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Editorial Commentary

Hypertension Guidelines
Is It Time to Reappraise Blood Pressure Thresholds and Targets?
Rhian M. Touyz, Anna F. Dominiczak

H eart disease, stroke, and renal failure are leading causes of

death with hypertension being the predominant risk fac-
tor.1,2 Extensive evidence from randomized controlled trials has
benefit when blood pressure is treated more intensively to a
goal lower than 140/90 mmHg.
Exactly how low blood pressure should be targeted
clearly demonstrated benefit of antihypertensive treatment and remains a matter of intense discussion. This is highlighted by
blood pressure reduction in reducing cardiovascular events in the many studies that have demonstrated that below a certain
individuals with hypertension.35 Accordingly effective blood level of blood pressure, more aggressive reductions may not
pressure control is essential to prevent the adverse sequelae be associated with benefit and actually increase the risk of
of hypertension. Although modern drugs have the capacity to harm. The notion of the J curve, defined as the occurrence of
reduce blood pressure in almost every patient with hyperten- additional cardiovascular events when the blood pressure is
sion,6,7 the actual blood pressure thresholds at which treatment lowered beyond the level required to maintain tissue perfu-
should be initiated and the target levels at which blood pressure sion, refers primarily to diastolic blood pressure.16,17 Exactly
what the critical diastolic blood pressure is, particularly in the
should be maintained still remain a topic of much discussion
population at large, still unclear, but treatment to a level <65
and debate.
mmHg has been suggested to be associated with additional
To inform healthcare providers and to provide pragmatic
harm.1618 Current guidelines suggest treatment targets for
clinical suggestions and recommendations, international,
diastolic blood pressure <90 mmHg, which seems safe in the
regional, and national hypertension guidelines have been J-curve phenomenon.
developed by expert groups globally. Most major hyper- But what about systolic blood pressure? Is there a J-curve
tension treatment guidelines currently suggest that clini- for systolic blood pressure and is 140 mmHg truly the level
cians should strive to treat adults to a blood pressure target associated with maximum benefit? Despite guidelines sug-
of 140/90 mmHg.814 About goals of older individuals, a gesting this, until recently, there was little evidence that lower
2014 report from panel members of the Eighth Joint National systolic blood pressure targets may have greater cardiovascular
Committee (JNC8) suggested that in patients aged 60 years, protection. However, 3 recent important studies, the Systolic
blood pressure should be targeted to <150/90 mmHg.12 The Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT)19 and 2 large
French guidelines recommend that individuals aged 80 years meta-analyses clearly showed that lower systolic blood pres-
should be treated to a target of 150/90 mmHg,15 whereas the sures may indeed be better.20,21 The main finding in SPRINT
Canadian guidelines suggest that in the very elderly (80 was that a primary composite outcome of cardiovascular dis-
years), the threshold for initiating drug treatment should be ease and death was reduced by 25% and all-cause mortality by
160 mmHg.14 27% in patients treated intensively to a systolic blood pressure
Hypertension guidelines, in large part, are evidence based target of <120 mmHg.19 However, it should be stressed that
and are usually dictated by randomized controlled trial data SPRINT was restricted to hypertensive adults, including the
and observational studies. Although there is general consen- elderly (>75 years), at above-average risk of cardiovascular
sus between major guidelines that treatment should aim at disease and that diabetic patients and those who had already
lowering blood pressure in adults to 140/90 mmHg,814 what had a stroke, were excluded.12 Xie et al,20 in a meta-analysis of
has been less clear is whether there is further cardiovascular >44000 patients, showed that intensive blood pressurelower-
ing <140 mmHg was associated with improved cardiovascular
and renal outcomes. Ettehad et al21 reported in a systematic
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the review and meta-analysis of >613000 participants that lower-
American Heart Association. ing blood pressure to a systolic blood pressure of <130 mmHg
From the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, British significantly reduced cardiovascular events and mortality.
Heart Foundation (BHF) Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Although these recent meta-analyses, together with the
This article was sent to Robert M. Carey, Consulting Editor, for review SPRINT findings, are highly suggestive that there is increased
by expert referees, editorial decision, and final disposition. benefit when patients with hypertension are treated to systolic
Correspondence to Rhian M. Touyz, Institute of Cardiovascular and
blood pressures below the currently suggested target of 140
Medical Sciences, BHF Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre,
College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, mmHg, there are some important aspects of these studies that
126 University Pl, Glasgow G12 8TA, United Kingdom. E-mail Rhian. should be highlighted. In particular, the meta-analyses com-
[email protected] prised trials with heterogeneous cohorts and thus identifying
(Hypertension. 2016;67:00-00.
DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.07090.) those individuals who would benefit most from intensive treat-
2016 American Heart Association, Inc. ment to lower blood pressure targets is difficult. In addition,
Hypertension is available at http://hyper.ahajournals.org in all 3 studies, the focus of intensive therapy was on systolic
DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.07090 blood pressure and it remains unclear whether a concomitant
2Hypertension April 2016

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to rethink blood pressure thresholds and targets. As hyperten- Blood Pressure. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; National
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evidence-based studies, but it is very likely that there will be a the Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the
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lines for the management of hypertension in the community a state-
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Over the next few months, we will seek opinions and evolution. BMJ. 2012;344:e181.
comments from key leaders involved in regional and inter- 12. James PA, Oparil S, Carter BL, et al. 2014 evidence-based guideline for
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new findings of lower systolic blood pressure targets and 13. Stephan D, Gaertner S, Cordeanu EM. A critical appraisal of the guide-
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Sources of Funding 15. Blacher J, Halimi JM, Hanon O, Mourad JJ, Pathak A, Schnebert B,
Dr Touyz was supported through a British Heart Foundation Chair Girerd X; French Society of Hypertension. Management of hypertension
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None. 17. Williams B. Hypertension and the J-curve. J Am Coll Cardiol.
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