NC program file. CADRA APT CADRA APT NC program file. APT (RevPost) ASCII APT NC program file created from reverse postprocessing G-Code data Refer to "Reverse post-process G-Codes to APT" in the Configuring For Toolpath Simulation section of Using VERICUT for more information. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Pro/MFG APT Pro/Manufacturing APT NC program file. NCL APT NCL APT NC program file. In addition to the NC program types above, VERICUT's converters enable you to simulate NC programs from various CAM systems. See the following sections for more information: File menu > Convert > Binary CL. See the "Binary Converter" topic in the Converters and CAD/Cam Interfaces section. Converters and CAD/Cam Interfaces can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. "Reverse post-process G-Codes to APT" in the Configuring For Toolpath Simulation section of Using VERICUT for more information. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library.
Tool Change By Controls how VERICUT receives descriptions of cutting tools. Cutter Desc. Process parametric cutter descriptions in the NC program file. Examples: CUTTER and VERICUT-TC comment records. VERICUT TC Process by PPRINT/VERICUT-TC cutter statements in the toolpath file. Tool Number Process NC program records that reference tool or pocket numbers and retrieve associated tools from a Tool Library file. Examples: TnM6 (G-Code NC programs), LOADTL or LOAD TOOL, and TURRET. When using Tool Change by
VERICUT HELP Project menu Tool Number, The tool number is matched with the pocket number (ex: tool #5 in pocket #5). List Refer to a list of tool change event-to-tool ID references that retrieve associated tools from a Tool Library file. The list is accessed via the Use Tool List feature, as described later in this section. File Name Use a tool from a Tool Library file as specified for each NC program file in the list. Tool Name This option is only applicable when NC Program Type is set to UG CLS. Tool Name refers to the tool identifier in the TOOL PATH/ statement in the UG CLS file. Use Selected Files When used in conjunction with the Use checkboxes in the Toolpath list, enabling you to select only specific toolpath files from the list for VERICUT processing. If this option is not checked on, all toolpaths in the list will be processed in the order that they appear in the list. Initial Tool When active, VERICUT loads an initial tool from a Tool Library file. This action occurs automatically when the Project file is loaded, the NC program is rewound, or the model is reset. Choose the ID of desired tool using the option list next to this feature. This feature is useful when simulating NC programs for machines that have a tool loaded at the time tool processing is started, therefore do not have information about the first tool. You can also use this feature to preload multiple tools in a milling machine (e.g. tool change carousel), via selecting Initial Tool, but leaving the corresponding field blank. If you specify a tool number, then that tool is forced in to all tool component positions.
1. This feature should not be used if you are using multiple toolpaths. 2. This action also occurs when a "Turret" type component is present, such as commonly used with turret lathe setups. Tool Override When active, overrides the current cutter description with a specified tool from a Tool Library file. This action occurs immediately. Choose the ID of desired tool using the option list next to this feature. VERICUT uses the override tool until you select a different tool ID or clear the Tool Override checkbox. When cleared, the tool that would have been in use becomes the active tool. NC Progam list Also known as the "toolpath list", displays all of the NC program files available in the project file. The NC Program list consists of some, or all, of the following columns of information depending on the way that the NC Program Type and Tool Change By options are set. List Order buttons NC programs are processed by VERICUT in listed order. List order is changed via left-dragging the List Order button in the first column of each toolpath entry in the list. Only NC programs that have not been simulated by VERICUT can be reordered. Reset the model to reorder NC programs that have been already been simulated. 426
VERICUT HELP Project menu Use This column is only displayed when the Use Selected Files option, described above, is toggled "On". Use the checkboxes in this column to select certain files in the toolpath list for VERICUT processing. By default all toolpaths are selected (checked) for processing. NC Program displays the path and file name of each toolpath currently available for VERICUT processing.
Tip: Double clicking on the NC program file name displays the NC Program Editor
window with the NC program file ready for editing. NC Program Origin Use to specify the coordinate system that corresponds to each toolpath. Change the CSYS by clicking on current value in the Toolpath Origin column then select the desired CSYS from the pull-down list of available coordinate systems. The option None makes the toolpath origin relative to the Workpiece Origin for CL Data, and relative to the Machine Origin for G-Code data. To change multiple Toolpath Origins at the same time, select the desired toolpaths using one of the following methods: Select multiple files in sequence Click first file name in the sequence, then press and hold the <Shift> key while clicking the last file name. You can also click on the first file name in the sequence, while still holding down the mouse button, drag the cursor to the last file name in the sequence. Select additional files Press and hold the <Control> key while selecting each additional file. With either method, selecting a file name a second time while holding down the <Control> key unselects the file. Then right-click in the list area and select Origin from the shortcut menu. Select the desired CSYS from the pull-down list to update the NC program Origin for all highlighted NC programs. Curve Fit This column is only visible when Toolpath Type is set to G-Code Data. Use the check boxes in this column to select specific toolpaths for Curve Fitting. When you check one or more toolpaths for Curve Fit processing, the Curve Fit button, described below, becomes active enabling you to access the NC Program Curve Fitting Control window to set curve fit parameters and start the curve fit process. Tool ID This column is only visible when Tool Change By is set to File Name. It specifies the ID of a tool from the current Tool Library file to use with each NC program file.
Tip: Right-click in the list area to access a shortcut menu for adding, replacing, changing
the NC program origin, deleting, or editing the highlighted toolpath in the list. The Add, Delete and Replace options are the same as the buttons described below. Copy / Paste enable you to copy the highlighted NC program and paste it at the end of NC Program
VERICUT HELP Project menu List. The Origin option is the same as the NC Program Origin option described above. The Edit option displays the NC Program Editor window with the highlighted NC program ready for editing. If Use Selected Files is toggled "On", Unselect All appears in the menu to enable you to uncheck all boxes in the Use column with a single pick. Add Opens a file selection window enabling you to add one or more NC program files to the list. Replace Displays a file selection window enabling you to select a toolpath file to replace the selected (highlighted) toolpath file in the list. If there is only one toolpath in the list, you do not need to select (highlight) it. Just click on Replace to display the file selection window and pick the replacement file. VERICUT will replace the existing NC program file with the new one. You can also double click on an NC program file name in the list to display the "file selection box". To select multiple NC program files for replacement, use any combination of the techniques below. Select multiple files in sequence Click first file name in the sequence, then press and hold the <Shift> key while clicking the last file name-all files in between those selected are also selected. Select additional files Press and hold the <Control> key while selecting each additional file. Selecting twice de-selects the file. Delete Deletes the selected NC program file from the list. To select multiple NC program files for deletion, use any combination of the techniques described above under Replace. Clear Clears the list of all NC program files. Curve Fit Displays the NC Program Curve Fitting Control window that enables you to set parameters for use during curve fitting. See the NC Program Curve Fitting Control window topic, also in this section. Use Tool List When Tool Change By=List, this feature opens a window to create and maintain a list of references that link tool change events to tools stored in a Tool Library file. You can use this list to supply tools from the library for sequential tool changes, or to replace tools specified for use in the NC program file. See the Tool Change List window topic, also in this section.
Arc Fitting Select this feature to fit arcs during Curve Fit processing. Selecting this feature also activates the Arc Fit Parameters described below. NURBS Fitting Select this feature to fit NURBS during Curve Fit processing. Selecting this feature also activates the NURBS Fit Parameters described below. NURBS Curve Fitting is supported for the Fanuc G6.2 (Generic control), the Siemens (BSPLINE format), and the Toshiba G6 machine controls. Output NC Program Specifies the name of the new G-Code NC program file containing the results of the curve fitting process. The Output NC Program file name must be different from that of the original NC program file name. Curve Fitting will not permit the original NC program file to be overwritten. When curve fitting multiple NC program files, a modified NC program file is output for each NC program file processed. Each output file has an ascending sequence number appended to the end of the base file name. For example: assume Output NC Program ="" is entered (without the quotes). Curve Fit processing of 2 NC programs outputs the following files: => modified NC program from NC program 1 => modified NC program from NC program 2 If a dot "." is the last character of the output NC program file name, then three digits are appended to the file name as the extension. Continuing with the above example: assume Output NC Program ="path." is entered. Curve Fit processing of the same 2 NC programs outputs the following files: part.001 => modified NC program from NC program 1 part.002 => modified NC program from NC program 2 If an asterisk "*" is used in the output NC program file name, the original NC program file name is used as the output file name in place of the asterisk. If characters follow the asterisk, the input NC program file name extension is replaced with the characters following the asterisk.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Examples follow: Original NC program file: Output NC Program file name: dir1/ dir1/ dir1/ dir1/ dir2/* dir2/*.filter dir2/*cf dir2/* *.cf Output file name:
Only a single asterisk is acted on in the optimized NC program file name, with one exception: asterisk dot asterisk ("*.*"). This case behaves exactly like the single asterisk file name described above. This is NOT a regular expression replacement, therefore any characters before the asterisk are ignored and lost. When there is more than one asterisk, only the first one is replaced Examples follow: Original NC program file: Optimized NC Program file name: dir1/ dir1/ dir1/ dir1/ dir2/*.* dir2/cf* dir2/cf*.ext dir2/*cf.* Output file name:
Arc Plane Selection Check boxes for major planes where arc fitting is requested.
1. If you happen leave the 12 tab Configuration menu > Control Settings window open and it gets hidden behind other windows then use G-Code Output Options you may see all 12 tabs instead of just 2 tabs. This is because it is the same window, displayed differently depending on where it is called from. 2. When you use F1 Help on the 2 tab G-Code Output Options window, the documentation for the 12 tab Configuration menu > Control Settings window will display. The information for the General and OptiPath & Curve fit tabs is the same for both cases. OK Updates the settings saved with the job and dismisses the NC Program Curve Fitting Control window. Process Updates the parameters and processes the files selected for curve fitting. Processing multiple NC programs may require running the Curve Fit process more than once if the NC programs require different Curve Fit tolerances. For example, one pass might be used for roughing NC programs and use a larger tolerance. A second pass would then be used for finish NC programs using a smaller tolerance.
NOTE: When using Curve Fit, you must take into account the tolerances used by the
CAM system to create the original NC program(s). Using large Curve Fit tolerances may cause the tool to deviate an unacceptable amount from the intended surface. Upon completion of processing, the curve fit results are displayed in the following message: Number of arcs created = xxx . Number of moves replaced = yyy. Blocks read = nnn Blocks output = zzz Do you wish to use the new file(s) as the active NC program file(s)? A "Yes" answer will replace the list of NC programs for the current job with the modified NC program files produced by Curve Fit. A "No" answer will not replace the NC programs in the list. Cancel Dismisses the NC program Curve Fitting Control window without executing Curve Fitting or saving Curve Fit parameters.
List Tool Change By Specifies the tool change event used to build the tool list from. Select an option, then press Build Tool List to have VERICUT automatically create the tool change event list. Options are: Cutter Desc. Changes tools when parametric cutter description records in the tool path file are encountered, for example: CUTTER and VERICUT-TC comment records. VERICUT TC Changes tools when VERICUT-TC statements in the toolpath file are encountered. Pocket Num. Changes tools when tool path records that reference tool or pocket numbers are encountered, for example: TnM6 (G-code tool paths), LOADTL or LOAD TOOL, and TURRET. Prog. Stop Changes when "program stop" codes are encountered, for example: M0 (G-code tool paths) and STOP. Pocket Num per File Similar to Pocket Num., except creates additional entries in the list for duplicate tool numbers that appear in different tool path files.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Tool Change Event/Tool ID list List of tool change events expected to occur during the simulation as indicated by the active List Tool Change By option (see above), and IDs of the tools to use for each. Event text must match the tool change record text exactly as it appears in the NC program file. Type or left-click and choose the tool ID from an option list. Right-click to add and delete tool list entries. For the Cutter Desc. and Prog. Stop options, the list represents the sequential order of tool changes found in the tool path file(s), and tools to use for each. A Pocket Num. list is a cross-reference index between tool or pocket numbers referenced in the tool path file(s) to tool IDs in a VERICUT Tool Library. A Pocket Num per File list is similar to Pocket Num., except creates additional entries in the list for duplicate tool numbers that appear in different tool path files. The Tool Change List consists of the following columns of information. Event displays the tool change event. Cutter ID the ID of the tool. Holder ID the ID of the holder associated with the tool. Optipath Settings the OptiPath settings associated with the tool. File # the file in the Toolpath List that the tool is associated with. Curve Fit this column is only visible when Toolpath Type in the Toolpath window is set to G-Code Data and one or more of the NC programs in the NC Programs list has Curve Fit toggled on. Initial Pocket this column is related to the use of tool chains. It enables you to specify the pocket that the tool will be initially located. When using Tool Change by List, the default initial pocket numbers are assigned as follows. The first called tool is assigned to pocket 1, regardless of the tool number. The second called tool is assigned to pocket 2, and so on. You can then change the pocket number for each tool as necessary. When you do a Reset, the tool will display in the assigned pocket. This feature is useful when using large tools that could interfere with each other if located in adjacent pockets. Change the pocket location to ensure that all the tool changes are collision-free. Another use would be to optimize the tool change time for very short operations by minimizing the tool selection time. Add Adds a new tool change event to the tool change event list. Event data can be entered, or in the case of tool component IDs and OptiPath settings-can be selected from option lists. Delete Deletes the selected tool change event from the tool change event list. Clear Clears all tool change events from the list.
Prompt for OptiPath Settings while building the tool list When active, causes VERICUT to prompt for OptiPath settings during interactive tool path optimization. At each tool change event an Optimization Settings window opens. Configure this window as desired to optimize the cutting sequence, or choose "Do not optimize this tool". An OptiPath Library file is created as you go containing the optimization settings defined for each optimized tool. For more information about optimizing tool paths, see "About optimizing tool paths" in the Using VERICUT section. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Skip Duplicate Cutter Descriptions When active, causes VERICUT to skip duplicate cutter descriptions when building the tool change event list. This feature is useful for suppressing redundant tool changes often output by CAM systems for different cutting operations by the same cutter. Build Tool List Builds a tool list by scanning the files in the tool path list and looking for the tool change events specified by the List Tool Change By feature (see above). When multiple tool path files are listed, a comprehensive tool change events list is created with all tool change activity from all listed tool paths. Sample output is shown in the following image.
VERICUT HELP Project menu In general, double-click on a tool component to modify, or key in supporting values into the associated data fields. Right-click to access shortcut menus for defining and modifying tools. Tools can be defined interactively in VERICUT, or outside of VERICUT by running the Tool Manager "toolman" command file. The Tool Manager main window is composed of 4 distinct areas (Menu Bar, Tool Table, Tool Display, and Message area), each with different user interaction. Each of these areas is discussed in detail in the topics that follow. The window header displays the current tool library file. This window can be resized like most other window, via dragging the window header, sides or corners. These areas are discussed in detail in the following topics.
1. Right-click shortcut menus: Features used to manipulate tools are displayed in a shortcut menu when a tool is selected and the right mouse button is clicked in the Tool Manager window. Similarly, features used to manipulate tool components are displayed when they are selected and the right mouse button is clicked. Finally, features used to manipulate the tool graphics is displayed when the right mouse button is clicked in the Tool Display area. 2. You can move objects in the Tool Manager window via dragging them from one parent tool to another, or copy them via holding down the <Ctrl> key and dragging.
File menu
Features in this menu are used to create new, open, or save Tool Libraries, generate Tool Manager Report files, and close the Tool Manager window. New / Open / Save / Save As Creates new, opens existing, or saves Tool Library files. Save Selected Tool Use to save the selected tool to a specified tool library file. Selecting Save Selected Tool displays a file selection window enabling you to specify a /path/filename for the tool library file. Import DXF Tool Opens the DXF Tool Geometry window enabling you to import two dimensional tool geometry from files which comply with a de facto CAD system standard, the Data eXchange Format (DXF). Export Selected Tool Use to export highlighted tool in the specified format (STL or VRML) Displays a file selection window enabling you to specify a /path/filename for the file. Create from APT NC Program Causes the Tool Manager to scan the tool path files for cutter statements (including CUTTER, PPRINT-VERICUT TC, etc), and create a tool library file named <user filename>.tls. The APT tool path tools replace the current tool library contents. Tools are numbered sequentially, beginning at 1. Import OptiPath Library Opens the Open OptiPath library file window, enabling you to import an existing OptiPath Library file. 440
VERICUT HELP Project menu Create Report Use to create and view a tool manager report. See Create a Report Using a Template in the Using VERICUT section for additional information. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Choose one of the following formats: Text Create an inspection sequence report in text format. HTML Create an inspection sequence report in HTML format. PDF Create an inspection sequence report in PDF format. Report Template Displays the Report Template window enabling you to select and/or modify an existing tool manager report template or create a new one. User-Defined Tag Values Opens the User-Defined Tags window enabling you to assign/edit user-defined tag values used by the current tool manager report template. Close Closes the Tool Manager window.
Edit menu
Features in this menu are used to edit tools in the library and their cutter/holder components. (Functions are also available via right-clicking on a tool component.) Modify Opens the Tool Add/Modify window enabling you to modify the selected tool component (cutter, insert, probe tip, holder). The features displayed on the window will vary depending on the selected tool component. This option is not available when a tool is highlighted. Rename Enables you to rename the highlighted tool/tool component. Delete Deletes the selected tool/tool component. Cut / Copy / Paste Enables you to cut, copy or paste the selected tool/tool component within the same tool library file. Search Tool Displays the Search Tool window. Search OptiPath Displays the Search OptiPath Record window. Stack Use to automatically stack tool components on top of each other.
View menu
Features in this menu provide control over viewing tools in the display area, such as: view orientation, lighting, and symbols used to indicate driven point, gage point, etc. Orient Opens the View Orient window enabling you to orient the view of a tool. Features include: rotate, zoom, pan, reverse, etc. Attributes Opens the View Attributes window, enabling you to display/not display Driven Point, Gage Point, and Axes symbols, as well as define a light source direction vector for the Tool Display graphics window.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Show All Expands all tools in the ID list displaying the tool components associated with each tool. Hide Tool Components Closes all tools in the ID list displaying only the tools in the list but none of the tool components.
Add menu
The features in this menu are used to add a new tool, or to add cutter, insert or holder tool components to the selected tool. The features available will vary depending on what is selected in the Tool table. These features are also available via right-clicking on a tool and selecting from the shortcut menu. Milling Tool Wizard Displays the Milling Tool Wizard window to assist you in defining Milling tools. Tool New Adds a new tool to the library. Select the tool type (Mill, Turn, or Probe), then key in a unique ID to start the new tool definition. Select Existing Displays the Search Tool window. Tool Component Displays the Tool Add/Modify window enabling you to add tool components to the highlighted tool. OptiPath New Displays the OptiPath window enabling you to define a new OptiPath record for the highlighted tool. Select Existing Displays the Search OptiPath Record window. Driven Point Use to add one or more a Driven Point records to the highlighted tool. Cutter Compensation Use to add one or more cutter compensation records to the highlighted tool.
ID (tool) Use to key in a unique ID for the new milling tool. Description Use to add a description for the milling tool / tool assembly. Append cutter shape to description When toggled "on", adds the cutter shape description for the cutter defined below to the above description.
VERICUT HELP Project menu ID (holder) Use the text field to enter an ID for the "holder" component. Holder Type None Use to specify no "holder" component in the tool assembly. New Displays a window enabling you to add an "extension" component to the tool assembly. See Tool Add/Modify window: Component tab, in Holder mode for details. Search Holder Displays the Search Tool window enabling you to search for existing holders. ID (extension) Use the text field to enter an ID for the "extension" component. Extension Type None Use to specify no "extension" component in the tool assembly. New Displays a window enabling you to add an"extension" component to the tool assembly. See Tool Add/Modify window: Component tab, in Holder mode for details. Search Holder Displays the Search Tool window enabling you to search for existing extensions/holders. ID (cutter) Use the text field to enter an ID for the cutter component. Cutter Type None Use to specify "no" cutter component in the tool assembly. New Revolved Cutter Displays a window enabling you to add a revolved cutter component to the tool assembly. See Tool Add/Modify window: Component tab, in Revolved Cutter mode for details. New Insert Cutter Displays the Milling Insert window enabling you to describe inserts and a cutter body to be added to the tool assembly. Search Revolved Cutter Displays the Search Tool window enabling you to search for existing revolved cutters. Search Insert Cutter Displays the Search Tool window enabling you to search for existing mill insert cutters. L2 Use the text field to enter the exposed length of the "extension" component. This distance is used to position the "holder" component along the tool's Z-axis. L1 Use the text field to enter the exposed length of the "cutter" component. This distance is used to position the "extension/holder" component along the tool's Z-axis. Gage Point Use the text field to enter the gage point. Driven Point Use to specify the cutter's driven point. Stack When toggled "on", automatically stacks tool components on top of each other.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Calculate highest point on Z When toggled "on", VERICUT calculates the highest point on the Z-axis of the tool and uses it for the Gage Point. New Creates the new tool record and leaves the Milling Tool Wizard window open to create the next milling tool. Close Use to close the Milling Tool Wizard window.
General Insert
The General Insert features enable you to easily define "ISO standard", as well as "custom" tool insert shapes. The parameters and diagram will vary depending on the Insert Type selected from the pull-down list. Only the parameters required to describe a particular insert type will be displayed. Use the diagram to identify what measurement each parameter represents. The following insert types are available in the pull-down list: A - 85 degree parallelogram B - 82 degree parallelogram 446
VERICUT HELP Project menu C - 80 degree diamond C - 100 degree diamond D - 55 degree diamond E - 75 degree diamond H - Hexagon K - 55 degree parallelogram L - Rectangle M - 86 degree diamond O - Octagon P - Pentagon R - Round S - Square T - Triangle V - 35 degree diamond W - 80 degree trigon Custom diamond Custom parallelogram For additional information on these insert types, see General Insert features in the Tool Add/Modify Window, Common Features section.
Cutter Body
The Cutter Body features enable you to easily define the cutter body and position the inserts. Enter the desired value in the text field for each parameter. Use the diagram to identify the measurement that each parameter represents. Use the Location Aids described below to position the inserts.
Locate by nominal diameter on the tool diameter. Locate by outside diameter tool diameter.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Add Adds the defined inserts and cutter body to the tool library and closes the Milling Insert window. Close Closes the Milling Insert window without adding inserts/cutter body to the tool library.
VERICUT HELP Project menu The following symbols are used in the Tool ID tree: Tool Tool Components: Insert Cutter Revolved Cutter Probe Tip Holder OptiPath Record Driven Point Record Cutter Compensation Record
Hint: Use IDs and descriptions that make it easy for others to find tools they need.
Description Describes the tool or tool assembly. Any alpha-numeric text can be entered in this field. Special characters are not recommended. Units Controls the unit measurement system (Inch or Millimeter) in which to describe the tool. If the tool units are different from the session units when loaded, then tool description values are converted appropriately. Gage Point Specifies the location of the tool assembly gage point. By default, the gage point is located at the tool origin. Values entered move the gage point relative to the tool origin, or you can select a gage point by clicking in the Gage Point field then clicking on the tool in the Tool Display. As you move the mouse over the tool, a point and normal vector show you the pending pick-point location. When processing G-code tool paths, VERICUT uses the gage point in the following two ways: Controls how the tool loads in the NC machine When a tool is loaded for cutting, the gage point is located at the NC machine's Tool component origin. Sets the adjustment needed to drive the tool in "Tool Tip" and "Tool Length Compensation" programming methods These programming methods enable an NC programmer to assume the positions in the tool path are controlling the tool, instead
VERICUT HELP Project menu of NC machine axis positions. VERICUT uses the gage point to determine where the driven point is (a.k.a. "control point") relative to the gage point. Missing or incorrect gage point values causes a tool to load incorrectly on a 3-D machine, or causes improper cutting. Sample gage points for milling tools:
The "Gage Point" view attribute displays a hollow target symbol location (ref. Tool Manager: View menu > Attributes).
NOTE: Gage Offset table values can be used to override Tool Manager-defined Gage Offset values for setting the adjustment to calculate the driven control point (condition #2 above). However, they do not affect how the tool is loaded in the NC machine (condition #1 above).
When the Gage Offset table is used to adjust tool motions, the NC control must be configured to call the ToolOffsetAptAdj macro when a tool change occurs, or when the tool control point changes, to adjust the motions seen in Workpiece views. The ToolOffsetAptAdj macro allows the machine simulation to be driven with multiple tool control points, when a single tool control point was defined in the Tool Manager. If this macro is not called on or after the tool change command, or when the tool control point changes, then Workpiece views may not reflect the adjustment to the Tool Manager-defined Gage Offset. Orientation Specifies the orientation of the tool assembly when loaded for cutting. Three values are entered (separated by spaces) to define the X, Y, Z rotation angles, respectively. Angle values are in degrees, relative to the tool origin. Rotation occurs about the tool's gage point.
NOTE: This feature is only applicable when NC Program Type is G-Code Data.
Teeth Automatically indicates the number of teeth of the tool referenced by the Optipath record selected from the OP Description pull-down list.
NOTE: You have the ability to manually edit the number of teeth (either by typing in a
value or selecting a value from the pull-down list) but be aware that if the number of teeth entered does not match the number of teeth specified in the OptiPath record, the tool will not be optimized. Comments This field enables you to add comments related to the tool. The comment text is stored with the tool ID. Driven Point record Specifies an offset for the tool control point, or "driven point". Material is removed based on motion commands and the tool shape relative to the control point. For milling tools, a positive value moves the control point in the positive tool axis direction (closer to the spindle), while a negative value moves the control point in the opposite direction. For turning tools, XYZ values (separated by spaces) are entered relative to the spindle axis (Z), and cross-slide axis (X).
VERICUT HELP Project menu Sample Driven Point values for a milling tool:
When defined, the "Driven Point" view attribute displays as a hollow target symbol at the control point location. (Ref. Tool Manager: View menu > Attributes) Cutter Compensation record Specifies the cutter compensation value for a particular tool.
1. Double click a tool component in the Tool Table to display the Tool Add/Modify window to enable modification of the tool.
VERICUT HELP Project menu 2. Right-click in the Tool Table to display the following menu:
Modify Rename Delete Cut Copy Paste Add Tool Add Tool Component Add OptiPath Add Driven Point Add Cutter Compensation Search Tool Search OptiPath Stack New Select Existing ... New Select existing ... Mill Turn Probe
1. Double click a tool component in the Tool Display area display the Tool Add/Modify window to enable modification of the tool.
VERICUT HELP Project menu 2. Right-click in the Tool display area to display the following menu:
Fit Reverse Select View Driven Point Gage Point Axes XY YX YZ ZY ZX XZ V-ISO H-ISO
VERICUT HELP Project menu Tool Component tab Features on this tab are used to define the shape of a tool component in a tool assembly. Features displayed on the Tool Component tab vary, depending on the tool/tool component type that you selected to add/modify. Assembly tab Features on this tab are used translate or rotate a component in a tool assembly, or to move the selected component by assembling (mating or aligning) it with other objects in the tool assembly. Add Use to apply the specified data to the new tool component. Modify Use to apply the modified data to an existing tool component. Close Close the Tool Add/Modify window without applying the data.
Opened via adding or modifying a Revolved Cutter tool component, this window is used to describe the shape of a selected "Cutter" component in a mill tool assembly. Options are available to define the cutter via parametric shapes, profile sketcher, or reference a cutter in another tool assembly. Tool shape icons Selecting an icon configures the bottom half of the window to define the selected cutter shape. Options: Icons Name Description
7 Parameter
D, R, E, F, A, B, H
10 Parameter
Displays the Reference features enabling you to reference a mill cutter in another tool assembly.
The following options are common to all Tool Add/Modify mill cutter windows except Reference: Flute Length Length of the cutter having flutes, or teeth, that can remove material. This value is measured from the bottom-most portion of the cutter. Zero assumes the entire cutter length has flutes, or teeth that can cut material. An error similar to "SHANK removed material..." is reported when the non-cutting portion of the cutter removes material. Material removed is shaded using the red Error color.
Shank Diameter Diameter of the tool shank. Color Color that the tool component is to be displayed in VERICUT. For additional information, see Tool Display Colors in the Tool Add/Modify window, Common Features section. Spindle Direction Use to specify the appropriate spindle rotation direction for the tool. Choose either CW (clockwise) or CCW (counterclockwise).
NOTE: For revolved milling cutters, CW/CCW is defined looking down (negative Z)
the tool axis.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Examples of milling cutter shapes that can be defined via the 7 Parameter option:
General Insert
Profile (sweep)
Opens the Reference window enabling you to reference an insert in another tool assembly.
Model File
Displays the Model File features enabling you to specify a model file to be used as an insert.
NOTE: For inserted milling cutters, tool spinning direction is determined by the insert
thickness direction.
General Insert
Groove Insert
Displays the Groove Insert features enabling you to define ISO standard groove insert shapes.
Thread Insert
Displays the Thread Insert features enabling you to define ISO standard thread insert shapes.
Profile (sweep)
Displays the Reference features enabling you to reference an insert in another tool assembly.
Model File
Displays the Model File features enabling you to specify a model file to be used as an insert.
Sphere Diameter Diameter of the sphere at the end of the probe tip. Stem Diameter Diameter of the probe tip stem. Probe Length Length of the probe tip. Maximum RPM The maximum speed that a probe tool can spin before a spindle On/Off error is output. The default value is 0. Color Color that the tool component is to be displayed in VERICUT. For additional information, see Tool Display Colors in the Tool Add/Modify window, Common Features section.
Bottom Radius (R1) Cone Top Radius (R2) Height (H) Tolerance
Profile - SOR
Profile - Sweep
Opens the Profile Sketcher in "Sweep" mode. Displays the Reference features enabling you to reference a holder in another tool assembly. Displays the Model File features enabling you to select a model file to define the holder.
Model File
The following option is common to all Tool Add/Modify Holder windows: Do Not Spin with Spindle When toggled "On", indicates that the holder component does not spin. The following option is common to all Tool Add/Modify Holder windows except Reference: Color Color that the tool component is to be displayed in VERICUT. For additional information, see Tool Display Colors in the Tool Add/Modify window, Common Features section.
Reference feature
Tool Add/Modify, Reference feature enables you to "reference" a tool component in another tool library file for use in the current tool library file. Reference features: Reference File Enter the /path/filename of the tool library file containing the tool component to be referenced in the text field or use the Pick button to display the Reference Id Pick List window and use it to select the tool library file. Reference ID Enter tool ID of the tool component to be referenced in the text field or use the Pick button to display the Reference Id Pick List window and use it to select the tool component to be referenced. Pick Displays the Reference Id Pick List window enabling you to select the tool component to be referenced from the list. The first time that Pick is selected during a VERICUT session, a standard file selection window is displayed so that you can select a tool library file. After the tool library file has been selected, the Reference ID Pick List window is displayed so that you can select the tool component. On subsequent selections of the Pick button during a session, the Reference Id Pick List window is displayed with the previously selected tool library file. Enter the /path/filename in the Tool Library text field or use the Browse button to display a file selection window and use it to change the tool library file Sample Reference ID Pick List window:
Insert Type
Parameter Description
L - Length W - Width A - 85 degree parallelogram Thickness R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle Color *
L - Length W - Width B - 82 degree parallelogram Thickness R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle Color *
D - Inscribed Diameter Thickness C - 80 degree diamond R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle Color *
D - Inscribed Diameter Thickness C - 100 degree diamond R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle Color *
D - Inscribed Diameter Thickness D - 55 degree diamond R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle Color *
D - Inscribed Diameter Thickness E - 75 degree diamond R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle Color *
L - Length W - Width K - 55 degree parallelogram Thickness R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle Color *
D - Inscribed Diameter Thickness M - 86 degree diamond R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle Color *
D - Inscribed Diameter Thickness V - 35 degree diamond R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle Color *
D - Inscribed Diameter Thickness W - 80 degree trigon R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle Color *
D - Inscribed Diameter Thickness Custom diamond R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle T - Tip Angle Color *
L - Length W - Width Custom parallelogram Thickness R - Corner Radius A - Lead Angle Color *
* Color Color that the tool component is to be displayed in VERICUT. For additional information, see Tool Display Colors in the Tool Add/Modify window, Common Features section. Location Aids These features are only available for mill Inserts. They enable you to easily position the insert with respect to the tool diameter. (Diameter) Use this text field to specify the diameter of the tool. Locate by nominal diameter on the tool diameter. Locate by outside diameter diameter. Positions the center of the insert corner radius
Insert Type
Parameter Description
W - Width L - Length Thickness 45 degree chamfer, double end R - Corner Radius C D Color *
W - Width L - Length Thickness Chamfer, single end R - Corner Radius C D A - Chamfer Angle Color *
* Color Color that the tool component is to be displayed in VERICUT. For additional information, see Tool Display Colors in the Tool Add/Modify window, Common Features section.
Insert Type
Parameter Description
D - Inscribed Diameter Thickness 30 degree, trapeze triangle R - Corner Radius E F - Flat Color *
D - Inscribed Diameter Thickness Buttress, triangle, right hand R - Corner Radius E F - Flat Color *
D - Inscribed Diameter Thickness Buttress, triangle, left hand R - Corner Radius E F - Flat Color *
W - Width L - Length 60 degree, double end, asymmetric Thickness R - Corner Radius E Color *
W - Width L - Length 60 degree, double end, symmetric Thickness R - Corner Radius E Color *
W - Width L - Length Thickness ACME, double end R - Corner Radius E F - Flat Color *
W - Width L - Length Thickness Buttress, double end R - Corner Radius E F - Flat Color *
* Color Color that the tool component is to be displayed in VERICUT. For additional information, see Tool Display Colors in the Tool Add/Modify window, Common Features section.
The following features enable you to control view attributes related to the Tool Manager, Tool Display area. Driven Point Use to display/not display the driven point symbol Gage Point Use to display/not display the gage point symbol . .
Axes Use to display/not display the axes representing the tool origin. Light (IJK) I J K vector direction in which the light source points. The three values are separated by spaces.
Assembly tab
Location: Project menu > Tools: Add menu > Add Tool Component, or Project menu > Tools: Edit menu > Modify Features on this tab are used translate or rotate a component in a tool assembly, or to move the selected component by assembling (mating or aligning) it with other objects in the tool assembly.
Translate group:
Features in this group translate the selected object via indicating "from" and "to" points to move the object. Movement occurs each time you press the Move button. If the applied movement is incorrect, press Undo to return the object to its previous location. Features on this tab work the same as Translate features for modeling. (See how) From / To Specifies the locations to move the object from and to, relative to the tool origin. XYZ values can be entered (separated by spaces), or selected by clicking in the
VERICUT HELP Project menu field then clicking on a tool component shape. As you move the mouse over the tool, a crosshair and vector show you the pending pick-point location. Move Moves the selected object by the incremental distance, as calculated from the "From" point to the "To" point location.
Rotate group:
Features on this tab rotate the selected object about a rotation center point. Movement occurs each time you press one of the rotation direction buttons: X+/X-, Y+/Y-, Z+/Z-. If the applied rotation is incorrect, press Undo to return the object to its previous location. Features on this tab work the same as Rotate features for modeling. (See how) Center of Rotation Specifies XYZ point location about which to rotate the object. XYZ values can be entered (separated by spaces), or selected by clicking in the field then clicking on a model. To see the center of rotation, press rotation symbol press the button again, or close the window. . To remove the center of
Increment Specifies incremental degrees of rotation to apply when one of the rotation direction buttons are pressed. Rotation buttons (X+/X-, Y+/Y-, Z+/Z-) Applies the incremental degrees of rotation specified in the Increment field. Rotation occurs about the Center of Rotation relative to the tool origin.
Assemble group:
Similar to assembling models, objects are assembled by mating or aligning one to three planar surfaces with surfaces on other tool components. (See how) If a non-planar surface is selected, VERICUT constructs a tangent plane at the pick point. The relationship of surfaces being mated or aligned is known as a "constraint". Follow these general steps to define a constraint for assembly: 1. Choose the constraint type. 2. Select a surface on the object to move. 3. Select the surface to move the object relative to. 4. Press Apply. Constraint Type Specifies how to constrain selected surfaces during object movement. After selecting two surfaces to define a constraint, VERICUT moves the object and highlights the satisfied constraint with a checkmark. Options: Mate Moves the object so the selected surface opposes the surface selected on the second object (surface normals oppose each other). Align Moves the object so the selected surface is aligned with the surface selected on the second object (surface normals point in the same direction). 490
VERICUT HELP Project menu Offset Distance and direction in which to offset constrained surfaces, applied normal to the surface.
Absolute group:
Position Specifies the absolute XYZ position of the object relative to the tool origin. Values in this field are separated by spaces. Angles Specifies the absolute XYZ rotation of the object relative to the tool origin. Values in this field are separated by spaces. Reset Resets constraints to receive new data. Undo Returns the object to its previous location, or as it was when the window was opened.
Libraries group:
Files Use to search one or more tool library files for tools meeting the specified search criteria. Directories Use to search one or more directories of tool library files for tools meeting the specified search criteria. Browse Displays a selection window to assist you in selecting the files/directories to be searched.
Tool group:
ID Search for the specified tool ID. Description Search for a specified string of text within the tool's Description field. Comments Search for a specified string of text within the tool's Comment field. Units Select Any, Inch or Millimeter from the pull-down list. Component Type Use to search for tools that include a specific tool component type. Select Any, Revolved Cutter, Insert Cutter, Probe Tip, or Holder from the pull-down list. Teeth Use to search for tools containing cutters with a specific number (or within range of) of teeth.
85 Degree Parallelogram
82 Degree Parallelogram
80 Degree Diamond
55 Degree Diamond
75 Degree Diamond
55 Degree Parallelogram
86 Degree Diamond
35 Degree Diamond
80 Degree Trigon
Custom Diamond
Custom Parallelogram
55 Degree, triangle 6
60 Degree, triangle
ACME, triangle
Insert Size Use to search for insert cutters with a specific insert size (or within a range of insert sizes). Thickness Use to search for insert cutters with a specific thickness (or within a thickness range). Corner Radius Use to search for insert cutters with a specific corner radius (or corner radii within a range).
Holder group:
ID Use to search for a holder with a specific ID.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Search Start the search of the specified tool library (libraries) based on the attributes specified above.
Tool List:
Displays a list of the tools found during the search. The Tool List display and interaction is the same as the Tool Table in the Tool Manager, with the one exception that the tool library file name is also displayed here. Duplicate Duplicates the selected tool in the current tool library. Reference Creates a reference to the selected tool in the current tool library. Close Closes the Search Tool window.
OptiPath window
Location: Project menu > Tools: Add menu > OptiPath > New, or Edit menu > Modify (when an OptiPath tool component is highlighted)
OptiPath record data Description Use to enter a description for the OptiPath record. Material Stock material to be cut. Enter a new material name, or click on the arrow to select from a list of materials defined in the library. Any combination of alpha or numeric characters can be used. Machine NC machine that will be used to cut the workpiece. Enter a new machine name, or click on the arrow to select from a list of machines defined in the library. Any combination of alpha or numeric characters can be used. Unit Power Power required to remove one cubic unit of material per minute. The power specification differs, depending on the units set for the OptiPath record (ref. Settings tab below). Accel/Decel When active and a G-code tool path is being optimized, this feature applies Accel/Decel settings from the NC machine configuration to adjust optimized feed rates. VERICUT looks ahead in the tool path file and slows the machine prior to direction changes, as well as changes feed rates based on the machine axes ability to accelerate and decelerate. Options: Off Does not adjust optimized feed rates for acceleration/deceleration. Exact Stop Assumes all axes must stop and be positioned exactly at the programmed location before the next block is processed. This option is recommended when sharp corners are required between motion blocks. Continuous Allows small errors in positioning in order to maintain a more constant velocity during corners or direction changes.
1. The block preceding an un-optimized block is not processed through Accel/Decel logic. 2. Accel/Decel settings apply to all linear and circular motions, including those in air. OptiPath Cutter Shape Graphic The cutter shape automatically displays for the tool in the Tool Library that the OptiPath record is associated with. VERICUT refers to the cutter shape to calculate material removal volume and other machining related data via features on the OptiPath Manager Feed/Speed tab. Feed/Speed tab Features on this tab are used to describe and test various cutting conditions to optimize, as well as control how optimization will be performed for the selected tool. Settings tab Features on this tab specify important settings for the optimization process, such as: the OptiPath record units, when to add (interpolate) more cuts,
VERICUT HELP Project menu resolution, minimum/maximum optimized feed rates, how to optimize circle and NURBS motions, and more. Hard Material tab The features on this tab enable you to adjust the optimized feed rate for hostile cutting conditions (non-climb, thin radial width, and side-loaded cuts) when cutting hard materials. Spindle tab The features on this tab limit RPM fluctuations and specify feed per tooth load maintained during Surface Speed optimization. Plunge tab The features on this tab control the optimized feed rate for motions along the tool axis that plunge into or retract from material. Entry/Exit tab The features on this tab control the optimized feed rate for entering and exiting material. Angle tab The features on this tab adjust the optimized feed rate for 3-axis linear cuts ramping in material. Depth Table tab The features on this tab controls how optimized feed rates are calculated for cutting at various depths during Optimize by Tables optimization. Width Table tab The features on this tab adjust the optimized feed rate for cuts that are less than full cutter width during Optimize by Tables optimization. Add Adds the OptiPath data and optimization parameters to the newly created OptiPath record. Modify Applies the modified OptiPath data and optimization parameters to an existing OptiPath record. Close Closes the OptiPath Manager window.
NOTE: If the sliders don't go far enough to reach the desired value or the value in the
corresponding data field turns red, then another optimization setting is limiting input. If all settings on the Feed/Speed tab look okay, then check values on the Settings tab, such as Maximum/Minimum Cut feed rates. Axial Depth / Radial Width Depth and width of cut. Feed per Minute Feed rate calculated from feed per tooth, spindle speed, and number of cutting teeth on the cutter. Feed per Tooth Thickness of material or "chip load" removed by each tooth on the cutter.
VERICUT HELP Project menu material). However, the Air Cut Feed Rate method optimizes only the cuts entirely in air.
Tip: When Chip Thickness and Volume Removal methods are combined (both
selected), VERICUT calculates optimized feed rates for each, then uses the feed rate having the smaller value. This has the affect of protecting you against excessive chip thickness or volume conditions that can occur using only one of these optimization methods. Chip Thickness When selected, optimizes cutting by flat, ball, and bull nose endmills based on maintaining a specified chip thickness. This method increases the feed rate when width of cut is less than 50% cutter diameter, or when depth of cut is less than the tool corner radius. Good for optimizing high speed machining and for semi-finishing and finishing operations using carbide cutting tools where the danger of "chip thinning" exists. It is especially effective for mold and die applications machining hard materials. Use the slidebar or enter the chip thickness in the data field. If unknown, unselect all optimization methods and use the Cutting Condition sliders to calculate it. For more information on chip thinning, see "The Chip Thinning Problem" in the Using VERICUT section. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Volume Removal When selected, optimizes based on a constant volume of material to be removed. This option is good for optimizing tools that encounter widely varying cutting conditions, such as hogging or roughing operations that cut at different cut depths and widths. Use the slide bar or enter the volume removal rate (cubic units) in the data field. If unknown, unselect all optimization methods and use the Cutting Condition sliders to calculate it. Spindle Speed When selected, outputs spindle speed values that support optimized feed rates. This value is also considered for Cutting Condition calculations (see above). Use the slide bar or enter the spindle speed (revolutions per minute) in the data field. Surface Speed When selected, optimizes feed rates and spindle speeds based on constant surface speed (CSS). Good for optimizing finish machining by ball or bull-nosed endmills and high speed machining, this option varies spindle speeds to maintain a constant surface speed at the maximum tool contact diameter. Feed rates are adjusted to maintain a constant feed per tooth ("chip load") in material. Use the slide bar or enter the CSS value in feet/minute (FM) for inch tool paths, meters/minute (MM) for metric tool paths. If unknown, unselect all optimization methods and use the Cutting Condition sliders to calculate it. Use features on the Spindle tab to limit RPM fluctuations and specify the feed per tooth load to be maintained.
NOTE: CSS optimization is for use on high speed NC machines capable of varying
spindle speed quickly without harming spindle motor hardware. Spindle Power Power required to remove material. The value entered differs depending on the active units for the OptiPath record: Inch units => horsepower required to remove 1 cubic inch of material Metric units => kilowatts required to remove 1 cubic centimeter of material per second
VERICUT HELP Project menu Air Cut Feed Rate This option is useful for reducing time of proven tool paths, without affecting cutting feed rates and resulting surface finishes. When the checkbox is cleared, this feature controls the feed rate used by all other optimization methods to optimize air cuts. Default option when selected, the air cut feed rate is determined as follows: G-code tool path = Max Feed Velocity of the machine's X-axis. APT tool path = Fast Feed value. To specify an air cut feed rate value, clear the Default checkbox and enter a value in the data field. The feed rate entered should reflect the maximum speed at which machine axes can move simultaneously in feed mode (e.g. G01). Optimize by Tables When selected, optimizes based on specified feed rates for various cut depths, widths, and angles. This option is good for optimizing tools used in hogging or roughing operations where more control over cutting feed rates for various cut depths, widths, or angles is desired. Use the features on the Depth Table, Width Table, and Angle tabs to configure settings for this method. Fill Automatically fills table data fields with values calculated using the Cutting Condition sliders. The following values are supplied: Depth Table => defines five equally spaced cut depths based on cutter height and a cutting feed rate for each, based on volume of material removed. Also supplies the calculated volume removal rate for the value for Max.Volume Removal Rate. Width Table => calculates a percentage of calculated feed rate for each % Width value based on volume of material removed.
Sample optimization results using the Modify Existing Cuts Only option:
Add More Cuts Similar to Modify Existing Cuts Only except motions are divided up when cutting conditions warrant feed rate changes. A tool path optimized with this choice has very efficient feed rates, but many more records than the original. The Minimum Feedrate Change value (see below) controls the quantity of feed rates output to the optimized tool path file. This option is recommended when disk space is ample, or when optimizing widely varying cutting conditions, such as: intermittent cutting, deep versus shallow cuts, etc.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Sample optimization results using the Add More Cuts option:
Inch / Millimeter options Controls the unit measurement system in which optimization data is entered. If the OptiPath record units are different from the session units, the record values are converted appropriately when loaded. Resolution Controls the frequency or "sampling distance" used to analyze each tool path motion. Each feed rate controlled motion is partitioned into samples based on this distance. The samples are then analyzed during feed rate calculation. Options: Distance Uses the sampling distance in the corresponding data field. Distance is measured along the tool motion. Using a resolution equal to 1/2 to 1/4 of the tool diameter is recommended. Auto Automatically calculates the resolution distance based on the size of the cutting tool relative to the displayed model. This choice is recommended when little or no knowledge of cutting methods or feed rates is available.
Minimum Feedrate Change Specifies the minimum change from the current optimized feed rate that will cause a new optimized feed rate to be output. This feature controls the quantity of feed rates output to the optimized tool path file. A small value causes more optimized feed rates to be output than when a larger value is entered. Default option When selected, sets the default Minimum Feedrate Change = 1 IPM or 25 MMPM, whichever applies. Clean-up Feedrate Feed rate used when the tool is adjacent to, but not removing material. This condition is commonly referred to as a "spring pass". Default option When selected, sets the default clean-up feed rate as follows: G-code tool path => 50% of the Max Feed Velocity of the machine's X-axis. APT tool path => 50% of the Fast Feed value.
Tip: Set the Clean-up Feedrate to be less than the Air Cut Feedrate, since actual
cutting leaves small amounts of material from tool deflection. Circle Feedrate Controls when and how feed rates are optimized for circular motions (e.g. G02-3). Circle feed rate optimization produces a single optimized feed rate for the entire circular motion regardless of the active Modify Existing Cuts Only or Add More Cuts option. Options: Programmed Uses the original programmed feed rate. Fixed Uses the feed rate in the corresponding data field. Optimize Calculates an optimized feed rate based on the maximum material removed throughout the circular motion.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Break-up OptiPath will attempt to break up circles only if both this option and the Add More Cuts option has been selected. For APT, only one output format is supported: CIRCLE/ xc, yc, zc, i, j, k, rad GOTO/x,y,z,ijk - defines circle center, plane and radius - defines the ending point of the motion
Circle feed rates are not optimized under the conditions listed below. These circles receive the original programmed feed rate. helical (spiral) circle motions circle motion where the tool axis is not perpendicular to the circle axis G-code data circle motion programmed in inverse time feed rate mode (e.g. G93)
Radius Control When toggled On, OptiPath adjusts the feedrate for circular motions. During circle motions, OptiPath determines the maximum contact point away from the tool center line and adjusts the feed rate so the desired feed rate is achieved at that point. Radius Control is only available when Circle Feedrate is set to Optimize or Break-up.
NOTE: If the effective cutting radius, R, is bigger than the circle radius, r, OptiPath
adjusts (lowers) the feedrate by the factor r/R which is < 1. If R is less than r (r/R > 1), no adjustment is done (OptiPath will not increase the feedrate calculated based on the tool center). NURBS Feedrate Controls when and how to optimize NURBS motion feed rates (e.g. G06, G06.2). The active Modify Existing Cuts Only or Add More Cuts option does not affect feed rates calculated by this feature. Options: Programmed Uses the original programmed feed rate. One Feedrate Calculates the most efficient feed rate for NURBS motions. The feed rate calculated for the most severe cutting condition used as the optimized feed rate. Multi Feedrate Calculates multiple feed rates for NURBS motions when cutting conditions warrant feed rate changes. Feedrate Wear Reduction Reduces the calculated feed rate based on the amount of material that has been removed. The value entered is the percentage of reduction to be applied after each cubic unit of material removed. Zero indicates no adjustment for wear. Example: assume "Feedrate Wear Reduction=.2". The calculated feed rate is reduced .2% after each cubic unit of material has been removed. After five cubic units removed the calculated feed rate is reduced 1% (.2% x 5).
Minimum Cut Feedrate Specifies the minimum optimized feed rates that can be output when removing material. Default option When selected, sets the default minimum feed rate = 1 IPM or 25 MMPM. Maximum Cut Feedrate Specifies the maximum optimized feed rates that can be output when removing material. Default option When selected, sets the default maximum feed rate as follows: G-code tool path => 45% of the Max Feed Velocity of the machine's X-axis. APT tool path => 45% of the Fast Feed value. Maximum Cut Depth Specifies the maximum cut depth that can be output when removing material. Default option When selected, sets the default maximum cut depth = 5 (inch) or 150 (metric). Maximum Volume Removal Rate Specifies the maximum volume removal rate that can be output when removing material. Default option When selected, sets the default maximum volume removal rate = 100 (inch) or 1500000 (metric) Maximum Chip Thickness Specifies the maximum chip thickness that can be output when removing material. Default option When selected, sets the default maximum chip thickness = .02 (inch) or .05 (metric). Maximum Surface Speed Specifies the maximum surface speed rate that can be output when removing material. Default option When selected, sets the default maximum surface speed = 1000 (inch) or 300(metric).
VERICUT HELP Project menu OptiPath window, Hard Material tab Location: Project menu > Tools: Add menu > OptiPath > New, or Edit menu > Modify (when an OptiPath tool component is highlighted) Features on this tab enable you to specify feedrate adjustment factors for special cutting conditions encountered during the optimization process Feedrates may need to be adjusted (typically slower than what OptiPath would normally calculate) based on the following 'hostile' conditions when cutting hard materials.
The cutting condition worsens as the tooth entry angle decreases. When the tooth entry angle is near zero the cutting edge contacts material parallel to the direction of motion and requires excessive force to push the edge into material. The tooth finally enters material when pressure between the cutter and material increases and the tooth rotates past the tangent contact.
VERICUT HELP Project menu The picture below shows the worst condition.
VERICUT HELP Project menu following features enable you to adjust the feed rates under each of these Hard Material conditions. Adjust Feedrate for Non-Climb Cut Adjust Feedrate for Thin Radial Width Cut Adjust Feedrate for Side-Loaded Cut Each feature consists of a checkbox to toggle the feature On/Off, and a numeric field enabling you to enter a factor to be applied to the calculated feed rate for each of these conditions. The number represents a percentage of the calculated feed rate. When a feature is toggled "On", the factor is applied to the calculated feedrate each time that the particular condition is detected. Since these cutting conditions are not mutually exclusive, any combination (or all) of the features can be toggled "On" at the same time and any, or all, of the factors may be applied to the same calculated feed rate as appropriate for the cutting conditions. After configuring the features on this tab, be sure to review the other tabs in the OptiPath Manager window for proper optimization values.
Tip: Start with a value such that only 3-4 changes can occur across the RPM range.
Default option When selected, sets the default minimum RPM change = 1000. Minimum RPM Specifies the minimum spindle speed that can be output during optimization. Default option When selected, sets the default minimum RPM as follows: G-code tool path => machine spindle minimum set by SpindleSpeedMin macro, if not set then 100 RPM. APT tool path => 100 RPM. Maximum RPM Specifies the maximum spindle speed that can be output during optimization. Default option When selected, sets the default maximum RPM as follows: G-code tool path => machine spindle maximum set by SpindleSpeedMax macro, if not set then 20000 RPM. APT tool path => 20000 RPM.
NOTE: Plunge Feedrate overrides Angle table feed rate for 90 degree cutting angle
(plunge motion), or the Entry Feedrate for entry on plunge motions. Clearance Distance Specifies the distance from material to instate the feed rate for plunging. Retract Feedrate Controls when and how the feed rates are calculated for retracting along the tool axis away from material. Options: Off Disable retract feed rate control. Feed/Minute Uses the feed rate entered in the corresponding data field. % of Prog. Adjusts the programmed feed rate based on the percentage entered in the corresponding data field. 100% uses the programmed feed rate as is, 50% cuts feed rate in half, etc.
NOTE: Retract Feedrate overrides Angle table feedrate for -90 degree cutting angle
(retract motion).
1. When entry motions are optimized with the Modify Existing Cuts Only option, calculated entry feed rates are considered among other cutting conditions to determine the appropriate feed rate for motions which enter material. 2. Plunge Feedrate overrides entry controlled feed rate for entry on plunge motion. Clearance Distance Specifies the distance from material to instate the feed rate for entering. Cut Distance Specifies the distance to cut into material using the Entry Feedrate, after which normal feed rate optimization resumes. Exit Feedrate Controls when and how the feed rates are calculated for exiting material. Options are same as described above for Entry Feedrate. Clearance Distance Specifies the distance after breaking free from material to continue using the feed rate for exiting, after which the Air Cut Feedrate resumes. Cut Distance Specifies the distance away from breaking out of material to use the Exit Feedrate.
1. Angle adjusted feedrate for 90 degree cutting angle is overridden by Plunge Feedrate if active. 2. Planar milling motions (0 degree angle) are not adjusted.
Tip: Un-select all optimization methods and use the Cutting Condition sliders to
determine appropriate feeds and speeds for a known successful cutting condition, then select Optimize by Tables and press Fill to automatically enter Depth Table values. Feedrate Control Options Controls when and how volume removal rate is considered in feed rate calculations during optimization by tables. Options: Off Disable volume removal rate considerations. Const. Volume Below Min. Depth Specifies a constant volume of material is to be removed when the depth of cut is less than the lowest Depth table entry. The volume removal rate is expressed in cubic units, where units refers to the units specified on the Settings tab. If unknown, un-select all optimization methods and use the Cutting Condition sliders to calculate it. The example below shows the affect of Constant Volume Below Minimum Depth on feed rate calculations for a ball-nose endmill when the lowest Depth Table entry is equal to the radius of the tool.
Max. Volume Removal Rate Specifies the maximum volume removal for the tool. Optimized feed rates are bounded such that the rate at which material is removed 524
VERICUT HELP Project menu never exceeds this value. The volume removal rate is expressed in cubic units, where "units" refers to the units specified on the Settings tab. If unknown, un-select all optimization methods and use the Cutting Condition sliders to calculate it.
Files Use to search one or more tool library files for tools meeting the specified search criteria. Directories Use to search one or more directories of tool library files for tools meeting the specified search criteria. Browse Displays a selection window to assist you in selecting the files/directories to be searched.
Search Attributes:
Description Search for existing OptiPath records containing a specified string of text within the record's Description field. Material Search for existing OptiPath records containing a specific material type. Machine Search for existing OptiPath records containing a specific machine type.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Search Start the search of the specified library (libraries) based on the attributes specified above.
Motion window
VERICUT Location: Project menu > Processing Options > Motion VERICUT toolbar short cut:
NOTE: A list of all NC programs and job subroutine files defined for the current
job will display enabling you to select the toolpath file. Line Number (Directly) Start processing at the specified line number without internally processing intermediate tool path records. This line number only applies to the first toolpath (or the first active toolpath if Use Selected Files, in the Project >NC Program window, is being used to select only specific toolpath files from the list for VERICUT processing). Text Start processing on the line that contains the specified text. Tool ID Start processing when the specified tool is loaded. Stop At Provides options for stopping tool path processing. When applicable, enter supporting "stop at" text or values in the field next to this feature. Text entered is not case sensitive. End Stop processing at the end of the last toolpath file. Num of Cuts Stop processing after the specified number of cuts. Line Number Stop processing at the specified line number of the selected toolpath file.
NOTE: A list of all toolpath and job subroutine files defined for the current job will
display enabling you to select the toolpath file. Text Stop processing on the line that contains the specified text. Tool Change Stop processing when a toolchange occurs. Program Stop Stop processing when a "program stop" record is encountered in the tool path. Examples of such records include: M0 (G-code tool paths) or STOP. Optional Stop Stop processing when an "optional stop" record is encountered in the tool path. Examples of such records include: M1 (G-code tool paths) or OPSTOP. End of each File Stop processing at the end of each toolpath file. End of each Setup Stop processing at the end of each setup. 532
VERICUT HELP Project menu Stop At Max Errors / Stop At Max Warnings Number of errors (or warnings) which, if detected, stops tool path processing. Toggle "On" and specify the Max Error/Max Warning value.
Motion group:
Fast Feed Feed rate threshold at which material removal is unsafe (likely to cause tool breakage, machine malfunction, or part damage). For example, if the maximum feedrate allowed is 180, Fast Feed should be set to 181 or greater. Material removed under these conditions is shaded in the Error color (typically red) and causes a "Fast feed rate" error.
No Animation Enables you to reduce processing time. When toggled "On", the graphics display is not updated until either processing is complete or you Stop the processing. At that time the cut model is displayed in it "final" state or the state that it was in when processing was stopped. Skip Cut Quantity of animated tool motions to skip before updating the display. Enter "0" to display each tool motion. Skipping cuts increases animation speed since the display is not constantly updated. The cut model is unaffected. 533
VERICUT HELP Project menu Tool Spindle Always On When toggled On, VERICUT will assume that the spindle is always on and will not check for spindle status (on/off) or output error messages related to cutting with the spindle off. Drill Cycle Controls when and how to simulate canned tool axis cycles (e.g. G8n, "CYCLE"). While VERICUT simulates most popular cycle motions, there are also capabilities to add more and change how existing cycles are interpreted. See "About configuring for cycle simulation" in the Using VERICUT section for more information. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Options: Ignore Ignores cycle motions- the tool moves to each cycle position without performing cycle motions. Bottom Only Simulates cycle motions for a hole with one full depth motionpecking or chip-breaking motions are not simulated. Full Motion Simulates all cycle motions, including pecking or chip-breaking motions.
NOTE: When the "Bottom Only" or "Ignore" options are used, certain motions
(and checks) are ignored. This means that there will be no RAPID checks, no material removal, no limit checks, no collision checks, no redraws, etc. Because of it's importance, checks related to "RAPID to the R-plane" motions are included when "Bottom Only" is selected, but not when "Ignore" is selected. Need help troubleshooting cycle motion errors? See ERRORS and Problem Solving at, for assistance with diagnosing error messages and conditions. Check Spindle Direction When toggled On, VERICUT check for spindle direction against the "valid" direction of the tool. For turning tools, "valid" direction is based on the turning tool orientation. Spindle direction, (CW or CCW), is determined looking down the Z-axis of the spindle. It is assumed that revolving stock material should come onto the insert in the direction of positive Y-axis of the tool component. If spindle direction is wrong, or spindle speed is not defined, an error is reported to VERICUT logger. Only one error per spindle is reported for each operation turning the spindle On or Off. The error is reported only if turning tool removes material from stock. For air moves, no errors are reported. Also, if an insert removes material in a motion that crosses the spindle Z-axis, no error is reported (in this case, one part of the insert is always on the correct side, while the other part is on the wrong side, therefore there is no preferable spindle direction). For milling tools, the direction of the tool spindle (either spindle component or tool component attribute) is checked with the "valid" direction of the tool in the spindle. Tool spindle direction (CW / CCW) is defined looking down (negative Z) the tool axis. For 534
VERICUT HELP Project menu revolved milling cutters, "valid" direction is based on the setting of Spindle Direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) in the tool definition. For inserted milling cutters, "valid" direction is based on the insert thickness direction. If the direction of the spindle does not match the direction of the tool, then an error is reported whenever the tool removes material. The tool removes material in the error color (similar to the behavior for turning spindle direction error). The check is done and the error reported only when the tool removes material. Motion that does not remove material does not report an error. The check is done for G-Code only. Min. Motion Dist. / Max. Motion Dist. Enables you to specify a minimum and maximum value, defining the range of the Animation Speed slider. The animation speed is interpolated between these two values. Check Cutting Limits Toggle On, to have VERICUT do the cutting limit checks during simulation. Cutting limit values are set in the OptiPath window, Settings tab. FastMill Toggle "On" to process the toolpath in FastMill mode. You can also use the FastMill icon , in the Toolbar to turn on FastMill mode.
FastMill: does "fixed axis" material removal in any tool orientation. does not do "undercuts". FastMill automatically switches to standard material removal when required. can be turned On/Off at any time. can be used with/without tool animation. Toggle No Animation, described above, "On" for fastest processing. is compatible with OptiPath, AUTO-DIFF, Model Export, as well as XCaliper and any other feature that uses the cut model database. The tool axis changes frequently. The cutter "undercuts", such as when using a dovetail or wheel cutter. Cutter height is less than the cut depth resulting in an undercut condition.
Ignore Undercuts Works in conjunction with FastMill, described above. When toggled "On" (default), VERICUT does not check each motion for "undercut" conditions allowing for faster processing in those cases where you are sure that there are no "undercut" conditions in the toolpath. Toggle "Off" when you want VERICUT to check for "undercut" conditions as it processes each motion.
Tool group:
Tool Display Controls when and how the tool is displayed. Options are: Off (do not display the tool), Solid, or Translucent. Material removal is not affected by this choice. Min. Cutter Height Default height used when the current tool description does not specify height, or when specified height is less than this value. Affects milling cutters only. Control Point Controls how milling tools are driven. By default, VERICUT drives the tool tip. Material is removed based on tool path motion commands and the tool shape, relative to the control point. Options: Tool Tip Point located at the bottom-center of the cutter. Corner Radius Point located a distance equal to the cutter corner radius up from the tool tip. With ball nose endmills, this point is commonly referred to as the "ball center".
1. If Corner Radius is used with non-ball nosed endmills, the offset is calculated along the tool axis, from the tool tip to the center of the first arc encountered in the tool profile. 2. To specify a milling tool control point other the tool tip of corner radius, define tools via the Tool Manager and specify a control point offset via the tool's Properties. 3. This feature is not applicable to turning tools. Instead, define tools via the Tool Manager and specify a control point offset via tool Properties. 536
VERICUT HELP Project menu Display Holders in Workpiece View When toggled "On", instructs VERICUT to display defined tool holders and detect collisions they may have. Holders are non-modal and are applied only to the active cutter. An error similar to "HOLDER removed material..." is reported when a tool holder removes material. Material removed is shaded using the red Error color.
Calculate Min. Cutter Extension When active, calculates the minimum height required to avoid shank/holder collisions. Minimum cutter extension calculations begin with the defined cutter height. If potential holder collisions are detected during the simulation, VERICUT extends the cutter to avoid the collision and adds this amount to the calculated height. Note that when these calculations are being performed, tool holder collisions are not reported since VERICUT extends the cutter to avoid the collision. If desired, you can include additional clearance in the calculation via specifying Holder Clearance (see below). The final calculated height for each tool is displayed in the Log file Tool Summary section under the "Min" column heading. Holder Clearance Specifies clearance to add when calculating minimum cutter extension (see above). The clearance value is also included in the Log file minimum height values. 537
NOTE: This feature is only active when Calculate Min. Cutter Extension is toggled
"On". Back to Mold and Die
VERICUT HELP Project menu Settings tab Features on this tab provide important settings for G-code simulation, such as: the G-code programming method, when cutter compensation (CDC) codes are processed, tool path scanning, and tolerances used for simulating rotary motions. Tables tab Features on this tab are used to specify work offsets and machine locations specific to the current tool path file(s) and to store tool-related offset and compensation register data. Subroutines tab The features on this tab are used to specify names of external files containing subroutines that can be accessed by VERICUT. Block Skip tab Features on this tab control which levels of block skipping are recognized, and specify the block skip character. Sync tab The features on this tab enable you to select which Sync Sub-sytsem is to be used. This setting is only applicable if Sync Method on the Control Settings window, Sync tab is set to something other then None. This feature is intended as a debugging tool enabling you to easily select which sync program they want to run rather then running them together at the same time. WireEDM tab Features on this tab configure VERICUT for wire EDM simulations. OK Applies the changes and closes the G-Code Settings window. Apply Applies the changes and leaves the G-Code Settings window open. Cancel Closes the G-Code Settings window without applying changes.
Programming Method Describes the relationship between cutting tools and what is being driven by tool path file motion commands. (Take care NOT to describe the relationship between cutting tools and the driven point controlled by a CAM system.) Options: Tool Tip XYZ values represent tool tip positions (center of the tool tip) at all times.
NOTE: Tool length compensation codes (G43ZnHn/G49) do not appear in tool tip
programmed tool paths. If these codes are present, use the Tool Length Compensation programming method. Gage Length XYZ values represent gage point positions. The gage point is typically the spindle face, where the centerline of the tool intersects the machine gage line. Gage length values must be supplied using Gage Offset in Tool Manager, or via entries in a Gage Offset table.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Tool Length Compensation With comp. active (e.g. G43ZnHn) XYZ values represent tool tip positions relative to program zero. With comp. cancelled XYZ values represent machine gage point positions relative to machine zero. Use an Input Program Zero table to describe where the part zero is. VERICUT automatically calculates "H" offset values, or enter values in a Tool Length Compensation table. For proper tool loading on a 3-D machine supply gage offset values as described above for Gage Length programming method.
Process Cutter Comp. When active, applies cutter compensation, or "CDC" offsets to the programmed tool path. Enter CDC offset values in a Cutter compensation table, as described under "Cutter compensation table" in the Reference chapter. Clear this checkbox to ignore CDC-related codes in the tool path file. Output Precision specifies the accuracy for calculating CDC offset tool positions.
NOTE: Tool paths can not be optimized when CDC offsets are being simulated.
Scan NC Program Files When active, performs a "scan pass" on NC program files to identify jump destinations for looping-branching logic. Tool paths with this type of logic must be scanned for proper simulation in VERICUT. Ignore Data after Column Specifies the G-Code data column number to begin ignoring remaining data in the block. Use this feature when unmarked comments are permitted in designated columns of the G-Code data. Enter the number of the last valid G-Code data column in the field next to this feature. Apply Acceleration to Cycle Time When toggled "On", uses the Accel/Decel parameter, as set in the OptiPath Manager window, when calculating the cycle Time displayed in the Status window. Initialize Machine/Control between NC Programs Enables you to specify whether or not to reset the control's states, variables, etc. between NC program files during 542
VERICUT HELP Project menu processing. When toggled "On" (the default), VERICUT resets these values between NC program files. This condition is consistent with prior releases. Toggle "Off " to retain these values between NC program files. Rotary Feed Motion Tol Tolerance used to calculate intermediate tool positions resulting from processing rotary motion when Output Intermediate Points is active (ref. Configuration menu > Settings (Control) : Rotary tab). Decreasing this value increases the quantity of intermediate points calculated, and decreases simulation speed. Rotary Rapid Motion Tol Similar to Rotary Feed Motion Tol, except applies to rapid rotary motions.
NOTE: The values set in a "Job Table" are used to override "standard" values that
were set in a Machine Table for the current NC program file(s).
Tables list A list of tables that are currently defined. The Machine Settings tables list will contain only "machine" tables. The G-Code Settings tables list will contain both "job" tables and "tool" tables. Add/Modify Use to access the Add/Modify Tables window enabling you to add additional tables or modify existing tables. To Add a table, simply click on Add/Modify. To modify an existing table, select the table to be modified from the Tables list and click on Add/Modify. (You can also "double-click" on the table in the Tables list.) Delete Deletes the selected table entry from the Tables list. If it is the last entry for a particular table, then the table is also deleted. Job Table and Tool Table values are stored in the Project file.
VERICUT HELP Project menu The following Job Tables can be added or modified with the G-Code Settings window, Tables tab: Base Work Offset Initial Machine Location Machine Zero (obsolete, formerly Input Machine Zero) Machine Reference Location Tool Change Location Tool Change Retraction Turret Rotations Work Offsets Program Zero Input Program Zero (Special Z ) (formerly Input Program Zero) RTCP Pivot Offset RPCP Pivot Offset The following Tool Tables can be added or modified with the G-Code Settings window, Tables tab: Cutter Compensation Gage Offset Probe Offset Tool Length Compensation Tool Nose Compensation
Table Name Use to identify the table to be added, or modified, if it already exists. The Table Name list in the Add/Modify Machine Table window will only contain "machine" tables. The Table Name list in the Add/Modify G-Code Table window will contain both "job" tables and "tool" tables. SubSystem ID Use to specify ID of the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined. Register The Register number that will be used by VERICUT to access corresponding table data. For "tool" tables, this number typically corresponds to a tool or offset register number. For "job" and "machine" tables, the Register number may correspond to an offset register number, or an integer value, as required by a particular table. SubRegister Use of this feature enables you to access multiple sub-values for the same tool from tool related tables. For example, groove tools often have multiple "driven" points, which then correspond to multiple gage offsets, and possibly multiple Cutter Comp values, Tool Nose Comp values, and Tool Length Comp values.
VERICUT HELP Project menu SubRegister is only active when the selected "Table Name" identifies a "tool" related table. Select From/To and Enter Values: These features are only active for the following tables: Input Program Zero Input Machine Zero Base Work Offset Work Offsets RTCP Pivot Offset RPCP Pivot Offset For the above tables, VERICUT provides two ways to enter table values. Select From/To/Offset Enables you to specify table values based on a "relational" offset between a "from" point and a "to" point. The "from" and "to" points are designated by specifying a particular component or CSYS. VERICUT will use the origin of the component/CSYS as the point. You can also specify an offset from the specified component/CSYS origin point. Once this relationship has been established, you can change the machine configuration or the location of the CSYS origin and the table values will updated automatically during the initial Single Step or during Play to End. For example: After Input Program Zero has been defined to be the offset from the Tool Component to the "Program Zero" CSYS, you can change the machine configuration, or change the location of "Program Zero" CSYS, and the Input Program Zero offset values will be updated automatically during the initial Single Step or during Play to End.
NOTE: The offsets are calculated based on where the corresponding origin points are
located when all linear axes are driven to machine zero (zero with no offsets in place). When Select From/To is toggled "on", the From/To Feature/Name lists and the Offset text fields become activated. Use the From/To Feature lists to specify whether the point is associated with a Component or a CSYS (coordinate system). Use the From/To Name lists to specify a specific component or coordinate system.
NOTE: Only the coordinate systems that have been defined with reference to a machine
component (i.e., visible in a Machine or Machine/Cut Stock view when Coordinate System axis is toggled "on") will appear in the CSYS/Names lists. See the discussion for Project menu > Coordinate Systems for more information on VERICUT Coordinate Systems. Use the Offset text fields to enter 3 values, separated by spaces, representing the X, Y, and Z offset from the specified origin point. You can also click on the "select" button , then pick a point in the graphics display area. You can pick the point in either a workpiece or machine view. VERICUT will calculate the Offset value between the 547
VERICUT HELP Project menu selected point and the designated Feature/Name origin point. Offset is only active when Feature is set to Component. Calculate when Used When toggled "On", VERICUT will calculate the table values, based on the current positions of the rotary axes, at the time that the table values are used. The following general guidelines should be followed regarding the use of "relational" offsets. 1. If the offsets are based on the original rotary axes orientations, or if the offsets are independent of the rotary axes orientations, Calculate when Used need not be toggled "On". 2. If the offset is dependent on a specific rotary orientation, and you are sure that the rotary axes will be re-positioned before the "relational" offset is applied, Calculate when Used should be toggled "On" so that the correct offset is calculated based on the current rotary axes positions.
NOTE: If the offset is associated with a specific rotary orientation, and you are NOT
sure that the rotary axes will be re-positioned before the "relational" offset is applied, then the offset must be specified in a manner which is independent of the rotary orientation. For example: If the offset "TO" value is a certain point on the stock when the stock is rotated to A90, you can MDI an A90, have the offset based on the A component, and then click on the corresponding point of the stock. This now defines the offset in a manner which is independent of the rotation on A. Enter Offset (or select 2 points) When toggled "On", the Values (XYZABCUVWABC) text field is activated enabling you to enter one to twelve numeric values as required by the specific table. Multiple value entries require spaces between the values. You can also click on the "select" button , then pick two points in the graphics display area. You can pick the points in either a workpiece or machine view. VERICUT will calculate the Offset value between the selected points. For all other tables, Select From/To and Enter Offset (or select 2 points) are both inactive. Enter the values in the Values (XYZABCUVWABC) text field as described for Enter Offset (or select 2 points) above.
In the sample window shown above, the current table is the Work Offsets table. The current table entry is register "54", and contains the values "-14.95 -8 -17.27". The table is applicable to subsystem "1" of the machine.
File Names list List of external files containing subs accessible to VERICUT.
Tip: Right-click in the File Names list area to display a pop-up window with the
following features: Add Opens the Job Subroutine Files selection box enabling you to add external subroutine files to the File Names list. Replace Opens the Job Subroutine Files selection box enabling you to replace the highlighted subroutine file in the File Names list with another. Delete Deletes the highlighted subroutine file from the File Names list. Edit Displays the of the highlighted subroutine file in a text editing window. Standard text editing features are provided, such as: copy/cut, paste, search, etc. For more information on using the editing features see Edit menu > Text File.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Add Opens the Job Subroutine Files selection box enabling you to add external subroutine files to the File Names list. (Same as Add in the pop-up window described above) Replace Opens the Job Subroutine Files selection box enabling you to replace the highlighted subroutine file in the File Names list with another. (Same as Replace in the pop-up window described above) Delete Deletes the highlighted subroutine file from the File Names list. (Same as Delete in the pop-up window described above) Delete All Deletes all subroutines files from the File Names list.
Block Skip Character Character which causes the block to be skipped. This character must be the first character in the data block for skipping to occur. Apply Switch Value Controls when block skip switch values are referenced by VERICUT. Options: Immediate Reference switch settings when VERICUT is reset, upon loading a new Project file, and any time tool path processing is started. On Reset Reference switch settings only when VERICUT is reset, or upon loading a new Project file. Switch 1-9 When active, processing is skipped for blocks beginning with the designated block skip switch. For example, "Switch 2" corresponds to blocks beginning with "2/", "Switch 3" corresponds to blocks with "3/", and so on.
Wire Diameter Specifies the effective cutting diameter of the wire. Work Table to XY Plane Distance from the top of the work table (machine Z zero) to the XY reference plane, as measured along the machine Z-axis. This value is usually zero, but can be a positive or negative value. The XY reference plane is the Z-axis height at which the tool path file X and Y values are driven. XY Plane to UV Plane Distance from the XY reference plane to the UV reference plane, as measured along the machine Z-axis. This value must be a positive value. This setting is only used when the tool path file contains U and V-axis values to control the wire angle. The UV reference plane is the Z-axis height at which the tool path file U and V values are driven.
Tracking Variables:
The Tracking Variables portion of the Variables window enables you to easily track variables of special interest without having to scroll through all variables in the Variables List (see how). The following information is displayed for all variables selected for tracking: Name Name of the variable being tracked. SubSystem Indicates the subsystem (if any) that the variable being tracked is associated with.
NOTE: SubSystem in this case pertains to the subsystems defined in the Variables
window variable tree, NOT the subsystems defined by the machine. Subroutine Subroutine (if any) that the variable being tracked is associated with. Description Description of the variable being tracked. Type Type of variable (Number, Text or Array) Current Value The current value of the variable. Initial Value The initial value of the variable. Use to add the highlighted variable in the Variables List to the Tracking Variables list. Use to remove the highlighted variable from the Tracking Variables list.
Variables List:
The Variables List, located in the lower portion of the Variables window, displays all variables initialized and encountered during tool path processing. Name The Name column displays a tree structure showing a list of all variables, and how each variable relates to the overall structure of the NC program (subsystem, toolpath, subroutines, etc.). Tree is constantly updated as the toolpath is processed. Description Description of the variable. This field enables you to enter a description for the NC Variable. This feature allows you to document variables for later use, as well as simplifying the tracking of states. Instead of just seeing 4001, a more meaningful "Motion Type"description can be added. Descriptions that end with an " * " has been automatically generated by VERICUT. Automatically generated descriptions can result from any of the following: Setting a variable on the Events window. Setting a variable on the Word/Address window. Calling one of the Autoset macros. Calling the SetDynamicVars macro. Type Type of variable (Number, Text or Array); also indicates the type of data that can be assigned to the variable. Current Value The current value of the variable. Initial Value The initial value of the variable.
NOTE: It is possible to create a variable with no defined values. This is done by adding a variable with either a description, or by adding the variable to the tracking variable list. This is significant because VERICUT treats variables differently depending on whether
VERICUT HELP Project menu the variable exists (defined within VERICUT) versus whether the variable has an undefined value. If you try to access a non-existing variable (a variable that does not show up in variables window), VERICUT outputs an error message saying; "un-initialized variable, defaulting to zero". When you call a G65 subroutine, variables 1-33 get initialized to "undefined" or "vacant" except those, which are set on the call to the subroutine. If you try to access an "undefined" variable, then VERICUT does not output an error message, or default to zero. See "Notes about un-initialized variables" in the Using VERICUT section for additional information. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Add Opens the Variable Add window enabling you specify the characteristics of a new variable and add it to the variable list. Delete Deletes the highlighted variable from the variable list. Delete All Deletes all variables in the variable list. Close Close the Variables window.
Name Name of the variable. SubSystem Use this feature to specify the subsystem that the variable is associated with.
NOTE: SubSystem in this case pertains to the subsystems defined in the Variables
window variable tree, NOT the subsystems defined by the machine. Description Use this field to add descriptive information about the variable Type Select the Type of variable from the pull-down list; also indicates the type of data that can be assigned to the variable. Options: Number the variable is real number. For example, value ="0010" => the numeric value "10" is used. Text the variable is a text string. For example, value ="0010" => the text string "0010" is used. Array The variable is an array. When Array is selected as the variable type, an Array Dimension field and an array table are added to the Add Variable window. Array Dimension Use to specify the dimensions of the array that the variable represents, for example "3, 4", for a 3x4 array. Array Table Use the array table to initialize specific array values if desired. VERICUT automatically adjusts the size if the array based on the dimension set with Array Dimension and all values are defaulted to 0.
G-Code Output Files tab Features on this tab provide important settings for G-code simulation, such as: the G-code programming method, when cutter compensation (CDC) codes are processed, tool path scanning, and tolerances used for simulating rotary motions. Messages tab Features on this tab are used to specify work offsets and machine locations specific to the current tool path file(s). Debug tab Features on this tab are used to store tool-related offset and compensation register data. User Defined (CTRL) tab Features on this tab are used to initialize, maintain, and monitor variables referenced by, but not set by the tool path file.
OK Applies the changes and closes the Process Options window. Apply Applies the changes and leaves the Process Options window open. Cancel Closes the Process Options window without applying changes.
APT Output File Name of the file to receive ASCII APT tool path records resulting when Create APT Output File is active (see below). If blank, the file is not created. G-Code Log File Name of the G-Code Log file to receive error, warning and informational messages about G-Code processing. If blank, the file is not created. Create APT Output File When active, converts the G-Code NC Program data into ASCII APT NC Program records. Converted data is stored in the specified APT Output file (see above). View APT Output File Opens a window containing the APT Output file with ASCII APT tool path records created when Create APT Output File is active (see above). For information about APT NC Program records and formats, see "Supported APT-CLS records". View G-Code Log File Opens a window containing the G-Code Log file. This file contains information, such as error, warning and informational messages about G-Code processing. In this window, you can view, edit, or reset the G-Code Log file contents. 562
Send Error Messages Destination of messages about errors-potentially severe problems that will most likely produce incorrect results on the machine tool. Send Warning Messages Destination of messages about possible problems. Scrutinize warnings to decide if they will actually impact the machining process. Send Info Messages Destination of messages providing information about files used, the time and date that the process started, etc. Send Debug Messages Destination of debug messages providing additional information related to internal calculations, conditions, and variable values. The types of debug messages which appear are controlled via Process Options window: Debug tab. Send Control Setting Messages Destination of messages showing the control settings in effect when the tool path file was processed. Send Input Messages Destination of messages showing the input tool path file records processed.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Send Output Messages Destination of messages showing the converted tool path records resulting from reverse-postprocessing. When Create APT Output File is active on the Process Options window: G-Code Output Files tab, output messages are sent to the APT Output File specified on the same window. By default, these records are in ASCII APT format. However, using the Machine Developer's Kit, other output file formats are obtainable. Output Filenames Format Controls how names of files used by VERICUT are shown. Options: Filename Only Full Path Names includes full directory path). Output Block Sequence Numbers Controls when block sequence numbers are included with APT output records resulting from conversion. The sequence numbers appear in columns 73-80, and are useful for general reference or debugging purposes. Options: Yes output block sequence numbers No don't output block sequence numbers Output "Word is not defined" Errors When set to Yes, outputs the "Word is not defined" error message when G-code words are encountered that the control is not set up to process. To prevent these errors from appearing, ensure this feature is set to No. Messages can be sent to the destinations listed below: to APT Output to G-Code Log (not available for Send Output Messages) to Logger (not available for Send Output Messages) to APT Output and G-Code Log to APT Output and Logger to G-Code Log and Logger (not available for Send Output Messages) to APT Output, G-Code Log and Logger to Nowhere (not available for Send Error Messages, Send Warning Messages or Send Output Messages)
NOTE: Not all destination choices are available for all message types.
Debug Offsets When selected, outputs debug messages about offset value changes, including: coordinate system offsets/shifts, compensation values in use, etc. Debug Delta Information When selected, outputs debug messages about rotating the tool position. Debug Rate Calculations When selected, outputs debug messages about rate calculations related to tool movement. Debug Loop Logic When selected, outputs debug messages about values calculated by looping or branching logic. Debug Macro Arguments When selected, outputs the macro name, the word, the text string value, and the numeric value for the macro being called. 565
VERICUT HELP Project menu Debug Intersect Points When selected, outputs debug messages related to intersect points calculated by CDC calculations. Debug Cutter Compensation When selected, outputs debug messages about CDC tool offset positions. Debug Cycle Values When selected, outputs debug messages related to processing canned tool axis cycles. Debug Substitution When to selected, outputs debug messages related to string substitutions (ref. Configuration menu > Adv. Options: Substitute tab). Debug Variables When selected, outputs debug messages about changes to variable values. See also: Project menu > Processing Options > G-Code > Variables window. Debug Turning When selected, outputs debug messages associated with turning, for example the distance from the turning axis to the tool control point and calculations related to the use of constant surface speed. Debug Wire EDM When selected, outputs debug messages associated with wire EDM machining. Debug Optipath When this is turned on, a descriptive message will be printed whenever machine simulation determines a block is non-optimizable.
NOTE: Developer's Kit-defined settings can also appear on the User Defined (CTRL)
tab of the Control Settings window, as determined by the developer.
Motion tab Features on this tab provide important settings for APT-CLS tool path simulation, such as: how circle and rapid motions are simulated, default tool path units, and more. Rotary tab Features on this tab provide control over rotary motions simulated for APT-CLS tool paths. Turning tab Features on this tab provide control over lathe turning motions simulated for APT-CLS tool paths. Cycles tab Features on this tab enable you to change how VERICUT simulates APT or CLS tool path canned cycles, also known as "fixed tool axis cycles". 568
OK Saves the settings and closes the APT Settings window. CANCEL Closes the APT Settings window without saving setting changes.
Default Toolpath Units Default unit measurement system for tool path files that do not contain a "UNITS" record. If the tool path file units differ from the session units, values in the tool path are converted appropriately while being processed. MULTAX When selected, interprets six parameter GOTO records as GOTO/x,y,z,i,j,k where i,j,k is tool axis orientation (superseded by MULTAX/OFF). Clearing this checkbox interprets these records as GOTO/x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 - two point locations (superseded by MULTAX/ON). Max Tool Axis Angle Maximum angle (in degrees) along a multi-axis motion to display intermediate tool positions. A value of "0" (default) does not display intermediate positions on multi-axis motions. The cut model is unaffected by this feature.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Tool Axis Reset Angle Minimum angle (in degrees) which is considered a positioning move. Multi-axis motions having angles equal to or greater than the reset angle do not remove material. Instead, the tool display is turned off through the multi-axis motion, then turned on after the multi-axis destination is reached. Cutting resumes at the new tool position. Process Circles When selected, processes CIRCLE records to simulate the arc motion. Clear this checkbox to ignore "CIRCLE" records, such as necessary when CIRCLE records are accompanied by their representative chordal GOTO points.
GOHOME Motion Controls how the tool is returned to the home position when a GOHOME record is processed. Options: FROM Move in a straight line to the home position. Retract Move with squared off motion, where the tool is first retracted the distance specified by the GOHOME R Dist value, then moved to the home position. GOHOME R Dist When simulating GOHOME record motions via the "Retract" option (see above), this value specifies the distance to retract before going to the home position.
"ROTATE/BAXIS,ATANGL,90" as seen on a machine with a "B" rotary table, and simulated by VERICUT in a Workpiece view:
ROTATE, ROTABL, ROTHED These features control when and how to simulate motion caused by the corresponding ROTATE, ROTABL, or ROTHED records, respectively. "BAXIS" is the default rotation axis when not specified. The rotary pivot point is defined by the Rotation Center. When absolute or incremental rotation is not specified, the Angle Value determines how to apply the rotary value. Options: Ignore Ignores the rotary command. (Default) Rotate Rotates while cutting. Tool path motions that follow are expected to have the rotation applied. Rotate/Apply Similar to Rotate, except also applies the rotated coordinate system to subsequent tool path motions. Tool path motions that follow are NOT expected to have the rotation applied. Position Rotates without cutting, also known as "positioning". The tool disappears from its initial position, then appears at the rotated position. Tool path motions that follow are expected to have the rotation applied. Position/Apply Similar to Position, except also applies the rotated coordinate system to subsequent tool path motions. Tool path motions that follow are NOT expected to have the rotation applied. Rotation Center Center of rotation for rotary motions simulated via the ROTATE, ROTABL, or ROTHED features (see above). Philosophy Describes what is being commanded to rotate for rotary motions simulated via the ROTATE, ROTABL, or ROTHED features (see above): Table (default), or Tool. Changing the rotation philosophy has the affect of reversing rotation direction. Note that ROTHED angle values are always assumed to use a rotating Table philosophy.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Angle Value Controls how angle values are applied for rotary motions simulated via the ROTATE, ROTABL, or ROTHED features (see above) when the commands do not specify "ATANGL" or "INCR". Options: Relative Incremental angle values. Absolute Absolute angle locations. (Default) Note that ROTHED angle values are always assumed to be Absolute. Direction Direction of rotation for simulating for rotary motions simulated via the ROTATE, ROTABL, or ROTHED features (see above). Options: Shortest Direction which travels the shortest distance. (Default) CW Always clockwise. CCW Always counterclockwise. Linear Refers to angles on a linear axis "wrapped" around the rotary component. Rotary values specify absolute locations along the linear-rotary axis, while the sign (+ / -) controls which end of the linear axis is used. Detect 4-Axis Rotary Motion When selected, simulates an arc cut for multi-axis motions that fit within an arc path. Clear this checkbox to simulate each multi-axis motion independently- recommended when simulating 5-axis contouring-type motions. The Interpolation Tolerance value is used to determine which motions are simulated in the 4-axis cut.
GOTO Format Specifies how turning GOTO record values are to be displayed in a Workpiece view. In this view, VERICUT simulates turning motion in the ZX plane, where Z is the spindle-axis, and X is the cross-slide-axis. This feature acts like a postprocessor for turning tool position data. Example 1- Assume you have a turning tool path programmed in GOTO/x,y format. By default, GOTO Format "#zval, #xval" displays the first GOTO value as Z-axis motion, and the second value as X-axis motion. Example 2- Assume you have a turning tool path that was reversed post-processed from G-code data such that GOTO records are in GOTO/x,0,z format (center value is "zero"). For VERICUT to process this correctly, set GOTO Format= #xval, #yval, #zval.
Cycle Set Controls which cycle definition set(s) are considered by VERICUT when processing APT tool paths. If you add a new cycle set, for a different flavor of APT or a different post-processor, you can give it any name you wish and it will appear in this list. "ALL" considers all cycle sets defined for use. Cycle Definitions Opens a window to maintain cycle and modals definitions used to interpret "CYCLE" records. This feature is especially useful if simulated cycle motions are not displayed as expected. When VERICUT can not find definitions to interpret a CYCLE record, an error similar to "Invalid CYCLE record" error is issued. In these cases, cycle definitions must be modified to interpret the cycle data.
VERICUT HELP Project menu For more information about configuring VERICUT to interpret cycle commands, see "About configuring for cycle simulation" in the Using VERICUT section. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library.
ARC record
Causes circular motion. The format of this record is similar to CIRCLE record, except specifies the arc end point via an additional set of X, Y, Z values.
CATIA0 record
Specifies a CATIA-style twelve parameter tool path transformation matrix. VERICUT processes this record when Process Matrix, on the APT Settings window: Motion tab, is active. Example: $$*CATIA0 $$*AXS2 $$ .00000 .00000 1.00000 -6.59040 $$ .99360 .11299 .00000 -16.50458 $$ -.11299 .99360 .00000 -3.32025
CHGTOOL record
Specifies the tool number to be changed into the spindle, same as LOADTL record. This record is not processed by default, however, you can use Tool Change By, in the NC Program window, to process this record and retrieve cutting tool descriptions from a VERICUT tool library. Format: CHGTOOL/n[,anytext]
CIRCLE record
Causes circular motion. The GOTO point preceding the CIRCLE record defines the start of the circular motion. The GOTO following the CIRCLE defines the circular motion 579
VERICUT HELP Project menu end. Helical motion is generated when the end point measured along the tool axis differs from the start point. This record is processed when Process Circles, on the APT Settings window: Motion tab, is active. Formats: CIRCLE/x,y,z,i,j,k,r[,n,n,n,n] - where "x,y,z" defines the circle center point, "i,j,k" is the axis orientation. "r" is the circle radius, but is not used since the radius is computed from the start, end and center points. The vector defines the positive Z-axis of counter-clockwise motion following the right-hand rule. In the 11 parameter format, VERICUT only uses the first 7 parameters. Examples: CIRCLE/1,2,3,0,0,1,5 - CCW circle motion about point 1,2,3, radius of 5 CIRCLE/1,2,3,0,0,-1,5 - as above, except CW arc motion
CLEARP record
Defines a clearance plane used by subsequent RETRCT records. See also: Default CLEARP on the APT Settings window: Motion tab. Formats: CLEARP/OFF CLEARP/value CLEARP/XYPLAN(YZPLAN or ZXPLAN),value - establish a clearance plane parallel to the part coordinate XY, YZ, or ZX plane, respectively at "value" distance from the part coordinate system origin. Only one plane may be active at one time. If no plane option is specified, XYPLAN is assumed. CLEARP/PERPTO,value - establishes a clearance plane perpendicular to the tool axis at "value" distance from the part coordinate system origin. Clearance plane distance is measured in the direction of the tool axis. Changing the tool axis vector changes the clearance plane.
CLRPLN record
Defines a clearance plane, same as CLEARP record.
CLRSRF record
Defines a clearance plane, same as CLEARP record.
CNTRL record
Defines a control point for use with a NURBS record. Formats: CNTRL/x,y,z[,i,j,k][,WEIGHT,w] - where "x,y,x" are the control points (or poles) for tool postiion, optional "i,j,k" values control the tool axis, and optional "w" specifies the weights.
CONT record
GOTO continuation record, similar to GOTO record. Formats: CONT/x,y,z x,y,z : CONT/x,y,z,i,j,k x,y,z,i,j,k :
COOLNT record
Controls coolant usage. Text following the slash is displayed in the Status window as the current coolant condition. Formats: COOLNT/anytext COOLNT/ON[,anytext] COOLNT/OFF
CSYS record
Specifies a ProManufacturing-style twelve parameter tool path transformation matrix. VERICUT processes this record when conditions are suitable. A more detailed explanation follows. The "$$->FEATNO" record resets back to the identity matrix, and "$$->END" ends TRANS/ROTATE/CSYS actions. Example: $$-> CSYS / 1.0000000000, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, $ 0.0000000000, 1.0000000000, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, $ 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, 1.0000000000, 0.0000000000 581
VERICUT HELP Project menu ProManufacturing APT has combinations of options that determine how ROTATE, TRANS, and CSYS are applied. For VERICUT to determine how to apply these transformations, all records are processed concurrently. The table below describes cases where ROTATE, TRANS, and CSYS are processed. VERICUT ignores these records for cases that are not described in the table. "ROTATE" "TRANS" "$$->TRANS" record present record present present No No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No Yes Action
Ignore CSYS and TRANS Apply TRANS Apply CSYS Add TRANS to CSYS, then apply CSYS Apply CSYS
CUTCOM record
CUTCOM record supports cutter compensation for ProManufacturing CL data. If VERICUT encounters: $$-> CUTCOM_GEOMETRY_TYPE / OUTPUT_ON_PROFILE Then sees a CUTCOM/LEFT, or CUTCOM/RIGHT, it reads ahead to the CUTCOM/OFF. The profile is then offset to the left or right by the cutter radius and VERICUT re-reads the APT, making adjustments as required. The algorithm used is not intended to match any particular postprocessor or controller. If OptiPath is being used, the OUTPUT_ON_PROFILE gets replaced by OUTPUT_ON_CENTER in the generated file, and the subsequent GOTOs refer to the cutter centerline.
CUTTER record
Describes the shape of the cutting tool. This record is processed by default, however, you can use Tool Change By, in the NC Program window, to ignore these and process other records in the tool path file to retrieve cutting tool descriptions from a VERICUT tool library.
Formats: CUTTER/d,r,e,f,a,b,h CUTTER/d,r,h CUTTER/d,r (requires Min. Cutter Height > 0) CUTTER/d (requires Min. Cutter Height > 0) CUTTER/XCUT(SHANK or HOLDER),...profile description The table below and figures that follow describe how the values "d" through "h" are interpreted, based on if the cutter is used for milling or turning.
Value d r e diameter
Milling Cutter
corner radius dist. from tool centerline to corner radius center dist. from tool tip to corner radius center base angle side angle
not used
a b
tool angle- degrees from spindle axis side angle- degrees from tool centerline to its side height- measured from tool tip along its centerline
VERICUT HELP Project menu Generic 7 Parameter Mill Cutter Definition: CUTTER/d,r,e,f,a,b,h
CYCLE record
Describes a canned tool axis cycle motion (e.g. drilling, reaming, boring, etc.) that is to be repeated at subsequent motion locations. The Drill Cycle feature, in the Motion window, controls when and how these records are simulated. Formats: CYCLE/<parameters> - where "<parameters>" provide information about how the canned motion is to be applied. If canned cycle motions are not displayed as expected ensure that Drill Cycle is not set to Ignore. If cycle simulation is still not correct, use Cycle Def on the APT Settings window: Cycles tab to configure how VERICUT interprets canned cycle commands.
CYLNDR record
Causes circular motion, same as CIRCLE record.
END record
Ends the tool path transformation matrix caused by a combination of CSYS, ROTATE and TRANS records. VERICUT processes this record when conditions are suitable. See "CSYS record" for details.
FEATNO record
Resets the tool path transformation matrix caused by a combination of CSYS, ROTATE and TRANS records back to the identity matrix. VERICUT processes this record when conditions are suitable. See "CSYS record" for details.
FEDRAT record
This record sets the feed rate, or speed at which the tool moves. Text following the slash is displayed in the Status window as the current feedrate condition. By default, a zero feedrate is used until a FEDRAT record is processed. The active feed rate value is used until another FEDRAT record is encountered. A RAPID motion overrides the active FEDRAT for that motion only. Formats: FEDRAT/value[,IPM] also: IPR, MMPM, MMPR - where value represents feedrate in the current mode. The feedrate value, and mode if specified, are displayed in the Status window Feedrate field.
FROM record
This record establishes where the tool is starting from. There is typically one record of this type per tool path file and it usually precedes any other motion record in the file. If a FROM record is not encountered, then the first GOTO point location is assumed to be the from position. Formats: FROM/x,y,z[,i,j,k] - where "x,y,z" is the starting point and "i,j,k" represents the starting tool axis vector. If no ijk information is found, then a tool axis of 0,0,1 is assumed.
GODLTA record
Designates incremental cutter movement relative to the current cutter location. Formats: GODLTA/x,y,z - specifies the incremental distance along each axis to move the tool from its current location. For example, if the tool is currently at 4, 5, 6 in xyz when GODLTA/1,2,3 is processed, the tool moves to x=5 (4+1), y=7 (5+2), and z=9 (6+3). GODLTA/value - moves the cutter along the tool axis the specified amount. If there is a transformation active, such as by a previous rotary motion command or a stock transformation, then the GODLTA values are transformed accordingly.
GOFWD record
Designates forward cutter movement relative to the current cutter location. VERICUT considers this record only when processing motion generated by GOFWD used with CIRCLE or CYLNDR records. Numerous formats are recognized, many of which also consider the INDIRV record to determine the "forward" motion direction.
GOHOME record
Specifies that the cutter return to the home position. The home position is assumed to be the location specified by the last FROM record processed. If a FROM record has not been processed, then 0, 0, 0 is used. Formats: GOHOME - move all axes to the home position. The GOHOME Motion feature, on the APT Settings window: Motion tab, controls if the cutter is moved in a straight line, or is retracted prior to going home. GOHOME/XAXIS(YAXIS or ZAXIS) - treated as GOTO statements with the specified AXIS element set to the FROM value for that axis. The other two elements are set to the current tool path position values.
GOTO record
Designates a position where the tool is moved to. Formats: GOTO/x,y,z[,i,j,k] - where "x,y,z" represent the ending location of the tool motion and optional "i,j,k" values control the tool axis in multi-axis movements. "0,0,1" tool axis orientation is assumed. "GOTO/" text is optional after the first GOTO motion,
HEAD record
Found in tool paths for mill-turn and 4-axis lathe machines, the "HEAD" record specifies which machining head is in use. Formats: HEAD/1- head 1 active HEAD/2- head 2 active HEAD/BOTH- head 1 active HEAD/OFF- head 1 active When head 2 is active the tool is changed via a "LOADTL" or "TURRET" record, VERICUT prepends the tool ID specified by the LOADTL/TURRET record with the characters "2_" to retrieve tools defined for use by head 2. Example 1: HEAD/1 TURRET/1 Looks for ID "1" in the Tool Library (interpreted as tool 1 for use by head 1). Example 2: HEAD/2 TURRET/1 Looks for ID "2_1" in the Tool Library (interpreted as tool 1 for use by head 2).
INDIRV record
Vector coefficients describing the "forward" motion direction. VERICUT considers this record only when processing motion generated by a GOFWD record used with CIRCLE or CYLNDR records. Format: INDIRV/i,j,k
KNOT record
Defines a knot parameter for use with a NURBS record. 587
VERICUT HELP Project menu Format: KNOT/t1,...,t(n-p+2) - where "t1" - "t(n-p+2)" are the knot parameters.
LOAD/TOOL record
Specifies the tool number to be changed into the spindle, same as LOADTL record. This record is not processed by default, however, you can use Tool Change By, in the NC Program window, to process this record and retrieve cutting tool descriptions from a VERICUT tool library. Format: LOAD/TOOL,n[,anytext] See also HEAD record for information about how the Pro/MFG APT "HEAD" record affects how this record is used to retrieve tool from a VERICUT tool library.
LOAD/WIRE record
For wire EDM machining- causes the wire to be loaded-sets cutting mode in VERICUT for wire EDM machining. See also UNLOAD/WIRE record.
LOADTL record
Specifies the tool number, or pocket number of the tool to be changed into the spindle. Optionally, this record may also specify tool length or other aspects about the tool, however, VERICUT ignores all parameters following the tool number. This record is not processed by default, however, you can use Tool Change By, in the NC Program window, to process this record and retrieve cutting tool descriptions from a VERICUT tool library. Format: LOADTL/n[,anytext] - where "n" is the index number of the tool (number or alphanumeric). Leading zeros in the tool ID are also ignored, for example "LOADTL/01" is interpreted as "LOADTL/1". Any text following the "/" or number data after tool ID is ignored, for example "LOADTL/2,LENGTH,6.500" is interpreted as "LOADTL/2". See also HEAD record for information about how the Pro/MFG APT "HEAD" record affects how this record is used to retrieve tools from a VERICUT tool library.
MODE record
Identifies the machining to be performed: mill or turn. Formats: MODE/MILL(TURN)
MOVARC record
Causes circular motion, same as CIRCLE record.
MSYS record
Specifies a Unigraphics-style nine parameter tool path transformation matrix. VERICUT processes this record when Process Matrix, on the APT Settings window: Motion tab, is active.
MULTAX record
Determines if subsequent GOTO motions are multi-axis motions. The multi-axis condition is modal. When multi-axis mode is on it remains on until another MULTAX record turns it off. Formats: MULTAX/ON MULTAX/OFF
NURBS record
Defines a NURBS B-spline motion command. NURBS motion commands also utilize the CNTRL record and KNOT record as part of the B-spline definition. Format: NURBS/[p]- where "p" indicates the B-spline order. The "NURBS" record typcally spans multiple lines and includes a number of other record types, such as "KNOT", "CNTRL", etc. Example: NURBS/ KNOT/1.0000000 CNTRL/61.2424,93.2577,-31.6260 : CNTRL/59.8775,93.2224,-31.6263
(or PPRINTVERICUT) Sets a VERICUT user value, or performs a VERICUT command or action. PPRINT/VERICUT text must be between columns 1-72. PPRINT data can span multiple PPRINT records via ending each PPRINT to be continued in a dollar sign. The next line must be a PPRINT/VERICUT record with the same keyword as the previous line. Words in PPRINT data can not be split by the dollar sign. Examples are provided in the sections that follow. See also "Controlling VERICUT with comment records" in the Using VERICUT section. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library.
RAPID record
Overrides the current feed rate and causes a machine tool to move as fast as possible. When the RAPID record is processed by VERICUT, the motion following the RAPID moves the tool using the Fast Feed setting in the Motion window. For example, assume the file below is processed while Fast Feed=100. RAPID GOTO/1,2,3 FEDRAT/20 GOTO/2,3,4 RAPID GOTO/3,4,5 GOTO/4,5,6 The motions are simulated by VERICUT as follows: feed rate from the current tool location to 1,2,3: 100 feed rate from 1,2,3 to 2,3,4: 20 feed rate from 2,3,4 to 3,4,5: 100 feed rate from 3,4,5 to 4,5,6: 20 In both examples below, motion from 1, 2, 3 to 4, 5, 6 uses a feed rate of "20": Example 1: FROM/1,2,3 RAPID FEDRAT/20 GOTO/4,5,6 In example 1, a FEDRAT record immediately follows the RAPID record before a motion is encountered. Under this condition, the FEDRAT value overrides a RAPID record. Example 2: RAPID FROM/1,2,3 FEDRAT/20 GOTO/4,5,6 In example 2, a FROM record is not considered to be a motion record. Therefore, the RAPID record has no affect.
RETRCT record
Retracts the cutter along the tool axis to a specified clearance plane, or by a specified amount. Formats: RETRCT- retract the tool along the tool axis until it reaches the clearance plane defined by the previous CLEARP or CLRSRF record RETRCT/value- retract along the tool axis the specified amount RETRCT/ON- retract to the Z level prior to a cycle record. Example: GOTO/1,2,3 RETRCT/ON CYCLE/DRILL,1.0,3,IPM,.1 $$ Retracts to Z=3 between cycle positions.
ROTABL record
Specifies a table rotation. Unless otherwise specified, rotation about the Y-axis is assumed. This record is processed when the ROTABL setting, on the APT Settings window: Rotary tab, is active. Otherwise, ROTABL is ignored. Formats: ROTABL/AAXIS(BAXIS or CAXIS),value ROTABL/AAXIS(BAXIS or CAXIS),ATANGL,value ROTABL/AAXIS(BAXIS or CAXIS),INCR,value ROTABL/ATANGL,value ROTABL/INCR,value
ROTATE record
Similar to the ROTABL record, this record specifies a table rotation. ROTATE is handled differently, depending on the active setting of NC Program Type, in the NC Program window. 1. Non-ProManufacturing tool path types - when the ROTATE setting, on the APT Settings window: Rotary tab, is active the rotary action is simulated by VERICUT. Otherwise, ROTATE is ignored. 2. Pro/MFG APT tool path types- ROTATE is considered along with TRAN and CSYS when determining if the tool path is to be transformed. See "CSYS record" for details. The "$$->FEATNO" record resets back to the identity matrix, and "$$->END" ends TRANS/ROTATE/CSYS actions.
ROTHED record
Specifies a head rotation. This record is processed when the ROTHED setting, on the APT Settings window: Rotary tab, is active. Otherwise, ROTHED is ignored. Formats: ROTHED/ATANGL,value ROTHED/value
SET/MODE record
This record specifies the machining to be performed: mill or turn. Formats: SET/MODE,MILL SET/MODE,TURN
SPINDL record
Specifies spindle rotation speed (RPM); direction and gear ranges may also be specified. Text following the slash is displayed in the Status window as the current spindle condition. Formats: SPINDL SPINDL/rpm[,anytext] SPINDL/[anytext,]rpm
SPNDL record
Specifies spindle rotation speed (RPM), same as SPINDL record.
STOP record
Stops the NC machine at its current location. This record commonly indicates an operator function follows, such as: changing the tool, changing the part-fixture setup, etc.
SURFACE record
Causes circular motion, same as CIRCLE record.
TLAXIS record
Specifies a new tool axis orientation. The new orientation is modal and is applied to following GOTO points that do not have I, J, K values. VERICUT processes this record when NC Program Type, in the NC Program window, is set to CATIA APT. Example: TLAXIS/ .000000, 1.000000, .000000
TRANS record
Specifies a three parameter tool path translation. VERICUT processes this record when NC Program Type, in the NC Program window, is set to Pro/MFG APT and conditions are suitable. The presence of ROTATE and TRANS records affect when VERICUT processes a TRANS record. See "CSYS record" for details. Format: TRANS / dx, dy, dz where "dx, dy, dz" are the distances in X, Y, and Z to translate the tool positions that follow. The "$$->FEATNO" record resets back to the identity matrix, and "$$>END" ends TRANS/ROTATE/CSYS actions.
TURRET record
Similar to LOADTL record, this record often appears in tool paths for turning operations to specify the tool number to be changed into location for cutting. This record is not processed by default, however, you can use Tool Change By, in the NC Program window, to process this record and retrieve cutting tool descriptions from a VERICUT tool library. The number following "TURRET" is often a composite of two numbers: a tool number and offset number. However, VERICUT simply interprets the entire number as a tool number. For example, while "TURRET/0101" may indicate tool 01 is used with offset 01), VERICUT interprets this to mean tool 0101 (or 101) is to be used from the VERICUT tool library. 594
VERICUT HELP Project menu Formats: TURRET/n[,anytext] TURRET/FACE,n[,anytext] See also HEAD record for information about how the Pro/MFG APT "HEAD" record affects how this record is used to retrieve tools from a VERICUT tool library.
UNITS record
Sets the unit measurement system of the data in the tool path file: inches or millimeters. Formats: UNITS/INCHES UNITS/MM
For wire EDM machining- causes the wire to be unloaded-sets noncutting mode in VERICUT for wire EDM machining. See also LOAD/WIRE record.
VECTOR record
Designates a position where the tool is moved to, same as GOTO record.
Output window
Location: Project menu > Output VERICUT toolbar short cut: Opens the VERICUT Output files window to setup, create, or view VERICUT's many output files.
In Process tab Features on this tab control automatic saving of In Process files, or "IP files". The features on this tab provide the same functionality as the AutoSave window, In Process tab found in the File section. View Capture tab Features on this tab control automatic saving of View Capture image files (JPEG, PS, EPSF, or TIFF files). VERICUT Solid tab Features on this tab control automatic saving of VERICUT Solid (vct.) files.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Logs tab Features on this tab enable you to specify and view VERICUT Log files, Control Report files and OptiPath modified (optimized) NC Program files. It also provides access to the OptiPath Control window. G-Code Files tab Use the features on this tab to specify and view the G-Code Log file and the APT Output file. Movie tab Use the features on this tab to specify an output file, record, and view VERICUT Image files or AVI files. OK Saves all tab settings and closes the VERICUT Output Files window. Apply Saves all tab settings and leaves the VERICUT Output Files window open. Cancel Closes the VERICUT Output Files window without saving settings.
Auto Save options These options control when VERICUT automatically saves IP files. Click on the box to the left of the event to toggle On/Off. Each selected event causes a file to be saved when that event occurs. Options: Cutter Change Save an IP file when the cutter has been changed. # of Cuts Save an IP file after a specified number of cuts. Enter the number of cuts in the # of Cuts text field. File End Save file at the end of tool path processing. Choose either End of each File (end of each toolpath file) or End (end of the NC program) from the pulldown list. In Process File Use to specify the base name for IP files saved. Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Unique file names are maintained by appending the tool path number and line number of the record causing the event to the end of the base file name. Naming convention for auto-saving files is: <IPfilename>n1_n2.ip where "<IPfilename>" is the name specified in the In Process File field, "n1"=sequential tool path number, and "n2"=number of the record causing the auto-save event. The following examples assume the Output window configuration shown below.
Example 1: One tool path processed, tool change on record #10 => test1_10.ip Example 2: Two tool paths processed, tool change on record #10 in both tool paths => test1_10.ip (from tool change in tool path #1), test2_10.ip (from tool change in tool path #2) Example 3: Two tool paths processed, tool path one tool change on record #10, tool path two tool change on record #5 => test1_10.ip (from tool change in tool path #1), test2_5.ip (from tool change in tool path #2) Auto Error options On When active, VERICUT automatically saves an IP file when an error is detected. In Process File Specifies the base name for IP files saved due to errors. Similar to In Process File for the Auto Save options (see above), unique file names are maintained by appending the line number of the record causing the error to the end of the specified IP file name.
Print Command When toggled "Off", sends graphical data to the specified ShadeCopy File. When toggled "On", executes the print command that sends raw graphical image data to the printer. By default, the "prshade" command executes the "prshade" command file containing operating system commands typically used to print images on your computer. If printing fails, correct the entry in the Print Command field, or use an ASCII text editor (NOT a word processor) to edit the "prshade" command file to have the proper print command for your computer/printer. Properties Opens the View Capture window to access settings for file formatting and printing.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Auto Save options These options control when VERICUT automatically saves ShadeCopy files. Click on the box to the left of the event to toggle On/Off. Each selected event causes a file to be saved when that event occurs. Options: Cutter Change Save a ShadeCopy file when the cutter has been changed. # of Cuts Save a ShadeCopy file after a specified number of cuts. Enter the number of cuts in the # of Cuts text field. File End Save a ShadeCopy file at the end of tool path processing. Choose either End of each File (end of each toolpath file) or End (end of the NC program) from the pulldown list. ShadeCopy File Use to specify the base name for ShadeCopy image files saved as a result of Auto Save options described above, when the Print Command checkbox is toggled "Off". Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file. The naming convention used for saved files is as described for IP files-see In Process tab for details. Auto Error options These options control when VERICUT automatically saves ShadeCopy filesdue to errors. On When toggled "On", VERICUT automatically saves a ShadeCopy image file when an error is detected. ShadeCopy File Use to specify the base name for ShadeCopy image files automatically saved as a result of errors detected when AutoError On is toggled "On", and the Print Command checkbox is toggled "Off". Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the Save File selection window to specify the file. The naming convention used for saved files is as described for IP files-see In Process tab for details.
Auto Save options These options control when VERICUT automatically saves VERICUT Solid files. Click on the box to the left of the event to toggle On/Off. Each selected event causes a file to be saved when that event occurs. Options: Cutter Change Save a VERICUT Solid file when the cutter has been changed. # of Cuts Save a VERICUT Solid file after a specified number of cuts. Enter the number of cuts in the # of Cuts text field. File End Save a VERICUT Solid file at the end of tool path processing. Choose either End of each File (end of each toolpath file) or End (end of the NC program) from the pull-down list. VERICUT Solid File Use to specify the base name for VERICUT Solid files saved due to Auto Save options. Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file. 602
AutoError options Use these options to specify whether or not VERICUT automatically saves VERICUT Solid files when an error is detected. On Click on the box to the left to toggle On/Off. When active, VERICUT automatically saves a VERICUT Solid file when an error is detected. VERICUT Solid File Use to specify the base name for VERICUT Solid files saved when AutoError On is active. Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file.
NOTE: The naming convention used for saved VERICUT Solid files is the same as
described for IP files-see In Process tab for details.
Log File Use to specify the name of the VERICUT Log file. Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file. View Opens a window containing the VERICUT Log file. This file contains session information, such as error, warning and informational messages about the verification session. Standard text editing features are provided, such as: copy/cut, paste, search, etc. For more information on using the editing features, see Text File under Edit menu.
Report Use to specify the name of the Control Report file. Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file. View Opens a window containing a Control Report file containing information about how the current NC control configuration will interpret machine codes. Reported information includes all the G-Codes the control is configured to handle and macros (actions) they will call, subroutines, and other supported control features. Standard text editing features are provided, such as: copy/cut, paste, search, etc. For more information on using the editing features, see Text File under Edit menu. OptiPath Use to specify the name of the Optimized file. Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file. Settings Displays the OptiPath Control window. View Opens a window containing the optimized NC Program file. Standard text editing features are provided, such as: copy/cut, paste, search, etc. For more information on using the editing features, see Text File under Edit menu.
Control Report Enter the /directory path/filename of the Control Report file in the text field or use the Browse button to specify it. This file contains information about how the current NC control configuration will interpret various codes. View Opens a window containing the Control Report file. In this window, you can view, edit, or reset the Control Report file contents. Standard text editing features are provided, such as: copy/cut, paste, search, etc. For more information on using the editing features, see Text File under Edit menu.
VERICUT HELP Project menu APT Output File Enter the /directory path/file name of the APT Output file in the text field or use the Browse button to specify it. This file contains information, such as error, warning and informational messages about G-Code processing. View Opens a window containing the APT Output file with ASCII APT tool path records created when Create APT Output File is active (ref. Process Options window: G-Code Output Files tab). Standard text editing features are provided, such as: copy/cut, paste, search, etc. For more information on using the editing features, see Text File under Edit menu. G-Code Log File Enter the /directory path/file name of the G-Code Log file in the text field or use the Browse button to specify it. This file contains information, such as error, warning and informational messages about G-Code processing. View Opens a window containing the G-Code Log file. In this window, you can view, edit, or reset the G-Code Log file contents. Standard text editing features are provided, such as: copy/cut, paste, search, etc. For more information on using the editing features, see Text File under Edit menu.
Movie Use to specify the name of the Image/AVI output file. Enter the \path\file name in the text field or click on Browse and use the selection window to specify the file. Settings Displays the Image Record window. View Opens a "VERICUT Player" window (or "AVI Player" window) to load and play back an Image file (or AVI file). The type of "player" window that opens depends on the Output Format setting in the Record Movie window.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Styles tab Features on this tab enable you to specify display characteristics (font, font size, color, etc.) to be used for the report template. User-Defined Tags tab Features on this tab enable you to specify "generic" records included in a report template that will be updated with information specific to a particular user file at the time the report is created. The user file specific information can be associated with the User-Defined Tag using the User-Defined Tag Values window. If all User-Defined Tag values are not defined prior to creating a report, you will be prompted for any missing information at the time the report is created. Page Setup tab Features on this tab enable you to specify or modify page format characteristics such as margins, orientation and paper size. The features on this tab are intended to be use with PDF format reports, although it may also be useful for HTML format reports with certain web browsers.
NOTE: When starting a new report template, Add will not become active until at least
one style record has been added using the Styles tab. Text Use to add text related records to a report template. Select the desired option from the pull-down list. The options in the list will vary depending on where you accessed the Report Template window (VERICUT main window, Tool Manager window, or the Inspection Sequence window). String Adds a record to writes out a specified text string. Enter the text in the "Content" field of the record. Date Adds a record to write out the date with the format selected from the pull-down list.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Short "12/24/03" Medium "Dec 24, 2003" Long "December 24, 2003" Full "Wednesday, December 24, 2003" Time Adds a record to write out the time with the format selected from the pull-down list. Short "10:49 AM" Medium "10:49:48 AM" Long "10:49:48 AM PST" Page Number Adds a record to write out page numbers with the format selected from the pull-down list. # "1" Page # "Page 1" Page # of # "Page 1 of 3" File Name Adds a record to write out the /path/file name of the type selected from the pull-down list. Project File Adds a record to write out the /path/file name of the "current" Project file. Machine File Adds a record to write out the /path/file name of the "current" Machine file. Control File Adds a record to write out the /path/file name of the "current" Control file. Tool Library File Adds a record to write out the /path/file name of the "current" Tool Library file. OptiPath Library File Adds a record to write out the /path/file name of the "current" OptiPath Library file. Toolpath File Adds a record to write out the /path/file name of the "current" NC Program File. Log File Adds a record to write out the /path/file name of the "current" Log file. Optimized Toolpath File Adds a record to write out the /path/file name of the "current" Optimized Toolpath file. Process Data Adds a record to write out "process" related data of the type selected from the pull-down list. Material Adds a record to write out the "material" specified on the OptiPath Control window, Settings tab.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Machine Adds a record to write out the "machine" specified on the OptiPath Control window, Settings tab. Total Time Adds a record to write out the total time anticipated to machine the part (as simulated by VERICUT). Total Number of Errors Adds a record to write out the number of errors detected by VERICUT. Total Number of Warnings Adds a record to write out the number of warning detected by VERICUT. Total Optimized Time Adds a record to write out the total time anticipated to machine the part (as simulated by VERICUT) using optimized toolpath files. Total Time Difference Adds a record to write out the total time difference between Total Time and Total Optimized Time. Total Distance Adds a record to write out the total tool movement distance. Total Cut Distance % Adds a record to write out the total percentage of tool movement distance that occurred while in feed rate mode. Total Volume Removed Adds a record to write out the total volume of material removed. Tool Change Data Adds a record to write out "tool" related data, of the type selected from the pull-down list, for the current tool. Seq Adds a record to write out the sequential number of the last tool change event. Record Adds a record to write out the last tool change record processed. Includes both the sequential line number and the record text. Tool Description Adds a record to write out the tool ID and description of a tool retrieved from a VERICUT Tool Library file. A blank field indicates a description for this tool was not defined in the library, or the tool did not come from a tool library. Cutter Info Adds a record to write out cutter shape geometry data. Includes both the method used to define the cutter shape (shown in square brackets [ ], for example [Profile] indicates a profile type of cutter definition) followed by the parameter values used to describe the cutter. Cutter Height Adds a record to write out the height of the cutter. Flute Length Adds a record to write out the flute length of the cutter. Gage Offset Adds a record to write out the cutter's gage offset value. OptiPath Record Adds a record to write out the OptiPath tool description and the number of teeth for the tool
VERICUT HELP Project menu Optimized By Adds a record to write out the optimization method used for the tool. Original Time Adds a record to write out the anticipated cutting time (as simulated by VERICUT) for the tool. Optimized Time Adds a record to write out the anticipated optimized cutting time (as simulated by VERICUT) for the tool. Time Difference Adds a record to write out the difference between the optimized and un-optimized cutting times for the tool Distance Adds a record to write out the tool movement distance. Distance % Adds a record to write out the percentage of tool movement distance while in feedrate mode. Volume Removed Adds a record to write out the volume of material removed by the tool. Errors Adds a record to write out the number of errors detected by VERICUT for the tool. Warnings Adds a record to write out the number of warnings output by VERICUT for the tool. Min Extension Adds a record to write out the minimum height required to avoid shank/holder collisions with the tool. Add User-Defined Tag Adds a record to write out the value of a "text type" User Defined Tag. Use Add User-Defined Tag, to create a new "text type" UserDefined Tag, or select an existing User-Defined Tag from the pull-down list. Table Displays a window enabling you to add a VERICUT generated table , or "custom" table, to a report template. Table Use to specify the type of table to add. Add a custom table using: Custom Table or choose one of the VERICUT generated tables: File Summary Table outputs a file summary table Tool Summary Table outputs a tool summary table Shade Copy Table outputs a Shade Copy table.
VERICUT HELP Project menu No. of Rows Enter the number of rows for a "custom" table. Use the following "Alignment" features to further define a "custom" table. Table Width Use to specify the table width relative to the window/page width. Enter the Table width as a percentage of the window/page width. Border Size Use to specify a border size for a "custom" table. Enter the border size in pixels. Thumbnail Width Use to specify the width of "images" included in tables. Toggle "On" and enter the width value in pixels. Thumbnail Height Use to specify the width of "images" included in tables. Toggle "On" and enter the width value in pixels.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Tool Image outputs an image of the current tool. When included within a "tool change loop", an image of the current tool is output at each tool change. or choose one of the existing (if any) "picture type" User-Defined Tags at the bottom of the list. File Enter the /path/file name of the image file or use Browse to display a file selection window and use it to pick the image file. This feature is only active when Picture is set to From File. Border Size Use to add a border to the image. Enter the border size in pixels. Width Use to specify the width for the displayed image. Toggle "On" and enter the width value in pixels. Height Use to specify the height for the displayed image. Toggle "On" and enter the height value in pixels.
NOTE: PageBreak, Start Toolpath Loop, End Toolpath Loop, Start Tool Change
Loop, and End Tool Change Loop cannot be edited. They can only be deleted.
VERICUT HELP Project menu select from the pull-down list (Body, Page Header, Page Footer, First Page Header, or First Page Footer). Type Indicates the record type. With the record highlighted, double click Table or Picture to display the corresponding window for editing the record. Content Indicates the "content" of the record. With the record highlighted, double click on the content of a Table or Picture record to display the corresponding window for editing the record. Double click on the "content' of a text string record to add or modify the text. Alignment Indicates how the information will be aligned horizontally in the report. With the record highlighted, click on the record "category" and select from the pull-down list (Body, Page Header, Page Footer, First Page Header, or First Page Footer). Style Indicates the "style" to be used for the record. With the record highlighted, click on the record "style" and select from the pull-down list. The list will contain all for the styles that have been defined, using the Styles tab, for the current report template.
NOTE: Add and Delete can also accessed using the Add or Delete button at the bottom
of the Styles tab or by right-clicking in the Style Record table and selecting Add or Delete.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Style Name The name used to identify a particular style record, These are the items that will appear in the Style pull-down list, in the record table, on the Page Layout tab. Font Indicates the font type to be used for the style record. With the record highlighted, click on the Font field and select from the pull-down list. Size Indicates the font size to be used for the style record. With the record highlighted, click on the Size field and either select from the pull-down list or type in a font size. Bold Toggle the "Bold" characteristic "On/Off" for the style record. Italic Toggle the "Italic" characteristic "On/Off" for the style record. Underline Toggle the "Underline" characteristic "On/Off" for the style record. Font Color With the record highlighted, double click on the Font Color field to display a color pallet. (You can also right-click on a "color" field and select Set Color to display the color pallet.) Click on the desired font color in the pallet. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the color pallet to dismiss the pallet. Background Color With the record highlighted, double click on the Background Color field to display a color pallet. (You can also right-click on a "color" field and select Set Color to display the color pallet.) Click on the desired background color in the pallet. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the color pallet to dismiss the pallet. Border Size Indicates the border size to be used for the style record. With the record highlighted, click on the border size and type in a font size (in pixels).
NOTE: Add and Delete can also accessed using the Add or Delete button at the bottom
of the User-Defined Tags tab or by right clicking in the User-Defined Tags Record table and selecting Add or Delete.
NOTE: Tag Name and Type can be edited by highlighting the record, then clicking the
appropriate field and either editing the text or selecting the desired Type from the pulldown list. Once a Tag Name is referenced in a report template, the User-Defined Tag record can no longer be edited.
MDI window
Location: Configuration menu > MDI VERICUT toolbar short cut: Opens a window enabling you to manually enter and process blocks of G-code data. The MDI, or "Manual Data Input" function provides a quick and easy way of verifying that the machine/control combination responds to G-code data commands as expected.
SubSystem ID Use this feature to specify which subsystem the G-code data command is to be applied to. History Displays a list of the G-code data commands that have been entered during the current VERICUT session. To re-use a command from the History list, click on the command so it becomes highlighted and click on Apply. The result of the command is immediately displayed in the Machine view. To remove a command from the History list, click on the command so it becomes highlighted, then use the Delete button to remove the command from the History list. Use the Clear All button to remove all commands from the History list.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Right-click in the History list area to display a pop-up window with the following features: Delete Removes the highlighted command from the History list (same as the Delete button described above). Clear All Removes all commands from the History list (same as the Clear All button described above). Replay Current Processes the command row highlighted in the History list (same as using the Apply button described above). Multiple Line Mode Left-click on this feature to activate (indicated by a check mark) Multiple Line Mode. When active, much of the MDI behavior changes as described below. A highlighted row is not inserted in the Selection field. The content of the Selection field is appended after the highlighted row when Apply is pressed. A row's text can be edited directly by double clicking on the row. Rows with duplicate content are allowed. The Replay All feature requires a Machine Simulation license.
The remaining features are only available when Multiple Line Mode is active. Replay All Processes all of the command rows in the History list, in the order that they appear in the list. Re-order the rows in the History list by left-clicking on the square button at the beginning of the row and drag the row (while keeping the left mouse button depressed) to the desired position.
1. Do not attempt to use MDI before machine construction is complete. If the Stock, Tool, and all motion components are not present in the machine definition, the machine may not respond to motion commands as expected. 2. After adding motion type components to a machine, always press Model) before using MDI to test machine movements. (Reset
3. Calls to subroutines and NC macros are not supported in the MDI window. Use a short test tool path file instead. 4. If you want the MDI motions to remove material, you have to press "Single Step" once to get VERICUT to build the cut stock database.
1. Defining a CSYS is not recommended to locate G-code tool paths simulated on a 3-D machine, as this can cause the workpiece to move in the machine view. Instead, use an Input Program Zero table, or Work Offsets table if work offsets are present in the tool path file. 2. Coordinate systems specified under NC Program Origin on the NC Program window, override the active user-defined CSYS. 3. VERICUT can also be configured to process the following APT-CLS tool path records to set the tool path CSYS: CATIA0, MSYS, VERICUT-MATRIX.
Coordinate System Name Enables you to add a new CSYS or select an existing CSYS from the list for modification or deletion. Enter a name in the top position of the Coordinate System Name list to create a new CSYS, or use New (described below) to create a new CSYS and let VERICUT automatically supply a unique name. New Adds a new CSYS to the Coordinate System Name list. VERICUT automatically provides a unique name to the CSYS. The following user actions also automatically add a new CSYS: Translate tab: pressing Move Rotate tab: pressing one of the rotation direction buttons (X+/X-, Y+/Y-, Z+/Z-) 628
VERICUT HELP Project menu Construct tab: pressing Update When VERICUT processes one of the following APT-CLS tool path records to set the tool path CSYS: CATIA0, MSYS, VERICUT-MATRIX. The coordinate system is relative to the first stock's machine component parent. The coordinate system is named "filename_nn" where filename is the name of the toolpath file and nn is the file's line number containing the matrix definition. Additional coordinate systems are not created for matrices with identical values.
Delete Deletes the selected CSYS from the Coordinate System Name list. CSYS from File Displays a file selection box enabling you to specify the CSYS file to be used. VERICUT will read the file and creates CSYS's attached to the selected component (typically the Stock). The Create CSYS While Simulating feature (described below) must be toggled Off when using CSYS from File. This functionality is also available via the csys_file command line option. Attach Coordinate System To Enables you to attach a CSYS to a particular component so that if the component gets repositioned, the CSYS also gets repositioned, maintaining the defined relationship. Select the component from the pull-down list. Use for Cut Stock Transition Use to designate that the coordinate system is used for transitioning the cut stock from one setup position to another.
Display features:
These features enable you to override the "global" visibility and color characteristics, as set with View menu > Axes: Coordinate System, for the individual coordinate system currently displayed in the Coordinate System Name list. Visible When coordinate systems are displayed using View menu > View Axes: Coordinate System, Visible enables you to toggle the display of an individual coordinate system "Off/On". Enables you to override the "global" coordinate system display color set using View menu > View Axes: Coordinate System, for an individual coordinate system. Click on the Color Pallet icon, then select the desired color from the chart.
Location features:
These features show the selected CSYS's position and angle, and can be used to move the CSYS or verify its current location. Values shown are relative to the workpiece origin. Position Specifies the absolute XYZ position of the CSYS, separated by spaces. Component Origin Enables you to position the origin of the coordinate system currently displayed in the Coordinate System Name list at the origin of the selected component. Toggle Component Origin "On", click in the Position field so that it becomes highlighted yellow, then select the desired component in the graphics area. Press Apply to move the coordinate system. Angles Specifies the absolute XYZ rotation of the CSYS, separated by spaces. Undo Returns the CSYS to its previous location, or as it was when the Coordinate System window was opened. Reverse X Reverses the X axis of the "active" coordinate system. (See note below) Reverse Y Reverses the Y axis of the "active" coordinate system. (See note below) Reverse Z Reverses the Z axis of the "active" coordinate system. (See note below)
NOTE: In order to maintain a right handed csys, the following will occur when an axis
is reversed: If the X axis is reversed, then the Z axis is also reversed. If the Y axis is reversed, then the X axis is also reversed. If the Z axis is reversed, then the Y axis is also reversed. Create CSYS While Simulating When toggled On (the default), coordinate systems are unconditionally created when a matrix statement is encountered in the NC program
VERICUT HELP Project menu being simulated. The coordinate systems are attached to the stock's parent ( the "attach" component). This feature must be toggled Off when creating them on your own or using the CSYS from File feature (described above). OK Applies the changes and closes the Coordinate System window. Apply Applies the changes and leaves the Coordinate System window open. Cancel Closes the Coordinate System window without applying changes.
From / To Specifies the locations to move the CSYS from and to, relative to the workpiece origin. XYZ values can be entered (separated by spaces), or selected by clicking in the field then clicking on a model. As you move the mouse over the VERICUT model, a crosshair and vector show you the pending pick-point location. Graphical selection supports picking corner points and midpoints of uncut model geometry, or virtually any point on machined features. Move Moves the selected CSYS by the incremental distance, as calculated from the "From" point to the "To" point location. Local Translation When toggled "on", From/To values are relative to the current CSYS.
NOTE: This feature is useful when trying to align a CSYS to the center of a machined
Center of Rotation Specifies XYZ point location about which to rotate the CSYS. XYZ values can be entered (separated by spaces), or selected by clicking in the field then clicking on a model. To see the center of rotation, press . To remove the center of rotation symbol press the button again, or close the Coordinate System window. Increment Specifies incremental degrees of rotation to apply when one of the rotation direction buttons are pressed. Rotation direction buttons (X+/X-, Y+/Y-, Z+/Z-) When pressed, applies the incremental rotation specified in the Increment field. Rotation occurs about the Center of Rotation, relative to the workpiece origin. Local Rotation When toggled "on", the incremental rotation values are relative to the current CSYS.
NOTE: This feature is useful when trying to align a CSYS to the center of a machined
While the Construct tab is active, a marker is displayed in the graphics area (see the picture below) showing the current position/orientation of the axis being constructed based on the Construct tab settings. The display is updated each time you change a value on the Construct tab. The marker is automatically clears when you leave the Construct tab.
Origin (XYZ) Use these features to define a point representing the origin of the CSYS. Primary Axis (IJK) Use these features to define a point or vector representing the direction of the CSYS primary axis. Secondary Axis (IJK) Use these features to define a point or vector representing the direction of the CSYS secondary axis. For each of the items above, you can either enter the coordinates of the point, separated by spaces, in the text field or select one of the construction methods and pick geometry in the graphics area to define the item. Choose one of the construction methods from the pull-down list, then click the arrow and follow the prompts in the message area to define the item. The following construction methods are available: Point Use to select a point. Vector/Plane Define a point represented by the intersection of a vector with a plane. 3 Planes Define a point represented by the intersection of three planes. Circle Define a point represented by the center of a circle.
NOTE: When using one of the point construction methods to define the Primary or Secondary Axis, the origin is subtracted from the generated point to define the direction vector representing the axis.
Vector Define the direction of a CSYS axis by selecting a vector. (not available for Origin) Plane/Plane Define the direction of a CSYS axis by a vector represented by the intersection of two planes. (not available for Origin) Axis Order Choose from the pull-down list to assign X, Y or Z to the Primary and Secondary axes of the CSYS. XY assigns the Primary Axis to be X and the Secondary Axis to be Y. YZ assigns the Primary Axis to be Y and the Secondary Axis to be Z. ZX assigns the Primary Axis to be Z and the Secondary Axis to be X. Update Use the values selected above to update an existing CSYS, or create a new CSYS. When the Update button is pressed the following occurs: 1. The Primary Axis and the Secondary Axis are crossed to determine the third axis. 2. The third axis is then crossed with the Primary Axis to ensure that the Secondary Axis is orthogonal. 635
VERICUT HELP Project menu 3. The CSYS currently active in the Coordinate System window is updated with the resultant orthogonal coordinate system and the origin. If no CSYS is currently active, VERICUT creates a new CSYS and automatically assigns it a unique name.
Matrix Table The transformation matrix table is similar to the matrix used in programming APT tool paths. Its twelve parameters reveal the geometrical attributes of the local (transformed) coordinate system (CSYS) in terms of the workpiece origin. The format of the matrix table is as follows: I X Y Z I1 I2 I3 J J1 J2 J3 K K1 K2 K3 D D1 D2 D3
Each row represents an axis of the local CSYS. The first three columns represent the vector associated with each axis: I1, J1, K1 as the positive X-axis vector; I2, J2,K2 as the positive Y-axis vector; and I3, J3, K3 as the positive Z-axis vector. The fourth column values D1, D2, D3 represent the coordinates of the origin point of the local CSYS.
NOTE: If you prefer to see the Matrix Table displayed with the I, J, K along the vertical
axis and the X, Y, Z along the horizontal axis, set the environment variable, CGTECH_MATRIX_FORMAT=VERTICAL.
Update Updates the CSYS location to reflect the matrix table transformation. After updating, press OK or Apply to move the object. Apply Inverse On Update When selected, inverts the matrix so that its twelve parameters reveal the geometrical attributes of the workpiece origin in terms of the local (transformed) coordinate system.
Shortcut: You can also change the active coordinate system by right-clicking in the
view, and selecting Set Active Coord. Sys. and selecting the desired coordinate system from the displayed list. Use Project menu > Coordinate Systems > Define... to create additional coordinate systems.
Project Tree
Location: Project menu > Project Tree VERICUT toolbar short cut: The Project Tree is one of the dockable windows enabling you to dock it inside the VERICUT main window if you choose. The Project Tree shows all Setups and each Setup's configuration in a tree hierarchy. A project can consist of one or more setups. VERICUT processes each "active" setup sequentially, starting at the top of the tree. The functionality available in the Project Tree duplicates the functionality available in the Project menu, but in a more visual tree format. The following examples describe some of the information available to you from the way that the items in the Project Tree are displayed. Project Tree Example 1: "New" project with a single setup. The picture at the left shows the Project Tree for a "new" project containing a single setup. Since it is the only setup, it is by default the "current" setup, indicated by the bold text. The red text here indicates that no data has been assigned to any of these items. The initial machine is defined with Stock, Design and Fixture components but no models have been assigned
VERICUT HELP Project menu Project Tree Example 2: A project with multiple setups.
The picture at the left shows the Project Tree for a two setup job. Both setups are fully defined. Setup: 1 is displayed in black text indicating that it is in an "active" state. The bold text indicated that Setup 1 is the "current" setup. The NC Subroutines label in Setup: 1 is displayed in red text indicating that no subroutines are used for Setup 1.
All of the items in Setup: 2 are displayed in red text indicating that Setup 2 is in an "inactive" state.
VERICUT HELP Project menu Each item in the Project Tree has a Right Mouse Button Shortcut menu containing features specific to the particular item. Project Branch Setup Branch CNC Machine Branch Control Branch Machine Branch Attach Component Component Branch Model Tooling NC Programs displays a button enabling you to display the NC Program window. NC Program file NC Subroutines displays a button enabling you to display the G-Code Settings window, Subroutines tab. For more information on these, and all, VERICUT Right Mouse Button Shortcut menus, see Right Mouse Button Shortcut menus in the Getting Started with VERICUT section of VERICUT Help.
Configuration Menu
Machine Open (Machine file)
Location: Configuration menu > Machine > Open Toolbar short cut for opening Machine files: Opens a window to open (load) a Machine file. Machine files contain data that describes NC machine construction, kinematics, and other properties. Help on Samples Opens the VERICUT Help section on "Machine files". Both library and sample machines are listed. Find the file you want in the on-line Help, then cut & paste the file name into the file selection window. For machines located in the library, set Shortcut=CGTECH_LIBRARY and press Open to open the file. For "sample" machines, set Shortcut=CGTECH_SAMPLES and press Open.
Machine Simulation On When toggled "On", simulates machine tool motions when a 3-D machine is displayed in a machine view.
Shortcut: You can quickly toggle Machine Simulation On, "On" or "Off" by clicking
on the No Machine Simulation icon in the toolbar.
Transparent Stock When selected, displays the stock workpiece in a Machine/Cut Stock view as transparent while the machine is in motion.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Machine Up Specifies which way is "up" (towards the ceiling) for a machine when a machine view displays walls in the background. (Ref. View menu > Attributes: Background). The up direction is relative to the machine origin. Collision Detect tab Features on this tab control when collisions between machine components are detected, which components are protected, and tolerances used for detecting collisions. Tables tab Features on this tab are used to specify important machine locations and detail tool change motion. Travel Limits tab Features on this tab define how far each machine axis can go, and control when travel limit errors are detected. Axis Priority tab Features on this tab control how machine axes move in rapid positioning mode (e.g. G0). OK Applies the changes and closes the Machine Settings window. Apply Applies the changes and leaves the Machine Settings window open. Cancel Closes the Machine Settings window without applying changes.
Colliding components are highlighted using the red Error color, and errors are issued to the Log file identifying collision causing block(s) and machine components.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Collision Detection When toggled "On", detects collisions between specified components. Ignore Collision between Cutter and Stock Controls when collisions between the cutter and the Stock component are ignored. This feature is useful when collision detection is desired between the stock and shank or holder portions of the tool assembly in the machine view, but not with the cutter. Options are: No (default) Does not ignore cutter-stock collisions. All collisions are reported. All Tools Ignores cutter-stock collisions for all tools, even inactive tools in multitool machines. Active Tool Ignores cutter-stock collisions for the active tool. However, collisions between stock and inactive tools are detected. Default Near Miss Specifies the default collision tolerance applied to all collision cases when Set All is pressed (see below). Set All Sets the default collision tolerance for all collision cases to the Default Near Miss value. You can edit the supplied tolerance for individual cases. Component/Component collision list Lists the component-to-component collision cases that are checked when collision detection is turned on. Component1/Component 2 These features are used to specify the component-tocomponent collision cases to check. The Near Miss value controls how close the components are permitted to be before reporting a collision.
NOTE: Do not configure for collision detection between components that move (slide
or rotate) against each other, such as connected motion axes. In these cases, errors may occur each time the components move. Sub-Components Toggle On/Off to include Sub-Components of Component1/Component2 during collision checking. Near Miss Specifies the tolerance to use for collision checking. Enter a positive value to be alerted if components come near each other within the specified clearance, zero to indicate components may not touch, or a negative value if components are expected to collide by the specified value.
NOTE: "Near Miss" tolerances are not supported for collision checking against the cut
model. The accuracy of collisions with the cut stock is dependent on the "Cutting Tolerance". Add Adds a new collision case to the list. Delete Deletes the selected collision case from the list.
Tables list A list of tables that are currently defined. The Machine Settings tables list will contain only "machine" tables. The G-Code Settings tables list will contain both "job" tables and "tool" tables. Add/Modify Use to access the Add/Modify Tables window enabling you to add additional tables or modify existing tables. To add a table, simply click on Add/Modify. To modify an existing table, select the table to be modified from the Tables list and click on Add/Modify. (You can also "double-click" on the table in the Tables list.) Delete Deletes the selected table entry from the Tables list. If it is the last entry for a particular table, then the table is also deleted. Use the G-Code Settings window: Tables tab to create Job Tables to specify values to override "standard" values set in a Machine Table for particular NC program file(s). Machine Tables values are stored in the Machine file.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu The following Machine tables can be added or modified with the Machine Settings, Tables tab: Base Work Offset Initial Machine Location Input Machine Zero (obsolete) Machine Reference Location Tool Change Location Tool Change Retraction Work Offsets Input Program Zero
Table Name Use to identify the table to be added, or modified, if it already exists. The Table Name list in the Add/Modify Machine Table window will only contain "machine" tables. The Table Name list in the Add/Modify G-Code Table window will contain both "job" tables and "tool" tables. SubSystem ID Use to specify ID of the machine subsystem for which the table is being defined. Register The Register number that will be used by VERICUT to access corresponding table data. For "tool" tables, this number typically corresponds to a tool or offset register number. For "job" and "machine" tables, the Register number may correspond to an offset register number, or an integer value, as required by a particular table. SubRegister Use of this feature enables you to access multiple sub-values for the same tool from tool related tables. For example, groove tools often have multiple "driven" points, which then correspond to multiple gage offsets, and possibly multiple Cutter Comp values, Tool Nose Comp values, and Tool Length Comp values. SubRegister is only active when the selected "Table Name" identifies a "tool" related table. 652
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Select From/To and Enter Values: These features are only active for the following tables: Input Program Zero Input Machine Zero Base Work Offset Work Offsets RTCP Pivot Offset RPCP Pivot Offset For the above tables, VERICUT provides two ways to enter table values. Select From/To/Offset Enables you to specify table values based on a "relational" offset between a "from" point and a "to" point. The "from" and "to" points are designated by specifying a particular component or CSYS. VERICUT will use the origin of the component/CSYS as the point. You can also specify an offset from the specified component/CSYS origin point. Once this relationship has been established, you can change the machine configuration or the location of the CSYS origin and the table values will updated automatically during the initial Single Step or during Play to End. For example: After Input Program Zero has been defined to be the offset from the Tool Component to the "Program Zero" CSYS, you can change the machine configuration, or change the location of "Program Zero" CSYS, and the Input Program Zero offset values will be updated automatically during the initial Single Step or during Play to End.
NOTE: The offsets are calculated based on where the corresponding origin points are located when all linear axes are driven to machine zero (zero with no offsets in place).
When Select From/To is toggled "on", the From/To Feature/Name lists and the Offset text fields become activated. Use the From/To Feature lists to specify whether the point is associated with a Component or a CSYS (coordinate system). Use the From/To Name lists to specify a specific component or coordinate system.
NOTE: Only the coordinate systems that have been defined with reference to a machine
component (i.e., visible in a Machine or Machine/Cut Stock view when Coordinate System axis is toggled "on") will appear in the CSYS/Names lists. See the discussion for Project menu > Coordinate Systems in VERICUT Help for more information on VERICUT Coordinate Systems. Use the Offset text fields to enter 3 values, separated by spaces, representing the X, Y, and Z offset from the specified origin point. You can also click on the "select" button, and then pick a point in the graphics display area. You can pick the point in either a workpiece or machine view. VERICUT will calculate the Offset value between the selected point and the designated Feature/Name origin point. Offset is only active when Feature is set to Component. Calculate when Used When toggled "On", VERICUT will calculate the table values, based on the current positions of the rotary axes, at the time that the table values are used. The following general guidelines should be followed regarding the use of "relational" offsets. 653
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu 1. If the offsets are based on the original rotary axes orientations, or if the offsets are independent of the rotary axes orientations, Calculate when Used need not be toggled "On". 2. If the offset is dependent on a specific rotary orientation, and you are sure that the rotary axes will be re-positioned before the "relational" offset is applied, Calculate when Used should be toggled "On" so that the correct offset is calculated based on the current rotary axes positions.
NOTE: If the offset is associated with a specific rotary orientation, and you are not sure that the rotary axes will be re-positioned before the "relational" offset is applied, then the offset must be specified in a manner which is independent of the rotary orientation. For example: If the offset "TO" value is a certain point on the stock when the stock is rotated to A90, you can MDI an A90, have the offset based on the A component, and then click on the corresponding point of the stock. This now defines the offset in a manner which is independent of the rotation on A.
Enter Offset (or select 2 points) When toggled "On", the Values (XYZABCUVWABC) text field is activated enabling you to enter one to twelve numeric values as required by the specific table. Multiple value entries require spaces between the values. You can also click on the "select" button, and then pick two points in the graphics display area. You can pick the points in either a workpiece or machine view. VERICUT will calculate the Offset value between the selected points. For all other tables, Select From/To and Enter Offset (or select 2 points) are both inactive. Enter the values in the Values (XYZABCUVWABC) text field as described for Enter Offset (or select 2 points) above.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu In the sample window shown above, the current table is the Work Offsets table. The current table entry is register "54", and contains the values "-14.95 -8 -17.27". The table is applicable to subsystem "1" of the machine.
Overtravel errors cause the violating machine component to "light up" in the Overtravel Color and errors are output to the Log file identifying the problem component.
Overtravel Detection On When active, turns on overtravel detection (travel limit checking). Components that move beyond specified limits are highlighted in the
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Overtravel Color and errors are issued to the Log file identifying error causing block(s) and machine components. Overtravel Color Color in which components that move past their specified limits are shaded. Available shade colors are defined on the Edit menu > Colors: Define tab. Component Min/Max travel list List of motion components in the machine and corresponding axis limits. Minimum / Maximum Specifies the minimum and maximum travel limits for the motion axis selected in the list Ignore When selected, ignores over travel checking for the corresponding axis. Modify Modifies the selected component/travel entry in the list to have the values configured in the window.
Single This option provides a single set of rapid priorities are used. The rapid priorities applied to the tool moving in the negative Z direction are the same as those applied to the tool moving in the positive Z direction. Pos/Neg This option provides different rapid priorities depending on whether the tool is moving in a positive or negative Z direction. With this option, two rapid priority lists are provided. Use the Pos/ Neg options to control which list is seen. Positive / Negative options When Pos/Neg priority is selected, these options control which rapid priority list is seen: the list applied when the tool is moving in the Positive Z direction, or the list for Negative Z tool motion. Axis Priority list List of all machine motion axes and corresponding priorities. Priority Priority for moving motion axes move in rapid. A value of "1" moves that axis first. A "2" moves the axis with secondary priority (after those with priority "1"), and so on. Axes having the same priority move together.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Interpolated When active, interpolates axes that move together such that they arrive at their destination at the same time. Clear this checkbox to have axes move based on their defined Rapid Rate- ref. Modeling window: Component Attributes tab.
Component Tree Tree of defined components and models. Indentation indicates that a component is connected to a parent component. Component names are listed in bold text with connect position values. Models added to a component are listed beneath the component name. Click the + / - symbols to expand or collapse branches of items in the tree.
File menu Open Machine, Save Machine and Save As Machine functions enable you to open or save a Machine file containing data that describes NC machine construction, kinematics, and other properties. Save Cut Stock allows you to save the highlighted "Cut Stock" model as a VERICUT Solid file (.vct). (See How) This option is only active when the Cut Stock model is highlighted in the tree. The default file extension is .vct. This functionality can also be accessed using File menu > Save Cut Stock > VERICUT Solid. Edit menu Functions in this menu manipulate components in the tree, as well as specify the component name, type, and attributes. Cut / Copy / Paste / Delete Cuts, copies, pastes, or deletes a selected component in the component tree. All connected components and models are also affected.
1. Right-click on the component in the component tree, then choose the desired option from the menu that appears. You can also move components via dragging them from one parent component to another, and copy components via holding down the <Ctrl> key and dragging. 2. Delete components or models by selecting the object in the graphics area, then use the <Delete> key on your keyboard. Rename Allows you to rename the selected component. Type the new component name. Component Attributes Accesses the features on the Modeling window: Component Attributes tab-see that section for details. Component Type Enables you to edit the component's "Type" setting which determines the component's function in the simulation. Select the desired "Type" from the pull-down list. Component menu Functions in this menu Insert or Append new components to the selected component in the tree. The component type describes the component's function in the simulation. Choose the appropriate component type from the option list, based on the component's function in the simulation. Use Edit menu > Component Attributes to supply any other attributes that are needed. Component types: X Linear, Y Linear, Z Linear Linear motion axes on an NC machine. Motion axes are parallel to X,Y,Z axes, respectively-but this can be changed via the Motion Axis component attribute. A Rotary, B Rotary, C Rotary Rotary motion axes on an NC machine. The component origin is the pivot point of rotation. By default, rotation occurs about the X, Y, Z axes, respectively-but this can be changed via the Motion Axis component attribute. U Linear, V Linear, W Linear Co-linear motion axes on an NC machine. Motion axes are parallel to X,Y,Z axes, respectively-but this can be changed via the Motion Axis component attribute. A2 Rotary, B2 Rotary, C2 Rotary Secondary rotary motion axes on an NC machine. The component origin is the pivot point of rotation. By default, rotation occurs about the X, Y, Z axes, respectively-but this can be changed via the Motion Axis component attribute. A Turret, B Turret, C Turret Indexing tool turret that rotates about X, Y, or Z axes. Like rotary components, the turret component origin is the pivot point for rotary indexing. The presence of these components cause all connected tools to be displayed making it possible to detect collisions resulting from turret indexing. A Turret component is commanded to move using a tool change command (e.g. Tn). The turret indexes based upon activating a Tool component connected to the turret. Tool 662
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu component orientation determines the tool index position in the turret. Rotary control settings determine how turrets rotate, e.g.: rotation direction, etc. Base A non-moving component to which other components are connected. Every machine definition begins with this component. Fixture Hardware used to hold the workpiece for machining, such as: base plates, clamps, bolts, vises, pallets, etc. VERICUT assumes fixtures are not to be machined. Cuts in a fixture are shaded using the red Error color and an error is issued to the Log file.
Stock Workpiece to be machined. This component type must be present in all simulations. Design Solid or surface representation of the theoretical designed part. Design Point Point representation of the theoretical designed part. Spindle Spindle on an NC machine. The function of this component is different, depending on the machine type: milling or turning. Milling machine spindle- portion
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu of the machine where cutting tools are loaded. Turning machine spindle - rotating component that turns the workpiece about the machine Z-axis. Tool The location where cutting tools are loaded in an NC machine. Every NC machine definition must include one or more of these components. Guide Wire guides on a wire EDM machine. Electrode Electrodes for Die Sinking Simulation (EDM machining). Tool Chain The Tool Chain component is used to define and model large tool handling mechanisms associated with machining centers. See Toolchain Operation in the Using VERICUT section for more information. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library.
NOTE: The ToolChain component's location, in the component tree, must not precede any tool component(s). An error message will be displayed during loading, and during resets, if the ToolChain component precedes tool component(s).
Attach The Attach component is used to connect "setup" components in the project file to the machine. Setup components are saved in the project file, not the machine file. Stock/fixture/design components are "setup" components "Setup" components can be axes and have kinematics relationships Auxiliary devices can be connected to the Attach component A machine must have at least one Attach component, but multiple Attach components are allowed. If none is found, one is automatically created at the end of the first non-tool branch of the machine kinematics tree. Components are contained in both in the machine, and in the setup. A parent component in a "setup" references an Attach component in a machine.
Other Any non-moving component not represented by one of the preceding types. This component type is often used to define housings, gear boxes, shields, etc.
1. Right-click shortcut menu: Features used to manipulate components are displayed in a shortcut menu when you right-click on a component in the Component Tree window. Similarly, features used to manipulate models are displayed when you right-click on a model in the tree. 2. Double-clicking on a model or component in the Component Tree window opens the Model Definition window. 3. You can move objects in the Component Tree window via dragging them from one parent component to another, or copy them via holding down the <Ctrl> key and dragging.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu 4. Click repeatedly on a model in the graphics area to toggle selection between the model and its component. Refer to the Component Tree window to review what is selected. 5. Using the center mouse button of a three button mouse, click repeatedly on a model in the graphics area to toggle selection between different models along the line of sight from the pick point. Use this technique to select models hidden from view by an object in the foreground. 6. After cutting, a "Cut Stock" model appears as in the Component Tree window. This object can be manipulated using modeling features just like any other component or model, allowing you to easily relocate the workpiece for additional machining. You can also save the "Cut Stock" model as a VERICUT Solid file (.vct).
Word Table List of machine code, or "G-code" data words and characters that are interpreted by the control, arranged in alphabetical order. The list provides a summary of word types, sub-types, inch and metric formats, and multipliers and composite formats. See Word Table Features below. Add Adds a record to the Word Table enabling you to add words or special characters to the control configuration. Delete Deletes the highlighted word record from the control configuration. OK Saves additions/modifications and dismisses the Word Format window. Apply Saves additions/modifications and leaves the Word Format window open. Cancel Closes the Word Format window without saving any additions/modifications.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Begin Comment / End Comment Denotes the beginning (or ending) of a comment record. Begin Type II / End Type II Denotes the beginning (or ending) of a Type II format record. Separator Character used to separate data that is acted on differently by the control, for example a list of arguments or values. Variable Tag Character which identifies the number that follows as a variable register number, e.g. "#". Example- "#100" indicates variable register number "100" is being referenced. Variable Name Alpha-numeric word that identifies a variable which does not have an associated variable register number, e.g. "PPX" (type II variable format). End of Block Denotes the end of the G-code data block. Console Message Identifies the block as a message displayed on the machine operator's console. Quoted Text Identifies start/end delimiter for a quoted text string. The default character for delimiting a quoted text string is the double quote ("). If a different character(s) is used as a delimiter, it must be defined as a SPECIAL type word with a sub-type of Quoted Text. Quoted text is valid in Alpha-Numeric and ListAlpha-Numeric Word Value types. Ignore Ignores specific words in the tool path file. Sin840D CASE When this word is found, a special 840D parser will be used to process the remainder of the block. See "Notes about the Siemens 840 CASE and REPEAT commands" in the Using VERICUT section. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Sin840D DEF When this word is found, a special 840D parser will be used to process the remainder of the block. See "Notes about the Siemens 840 DEF command" in the Using VERICUT section. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Sin840D REPEAT When this word is found, a special 840D parser will be used to process the remainder of the block. See "Notes about the Siemens 840 CASE and REPEAT commands" in the Using VERICUT section. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Math Sub Type Options for performing math operations. Click on the record "Sub Type" field and select from the list of available options in the pull-down menu. Add Subtract Multiply Divide Power 671
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Left Precedence Right Precedence Assignment Mod The Mod math operation is calculated as follows: N - D * INT(N/D) ==> -382 - 180 * INT(-2.12222) ==> -382 - 180 * -2 ==> -22 <-- TRUNC Returns Integer part of number) The Mod operator will produce the following results: 382 Mod 180 = 22 -382 Mod 180 = -22 10 Mod 3 = 1 10.1 Mod 3 = 1.1 Function Sub Type The control function that is called when the word is processed. Click on in the record "Sub Type" field and select from the list of available options in the pull-down menu. See Functions Listed Alphabetically below. You can also enter the name of a "custom" mathematical function, created with the CGTech Macro Language (CML), in the Sub Type text field as these will not appear in the pull-down list.
NOTE: The only time a value should ever be typed in is if it is a CMS function.
Type II Sub Type Describes syntax expected in a "Type II" command. Enter one or more of the descriptors listed below in the "Sub Type" text field to describe the expected syntax. Descriptors used in combinations are separated by commas. WV word/value pair, e.g. "X1" T text string V numeric value EXAMPLES: 1. Configuration for set axis offsets command "(AXO,X1,Y2,Z3)": Name=AXO Type= Type II Sub Type = WV,WV,WV 2. Configuration for call subroutine command "(CLS,SUB1)": Name=CLSType= Type II Sub Type= T,V,V,V,V,V
NOTE: The "V" descriptors shown in the example above, allow passing
variables to the subroutine, although none are being passed in the above call example. Macro Sub Type Specifies how the control interprets values, or "addresses" that follow the word. Click on the record "Sub Type" field and select from the list of available options in the pull-down menu. Numeric Interprets word values as numbers. The system reads the numeric characters following the macro word until a non-numeric character is found, for example: alphabet, symbol, or separator. The non-numeric character indicates the beginning of a new word. Alphabet Interprets word values as alphabet characters. The system reads the alphabet characters following the macro word until a non-alphabetic character is found, for example: number, symbol, or separator. Alpha-Numeric Interprets word values as an alpha-numeric text string. The system reads the characters following the macro word until a symbol or separator character is found. Composite-Numeric Separates word values into pieces which can be individually acted on. The system uses the Composite Format to "parse" the numeric characters following the word until a non-numeric character is found, for example: alphabet, symbol, or separator. See Composite Format for examples. Each separated piece of a composite-numeric word/value is available for calling macros via the Configuration menu > Word/Address function, and can be graphically selected from a word pick list. List-Numeric Separates an argument list following the word into pieces which can be individually acted on. This option is useful in a situation like acting on "n" values differently in the sample codes: TEXT(n,n,n,n,...) or TEXT n,n,n,n,... Parens may be present but are not required, and commas separate the arguments. Up to 32 arguments can be listed. Each argument must be numeric, or a math expression which equates to a numeric value. Similar to Composite-Numeric value types, each separated piece of a list-numeric word/value is available for calling macros. However, these pieces do not appear in the word pick list. Specify the pieces via listing the word followed by a space and the sequential number of the argument in the list. Following the above example, you could use the Configuration menu > Word/Address function to associate macros with "TEXT 1" (corresponds to the first "n" parameter value, "TEXT 2" (second "n" parameter), and so on. List-Alpha-Numeric Same as above description for List-Numeric with one addition. The value may be a quoted-text string. In this case the quoted-text is not analyzed, and is just passed as text to an associated Word/Address macro. None Word does not have an associated value. The first character after the word indicates the beginning of a new word.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu EXAMPLES: 1. Assume the word "PGM" is defined as a Macro word type. The table below shows how Sub Type can affect the interpretation of the values paired with "PGM". Sample data block PGM123ABC PGMABC123 Sub Type= Numeric 123 none Sub Type= Alphabet none ABC Sub Type= Alpha-Numeric 123ABC ABC123 Sub Type= None none none
2. Consider interpreting the following block of data: "TEST(10,20,30)" In Word Format, add word "TEST" as follows: Name=TEST Type=Macro Sub Type=List-Numeric In Word/Address, add group to act on first argument in TEST list "10": Word=TEST 1 Range=* Macroname=<desired macro> (group is passed a value of "10") and then add groups to act on second & third arguments in TEST list "20" and "30": Word=TEST 2 Range=* Macroname=<desired macro> (passed value: "20") Word=TEST 3 Range=* Macroname=<desired macro> (passed value: "30") Conditional Sub Type The conditional control function that is called when the word is processed. Click on in the record "Sub Type" field and select from the list of available options in the pull-down menu. See Conditionals Listed Alphabetically below. You can also enter the name of a "custom" conditional function, created with the CGTech Macro Language (CML), in the Sub Type text field as these will not appear in the pull-down list.
NOTE: The only time a value should ever be typed in is if it is a CMS conditional.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Inch Method Specifies how to interpret inch address values. This feature is significant only for values that do not contain a decimal point. Values with a decimal are always interpreted via the "Decimal" method. See NOTE below. Options: Decimal Interprets values as floating point decimals. Leading or Decimal Interprets values without a decimal as having leading zeros. Depending on the active unit system (inch or metric), values are interpreted as described by the corresponding "Format" (see below). Trailing or Decimal Similar to Leading or Decimal, except interprets values as having trailing zeros. Inch Format Specifies the number of digits before and after the decimal point when interpreting Inch Method, "leading", or "trailing" zero values. Data entry format is: a.b where "a" specifies the number of digits before, and "b" specifies the number of digits after the decimal point. See NOTE below. Metric Method Specifies how to interpret metric address values. This feature is significant only for values that do not contain a decimal point. Values with a decimal are always interpreted via the "Decimal" method. See Inch Method, above, for list of options. See NOTE below. Metric Format Specifies the number of digits before and after the decimal point when interpreting Metric Method, "leading", or "trailing" zero values. Data entry format is: a.b where "a" specifies the number of digits before, and "b" specifies the number of digits after the decimal point. See NOTE below. Multiply / Multiplier When Multiply is set to "Yes", the word value is multiplied by the amount specified in the Multiplier field. (Note that a multiplier of "1" has no affect on the word value.)
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu EXAMPLE: Parsing "T" word/values: Sample data block T0203 T102 Composite Format 22 12 Parsed values
T=203, T1=02, T2=03 T=102, T1=1, T2=02 T=304, T1=03, T2=04 T=10001, T1=100, T2=01 T=102, T1=1, T2=0, T3=2 T=12345678, T1=12, T2=3456, T3=78 T=102.3, T1=1, T2=02, T3=3 T=102.3, T1=10, T2=3 T=12345678.321, T1=12, T2=34, T3=32
* 2.1
T12345678.321 2 2.2
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu CinciCondLeftBracket If the previous character was "T", ignore the current word. Otherwise, interpret the current word as a LEFT PRECEDENCE. Requires values to be initialized by the CinciBlockInit macro. CinciCondLeftParen Returns "Begin Type II" if a Type II command follows. Otherwise returns "Left Precedence". Requires values to be initialized by the CinciBlockInit macro. CinciCondRightBracket The current word will be either ignored or interpreted as a RIGHT PRECEDENCE depending on how the matching CinciCondLeftBracket was interpreted. Requires values to be initialized by the CinciBlockInit macro. CinciCondRightParen Returns "End Type II" if currently processing a Type II command. Otherwise returns "Right Precedence". Requires values to be initialized by the CinciBlockInit macro. CinciCondTWord If the current word was preceded by a "[", interpret the current word as a VARIABLE TAG. Otherwise, interpret the current word as a MACRO. CinciCondVWord Returns "Assignment" if G10 is in the block. Otherwise returns "Command". CycleCondPWord Sets P_1 (default) or P_2 after checking the context of the block containing the P-word. P_2 is set when the block contains a G76 and either X, Y, U or W words. CycleCondQWord Sets Q_1 (default) or Q_2 after checking the context of the block containing the Q-word. Q_2 is set when the block contains a G76 and either X, Y, U or W words. CycleCondRWord Sets R_1 (default) or R_2 after checking the context of the block containing the R-word. R_2 is set when the block contains a G74, G75, G76 and either X, Y, U or W words.
CycleCondUWord Sets U_1 (default) or U_2 after checking the context of the block containing the U-word. U_2 is set when the block contains a G71, G72, G73 and either P or Q words. CycleCondWWord Sets W_1 (default) or W_2 after checking the context of the block containing the Wword. W_2 is set when the block contains a G71, G72, G73 and either P or Q words. FadalCondAsteriskWord FadalCondAsteriskWord(block_str) If the Asterisk Word comes after a "#" character, then this function returns the type MULTIPLY. Otherwise this function returns the type COMMENT. FadalCondEqualWord FadalCondEqualWord(block_str) If the Equal Word comes after the string IF, then this function returns the type EQ . Otherwise, this function returns the type ASSIGNMENT. FadalCondLParenWord FadalCondLParenWord(block_str) If the Left Parenthesis Word comes after a "#" character, then this function returns the type LPAREN. Otherwise this function returns the type COMMENT. FadalCondNWord FadalCondNWord(block_str) If the N Word comes after a "#" character, then this function returns the type IGNORE. Otherwise this function returns the type COMMAND. FadalCondRParenWord FadalCondRParenWord(block_str) If the Right Parenthesis Word comes after a "#" character, then this function returns the type RPAREN. Otherwise this function returns the type END_COMMENT. FadalCondRWord FadalCondRWord(block_str) If the R Word comes after a G character, then this function returns the type COMMAND. Otherwise this function returns the type VARIABLE_TAG.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu GLCondPWord GLCondPWord(block_str) If the P word is part of a PDO command, in CYCLE mode, or if the next non-space character on the block is a "=", then this functions returns the type COMMAND. Otherwise this function returns the type VARIABLE_TAG. GLCondPWord2 GLCondPWord2(block_str) The P word can either be part of a COMMAND, or a VARIABLE_TAG. If P is part of a VALUE argument of a TYPE II command, or is preceded by =, +, -, *, /, [, or (, then the P will be interpreted as a VARIABLE TAG. If an integer value does not follow the P, then the P will be interpreted as a COMMAND. If the integer number is followed by a =, +, -, *, /, ], or ), then the P will be interpreted as a VARIABLE TAG. Otherwise the P will be interpreted as a COMMAND. This conditional function is an alternative to GLCondPWord. You can use which ever function produces the correct results for you. HeidCondDivide Conditional function which determines how a "/" character is to be interpreted. If a "REP" preceeds the "/" on the line, then it will be interpreted BEGIN COMMENT. If a "CYCL DEF 14.1" preceeds the "/" on the line, it is recognize as a list separator used between contour subroutines. See "Notes about simulating Heidenhain SL pocket cycles" in the Using VERICUT section for additional information. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Otherwise it will be interpreted as DIVIDE.
KtCondLeftParen KtCondRightParen KtCondLeftParen(), KtCondRightParen() These functions support the "(" and ")" words when used as mathematical precedence and as Begin Type 2 data. NumCondAWord NumCondAWord(block_str) If the non-white space character immediately preceding the A Word is a "=", "<" , ">", "+", "-", "*", "/", "&", or "!", it is interpret as type FUNCTION, and sets the word to mathematical function ATAN. Otherwise the word is interpreted as a COMMAND (or MACRO).
NumCondCWord NumCondCWord(block_str) If the non-white space character immediately preceding the C Word is a "=", "<" , ">", "+", "-", "*", "/", "&", or "!", it is interpret as type FUNCTION, and sets the word to mathematical function COS. Otherwise the word is interpreted as a COMMAND (or MACRO). NumCondDollarSignWord NumCondDollarSignWord(block_str) If the Dollar Sign Word comes after a "=", and the character "L" or "E" is present, then this function returns the type FUNCTION, and sets the word to NUM_INPUT. Otherwise this function returns the type CONSOLE_MSG. NumCondEqualWord NumCondEqualWord(block_str) If the Equal Word comes after the string "G79" or the string "IF", then this function returns the type EQ. Otherwise, this function returns the type ASSIGNMENT. NumCondEWord NumCondEWord(block_str) If the E Word comes after a number, or if it begins the block , then this function returns the type VARIABLE_TAG. Otherwise this function returns the type FUNCTIONS, and sets the word to E_FUNC. NumCondRWord NumCondRWord(block_str) If the non-white space character immediately preceding the R Word is a "=", "<" , ">", "+", "-", "*", "/", "&", or "!", it is interpret as type FUNCTION, and sets the word to mathematical function SQRT. Otherwise the word is interpreted as a COMMAND (or MACRO). NumCondSWord NumCondSWord(block_str) If the non-white space character immediately preceding the S Word is a "=", "<" , ">", "+", "-", "*", "/", "&", or "!", it is interpret as type FUNCTION, and sets the word to mathematical function SIN. Otherwise the word is interpreted as a COMMAND (or MACRO).
NumCondTWord NumCondTWord(block_str) If the non-white space character immediately preceding the T Word is a "=", "<" , ">", "+", "-", "*", "/", "&", or "!", it is interpret as type FUNCTION, and sets the word to FIX. Otherwise the word is interpreted as a COMMAND (or MACRO). OkumaCondNWord OkumaCondNWord(block_str) This function internally redefines the "N" word during parsing depending upon how it is being used: If the next non-space character is numeric and the string "IF" or "GOTO" existed previously on the line, then this routine returns the type CONDITIONAL, and sets the word to N_GOTO_LABEL. If the next non-space character is numeric and the string "IF" or "GOTO" does not previously exist on the line, then this routine returns the type CONDITIONAL, and sets the word to N_LABEL. If the next non-space character is not numeric, and the string "IF" or "GOTO" existed previously on the line, then this routine returns the type CONDITIONAL, and sets the word to N_GOTO_SEQ. For this functionality to work, the following words must be defined in the Configuration menu > Word Format window: Name=N, Type=Conditional, Function Name=OkumaCondNWord Name=N_GOTO_LABEL, Type=Macro, Value Type=Alpha-Numeric Name=N_GOTO_SEQ, Type=Macro, Value Type=Numeric, Inch Method/Metric Method=Decimal Name=N_LABEL, Type=Macro, Value Type=Alpha-Numeric Then, the Configuration menu > Word/Address function must also be configured to process the above-listed words, for example in the "Specials" class: Word=N Range=*, Condition=* *, Macroname=Sequence, Scan=Yes, After=No Word=N_GOTO_LABEL Range=*, Condition=* *, Macroname=LabelName & GotoLabel, Scan=No, After=No Word=N_GOTO_SEQ Range=*, Condition=* *, Macroname=GotoJump, Scan=No, After=No Word=N_LABEL Range=*, Condition=* *, Macroname=LabelMacro, Scan=Yes, After=No OliCondLeftParent OliCondLeftParent(block_str) If the Left Parenthesis Word comes after a "=" character, then this function returns the type LPAREN. Otherwise this function returns the type BEGIN_TYPEII.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu OliCondRightParent OliCondRightParent(block_str) If the Right Parenthesis Word comes after a BEGIN_TYPEII word, then this function returns the type END_TYPEII. Otherwise this function returns the type RPAREN. Siemens3RCond Siemens3RCond(block_str) Same as SiemensRCond(block_str), except it also looks to see if the @ command had finish prior to this point in the block. It does this by looking backwards from the current point, and checking to see if a non-operator, non-R, non-digit character exists between the current point and the @ command. When the R word is used as a command, it typically calls the VariableArgument macro. This sets up the addition arguments that are then processed by the specific Siemens macro. SiemensCondLParenWord SiemensCondLParenWord() If MCALL is on the line, the word type is set to Left Precedence, otherwise it is set to Begin Comment. SiemensCondRParenWord SiemensCondRParenWord() If MCALL is on the line, the word type is set to Right Precedence, otherwise it is set to End Comment. SiemensRCond SiemensRCond(block_str) If the R Word comes after a "@" character, then this function returns the type COMMAND. Otherwise this function returns the type VARIABLE_TAG.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu asin_d(value) Returns the arc sine of the specified value. The specified value must be in the range of 1.0 to 1.0. The return value is in degrees, and is in the range of -90.0 to 90.0. asin_r asin_r(value) Returns the arc sine of the specified value. The specified value must be in the range of 1.0 to 1.0. The return value is in radians, and is in the range of -pi/2 to pi/2. atan2_d atan2_d(yvalue, xvalue) Returns the arc tangent of yvalue/xvalue. The return value is in degrees, and is in the range of -180.0 to 180.0. If yvalue and xvalue are both zero, the return value will be zero. atan2_r atan2_r(yvalue, xvalue) Returns the arc tangent of yvalue/xvalue. The return value is in radians, and is in the range of -pi to pi. If yvalue and xvalue are both zero, the return value will be zero. atan_d atan_d(value) Returns the arc tangent of the specified value. The specified value must be in the range of -1.0 to 1.0. The return value is in degrees, and is in the range of -90.0 to 90.0. atan_r atan_r(value) Returns the arc tangent of the specified value. The specified value must be in the range of -1.0 to 1.0. The return value is in radians, and is in the range of -pi/2 to pi/2. ceil ceil(value) Returns the least integral value greater than or equal to the specified value. cosh_d cosh_d(angle) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the given angle specified in degrees. cosh_r cosh_r(angle) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the given angle specified in radians.
cos_d cos_d(angle) Returns the cosine of the given angle specified in degrees. cos_r cos_r(angle) Returns the cosine of the given angle specified in radians. exp exp(power) Returns the natural logarithm "e" raised to the specified power. floor floor(value) Returns the greatest integral value less than or equal to the specified value. Fractional Fractional(value) Returns the fractional portion of the specified value. get_current_N_seqno get_current_N_seqno() Returns value of the current N word. If the N word was not specified on the current line, the value of the last specified N word is returned. IncrementalDimension This new function will handle formats like: X=AC[2] Y=IC[3] Z=AC[2] I=AC[1] J=AC[2] where "[" and "]" are the left and right precedence words. In the above format, AC and IC should be defined as words which then call the function. If the primary word is X,Y,Z,A,B,C,U,V,or W then: IncrementalDimension will cause the specified value to be interpreted as incremental, and if the control is currently in absolute mode, it will convert it. If the primary word is I,J, or K then: IncrementalDimension will use the incremental mode, the "Circle Center Mode" settings, and the "Incremental Circle Center Method" settings to determine how to convert the value. If the primary word is anything other then the above, no conversion will be executed, and the incoming value will be returned.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Also see: AbsoluteDimension lntTrunc lntTrunc(value) Returns the integer portion of the specified value. ln ln(value) Returns the natural logarithm of the specified value. The specified value must be positive otherwise zero is returned. log log(value) Returns the base 10 logarithm of the specified value. The specified value must be positive otherwise zero is returned. NumAtan NumAtan(value) Similar to atan2_d(yvalue, xvalue), except the return value is in thousandths of a degree. NumEFunc NumEFunc(value) If the variable is being assigned to a COMMAND word, a "NUM" specific factor is applied to the value of the variable. NumInput NumInput() Causes the program to prompt the user for input. If the first character of input is a-z or AZ, a value of 1-26 is returned. If the user enters a numeric value, the value entered will be returned. Round Round(value) Returns the integral value closest to the specified value. SiemensAxName Passed the name of an AXIS, and returns the AXIS (an integer value).
SiemensAxString Passed an AXIS value, and returns the AXIS name (a string value). sinh_d sinh_d(value) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the given angle specified in degrees. sinh_r sinh_r(value) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the given angle specified in radians. sin_d sin_d(value) Returns the cosine of the given angle specified in degrees. sin_r sin_r(value) Returns the cosine of the given angle specified in radians. sqr sqr(value) Returns the square of the specified value. This function can be used with the word list to process statements like: #1 = SQR(#2 + #3) sqrt sqrt(value) Returns the square root of the specified value. tanh_d tanh_d(angle) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the given angle specified in degrees. tanh_r tanh_r(angle) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the given angle specified in radians.
tan_d tan_d(angle) Returns the tangent of the given angle specified in degrees. tan_r tan_r(angle) Returns the tangent of the given angle specified in radians. ToolnumToPocket Returns the pocket number given the tool number. Specifically, it searches the tool list for the first matching cutter tool id, and returns the corresponding pocket number. If no list exist, or if the list is not based on pocket numbers, or if no matching entry can be found, the function will return the tool number.
The Word/Address window consists of a "menu bar" and a "tree structure" representing the configuration of a particular NC control.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Open Opens a window enabling you to open (load) a control file. Provides the same function as Configuration menu > Control > Open. Save Saves (updates) an existing Control file with the current NC control settings. Provides the same function as Configuration menu > Control > Save. Save As Opens a window enabling you to save the current control file under a different name or path. Provides the same function as Configuration menu > Control > Save As. Close Closes the Word Address window without saving the control file. Edit Add/Modify Opens the Add/Modify Word/Address window enabling you to add or modify groups within the control configuration. Cut Enables you "cut" the object highlighted in the control configuration. Copy Enables you "cut" the object highlighted in the control configuration. Paste Enables you "paste" a previously "cut" or "copied" object after the object highlighted in the control configuration.
NOTE: When you "Cut", "Copy", or "Paste" an object in the "tree", all objects below
it in that particular "branch" (children) are cut, copied, or pasted with it. Utilities Find Opens the Find Word window enabling you to find the groups in a control configuration that are associated with a specific word/address value, or call specific macros. Validate Opens the Word/Address Validate window enabling you to validate the control configuration.
The illustration above shows an expanded "group" from the configuration "tree". The top level object, "Specials", represents a "class". The second level object (or branch), "Variable: 3000 *", represents "Word/Variable and Range", in this case Variable and
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Range. The third level object (branch), "**", represents a "conditional Word/State/Variable and conditional Range/Value ". The lowest level objects (branches), "AlarmSignal" and "EndProgram", represent Macro/Variable Names with associated data. Each lower level (or branch) is considered to be "a child or children" of the next higher level. Configuration "tree" The control configuration of a particular NC control is displayed as a "tree" structure. When you expand a "class" object, the "Word/Range" branch shows the word/address of the groups within the class. Expand a "Word/Range" object and the "Condition" branch shows conditions defined for the selected group. Finally, expanding a "Condition" object, displays the "Macro name" branch which shows the macros associated with the selected condition in the group. To summarize, expand a "class" to display the "groups" associated with it. Expand a "group" to display the different "conditions" associated with it. Similarly, expand a "condition" to display the macros/variables associated with the condition. Change the order of class, group, condition and macro objects in the control configuration by "left clicking" on an object and "dragging" it to the desired position. When you reposition an object, all of the objects below it in the branch (children) are also repositioned. Right Mouse Button options "Right click" in the Control Configuration window to display a shortcut menu with the following features: Add/Modify, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Find These features provide the same functionality described under Menu Bar above. Contract All Children Use to contract (remove the display) all "children" of the highlighted object. Expand All Children Use to expand (display) all "children" of the highlighted object.
1. Always reset VERICUT (press on the VERICUT main window) after making changes to the control configuration. 2. Use the Debug Macro Arguments feature, on the Project menu > Processing Options > G-Code > Process Options: Debug tab, to output the macro name, the word, the text string value, and the numeric value for each macro as it is called.
2 15 1 5-10 NONE
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Variable, Variable/Range These features define a group whose actions are performed when a specified variable is set to a corresponding value. Enter the group variable name and range of values into the data fields that appear when this option is active. Variable ranges are specified in the same manner as for words, as described above.
NOTE: Typically, Range values are integers. If you need to specify a group of NC
codes, some of which contain decimal values (for example, G45, G45.1 G46) define the group Range as a series (45 45.1 46), rather than as an "inclusive" Range (45-46). Inclusive Ranges of real values may be defined by including a decimal point with the value. For example, the Range (45.0-46.0) will select all values between 45 and 46. Conditions Use to specify one or more conditions, which if met, causes the group to perform different action(s). Operator Choose and or not from the pull-down list. Word, Conditional Word/Conditional Value When Type = Word, the condition is based on another word and address value range appearing in the G-code data block. This is the most common condition type. Select the desired Condition from the pulldown list, and then enter the Conditional Value(s). Use the same considerations as described above for Word, Word/Range. For example: G 81 not (X *) and not (Y *) and not (Z *) calls ErrorMacro
State, Conditional State/Conditional Value When Type = State, the condition is based on a machine state. Choose the desired Condition from the pull-down list, and then choose a value from the Conditional Value pull-down list. Notice that only values that are valid for the selected Condition appear in the list.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Variable, Conditional Variable/Conditional Value When Type = Variable, the condition is based on when a variable is set to a corresponding conditional value. In the Condition column enter the variable name. In the Conditional Value column enter a value, range of values, or logical condition. Logical conditions include <n, >n, <=n, >=n, =n (where n is a value or the contents of a variable #name). The value or range is an integer, however if a decimal point is used or a variable is referenced the range is inclusive. Add Use to add a condition to the conditions list. The new condition will be added after the highlighted condition in the list.
NOTE: It is never necessary to have the list in any specific order since all items in the
list must be TRUE for the corresponding macro to be executed. As a personal preference, you might want to read the list in a specific order. To this end, the new condition is always added after the highlighted condition in the list. You can also change the position of a condition in the list by clicking on the button, on the left side of each row, and drag the condition to the desired position in the list. Delete Use to delete the highlighted condition from the conditions list. Macroname/Variable option Controls if group calls a macro, or sets a variable. Depending on the active choice, features are provided for specifying the macro called (select or type in field), or the Variable Name and Variable Description of the variable to be set (enter the variable value in the Override Value field). You can select macronames, or type them in. Text entered is not case sensitive. Use the automatic filtering capability to help you find macros. When you enter text characters in the Macroname field, the list of macros is automatically filtered to show those that match the specified text. Process during Scan When active, calls the macro during a "scan pass" prior to tool path processing (ref. "Scan Toolpath Files" on the Project menu > Processing Options > G-Code > Settings: Settings tab). The default condition is to call the macro during tool path processing. Process After Motion When active, performs the group action after motion commands in the data block have been processed. The default condition is to perform the group action according to the rules of normal G-code data processing. (Ref. "About building NC controls" in the Using VERICUT section. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library.) Override Value This feature acts differently, depending on if Macroname or Variable is selected: With Macroname selected Specifies a value to pass to the specified macro. If blank, the address value accompanying the word is passed. With Variable selected Specifies a value to assign to the specified variable. Math expressions and variables understood by the control are supported. Enter "$" to specify using the address value accompanying the word. Enter "#", followed immediately by the variable name/number, followed by a space, to specify a variable value. Multiple variables can be added, separated by a blank space. If the override expression does not contain either of these characters, it is evaluated immediately and 695
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu only the value is retained. If the expression can not be evaluated immediately, the full expression is retained in the control configuration and evaluated separately for each block that activates the group. Examples of using Override Value: (given that the variable, #2 = 3) Text entered in Override Value field SIN(30) What is retained in control configuration .5 Sample Gcode data block X5 Resulting value when processed .5 (constant value- not affected by G-code data) .5 (see note above) 50 80
.5 $*10 ($+#2)*10
X10 X5 X5
Also see "Using Equations/Expression In VERICUT" in the Using VERICUT section for more information. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Override Text Similar to Override Value, except specifies text to pass to the macro. Only certain macros are designed to accept override text values. Consult the "Macros listed alphabetically" in the VERICUT Macros section for more information. Expression(s) can be used in macro override text. If the override text contains the sequence "{expression}" the expression text inside the curly-braces is evaluated and replaced with the calculated value. For example, if the MessageMacro is used with the following override text: "The spindle speed is {#speed} rpm" The variable "#speed" is evaluated and if set to 500, the resulting message would be: "The spindle speed is 500 rpm" The syntax for the expression(s) is the same as defined for override values. Override Word Format When toggled "on", the word format specified with the macro will be used rather than the default word format. Use the Set button, described below, to define the word format for the specific macro. For example, this feature would enable you to define a P with a G71 to be decimal, and a P with a G76 to be Trailing 3.4. 696
1. This feature does not support expressions. For example, you could not use this feature with: X=54000 + 30000 2. If there is an Override Value specified, Override Word Format will be ignored. Set Used in conjunction with Override Word Format, described above. Displays a window enabling you to specify a word format for a specific macro. Inch Method / Metric Method Specifies how to interpret inch (and metric) address values. This feature is significant only for values that do not contain a decimal point. Values with a decimal are always interpreted via the "Decimal" method. Options: Decimal Interprets values as floating point decimals. Leading or Decimal Interprets values without a decimal as having leading zeros. Depending on the active unit system (inch or metric), values are interpreted as described by the corresponding "Format" (see below). Trailing or Decimal Similar to Leading or Decimal, except interprets values as having trailing zeros. Inch Format / Metric Format Specifies the number of digits before and after the decimal point when interpreting leading or trailing zero values. Data entry format is: a.b where "a" specifies the number of digits before, and "b" specifies the number of digits after the decimal point. Add Select when adding a new group or condition. Modify Select when modifying an existing group or condition. Close Close the Add/Modify Word/Address window.
Words/Range tab Enables you to find groups associated based on a specific word/address value. Pick the desired word from the Word list, and then enter the address value in the Range field. Macroname tab Enables you to find groups that call a specific macro. Type or pick the name of the desired macro from the Macroname list. After configuring the window to find the desired group, use the buttons at the bottom of the window to find the First, Next, or Previous occurrence in the control configuration.
Validate Starts the validation process. VERICUT searches through the control checking for errors or conflicts within the Word/Address groups. If an error\conflict is detected, the validation process stops and the entity that has the problem is highlighted and a message is output to the message log area. If no errors/conflicts are found, the validation process continues until the end of the control configuration is reached. Next Use to continue the validation process after an error/conflict is identified. Previous Use to go back to the previous error/conflict. Close Stops the validation process and closes the Word/Address Validate window.
General tab Features on this tab are used to configure general guidelines for how the control processes machine code data and number equations. Motion tab Features on this tab are used to configure default NC control motion states, and the precision used when outputting calculated values. Circles tab Features on this tab are used to configure how the circle center data (e.g. I J K) is interpreted.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Cycles tab Features on this tab are used to configure how fixed tool axis, or "canned" cycle motion blocks are interpreted, e.g. G8n. Tooling tab The features on this tab are used to configure default tooling conditions and tool change activity. Rotary tab Features on this tab are used to configure how rotary motion commands are interpreted, e.g. A, B, C. OptiPath & Curve Fit tab Features on this tab are used to configure settings referenced when G-code tool path files are optimized by OptiPath. User Defined (CTL) tab Features on this tab are used to configure user defined control settings supplied via a custom CME file. Sync tab Features on this tab configure VERICUT for simulating machining with synchronized subsystems. Turning tab Features on this tab configure VERICUT for lathe turning simulations. Wire EDM tab Features on this tab are used to configure wire EDM machining settings. Cutter Compensation tab Features on this tab are used to configure how the programmed tool path is compensated when cutter diameter compensation, or "CDC" is used, e.g. G41-42. Offsets tab Features on this tab are used to configure an initial work offset, or fixture offset, to be in effect at the start of tool path processing. Subroutines tab Features on this tab are used to configure how subroutine names are referenced by the NC control. OK Applies the changes and closes the Control Settings window. Apply Applies the changes and leaves the Control Settings window open. Cancel Closes the Control Settings window without applying changes.
Control Type Sets the type of NC control being used. Choosing the proper option establishes a mode of operation consistent with how the control processes NC data. Options are: Generic Fanuc and most other controls using standard controller functions. NUM French-made control. This option affects how G-code data is interpreted, for example: how variables are initialized and processed, and how to interpret parameters to macros that shift the location of the tool path. Heidenhain Conversational Heidenhain Conversational control. This option causes VERICUT to recognize the "L" word as an optimizable word. Also, the "L" word is included with any cuts added during optimization. Calculation Tolerance Tolerance for rounding mathematical evaluations, such as determining if two calculated values are equal to, greater than, or lesser than each other.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Order of Math Operations Order in which math operations are performed. Options are: Rules of Precedence Follow the basic rules of math precedence: 1. Perform exponential (power). 2. Perform multiplication and division operations. 3. Perform addition and subtraction operations, example: 5 + 5.3 * 3 * sin(30)= 12.95 Enclosing math operations in parenthesis causes them to be performed before those not enclosed in parenthesis. The same rules of precedence are applied to math operations enclosed in parenthesis. Left to Right Use left to right sequence, example: 5 + 5.3 * 3 * sin(30)= 15.45 Default Word Word assumed by VERICUT for NC data blocks beginning with numbers, such as NC data for some Heidenhain controls. For example, for VERICUT to interpret blocks like "50G01X5", set Default Word to "N". VERICUT then interprets the block without error as "N50G01X5".
Default Motion Type Default motion type for the control. Options are: Rapid Linear
Default Plane Selection Default motion plane, or "cutting plane" for the control. Options are: XY ZX YZ Default Control Units Default measurement units for the control. Options are: Inch Metric Default Command Mode Default command mode, or "input dimension mode" for the control. Options are: Absolute Incremental Default Feed Mode / Default Feedrate Default feed rate mode and value for the control. Feed mode options are: Feed per Minute Feed per Revolution Output Initial Spindle Location When active, causes the machine to move to its initial spindle location at the beginning of tool path processing. Enter initial machine location values in an Initial Machine Location table. Rapid Motion Cancels Cycles When active, rapid motions (e.g. G0) cancel canned cycles (e.g. G81-89). Linear Motion Cancels Cycles When active, linear motions (e.g. G01) cancel canned cycles (e.g. G81-89). CW Motion Cancels Cycles / CCW Motion Cancels Cycles When active, clockwise (or counterclockwise) circular interpolation motions (e.g. G02) cancel canned cycles (e.g. G81-89).
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Output Rapid Motions as Controls the format in which rapid motions are written to the APT Output file during reverse post-processing. Options are: Rapid Output the word "RAPID" followed by a single tool tip location. Feedrate Output "FEDRAT/n" where the feed rate is calculated based on the rapid priority of moving axes, and then output the tool tip location(s). When rapid priority causes axes to move independently, multiple tool tip positions are output. Maximum Inverse Time Output Feedrate Highest feedrate value which can result from interpreting inverse time feed rate values (e.g. G93). The output feed rate is set to this rate when in inverse time feed mode and the calculated feed rate is zero or greater then the specified maximum. Output Precision Controls the accuracy used to interpret calculated values, such as: CDC offset positions, mathematical operations, etc. Options are: Full Precision Highest possible accuracy. Note that full precision output values can result in higher accuracy than the NC control uses, which may result in differences between simulated motion and the actual motion performed by the NC control. Input Precision Use the accuracy used in the input tool path file. For example, when tool path file data is in 3.4 format, the precision used is also 3.4. Specified Precision Use the accuracy specified via Specified Output Precision (see below) Specified Output Precision When Output Precision= Specified Precision, this value reflects the accuracy used by the NC control to perform the operations described above for Output Precision.
Circle Center Mode Mode in which to interpret circle center data. Options: Absolute Absolute center coordinates. Incremental Incremental distances. (See "Incremental Circle Center Method" below). G Code Dependent As described above, except depends on the active input dimension mode: absolute or incremental. Incremental Circle Center Method When interpreting incremental circle center values, controls how incremental circle center data is interpreted. Options: From Start to Center Point Distance from circle start point to circle center. From Center to Start Point Distance from circle center to circle start point. Unsigned Unsigned, positive incremental distance between circle start point and circle center). Unsigned incremental circle motion blocks are always positive in value, and do not cut circles greater than 90 degrees. 707
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Pitch Specified with IJK This option determines if the CircleCenterX, and CircleCenterY, and CircleCenterZ macros can be used to determine the pitch. Only the macro which corresponds to the direction perpendicular to the current motion plane will be used for the pitch value. The pitch is defined as depth per revolution. The default is "No". If set to"Yes", the delta depth distance divided by the pitch will determine the number of full loops. If set to "No", the HelicalFullLoops macro should be called, and the pitch will be calculated based on the number of full loops, the delta depth distance, and the starting and ending angles. APT Output for Circular Motion Controls the format in which circular motions are output during conversion to an APT output file. An APT Output file is created when Create APT Output File is active. (Ref. Process Options window: G-Code Output Files tab)
Cycle Return Level Controls where the tool tip is returned (retracted) after processing a cycle command. Options: R Point Rapid positioning or "R level". Initial Point Initial level from where the cycle motion began. Specified Point Clearance distance from the workpiece as specified by a word/address, such as G71Zn with some Okuma controls, or Clearance + Retraction (similar to Specified Point, except a retraction clearance can be specified).
Cycle Rapid method Controls how rapid positioning is performed between cycle executions. Options: Clearance Plane FANUC method-R level located at some clearance above the workpiece, tool tip placed at the R level). Part Surface Cincinnati Acramatic method-R level located on the workpiece surface, tool tip placed .125, or 3mm above the R level.
Cycle Depth Value Controls how the cycle depth values are interpreted. Options: Absolute Absolute cycle depth value. Incremental Incremental distance as described by the Cycle Incremental Depth Value below). 710
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu G Code Dependent As described above, except depends on the active input dimension mode: absolute or incremental. Cycle Incremental Depth Value When interpreting incremental cycle depth values, controls how incremental distances are interpreted. Options: Relative to Cycle Rapid Value Incremental distance from R level. Relative to Cycle Initial Level Incremental distance from initial level. Relative to Part Surface Incremental distance from the part surface. Cycle Rapid Value Controls how cycle rapid values are interpreted to determine the R level. Options: Absolute Absolute R level position. Incremental Incremental distance to the R level, as specified by the Cycle Incremental Rapid Value. G Code Dependent As described above, except depends on the active input dimension mode: absolute or incremental. Cycle Incremental Rapid Value When interpreting incremental cycle rapid values, controls how incremental distances are interpreted to determine the R level. Options: Relative to Cycle Initial Level Incremental distance from the initial level. Relative to Part Surface Incremental distance from the part surface. Cycle Causes Rapid Motion When active, sets the rapid motion mode with a cancel cycle command (e.g. G80). Ignore Cycles during Rotary Motion When active, ignores canned cycles during rotary motions. Clear this checkbox to allow cycles during rotary motions. The use of this modal becomes more important when the Output Intermediate Points control setting is in use. Cycle Execute Controls when cycle motions are executed. Options: On Motion Execute cycle on cycle block and each following motion until cancelled. (Default) As Commanded Cycle definition block is for setup only; execute cycle when commanded by a specific word/address, such as G79 with some Phillips NC controls. Requires using the CyclesExecute macro in the NC control configuration for the codes that command cycles to be executed.
Initial Tool Component ID Specifies the Tool Index Number of the tool component initially active for tool changes. Tool Number Method Controls how to interpret tool number word/addresses (e.g. Tn). Options are: Select Only Tool number only selects the tool. The tool is changed by a separate command, e.g. M6) Select & Change Tool number selects and changes the tool. A separate tool change command is not used. Tool Change Retract Method Method of retracting for a tool change. Methods which retract machine axes reference location values stored in a Tool Change Location table. Options are: No Retract Change the tool at its current location. Retract (Z-Axis only) Retract the tool only along the Z-axis.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Retract All Axes Retract all machine motion axes to their respective tool change locations. Retract Tool Side Axes Similar to Retract All Axes, except applies only to motion axes connected between the machine Base and Tool components. Use Retraction Table Refer to the Tool Change Retraction table to determine which machine axes to retract. Tool Change Cancels Cycles When active, cancels canned cycles with a tool change. Tool Change Causes Rapid Motion When active, sets the rapid motion mode with a tool change.
Output Intermediate Points When active, generates intermediate tool positions during rotary motions. If turned off, only the final tool position of a rotary motion is shown. Rotary intermediate points help you see the tool-to-workpiece relationship during rotary motions, however, the simulation will be slower. The Interpolation Tolerance determines the quantity of machine positions which simulate rotary motions. (Ref. File menu > Properties: Tolerance tab)
OPTIPATH NOTE: Multi-axis motions are not optimized when Output Intermediate
Points is active. A-axis Rotary Type, B-axis Rotary Type, C-axis Rotary Type The settings control how rotary commands are interpreted (e.g. ABC). Each axis is individually controlled. Options: 714
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu EIA (360 Absolute) Refers to absolute angle positions. Absolute Rotary Direction controls how rotation values determine the direction of rotation.
Linear Refers to angles on a linear axis "wrapped" around the rotary component. In absolute input dimension mode (e.g. G90), rotary values specify absolute locations along the linear-rotary axis, while the sign (+ / -) controls which end of the linear axis is used. In incremental input dimension mode (e.g. G91), rotary values specify degrees to rotate from the current position, and the sign controls the direction of rotation: plus = CCW, minus = CW.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Example rotations of a B-axis linear-rotary component: Current axis position Command Rotary motion (moving tool philosophy) G90B75 G90B-75 G90B75 G90B-75 G90B120 G90B-120 G91B75 G91B-75 75 deg CCW 75 deg CW 40 deg CCW 110 deg CW 30 deg CW 270 deg CW 75 deg CCW 75 deg CW B75 B285 (B-75) B75 B285 (B-75) B120 B240 (B-120) Current +75 Current -75 Rotary destination
A2-axis Rotary Type, B2-axis Rotary Type, C2-axis Rotary Type The settings control how rotary commands for secondary rotary axes are interpreted (e.g. A2, B2, C2). Each axis is individually controlled. Options are same as described above for ABC rotary types. Absolute Rotary Direction Controls how rotation values determine the direction of rotation for EIA (360 Absolute) rotary type components. Options and examples follow. Positive -> CCW Sign controls the direction of rotation: plus = CCW, minus = CW, and absolute value of the rotation value specifies the rotary destination.
NOTE: You can configure the same behavior using Configuration menu >
Word/Address and associating the RotaryDirPosCCW macro.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Examples of rotary behavior with Absolute Rotary Direction=Positive -> CCW: Current axis position Command Rotary motion (moving tool philosophy) G90B0 G90B380 G90B-90 G90B60 NA 20 deg CCW 290 deg CW 330 deg CCW B0 B20 B90 B60 Rotary destination
NA B0 B20 B90
Positive -> CW Similar to Positive -> CCW, except the rotation directions are reversed.
NOTE: You can configure the same behavior using Configuration menu >
Word/Address and associating the RotaryDirPosCW macro. Examples of rotary behavior with Absolute Rotary Direction=Positive -> CW: Current axis position NA B0 B20 B90 Command Rotary motion (moving tool philosophy) G90B0 G90B380 G90B-90 G90B60 NA 340 deg CW 70 deg CCW 30 deg CW Rotary destination
Always CCW Rounds the rotation value to increments of 360, then subtracts 360 until the subtracted value is between 0-360. The rounded value specifies the rotary destination. The tool always rotates in a CCW direction about the rotary center point.
NOTE: You can configure the same behavior using Configuration menu >
Word/Address and associating the RotaryDirCCW macro. 717
Examples of rotary behavior with Absolute Rotary Direction=Always CCW: Current axis position NA B0 B20 B270 Command Rotary motion (moving tool philosophy) G90B0 G90B380 G90B-90 G90B60 NA 20 deg CCW Rotary destination
B0 B20
Always CW Similar to Always CCW, except the rotation directions are reversed.
NOTE: You can configure the same behavior using Configuration menu >
Word/Address and associating the RotaryDirCW macro. Examples of rotary behavior with Absolute Rotary Direction=Always CW: Current axis position Command Rotary motion (moving tool philosophy) G90B0 G90B380 G90B-90 G90B60 NA 340 deg CW 110 deg CW 210 deg CW B0 B20 B270 B60 Rotary destination
NA B0 B20 B270
Shortest Distance Uses the rotation value and its sign to specify the absolute rotary position. For each rotary motion, the tool rotates the shortest distance about the rotary center point to the rotary destination.
NOTE: You can configure the same behavior using Configuration menu > Word/Address and associating the RotaryDirShortestDist macro.
Examples of rotary behavior with Absolute Rotary Direction=Shortest Distance: Current axis position NA B0 B20 B270 Command Rotary motion (moving tool philosophy) G90B0 G90B380 G90B-90 G90B60 NA 20 deg CCW 110 deg CW 150 deg CCW Rotary destination
Linear Rounds the rotation value to increments of 360, then subtracts 360 until the subtracted value is between 0-360. The difference between the rounded value and the current position is the rotary destination while the sign of the difference specifies the rotation direction. A positive difference value rotates the tool in a CCW direction about the rotary center point, a negative value rotates the tool in a CW direction.
NOTE: You can configure the same behavior using Configuration menu >
Word/Address and associating the RotaryDirLinear macro. Examples of rotary behavior with Absolute Rotary Direction=Linear: Current axis position NA B0 B20 B270 Command Rotary motion (moving tool philosophy) G90B0 G90B380 G90B-90 G90B60 NA 20 deg CCW 250 deg CCW 210 deg CW Rotary destination
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Rotary Tool Control Point When active, with default settings, Rotary Tool Control Point, or "RTCP" causes rotary motion about a specific control point-typically the tool tip. When RTCP is not active, rotation occurs about the rotary component origins. This feature is intended for use only with tilting head machines. RTCP compensates for the gage offset (XYZ distance from tool tip to Tool component) and pivot offset (XYZ distance from spindle face/centerline to tool side rotary components rotation/pivot point) as tool side rotary components rotate. Affect of using RTCP with an A-axis rotary component:
RTCP only applies to rotary components between a Tool component and the Base component (tool side). Rotary components between a Stock component and the Base component (part side) do not effect the orientation of the tool, and therefore do not affect the tool side offsets. RPCP, or Rotary Part Contol Point, is used with part side rotary components, where the part is moved relative to the tool tip. RPCP actually rotates the workpiece coordinate system as the part side rotary components rotate. RPCP should only be used when programming in the part coordinate system. See reference information on the "RpcpOn, RpcpOff" macros, or the "RPCP Pivot Offset table" in the Tables for Processing GCodes section for more information.
1. The default state for RTCP is set on the Rotary Settings panel. The RTCP state can be modified via the RotaryControlPointOnOff or RtcpOn, RtcpOff macros. 2. See also: "RTCP Pivot Offset table" or "RPCP Pivot Offset table" for possible additional configuration for correct RTCP simulation. RTCP Contour Use this feature to set the mode for RTCP contouring. "Yes" puts RTCP in contouring mode (XYZ offsets are updated and applied continuously during
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu rotary motion). "No" puts RTCP in non-contouring mode (XYZ offsets are not updated and applied during rotary motion). Use the RtcpContour macro to over-ride this setting. RTCP must be active for this setting to have an effect. RTCP With Motion Use this feature to set the mode for RTCP with motion. "Yes" causes the RTCP updated XYZ offsets to only take effect when the corresponding X, Y, or Z axes are programmed in a rotary motion block. "No" causes the XYZ offsets to take effect immediately, meaning X, Y, or Z axes do not have to be programmed in a rotary motion block. Typically, this feature is only applicable when in non-contouring mode (RTCP Contour = "No"). Use the RtcpWith Motion macro to over-ride this setting. RTCP must be active for this setting to have an effect. RTCP Uses Use this feature to specify which type of pivot offset compensation to use. There are two Pivot Offset compensation types: RTCP and Gage. RTCP specifies the programmed/driven point is assumed to be the spindle face/centerline with no tool loaded. The RTCP Pivot Offset table can be used with this type to override the automatic calculation. The centerline of rotation for multiple tool side rotary components must intersect. Gage specifies the programmed/driven point is assumed to be the rotation/pivot point of the tool side rotary component, closest to the Base component. The PivotOffsetCompName macro can be used with this type to override where the XYZ pivot offset distance will be measured to. The centerline of rotation, for multiple tool side rotary components, does not have to intersect. The macros TurnOnOffGageOffset and TurnOnOffGagePivotOffset can be used to turn on and off the gage offset and the pivot offset, thereby driving either the spindle face or the tool tip. If Programming Method is set to Tool Tip, the gage offset is always active. RTCP must be active for this setting to have an affect. Choose one of the following: Default Pivot Offset Use the RTCP Pivot Offset compensation type. The ApplyGagePivotOffset macro can be used to switch to the Gage Pivot Offset compensation type. Gage Pivot Offset Use the Gage Pivot Offset compensation type. This option should be used for all new jobs.
NOTE: The Gage Pivot Offset might currently be turned off, or may be set to
(0,0,0). RTCP Pivot Offset Use the RTCP Pivot Offset compensation type.
NOTE: The RTCP Pivot Offset might currently be turned off, or may be set to
(0,0,0). Only Gage Offset Do not compensate for XYZ pivot offset. Compensate only for the XYZ gage offset.
Traditionally, Rotary Tool Control Point (RTCP) referred to a state in which the tool would rotate about the tool tip when a tool-side rotary was rotated. Today this feature has a more generic definition. Rotary Tool Control Point refers to a state in which the tool side offsets are automatically updated when a tool-side rotary is rotated. This means that even though Rotary Tool Control Point is active, the results might not be as described above for the following reasons: 1. The traditional definition assumed that the offsets are adjusted continually as the rotary axis is rotated. This is not always the case. In the above diagram, an "A90" command is being executed. If the offsets are not updated continuously, the tool tip position will not stay fixed, but will "wander", and then end up in its original position. The RTCP Contour flag allows for configuration of either type. 2. The traditional definition assumed that the offsets would be applied immediately to all axes even though the corresponding linear axes were not specified on the block. This is not always the case. If the offsets are only applied when the corresponding linear axes are specified, then in the above case (A90), even though RTCP was active, the machine would behave as illustrated on the left. Then when XYZ is specified (with the original coordinates), then the updated offsets would be applied, and the tool tip would return to its original position. The RTCP With Motion flag allows for configuration of either type. Some controls only adjust some of the 4 tool side offsets. If this is true, then the tool tip will not return to the original position.
Maximum Wire Angle Maximum angle the wire can tilt in any direction from vertical alignment. If the wire is tilted beyond this angle, an error message is issued. Initial Voltage When active, indicates voltage to the wire is on at the start of tool path processing. UV Relative to XY When active, U and V tool path values are relative to the current X and Y axis positions. XY Also Moves UV When active, X and Y tool path values also cause the corresponding U and V axis to move. In typical wire EDM machine construction, the U and V axes are connected such that they are slaved off the X and Y axes. In other words, when the X and Y axes move, the corresponding U and V axes also move by default. The XY Also Moves UV setting is intended to work with machines built such that the U and V axes are separate from the X and Y axes. Work Table to XY Output Plane Distance from the top of the work table (machine Z zero) to the XY output plane (output Z values). The XY output plane is the Z-axis level at which X and Y values are assumed to be driven. This value is measured along the machine Z-axis, and is usually zero.
CDC ON/OFF Method Controls how the offset condition is established when CDC is turned on, and how the offset is cancelled when CDC is turned off. Options are: Ramp ON/OFF Establish the offset condition with a "ramp-on" motion after CDC is turned on. When CDC is turned off, the offset is cancelled with a "ramp-off" motion on the next tool move. Immediate Immediately establishes the offset condition when CDC is turned on, and assumes the offset has been established by a prior data block (e.g. G43-44 as interpreted by the Phillips CNC controls). When CDC is turned off, the offset is cancelled without a tool move. CDC Ramp ON/OFF with Specifies the motion types which establish/cancel the CDC offset. Options: Active Plane Motion Turn CDC on with a motion in the active cutting plane. Any Motion Turn CDC on with any motion, including motion along the tool axis.
Initial Work Offset When active, sets the initial work offset specified by the Initial Work Index (see below). Initial Work Index Index, or offset register value, containing the initial work offset. The offset remains effective until a different work offset (e.g. G54-59) is processed, or until cancelled. Enter the corresponding offset values into a Work Offsets table.
Type of Subroutine Names Controls how names of subroutines are referenced. Options are: Numeric Use the numeric value; leading zeros are ignored. For example, "O0010" is interpreted the same as "O10". Text Use the text string value. For example, "O0010" is not interpreted the same as the name "O10".
Auto Sequence Numbering When active, re-sequences optimized tool path records in ascending order. The Sequence Increment Value (see below) is used for the beginning sequence number, and as the increment value for subsequent sequence numbers. Both optimized and non-optimized blocks with sequence numbers are re-sequenced. Sequence numbers are not added to un-optimized blocks without a sequence number.
NOTE: If the general control setting Default Word="N", then "N" does not appear in
the sequence number. The result is a sequence number without a word, for example: "50G01X5", such as required by Heidenhain controls. Add Sequence Number to Added Blocks When active, adds sequence numbers to blocks added during optimization via the Add More Cuts OptiPath setting. Sequence Increment Value Initial value and increment value for re-sequencing optimized G-code tool path records.
Word Value Spacing When active, includes a space between word/value pairs in the optimized tool path file. Un-optimized records do not receive spacing. When this feature is not used, optimized tool path records are not spaced.
NOTE: Developer's Kit-defined settings can also appear under Project menu >
Processing Options > G-Code > Process Options: User Defined tab, as determined by the developer.
Sync This term refers to the idea of synchronizing multiple programs (or channels) at once. A program could be defined by a separate input file, or by sections of a single input file. Each of these programs drives a subsystem. The sync logic will obtain motions for all subsystems being synced, and then execute the motion. For example: If the upper system has a motion that will take 3 seconds, and the lower subsystem has a motion that will take .5 seconds. The lower subsystem motion and 1/6th of the upper subsystem motion will be executed. Then, the next motion will then be retrieved for the lower subsystem, and the process continues. The Info menu > NC Program window shows which blocks are being processed by the programs.
NOTE: The actual synchronization of the programs based on WAIT or SYNC codes
are controlled by the Word/Address table. Sync Method The Sync Method turns on/off the Sync logic, and specifies the method that will be used to determine which data applies to which subsystem. Options include: None (Default) Turns off Sync logic. Normal processing occurs. G&L - N/O Block An "N" sequence numbers mark commands for the first subsystem, "O" sequence numbers marks commands for the second subsystem, and "B" sequence numbers marks commands for both subsystems. 730
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Okuma - G13/G14 The input program is divided into sections. Each section begins with either a G13 or a G14. The G13 sections will drive the first subsystem, and the G14 sections will drive the second subsystem. Fanuc - Multiple NC Programs Independent tool path files are specified for each synced subsystem. The order of the subsystems specified must match the order of the NC program files in the NC Program list. INDEX - Channel 1/Channel 2 A single NC program file contains two subroutines, one for each head. A word/value, for example "M30", toggles between "channels" that control each head. These channels will then drive the corresponding subsystems. See the IndexCallMainSub macro in the "Macros - listed alphabetically" section for more information. Gildemeister - $1/$2 Blocks starting with $1 will be processed by the first subsystem, and blocks starting with $2 will be processed by the second subsystem. Blocks not beginning with either a $1 or a $2 will be processed by both subsystems. Mazak - G109L1/G109L2 The input program is divided into sections. Each section begins with either a G109L1 or a G109L2. The G109L1 sections will drive the first subsystem, and the G109L2 sections will drive the second subsystem. Allen-Bradley - Primary/Secondary This sync type has the following attributes: 1. A block can contain commands for both subsystems (controls). 2. Each control is processed independently. 3. The next block is not processed until both controls are done with the previous block. 4. Although the split up of the Info Toolpath is not necessary (or possibly desirable) for this sync type, it is still done for consistency with the way we handle sync motion. 5. When "stepping", both the upper and lower Toolpath windows (controls) will process 1 block. 6. The MDI window will ignore the subsystem specified, and will process the line as stated by sending it to both controls. Citizen - $1/$2/$3 The input program is divided into sections. Each section begins with a $1, a $2, or a $3. The $1 sections will drive the first subsystem, the $2 sections will drive the second subsystem, and the $3 sections will drive the third subsystem. Sync SubSystem IDs This table defines the SubSystems that will be driven by the corresponding programs as define by the Sync Method above. The number of SubSystems must match the Sync Method defined above. For example the Citizen must have 3 Sync SubSystems, and the Okuma must have 2. The Fanuc style could have any number of Sync SubSystems.
NOTE: A machine might define a separate subsystem for a head changer, a pallet
changer, These are not Sync SubSystems. The Sync SubSystems corresponds to the primary SubSystem this is being driven by each of the Synced programs.
CSS Maximum RPM When constant surface speed, or "CSS" is controlling spindle speed, this value specifies the fastest RPM to turn the workpiece. RPM Changes with RAPID and CSS When selected and CSS is controlling spindle speed, rapid motions (e.g. G0) can affect spindle speed, as well as linear and circular motions (e.g. G1-3). Clear this checkbox to have only linear and circular motions affect RPM.
Subroutines tab The features on this tab specify names of external files containing subroutines accessible by the NC control. Events tab The features on this tab maintain macros called and variables set based on key events that occur during tool path file processing. Substitute tab The features on this tab maintain text strings that are substituted when specific text in the tool path file is encountered.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu OptiPath Substitute tab The features on this tab maintain text strings that are substituted when tool path files are optimized by OptiPath and written to the Optimized file. Dev Kit CME tab Features on this tab enable you to specify a custom CME file containing custom macros that assist the NC control with processing machine code data. OK Saves additions/modifications and dismisses the Advanced Control Options window. Apply Saves additions/modifications and leaves the Advanced Control Options window open. Cancel Closes the Advanced Control Options window without saving any additions/modifications.
File Names list List of external files containing subs accessible to VERICUT.
Tip: Right-click in the File Names list area to display a pop-up window with the
following features: Add Opens the Job Subroutine Files selection box enabling you to add external subroutine files to the File Names list. Replace Opens the Job Subroutine Files selection box enabling you to replace the highlighted subroutine file in the File Names list with another. Delete Deletes the highlighted subroutine file from the File Names list.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Edit Displays the of the highlighted subroutine file in a text editing window. Standard text editing features are provided, such as: copy/cut, paste, search, etc. For more information on using the editing features see Edit menu > Text File. Add Opens the Job Subroutine Files selection box enabling you to add external subroutine files to the File Names list. (Same as Add in the pop-up window described above) Replace Opens the Job Subroutine Files selection box enabling you to replace the highlighted subroutine file in the File Names list with another. (Same as Replace in the pop-up window described above) Delete Deletes the highlighted subroutine file from the File Names list. (same as Delete in the pop-up window described above) Delete All Deletes all subroutines files from the File Names list.
The following Events are available: Reset Event occurs before the tool path file is scanned. Start of Processing Event occurs after the tool path file has been scanned, but before the tool path file is processed.
NOTE: The ConversionInit macro must always be the first macro listed for this event.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu End of Processing Event occurs after the tool path file has been processed.
NOTE: The ConversionFinish macro must always be the last macro listed for this
event. Start of Block Processing Event occurs at the start of processing each G-code data block.
NOTE: The BlockInit macro must always be the first macro listed for this event.
End of Block Processing Event occurs at the end of processing each G-code data block.
NOTE: The BlockFinish macro must always be the last macro listed for this event.
Start of Type II Command / End of Type II Command Event occurs at the start (or end) of processing a Type II data command. Add / Modify Opens the EventsAddMod window enabling you to add (or modify) event-based macro calls/variable assignments. Delete Deletes the selected event-based macro call/variable assignment.
EventsAddMod window
Location: Configuration menu > Adv. Options: Events tab VERICUT toolbar short cut: Opened by pressing Add/Modify on the Advanced Control Options window, Events tab. The features on this window enable you to add (or modify) event-based macro calls/variable assignments. Features in this window behave similar to those described for word/address groups on the Add/Modify Word/Address window.
Event Enables you to select the event that you want to add to or modify. Select from the pull-down list. Macroname/Variable Controls calls a macro, or sets a variable. Depending on the active choice, features are provided for specifying the macro called (select or type in 739
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu field), or the Variable Name and Variable Description of the variable to be set (enter the variable value in the Override Value field). You can select macro names, or type them in. Text entered is not case sensitive. Use the automatic filtering capability to help you find macros. When you enter text characters in the Macroname field, the list of macros is automatically filtered to show only those that match the specified text. Override Value This feature acts differently, depending on whether Macroname or Variable is selected: With Macroname selected Specifies a value to pass to the specified macro. If blank, the address value accompanying the word is passed. With Variable selected Specifies a value to assign to the specified Variable Number. Use the Variable Description field to describe what Variable Number represents. Math expressions and variables understood by the control are supported. Enter "$" to specify using the address value accompanying the word. Enter "#", followed immediately by the variable name/number, followed by a space, to specify a variable value. Multiple variables can be added, separated by a blank space. If the override expression does not contain either of these characters, it is evaluated immediately and only the value is retained. If the expression can not be evaluated immediately, the full expression is retained in the control configuration and evaluated separately for each block that activates the group. Examples of using Override Value: (given that the variable, #2 = 3) Text entered in Override Value field SIN(30) What is retained in control configuration .5 Sample Gcode data block X5 Resulting value when processed .5 (constant value- not affected by G-code data) .5 (see note above) 50 80
.5 $*10 ($+#2)*10
X10 X5 X5
Also see "Using Equations/Expression In VERICUT" in the Using VERICUT section for more information. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Override Text Similar to Override Value, except specifies text to pass to the macro. Only certain macros are designed to accept override text values. Consult the "Macros listed alphabetically" section for more information. Expression(s) can be used in macro override text. If the override text contains the sequence "{expression}" the expression text inside the curly-braces is evaluated and replaced with the calculated value. For example, if the MessageMacro is used with the following override text: "The spindle speed is {#speed} rpm" The variable "#speed" is evaluated and if set to 500, the resulting message would be: "The spindle speed is 500 rpm" The syntax for the expression(s) is the same as defined for override values. Add Select when adding a new macro or variable to the event. Modify Select when modifying an existing macro or variable for the event. Close Closes the EventsAddMod window.
See "About building NC controls" in the Using VERICUT section for more information about how G-code blocks are processed by VERICUT. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Substitution (Input/Output Text) list Lists text string substitutions that will occur when specified input text is encountered. Input Text / Output Text Specifies an input text string to substitute, and the output text that VERICUT will use in its place.
VERICUT HELP Configuration menu Add Adds a new substitution to the list. Modify Modifies an existing substitution in the list. Delete Deletes the selected substitution from the list.
Window features are the same as described for NC control substitutions-ref. Configuration menu > Adv. Options: Substitute tab.
For more information about developing customer CME files, see VERICUT Machine Simulation Developer's Guide in VERICUT Development Tools section. VERICUT Development Tools can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Dev Kit CME File Opens a window to specify a custom CME file. Features on this window are standard file selection window features that enable you to navigate through directories, filter files, and type or select file names. 745
Analysis Menu
X-Caliper (X-Caliper window)
VERICUT Location: Analysis menu > X-Caliper VERICUT toolbar short cut:
The X-Caliper window is also one of the dockable windows enabling you to dock it inside the VERICUT main window if you choose.
Notice that when toggled "Off", all collisions (holder/stock, cutter/fixture, etc.) are displayed.
Notice that when toggled "On", only holder/stock collisions are displayed. Including the collision areas that were cut away by subsequent cuts.
Clear X-Caliper Report Clears the results from the X-Caliper window. Print Displays a Page Setup window enabling you to format the page, specify the printer, and print. Save X-Caliper Report Saves the results from the X-Caliper window to a file. Use the file selection window that displays to specify the /path/filename for the file to be created. Close Window Closes the X-Caliper window. Options Select the desired X-Caliper option from the pull-down list. The following options are available: Feature/History When a cut on the model is selected, this option displays the geometric description of the cut feature, and corresponding tool path history. (See how)
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Distance Angle Use to measure the distance and/or angle between any combination of two points, planes, conic axes, model or component origins, or edges formed by intersecting planes or cylinders. (See how) Stock Thickness Use to measure solid stock material. (See how) Air Distance Use to measure the air gap between two solid surfaces. (See how) Closest Point Use to measure the shortest distance from an XYZ point location to the closest point on the model surface. (See how) Scallop Use to measure the height of a scallop formed by parallel intersecting cylinders, typically cut by cutter corner radius. (See how) Volume Use to display the following volume values calculated for a selected stock workpiece: cut stock volume (cubic units), original stock model volume (cubic units), and volume of material removed from the original stock model. (See how) Stock/Design Distance Use to measure the distance between the cut stock and design models. (See how) Highlight Same Planes Use to display all "cut" features that lie in the same plane. X-Caliper window This is where the results from X-Caliper operations are displayed. Active Coordinate System Displays the name of the active coordinate system.
Following are geometric features identified by VERICUT, listed alphabetically: Auto-diff model (X, Y, Z value and surface normal) an uncut surface on a model displayed after an auto-difference Solid method comparison. Circle (X, Y, Z center, axis vector and radius) a surface cut by a circular motion. Cone (X, Y, Z center, axis vector and side angle) a hole bottom cut by an angle tip drill, corner cut by a tapered endmill, or chamfer cut by a turning operation.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Cylinder (X, Y, Z center, axis vector and radius) an inside corner cut by 2 linear motions having an interior angle less then 180 degree, fillet cut by a bull or ball endmill moving perpendicular to the tool axis, or diameter cut by a turning operation. Ellipse (X, Y, Z center, axis vector, major and minor focal distances) a ramping or plunging surface cut by the bottom of an endmill with a flat, or partially flat bottom. Fixture model (X, Y, Z value and surface normal) an uncut surface on a fixture model. Holder Collision Area (X, Y, Z value and surface normal) a holder/stock collision area cut stock model. Data also includes NC program file, record number and tool ID. Plane (X,Y,Z value and surface normal) a flat machined surface. Cylinders or circles cut using linear motions can also return this identity. Ruled surface (X,Y,Z value and surface normal) a surface cut by a multi-axis motion. Sphere (X, Y, Z center and radius) a surface cut by the end of a ball endmill. Stock model (X, Y, Z value and surface normal) an uncut surface on a stock model. Torus (X, Y, Z center, axis vector, major and minor radius) a fillet in a corner cut by a bull endmill, or fillet left on a diameter by a radiused cutter during a turning operation. Torus sweep (X, Y, Z center, axis vector and major radius) This feature is typical of an angled (ramping or plunging) surface cut by a bull endmill.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu control which fields are filled in by screen pick data. You can select features on the VERICUT model, or enter number values (separated by blank spaces) directly into the fields. After selecting the From feature, VERICUT automatically transfers control to the To group. After selecting the To feature the X-Caliper window displays the measurement data. Feature Controls the types of features to measure between. Select the Feature type from the pull-down list. Feature descriptions: Point The X, Y, Z of the pick point or entered point coordinates. Plane A flat, unbounded surface. If a curved surface is selected, data retrieved represents a plane tangent to the selected model surface at the pick point. Axis Centerline of a cylinder or conic. Edge Edge formed by two intersecting planes or parallel cylinders. Special cases follow. Plane/Cylinder edge Only a cylinder with an axis parallel to the plane can produce an edge. Tangent conditions produce 1 edge. Intersecting conditions produce 2 possible edges, thus the one closest to the cylinder pick-point is used. Cylinder/Cylinder edge Only cylinders with parallel axes can produce an edge. Tangent conditions produce 1 edge. Intersecting conditions produce 2 edges, thus the one closest to the last cylinder pick-point is used.
Vertex Enables you to easily select one of the six key points associated with the triangles representing the faces of a model. For each triangle, the points consist of the three vertices and the midpoint of each of the triangle's three sides. VERICUT selects the point closest to your mouse pick. If the mouse pick is over the cut stock, Vertex works in the same way as the Point feature described above.
Vertex is a useful tool for measuring the trace of tool/fixture collisions on uncut fixtures. Model Origin Origin of a selected model. Use the View menu > View Axes function to see model origin axes. Component Origin Origin of a selected component. Use the View menu > View Axes function to see component origin axes. CSYS Origin Origin of the selected coordinate system axis. Use the View menu > View Axes function to display the coordinate systems that are available. CSYS Axis The X, Y, or Z axis of the selected coordinate system. Use the View menu > View Axes function to display the coordinate systems that are available. Location Represents the XYZ coordinates of the screen pick. Direction Represents IJK of the normal vector at the location of the screen pick. Data from the screen pick fills the Location and Direction data fields in the active From or To group. If needed, you can edit data in these fields, and then press Measure to obtain a measurement Measurement results are displayed in the X-Caliper window. Data output includes the From / To values input and the measured distance and/or angle.
Location Represents the XYZ coordinates of the point to measure from. Direction Represents IJK of the measurement direction vector into material. Data from the screen pick fills the Location and Direction data fields. If needed, you can edit data in these fields, and then press Measure to obtain a measurement. Measurement results are displayed in the X-Caliper window. Data output includes the Location and Direction values input, the XYZ point where the direction vector exits the material and the measured stock thickness between the Location and Exit points.
Location Represents the XYZ coordinates of the point to measure from. Direction Represents IJK of the measurement direction vector away from solid material. Data from the screen pick fills the Location and Direction data fields. If needed, you can edit data in these fields, and then press Measure to obtain a measurement. Measurement results are displayed in the X-Caliper window. Data output includes the Location and Direction vector values input, the XYZ point where the direction vector reenters solid material and the measured air distance between the Location and Entry points. 756
Location Represents the XYZ coordinates of the point to measure from. XYZ values must be manually entered. The Closest Point, "From" Location cannot be specified by selecting the location graphically. Measurement results are displayed in the X-Caliper window. Data output includes the From Location, the XYZ coordinates of the closest point on the model, and the measured distance between the "from" point and the "closest" point on the model.
Cylinder 1 / Cylinder 2 Used to define the cylinders to measure from and to. Use the choice arrow to control which cylinder is being picked. Select parallel cylinders on the VERICUT model. After selecting Cylinder 1, VERICUT displays a circle representing the cylinder in the graphics area and automatically transfers control to Cylinder 2. After selecting Cylinder 2, measurement results are displayed in the XCaliper window.
Data output includes Center point, Axis vector and Radius values for each cylinder and the Scallop Height measurement.
Calculated volumes are displayed in the X-Caliper window. Data output includes the Current Stock Volume, Original Volume and Removed Volume.
Stock Use to display the stock model in the workpiece view. Options are provided to display the models as Solid or Translucent, or turn the display Off. Design Similar to Stock, above, except that it applies to design model(s). From Stock to Design / From Design to Stock Use to specify the "From" and "To" components for the measurement.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Direction Use to specify the I, J, and K components, separated by blank spaces, of a vector representing the direction of measurement from Location to the "To" component. Location Represents the XYZ coordinates of the point to measure from on the "From" component. Direction Represents IJK of the measurement direction vector toward the "To" component. Pick a location on the "From" component in the workpiece view. X-caliper then measures the distance, normal to the pick location, to the nearest point on the "To" component. You can also enter the X, Y, and Z components, separated by blank spaces, of the desired measurement point on the "From" component. Data from the screen pick fills the Location and Direction data fields. If needed, you can edit data in these fields, and then press Measure to obtain a measurement. Measurement results are displayed in the X-Caliper window. Data output includes the measurement method, Location and Direction values related to the "From" component, the XYZ point of contact on the "To" component, and the measured Distance between the Location and the point of contact on the "To" component.
Toolbar shortcut: The Highlight Same Plane option enables you to see all "cut" features that lie in the same plane. Sample X-Caliper window, Highlight Same Plane option:
Color Use to select the color to highlight the planes. Select the desired color from the pull-down color list. Location Represents the XYZ coordinates of the screen pick. Direction Represents IJK of the plane's normal vector at the location of the screen pick. Data from the screen pick fills the Location and Direction data fields. Z Tolerance Use to specify a tolerance value for determining "same" planes. All planes, within +/- the tolerance value, along the normal vector will be highlighted using the specified color. 763
Sample Graphics display after using the X-Caliper window, Highlight Same Plane option:
Settings tab Features on this tab control the AUTO-DIFF comparison, and what you see as a result. Options tab Features on this tab are used to set processing and reporting options. Compare By Region tab Features on this tab enable you to select a region to perform AUTO-DIFF on. Constant Gouge Check tab Features on this tab enable you to specify a tolerance value for Constant Gouge Check and turn Constant Gouge Check On/Off. Apply Applies the current AUTO-DIFF window settings. Compare Compares the design model(s) specified by the AUTO-DIFF window settings. Restore Restores the VERICUT model as it was before performing the AUTO-DIFF operation.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Report Opens a window containing an AUTO-DIFF Report file that identifies errors detected by AUTO-DIFF. Information includes a listing of tool path record numbers responsible for the errors, and amount of deviation from the design model. Selecting an error in the list highlights the location of the error on the model. AUTO-DIFF automatically builds the report after the comparison has been done. If you are only interested in seeing the results (no report), you can abort report building by pressing Stop after you see the message "Creating AUTO-DIFF report". Select any column heading to sort the report by the entries in that column. Close Closes the AUTO-DIFF window without applying window changes. ,
Stock Component When multiple Stock components are defined, this option controls which one is used in the comparison. The Design component used in the comparison is that which is connected to, or connected to the same component as the chosen Stock component.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Stock Display When selected, displays the stock model in the AUTO-DIFF view. Options are provided to display these models as Solid, Translucent, or Lines. The available options will vary depending on the Comparison Method that is selected. Design Display Similar to Stock Display above, except applies to design model(s). Comparison Method Controls the method of comparing design model data against the VERICUT model. The comparison method also re-configures the Settings tab to reflect the tolerances and other data required to compare the data as requested. All methods generate an AUTO-DIFF model that can be analyzed or saved as an In Process file. Regardless of the method chosen, the design model must first be loaded prior to comparison (ref. Modeling window: Model tab). Design models can be loaded at any time. Options: Solid Compare a solid design model by subtracting solid models from each other. (See how ) Solid models must be "watertight"-in other words, completely enclosed surfaces. You can check solid design model integrity by loading it as a stock model, then select Analysis menu > X-Caliper window: Volume tab to analyze the volume of the stock model. After checking the volume, the following problems indicate the design model needs repair, or is suitable only for the Surface comparison method: small holes or gaps appear in the model model falls apart-is partially displayed model disappears completely
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Surface Compare a surface, set of surfaces, or skin of a solid design model or VERICUT Solid by overlaying the surface on the cut model. (See how) VERICUT only compares where the design surface and cut model overlap. Surface comparison provides multiple colors and tolerances that produce a "rainbow" affect to show the extent of errors.
NOTE: VERICUT Solids can only be used for Standard (not FastMill) cutting
mode. AUTO-DIFF "Surface" method example
Point Compare a set of design inspection points by overlaying the points on the cut model. (See how ) VERICUT searches from each point for an intersection with the model surface. Surface normal vectors control the direction in which to search. Only points associated with errors are seen in the results. Points associated with gouges have the Error color-typically Red, while points associated with excess material have the 5th defined color in the Shade Color list (typically Magenta). AUTO-DIFF "Point" method example
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Profile Enables you to compare the turning profile of the cut stock with profile of a design model. (See how) When Comparison Method is set to Profile, up to four profiles (Gouge, Excess, Stock, Design) may be displayed in the "Profile" view. Each can be displayed in one of two modes: Solid or Lines. The display mode for Stock and Design profiles is specified using the Design Display / Stock Display features. The display mode for Gouge and Excess is specified using the Draw Mode option in the View Attributes window for the currently active "Profile" view. When display mode is set to "Solid", Stock and Design profiles are displayed the "component" color unless the "model" color is different than the "component" color. In this case, Stock and Design profiles are displayed the color of the 1st model. Gouge and Excess profiles are displayed in the color selected with the Comparison Tolerance "color" feature. When display mode is set to "Lines", the same color scheme described above is used for "uncut" sections of the profile. "Cut" sections of the profile are displayed in the "cut" color. X-Caliper can be used to analyze any of the profiles (Gouge, Excess, Design, and Stock profiles) currently displayed in a "Profile" view. Saving an In-Process file (IP file) stores all four profile types. Any valid VERICUT model type can be used as a design model for an AUTODIFF Profile comparison. The design profile which is compared to stock profile is a Boolean union of the individual profiles of all Design Component models associated with specified Stock. If a design model is a Cone, Cylinder, SOR, or IGES Profile, and its Z-axis is aligned with the turning axis, its profile is built directly from its definition profile and is "exact". In all other cases, the profile is built by spinning the model about the turning axis (as is common with other turning applications) and is an approximation. The smaller the Cut Tolerance that is used, the better the approximation. If the "design component" consists of multiple models, the individual model profiles are merged into one design profile.
Comparison Type Controls the error type(s) checked for by the AUTO-DIFF operation. Options: Gouge Excess Both
Gouge Tolerance used when checking for gouges during a Solid comparison. Gouges detected by AUTO-DIFF are shaded in the associated gouge color. Excess Similar to Gouge above, except applies when checking for excess material.
Gouge Range/Color list Range of tolerances used when checking for gouges during a Surface comparison. Multiple tolerance values can be listed in addition to the "Gouge Check Distance" used to limit checking. If more than six tolerance values are listed, a scroll bar will be added to the table. Each pair of tolerance values represents a range of gouge depths to which the gouge color (of the lower tolerance value) will be applied. Use the Add and Delete buttons to add/remove tolerance values.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu The AUTO-DIFF model is first shaded using the "Base color" (top color in the list associated with the "Gouge Check Distance" - see the illustration below), then gouges detected by AUTO-DIFF are shaded in the gouge color(s) associated with the depth of the gouge. Excess Range/Color list Similar to Gouge Range/Color list above, except applies when checking for excess material.
Minimum Excess This feature enables you to specify a value and color to be used to represent an offset from the design surface. The Minimum Excess value is applied to the design surface in all directions. During the compare, any Excess value less than the Minimum Excess value is considered to be a gouge and displayed the Minimum Excess color. Excess material is measured from the Minimum Excess to the Range value (see below)
NOTE: The amount of gouge and excess reported is with respect to the offset design,
not the original design. In other words, zero deviation is where the cut stock excess with respect to the original design exactly equals to the given "Minimum Excess" value. This also is where the Excess color table range starts from. While in this mode, AUTO_DIFF > Report shows both gouges and excesses with respect to the condition described above. If a cut produces both a gouge and an excess, AUTODIFF reports the gouge (no matter what the value of the excess). This is different from the Report behavior when "Comparison Type" = "Both" where the biggest deviation would be reported. Point comparison tolerances
Gouge Tolerance Tolerance used when checking for gouges during a Point comparison. Gouges detected by AUTO-DIFF are shaded in the gouge color specified for a Solid comparison.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Excess Tolerance Similar to Gouge above, except applies when checking for excess material conditions. Gouge Check Distance Maximum distance to check for the cut model surface in the gouge direction. Distance is measured from the inspection point along direction of the normal vector used with the inspection point. Excess Check Distance Similar to Gouge Check Distance above, except applies when checking for excess material. Default Normal (IJK) Default normal vector in which to check during a Point comparison when vector data is not present in the Design Points file. Enter three values separated by spaces, for example "0 0 1". Normal Direction Indicates if surface normal vectors associated with design points are pointing outward (Out) or inward (In) relative to the design model. Profile comparison tolerances
The Profile comparison tolerances are applied "exactly", without tessellating the stock and/or design profiles. An arc offset by the tolerance value, will also be an arc and will be recognized by X-Caliper as such. The Profile Gouge/Excess tolerance values are independent of the Solid Gouge/Excess tolerance values described above, and are stored as separate values in .VcProject file. Gouge Tolerance used when checking for gouges during a Profile comparison. Gouges detected by AUTO-DIFF are shaded in the associated gouge color. Excess Similar to Gouge above, except applies when checking for excess material.
Design Consistency CheckWhen selected during a "Solid" comparison, checks consistency of solid design models, including: check for "watertight" solid- repair improperly trimmed surfaces (overlaps and gaps), and reconstruct insignificant missing surfaces. This option is highly recommended for design models creating from importing IGES data, and other model files which produce unsatisfactory results from the comparison. When selected during a "Profile" comparison, Design Consistency Check is applicable when building a profile from an STL, VERICUT Polygon, or VERICUT Solid design model. While checking design model consistency can take a while, it provides the best insurance for reliable AUTO-DIFF results. If you've used the model in VERICUT before and know 777
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu the quality is good enough, you can save time by clearing this checkbox. AUTO-DIFF will take less time, but results may not be reliable if the solid is not water-tight. Keep Design Solid When selected, keeps the solid design model created by AUTODIFF so it can be used in additional comparisons. This action can reduce AUTO-DIFF time if multiple comparisons are made, but will require additional computer resources to keep the design solid. The design solid is kept until the VERICUT model is reset, a design model is removed or deleted, or the checkbox is cleared and Apply is pressed. Saving an IP file also contains the kept design solid. Clear this checkbox to have AUTODIFF create a new design solid for each comparison. Disable Report Enables you to turn off the AUTO-DIFF Report feature to reduce AUTO-DIFF processing time. To generate the report, the processor must search through all cut records and lists the maximum error for each bad cut record. This can take a significant amount of time for large NC program files. When is toggled "on", you will still see the AUTO-DIFF results in the graphic area. Disable Report is only active when Comparison Method is set to Solid, Surface or Profile. Report Uncut Differences When selected, differences between the design and uncut stock are added to the AUTO-DIFF report. Show Point Vectors Displays the measurement vector associated with each point for the "Point" Comparison Method. The Vector is drawn whether AUTO-DIFF compare is active or not. Save AUTO-DIFF Model Use to save gouge or excess data as a VERICUT solid model file (.vct). Selecting Save AUTO-DIFF Model displays a dialog enabling you to specify a directory path and filename for the model file. If both gouge and excess models are present, two files will be created ( gouge_filename.vct and excess_filename.vct, where filename is the filename you entered in the Save AUTO-DIFF Model dialog. This option is only available for use if all of the following are true (otherwise it is grayed out): 1. Standard Cut Mode is active (not FastMill). 2. Constant Gouge Check is turned off. 3. AUTO_DIFF Comparison Method is set to Solid or Profile. 4. AUTO-DIFF Compare has been processed.
On When selected, activates the Compare by Region feature. When toggled "on", AUTO-DIFF comparison only processes the cut stock and design volumes within the specified "region".
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Apply Regions Over Entire Stock The check box, Apply Regions Over Entire Stock, does the following: Calculates a region that can achieve the specified Comparison Tolerance within the computers physical memory. Re-processes that region of the cut stock at a tolerance that ensures the Comparison Tolerance can be achieved. Does the specified AUTO-DIFF comparison for the region. Repositions the region and does AUTO-DIFF multiple times over the entire cut stock.
During AUTO-DIFF processing, the Region Box is displayed at each position over the cut stock. When Compare is pressed and this box is checked, a notice dialogue is displayed with the text, Processing may take several minutes depending on tolerance, size of the cut stock, memory and processor speed. Press the stop button in the main window to cancel AUTODIFF., OK. When the Apply Regions Over Entire Stock feature is active, the Region Size features are disabled. Improve Cut Stock Tolerance When selected, the Cut Stock is re-evaluated at a new tolerance based on the specified minimum AUTO-DIFF tolerance. Having this box checked affects the results from both the Fit to Memory and the Apply Regions Over Entire Stock features. Typically the Comparison Tolerance is smaller than the Cut Tolerance, so processing will take longer when Improve Cut Stock Tolerance is active.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu the center of the "region box" and drag around the Cut Stock to reposition the "region box" without resizing it. Fit to Memory Use to automatically size the "region box" based on the available memory for AUTO-DIFF. A short delay occurs while memory is analyzed.
On Toggles Constant Gouge Check on and off. Toggle Constant Gouge Check on/off to activate/deactivate Constant Gouge Check during NC program processing.
1. A design model must be present in the component tree for Constant Gouge Check to detect potential gouges.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu 2. Constant Gouge Check is not compatible with FastMill. When cutting in FastMill mode, use one of the AUTO-DIFF comparison methods instead. 3. AUTO-DIFF and Constant Gouge Check are mutually exclusive. To use the AUTO-DIFF features Constant Gouge Check must be turned "off". If you are using AUTO-DIFF, you must click the Restore button before you will be able to turn Constant Gouge Check "on". Tolerance Specify a tolerance value for Constant Gouge Check. Only gouges, greater than the specified tolerance, will be displayed. You can turn Constant Gouge Check "off", change the tolerance, and reprocess the NC program at any time.
NOTE: A VERICUT Solid (.vct) file can be used for a design model when using
Constant Gouge Check to find gouges during NC program processing.
Use this feature to measure distance and angular relationships of features on your part like you would with optical comparator.
The grid can be displayed in any view but only in one view at a time. The grid is always displayed in the "active" view. The grid is always displayed parallel to the screen and its center (0,0) position is related to the origin of either the workpiece coordinate system or the machine coordinate system depending on the type of view that is active. The grid will be displayed as long as the Optical Comparator window is open. Closing the Optical Comparator window removes the grid from the display. Full Polar Displays a full polar grid . Polar Grid With Linear Quadrant Displays a polar grid with one linear grid quadrant. Half Polar / Half Linear Displays a grid that is half polar and half linear. Linear Grid With Polar Quadrant Displays a linear grid with one polar quadrant. Full Linear Displays a full linear grid. Color Pallet Select a color from the pallet for the optical comparator grid. The default color is VERICUT's Foreground color. Click on the "X" in the upper right corner of the color pallet to close it.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Use the following options to specify the size and position of the grid as well as define the spacing between major and minor grid lines. Units are the same as the workpiece or machine depending on the type of view that is "active". Radius Specify the radius of the grid that you want to display. Center X Specify the horizontal position of the center of the grid. Enter a value in the text field. A negative number moves the center of the grid the specified number of units to the left of the coordinate system origin. A positive number moves the grid to the right. You can also move the horizontal position of the grid center by selecting one of the arrow buttons. Selecting either the < or > button moves the center of the grid to the left or right of its current position by the value specified for Minor Linear Spacing. Selecting either the < < or >> button moves the center of the grid to the left, or right, of its current position by the value specified for Major Linear Spacing. Center Y Specify the vertical position of the center of the grid. Enter a value in the text field. A negative number moves the center of the grid the specified number of units down from the coordinate system origin. A positive number moves the grid up. You can also move the vertical position of the grid center by selecting one of the arrow buttons. Selecting either the < or > button moves the center of the grid down, or up, from its current position by the value specified for Minor Linear Spacing. Selecting either the < < or >> button moves the center of the grid down, or up, from its current position by the value specified for Major Linear Spacing. CCW Rotation Use to rotate the grid about its center point. Enter an angle value in the text field. A positive number rotates the grid the specified number of degrees in a counterclockwise direction from its default (zero) position. A negative number rotates the grid the specified number of degrees in a clockwise direction from its default (zero) position. You can also rotate the grid about its center by selecting one of the arrow buttons. Selecting either the < or > button rotates the grid clockwise or counterclockwise from its current position by the value specified for Minor Angular Spacing. Selecting either the << or >> button rotates the grid clockwise, or counterclockwise, from its current position by the value specified for Major Angular Spacing. Major Angular Spacing Specify the number of degrees between the "major" grid lines of a polar grid. Minor Angular Spacing Specify the number of degrees between the "minor" grid lines of a polar grid. Major Linear Spacing Specify the distance between "major" grid lines of a linear grid. Minor Linear Spacing Specify the distance between "minor." grid lines of a linear grid. Magnification Use this option to quickly change the size of the grid by either a factor of 2, or a factor of 10. Selecting either the < or > button reduces or enlarges the size of
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu the grid by a factor of 2. Selecting either the < < or >> button reduces or enlarges the size of the grid by a factor of 10. Snap to Use this option to center the grid on a specific feature of the workpiece or machine. Click on the text field so that it is highlighted. Select a feature in the graphics area and the grid center will move to that location. You can also enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the workpiece/machine coordinate system in the text field. Selecting the Snap to button (or <Enter> on the keyboard) moves the grid to the specified location. OK Saves the current settings and dismisses the Optical Comparator window. Apply Applies all of the current settings to the displayed grid without dismissing the Optical Comparator window. You can also use the <Enter> key after changing an individual setting to immediately apply the change to the current grid display. Cancel Dismisses the Optical Comparator window without saving the settings.
NC Program Review
Location: Analysis > NC Program Review VERICUT toolbar short cut: The NC Program Review feature enables you to quickly and easily view, replay and edit a previously processed NC program (toolpath). (See how) NC Program Review can be accessed at any point in the verification process. It does not interrupt the current verification status, so reset or rewind of the NC program is not necessary.
NOTE: The following conditions must be met before a NC program can be viewed
with NC Program Review. 1. The NC program must be processed far enough in VERICUT so that a tool has been loaded and at least one tool motion has been processed after the tool is loaded. 2. There must be a model attached to the first "Stock" type component in the Component Tree. 3. The first "Stock" type component must be visible in a workpiece view.
The NC Program Review main window is composed of three distinct areas, each with different user interaction. The window header displays the current NC program file. This window can be moved and resized like most other windows, via dragging the window header, sides or corners. In addition, the size of the NC Program Listing, Error Listing,
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu and Graphics areas can be changed within the main window by dragging the adjoining sides of each area. NC Program Review enables you to quickly and easily associate the NC program record, the motion resulting from it, and any errors that may be associated with it. The three areas of the window are linked together so that if you select a NC program record in the listing, the tool moves to the corresponding location in the graphics area. If you select a location in the graphics area, the corresponding NC program record is highlighted in the NC program listing. If you select an error in the error listing, the NC program record that caused the error becomes highlighted in the NC program listing and the tool moves to the position where the error occurred in the graphics area. NC Program Listing This area displays a listing of the NC program (toolpath) records. In this area you can manually edit, add, or delete NC program records. Save the modified NC program file or open another NC program file associated with the current project file. You can also set Start and End markers to define the range of NC program records that you want to review. For more information about this portion of the NC Program Review window, see the NC Program Listing Area section below. Error Listing This area displays a list of the errors that VERICUT found while processing the NC program (toolpath). For more information about this portion of the NC Program Review window, see the Error Listing Area section below. Graphics Area This area displays a visual representation of the motion associated with the records in the NC Program Listing. Here you can control how the tool is displayed, the method and direction of the replayed NC program as well as the speed of the replay. For more information about this portion of the NC Program Review window, see the Graphics Area section below.
Main Menu
The menu located across the top of the NC Program Review window provide easy access to major NC Program Review functions. Each menu contains groups of related functions. Left-click on any menu name to display the list of functions in that menu. Click on the function in the menu you want to use. The name of the current NC program file is also displayed in this area. File Save As Save the current NC program file under a different name. Close Close the NC Program Review window.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Edit Cut Cuts the highlighted text in the NC program listing and puts it in the paste buffer. Copy Copies the highlighted text in the NC program listing to the paste buffer. Paste Puts the contents of the paste buffer at the location of the cursor in the NC program listing. Settings Set Start Sets the "Start" marker to the position specified by the cursor in the NC program listing or picking a location in the Graphics Area. Set Current Sets the "Current" marker to the position specified either by the cursor in the NC program listing or picking a location in the Graphics Area. Set End Sets the "End" marker to the position specified by the cursor in the NC program listing or picking a location in the Graphics Area. Display to Box Enables you to set "Start", "Current" and "End" markers by creating a box around the area of interest in the graphics area. Click on Display to Box, then left click in the Graphics Area and drag the cursor to create a box around the area of interest. The "Start" marker will be set to the lowest record number contained within the boxed area and the "Current" and "End" markers will be set to the highest record number contained within the "boxed" area. Cut Line Displays a color pallet enabling you to specify a color for "cutting" portions of the toolpath display in the Graphics Area. Non-Cut Line Displays a color pallet enabling you to specify a color for "noncutting" portions of the toolpath display in the Graphics Area. Current Line Displays a color pallet enabling you to specify a color for "current" motion of the toolpath display in the Graphics Area. Goto Start Moves the cursor in the NC program listing and positions the cutter in the Graphics area to the position indicated by the "Start" marker. Goto Current Moves the cursor in the NC program listing and positions the cutter in the Graphics area to the position indicated by the "Current" marker. Goto End Moves the cursor in the NC program listing and positions the cutter in the Graphics area to the position indicated by the "End" marker.
Shortcut: You can also access the Settings menu by using the right mouse button in
either the NC Program Listing area or in the Graphics Area.
The items in the Icon Bar enable you to search for specific items in the NC program listing, print the NC program listing, or exit NC Program Review. Moving the cursor over the icon will display name of the option. Line Number or Search Text Use to enter a line number or a string of text to search for. Goto Line Number Moves the cursor in the NC program listing to the line number specified in the Line Number or Search Text field. Search Forward Searches forward in the NC program listing for the text string specified in the Line Number or Search Text field. Search Backward Searches backward in the NC program listing for the text string specified in the Line Number or Search Text field. Replacement Text Use to enter a "replacement text" string. Replace One Replace one occurrence of text string in the Line Number or Search Text field (or the highlighted text in the NC program listing) with the text string in the Replacement Text field. Replace All Replace all occurrences of the text string in the Line Number or Search Text field with the text string in the Replacement Text field. Print Prints the NC program listing. Close Window Closes the NC Program Review window.
NC program Listing
NC program Editing The NC program listing area allows you to edit the NC program with a full function text editor. You can use the keyboard to add, change, or delete portions of the NC program listing. You can also use the Cut, Copy and Paste functions found under Edit in the main menu. You can easily see the modifications that you have made to the NC program listing. Added, changed, and pasted text is displayed in blue and underlined. Cut and deleted text is displayed in red with a "strike through" font. Once you save the modified NC program, the red and deleted text is removed and the blue added, changed, and pasted text is returned to the original font.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Start/Current/End Markers The Start/Current/End markers can be found along the left side of the NC Program Listing area. The Start marker is represented by the green triangle, the Current marker is represented by the aquamarine arrow and the End marker is represented by the red square. You can easily identify each marker by moving the cursor over it. The Start and End markers are used to define the range of NC program records that will be replayed when using Play to End. The Current marker moves to the NC program record that is currently being replayed. Set these markers by either selecting an NC program record in the NC program listing or the location in the graphics area where you want the marker placed. Then select the appropriate option (Set Start, Set Current, Set End) from the menu displayed when using the right mouse button in either the graphics area to the NC program listing. The menu can also be found under Settings in the NC Program Review main window. You can also click on the marker in the NC program listing and drag it to the desired NC program record. The line number of the "current" record is displayed in the lower left corner of the NC Program Listing area. If the user file contains more than one NC program file, the name of the displayed NC program file is displayed in the lower right corner of the NC Program Listing area. Clicking on the button to the right of the NC program file name displays a list of the NC program files contained in the project file. Click on a file name in the list to change the NC program displayed in the NC Program Listing area.
Selecting an error in the Error Listing causes the line in the NC Program Listing associated with the error to become highlighted. At the same, the tool display in the Graphics Area moves to the position where the error occurred. This enables you to quickly and easily associate the error with the position in the NC program and in the toolpath display.
The graphics area displays the active workpiece view from the VERICUT main graphics area. Also, the analysis tools found under Analysis >X-Caliper in the VERICUT main menu are available for use while you are in the NC Program Review graphics area.
The view manipulation icons and the X-Caliper icon perform the same function as those found in the VERICUT toolbar. For more information on these features, see View menu > Toolbar. The Toolpath Display As the toolpath is replayed, a line representing the motion of the tool control point is displayed in the graphics area. Motions that remove material are displayed as solid lines with a default color of the foreground color. Motions that do not remove material are displayed as dashed lines with a default color of magenta. The line representing the motion of the current NC program record is highlighted with a default color of red. The tool image is displayed at the location of the current NC program record. The color of the lines can be changed using the Cut Line, Non-Cut Line and Current Line options found in the menu that is displayed when using the right mouse button in the graphics area or the NC Program listing area, or found under Settings in the NC Program Review main window. Graphics Area Controls The current tool (tool id or APT description) and the X, Y, Z, I, J, K of the current tool tip position are displayed in the upper right corner of this area. Tool Display Use to specify how the tool is displayed during the toolpath replay. Choose Off (do not display the tool), Solid (a shaded solid) or Translucent. Line Display Use to specify whether or not to display the lines representing the path of the tool end points. Choose On (display the path), or Off (do not display the path). Animation Speed Slider Controls the speed of the toolpath replay. Move to the left to slow down the replay of the toolpath. Move to the right to speed it up. Simulation (VCR) Controls The simulation controls, also known as VCR buttons, located at the bottom-right corner of the Graphics area control interactive tool path replay. Use these controls to start and stop the replay of the toolpath. To see what action is associated with a Simulation control icon, simply position the cursor over the icon and a tip appears.
Play to End
Step Forward
Stop the replay during "Play" (after the current record displays)
Step Back
Sets the Current marker to the record with the Start marker and clears the toolpath display from the Graphics area.
Sets the Start and Current markers to the first motion record in the NC program, sets the End marker to the last NC program motion record, and clears the toolpath display from the Graphics area.
File Organization An inspection sequence file retains all the information needed to reproduce the inspection data table and the corresponding inspection markers on the workpiece for a single report. The inspection sequence file is not the report itself. Once the inspection sequence file has been created, the Inspection Report is created using the same report generation mechanism used with the rest of VERICUT. A report is created on demand and will typically have the extension ".htm" or ".pdf". Unless you explicitly specify a file name when you first save an inspection sequence, the inspection sequence file name will default to user file name, with its extension changed to ".vcinspect". If there will be several inspection sequences for a part, it is suggested that you adjust the file names to include suffixes "1", "2", ... or "A", "B", ... or perhaps tool identifiers. When you request that a report be created, the report file name will be the same as the inspection sequence file name, with the extension changed to ".htm" or ".pdf". For a PDF file, any pictures required in the report will be embedded, which makes it trivial to pass the report around electronically. For an HTML file, the pictures are generated as separate GIF and JPEG files, making it more difficult to keep all the pieces together, unless you place all inspection files and reports for a part in their own folder, perhaps named using the part's identifier. VERICUT reports are based on report template files, which are fully customizable. You can either create the Inspection Report using the sample Inspection Report template provided, or use a custom one that you have created. For more information on VERICUT report templates and report creation, see the Introduction to VERICUT Reports section.
The menu located across the top of the Inspection Sequence window provides easy access to major Inspection Sequence functions. Each menu contains groups of related functions. Left-click on any menu name to display the list of functions in that menu. Click on the function in the menu you want to use. File New Start a new Inspection Sequence file. Open Open an existing Inspection Sequence file. Such files typically have the extension ".VcInspect". Note that you can also open one of the ten most recently accessed files more directly by selecting from the Recent Files list. 800
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Save Save the current inspection sequence file. You may be prompted to select a file name if the current sequence was not derived from an existing file. Save As Save the current Inspection Sequence file under a different name. Create Report Use to create an inspection sequence report. See Create a Report Using a Template in the Using VERICUT section for additional information. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Choose one of the following formats: Text Create an inspection sequence report in text format. HTML Create an inspection sequence report in HTML format. PDF Create an inspection sequence report in PDF format.
NOTE: The picture used in the inspection report is the one from the "active" window.
Report Template Displays the Report Template window enabling you to select and/or modify an existing report template or create a new one. User-Defined Tag Values Opens the User-Defined Tags window enabling you to assign/edit user-defined tag values used by the current inspection sequence report template. Rotate Picture CCW When toggled "On", the Inspection Sequence picture is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise when it is used in the Inspection Sequence report. Recent Files Provides a list of recently opened files. To open a file in the list, select the desired file. Exit Closes the Inspection Sequence window. Analysis Feature Identifier Displays the Feature Identifier window to assist you in locating critical part features that you want included in the inspection table. Edit
NOTE: All of the following inspection features are selected in the active workpiece
view. Insert Wall Thickness Row Inserts a wall thickness inspection record to the Inspection Sequence table. You will be prompted to pick the wall feature. Insert Floor Thickness Row Inserts a floor thickness inspection record to the Inspection Sequence table. You will be prompted to pick the floor feature. Insert Hole Diameter Row Inserts a hole diameter inspection record to the Inspection Sequence table. You will be prompted to pick the hole feature.
Insert Datum Plane Row Inserts a datum plane inspection record to the Inspection Sequence table. You will be prompted to pick the plane feature to be used as the datum. Insert Distance Row Inserts a distance (from a datum plane) inspection record to the Inspection Sequence table. You will be prompted to pick the relevant feature. Use of this type of measurement requires a datum plane. Insert Angle Row Inserts an angle ( between a selected plane and the datum plane) inspection record to the Inspection Sequence table. The "angle" feature can be used without a datum plane if it is obvious which angle is to be measured. Insert Position Rows Inserts two or three rows in the table for the coordinates of a position. You could use this type of feature to specify the location of the center of a hole, relative to the currently active coordinate system. You will be prompted to pick the hole in the active workpiece view. Insert Hole Depth Row Inserts a hole depth inspection record to the Inspection Sequence table. You will be prompted to pick the hole feature. Insert Radius Row Inserts a radius inspection record to the Inspection Sequence table. You will be prompted to pick the hole or cylinder feature. Insert Surface Finish Row Inserts a surface finish inspection record to the Inspection Sequence table. You will be prompted to pick the surface feature. Insert Note Row Inserts a row in the table for a tabulated note. You will be prompted to pick a reference location for the note. Modify Marker Location Reposition the highlighted feature's inspection point marker in the active workpiece view. Restore Default Tolerance Restores the highlighted tolerance to its default value. Edit Geometric Tolerance Opens the Geometric Tolerance window enabling you to add geometric tolerance specifications to the Inspection Sequence Table. Delete Row Deletes the highlighted inspection record from the Inspection Sequence table. Refresh
Shortcut: You can also access the Edit menu options by selecting the appropriate icon
from the Icon Bar, or by using the right mouse button in the Inspection Sequence table and selecting from the menu that displays.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Program Use probe for selected feature Changes the measuring instrument in the currently selected (highlighted) row to "Probe". Use probe for all features Changes the measuring instrument in all rows to "Probe". Typically this would be used just before the next icon. Program probe cycles Causes the Inspection Programming window to be displayed, and transfers any features that have "Probe" as their measuring instrument, to the Inspection Programming window.
Shortcut: You can also access the Program menu options by selecting the appropriate
icon from the Icon Bar or by using the right mouse button in the Inspection Sequence table and selecting from the menu that displays. Icon Bar The items in the Icon Bar provide quick access to the most frequently used features described above.
New File
Open File
Save File
Delete Row
Each record in the table consists of eight columns of information. The first five columns are automatically entered by VERICUT when the record is created. Click on any column in a row to highlight a record for editing. The order of the records in the table can be changed by clicking on the square button at the beginning of the record and dragging the record to the desired position. Each record in the table consists of the following information: Symbol Represents the inspection record type. This column is automatically updated when Feature, below, is edited. Feature Indicates the record type. With the record highlighted, click on the record "feature" field and select the feature type from the pull-down list (Wall Thickness, Floor Thickness, Hole Diameter, Distance, Angle, Position, Hole Depth, Radius, Surface Finish). You can also enter the name of a different feature type that has not already been included. If you do so, there will be no corresponding symbol in the first column. Identifier Indicates the inspection record's unique identifier. VERICUT will automatically generate a feature identifier. If the first feature inserted in a table does not require a datum plane, its identifier will be "A1". The next will be "A2", then "A3", etc. If you were to edit the last one in this sequence, making it "B1", then subsequently appended rows would continue the new sequence, with "B2", "B3", etc. If you then inserted a row after the last "A" feature, its identifier would continue the "A" sequence. With the record highlighted, double click on the identifier field of a record to edit the identifier text. Instrument Indicates the inspection instrument to be used to measure the inspection feature. VERICUT will initially show a suitable instrument type, such as "Ultrasonic" for a floor thickness or "Snap Caliper" for a wall thickness, but can be changed as follows.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu With the record highlighted, click on the record "instrument" field and select the instrument type from the pull-down list (Snap Caliper, Ultrasonic, Plug Gage, Depth Gage, Comparator, Micrometer, Caliper, Height Gage, Bore Gage, Hole Gage, Surface Tester). You can also add additional instrument types by highlighting the text in the "instrument" field and type in a new instrument type. When you press "Enter", the new instrument type is added to the pull-down list. Dimension Indicates the expected dimension of the inspection feature. For many feature types, but not all, this column will be populated by the system. For floor thickness for example, VERICUT uses X-Caliper's capabilities to determine the distance through the stock from the position you picked to the next "air" condition. The same calculation is performed for wall thickness. And if you pick a cylinder when locating a diameter or radius feature, VERICUT can also fill in the column easily. Things become a little more complicated when a datum plane is involved. For additional information on using datum planes with Inspection Sequence, see Inspection, using datum planes in the Using VERICUT section. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Whether the column is populated automatically or not, you can always adjust the value. Tolerance Indicates the tolerance of the inspection feature. If the dimension value is automatically generated by VERICUT when you insert the row, the Tolerance column value is automatically filled in also. There are hard-coded default tolerance values built into VERICUT. If the tolerances generated do not reflect the values you want, at least they give you initial entries to edit, with the advantage that you don't need to know how to keyboard enter a plus/minus symbol. If you need non-symmetric tolerances you could enter "+0.010/0.008" for example, or you could employ ISO standards by typing an "H" number. Incidentally, if you do want to type a plus/minus symbol, on a Windows system try holding down the Alt key while you hit the numeric pad keys 0, 1, 7 and 7, then release the Alt key. Cut and Paste is easier to remember. You can also create, and have VERICUT use, a custom inspection tolerance file. For additional information on creating and using a custom inspection tolerance file with Inspection Sequence, see Inspection, creating a custom inspection tolerance file in the Using VERICUT section. Using VERICUT can be found in the VERICUT Help Library. Geo. Tolerance Indicates the geometric tolerance (GD&T) characteristics associated with the inspection feature. If you do not use the widely misinterpreted GD&T standard, you can shrink this column's width to zero in the table, and omit it completely from your report template. But if your company uses geometric tolerancing, select a row that requires it and select Edit Geometric Tolerance from the Inspection Sequence, Edit menu (or right-click on the inspection table and pick Edit Geometric Tolerance from the pop-up menu) to display the Geometric Tolerance window. Measurement Use this field to record the "actual" measurement of the inspection feature. This will most likely occur on paper copies of the reports generated by this module. If your company is using digital record keeping, and VERICUT is available to your inspectors, they can enter the values directly into the table. 806
NOTE: The features in the Geometric Tolerance window provides the tools to
assemble a geometric tolerance specification but does not attempt to check the validity of the specification created, or enforce compliance to any "standard".
In the sample window shown above, notice that one of the element boxes is highlighted indicating that it is the "active" element. Click on an element box to make it "active" or use the "Enter" or "Tab" keys to step to the next element box and make it "active". Use the icon below each element to shift the elements to the right and make space for an additional one. Use the icon below each element to delete an element and shift the remaining elements to the left. To add text to an empty box, simply type in an "active" element box.
Text Click on the text button, , to change a Characteristic, Separator, or Modifier symbol in the active element box to text. Characteristic Click on the appropriate characteristic symbol to add it to the "active element box.
Tip: Hold the cursor over a characteristic symbol for a text reminder of what the symbol represents.
Separator Click on the separator button, element box. , to add a separator to the "active"
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Modifier Click on the appropriate modifier symbol to add it to the "active element box.
Tip: Hold the cursor over a modifier symbol for a text reminder of what the symbol
represents. Clear Use this feature to clear all element boxes. OK Adds the geometric tolerance specification to the Inspection Sequence table and closes the Geometric Tolerance window. Cancel Closes the Geometric Tolerance window without adding the geometric tolerance specification to the Inspection Sequence table.
First Feature Use (Step backward / Step forward) to step through each feature created with the highlighted cutter, starting with the first feature and moving toward the last feature. The current "first" feature is displayed with the "1" marker as shown in the illustration below. Last Feature Use (Step backward / Step forward) to step through each feature created with the highlighted cutter, starting with the last feature and moving toward the first feature. The current "last" feature is displayed with the "2" marker as shown in the illustration below. Color Bar Use the pull-down list of colors to specify the feature display color. Close Window Closes the Inspection Feature Identifier window. Cutter Table Contains a list of cutters used to cut the part. Each record contains the following information: File # The toolpath file number. Record Number The line number of the tool change record. Tool ID The tool ID of the cutter. Description A description of the cutter.
The Inspection Programming feature enables you to quickly and easily create a G-Code program to drive an NC machine with a probe loaded to the critical inspection points associated with the current project file. (See How) The Menu Bar
The menu located across the top of the Inspection Programming window provides easy access to major Inspection Programming functions. Click on the function in the menu you want to use.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Post-processor Enter the /path/filename of the post-processor file to use, or use the (Browse for Post-processor) icon and use the Post-processor file selection box to select the Post-processor file. Edit post-processor Displays the Post-processor in a text edit window enabling you to view/edit the post-processor file. N= Use the N= text field to enter the increment to be used for sequence numbers in the G-Code program (i.e., N=10 results in sequence numbers N10, N20, N30, ...) Run post to generate program Runs the specified post processor program to generate the probe G-Code program. Probe program Enter the /path/filename of the probe G-Code program to generate, or use the (Browse for probe program) icon and use the Probe program file selection box to select the probe G-Code program file. Edit probe program Displays the probe G-Code program in a text edit window enabling you to view/edit the probe program that was created. Simulate probe program Displays the NC Program window enabling you to specify the probe G-Code program and simulate the probe path in VERICUT. Close Window Closes the Inspection Programming window.
Simulation Display Features Stock Enables you to select the Stock component that is to be used for the simulation. Select the name of the Stock component from the pull-down list. Display Stock use to specify whether or not to display the Stock model during the simulation. The stock model can be displayed as Solid or Translucent. The stock model remains displayed during the Burn process unless Display Burned Material is toggled on. In this case the Stock model will be turned off when you select Burn and only the material removed by the simulated EDM burn will be displayed at the end of the burn process.
VERICUT HELP Analysis menu Display Electrodes use to specify whether or not to display the Electrode model(s). Electrode models can be displayed as Solid or Translucent. Electrode models are always toggled off after Burn is selected. Display Burned Material use to specify whether or not to display the material that is removed by each electrode during the simulation. The "burned material" can be displayed as Solid or Translucent. Animate use to specify whether or not to display electrode animation during the "burn" process. Use the slider bar to control the speed of the animation. If toggled off, displays only the result of the burn process. Electrode Table Table of electrodes selected for use during Die Sinking Simulation. On Toggles on and off to activate/deactivate individual electrodes in the table. Only the active electrodes will be used during the "burn" process. Electrode The name of the electrode component. Overburn this column enables you to specify an "overburn" value for each electrode. The "overburn" value is applied as an offset to each electrode during "burn" processing. Volume Removed this column displays the volume of material that was removed by each active electrode during the burn process. The "volume removed" value is updated in the table as each electrode completes the burn process. Click and drag the button in the first column of each row to change position of an electrode in the table. "Active" electrodes will be processed sequentially starting at the top of the table. Add use to add additional electrodes to the table. Select the electrode to be added from the pull-down list then select Add. The pull-down list will contain all electrode components found in the Component Tree that are not currently in the table. Delete use to remove the highlighted electrode from the table. The Add / Delete can be accomplished by either selecting the associated button in the Die Sinking Simulation window or selecting it from the pull-down that results from using the right mouse button while the cursor is in the Electrode table. Set All use to activate "all" electrodes in the table. Clear All use to deactivate "all" electrodes in the table. Die Sinking Simulation features Compare With Design displays the AUTO-DIFF window enabling you to compare the stock model at the end of the burn process with the design model. Save Model enables you to save the stock model that resulted from the burn process as a VERICUT solid (.vct) file.
Apply Use to save the current Die Sinking Simulation settings. Burn Use to start the "burn" process. Restore Restores the stock model to the state it was in prior to the "burn" process. Report Use to create a Die Sinking Simulation Report. Close Closes the Die Sinking Simulation window.
OptiPath Menu
Control (OptiPath Control window)
VERICUT Location: OptiPath menu > Control Project menu > Output: Logs tab, Settings button VERICUT toolbar short cut:
Settings tab Features on this tab enable you to control when and how tool paths are optimized. G-Code Output Options tab Features on this tab enable you to configure how the machine control will process machine code data, and configure settings referenced when G-code tool path files are optimized. Learn Mode Options tab Features on this tab enable you to control how and when OptiPath records are written to the OptiPath Library file during Learn From Toolpath processing. APT Output Options tab Features on this tab enable you to configure settings referenced when APT NC programs are optimized. OK Applies the changes and closes the OptiPath Control window. Apply Applies the changes and leaves the OptiPath Control window open. Cancel Closes the OptiPath Control window without applying changes.
OptiPath Mode Controls when and how tool paths are optimized. All OptiPath modes can be used with both Standard and FastMill cut modes. Options: Off Turns optimization off. Optimization is automatically turned off when the end of the tool path file has been reached, or when the tool path has been reset or rewound. On Turns tool path optimization on and writes optimized tool path data to the Optimized File. For optimization to occur, OptiPath records must be associated with cutting tools in the tool path file. There are two methods of doing this: Tool Library association method - associate the OptiPath tool description and number of teeth with a tool in a Tool Library file, then choose the stock material and machine in the OptiPath Control window.
VERICUT HELP OptiPath menu Tool List association method - choose the stock material and machine in the OptiPath Control window, then build a tool list that associates OptiPath records with cutting tools to be optimized in the tool path file. With either method, tools without cutting tool-to-OptiPath record associations are not optimized. If both methods are used, associations in the tool list override those stored with tools in the Tool Library. Prompt While Cutting Turns tool path optimization on and interactively prompts for optimization data at each tool change. As you enter data for optimizing the cuts performed by each tool, VERICUT automatically stores this information in an OptiPath Library file and sets tool properties to point to the new OptiPath records. Learn From Toolpath Automatically creates a new OptiPath Library file for the current user file in the /path/filename specified by OptiPath Library. (See how) The OptiPath library file that is created can then be manually fine-tuned using OptiPath Manager and used to optimize the tool path. Learn From Toolpath can be turned On / Off at any time during cut processing. Each time Learn From Toolpath is turned on, it creates an OptiPath library file. The file contains OptiPath settings for every tool loaded since cutting was started with Learn From Toolpath turned "On", including the tool that was cutting at time that Learn From Toolpath was turned "Off". These settings are based only on cutting conditions that occurred between the time cutting was started with Learn From Toolpath was turned on and the time when cutting stops and Learn From Toolpath turned "Off". To get complete and accurate information for each tool, process the whole job through Learn From Toolpath. Turning Learn From Toolpath On / Off during cutting can be used to analyze cutting conditions for a specific group of cuts. When Learn From Toolpath mode is turned on and an existing .olb is present, any tools with matching OP records are skipped, not "learned". Any tools without OP records are "learned" and a new OP record is created. The old and new records are combined in a new OP library file. For each tool, OptiPath finds the maximum volume removal rate and chip thickness that occurred during cutting and uses them for corresponding OptiPath settings for the tool. The optimization mode is set to a combination of "Chip Thickness" and "Volume Removal" for each tool. Axial Depth and Radial Width values are determined by the cut that produces the highest volume removal rate. Default values are used for other settings unless they have specifically been changed using Learn Mode Options tab. Learn From Toolpath only automatically creates the OptiPath Library file (.olb) and an updated Tool Library file (.tls) containing the "OP Description" and "# Teeth" values associated with the newly created OptiPath Library file. It does not automatically optimize the tool path or produce the Optimized File. Once Learn From Toolpath creates the Optipath Library file, you are prompted whether or not you want to optimize the NC program using the newly created OptiPath Library file and Tool Library files.
VERICUT HELP OptiPath menu OptiPath Library If OptiPath Mode is set to Off, On, or Prompt While Cutting, OptiPath Library represents the /path/filename of the OptiPath Library file containing the desired OptiPath records. If OptiPath Mode is set to Learn From Toolpath, OptiPath Library represents the /path/filename of the OptiPath Library file that will be created. Optimized File Specifies the name of the modified (optimized) tool path file to receive optimized tool path data. The format of this file, APT vs. G-code, is the same as the tool path file being optimized. When an APT tool path type is optimized the programmed "FEDRAT" records are commented out using "$$" and written to the modified path for reference. The Optimized File name must be different from that of the original tool path file. OptiPath will not permit the original tool path file to be overwritten. When optimizing multiple tool path files an optimized tool path file is output for each tool path file simulated. Each output file has an ascending sequence number appended to the end of the base file name. For example: assume Optimized File="part.mco" is entered (without the quotes). Optimizing 2 tool paths outputs the following files: part001.mco => optimized tool path from tool path 1 part002.mco => optimized tool path from tool path 2 If a dot "." is the last character of the optimized tool path file name, then three digits are appended to the file name as the extension. Continuing with the above example: assume Optimized File="part." is entered. Optimizing the same 2 tool paths outputs the following files: part.001 => optimized tool path from tool path 1 part.002 => optimized tool path from tool path 2 If an asterisk * is used in the optimized tool path file name, the original tool path file name is used as the output file name in place of the asterisk. If characters follow the asterisk, the input tool path file name extension is replaced with the characters following the asterisk. Examples follow.
VERICUT HELP OptiPath menu Only a single asterisk is acted on in the optimized tool path file name, with one exception: asterisk dot asterisk (*.*). This case behaves exactly like the single asterisk file name described above. This is NOT a regular expression replacement, therefore any characters before the asterisk are ignored and lost. When there is more than one asterisk, only the first one is replaced. Examples follow.
Material Identifies the stock material being cut. The material name is changed via clicking the arrow and selecting from a list of available materials, or clicking in the data field and typing a new material name. Machine Identifies the NC machine being used to cut the workpiece. This feature functions similar to Material described above.
NOTE: For optimization to occur the Material and Machine names must match those
of the desired records in the OptiPath Library. Override All Feedrates Overrides optimized feed rates calculated for all tools optimized. 100% uses optimized feed rates as is, 50% cuts feed rates in half, 200% doubles the feed rates, and so on.
OptiPath & Curve Fit tab Features on this tab enable you to configure settings referenced when G-code tool path files are optimized by OptiPath. General tab Features on this tab enable you to configure general guidelines for how the control processes machine code data and number equations.
OptiPath Control window, G-Code Output Options tab, OptiPath & Curve Fit tab
VERICUT Location: OptiPath menu > Control > G-Code Output Options tab
Features on this tab enable you to configure settings referenced when G-code tool path files are optimized by OptiPath. (See how)
The settings are used to control block sequencing and word/value spacing in the optimized output tool path file. Note that by default, optimized blocks receive the same sequence number, if any, that appears on the original block processed. This typically results in multiple blocks having the same sequence number. The features on this tab are the same as those found on the Control Settings window: OptiPath & Curve Fit tab. Auto Sequence Numbering When active, re-sequences optimized tool path records in ascending order. The Sequence Increment Value (see below) is used for the beginning sequence number, and as the increment value for subsequent sequence numbers. Both optimized and non-optimized blocks with sequence numbers are re-sequenced. Sequence numbers are not added to un-optimized blocks without a sequence number.
NOTE: If the general control setting Default Word="N", then "N" does not appear in
the sequence number. The result is a sequence number without a word, for example: "50G01X5", such as required by Heidenhain controls. Add Sequence Number to Added Blocks When active, adds sequence numbers to blocks added during optimization via the Add More Cuts OptiPath setting.
VERICUT HELP OptiPath menu Sequence Increment Value Initial value and increment value for re-sequencing optimized G-code tool path records.
Word Value Spacing When active, includes a space between word/value pairs in the optimized tool path file. Un-optimized records do not receive spacing. When this feature is not used, optimized tool path records are not spaced.
Control Type Sets the type of NC control being used. Choosing the proper option establishes a mode of operation consistent with how the control processes NC data. Options are: Generic Fanuc and most other controls using standard controller functions. NUM French-made control. This option affects how G-code data is interpreted, for example: how variables are initialized and processed, and how to interpret parameters to macros that shift the location of the tool path. Heidenhain Conversational Heidenhain Conversational control. This option causes VERICUT to recognize the "L" word as an optimizable word. Also, the "L" word is included with any cuts added during optimization. Calculation Tolerance Tolerance for rounding mathematical evaluations, such as determining if two calculated values are equal to, greater than, or lesser than each other.
VERICUT HELP OptiPath menu Order of Math Operations Order in which math operations are performed. Options are: Rules of Precedence Follow the basic rules of math precedence: 1. Perform exponential (power). 2. Perform multiplication and division operations. 3. Perform addition and subtraction operations, example: 5 + 5.3 * 3 * sin(30)= 12.95 Enclosing math operations in parenthesis causes them to be performed before those not enclosed in parenthesis. The same rules of precedence are applied to math operations enclosed in parenthesis. Left to Right Use left to right sequence, example: 5 + 5.3 * 3 * sin(30)= 15.45 Default Word Word assumed by VERICUT for NC data blocks beginning with numbers, such as NC data for some Heidenhain controls. For example, for VERICUT to interpret blocks like "50G01X5", set Default Word to "N". VERICUT then interprets the block without error as "N50G01X5".
Enables you to override the default values for Minimum Feedrate Change, Clean-up Feedrate, Minimum Cut Feedrate and Maximum Cut Feedrate without going to the OptiPath Control window: Settings tab. The Learn Mode Options tab is only active when OptiPath Mode, on the OptiPath Control window: Settings tab, is set to Learn From Toolpath. Append to Existing OptiPath Library If toggled "On", Learn From Toolpath appends OptiPath records to the existing OptiPath Library file for the current project file. Otherwise the "OptiPath Library to be created" window will display enabling you to specify the /path/filename for the new OptiPath library file to be created. Update Optimization Settings for Existing Records If toggled "On", existing OptiPath records are updated with new volume, chip thickness, and spindle speed values.
NOTE: If Update Optimization Settings for Existing Records is toggled "On", and the same tool is loaded multiple times in the toolpath, the OptiPath Library file (.olb), produced by Learn From Toolpath, will have only one record for the tool. The settings for the tool are based on the "worst case" cut condition of all cuts made with the tool during the current toolpath. If toggled "Off", a record will be added to the OptiPath Library file each time the tool is loaded. The settings will be based on the "worst case" cut for the current "load tool" cut sequence.
Reset and Optimize after Learning If toggled "On", VERICUT automatically resets and optimizes the toolpath after the OptiPath Library file is created. Otherwise, you will be prompted whether or not you want to optimize the toolpath using the newly created OptiPath Library file and Tool Library files. Minimum Feedrate Change Specifies the minimum change from the current optimized feed rate that will cause a new optimized feed rate to be output. This feature controls the quantity of feed rates output to the optimized tool path file. A small value causes more optimized feed rates to be output than when a larger value is entered. Default When selected, sets the default Minimum Feedrate Change = 1 IPM or 25 MMPM, whichever applies. Clean-up Feedrate Feed rate used when the tool is adjacent to, but not removing material. This condition is commonly referred to as a spring pass. Default When selected, sets the default clean-up feed rate as follows: G-code tool path = 50% of the Max Feed Velocity of the machine's X-axis. APT tool path = 50% of the Fast Feed value.
Tip: Set the Clean-up Feedrate to be less than the Air Cut Feedrate, since actual
cutting leaves small amounts of material from tool deflection. Minimum Cut Feedrate Specifies the minimum optimized feed rates that can be output when removing material. Default option When selected, sets the default minimum feed rate = 1 IPM or 25 MMPM, whichever applies. Maximum Cut Feedrate Specifies the maximum optimized feed rates that can be output when removing material. Default When selected, sets the default maximum feed rate as follows: G-code tool path = 45% of the Max Feed Velocity of the machine's X-axis. APT tool path = 45% of the Fast Feed value.
VERICUT HELP OptiPath menu Air Cut Feed Rate This option is useful for reducing time of proven tool paths, without affecting cutting feed rates and resulting surface finishes. When the checkbox is cleared, this feature controls the feed rate used by all other optimization methods to optimize air cuts. Default when selected, the air cut feed rate is determined as follows: G-code tool path = Max Feed Velocity of the machine's X-axis. APT tool path = Fast Feed value. To specify an air cut feed rate value, clear the Default checkbox and enter a value in the data field. The feed rate entered should reflect the maximum speed at which machine axes can move simultaneously in feed mode (e.g. G01).
Output Number of Decimal Places Use the text field to specify the number of decimal places that are to be output when OptiPath adds records. The default value is 10.
Toolpath Type Select APT or G-Code Data. Original Toolpath Enter the \path\file name in the text field of the file to receive exported model data or click on Browse and use the Original NC program file selection window to specify the file. Optimized Toolpath Enter the \path\file name in the text field of the file to receive exported model data or click on Browse and use the Optimized NC program file selection window to specify the file. Previous Difference Use the difference. Next Difference Use the difference. icon to step back through the file to the previous
VERICUT HELP OptiPath menu Line Number or Search Text Use to enter a line number or a string of text to search for. Goto Line Number Use the icon to move the cursor in the file listing to the line number specified in the Line Number or Search Text field. Search Forward Use the icon to search forward in the file listing for the text string specified in the Line Number or Search Text field. Search Backward Use the icon to search backward in the file listing for the text string specified in the Line Number or Search Text field. Compare Starts the compare of the two specified NC program files. Close Closes the Compare NC Programs window. Stop Use the icon to stop the compare.