Nebul Nacl 3
Nebul Nacl 3
Nebul Nacl 3
Objective: To determine the utility of inhaled hypertonic saline solution to treat infants
hospitalized with viral bronchiolitis.
Design: Randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Fifty-two hospitalized infants (mean ⴞ SD
age, 2.9 ⴞ 2.1 months) with viral bronchiolitis received either inhalation of epinephrine, 1.5 mg,
in 4 mL of 0.9% saline solution (group 1; n ⴝ 25) or inhalation of epinephrine, 1.5 mg, in 4 mL
of 3% saline solution (group 2; n ⴝ 27). This therapy was repeated three times every hospital-
ization day until discharge.
Results: The percentage improvement in the clinical severity scores after inhalation therapy was
not significant in group 1 on the first, second, and third days after hospital admission (3.5%, 2%,
and 4%, respectively). In group 2, significant improvement was observed on these days (7.3%,
8.9%, and 10%, respectively; p < 0.001). Also, the improvement in clinical severity scores differed
significantly on each of these days between the two groups. Using 3% saline solution decreased
the hospitalization stay by 25%: from 4 ⴞ 1.9 days in group 1 to 3 ⴞ 1.2 days in group 2 (p < 0.05).
Conclusions: We conclude that in nonasthmatic, nonseverely ill infants hospitalized with viral
bronchiolitis, aerosolized 3% saline solution/1.5 mg epinephrine decreases symptoms and length
of hospitalization as compared to 0.9% saline solution/1.5 mg epinephrine.
(CHEST 2003; 123:481– 487)
Key words: 2-agonist; epinephrine; hypertonic saline solution; respiratory syncytial virus; viral bronchiolitis
explanation to this observation points to lower per- saline solution on the respiratory epithelium and the
centage of infants remaining hospitalized in the 3% mucociliary transport. Hypertonic saline solution has
saline solution group as compared to the 0.9% saline been shown to enhance mucociliary clearance in
solution group. As more infants with lower (better) vivo.27 Moreover, hypertonic saline solution had a
clinical severity scores were discharged from group 2 greater effect on mucus clearability in vitro than
than from group 1, the average clinical severity score deoxyribonuclease.27 Tomooka et al28 suggested four
of group 2, now including relatively more sick pa- mechanisms for the favorable effect of hypertonic
tients, would resemble the clinical severity score of saline solution in a study of patients suffering from
group 1 (Fig 1). Another possible explanation is that sinonasal diseases: (1) decreasing mucosal edema,
the acute effect of the hypertonic saline solution on (2) decreasing inflammatory mediators concentra-
symptoms (clinical severity) is shorter than the inter- tion, (3) mechanically clearing inspissated mucus,
vals between inhalations, so that the favorable de- and (4) improvement in overall mucociliary function
cline in clinical severity score after each inhalation and transport. A current review and meta-analysis of
does not persist overnight and is not apparent on the the literature, including seven high-quality selected
next morning before the next inhalation. The exact recent randomized controlled studies, concluded
duration of the effect of one hypertonic saline that in CF patients nebulized hypertonic saline
solution inhalation and therefore its continuing im- solution of ⱖ 3% concentration improves mucocili-
pact on clinical severity score is not known and ary clearance immediately after administration with
should be investigated further. Conceivably, more possible long-term beneficial effect.20 –27 The postu-
inhalations should be tried before assuming a maxi- lated molecular mechanism of the favorable effect of
mal dose/effect of hypertonic 3% saline solution hypertonic saline solution on the mucus membrane
inhalations in infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis. and mucus transport in patients with CF, according
In our patient population, the three-times-daily dose to these articles, was as follows: (1) hypertonic saline
and subsequent duration of effect proved to be suffi- solution induces an osmotic flow of water into mucus
cient to shorten hospital stay significantly (Fig 1). layer, rehydrating secretions, and thereby improving
The precise pathophysiologic mechanism of hy- mucus rheology24; (2) hypertonic saline solution
pertonic saline solution action specifically in bron- breaks the ionic bonds within the mucus gel, which
chiolitis has not been investigated in this study. could reduce the degree of cross-linking and entan-
However, some mechanisms have been studied and glement and lower viscosity and elasticity20; and
proposed for the favorable action of hypertonic (3) hypertonic saline solution increases the ionic
concentration of the mucus and causes a conforma- be documented in viral bronchiolitis in animal or in
tional change by shielding the negative charges and vitro studies. It is possible that in our study, an
thereby reducing repulsion. This would result in a improvement in mucociliary transport and a better
more compact mucus macromolecule that would elimination of intracellular debris may have reduced
allow more effective clearance.24 However, as rheo- viral load and decreased ongoing inflammation
logic properties of CF sputum differ from that of within the airways. This might have reduced oppor-
RSV bronchiolitis, any direct extrapolation of these tunity for secondary bacterial overgrowth and
mechanisms to infants with bronchiolitis should be thereby may contribute to the favorable effect of
taken with caution, until examined specifically in decreasing postinhalation therapy clinical severity
RSV bronchiolitis. Interestingly, it has been shown in score and shortening hospital stay as noted (Figs 1, 2).
different models that using much higher concentra- Finally, hypertonic saline solution inhalation can
tion than we used, 7.5% hypertonic saline solution cause sputum induction and cough, which can help
can potentially reduce lung damage by suppressing to clear the sputum outside of the bronchi and thus
neutrophil activation.31–33 improve airway function in infants with bronchiolitis.
Pathophysiologically, viral bronchiolitis is an infec- Our patient population included only hospitalized
tious inflammation of the whole respiratory mucosal infants ⬍ 12 months old (mean age, 2.9 ⫾ 2.1
epithelium, although more pronounced in small months). However, the extent of RSV bronchiolitis is
bronchioles.34 This leads to tissue edema and mucus much wider. Virtually all children become infected
production resulting in thick mucus plaques within with RSV within 2 years after birth, and the histo-
the airway lumen and increase in intraluminal DNA logic evidence of recovery reveals that complete
concentration due to lysis of inflammatory and restoration of ciliated epithelial cells requires 4 to 8
sloughed respiratory epithelial cells.19,34 Taking this weeks in correlation with the common clinical find-
into consideration, the exact contribution and impor- ings of prolonged cough, wheezing, and altered
tance of each of these possible mechanisms waits to pulmonary function.1,35