11th Five Year Plan

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Strategies/Action Plan for the 11th Five Year Plan 2007-2012(Physical and

I. Prioritise Studies/ Review studies:
a.Prioritised studies: In keeping with the objectives of the Approach Paper to the
11th Five Year Plan which emphasizes monitoring and evaluation of final outcomes
rather than on outlays and expenditure, the Evaluation Directorate proposes to prioritise
and focus its studies on the outcome/physical progress of schemes and plans to
strengthen its evaluation capacity. During the period 25 major independent studies are
proposed to be undertaken.
b. Review Studies: Absence of follow-up action on the findings of the studies/report
defeats the whole purposes of conducting the evaluation studies. Therefore as stated in
the Approach Paper to aid decision making by providing insight into the programme,
about the design and about success/failure in the implementation of schemes, the
Directorate proposes to undertake take quick review studies especially the major
schemes, to examine whether the findings, impact and suggestions made earlier still hold
true and whether any follow-up action has been taken by the Departments concerned or
not . This would be submitted to the Steering Committee and the District Planning and
development Boards for review and action. An amount of Rs.5.00 lakhs is proposed for
such review studies.

II. Fixation of benchmark -Utilising service of consultancy firms /research institutes

: In line with the Approach Paper, with the approval of the Screening Committee, the
services of research institutes/consultancy firms would be utilized for undertaking
rigorous evaluation study for the major projects/programmes of the State Government.
For fixing of the mutually agreed benchmark between the agency/department being
evaluated and the agency/department conducting the evaluation study on the basis of
which subsequent performance would be evaluated, the service of technically
personnel/technical firms will be outsourced in the initial years till the induction of
technically qualified persons in the Department. Further to strengthen its evaluation
capacity the Directorate proposes to involve research institutes and civil society
organizations which have the capability of undertaking rigorous evidence based
evaluation.For payment of service charges/consultancy fees an amount of Rs. 3.00 lakhs
is proposed.

III.Strengthening of Districts: To ensure uniform coverage of all districts of the

State in the evaluation studies, District Evaluation Offices are proposed to be established
in all the four newly created districts of Dimapur, Kiphere, Longleng and Peren in a
phased manner. The proposal for creation of new District Evaluation Office at Dimapur
which is the commercial hub of the State has already been cleared by the Post Creation
Committee and is under submission to the Cabinet Cell. For creation of posts, for salary
and basic infrastructure / logistic an expenditure of Rs. 60.00 lakhs is projected.
IV Strengthening of Directorate: In order to keep pace with the growing demands and
to enable the Directorate to take up and complete more evaluation studies and ensure
better monitoring, it will be necessary to create one post of Additional Director in the
Directorate during the 11th Five Year Plan .

As in the 10th Five year Plan, if the 62 different categories of temporary posts
continue in the same status for employees in these posts have to be charged under Plan
during the 11th Five Year Plan. An amount of Rs. 465.00 lakhs is the estimated

(a) Construction of District Evaluation office: Presently all the District Evaluation
Offices except Kohima are functioning in rented private buildings resulting in huge
burden on the exchequer in the form of rent. Further with the trend of increasing rent
rates, the total expenditure under this head is expected to increase. Uncertainity of the
tenancy/lessee period of these offices also adversely affects efficient functioning.
Therefore construction of own office buildings in the remaining districts in a phased
manner during the 11th Five Year Plan is proposed. This would result not only in savings
in the long run and but would also create fixed asset for the Government.
(b) Construction of retaining wall/ boundary demarcation to prevent land
To check the rampant encroachment of government land, retaining wall and concrete
boundary walls for the government quarters under the Directorate are proposed to be
An amount of Rs.80.00 lakhs is therefore proposed under construction for (a) and
(b) above.
VI. Computerisation :
(a) To enable data tabulation, data processing, report writing and maintenance of data
and record in a systematic manner, computerization of the Directorate office and the
district evaluation offices with workable IT facility such as PC and Inter-Net connectivity
is proposed.

(b) A data base of the evaluation studies undertaken and reports published till date
is proposed to be built and computerized and made available on the website. This will
enable easy access to the reports to any one interested. This is in line with the RTI Act.
The service records/ status of receipt of ACRs of the officers and staff are also proposed
to be computerized and made available on the website. This would facilitate easy access
to information to the staff. The website of the Evaluation Directorate is therefore
proposed to be designed and posted on the internet. For this an expenditure of Rs. 20.00
lakhs is projected.

VII Transportation/ conveyance facility: Evaluation studies is dependent on the field

surveys.Lack of conveyance becomes a major constraint for undertaking evaluation
studies specially the remote areas which are not well connected and where public
transportation is non functional. So far ony three district evaluation offices are attached
with duty vehicles. To undertake unbiased evaluation studies covering all parts of the
State, it is imperative that a duty vehicle is attached to each district evaluation office to
enable access to the remote and non-connected areas. To encourage punctuality in the
office attendance and a staff bus is proposed to be provided to the staff. An amount of
Rs.85.00 lakhs is proposed under the head transportation.

VIII Capacity Building :- With the continuous up gradation and advancement in the
techniques/methodology in conducting evaluation studies/surveys, report writing and
fast changing developments in the IT sector, the Department proposes to (a)organize
in-house training for all the officers/technical staff by bringing resource persons/experts
in this field (b) depute officers and staff of the Directorate for various
training/courses/capacity building programme at IIM, ISI, NIFM ,NIRD, CSO,NCAER
and ATI etc. Rs. 15.00 lakhs is the projected requirement.

IXOrientation/workshops: Lack of records, refusal of respondents to disclose

information, non- co-operation of the Agencies/Departments whose programmes are
under evaluation/proposed to be evaluated are major draw backs for an evaluation study.
Therefore (a) publicity/orientation programmes to sensitise the Department/ agencies on
the importance of the evaluation studies in policy formulation and (b) orientation for the
staff/ field workers before undertaking any major study are proposed. Rs. 2.00 lakhs is
proposed for the purpose.

X Publication:
(a)Publication and circulation of reports is a pre-requisite for follow-up action on
the recommendations/findings of the evaluation studies.
(b) Upgradation of the library and purchase/subscription of subject relevant
publications. An amount of Rs 15.00 lakhs for this purpose.

Sl. th Rs.
Consolidated Financial implications for 11 Five Year Plan
No 2007-2012 In Lakh
1 Prioritised Studies/Review studies Rs.5.00
2 Fixing of benchmarks-Charges for outsourcing
consultants/research institutes
3 Strengthening of Districts-Creation of DEOs in new districts Rs.60.00
4 Strengthening of Directorate/Salaries/OE Rs.465.00
5 Construction (a) District Evaluation Offices (b) Retaining Rs.80.00
6 Computerisation/building of data base Rs.20.00
7 Transportation/ conveyance facility Rs.85.00
8 Capacity Building/building data base Rs.15.00
9 Orientation/workshops Rs.2.00
10 Publication Rs.15.00
Total Rs.750.00
Proposed outlay for Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-2012
Major heads Minor heads of Development 3451-Sectt-Eco-Services Tenth Tenth Plan Eleventh
Plan 2002-07 Plan
2002-07 Actual 2007-12
Projected Expenditure Proposed
Outlay Outlay.
(at 2001-
02 Prices
1 2 4 5
092(1) (1)Direction
Salaries 22 45.22 90
Wages 0.25 2.09 5
Travel Expenses 1 10.9 20
Office Expenses 20.85 3.94 20
Computerization _ 15
Motor Vehicle 16 16.35 60
Publication 3 6.48 15
Training/ Workshop 3 4.51 15
Building data base _ _
Review Studies _ 5
Total 092(1) 66.1 89.49 245
092(1)(1) subordinate
Salaries 85 270.11 330
Wages _ 4.18 10
Travel Expenses 6.2 6.52 19
Office Expenses 6.2 14.57 30
Motor Vehicle 30 3.31 25
Rent,Rates & Taxes _ 5.12 6
Computerization _ 5
Total 092 (1) (2) 127.4 303.81 425

Major Head 4216 Capital Outlay on Housing 015 Construction of office

buildings/others. 6.5 2.66 80
Total on Construction 6.5 9.31 80
Grand Total 200 402.61 750

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