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Copyright 2011, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Intensive Care. All Rights Reserved. Received April 2010; accepted September 2010
Perioperative hypertension:
Diagnosis and Treatment
KM Soto-Ruiz1, WF Peacock2, J Varon3
1 Dorrington Medical Associates, Houston, Texas and School of medicine, Autonomous University of Baja California, Tijuana, Mexico
2 Department of Emergency Medicine, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, United States of America
3 The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, and The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. St. Lukes
Episcopal Hospital/Texas Heart Institute, Houston, United States of America
Abstract - With hypertension affecting more people every year, it is commonly encountered in the perioperative setting by
anaesthesiologists, surgeons, intensivists, and internists. The presence of perioperative hypertension poses a risk for patients that can
affect the morbidity and mortality of a surgical procedure. Despite well documented findings of complications that can arise from this
condition, and the beneficial effects of therapeutic management, there are few diagnostic or treatment guidelines. Multiple agents can
be used in the acute setting of perioperative hypertension, however some of the agents currently available are less than ideal. We have
reviewed current and emerging pharmacological agents available.
Keywords - Hypertension, cardiac surgery, surgery, hypertensive crisis, hypertension management, preoperative, perioperative, postoperative
options for parenteral blood pressure management are described kg/min. Because it is manufactured in a lipid emulsion, it is
below (See Table 1): recommended that the infusion set up be changed every four
hours to prevent the possibility of bacterial contamination.
Clevidipine Furthermore, the maximal 24 hour dosage should not exceed
Clevidipine is a third generation dihydropyridine calcium channel 2.5g/kg [28], and clevidipine should not be given to patients with
blocker. Metabolized by red blood cell (RBC) esterases, it has a soy or egg allergies
half-life of 1-2 minutes which is not altered by renal or hepatic A comparative effectiveness trial of clevidipine versus
failure. An arterially selective vasodilator, clevidipine reduces nitroglycerin, nicardipine, and nitroprusside has been performed
afterload without affecting cardiac filling pressures and is not [28]. The Evaluation of CLevidipine In the Perioperative
reported to cause reflex tachycardia. A direct coronary vasodilator, Treatment of Hypertension Assessing Safety Events (Eclipse)
clevidipine increases coronary blood flow while increasing trial prospectively evaluated outcomes in1512 cardiac surgical
stroke volume and cardiac output. Clevidipine protects against patients that required treatment for APH. In this analysis, the
ischaemia/reperfusion injury, and maintains splanchnic blood clevidipine cohort was found to have a significantly lower mortality
flow and renal function [5]. rate as compared to the nitroprusside group. Clevidipine was also
A clevidipine infusion is started at a rate of 0.4g/kg/min, found to achieve goal SBP more effectively than nitroglycerin or
titrating by doubling increments every 90 seconds up to 3.2g/ nitroprusside.
Clevidipine Infusion rate started at a rate of 0.4 g/kg/ Half-life of one minute, duration Cannot be given in patient with egg or
min, titrating by doubling increments every 90 of action 5-15 mins soy allergy.
seconds up to 3.2 g/kg/min, up to a maximum Infusion set up should be changed
of 2.5g/kg/24hours every 4 hours
Nicardipine 5mg/hr, increasing 2.5mg/hr every 5 minutes up Onset of action is 5 to 15 Increased half-life may results in
to a maximum of 15mg/hr minutes, duration of action is 4 prolonged action by 24 hours of use
to 6 hours
Nitroglycerin Starting dose is 5 g/kg/min, it can be titrated onset of action is 2 to 5 minutes, Hypotension and reflex tachycardia.
at 5 g /kg/min every 3-5mins, after dose duration of action is 3 to 5 Tachyphylaxis onset within 4 hours.
exceeds 20 g /kg/min, it can be incremented minutes Methemoglobinemia with prolonged
at 20 g /kg/min infusion
Nitroprusside 0.25 to 0.5mg/kg/min titrated every 1-2 minutes Onset of action is seconds, the Decreases renal blood flow and
duration of action is 1-2 minutes, function.
and plasma half-life is 3 to 4 Decreases cerebral blood flow but
minutes increases intracranial pressure.
Coronary steal
Prolonged infusion may result in
cyanide toxicity
Hydralazine IV bolus: 10-20 mg repeated every 1-4 hours Onset of action is 5 to 25 mins, Reflex tachycardia in ischaemic heart
as needed. drop in BP can last up to 12 disease may result in iatrogenic MI
IV Infusion: loading dose of 0.1 mg/kg, followed hours. Circulating half-life is 3 Avoid in patients with dissecting
by a continuous infusion of 1.5-5 mcg/kg/min hours aneurysms.
It can increase intracranial pressure
Fenoldopam Starting dose is 0.1 g/kg/min, titrated by Onset of action 5 mins, maximal Tachycardia
increments of 0.05-0.1 g/kg/min, up to a response at 15 mins. Elimination Increase intraocular pressure
maximum of 1.6 g/kg/min half-life is 5 mins, duration of
action is 30-60 mins.
Labetalol Loading dose 20mg followed by 20-80mg every Onset of action is 2-5 mins, it Should not be used in patients with
10mins. After initial dose, a 1-2mg/min infusion reaches a peak at 5-15 minutes acute heart failure, bradycardia, heart
titrated until desired effect has been achieved and lasts up to 4 hours, its block >1st degree, bronchospasm
elimination half-life is 5.5 hours
Esmolol 500-1000 g /kg Onset of 60 seconds and a short Anaemia can prolong its half-life.
loading dose in 1 min, followed by infusion duration of action of 10 to 20 Should not use with acute heart failure,
starting at 50 g/kg/min and increasing up to minutes bradycardia, heart block >1st degree,
300 g/kg/min PRN bronchospasm
Enalaprilat 1.25mg in over 5 min every 6 hours titrated Onset of action 15 minutes, peak Variable response, slow onset of action,
by increments of 1.25mg at 12-24 hours to a effect in an hour, duration of difficult to titrate to effect
maximum of 5mg every 6 hours action is 6 hours
Finally, hydralazine has also been reported to increase cardiac output and heart rate [11]. Its hypotensive effect is
intracranial pressure [31]. Thus it should be avoided in patients achieved by decreasing heart rate and myocardial contractility,
in whom potentially increased intracranial pressures would be thereby reducing arterial pressure and it has no vasodilatory
contraindicated. effect.
Esmolol is administered as a 500-1000g/kg loading dose
Fenoldopam over one minute, followed by a continuous infusion starting at
Fenoldopam is a dopamine-1 receptor agonist that mediates 50g/kg/min and increasing up to 300g/kg/min as necessary.
vasodilation by its effect on peripheral dopamine-1 receptors. It has an onset of 60 seconds and a short duration of action
Quickly metabolized by conjugation in the liver, without the of only 10 to 20 minutes. Because of its RBC dependent
participation of cytochrome P-450 enzymes, fenoldopam metabolism, any condition associated with anaemia may result in
mediates renal arterial vasodilation and activates dopamine a prolonged half-life and longer duration of hypotensive effects.
receptors in the proximal and distal tubules. The net renal effects The American College of Cardiology/ American Heart Association
are to inhibit sodium reabsorption, thus promoting diuresis and guidelines state esmolol is contraindicated in patients already
natriuresis [5]. on -blockers, those with bradycardia, or in the setting of acute
After administration of fenoldopam, the onset of effect is within decompensated heart failure as it has the potential to excessively
5 minutes, and maximal response is achieved by 15 minutes. The impair myocardial function.
elimination half-life is 5 minutes and its duration of action is from
30 to 60 minutes. The starting dose is 0.1g/kg/min, titrated by Enalaprilat
increments of 0.05-0.1g/kg/min, up to a maximum of 1.6g/ An IV ACE inhibitor, enalaprilat is effective treating hypertension in
kg/min. While fenoldopam reduces blood pressure, it often patients with congestive heart failure and essential hypertension.
causes reflex tachycardia and can increase intraocular pressure. It has also been found to prevent worsening renal function
Therefore, fenoldopam should be avoided in patients at risk of in patients with diabetic and non-diabetic nephropathy. For
myocardial ischaemia, intraocular or intracranial hypertension perioperative use, it has been specifically reported to be effective
[11]. in patients undergoing craniotomies [32].
Enalaprilat is generally administered IV with a starting dose
Labetalol of 1.25 mg over five minutes and repeated every six hours as
Labetalol is a combined selective 1- and non-selective needed. It can be titrated in increments of 1.25 mg at 12 to 24
-adrenergic blocker, that is given as a bolus or a continuous hour intervals, to a maximum of 5 mg every six hours.
infusion. Metabolized by the liver to form an inactive glucuronide The use of enalaprilat has several advantages. It can be
conjugate, it has an onset of action within 2 to 5 minutes, reaches administered as a bolus instead of a continuous infusion, it has
peak effects at 5 to 15 minutes, has an elimination half-life of 5.5 no effect on intracranial pressure, and it doesnt produce reflex
hours, and has a duration of action of up to four hours. These tachycardia. Disadvantages to its use are that it has a delayed
characteristics make it difficult to titrate labetalol as a continuous onset of action of 15 minutes, requires one hour to reach peak
infusion. It is recommended that labetalol be administered by a effect, and its six hour duration of action is excessively long in the
20 mg loading dose, followed by additional 20 to 80 mg boluses potentially unstable patient. These disadvantages limit enalaprilat
at 10 minutes intervals. After the initial loading dose, labetalol use in hypertensive emergencies as a slow onset and delayed
may also be given as an infusion of 1 mg to 2 mg per minute, time to peak effect make titration to a precise blood pressure
titrated until the desired effect has been achieved. challenging [11]. Despite these concerns, enalaprilat has been
Labetalol reduces systemic vascular resistance without used to achieve postoperative blood pressure control when
affecting peripheral blood flow. Furthermore, cerebral, renal, combined with a faster acting drug that is easier to titrate, such
and coronary blood flow are also maintained, as well as cardiac as labetalol or nicardipine [5].
output, but heart rate may decrease due to its -blocking effects.
Labetalol has been found to be safe and effective for treating Conclusions
APH after vascular, cardiac, general, and intracranial surgical Acute postoperative hypertension is common after cardiac and
procedures, where a response rate of 85-100% has been non-cardiac surgery and frequently requires pharmacological
reported [5]. Labetalol should not be used in patients with severe treatment. The goal of treatment should be to protect organ
sinus bradycardia, asthma, and heart blocks greater than first function, decrease complications, and improve the outcomes.
degree [11]. As there are no guidelines for management and no definitive
treatment exists, emphasis must be to individualize therapy
Esmolol based on the patients risk factors and coexisting morbidities, the
Esmolol is an ultra-short acting cardioselective -adrenergic clinicians experience, and the clinical setting.
blocking agent. It is metabolized via rapid hydrolysis of ester With the implementation of antihypertensive therapy, patients
linkages by RBC esterases, and thus has the advantage of should be closely monitored to reduce the risk of iatrogenic end
being unaffected by renal or hepatic dysfunction. Esmolol is organ hypoperfusion. The ideal pharmacological agent should
recommended for use in hypertensive patients with increased have an immediate onset of action, a short to intermediate
duration of action, be easily and predictably titratable, have recommended in very specific circumstances, and attention
documented efficacy in treating perioperative hypertension, must be paid to their possible adverse effects. Nicardipine and
and should be proven safe. Nitroprusside should only be used clevidipine are currently the agents recommended for the majority
when no other agents are available. Enalaprilat and nitroglycerin of perioperative cases requiring hypertensive management as
are recommended for combined therapy, but not as single their efficacy has been well documented and they are proven to
agents. Labetalol, esmolol, hydralazine, and fenoldopam are be safe.
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