Br. J. Anaesth. 2013 Schutte Bja Aet257
Br. J. Anaesth. 2013 Schutte Bja Aet257
Br. J. Anaesth. 2013 Schutte Bja Aet257
Department of Intensive Care Medicine and 2 Department of Paediatrics, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, PO Box 9101
Nijmegen, 6500 HB, The Netherlands
Department of Paediatric Intensive Care, Erasmus MC-Sophia Childrens Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
Background. Asthma is a common disease in children and often develops early in life. This
Editors key points multicentre retrospective case series describe the use and effectiveness of sevoflurane
Children with inhalation therapy in a series of children with severe asthma in the paediatric intensive care
life-threatening asthma unit (PICU).
are successfully treated Methods. Seven children ranging from 4 to 13 yr of age admitted to the PICU of two tertiary
with sevoflurane care hospitals in the Netherlands were included. They all were admitted with the diag-
inhalation therapy nosis of severe asthma requiring invasive mechanical ventilation and were treated with
without serious sevoflurane inhalation therapy.
Asthma is a common disease in children and often develops of life-threatening asthma in children.4 8 10 These agents
early in life. It is a chronic inflammation of the airways, with provide a reversal of bronchospasm in humans as well, but
reversible airflow obstruction and enhanced bronchial re- the exact mechanism of its effect is not clear.11 The proposed
activity.1 In Western Europe, the prevalence is 9.7% in children mechanisms include lowering of vagal tone, direct relaxation
from 6 to 7 yr old and 15.8% in children from 13 to 14 yr old.2 Of of smooth muscle tissue, inhibition of the release of broncho-
these children, respectively, 12.6 and 15.2% have severe constrictive mediators, and synergy with catecholamines.4 11
asthma; 9% of the children with asthma visit an emergency Sevoflurane is a newer volatile anaesthetic agent, and is fre-
department while 2% need hospitalization.2 3 A severe asthma quently used in children for the induction and maintenance
attack requiring hospitalization is treated with oxygen, corti- of anaesthesia. It has a low blood to gas solubility coefficient
costeroids, and b2-agonists, either nebulized or i.v., in combin- and for this reason provides a rapid and smooth inhaled induc-
ation with anticholinergic agents and magnesium sulphate. tion.12 An animal study showed the beneficial effect of sevo-
Life-threatening asthma requires invasive interventions like flurane on asthmatic bronchoconstriction, which was later
mechanical ventilation and can even be fatal.4 5 There is a posi- confirmed in humans.13 15 We describe a multicentre retro-
tive correlation between asthma prevalence in children and spective case series of the use of sevoflurane therapy in chil-
the amount of hospital admissions and mortality rate.6 It dren with asthma on the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU).
seems, therefore, important to develop more efficient therap-
ies to prevent death in children because of this disease. In 2004,
an animal study demonstrated that volatile agents reverse Methods
bronchoconstriction in sensitized guinea pigs.7 For several In the PICU database with all patient admission data of two
years, inhalation of volatile anaesthetics, such as halothane university teaching hospitals, children admitted with asthma
and isoflurane, have been used as last resort for the treatment over a period of 10 yr (2002 2012) were collected. Children
& The Author [2013]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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BJA Schutte et al.
tion factor for the current asthma attack, and medication 7.3
before hospitalization were gathered. To determine the effect
pH (kPa)
of sevoflurane therapy, blood gas and mechanical ventilation
parameters, other medication used, and the dose and duration
of sevoflurane therapy were collected. Outcomes included
clinical improvement of the patient as a subjective measure. 6.9
Objective measures were improvement of blood gas and 6.8
mechanical ventilation parameters, and duration of PICU
stay. Statistical analysis of the changes in blood gas and mech- Start First assessment End
anical ventilation parameters after administration of sevoflur-
Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3
ane was performed with the Mann Whitney U-test and a Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6
P-value of ,0.05 was considered statistically significant. Patient 7
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Sevoflurane therapy for life-threatening asthma BJA
In the treatment of our patients, there was a variation in the
50 dose of sevoflurane from 1 to 8%; the duration of adminis-
tration varied from 0.5 to 90 h. This variation can be explained
by patient factors, such as the age, severity of and duration of
the asthma attack, and by preference or experience of the
Peak pressure (cm H2O)
treating physician. Dose and duration should be individually
30 titrated to effect. High-dose sevoflurane can have several
25 adverse effects. Epileptiform activity is seen in electroence-
20 phalograms, which is occasionally accompanied by clinical
15 manifestation of seizures, however without clinical sequalae.11
10 Furthermore, there can be a dose-related effect on arterial
pressure and heart rate. Theoretically, sevoflurane is asso-
ciated with nephrotoxicity related to the release of fluoride
Start End during metabolism, but clinical signs of nephrotoxicity are
Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3
rare.8 Hepatotoxicity is an important adverse effect of the
Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6 other volatile anaesthetics, related to immune-mediated
Patient 7 hepatitis caused by trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), a metabolic
product. Sevoflurane is metabolized in a different way than
the other agents and does not produce TFA and thereby does
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BJA Schutte et al.
reviewed and revised the manuscript, and approved the final 9 Shankar V, Churchwell KB, Deshpande JK. Isoflurane therapy for
manuscript as submitted. J.M.D. reviewed and revised the manu- severe refractory status asthmaticus in children. Intensive Care
script, and approved the final manuscript as submitted. J.L. Med 2006; 32: 927 33
assisted in the writing of the manuscript, supervised the study, 10 Turner DA, Heitz D, Cooper MK, Smith PB, Arnold JH, Bateman ST. Iso-
flurane for life-threatening bronchospasm: a 15-year single-center
reviewed and revised the manuscript, and approved the final
experience. Respir Care 2012; 57: 185764
manuscript as submitted.
11 Tobias JD. Inhalation anesthesia: basic pharmacology, end organ
effects, and applications in the treatment of status asthmaticus.
Declaration of interest J Int Care Med 2009; 24: 36171
12 Habre W, Scalfaro P, Sims C, Tiller K, Sly PD. Respiratory mechanics
None declared.
during sevoflurane anesthesia in children with and without asth-
ma. Anesth Analg 1999; 89: 117781
Funding 13 Burburan SM, Xisto DG, Ferreira HC, et al. Lung mechanics and hist-
No external funding was obtained for this study. ology during sevoflurane anesthesia in a model of chronic allergic
asthma. Anesth Analg 2007; 104: 631 7
14 Watanabe K, Mizutani T, Yamashita S, Tatekawa Y, Jinbo T, Tanaka M.
References Prolonged sevoflurane inhalation therapy for status asthmaticus in
1 The Global Asthma Report 2011. Paris: The International Union an infant. Paediatr Anesth 2008; 18: 5435
Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2011 15 Schultz TE. Sevoflurane administration in status asthmaticus: a
2 Lai CKW, Beasley R, Crane J, et al. Global variation in the prevalence case report. AANA J 2005; 73: 35 6
and severity of asthma symptoms: phase three of the International 16 Rooke GA, Choi JH, Bishop MJ. The effect of isoflurane,
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