Ap 201220 1019 1
Ap 201220 1019 1
Ap 201220 1019 1
Background: The efficacy of rupatadine for the treatment of AR has been confirmed in numerous clinical studies, how-
ever there are very few studies on asian patients.
Objectives: To assess the safety and efficacy of rupatadine fumarate in the treatment of Korean perennial allergic rhini-
tis (PAR) patients.
Methods: A multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, comparative study of rupatadine fumarate and
bepotastine besilate was conducted. Each group was administered rupatadine, bepotastine or placebo for 4 weeks. Pri-
mary parameters for efficacy included morning and evening symptom reduction from baseline at 4 weeks. Treatment
safety and tolerability were evaluated according to a self-reported incidence and type of adverse events at each follow
up visit.
Results: Rupatadine showed a significant reduction in symptoms at morning and evening evaluations, in both 5TSS
(-5.69, P < 0.0006) and 4NTSS (-4.74, P < 0.0015) compared to placebo. There was a significant reduction from baseline
for 5TSS (-65.4%, P = 0.002) and 4NTSS (-63.7%, P = 0.003) with rupatadine compared with placebo. At evening evalu-
ations, there were significant reductions of 5TSS (-63.2%, P = 0.009) and 4NTSS (-61.6%, P = 0.013) for the rupatadine
group. Compared with bepotastine, rupatadine showed greater reduction in the morning symptoms at 4 weeks. When
individual symptoms were assessed with 12-hour reflective mean daily symptom score, rupatadine showed better effi-
cacy than placebo in sneezing (P = 0.016) and rhinorrhea (P = 0.097). The rate of adverse events showed no statistical
Conclusion: Rupatadine is a safe and effective treatment option for Korean PAR patients and possibly a better choice
over bepotastine for controlling morning symptom.
Key words: Perennial Allergic rhinitis, Platelet-activating factor, Histamine antagonists, TNSS, Randomized controlled
trial, Clinical trial
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 6
Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery,
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, College of Medicine,
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea 7
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Samsung Medical Center,
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Seoul, Korea
Hanyang University Guri Hospital, Guri, Korea 8
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Seoul National University
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Boramae Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
College of Medicine, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea 9
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kyunghee University Hospital,
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Inha University, Incheon, Korea Seoul, Korea
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Yonsei University College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol DOI 10.12932/AP-201220-1019
Corresponding author: In the reference group, the placebo rupatadine tablet and a
Chae-Seo Rhee bepotastine 10 mg tablet were administered in the morning
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery,
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea and the bepotastine 10 mg tablet was administered in the eve-
Gumi-dong 300, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea ning.
E-mail: [email protected] A total of nine Korean tertiary centers participated in the
trial. The trial began on August 26, 2013, and ended on July
Introduction 1, 2016. The trial complied with the guidelines of local ethics
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a highly prevalent disease that committees, Good Clinical Practice guidelines, and local clin-
markedly affects the quality of life.1,2 The current pharmaco- ical trial regulations. All patients provided written informed
logic treatment strategies for AR include antihistamines, de- consent before being included in the study. Each subject was
congestants, leukotriene modifiers, and intranasal corticoste- randomized to the A, B, or C group in accordance with the
roids. The symptoms of AR are associated with the release predetermined randomization codes. The ratio of inclusion in
and production of various mediators of the allergic response. each group was 1:1:1. The randomization table was designed
Oral antihistamines are an effective first-line treatment for re- by statisticians using SAS 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC),
lief of symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and rhinorrhea.3 whereby each subject was sequentially assigned a random
Although the primary mediator of the early reaction is hista- number (for inclusion in group A, B, or C) by the randomiza-
mine, other mediators have been recognized to contribute to tion program. To ensure double-blinding, both placebo rupa-
the intricate allergic reaction. Among these, platelet-activating tadine and placebo bepotastine tablets were packaged in in-
factor (PAF) has recently been found to be a robust chemo-at- distinguishable capsules. For each group, random codes were
tractor of eosinophils and a mediator of vasodilatation, play- assigned and managed only by a clinical trial pharmacist ap-
ing a major role in the manifestation of the delayed allergic pointed by the principal investigator and remained confiden-
response.4,5 tial until the end of the clinical study. If disclosure of a certain
Rupatadine is an N-alkyl pyridinium derivative that has code was necessary due to a serious adverse event, only the
recently been shown to possess both antihistamine and an- relevant code was disclosed.
ti-PAF activity.6 The efficacy of rupatadine for the treatment of
AR has been confirmed in numerous clinical studies.7,8 Since Approval of the clinical study protocol
then, rupatadine has been approved for the treatment of sea- Appropriate institutional review board approvals were ob-
sonal and perennial AR and urticaria in the European Union tained from the respective institutions.
and Russia. It is also approved in most Central and South
American countries.9 Although clinical trials have shown defi- Inclusion and exclusion criteria
nite benefits of rupatadine in the treatment of seasonal and Korean patients aged 12 years or older, with a diagnosis
perennial AR, these trials were limited to local subjects in the of PAR for at least 12 months, and with a total nasal symp-
Western Hemisphere. Regional and ethnic variations among tom score (TNSS) of ≥ 5 were included in this study. Patients
populations may alter a pharmaceutical compound’s safety, ef- were considered for inclusion in the study if they tested pos-
ficacy, or dose response.10 To address the ethnic sensitivity of itive in a skin prick test for perennial allergens (diameter
a drug in a new region, a bridging study can be conducted in of the wheal, > 3 mm compared to that associated with sa-
the said region to “build a bridge” with foreign clinical data. line control or greater than or equal to that associated with
The present clinical study was conducted as a bridging a histamine control at a concentration of 10 mg/mL) during
study to assess the safety and efficacy of rupatadine fumarate a screening visit or within 1 year before inclusion. The aller-
in the treatment of Korean perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR) gens related to PAR included house dust mites, cat and dog
patients. Furthermore, the efficacy of rupatadine fumarate was hair, mold, and cockroaches. A normal ECG was documented
compared to that of bepotastine, which is known to be safe at the screening visit with the following requirements: QTc <
and effective in treating AR.11 430 msec for male patients and QTc < 450 msec for female
patients. Women of childbearing age were required to pro-
vide a negative pregnancy test and use adequate contraceptive
Methods measures during the study.
Study design Patients with non-allergic rhinitis (vasomotor, infectious,
This was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, pla- or drug-induced rhinitis) were excluded. Patients with a his-
cebo-controlled, comparative study of rupatadine fumarate tory of treatment with nasal decongestants (in the previous 24
12.8 mg (rupatadine 10 mg) and bepotastine besilate 20 mg h); oral antihistamines, cold remedies, or disodium cromogly-
(reference drug). Each randomized group was administered cate (in the previous week); ketotifen (in the previous month);
rupatadine, bepotastine, or placebo (placebo of rupatadine topical antihistamines (previous 48 h); or systemic or topical
or bepotastine) for 4 weeks. In the test group, a rupatadine treatment with corticosteroids (except for topical hydrocorti-
10 mg tablet and a placebo bepotastine tablet were adminis- sone, 1%), immunosuppressants, or any investigational drug
tered in the morning and a placebo bepotastine tablet was ad- within 2 weeks prior to inclusion were excluded. Other rel-
ministered in the evening. In the control group, the placebo evant exclusion criteria included abnormal laboratory values
rupatadine tablet was administered in the morning and the of clinical significance; a history of acute asthma within the
placebo bepotastine tablet was administered in the evening. previous 3 months; obstructive nasal polyps; or severe nasal
Efficacy and safety of rupatadine fumarate
septum deformity or hypersensitivity to compounds structur- For quantitative (efficacy and safety) variables, mean, medi-
ally related to the study drug. Patients who participated in an- an, standard deviation, and maximum and minimum values
other clinical study within 1 month of the present study were were calculated. Qualitative variables were expressed as rela-
also excluded. tive frequencies. The Chi-square test was used for qualitative
variables, and Fisher’s test was used if the applicability condi-
Evaluation of efficacy tions were not present. The Mantel–Haenszel chi-square test
During day 1~day 28, each subject filled in his/her patient was performed if both variables lay on an ordinal scale. The
diary every morning (within 1 h of awakening and prior to analysis of both efficacy and safety was based on the inten-
dosing) and evening (at the 12-h point after treatment in the tion-to-treat (ITT) group, which included all patients who
morning) to record their nasal symptom scores within 12 h were randomized and received at least one dose of the study
(reflective NTSS) and right before treatment (instantaneous medication. The incidence of adverse events was compared
NTSS). Severity scores for four nasal individual AR signs/ between treatment groups by using the chi-square test. All
symptoms (rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal itching, and nasal ob- statistical analyses were two-tailed, with the significance level
struction) and one ocular symptom were recorded on a scale set at p < 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS
of 0–3 with a score of 0 = absent, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 9.1.
and 3 = severe. The four nasal total symptom score (4NTSS)
was the sum of the scores for the individual symptoms. The Results
total symptom score (5TSS) is the sum of the nasal symptom Study population
scores and the ocular symptom score. Patient disposition during the study is shown in Figure 1.
Patient visits and follow-up visits were conducted as fol- A total of 429 patients were enrolled in the trial, 99 of which
lows: visit 1 (day -21~-1): screening; visit 2 (day 0): random- failed the initial screening test and were excluded. Reasons for
ization; visit 3 (day 15 ± 3): intermediate; and visit 4: closing screening failure included failure to meet the inclusion criteria
(day 29 ± 3). The investigators examined patients’ diary cards and refusal to participate. Of the 330 patients who were ran-
at each follow-up visit (visits 3 and 4) to check treatment com- domized, 306 completed the study and 324 received at least
pliance and provide any advice. Patient and investigator eval- one treatment dose, comprising the ITT population and were
uations of the therapeutic response to treatment at 2 weeks evaluated for safety. Reasons for withdrawal (n = 24) included
(visit 3) and 4 weeks (visit 4) were also assessed. In these two unwillingness to continue, adverse event and use of prohibited
follow-up visits, patients’ and physicians’ global evaluation of drugs. At baseline, demographic data showed no differences
efficacy was scored numerically on a scale of 0 to 4 with 0 = between the relevant demographic and clinical characteristics
worsened, 1 = no change, 2 = slight improvement, 3 = good (Table S1).
improvement, and 4 = excellent improvement. Secondary pa-
rameters of efficacy included an overall evaluation of efficacy Efficacy of treatments
as assessed by the investigator and patient, mean daily symp- Figures 2 and 3 show the morning and evening 12-h re-
tom score (DSSmean), and the Pdmax1 index. The Pdmax1 flective scores at baseline and at 2 and 4 weeks of treatment.
was calculated as the percentage of days during the study for All three groups including the two active groups and one pla-
each patient when the score of the daily most severe symptom cebo group showed a significant reduction in symptom scores
was ≤ 1. in the morning and evening evaluations at 2 and 4 weeks.
Both 5TSS (p < 0.001) and 4NTSS (p < 0.001) were signifi-
Evaluation of safety cantly improved.
Treatment safety and tolerability were evaluated according In the morning evaluations at 4 weeks, the rupatadine
to the incidence and type of adverse events voluntarily report- group showed significant reductions of -63.67% and -65.37%
ed in the patient’s diary or reported as an answer to the in- from baseline in 4TNSS and 5TSS, respectively. These val-
vestigator’s question at each visit. Occurrence/disappearance ues were significantly higher than the corresponding values
date, severity and consequence, treatment-related actions, in the placebo group (-46.70%, -47.05%) and the bepotastine
causal relationship with treatment, other suspicious drugs, group (-52.80%, -53.08%) (p < 0.05). Compared to the place-
and treatment of adverse events were included during the ad- bo group, the bepotastine group showed reductions of -52.8%
verse event check. and -53.08% in 4TNSS and 5TSS, respectively, but the inter-
group differences were not significant (Figure 2 and Table
Statistical analysis S2).
It was estimated that 110 patients had to be included in In the evening evaluations at 4 weeks, there were signifi-
each treatment group (for a total of 330 patients) in order to cant reductions of 4NTSS and 5TSS in the rupatadine group
show the expected difference between active treatments and (-61.58%, p < 0.05; -63.17%, p < 0.01, respectively) compared
placebo of 20% in the main efficacy variable, considering a with those in the placebo group. There was no statistical dif-
dropout rate of 20% and a protection level of 0.05 against type ference in improvement compared to that in the bepotastine
I random errors and of 0.2 against type II errors. Analysis of group. Compared to the placebo group, the bepotastine group
variance was used to compare treatment groups for the quan- did not show a significant reduction from baseline (Figure 3
titative primary and secondary outcomes. In case of signif- and Table S3).
icant results, subsequent pairwise comparisons using a Bon-
ferroni adjustment were made between the treatment groups.
Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol DOI 10.12932/AP-201220-1019
Excluded (n = 99)
- Not meeting inclusion criteria (n = 90)
- Declined to participate (n = 8)
- Other resons (n = 1)
Randomized (n = 330)
Excluded from efficacy analysis Safety analysis (n = 110) Excluded from efficacy analysis
(n = 1) Efficacy analysis, ITT (n = 110) (n = 2)
- Skipped 1st efficacy evaluation - Skipped 1st efficacy evaluation
(n = 1) (n = 2)
-20 -20
p = 0.0451 †
p = 0.0270
-40 -40
-60 -60
-80 -80
Figure 2. Changes from baseline of morning (12-h reflective) nasal total symptom score (4NTSS) (A) and total symptom
score (5TSS) (B). *refers to p-value of rupatadine versus placebo. †refers to p-value of bepotastine versus placebo.
Efficacy and safety of rupatadine fumarate
-40 -40
-60 -60
-80 -80
Figure 3. Changes from baseline of evening (12-h reflective) nasal total symptom score (4NTSS) (A) and total symptom
score (5TSS) (B). *refers to p-value of rupatadine versus placebo.
The DSSmean during the study period was compared be- in terms of Pdmax1 (percentage of days during the study pe-
tween the rupatadine and bepotastine groups. The difference riod when the maximum daily score was 0 to 1) mean values
in sneezing (p = 0.0158) and ocular itching (p = 0.0483) scores (reflective): placebo = 41.2%; bepotastine = 45.3%; and rupa-
was statistically significant, whereas the differences in rhinor- tadine = 51.7% (p = 0.034) (secondary endpoints of efficacy)
rhea (p = 0.0971), nasal congestion (p = 0.0728), and nasal (Table 1)
itching (p = 0.1271) scores showed a tendency toward supe- When the investigator’s overall evaluation of efficacy at
riority but were not statistically significant. Only the rupa- 4 weeks was compared among the three groups (Table 2),
tadine group did significantly better than the placebo group no significant difference was noted between the rupatadine
Sneezing 0.60 ± 0.55 0.80 ± 0.65 0.65 ± 0.56 0.0158 0.4789 0.061
Rhinorrhea 0.92 ± 0.57 1.05 ± 0.65 0.99 ± 0.60 0.0971 0.3905 0.435
Nasal congestion 1.04 ± 0.70 1.23 ± 0.79 1.21 ± 0.67 0.0728 0.0762 0.921
Nasal itching 0.61 ± 0.56 0.74 ± 0.64 0.67 ± 0.59 0.1271 0.4381 0.387
Ocular itching 0.39 ± 0.49 0.54 ± 0.61 0.44 ± 0.53 0.0483 0.4253 0.165
PDmax1 (%) 51.69 ± 36.09 41.24 ± 35.89 45.26 ± 37.17 0.0337 0.2005 0.423
DSSmean, mean daily symptom score during the study period; PDmax1, percentage of days during the study period when the maximum daily score was from 0
to 1
* p values refer to rupatadine versus placebo.
p values refer to rupatadine versus bepotastine.
p values refer to bepotastine versus placebo.
Table 2. (Continued)
*p values for rupatadine and placebo were calculated using Fischer’s exact test or Chi-square test.
p values for rupatadine and bepotastine were calculated using Fischer’s exact test or Chi-square test.
p values for bepotastine and placebo were calculated using Fischer’s exact test or Chi-square test.
Others 24 - 19 - 29 -
Others 5 - 4 - 6 -
SADR 0 0 0 0 0 0
AE, adverse event; ADR, adverse drug reaction; SAE, serious adverse event; SADR, serious adverse drug reaction
*p values were calculated using Fischer’s exact test or Chi-square test
Efficacy and safety of rupatadine fumarate
Analysis of laboratory tests and ECG parameters (QTc in- whereby the severity of all major AR symptoms, including
terval) did not show any clinically relevant findings in the runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion, is typically more
groups. severe in the morning.21 Collectively, the results of our study
confirm the effectiveness of rupatadine in the treatment of
Discussion PAR in Koreans and its superiority over bepotastine in con-
Rupatadine is an N-alkyl pyridinium derivative that is be- trolling morning symptoms.
lieved to have dual inhibitory effects on two important me- Regarding safety issues, no statistically significant differ-
diators of allergy, histamine (H1) and PAF.6 Clinical studies ence was noted among the three groups. The most common
have been previously conducted to evaluate the efficacy and adverse event was somnolence. In the rupatadine and bep-
safety of rupatadine for AR.7-9,12-16 In a recent systematic anal- otastine groups, the rates of somnolence were 9.2% and 6.4%,
ysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies respectively, whereas that in the placebo group was only 0.9%.
that included 10 trials with a total of 2573 patients,9 rupata- These results were consistent with those published previously,
dine treatment caused a greater reduction of nasal symptoms whereby a 10% incidence of somnolence was reported during
than that achieved with the placebo. We designed and execut- 4 weeks of rupatadine treatment for PAR.15
ed a bridging study to demonstrate the efficacy of once-daily
administration of rupatadine in relieving PAR symptoms in Conclusion
Korean patients. We also compared the efficacy of rupatadine The results of the present multicenter, double-blinded,
with that of bepotastine, a second-generation antihistamine. randomized, placebo-controlled, bridging study show that
The results of our study showed that rupatadine treatment rupatadine is a safe and effective pharmacological option for
resulted in a greater reduction in the severity of nasal and oc- Korean patients with PAR.
ular symptoms than that achieved with the placebo, confirm-
ing the results of previous studies conducted in the Western Acknowledgements
hemisphere.7,14-16 The primary outcome parameter was a re- The study was sponsored by Ahn-Gook Pharmaceuticals
duction in morning and evening symptoms after 4 weeks of Co., Ltd. Tae-Bin Won and Hyung Gu Kim contributed equal-
treatment. We evaluated morning and evening symptoms ly to this work.
separately because symptoms of AR show circadian varia-
tion, with worsened symptoms in the morning.17 Compared
to the placebo, rupatadine was superior in terms of its effects References
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5TSS (baseline mean) 8.61 ± 2.20 8.05 ± 2.18 8.61 ± 2.58 0.1397††
4NTSS (baseline mean) 7.32 ± 1.88 6.95 ± 1.73 7.35 ± 2.09 0.0643††
5TSS, total symptom score calculated by adding scores for five symptoms (rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal itching, nasal obstruction, and conjunctival itching);
4NTSS, total nasal symptom score calculated by adding scores for four symptoms (rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal itching, and nasal obstruction). No significant dif-
ferences were found between treatment groups.
*p values were calculated using Pearson’s chi-square test.
p values were calculated using ANOVA.
p values refers to rupatadine versus placebo.
Table S2. Summary of morning (12-h reflective) total symptom score (5TSS) and nasal total symptom score (4NTSS).
4NTSS Baseline 7.32 1.88 6.95 1.73 7.35 2.09 0.1397 0.9180 0.1351
2 weeks 3.25 2.54 3.79 2.80 3.47 2.56 0.1396 0.5385 0.3758
difference from baseline at 2 weeks -4.07 3.09 -3.16 3.01 -3.88 3.17 0.0304 0.6626 0.0895
% change from baseline at 2 weeks -53.62 36.77 -44.46 39.74 -50.48 36.51 0.0304 0.6626 0.0895
4 weeks 2.58 2.74 3.67 3.31 3.35 3.03 0.0086 0.0537 0.4496
difference from baseline at 4 weeks -4.74 3.24 -3.28 3.42 -4.00 3.47 0.0015 0.1091 0.1259
% change from baseline at 4 weeks -63.67 36.41 -46.70 46.75 -52.80 42.23 0.0032 0.0451 0.3150
5TSS Baseline 8.61 2.20 8.05 2.18 8.61 2.58 0.0643 1.0000 0.0897
2 weeks 3.64 2.94 4.27 3.28 3.86 2.89 0.1392 0.5904 0.3266
difference from baseline at 2 weeks -4.96 3.48 -3.78 3.41 -4.75 3.79 0.0124 0.6661 0.0496
% change from baseline at 2 weeks -56.39 34.43 -46.36 38.97 -52.07 37.18 0.0460 0.3782 0.2716
4 weeks 2.92 3.19 4.20 3.90 3.84 3.62 0.0085 0.0485 0.4837
difference from baseline at 4 weeks -5.69 3.67 -3.85 4.04 -4.77 4.24 0.0006 0.0894 0.1062
% change from baseline at 4 weeks -65.37 35.35 -47.05 47.85 -53.08 44.79 0.0015 0.0270 0.3393
Table S3. Summary of evening (12-h reflective) total symptom score (5TSS) and nasal total symptom score (4NTSS)
4NTSS Baseline 7.32 1.88 6.95 1.73 7.35 2.09 0.1397 0.9180 0.1351
2 weeks 3.08 2.38 3.78 2.74 3.38 2.53 0.0479 0.3743 0.2703
difference from baseline at 2 weeks -4.23 2.89 -3.14 3.00 -3.96 3.14 0.0067 0.5122 0.0496
% change from baseline at 2 weeks -56.47 33.93 -44.20 40.48 -51.58 36.17 0.0167 0.3087 0.1594
4 weeks 2.76 2.88 3.65 3.28 3.21 3.01 0.0346 0.2568 0.3095
difference from baseline at 4 weeks -4.56 3.26 -3.27 3.37 -4.13 3.61 0.0046 0.3619 0.0703
% change from baseline at 4 weeks -61.58 38.67 -46.75 47.98 -53.81 43.75 0.0131 0.1702 0.2600
5TSS Baseline 8.61 2.20 8.05 2.18 8.61 2.58 0.0643 1.0000 0.0897
2 weeks 3.44 2.71 4.21 3.20 3.77 2.99 0.0573 0.4029 0.2925
difference from baseline at 2 weeks -5.17 3.27 -3.80 3.43 -4.84 3.80 0.0030 0.5006 0.0355
% change from baseline at 2 weeks -58.97 32.20 -46.28 39.61 -53.43 37.85 0.0104 0.2500 0.1767
4 weeks 3.12 3.32 4.17 3.93 3.70 3.56 0.0363 0.2199 0.3644
difference from baseline at 4 weeks -5.49 3.70 -3.84 3.97 -4.91 4.34 0.0019 0.2941 0.0617
% change from baseline at 4 weeks -63.17 38.59 -47.58 48.21 -54.28 45.67 0.0093 0.1254 0.2960