Nurselabs PEDIA Questions
Nurselabs PEDIA Questions
Nurselabs PEDIA Questions
Molly, with suspected rheumatic fever, is nurse in charge anticipates that the doctor will
admitted to the pediatric unit. When obtaining order which laboratory test?
the childs history, the nurse considers which
information to be most important? A. Total iron-binding capacity
B. Hemoglobin
A. A fever that started 3 days ago C. Total protein
B. Lack of interest in food D. Serum transferrin
C. A recent episode of pharyngitis
D. Vomiting for 2 days 8. When developing a plan of care for a male
adolescent, the nurse considers the childs
2. Nurse Analiza is administering a medication via psychosocial needs. During adolescence,
the intraosseous route to a child. Intraosseous psychosocial development focuses on:
drug administration is typically used when a child
is: A. Becoming industrious
B. Establishing an identity
A. Under age 3 C. Achieving intimacy
B. Over age 3 D. Developing initiative
C. Critically ill and under age 3
D. Critically ill and over age 3 9. When developing a plan care for a hospitalized
child, nurse Mica knows that children in which
3. When assessing a childs cultural background, age group is most likely to view illness as a
the nurse in charge should keep in mind that: punishment for misdeeds?
7. A child with a poor nutritional status and A. The child forgets previously learned skills
weight loss is at risk for a negative nitrogen B. The child experiences growth while regressing,
balance. To help diagnose this problem, the regrouping, and then progressing
C. The parents may refer less mature behaviors 18. When performing a physical examination on
D. The child returns to a level of behavior that an infant, the nurse in charge notes abnormally
increases the sense of security. low-set ears. This finding is associated with:
37. The nurse is assessing a newborn who had A. identity vs. role confusion.
undergone vaginal delivery. Which of the B. adolescent rebellion.
following findings is least likely to be observed in C. career experimentation.
a normal newborn? D. relationship testing
A. uneven head shape 43. The nurse is assessing a 9-month-old boy for
B. respirations are irregular, abdominal, 30-60 a well-baby check up. Which of the following
bpm observations would be of most concern?
c. (+) Moro reflex
D. heart rate is 80 bpm A. The baby cannot say mama when he wants
his mother.
38. Which of the following situations increase the B. The mother has not given him finger foods.
risk of lead poisoning in children? C. The child does not sit unsupported.
D. The baby cries whenever the mother goes out.
A. playing in the park with heavy traffic and with
many vehicles passing by 44. Cherry, the mother of an 11-month-old girl,
B. playing sand in the park Elizabeth, is in the clinic for her daughters
C. playing plastic balls with other children immunizations. She expresses concern to the
D. playing with stuffed toys at home nurse that Elizabeth cannot yet walk. The nurse
correctly replies that, according to the Denver
39. An inborn error of metabolism that causes a Developmental Screen, the median age for
premature destruction of RBC? walking is:
A. G6PD A. 12 months.
B. Homocystinuria B. 15 months.
C. Phenylketonuria C. 10 months.
D. Celiac Disease D. 14 months.
40. Which of the following blood study results 45. Sunshine, age 13, has had a lumbar puncture
would the nurse expect as most likely when to examine the CSF to determine if bacterial
caring for the child with iron deficiency anemia? infection exists. The best position to keep her in
after the procedure is:
A. Increased hemoglobin
B. Normal hematocrit A. Prone for two hours to prevent aspiration,
C. Decreased mean corpuscular volume (MCV) should she vomit.
D. Normal total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) B. Semi-Fowlers so she can watch TV for five
hours and be entertained.
41. The nurse answers a call bell and finds a C. Supine for several hours, to prevent a
frightened mother whose child, the patient, is headache.
having a seizure. Which of these actions should D. On her right sides to encourage return of CSF
the nurse take?
46. Bucks traction with a 10 lb. weight is
A. The nurse should insert a padded tongue blade securing a patients leg while she is waiting for
in the patients mouth to prevent the child from surgery to repair a hip fracture. It is important to
swallowing or choking on his tongue. check circulation- sensation-movement:
B. The nurse should help the mother restrain the
child to prevent him from injuring himself. A. every shift.
C. The nurse should call the operator to page for B. every day.
seizure assistance. C. every 4 hours.
D. The nurse should clear the area and position D. every 15 minutes.
the client safely.
47. Kim is using bronchodilators for asthma. The
42. At the community center, the nurse leads an side effects of these drugs that you need to
adolescent health information group, which often monitor this patient for include:
A. tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, heart 2. Katie is admitted to the intensive care unit of
palpitations, inability to sleep, restlessness, and Nurseslabs Medical Center for diabetic
seizures. ketoacidosis; which of the following is of primary
B. tachycardia, headache, dyspnea, temp. 101 F, importance when caring for the child?
and wheezing.
C. blurred vision, tachycardia, hypertension, A. Giving I.V. NPH insulin in high doses
headache, insomnia, and oliguria. B. Evaluating the child for cardiac abnormalities
D. restlessness, insomnia, blurred vision, C. Limiting fluids to prevent aggravating cerebral
hypertension, chest pain, and muscle weakness. edema
D. Monitoring and recording the childs vital signs
48. The adolescent patient has symptoms of for hypertension
meningitis: nuchal rigidity, fever, vomiting, and
lethargy. The nurse knows to prepare for the 3. Nurse Angelo is attending for a child with
following test: Cushings syndrome; which of the following
nursing interventions would be most necessary?
A. blood culture.
B. throat and ear culture. A. Observing the child for signs and symptoms of
C. CAT scan. metabolic acidosis
D. lumbar puncture. B. Handling the child carefully to prevent bruising
C. Monitoring vital signs for hypertension and
49. The nurse is drawing blood from the diabetic tachycardia
patient for a glycosylated hemoglobin test. She D. Monitoring the child for signs and symptoms of
explains to the woman that the test is used to hypoglycemia
4. While Andres is being assessed at the clinic,
A. the highest glucose level in the past week. Nurse Shiela observed that the child appears to
B. her insulin level. be small, with an immature face and chubby
C. glucose levels over the past several months. body build. Her parents stated that their childs
D. her usual fasting glucose level. rate of growth of all body parts is somewhat
slow, but her proportions and intelligence remain
50. The twelve-year-old boy has fractured his normal. As a knowledgeable nurse, you know
arm because of a fall from his bike. After the that the child has a deficiency of which of the
injury has been casted, the nurse knows it is following?
most important to perform all of the following
assessments on the area distal to the injury A. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
except: B. Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
C. Growth hormone (GH)
A. capillary refill. D. Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
B. radial and ulnar pulse.
C. finger movement 5. Justine is admitted to the pediatric unit due to
D. skin integrity the occurrence of diabetic ketoacidosis signaling
a new diagnosis of diabetes. The diabetes team
ENDO explores the cause of the episode and take steps
to prevent a recurrence. Diabetic ketoacidosis
1. The 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Peters is (DKA) results from an excessive accumulation of
admitted to the healthcare facility with the which of the following?
diagnosis of idiopathic hypopituitarism.
His height is measured below the third percentile A. Sodium bicarbonate from renal compensation
and weight at the 40th percentile. Which of the B. Potassium from cell death
following would be the first action of his C. Glucose from carbohydrate metabolism
attending nurse? D. Ketone bodies from fat metabolism
A. Recommend orthodontic referral for 6. Nurse Aries entered the room of a child with
underdeveloped jaw. hypopituitarism and was asked by the couple
B. Collaborate with a dietician to access his about the condition of their child. Which of the
caloric needs. following phrases if stated by the nurse best
C. Provide for a tutor for his precocious describes the condition?
intellectual ability.
D. Place him in a room with a 2-year-old boy. A. Linear growth retardation with skeletal
proportions normal for chronologic age
B. A complete normal growth pattern, but with 11. Arvic who is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus
the onset of precocious puberty type 1 displays symptoms of hypoglycemia;
C. Normal growth for first five years, followed by which of the following actions should the nurse
progressive linear growth retardation instruct the parents?
D. Growth retardation in which height and weight
are equally affected A. Give the child honey (simple sugar).
B. Give the child milk (complex sugar).
7. In growing children, growth hormone C. Contact the healthcare provider before doing
deficiency results in short stature and very slow anything.
growth rates. Short stature may result from D. Give the child nothing by mouth.
which of the following?
12. Nurse Dorothy is caring for a child with
A. Anterior pituitary gland hypofunction Cushings syndrome; which of the following
B. Posterior pituitary gland hyperfunction should she include in the plan of care?
C. Parathyroid gland hyperfunction
D. Thyroid gland hyperfunction A. Increase fluids to prevent dehydration
B. Encourage a diet high in carbohydrates
8. Tara is an 11-year-old girl diagnosed with type C. Monitor weight each day and report for weight
1 diabetes mellitus (DM). She asks her attending loss
nurse why she cant take a pill rather than shots D. Encourage a diet high in potassium
like her grandmother does. Which of the following
would be the nurses best reply? 13. A child newly diagnosed with diabetes
mellitus has been stabilized with insulin injections
A. If your blood glucose levels are controlled, daily. A nurse prepares discharge teaching plan
you can switch to using pills. regarding the insulin. The teaching plan should
B. The pills correct fat and protein metabolism, reinforce which of the following concepts?
not carbohydrate metabolism.
C. Your body does not make insulin, so the A. Always keep insulin vials refrigerated
insulin injections help to replace it. B. Increase the amount of insulin before exercise
D. The pills work on the adult pancreas, you can C. Ketones in the urine signify a need for less
switch when you are 18. insulin
D. Systematically rotate injection sites
9. Which type of diabetes mellitus (DM) most
likely results from heterogenous risk factors, 14. Which of the following should the nurse
making it preventable? include in the insulin administration instruction
for the parents of a child being discharged on
A. Type 1 insulin?
B. Type 2
C. Type 1 and 2 A. Insert the needle and aspirate prior to
D. Gestational diabetes injecting
B. Inject insulin into the extremity to be
10. Mr. Lopez has a 7-year-old son with growth exercised to enhance absorption
hormone (GH) deficiency. He shares to the nurse C. The muscles in the abdomen and thigh are the
the desire of his son to play ball games. easiest to use for self administration
However, his wife feels the child will be in danger D. Clean the site of injection with soap and water
since he is smaller than the other children. In and avoid alcohol
planning anticipatory guidance for these parents,
the nurse should keep in mind which of the 15. Nurse Angelo admits a child with suspected
following? type 1 DM; which should the nurse ask the
A. The child should be allowed to play because
doing so can foster healthy self-esteem. A. Does the child complain of headache?
B. The risk for fractures is increased because a B. How much exercise does the child get?
GH deficiency results in fragile bones. C. Has the childs number and type of bowel
C. Activity could aggravate insulin sensitivity, movements changed?
causing hyperglycemia. D. Has the child experienced nocturia or
D. Activity would aggravate the childs joints, bedwetting?
already over tasked by obesity. E. How much candy and sweets does your child
take daily?
1. A child diagnosed with intellectual disability 7. The American Association on Mental Deficiency
(ID) is under the supervision of Nurse Tasha. The (AAMD), now American Association on
nurse is aware that the signs and symptoms of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
mild ID include which of the following? (AAIDD) definition of mental retardation
emphasizes which of the following?
A. Few communication skills
B. Lateness in walking A. An IQ level that must be below 50
C. Mental age of a toddler B. Cognitive impairment occurring after age 22
D. Noticeable developmental delays years
C. Deficits in adaptive behavior with intellectual
2. Nurse Gloria is teaching the Mr. and Mrs. Diaz impairment
about the early signs and symptoms of lead D. No responsiveness to contact
poisoning; which of the following if stated by the
couple would indicate the need for further 8. Nurse Maritza is caring for a child with
understanding of the case? Category A Near Drowning; she should do which
of the following? (Select all that apply.)
A. Anemia
B. Seizures A. Give furosemide as ordered.
C. Irritability B. Check for increased intracranial pressure
D. Anorexia C. Plan for discharge in 12 to 24 hours.
D. Check for electrolyte imbalances.
3. Dayas child is scheduled for surgery due to E. Keep mechanical ventilation.
myelomeningocele; the primary reason for F. Provide oxygen as ordered.
surgical repair is which of the following?
9. In diagnosing seizure disorder, which of the
A. To prevent hydrocephalus following is the most beneficial?
B. To reduce the risk of infection
C. To correct the neurologic defect A. Skull radiographs
D. To prevent seizure disorders B. EEG
C. Brain scan
4. Nurse Lorna is assessing infantile reflexes in a D. Lumbar puncture
9-month-old baby; which of the following would
she identify as normal? 10. After explaining to the parents about their
childs unique psychological needs related to a
A. Persistent rooting seizure disorder and possible stressors, which of
B. Bilateral parachute the following interests uttered by them would
C. Absent moro reflex indicate further teaching?
D. Unilateral grasp
A. Feeling different from peers
5. Reyes syndrome is a rare and severe illness B. Poor self-image
affecting children and teenagers. Its development C. Cognitive delays
has been linked with the use of aspirin and which D. Dependency
of the following?
11. Spina bifida is one of the possible neural tube
A. Meningitis defects that can occur during early embryological
B. Encephalitis development. Which of the following definitions
C. Strep throat most accurately describes meningocele?
D. Varicella
A. Complete exposure of spinal cord and
6. Tiffany is diagnosed with increased intracranial meninges
pressure (ICP); which of the following if stated by B. Herniation of spinal cord and meninges into a
her parents would indicate a need for Nurse sac
Charlie to reexplain the purpose for elevating the C. Sac formation containing meninges and spinal
head of the bed at a 10 to 20-degree angle? fluid
D. B and C
A. Help alleviate headache E. Spinal cord tumor containing nerve roots
B. Increase intrathoracic pressure
C. Maintain neutral position 12. Janae has a seizure disorder; which of the
D. Reduce intra-abdominal pressure. following would be the lowest priority when
caring for her?
A. Observing and taking down data on all A. Acidic urine
seizures B. Congenital defects
B. Assuring safety and protection from injuring C. Hydronephrosis
C. Assessing for signs and symptoms of increased D. Infection
intracranial pressure (ICP)
D. Educating the family about anticonvulsant 4. When educating parents regarding known
therapy antecedent infections in acute glomerulonephritis,
which of the following should the nurse cover?
13. Angie is an adolescent who has seizure
disorder; which of the following would not be a A. Scabies
focus of a teaching program? B. Impetigo
C. Herpes simplex
A. Ability to obtain a drivers license D. Varicella
B. Drug and alcohol abuse
C. Increased risk of infections 5. Alaric was diagnosed with minimal-change
D. Peer pressure nephrotic syndrome; which of the following signs
and symptoms are characteristics of the said
14. Bennett was rushed to the emergency disorder?
department with possible increased intracranial
pressure (ICP); which of the following is an early A. Hypertension, edema, hematuria
clinical manifestation of increased ICP in older B. Hypertension, edema, proteinuria
children? (Select all that apply.) C. Gross hematuria, fever, proteinuria
D. Poor appetite, edema, proteinuria
A. Macewens sign
B. Setting sun sign 6. Preferred nurses at the Nurseslabs Medical
C. Papilledema Center are about to perform a procedure related
D. Diplopia to a genitourinary (GU) problem to a group of
pediatric patients. Which of the following groups
15. While examining a 2-year-old child, Nurse would find it especially extra stressful?
Galina sees that the anterior fontanel is open.
She should: A. Infants
B. Toddlers
A. Notify the doctor C. Preschoolers
B. Look for other signs of abuse D. School-age children
C. Recognize this as a normal finding
D. Ask about a family history of Tay-Sachs 7. Which of the following organisms is the most
disease common cause of urinary tract infection (UTI) in
A. Klebsiella
1. 7-year-old Damon has cystitis; which of the B. Staphylococcus
following would Nurse Elena expect when C. Escherichia coli
assessing the child? D. Pseudomonas
10. Steve is diagnosed with celiac disease and A. Intense abdominal cramps
experiences celiac crisis secondary to upper B. Profuse diarrhea
respiratory tract infection; which of the following C. Anal fissures
would Nurse Nancy expect to assess? D. Abdominal distention
11. Nurse Karen is providing postoperative care A. Pulmonary secretions are abnormally thick.
for Dustin who has cleft palate (CP); she should B. Elevated levels of potassium are found in the
position the child in which of the following? sweat.
C. CF is an autosomal dominant hereditary
A. In an infant seat disorder.
B. In the supine position D. Obstruction of the endocrine glands occurs.
C. In the prone position
D. On his side 2. Veronicas parents were told that their
daughter needs ribavirin (Virazole). This drug is
12. Nurse Joyce is assessing a childs cultural used to treat which of the following?
background, she should keep in mind that:
A. Cystic fibrosis
A. Cultural background usually has little bearing B. Otitis media
on a familys health practices C. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
B. Physical characteristics mark the child as part D. Bronchitis
of a particular culture
C. Heritage dictates a groups shared values
3. Beta-adrenergic agonists such as albuterol with asthma. Which of the following statements
are given to Reggie, a child with asthma. Such indicate a need for further home care teaching?
drugs are administered primarily to do which of
the following? A. He should increase his fluid intake regularly
to thin secretions.
A. Dilate the bronchioles B. Well make sure that he avoids exercise to
B. Reduce secondary infections prevent attacks.
C. Decrease postnasal drip C. He is to use his bronchodilator inhaler before
D. Reduce airway inflammation the steroid inhaler.
D. We need to identify what things trigger his
4. Alice is rushed to the emergency department attacks.
during an acute, severe prolonged asthma attack
and is unresponsive to usual treatment. The 10. Which of the following instructions should
condition is referred to as which of the following? Nurse Cheryl include in her teaching plan for the
parents of Reggie with otitis media?
A. Status asthmaticus
B. Reactive airway disease A. Placing the child in the supine position to
C. Intrinsic asthma bottle-feed
D. Extrinsic asthma B. Giving prescribed amoxicillin (Amoxil) on an
empty stomach
5. Which of the following infants is least probable C. Cleaning the inside of the ear canals with
to develop sudden infant death syndrome cotton swabs
(SIDS)? D. Avoiding contact with people who have upper
respiratory tract infections
A. Baby Angela who was premature
B. A sibling of Baby Angie who died of SIDS 11. Immunization of children with Haemophilus
C. Baby Gabriel with prenatal drug exposure influenzae type B (Hib) vaccine decreases the
D. Baby Gabby who sleeps on his back incidence of which of the following conditions?
1. A 5-year-old girl Hannah is recently diagnosed 6. Which of the following instructions would
with Kawasaki disease. Apart from the identified Nurse Courtney include in a teaching plan that
symptoms of the disease, she may also likely focuses on initial prevention for Sheri who is
develop which of the following? diagnosed with rheumatic fever?
5. SA node