07 26 17
07 26 17
07 26 17
Retreat Center may well decidedly American, Jacob Thompson from Australian Madi
feel like they are visiting Executive Director Matt New Zealand and Julie Rhodes says she has
another country. Henry notes that 10 mem- Felixova from the Czech grown considerably as
Julie Felixova of the Czech Republic values With many of this sea- bers of this years staff Republic. a person in the past
the cultural exchange available at Skyline. sons staff members hail- come from foreign coun- two years as a Skyline
Here she assists a special needs camper. ing from other nations, the tries. Camp Skyline page 12-A camp counselor.
Light it up
Officials to light portions
of Polly Ann Trail,
...see page 7-A
Going blue in Imlay City
Despite heat and rain, 37th annual Blueberry Festival a hit
TRI-CITY By Maria Brown Saturday and we heard a laughs too.
lot of great things about its Attractions tailored for
TIMES [email protected]
new location, Muehleisen
young guests were popular
ONLINE Temperatures spiked and
rain drops fell on the 37th
With it being twice
the size, lots of people
The Safari Guy
brought all kinds of ani-
Annual Blueberry Festival went in there to cool off mals that the kids could
tricitytimes-online.com but they couldnt dampen and find some refuge from touch and hold and The
the spirit of attendees who the weather. Bubble Guy was a hit
flocked to downtown The beverage tent was too, Muehleisen said.
Imlay City for the two-day moved to the Lamb Steele Signature events that
FACEBOOK event organized by the
Imlay City Chamber of
parking lot this year and
consisted of two conjoined
werent affected by the
weather were Friday
Commerce. tents that allowed for the nights fireworks show and
facebook.com Given the weather festivals Main Stage and Saturdays Blueberry
conditions, we are very Rotarys beverage service. parade.
/Tricitytimes/ happy with the attendance A new tent in the Farmers We were pleased that
numbers we had, said Market park near the food the parade was able to go
Chamber Director Wendy vendors was full all week- off without a hitch. From
Muehleisen. end as well, Muehleisen the DDAs perspective, it
The Tri-City Times Only a handful of reported. was one of the best
Photo by Tom Wearing
is printed on events got rained out, like As is usual, the festi- parades ever, Muehleisen
recycled paper the car show, and when the vals eating contests-blue- said of the Downtown
drops did fall, festival- berry pie, pickle, pizza and Development Authority
goers ducked inside a tent more-attracted big crowds who coordinated the event.
to find shelter and, at the and new events, like the Muehleisen hopes that
same time, enjoy some Fourteen-month-old Julianna Hislop reveals Pie in the Face and Jail the organizing committee
quality entertainment. her patriotism and an appetite for blueberry and Bail, helped raise can develop more events
The Rotary Beverage pie. She was escorted on Friday by her grand- funds for future festivals
Tent was very busy on ma, Sandra Sawicki of Imlay City. and provided lots of Going blue page 4-A
Page 2-A-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
State police accept
For Showtimes &
Ticket Information
Over 26 Years
unused medication
Program a safe way to dispose
www.ncgmovies.com Gem &Diamond
or call Specialist of unused prescription drugs
810-667-7469 Downtown Imlay City By Catherine Minolli I asked at the doctors
1650 DeMille 810-724-RUBY [email protected] office and was told that
Tuesday $5.00 All Day Tues.-Fri. 10:30- 5:30 pharmacies would accept
For Most Movies Sat. 10:30 - 3:00 TRI-CITY AREA the drugs, Hall says.
After helping someone So off to the pharmacy
through the ups and downs she went.
of dealing with a long term I ran around to a cou-
ADMISSION illness, Gloria Hall wanted ple of local pharmacies
PRICES to continue to do the right where Ilearned they did
All Seats Are $6.00 thing. not take unused drugs
Wednesday, July 26 & Thursday, July 27, 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm AFTER 6PM The illness required back, she says.
Friday, July 28 & Saturday, July 29, 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 & 9:30pm Adults $8.00 medicationpain killers Determined to find a
Sunday, July 30 thru Thursday, August 03, 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00pm
Children 12 and other drugs. Aware of solution, Hall eventually
& under
the opioid epidemicand learned that unused pre-
Senior Citizens the environmental hazards scription pills are accepted
55 and older of flushing them down the for disposal at the Michigan
toilet or tossing them in a State Police Post in Lapeer.
Photo provided
PG Students with
Friday, July 28 & Saturday, July 29, 1:00, 4:00, 6:45 & 9:00pm Student ID landfill, Hall wanted to After safely disposing
Sunday, July 30 thru Thursday, August 03, 1:00, 4:00 & 6:45pm $7.00
find a safe way to dispose of the unused medication,
Join Our Email Club www.RomeoTheatre.com SAVE $$$ GET COUPONS! of the unneeded medica- Hall took the time to stop
tion. in the Tri-City Times office
66120 Van Dyke In the Village Shopping Center
Prescription drug disposal bin at the Michigan
State Police Lapeer Post is a safe way to dis- The Dryden resident to remind others that there
pose of unneeded medication. found it wasnt as easy as was a safe, reliable source
she thought it would be. that accepts potentially
dangerous, harmful unused
I feel like making
posters to put them in
senior centers and doctors
offices so that people
know, Hall says.
Proper disposal is so
very important. If these
drugs get in the wrong
hands, people become
If they get into our
water supply or landfills, it
eventually comes back to
smack us in the face, she
continues. Im so grateful
for the State Police
The MSP Lapeer post
accepts medication in pill
form only. No liquids or
needles are accepted.
Sgt. Barbara Soffin
says people interested in
taking advantage of the
program should transport
the medications in their
prescription bottles and
bring a bag to dump them
in once theyre at the post.
They can drop the bag
directly in the bin, Soffin
says. You dont need to
show us anything, and you
She says the MSP pro-
gram was designed to
remove unused medication
from households and so
they wont get into the
wrong hands or harm the
We are finding that a
lot of narcotics and pain
$ 00
pills become a gateway to
heroin use and were fight-
ing that battle daily, Soffin
says. Also it doesnt get
dumped into the environ-
ment, from just flushing
them or throwing them
She says many people
use the program to dispose
of medications after a
loved one has passed away
and large amounts of medi-
cation remain.
They just dont want
to see the pain meds get-
ting into the wrong hands,
she says.
Individuals are wel-
come to dispose of unused
pills at the MSP Lapeer
Post located at 975 S. Main
Tri-City Times
Published weekly by Delores Z. Heim. Office:
594 N. Almont Ave. P.O. Box 278, Imlay City,
MI 48444. USPS No. 014440. Additional entry
application pending.
Subscriptions: $30 per year Lapeer & St.
Clair Counties; Out of Counties $32 per year,
Senior Citizens $27 per year In-County. Out-
of-State mailing $40 per year. Outside USA $60
per year. Single Copies 50.
Periodicals paid at Imlay City.
Postmaster please send address changes to
P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444.
Page 3-A-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
along the east side of the Market Manager Sarah
World of Music
Lamb-Steele parking lot, Graver is looking forward
which shielded vendors and to the Saturday, July 29 (In case of inclement weather, concert will be held at Heritage Church, 543 N. Cedar Street)
customers from the bright market, when DaVinci per-
sun. forms live at the markets
Weve had a lot more regular site at Third and
people stopping today, Main streets downtown. Linda Penzien says an
including out-of-towners, DaVinci features Imlay abundance of fresh
said one vendor. Plus City Schools art teacher produce is now avail-
theres a lot more shade at Greg Irwin on guitar and able at the market.
this location. You can actu- vocals, along with vocalist
ally feel a breeze. Angela Koss. the first Saturday of the
While most liked the The duo plays a mix- month; cooking demos on
alternate location, any ture of modern to classic the second Saturday; and a
thoughts of permanent relo- songs influenced by diverse More information can be found at: www.icdda.com or www.facebook.com/downtownimlaycity
Craft and Artisan Day on
cation are unlikely given musical genres including the third Thursday.
the DDAs primary mission country, pop, folk and For questions or more
to support the downtown rock. information about the
business district. The regular Thursday Imlay City Farmers
Regardless, Linda afternoon market starts at 1 Market, contact Sarah
Penzien of Penzien Farms p.m. and runs through 6 Graver at 810-724-2135 or
took full advantage of the p.m.; while the Saturday email to: ddapromotions@
temporary location. market opens at 9 a.m. and imlaycity.org.
- Platters -
Penziens tables were concludes at 1 p.m. Information is also
abundant with fresh pro- The market hosts spe- available online at: www.
duce, including radishes, cial childrens activities on icdda.com
Grilled Meatloaf Platter
Dorrow Road in anticipa-
tion of resurfacing work.
According to Z Contractors,
closed to through traffic
since July 10 for replace-
ment of the 90-plus year-
including: sheep and horse that you can always lead a cow to water.
shows, a petting zoo, a tainers include the Piano some additional parking and
chainsaw carver, a livestock Man and Abraham an expanded camping area.
sale, FFA and 4-H activi- Lincoln, who will be on For questions or more
ties, a magician, and of hand to recite the information about the
The Imlay City Jr. Spartans earned the Best Use of Island Dreams course, the beer tent.
Theme award in Saturdays Blueberry Festival Parade. Gettysburg Address and Eastern Michigan State
Other featured enter- offer his advice and opin- Fair, call the Fair office at
ions on the nation as he 810-724-4145. Or visit the
knew it. website at:
Fair Manager Ian EasternMichiganStateFair.
Kempf notes that attendees com.
of this years fair will find
tiated a traffic stop.
Martin reported that Martin said the man
the driver, an 18-year-old was arrested for Operating E
Almont man was arrested
Under the Influence of
LEAS . .
Drugs and for possession
for possession of heroin,
of opium, Xanax and
and Operating Under the hydrocodone.
Influence of Drugs. The vehicle was towed
The suspects vehicle away by Paul's Collision All leases require $2,500 down, plus tax, title, plates, destination. Must qualify for Chrysler Employee Purchase with Lease Loyalty. Non Employees slightly
was towed from the scene and the man was later higher. Specials on stock units only while supplies last. Offer expries 7-30-2017
and the male occupant was lodged in the Lapeer
lodged in the Lapeer County Jail.
Yale Bologna
MS., D.O., F.A.A.F.P
Medicine 810-387-3957
Monday Friday 7:30 am 5 pm
P.L.L.C Saturday 9 am 1 pm
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Page 7-A-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
Tri-County Bank
the aim of the new court impact on families, the
will be to increase public team wrote in their propos-
safety, rehabilitate non-vio- al.
lent drug and/or alcohol The group notes
addicted offenders, educate
the community while eras-
Community Mental Health
recently received $250,000 Visit us online at www.tri-countybank.com Member FDIC
ing the stigma surrounding grant for opioid addiction
which allows for doctor-
addiction and proficiently
utilize public funds. administered injections of
Vivitrol, a medication that Kingston
We hope to most Michigan drug courts
utilize, in conjunction with Marlette989-635-0639 Fronney's Family FoodsCapac810-395-8113
lated issues.
dismissal of criminal 810.560.3677 844 Van Dyke ALMONT Call (810) 724-2615 for more Information!
department, community
mental health and sheriffs
The initial grant mon-
ies will be used to organize
and start a drug court. If the
Page 8-A-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
Opinion Page
Our Opinion
Insurance companies call the shots
Drug/sobriety court John Lengemann
(Letters to the Editor-
ACA. We can only wish
that were the case. And he
determine treatment,
though I think a case might
May you have long life
and good health, sir, that
a solution to big problem Debate: repeal, replace or imagines an idyllic world be made for that. But the you will never experience
modify, July 18, 2017) in which parents make such ugly truth of the matter is it the nightmare of health
very single person involved in law seems to be under the decisions. Would that we is none of these. No, Mr. care run by corporate
enforcement in Lapeer County and impression that health care were all so smart. Lengemann, ask your doc- bureaucracies intent on
beyond agrees that the opioid/hero- decisions are being made He does not propose tor whos calling the shots. maximizing their profits.
by big bad liberal govern- that medical practitioners Its the insurance compa- Janis Grant
in use/addiction problem has reached epi- ment under the current might be the best ones to nies. Almont Township
demic proportions. There have been
numerous reports of overdoses and deaths
related to the epidemic, as well as reports Next Tea Party meeting will be Aug. 1
of crimes related to the drug abuse prob- The next general meet- possibly be joining us to them questions and hear We also have a 50/50
lem. ing of the Lapeer County speak about the Republican their answers. drawing with the winner
The decision by Lapeer County Tea Party will be Tuesday, Party and how they are You can count on the announced at the end of
August 1, at the Mayfield preparing for next years Lapeer County Tea Party each meeting.
Commissioners to approve the application Township Hall, 1900 election. to help you keep track of We invite you and
process to the state for a $40,000 grant N. Saginaw St., Lapeer, at New election equip- what our elected officials your friends to the Lapeer
for planning a drug and sobriety court in 7 p.m. ment is coming to Lapeer. are doing. You can also County Tea Party to get
Lapeer County is a step toward reducing Congressman Paul Our county clerk, Theresa follow our website (www. the most updated news
the threat and costs to the public that the Mitchell, from the 10th Spencer, will explain in lapeerteaparty.org), our from your elected officials
District, will be our guest detail how this will be an postcard program and our and those involved in
opioid epidemic brings to the community. speaker. He will talk improvement to voting in letters to the editor. Our making decisions for our
The aim of the drug/sobriety court is about whats been accom- Lapeer County. Tea Party was created to hometown.
to rehabilitate non-violent drug and/or plished in Congress and As always, the Lapeer inform and educate voters Hope to see you there.
alcohol addicted offenders through man- what still needs to County Tea Party will about current issues in our Tim Lintz
be done. have many public officials federal, state and local Director
datory treatment, court supervision, and The Michigan and candidates speaking at governments. Lapeer County Tea
education. Participants can avoid incar- Republican Deputy Chair, our public meeting. You As always, our meet- Party
ceration by successfully completing the June Schweitzer, will will have a chance to ask ings are free to the public. Lapeer
The goal is to reduce crimerepeat
drug offenses as well as related crimes DDA grateful for support with festival
perpetrated to keep a drug habit going. The Imlay City like to thank the Lapeer We want to thank all of sponsoring the 37th Annual
According to the National Association of Downtown Development County 4-H, Lapeer County the Parade participants, the Blueberry Festival.
Authority had the pleasure FFA, Eastern Michigan community and our Sincerely,
Drug Court Professionals, the strategy of sponsoring the Annual State Fairgrounds, the City Downtown merchants. A Dana Walker
works, with more than three-quarters of Blueberry Festival Parade of Imlay Citys Department very special Thank You to Director
drug courts in operation achieving that on Saturday, July 22. of Public Works and Police the Imlay City Area Imlay City DDA
goal. The DDA would like to and Fire Departments and Chamber of Commerce for Imlay City
thank Keegan Deal, Teather the Parades announcers,
Further, evaluations of drug court pro-
grams reflect a savings in tax dollars,
Bloodgood, Andryana Law,
Noah Schumitsch, Shannon
Barbara Yockey and Frank
Demske. Thanks for bringing
which is always an important consider-
ation when implementing any new pro-
and Michael Hamel, Julie
Salsido, Anne McAvoy and
Nick Pugliese for their help
The DDA also greatly
appreciates the sponsors of
the Parade trophies: Mayor
Moving Wall to town
gram. The National Association of Drug Thought Id drop a made me a blueberry
before, during and after the Walter Bargen, Imlay City
Court Professionals reports that the crimi- parade. Florist, Kellys Pet Salon quick note to thank Joe Mickey Mouse pancake.
nal justice system saves $2.21 for every The DDA would also and Tri-City Times. Cain and his terrific help- He did a good job!
$1 invested. This means fewer repeat ers for getting the Vietnam I left that Wall feeling
Veterans Moving Wall to differently than when I got
arrests, reduced contact with law enforce-
ment, reduced jail and prison costs and Band appreciates Almont.
It was an honor to be
there. It does something to
you that I have never felt
fewer court hearings.
It is hoped that through the use of the Wearings article there with these heroic
men and women who gave
their lives for our free-
My husband spent five
tours in Vietnam and 23
successful statewide drug court model, We performed our con- (used to be Midwest), but doms. years in the U.S. Army. He
law enforcement officials across the board cert in Imlay City last night after 31-plus years we There was a terrific was proud of his service.
will slowand even possibly haltthe to a great crowd. I was have decided to slow down kitchen crew fixing break- I thank you all again.
opioid/heroin epidemic and its impact on given the article written by a bit. fast for any hungry folks. I Elaine P. Roberts
Tom Wearing about our We have had hundreds thank the great cook who Brown City
the Lapeer County Community. upcoming performance by of articles written about us.
Be Our Guest!
By giving the go-ahead for the grant one of our fans. Tom Wearings is one of
application process, Lapeer County I just wanted to say the best. Thanks!
Commissioners moved the county one thanks for one of the best Sincerely,
articles that I have read James Davis
step closer toward reaching that goal. about us. We perform in
cities across Michigan now
Rich Eddys Rockin
Oldies Band
[email protected]
I have a cold. Not going, though, and since watch. Normally, Im not
ideal since its Blueberry this is a classic summer The male works pretty around to see much of the
weekend, and since Im cold, Im chilled. Crazy, hard to keep the female activity since Im at the
planning the first trip up huh? The temperature out- happy. Im in love with office or at yoga practice.
north to Charlevoix that doors is nearing 90, that, too. In my own yard, But today, this not-so-ideal
Ive taken since 2006. indoors its at least 82, and there are currently about cold on a busy Blueberry
Supposed to leave Im chilly. I count that as a four dummy nests that weekend has brought me Partner brings another meal for the kids.
Wednesday. In time to go blessing. have been started by a the gift of observation
to the Yoga Fest at Song of As Im making my couple males (I have two the reason I built the when it comes to same. If
the Morning retreat center way under the super warm nesting sets right now) in condo villagethe glori- this is what bird brain
in Gaylord on Thursday but super light down com- hopes their mates would ous miracle of nature and means, Ill take one any
and Friday. Yogis and forter my mom gave me a move in. Their mates did, the affirmation that fol- time.
yoginis welcome. Colds couple of years ago, the in the sites they preferred. lowing ones instincts is Never thought Id get a
not allowed. little wren thats been The females showed their always the best thing. I lesson on good relation-
Im trying to chill on making a home in one of preference by finishing the love, love, love this the ships, hard work, and hard-
the couch. The air is so the numerous houses Ive nest, complete with the most. wired intuition from such a
laden with humidity I placed around my wren lining. I think these wrens I look up and see the diminiutive creature. But
almost expect droplets condo village begins to are onto something. wrens taking turnsfeed- here it is. And for that
like those that accompany sing his fool head off. I For such small crea- ing the young, cleaning the and even this crazy sum-
that San Francisco sort of count this as blessing tures, their vast, innate nest. I am in awe of their mer coldI am grateful.
steel gray dense fogto number two. knowledge of who they partnership, and almost Wren with a meal for Email Catherine at
fall all around me. Its a lovely sound that arefrom the moment jealous I was not as bright the youngsters. cminolli@pageone-inc.
Ive got some fans Ienjoy as soon as the they are bornis astound- as these little birds are com.
Page 9-A-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
Photo provided
of chocolate from her Heron could waste pre-
kitchen window. See, cious ingredients and stir
thanks to Moms choco- time on toasted Wonder
Watching TV Westerns was a popular pastime for many families in the 1950s and 60s. late pies and cakes, Ive Bread.
known the scent of hot Libby didn't know any
well. cool.) Dr. Kildare, and simmered down bubbling pled every form of food
NBC Marcus Welby, M.D. chocolate to a thick sauce. processed from the cocoa
carries a
All the Liblong day... Comedy was always a From childhood to my bean. Except chocolate
variety biggie led by I Love ripe age of sixty-eight, and bacon. Some folk use
of cop Lucy. Among the dozens The Cartwrights (Adam, Little Joe, Ben and Ive never seen a bowl of a bacon grease roux for
shows, of others were Sid Caesars Hoss) on the Ponderosa in Bonanza. chocolate gravy on a rela- their chocolate gravy.
some Your Show of Shows, down under the calming ylines dealt less with the tives table. Some moun- Perhaps thats the next
comedy Texaco Star Theatre star- presence of President range but more with Ben tain folk would claim step in my cocoa succes-
and ring Milton Berle, Leave Dwight Eisenhower. But (Greene) and his three dis- thats near criminal. Many sion. Its sensible now
some It to Beaver, The Dick many of the men who had similar sons, how they a resourceful housewife that were harvesting
reality Van Dyke Show, and for returned from military ser- cared for one another, their cooked delicious food raspberries and consum-
shows. Rick 11 years, Make Room for vice still wanted some neighbors, and just causes. from their milk cow and a ing summer BLTs.
CBS is Liblong Daddy starring Detroits adventure in their TV view- Bonanza was the first series can of Hersheys cocoa Dear Reader, can you
big on own Danny Thomas. ing. The networks respond- that was week-to-week from the company store. taste it nowa bowl of
cop There were adventure ed with the TV Western. about a family and the Its all about family raspberries smothered
shows, too. There are three shows, drama shows, police There were lots of them. troubles it went through. history, how we choose to with bacon flavored choc-
NCIS (Naval Criminal and crime shows, legal One site online lists 194 Bonanza was a period use our biscuits. Some olate gravy? Hmmwhat
Investigative Service) shows, prime time soap shows! At one time there drama that attempted to prefer blackberry pre- about crumbled short-
showsNCIS, NCIS: New operas, sci-fi shows, news were 30 of them on the air. confront contemporary serves or whipped butter bread for biscuits?
Orleans and NCIS: Los magazines and many oth- Nobody could watch them social issues. mashed into molasses. Or I think my mother and
Angeles. Sue likes all three. ers. all, of course, but there Most of the episodes both. But no one who Granny would approve.
Of course, these days But in the hey-day of were some that stood out had a happy ending even if loves chocolate could Theyd have their pork
there are more than the TV, the 1950s and 1960s among the rest and can still there was some strifeand refuse to sop it up with and chocolate tooand
three networks. On my sat- prime time was for be seen in reruns today. humoralong the way. I, hot buttery biscuits, any- their beloved wild black
ellite TV I have more than Westerns. I think my favorite Western and most of the country, time of day. raspberries. For an after
200 channels to choose After the Second World was Bonanza. The show really liked Hoss For instance, that time dinner dessert, of course.
from. It can be overwhelm- War and Korean Conflict is set around the 1860s and Cartwright, all 6 4 and my friend Joan demon- Email Iris at
ing at times. So many America wanted to settle it centered on the wealthy 320 pounds of him, played strated how to make her [email protected].
Cartwright family, who live by the loveable Dan
S aturday morning. I
awoke with a start. The
air was still. Was it too
ably a mile apart as the
crow flies. Dustin
Hibblers getting married,
Blocker, Michael Landon
and Pernell Roberts and
was heavily laden with
seasons and 431 episodes.
My second favorite was
the number one rated
be posting frequent news updates, photos and event
reminders. You can find us at www.facebook.com/
still, or was it my imagi- and Matt Van Dyk is lead- moral messages. Western of all time, Have any suggestions for what youd like to see?
nation, fueled by news ing the Blueberry Parade. According to TV Guide Post your thoughts while logged on or send us an
reports hinting at possible If we were their age, wed Magazine, most of the stor- Yesteryear page 11-A email at [email protected].
hail and other turbulence? probably sprint between
draw a by to check that out, and onday nights head- people could have just in 2016 and a had a mas- The American people
glass of also to encourage him and lines announced: one insurer available to sive $13,100 deductible. sent Republican majori-
water, set the coffee pot to the other wonderful peo- Health bill stalls as more them, while 35,000 could Yet, this is what ties to Washington to end
go, and fill the soup kettle ple at the station. (You can GOP senators announce have no carriers at all. ObamaCare has led toit business as usual and
as a reserve, just in case; also check out the details opposition. Imagine the Premiums have increased took a system that needed save our health care sys-
all the while flailing for yourself by tuning in dismay of House 105 percent. Rather than improvement and piled a tem before it collapses.
around for a way to put to the station at 1230 Republicans when they bear these excessive complex network of taxes We can no longer afford
my thoughts into words. AM.) read or hear these sound costs, 6.5 million and regulations on top of to kick the can down the
The day ahead would The power is still on. I bites. More importantly, Americans chose to pay it, further harming road. It is time for real
be fullrain or not. Two have not seen lightning or imagine the distress of penalties, amounting to a American families. Less solutions. The American
young men in whose lives any other indications of constituents across the total of $3 billion in 2015 choice, less access and people can no longer suf-
Mike and I had been pret- storms. I will hit SEND; nation who are suffering alone. Its no wonder higher costs. This is the fer under the collapse of
ty involved over the years and, voila`, this will be under ObamaCare. Our many have chosen not to reality ObamaCare has ObamaCare which is
were having occasions out of my hands and in party campaigned on purchase insurance given forced upon Americans. inevitable if the GOP fails
today. Both were once-in- the hands of the folks at repealing and replacing that those with insurance Simply putting a to act. Thats why the
a-lifetime events Tri-City Times. ObamaCare with some- bear massive deductibles band-aid on the problem House passed the
moments we wouldnt And that, my friends, thing better, but until now ranging from $3,000 to will not fix the gaping American Health Care
miss for the world. will get us to August. the opportunity was never $10,000. wound ObamaCare has Act, and why the Senate
Normally. But they were Could someone please tell truly possible. Behind these statistics created. Handing billions must act.
happening simultaneously, me how and when THAT We House Republican are people. People like of dollars to insurance The House did its
so we were going to. have happened? freshmen remain fully Michelle Harris, a retired companies to deal with work, it is time for our
to choose. Both were right Email Willene at aware that we were elect- waitress who suffers from skyrocketing premiums colleagues in the Senate
here in Imlay Cityprob- [email protected]. ed with a mandate from arthritis, an ailment will not fix the problem, to do theirs.
Page 10-A-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
Town Talk
Editors note: Due to space potluck and program. Call Street, is open each p.m. Please stop by and Twp. 48074. No RSVP nec- info, call 810-724-5695.
constraints announcements 798-8210 for more info. Wednesday from 1-3 p.m. learn about your communi- essary. For more info call
will be posted one week in
advance of the event. Notices Adults 55 and over are
Please call LOVE, INC. at
810-245-2414 in advance to
ty. Society meetings are
held at the museum on the
Joanne K. at 810-324-2304.
This activity is sponsored Medical Care
must be received in writing invited to Berlin Twp. ensure your food voucher second Monday of the by Widowed Friends, a peer
Senior Center to play cards Lapeer County Health
by noon Monday prior to the will be received before you month at 7 p.m. For more support group www.wid- Department, 1800 Imlay
publication date. from noon-3 p.m. the 2nd stop in to shop. Any ques- info call 810-796-3355. owedfriends.org.
Wednesday of every month. City Rd., Lapeer - Regular
tions, please call Joyce Immunization Clinic
For Senior Citizens
Bring a sack lunch, bever-
ages provided. Senior
Kaufman at 810-395-7532. Youth Events Widowed Friends invites all
widowed to join us for Hours: (held in 2nd floor
clinic area) Mondays 1-3:30
stretch exercise on Tuesdays The Capac Kitchen serves breakfast and friendship in
10-11 a.m. Potluck lun- free meals every Tuesday Ready, Set, Go! Workshop. a safe setting every 2nd and p.m. Walk-In, Wednesdays
Gentle Yoga Tuesdays from This is a FREE workshop 8:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m. By
9-10 a.m. at First cheons will be served the from 4:30-6 p.m. at Zion 4th Monday of the month at
4th Tuesday of every month United Methodist Church. for 3-5 year olds & parents/ 9 a.m. at Seros, 925 Gratiot Appointment Only,
Congregational Church in caregivers! Enjoy fun proj- Thursdays 1-3:45 p.m. By
Almont. Practice led by at noon. Call 810-395-4518 in Marysville. For more
for details. Free meals for people in ects that will develop your info, call Julie at 810-388- Appointment Only.
Dina Miramonti, RYT. need are offered at the childs skills and prepare Additional Immunization
Imlay City Senior Center Ryan Smith, a certified North Branch Senior them for school! Children Clinics Offered: By
Texas Hold Em 12:30 alcohol and drug counselor Center on Monday and also enjoy a snack, story TOPS 620 Lapeer weight- Appointment Only (held in
p.m. For info 810-724-6030. will be available at the Thursday evenings from time, and a free book! Call loss group meets Tuesday 2nd floor clinic area). Walk-
Imlay City Seniors Center 5:30-7 p.m. Call 810-441- the Family Literacy Center nights at the Hunters In (held in lower level). For
Dinner and an evening of on the 4th Thursday of 0322 for more info. today to reserve your seat at Creek Mobile Home Park additional info, to check if
card playing with friends, every month from 9 a.m.-12 810-664-2737 and for more Club House, 725 DeMille we accept your insurance,
50/50 raffle and prizes of p.m. Orchards Cupboard Food info on dates and times. Rd. in Lapeer. Weigh-in or to schedule an appoint-
high and low for each table Pantry is open the 3rd from 6-6:30 p.m., meeting ment please call 810-667-
every 3rd Monday at the Saturday of every month 9 Play groups available. Free from 6:30-7:30 p.m. For 0448.
Washington Senior Center,
57880 Van Dyke,
Free Meals, Food a.m.-noon. Food distributed
at 74903 McKay Rd., Bruce
6 week sessions. At these
FREE 90-minute play-
more info call 810-664-7579.
Free hearing and vision
Washington Twp., MI Twp., 586-336-4673. www. groups, children will par- TOPS 888 (Take Off Pounds screens for children of pre-
St. Pauls Lutheran Church orchardsonline.org. ticipate in storytime, devel- Sensibly) meets Wednesdays school age are available at
48094, from 4-8 p.m. Call Food for Families kitchen
for further details, 586-752- opmentally appropriate at the 25 Pine Ridge Dr. in the Lapeer County Health
is open to the public for
6543. free, hot meals every
Monday and Wednesday
Museums games and crafts, learn new
skills, and enjoy a snack
Lapeer. Weigh-in at 8:30
a.m., 9:30 a.m. meeting.
Department. To schedule an
appointment please call
Swing Dance Lessons and social time with other Call Linda at 810-245-3955 810-667-0448 or 810-245-
offered at the Port Huron from 4-5:30 p.m. The Dryden Historical children. Parents will have or Phyllis 810-395-7035 for 5549.
Senior Center, 600 Grand This Heart Loves Food Society meets at 7 p.m. the the chance to talk to other more info.
Avenue in Port Huron, first Wednesday of the adults with same-age chil- Capac Pharmacy is team-
Pantry is open the 1st For those that have experi- ing with Support Million
every Tues. from 7:30-9 Saturday of each month month and the museum dren. Register now for the
p.m. and the 1st and 3rd opens every Monday from next session! Numerous enced the death of a loved Hearts by offering in-phar-
from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at one, a support group is macy blood pressure
Thurs. of the month from Gateway Assembly Church, 5:30-7 p.m. locations and dates avail-
7:30-9 p.m. with instructors able. For more info and to available facilitated by a screenings, 136 North Main
2796 S. Van Dyke Rd., The Capac Historical trained United Hospice St. in Capac, Tuesdays, 9
Lyle Malaski & Kristina Imlay City. sign up call the Family
Morton. Call 810-984-5061 Society is open to visitors Literacy Center at 810-664- Service (UHS) bereavement a.m.-6 p.m. Everyone is
for more info. The Attica United Methodist daily from 1-3 p.m. and 1-4 2737. volunteer. Marlette invited to come and have
Church will be holding a p.m. on Sundays. Call 810- Regional Hospital, 2770 their blood pressure read
Council on Aging 395-2859 for more info. Main Street in Marlette, for free.
Membership is open to indi-
free community meal on the
2nd and 4th Tuesday of The Imlay City Historical
Support Groups hosts this support group the
viduals 18 and older. The
Capac Senior Center is
each month from 4:30-6:30
p.m. For more info please
Museum is now open for the
2017 season. Volunteer Alcoholics Anonymous
1st Friday of each month at
10 a.m. in the Administration Other
open 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. call 810-724-0690 or visit (AA) meetings are held Conference Room. For
weekdays. We offer a vari- docents will be happy to more info, call 800-635- Notice from Ferguson
www.atticaumc.org. greet you on Saturdays every Monday night at 8
ety of activities such as fit- p.m. at St. Pauls Lutheran 7490 or visit www.marlet- Cemetery Almont,
ness and craft classes, a The Attica Food Bank at from 1 to 4 p.m. The cur- teregionalhospital.org. Michigan. Effective 8-1-17
rent exhibit Everlasting Church in Imlay City.
book review group, cards the Attica United Methodist lot prices will increase from
Heirlooms is a wonderful
and bus trips. Call Lori at
395-7889 for more info.
Church, 27 Elk Lake Rd., is
open from 2-4 p.m. the 2nd display of the work of mas-
ter craftsman Richard
Alcoholics Anonymous
(AA) and Al-Anon meetings Fundraisers $600.00 to $700.00. If you
are interested in buying a
and 4th Monday of each are held every Wednesday lot or you have questions
Almont and Dryden area month. Proof of residency Lauwers. His wood turned night at 8 p.m. at the Capac Womans Life Chapter 855 regarding the cemetery in
senior citizens meet the 2nd and need required. objects feature a variety of United Methodist Church, will continue its Bottle & general, please contact
Tuesday of the month at 12 wood and functional pieces. Capac, MI. Can Drive, to help those in Nancy Garner at 810-627-
p.m. at the Almont Lions The Capac Community Other new exhibits include need, throughout the year 1861.
Hall, 222 Water St., for a Food Pantry, 112 S. Main the new period room featur- Lapeer Area Citizens of 2017. Call for the nearest
ing 1865 bedroom furni- Against Domestic Assault drop off location. For large Free tutor training for peo-
ture. The music exhibit has meets 1-3 p.m. every donations a pickup service ple who would like to help
been re-worked and there is Wednesday in the Lapeer is available. 810-392-5136. others in our community
an addition to the art dis- Court House for personal improve English skills.
play of work of local artists. protection order clinic. For The Imlay City Christian Volunteer basis. Please call
Watch for more changes, info 810-246-0632. School is holding a fund- for orientation before train-
AFFORDABLE INDEPENDENT LIVING APARTMENTS WITH: inside and outside of the raiser for TAFFY (Tuition ing at 810-664-2737.
museum. For questions con- FOR WIDOWED MEN & Assistance Fundraising For
3 Nutritious Meals Daily Light Housekeeping WOMEN: Lunch-Cards- Volunteer for the Habitat
Compimentary Satellite TV Health Services tact Marilyn Swihart 724- Youth). Come join us for
1904. Friendship. Join us every euchre the 2nd Saturday of for Humanity of Lapeer
Life-enriching Activities Available 3rd Tuesday of each month County at the office.
each month at 7 p.m. at the
The Almont Community from 11:45 a.m.-4 p.m. at Imlay City Christian Interested parties can call
Historical Society Museum Cavis Pioneer Restaurant, School, 7197 E. Imlay City 810-664-7111 and speak to
www.SanctuaryatMapleVista.org is open Saturdays from 1-4 5600 Lapeer Rd. in Kimball Rd. in Imlay City. For more Carolyn, Cheryl or Pete at
Club News
Veterans of Foreign Wars
(VFW) of Imlay City, Post
2492, 598 N. Almont Ave.
(Fairgrounds Rd.) Overseas
St. Pauls Veterans Meetings 2nd
Thursday, every other
Lutheran Church month, 7 p.m.; Post
(ELCA) Meetings 1st Thursday
200 North Cedar (M-53) 4411 Newark Road
859 N. Van Dyke Road every month, 7 p.m.;
Imlay City, MI Attica, MI 48412 Imlay City, Michigan 48444 Auxiliary Meetings 1st
810-724-1200 810-724-2702 Saturday of every month,
Sunday 2:30 pm
email: [email protected] 10 a.m.
Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 7:00 pm
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Friday Youth 7:00 pm Almont/Dryden Masons
Pastor Tim Martin
Pastor Alan Casillas meets 7 p.m. every 2nd
Sunday 10 a.m. Service 15 firstapostolichome.com
15 15 Thursday of the month at
Attica Capac Imlay City Almont Light of Christ Masonic Center in Almont.
U.M.C. U.M.C. C.R.C. First Baptist Church Community The Imlay City American
14952 Imlay City Rd., Capac 395 N. Cedar (M-53) Legion Post 135 meets the
27 Elk Lake Road, Attica, MI
(810) 724-0690 Church 810-395-2112
Sunday School - 9:15 am - All Ages
Worship 10:00 a.m.
Wayne Boyd, Pastor
881 Van Dyke - 810-798-8888
Church 2nd and last Wednesdays of
the month at 7:30 p.m. The
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m Sunday Service: 10:30 am Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Sunday Bible Classes: 9:45 am 2720 Winslow Road post is located at 212 E.
Attica Food Bank: Serving those Junior Church and Nursery Available Youth Ministry Worship Services
10:30 am & 6:00 pm
Imlay City, MI 48444 Third Street. Contact them
MOPS Program
in need in Attica Twp, 2-4 pm, Bible Studies Every
Community Mens & Womens
Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm 1 Mile South of I-69 Overpass at 724-1450 or americanle-
2nd and 4th Monday Monday and Tuesday Evenings [email protected]
Tuesday Morning
Bible Studies Live Webcasting Sunday all worship services Sunday Worship 10:30 am [email protected].
Rev. Ron Rouse 810-724-4315 over Sermonaudio.com/fbcalmont 15
www.atticaumc.org 15
Come as you are - everyone is welcome!
16 15
Come Grow With Us! 15
Proclaiming the Sovereign Grace of God Phone: 810-724-6999 15
The Evening Star Quilt
Guild meets the last
Dryden Imlay City Sacred Heart GATEWAY ST. JOHNS LUTHERAN CHURCH Wednesday of each month
U.M.C. U.M.C. Catholic Church
(ELCA) 109 E. Kempf Court Capac, MI
(810) 395-7557
at the Davison Senior
Corner of 4th St. & Almont Ave. 700 Maple Vista, Imlay City Center, 10135 Lapeer Rd.
5394 Main Street - Dryden (Across from the Library) 810-724-1135 2796 S. Van Dyke Road - Imlay City in Davison. Meetings start
Weekday Masses 74903 McKay Rd., Romeo Morning Worship - 8:45 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm at 6:30 p.m. and doors open
9:15 a.m. Sunday School
Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri 8 am Wed. 10 am 586.336.4673 Evening Service - 5:00 p.m. at 6 p.m. For more info call
Pastor Patricia Hoppenworth 10:30 a.m. Worship
First Sat. 8 am
Sunday Mornings
Lisa, 810-358-7294.
Nursery Available
Weekend Masses
Wednesday Family Night - 6:45 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Jr. Church for K-5th grade
Sat. Vigil Mass 5 pm
10:30 am Supervised child care during all services
Youth Group 6th-12th grade Adult & Children's Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. 5pm-6:30pm Sundays Sun. 9 am - English Children's Church during service. Sunday School
EVERYONE WELCOME! Rev. Dr. Marcel Allen Lamb
11 am - Spanish
Confessions 1/2 hr. before each Mass &4pm Sat. COME & MAKE A Phone: 810-724-8110 9:00 a.m. September thru May Every Sunday Lapeer
810-724-0687 15 Father Paul Ward DIFFERENCE WITH US! 15 Pastor Jeffrey S. Krist Staffed Nursery During Worship 15
15 15 15 Countys largest Flea
Market will be held at the
West Berlin Imlay City Christ Evangelical First Congregational Church Lapeer Center Building,
Church of Christ Lutheran Church United Church of Christ
U.M.C. 670 N. Van Dyke 1970 S. Almont Ave., Imlay City 275 Bancroft - Imlay City
425 County Center St. in
Lapeer. From 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Imlay City, MI 48444
201 E. St. Clair, Almont, MI
905 Holmes Rd. - Allenton, MI Sunday Service
at corner of Newark Rd.
(Corner of 5th Street) 810-798-8855 Up to 75 booths inside and
810-724-7855 outside sell a huge variety
Corner of Almont Road Bible Study (all ages) 10:00am
Sunday School 9:00 a.m. 810-724-6207 Sr. Pastor: Keith Langley
Morning Worship 11:00am of items to the public. This
810-395-2409 1st Sunday of the
Month Evening Service 2:30pm
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.
Thursday Worship 7:00 p.m.
Sunday School &Morning Adult Group 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Worship Service at 10:15 a.m.
Nursery available and Jr. Church long-running community
Worship Service 10:30 a.m.
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Classes (all ages) 7:00pm Pastor for ages 3 thru 5th grade event is sponsored by the
Rev. Dr. Renee C. Jackson
Rev. Curtis Clarke 810-724-3306 Ralph O. Stuebs
No matter who you are or where you are
Jr./Sr. High Youth Group ~ Sundays 6-8pm Lapeer Center Building, a
John Barker, Minister 15
Cell-(567) 674-0438
Come to the WELS on lifes journey, you are welcome here!15
Kidz 4 Christ ~ Wednesdays 6-7:30pm
non-profit organization for
Pre-School - 5th grade
15 15
60 years. There is no admis-
Goodland 16
Family of St. Cornelius St. Nicholas St. John The Holy Redeemer sion charge. For info on
Community Christ Catholic Church Catholic Church Evangelist space rentals, contact
Lutheran Church - Catholic Church Lutheran Church Logan: 810-347-7915. Visit
Church Missouri Synod
3834 N. Mill Street
P.O. Box 208
4331 Capac Road
Capac, MI 48014
872 Capac Rd. 4538 Dryden Rd. Dryden, MI www.LapeerCenter.com for
2008 N. Van Dyke Allenton, MI 48002
810-796-3951 building rental and Peacock
Dryden MI 48428 810-395-7572 810-395-7074 Alley catering information,
Box 82 7191 Imlay City Road
Imlay City www.stnicholascapac.com www.stjohnsallenton.com www.lutheransonline.com/holyred or call 664-2109. Email:
Imlay City, MI 48444 Bible Study - 9:00 am Weekday Masses:
Weekday Masses: Weekday Masses: 8:00 am - BIBLE CLASS; 9:30 am - WORSHIP
810.724.1747 Worship Time - 10:30 am
Wed. & Thurs. 8:30 a.m.
Wed. & Fri. 8:30 a.m. Thurs. & Fri. 8:30 a.m. 11:00 am - SUNDAY SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASS [email protected].
Childrens Church - 10:30 am Weekend Masses: Weekend Masses: ALL WELCOME!!! The Lapeer Center Building
Weekend Masses:
Worship Service: 10:00 am Phone 810-724-2620 Saturday - 4:30 p.m. Sunday - 11:00 a.m. Saturday - 6:00 p.m.
Pastor Steven Helms Flea Market has been voted
Sunday - 9:00 a.m.
Pastor Chad Hampton lutheranfamilyofchrist.org Sunday - 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 15 Christian Preschool Available The Best of the Best.
16 17 Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 15 15
Page 11-A-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
Photo provided
Multiple Traffic Stops enforcement on Newark Rd. Ellis Lane and Downey Rd. 5000 block of Capac Rd. in
throughout the day in Imlay City in Mussey Twp. Mussey Twp.
July 22 July 22
01:55 Suspicious drugs/narcotics on Hugh OBrien as Wyatt Earp with his Buntline
Circumstance (E. Second eastbound I-69 in Attica Special.
St./S. Almont Ave.)
09:38 Property Damage
noise complaint in the Police and fire briefs...
Accident (2000 block S.
Almont Ave.)
2100 block of Bray Rd. in
Attica Twp.
Yesteryear: deputy Festus Haggen
(Ken Curtis). Festus was
Editors note: The fol- Lapeer County Sheriff rather comical with his
11:59 Suspicious fireworks complaint in from page 9-A
lowing is a compilation of Deputy Nick Vandenberg heavy southern accent say-
Circumstance (2000 block the 4100 block of Bowers Gunsmoke. It was one ing, Well now,
S. Cedar St.) Rd. in Attica Twp. activity and reports from and Sgt. Jeremy Herfert
area police and fire depart- responded to the scene, of the earliest adult west- Mattheeew I dont
14:35 Welfare Check July 23 erns, centering around the think he ever called him
(200 block White St.) suspicious circum- ments. along with the Arcadia
Township Fire Department exploits of Marshal Matt Matt.
23:24 Medical Assist stance in the 2300 block of Dillon (James Arness) in Matt and Kitty were
(100 block Palmer St.) Lake George Rd. in Attica Vehicle snags and a DTE Energy crew.
the frontier town of Dodge always close but never
Multiple Traffic Stops Twp. After DTE was able to
throughout the day abandoned auto on N. power lines move the live wires, the City, Kansas in 1873. His married. There was some
driver exited his truck and kindly companion was Doc suggestion that she might
July 23 Van Dyke in Goodland Twp. Adams (Milburn Stone), have been running a house
01:15 Assault (S. Cedar welfare check in the ARCADIA TWP. A spoke with police, saying
Mount Morris man was he had just made a delivery the town physician who of ill repute, but I dont
St./Newark Rd.) 3100 block of West Rd. in spent many hours chugging think so. Though I had no
Multiple Traffic Stops Attica Twp. temporarily stuck in his in the area. Firefighters on
beers at the Long Branch idea what that meant at the
throughout the day alarms in the 2600 semi truck on July 20 when scene said the wires had Saloon, owned and operat- time, either.
July 24 block of Country Kate Lane the vehicle snagged low been hanging low for some ed by the shapely Kitty Gunsmoke lasted 20
01:27 Domestic in Imlay Twp. hanging power lines on time and were reported to Russell (Amanda Blake). seasons.
Dispute (1900 block alarms in the 3900 Mitchell Lake Road, north the utility company on sev- The show started with There were numerous
Shagbourk Ln.) block of Earl West Rd. in of Lum Road. eral occasions. a close up of Matts butt others that I watched regu-
with his six-gun strapped larly like Wagon Train,
to his side. The camera Maverick, The Life and
slowly zoomed out to Legend of Wyatt Earp,
reveal Matt was in a gun- The Rifleman, and Tales
fight showdown with a of Wells Fargo. You can
man in black. We assume Google all of these to get
the other guy draws first the details.
but we see a close up of Life was pretty good
Matt as he draws and fires. back in those days growing
Since Matt never fell down up on Teeds Street. Dad
(except in one outtake) we would often pop some pop-
assume that he plugged the corn and occasionally some
other guy every week. neighbors would stop by
Not only is the newspaper informative for you, Cousin John and I would
then often strap on our
and wed all settle in to see
what our favorite charac-
its a great learning tool for kids. Here are own six-guns (cap guns)
and see how fast we could
ters were up to this week.
I really enjoyed what they
some simple tips you can use to help improve draw.
Over the years there
referred to on The Lone
Ranger as those thrilling
your childs reading skills at any age: were several changes in the days of yesteryear. I can
supporting cast, most nota- still remember most of the
bly the replacement of theme songs. How about
Read the newspaper to your child regularly. Matts loyal deputy, you?
Chester Goode (Dennis Email Rick at
Explain what youre reading and encourage a discussion. Weaver), with hillbilly [email protected].
Tri-City Times
P.O. Box 278 Imlay City, MI48444 (810) 724-2615
Photo provided
www.tricitytimes-online.com Marshall Matt Dillon draws against the man in
Page 12-A-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
Camp Skyline:
from page 1-A to her new surroundings,
Henry says Skyline Felixova points out one
counselors typically range significant cultural differ-
in age from 18-25, with the ence between American
median age being around and Czech youth.
20. Ifind that the really
They are here on J-1 big difference between
cultural exchange visas, Czech Republic and USA
Henry points out. They is the school system, she
stay about two or three says. I spend a lot of time
months for the camp sea- trying to explain our
son, with an additional school system to others
month allowed for travel. and am not sure it is
Henry says Skyline enough.
recruits youth from other Regardless of the chal-
countries through agencies lenges, Felixova views her
that specifically seek sum- experience at Skyline as
mer camp exchange visi- unforgettable.
tors. Its wonderful here,
There are recruitment she says. Its so peaceful
fairs held in other nations, and nice. From the swim-
he said. I personally ming pool to the big woods
attend one in London. full of deer and other ani-
mals to seeing the interest-
Photo provided
He notes that Skylines
local staff members are ing plants.
frequently recruited Ive had an opportuni-
through word of mouth ty to explore Americas
and at college job fairs. nature, learn new skills and Twenty-two year old Julie Felixova of the Czech Republic has as much fun the as campers while
In exchange for their to work with children and sauntering down one of the nature paths at Skyline Camp and Retreat Center on the outskirts of
participation, the interna- people with special needs. Almont.
tional staff receives what Ive only been here
four weeks now, she says, While here, Ive from their family to be
Henry refers to as pocket learned that I can do diffi- here, than a counselor who
money from the camp. but I already know this
will be an unforgettable cult things as a camp coun- can go home every week-
Those funds are given in selor, he says. Im not end to a house thats just
accordance with guidelines summer for me.
Australian staff mem- limited to only things I down the road, says
formulated by the recruit- enjoy doing. Anderson. International
ing agency. ber Madi Rhodes, 19,
shares Felixovas enthusi- The only significant counselors also bring a dif-
The whole enterprise cultural differences are a ferent perspective and a
is not at all a money-mak- asm for the summer pro-
gram. lack of sarcasm on the part diversity of opinions and
ing undertaking for the vis- of the Americans, and what experiences.
itors, says Henry. After We all relate very
well, says Rhodes. Were seems to be mandatory tip- That ties into the
the various fees, the cost to ping at restaurants, camps message of
Skyline is roughly equal to all about the same age and
we discuss many social, Thompson says. Skyline acceptance and under-
the cost for our local staff. is rewarding to both camp- standing of those who
Julie Felixova, 22, a personal and economic
issues. There is no divide ers and staff. Its a safe have varied experiences,
citizen of the Czech
Photo provided
between the international community for people he says.
Republic, is a first-time from all walks of life. Assistant Skyline
staff member and is enjoy- and American staff.
This year marks Henry says the partici- Director Erin Furze adds
ing her time at Camp pation of counselors from that because most of the
Skyline. Rhodes second time as a Jacob Thompson of New Zealand says his
Skyline staffer. She feels other counties has proved international staff stays at
She says the experi- invaluable to the American the center over the week- American counterparts have been supportive.
ence has been rewarding as the earlier experience has
afforded her some added staff, an opinion shared by ends they can draw closer director and volunteer Mertn, Elizabeth Adair and
have the friendships she Lauren MacKillop, as friends.
has forged with the perspective. coordinator; Shawn Kay Huberty.
Ive learned a lot Skylines 2017 head coun- It used to be that most McCloskey, maintenance Skyline is a 501(c)(3)
American staff in a rela- selor. everyone (counselors) went
tively brief period of time. about myself, Rhodes supervisor; Kendra Talbot, nonprofit organization. It is
says. I can recognize how Ithink we oftentimes home for the weekends, food service manager; and licensed by the State of
I think its going dont think about how ben- Furze recalls. By having
good, says Felixova. I much Ive grown as a per- Erin Furze, assistant direc- Michigan and accredited
son in the past year. Ifeel eficial the international people stick around, the tor. by the American Camp
just needed time for adap- staff is for campers, says staff is able to form closer
tation to a new country and Ive become more comfort- The Camp is overseen Association.
able in my own skin. MacKillop. Many of these bonds; to get to know each by a 14-member Board of Skyline Camp &
with a new language for kids are leaving home for other better than just hang-
me. If there is a major dis- Directors that includes: Retreat Center is located at
tinction between America the first time and are bare- ing out at free times during Matt Henry, Shawn 5650 Sandhill Rd., Almont,
But now, she says, ly aware of the world out- the week.
we are like a big happy and Australia culture, McCloskey, Al Huberty, MI 48003.
Rhodes believes it is the side of their neighbor- I think that bond is Dick Judy, Ann Reinman, For questions and
and sometimes really hoods. what makes the camp so
funny family. Im still cuisine. Sometimes I feel Catherine Waller, Andrew information, call Skyline at
the need to import Meeting role models great, she says. The Michalak, Nicole Bierie, 810-798-8240; or contact
learning English, so we from outside the United campers can feel and see
sometimes have misunder- Australian food, she says. Margaret Snyder, Diana the business office at 248-
Food preferences aside, States can open their eyes that the staff is there to Lea, Ryan Reed, Mark 644-2043.
standings that can be to just how big the world
she continues to learn and support one another, which
Despite the language
barrier, Felixova says she
grow as an individual
through her personal and
shared experiences at
is, and how they still have
things in common with
those who live on the other
is a great thing for them to
A camp for all
has learned a great deal
side of the world. Skyline Campgrounds and
Grand Valley State
about herself as well as her Skyline.
fellow staff. I like Skyline because I also think it can be a Retreat Center features
it is a smaller camp than huge motivator for camp- Day Camps for children
University Deans List
I learned that I can do
it, she says. At first I most, says Rhodes. Its ers who dont necessarily ages 5-12; along with
was terrified about spend- much easier to feel wel- see their own potential, Overnight Camps for ages
ing the whole summer in a come and supported here. MacKillop says. It shows 5-15; and Special Needs Grand Valley State arts emphasis that teaches
country with a different Camp counselor Jacob that you shouldnt let camps for children ages 13 University announces the students critical thinking
culture and a different lan- Thompson, 20, whose obstacles stop you from through adulthood. names of students who and problem solving skills.
guage. home country is New doing what you love. The Special Needs were placed on the deans Students honored for
But Ive learned Zealand, says the Camp Nick Anderson, camps are: Camp Sassafras list for the Winter 2017 the winter semester
patience and have discov- Skyline experience has Skylines head counselor for ages 20-32; and Camp semester concluding in include:
ered that Im both a cow- enriched his life. from 2013-2016, believes Stepping Stones for ages April. The list includes Allenton: Trevor J.
ardly and brave person, Ihave found that some campers find it easier 13-22. those students who have Nichols; Rachel D. Rose
says Felixova. Ive found Americans as a whole are to relate to the internation- Board oversight maintained a 3.5 grade Almont: Hunter J.
a lot of new friends and very approachable and al staff. In addition to Matt point average and been Binkley; Mitchel J. Bulger;
have come to a wonderful helpful, says Thompson. Its easier for them to Henry, Skylines veteran enrolled in a minimum of Carlie K. Lawrence;
place at Skyline Camp. Especially the American open up to someone who staff includes his wife, 12 credits. The honor is Ashleigh M. Muir; Emily
While she is adjusting staff at Skyline. has traveled a long way Shana Henry, program noted on the students offi- E. Pewinski; Marissa R.
cial records. Rinke; Corey D. Sutter
Grand Valley is dedi- Attica: Madison M.
the new school year. The MTSS program, District leaders said they
new staff was officially Cameron said, referring to believed the change would Get your Invisalign consult
welcomed at the boards scheduled before our offer ends!
Multi-Tiered System of give them an edge in
(810) 683-5516
July 17 meeting and Supports. attracting talented staff.
include Jamie Delboy Several of the new
(first grade), Shelby hires arent new to the dis-
Stoddard (third grade), trict. Delboy has been a
Theresa Hribar (Title I teacher in Imlay Citys
interventionist, grades Early Childhood Program
3-5), Michael Medley for the last three years.
(Middle School English Both Stoddard and Bob Riehl Chris Byrnes
Language Art/Enrichment Diamond did their student General Manager New Car Manager
science) and Christy teaching in Imlay City.
Diamond (Middle School They represent the
English Language Arts). first group of teachers that
Supt. Dr. Stu Cameron will start at step 3 on the
said the staff additions wage scale. In the most
were necessary due to a recent contract agreement
number of factors includ- between the district and
Jeff Riehl
Managing 2017 RAM 1500 SLT CREW CAB 4X4 Tom Patten
Used Sales
ment no longer had any and the late-Mark Bosma FRIENDS & FAMILY:
sergeants. had served as sergeants. $0 DOWN $16700/MO
Reed Gordon $
1,999 DOWN $10400/MO Meredith Dubbs
Sales Sales
M-53 resurfacing is $0 DOWN $13700/MO
1,999 DOWN $7400/MO
now underway
TRI-CITY AREA Resurfacing is underway 2017 DODGE JOURNEY GT AWD Shane Burrough
on M-53 that will extend from the Macomb/Lapeer Nick Grayson
County line north to I-69.
The work, being conducted by MDOT, will
encompass shoulder, ramp, gutter, sidewalk and drain-
age repairs. Work will be completed primarily over-
$0 DOWN $17200/MO
1,999 DOWN $7800/MO
night, but motorists can expect some daytime single- MSRP $35,685
lane closures while ramp, curb and drainage repairs
are completed. MDOT officials say the end result, Jim Sadik $0 DOWN $12400/MO Deb Ruth
Business Manager Business Manager
expected in late September, will extend the lift of the
1,999 DOWN $2900/MO
road and contribute to a smoother road surface. Pictures may not reflect actual vehicle. Chrysler Employee and Friends/Family public prices stated. Sale Price includes all available factory incentives, does NOT include special offers (TDM) from the factory that are available to a select group of qualified people and does NOT include military rebate. Sale and lease payments include loyalty & pull ahead
factory incentives. Not everyone qualifies. Payments are based on the sale price, A+ or Tier 1 credit rating. Buy payments and sale prices are plus tax, title, plate, and destination. * Zero down lease payments are plus tax, title, plate, destination, and requires security deposit waiver and must qualify for S/A Tier 1 credit. Lease payments are based on 10,000
miles per year for 24, 36, 39 mos. Lease term. Prior purchases/leases excluded, must take delivery out of stock by 7-31-17, see sales associate for details. Advertised specials in this ad are good for at least 48 hours after the printed date unless stated differently in the ad, but could go longer. Call or come into our Lapeer location. Availability is limited.
~ Sharon Brown, 77 ~
Rockville is playing
daughter of the late Donald North Goodland Baptist Matthew Proctor, Funeral Home, 225 N.
and the late Isabell Church. Jackson Brown, and Main Street, Imlay City
(Secord) Hill. Sharon Sharon loved to spend Sarah Brown. and Thursday, July 27
lived in Imlay City her time with her grandchil- Sharon was preceded from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. at
in Almont Thursday
entire life. She attended dren. She was a Detroit in death by her sister: Joan North Goodland Baptist
Blacks Corners School Tigers fan and enjoyed (Golden) Blount. Church.
and is a 1958 graduate watching them play, she The funeral will be Funeral arrangements
of Imlay City High liked garage sales and was held 11:30 a.m., Thursday, were made by Muir
She married Milo
a party planner.
She is survived by her
July 27, 2017 at North
Goodland Baptist Church,
Brothers Funeral Home of
Imlay City. Please be sure
Tommy Shutz and company to
Edward Brown on July 9, husband: Milo Brown; one 3080 N. Van Dyke Road, to sign our online register perform from 7-9 p.m. at Park
1960 in Imlay City, daughter: Kelly (Steven) Imlay City, MI. Reverend muirbrothersfh.com
By Tom Wearing
[email protected]
~ Jerry Leon Carroll, 78 ~
Jerry Leon Carroll was and graphics artist, and ceded in death by his musician Tommy Schutz
born February 9, 1939 in worked for several years at parents, twin sister Judith and his band Rockville
Pontiac, MI to Henry and Champion Motor Homes. and sister Shirley make their first appearance
Gertrude Carroll. He He made the Dryden and McCarthy. at Almont Community Park
passed July 14, 2017. Oxford areas his home, Per Jerrys wishes, on Thursday, July 27.
Upon graduating where among his hobbies cremation has taken place. The band performs
Oxford High School in he owned, bred and trained A celebration of his life from 7-9 p.m. on the stage
1957, he joined the U.S. dogs. Of his many pas- will be held Saturday, adjacent to the park pavil-
Navy as a photographer sions, Jerry enjoyed motor- August 12th at 4:00 p.m. ion.
aboard the USS Midway cycles, fishing, and he was at Terry and Jennifers The longtime owner of
with the Seventh Fleet in a lifelong hunter, a tradi- home. Output Music in Imlay Tommy Schutz of
the Western Pacific. Jerry tion he passed on to his Arrangements were City, Schutz called on some Rockville rocks it out
served in the Navy for four children and grandchil- entrusted to Muir Brothers outstanding local musi- during Attica Days.
years in Guam, Hong dren. Funeral Home, Lapeer. cians when he decided to
form Rockville a few years The Hackwells perform a
Kong, Japan, Okinawa, the Jerry is survived by his Please visit www.muir- ago.
Philippines and Pearl siblings, children, grand- brotherslapeer.com to variety of folk and blue-
The bands lineup fea- grass sponsored by the
Harbor. Jerry later went warden for Oakland children, extended family leave a remembrance or tures Schutz on guitar, har- Yarbrough Insurance
on to become a deputy dog County, an auto body paint and friends. He was pre- condolence. monica and vocals; Tory Group.
Capman on guitar, vocals On Thursday, Aug. 10,
and piano; Anthony
~ Lori Ann Ferrett, 55 ~ Gaedcke on bass and saxo-
Third Degree Burns con-
cludes the series with clas-
phone; and Jake Ruhl on sic rock featuring outstand-
With family by her Dear daughter of Ron and all have the pleasure of drums. ing young musicians from
side July 22, 2017 Jesus Geraldine Wojcik. Loving calling her aunt. Sister-in- A former grand prize Lapeer County.
came to take his daughter daughter-in-law to Laverne law and true friend to all winner of the U.S. Concert-goers are
home, she will always be a and Joyce Ferrett. An those who had the pleasure Songwriters Association encouraged to bring along
devoted wife and compan- incredible sister to Peggy to meet her. for his original songs their own lawn chairs and
ion to Allan Ferrett for 34 (Greg) Roszczewski, Beth She enjoys family T.G.I.F. and She Makes the blankets to enjoy the free
years. (Jeff ) Roszczewski, Nancy game nights and a hot Sun, Schutz touts Rockville programs.
An amazing mother to (Russ) Stoddard, Mike poker game. Spending as purveyors of real rock Members of the Almont
Allan (Sarah) Ferrett, Wojcik, Andrea (Tim ) time outdoors hiking, bik- and roll. Lions Club are usually
Rose (Randy) Mc Elfresh, Wilcox, Ron (Sue) ing and camping. The band is coming off available to sell refresh-
Thomas (Amanda) Ferrett; Wojcik, Patti (Dan) Happy trails to you our a pair of well-received ments beneath the park
Special grammy to Ayden, Morawski. friend, until we meet recent performances at pavilion.
Ezra and Loriana Ferrett; 33 nieces and nephews again! Attica Days and the Imlay For more information
City Blueberry Festival. about the Almont Park
There are two remain- Boards Music in the Park
ing concerts in the Almont series, call the Almont
~ Alexander (Al) Motoligin, 74 ~ Park Boards 2017 Music Village office at 810-798-
in the Park series. 8528 and leave a message
Alexander (Al) at the All Saints Russian wife: Marion; sons: place on Saturday, July 22 They include: for concert promoter Gary
Motoligin, age 74, a 12 Orthodox Church in Richard (Jan) of Romeo at the Henry M. Malburg On Thursday, Aug. 3, Peltier.
year resident of Goetzville, Detroit. Al took over his and David (Katie) of Funeral Home, Romeo,
MI, and formerly from
Almont, MI, passed away
on Wednesday, July 19,
fathers floral business in
Detroit, then moved to East
Pointe, and in 1976 opened
Memphis along with
grandchildren: Ashleigh,
Brandon, and Mikala.
with Archimandrite
Pachomy, Fr. John,
Abbot of St Sabbas
Goals for future
2017 at Henry Ford
Macomb Hospital in
Clinton Township,
Motoligins Florist in
Romeo. In 2005 he retired
and moved to Goetzville,
Siblings include: Paul
(Shirley) Motoligin of
Armada, Michael (Brenda)
Orthodox Monastery,
Harper Woods. Burial fol-
lowed in Ferguson
topic of meeting
Michigan. Al was born MI in the Upper Peninsula, Motoligin of St Clair, and Cemetery in Almont, By Cassie Malhado, intern implement a citizen request
May 24, 1943 in Detroit, where he spent his retire- brother-in-law Tony Michigan. [email protected] for action program in 2018.
the son of Alexander and ment snowmobiling, fish- Boscarino. Al was preced- Donations to the The program is an online
Mary (Gajda) Motoligin. ing/ice fishing and hunting ed in death by his sister Karmanos Cancer ALMONT Village system where residents
Al married Marion ducks/rabbits. Ilene Boscarino. Research would be appre- Manager Mike Connors set may file complaints and
Cochrane on June 23, 1962 Al is survived by his Funeral services took ciated. goals for growth and devel- track the progress of their
opment in future years at request.
the regular village council In other council busi-
meeting on July 18. ness:
~ Elisabeth Toepfner, 81 ~ Some of the target Members are advocat-
items include developing ing for a ban on coal tar
Elisabeth Toepfner, until she met the love of her family close to one Candice Brandelik, the villages infrastructure used as a seal-coat product
age 81, of Imlay City her life, Joseph. Together, another. Elisabeth will be Jeremy Brandelik and and roads. for pavement.
and formerly Warren, they raised a family and remembered for always Allison Hammer. Dear I hope to access much The ban stems from
passed away June 12, remained active in the smiling from her happy sister of Monika needed grant money, said information regarding
Connors. health risks of exposure. It
2017. She was born in local German community. disposition. She is dearly (Rolf) Stute. Caring While infrastructure is our job to provide for
Tscheb, Yugoslavia on Elisabeth was extremely loved and will be deeply aunt of Brian (Susan) was the focus of the coun- their (village residents)
January 13, 1936; the active in the Carpathia missed. Stute. cil, other goals for develop- safety, health, and welfare,
daughter of Franz and Club and she taught in the Beloved wife of A funeral was held ment were discussed as said council member
Elisbeth (nee Doellinger) German School. She Joseph for 58 years. Thursday, June 15th at St. well. A sidewalk replace- Steven C. Schneider.
Hubert. enjoyed gardening and Loving mother of Karin Therese of Lisieux ment project is the goal for The council approved
Elisabeth immigrated absolutely adored her (Robert) Schwalbe, Susan Catholic Church in Shelby the years of 2018-2019, in entering a five-year
to the United States with grandchildren. She Brandelik and Elisabeth Township. addition to a 2018-2019 agreement for land use on
her parents and sister in insisted on family dinners (Robert) Hammer. A committal service goal of increased market- Kidder Road. The land is
1955. Her religious faith for the holidays, and Treasured grandmother of immediately followed at ing for the community in desired for leaf disposal, a
almost took her back to this tradition has been Eric Schwalbe, Alex Resurrection Cemetery in hopes of economic growth. service offered by the vil-
Europe to become a nun, instrumental in keeping Schwalbe, Paul Schwalbe, Clinton Township. Connors also hopes to lage.
Page 15-A-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
Rural Lifestyles
Little Miss Blueberry Almonts Joseph, Madison and Adam Thomson and Ginnie and Noah
Avery Collins waves to Schmelder admire Adams 1966 Ford Thunderbird during Saturdays
Ryker and Zadyn Jorgensen with Oopsy Daisy
crowd along parade Blueberry Festival Car Show, sponsored by Randy Schultz of Schultz
Clown waiting for their balloon characters at
route on Saturday. Firearms.
this year's festival.
Tyler Pries prepares to cream Borland Elementary Principal Megan Most Patriotic prizewinner Laila Jones, 7, with her pets Raven and Skittle
Cottone during Saturday's Pie in the Face fundraiser. leads the way in Fridays Pet Parade.
Page 17-A-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
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Page 18-A-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
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Sports www.tricitytimes-online.com
Burkland, Lathrop
edition of The Tri-City Times plished the feat was Friday, April
All-Area boys track team and 21 en route to a second at the
the credentials they generated en Marlette Invitational.
route to those accolades: A week later, Giles sported Imlay Citys TJ Reintjes
Page 2-B-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
Photo by provided
20:50.8; 3) Eric Schwalbe, 32:10.2.
24:33.1; 4) Ryan Higgins, 45-49- 1) Tracy
Murphy, 25:04.1; 2) 41:05; and 3) Sue Collins, By Kevin Kissane Saturday, July 29 at
Ammanda VanHuyse, 48:37.5. Tri-City Times Sports Editor 4 p.m. located at the
28:23.8; 3) Tana Brandt, 55-59- 1) Debra Miller, fields near Imlay City
28:47.7; 4) Rachel Papke, 30:31.3; and 2) Denise IMLAY CITY The Middle School.
30:19.6; 5) Sheena Lewis, 54:23. Bluewater Blue Jays For further info,
Lilly Rodriguez nears the finish-line at Fridays Bagdes, 31:02.7; 6) 65 and Over- 1) Jean 12U baseball team will contact Jim Elwart at
Blueberry Stomp 5K in Imlay City. Carissa Pilarski, 33:01.3; Zima, 54:23.9. be holding tryouts 810-441-4935.
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Page 3-B-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
hosted by Algonac High junior, senior and senior City lineup logged a time
Davison Twilight Classic; Event: 800-meter relay of 8:48.1 for fifth Friday,
collected a fourth at the School on Tuesday, May
23. Best effort: A team May 12 at the Davison
Algonac High School- consisting of Daniel Twilight Classic.
based Blue Water Area Top finishes: He
obtained thirds at the Griffith, Andrew Sams, Top finishes: Imlay
Conference League Meet; Brent Boers and Tyler Saez City contributed seconds at
took sixth at the Marlette Algonac High School- Brent Boers passes the baton to Capac 400
based Blue Water Area registered a time of 1:35.2 the Indoor Championships
Invitational; furnished a relay teammate Tyler Saez at the Div. 3 finals. for second at the Blue (non-Macomb County),
13th among Division 3/4 Conference League Meet
and Davison Twilight Water Area Conference Algonac High School-
entrants at the SVSU Year: Sophomore based Blue Water Area League Meet hosted by based Blue Water Area
Indoor Invitational; ranked Classic; generated a fifth at
the Blue Water Area Meet Event: 800-meter run Conference League Meet Algonac High School on Conference League Meet
19th at a Marlette High Best effort: Brown and the Marlette Tuesday, May 23. and Jon Runyan Classic
School-based Division 3 of Champions hosted by
Marysville High School; posted a clocking of Invitational; supplied a Top finishes: Capac hosted by Carman
regional; plus added a 22nd 2:08.09 for seventh Friday, fifth at the Indoor generated a second at the Ainsworth High School;
at the Shake off the Rust supplied a sixth at the
Marlette Invitational; col- May 19 at a Division 3 Championships (non- Algonac High School- furnished thirds at the
Invitational. regional hosted by Marlette Macomb County); fur- based Blue Water Area Marlette Invitational and
Name: Ryan Johnson lected a 16th at a Clio High
School-based Division 2 High School. nished a seventh at the Conference League Meet; Thumb Area Meet of
School Imlay City Top finishes: He col- Thumb Area Meet of furnished a third at a Champions in Caro;
Year: Sophomore regional; and added a 21st
at the Shake off the Rust lected firsts at the North Champs in Caro; garnered Division 3 regional hosted obtained a fifth at the
Event: Discus Branch High School-based 10ths at the Davison by Marlette High School; Davison Twilight Classic;
Best effort: Johnson Invitational.
Name: Alec Giles Lapeer County Press Twilight Classic and among plus supplied a fifth at the wound up sixth at a Clio
supplied a school record- Invitational and Davison Division 2 entrants at the Marlette Invitational High School-based
setting distance of 145 feet School: Almont
Year: Senior Twilight Classic; notched SVSU Indoor Invitational; Team: Marc Allison, Division 2 regional; plus
2 inches en route to a first sevenths at a Division 3 managed a 13th at a Clio Riley Bertram, Jack Forti provided a 14th at the
at the Lapeer County Press Event: 300-meter hur-
dles regional hosted by Marlette High School-based and Noah Galbraith Shake off the Rust
Invitational hosted by High School and at the Division 2 regional; plus School: Imlay City Invitational.
North Branch High School Best effort: Giles man-
aged a clocking of 41.92 Marysville High School- added a 27th at the Shake Years: Senior, fresh- Second team- Imlay
on Friday, April 28. based Blue Water Area off the Rust Invitational. man, senior and junior Citys Dalton Lansky, high
Top finishes: He seconds en route to a 12th
Saturday, June 3 at the Meet of Champions; plus Team: Daniel Griffith, Event: 800-meter relay jump; Almonts Robbie
notched firsts at the North contributed 16ths among Andrew Sams, Brent Best effort: An Imlay Battani, pole vault; Imlay
Branch High School-based Division 3 state finals host-
ed by Comstock Park High Division 3/4 entries at the Boers and Tyler Saez City lineup registered a Citys Ryan Johnson, shot
Lapeer County Press SVSU Indoor Invitational School: Capac clocking of 1:35.3 for third put; Almonts Michael
Invitational and Davison School.
Top finishes: He sup- and Shake off the Rust Years: Freshman, Tuesday, May 23 at the McEwan, discus; Imlay
Twilight Classic; took sec- Invitational. junior, senior and senior Algonac High School- Citys Marc Allison and
onds at the Jon Runyan plied firsts at the Marlette
Invitational, North Branch Name: Charlie Aldrich Event: 400-meter relay based Blue Water Area Jack Forti, 100 dash;
Classic hosted by Carman School: Capac Best effort: A team Conference League Meet. Capacs Tyler Saez, 200
Ainsworth High School, a High School-based Lapeer
County Press Invitational; Year: Freshman consisting of Daniel Top finishes: Imlay dash; Imlay Citys Riley
Division 2 regional in Clio Event: 1600-meter run Griffith, Andrew Sams, City claimed seconds at the Bertram and Drydens Sam
and at the Algonac High obtained seconds at the
Best effort: Aldrich Brent Boers and Tyler Saez Indoor Championships Peyerk, 400 dash; Almonts
School-based Blue Water Shake off the Rust
supplied a time of 4:48 en supplied a time of 45.67 (non-Macomb County) and Josh Phelps and Imlay
Area Conference League Invitational, Davison
route to a fifth at the seconds en route to a 20th Jon Runyan Classic hosted Citys Richard Mukholi,
Meet; furnished a third at Twilight Classic and at a at the Division 3 state finals by Carman Ainsworth High 1600 run; Imlay Citys
the Thumb Area Meet of Division 3 regional hosted Marysville Invitational on
Friday, May 12. hosted by Comstock Park School; notched a third at Jacob Swartz, Drydens
Champions in Caro; gar- by Marlette High School; High School. the Marlette Invitational; Ronny Hudson plus
nered a fourth at the furnished a seventh at the Top finishes: He regis-
tered fifths at the Marysville Top finishes: Capac garnered a fourth at the Almonts Josh Phelps and
Marysville High School- Marysville High School- took second at the Marlette Davison Twilight Classic; Jackson Brown, 1600 run;
based Blue Water Area based Blue Water Area Invitational and Marysville
High School-based Blue Invitational and at a registered a fifth at Clio Capacs Charlie Aldrich
Meet of Champions; plus Meet of Champions; plus Division 3 regional; pulled High School-based and Drydens Brendan
tacked on a 19th at the added a 12th at Comstock Water Area Meet of
up second at the Algonac Division 2 regional; plus Knuth, 3200 run; plus
Division 2 state meet in Park High School-based Champions; generated a
High School-based Blue added a sixth at the Thumb Drydens 400 relay of
Zeeland. Division 3 state finals. 10th at the Thumb Area Water Area Conference Area Meet of Champions Elijah Daoud, Austin
Name: Tyler Saez Name: David Hart Meet of Champions hosted League Meet; plus added a in Caro. Zwiez, Tyler Honnold and
School: Capac School: Imlay City by Caro High School; plus 20th at the Division 3 state Team: David Hart, Sam Peyer.
Year: Senior Year: Senior provided a 14th at a finals hosted by Comstock Breydon Andrez, Riley Honorable mention-
Event: 100-meter dash Event: 400-meter dash Marlette High School- Park High School. Bertram and Jayden Drydens Blake Porter,
Best effort: Saez Best effort: Hart based Division 3 regional. Team: Marc Allison, Collison pole vault.
stopped the watch at 11.89 notched a time of 54.54 Name: Jacob Swartz Breydon Andrez, Jack School: Imlay City Coach of the Year- For
seconds for eighth Tuesday, seconds en route to a School: Imlay City Forti and Cody Sich Years: Senior, fresh- directing Imlay City to a
May 23 at the Blue Water fourth at the Blue Water Year: Junior School: Imlay City man, freshman and fresh- third at the Blue Water Area
Area Conference League Area Conference League Event: 3200-meter run Years: Senior, fresh- man. Conference League Meet,
Meet hosted by Algonac Meet hosted by Algonac Best effort: Swartz gen- man, senior and senior Best effort: Imlay City Steve Lestage earns Tri-
High School. High School on Tuesday, erated a clocking of Event: 400-meter relay posted a time of 3:42.52 en City Times All-Area Coach
Top finishes: He May 23. 10:46.28 for 13th Friday, Best effort: An Imlay route to an eighth at a of the Year accolades.
Ser ving the communities which form the Gateway to the Thumb
Subscribe Online!
Page 4-B-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
Legal Announcements Directory
TOWNSHIP OF CITY OF Accounting & Excavating
calls in June, with 81 of the calls related work, labor, and materials.
handled by the Township Deputies. Said work will comply with Village
GOODLAND Public Time - Resident Earl IMLAY CITY specifications which may be obtained
Tax Preparation
NOTICE OF Madeline stated that volunteers are BID REQUEST FOR at the Village of Capac office located
PUBLIC HEARING desperately needed to run future POLICE DEPARTMENT at 131 N. Main, Capac, MI 48014
Attica Days. Monday through Friday from 9:00
Old Business - none
New Business - Moved and sec-
The City of Imlay City is
a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Bids must be submitted no later
Dryden Excavating
requesting sealed bids for conversion F o r A l l Yo u r
Please take note that there will onded to adopt the resolution to termi- than 10:30 a.m. August 4, 2017. The
be a public hearing of the Goodland of the current fluorescent lighting to EXCAVATING & TRUCKING NEEDS
nate the Interlocal Agreement with bids will be opened at 11:00 a.m. Licensed Insured
Township Planning Commission in LED in the City Police Department 122 W. Washington, Downtown Romeo
I-69 International Trade Corridor August 4, 2017 at the Capac Village
the Goodland Township Hall at 2374 Next Michigan Development
Building. The work shall be com-
Office located at 131 N. Main, Capac Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm,
586-752-2682 Call Loren Starr
pleted no later than September 1, Saturday &
810-796-3917 or 810-602-5625
N. Van Dyke Rd., Imlay City, MI on Corporation. Roll call vote taken, all MI. The bid will be awarded at the Evenings By Appt. www.romeoaccountants.com
Thursday, August 3, 2017, at 7:00 2017. Bid proposal forms are required
ayes, two absent, motion carried. regular Capac Village Council meet-
p.m. and may be obtained at City Hall, or
Moved and seconded to allow the ing held at 7:00 p.m. Monday, August
The purpose of this meeting is to by calling (810) 724-2135. Completed
Attica Baseball League to hold a fun- 7, 2017 at the Capac Legion Hall
consider the request for a special land and sealed bid forms clearly marked
draiser on July 29, 2017 at the Attica located at 115 N. Main Street, Capac,
use for a dog kennel, by Ronald Police Department Lighting Bid
Township Park. Vote taken, all ayes, MI 48014.
Krasa, 6335 Armstrong Rd. Imlay must be submitted to the attention of
motion carried. Please contact Greg Smith;
City, MI 48444 Parcel # 009-019- the City Manager, 150 N. Main St.,
Moved and seconded to adopt DPW Superintendent at the Capac
031-00. This property is described as
Sec 19 T8N R12 BEG AT THE S/E
the Memorial Bench and Tree Policy.
Imlay City, MI 48444 no later than
4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 31, 2017.
Village Office at 810-395-4355 ext# PARSCHS M bil TODD'S GLASS
Roll call vote taken, two absent, all 12 for details and exact locations for AUTOMOTIVE
COR W 1318.61 FT to PT of BEG N The City reserves the right to accept
401.18 FT W 488.61 FT S 401.18 FT
ayes, motion carried.
or reject any or all bids, to waive any
this project. MIRRORS & MORE
Fire - Moved and seconded to This Institution is an Equal SERVICE & REPAIR
E. 488.61 FT to PT of BEG 4.50. irregularities and to accept the bid
authorize Chief Warford to execute a Opportunity Provider BRAKES Frame & Frameless Shower Enclosures
Written comments may be deemed to be in the best interest of the
letter of intent to purchase a tanker 30-1 AIR CONDITIONING Custom Mirrors Replacement Windows
mailed or faxed to the Goodland City.
truck from West Shore Fire at a cost
Nicole F. Frost MUFFLERS TUNE-UPS 719 Van Dyke - Imlay City 810-724-2480
Township Planning Commission by of approximately $300,000.00. Roll TODDSGLASS.COM
1:00 p.m. on Thursday August 3, City Clerk STRUTS
call vote taken, all ayes, motion car-
2017. Zoning Ordinance/zoning map/ 29-2 COOLING SYSTEMS
land use plan may be seen at the STATE OF MICHIGAN EXHAUST SHOCKS
They are having a spaghetti din-
Goodland Township Hall Monday ner fundraiser on July 27th.
Heating &
through Thursday between the hours
of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Park - none
Planning Commission - on July IMLAY Estate of Merri L. Haynes,
Deceased. Date of birth: 7-2-57.
TIRES Cooling
This notice is posted in compli-
ance with PA2676 of 1976 as amend-
27th there will be ZBA for 364 Elk
Lake Rd., Public Hearing for Israel
TOWNSHIP To all creditors:
IMLAY TOWNSHIP Notice to creditors: The dece- Commercial & Residential
ed (open Meetings Act), MCL41.72 Ferrett mining operation, Public
(2)(3) and the Americans with ZONING BOARD dent, Merri L. Haynes died October,
Hearing will be set to amend drive-
Disabilities Act. 1, 2015.
way width from 30 to 40 in site OF APPEALS Creditors of the decedent are
Mavis A. Roy
Goodland Township Clerk
standards 5.13.6 and 8.3.4 on rear
parcel driveway. Public Hearing will
notified that all claims against the
estate will be forever barred unless
30-1 be set to amend 7.13.4B to change the Service & Install, Financing Licensed & Insured
Imlay Township Zoning Board presented to Stephen Haynes, person- 314 CAPAC RD. - IMLAY CITY
ordinance from a structure being al representative, or to both the pro- Yale Location 810-387-4452
of Appeals shall hold a public hearing
ATTICA rebuilt if it is destroyed by 60% of
at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 17, bate court at 3272 Van Dyke Road,
replacement cost to 75% of building
TOWNSHIP destroyed.
2017 at the Township Hall at 682
North Fairgrounds Road. Among the
Almont and the personal representa-
tive within 4 months after the date of Outdoor
ATTICA TOWNSHIP Attorney - Attorney Gildner
BOARD reviewed a memo he wrote regarding
the Open Meeting Act dealing with
items the Zoning Board of Appeals
shall consider is:
publication of this notice.
7-8-17 Equipment
MINUTES OF Item 1: Stephen M. Haynes
electronic communication.
A proposal for two additions to 3272 Van Dyke Road
JULY 13, 2017 Ambulance one - none
the existing building within the front Almont, MI 48003 Parts and Service
The meeting was called to order Commissioner - Commissioner
yard setback by 38 feet in the AG 30-1 ON THE SPOT FINANCING!
at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Ochadleus. Jarvis reported that she has been out
Agricultural zoning district, located at
Present were: Treasurer Mason, on medical leave and has just returned
804 North Van Dyke Road. YETI
Trustee Lacey. Absent: Clerk
Herpolsheimer and Trustee Madeline
to work.
Board - none
Requested by: Greg Dennis, Custom Building & Remodeling
Midwest Commercial Construction Additions Kitchens Bath Farm House
The minutes of June 8, 2017 Public - none
Regular Board meeting were approved Review and pay the bills -
(Lindys Pre- Pak Carrots Inc.)
The meeting is open to the pub- VILLAGE OF Renovations Siding Decks Windows
as presented.
The treasurer report showed a
Moved and seconded to pay the bills:
General Fund - $50,336.44, Public
lic. Anyone wishing to comment on CAPAC Family Owned Since 1973 Licensed & Insured
these requests, but unable to attend REQUEST FOR BIDS
new balance of: General Fund Safety - $9,799.67, and Fire Fund -
FREE 810-724-8060 - Imlay City
the meeting may send their comments The Village of Capac will be
$317,203.80 and CDARS savings $5,384.05. Total for bills is
to Imlay Township Zoning Board of accepting bids to tuck, point, seal,
$202,640.30; ICS $300,000.00 Public $65,520.16. Roll call vote taken, all
ESTIMATES www.walters-enterprises.com
Appeals, 682 North Fairgrounds repair and replace brick at the Village
Safety $34,153.66, CDARS ayes, motion carried.
Road, Imlay City, MI 48444. Copies Library located at 111 and 113 N.
$50,660.07; ICS $50,000.00 Fire Meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.
of the proposed rezoning are available Main Street. The Contractor is to pro-
Millage $40,435.65, CDARS A complete copy of the minutes is STIHL EXMARK HUSTLER
Clock Repair
at the Imlay Township Hall between 9 vide a price for all related work, labor,
$50,660.07; ICS $50,000.00: Fire available at the Attica Township Hall. ARCTIC CAT STORMY KROMER
a.m. and 1 p.m. on Monday, and materials.
Escrow $1,450.42, CDARS Nancy Herpolsheimer
$50,660.307; ICS $80,000.00. Attica Township Clerk
Wednesday, and Friday or by contact-
ing the Township Planning Consultant,
Bids must be submitted no later
than 10:30 a.m. August 18, 2017. The
Police Report - There were 175 30-1
Scott E. Kree at ROWE Professional bids will be opened at 11:00 a.m. Clean Your Clock
Services Company at (800) 837-9131. Need someones clock cleaned? SINCE 1975
action within the time allowed, judgment may be entered against him for existing sidewalk in various locations This Institution is an Equal
the relief demanded in the complaint. in the Village of Capac. The Opportunity Provider
30-3 Contractor is to provide a price for all 30-1
CALL 810-724-2615 to publish your Service LLC
legal announcement or email: [email protected] Dan Weingartz
Residential & Commercial
Licensed & Insured
CALL 810-724-2615
your legal Located Between Imlay City
and Almont on M-53
announcement 3620 Van Dyke Almont, MI
or email: 810-798-8533
[email protected] Parts c&e
Servi Fax 810-798-3738
Professional Directory
Store Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm;
Friday & Saturday 9:00 am to 10:00 pm; Sunday 12Noon to 5:00 pm
Pharmacy Hours: Monday thru Saturday 9:00 am to 9:00 pm;
Closed Sunday
Fill up on the latest business reports, current events 136 N. MAIN ST. 810-395-2336
coverage and sports statistics at your leisure when
you subscribe to the Tri-City Times
See all these business directory
ads on our website at...
Tri-City Times tricitytimes-online.com
(810) 724-2615 594 N. Almont Ave. Imlay City, MI48444 [email protected]
Page 5-B-TRI-CITY TIMES-JULY 26, 2017
Classif ieds
Tri-City Times Classifieds also Online!
Buy, Sell or Trade at 810-724-2615
[email protected]
4:00. 11575 Dunnigan Rd,
Emmett. 586-272-4840.
Help Wanted Three Weeks - 20 Words $22.00
Four Weeks - 20 Words $24.00
Check out Saturday August 5th 10:00 A.M. For an updated list
the great
and pictures go to
auctionzip.com Abbreviations make your ad
6895 East Sanilac Port Sanilac MI 48469
finds in the Directions: West of Port Sanilac on M-46 - north side of the road. Watch for signs. difficult to read and hard to
Thomas and Eleanor Ganley having been in the auto repair business for 27 years are retiring
commissioned Hart Auction Service to sell the following items at LIVE PUBLIC AUCTION:
understand. We use only the
Inventory - NEW assorted brake shoes and pads, air filters, fuel filters, muffler clamps,
most widely understood abbre-
oil filters, mufflers, gas caps, hose clamps, gaskets including doughnut gaskets, flex type
radiator hoses, oil, brake fluid, anti-freeze, various inner tubes, jugs of fast orange, plug
viations in classified ads.
wires, wiper blades, spark plugs, trans fluid, Head lights old and new style, exhaust system
components, bin of soft plugs, belts, automotive fuses, wheel bearings, pair 205/55R16,
set of 4 205/60R16, set of 4 195/65R15, set of 4 P205/65R15, set of 4 P185/70R14, set of 4
Business Hours:
P207/70R15, set of 4 P215/65R15, set of 4 P215/75R15, also some good used tires of as-
sorted sizes, parts catalogues , shock absorbers
Monday through Friday,
Tools and machinery - Drill bits, sockets ratchets extensions different sizes, screw drivers 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
all sorts, open and box end wrenches, pipe wrenches, bolt cutters, pliers & channel locks,
impact wrenches, files, hammers all sorts, air hoses, jack stands, funnels, gas cans, extension
Closed Saturdays and
cords, gear pullers several, oil filter wrenches, C-clamps, trouble lights, hack saws, pneumatic Sundays
chisel, 2 heavy duty vices, large wooden work bench, shelving, cash register, several branded
wall cabinets, fluorescent lighting, taps and dies, come along cable puller, 2 portable air tanks,
tool boxes and chests some snap on, hand dolly, Ready heater 110000 btu heater - diesel or Birthday Ads:
kerosene, Hydraulic floor jack, Snap on parts washer, set of car ramps, 3 battery chargers,
Timing light, various testers, set of torches, oil dispenser on wheels, pedestal transmission $7.00 per column inch. Monday
jack, Napa heater hose dispenser and cabinet, 2 mechanic creepers, several oil dispenser
cans, Hofmann True cut 400 brake lathe and accessories, Large air compressor with Dayton noon deadline.
motor runs on 220, Snap on cooling system tester, Rotary 9000 LB hoist, Lanair waste oil
Times heater, Ranger model R23ST tire changer with power assist attachment, Coats direct drive
1055 tire balancer, Branick strut spring compressor model 7200, several tables
Misc - long rope approximately 100 feet, old pitcher pump, Case gas engine branch chipper
Blind Ad Replies:
810-724-2615 Auctioneers note - This is a good collection of items that has been well kept. In the event of Box numbers for blind ad
inclement weather much of the sale will be held inside. Terms and conditions for the personal
594 N. Almont Ave. property - 4% buyer premium. Cash or check with valid I.D. All items sold as is where is with no replies are $2.00 if picked-up
warranties written expressed or otherwise implied. All sales are final. Not responsible for acci-
P.O. Box 278 dents or items sold. Announcements the day of the sale take precedence over printed material. and $3.00 plus postage if
Auctioneer - Mark Hart of Hart Auction Service mailed.
Photo provided
Greta Hellebuyck and Thursday. total, featuring a front-
Katie Shuboy helped the The South Course, at nine of 49 and a back-nine
Foster Oilers register a Lakeview Hills Golf of 44.
The Foster Oilers pose for a photo after claiming a first-place finish. They first-place finish. They Course in Lexington, Maia Cataldo, of St.
are front (L to R) Anna McKiernan, Brooklyn Jones, Emmi Hildreth and were directed to that served as the tournament Clair, was the flight cham-
Jordyn Jones; middle Natalie Brown, Lorellei Mahon, Brooke Bunch, Abriana showing by coach Victoria venue. pion. She carded a 91
Belanger, Faith Thomson, Lexa Forti, Greta Hellebuyck and coach Victoria Simmons and assistant Brandi Kautz took over 18 holes en route to
Simmons; and back assistant coach Angela Jones and Katie Shuboy. coach Angela Jones. Girls 14 and Over B that distinction.