Management of Electrolyte Emergencies: Emergency Medicine Board Review Manual

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EDITORIAL PURPOSE Management of Electrolyte
The Hospital Physician Emergency Medicine
Board Review Manual is a peer-reviewed Emergencies
study guide for residents and practicing
physicians preparing for board examinations
in emergency medicine. Each quarterly man- Series Editor: Susan Promes, MD
ual reviews a topic essential to the current Residency Program Director
practice of emergency medicine.
Division of Emergency Medicine
PUBLISHING STAFF Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery
PRESIDENT, GROUP PUBLISHER Duke University Medical Center
Bruce M. White Chapel Hill, NC
Debra Dreger Contributor: N. Ewen Wang, MD
EDITOR Assistant Professor of Surgery, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Robert Litchkofski
Acting Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Rita E. Gould
Division of Emergency Medicine
Stanford University Medical Center
Farrawh Charles Stanford, CA
Barbara T. White
OF OPERATIONS Table of Contents
Jean M. Gaul
PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Suzanne S. Banish
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Disorders of Sodium Imbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Kathryn K. Johnson
Disorders of Potassium Imbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Patricia Payne Castle
Disorders of Calcium Imbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Deborah D. Chavis Disorders of Magnesium Imbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER: Disorders of Phosphorous Imbalance . . . . . . . . . . . 11
This publication has been developed without
involvement of or review by the American Summary Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Board of Emergency Medicine.
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Endorsed by the
Association for Hospital
Medical Education Cover Illustration by Christie Grams

Copyright 2006, Turner White Communications, Inc., Strafford Avenue, Suite 220, Wayne, PA 19087-3391, All rights reserved. No part of this
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Management of Electrolyte Emergencies

N. Ewen Wang, MD

cause either hyponatremia or hypernatremia.1 Sodium

INTRODUCTION imbalances require severe and disproportionate loss or
gain of total body sodium or total body water (TBW).
Electrolyte panels are frequently ordered and often Symptoms of hypernatremia and hyponatremia re-
show results outside of normal ranges. Although most sult primarily from compartmental fluid shifts. Both dis-
electrolyte abnormalities do not require specific treat- orders cause similar pictures of altered level of con-
ment, some are emergent. Emergency medicine physi- sciousness, coma, and seizures. The severity of the
cians should be familiar with common electrolyte im- symptoms depends on the rapidity and the degree of
balances as well as when and how to manage them. the imbalance. Patients at the extremes of age have
more severe symptoms at any given sodium level.


Hyponatremia, defined as a plasma sodium concen-
tration less than 130 mEq/L, is the most common elec-
HOMEOSTASIS OF BODY WATER AND SODIUM trolyte disturbance seen in the hospital population.2 Al-
The kidneys have evolved to conserve water and salt though most patients with hyponatremia are stable and
in order to maintain a “private ocean” bathing the body do not require emergent therapy, acute, severe hypo-
cells. As the most abundant extracellular cation, plasma natremia and its treatment can result in serious morbid-
sodium is the major determinant of osmotic forces in ity or death. Hyponatremia can cause cerebral edema
the extracellular fluid (ECF). Thus, sodium regulation secondary to the movement of water from the hypoton-
must be considered in conjunction with body water reg- ic extracellular space into the intracellular space, result-
ulation. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone ing in increased intracerebral pressure and decreased
enable the kidney to conserve water by concentrating cerebral blood flow. Hyponatremia is a leading cause of
urine. The healthy kidney is also able to excrete large afebrile seizures in infants.3
volumes of excess water in order to maintain a constant
plasma osmolality despite dietary variations. Etiology
ADH is the main regulator of water homeostasis. Low or high plasma sodium concentration can oc-
ADH enhances water permeability in the kidney’s col- cur in different states of hydration, depending on the
lecting duct, increasing water reabsorption. ADH is ratio of TBW to total body sodium.
secreted in response to hypovolemia and high plasma Factious hyponatremia. Low or high plasma sodium
osmolality. ADH and aldosterone will maintain intravas- concentration can be the result of how plasma sodium
cular volume, even at the expense of electrolyte bal- is measured. Pseudohyponatremia (isotonic hypona-
ance. The renin-angiotensin system is the main regula- tremia; plasma osmolality, 280–295) can be due to a
tor of sodium homeostasis. Renin is produced in the blood draw error or an excess of a nonosmotic sub-
kidney in response to decreased intravascular volume stance in the ECF (eg, hyperlipidemia, hyperpoteine-
and via angiotensin stimulates adrenal production of mia). Errors occur because some laboratory techniques
aldosterone. Aldosterone increases sodium resorption for measuring sodium concentration consider the en-
and potassium excretion by the kidney. Hypothalamic tire plasma volume as plasma water, resulting in a false
cells regulate thirst in response to hyperosmolality and increase in the ECF volume.
body fluid volume deficit. Redistributive hyponatremia occurs when there is an
Because of the complex interrelationship between increase of osmotic particles in the ECF (hypertonic hypo-
sodium and water homeostasis, sodium disturbances natremia; plasma osmolality > 295). This form of hypona-
are linked to water imbalances. Changes in total body tremia can occur with hyperglycemia or when hyperos-
sodium and water are usually proportionate and do not molar substances, such as mannitol, are administered.

2 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual www.turner -

Management of Electrolyte Emergencies

Table 1. Categories of True Hyponatremia

Category/ Urinary
Volume Status Mechanism Sodium Treatment
Hypovolemic hyponatremia Renal losses: excess diuretic use,* osmotic diuresis, > 20 mEq/L Isotonic saline,
(ECF volume depletion) renal tubular acidosis, salt-losing nephritis, volume expansion
adrenal insufficiency, metabolic alkalosis
Extrarenal losses: vomiting, diarrhea, fistulas, < 10 mEq/L Isotonic saline,
tubes, burns, effusions, pancreatitis, ascites, muscle volume expansion
trauma, intestinal obstruction, systemic infections
Euvolemic hyponatremia Excess ADH: SIADH, drugs > 20 mEq/L Water restriction
(modest ECF volume Glucocorticoid deficiency
excess) Water intoxication: IV therapy, psychogenic polydipsia,
inappropriately diluted formula, excessive water feeding
Reset osmostat
Hypervolemic hyponatremia Edema-forming states: congestive heart failure,* liver < 10 mEq/L Sodium and water
(ECF volume excess) failure, nephrotic syndrome restriction
Acute or chronic renal failure > 20 mEq/L Sodium and water
restriction, dialysis

ADH = antidiuretic hormone; ECF = extracellular fluid; IV = intravenous; SIADH = syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion. (Adapted with
permission from Perkin RM, Novotny W, Harris GD, et al. Common electrolyte problems in pediatric patients presenting to the ED. Pediatr
Emerg Med Rep 2001;6:115; and Berl T, Anderson RJ, McDonald KM, et al. Clinical disorders of water metabolism. Kidney Int 1976;10:117.)
*Most common cause of hyponatremia in adult emergency department patients.

Water flows out of the relatively hypo-osmotic cells into tremia should include measurement of basic elec-
the ECF, causing apparent hyponatremia. Initially, this trolytes, urinary electrolytes, and a renal panel. Urinary
redistribution of TBW occurs without an alteration in sodium concentration of less than 10 mEq/L is expect-
total body sodium. The presence of an extraneous os- ed if losses are extrarenal. If the urine sodium and chlo-
motically active substance in plasma can be recognized ride concentrations are high (sodium > 20 mEq/L), the
when the calculated osmolality differs from the measured kidney is wasting sodium and chloride.
osmolality by more than 10 mOsm/L. The most common category of hyponatremia in the
In situations of hyperglycemia, the sodium concentra- adult ED patient population is hypovolemic hyponatre-
tion falls by approximately 1.5 mEq/L for every 100 mg mia. Adult patients develop hypovolemic hyponatremia
rise in serum glucose. The apparent hyponatremia will secondary to overuse of thiazide diuretics and in con-
usually resolve once the underlying disorder is treated. gestive heart failure (CHF).
Care should be taken to prevent the patient from becom- Hyponatremia with euvolemia occurs with the syn-
ing dehydrated secondary to osmotic diuresis. drome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH).
True hyponatremia. “True hyponatremia” (plasma os- SIADH has been recognized in association with a variety
molality < 280) occurs with hypovolemia and hypervol- of pathologic processes, including malignancies, central
emia, depending on the imbalance of TBW in conjunc- nervous system (CNS) disorders (eg, infections), bleed-
tion with total body sodium concentration (Table 1). ing, trauma, acute psychosis, and pulmonary disorders.
Hyponatremia with hypovolemia occurs when there is Although the normal kidney is able to excrete up to 25 L
depletion of both water and sodium but the loss of sodi- of excess water intake,4 in cases of extreme polydipsia or
um is greater. Hyponatremia with euvolemia is a mis- in infants, water intoxication can cause hyponatremia
nomer, since there is actually a modest increase in TBW. with clinical euvolemia. Other causes of euvolemic hypo-
However, the TBW increase is equally distributed across natremia include glucocorticoid deficiency, hypothyroid-
all fluid compartments. In situations of hypervolemic ism, and drug use (carbamazepine chlorpropamide,
hyponatremia, total body sodium is increased but TBW is clofibrate, cyclophosphamide, desmopressin, thiazides,
increased even more. tolbutamide, opiates, oxytocin, vincristine).5 These pa-
Initial laboratory tests in the assessment of hypona- tients should be treated with water restriction because

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Management of Electrolyte Emergencies

50 kg woman with serum Na level of 105 mEq sciousness, flaccid or spastic quadriparesis, and bulbar
(correct at rate of 2 mEq/hr or < 0.5 mEq/L/hr) dysfunction. To avoid CPM, serum sodium should not
Sodium to be infused (mEq/L) be corrected faster than 0.5 mEq/L/hr with a target
= (total body water) (desired [Na] – actual [Na]) sodium concentration of 120 mEq/L.1 Figure 1 shows
the method for calculating the volume of hypertonic
Volume of 3% saline to be infused in 1 hour saline to be infused.
(total body water) (desired [Na] – actual [Na]) Patients receiving hypertonic saline should be admit-
513 mEq/L ted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Caution should be
(0.6 x 50 kg)(107–105 mEq/L) taken to prevent volume overload. Loop diuretics may
= be given in conjunction with hypertonic saline to en-
513 mEq/L
hance free water loss.
= 0.117 L or 117 mL
Correct at this rate for a maximum of 24 hours.
Hypernatremia is defined as a sodium concentration
Figure 1. Calculation of volume of hypertonic saline for cor- of more than 145 mEq/L. The normal response to ele-
recting hyponatremia. vation of plasma osmolality is increased thirst and re-
lease of ADH. The thirst mechanism is exquisitely sen-
sitive to hyperosmolarity, so severe hypernatremia is
they actually have volume retention and more or less nor- rare in conscious, mobile patients. Hypernatremia oc-
mal total body sodium. curs primarily in infants, the elderly, and debilitated
Hyponatremia with hypervolemia occurs in patients patients secondary to inadequate access to and intake
with renal failure, advanced CHF, hepatic cirrhosis, and of water, often in conjunction with excessive water loss.
nephrotic syndrome. Total body sodium is increased, Thus, because it occurs in a vulnerable population, hy-
but TBW is increased even more. Patients are relatively pernatremia has the worst prognosis of any electrolyte
intravascularly depleted (cirrhosis, nephrosis) or have abnormality and dramatically increases the mortality
circulatory compromise (CHF). The kidneys interpret for any coexisting disease.
this apparent intravascular insufficiency as hypovolemia Hypernatremia causes cerebral cellular dehydration.
and act to retain water. Treatment is complex and in- In situations of acute hypernatremia, water flows out of
volves sodium and water restriction in addition to treat- the intracellular fluid into the ECF. The loss of brain
ment of the underlying disease. In situations of renal volume puts mechanical traction on the cerebral ves-
failure, dialysis may be necessary. sels, which may tear. In situations of chronic hyperna-
tremia, the brain creates small intracellular proteins to
Treatment combat cellular dehydration (idiogenic osmoles). Hy-
Treatment depends on the clinical severity of the dis- pernatremia may develop in the setting of low, normal,
order and the category of hyponatremia. In all patients, or high (rarely) total body sodium (Table 2).
airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs) should be The initial assessment of hypernatremia and its causes
managed initially. Patients in hypovolemic shock should should include an electrolyte panel and urinary elec-
be volume resuscitated with normal saline. In patients trolytes. In hypovolemic states in the absence of renal dis-
where adrenal insufficiency is possible (eg, hyponatrem- ease, urinary sodium should be concentrated. In cases
ia, hyperkalemia, and dehydration), a steroid bolus where there is renal dysfunction in water regulation, uri-
should be given. Mild asymptomatic hyponatremia nary electrolytes are variable and not helpful in diagnosis.
does not usually require treatment.
More aggressive therapy should be considered in Etiology
severely symptomatic hyponatremia: new altered level Hypovolemic hypernatremia is the most common
of consciousness, coma, and seizures, in conjunction form of hypernatremia. The presence of hypernatremia
with serum sodium less than 120 mEq/L. Hypertonic in this setting indicates severe TBW depletion.1 Patients
saline (3%, 513 mEq/L) can correct hyponatremia display signs of severe volume contraction, including flat
rapidly, but its use is controversial because rapid cor- neck veins, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, poor
rection of hyponatremia can cause volume overload skin turgor, and dry mucous membranes.
and central pontine myelinolysis (CPM). CPM occurs Euvolemic hypernatremia occurs with water deficit
a few days after rapid correction of a severe hypona- in the absence of solute loss. It does not lead to overt
tremic episode. Symptoms include altered level of con- signs of hypovolemia since only 8% of negative water

4 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual www.turner -

Management of Electrolyte Emergencies

Table 2. Categories of Hypernatremia

Category Sodium Status Mechanism Treatment
Hypovolemic Low total Extrarenal losses: excess sweat, diarrhea in children Hypotonic saline
hypernatremia body sodium Renal losses: osmotic diuresis Hypotonic saline
Euvolemic Normal total Renal losses: nephrogenic DI, acute and chronic renal failure, Water replacement
hypernatremia body sodium hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, central DI, sickle cell anemia, drugs
Extrarenal losses: insensible respiratory and dermal losses
Hypervolemic Increased total Iatrogenic sodium administration Diuretics and water
hypernatremia body sodium Primary hyperaldosteronism replacement
Cushing’s syndrome
Acute renal failure; hypertonic dialysis

DI = diabetes insipidus. (Adapted with permission from Berl T, Anderson RJ, McDonald KM, et al. Clinical disorders of water metabolism. Kidney
Int 1976;10:117. Copyright © 1976 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.)

balance is at the expense of the intravascular volume. should be continued on their usual therapy (usually
Renal water losses occur with diabetes insipidus (DI). desmopressin acetate). Nephrogenic DI is usually treat-
DI occurs when the kidney is unable to concentrate ed with a combination of thiazide diuretics and sodium
urine because of a lack of ADH secretion (central or restriction. Oral fluid replacement should be adequate
neurogenic DI) or the kidney fails to respond to ADH to treat euvolemic hypernatremia.
(nephrogenic DI). Central DI can occur after neuro-
surgical procedures, head trauma, stroke, and CNS
infections. In nephrogenic DI, renal response to ADH DISORDERS OF POTASSIUM IMBALANCE
or renal medullary interstitial hypertonicity is decreased,
so the release of ADH does not result in increased water
Hypervolemic hypernatremia is the least common Potassium is the major intracellular cation. Normal
form of hypernatremia. It is infrequently seen in pa- ICF potassium concentration is 140 to 155 mEq/L.
tients with normal renal function since the kidney is Only 2% of body potassium is extracellular, with the
generally able to excrete any amount of excess sodium extracellular concentration of potassium ranging from
ingested. It is usually iatrogenic secondary to the admin- 3.5 to 5.5 mEq/L. The large ratio of intracellular to
istration of hypertonic sodium-containing solutions. extracellular potassium is the primary determinant of
Treatment includes water replacement and furosemide cell membrane potential and is maintained by the
therapy. Those with renal failure may need dialysis. Na+,K+ –ATPase pump. Alteration of this ratio has pro-
found effects on excitable tissue, namely muscle and
Treatment nerve. Despite the vital function of potassium in the
As always, treatment priorities are the ABCs. Normal body, potassium imbalances can be asymptomatic or
saline should be used to stabilize the patient in hypo- nonspecific, with dysrhythmia being the first definitive
volemic shock. While it is known that rapid correction of manifestation.
hypernatremia increases acute mortality, there are little Regulation of extracellular potassium concentration
data on the optimal treatment methods and rate.1 Acute can be divided into the maintenance of external potas-
hypernatremia should be corrected carefully over a min- sium balance, defined as the overall amount of potassi-
imum of 48 hours, with a maximum increase in serum um in the body, and internal potassium balance, the dis-
sodium of 2 mEq/L/hr.1 In cases of hypernatremia of tribution of potassium between the ICF and the ECF. In
unknown or chronic duration, serum sodium should be an individual with normal renal function, approximate-
corrected no faster than 0.5 to 0.7 mEq/L/hr.6 More ly 90% of the daily potassium load is excreted by the kid-
rapid correction can result in deterioration, possibly be- neys. The remainder is excreted in the feces. Aldos-
cause infused saline will diffuse along an osmotic gradi- terone enhances sodium and water conservation and
ent into brain cells that contain idiogenic osmoles, caus- potassium excretion into the urine. Acid-base status
ing cerebral edema. Patients with known central DI also modulates renal potassium handling. Acidemia

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Management of Electrolyte Emergencies

inhibits renal tubular potassium secretion, whereas are usually nonspecific and include weakness, fatigue,
alkalosis stimulates it. muscle pain, and palpitations. Hypokalemia can affect the
Distribution of potassium between the intracellular smooth muscle of the intestines, causing an ileus. It
and extracellular compartments is a rapid and dynamic should not cause mental status changes. The most serious
process responsible for the moment-to-moment main- manifestations of hypokalemia are cardiac dysrhythmia
tenance of plasma potassium concentration. Insulin, and rhabdomyolysis. Atrial and ventricular premature
independent of its glucose regulatory role, promotes contractions and supraventricular tachycardia can devel-
Na+,K+-ATPase activity to pump potassium into the cell. op. Underlying heart disease and digoxin use predispose
Catecholamines also modulate internal potassium bal- patients with hypokalemia to more severe dysrhythmias;
ance. β2-adrenergic stimulation facilitates cellular potas- likewise, hypokalemia exacerbates digoxin toxicity.
sium uptake, while α-adrenergic stimulation releases Severe hypokalemia can cause a classic pattern of
potassium from cells. In acidemia, hydrogen ions move electrocardiograph (ECG) changes, including flattened
into cells in exchange for potassium ions in order to T waves, development of the U wave and a depressed
maintain plasma pH. ST segment, flat or inverted T wave, and prominent
U wave (Figure 2). Workup of hypokalemia should
HYPOKALEMIA include an electrolyte panel to assess for acidosis, anion
Etiology gap, and renal function. Measurement of urinary potas-
Hypokalemia is defined as a plasma potassium level sium is also helpful. Acidosis suggests lower GI losses,
less than 3.5 mEq/L. Although hypokalemia is common, RTA, or diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). A urine potassium
life-threatening hypokalemia (potassium < 2.5 mEq/L) level less than 20 mEq suggests diarrheal losses, while
is unusual.5 In hypokalemia, the cell membrane is hyper- urine potassium more than 20 mEq suggests RTA, DKA,
polarized secondary to an increase in the ratio of intra- diuretic use, hyperaldosteronism, and vomiting. A low
cellular to extracellular potassium, causing decreased urinary chloride level suggests decreased renal perfu-
membrane excitability and delayed conduction of the sion and secondary hyperaldosteronism.5 Plasma mag-
action potential. nesium and calcium levels should also be evaluated
The 2 most common causes of hypokalemia in the since regulation of potassium is affected by plasma lev-
ED setting are diuretic use and malnutrition associated els of these electrolytes.
with alcohol abuse. Other causes include inadequate in-
take (rare if other homeostatic mechanisms are not Treatment
affected), renal potassium wasting, increased extrarenal Treatment should focus on first addressing the
potassium losses, and transcellular shifts of potassium. ABCs, correcting the potassium deficit, and addressing
Often, a combination of factors contributes to the hy- the underlying disorder. Hypokalemia with ventricular
pokalemic state. Etiologies of renal potassium wasting dysrhythmia is a medical emergency. Hypokalemia
include osmotic diuresis, renal tubular acidosis (RTA), should also be treated aggressively in patients taking
nephrotoxic drugs, and magnesium deficiency. Hyper- digoxin and in patients with angina or myocardial in-
aldosteronism and Cushing’s syndrome can result in farction. A rule of thumb is that each potassium deficit
potassium depletion due to increased action of aldos- of 0.3 mEq/L reflects a total body potassium deficit of
terone on the kidney. Common causes of increased 100 mEq.7 It is preferable to administer potassium oral-
extrarenal potassium losses are cutaneous (sweating and ly. Intravenous infusions can cause hyperkalemia and
burns) and gastrointestinal (GI) losses. Vomiting also dysrhythmias. If potassium is administered at a rate of
contributes to hypokalemia by causing elevated aldos- more than 20 mEq/hr, cardiac monitoring is needed to
terone and alkalosis, which favors potassium excretion check for dysrhythmias. The maximum IV potassium
in the urine in exchange for HCO2 and sodium. replacement rate should be 0.3 to 1 mEq/kg/hr to a
Alkalemia, insulin excess, catecholamine excess, and maximum of 40 mEq/hr. Potassium should be ad-
cellular proliferation can cause hypokalemia by shifting ministered through a large vein, as it burns and is scle-
potassium into the cells. The rare familial syndrome of rosing.
hypokalemic periodic paralysis causes a transient Treatment for patients with a potassium deficit to
change in the internal balance of potassium. 2.5 mEq/L is 20–40 mEq KCL orally. For those with a
potassium level less than 2.5 mEq/L or less than
Diagnosis 3 mEq/L and on digoxin, treatment is 20 mEq KCL/hr
Mild hypokalemia (plasma potassium, 3–3.5 mEq/L) IV. If a patient is acidotic and hypokalemic, it is
is rarely symptomatic. In severe hypokalemia, symptoms advisable to first replace potassium before treating the

6 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual www.turner -

Management of Electrolyte Emergencies

acidosis since treatment of acidosis will exacerbate hy-

pokalemia. Hypokalemia recalcitrant to treatment can Sine wave pattern
be secondary to concurrent hypomagnesemia.

Hyperkalemia is defined as plasma potassium greater Increasing spread of
than 5.5 mEq/L. It is the most deadly electrolyte distur- QRS and T
bance. The first manifestation of hyperkalemia may be a

Increasing serum K
life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia. Hyperkalemia de-
creases the ICF/ECF potassium concentration ratio, de- Absent P Wave
polarizing excitable tissues, decreasing conduction velo-
city, and increasing the rate of repolarization.8

Etiology Prolonged PR interval

Causes of hyperkalemia can be divided into artifact,
problems with external balance, and problems with
internal balance. The number one cause of hyperkal-
emia is hemolysis after the patient’s blood has been Peaked T wave
drawn. Thrombocytosis and leukocytosis can also man-
ifest as artifactual hyperkalemia.
Problems with external potassium balance can result
from increased intake or decreased excretion of potassi- Normal
um. Mild or transient hyperkalemia can result from in-
creased dietary intake or iatrogenic administration of
potassium, but sustained hyperkalemia is usually indica-
Decreasing serum K

tive of underlying impaired renal function (acute and Flattened T wave

chronic renal failure or problems in tubular secretion of
potassium [eg, sickle cell disease, interstitial nephritis,
and chronic pyelonephritis]). Aldosterone-deficient
conditions such as Addison’s disease and hyporeninemic Appearance of U wave
hypoaldosteronism also cause hyperkalemia. Drugs ac-
count for up to one third of cases of hyperkalemia, with
75% of these cases secondary to potassium chloride sup-
Depressed ST segment,
plements or potassium-sparing diuretics (Table 3). flat or inverted T wave
Acidemia can cause and be caused by hyperkalemia. and prominent U wave
Insulin deficiency is the major cause of hyperkalemia in TU
patients with diabetes mellitus. Acute cellular lysis Figure 2. Electrocardiographic manifestations of hypokalemia and
caused by rhabdomyolysis, intravascular hemolysis, hyperkalemia. (Adapted from Zull DN. Disorders of potassium
burns, and tumor lysis syndrome causes hyperkalemia by metabolism. Emerg Med Clin North Am 1989;7:771–94, with per-
releasing intracellular contents, including potassium, mission from Elsevier. Copyright © 1989.)
into the ECF. Hyperkalemia in these situations worsens
when renal function is impaired, as is often the case.
6.5 mEq/L) and ultimately widening of the QRS
Diagnosis (Figure 2). Virtually any conduction disturbance can
Neuromuscular symptoms of hyperkalemia include develop in the setting of hyperkalemia, especially AV
paresthesias and weakness. In patients with acute hyper- nodal, fascicular, and bundle branch blocks.8 The
kalemia, symptoms mimicking hypocalcemia, including serum potassium levels at which these ECG changes
tetany, may develop. Sensory involvement is minimal, develop are not hardfast.
and the CNS should not be affected.
Classic ECG changes of hyperkalemia are tall, Treatment
peaked waves (potassium, 5.5–6 mEq/L) followed by Treatment should be based on laboratory values and
PR prolongation and loss of P wave (potassium > 6.0– ECG findings. Emergent therapy should be started if

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Management of Electrolyte Emergencies

Table 3. Drugs That May Cause Hyperkalemia functions such as muscular contractility, neurotransmis-
sion, and hormonal secretion. The majority (99%) of
Drug Mechanism body calcium is complexed to hydroxyapatite in bone,
Potassium supple- May cause hyperkalemia in con- serving as a dynamic reservoir of available calcium. Die-
ments junction with renal insufficiency, tary calcium is absorbed actively and passively in the gas-
potassium-sparing diuresis, diabetes trointestinal tract. Approximately 90% of plasma calcium
Potassium-sparing Inhibits potassium secretion in the is filtered through the kidneys and passively resorbed.
diuretics distal nephron Minute-to-minute plasma calcium levels are regulat-
Angiotensin- Causes relative hypoaldosteronism by ed by 3 hormonal mechanisms: vitamin D, parathyroid
converting enzyme inhibiting angiotensin II production hormone (PTH), and calcitonin. These hormones in-
inhibitors fluence intestinal absorption, renal resorption and ex-
Nonsteroidal anti- Diminishes renin release and may cretion, and internal mobilization of body calcium
inflammatory drugs inhibit aldosterone synthesis from bone. PTH is released in response to a fall in se-
Digitalis preparation Inhibits the Na+,K+-ATPase pump and rum calcium. It causes active renal resorption of calci-
overdose can inhibit potassium uptake by um and stimulates bone resorption by osteoclastic activ-
cells; therapeutic doses are not ity. PTH and sunlight also mediate hydroxylation of
associated with hyperkalemia dietary vitamin D into its active form, 1,25-dihydroxy-
Heparin Associated with hypoaldosteronism by cholecalciferol (1,25-DHCC), in the kidney and liver.
inhibiting aldosterone biosynthesis Activated vitamin D increases the intestinal absorption
Succinylcholine Prolongs muscle depolarization and of calcium. Calcitonin is released when serum calcium
enhances potassium efflux rises; it causes deposition of calcium into the skeleton
β Blockers Inhibits β2 stimulation of cellular and suppresses PTH release.
potassium uptake Normal serum calcium levels range from 8.5 to
10.5 mg/dL; however, only 40% to 50% of serum calci-
Adapted from Palevsky PM, Singer I. Disorders of potassium metabo- um is ionized, or physiologically active. (The normal
lism. In: Wolfson AB, editor. Endocrine and metabolic emergencies. range of ionized calcium is 2.1–2.6 mEq/L [1.0–
New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1990, with permission from Elsevier.
1.3 mmol/L]). The majority of plasma calcium is com-
Copyright © 1990.
plexed to serum anions (phosphate, bicarbonate, cit-
rate, lactate) and serum proteins (primarily albumin).
the potassium level is more than 6 mEq/L and ECG Although ionized calcium levels remain unchanged, the
manifestations of hyperkalemia are present. An asymp- ratio of bound serum calcium and ionized serum calci-
tomatic patient with a laboratory test result showing um is subject to change with decreased albumin states.
severe hyperkalemia should have a blood sample retest- Corrected serum calcium (in mg/dL) using serum albu-
ed and a simultaneous ECG. min levels can be calculated with the following formula:
Initial treatment of severe hyperkalemia is aimed at
Corrected serum calcium (mg/dL) =
preventing or reversing the deleterious effects of hyper-
(serum calcium [mg/dL] + 0.8) × (4 – serum albumin [g/dL])
kalemia on the myocardium. If ECG changes are pre-
sent, calcium is given intravenously as a temporizing Acid-base status influences the ratio of bound and
measure for membrane stabilization. Sodium bicarbon- ionized serum calcium. Acidosis decreases and alkalosis
ate, insulin (glucose is given simultaneously to prevent increases calcium binding to albumin.
hypoglycemia), and high-dose inhaled albuterol are
also used to shift potassium intracellularly. Kayexalate HYPOCALCEMIA
and diuretics actually correct the hyperkalemia by in- Etiology
creasing potassium excretion (Table 4). Acute hypocalcemia (ionized calcium level < 2.0 mEq/L
[< 1.0 mmol/L]) is rare in ambulatory patients.6 This dis-
order can result from decreased calcium intake, defi-
DISORDERS OF CALCIUM IMBALANCE ciency of the hormones that cause calcium release into
the blood, or chelation of calcium to substances that ren-
der the calcium inert. Primary hypoparathyroidism is
CALCIUM HOMEOSTASIS rare and is usually congenital. Typically, secondary hypo-
Plasma and intracellular calcium are strictly regulated parathyroidism is an iatrogenic complication of surgi-
because plasma and intracellular calcium mediate vital cal removal or vascular disruption during parathyroid,

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Management of Electrolyte Emergencies

Table 4. Treatment of Hyperkalemia

Action Agent Dosage Onset Duration

Membrane 10% Calcium 5–10 mL IV bolus < 5 min 30–60 min
stabilization chloride*
Redistribution Sodium bicarbonate 50 mEq IV 5–10 min 1–2 hr
of potassium 8.4% (1 mEq/mL)
into cells Insulin and glucose 10–20 U regular insulin with 50 g glucose IV 30 min 4–6 hr
Albuterol 0.5 mL of 20% solution by nebulizer 30 min 2 hr
Enhanced Kayexcelate 25–50 g in 70% sorbitol orally or rectally 1–2 hr 4–6 hr
excretion Diuretics/furosemide 40–80 mg IV Within minutes Throughout diuresis
Dialysis Within minutes Throughout dialysis

IV = intravenous.
*Use as a bolus only if QRS is widened.

thyroid, or carotid surgery. Infiltration of the parathyroid Trousseau’s sign (carpal spasm after inflation of a blood
gland by metastasis or by infiltrative disorders destroys pressure cuff to 20 mm Hg above systolic blood
parathyroid tissue. Hypomagnesemia and hypermagne- pressure for 3 minutes) are signs of hypocalcemia. CNS
semia impair PTH release. manifestations of hypocalcemia include depression, con-
Vitamin D deficiency can cause hypocalcemia be- fusion, and seizures. Psychiatric symptoms include de-
cause of decreased absorption of dietary calcium but is pression, psychosis, and dementia. Bradycardia, hypoten-
rare in the United States because of milk fortification. sion, CHF, and cardiac arrest can result from decreased
However, lack of sunlight exposure, small bowel or bil- myocardial contractility.
iary disease, or pancreatic failure can decrease vita- Initial assessment should include measurement of
min D absorption. Many drugs can cause hypocalcemia, serum electrolytes, serum calcium, ionized calcium,
including cimetidine, phosphates, dilantin, loop diuret- and phosphate and an ECG. The ECG may demon-
ics, and glucocorticoids. Renal disease can result in lack strate a prolonged QT interval, although changes are
of activation of vitamin D. nonspecific.
Since calcium forms complexes with different sub-
stances, increased concentration of anions, proteins, Treatment
and fatty acids in the plasma can result in ionized hypo- Asymptomatic patients can be treated with oral calci-
calcemia. In hyperphosphatemia, the phosphate com- um supplementation. Severe presentations (seizure, dys-
plexes with serum calcium to cause hypocalcemia. rhythmias, hypotension) with high clinical suspicion for
Citrate (found in blood products as a preservative and hypocalcemia should be treated immediately. Sympto-
in contrast material), exogenous bicarbonate, and alka- matic patients should be treated with elemental calcium
losis enhance plasma binding of calcium. Hypocal- 100 to 300 mg IV in a monitored setting.9 (10% calcium
cemia can occur in pancreatitis as a result of calcium gluconate = 9.3 mg elemental calcium/mL and 10% cal-
complexing with free fatty acids. Fluoride forms com- cium chloride = 27.2 mg elemental calcium/mL). Cal-
plexes with calcium in cases of fluoride poisoning. cium is best administered through a central vein since it
Calcium can also move into cells as a result of cellular is sclerosing.
injury, as occurs in sepsis, shock, and burns. When treating hypocalcemia, serum magnesium
should be checked and corrected if low, since hypo-
Diagnosis magnesemia can cause refractory hypocalcemia. When
The clinical manifestations of hypocalcemia are pro- metabolic acidosis accompanies hypocalcemia, calcium
tean. In the ED, patients will usually have neuromuscular must be replaced before acidosis is corrected because
and cardiovascular signs and symptoms. Decreased se- calcium and hydrogen compete for protein-binding
rum calcium causes neuromuscular hyperexcitability. sites and an increase in pH could result in a rapid de-
Paresthesias, weakness, cramps, fasciculations, and tetany crease in ionized calcium and cardiac arrest. Patients on
are some peripheral neuromuscular signs. Latent tetany digoxin should be monitored carefully because calcium
elicited by Chvostek’s sign (spasm of the muscles of facial can exacerbate digoxin toxicity. In hyperphosphatemia,
movement when tapping over the facial nerve) and soft tissue calcifications can result when the product of

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Management of Electrolyte Emergencies

Table 5. Management of Hypercalcemia lethargy, stupor, and coma. Hypercalcemia impedes

renal reabsorption of fluid and electrolytes and pro-
Restoration of intravascular volume
motes dehydration, which can culminate in oliguric
Isotonic saline for volume resuscitation (serum calcium renal failure. Anorexia, vomiting, constipation, ileus,
will decrease by 1.6–2.4 mg/dL)
and abdominal pain are nonspecific GI symptoms.
Correct electrolyte abnormalities Chronic hypercalcemia and volume depletion predis-
Enhancement of renal calcium elimination pose a patient to renal stones and calcium-induced
Saline diuresis interstitial nephritis.
Loop diuretics (avoid thiazide diuretics) after restoration The cardiovascular system is affected on many levels.
of intravascular volume Although hypercalcemia usually is associated with hypo-
Reduction of osteoclastic activity (not usually done in ED) volemia, blood pressure can be deceptively normal due
to increased arterial smooth muscle vascular tone. ECG
Mithramycin and calcitonin
changes are not consistent but can include shortening
Treatment of primary disorder of the QT interval, prolongation of the PR interval, and
Adapted from Gibbs M, Wolfson AB, Tayad VS. Electrolyte distur- QRS widening. Hypercalcemia exacerbates digoxin tox-
bances. In: Rosen P, Barkin R, Danzl DF, et al, editors. Emergency med- icity.
icine: concepts and clinical practice. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 1998:2444,
with permission from Elsevier. Copyright © 1998. Treatment
The 4 steps in the treatment of hypercalcemia are
shown in Table 5. Patients with severe hypercalcemia
total calcium multiplied by serum phosphate rises or with significant dehydration should be treated imme-
above 64 to 70 mg/dL.3 diately. Glucocorticoids to treat adrenal insufficiency
should be considered.
The diagnosis of hypercalcemia is often more impor- DISORDERS OF MAGNESIUM IMBALANCE
tant as an indication of an underlying medical disorder
than as a disorder that needs to be treated. Hyper- Magnesium is a key cofactor in many enzymatic pro-
calcemic crisis occurs in patients with severe hypercal- cesses and is an obligatory cofactor for adenosine tri-
cemia (> 14 mg/dL) and is generally associated with phosphate (ATP). Half of the body’s magnesium is pre-
severe signs and symptoms. Ninety percent of cases are sent in bone, while only 1% to 2% is present in the
due to primary hyperparathyroidism or malignancy. serum. The normal range of serum magnesium is
Patients with primary hyperparathyroidism typically 1.8 to 3 mg/dL. Because magnesium is linked to the
develop a constellation of problems such as hypercal- function, regulation, and homeostasis of other elec-
cemia, hypophosphatemia, hyperchloremic metabolic trolytes, hypomagnesemia can cause electrolyte distur-
acidosis, and phosphaturia.9 Hypercalcemia is the most bances refractory to standard treatment, in particular,
common paraneoplastic complication of cancer, result- hypokalemia and hypocalcemia.
ing from production of parathyroid hormone–related Magnesium is absorbed in the intestines and is usu-
protein (PTHrP) by the tumor. Adrenal insufficiency ally conserved by the kidneys. In deficiency states, mag-
can also cause hypercalcemia. Drugs are a less common nesium reabsorption is enhanced in the kidney under
etiology. Thiazide diuretics (increase renal absorption the influence of PTH. While renal excretion of magne-
of calcium), lithium, estrogens, vitamin D toxicity, and sium protects against hypermagnesemia, renal conser-
calcium ingestion can result in hypercalcemia. Granulo- vation is limited and cannot protect against hypomag-
matous disorders cause hypercalcemia when activated nesemia.6
macrophages activate vitamin D.
Diagnosis Diuretics and alcohol abuse are the major causes of
Clinical manifestations are nonspecific, and the se- hypomagnesemia seen in an ED population. Diuretics
verity of symptoms is a function of serum calcium level increase magnesium excretion by 25% to 50%. Signifi-
and rapidity of serum calcium rise. Hypercalcemia de- cant hypomagnesemia usually occurs in conjunction
creases neuronal conduction and causes CNS depres- with renal magnesium wasting. Hypomagnesemia also
sion. Symptoms include fatigue, weakness, confusion, occurs in 50% to 60% of ICU patients.

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Management of Electrolyte Emergencies

Clinical manifestations of hypomagnesemia are non- associated with respiratory depression, coma, and heart
specific, inconsistent, and variable in severity and do block. Treatment includes discontinuing magnesium
not correlate with plasma magnesium levels. Patients and forced diuresis. In severe cases, IV calcium is the
are usually symptomatic at magnesium levels less than first-line treatment to promote membrane stability.
1.2 mg/dL. Neuromuscular (muscle weakness, tremor, Dialysis is the definitive treatment in patients who have
hyperreflexia, and tetany) and cardiovascular (supra- kidney failure, dysrhythmias, and persistent hemody-
ventricular and ventricular dysrhythmias, including namic instability.
ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and tor-
sades de pointes) symptoms are the manifestations of
hypomagnesemia seen in the ED. Patients with CHF on DISORDERS OF PHOSPHOROUS IMBALANCE
diuretics are especially prone to hypomagnesemia and
vulnerable to its effects. Digoxin-induced dysrhythmias Phosphorous is found in the body in the form of
are more likely with hypomagnesemia. Hypomagnes- phosphate. It forms an essential component of nucleic
emia also complicates digoxin toxicity since magnesium acids, ATP, and hydroxyapatite in bone. In the serum,
is an essential cofactor for the Na+,K+-ATPase pump, phosphate serves a vital function as an acid-base buffer.
which is inhibited by digoxin. Phosphate abnormalities are rarely diagnosed in the
Serum electrolytes and calcium level should be as- ED, although they are not uncommon in very sick hos-
sessed. Hypomagnesemia can cause hypocalcemia since pitalized patients.
magnesium is required for normal synthesis and release Phosphate is absorbed by the intestines and kidney,
of PTH. It can also result in refractory hypokalemia stored in bone, and renally excreted. It is regulated by
since it is a cofactor in the Na+,K+-ATPase pump. Electro- PTH and vitamin D hormones. Vitamin D coregulates
cardiography should be done, although findings are phosphate, causing increased intestinal absorption of
nonspecific. phosphate and calcium. Approximately 90% of serum
Because the serum magnesium level is an inaccurate phosphate is passively reabsorbed in the proximal tu-
representation of intracellular magnesium, it should not bule of the kidney. PTH inhibits further absorption of
be used to guide therapy. If hypomagnesemia is suspect- phosphate in the distal tubules while increasing calcium
ed and the patient is symptomatic, treatment should be absorption. PTH also regulates calcium and phosphate
determined by severity of symptoms. Oral magnesium activation from bone.
can be given when symptoms are not severe. In patients
who are symptomatic, ABCs must first be addressed. A HYPOPHOSPHATEMIA
patient with dysrhythmia or seizures should be given IV This disorder is classified as mild (2.5–2.8 mg/dL),
magnesium. In patients with normal renal function, moderate (1.0–2.5 mg/dL), and severe (< 1 mg/dL).
25 to 50 mg/kg can be given initially.9 This should be Malnutrition is an uncommon cause of hypophosphat-
diluted and given over 30 to 60 minutes. Bolus adminis- emia because phosphate is ubiquitous in the diet. How-
tration can cause bradycardia, hypotension, and heart ever, up to 50% of alcohol abusers are hypophosphat-
block; therefore, magnesium should be administered emic. Important risk factors include DKA, malnutrition,
with caution in patients with heart block or renal insuf- diuretic or antacid therapy, sepsis, and alcoholism.
ficiency. Because most magnesium is excreted in the Causes can be categorized as disorders that increase
urine, restoring total body magnesium to normal levels renal excretion, decrease GI absorption, or shift phos-
can take days. phate from the serum into the cells (Table 6).
Manifestations of hypophosphatemia are usually
HYPERMAGNESEMIA hematologic and neuromuscular, resulting from im-
Significant hypermagnesemia is rare and is seen al- paired energy metabolism and production of ATP. Mild
most exclusively in the setting of renal insufficiency and hypophosphatemia is usually asymptomatic. With se-
accidental overdose (antacids and cathartics). Treat- vere hypophosphatemia, myocardial depression, hypo-
ment of toxemia or preterm labor with magnesium are tension, impaired responsiveness to vasopressors, and
iatrogenic causes of hypermagnesemia. Clinical mani- respiratory insufficiency are common. Other manifesta-
festations of hypermagnesemia correlate well with tions of hypophosphatemia include hemolysis, leuko-
serum levels. Early signs are nausea, vomiting, weak- cyte dysfunction, and decreased oxygen delivery to the
ness, cutaneous flushing, and hyporeflexia. At serum tissues.
levels of 5 to 6 mg/dL, hypotension and ECG changes Patients with mild to moderate hypophosphatemia
develop. Magnesium levels of more than 9 mg/dL are can be treated with oral phosphate supplements. Those

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Management of Electrolyte Emergencies

Table 6. Causes of Hypophosphatemia or very old or in patients with multiple comorbidities.

It is always the result of TBW deficit in an adult.
Renal loss: diuretics, renal tubular dysfunction, hyperosmolar • Hyperkalemia can be asymptomatic until dysrhyth-
states, hyperparathyroidism, hyperaldosteronism, glucocor- mias occur.
ticoid administration
• Potassium disorders are the most life-threatening,
Insufficient gastrointestinal absorption: starvation/malnutrition, secondary to dysrhythmias and neuromuscular
phosphate binding antacids, vitamin D deficiency, chronic symptoms.
diarrhea, nasogastric suctioning
• The number one cause of hyperkalemia is hemolysis
Transcellular shift: respiratory alkalosis, sepsis, heatstroke, secondary to laboratory error.
aspirin poisoning, hepatic encephalopathy, alcohol with- • Consider hypomagnesemia in cases of refractory
drawal, hyperglycemia, insulin
hypokalemia and hypocalcemia.
• Normal magnesium levels do not preclude hypo-
with severe symptomatic hypophosphatemia can be • Treat hypokalemia and hypocalcemia first when they
treated with IV phosphate. Parenteral phosphate occur in conjunction with acidemia.
should be given under monitored conditions since it
can cause hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. In-
travenous phosphate should be given with caution in REFERENCES
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• Rapidity of development of electrolyte imbalance balance and the control of the plasma potassium con-
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• Hypernatremia has the worst prognosis of any elec- medicine: concepts and clinical practice. 4th ed. St. Louis:
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