Hypertension and Anaesthesia: Anaesthetics Supplement
Hypertension and Anaesthesia: Anaesthetics Supplement
Hypertension and Anaesthesia: Anaesthetics Supplement
Lines D, Department of Anaesthesia, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, University of Witwatersrand
Correspondence to: Des Lines, e-mail: [email protected]
The difficulty that anaesthetists face is that they often, when seeing a patient pre-operatively, do not have the benefit
of seeing the patients normal average blood pressure taken at different times over a period of weeks. The decision
to cancel surgery based on the blood pressure found at the pre-operative visit must, therefore, take into account the
urgency of the surgery, as well as the presence of end organ damage from chronic hypertension. A detailed history and
examination should be performed looking for evidence of coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease and renal
Peer reviewed Medpharm S Afr Fam Pract 2014;56(2)(Suppl 1):S5-S9
ischaemia and arrhythmias. The heterogeneity of the limit myocardial perfusion. Subendocardial autoregulation
studies analysed with regards the type of complications is also abnormal making hypertensive hearts vulnerable
and likely risk, did however make effective correction for to unstable blood pressures.3 An exaggerated pressor
confounding variables very difficult. Current evidence response may also occur during severe surgical stimulation
would suggest, and is supported by the ACA/AHA and extubation.
guidelines that stage 1 or stage 2 hypertension alone is
These responses and the haemodynamic instability that
not an independent risk factor for peri-operative cardiac
occurs in hypertensive patients resulting in intra-operative
complications. The recommendations regarding patients
ischaemia can be modified by treatment and requires the
with pressures exceeding 180/110 mmHg are less clear and
understanding and appropriate skill of the anaesthetist
a risk-benefit analysis needs to be made before pending
to modify these effects. Patients with stage 3 or greater
surgery. A recent study did, however, show that increasing
hypertension will have greater fluctuations in blood pressure
severity of pre-induction hypertension was an independent
during anaesthesia and as this level of hypertension may
risk factor for myocardial injury/infarction and in-hospital
be a marker for potential coronary heart disease (CAD), it
death. The overall incidence of adverse events (elevated follows that control of blood pressure pre-operatively may
troponin levels or in-hospital death) was 1.3% and 2.8% help reduce the tendency to peri-operative ischaemia
for the subgroup with baseline systolic pressures above and hence post-operative cardiac morbidity.10
200 mmHg.20 Crucial to all of this is determining whether
the hypertension occurs in isolation, is associated with Brain
complications related to the existence of long standing
Hypertension is a risk factor for ischaemic and haemor-
hypertension or if it is associated with other risk factors.
rhagic brain injury. Carotid disease is also more common
The major organs at risk from long standing, untreated
in patients with hypertension, making them vulnerable
hypertension are the heart, the kidneys and the brain. The
to a cerebral ischaemic event if pressures are not
physical examination should include a search for target
appropriately controlled in the peri-operative period.
organ damage and evidence of associated cardiac, Chronic hypertension leads to a shift in the cerebral
renal and cerebral pathology. The review by Howell and autoregulation curve to the right, making cerebral
colleagues implies that patients are more likely to die perfusion flow dependant, during severe hypotension.
from hypertension related co-morbidities or from a poor Normalisation of the cerebral autoregulation may take
understanding of the pathophysiology of hypertension several weeks to return to near normal values.
and its relation to anaesthesia than from the hypertension
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