January 2023 Hotline
January 2023 Hotline
January 2023 Hotline
FNSA's 68th Annual Convention took place on October 27th of this past year. The
theme outlined the development of the nursing profession post-pandemic. We
had a lot of wonderful speakers and great workshops student could participate
in. There was also an exciting Hawaiian Luau party, along with Jeopardy.
Congratulations to everyone who received an award that evening! There was
also an election for the new state Executive Board, which we are excited to work
together to prepare for next years convention. The executive board also has a few
open positions we are looking to fill, so if you are interested please reach out to
our President, Kelly York.
Kelly York
Meet Kelly
I am proud to be elected and have the
opportunity to serve as your 2022-23 Florida
Nursing Association President. I enjoyed
meeting many of you at the convention and
want to thank last year's board for doing such an
amazing job and making the convention a
wonderful event. It was great to hear resolutions,
participate in the House of Delegates, and
attend wonderful workshops. Jeopardy was a
great way for us to practice our skills and work
collaboratively as a team while competing
against other schools. There was time to
network, connect, educate, and advocate for
changes in healthcare.
A little about myself. I will be starting my final
One of my goals this year is to grow our state
semester in January in the Accelerated Bachelor
membership and participation. I encourage
of Nursing Program at Keiser University in
every chapter to get involved as we grow
Tampa. I am a former educator and school
together. Caring for others on a local, state, and
administrator who has gone back to school to
national level should be a goal of all future
regain my passion for my career. I am a single
nurses. I challenge you to become involved and
mother of three teenagers who keep me on my
recruit more future nurses into the organization.
toes. Upon graduation my goal is to become a
I encourage each of you to participate in the
NICU Nurse. I want to encourage others that
organization and apply for scholarships, run for
nursing school is possible with hard work and
office, and make a difference at the local, state
or national level in the coming year!
I look forward to an amazing year. Please feel
free to reach out to me or your regional directors
with your ideas, questions, and concerns and I
look forward to meeting more members
throughout the year and at the National
Conference. We are here to support you!
[email protected]
Mikala Armioia
1st Vice President
Meet Mikala
Hi! I am Mikala Armioia, and I am your
2023 First Vice President. I am originally from
Lake Placid, but moved to Orlando for my
Bachelor's (before I realized I wanted to be a
nurse). In my very limited free time, I love to
sing karaoke and get out and meet new
people and he mountains have a special place
in my heart. I got into nursing because I have
always wanted to be a person who made a
difference. I wanted to be someone that
people could rely on and trust, and after
seeing my grandparents struggle with health
issues and the impact that nurses made on
their care, I was drawn to the medical field.
Region 1 schools:
Florida A&M University, Florida State University,
Gulf Coast State College, Northwest Florida State
College, Pensacola Christian College Pensacola
State College, University of West Florida
Region 6 Director
Regional Directors expectations are to keep in
contact with the schools within their region to make
sure everyone is up to date on the information given
by the state board. They also serve as a
communication pathway between their regions
schools and the state board.
Region 6 Schools:
Barry University, Florida International University,
Florida Keys Community College, Miami Dade
College, University of Miami, West Coast University