CEE 101C Geotechnical Engineering Course Outline

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Handout No.

1 Autumn 2016
CEE 101C Geotechnical Engineering R.I. Borja


Instructor in Charge Prof. Ronaldo I. Borja ([email protected])

Y2E2 Building, Room 277C
Tel. 723-3664
Office Hours: MW 1:30-2:30 pm

Course Assistants Benoit Miquel ([email protected])

Aleshia Ayers ([email protected])
Daphne Basangwa ([email protected])
Office Hours: To be announced
Y2E2-B21 (Geotech Lab)

Textbook Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practices

2nd Edition
by D.P. Coduto, M.R. Yeung, W.A. Kitch
Pearson, 2010

Website https://web.stanford.edu/~borja/cour/cee101c.html


1. The course outline distributed in class is tentative and subject to change on short
2. Undergraduate students majoring in CEE are required to register for 4 units. Graduate
students may take the class for 3 units.
3. There will be one lab assignment due each week. Lab assignments are due at the
beginning of the next lab session. Homework problem sets will be assigned
approximately on a weekly basis, and will typically be due one week later. Lab
assignments are mandatory all must be completed to receive a grade for this course.
Penalties will be assessed for late work.
4. There will be a one-hour midterm examination (Monday, October 31) and a three-
hour comprehensive final examination (Thursday, December 15).
5. Weighting for the final grade is

Final Exam 40%

Midterm Exam 20%
Problem Sets 15%
Lab Component 25%
Total 100%


Subject Reading Assignment

Overview of geotechnical engineering September 26

Formation of soils, phase relationships (2*) Chapters 2 & 4
Soil classification (2) Chapters 4 & 5
Compaction of soils (2) Chapter 5
Water in soil, capillarity (1) Chapter 7
Seepage and flow nets (3) Chapter 8, Class Handouts
Soil stresses, concept of
effective stress (1) Chapter 9, Section 9.8
Soil compressibility, consolidation (3) Chapters 10 & 11

Mid-Term Examination October 31

Stress at a point; Mohr's circle;

pole method (2) Chapter 9, Sections 9.1-9.5
Shear strength and shear behavior of soil;
Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria (2) Chapter 12
Lateral pressures and retaining structures (3) Chapter 16 & 17
Design of shallow foundations; bearing
capacity; settlement (3) Chapter 14 & 15
Slope stability analysis (2) Chapter 13, Sections 13.7

Final Examination December 15, 8:30 - 11:30 AM

* Number of class meetings that the topics will be covered.


1. Mr. Wizard Lab 10/3-10/7

2. Soil Classification, Cohesionless Soil;

Visual Identification 10/10-10/14

3. Soil Classification, Cohesive Soil 10/17-10/21

4. Compaction 10/24-10/28

5. No Lab 10/31-11/4

6. Permeability Test 11/7-11/11

7. Shear Strength, Direct Shear Test 11/14-11/18

8. Mr. Wizard Revisited by arrangement

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