Design Folder Main Pumping Station
Design Folder Main Pumping Station
Design Folder Main Pumping Station
Concrete grade : M 30
Steel grade : Fe 500
Density of Concrete = 25 kN/m3
Beams : 45 mm
Columns : 45 mm
Foundations : 50 mm
Water retaining structures have been designed on Limit State design as per clause 4.4 of
IS 3370 2009 (Part 2). It states that the maximum calculated surface width of cracks for
direct tension and flexure shall not exceed 0.2 mm with specified cover. Crack widths have
been calculated as per the methods given in Annexure B of IS 3370 2009 (Part 2).
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IS 875 Code of practice for design loads for building & structures ( part I to part IV)
IS 13920 Code of practice for ductile detailing for reinforced concrete structures subjected
to seismic forces
IS 3370 Part 1: 2009 :- Code of practice for concrete structure for the storage of Liquids
(General Requirements)
IS 3370 Part 2: 2009 :- Code of practice for concrete structure for the storage of Liquids
(Reinforced concrete structure)
IS 3370 Part4: 1967 :- Code of practice for concrete structure for the storage of Liquids
(Design Tables)
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Page 3
4.2. These coefficients are then multiplied by multiplier. Multiplier = k x x H3
for cantilever and three edges fixed wall and k x x H x h2 for horizontal
spanning wall.
4.3. The multiplier is multiplied with coefficient to calculate the vertical bending
4.4. Additional moments due to walkway etc are added to the vertical moments.
4.5. Then it is checked whether any direct tension due to suspended slab
bottom is there or not. If yes, then modified vertical moments are
4.6. Reinforcement is calculated for modified moments and direct tension.
Calculated reinforcement is compared with minimum reinforcement as per
IS 3370-2009.
5. Horizontal moments :
5.1. Coefficient for horizontal moment as per IS code
i. For cantilever wall, coefficients = 0.
ii. For horizontal spanning wall, coefficient = 1/12 at edge and 1/16 at
mid span.
iii. For three edges fixed wall, the coefficients are taken from IS 3370
Part IV.
5.2. These coefficients are then multiplied by multiplier. Multiplier = k x x H3
for three edges fixed and horizontal spanning wall and 0 for cantilever wall.
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Design of Wall: W1 Location: Wet well
D = Dia of tank (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) TOW = Top of wall (m)
GWT = Ground water table (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
Length of wall along its centre line (m) = PI() * (Dia + thickness at bottom)
Dia D: 7.50 BOF: 90.40 GWT: 80.00 Length of Wall (m) : 24.19
Height of wall from BOF (m) = 10.10 Design Height of Wall (m) = 9.48
Height of wall from BOW (m) = 10.10
Walkway on Fill 2 side will cause moment on Fill 1 side and vice-versa
Walkway moment = T Load * Width^2/2
Moment on Fill 1 face means moment causes tension on fill 1 face and vice-versa
Total additional moment = Walkway moment + Additional moment
Page 6
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Revised value of k is calculated for fill 1 or fill 2 ,as required to equalize the height of both fills.
Value of k' for earth is furher revised to take into account the effect of water table, if applicable
Page 7
Thickness of wall to be used for design: Max Thickness H /Dt = 59.914
Coefficients for vertical moments are taken from Table 10 of IS 3370 (Part IV) based on value of H^2/Dt
Base is assumed to be fixed for calculating vertical moments
Case 1 and Case 2 moments are segregated as follows depending on whether these are +ve or -ve.
Case 1 - Fill 1 moments are negative moments. Case 1 - Fill 2 moments are positive moments.
Case 2 - Fill 1 moments are positive moments. Case 2 - Fill 2 moments are negative moments.
Absolute values of Fill 1 and Fill 2 moments are written for both cases.
Unfactored moment M = Calculated moment for fill 1 / fill 2 + Addl moment, if any for fill 1 / fill 2
Page 8
Alternatively, required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd can be taken from SP-16
Fill 1 reinforcement
Height Moment Moment
Provided 2 Ast for Reinf
from unfactor Mu d = D - c' Mu/bd % Ast Min Reinf
Th D Mu required
bottom M Factor
2 2 2
m kN-m/m kN-m/m mm mm mm mm mm
10.100 200 350 350
9.480 0.00 0.00 200 147 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
8.530 0.00 0.00 200 147 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
7.580 0.00 0.00 200 147 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
6.640 0.00 0.00 200 147 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
5.690 0.00 0.00 200 147 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
4.740 0.00 0.00 200 147 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
3.790 0.00 0.00 200 147 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
2.840 0.00 0.00 200 147 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
1.900 0.00 0.00 200 147 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
0.950 2.04 3.06 200 147 0.142 0.039 58 350 350
0.000 7.18 10.77 200 147 0.498 0.141 207 350 350
Fill 2 reinforcement
Height Moment Moment
Provided 2 Ast for Reinf
from unfactor Mu d = D - c' Mu/bd % Ast Min Reinf
Th D Mu required
bottom M Factor
2 2 2
m kN-m/m kN-m/m mm mm mm mm mm
10.100 200 350 350
9.480 0.00 0.00 200 162 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
8.530 0.00 0.00 200 162 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
7.580 0.00 0.00 200 162 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
6.640 0.00 0.00 200 162 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
5.690 0.00 0.00 200 162 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
4.740 0.00 0.00 200 162 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
3.790 0.00 0.00 200 162 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
2.840 0.00 0.00 200 162 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
1.900 0.00 0.00 200 162 0.000 0.000 0 350 350
0.950 1.25 1.87 200 162 0.071 0.020 32 350 350
0.000 11.75 17.62 200 162 0.671 0.191 310 350 350
Designing for Hoop Tension H /Dt = 59.914
Hoop tension is calculated for Case 1 (Fill 1 acting, Fill 2 not acting) only
Case 2 (Fill 2 acting, Fill 1 not acting) will cause hoop compression.
Coefficients for hoop tension T1 for triangular loads are taken from Table 12 of IS 3370 (Part IV)
Base is assumed to be hinged for calculating hoop tension
Page 9
Hoop tension T1 (kN/m) = Coefficient * k' * r * H * R R = radius of tank
Refer design Parameters for values of k' and r for respective fills, while calculating hoop tension
Hoop tension T2 is calculated for addl moments as per Table 16 of IS 3370 (Part IV)
Hoop tension T2 (kN/m) = Coefficient * DM * R/H R = radius of tank
Area of reinforcement is also calculated from the point of view of permissible direct tension in concrete
Gross area of concrete Ac = 1000 * D + (m - 1) * 2 * As As = Reinforcement on each faces
Direct Tension in concrete fct = T * 1000/Ac
Refer clause B-2.1.1 of IS 456-2000 for permissible value of direct tension
Permissible value of direct tension in concrete sct (N/mm ) = 3.6
Required reinforcement for permissible direct tension = (T * 1000 - sct * 1000 * D)/(2 * (m - 1) * sct)
If reinforcement reqd comes out to be negative, it is taken as zero.
Reiforcement required = Max(Ast for Tu, Ast for Direct Tension, Min reinforcement)
Page 10
Ast for
Height Tension Reinf
Tension Ast for Provided Direct
from unfactor Min Reinf required
Tu Factor Tu per face Th D Tension
bottom T per face
per face
2 2 2 2
m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm mm mm
10.100 200 350 350
9.480 0.26 0.39 1 200 0 350 350
8.530 13.03 19.54 27 200 0 350 350
7.580 25.79 38.69 54 200 0 350 350
6.640 38.95 58.42 81 200 0 350 350
5.690 52.49 78.74 109 200 0 350 350
4.740 67.86 101.79 141 200 0 350 350
3.790 84.66 127.00 176 200 0 350 350
2.840 99.51 149.27 207 200 0 350 350
1.900 111.89 167.83 232 200 0 350 350
0.950 110.98 166.46 231 200 0 350 350
0.000 0.00 0.00 0 200 0 350 350
Verical Reinforcement
Ast Reinforcement
from Breaks at
required provided each face
m mm m
10.100 350 00-000+10-150
9.480 350 00-000+10-150
8.530 350 00-000+10-150
7.580 350 00-000+10-150
6.640 350 00-000+10-150 7.50
Page 11
5.690 350 00-000+10-180
4.740 350 00-000+10-180
3.790 350 00-000+10-180
2.840 350 00-000+10-180
1.900 350 00-000+10-180
0.950 350 00-000+10-180
0.000 350 00-000+10-180 0.00
Check for Shear H /Dt = 59.914
Coefficient for calculating shear at the base of cylindrical tank is taken from table 11 of IS 3370 (Part IV) for triangular load
and value of H /Dt
r H Shear
Case Coeff k' 3
kN/m m kN/m
Case 1 0.134 0.349 10.5 9.48 44.20
Case 2 0.134 0.333 18.0 9.48 72.32
Nominal Shear
Factored Provided Maximum Check for
Case Shear V d shear % Ast Strength
Shear Vu Ast tc,max Shear
stress tv Factor * tc
2 2 2 2
kN/m kN/m mm N/mm mm N/mm N/mm
2 72.32 108.47 162 0.670 436 0.27 0.91 3.50 OK
Procedure for calculating crack width has been explained while doing calculations for Srl (a) and (c)
Crack width calculations for Srl (b) has not been made part of design calculations, because none of the moments
exceed the following values, which are every small
Moment = 10 kN-m/m
Page 12
Checking crack width - Case 1 - Fill 1 - Vertical moments
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Page 13
Net Tension T = Total tensile force T - Total compressive force C
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Crack width w =
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm ) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Direct tension in concrete fct (N/mm ) = 3.6
Crack width w (mm) = 0.2
section in bending crack width calculations check
bottom of
fs x e1 e2 em w fc
2 2
m N/mm mm mm N/mm
9.48 0.0 31.5 0.0000 0.0009 -0.0009 -0.1815 0.0
8.53 0.0 31.5 0.0000 0.0009 -0.0009 -0.1815 0.0
7.58 0.0 31.5 0.0000 0.0009 -0.0009 -0.1815 0.0
6.64 0.0 31.5 0.0000 0.0009 -0.0009 -0.1815 0.0
5.69 0.0 31.5 0.0000 0.0009 -0.0009 -0.1815 0.0
4.74 0.0 31.5 0.0000 0.0009 -0.0009 -0.1815 0.0
3.79 0.0 31.5 0.0000 0.0009 -0.0009 -0.1815 0.0
2.84 0.0 31.5 0.0000 0.0009 -0.0009 -0.1815 0.0
1.90 0.0 38.1 0.0000 0.0006 -0.0006 -0.1062 0.0
0.95 21.3 38.1 0.0001 0.0006 -0.0004 -0.0791 0.8
0.00 74.7 38.1 0.0005 0.0006 -0.0001 -0.0107 2.8
All OK All OK All OK
Page 14
Height Overall Provided reinf
from thicknes Ast Fill 2 Ast Fill
bottom of D As As'
2 2
m mm kN-m/m mm mm
9.48 200 0.00 436 436
8.53 200 0.00 436 436
7.58 200 0.00 436 436
6.64 200 0.00 436 436
5.69 200 0.00 436 436
4.74 200 0.00 436 436
3.79 200 0.00 436 436
2.84 200 0.00 436 436
1.90 200 0.00 436 716
0.95 200 1.25 436 716
0.00 200 11.75 436 716
section in bending crack width calculations check
bottom of
fs x e1 e2 em w fc
2 2
m N/mm mm mm N/mm
9.48 0.0 34.5 0.0000 0.0008 -0.0008 -0.1425 0.0
8.53 0.0 34.5 0.0000 0.0008 -0.0008 -0.1425 0.0
7.58 0.0 34.5 0.0000 0.0008 -0.0008 -0.1425 0.0
6.64 0.0 34.5 0.0000 0.0008 -0.0008 -0.1425 0.0
5.69 0.0 34.5 0.0000 0.0008 -0.0008 -0.1425 0.0
4.74 0.0 34.5 0.0000 0.0008 -0.0008 -0.1425 0.0
3.79 0.0 34.5 0.0000 0.0008 -0.0008 -0.1425 0.0
2.84 0.0 34.5 0.0000 0.0008 -0.0008 -0.1425 0.0
1.90 0.0 35.5 0.0000 0.0008 -0.0008 -0.1413 0.0
0.95 19.1 35.5 0.0001 0.0008 -0.0007 -0.1179 0.6
0.00 179.3 35.5 0.0013 0.0008 0.0005 0.0787 5.4
All OK All OK All OK
Page 15
2.84 200 99.51 49.76 49.76 436 436
1.90 200 111.89 55.94 55.94 436 436
0.95 200 110.98 55.49 55.49 436 436
0.00 200 0.00 0.00 0.00 436 436
T' = tension on excess tensile face ; T" = tension on less tensile face
Since there is no moment in circumferential direction, both T' and T" will be equal.
Stress in reinf near less tensile face fs' = T" * 1000 / As'
Strain gradient =
Page 16
DESIGN OF WALL W2 Location: Screen chamber internal wall
b = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) TOW = Top of wall (m)
GWT = Ground water table (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
Height of wall from BOF (m) = 8.90 Design Height of Wall (m) = 4.40
Height of wall from BOW (m) = 8.90
Moment redistribution/Direct tension is optional and subject to same BOW & HOF for both walls
Adjoining wall towards the fill will cause direct tension in this wall
Adjoining wall away from fill will cause direct compression in this wall
Walkway on Fill 2 side will cause moment on Fill 1 side and vice-versa
Walkway moment = T Load * Width^2/2
Moment on Fill 1 face means moment causes tension on fill 1 face and vice-versa
Total additional moment = Walkway moment + Additional moment
Page 17
Shear at the edge of suspended slab will appear as direct tension in wall in vertical direction
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Revised value of k is calculated for fill 1 or fill 2 ,as required to equalize the height of both fills.
Value of k' for earth is furher revised to take into account the effect of water table, if applicable
Page 18
3 Edges Fixed Wall -
Moment coefficients are taken from IS 3370 - Part IV, Table 3 for b/a = 1.14
Multiplier = k' * r * HOF^3
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 1.000
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
4.40 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 894.4 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.30 0.0036 0.0011 -0.0061 894.4 3.25 0.98 -5.45
2.20 0.0117 0.0066 -0.0065 894.4 10.49 5.94 -5.85
1.10 0.0069 0.0050 -0.0045 894.4 6.18 4.47 -4.07
0.00 -0.0415 -0.0269 0.0000 894.4 -37.16 -24.07 0.00
Direct tension (T) acting in vertical direction, if any is due to suspended slab. Refer Design Data
Direct tension (T) from suspended slab is assumed to act for a distance of 1/4th of height of fill.
Modified moments are calculated for Fill 1 face to check whether the section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Page 19
2.20 -5.85 10.49 400 -5.85 Bending 480
1.10 -4.07 6.18 400 0.00 147 -4.07 Bending 480
0.00 -37.16 0.00 400 0.00 147 -37.16 Bending 480
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Section in Bending
M1 u = M1 * 1.5 ; Tu = T * 1.5
Required reinforcement based on the values of M1u/bd is taken from SP-16
Required reinforcement for Tu = Tu / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX((Ast for Mu + Ast for Tu) , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on excess tensile face T' = 0.5 * T + M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T'u = T' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T'u = T'u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T'u , Min reinf)
Fill 1 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 480
4.40 347 0.00 - - 480
3.30 347 8.17 65 - 480
2.20 347 8.78 70 - 480
1.10 347 6.10 0.00 49 - 480
0.00 347 55.74 0.00 453 - 480
Section in Bending
Mu = M * 1.5 (For Fill 2)
Required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd is taken from SP-16
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for Mu , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on less tensile face T'' = 0.5 * T - M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T''u = T'' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T''u = T''u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T''u , Min reinf)
Fill 2 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 480
4.40 347 0.00 - - 480
3.30 347 4.88 39 - 480
2.20 347 15.73 126 - 480
1.10 347 9.27 74 - 480
0.00 347 0.00 - - 480
Page 20
Moment coefficients are taken from IS 3370 - Part IV, Table 3 for b/a = 1.14
Multiplier = k' * r * HOF^3
Calculated moments at edge and middle are considered for design.
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 1.000
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
4.40 0.0123 0.0025 -0.0240 894.4 10.98 2.28 -21.47
3.30 0.0132 0.0041 -0.0290 894.4 11.79 3.66 -25.94
2.20 0.0141 0.0061 -0.0334 894.4 12.60 5.45 -29.84
1.10 0.0002 0.0045 -0.0222 894.4 0.16 4.07 -19.84
0.00 -0.0081 -0.0055 0.0000 894.4 -7.24 -4.96 0.00
Direct tension (T) is due to shear in adjoining wall. Refer design of Adjoining wall for shear
Modified moments calculated for edge moments to check whether section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment at edge is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
D = Overall thickness
d - 0.5 * D = Distance of tensile reinf from centre of section
Modified moment M1 = Total moment - T * (d - 0.5 * D)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Procedure adopted for calculation of reinforcement is similar to that for Vertical reinforcement
Page 21
Edge - Fill 1 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 480
4.40 347 32.20 0.00 260 - 480
3.30 347 38.91 0.00 315 - 480
2.20 347 44.76 0.00 363 - 480
1.10 347 29.76 0.00 240 - 480
0.00 347 0.00 0.00 - - 480
Page 22
Surcharge pressure Ps (kN/m ) = k' * r * hs = 0.00
Total moment on Fill 1 face = Max of +ve BM at reference point = Addl moment, if any
Total moment on Fill 2 face = Max of -ve BM at reference point + Addl moment + Surcharge moments
Refer Case 1 for explanation of the calculation done in the following table
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 1 for explanation of the following table
Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 480
4.40 347 0.00 - - 480
3.30 347 8.17 60 - 480
2.20 347 8.78 72 - 480
1.10 347 6.10 0.00 48 - 480
0.00 347 55.74 0.00 451 - 480
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 2 for explanation of the following table
Page 23
Fill 1 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 480
4.40 347 0.00 12 - 480
3.30 347 4.88 36 - 480
2.20 347 15.73 120 - 480
1.10 347 9.27 72 - 480
0.00 347 0.00 12 - 480
Page 24
Edge - Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 480
4.40 347 32.20 0.00 254 - 480
3.30 347 38.91 0.00 315 - 480
2.20 347 44.76 0.00 365 - 480
1.10 347 29.76 0.00 242 - 480
0.00 347 0.00 0.00 - - 480
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Page 25
0.00 480 480 00-000+10-150 00-000+10-150
Curtail at - Fill 1 - Fill 1 - Fill 2 - Fill 2
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Shear coefficients are taken from IS 3370 - Part IV, Table 8 for b/a = 1.14
Shear = coefficient * k' * r * HOF^2 ; k' and r are for the respective fills
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
4.40 Side edge - 0.022 4.53 400 347
3.30 Side edge - 0.148 30.11 400 347
2.20 Side edge - 0.274 55.69 400 347
1.10 Side edge - 0.325 66.11 400 347
0.00 Corner - bottom edge - -0.460 -93.41 400 347
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge - 0.261 53.02 400 347
Page 26
Factored Shear Vu = 1.5 * V tv = Vu * 1000 / (1000 * d)
Ast = provided tension reinf - Horizontal for side edge & Vertical for bottom edge
% Ast = Ast (provided) * 100 / (1000 * d)
Shear strength of concrete tc is calculated from table 19 of IS 456 - 2000
Shear strength is multiplied by factor for enhanced shear strength of concrete near support.
Refer clause 40.5 and of IS 456-2000 for enhancement of shear strength
tc is multiplied by 2 for shear strength at edge, because shear stress being very close to support
tc is also multiplied by another factor for solid slabs 1.0 to 1.3 depending on thickness of slab
tc, max is as per table 20 of IS 456 - 2000
Check for shear is OK, if tv < Factor *tc and tv < 0.5 * tc,max
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
4.40 Side edge - 0.022 7.76 400 347
3.30 Side edge - 0.148 51.61 400 347
2.20 Side edge - 0.274 95.47 400 347
1.10 Side edge - 0.325 113.34 400 347
0.00 Corner - bottom edge - -0.460 -160.13 400 347
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge - 0.261 90.89 400 347
Page 27
Check for crack width is done for following locations:
Procedure for calculating crack width has been explained while doing calculations for Srl (a)
Crack width calculations for Srl (b) to Srl (f) has not been made part of design calculations, because none of the
moments and tensions exceed the following values, which are every small
Moment = 10 kN-m/m Tension = 10 kN/m
Moment M and Direct tension T are the forces acting on the section
Procedure for checking whether the section is bending or tension is explained earlier
T' = tension on excess tensile face ; T" = tension on less tensile face
T' and T" are calculated only if the section is in tension
Procedure for calculating T' and T" in case section is in tension has also been explained earlier.
As = Reinforcement on tension face ; As' = Reinforcement on compression face / less tensile face
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Page 28
Relation between the stresses is as given below:
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Crack width w =
Stress in reinf near less tensile face fs' = T" * 1000 / As'
Strain gradient =
Page 29
Gross area of concrete Ac = 1000 * D + (m - 1) * (As + As')
Direct Tension in concrete fct = T * 1000/Ac
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm ) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Direct tension in concrete fct (N/mm ) = 3.6
Crack width w (mm) = 0.2
Page 30
Height Overall Section in Forces on section Section in Tension Provided reinf
from thickness Bending / Moment Direct Ast Fill 1 Ast Fill 2
T' T"
bottom of D Tension M Tension T As As'
2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm
4.40 400 Bending 21.47 0.00 524 524
3.30 400 Bending 25.94 0.00 524 524
2.20 400 Bending 29.84 0.00 524 524
1.10 400 Bending 19.84 0.00 524 524
0.00 400 Bending 0.00 0.00 524 524
Page 31
DESIGN OF WALL W3 Location: Screen chamber external wall
b = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) TOW = Top of wall (m)
GWT = Ground water table (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
Height of wall from BOF (m) = 8.90 Design Height of Wall (m) = 8.28
Height of wall from BOW (m) = 8.90
Moment redistribution/Direct tension is optional and subject to same BOW & HOF for both walls
Adjoining wall towards the fill will cause direct tension in this wall
Adjoining wall away from fill will cause direct compression in this wall
Walkway on Fill 2 side will cause moment on Fill 1 side and vice-versa
Walkway moment = T Load * Width^2/2
Moment on Fill 1 face means moment causes tension on fill 1 face and vice-versa
Total additional moment = Walkway moment + Additional moment
Page 32
Shear at the edge of suspended slab will appear as direct tension in wall in vertical direction
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Revised value of k is calculated for fill 1 or fill 2 ,as required to equalize the height of both fills.
Value of k' for earth is furher revised to take into account the effect of water table, if applicable
Page 33
3 Edges Fixed Wall -
Moment coefficients are taken from IS 3370 - Part IV, Table 3 for b/a = 0.6
Multiplier = k' * r * HOF^3
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 0.282
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
8.28 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1683.2 0.00 0.00 0.00
6.21 0.0004 0.0000 -0.0014 1683.2 0.70 0.00 -2.38
4.14 0.0032 0.0014 -0.0024 1683.2 5.46 2.38 -4.07
2.07 0.0052 0.0018 -0.0018 1683.2 8.83 3.08 -3.08
0.00 -0.0187 -0.0109 0.0000 1683.2 -31.54 -18.36 0.00
Direct tension (T) acting in vertical direction, if any is due to suspended slab. Refer Design Data
Direct tension (T) from suspended slab is assumed to act for a distance of 1/4th of height of fill.
Modified moments are calculated for Fill 1 face to check whether the section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Page 34
4.14 -4.07 5.46 307 -4.07 Bending 368
2.07 -3.08 8.83 353 0.00 124 -3.08 Bending 424
0.00 -31.54 0.00 400 0.00 147 -31.54 Bending 480
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Section in Bending
M1 u = M1 * 1.5 ; Tu = T * 1.5
Required reinforcement based on the values of M1u/bd is taken from SP-16
Required reinforcement for Tu = Tu / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX((Ast for Mu + Ast for Tu) , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on excess tensile face T' = 0.5 * T + M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T'u = T' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T'u = T'u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T'u , Min reinf)
Fill 1 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 257
8.28 161 0.00 - - 257
6.21 207 3.57 48 - 313
4.14 254 6.10 67 - 368
2.07 300 4.62 0.00 43 - 424
0.00 347 47.31 0.00 384 - 480
Section in Bending
Mu = M * 1.5 (For Fill 2)
Required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd is taken from SP-16
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for Mu , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on less tensile face T'' = 0.5 * T - M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T''u = T'' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T''u = T''u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T''u , Min reinf)
Fill 2 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 257
8.28 176 0.00 - - 257
6.21 222 1.05 13 - 313
4.14 269 8.20 85 - 368
2.07 315 13.25 117 - 424
0.00 362 0.00 - - 480
Page 35
Moment coefficients are taken from IS 3370 - Part IV, Table 3 for b/a = 0.6
Multiplier = k' * r * HOF^3
Calculated moments at edge and middle are considered for design.
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 0.282
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
8.28 0.0022 0.0004 -0.0041 1683.2 3.78 0.70 -6.86
6.21 0.0062 0.0014 -0.0069 1683.2 10.51 2.38 -11.63
4.14 0.0077 0.0018 -0.0123 1683.2 12.90 3.08 -20.74
2.07 0.0064 0.0018 -0.0095 1683.2 10.80 3.08 -15.98
0.00 -0.0038 -0.0024 0.0000 1683.2 -6.45 -4.07 0.00
Direct tension (T) is due to shear in adjoining wall. Refer design of Adjoining wall for shear
Modified moments calculated for edge moments to check whether section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment at edge is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
D = Overall thickness
d - 0.5 * D = Distance of tensile reinf from centre of section
Modified moment M1 = Total moment - T * (d - 0.5 * D)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Procedure adopted for calculation of reinforcement is similar to that for Vertical reinforcement
Page 36
Edge - Fill 1 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 257
8.28 161 10.29 0.00 180 - 257
6.21 207 17.44 0.00 237 - 313
4.14 254 31.11 0.00 346 - 368
2.07 300 23.97 0.00 223 - 424
0.00 347 0.00 0.00 - - 480
Page 37
Surcharge pressure Ps (kN/m ) = k' * r * hs = 0.00
Total moment on Fill 1 face = Max of +ve BM at reference point = Addl moment, if any
Total moment on Fill 2 face = Max of -ve BM at reference point + Addl moment + Surcharge moments
Refer Case 1 for explanation of the calculation done in the following table
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 1 for explanation of the following table
Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 257
8.28 176 0.00 - - 257
6.21 222 7.22 94 - 313
4.14 269 12.33 124 - 368
2.07 315 9.34 0.00 79 - 424
0.00 362 95.64 0.00 757 - 757
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 2 for explanation of the following table
Page 38
Fill 1 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 257
8.28 161 0.00 26 - 257
6.21 207 2.12 20 - 313
4.14 254 16.57 182 - 368
2.07 300 26.78 252 - 424
0.00 347 0.00 12 - 480
Page 39
Edge - Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.90 340
8.28 176 20.81 0.00 340 - 340
6.21 222 35.26 0.00 462 - 462
4.14 269 62.90 0.00 672 - 672
2.07 315 48.45 0.00 430 - 430
0.00 362 0.00 0.00 - - 480
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Page 40
0.00 480 757 12-180+12-180 10-180+12-180
Curtail at - Fill 1 - Fill 1 - Fill 2 - Fill 2 2.40 2.40
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Shear coefficients are taken from IS 3370 - Part IV, Table 8 for b/a = 0.6
Shear = coefficient * k' * r * HOF^2 ; k' and r are for the respective fills
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
8.28 Side edge - 0.002 0.42 214 161
6.21 Side edge - 0.079 15.97 260 207
4.14 Side edge - 0.155 31.51 307 254
2.07 Side edge - 0.218 44.22 353 300
0.00 Corner - bottom edge - -0.296 -60.13 400 347
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge - 0.162 32.93 400 347
Page 41
Factored Shear Vu = 1.5 * V tv = Vu * 1000 / (1000 * d)
Ast = provided tension reinf - Horizontal for side edge & Vertical for bottom edge
% Ast = Ast (provided) * 100 / (1000 * d)
Shear strength of concrete tc is calculated from table 19 of IS 456 - 2000
Shear strength is multiplied by factor for enhanced shear strength of concrete near support.
Refer clause 40.5 and of IS 456-2000 for enhancement of shear strength
tc is multiplied by 2 for shear strength at edge, because shear stress being very close to support
tc is also multiplied by another factor for solid slabs 1.0 to 1.3 depending on thickness of slab
tc, max is as per table 20 of IS 456 - 2000
Check for shear is OK, if tv < Factor *tc and tv < 0.5 * tc,max
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
8.28 Side edge - 0.002 0.85 214 176
6.21 Side edge - 0.079 32.28 260 222
4.14 Side edge - 0.155 63.70 307 269
2.07 Side edge - 0.218 89.40 353 315
0.00 Corner - bottom edge - -0.296 -121.56 400 362
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge - 0.162 66.56 400 362
Page 42
Check for crack width is done for following locations:
Procedure for calculating crack width has been explained while doing calculations for Srl (a)
Crack width calculations for Srl (b) to Srl (f) has not been made part of design calculations, because none of the
moments and tensions exceed the following values, which are every small
Moment = 10 kN-m/m Tension = 10 kN/m
Moment M and Direct tension T are the forces acting on the section
Procedure for checking whether the section is bending or tension is explained earlier
T' = tension on excess tensile face ; T" = tension on less tensile face
T' and T" are calculated only if the section is in tension
Procedure for calculating T' and T" in case section is in tension has also been explained earlier.
As = Reinforcement on tension face ; As' = Reinforcement on compression face / less tensile face
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Page 43
Relation between the stresses is as given below:
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Crack width w =
Stress in reinf near less tensile face fs' = T" * 1000 / As'
Strain gradient =
Page 44
Gross area of concrete Ac = 1000 * D + (m - 1) * (As + As')
Direct Tension in concrete fct = T * 1000/Ac
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm ) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Direct tension in concrete fct (N/mm ) = 3.6
Crack width w (mm) = 0.2
Page 45
Height Overall Section in Forces on section Section in Tension Provided reinf
from thickness Bending / Moment Direct Ast Fill 1 Ast Fill 2
T' T"
bottom of D Tension M Tension T As As'
2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm
8.28 214 Bending 6.86 0.00 808 707
6.21 260 Bending 11.63 0.00 1131 942
4.14 307 Bending 20.74 0.00 1131 942
2.07 353 Bending 15.98 0.00 808 707
0.00 400 Bending 0.00 0.00 808 707
Page 46
Height Overall Provided reinf
from thickness Moment M Ast Fill 1 Ast Fill 2
bottom of D As As'
2 2
m mm kN-m/m mm mm
8.28 214 3.78 707 808
6.21 260 10.51 942 1131
4.14 307 12.90 942 1131
2.07 353 10.80 707 808
0.00 400 0.00 707 808
Page 47
DESIGN OF WALL W4 Location: Receving chamber short wall
b = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) TOW = Top of wall (m)
GWT = Ground water table (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
Height of wall from BOF (m) = 8.60 Design Height of Wall (m) = 7.98
Height of wall from BOW (m) = 8.60
Moment redistribution/Direct tension is optional and subject to same BOW & HOF for both walls
Adjoining wall towards the fill will cause direct tension in this wall
Adjoining wall away from fill will cause direct compression in this wall
Walkway on Fill 2 side will cause moment on Fill 1 side and vice-versa
Walkway moment = T Load * Width^2/2
Moment on Fill 1 face means moment causes tension on fill 1 face and vice-versa
Total additional moment = Walkway moment + Additional moment
Page 48
Shear at the edge of suspended slab will appear as direct tension in wall in vertical direction
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Revised value of k is calculated for fill 1 or fill 2 ,as required to equalize the height of both fills.
Value of k' for earth is furher revised to take into account the effect of water table, if applicable
Page 49
Wall to be designed as cantilever upto height = 2.00
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 0.264
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
7.98 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.99 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.99 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
2.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 -0.1667 -0.1667 -0.1667 88.0 -14.67 -14.67 -14.67
Direct tension (T) acting in vertical direction, if any is due to suspended slab. Refer Design Data
Direct tension (T) from suspended slab is assumed to act for a distance of 1/4th of height of fill.
Modified moments are calculated for Fill 1 face to check whether the section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Page 50
5.99 0.00 0.00 230 0.00 Bending 276
3.99 0.00 0.00 254 0.00 Bending 304
2.00 0.00 0.00 277 0.00 85 0.00 Bending 332
0.00 -14.67 0.00 300 0.00 97 -14.67 Bending 360
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Section in Bending
M1 u = M1 * 1.5 ; Tu = T * 1.5
Required reinforcement based on the values of M1u/bd is taken from SP-16
Required reinforcement for Tu = Tu / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX((Ast for Mu + Ast for Tu) , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on excess tensile face T' = 0.5 * T + M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T'u = T' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T'u = T'u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T'u , Min reinf)
Fill 1 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 154 0.00 - - 249
5.99 177 0.00 - - 276
3.99 201 0.00 - - 304
2.00 224 0.00 0.00 - - 332
0.00 247 22.01 0.00 250 - 360
Section in Bending
Mu = M * 1.5 (For Fill 2)
Required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd is taken from SP-16
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for Mu , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on less tensile face T'' = 0.5 * T - M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T''u = T'' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T''u = T''u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T''u , Min reinf)
Fill 2 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 169 0.00 - - 249
5.99 192 0.00 - - 276
3.99 216 0.00 - - 304
2.00 239 0.00 - - 332
Page 51
0.00 262 0.00 - - 360
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 0.264
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
7.98 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.99 0.0625 0.0000 -0.0833 10.8 0.68 0.00 -0.90
3.99 0.0625 0.0000 -0.0833 21.7 1.35 0.00 -1.81
2.00 0.0625 0.0000 -0.0833 32.5 2.03 0.00 -2.71
0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Direct tension (T) is due to shear in adjoining wall. Refer design of Adjoining wall for shear
Modified moments calculated for edge moments to check whether section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment at edge is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
D = Overall thickness
d - 0.5 * D = Distance of tensile reinf from centre of section
Modified moment M1 = Total moment - T * (d - 0.5 * D)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Page 52
Procedure adopted for calculation of reinforcement is similar to that for Vertical reinforcement
Page 53
Surcharge (equivalent earth height) on Fill 2 (m) = hs = 0.00
Surcharge pressure Ps (kN/m ) = k' * r * hs = 0.00
Total moment on Fill 1 face = Max of +ve BM at reference point = Addl moment, if any
Total moment on Fill 2 face = Max of -ve BM at reference point + Addl moment + Surcharge moments
Refer Case 1 for explanation of the calculation done in the following table
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 1 for explanation of the following table
Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 169 0.00 - - 249
5.99 192 0.00 - - 276
3.99 216 0.00 - - 304
2.00 239 0.00 0.00 - - 332
0.00 262 47.59 0.00 522 - 522
Page 54
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 2 for explanation of the following table
Fill 1 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 154 0.00 27 - 249
5.99 177 0.00 23 - 276
3.99 201 0.00 21 - 304
2.00 224 0.00 19 - 332
0.00 247 0.00 17 - 360
Page 55
Edge - Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 169 0.00 0.00 - - 249
5.99 192 2.93 0.00 43 - 276
3.99 216 5.86 0.00 78 - 304
2.00 239 8.79 0.00 105 - 332
0.00 262 0.00 0.00 - - 360
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Page 56
0.00 360 522 12-180+12-180 10-180+10-180
Curtail at - Fill 1 - Fill 1 - Fill 2 - Fill 2 2.40 2.40
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
7.98 Side edge - 0.700 0.00 207 154
Page 57
5.99 Side edge 5.53 0.700 3.87 230 177
3.99 Side edge 11.06 0.700 7.74 254 201
2.00 Side edge 16.59 0.700 11.61 277 224
0.00 Corner - bottom edge 22.12 -0.998 -22.06 300 247
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge 22.12 0.998 22.06 300 247
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
7.98 Side edge - 0.700 0.00 207 169
5.99 Side edge 11.96 0.700 8.37 230 192
3.99 Side edge 23.92 0.700 16.74 254 216
2.00 Side edge 35.87 0.700 25.11 277 239
0.00 Corner - bottom edge 47.83 -0.998 -47.71 300 262
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge 47.83 0.998 47.71 300 262
Procedure for calculating crack width has been explained while doing calculations for Srl (a)
Crack width calculations for Srl (b) to Srl (f) has not been made part of design calculations, because none of the
moments and tensions exceed the following values, which are every small
Moment = 10 kN-m/m Tension = 10 kN/m
Moment M and Direct tension T are the forces acting on the section
Procedure for checking whether the section is bending or tension is explained earlier
T' = tension on excess tensile face ; T" = tension on less tensile face
T' and T" are calculated only if the section is in tension
Procedure for calculating T' and T" in case section is in tension has also been explained earlier.
As = Reinforcement on tension face ; As' = Reinforcement on compression face / less tensile face
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Page 59
d' = distance of centre of compression reinforcement from extreme compression fibre = 38
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Crack width w =
Stress in reinf near less tensile face fs' = T" * 1000 / As'
Strain gradient =
Page 60
Gross area of concrete Ac = 1000 * D + (m - 1) * (As + As')
Direct Tension in concrete fct = T * 1000/Ac
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm ) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Direct tension in concrete fct (N/mm ) = 3.6
Crack width w (mm) = 0.2
Page 61
DESIGN OF WALL W5 Location: Receving chamber long wall
b = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) TOW = Top of wall (m)
GWT = Ground water table (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
Height of wall from BOF (m) = 8.60 Design Height of Wall (m) = 7.98
Height of wall from BOW (m) = 8.60
Moment redistribution/Direct tension is optional and subject to same BOW & HOF for both walls
Adjoining wall towards the fill will cause direct tension in this wall
Adjoining wall away from fill will cause direct compression in this wall
Walkway on Fill 2 side will cause moment on Fill 1 side and vice-versa
Walkway moment = T Load * Width^2/2
Moment on Fill 1 face means moment causes tension on fill 1 face and vice-versa
Total additional moment = Walkway moment + Additional moment
Page 62
Shear at the edge of suspended slab will appear as direct tension in wall in vertical direction
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Revised value of k is calculated for fill 1 or fill 2 ,as required to equalize the height of both fills.
Value of k' for earth is furher revised to take into account the effect of water table, if applicable
Page 63
3 Edges Fixed Wall -
Moment coefficients are taken from IS 3370 - Part IV, Table 3 for b/a = 0.5
Multiplier = k' * r * HOF^3
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 0.264
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
7.98 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1408.5 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.99 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0010 1408.5 0.01 0.00 -1.42
3.99 0.0020 0.0010 -0.0020 1408.5 2.84 1.42 -2.82
2.00 0.0040 0.0010 -0.0010 1408.5 5.66 1.42 -1.42
0.00 -0.0150 -0.0080 0.0000 1408.5 -21.19 -11.32 0.00
Direct tension (T) acting in vertical direction, if any is due to suspended slab. Refer Design Data
Direct tension (T) from suspended slab is assumed to act for a distance of 1/4th of height of fill.
Modified moments are calculated for Fill 1 face to check whether the section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Page 64
3.99 -2.82 2.84 254 -2.82 Bending 304
2.00 -1.42 5.66 277 0.00 85 -1.42 Bending 332
0.00 -21.19 0.00 300 0.00 97 -21.19 Bending 360
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Section in Bending
M1 u = M1 * 1.5 ; Tu = T * 1.5
Required reinforcement based on the values of M1u/bd is taken from SP-16
Required reinforcement for Tu = Tu / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX((Ast for Mu + Ast for Tu) , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on excess tensile face T' = 0.5 * T + M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T'u = T' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T'u = T'u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T'u , Min reinf)
Fill 1 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 154 0.00 - - 249
5.99 177 2.12 33 - 276
3.99 201 4.24 59 - 304
2.00 224 2.13 0.00 26 - 332
0.00 247 31.79 0.00 364 - 364
Section in Bending
Mu = M * 1.5 (For Fill 2)
Required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd is taken from SP-16
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for Mu , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on less tensile face T'' = 0.5 * T - M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T''u = T'' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T''u = T''u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T''u , Min reinf)
Fill 2 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 169 0.00 - - 249
5.99 192 0.01 0 - 276
3.99 216 4.26 55 - 304
2.00 239 8.48 99 - 332
0.00 262 0.00 - - 360
Page 65
Moment coefficients are taken from IS 3370 - Part IV, Table 3 for b/a = 0.5
Multiplier = k' * r * HOF^3
Calculated moments at edge and middle are considered for design.
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 0.264
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
7.98 0.0010 0.0000 -0.0020 1408.5 1.43 0.01 -2.85
5.99 0.0050 0.0010 -0.0040 1408.5 7.06 1.42 -5.68
3.99 0.0060 0.0010 -0.0090 1408.5 8.48 1.42 -12.73
2.00 0.0060 0.0010 -0.0070 1408.5 8.46 1.42 -9.90
0.00 -0.0030 -0.0020 0.0000 1408.5 -4.24 -2.82 0.00
Direct tension (T) is due to shear in adjoining wall. Refer design of Adjoining wall for shear
Modified moments calculated for edge moments to check whether section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment at edge is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
D = Overall thickness
d - 0.5 * D = Distance of tensile reinf from centre of section
Modified moment M1 = Total moment - T * (d - 0.5 * D)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Procedure adopted for calculation of reinforcement is similar to that for Vertical reinforcement
Page 66
Edge - Fill 1 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 154 4.28 0.00 77 - 249
5.99 177 8.53 0.00 134 - 276
3.99 201 19.10 0.00 269 - 304
2.00 224 14.85 0.00 186 - 332
0.00 247 0.00 0.00 - - 360
Page 67
Surcharge pressure Ps (kN/m ) = k' * r * hs = 0.00
Total moment on Fill 1 face = Max of +ve BM at reference point = Addl moment, if any
Total moment on Fill 2 face = Max of -ve BM at reference point + Addl moment + Surcharge moments
Refer Case 1 for explanation of the calculation done in the following table
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 1 for explanation of the following table
Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 169 0.00 - - 249
5.99 192 4.59 65 - 276
3.99 216 9.16 117 - 304
2.00 239 4.61 0.00 52 - 332
0.00 262 68.74 0.00 760 - 760
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 2 for explanation of the following table
Page 68
Fill 1 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 154 0.00 27 - 249
5.99 177 0.02 23 - 276
3.99 201 9.21 125 - 304
2.00 224 18.34 226 - 332
0.00 247 0.00 17 - 360
Page 69
Edge - Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 169 9.25 0.00 149 - 249
5.99 192 18.44 0.00 264 - 276
3.99 216 41.30 0.00 560 - 560
2.00 239 32.12 0.00 374 - 374
0.00 262 0.00 0.00 - - 360
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Page 70
0.00 364 760 12-180+12-180 10-180+10-180
Curtail at - Fill 1 - Fill 1 - Fill 2 - Fill 2 2.40 2.40
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Shear coefficients are taken from IS 3370 - Part IV, Table 8 for b/a = 0.5
Shear = coefficient * k' * r * HOF^2 ; k' and r are for the respective fills
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
7.98 Side edge - 0.000 0.00 207 154
5.99 Side edge - 0.064 11.33 230 177
3.99 Side edge - 0.128 22.65 254 201
2.00 Side edge - 0.192 33.94 277 224
0.00 Corner - bottom edge - -0.258 -45.62 300 247
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge - 0.141 24.93 300 247
Page 71
Factored Shear Vu = 1.5 * V tv = Vu * 1000 / (1000 * d)
Ast = provided tension reinf - Horizontal for side edge & Vertical for bottom edge
% Ast = Ast (provided) * 100 / (1000 * d)
Shear strength of concrete tc is calculated from table 19 of IS 456 - 2000
Shear strength is multiplied by factor for enhanced shear strength of concrete near support.
Refer clause 40.5 and of IS 456-2000 for enhancement of shear strength
tc is multiplied by 2 for shear strength at edge, because shear stress being very close to support
tc is also multiplied by another factor for solid slabs 1.0 to 1.3 depending on thickness of slab
tc, max is as per table 20 of IS 456 - 2000
Check for shear is OK, if tv < Factor *tc and tv < 0.5 * tc,max
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
7.98 Side edge - 0.000 0.01 207 169
5.99 Side edge - 0.064 24.50 230 192
3.99 Side edge - 0.128 48.98 254 216
2.00 Side edge - 0.192 73.40 277 239
0.00 Corner - bottom edge - -0.258 -98.65 300 262
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge - 0.141 53.92 300 262
Page 72
Check for crack width is done for following locations:
Procedure for calculating crack width has been explained while doing calculations for Srl (a)
Crack width calculations for Srl (b) to Srl (f) has not been made part of design calculations, because none of the
moments and tensions exceed the following values, which are every small
Moment = 10 kN-m/m Tension = 10 kN/m
Moment M and Direct tension T are the forces acting on the section
Procedure for checking whether the section is bending or tension is explained earlier
T' = tension on excess tensile face ; T" = tension on less tensile face
T' and T" are calculated only if the section is in tension
Procedure for calculating T' and T" in case section is in tension has also been explained earlier.
As = Reinforcement on tension face ; As' = Reinforcement on compression face / less tensile face
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Page 73
Relation between the stresses is as given below:
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Crack width w =
Stress in reinf near less tensile face fs' = T" * 1000 / As'
Strain gradient =
Page 74
Gross area of concrete Ac = 1000 * D + (m - 1) * (As + As')
Direct Tension in concrete fct = T * 1000/Ac
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm ) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Direct tension in concrete fct (N/mm ) = 3.6
Crack width w (mm) = 0.2
Page 75
Height Overall Section in Forces on section Section in Tension Provided reinf
from thickness Bending / Moment Direct Ast Fill 1 Ast Fill 2
T' T"
bottom of D Tension M Tension T As As'
2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm
7.98 207 Bending 2.85 0.00 524 524
5.99 230 Bending 5.68 0.00 942 655
3.99 254 Bending 12.73 0.00 942 655
2.00 277 Bending 9.90 0.00 942 655
0.00 300 Bending 0.00 0.00 524 524
Page 76
Height Overall Provided reinf
from thickness Moment M Ast Fill 1 Ast Fill 2
bottom of D As As'
2 2
m mm kN-m/m mm mm
7.98 207 1.43 524 524
5.99 230 7.06 655 942
3.99 254 8.48 655 942
2.00 277 8.46 655 942
0.00 300 0.00 524 524
Page 77
DESIGN OF WALL W6 Location: Reciving/Screen chamber wall
b = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) TOW = Top of wall (m)
GWT = Ground water table (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
Height of wall from BOF (m) = 8.60 Design Height of Wall (m) = 4.10
Height of wall from BOW (m) = 8.90
Moment redistribution/Direct tension is optional and subject to same BOW & HOF for both walls
Adjoining wall towards the fill will cause direct tension in this wall
Adjoining wall away from fill will cause direct compression in this wall
Walkway on Fill 2 side will cause moment on Fill 1 side and vice-versa
Walkway moment = T Load * Width^2/2
Moment on Fill 1 face means moment causes tension on fill 1 face and vice-versa
Total additional moment = Walkway moment + Additional moment
Page 78
Shear at the edge of suspended slab will appear as direct tension in wall in vertical direction
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Revised value of k is calculated for fill 1 or fill 2 ,as required to equalize the height of both fills.
Value of k' for earth is furher revised to take into account the effect of water table, if applicable
Page 79
Wall to be designed as cantilever upto height = 1.03
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 1.000
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
4.10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.08 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
2.05 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.03 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 -0.1667 -0.1667 -0.1667 45.2 -7.54 -7.54 -7.54
Direct tension (T) acting in vertical direction, if any is due to suspended slab. Refer Design Data
Direct tension (T) from suspended slab is assumed to act for a distance of 1/4th of height of fill.
Modified moments are calculated for Fill 1 face to check whether the section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Page 80
3.08 0.00 0.00 264 0.00 Bending 317
2.05 0.00 0.00 276 0.00 Bending 331
1.03 0.00 0.00 288 0.00 91 0.00 Bending 346
0.00 -7.54 0.00 300 0.00 97 -7.54 Bending 360
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Section in Bending
M1 u = M1 * 1.5 ; Tu = T * 1.5
Required reinforcement based on the values of M1u/bd is taken from SP-16
Required reinforcement for Tu = Tu / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX((Ast for Mu + Ast for Tu) , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on excess tensile face T' = 0.5 * T + M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T'u = T' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T'u = T'u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T'u , Min reinf)
Fill 1 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 303
4.10 199 0.00 - - 303
3.08 211 0.00 - - 317
2.05 223 0.00 - - 331
1.03 235 0.00 0.00 - - 346
0.00 247 11.31 0.00 128 - 360
Section in Bending
Mu = M * 1.5 (For Fill 2)
Required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd is taken from SP-16
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for Mu , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on less tensile face T'' = 0.5 * T - M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T''u = T'' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T''u = T''u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T''u , Min reinf)
Fill 2 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 303
4.10 199 0.00 - - 303
3.08 211 0.00 - - 317
2.05 223 0.00 - - 331
1.03 235 0.00 - - 346
Page 81
0.00 247 0.00 - - 360
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 1.000
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
4.10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.08 0.0625 0.0000 -0.0833 27.6 1.72 0.00 -2.30
2.05 0.0625 0.0000 -0.0833 55.1 3.44 0.00 -4.59
1.03 0.0625 0.0000 -0.0833 82.7 5.17 0.00 -6.89
0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Direct tension (T) is due to shear in adjoining wall. Refer design of Adjoining wall for shear
Modified moments calculated for edge moments to check whether section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment at edge is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
D = Overall thickness
d - 0.5 * D = Distance of tensile reinf from centre of section
Modified moment M1 = Total moment - T * (d - 0.5 * D)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Page 82
Procedure adopted for calculation of reinforcement is similar to that for Vertical reinforcement
Page 83
Surcharge (equivalent earth height) on Fill 2 (m) = hs = 0.00
Surcharge pressure Ps (kN/m ) = k' * r * hs = 0.00
Total moment on Fill 1 face = Max of +ve BM at reference point = Addl moment, if any
Total moment on Fill 2 face = Max of -ve BM at reference point + Addl moment + Surcharge moments
Refer Case 1 for explanation of the calculation done in the following table
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 1 for explanation of the following table
Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 303
4.10 199 0.00 - - 303
3.08 211 0.00 - - 317
2.05 223 0.00 - - 331
1.03 235 0.00 0.00 - - 346
0.00 247 11.31 0.00 136 - 360
Page 84
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 2 for explanation of the following table
Fill 1 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 303
4.10 199 0.00 21 - 303
3.08 211 0.00 20 - 317
2.05 223 0.00 19 - 331
1.03 235 0.00 18 - 346
0.00 247 0.00 17 - 360
Page 85
Edge - Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 303
4.10 199 0.00 0.00 - - 303
3.08 211 3.44 0.00 39 - 317
2.05 223 6.89 0.00 94 - 331
1.03 235 10.33 0.00 125 - 346
0.00 247 0.00 0.00 - - 360
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Page 86
0.00 360 360 12-180+12-180 10-180+10-180
Curtail at - Fill 1 - Fill 1 - Fill 2 - Fill 2 2.75 2.75
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
4.10 Side edge - 0.800 0.00 252 199
Page 87
3.08 Side edge 10.76 0.800 8.61 264 211
2.05 Side edge 21.53 0.800 17.22 276 223
1.03 Side edge 32.29 0.800 25.83 288 235
0.00 Corner - bottom edge 43.05 -0.513 -22.06 300 247
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge 43.05 0.513 22.06 300 247
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
4.10 Side edge - 0.800 0.00 252 199
3.08 Side edge 18.45 0.800 14.76 264 211
2.05 Side edge 36.90 0.800 29.52 276 223
1.03 Side edge 55.35 0.800 44.28 288 235
0.00 Corner - bottom edge 73.80 -0.513 -37.82 300 247
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge 73.80 0.513 37.82 300 247
Procedure for calculating crack width has been explained while doing calculations for Srl (a)
Crack width calculations for Srl (b) to Srl (f) has not been made part of design calculations, because none of the
moments and tensions exceed the following values, which are every small
Moment = 10 kN-m/m Tension = 10 kN/m
Moment M and Direct tension T are the forces acting on the section
Procedure for checking whether the section is bending or tension is explained earlier
T' = tension on excess tensile face ; T" = tension on less tensile face
T' and T" are calculated only if the section is in tension
Procedure for calculating T' and T" in case section is in tension has also been explained earlier.
As = Reinforcement on tension face ; As' = Reinforcement on compression face / less tensile face
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Page 89
d' = distance of centre of compression reinforcement from extreme compression fibre = 53
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Crack width w =
Stress in reinf near less tensile face fs' = T" * 1000 / As'
Strain gradient =
Page 90
Gross area of concrete Ac = 1000 * D + (m - 1) * (As + As')
Direct Tension in concrete fct = T * 1000/Ac
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm ) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Direct tension in concrete fct (N/mm ) = 3.6
Crack width w (mm) = 0.2
Page 91
Height Overall Section in Forces on section Section in Tension Provided reinf
from thickness Bending / Moment Direct Ast Fill 1 Ast Fill 2
T' T"
bottom of D Tension M Tension T As As'
2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm
4.10 252 Bending 0.00 0.00 524 524
3.08 264 Bending 2.30 0.00 524 524
2.05 276 Bending 4.59 0.00 524 524
1.03 288 Bending 6.89 0.00 524 524
0.00 300 Bending 0.00 0.00 524 524
Page 92
DESIGN OF WALL W6A Location: Reciving/Screen chamber wall
b = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) TOW = Top of wall (m)
GWT = Ground water table (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
Height of wall from BOF (m) = 8.60 Design Height of Wall (m) = 7.98
Height of wall from BOW (m) = 8.60
Moment redistribution/Direct tension is optional and subject to same BOW & HOF for both walls
Adjoining wall towards the fill will cause direct tension in this wall
Adjoining wall away from fill will cause direct compression in this wall
Walkway on Fill 2 side will cause moment on Fill 1 side and vice-versa
Walkway moment = T Load * Width^2/2
Moment on Fill 1 face means moment causes tension on fill 1 face and vice-versa
Total additional moment = Walkway moment + Additional moment
Page 93
Shear at the edge of suspended slab will appear as direct tension in wall in vertical direction
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Revised value of k is calculated for fill 1 or fill 2 ,as required to equalize the height of both fills.
Value of k' for earth is furher revised to take into account the effect of water table, if applicable
Page 94
Wall to be designed as cantilever upto height = 2.00
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 0.264
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
7.98 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.99 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.99 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
2.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 -0.1667 -0.1667 -0.1667 88.0 -14.67 -14.67 -14.67
Direct tension (T) acting in vertical direction, if any is due to suspended slab. Refer Design Data
Direct tension (T) from suspended slab is assumed to act for a distance of 1/4th of height of fill.
Modified moments are calculated for Fill 1 face to check whether the section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Page 95
5.99 0.00 0.00 230 0.00 Bending 276
3.99 0.00 0.00 254 0.00 Bending 304
2.00 0.00 0.00 277 0.00 85 0.00 Bending 332
0.00 -14.67 0.00 300 0.00 97 -14.67 Bending 360
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Section in Bending
M1 u = M1 * 1.5 ; Tu = T * 1.5
Required reinforcement based on the values of M1u/bd is taken from SP-16
Required reinforcement for Tu = Tu / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX((Ast for Mu + Ast for Tu) , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on excess tensile face T' = 0.5 * T + M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T'u = T' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T'u = T'u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T'u , Min reinf)
Fill 1 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 154 0.00 - - 249
5.99 177 0.00 - - 276
3.99 201 0.00 - - 304
2.00 224 0.00 0.00 - - 332
0.00 247 22.01 0.00 250 - 360
Section in Bending
Mu = M * 1.5 (For Fill 2)
Required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd is taken from SP-16
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for Mu , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on less tensile face T'' = 0.5 * T - M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T''u = T'' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T''u = T''u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T''u , Min reinf)
Fill 2 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 169 0.00 - - 249
5.99 192 0.00 - - 276
3.99 216 0.00 - - 304
2.00 239 0.00 - - 332
Page 96
0.00 262 0.00 - - 360
r for Fill 1 (kN/m ) = 10.5 k' for Fill 1 = 0.264
Respective coefficients are multiplied by multiplier to get values of bending moment
7.98 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.99 0.0625 0.0000 -0.0833 7.3 0.46 0.00 -0.61
3.99 0.0625 0.0000 -0.0833 14.6 0.91 0.00 -1.22
2.00 0.0625 0.0000 -0.0833 21.9 1.37 0.00 -1.83
0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Direct tension (T) is due to shear in adjoining wall. Refer design of Adjoining wall for shear
Modified moments calculated for edge moments to check whether section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment at edge is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
D = Overall thickness
d - 0.5 * D = Distance of tensile reinf from centre of section
Modified moment M1 = Total moment - T * (d - 0.5 * D)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Page 97
Procedure adopted for calculation of reinforcement is similar to that for Vertical reinforcement
Page 98
Surcharge (equivalent earth height) on Fill 2 (m) = hs = 0.00
Surcharge pressure Ps (kN/m ) = k' * r * hs = 0.00
Total moment on Fill 1 face = Max of +ve BM at reference point = Addl moment, if any
Total moment on Fill 2 face = Max of -ve BM at reference point + Addl moment + Surcharge moments
Refer Case 1 for explanation of the calculation done in the following table
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 1 for explanation of the following table
Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 169 0.00 - - 249
5.99 192 0.00 - - 276
3.99 216 0.00 - - 304
2.00 239 0.00 0.00 - - 332
0.00 262 47.59 0.00 522 - 522
Page 99
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 2 for explanation of the following table
Fill 1 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 154 0.00 27 - 249
5.99 177 0.00 23 - 276
3.99 201 0.00 21 - 304
2.00 224 0.00 19 - 332
0.00 247 0.00 17 - 360
Page 100
Edge - Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T' T'u M1u T'u
Factored Factored Unfactor Factored
2 2 2
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm mm mm
8.60 249
7.98 169 0.00 0.00 - - 249
5.99 192 1.98 0.00 22 - 276
3.99 216 3.95 0.00 58 - 304
2.00 239 5.93 0.00 70 - 332
0.00 262 0.00 0.00 - - 360
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Page 101
0.00 360 522 12-180+12-180 10-180+10-180
Curtail at - Fill 1 - Fill 1 - Fill 2 - Fill 2 2.00 2.00
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
7.98 Side edge - 0.575 0.00 207 154
Page 102
5.99 Side edge 5.53 0.575 3.18 230 177
3.99 Side edge 11.06 0.575 6.36 254 201
2.00 Side edge 16.59 0.575 9.54 277 224
0.00 Corner - bottom edge 22.12 -0.998 -22.06 300 247
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge 22.12 0.998 22.06 300 247
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d =
of fill
wall h D - c'
m kN/m kN/m mm mm
7.98 Side edge - 0.575 0.00 207 169
5.99 Side edge 11.96 0.575 6.88 230 192
3.99 Side edge 23.92 0.575 13.75 254 216
2.00 Side edge 35.87 0.575 20.63 277 239
0.00 Corner - bottom edge 47.83 -0.998 -47.71 300 262
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge 47.83 0.998 47.71 300 262
Procedure for calculating crack width has been explained while doing calculations for Srl (a)
Crack width calculations for Srl (b) to Srl (f) has not been made part of design calculations, because none of the
moments and tensions exceed the following values, which are every small
Moment = 10 kN-m/m Tension = 10 kN/m
Moment M and Direct tension T are the forces acting on the section
Procedure for checking whether the section is bending or tension is explained earlier
T' = tension on excess tensile face ; T" = tension on less tensile face
T' and T" are calculated only if the section is in tension
Procedure for calculating T' and T" in case section is in tension has also been explained earlier.
As = Reinforcement on tension face ; As' = Reinforcement on compression face / less tensile face
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Page 104
d' = distance of centre of compression reinforcement from extreme compression fibre = 38
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Crack width w =
Stress in reinf near less tensile face fs' = T" * 1000 / As'
Strain gradient =
Page 105
Gross area of concrete Ac = 1000 * D + (m - 1) * (As + As')
Direct Tension in concrete fct = T * 1000/Ac
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm ) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Direct tension in concrete fct (N/mm ) = 3.6
Crack width w (mm) = 0.2
Page 106
DESIGN OF WALL W7 Location: Pipe gallery long wall
b = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) TOW = Top of wall (m)
GWT = Ground water table (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
Height of wall from BOF (m) = 2.00 Design Height of Wall (m) = 1.38
Height of wall from BOW (m) = 2.00
Moment redistribution/Direct tension is optional and subject to same BOW & HOF for both walls
Adjoining wall towards the fill will cause direct tension in this wall
Adjoining wall away from fill will cause direct compression in this wall
Walkway on Fill 2 side will cause moment on Fill 1 side and vice-versa
Walkway moment = T Load * Width^2/2
Moment on Fill 1 face means moment causes tension on fill 1 face and vice-versa
Total additional moment = Walkway moment + Additional moment
Shear at the edge of suspended slab will appear as direct tension in wall in vertical direction
Page 107
fck = 30 fy = 415 m = 9.33 Es = 2.00E+05
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Revised value of k is calculated for fill 1 or fill 2 ,as required to equalize the height of both fills.
Value of k' for earth is furher revised to take into account the effect of water table, if applicable
Cantilever Wall -
Direct tension (T) acting in vertical direction, if any is due to suspended slab. Refer Design Data
Direct tension (T) from suspended slab is assumed to act for a distance of 1/4th of height of fill.
Modified moments are calculated for Fill 1 face to check whether the section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Section in Bending
Page 109
M1 u = M1 * 1.5 ; Tu = T * 1.5
Required reinforcement based on the values of M1u/bd 2 is taken from SP-16
Required reinforcement for Tu = Tu / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX((Ast for Mu + Ast for Tu) , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on excess tensile face T' = 0.5 * T + M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T'u = T' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T'u = T'u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T'u , Min reinf)
Fill 1 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Tension T' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T'u M1u T'u
wall Unfactor
Factored Factored Factored
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm2 mm2 mm2
2.00 180
1.38 97 0.00 - - 180
1.04 97 0.06 2 - 180
0.69 97 0.45 13 - 180
0.35 97 1.53 0.00 44 - 180
0.00 97 3.62 0.00 105 - 180
Section in Bending
Mu = M * 1.5 (For Fill 2)
Required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd 2 is taken from SP-16
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for Mu , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on less tensile face T'' = 0.5 * T - M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T''u = T'' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T''u = T''u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T''u , Min reinf)
Fill 2 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm2 mm2 mm2
2.00 180
1.38 112 0.00 - - 180
1.04 112 0.00 - - 180
0.69 112 0.00 - - 180
0.35 112 0.00 - - 180
0.00 112 0.00 - - 180
Cantilever Wall -
Total moment on Fill 1 face = Max of +ve BM at reference point = Addl moment, if any
Total moment on Fill 2 face = Max of -ve BM at reference point + Addl moment + Surcharge moments
Refer Case 1 for explanation of the calculation done in the following table
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 1 for explanation of the following table
Page 111
Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Tension T' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T'u M1u T'u
wall Unfactor
Factored Factored Factored
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm2 mm2 mm2
2.00 180
1.38 112 0.00 - - 180
1.04 112 0.06 37 - 180
0.69 112 0.49 37 - 180
0.35 112 1.66 0.00 37 - 180
0.00 112 3.94 0.00 113 - 180
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 2 for explanation of the following table
Fill 1 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm2 mm2 mm2
2.00 180
1.38 97 0.00 43 - 180
1.04 97 0.00 43 - 180
0.69 97 0.00 43 - 180
0.35 97 0.00 43 - 180
0.00 97 0.00 43 - 180
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Page 112
Provided horizontal reinforcement
Edge Middle Portion
Ht from
Fill 1Extra reinf (b) + Fill 2Extra reinf (b)
bottom of Fill 1Thru' reinf (a) Fill 2Thru' reinf (a)
Thru' reinf (a) +Thru' reinf (a)
2.00 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
1.38 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
1.04 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
0.69 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
0.34 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
0.00 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
Break at - Fill 1 - Fill 1 - Fill 2 - Fill 2
Cantilever Wall -
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d = D
of fill
wall h - c'
m kN/m2 kN/m mm mm
1.38 Side edge - 1.000 0.00 150 97
1.04 Side edge 1.90 1.000 1.90 150 97
0.69 Side edge 3.80 1.000 3.80 150 97
0.35 Side edge 5.71 1.000 5.71 150 97
0.00 Corner - bottom edge 7.61 -0.690 -5.25 150 97
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge 7.61 0.690 5.25 150 97
1.38 0.00 0.00 0.000 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
Page 113
1.04 1.90 2.85 0.029 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
0.69 3.80 5.71 0.059 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
0.35 5.71 8.56 0.088 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
0.00 5.25 7.88 0.081 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
0.00 5.25 7.88 0.081 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d = D
of fill
wall h - c'
m kN/m2 kN/m mm mm
1.38 Side edge - 1.000 0.00 150 112
1.04 Side edge 2.07 1.000 2.07 150 112
0.69 Side edge 4.14 1.000 4.14 150 112
0.35 Side edge 6.20 1.000 6.20 150 112
0.00 Corner - bottom edge 8.27 -0.690 -5.71 150 112
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge 8.27 0.690 5.71 150 112
Procedure for calculating crack width has been explained while doing calculations for Srl (a)
Crack width calculations for Srl (b) to Srl (f) has not been made part of design calculations, because none of the
moments and tensions exceed the following values, which are every small
Moment = 10 kN-m/m Tension = 10 kN/m
Moment M and Direct tension T are the forces acting on the section
Procedure for checking whether the section is bending or tension is explained earlier
T' = tension on excess tensile face ; T" = tension on less tensile face
T' and T" are calculated only if the section is in tension
Procedure for calculating T' and T" in case section is in tension has also been explained earlier.
As = Reinforcement on tension face ; As' = Reinforcement on compression face / less tensile face
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Page 115
Crack width w =
Stress in reinf near less tensile face fs' = T" * 1000 / As'
Strain gradient =
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm 2) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm 2) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Direct tension in concrete fct (N/mm 2) = 3.6
Crack width w (mm) = 0.2
Page 116
DESIGN OF WALL W8 Location: Pipe gallery short wall
b = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) TOW = Top of wall (m)
GWT = Ground water table (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
Height of wall from BOF (m) = 2.00 Design Height of Wall (m) = 1.38
Height of wall from BOW (m) = 2.00
Moment redistribution/Direct tension is optional and subject to same BOW & HOF for both walls
Adjoining wall towards the fill will cause direct tension in this wall
Adjoining wall away from fill will cause direct compression in this wall
Walkway on Fill 2 side will cause moment on Fill 1 side and vice-versa
Walkway moment = T Load * Width^2/2
Moment on Fill 1 face means moment causes tension on fill 1 face and vice-versa
Total additional moment = Walkway moment + Additional moment
Shear at the edge of suspended slab will appear as direct tension in wall in vertical direction
Page 117
fck = 30 fy = 415 m = 9.33 Es = 2.00E+05
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Revised value of k is calculated for fill 1 or fill 2 ,as required to equalize the height of both fills.
Value of k' for earth is furher revised to take into account the effect of water table, if applicable
Cantilever Wall -
Direct tension (T) acting in vertical direction, if any is due to suspended slab. Refer Design Data
Direct tension (T) from suspended slab is assumed to act for a distance of 1/4th of height of fill.
Modified moments are calculated for Fill 1 face to check whether the section is in tension or bending.
This is required because crack width calculation formulae are difference for these two cases.
No change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Change in sign of moment M indicates that the section is primarily in bending
Modified moment is calculated by transferring direct tension to tensile face (Fill 1 face)
Minimum reinforcement has been been calculated as per the provisions of IS 3370 Part 2 - 2009
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Section in Bending
Page 119
M1 u = M1 * 1.5 ; Tu = T * 1.5
Required reinforcement based on the values of M1u/bd 2 is taken from SP-16
Required reinforcement for Tu = Tu / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX((Ast for Mu + Ast for Tu) , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on excess tensile face T' = 0.5 * T + M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T'u = T' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T'u = T'u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T'u , Min reinf)
Fill 1 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Tension T' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T'u M1u T'u
wall Unfactor
Factored Factored Factored
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm2 mm2 mm2
2.00 180
1.38 97 0.00 - - 180
1.04 97 0.06 2 - 180
0.69 97 0.45 13 - 180
0.35 97 1.53 0.00 44 - 180
0.00 97 3.62 0.00 105 - 180
Section in Bending
Mu = M * 1.5 (For Fill 2)
Required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd 2 is taken from SP-16
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for Mu , Min reinf)
Section in Tension
Tension on less tensile face T'' = 0.5 * T - M * 1000 / (d - c - 0.5 * f)
T''u = T'' * 1.5 Required reinforcement for T''u = T''u / 0.87*fy
Total required reinforcement = MAX(Ast for T''u , Min reinf)
Fill 2 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm2 mm2 mm2
2.00 180
1.38 112 0.00 - - 180
1.04 112 0.00 - - 180
0.69 112 0.00 - - 180
0.35 112 0.00 - - 180
0.00 112 0.00 - - 180
Cantilever Wall -
Total moment on Fill 1 face = Max of +ve BM at reference point = Addl moment, if any
Total moment on Fill 2 face = Max of -ve BM at reference point + Addl moment + Surcharge moments
Refer Case 1 for explanation of the calculation done in the following table
Reinforcement is calculated for factored moments and tensions ; Load Factor = 1.5
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 1 for explanation of the following table
Page 121
Fill 2 Face
Secion in Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for Ast for Tu /
bottom of d = D - c' Tension T' Reqd reinf
M1u Tu T'u M1u T'u
wall Unfactor
Factored Factored Factored
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m kN/m mm2 mm2 mm2
2.00 180
1.38 112 0.00 - - 180
1.04 112 0.06 37 - 180
0.69 112 0.49 37 - 180
0.35 112 1.66 0.00 37 - 180
0.00 112 3.94 0.00 113 - 180
Refer Case 1 - Calculation of reinf for Fill 2 for explanation of the following table
Fill 1 Face
Bending Section in Tension
Ht from
Moment Tension Tension Ast for
bottom of d = D - c' Ast for T"u Reqd reinf
Mu T'' T''u Mu
Factored Unfactor Factored
m mm kN-m/m kN/m kN/m mm2 mm2 mm2
2.00 180
1.38 97 0.00 43 - 180
1.04 97 0.00 43 - 180
0.69 97 0.00 43 - 180
0.35 97 0.00 43 - 180
0.00 97 0.00 43 - 180
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Maximum of the required reinforcement as calculated for Case 1 and Case 2 are tabulated below.
Page 122
Provided horizontal reinforcement
Edge Middle Portion
Ht from
Fill 1Extra reinf (b) + Fill 2Extra reinf (b)
bottom of Fill 1Thru' reinf (a) Fill 2Thru' reinf (a)
Thru' reinf (a) +Thru' reinf (a)
2.00 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
1.38 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
1.04 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
0.69 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
0.34 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
0.00 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180 00-000+08-180
Break at - Fill 1 - Fill 1 - Fill 2 - Fill 2
Cantilever Wall -
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d = D
of fill
wall h - c'
m kN/m2 kN/m mm mm
1.38 Side edge - 1.000 0.00 150 97
1.04 Side edge 1.90 1.000 1.90 150 97
0.69 Side edge 3.80 1.000 3.80 150 97
0.35 Side edge 5.71 1.000 5.71 150 97
0.00 Corner - bottom edge 7.61 -0.690 -5.25 150 97
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge 7.61 0.690 5.25 150 97
1.38 0.00 0.00 0.000 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
Page 123
1.04 1.90 2.85 0.029 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
0.69 3.80 5.71 0.059 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
0.35 5.71 8.56 0.088 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
0.00 5.25 7.88 0.081 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
0.00 5.25 7.88 0.081 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
Ht from Effective
bottom of Location Coeff Shear V Depth D depth d = D
of fill
wall h - c'
m kN/m2 kN/m mm mm
1.38 Side edge - 1.000 0.00 150 112
1.04 Side edge 2.07 1.000 2.07 150 112
0.69 Side edge 4.14 1.000 4.14 150 112
0.35 Side edge 6.20 1.000 6.20 150 112
0.00 Corner - bottom edge 8.27 -0.690 -5.71 150 112
0.00 Mid pt - bottom edge 8.27 0.690 5.71 150 112
Procedure for calculating crack width has been explained while doing calculations for Srl (a)
Crack width calculations for Srl (b) to Srl (f) has not been made part of design calculations, because none of the
moments and tensions exceed the following values, which are every small
Moment = 10 kN-m/m Tension = 10 kN/m
Moment M and Direct tension T are the forces acting on the section
Procedure for checking whether the section is bending or tension is explained earlier
T' = tension on excess tensile face ; T" = tension on less tensile face
T' and T" are calculated only if the section is in tension
Procedure for calculating T' and T" in case section is in tension has also been explained earlier.
As = Reinforcement on tension face ; As' = Reinforcement on compression face / less tensile face
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Page 125
Crack width w =
Stress in reinf near less tensile face fs' = T" * 1000 / As'
Strain gradient =
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm 2) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm 2) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Direct tension in concrete fct (N/mm 2) = 3.6
Crack width w (mm) = 0.2
Page 126
Foundation for Wall: W1 Location: Wet well
LW = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
HOF = Height of fill (m) r = Density of fill (kN/m 3) NGL = Natural Ground Level
Page 127
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Gross bearing capacity = Net SBC + Depth below NGL * rd = 248.3 kN/m2
rd = Dry density of earth = 18 kN/m3
Boxes on left and right side gives thickness of Flat T & B Flat Bottom
footing near wall and edge (mm) and Length of 250 250
footing (m). Flat top / bottom is indicated for 250 0.70 0.60 150
information only. - -
GF1 = CG of footing on Fill 1 side from P ; GF2 = CG of footing on Fill 2 side from S
GF1 and GF2 are calculated using following formulae for CG of trapezium
Page 128
GF1 = 0.350 m GF2 = 0.325 m
CASE 1 Fill 1 acting ; Fill 2 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
Load /m Distance
along length from S
Description Explanation
V d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m
Overturning moment. Refer design
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 7.18
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 Fill 2 not acting
V = HOF1 * r * L1
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 41.16 1.15 -47.33
d = LB - 0.5 * L1
Page 129
V = Refer design data
Self weight of wall 50.50 0.70 -35.35
d = G2 + L2
Additional moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on top of wall 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Distance resultant from respective point (m) 0.82 Resultant from the point about which moments are calculated = Net mome
Total base pressure P-Q (kN/m) 53.94 = 0.5 * (P + Q) * L1 = Total pressure from P to Q
CG of base pressure P-Q from Q (m) 0.36 Using formulae as given earlier
= (Total base pressure P-Q * CG from Q) - WF1 * (L1 - GF1) -
Moment at Q (base) (kN-m/m) 3.67 Weight of Fill 1 on footing * 0.5 * L1
-ve moments indicate tension at top
Total base pressure R-S (kN/m) 33.23 = 0.5 * (R + S) * L2 = Total pressure from R to S
CG of base pressure R-S from R (m) 0.29 Using formulae as given earlier
Page 130
Point Case Tension at Explanation
Q 1 Bottom 8.40 = Total base pressure P-Q - Weight of Fill 1 - WF1
R 1 Bottom 30.23 = Total base pressure R-S - WF2
Ast for calculating permissible shear stress is based on the tension reinforcement
CASE 2 Fill 2 acting ; Fill 1 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
CASE 3 Both Fills acting
Case 2 Case 3
Load /m
Moment Moment
along length Distance Distance
Description about P about S
V from P d from S d
V*d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m m kN-m/m
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 7.18
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 -11.75 -11.75
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 41.16 0.35 1.15 14.41
Weight of Fill 2 on footing 102.38 1.20 122.86 0.30 122.86
Self weight of footing on Fill 1 side 4.38 0.35 1.53 1.15 1.53
Self weight of footing on Fill 2 side 3.00 1.18 3.53 0.33 3.53
Self weight of central portion of footing 1.25 0.80 1.00 0.70 1.00
Self weight of wall 50.50 0.80 40.40 0.70 40.40
Addl vertical load on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.80 0.00
Addl vertical load on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.60 0.00
Addl vertical load at top of wall 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.70 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on top of wall 0.00 0.00
Page 131
V Tension V
Point Case Tension at Point Case
kN/m at kN/m
Q 2 Bottom 34.72 Q 3 Bottom 22.01
R 2 Bottom 5.80 R 3 Bottom 1.75
Unfactored moment M = Calculated moment for fill 1 / fill 2 + Addl moment, if any for fill 1 / fill 2
Alternatively, required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd can be taken from SP-16
Moment Mu Provided Ast for Reinf
Location unfactor d = D - c' Mu/bd2 % Ast Min Reinf
Factor Th D Mu required
kN-m/m kN-m/m mm mm mm2 mm2 mm2
Q - Top 3.67 5.51 250 197 0.142 0.040 78 438 438
Q - Bot 8.45 12.67 250 212 0.282 0.079 168 438 438
R - Top 0.67 1.00 250 212 0.022 0.006 13 438 438
R - Bot 8.68 13.03 250 212 0.290 0.081 172 438 438
Page 132
(f) Requirement of reinforceemnt and provided reinforcement at A, B, C and D, in case of curtailment
Provided Th
Point Case Tension at Face c' d
mm mm mm
Q 1 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Q 2 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Q 3 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 1 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 2 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 3 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Point & Factored Provided Strength Maximum Check for
Shear V d shear stress % Ast
Case Shear Vu Ast Factor * tc,max Shear
kN/m kN/m mm N/mm2 mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Q-1 8.40 12.61 212 0.059 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
Q-2 34.72 52.08 212 0.246 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
Q-3 22.01 33.01 212 0.156 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
R-1 30.23 45.34 212 0.214 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
R-2 5.80 8.70 212 0.041 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
R-3 1.75 2.63 212 0.012 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
Check for crack width is done for the envelope moments at Q and R
Page 133
Data for check of crack width
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Page 134
e2 = Strain due to stiffening effect in concrete =
Crack width w =
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm 2) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Page 135
Foundation for Wall: W2 Location: Screen chamber internal wall
LW = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
HOF = Height of fill (m) r = Density of fill (kN/m 3) NGL = Natural Ground Level
Page 136
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Gross bearing capacity = Net SBC + Depth below NGL * rd = 226.7 kN/m2
rd = Dry density of earth = 18 kN/m3
Boxes on left and right side gives thickness of Flat T & B Flat T & B
footing near wall and edge (mm) and Length of 250 250
footing (m). Flat top / bottom is indicated for 250 0.40 0.40 250
information only. - -
GF1 = CG of footing on Fill 1 side from P ; GF2 = CG of footing on Fill 2 side from S
GF1 and GF2 are calculated using following formulae for CG of trapezium
Page 137
GF1 = 0.200 m GF2 = 0.200 m
CASE 1 Fill 1 acting ; Fill 2 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
Load /m Distance
along length from S
Description Explanation
V d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m
Overturning moment. Refer design
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 37.16
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 Fill 2 not acting
V = HOF1 * r * L1
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 18.48 1.00 -18.48
d = LB - 0.5 * L1
Page 138
V = Refer design data
Self weight of wall 89.00 0.60 -53.40
d = G2 + L2
Additional moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on top of wall 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Distance resultant from respective point (m) 0.34 Resultant from the point about which moments are calculated = Net mome
Total base pressure P-Q (kN/m) 5.25 = 0.5 * (P + Q) * L1 = Total pressure from P to Q
CG of base pressure P-Q from Q (m) -0.01 Using formulae as given earlier
= (Total base pressure P-Q * CG from Q) - WF1 * (L1 - GF1) -
Moment at Q (base) (kN-m/m) -4.25 Weight of Fill 1 on footing * 0.5 * L1
-ve moments indicate tension at top
Total base pressure R-S (kN/m) 71.40 = 0.5 * (R + S) * L2 = Total pressure from R to S
CG of base pressure R-S from R (m) 0.22 Using formulae as given earlier
Page 139
Point Case Tension at Explanation
Q 1 Top 15.73 = Total base pressure P-Q - Weight of Fill 1 - WF1
R 1 Bottom 68.90 = Total base pressure R-S - WF2
Ast for calculating permissible shear stress is based on the tension reinforcement
CASE 2 Fill 2 acting ; Fill 1 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
CASE 3 Both Fills acting
Case 2 Case 3
Load /m
Moment Moment
along length Distance Distance
Description about P about S
V from P d from S d
V*d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m m kN-m/m
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 37.16
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 -37.16 -37.16
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 18.48 0.20 1.00 3.70
Weight of Fill 2 on footing 18.48 1.00 18.48 0.20 18.48
Self weight of footing on Fill 1 side 2.50 0.20 0.50 1.00 0.50
Self weight of footing on Fill 2 side 2.50 1.00 2.50 0.20 2.50
Self weight of central portion of footing 2.50 0.60 1.50 0.60 1.50
Self weight of wall 89.00 0.60 53.40 0.60 53.40
Addl vertical load on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.80 0.00
Addl vertical load on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.40 0.00
Addl vertical load at top of wall 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on top of wall 0.00 0.00
Page 140
V Tension V
Point Case Tension at Point Case
kN/m at kN/m
Q 2 Bottom 68.90 Q 3 Bottom 23.51
R 2 Top 15.73 R 3 Bottom 23.51
Unfactored moment M = Calculated moment for fill 1 / fill 2 + Addl moment, if any for fill 1 / fill 2
Alternatively, required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd can be taken from SP-16
Moment Mu Provided Ast for Reinf
Location unfactor d = D - c' Mu/bd2 % Ast Min Reinf
Factor Th D Mu required
kN-m/m kN-m/m mm mm mm2 mm2 mm2
Q - Top 4.25 6.37 250 197 0.164 0.046 90 300 300
Q - Bot 14.88 22.32 250 212 0.497 0.140 298 300 300
R - Top 4.25 6.37 250 197 0.164 0.046 90 300 300
R - Bot 14.88 22.32 250 212 0.497 0.140 298 300 300
Page 141
(f) Requirement of reinforceemnt and provided reinforcement at A, B, C and D, in case of curtailment
Provided Th
Point Case Tension at Face c' d
mm mm mm
Q 1 Top Water 250 53 197
Q 2 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Q 3 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 1 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 2 Top Water 250 53 197
R 3 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Point & Factored Provided Strength Maximum Check for
Shear V d shear stress % Ast
Case Shear Vu Ast Factor * tc,max Shear
kN/m kN/m mm N/mm2 mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Q-1 15.73 23.59 197 0.120 707 0.36 0.95 3.50 OK
Q-2 68.90 103.35 212 0.488 808 0.38 0.97 3.50 OK
Q-3 23.51 35.26 212 0.166 808 0.38 0.97 3.50 OK
R-1 68.90 103.35 212 0.488 808 0.38 0.97 3.50 OK
R-2 15.73 23.59 197 0.120 707 0.36 0.95 3.50 OK
R-3 23.51 35.26 212 0.166 808 0.38 0.97 3.50 OK
Check for crack width is done for the envelope moments at Q and R
Page 142
Data for check of crack width
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Page 143
e2 = Strain due to stiffening effect in concrete =
Crack width w =
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm 2) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Page 144
Foundation for Wall: W3 Location: Screen chamber external wall
LW = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
HOF = Height of fill (m) r = Density of fill (kN/m 3) NGL = Natural Ground Level
Page 145
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Gross bearing capacity = Net SBC + Depth below NGL * rd = 226.7 kN/m2
rd = Dry density of earth = 18 kN/m3
Boxes on left and right side gives thickness of Flat T & B Flat Bottom
footing near wall and edge (mm) and Length of 250 250
footing (m). Flat top / bottom is indicated for 250 1.00 0.60 150
information only. - -
GF1 = CG of footing on Fill 1 side from P ; GF2 = CG of footing on Fill 2 side from S
GF1 and GF2 are calculated using following formulae for CG of trapezium
Page 146
GF1 = 0.500 m GF2 = 0.325 m
CASE 1 Fill 1 acting ; Fill 2 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
Load /m Distance
along length from S
Description Explanation
V d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m
Overturning moment. Refer design
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 31.54
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 Fill 2 not acting
V = HOF1 * r * L1
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 46.20 1.50 -69.30
d = LB - 0.5 * L1
Page 147
V = Refer design data
Self weight of wall 66.75 0.84 -56.37
d = G2 + L2
Additional moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on top of wall 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Distance resultant from respective point (m) 0.85 Resultant from the point about which moments are calculated = Net mome
Total base pressure P-Q (kN/m) 48.68 = 0.5 * (P + Q) * L1 = Total pressure from P to Q
CG of base pressure P-Q from Q (m) 0.45 Using formulae as given earlier
= (Total base pressure P-Q * CG from Q) - WF1 * (L1 - GF1) -
Moment at Q (base) (kN-m/m) -4.16 Weight of Fill 1 on footing * 0.5 * L1
-ve moments indicate tension at top
Total base pressure R-S (kN/m) 48.89 = 0.5 * (R + S) * L2 = Total pressure from R to S
CG of base pressure R-S from R (m) 0.31 Using formulae as given earlier
Page 148
Point Case Tension at Explanation
Q 1 Top 3.77 = Total base pressure P-Q - Weight of Fill 1 - WF1
R 1 Bottom 45.89 = Total base pressure R-S - WF2
Ast for calculating permissible shear stress is based on the tension reinforcement
CASE 2 Fill 2 acting ; Fill 1 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
CASE 3 Both Fills acting
Case 2 Case 3
Load /m
Moment Moment
along length Distance Distance
Description about P about S
V from P d from S d
V*d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m m kN-m/m
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 31.54
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 -63.76 -63.76
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 46.20 0.50 1.50 23.10
Weight of Fill 2 on footing 89.42 1.70 152.02 0.30 152.02
Self weight of footing on Fill 1 side 6.25 0.50 3.13 1.50 3.13
Self weight of footing on Fill 2 side 3.00 1.68 5.03 0.33 5.03
Self weight of central portion of footing 2.50 1.20 3.00 0.80 3.00
Self weight of wall 66.75 1.16 77.13 0.84 77.13
Addl vertical load on Fill 1 side 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
Addl vertical load on Fill 2 side 0.00 1.40 0.00 0.60 0.00
Addl vertical load at top of wall 0.00 1.16 0.00 0.84 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on top of wall 0.00 0.00
Page 149
V Tension V
Point Case Tension at Point Case
kN/m at kN/m
Q 2 Bottom 71.25 Q 3 Bottom 41.82
R 2 Top 36.62 R 3 Top 17.44
Unfactored moment M = Calculated moment for fill 1 / fill 2 + Addl moment, if any for fill 1 / fill 2
Alternatively, required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd can be taken from SP-16
Moment Mu Provided Ast for Reinf
Location unfactor d = D - c' Mu/bd2 % Ast Min Reinf
Factor Th D Mu required
kN-m/m kN-m/m mm mm mm2 mm2 mm2
Q - Top 4.16 6.24 250 197 0.161 0.045 88 300 300
Q - Bot 34.55 51.82 250 212 1.153 0.335 710 300 710
R - Top 10.68 16.02 250 212 0.356 0.100 212 300 300
R - Bot 14.33 21.50 250 212 0.478 0.135 286 300 300
Page 150
(f) Requirement of reinforceemnt and provided reinforcement at A, B, C and D, in case of curtailment
Provided Th
Point Case Tension at Face c' d
mm mm mm
Q 1 Top Water 250 53 197
Q 2 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Q 3 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 1 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 2 Top Earth 250 38 212
R 3 Top Earth 250 38 212
Point & Factored Provided Strength Maximum Check for
Shear V d shear stress % Ast
Case Shear Vu Ast Factor * tc,max Shear
kN/m kN/m mm N/mm2 mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Q-1 3.77 5.65 197 0.029 707 0.36 0.95 3.50 OK
Q-2 71.25 106.87 212 0.504 808 0.38 0.97 3.50 OK
Q-3 41.82 62.73 212 0.296 808 0.38 0.97 3.50 OK
R-1 45.89 68.84 212 0.325 808 0.38 0.97 3.50 OK
R-2 36.62 54.93 212 0.259 707 0.33 0.92 3.50 OK
R-3 17.44 26.16 212 0.123 707 0.33 0.92 3.50 OK
Check for crack width is done for the envelope moments at Q and R
Page 151
Data for check of crack width
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Page 152
e2 = Strain due to stiffening effect in concrete =
Crack width w =
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm 2) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Page 153
Foundation for Wall: W4 Location: Receving chamber short wall
LW = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
HOF = Height of fill (m) r = Density of fill (kN/m 3) NGL = Natural Ground Level
Page 154
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Gross bearing capacity = Net SBC + Depth below NGL * rd = 221.3 kN/m2
rd = Dry density of earth = 18 kN/m3
Boxes on left and right side gives thickness of Flat T & B Flat Bottom
footing near wall and edge (mm) and Length of 250 250
footing (m). Flat top / bottom is indicated for 250 0.60 0.60 150
information only. - -
GF1 = CG of footing on Fill 1 side from P ; GF2 = CG of footing on Fill 2 side from S
GF1 and GF2 are calculated using following formulae for CG of trapezium
Page 155
GF1 = 0.300 m GF2 = 0.325 m
CASE 1 Fill 1 acting ; Fill 2 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
Load /m Distance
along length from S
Description Explanation
V d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m
Overturning moment. Refer design
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 14.67
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 Fill 2 not acting
V = HOF1 * r * L1
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 25.83 1.20 -31.00
d = LB - 0.5 * L1
Page 156
V = Refer design data
Self weight of wall 53.75 0.77 -41.57
d = G2 + L2
Additional moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on top of wall 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Distance resultant from respective point (m) 0.73 Resultant from the point about which moments are calculated = Net mome
Total base pressure P-Q (kN/m) 33.96 = 0.5 * (P + Q) * L1 = Total pressure from P to Q
CG of base pressure P-Q from Q (m) 0.30 Using formulae as given earlier
= (Total base pressure P-Q * CG from Q) - WF1 * (L1 - GF1) -
Moment at Q (base) (kN-m/m) 1.22 Weight of Fill 1 on footing * 0.5 * L1
-ve moments indicate tension at top
Total base pressure R-S (kN/m) 36.61 = 0.5 * (R + S) * L2 = Total pressure from R to S
CG of base pressure R-S from R (m) 0.30 Using formulae as given earlier
Page 157
Point Case Tension at Explanation
Q 1 Bottom 4.38 = Total base pressure P-Q - Weight of Fill 1 - WF1
R 1 Bottom 33.61 = Total base pressure R-S - WF2
Ast for calculating permissible shear stress is based on the tension reinforcement
CASE 2 Fill 2 acting ; Fill 1 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
CASE 3 Both Fills acting
Case 2 Case 3
Load /m
Moment Moment
along length Distance Distance
Description about P about S
V from P d from S d
V*d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m m kN-m/m
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 14.67
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 -31.73 -31.73
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 25.83 0.30 1.20 7.75
Weight of Fill 2 on footing 86.18 1.20 103.42 0.30 103.42
Self weight of footing on Fill 1 side 3.75 0.30 1.13 1.20 1.13
Self weight of footing on Fill 2 side 3.00 1.18 3.53 0.33 3.53
Self weight of central portion of footing 1.88 0.75 1.41 0.75 1.41
Self weight of wall 53.75 0.73 39.06 0.77 39.06
Addl vertical load on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.90 0.00
Addl vertical load on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.60 0.00
Addl vertical load at top of wall 0.00 0.73 0.00 0.77 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on top of wall 0.00 0.00
Page 158
V Tension V
Point Case Tension at Point Case
kN/m at kN/m
Q 2 Bottom 50.50 Q 3 Bottom 32.08
R 2 Top 24.59 R 3 Top 11.33
Unfactored moment M = Calculated moment for fill 1 / fill 2 + Addl moment, if any for fill 1 / fill 2
Alternatively, required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd can be taken from SP-16
Moment Mu Provided Ast for Reinf
Location unfactor d = D - c' Mu/bd2 % Ast Min Reinf
Factor Th D Mu required
kN-m/m kN-m/m mm mm mm2 mm2 mm2
Q - Top 1.22 1.84 250 197 0.047 0.013 26 300 300
Q - Bot 14.81 22.21 250 212 0.494 0.140 296 300 300
R - Top 6.96 10.44 250 212 0.232 0.065 138 300 300
R - Bot 10.25 15.37 250 212 0.342 0.096 204 300 300
Page 159
(f) Requirement of reinforceemnt and provided reinforcement at A, B, C and D, in case of curtailment
Provided Th
Point Case Tension at Face c' d
mm mm mm
Q 1 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Q 2 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Q 3 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 1 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 2 Top Earth 250 38 212
R 3 Top Earth 250 38 212
Point & Factored Provided Strength Maximum Check for
Shear V d shear stress % Ast
Case Shear Vu Ast Factor * tc,max Shear
kN/m kN/m mm N/mm2 mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Q-1 4.38 6.56 212 0.031 873 0.41 1.01 3.50 OK
Q-2 50.50 75.75 212 0.357 873 0.41 1.01 3.50 OK
Q-3 32.08 48.12 212 0.227 873 0.41 1.01 3.50 OK
R-1 33.61 50.41 212 0.238 1257 0.59 1.17 3.50 OK
R-2 24.59 36.88 212 0.174 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
R-3 11.33 17.00 212 0.080 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
Check for crack width is done for the envelope moments at Q and R
Page 160
Data for check of crack width
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Page 161
e2 = Strain due to stiffening effect in concrete =
Crack width w =
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm 2) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Page 162
Foundation for Wall: W5 Location: Receving chamber long wall
LW = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
HOF = Height of fill (m) r = Density of fill (kN/m 3) NGL = Natural Ground Level
Page 163
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Gross bearing capacity = Net SBC + Depth below NGL * rd = 221.3 kN/m2
rd = Dry density of earth = 18 kN/m3
Boxes on left and right side gives thickness of Flat T & B Flat Bottom
footing near wall and edge (mm) and Length of 250 250
footing (m). Flat top / bottom is indicated for 250 0.70 0.60 150
information only. - -
GF1 = CG of footing on Fill 1 side from P ; GF2 = CG of footing on Fill 2 side from S
GF1 and GF2 are calculated using following formulae for CG of trapezium
Page 164
GF1 = 0.350 m GF2 = 0.325 m
CASE 1 Fill 1 acting ; Fill 2 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
Load /m Distance
along length from S
Description Explanation
V d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m
Overturning moment. Refer design
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 21.19
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 Fill 2 not acting
V = HOF1 * r * L1
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 30.14 1.25 -37.67
d = LB - 0.5 * L1
Page 165
V = Refer design data
Self weight of wall 53.75 0.77 -41.57
d = G2 + L2
Additional moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on top of wall 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Distance resultant from respective point (m) 0.71 Resultant from the point about which moments are calculated = Net mome
Total base pressure P-Q (kN/m) 32.80 = 0.5 * (P + Q) * L1 = Total pressure from P to Q
CG of base pressure P-Q from Q (m) 0.33 Using formulae as given earlier
= (Total base pressure P-Q * CG from Q) - WF1 * (L1 - GF1) -
Moment at Q (base) (kN-m/m) -1.32 Weight of Fill 1 on footing * 0.5 * L1
-ve moments indicate tension at top
Total base pressure R-S (kN/m) 42.50 = 0.5 * (R + S) * L2 = Total pressure from R to S
CG of base pressure R-S from R (m) 0.31 Using formulae as given earlier
Page 166
Point Case Tension at Explanation
Q 1 Top 1.71 = Total base pressure P-Q - Weight of Fill 1 - WF1
R 1 Bottom 39.50 = Total base pressure R-S - WF2
Ast for calculating permissible shear stress is based on the tension reinforcement
CASE 2 Fill 2 acting ; Fill 1 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
CASE 3 Both Fills acting
Case 2 Case 3
Load /m
Moment Moment
along length Distance Distance
Description about P about S
V from P d from S d
V*d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m m kN-m/m
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 21.19
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 -45.83 -45.83
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 30.14 0.35 1.25 10.55
Weight of Fill 2 on footing 86.18 1.30 112.04 0.30 112.04
Self weight of footing on Fill 1 side 4.38 0.35 1.53 1.25 1.53
Self weight of footing on Fill 2 side 3.00 1.28 3.83 0.33 3.83
Self weight of central portion of footing 1.88 0.85 1.59 0.75 1.59
Self weight of wall 53.75 0.83 44.43 0.77 44.43
Addl vertical load on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.90 0.00
Addl vertical load on Fill 2 side 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.60 0.00
Addl vertical load at top of wall 0.00 0.83 0.00 0.77 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on top of wall 0.00 0.00
Page 167
V Tension V
Point Case Tension at Point Case
kN/m at kN/m
Q 2 Bottom 62.51 Q 3 Bottom 38.52
R 2 Top 34.78 R 3 Top 16.77
Unfactored moment M = Calculated moment for fill 1 / fill 2 + Addl moment, if any for fill 1 / fill 2
Alternatively, required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd can be taken from SP-16
Moment Mu Provided Ast for Reinf
Location unfactor d = D - c' Mu/bd2 % Ast Min Reinf
Factor Th D Mu required
kN-m/m kN-m/m mm mm mm2 mm2 mm2
Q - Top 1.32 1.98 250 197 0.051 0.014 28 300 300
Q - Bot 22.02 33.04 250 212 0.735 0.210 445 300 445
R - Top 10.45 15.68 250 212 0.349 0.098 208 300 300
R - Bot 12.38 18.57 250 212 0.413 0.116 247 300 300
Page 168
(f) Requirement of reinforceemnt and provided reinforcement at A, B, C and D, in case of curtailment
Provided Th
Point Case Tension at Face c' d
mm mm mm
Q 1 Top Water 250 53 197
Q 2 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Q 3 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 1 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 2 Top Earth 250 38 212
R 3 Top Earth 250 38 212
Point & Factored Provided Strength Maximum Check for
Shear V d shear stress % Ast
Case Shear Vu Ast Factor * tc,max Shear
kN/m kN/m mm N/mm2 mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Q-1 1.71 2.57 197 0.013 707 0.36 0.95 3.50 OK
Q-2 62.51 93.76 212 0.442 808 0.38 0.97 3.50 OK
Q-3 38.52 57.78 212 0.273 808 0.38 0.97 3.50 OK
R-1 39.50 59.24 212 0.279 808 0.38 0.97 3.50 OK
R-2 34.78 52.17 212 0.246 707 0.33 0.92 3.50 OK
R-3 16.77 25.16 212 0.119 707 0.33 0.92 3.50 OK
Check for crack width is done for the envelope moments at Q and R
Page 169
Data for check of crack width
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Page 170
e2 = Strain due to stiffening effect in concrete =
Crack width w =
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm 2) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Page 171
Foundation for Wall: W6 Location: Reciving/Screen chamber wall
LW = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
HOF = Height of fill (m) r = Density of fill (kN/m 3) NGL = Natural Ground Level
Page 172
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Gross bearing capacity = Net SBC + Depth below NGL * rd = 226.7 kN/m2
rd = Dry density of earth = 18 kN/m3
Boxes on left and right side gives thickness of Flat T & B Flat Bottom
footing near wall and edge (mm) and Length of 250 250
footing (m). Flat top / bottom is indicated for 250 0.60 0.60 150
information only. - -
GF1 = CG of footing on Fill 1 side from P ; GF2 = CG of footing on Fill 2 side from S
GF1 and GF2 are calculated using following formulae for CG of trapezium
Page 173
GF1 = 0.300 m GF2 = 0.325 m
CASE 1 Fill 1 acting ; Fill 2 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
Load /m Distance
along length from S
Description Explanation
V d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m
Overturning moment. Refer design
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 7.54
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 Fill 2 not acting
V = HOF1 * r * L1
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 29.07 1.20 -34.88
d = LB - 0.5 * L1
Page 174
V = Refer design data
Self weight of wall 56.00 0.77 -43.25
d = G2 + L2
Additional moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on top of wall 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Distance resultant from respective point (m) 0.83 Resultant from the point about which moments are calculated = Net mome
Total base pressure P-Q (kN/m) 44.40 = 0.5 * (P + Q) * L1 = Total pressure from P to Q
CG of base pressure P-Q from Q (m) 0.31 Using formulae as given earlier
= (Total base pressure P-Q * CG from Q) - WF1 * (L1 - GF1) -
Moment at Q (base) (kN-m/m) 3.94 Weight of Fill 1 on footing * 0.5 * L1
-ve moments indicate tension at top
Total base pressure R-S (kN/m) 30.56 = 0.5 * (R + S) * L2 = Total pressure from R to S
CG of base pressure R-S from R (m) 0.28 Using formulae as given earlier
Page 175
Point Case Tension at Explanation
Q 1 Bottom 11.58 = Total base pressure P-Q - Weight of Fill 1 - WF1
R 1 Bottom 27.56 = Total base pressure R-S - WF2
Ast for calculating permissible shear stress is based on the tension reinforcement
CASE 2 Fill 2 acting ; Fill 1 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
CASE 3 Both Fills acting
Case 2 Case 3
Load /m
Moment Moment
along length Distance Distance
Description about P about S
V from P d from S d
V*d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m m kN-m/m
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 7.54
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 -7.54 -7.54
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 29.07 0.30 1.20 8.72
Weight of Fill 2 on footing 29.07 1.20 34.88 0.30 34.88
Self weight of footing on Fill 1 side 3.75 0.30 1.13 1.20 1.13
Self weight of footing on Fill 2 side 3.00 1.18 3.53 0.33 3.53
Self weight of central portion of footing 1.88 0.75 1.41 0.75 1.41
Self weight of wall 56.00 0.73 40.75 0.77 40.75
Addl vertical load on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.90 0.00
Addl vertical load on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.60 0.00
Addl vertical load at top of wall 0.00 0.73 0.00 0.77 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on top of wall 0.00 0.00
Page 176
V Tension V
Point Case Tension at Point Case
kN/m at kN/m
Q 2 Bottom 30.01 Q 3 Bottom 17.89
R 2 Bottom 9.13 R 3 Bottom 15.44
Unfactored moment M = Calculated moment for fill 1 / fill 2 + Addl moment, if any for fill 1 / fill 2
Alternatively, required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd can be taken from SP-16
Moment Mu Provided Ast for Reinf
Location unfactor d = D - c' Mu/bd2 % Ast Min Reinf
Factor Th D Mu required
kN-m/m kN-m/m mm mm mm2 mm2 mm2
Q - Top 3.94 5.90 250 197 0.152 0.042 84 300 300
Q - Bot 8.75 13.13 250 212 0.292 0.082 174 300 300
R - Top 3.06 4.59 250 197 0.118 0.033 65 300 300
R - Bot 7.88 11.82 250 212 0.263 0.074 156 300 300
Page 177
(f) Requirement of reinforceemnt and provided reinforcement at A, B, C and D, in case of curtailment
Provided Th
Point Case Tension at Face c' d
mm mm mm
Q 1 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Q 2 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Q 3 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 1 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 2 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
R 3 Bottom Earth 250 38 212
Point & Factored Provided Strength Maximum Check for
Shear V d shear stress % Ast
Case Shear Vu Ast Factor * tc,max Shear
kN/m kN/m mm N/mm2 mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Q-1 11.58 17.37 212 0.082 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
Q-2 30.01 45.01 212 0.212 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
Q-3 17.89 26.83 212 0.127 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
R-1 27.56 41.33 212 0.195 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
R-2 9.13 13.69 212 0.065 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
R-3 15.44 23.15 212 0.109 491 0.23 0.79 3.50 OK
Check for crack width is done for the envelope moments at Q and R
Page 178
Data for check of crack width
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Page 179
e2 = Strain due to stiffening effect in concrete =
Crack width w =
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm 2) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Page 180
Foundation for Wall: W7 Location: Pipe gallery long wall
LW = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
HOF = Height of fill (m) r = Density of fill (kN/m 3) NGL = Natural Ground Level
Page 181
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Gross bearing capacity = Net SBC + Depth below NGL * rd = 100.7 kN/m2
rd = Dry density of earth = 18 kN/m3
Boxes on left and right side gives thickness of Flat T & B Flat T & B
footing near wall and edge (mm) and Length of 150 150
footing (m). Flat top / bottom is indicated for 150 0.40 0.30 150
information only. - -
GF1 = CG of footing on Fill 1 side from P ; GF2 = CG of footing on Fill 2 side from S
GF1 and GF2 are calculated using following formulae for CG of trapezium
Page 182
GF1 = 0.200 m GF2 = 0.150 m
CASE 1 Fill 1 acting ; Fill 2 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
Load /m Distance
along length from S
Description Explanation
V d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m
Overturning moment. Refer design
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 2.42
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 Fill 2 not acting
V = HOF1 * r * L1
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 4.20 0.65 -2.73
d = LB - 0.5 * L1
Page 183
V = Refer design data
Self weight of wall 7.50 0.38 -2.81
d = G2 + L2
Additional moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on top of wall 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Distance resultant from respective point (m) 0.30 Resultant from the point about which moments are calculated = Net mome
Total base pressure P-Q (kN/m) 3.76 = 0.5 * (P + Q) * L1 = Total pressure from P to Q
CG of base pressure P-Q from Q (m) 0.15 Using formulae as given earlier
= (Total base pressure P-Q * CG from Q) - WF1 * (L1 - GF1) -
Moment at Q (base) (kN-m/m) -0.58 Weight of Fill 1 on footing * 0.5 * L1
-ve moments indicate tension at top
Total base pressure R-S (kN/m) 8.23 = 0.5 * (R + S) * L2 = Total pressure from R to S
CG of base pressure R-S from R (m) 0.16 Using formulae as given earlier
Page 184
Point Case Tension at Explanation
Q 1 Top 1.94 = Total base pressure P-Q - Weight of Fill 1 - WF1
R 1 Bottom 7.10 = Total base pressure R-S - WF2
Ast for calculating permissible shear stress is based on the tension reinforcement
CASE 2 Fill 2 acting ; Fill 1 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
CASE 3 Both Fills acting
Case 2 Case 3
Load /m
Moment Moment
along length Distance Distance
Description about P about S
V from P d from S d
V*d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m m kN-m/m
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 2.42
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 -2.63 -2.63
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 4.20 0.20 0.65 0.84
Weight of Fill 2 on footing 7.45 0.70 5.22 0.15 5.22
Self weight of footing on Fill 1 side 1.50 0.20 0.30 0.65 0.30
Self weight of footing on Fill 2 side 1.13 0.70 0.79 0.15 0.79
Self weight of central portion of footing 0.56 0.48 0.27 0.38 0.27
Self weight of wall 7.50 0.48 3.56 0.38 3.56
Addl vertical load on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.45 0.00
Addl vertical load on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.30 0.00
Addl vertical load at top of wall 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.38 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on top of wall 0.00 0.00
Page 185
V Tension V
Point Case Tension at Point Case
kN/m at kN/m
Q 2 Bottom 7.39 Q 3 Bottom 2.58
R 2 Top 2.50 R 3 Bottom 1.35
Unfactored moment M = Calculated moment for fill 1 / fill 2 + Addl moment, if any for fill 1 / fill 2
Alternatively, required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd can be taken from SP-16
Moment Mu Provided Ast for Reinf
Location unfactor d = D - c' Mu/bd2 % Ast Min Reinf
Factor Th D Mu required
kN-m/m kN-m/m mm mm mm2 mm2 mm2
Q - Top 0.58 0.87 150 97 0.092 0.026 25 180 180
Q - Bot 1.50 2.25 150 112 0.179 0.050 56 180 180
R - Top 0.38 0.58 150 112 0.046 0.013 14 180 180
R - Bot 1.15 1.72 150 112 0.137 0.038 43 180 180
Page 186
(f) Requirement of reinforceemnt and provided reinforcement at A, B, C and D, in case of curtailment
Provided Th
Point Case Tension at Face c' d
mm mm mm
Q 1 Top Water 150 53 97
Q 2 Bottom Earth 150 38 112
Q 3 Bottom Earth 150 38 112
R 1 Bottom Earth 150 38 112
R 2 Top Earth 150 38 112
R 3 Bottom Earth 150 38 112
Point & Factored Provided Strength Maximum Check for
Shear V d shear stress % Ast
Case Shear Vu Ast Factor * tc,max Shear
kN/m kN/m mm N/mm2 mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Q-1 1.94 2.91 97 0.030 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
Q-2 7.39 11.08 112 0.099 279 0.25 0.96 3.50 OK
Q-3 2.58 3.87 112 0.035 279 0.25 0.96 3.50 OK
R-1 7.10 10.66 112 0.095 279 0.25 0.96 3.50 OK
R-2 2.50 3.75 112 0.033 279 0.25 0.96 3.50 OK
R-3 1.35 2.03 112 0.018 279 0.25 0.96 3.50 OK
Check for crack width is done for the envelope moments at Q and R
Page 187
Data for check of crack width
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Page 188
e2 = Strain due to stiffening effect in concrete =
Crack width w =
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm 2) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Page 189
Foundation for Wall: W8 Location: Pipe gallery short wall
LW = Length of wall (m) BOW = Bottom of wall (m) BOF = Bottom of fill (m)
HOF = Height of fill (m) r = Density of fill (kN/m 3) NGL = Natural Ground Level
Page 190
Note that the crack width is calculated for the above values of dia f, spacing s, effective cover c'
and acr
Gross bearing capacity = Net SBC + Depth below NGL * rd = 100.7 kN/m2
rd = Dry density of earth = 18 kN/m3
Boxes on left and right side gives thickness of Flat T & B Flat T & B
footing near wall and edge (mm) and Length of 150 150
footing (m). Flat top / bottom is indicated for 150 0.40 0.30 150
information only. - -
GF1 = CG of footing on Fill 1 side from P ; GF2 = CG of footing on Fill 2 side from S
GF1 and GF2 are calculated using following formulae for CG of trapezium
Page 191
GF1 = 0.200 m GF2 = 0.150 m
CASE 1 Fill 1 acting ; Fill 2 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
Load /m Distance
along length from S
Description Explanation
V d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m
Overturning moment. Refer design
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 2.42
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 Fill 2 not acting
V = HOF1 * r * L1
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 4.20 0.65 -2.73
d = LB - 0.5 * L1
Page 192
V = Refer design data
Self weight of wall 7.50 0.38 -2.81
d = G2 + L2
Additional moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Additional moment on top of wall 0.00 Refer design data for moment = M/L'
Distance resultant from respective point (m) 0.30 Resultant from the point about which moments are calculated = Net mome
Total base pressure P-Q (kN/m) 3.76 = 0.5 * (P + Q) * L1 = Total pressure from P to Q
CG of base pressure P-Q from Q (m) 0.15 Using formulae as given earlier
= (Total base pressure P-Q * CG from Q) - WF1 * (L1 - GF1) -
Moment at Q (base) (kN-m/m) -0.58 Weight of Fill 1 on footing * 0.5 * L1
-ve moments indicate tension at top
Total base pressure R-S (kN/m) 8.23 = 0.5 * (R + S) * L2 = Total pressure from R to S
CG of base pressure R-S from R (m) 0.16 Using formulae as given earlier
Page 193
Point Case Tension at Explanation
Q 1 Top 1.94 = Total base pressure P-Q - Weight of Fill 1 - WF1
R 1 Bottom 7.10 = Total base pressure R-S - WF2
Ast for calculating permissible shear stress is based on the tension reinforcement
CASE 2 Fill 2 acting ; Fill 1 not acting Clock-wise moments are +ve
CASE 3 Both Fills acting
Case 2 Case 3
Load /m
Moment Moment
along length Distance Distance
Description about P about S
V from P d from S d
V*d V*d
kN/m m kN-m/m m kN-m/m
Horizontal pressure Fill 1 2.42
Horizontal pressure Fill 2 -2.63 -2.63
Weight of Fill 1 on footing 4.20 0.20 0.65 0.84
Weight of Fill 2 on footing 7.45 0.70 5.22 0.15 5.22
Self weight of footing on Fill 1 side 1.50 0.20 0.30 0.65 0.30
Self weight of footing on Fill 2 side 1.13 0.70 0.79 0.15 0.79
Self weight of central portion of footing 0.56 0.48 0.27 0.38 0.27
Self weight of wall 7.50 0.48 3.56 0.38 3.56
Addl vertical load on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.45 0.00
Addl vertical load on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.30 0.00
Addl vertical load at top of wall 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.38 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 1 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on Fill 2 side 0.00 0.00
Addl moment on top of wall 0.00 0.00
Page 194
V Tension V
Point Case Tension at Point Case
kN/m at kN/m
Q 2 Bottom 7.39 Q 3 Bottom 2.58
R 2 Top 2.50 R 3 Bottom 1.35
Unfactored moment M = Calculated moment for fill 1 / fill 2 + Addl moment, if any for fill 1 / fill 2
Alternatively, required reinforcement based on the values of Mu/bd can be taken from SP-16
Moment Mu Provided Ast for Reinf
Location unfactor d = D - c' Mu/bd2 % Ast Min Reinf
Factor Th D Mu required
kN-m/m kN-m/m mm mm mm2 mm2 mm2
Q - Top 0.58 0.87 150 97 0.092 0.026 25 180 180
Q - Bot 1.50 2.25 150 112 0.179 0.050 56 180 180
R - Top 0.38 0.58 150 112 0.046 0.013 14 180 180
R - Bot 1.15 1.72 150 112 0.137 0.038 43 180 180
Page 195
(f) Requirement of reinforceemnt and provided reinforcement at A, B, C and D, in case of curtailment
Provided Th
Point Case Tension at Face c' d
mm mm mm
Q 1 Top Water 150 53 97
Q 2 Bottom Earth 150 38 112
Q 3 Bottom Earth 150 38 112
R 1 Bottom Earth 150 38 112
R 2 Top Earth 150 38 112
R 3 Bottom Earth 150 38 112
Point & Factored Provided Strength Maximum Check for
Shear V d shear stress % Ast
Case Shear Vu Ast Factor * tc,max Shear
kN/m kN/m mm N/mm2 mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Q-1 1.94 2.91 97 0.030 279 0.29 1.01 3.50 OK
Q-2 7.39 11.08 112 0.099 279 0.25 0.96 3.50 OK
Q-3 2.58 3.87 112 0.035 279 0.25 0.96 3.50 OK
R-1 7.10 10.66 112 0.095 279 0.25 0.96 3.50 OK
R-2 2.50 3.75 112 0.033 279 0.25 0.96 3.50 OK
R-3 1.35 2.03 112 0.018 279 0.25 0.96 3.50 OK
Check for crack width is done for the envelope moments at Q and R
Page 196
Data for check of crack width
Note that the crack width is calculated for values of dia f, spacing s and acr
as given in design parameters.
Above equations are solved for the values of fc, fs, fs' and x.
Page 197
e2 = Strain due to stiffening effect in concrete =
Crack width w =
Permissible values
Stress in reinforcement (N/mm 2) = 0.8 * fy = 332
Bending stress in extreme compression fibre fc (N/mm ) = 0.45 * fck = 13.5
Page 198
Page 199
Design of Slab: S1 Location: Top of MPs TOC: 100.500
Final Slab Group: S1
Slab will be designed as Simply supported slab
Wall at short edge 0.00 Tension X 0.0 Wall at long edge 0.00 Tension Y 0.0
Area of steel calculation by limit state design method and checking by limit state of serviceability
Ref SP-16 and IS 456-2000 Cl G-1.1 for sections without compression reinforcement
Ref IS 3370-2009 (Part 2) Appendix B
p% fst fsc es e1 e2 em
Top 0.5289 81.7 4.08E-04 6.96E-04 6.69E-04 2.63E-05
Short span
Bottom 0.5289 122.5 6.12E-04 1.04E-03 6.69E-04 3.74E-04
Top 0.3385 0.1 6.28E-07 1.04E-06 1.06E-03 -1.06E-03
Long span
Page 200
Long span
Bottom 0.3385 0.2 9.42E-07 1.56E-06 1.06E-03 -1.06E-03
w fc fct
Top 0.004 3.21
Short span
Bottom 0.061 4.82
Top -0.177 0.00
Long span
Bottom -0.177 0.01
Design Shear (kN) = 9.63 Factored shear force (kN) = 14.44 Shear stress (N/mm2) = 0.146
Load on beam along short span = 6.7 kN/m Load on beam along long span = 10.1 kN/m
Page 201
Design of Beam: B-I Location: Top of MPS TOC: 100.500
Final Beam Group: B1
Beam will be designed as Simply supported beam Load Factor = 1.50
Assumed size (mm) Width = 300 Depth = 600 Span (m) = 7.30
c f c' d w s acr
45 8 49 551 0.2 150 85.59
M x z fs e1 e2 em w
Hogging moment 64.67 126.24 508.92 210.67 0.0012 0.0004 0.0007 0.1615
Sagging moment 97.00 156.97 498.68 193.50 0.0011 0.0002 0.0008 0.1823
M x fs As fc sc
Hogging moment 64.67 126.24 210.67 603 6.71 13.50
Sagging moment 97.00 156.97 193.50 1005 8.26 13.50
Page 202
Check for Shear
% of reinforcement = 0.608
Shear to be resisted by reinf Vus (kN) = 0.00 Provide min shear reinforcement
stirrup Provide
stirrup dia no. of stirrup Max
spacing spacing
mm legs spacing mm
mm mm
8 2 302 300 150
Page 203
Design of Beam: B-II Location: Top of MPS TOC: 100.500
Final Beam Group: B1
Beam will be designed as Simply supported beam Load Factor = 1.50
Assumed size (mm) Width = 300 Depth = 600 Span (m) = 7.70
c f c' d w s acr
45 8 49 551 0.2 150 85.59
M x z fs e1 e2 em w
Hogging moment 52.50 126.24 508.92 171.01 0.0010 0.0004 0.0005 0.1130
Sagging moment 78.74 156.97 498.68 157.07 0.0009 0.0002 0.0006 0.1379
M x fs As fc sc
Hogging moment 52.50 126.24 171.01 603 5.45 13.50
Sagging moment 78.74 156.97 157.07 1005 6.71 13.50
Page 204
Check for Shear
% of reinforcement = 0.608
Shear to be resisted by reinf Vus (kN) = 0.00 Provide min shear reinforcement
stirrup Provide
stirrup dia no. of stirrup Max
spacing spacing
mm legs spacing mm
mm mm
8 2 302 300 150
Page 205