Pediatric Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
When assessing a newborn for developmental dysplasia of the hip, the nurse would expect to assess which of the following/ a. Symmetrical gluteal folds b. Trendelemburg sign c. Ortolanis sign d. Characteristic limp 2. A nurse in the delivery room assists with the delivery of anewborn infant. Following the delivery, the nurse prevents heat loss in the newborn infant resulting from conduction by: a. Wrapping the newborn in a blanket b. Closing the doors to the delivery rooms c. Placing a warm pad on the crib before pacing newborn in the crib d. Drying the newborn with a warm blanket 3. Nurse Macky is monitoring a preterm newborn infant for signs of respiratory distress syndrome. The nurse monitors the infant for: a. Acrocyanosis, apnea, pneumothorax, and grunting b. Barrel shaped chest, hypotension and bradycardia c. Cyanosis, tachypnea, retractions, grunting respirations and nasal flaring d. Acrocyanosis, emphysema, and interstitial edema 4. Signs of cold stress that the nurse must be alert when caring for a Newborn is: a. Hypothermia b. Decreased activity level c. Shaking d. Increased RR 5. During the feto-placental circulation, the shunt between two atria is called a. Ductus venosous
b. Foramen Magnum c. Ductus arteriosus d. Foramen Ovale 6. When assessing the fluid and electrolyte balance in an infant, which of the following would be important to remember? a. Infant can concentrate urine at an adult level b. The metabolic rate of an infant is slower than in adults c. Infants have more intracellular water that adult do d. Infant have greater body surface area than adults 7. Based on this data given by Braguda, you can classify Bragudas daughter to have: a. Pneumonia: cough and colds b. Severe pneumonia c. Very severe pneumonia d. Pneumonia moderate 8. A NB infant is diagnosed with esophageal atresia. The nurse assess the infant, knowing that a typical finding in this disorder is: a. Diaphragmatic breathing b. Slowed reflexes c. Continuous drooling d. Passage of large amounts of frothy stool 9. Which of the following would be a diagnostic test for Phenylketonuria which uses fresh urine mixed with ferric chloride? a. Guthrie Test b. Phenestix test c. Beutlers test d. Coombs test 10. Which of the following is true about Mongolian Spots? a. Disappears in about a year b. Are linked to pathologic conditions c. Are managed by tropical steroids d. Are indicative of parental abuse 11. Which of the following is characterized the rate of growth during this period?
a. most rapid period of growth b. a decline in growth rate c. growth spurt d. slow uniform growth rate 12. What would cause the closure of the Foramen ovale after the baby had been delivered? a. Decreased blood flow b. Shifting of pressures from right side to the left side of the heart c. Increased PO2 d. Increased in oxygen saturation 13. For acute otitis media, the treatment is prompt antibiotic therapy. Delayed treatment may result in complications of: a. Tonsillitis b. Eardrum Problems c. Brain damage d. Diabetes mellitus 14. When assessing gross motor development in a 3 year old, which of the following activities would the nurse expect to finds? a. Riding a tricycle b. Hopping on one foot c. Catching a ball d. Skipping on alternate foot 15. A nurse in the pediatric unit admitted a 30 month old child. The nurse plans care knowing that the child is in which stage of Eriksons psychosocial stages of development? a. Industry vs. inferiority b. autonomy vs. shame & doubt c. trust vs. mistrust d. Initiative vs. guilt 16. A nurse in the day care center told that a child with autism will be attending the center. The nurse collaborates with the staff of the day care center and plans that will meet the childs needs. The priority consideration in planning activities for the child is to ensure: a. Familiarity with activities and providing orientation throughout the activities b. Safety with activities c. Social interactions with other children in the same age group
d. that activities provide verbal stimulation 17. A child with respiratory syncytial virus who is in oxygen tent is receiving ribavirin ( Virazole ). Which precaution will the nurse specifically take while caring for the child? a. Wear gown and mask b. Wear head covering c. Wear googles and mask d. Wear gown 18. A mother of a 4 y/o child called the clinic and expresses concern about the child has been masturbating. Using Freuds psychosexual devt theory, the appropriate response by the nurse is? a. Children usually begin this behavior at age 8 years b. This is a normal behavior at this age c. This is not a normal behavior, and the child should be seen by a doctor d. The child is very young to begin this behavior and should be brought to the clinic 19. An infant is brought to the health care clinic, and the other tells the nurse that her infant has been vomiting after meals. The mother explains that the vomiting is now more becoming frequent and forceful and the infant seems to be constipated. On assessment, the nurse notes visible peristaltic waves moving from left to right across the abdomen. Based on this finding, the nurse would suspect which of the following? a. colic b. Intussusception c. pyloric stenosis d. congenital megacolon 20. A nurse is preparing to care for a n infant with pertussis. In planning care, the nurse addresses which critical problem? a. Ineffective airway clearance b. Excess fluid volume c. Disturbed sleeping pattern d. Risk for infection 21. Nurse Ken is caring for an infant following pyloromyotomy performed to treat pyloric stenosis. Nurse places the infant in which position following surgery. a. flat on unoperative side
b. flat on operative side c. prone with the head of the bed elevated d. supine with the head of the bed elevated 22. When introducing food to an infant, mother shoul follow a certain progression, best of which is? a. cereals,meat, fruit, vegetables, egg b. cereals, fruit, vegetables, egg yolks, meats c. fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat d. fruits, cereals, vegetables, meats 23. As part of CARI program, assessment of the child is your main responsibility. You could ask the following question to the mother except: a. How old is the child? b. IS the child coughing? For how long? c. Did the child have chest indrawing? d. Did the child have fever? For how long? 24. A newborns failure to pass meconium within 24 hours after birth may indicate which of the following? a. Aganglionic Mega colon b. Celiac disease c. Intussusception d. Abdominal wall defect 25. The nurse understands that a good snack for a 2 year old with a diagnosis of acute asthma would be: a. Grapes b. Apple slices c. A glass of milk d. A glass of cola