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2020 Development Effectiveness Review
2020 Development Effectiveness Review
2020 Development Effectiveness Review
Ebook369 pages2 hours

2020 Development Effectiveness Review

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This publication outlines the performance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in achieving the goals of Strategy 2030, the institution’s long-term strategic framework. It is the 14th in the series of annual reports that tracks development progress in Asia and the Pacific, assesses ADB's development effectiveness, and identifies areas where the institution's performance needs to be strengthened.
Release dateApr 1, 2021
2020 Development Effectiveness Review

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    2020 Development Effectiveness Review - Asian Development Bank


    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) prepares a suite of three complementary yet distinct corporate performance reports annually. All three reports share the common goals of learning, and accountability to ADB shareholders and other stakeholders. This overview summarizes the unique focus, purpose, and value addition of each report. It maps their common areas of focus to cross-refer the reader between the reports for information about common topics.


    APRIL 2021

    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO)

    © 2021 Asian Development Bank

    6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines

    Tel +63 2 8632 4444; Fax +63 2 8636 2444

    Some rights reserved. Published in 2021.

    ISBN 978-92-9262-807-9 (print); 978-92-9262-808-6 (electronic); 978-92-9262-809-3 (ebook)

    Publication Stock No. SGP210129-2


    The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent.

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    In this report, $ refers to United States dollars.

    The Asian Development Bank’s Strategy, Policy and Partnerships Department is the source of all information in tables, figures, boxes, and infographics in this report, unless otherwise stated.

    Totals may not sum precisely because of rounding.

    ADB recognizes South Korea as the Republic of Korea.

    All photos are owned by ADB unless otherwise stated.

    Cover design by Karmen Karamanian. On the cover: (Clockwise from left): India and ADB are working to provide safe and sustainable drinking water to about 1.65 million people in West Bengal (photo by Amit Verma). Salasika, 8, does her homework at home during the lockdown of schools caused by the spread of coronavirus disease in Jakarta, Indonesia (photo by Afriadi Hikmal). The 53rd Annual Meeting of the ADB Board of Governors (2nd Stage) events were held through virtual meetings and online seminars in September 2020 (photo by Eric Sales). A street vendor selling face masks in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (photo by Chor Sokunthea). The $150 million Rural Infrastructure Sector Project helped improve rural infrastructure to increase agricultural and off-farm production, raise personal incomes, create access to markets and basic services, and reduce poverty in Viet Nam (photo by Ariel Javellana). Tufui Faletau, who leads Policy and Planning with the Ministry of Finance, stands outside the Treasury building in Nuku’alofa, the capital of Tonga (photo by Luis Enrique Ascui). Highways in Rajasthan, India (photo by Amit Verma). The Chaiyaphum Wind Farm, which started commercial operation in 2016, contributes to Thailand’s energy security goals by using clean power sources (photo by Zen Nuntawinyu). Finance Manager Joy Isihanua of The Franjti Shipping Co Ltd, whose company holds a franchise for the cofinanced Domestic Maritime Support Project, at the Port in Honiara, Solomon Islands (photo by Luis Enrique Ascui). Nine-year-old Safeen sells face masks during the coronavirus disease lockdown in Pakistan (photo by Rahim Mirza).






    Urban services improvement. The Urban Services Improvement Investment Program in Georgia seeks to ensure continuous and reliable water supply and safe sanitation services to all urban residents (photo by Eric Sales).


    The Development Effectiveness Review (DEfR) is the primary tool of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for monitoring and reporting on its performance in achieving the priorities of its corporate strategy. The 2020 DEfR uses the 60 indicators of the Strategy 2030-aligned corporate results framework, 2019–2024 as its yardstick. It assesses overall development progress in Asia and the Pacific and ADB’s effectiveness in delivering development results.

    Sustainable transport. The rail network of the BTS Skytrain slices through Bangkok’s busiest commercial areas (photo by Lester Ledesma).


    1. An annual review exercise. The development effectiveness review (DEfR) is the primary tool of the Asian

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