Announcements Announcements: Thank You Notes
Announcements Announcements: Thank You Notes
Announcements Announcements: Thank You Notes
Members of the ESUMC family who are homebound or reside in care facilities are always happy to hear from you. Cards and notes may be sent to Helen Howey, Whitestone Care Center, 370 White Stone Corner Road, Stroudsburg, PA 18360. Stephen Ministry
Dear Friends in Mission: Thank you for your gift in support of the following Missionaries and ministries of the General Board of Global Ministries: Eurasia Mission Initiative Russia/Belarus $500 World Hunger & Poverty $250 Disaster Response, United States $500 When giving through The Advance (UMCOR), 100 percent of your contribution is applied to the projects(s) designated or missionary support. May God grant you a sense of hope and joy as you continue your support for mission. Grace and Peace, Roland Fernandes, General Treasurer General Board of Global Ministries
Our thanks go out to Keith VanHorn for the memorial donation he made in memory of Betty VanHorn. This memorial was used to purchase the material for the three radiator covers that were handcrafted by Don Paul. Two of these covers are in located the narthex, with the third located just outside the library. Don matched the design of the existing radiator covers, which were a gift from Rob Constable as part of his Eagle Scout project. Thank you, Keith, for your thoughtfulness and support of the church and, Don, for the gift of your skill and service to ESUMC. Usher/Greeter/Welcome Center Persons Training Today, immediately following each of the three services, a brief training session by Kathy Hinkey will be held in the back of Fellowship Hall. If you are interested in serving in one of the roles, please try to attend.
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16b Lord, we ask for your blessing upon our Stephen Ministry. Give our leaders your wisdom and discernment. Be with our Stephen Ministers as they demonstrate your mercy and unconditional love. May their care receivers experience the healing presence of your Son, Jesus. Help each of us to work together to make ESUMC a community where all feel welcomed, loved, and connected to you! For more information about Stephen Ministry, contact Peggy Strack.
**Changes for The Story Small Groups There have been changes made in meeting places for several of the Small Groups for The Story (Monday Evenings, Wednesday Mornings, and Thursday Evenings). Please make sure you check This Week at ESUMC, the weekly news, for the new locations.
Staff Contact Information Office 570-421-3280 Pastor - Ed Kimes, ext. 14 [email protected] Associate Pastor - Sharmune Burgess, ext. 12 [email protected] Church Secretary - Maria Ragonese, ext. 10 [email protected] Congregational Care - Peggy Strack, ext. 23 [email protected] Youth Ministry - Scott Kuhnle, ext. 13 [email protected] Childrens Ministry Pam OBrien, ext. 11 [email protected] Finances - Sue Mertz, ext. 15 [email protected] Maintenance - Bruce Johnson, ext. 18 [email protected] Financial Secretary - Cyndie Faunce, ext. 25 [email protected] Organist - Pauline Fox [email protected] Audio-visuals - Joe Dorsch [email protected] Music/Worship Andy Waddell, ext. 17 [email protected]
Meredith Baker TODAY at 4:00 pm Organist at West Point Military Academy Catholic Chapel, Conductor of Long Island Choral Society, faculty of Nassau Community College, and president of Women's Hudson River Golf Association. Opening: Andy, Joe, Pauline, and Teddy demonstrate to guests how the organ is used in worship services. See visuals from Ms. Bakers recent tour of Europe! Watch fancy footwork via videocam! At the reception, welcome our guests from community.
a jar when you are thankful for something and bring it to the meeting. Money goes to global missions. Contact Linda Drake (424-6038) to reserve a seat on the van for the above events. Take a Hike! Bob Rosenberger will be leading Hikes Sundays, Oct. 13 & Nov. 10. Grab your hiking shoes, a snack, and water and meet Bob in the church parking lot at 12:15. The group will depart by 12:30. Fall is a wonderful time to enjoy the beauty of Gods creation and make new friends in the process! Join the fun: Log on to ACS! Now that we have some of the glitches worked out in our new church software, we would like to encourage everyone to begin to use the system to update their personal information. The first step is to ask everyone to log on to ACS through our website and make sure that a working email is attached to your account. This is very important as we move toward more and more on-line communications. We plan to have hands-on help available at the Welcome Center in the very near future. Donations Needed for FAMILY PROMISE When families graduate from the program and are able to move into their own homes, Family Promise tries to help them as much as possible with items for their new home. At the present time Family Promise needs pots and pans. So if anyone is looking to get rid of old pots and pans, which are in fairly good condition, there will a box in Oberholtzer Hall marked Family Promise from September 8 to the 29th. If you can't bring them to church, please contact Clarice at 421-0391 or [email protected] and she will pick them up. Monster Mini-golf Searching for a fun and safe alternative Halloween activity that offers 18 holes of mini-golf, hot dogs, and make-your-own sundaes, and treats galore? Come join the ESUMC youth group and Family Promise as they host the third annual Mini-Golf event on Saturday, October 26th from 3 pm to 8 pm. Prizes for best costumes and golf scores as well as lots of surprises!