West Green - ST John Vianney Church

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West Green
4 Vincent Road, London N15 3QH
Parish Office Tel No: 020-8888-5518 E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: West Green - St John Vianney Church
Our website: http://stjohnvianneywestgreen.co.uk/
(SJV Parish Centre 020-8888-5518)
29th /30th JULY 2017

Dear Parishioners

I personally feel that I am a part of this parish community so I came here from Bangladesh
several times in the last 14 years. I try to remember all of you in the past and in the present.
Thank you very much for your intimate friendship, openness and for everything.
In Bangladesh we have 8 dioceses in the country and we have only one Major Seminary in
the country where there are 120 students from all the country, 16 new deacons to be
ordained priests at the end of this year. Yes, we still have religious vocation. But at the
present moment the formation work is rather difficult because of different changes, new
mentality, small families and other external influences. Moreover the education system is
not well developed, some students have other languages, less interest for studies, and we do
not have enough books and so on.
As Christians in some places we have fear, uncertainty, challenge, opposition, insecurity.
There is corruption, indiscipline, groupings, natural calamity, but still theres the sign of
hope, life continues, the country is slowly developing. Although there are many difficulties
and hard time in the country still we have some good influence over there by our
educational and other institutes, service and overall by the models of our ordinary lives.
Like salt, light and mustard seed we try to witness the kingdom of God wherever we are in
the country. We have our own identity and positions as Christians. We have the first
Cardinal only in last year in the history of our country; hope the Holy Father is going to
Bangladesh at the end of this year. The number of Christians increases a little slowly. Let us
pray for each other for the grace of God so that his Kingdom may be established in the U.K.
and everywhere in the world. Please pray for us all.
Few lines on the readings- According to the first reading (1Kgs) as King Solomon we also
need the gift of wisdom for our existence, life and fullness. Virtue united with knowledge is
wisdom says Lactantius. It is a great, interior direct gift and treasure of God. We may have
wisdom through experience, silence, listening, and reading, giving time and doing things
and even in suffering. Wisdom helps us to be happy and to live according the will of God.
Wisdom gives us peace, joy and happiness and guides us in fulfilling our responsibility. Let
the the Spirit of Wisdom guide us all.
According to the Gospel (Mt), we should look for the treasure hidden in our life, then
discover all these good gifts in others and in God and use these valuable treasures carefully
in works every day and whole life. A mans true wealth is the good he has done to his
fellowman says Mahatma Gandhi. The treasure is where we are. We shall try our best to
increase them, deepen them. Service, goodness, desire to do well, to lead good life are
treasures. Increasing interior wisdom as treasures we shall be good and do good of others-
build a beautiful world. We shall be rich and mature in these treasures. This will be our
promise and prayer: Thy Kingdom come! Fr Louis.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY IN and return as soon as possible to the Parish
LAST SUNDAYS COLLECTIONS Office, 4 Vincent Road. (only1 application to
All the activities take place in the Parish NOTE CHANGE IN THE PROGRAMME:
Hall. Any enquiries please contact the The Religious Instruction programme
Parish Office on 020 8888 5518 for 2017-2018 will be held on
SUNDAYS 10am 10.55am.
If you are interested in preparing for your
FOR FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAMME First Communion, Confirmation or
If your child is in Primary School Year 3 (or exploring your faith, please complete an
above) in September 2017 application form available at the back of
and you wish to enrol in next years the church and contact the Parish Office.
First Communion Programme The programme will start in
Please fill in the registration form now 7 OCTOBER 17 Jubilee Hall: 4.00-

available at the back of the church and 5:45pm - Followed by 6pm Mass.
return to the Parish Office 4 Vincent Road
N15, before the end of this school term. THE CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM
(25 applications to date} If you would like to have your child baptised
on the 12th August or later, the next session
CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME will be on Tuesday 1st August 17. Please
If you are in Year 10 in September or contact the Parish Office to book your place
above on the course.
and wish to make your Confirmation next
Please fill in the registration form now Thursday after morning Mass in the church
available at the back of the church and 10-10:45am, until August 3rd
return to the Parish Office 4 Vincent Road As a fruit of our mission week, a few
N15, before the end of this school term. parishioners asked for us to continue to
(17 applications received to date) deepen in praying with the word of God, so
the Verbum Dei community are running 6
REGISTRATION 2017/2018 sessions of prayer with the word of God to
SUNDAY MORNING RELIGIOUS help us deepen in our relationship with
For Children attending State Schools
If you wish to enrol your child/children for TEAS /COFFEE
the 2017/2018 Programme in preparation In the Parish Hall after (Sun.) 9am and
for 11am Masses
1) Pre- Communion (age 6-7);
2) First Communion (age 8 and above); PARISH OUTREACH SOUP RUN:
3) Post Communion (for children already The next Soup Run on Sat. 5th August
completed their First Communion Group B
the BLACK FOLDER on the shelf at the Lead by Fr Damian for St. Peters Catholic
BACK of the CHURCH - fill it in; attach copies Church, Hatfield, from 21st Oct. 17 is now
of Birth and Baptism Certificates of the child fully booked.
WORLD BANK PETITION The Haringey parishes are exploring the
Were calling on Melanie Robinson, the possibility of housing a Syrian refugee
UKs representative at the World Bank, to family with the support of the governments
shift the balance to support renewable Community Sponsorship scheme. One
energy which tackles poverty, so everyone essential requirement is to find a house or
can have the chance to fulfil their God-given flat for a family. If you might be able to help
potential. with this, please contact Father David
Please sign CAFODS petition available Ardagh-Walter on 0208 800 8374.
today at the back of the church. We shall need a number of other helpers,
but accommodation is key to this project.
Barbara O'Driscoll would like to thank all WESTMINSTER JUSTICE AND PEACE
those who have already sent in their stories JUSTGIVING APPEAL AND GIFTS
for the parish history booklet and would Help a Calais Minor! APPEAL from JUSTICE
like to remind others to, hand them in to her AND PEACE & MARIA SKOBTSOVA HOUSE
or at the presbytery or send them by email (The Calais Catholic Worker offering
to: [email protected] on or emergency hospitality to young, refugees)
before 31st July 2017. Thank you. How to help a migrant Calais minor this
summer: Brother Johannes writes:
THE LIVE SIMPLY GROUP Gifts are welcome for Personal use; BUT
Invites you for a walk in Downhills Park on PLEASE FOR NOW ONLY! WE HAVE
Sunday 13th August in solidarity with the ENOUGH TOWELS AND TOOTHPASTE! For
poor. Meet in the churchyard after 11.00am the house; Food see list. (J&P advice:
Mass' Justice and Peace will visit Calais in the last
week of August (28th -1st September). If
you have any of the items, please transport
them to our office during the coming few
weeks (phone 0208 888 4222 or St John
Starting in October, St Marys University
Vianney Parish 0208 888 5518) for storage.
Twickenham is pleased to offer a new
We have no collection service up till then.
foundation degree in Healthcare Ethics,
Or if you decide to make the trip yourself
Theology and Care. This is a part time two
with goods, contact Brother Johannes to
year programme for those seeking to be
arrange a convenient time: 0033 6 68 04 33.
hospital chaplains and for people working
170 Rue Anatole France Calais.
in healthcare settings, from care homes, to
For full details please take a leaflet
hospices and hospitals. Lectures and
available at the back of the church.
seminars take place at St Marys one
evening a week and additional lectures and ~~ CHURCH CAR PARK ~~
resources are available online. Please Please note our car park
contact [email protected] CAN ONLY FACILITATE THE MAXIMUM
For Health and Safety reasons, we ask
parishioners/visitors to use their
In honour of Our Lady, Queen of Peace on
discretion when using the church car
Monday 28th August; Cost 18 per
park for the safety of all attending Mass
person. There are lots of seats still
by, not blocking the gates into the church
available. Coach leaves at from St John
yard, church steps or the black gate at
Vianney Church at 8.00am. For tickets
the side of the church.
please contact Germaine on 07711 582 620
Entrance Antiphon
God is in his holy place, THIS WEEK WE PRAY FOR
God who unites those who dwell in his house; The repose of the soul:
he himself gives might and strength to his people. Janet Meehan
Sr Aileen Vears
First reading Miroslaw Macko
1 Kings 3: 5, 7-12 John McLaughlin
Psalm 118 Frankie Fox
Lord, how I love your law! RIP

Second reading
Romans 8: 28-30 Special Intentions:
Sr Eileen McGrath
Gospel Acclamation Fr David Burke
Alleluia, alleluia! Louise & Family
I call you friends, says the Lord, Sharon Healy
because I have made known to you Joan OCallaghan
everything I have learnt from my Father. Eileen Fox & Family

Matthew 13: 44-52
Heidi Ahmed
Communion Antiphon Fran Tagtatolle
Bless the Lord, O my soul, Maria De Jesus
and never forget all his benefits. Alessandra Dos Santos

For the sick and those in our parish

MASS & SERVICE TIMES Bernadette Stapleton, Con Kelleher,
Greta Lettice, Jim McGeoghegan,
Mass 9:15am Mary Towell, Matthew Stapleton,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Nelda & Angelo Catani, Nellie OShea,
Friday, Saturday Pippa Da Cruz, Pantaleone Mansi,
Mary Towell, Rita Mongelard,
(Sat.) 6pm; Sarah Namagambe, Sherry Arul, Val Eaves,
Sunday: 9:00am and 11:00am Yvonne Joseph,
Sacrament of Reconciliation: ARE LISTED IN OUR BOOK OF INTENTIONS.
Saturday: from 9:45 am 10:15am


Tues to Fri 10am-12noon, 1pm-4pm
Fr. Joe Ryan, Parish Priest
Fr Damian Ryan, Assistant Priest To make an appointment
Sr. Devy Pranadjaja, Parish Sister Phone: 0208 888 5518 or email
Germaine Ng Ying, Parish Adm/Secretary [email protected]
In Residence: Fr Louis Pereira We cannot guarantee to have anyone available outside
of these hours.

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