Social Justice Theory: Foundations, Elaborations, and Application of A Theory of Justice by Lucas Salazar

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By Lucas Salazar

In this essay Salazar explores the extent to which Political Action and Democ-
ratic Participation, as basic tenets of democratic life, are grounded on the con-
cepts of social justice and human rights.

Introduction world innocent, needing care and encour-

agement to blossom into socially respon-
sible agents. The roots of these sentiments
The theory of social justice is a topic of regarding human nature are explored as
great dispute. Who and what define social reflected in psychological theory of the
justice? Consider the array of political last century. For the matter of social sci-
alignments within the members of your ence methodology, consider the hypotheti-
neighborhood, state, nation, and world. It cally impoverished state of the social sci-
seems that most people claim to advocate ences if modernism, as embodied in posi-
for social justice and human rights. How tivist methodology, did not find a chal-
is it then, that people can come to such lenge in postmodernism. Postmodernism
different conclusions about the meanings and post-positivism expanded methodo-
of social justice and human rights and, logical legitimacy and, thus, offered scien-
also, about the tactics used to advance tific credibility to those who did not be-
these widely embraced ideals? This ques- lieve Skinner’s objectivity was the only
tion may define the history of politics way to come to scientific conclusions
within a democratic framework. This es- (Trochim, 2001, p .18). The linkages be-
say approaches these differences by ex- tween these concerns of social science
ploring the foundations of social justice methodology and social justice are ex-
theory. Two matters of great importance panded on below. Additionally, social jus-
to a theory of social justice are discussed: tice theory is discussed utilizing Mitchell’s
the nature of humankind and social sci- (2003) triple paradigm approach, which
ence methodology. To be clear on these considers social justice as a matter of re-
two points, consider for the first Lakoff’s distribution, recognition, and procedure.
(2004) idea of the “strict” vs. “nurturing” Finally, an example of a recent political
parenting methods, which he generally campaign provides material to which so-
associated with conservativism (for the cial justice theory is applied. First, what
former) and liberalism (for the latter). does the field of psychology tell us about
Each of these positions is born from a the nature of humankind?
unique world-view; the conservative be- Nature of Humankind
lieving that children come into the world Many conflicting theories of the psychol-
ripe with sin and therefore need discipline ogy of humankind have emerged in the
and punishment to mold them into socially last century. Unavoidably, the theorists
responsible agents, the liberal position and practitioners who dwell on the prob-
making the fundamentally opposite as- lems of psychology attempt to describe
sumption that children come into the and account for the behavior of humans by

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making rules and guidelines for the asso- without a price for the few dominant men.
ciated phenomena. One specific phe- In regard to communal life Freud wrote:
nomenon studied in psychology, human …men are not gentle creatures who want to
nature, has led to the fractionalization of be loved, and who at the most can defend
the field into certain schools of thought. themselves if they are attacked; they are, on
The most basic of these, behavioral psy- the contrary, creatures among whose instinc-
chology, psychoanalytic psychology, and tual endowments is to be reckoned to a
humanistic psychology (also referred to as powerful share of aggression. As a result,
first, second, and third force psychology their neighbor is for them not only a poten-
respectively) have led to dozens of meth- tial helper or sexual object, but also some-
ods of psychotherapy. The major trend one who tempts them to satisfy their aggres-
siveness on him, to exploit his capacity for
among contemporary practitioners in the
work without compensation, to use him
field is to have an eclectic approach that, sexually without his consent, to seize his
as a recent informational flyer of such a possessions, to humiliate him, to cause him
psychologist indicates, “combine[s] evi- pain, to torture and kill him. Homo homini
dence-based conventional, complementary lupus1 (Freud, 1961, pp. 68-69).
and alternative approaches to optimize
Thus, Freud is adamant in his estimation
treatment results” (Primary Document 1).
of the innate goodness, or rather evilness,
These widely varying approaches to ther-
of humankind. Humanistic psychology, as
apy indicate that there exists a great deal
exemplified by Carl Rogers, takes a dif-
of consternation about the nature of men
ferent approach to the interpretation of the
and women. Yet, there are consistencies
pleasure principle.
across the array of psychologies in terms
of the single component of human psy- In humanistic psychology, the
chology that is of great importance to one equivalent of the psychological mecha-
exploring a theory of social justice – that nism that Freud called the pleasure princi-
is, in Freudian terms, the pleasure princi- ple is called the “organismic valuing proc-
ple. ess”. This is defined as, “the capacity for
receiving feedback information that en-
The term pleasure principal is the
ables the organism continually to adjust its
most immediately stimulating of the dif-
behavior and reactions so as to achieve the
ferent versions (as in psychoanalysis vs.
maximum possible self-enhancement”
humanism) of this concept in that it pro-
(Rogers, 1983, p. 264). The main differ-
vides easy epistemic accessibility. Freud
ence between the two theorists being that
posited that civilization was in conflict
Freud believed congruence with the pleas-
with the pleasure principal in that it re-
ure principle led to destructive ends while
stricted one of humankind’s most basic
Rogers believed that congruence with the
inclinations toward aggressiveness, or
organismic valuing process led to con-
what Freud termed the “death instinct”.
structive ends. In contrast to Freud,
Only dominant primal men have been able
Rogers believed that humanistic methods
to obtain a true congruence with the pleas-
led to more communal ends, he states,
ure principle, which also meant an exercis-
“sensitivity to others is positively valued.
ing of aggressiveness at will. Eventually,
The client comes to appreciate others for
men decided to bond together for greater
what they are, just as she has come to ap-
security from the elements and thus com-
preciate herself for what she is” (p. 266).
munal life was advanced, though not
Man is a wolf to man.

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Therefore, humanism stands in stark con- psychology of humankind. Eminent Rus-

trast to Freudian psychoanalysis in its es- sian psychologist, Lev Vygotsky worked
timation of the nature of man. toward a social/cultural view of psychol-
First force, or behavioral, psychol- ogy – Vygotsky was focused on process or
ogy utilizes the principle of reinforcement development in psychology. The hope
to explain behavior. The important differ- found within this branch of psychology,
ence here from the other previous schools developmental psychology, is that the na-
of psychology is that the behavior of an ture of man is in fact evolving. Berg ar-
organism is explained objectively; it is not ticulates this as follows:
concerned with the phenomenological as- Traditionally, it was thought that such things
pects of being. Behaviorism says that the as the family and the state always existed in
“history of reinforcement” is the determin- more or less their present form. Likewise,
ing factor in the behavior of an organism. one also tends to view the structure of the
mind as something universal and eternal.
Therefore, things such as choice and free
To Vygotsky, however, both social struc-
will are rejected in this school of psychol-
tures and mental structures turn out to have
ogy; one need merely know one’s history very definite historical roots, and are quite
in order to understand one’s current be- specific products of certain levels of tool
havior. Differences in those with similar development (in Vygotsky, 1978, p. 132).
histories of reinforcement are attributed to
Developmental psychology is mentioned
genetics. This biological and objective
because it adds a historical dimension to
approach to psychology puts a great deal
the nature of man, which is an essential
of emphasis on the engineering of culture
concept in any discussion of social justice.
in a way that reinforces behaviors condu-
The injustices that accompany the history
cive to communal living. In B.F. Skin-
of the “progress” of western civilization
ner’s (1948) classic utopian novel, Walden
(e.g., genocide of various indigenous
Two, he explains the theory and methods
groups of the Americas, exploitation of
used to design the utopia of which the be-
workers and slaves to develop agriculture
nevolence of the main character, Frazier,
and infrastructure, etc.) are evidence of
is supposedly responsible. Frazier’s
this. It is unpractical to eliminate history
statement of vision for humankind will
from a discussion of social justice as
help to summarize the position of the be-
Rawls’ (1971) would like to attempt, via
haviorists. Frazier states the following:
his conception of the “original position” -
All that happens is contained in an original more discussion on Rawls below in the
plan, yet at every stage the individual seems section of social justice theory.
to be making choices and determining the
outcome. The same is true of Walden Two. The goal of this discussion is to es-
Our members are practically always doing tablish the “stuff” of social justice. What
what they want to do – what they ‘choose’ concerns are of import to a theory of social
to do – but we see to it that they will want to justice, but the ways in which people treat
do precisely the things that are best for one another? A reflection on natural ten-
themselves and the community. Their be- dencies in behavior is essential to under-
havior is determined, yet they’re free (pp. standing these tendencies. It would seem
296, 297).
that if Rogers’ humanism were the accu-
A brief discussion of an additional branch rate conceptualization of human nature
of psychology will prove useful in that it that there would be no need for a theory of
will provide an historical context for the justice – we would already be there. Ac-

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cordingly, if Freud’s notion of the death and radical postmodernism (according to

instinct reigned supreme, we may not be in Wilbur) as two different approaches to the
a position to talk about social justice at all social sciences are used to create an un-
(rather, we may be scrambling to escape derstanding of the potential threats that
each other’s “wolf like” tendencies). social science poses to social justice. Both
Given Skinner’s conceptualization of be- approaches to social scientific inquiry in-
havior, we are just rats in a box anyway. clude different methodologies and, there-
Hopefully, then, Vygotsky is right and we fore, epistemologies that, in the end, have
are constantly in development and this de- an influence on progress towards social
velopment includes an evolution to a justice. By discussing the outcomes of
greater humanism vis-à-vis Rogers. Or, if these two approaches to knowledge, it will
that is a naïve or ambitious hope, at the be possible to see the dangers in each,
very least may this development lead to thereby allowing a less rigid, in the case of
more advanced solutions in how to deal radical positivism, or more rigid, in the
with Freud’s death instinct in ways that do case of radical postmodernism, approach
not oppress others; that is, in ways that to emerge.
promote, rather than inhibit social justice. Positivism is the line of thought
Social Science Methodology that claims reality can be known by means
The question of interest here is, “What of the scientific method; it has run into
claims about reality will be admitted in the several problems historically. The eugen-
discussion and creation of a just society?” ics movement of the early 20th century is a
Fortunately, the answer to this question is tragic example of what positivism led to:
much more inclusive than it was 50 years further oppression of peoples of color and
ago. The movement from positivism to other stigmatized groups through anti-
post-positivism that took place half way miscegenation laws, sterilization, and
through the 20th century (Trochim, p. 18) standardized intelligence tests. The dan-
took a great deal of the pretension out of ger here lies, not only in hegemonic forces
the social sciences; finally, more subjects (i.e., whose interests are involved in using
could be studied and without a rigid Skin- the science, as in Nazi concentration
nerian approach. Scientists such as Carl camps or, more generally, white suprem-
Rogers gained prestige while his studies acy), but also in the process of operation-
focused on the subjective aspects of being. alization as a step in the process of social
Psychoanalysis continued to progress scientific inquiry. If a tool is created and
with, what may have been to some scien- judged valid, although in reality it is not a
tists, fantastic claims about the human ex- valid tool, then large-scale atrocities can
perience such as Jung’s collective uncon- ensue in the name of “good” science. Gal-
scious and, also, found in his focus on ton who coined the term eugenics was an
dreams. Currently, postmodernism has “apostle of quantification”; he felt that
greatly influenced the way business is anything could be measured (Gould,
done in the training of students of the so- 1981). Thinking along these lines led to
cial sciences. As a matter of fact, the so- research from Bean that indicated that Af-
cial science department of which I am a rican Americans had an innately lower in-
part has, as an introductory text to the ma- telligence than whites, by crude measure-
jor, a work entitled Post-Modernism and ments of the skull – a process called cra-
the Social Sciences (Rosenau, 1992). To niometry (p. 80). Thus, positivism has
guide this discussion, radical positivism suffered from a lack of humility, which

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has led to grave errors. Postmodernism is in thought and belief. In this sense it has
guilty of a similar crime, although in a dif- given voice to historically disenfranchised
ferent manner. people (i.e., peoples without “scientific”
Postmodernism is afraid to take a training), but it does not hold the standards
stand, except when someone is claiming that allow for a condemnation of an “un-
that they are right. This is not to say that just” order; it is too liberal with its relativ-
postmodernism has not offered a great ism to do so.
contribution to the social sciences in terms
of critique of positivism and a more gen- Figure 1 Wilbur’s Model of De-
eral broadening of social science method- velopmental Psychology
ology, but this is to say that postmodern-
ism poses an interesting conundrum. How
does a theory that does not make value
judgments work as a progressive force?
Postmodernism is not allowed to make
judgments, because of, as Wilbur (2000)
states, “…the standard postmodern claim
that all behavior is culturally relative and
socially constructed (p. x [10 in preface]).
This tendency toward radical relativism is
dangerous in that, in its radical sense, it
allows anyone to do anything. Wilbur
cites the danger of postmodern thought in
terms of narcissism; he considers post-
modernism as a “supermagnet for narcis-
sism”. In Ken Wilbur’s A Theory of Eve-
rything, he proposes a model of develop-
mental psychology (Figure 1) that views
development as a consistent decline in
ego-centrism. A characteristic of post-
modern thought, pluralism, is very ad-
vanced in terms of development; a plural-
ist has gone far to confront one’s egocen-
trism and narcissism. The problem here is
that, while acknowledging the plurality of
expression in the world, a pluralist will Source: Adapted from Ken Wilbur’s A Theory of
defend anyone on the basis of plurality Everything p. 21
itself, including one’s self. Therefore, it In summary, where positivism suffers
leads to an attitude of “don’t tell me what from a lack of humility so does postmod-
to do” that fights against all hierarchy ernism; both of these lines of thought are
when it is no illusion that the pluralists enveloped by narcissism.
developed to the point of relativistic
thought with a large degree of coherence, How is it, then, that the ideology
by way of hierarchy (or what Wilbur calls backing these approaches can be and be-
holarchy). Thus, in terms of policy deci- come more cautious - more humble?
sions, postmodernism embraces diversity Here, the concept of post-positivism and,

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more specifically, critical realism will be involved in forging just conditions. She
useful. Critical realists are similar to posi- identifies the three “paradigms” of social
tivists in that they believe that an external justice theory as, “(re)distribution, recog-
reality exists to human subjectivity, but it nition, and procedural” (p. 2). Here fol-
allows for the fallibility of science; it lows a description and discussion of these
states that, “all observation is fallible and three approaches to achieving social jus-
has error and all theory is reversible” tice.
(Trochim, 2001, p. 19). Thus, in terms of The redistribution paradigm can be
different approaches to social scientific viewed as a traditionally socialist ideal.
inquiry and their influence on society, it is The basic idea here is that once everyone
clear that positivist and postmodernist in society has equal access to resources
epistemologies do not fit the bill in terms that just conditions will emerge. Redistri-
of promoting social justice. Only a critical bution is considered, mainly, with eco-
realist orientation allows scientists to care- nomic or material equality with aims to
fully guard knowledge that has accumu- deconstruct class relations. Karl Marx
lated, while staying humble in light of new provided a grand theory of society, of
evidence. which a great part was based on the dis-
In sum, the concerns surrounding tributive paradigm for social justice. Marx
conceptualizations of and practice in the wrote:
social and behavior sciences are important Communism is the positive abolition of pri-
to a theory of social justice. Just as Henry vate property, of human self-alienation, and
Kissinger’s notion of history as the “mem- thus the real appropriation of human nature
ory of states” (in Zinn, 1999) functions as through and for man. It is therefore the re-
a conceptualization to perpetuate power turn of man himself as a social, i.e. really
disparities, radical positivism does the human, being, a complete and conscious re-
same by restricting dissenting voices – turn which assimilates all the wealth of pre-
voices that do not relate in the language of vious development (Marx, 1983, p. 149).
positivism. On the other hand, radical The criticism here is that redistribution
postmodernism allows all voices, except does not necessarily account for other
those that claim to hold the truth posi- “currencies” that exist beyond the material
tively, to add to the tapestry of knowledge. such as power resulting from privileged
Can we be so naïve as to believe that one identity (Mitchell, 2003; Young 1990;
claim about reality does not have more Fraser and Honneth, 1997). Also, a doc-
value than another? The politics found trine of equality (equal distribution) is
within the wall of the ivory tower, as em- suspect to injustice, because those needing
bodied in the debate between positivism more may be denied it based on the argu-
and postmodernism, lend insight into poli- ment of fairness as equal shares. Thus, the
tics as practiced in the democratic sphere, distributive paradigm undermines histori-
which invariably has implications regard- cal realities that lead to disparities of privi-
ing a theory of justice. lege by employing an ideal of equality vs.
Social Justice Theory an ideal of equity. The recognition para-
digm attempts to deal with some of these
The theory of social justice as proposed by contradictions.
Mitchell (2003) is based on the following
three components: resource distribution, The recognition paradigm cuts
identity recognition and the procedures through economic difference to focus on
difference as a concept in itself. The goal

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in the recognition paradigm is to eliminate authority and training; and when his attitude
oppression, by deconstructing oppressive toward charity is sullen anger rather than
social norms (Freire, 1970; Young, 1990; humble jollity; when he insists on his human
Fraser and Honneth, 1997; Mitchell, right to swagger and swear and waste, - then
the spell is suddenly broken and the philan-
2003). Whereas redistribution charges the
thropist is ready to believe that Negroes are
government with the creation of a just so-
impudent…(Du Bois, 1920, p.19)
cial order, recognition calls all societal
entities to work on this problem from the Thus, the moment the, what Scott (1992)
individual to the institutional. Thus, the refers to as, “hidden transcript” was re-
recognition paradigm of social justice en- vealed in the public sphere, a severe con-
compasses class, placing it within a larger sequence resulted and in the case of Afri-
context of difference. can-Americans in U.S. history, it is clear
that this could mean one’s life.
The importance of the recognition
paradigm to social justice cannot be un- Identity politics stretches much
derstated. In fact identity politics consti- further than race. Any identity may be
tutes issues of intense conflict. Ida B. stigmatized and, once given this sort of
Wells-Barnett and W.E.B. Du Bois offer label, reduced to a subordinate status.
strong African-American voices that attest Goffman (1963) introduces his book S-
to the state of justice in terms of identity tigma with an example of “spoiled iden-
politics in the late 19th and early 20th cen- tity” whose main focus is not race, but dis-
tury. Wells-Barnett (1889) wrote about figurement. Goffman cites a letter to a
the “unspeakable barbarism” of white folk support column written by a girl who was
involved in 12 lynchings, and in one case born without a nose, who is coming of
the “perpetrator”, Samuel Hose, was age. She is interested to begin dating
burned alive for killing his employer. boys, but is concerned about this prospect
Only one of the “perpetrators”, aside from because, for the most part, people are
Hose, that was lynched was charged with a scared of her. She concludes the letter by
crime – that of assaulting a woman. In asking if she should commit suicide.
times of such utter hostility to difference Goffman proceeds to give a theoretical
the implications of identity politics are ob- explanation of the young girl’s predica-
vious. Du Bois wrote of the “veil” that ment. Goffman uses the terminology
African-Americans endured during this “personal” and “social” identity to de-
time period, a burden that led to his notion scribe stigma, which provides an analogy
of “double-consciousness”. He wrote: to Du Bois’ notion of double-
consciousness. The establishment of a
It is a peculiar sensation, this double-
social identity, or a stereotype, regarding
consciousness, this sense of always looking
at one’s self through the eyes of others, of the meanings of certain traits, complicates
measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world the identities of both the African-
that looks on in amused contempt and pity American and the disfigured youth. The
(1996, p. 2). individuals in these scenarios must juggle
conception of self, or personal identity,
And as a complementary quotation, in his
with the broader social identity that is
essay “The Souls of White Folk” he wrote
given to them by others.
the following:
But when the black man begins to dispute The final paradigm identified by
the white man’s title to certain alleged be- Mitchell, the procedural paradigm, focuses
quests of the Fathers in wage and position, on the means to achieving the end of so-

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cial justice. This paradigm describes the esses and relationships that lie between us
set of rules necessary to acknowledge and which we have come to know together
when decision-making. The goal here is by discussing the world (Young, 1997, p.
to define a set of rules that will lead deci- 59).
sion makers to unbiased decisions guided The important thing to note here is that all
by the ideal of fairness to all affected par- voices are included in the decision making
ties. Thus, the focus is not that the end process as they are. Young’s take on
products are not necessarily equal (or eq- moral respect assures just process by man-
uitable) in this paradigm, but that the dating a practice of asymmetrical reciproc-
manner in which a conclusion is reached ity in dialog.
constitutes a just process (Mitchell, 2003; John Rawls (1971) also offers a
Rawls, 1971). To further discuss the idea useful concept that exemplifies the proce-
of procedural justice, Young (1997) offers dural paradigm of social justice. Rawls
the useful concept of “asymmetrical recip- creates the hypothetical situation where
rocity”. decision-makers are ignorant to the posi-
What is just decision-making but tionality they will have when entering a
moral decision-making? In Young’s cri- new world, what Rawls calls the “original
tique of procedure in moral decision- position”. Thus, it is in the best interest of
making, she makes it apparent that certain the decision-makers to create a just law in
processes will not lead to just results. this new world, because they are not aware
Young contests the philosophy of Seyla of what “suit” they are going to put on as
Benhabib throughout her critique of Ben- they step into this world. Rawls states,
habib’s notion of “symmetrical reciproc- “The idea of the original position is to set
ity”. Benhabib’s philosophy deems it pos- up a fair procedure so that any principles
sible and desirable to take on another’s agreed to will be just” (p. 127).
perspective as your own in the case of In summary, the three paradigms
solving a moral dilemma (i.e., it is desir- of social justice fuse to create a compre-
able in the context of a moral dilemma to hensive framework for the currencies of
“put yourself in the other’s shoes”). power, both subjective and objective, that
Young believes that it is neither possible must be balanced in order to achieve a just
nor desirable to attempt to achieve sym- world and, also, the process through which
metry of perspectives, and furthermore, this balance may be achieved.
that it will lead to immoral decisions be-
cause of the fallacy of the possibility of Application of Social Justice Theory
pure reciprocity. In short, individuals What a better time to write about the ap-
from different backgrounds have different plication of social justice theory than elec-
experiences that the other cannot fully re- tion time? In a few weeks the U.S. popu-
late with, thus to make this assumption lace will vote to determine who will “run”
(that of understanding another’s position) the country for the next four years. This is
may be to invalidate a differing positional- a scary prospect with far reaching implica-
ity. Young explains the political implica- tions when considering the political ten-
tions of this theory here: sion mounting both intra and internation-
We make our moral and political judgments, ally. On the other hand, this phenomenon
then, not only by taking account of one an- provides a rich example to which we may
other’s interests and perspectives, but also apply the theories discussed above. Al-
by considering the collective social proc- though the primaries have passed, the

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campaign promises of Dennis Kucinich Point Action

will provide useful material for a discus-
sion about the application of social justice [1] Universal …establish a streamlined
theory. The goal here is to identify the Health Care national health insurance,
different goals of the Kucinich campaign with a Single Medicare For All. It would
and to discuss how they relate with the Payer Plan be publicly financed health
different paradigms for social justice ex- care, privately delivered. It
plained above. Tables assist in categoriz- would provide affordable
ing the content from a pamphlet (Primary prescription drugs, thanks
to bulk purchasing.
Document 2), which acts as the source of
information about Kucinich’s proposi- [2] Full Social A Kucinich administration
tions. It is important to note that there are Security Bene- will make that [full retire-
certain points that apply to more than one fits at Age 65 ment benefits] possible
paradigm, but I have used each point only through a progressive tax
one time utilizing my subjective judgment structure and reordered na-
as to which paradigm was most appropri- tional priorities.
ate for the point being categorized. The [6] Balance Since the purchasing power
paradigms will be discussed in the follow- Between of the minimum wage has
ing order: redistribution, recognition, and Workers and dropped 21% in two dec-
procedural. Corporations ades, it’s time for living
In terms of redistribution, the in- wages, not minimum
formation pamphlet indicates a few things. wages.
To begin, the document explains, in gen- And it’s time to reverse tax
eral terms, Kucinich’s “progressive vi- cuts that benefit the already
sion”. In this introduction it states two well-to-do, and retain an
things that indicate a desire to redistribute estate tax.
resources in a just manner: 1) “[It is] Time Investing $500 billion to
to counter control of corporations over our rebuild schools, roads,
politics, our economy, our resources, and bridges, ports, and sewage,
mass media.” 2) “Time for those who have water, and environmental
systems will do more to
much to help those who have little by
stimulate the economy than
maintaining a progressive tax structure.” tax breaks for the wealthy.
In the text that follows, ten points are
noted as actions that the Kucinich admini- [7]Guaranteed Pre-K and after-school pro-
stration would implement if elected. Al- Quality Educa- grams will get increased
though what is indicated in the pamphlet is tion, Pre-K funding, and the soaring
not as radical as what Marx proposed for through Col- costs of college will be re-
the restructuring of society, there are many lege versed.
actions that would lead to significant re- [8] A Renewed A Kucinich administration
structuring and, specifically, redistribution Commitment to will cut bloated and un-
of resources. Here is a list of actions Peace and Di- needed weaponry from a
quoted from the pamphlet that indicate plomacy military budget that now
some form of redistribution, which elabo- almost equals the military
rates on the statements made in the intro- spending of all other coun-
duction: tries combined.
Table 2. Redistribution Table The Kucinich peace divi-

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117 Social Justice Theory CS&P

dend will be invested in Point Action

education, health care, envi-
ronmental clean-up, urban [5] Right In a Kucinich administration, a
infrastructure, Social Secu- to woman’s right to choose will be
rity, veterans’ benefits, and Choose, protected as essential to personal
other pressing domestic Privacy, privacy and gender equality.
needs. and Civil Only those who agree to uphold
Rights Roe v. Wade will be nominated
[9] Restored A Kucinich administration
Rural Commu- will break up agricultural for the Supreme Court.
nities and Fam- monopolies and restore a Civil rights (and voting rights)
ily Farms strong, independent family enforcement will be intensified.
farm system with fair prices
for farmers and healthy Lesbians and gays will be af-
food for consumers. forded complete equality through-
out society.
Affirmative action will be main-
Thus, it is apparent that the Kucinich ad- tained as a tool for racial and gen-
der equality.
ministration would work towards a more
equitable distribution of wealth and health
for the nation. Radical redistribution is
concerned with equal distribution and, as It is clear that Kucinich focuses on an af-
the vision for Social Security entails, firmative recognition policy, what Fraser
Kucinich does not take that approach in (1997) refers to as “mainstream multicul-
his campaign. It is apparent that his vision turalism”. That is, Kucinich’s policies
strives to appropriate the resources that are would provide protection under the law for
in accordance to one’s needs. The recog- differences and it would protect the right
nition paradigm will add another dimen- of women to choose what they will do
sion to Kucinich’s vision. with their bodies. In the case of civil
rights, Kucinich proposes that resources be
In terms of the recognition para- used to ensure that the gains achieved for
digm for social justice, Kucinich includes minorities in the civil rights movement are
several actions in his plan that exemplify implemented, thereby increasing the status
this aspect of a just society. In the intro- of difference of individuals and groups.
duction of the pamphlet it states, “[It is] Although this is positive in terms of ensur-
Time to look out upon the world for ing particular groups certain securities and
friends, not enemies.” In this way resources previously denied, it does not
Kucinich envisions a world that is inclu- shake the heart of identity politics, which
sive and embracing rather than exclusive is difference itself. Therefore, Kucinich’s
and hostile. The recognition paradigm has policy works to allocate resources and pro-
a similar goal, which is to make a world of tection to marginalized communities, but
individuals who share in reciprocal rela- that is where, if implemented, his trans-
tionships rather than oppressive ones. formation of the social structure ends.
Here follows a table that identifies some
of the points included in the pamphlet that Finally, in terms of the procedural
emphasize recognition: paradigm of social justice, the Kucinich
campaign has much to amend in the cur-
Table 3. Recognition Table rent administration’s processes established
for communication, particularly in terms

Culture Society & Praxis

CS&P Lucas Salazar 118

of international relations. Here follows a Renewal production and a partner with

table that identified the points associated and Clean developing nations in providing
with procedural justice: Energy inexpensive, local, renewable
energy technologies.
Table 4. Procedural Table

Point Action
Analyzing the above table leads to the
[3] With- Among the first actions of a clear observation that Kucinich is con-
drawal Kucinich administration will be cerned with global decision-making for
from withdrawal from NAFTA and global decisions. His criticism of the cur-
NAFTA the WTO-to be replaced by fair rent administration’s unilateralism is an
and WTO trade agreements.
indicator that exclusive, biased decision-
[4] Repeal The government must not be making is something that Kucinich would
of the “Pa- allowed, without probable like to stray from. It is apparent that
triot Act” cause or warrant, to snoop on Kucinich would like to see decisions made
our communications, medical in ways that include all voices (e.g., work-
records, library records, and ing with U.N., rather than acting as an
student records. empire, to establish processes that every-
[8] A Re- The doctrine of “pre-emption” one can agree to).
newed will be retired, as will an ag- One clear point of procedural jus-
Commit- gressive, unilateralist foreign tice mentioned in the informational pam-
ment to policy that makes our homeland phlet is that of due process. In the United
Peace and less secure, not more. States Constitution it states the following
Diplomacy Our security forces will be en- in the Sixth Amendment:
hanced by working with other
In all criminal prosecution, the accused shall
nations and the U.N. instead of
enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial,
acting like an empire, arro-
by an impartial jury of the state and the dis-
gantly undermining interna-
trict wherein the crime shall have been
tional agreements such as the
committed…and be informed of the nature
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty,
and cause of the accusation…and to have
the Biological and Chemical
assistance of counsel for his defense (US
Weapons Conventions, the
Small Arms Treaty, the Interna-
tional Criminal Court, and the The Patriot Act, what the pamphlet identi-
Kyoto Climate Treaty. fies as legislation that “invites tyranny”, is
As President, Kucinich will a clear point of the antithesis of procedural
work to implement two meas- justice. When points of the sixth amend-
ures he sponsored in Congress: ment are undermined by the new act, as
the Space Preservation Treaty, was clear in the case of Yaser Esam
which bans space-based weap- Hamdi (Primary Document 3), it is clear
ons, and a cabinet-level De- that a pluralism of voices was not included
partment of Peace, to establish in the decision-making of the “criminal”
non-violence as an organizing and the “authority”. Mr. Hamdi was an
principle in both domestic and U.S. citizen who was raised in Saudi Ara-
international affairs.
bia and is now being held indefinitely as
[10] Envi- Globally, the U.S. will become an “enemy combatant” in the U.S. How
ronmental a leader in sustainable energy

CS&P Vol 3 Num 2 May 2005

119 Social Justice Theory CS&P

can justice be achieved, when one is not analytical framework for a contemporary
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The Kucinich campaign provides a
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justice that utilizes the different methods
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from the three paradigms for achieving a
White Folk. In Darkwater: Voices from
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everyone has access to quality health care
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access to the decision-making mechanisms
Folk.. New York: Modern Library.
of society. Additionally, Kucinich takes a
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step beyond the national; envisaging the
recognition? Dilemmas of justice in a
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dations, a short exploration of the philoso- Lakoff, George (2004). Don’t Think of an
phical and political differences in the his- Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame
torical and contemporary practice of the the Debate. White River Junction, Ver-
social sciences was presented. Critical mont: Chelsea Green Publishing.
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procedural. Contemporary and classical tion. Amherst, MA: University of Mas-
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CS&P Vol 3 Num 2 May 2005

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