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MAY 2019 $4.


Woods-n-Water News
Michigan’s Premier Outdoor Publication


• 2018 Top Typical Buck • SPRING KINGS • Steelie Bead Bite
• The U.P.'s Moose Population Up • Post Spawned Walleyes
• Lynx in the Thumb • Nutrition Impacts Does’ Maternal Care
www.woods-n-waternews.com • Like us on facebook Follow us on
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Field Notes...By Tom Campbell First Unusual

New fishing/boating law

Buck Deer

here are new boating and captured fish, specifically:
fishing laws designed • A person shall not release
to prevent the spread baitfish in any waters of this state.
of invasive species and A person who collects fish shall not
if you don’t follow the use the fish as bait or cut bait except
rules a violation of the law is a state in the inland lake, stream, or Great
civil infraction and violators may be Lake where the fish was caught,
subject to fines up to $100. or in a connecting waterway of the Brian Wilcox shared a trail cam
According to the DNR, Michi- inland lake, stream, or Great Lake Michael Ritchie took his first photo from southwest Michigan
gan’s Natural Resources and Envi- where the fish was caught if the buck, a record book buck, on of an unfortunate young deer
ronmental Protection Act (Act 451 fish could freely move between the opening day of gun season with what you’d assume is a
of 1994) Part 413 has been amended original location of capture and the 2018. very large goiter?
with changes for boaters and anglers location of release.
that take effect March 21, 2019. The • A person, who catches fish
changes are intended to strengthen other than baitfish in a lake, stream, Unique
protection for Michigan waterways Great Lake, or connecting waterway
against the introduction and spread shall only release the fish in the lake, Catch
of aquatic invasive species. stream, or Great Lake where the fish
What Boaters Need To Know was caught, or in a connecting wa-
Prior to the amendment, the law terway of the lake, stream, or Great
only required that a person not place Lake where the fish was caught if
watercraft or trailers in the waters the fish could freely move between
of Michigan if an aquatic plant is the original location of capture and
attached. In addition to this require- the location of release.
ment, the new changes require all of Whether purchased or collected,
the following prior to transporting unused baitfish should be disposed Mike Filer III fishing with his father on Kent Lake in Kensington
any watercraft over land: of on land or in the trash – never in Metro Park last year caught this very unique 31 ½ inch pike. The
• Removing all drain plugs from the water. Any baitfish an angler col- DNR believes it’s an ‘odd colored pike.’
bilges, ballast tanks, and live wells. lects may be used only in the waters

CWD identified in a
• Draining all water from any where it was originally collected.
live wells and bilges. Anglers who are catching and
• Ensuring that the watercraft, releasing fish should only release the

Montcalm County deer farm

trailer, and any conveyance used to fish back into the same water or in
transport the watercraft or trailer are a connecting body of water the fish
free of aquatic organisms, including could have reached on its own.
The Michigan departments of Agriculture and Rural and Develop-
plants. What You Should Do ment and Natural Resources have confirmed chronic wasting disease in
This means that after trailering To comply with the law and a two-year-old female white-tailed deer from a Montcalm County deer
boats, and before getting on the road, prevent the introduction and spread farm. The sample was submitted for routine testing as a part of the state’s
boaters must pull plugs, drain water of aquatic invasive species, boaters CWD surveillance program for farmed deer.
and remove plants and debris. Viola- should: In Montcalm County, 83 CWD-positive free-ranging deer have been
tion of the law is a state civil infrac- CLEAN identified. This part of the state is an active CWD Management Zone. All
tion and violators may be subject to - boats, trailers and equipment. deer farms in Michigan are required to submit samples for testing regu-
fines up to $100. DRAIN larly; however, deer farms in a CWD Management Zone are quarantined
What Anglers Need To Know - live wells, bilges and all water - and must participate in increased surveillance.
For anglers, these amendments pull all drain plugs. As a part of MDARD’s disease response, an investigation will be con-
codify the Michigan DNR’s Fisher- DRY ducted to rule out exposure of any other farmed deer.
ies Order 245 regarding the release - boats and equipment. “The test results and age of the deer indicate that this deer was re-
of baitfish, collection and use of DISPOSE cently infected, emphasizing the importance of early detection through
baitfish and cut bait, and release of - of unwanted bait in the trash. surveillance,” said State Veterinarian Nora Wineland, DVM. “MDARD
and DNR work together, in partnership with the state’s deer farmers, to
SEASONS ensure the protection of all of Michigan’s deer.”
“With a disease like CWD, everyone’s actions matter,” said DNR
Open All Year – Pike and walleye season on Lower Peninsula Great Lakes, Lake state wildlife veterinarian, Kelly Straka, DVM. “Whether you are a deer
St. Clair & St. Clair & Detroit Rivers producer submitting samples for surveillance or a hunter practicing
Open All Year – Salmon and trout season on Great Lakes, St. Marys River,
Lake St. Clair & St. Clair & Detroit Rivers
safe carcass disposal, we all have a role to play in minimizing the risk of
Open All Year – Catch-and-immediate-release bass season on all Michigan disease spread.”
waters open to fishing Since May 2015, when the first free-ranging white-tailed CWD-pos-
Now - December 31 – 2019 Pure Michigan Hunt application period itive deer was found in Michigan, CWD has been confirmed in free-
May 1 - June 1 – Michigan elk and bear application period ranging white-tailed deer in the Lower Peninsula from Clinton, Eaton,
April 22 - May 31 – Spring turkey hunting with various hunt units and dates. Gratiot, Ionia, Ingham, Jackson, Kent, and Montcalm counties. Addition-
April 27 – March 15 – Walleye, pike season on Lower Peninsula inland waters.
April 27 – Sept. 30 – Salmon and trout Inland type 1 and 2 streams and type A
ally, a CWD-positive deer was found in the Upper Peninsula in Dickin-
and D lakes son County in October of last year. Baiting and feeding of deer and elk is
May 15 – March 15 – Walleye, pike season on Upper Peninsula Great Lakes, not allowed in the Lower Peninsula.
inland waters and St. Marys River. CWD is a fatal neurological disease that affects white-tailed deer,
May 25 – Dec. 31 – Bass catch and keep season on all waters, including Great mule deer, elk, and moose. CWD can be transmitted directly from one
Lakes except Lake St. Clair, St. Clair River and Detroit River. animal to another, as well as indirectly through the environment. In-
June 1 – March 15 – Muskie season on all Great Lakes, inland waters and St. fected animals may display abnormal behavior, progressive weight loss
Marys River.
June 1 – Dec. 31 - Muskie season on Lake St. Clair, St. Clair River and Detroit and physical debilitation. To date, there have been no reported cases of
River. CWD infection in humans. However, as a precaution, the U.S. Centers
June 15 – Dec. 31 - Bass catch and keep season on Lake St. Clair, St. Clair for Disease Control and the World Health Organization recommend that
River and Detroit River. infected animals not be consumed as food by either humans or domestic
*Consult the Michigan Hunting and Trapping Digests, Fishing Digest, or other spe- animals.
cies-specific hunting digests for a more complete list of dates and regulations regard- More information about CWD can be found at Michigan.gov/CWD.
ing each season or hunt period.
Senate Bill could
allow baiting deer
FISHING When Gobblers Go Silent
A Feeding Frenzy
Kenny Darwin page 8

Trolling tactics for crappie

Mark Romanack page 18

May’s Post-Spawn Walleyes

Mark Sak page 22

Michael Veine...page 68 Avoiding the worst
Mark Martin page 26 Kenny Darwin...page 20

Fishing Michigan...
HUNTING May’s Top Spots 6 reasons to take your children

When gobblers go silent

Mike Gnatkowski page 30 morel mushroom hunting
Guest Eric LaPaugh page 64
Kenny Darwin page 20 Next Bite The clock is ticking, sportsmen!
Find the flow, find the walleyes SPORTING COLLECTIBLE Randy Jorgensen page 14
Gary Parson/Keith Kavajecz Spring Show Finds
Raise hogs to hunt deer? Terry McBurney page 72
page 34 Dear Fish Diary...My dad told
Darryl Quidort page 24 me to never talk politics while
“Must Fish” list for May out fishing with friends
5 tips for public land toms John Bergsma page 52 NEWS Ron St. Germain page 69
Darin Potter page 36
Spring Walleyes U.P. Wolf Killed in Ontario
George Rowe page 54 Richard P. Smith page 12

I love bead fishing steelies Gray Wolf Delisted?

Take your kids
Brian Miller page 59 USFW page 13 morel hunting
Customizing Midwest Finesse The U.P.’s Moose Population
Dave Mull page 70 Bill Ziegler page 16

Burning requires
FEATURE caution, planning
page 17
C.A.S.T. for kids program
page 19 Unusual wildlife of
Michigan’s Thumb
Attack of the Giant Water Bug! Tom Lounsbury page 32
Jonathan Schechter page 28
Want to leave a forest legacy?
Nutrition Impacts page 68 Guest Eric LaPaugh...page 64
Does’ Maternal Care
2018’s Top Typical Buck John Ozoga page 48
Richard P. Smith...page 23 Surveyors of Michigan
Kathleen Lavey page 50
Michigan Meanders...
A pheasant for Sarabeth Traditional Black Powder Hunting...
Two unique stories in
I’ve changed hunting tactics our great outdoors and Cooper and... Henry’s adventure of the bones
Guest David Ferianc page 40 Jeff Pendergraff page 60 Tom Huggler page 38 Dennis Neely page 42

FOOD PLOTS Book delivers fascinating look at Gun Chat...Savage 99

The Rolling Hunter’s the development of field biology
on marginal sites Lee Arten page 55
Monster Buck Mike Veine page 62 Tom Carney page 47
Richard P. Smith page 57

Dog Training...
Introduction to gunfire Cover Story. . . . . . . 13 Classifieds . . . . 74-75
Len Jenkins page 58 News/Op-Ed. . . . 68-69 Real Estate . . . . 75-85

COVER PHOTO 1-810-724-0254

By Rick Baetsen P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444
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By Kenny Darwin
he term feeding frenzy responds by grabbing the offering,
sort of describes the holding it in its mouth, dashing
biting characteris- away from the redd and spitting out
tics of bluegills in the fly. The same holds true for any
spring when they are presentation and the fish is actually
schooled in skinny not striking to feed but as a territo-
water and smashing rial maneuver to get the intruder far
any presentation. Soon as your hook from the breeding location. This is
taps the water surface and creates a boon for spring fishermen because
a tiny shock wave they turn on the fish are in skinny water, easy to spot
afterburners and rush to smack the and even easier to get strikes.
offering. Sometimes they gulp and Increasing water temperature is
spit out the hook before you can set the key to success. Bluegills move
the hook but most strikes are brutal, to shallow spawning areas when
deliberate and fish frequently grab, water temperatures hit around 64 The author lifts a dandy slab gill taken from a Michigan lake on a
hold on and swim with the hook. degrees. Nests or spawning redds calm day when he could spot fish in the shallows by using polarized
The fishing action is fantastic the size of five-gallon bucket top sunglasses. He also likes to wear camouflage or drab colors so he
as gills go insane and smash any are made by males in water one-to- doesn’t spook fish when slipping kissin’ close to gills in skinny water.
presentation at lightning speed. If six feet deep, preferably on a sand
you want to catch zillions of pan- flat or gravel bar with small stones casting can often make the differ- the hook makes tiny ripples on the
fish, quickly land your limit and get on bottom. Males make nests by ence between landing your limit or water attracting territorial gills, gets
enough for a fish fry, now is the time fanning relentlessly and removing simply bumping fish off spawning their attention and causes them to
to go. sediment and exposing a shallow sites because your boat is too close charge and violently bite the in-
The fantastic fishing actually depression on bottom. These areas to target gills. truder.
has little to do with a feeding frenzy. attract colonies of spawning fish I cut my gill teeth shore fish- I recommend using clear bob-
It is actually a reaction strike in re- and become the hot zone for fishing ing on Wixom and Sanford lakes in bers for this style of sneaky fish-
sponse to your offering encroaching success. Easy limit catches hinge central Michigan. At a young age I ing and my choice is the Rainbow
on a gill’s home turf. When panfish on how well you identify spawning learned how to slip along the shore Plastics A-Just-A Bubble with
begin spawning chores they move to colonies, locate specific bedding wearing polarized sunglasses and surgical tubing center. Insert your
skinny water, sand flats, areas where locations and find beds covered with spot fish in skinny water. This tactic line through the hole in the center,
they can fan the bottom and make active fish. is deadly and often more productive pull on one end and twist the tubing
depressions resembling divots on Savvy fishermen begin by using than casting from an anchored boat. to keep your hook at the desired
the moon. bow mounted electric motors and The trick is to slow your pace, move distance from the float. Forget lead
These saucer-shaped redds are following the shoreline on a calm like a fox stalking prey and ease into split shot that makes a loud entry
where spawning takes place and sunny day. The idea is to sneak up casting distance of fanned shal- ker-plunk. This is stealth casting
eggs and milt are deposited. Usually on a colony of spawning fish, slow low sandy spots that appear much with only a bare hook or flies on the
males are first to begin the nest and your speed and cast to active gills lighter in color than the entire lake end of your line and the idea is to
they stake out a piece of turf that in skinny water. At times you will bottom. When you hook gills try to have a lure entry that is very silent,
becomes their bedroom where they spook wary fish and if you anchor pull them away from the colony and non-obtrusive to skinny water fish.
attract and hold hens ripe with eggs. the boat within casting distance the spook as few fish as possible. The The interior rubber tubing holds
Once panfish take up residency over spawning fish will eventually return. sunglasses cut the glare on the water your line and allows you to quickly
a bed they become very territorial, Other times your best bet is to mark and you can spot more fish. Always adjust the leader length depending
defending their home turf against the location and continue scouting wear clothing matching the environ- on water depth. For most situations
any intruders. They will snap and and locating gill hot spots. ment, camouflage is ideal clothing you need about an 18-24 inch leader.
bite at their neighbors, run off rivals, Once you have some excellent for this task and avoid herky, jerky Sometimes gills are spooky and you
chase away bass and bite any insect, locations pinned down, return and body movements that fish detect. can lengthen the leader to three-five
aquatic life or trespassers entering slowly motor into casting range and Whether fishing from a boat or foot and slowly reel the offering
the circular nest. quietly drop the anchor and begin shore you need to concentrate on over beds and allow the hook to sink
Along comes a fisherman and casting. Smart boaters keep the boat your cast and try to present the hook close to bottom and slowly move
he drops a fly on the surface above far enough from target fish so they with the least amount of splash.
the spawning bed and the gill do not spook them. Long distance Done correctly the splash down of Slab Gills page 10
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from page 8
through the colony of beds. A-Just- Bubble float on the line two-feet
A Bubble comes in two sizes, the above the offering to give it enough
mini is 3/16 oz. and the regular is weight for long distance casting.
1/4 oz. Savvy fishermen like the I like to use a super tiny ant size
clear plastic float for spooky fish. barrel swivel made by Blackbird
In early morning or late afternoon Tackle below the bobber and attach
when it is difficult to see the float a two-foot leader of four-pound
it is a good idea to use the bright Seaguar fluorocarbon. The bobber is
yellow bobber. A-Just-A Bubble can used for long casts, the barrel swivel
be used with fly line, spinning or keeps the leader from twisting after
casting outfits. For extreme long dis- catching hundreds of fish and the
tance casting you can allow water in leader material is almost impossible
the bobber by pulling out the tubing for fish to see.
head and letting lake water in the Sure flies produce results but I
float for added weight. catch far more fish on a plain brass
The hottest fishing occurs in hook. Not just any hook but one
southern Michigan in late April and with baitholder barbs to hold a wax
northern lakes have peak spawning worm in position. My hottest hook
in May through early June. If cold is a style 181 Eagle Claw barbed Gill tackle includes: small single hooks, brim flies, spider flies and
fronts arrive and push water temper- hook size #8 tipped with a wax A-Just-A Bubble floats.
atures below 65 degrees the spawn worm. In skinny water no weight
will be delayed. But a warm front is needed and the single hook has chartreuse fly with black striped and allowing them to spawn while
with sunny warm weather causes enough weight to make the waxie legs. During mid-day I opt for the harvesting the smaller eater size.
water temperatures to suddenly rise sink and slowly drift toward bot- black shiny model or original brim It is my opinion that over the last
and gills go on a spawning spree. tom. Simply cast to the beds, allow deep brown. decade we are unfortunately losing
Females charge to beds once eggs the waxie to sink down and keep a I tip the fly with a waxie and stocks of top-end spawning panfish
are ripe. Eggs are scattered on the close eye on the bobber. If it jerks allow the offering to slowly sink to angler harvest. Moreover, the
bed by females and suitor males backward it is signaling a strike, set to determine the active bite zone. destruction of big gills in a particu-
fertilize them. Eggs hatch in three to the hook. Sometimes gills want it touching lar lake can only take one fishing
five days depending on water tem- Sight fishing panfish is fantastic the surface, other days they smack season. Keep in mind healthy gill
perature and after hatching males fishing fun and there is never a dull the tiny offering half way to bottom. populations contain an abundance of
remain on or near beds for several moment. There is something power- Often gills will hold tight to bottom spawning fish over 9 inches. It sure
days to protect young. fully addictive about watching fish near beds and one deadly strategy is is fun to hammer panfish when they
Savvy gill chasers wear polar- rush to your presentation and inhale to let the fly sink to bottom using a are in skinny water, schooled for the
ized sunglasses which cut the sun’s the hook. You will feel your pulse three to five foot leader and slowly spawn and extremely vulnerable.
glare and allow fishermen to better quicken as fish charge your offering pull and stop the offering near But do yourself a favor, don’t get
see their quarry. Locating targets is and in most Michigan clear water spawning areas or around weeds, piggish and let those big slabs go,
easy because they are busy chasing lakes you actually get to see fish rocks, stumps, logs or bottom struc- release them unharmed.
each other, making surface ripples grab the hook. ture. Bluegills are prolific in Michi-
and splashing in shallow water. If gills are splashing the sur- If gills in your area were on gan and found in most lakes, ponds,
However, waves caused by wind, face, going bonkers near the surface, beds but a cold spell cooled water reservoirs, rivers and streams. They
rain or cloudy conditions can cam- use a spider fly. Slowly chug the fly temperature and spawners disap- begin spawning chores at two-years-
ouflage colonies of gills and polar- and make the rubber legs wiggle, peared, work the drop off region old. Larger females contain more
ized sunglasses are a must. move, swim on the surface and the close to beds. Often fish will back eggs than smaller fish and a 10-inch
I love catching gills on fly action will attract fish. Another trick off to six-to-10 foot depths and trophy fish produces around 25,000
tackle and my tackle of choice is is using custom tied brim flies with reposition not far from spawning eggs. Smart fishermen release large
a simple Zebco closed face Model striped legs, black eyes and they locations. Weather in Michigan is females and allow them to spawn.
33 spinning reel. I still use flies look like a tiny surface fly or bug. ever changing and it is not un- Big hens can live from six to eight
but place a cone-shaped A-Just-A In early morning I use the bright common for fish to move into the years.
shallows and back out when cold Bluegills are the ideal fish to
temperatures cool local waters. recruit new fishermen. They are
While southern Michigan fish often scrappy fighters and fun to catch on
are finished spawning in early May light tackle. Kids love catching them
it is not unusual for northern fish to and they provide fun filled adven-
continue spawning chores through- ture for the whole family. Fishing
out the month of June. from an anchored boat with crickets,
The daily possession limit is worms, spikes, mousies or wigglers
now 25 bluegills and once you hit is very popular.
that magic number you must stop Try a run-n-gun strategy and
fishing by Michigan law. Even use a bow mounted electric motor
catch and release fishermen must to position within casting distance
stop fishing at 25…you cannot sort of spawning locations. Once you
through smaller gills to get your have taken a few fish use the
limit of 25 bigger keepers. electric motor to stealthfully
Wise fishermen use selective find new fish. It is exciting to si-
harvest when hammering gills. lently sneak up on a large colony
Sure, big fish are impressive but of gills swirling in shallow water.
conservationists understand the Just the sight of big adult fish in
Author uses his bow mounted electric motor to stealthfully approach need to protect future populations skinny water can get your heart
fish in shallow water and recon new fishing hot spots. by releasing those big 10-inchers pumping.n
10 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 11
killed in Ontario
Young female wolf collared in Michigan’s
U.P. travelled hundreds of miles...

tate and even country effect for the predators in Ontario.
borders are meaning- Wolves have always been abundant
less to large predators in Ontario.
such as wolves that of- DNR wildlife research biologist
ten travel hundreds of Dean Beyer reports that the wolf
miles during was trapped and radio
their lives in search of food, collared off of Pine River
a home range and mates. A Road (44N 4W section 2)
female gray wolf that was in Chippewa County on
captured and fitted with June 4, 2017. She weighed
a GPS radio collar by the 71 pounds at the time and
DNR in the eastern U.P. is a was thought to be a year-
perfect example. She trav- ling. The collared wolf
eled east from where she spent about eight months in
was collared, the U.P.
leaving Michi-
gan for On- By Richard P. Smith According
to a map that
tario, spending Beyer provided
almost 10 months in Canada before of the wolf’s movements, her first
she was legally snared and killed. known position after being col- Michigan Wolf #1721: Female wolf estimated to be a yearling at time of
Unlike Michigan, where wolves lared was northeast of where she capture. Captured on June 4, 2017 in Chippewa County, Michigan off Pine
are totally protected by law, both was caught. Then she headed west, River Road, 44N 4W SEC2. Weighed 71 pounds at time of capture. Showed
hunting and trapping seasons are in crossing western Mackinac County, up on Drummond Island, Michigan on March 7, 2018. Crossed the ice
from Drummond into Canada March 15, 2018. First location on Manitoulin

Island on March 25, 2018. Snared legally by trapper in Canada on Janu-
ary 2, 2019. Straight line distance from capture location to first mor tality
location equals 147 miles.

750 Watt Folding Bike continuing west across Schoolcraft Island would be visible from the
1000 Watt County and then going south onto east side of Drummond and Mani-
Rear Hub Drive with front and back suspension the Garden Peninsula. The wolf toulin would be visible from the east

$1,999 $1,699 spent a fair amount of time on the

Garden Peninsula, entering Delta
shore of Cockburn. Drummond ex-
tends for almost 20 miles from east
weight: 48 lbs County, before going northwest. to west and is 136 square miles in
The collared wolf went as far size. Cockburn is about half as big.
west as Dickinson County, before Manitoulin is the largest island,
returning to the Garden Peninsula. encompassing 1,068 square miles.
During that leg of her journey, she This island is 100 miles in length
went through northern Menomi- from east to west. The wolf was
nee County and southern portions eventually snared near Manitowan-
of Marquette and Alger Counties. ing, which is a town near the eastern
Then she headed back to the east, end of Manitoulin Island, on Janu-
returning to the area where she was ary 2, 2019. The wolf obviously
collared, but then continued farther settled into a home range on the east
east. side of Manitoulin, spending more
She reached Drummond Island than nine months there before being
at the far eastern end of the U.P. on snared.
March 7, 2018. Just over a week Trapper Mike Phillips from
later (March 15), she crossed the Manitowaning got a trail camera
ice from Drummond into Ontario photo of the animal on December 5,
and went to Cockburn Island. Ten 2018. He found the predator in one
days later (March 25), she reached of his snares almost one month later.
Manitoulin Island, but she didn’t The wolf weighed 78 pounds at the
cross the ice from Cockburn to get time of its death, so it gained seven
48 Volt Hunter 60 Volt Hunter there. She went to the northwest, pounds since it was collared in spite
following the Lake Huron shoreline of the many miles it traveled in the
$2,000 $3,000 in Ontario to the east for miles
before heading inland and looping
The straight line distance be-
back to the eastern end of Manitou- tween where the wolf was collared
lin. and she was killed is 147 miles,
[email protected] Drummond, Cockburn and but she obviously traveled many
269.325.3163 Credit Cards and
Bank Checks Accepted
Manitoulin Islands form a chain hundreds more miles during the year
from east to west and are fairly close and half that elapsed between those
STEVENSVILLE, MICHIGAN together. On a clear day, Cockburn two points in time.n
12 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
USFW proposes to remove all gray
wolves from Endangered Species Act...

he gray wolf, an healthy and sustainable. Populations
iconic species of the in Michigan, Wisconsin and Min-
American West, had nesota are also strong and wolves
all but disappeared have begun to expand into northern
from the landscape in California and Western Oregon and The gray wolf had all but disappeared from the landscape in the
the lower 48 states by Washington. In total, the range-wide lower 48 states by the early 20th century. Now it roams free in nine
the early 20th century. Now it roams gray wolf population stands at more states and is stable and healthy throughout its current range. This
free in nine states and is stable and than 6,000, exceeding the combined constitutes one of the greatest comebacks for an animal in U.S.
healthy throughout its current range. recovery goals for the Northern conser vation history.
This constitutes one of the greatest Rocky Mountains and Western
comebacks for an animal in U.S. Great Lakes populations. insufficient to safeguard its future, within 60 days of publication until
conservation history. The U.S. Fish “It is a proud moment when we the Service can relist the species May 14, 2019. All comments will be
and Wildlife Service is reaffirming can tell our children and our grand- and assume gray wolf management posted on http://www.regulations.
the success of this recovery with a children that the future is secure again. gov. This generally means any per-
proposal to remove all gray wolves for these magnificent creatures,” The Service’s proposal to delist sonal information provided through
from protection under the Endan- said the Service’s Principal Deputy the gray wolf throughout the con- the process will be posted.
gered Species Act (ESA). Director Margaret Everson. “Our tiguous United States will be open Information on the proposed rule
Thanks to the partnerships deepest gratitude goes to all our for public comment in the Federal and how to comment may be found
involving states, tribes, conservation conservation partners in this victory, Register beginning on March 15, at: https://www.fws.gov/home/
organizations and private landown- particularly the states and tribes who 2019. Comments must be received wolfrecovery.n
ers galvanized under the ESA, the are committed to wolf conserva-
Service is now able to propose turn- tion and will continue this legacy
ing management of all gray wolves
back to the states and tribes who
have been so central to the species’
recovery. This proposal excludes
The measure for listing a species
under the ESA is whether wolves
are in danger of extinction, or at risk
Randy’s Hunting Center
Mexican gray wolves, which would of becoming so in the foreseeable
remain listed under the ESA. future, throughout all or a signifi-
“The facts are clear and indis- cant portion of their current range.
putable—the gray wolf no longer The ESA does not require wolves
meets the definition of a threatened
or endangered species. Today the
to be present throughout all of their
former range or for populations to
77 Hawkeye 450 Bushmaster
wolf is thriving on its vast range and
it is reasonable to conclude it will
be at historical levels for delisting to
continue to do so in the future,” said Peer-reviewed studies on a range
David Bernhardt, Acting Secretary, of factors including habitat and prey
U.S. Department of the Interior. availability, gray wolf adaptabil-
“Today’s action puts us one step ity (including to changing climate
closer to transitioning the extraordi- conditions), recovery activities and
nary effort that we have invested in post-delisting regulatory mecha-
gray wolf recovery to other species nisms, and predictions about how Three position safety, controlled round feed,
who actually need the protections of these may affect the wolves in the full length extractor, what an elegant rifle!
the Endangered Species Act, leaving future are consistent in guiding the
the states to carry on the legacy of Service’s decision to delist. By any
wolf conservation.”
The gray wolf joins the bald
eagle, peregrine falcon, American
alligator, brown pelican and 33
other species of animals and plants
scientific measure, wolves no longer
meet the ESA’s standard for protec-
The law mandates that the Ser-
vice delist species once they have
Over 190 different exclusive
in U.S. states, territories and waters
that have been brought back from
recovered and turn management
back to the states. Every species Ruger models in 450 Bushmaster
the brink with the help of the ESA.
Countless more have improved or
kept on the Endangered Species List
beyond its point of recovery takes 3,000 ON HAND
stabilized. valuable resources away from those
The gray wolf has already been species still in need of the act’s Randy’s Hunting Center
delisted in the Northern Rocky protections. 721 E. Huron Ave.
Mountains. The states of Wyo- If the wolf is delisted, the Bad Axe, MI 48413
ming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Service will continue to monitor
Washington have shown their ability the species for five years. Should (989) 269-GUNS (4867)
to manage this delisted wolf popula- numbers decline to perilous levels www.randyhuntingcenter.com
tion responsibly so that it remains or regulatory mechanisms prove
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 13
The clock is ticking, sportsmen!
All it takes is a strike of a pencil to be voted out of your treestand!

here are more outdoor Ultimate Sport Show, this very Denny responded. 3% from last year, non-resident
opportunities in Michigan subject was the focus of conver- "Small game hunting is a great licenses are up 4%, and non-resident
than you can shake a stick sation between, myself, Denny way to introduce youth to hunting. waterfowl licenses are up 15%.
at. Hunting, fishing, camp- Geurink, (longtime and celebrated There is more action and you don't They also show snowmobile permit
ing, hiking, miles upon miles of outdoor writer and TV host) and have to sit for hours on end, lots of sales are down over 30%, while
ORV and snowmobile trails, boating Steve Sharp, R3 Coordinator for the activity and shooting opportunities," ORV licenses are down 9% but
and sightseeing is this state's back- National Wild Turkey Federation of Denny went on to say. recreation passport sales and trail
bone. We're lucky in that regard. Michigan. "Things have certainly changed. sticker sales are up 2.5%.
Yet according to the most recent As we chatted, I mentioned a re- I remember the place I shot my "We must and I think we can
surveys, our residents’ participation port which predicted by 2035 Mich- first pheasant, it's a Best Buy now, help curb some of these trends, but
in the outdoors is shrinking. Really, igan deer hunter numbers would be outdoorsman need to see and un- it will take a little time and a lot of
it’s beyond shrinking, it’s disap- half of what they are today. derstand what’s happening to our effort," Steve states.
pearing. We have an outdoor crisis What’s that? outdoor traditions. The numbers are As Michigan's NWTF R3 Co-
on our hands. So if the numbers "It's a scary thought," Steve said. real, outdoor pursuits are fading, ordinator, he fully understands the
are correct, which I have no reason "The most recent DNR license and and it’s time we all realize it and try battle in front of us. R3 represents
to believe otherwise, all of us, all sales report was released to the NRC to do something to curb it," Steve 'Recruit, Retain, Reactivate,' and
sportsmen have (Natural Resource Commission) and went on to say. Steve fights this fight every day.
some monu- the downward trend continues. We Steve later emailed me the charts NWTF is leading the effort and
mental work in lost 20,000 hunters last year alone." and graphs our NRC received for has a lofty goal of reintroducing 1.5
front of us. "When I was a kid we were rab- their February meeting, prepared by million hunters nationwide in ten
In March, bit and squirrel hunting all the time. Dustin Isenhoff. I was told I could years and 200,000 in Michigan.
at Showspan's Kids just aren’t doing that today," share them. The clock is ticking and we must
find a way to create more outdoor
By Randy Jorgensen
The graphs illustrate both hunt-
ing and fishing licenses are down enthusiasts, more hunters and fish-

Here are a few of the many graphs presented to the NRC at their March meeting, illustrating the decline in outdoor participation.

14 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS

ermen. Think of the impact if we expand youth hunting or shed hunt-
don't, we would lose conservation ing or squirrel hunting," commented
funds, votes for important outdoor Steve.
issues, perhaps a voice on guns, "Michigan is pretty darn lucky to
property values would certainly have all these outdoor opportunities,
decrease on recreational properties, we just need to understand we have
wildgame management would surely an obligation to pass it on to some-
suffer and preserving our heritage one else," stated Denny.
would be an uphill battle. There are hundreds of programs
One of the biggest problems is to encourage youth in the outdoors.
finding places to hunt. Those own- But Steve reminded us we can also
ing hunting property seem reluctant encourage the parents of youth to
to share with others. hunt and fish, they shouldn't be
"Today, it's all about the white- overlooked and are important in the
tail, I'm guilty of it too! We're afraid continued success.
of spooking the monster off our "Everybody should create one
property," Denny said shrugging his new hunter," Steve says. "It's a life-
shoulders. style we're losing."
"We have to be a little less self- "What we must understand, and
ish about our hunting and not so take very seriously is our tradition
protective. To develop new hunters can be taken away unless we stand
we have to take someone who does up for it," Denny told us.
not have the opportunities we do," "Yes, all it takes is a strike of a
said Steve. pencil to be voted out of my trees-
Steve went to tell us mentoring tand!" concluded Steve.
programs are having some impres- If you would like to learn more
sive results and he suggests we all about the many mentoring oppor-
should do our part in preserving tunities, start with NWTF's Mentor
the outdoor traditions of this grand Pledge, www.nwtf.org/mentor-
state. pledge. Or check out Mentor Michi-
"Turkey season is a great way to gan at: www.michigan.gov/dnr.n

WNW NEWS MAY 2019 15

The U.P.’s Moose Population
he 2019 Michigan
DNR moose survey
indicates an encourag-
ing small increase in
the west central U.P.
moose range. This
year’s moose population estimate
indicated about 509 moose in the
Upper Peninsula; up from about 378
in 2017. Wildlife biologists calcu-
late the moose population has been
growing at a long-term average of
about two percent per year.
Russ Mason, Michigan DNR
Wildlife Division chief, reported the
survey results at Thursday’s Natural
Resource Commission meeting in
Bellaire. Mason stated “the growth
rate is low, but remains positive.
Moose are continuing to maintain a
foothold in the Western U.P., con-
tinuing to extend the lineage of a
population airlifted to the area from
Canada in the mid-1980s.”
In 2017 the entire moose popu-
lation estimate could not be com-
pleted; the population estimate of
378 moose was calculated from the
core higher density zone where the
survey was complete. Researchers
think if they could have completed
the entire 2017 population survey it An aerial sur vey photo shows a “bachelor group” of bull moose south of Lake Michigamme in Mar-
would have yielded a population es- quette County. Neil Harri photo
timate between 420 and 470 moose.
Dr. Dean Beyer of the Michigan lation was growing by 10 percent a tier of the US moose range. Min- Minnesota moose population is also
DNR Wildlife Division monitors the year.” nesota has had a stable moose dropping from a recent high of about
Michigan moose population. In a Beyer explained the DNR’s population with a carefully regulated 8,000 as recently as 2006, down to
February interview Beyer said their survey efforts have been focused on hunting season for many years. On about 3,000 in 2013. Recent 2016,
“wildlife staff had completed the the western U.P. moose population the southern tier of the moose range, 2017 and 2018 Minnesota moose
aerial moose survey.” Brad Johnson, that was reintroduced in the “Moose state wildlife conservation agencies aerial population surveys indicate
wildlife technician that coordinates Lift” program. Beyer explained like New Hampshire and Montana the trend in their northeast herd is
the aerial survey, said “overall flying that the moose herd in the eastern have also reported a decline in their declining but has the rate has been
conditions were difficult, U.P. “likely number fewer moose population. Maine reports leveling off.
flights had to be cancelled than 100.” The source of declines in their moose population Although a number of factors are
on 23 days primarily the eastern U.P. moose is from about 76,000 five years ago to likely to have contributed to Min-
because of snow and high not known for certain. It is between 60,000 to 70,000 animals nesota’s moose decline, Minnesota
winds. On the days we possible that a few scat- now. New Hampshire reports their DNR suspended their 2013 moose
could fly, conditions were tered moose remained from moose population has declined hunting season as a precaution. Tom
good; snow covered most native moose although it almost 50 percent to 5,000 animals Landwehr, Minnesota DNR Com-
stumps and down logs and is also likely some moose now. New England’s moose herd’s missioner said “it is now prudent
we had good snow cover immigrated from eastern greatest problem is reported as to control every source of mortality

By Bill Ziegler
for most of the survey Ontario or the west- winter tick infestations. Research- we can as we seek to understand the
which aided our sur- ern U.P. Moose also ers report that 90 percent of moose causes of population decline.”
vey.” maintain a strong calves died from heavy winter tick Although the 2019 moose popu-
Good snow cover makes the population in Michigan’s Isle Royale infestations. They found an overall lation appears to be up modestly
moose stand out against the back- National Park. calf mortality rate of 70 percent there is still concern about long term
ground vegetation and cover. In 2011, the DNR Moose Hunt compared to about 15 percent two U.P. moose population trends. Re-
Beyer said “in the past the core Advisory Council, a legislatively decades ago. Frigid weather and ex- tired Michigan DNR moose biologist
zone supported 80 to 90 percent of created council, investigated the po- tended snow conditions are thought Rob Aho said “the moose have not
the moose population.” He contin- tential of a moose hunt in Michigan. to keep winter ticks controlled. With filled all the available U.P. habitat.”
ued, “The western U.P. moose range The council felt a moose hunt was a milder winters winter tick infesta- A good qualitative indicator that
covers about 1,400 square miles in feasible option provided the moose tions are increasing. moose have reached their population
parts of Baraga, Iron, and Marquette surveys indicated that the moose The Minnesota DNR reports potential would be when the moose
Counties.” population continued to grow at a they had two geographically sepa- occupy the entire good moose habi-
This year’s survey indicated a sustained growth rate of over three rate moose populations. The north- tat. Future moose population sur-
moose population of 509 moose percent per year. west Minnesota moose population veys that are conducted every other
compared to only 378 in 2017 and In recent years, concern has been dropped dramatically since the year, will be necessary to identify
451 in 2013. Beyer stated, “From growing among wildlife manage- 1990s from about 4,000 down to any long-term trend for Michigan’s
1997 to 2007 the U.P. moose popu- ment agencies across the southern about 100 recently. The northeastern moose population.n
16 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
Burning requires caution, planning
ith warmer caution and prescribed burns, but so that a prescribed burn
weekend weath- springtime also is an important time can be called off at the last
er in the forecast of year in forest management,” possible minute, if neces-
for southern Klingler said. “Prescribed burns sary.”
Michigan, are an effective tool in helping to Stay up to date on
many people control invasive species, create criti- Michigan wildfires with the
likely will be outside cleaning up cal wildlife habitat and regenerate DNR Wildland Fire Ap-
their yards or maybe enjoying the forests. plication. Learn more about
first bonfire of the season. A word “We want the public to know wildfires and the DNR’s
of caution from the Department of that prescribed burns are carefully fire management program
Natural Resources: Anyone plan- planned, step by step, in consulta- – including prescribed
ning to burn leaves or other yard tion with local fire officials. We also burns – at Michigan.gov/
debris first should check with local closely monitor weather conditions, FireManagement.n
officials to see if conditions are right
for safe burning.
And although campfires still are
permitted during times of increased
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about any time of year, most wild-
fires in Michigan occur in April,
May and June,” said DNR fire

Reliability comes in all

in sizes.
supervisor Don Klingler. “The dead

Reliability comes all sizes.

grass and leaves from last year are
still very dry, and it only takes one
escaped spark to start a wildfire.”

Reliability comes in all sizes.

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Peninsula and Upper Peninsula can
check for local burn permit status by
visiting Michigan.gov/BurnPermit
or calling 866-922-2876.
In addition, the DNR recom-
mends people take the following
steps to help prevent wildfires:
• Pay attention to the fire dan-
ger in your area. Don’t burn debris
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mulching yard debris rather than
burning it.
When fire danger is extremely high,
Michigan’s governor may issue a
“burn ban” restricting all outdoor
burning, although this is rare
What about prescribed burns?
While the DNR is cautioning
DOWN DOWN 0%60 60
[email protected]
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about careful backyard burning, 810-796-3770
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residents also may be hearing about
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DNR prescribed burns in different
areas of the state. Most recently, the DRYDEN, MICHIGAN 48428
DNR conducted prescribed burns in
(810) 796-3770
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inventory is available to qualified purchasers through Kubota Credit Corporation, (810)
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simultaneous messages about fire DRYDEN, DRYDEN,
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© Kubota Tractor Corporation 2019. $0 Down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 60 months on purchases of select new Kubota BX80 equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock
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tactics for
pringtime is panfish time tion to troll small jigs for crappie
across the great state of using smaller planer boards like the
Michigan. The month Off Shore Tackle OR34 Awesome
of May is especially Crappie Board.
important to anglers who Instead of using long ultra-light
love to target black and action spinning rods, most crap-
white crappie. Throughout most of pie trollers in the north are choos-
the state both of these species have ing to use light action trolling rods
wrapped up spawning in April or equipped with the smallest size line
early May. During the rest of May counter reels and six to eight pound
and into June, the larger adult crap- test monofilament line.
pie shift their preferred haunts from The most popular jigs for “pull-
shallow weedy areas to ing” or “trolling” are
deeper flats and open 1/32 and 1/16 ounce Bruce DeShano of Off Shore Tackle, a Por t Austin based company,
water basins. models equipped is an avid crappie angler who fishes many crappie tournaments
Like walleye, crap- with action tail grubs. across the nation. Trolling is one of the least understood methods
pies in some bodies of Precision Trolling Data for targeting these good eating panfish. Trolling is effective on both
water are not afraid to recently released jig white and black crappie pictured here.
suspend in the water trolling data for a single
column. Crappie can 1/32 ounce jig, double Lures Rattlin’ Wasp 4 and 5 and the reel and 10 pound test monofilament
be found suspending 1/32 ounce jig rigs and Johnson Crappie Buster Shad 5 and line. When flat lining these divers a
over the top of deeper single 1/16 ounce jigs. 6.5 sizes. cradle style rod holder mounted near
weed flats or relating to This data is based on Anglers who are targeting the back of the boat is ideal. When
pelagic forage species in six pound test mono- crappie with crankbaits are more fishing divers in combination with
open water. filament, all common inclined to use in-line planer boards in-line boards, tube style rod hold-
to spread out lines and cover the ers mounted a little further forward
crappies leave By Mark Romanack trolling speeds
from .75 to 1.5 maximum amount of water. Both
mini boards and full sized in-line
work best.
the shallows
behind, consistently catching them
MPH and lead
lengths out to 100 feet. boards have a place in the crappie Stealth Trolling
trolling world. The larger full sized No matter if an angler is trolling
becomes a trolling game. Trolling is This data is available in a phone jigs, crankbaits, divers or spinners,
the best way to cover lots of water app for both Android and iPhone us- boards work well when equipped
with articulating flag systems that a wireless and silent electric mo-
while searching for roaming schools ers. Simply visit the Google Play or tor with GPS tracking is the most
of crappie and the only practical Apple App Store and search Preci- indicate light strikes.
The Off Shore Tackle Tattle Flag efficient means of moving the boat.
way to target fish that can be found sion Trolling Data to learn more. The MotorGuide Xi5 and also the
literally anywhere in the water system features an adjustable spring
column. Crankbait tension system that allows for the Xi3 series of wireless motors both
feature the Pinpoint GPS system.
Jig Pulling Trolling use of virtually any crankbait, live
bait rig or trolling speed. Thanks to GPS navigation these mo-
Trolling or pulling jigs is most tors can be operated via a key fob,
Aka Trolling productive when the water is cool
Trolling foot control or they can be Gateway
In the southern states where and crappies are moderately active. rigged and controlled via a Low-
crappie fishing is hugely popular, As the water warms in May and into With Divers rance HDS or Ti touch screen sonar/
avid anglers turn to jigs when it’s June, crankbaits become important As crappie start to suspend deep- GPS units.
time to target post-spawn crappie. In trolling lures for slab crappie. er and deeper in the water column, Wireless GPS guided electric
the south, “trolling” is a dirty word Common sense suggests that crankbaits don’t always dive deep motors can be programmed to
so anglers describe their favorite smaller crankbaits would be the enough to reach these fish. In this duplicate productive trolling passes,
fishing tactics as “pulling.” An elec- most productive for crappie and to a case, using a sinking diver such as navigate to selected waypoints and
tric motor is used to silently move degree that is true. Small shad style the Resettable Tadpole Diver allows much more. The ability to set up
the boat along at .75 to 1.5 MPH baits in the No. 4, 5 and 6 sizes are anglers to fish deeper, keep trolling precise trolling runs and also to troll
while long lining small “crappie some of the most popular and pro- leads modest and still present crank- silently is a deadly one-two punch.
sized” jigs out the back of the boat. ductive crappie baits. Rapala Shad baits and/or jigs to waiting fish.
Here in the north similar crap- Raps and Berkley Flicker Shads are Divers can be fished using in- Summing It Up
pie fishing tactics are employed wildly popular baits among anglers line planer boards or they can be Crappie trolling or pulling is
but with some subtle differences. A who routinely troll for crappie. fished as flat lines straight out the wildly popular in the southern
few anglers in the south use in-line What a lot of anglers don’t real- back of the boat. When crappie sus- states. A rapidly growing number of
planer boards for “pulling” chores, ize is that crappies are aggressive pend at deeper depths, the boat mov- anglers in the north are also learning
but the majority of these anglers are feeders in warm water and the larger ing over top of these fish does not how to use trolling tactics to find
using long ultra-light action rods to fish will not hesitate to strike larger spook them. This situation is perfect and target suspended slab crappie.
spread out their jigs and cover more crankbaits. The Bandit 100, 200 and for flat line trolling Tadpoles with In both the north and south, crappie
water. even the 300 series crankbaits are crankbaits, jigs or small spinners. are abundant, great on the table and
Northern anglers are much more widely used to target crappie. Other A good set up for trolling with a pile of fun to catch. Maybe your
comfortable with the use of in-line good crappie crankbaits include the sinking divers is a medium action favorite crappie lake has a trolling
planer boards, so it’s an easy transi- Arkie 220 and 350 series, Coots walleye trolling rod, line counter bite just waiting to be discovered?n
18 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
C.A.S.T. for Kids Program;
June 9, Townsend Lake

he C.A.S.T. for Kids Kids by volunteering or donating, so formed in 1991 to connect volun-
Foundation enriches that you can have a positive impact teers who love to fish with children
the lives of children on a child’s life.” — Jay Yelas, Ex- who have special needs for a day of
with special needs, ecutive Director, C.A.S.T. for Kids fishing in the outdoors. The Founda-
supports their fami- Foundation tion became an official 501(c)3 in
lies, and strengthens About C.A.S.T. for Kids Foun- 1994 and currently hosts three pro-
communities through the sport of dation: C.A.S.T. for Kids Founda- grams: C.A.S.T. for Kids, Fishing
fishing. They empower families and tion (C.A.S.T. = Catch A Special Kids, and Take a Warrior Fishing.
communities to celebrate children Thrill) is a public charity that was Visit us at www.castforkids.orgn
with special needs, making these


children feel valued and loved so
they can overcome limitations and
be successful.
The C.A.S.T. for Kids Program
is designed to create an environ- Models available
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Valentine Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bannister, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-862-5972
Director, C.A.S.T. for Kids Founda-
Beaverton Outdoor Wood Furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beaverton, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-435-9240
Gauthier Heating & Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Black River, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-471-2478
A C.A.S.T. for Kids event will
SOS Property Maintenance LLP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caledonia, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616-554-8669
take place on Townsend Lake near Snowbelt Stoves LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chatham, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906-439-5161
Clarkston on Sunday, June 9, 8 a.m. Nature Trail Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fremont, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-924-7946
to 1 p.m. Event Directors are Steve Hettinger’s Backyard & Power Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Galesburg, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269-484-9273
Atkins and Mary Wheeler for more Harbor Hardwoods Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harbor Springs, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-526-8405
information, to register or to do- Able Heating & Cooling Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Homer, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517-568-5522
nate to: www.castforkids.org/event/ Greenstone Renewable Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lake Linden, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906-296-0417
townsendlake. B&S Wood Boilers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lapeer, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810-664-5060
Through a joyful day of fishing, White Pine Outdoor Boilers Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marion, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-282-3194
kids, their families and community Midwest Outdoor Furnaces LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newport, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734-755-2005
volunteers come together for an P & J Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sagola, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906-396-7136
explosion of fun and inspiration. K & A Boilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sault Sainte Marie, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906-635-9571
C.A.S.T for Kids Foundation hosts Alternative Outdoor Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Clair, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586-709-7165
annual fishing and boating events Twin Ponds Alternative Heat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stanton, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-831-4890
across America to fulfill our mission Double L Tack Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tower, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-733-7651
of providing populations with spe- Northwoods Outdoor Stoves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Traverse City, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-676-0659
cial needs the opportunity to enjoy a C.H.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ubly, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-658-4328
quality outdoor recreational experi- Matt Simerson Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vassar, MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989-233-1420
ence fishing on the water. D-2 Outdoor Wood Boilers LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wayland, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616-877-4081
The C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation Westmoreland Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Webberville, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517-468-3685
works tirelessly to improve the lives Timberland Outdoor Boilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wellston, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-862-3134
of children across the entire country
by hosting events in the community. VIDEO: How It Works
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WNW NEWS MAY 2019 19
As spring progresses wild gob-
blers seek leeks for food in the
forest and they vacate fields
and follow hens in the woods;
which can make them suddenly
difficult to scout and locate.

out the slate call and made some

seductive yelps and high pitched
hen sounds but the gobblers acted
like they did not hear me. Soon a
lead hen caught my position and
walked in the opposite direction
with the gobblers following and
eventually the entire flock melted
back into the safety of the forest. I
thought my trophy bird was gone for
good but stayed in position another
half hour when I spotted a black
form sneaking up the fence row
coming directly at me. One glance
through binoculars confirmed it
was a gobbler, not just any bird but
the huge boss bird I was hunting.
When he disappeared in some tall
grass I made a few soft purrs and a
yelp or two. His head popped up in
response to the calls but he did not
respond with a gobble and contin-
ued his silent stealthy approach. At
lightning speed he was suddenly in
easy gun range as he walked into
the opening, went half fan, began to
drum and spit and approached my
full fan decoy like he was looking
for a fight. His foot-long beard was
dragging on the ground as I brought
the Ravin crossbow to my shoulder
and centered the crosshair on his

chest. When the boss gobbler eased
kissin’ close to the decoy he slowed
his advance, puffed up his feath-
ers in aggression, offering an ideal

target and the bolt equipped with
a NAP Gobbler Getter rounded tip
smashed through bone. Suddenly he
was down and when I admired his
1 ½ inch spurs I thought about the
hunt and how the trophy gobbler

came in silent.
ome of the biggest give up their exact location and keep in southern Michigan. The sky was No one knows exactly why gob-
turkeys harvested in gobbling until they stroll in easy clear, morning dead calm with no blers go silent. Traditionally as the
Michigan with long shotgun range. But then turkeys wind, the kind of morning when you season progresses and breeding ac-
rope-like beards and go silent. They just shut up, stop can hear an adult gobbler sound off tivity slows gobblers sound off less.
trophy spurs have one gobbling, refuse to answer calls and for long distances. But when the sun Sure they gobble at dawn to wel-
thing in common; they most turkey hunters are perplexed, slipped from pale pink to orange I come the day and locate hens, but as
come in silent. In early confused not knowing only heard some wake up calls and the season progresses they gobble
spring following break what to do and somewhat one gobble in the flooding after I less especially when following hens.
up every gobbler in the depressed about the lack made a few attractive yelps. My Most simply go silent because there
county is sounding off of birds in the immedi- fully fanned decoy looked attrac- is no reason to call when hens are
and gobbling loudly to at- ate area. Truth is they are tive in the opening and soon after already close. Smart gobblers shut
tract hens. You gotta love still there, plenty of them daylight several hens showed on the up because they have encounters
it when they are sounding with big ol’ adult gobblers far side of the field followed by two with coyotes that come running full
off, gobbling at the sound mixed in sporting trophy struttin’ gobblers. That’s when I saw tilt boogie when they hear a gobble.
of honking geese, crows beards. The following the huge black outline of the adult Love sick gobblers that are fanning,
cawing, other turkeys anecdote outlines this bird I was hunting. He strolled to constantly gobbling and downright
talkin’, doors slamming, phenomenon that occurs the field edge, stood stationary with reckless make an easy target for
school buses hit- each spring. head held high for several minutes sly coyotes who understand how to
ting their brakes,
loud thunder, By Kenny Darwin I set up long
before daylight in
before entering the field and go-
ing full fan. I could see his wing
charge the sound and attack preoc-
cupied birds for a fast turkey dinner.
noisy machinery and trying to talk the exact opening where a monster tips brushing the corn stubble as he But you don’t need birds sounding
trash louder than any other sound gobbler sporting a 12-inch beard made tight robot-looking circles and off in order to score. Here’s why and
heard in Michigan’s great outdoors. was strutting the day before. I knew meandered toward the hens. how you can still whack ’em with
It is so much fun when you set he was roosting in tall hardwoods I hit him with a custom made ease if you follow some easy steps.
up, give some locator calls and love leaning over a small creek and box call hand carved by Doug Boss gobblers are more re-
sick gobblers answer immediately, duck pond along the Maple River Thornton and got no answer. I got fined and rely on visual stimulus

20 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS

to determine where and how they
move. Over the years I’ve discov-
ered big toms sporting impressive,
long beards are often less vocal than
younger birds. They spend more
time standing alert, watching for
predators, listening and planning
travel routes rather than randomly
wandering toward any hen call.
Most stick close to traditional breed-
ing locations and become territorial.
Old gobblers are creatures of habit
and have specific strut zones, loca-
tions where they break into full fan
while they drum, spit and display in
an effort to draw receptive hens to
their home turf rather than wander-
ing aimlessly after hens that can
lead old smart birds into strange,
unsafe locations.
Your challenge is to try to set up
in a breeding location. Be patient
even if you hear no gobbling, let Author hit on the hottest turkey hunting strategy going when he obser ved wild turkeys attacking gobbler decoys
with custom head and feathers. This decoy smackdown was the result of three adult gobblers attacking a runt
birds come to you. Sometimes you decoy with custom painted bright head. Kenny Darwin photos
stay put if you know birds are in the
immediate area. Other times you decoys and I was not prepared for intruder out of their territory. Using big boy know I’m in the area, but
use run-n-gun tactics to cover more what happened when I set out a runt this strategy you don’t need wild if you want those call shy monsters
ground and find new birds. gobbler decoy with experimental birds to announce their presence to come running the last thing you
Big boss gobblers are very terri- custom painted bright red, white and calling isn’t the key to bringing want to do is over-call. Keep in
torial and while they may not come and blue head. Good Lord, gobblers them close. It is the visual cue of the mind if you see the target gobbler
running to any turkey call they will came running and they violently at- realistic decoy that attracts gobblers he can see the decoy and there is no
quickly check out any new intruders tacked the runt decoy, slammed it to and draws them close. need to call, just let him zero in on
they see in their domain. This gives the ground and stomped it, tearing Sure, setting up in the right spot the decoy and he’ll eventually strut
hunters in the know a distinct ad- plastic body and bending the stake. is important but you need to concen- up and jump in your hip pocket.
vantage if they can pinpoint a trophy Same thing happened with a full fan trate on placing the decoy where it Many hunters blow opportunities
gobbler’s strut zone or travel route Primos Killer B decoy with real tail can be spotted and draw wild birds because they call too frequently and
and set up without being detected. feathers. Wild turkeys charged the from hiding and bring them on a get spotted by wary birds.
My strategy is simple for decoy, circled making verbal insults, string up close and personal. Set- Some savvy hunters scout by
slammin’ those big call shy super and knocked the decoy down at ting up still requires skill; you need setting out cameras and they col-
gobblers five years old or older and lightning speed. Basically, I dis- a hide that conceals your human lect them after dark and examine
sporting massive beards and im- covered the secret to decoying wild outline. intelligence. Cameras are fantastic
pressive spurs. I go to them, meet birds kissin’ close is using a life- If you use a tom decoy with a scouting tools and help you deter-
them on their home turf and decoy like gobbler decoy that has a bright fake cloth or synthetic tail, get rid mine turkey numbers, age, and sex
monster birds so close that archery sex crazed looking colorful red, of the junk and replace with real and gather intel on gobbler daily
shots are child’s play. The tactics I white and blue head. To sweeten the gobbler feathers and get some bright routines. Sometimes you need to
use to shortcut my odds to instant pie and guarantee large territorial red, white and blue glossy auto paint move cameras to pinpoint exact hot
success begin with scouting. More gobblers would come running for and repaint the head. It goes without spots and locate gobblers doing their
often than not I determine home turf the decoy I experimented with real saying the bright head gets the atten- thing. Detailed information about
of trophy gobblers by riding coun- feathers. tion of birds at long distances and gobbler numbers, age, beard and
try roads with binoculars in hand. You would flip if you got a signals sexual readiness and real tail spur length, time of activity, dura-
I circle areas where I have hunting glimpse of my gobbler decoy that feathers are the deadliest secret to tion they are in the area and travel
permission and avoid actually walk- brings wild monster toms on a run. success. There is something power- routes can help you to ambush birds
ing on the ground because I do not It has custom painted bright red fully attractive about real feathers, that have no idea you are set up on
want to spook old wise gobblers. head, bright red waddle, extremely the way they shine in the daylight, their home turf. It is my prediction
I observe travel routes, determine white crown and the brightest auto move with the wind and mimic a in the near future modern turkey
feeding locations and identify where blue cheeks known to man. It has a live turkey gobbler fully fanned. hunters will be more successful
big birds are struttin’. If I can’t find real turkey tail that captures light, This visual cue draws wild adult at filling their turkey tag based
the bird I want on my home hunting wiggles with a breeze and my decoy gobblers like nothing else and guar- on intelligence provided by
grounds I bounce to new locations looks like a huge gobbler all colored antees success. Dominant gobblers cameras.
and begin the search all over again. bright for breeding and his stance view the decoy in breeding mode as Hey, just because your local
Once I locate a dandy I knock on the is a full fan breeding posture. Mine an intruder on their home turf and gobblers aren’t sounding off as
land owner’s door and get permis- also has real turkey wings draggin’ they will come to investigate. No, frequently does not mean they have
sion. My goal is to intercept big on the ground and feathers hot glued they are not looking for a receptive moved or your hunt is over. Keep
gobblers, let ’em see my decoy and to the entire body. This state of the hen. Their attention is riveted on the the faith, set up in likely locations,
draw them close. art turkey decoy is light years ahead tom decoy. To them it is an intruder call less and look more, be patient,
Years of wildlife telephoto of the turkey hunting industry and and when they approach their intent stay optimistic, use gobbler decoys
photography has taught me one works like dynamite to guarantee is to kick some butt and run the with a fully fanned all natural tail
important lesson about wild turkeys; super-fast kills. Wild birds see the intruder off their domain. and expect smart old gobblers to
big gobblers are super territorial. intruder and they gotta come close I’ll make a few calls at daylight show up out of nowhere and pick a
I’ll never forget setting out test and try to kick some tail and run the or when I first set up just to let the fight with your decoy.n
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 21
By Mark Sak

ay is the month to many lakes to mention here but
get on the water. anglers looking for lakes that have
April is great had significant plants can log on to
for big fish, but Michigandnr.com/fishstock. Inland
cold weather and lakes like Black Lake in Cheboy-
April showers gan County have and Cass Lake in
often keeps many boats in shrink Oakland County has received plants
wrap or in garages around our state, of well over 100,000 walleyes in the
especially in the Northern Lower last five years. Walleyes don’t often
and Upper Peninsula of Michigan. spawn well in inland lakes and sup-
May’s warm breezes and warm- plementing the lakes with stocked
ing waters shift walleyes into high fish is a high priority of the State
feeding gear after the spawn. It is of Michigan’s emphasis on shallow
one of the best times to walleye fish water fisheries stocking program as
around our state. If getting some the state drastically cut back salmon
nice walleye fillets in the freezer is plants. It is a very good time to be a
on the bucket list this spring, here is walleye angler in our state.
some information regarding recent Some new techniques and baits
walleye plants as well as tactics to are appearing on the walleye scene
get them to play along. and are turning heads at the boat
Walleye fishing is open all year ramp. Probably the overwhelming
long on the Great Lakes and con- new bait that has proven to really
necting waters. Connecting waters bring fish to the boat is Berkley’s
refer to those rivers like the Detroit Flicker Minnow. I’ll be the first to
that connect Lake Erie and Lake St. say I am always skeptical when
Clair. But inland lakes have a closed it comes to the latest and greatest
season. In the Lower Peninsula, the must have baits, but this bait really
walleye season closed March 15 un- catches fish. It is a shad imitator
til April 26. (The season opens tradi- with a fairly tight wobble, and it
tionally on the last Saturday in April fishes very well on both Great Lakes
which this year falls on April 27). and inland lake waters. Most anglers
In the Upper Peninsula, the inland will say the best thing about this bait
walleye season closed on March 15 is it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg
and doesn’t open until May 15. like many cranks do today. Pay- The author with a dandy Great Lakes walleye.
Since 2015, walleye have ing $11 for a crankbait can kill the which always raises the price but Weights. These weights can quickly
overwhelmingly been the biggest fishing budget very quickly. Many sticking with a couple of standard be applied anywhere on the line
emphasis in our state’s fish plant- stores are selling Flicker Minnows colors like firetiger or chrome and using an OR-16 Snap Weight clip
ing plan with almost five million at a regular price of 5.99 and a lot of black will catch just as many fish. to any size weight the angler needs.
planted to date in both inland lakes sales offer them at a dollar off. These baits have a much smaller The Precision Trolling book now
and the Great Lakes. There are too Custom colors are a big thing profile, (four-inches), and fish the has standardized information on Off
inland lakes much better than the Shore Snap Weights so the angler
larger cranks as they match the for- now can run these baits right above
age much better. These baits are also the fish showing on the sonar. Off
great for casting. Shore Snap Weights allow anglers to
Bandit Deep Walleye baits have pull out those favorite floating Ra-
wobbled right into many angler’s palas or shallow Thundersticks out
tackle boxes for one big reason. of the tacklebox and run them 10-15
They dive very deep. They are one feet deeper than they ever could on
of the few large profile walleye baits their own. They revolutionize baits
Professional Food Plot Installation that can dive to 20 feet. A six-inch already in the tackle box. They are
Get body bait, these baits are coming now a tool anglers utilize very suc-
~ Customized Land Improvement out of the factory in custom colors
and on a recent trip to Lake Erie we
~ Land Clearing
Take advantage of the incredible
for targeted walleyes at 17 feet and did walleye fishing our state has to offer.
very well running these baits back Generous creel limits and increased
Planting! ~ Increase Wildlife Attraction at 80 feet. They pull quite easy and planting should sell a lot of cook-
don’t cause the planer board to drag
Call Today! 989-205-0107 back in the water.
ing oil this year. No matter where
you fish in Michigan there will be
Another technique that is quickly walleyes swimming nearby. I’ll see
4319 N. EASTMAN RD. – MIDLAND, MI gaining steam are Off Shore Snap you on the water.n
22 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
2018’s TOP
By Richard P. Smith

irk Stewart from 70-pound-pull Bowtech compound
Manchester may bow to prepare for a shot. He
have collected the mouth-grunted twice to try to get the
highest scoring typi- buck to stop, but the deer ignored
cal buck known tak- him and kept running, so he didn’t
en in the state during have a shot.
2018 seasons and he did it with bow “I hung my bow back up after
and arrow just three days before the he was gone and I was shaking,”
December archery season ended. Stewart remembered. “I didn’t
The veteran bowhunter arrowed a know how many points he had, but
13-pointer in Hillsdale County on I thought he was a solid 150-class
December 29 that officially scores buck.”
180 1/8, according to Commemora- Some smaller bucks and lots
tive Bucks of Michigan, qualifying of does soon followed after the big
for a spot among the top 10 typical buck, running in the same direction
bow kills in state records. across the cut cornfield. December
“I love bowhunting for white- 23 was the last day of muzzleloader
tails,” Stewart said. “I hunt 45 to 50 season, so Dirk thought that per-
days a year every year. I’ve been haps movement of other hunters
bowhunting in Michigan for 37 was responsible for spooking all of
years.” the deer. Two men eventually came
Dirk said he hunts deer exclu- into view, but they were wearing
sively with bow and arrow. On the blue jeans and were not carrying
morning of November 11, he scored any weapons. A while after the men Dirk Stewar t, a veteran bowhunter from Manchester, hunts deer
on a nice 3 1/2-year-old 11-pointer went out of sight, a herd of deer exclusively with bow and arrow. He took a 13-pointer in Hillsdale
with a rack that would measure came running back by him from the County on December 29 that officially scores 180 1/8 by CBM.
about 120. After sitting out gun direction they had originally gone.
season, Stewart said he was having The big buck was in the middle to dispatch the deer as quickly as coming off the buck’s head, so he
difficulty seeing any older bucks. of the pack and he went by within possible as well as to make sure it avoided touching the antlers until
That is until December 23. bow range again in the same place didn’t get back up on its feet. after they were officially measured.
“The first time I saw the big he did earlier, but, once again, he “Before I even got out of the As a taxidermist, Dirk mounted
buck was December 23,” Stew- didn’t offer the bowhunter a shot. treestand, I knew his antlers would the buck’s head and antlers
art stated. “He was coming into “I still didn’t know how many score over 170,” Dirk commented. himself.
a picked cornfield. This field was points he had after seeing him a sec- “The antlers looked so big after he Stewart said the buck only had
picked late; about the middle of ond time,” Stewart said. “All I knew was on the ground.” a dressed weight of 155 pounds, but
December. There was a lot of spilled is he was wide and tall. I decided I He didn’t realize how big the it was obvious by his loose skin that
corn. I was seeing 45 to 50 deer a was going to hunt every day of the antlers really were until measuring he had lost a lot of weight during
night while hunting along the edge season that I could to try to get a them himself. Even then, he didn’t the rut. He is having the buck’s teeth
of that field.” shot at that buck.” trust his measurements. Due to how examined by a lab to determine the
December 23 was the first time Dirk hunted the spot on the 24th late in the season that he got the deer’s age, but he guessed that the
he hunted the spot. Dirk hadn’t been and 26th without seeing the large- buck, Stewart was concerned about whitetail is probably 4 1/2 years
in his treestand 30 feet above the antlered whitetail. Then he had to the antlers being loose and possibly old.n
ground for long when movement to work on the 27th and 28th, but he

Captain Roger Gibson

his right caught his attention. After was back in position during the af-
looking through his binoculars, he ternoon of the 29th. Plenty of other U.S.C.G. Lic
made out the white throat patch of deer were already feeding in the cut
a buck running toward him. The corn when the buck the bowhunter Between Sarasota and Fort Myers
whitetail was about 150 yards away was waiting for finally made an ap-
at the time. pearance. Located in Tarpon Capital of the world
Stewart suspected that he Stewart came to full draw as the ~ Boca Grande, FL
spooked a big flock of turkeys as he whitetail approached his shooting
approached his treestand that went lane. When the buck was 27 yards Large Groups Available
running and flying away from him
that, in turn, spooked the buck. He
away, Stewart released a carbon
arrow tipped with a G5 broadhead Snook & Redfish Year-round
thought that’s why the deer was that spined the buck, dropping it on Fly Fishing Available
running. the spot.
“The buck runs up to 60 yards “I’m sure I was shaking and I Tarpon Season April-October
Contact me today to book your trip!
away,” Stewart explained. “I could had a bundle of clothes on,” he said
tell he was a good buck with long by way of explaining the shot place-
The buck ran by Dirk within
Dirk didn’t waste any time put-
bow range and he drew his ting a second arrow on the string [email protected]
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 23
Raise hogs to hunt deer?
reas that produced You may remember seeing the small
hogs a half century hog sheds spread out across the pas-
ago are now produc- tures. Those little shelters are where
ing some hog sized the sows made a nest and had their
whitetail bucks. young.
Brandon Cropsey, Two things changed the way
Broker/Owner, sells hunting land hogs were raised in Michigan. The
in Southern Michigan for Mossy first was Classical Swine Fever, also
Oak Properties, Michigan Land & called Hog Cholera. It is a highly
Lakes. An accomplished deer hunter contagious disease that causes near-
himself, he has noticed that old hog ly 100% mortality in contaminated
farrowing grounds are now some herds. The disease became signifi-
of the best whitetail habitat avail- cant in Southern Michigan during
able anywhere. Brandon was telling the early 1960s, putting many hog
me about deer hunting on old hog farmers out of business. Brandon’s
farms. dad remembers the days when thou-
“Hog farms?” I asked. sands of hogs, which had died from
“Oh, the hogs are long gone Hog Cholera, had to be buried. The
now,” Brandon explained. good news is that with an intense
“So, it’s not the hogs, it’s the eradication program Classical Swine

Above: Trail camera photo

reveal the quality of bucks living
cover tly in the thick cover of
abandoned hog lots. Left: Bud
filled both of his deer tags with
these nice bucks, in less than
five minutes.

out to feed and I try to figure out

which crop fields they are using
and set up between the thicket and
the food source. After the crops are
harvested in the fall bucks really
gravitate to the thickest cover avail-
able. That is usually the old hog lot.
You wouldn’t believe the deer trails
are in less productive areas were left going in there. Most of it is so thick
habitat. Right?” I asked. Fever was eradicated in the United to grow up with weeds and brush. that it’s hard for a hunter to enter.
“Yup, it’s the habitat, the thick States by 1976 and remains so Brandon says this has resulted in the My brother once hired a rotary
cover now growing in the old, today. However, the disease is still best whitetail habitat in Michigan. brush cutter just to cut a trail so he
abandoned hog lots. The hogs didn’t prevalent in some other countries. Although the old hog lots were open could get access into the center of
leave anything behind,” he assured The other thing that changed pastures back then, they are the an especially thick area. He eased
me with a grin. hog farming was the use of hog thickest cover on the farm now. in there for a morning hunt and
Fifty years ago there were many confinement barns. By 1970 almost “How do you hunt them?” I laughed when he told me he saw a
small, family owned hog farms all all Michigan hog operations were asked Brandon. ‘hog’ that morning.”
across Southern Michigan. In those moved indoors into climate con- “Think of it as a high ground “Another thing is that the big
days hogs were raised outside. The trolled barns. Under these controlled swamp and hunt it accordingly,” whitetail bucks are very secretive,
sows were kept in farrowing pas- conditions sows could be bred year he replied. “It’s a sanctuary for no matter where they live. Without
tures where they raised their piglets around, piglets had better survival deer and a perfect bedding area: using trail cameras you might not
each summer. These ‘hog lots’ were rates, and there was less threat of thick multiflora rose, high weeds, realize the quality of the deer co-
often situated in rough, hilly, or predation. Confinement barns are vines, small second growth trees, vertly living in that thick cover.”
rocky areas that were untillable with still the practice today. and brush, lots of thick brush. Early “Fifty years ago there were very
the equipment Farming has changed greatly bow season, when the crops are few deer in this area,” Brandon ex-
they had at that over the last half century as well. in the fields, deer enter the area in plained. “Now-a-days you wouldn’t
time. Those Bigger farm equipment, removing the morning to bed down for the believe the deer sign in that thick
rough areas trees and fence rows, and tiling the day. For morning hunts, I try to cover. When I started deer hunting,
were put into fields for better drainage has im- hunt the edges to catch deer return- in the 1980s, deer had a lot more ar-
production by proved farm production. However, ing to the cover. Bucks are smart eas to hide in and travel safely. Over
raising hogs. many of the old hog pastures which though, they use the wind to ensure the last thirty years, I’ve seen farm-
a safe entry to their bedding area. ers clear many of the fencerows and
By Darryl Quidort You have to try to figure out their
routes. Evenings they are coming
fence corners to turn smaller fields
into one large field better suited to
24 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
Online, updated maps show
state forest roads open to ORV
Off-road vehicle enthusiasts can ride more than 6,300 miles of state forest
the new farming equipment. Re- Suddenly, the buck jumped back roads in the northern Lower Peninsula. That increased opportunity comes after
moval of some of this cover has over the fence in the exact spot changes approved by Department of Natural Resources Director Dan Eichinger
centralized deer movement into the where he had jumped into the thick at the February meeting of the Michigan Natural Resources Commission and
thick cover that is left, especially cover. With shaking hands, Bud implemented by DNR forestry staff in the weeks since.
after the crops are harvested. Many quickly reloaded his crossbow with Final maps detailing the 6,339.5 miles of northern Michigan state forest roads
hunters think that modern farming another bolt. Then he aimed care- open to ORV use – as well as printable maps by county – now are available on the
DNR website.
practices have hurt our hunting. fully and shot the deer again. Again To ensure maps for all state forest roads stay up to date, the DNR will evalu-
Actually, I think it has improved our it jumped the fence and disappeared. ate road data in response to changing road conditions and uses and update maps
deer hunting by concentrating the Worried now, Bud waited only a every year on April 1. All off-roaders are encouraged to regularly check maps to
deer into the cover. We have started few minutes before getting down make sure they are in compliance with rules for riding ORVs on state forest roads.
searching out the old hog pastures and walking over to where the deer It’s all part of a multiyear process tied to P.A. 288 of 2016, which directed
for hunting hot spots just because of trail crossed the old fence into the the DNR to comprehensively map and inventory all state forest roads and make
that premier habitat.” hog lot. A good blood trail was determinations on the open/closed status of each road. The DNR completed a
A buddy of Brandon’s (who visible where the buck had jumped similar evaluation and work for state forest roads in southern Michigan and the
didn’t care to have his name pub- the fence. Looking up, he spot- Upper Peninsula at the end of 2018.
lished, so I’ll just call him Bud) ted his buck lying dead only 20 Overall, there currently are nearly 7,600 miles of state forest roads in the
had a memorable hunt in the fall of yards away. After pushing through northern Lower Peninsula. The most recent mapping and inventory review pro-
2017. He was set up in a treestand the brush and multiflora rose, Bud cess yielded a net increase of 31.5 miles of roads open to ORV users, compared to
near a heavily used deer trail not far reached his deer and was happy a year ago. A few miles were closed to ORV use due to damage and the need for
from where it crossed a fence and with the nice sized buck he had natural resources protection.
entered the thick cover of an old, taken. “This was a great effort to increase the accuracy of our state forest road sys-
overgrown hog pasture. About 7:30 Then he noticed blood on the tem, be responsive to the variety of recreation uses that occur on state-managed
a.m. a buck with a heavy looking deer trail past where his buck laid. lands, and ensuring the protection of our valuable natural resources,” said Bill
set of antlers came down the trail “Did he go farther, then double back O’Neill, DNR natural resources deputy director. “DNR staff will provide regular
without a clue that Bud was watch- for the second shot?” he wondered. updates to the state forest road inventory and ensure appropriate use of these
ing him through the scope on his Curious now, Bud followed the roads.”
crossbow. At the shot, the buck blood trail for another 30 yards to Public feedback was a critical part of the mapping and inventory process,
kicked and ran hard for 60 yards where he came upon a second dead and the DNR will continue to provide the opportunity for people to share their
comments and ideas about proposed road changes for the next round of statewide
before jumping the old fence and buck which looked very similar to
map updates. People can view all maps at Michigan.gov/ForestRoads and submit
disappearing into the brush. Confi- the first one. feedback via the interactive maps. To have comments considered for potential
dent that it was a good shot, Bud sat Unknowingly, Bud had filled changes to the 2020 maps, feedback must be submitted by Aug. 31, 2019.
down to wait a few minutes before both of his deer tags that morning in For more on off-road vehicle opportunities statewide and other need-to-know
following him up. less than five minutes.n information, visit Michigan.gov/ORVTrails.


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WNW NEWS MAY 2019 25

Tow, Tow, Tow Your Boat...

Towing Woes - Avoiding the Worst

hen it comes to saving tips and tricks to employ all low both vehicle and trailer to move shop rather than spending the day on
spending hour year long. along with the least amount of re- the water. Not fun.
after countless sistance, thus will increase your tow Even trailer bearings that are
hours on the I’m Tired vehicle’s gas mileage to it greatest. surrounded by hubs that have zerk
road, there’s What are the most important Another thing most folks forget fittings for easy filling of grease
no doubt in my pieces of equipment on both to do is check their tires need to be taken apart and re-packed
mind that career fishing-tournament my Lund boat’s trailer and for damage. All it takes is with fresh lubricant at least once a
anglers lead the way of all those tow vehicle? Why tires, of one single rub against a year. Do it. Save yourself the head-
who avidly fish when it comes to course; after all, they are curb, a hard ramming into ache.
miles traveled with boat and trailer the only thing holding both a pothole or just “check- Trailer hubs like what is under
in tow. tow vehicle and trailer snug ing” (splits caused from sun my Lund Pro-V, which have oil res-
But just because you may only to the road, no matter the damage) and blowouts can ervoirs instead of being packed with
travel short distances to and from weather conditions. occur. And the worst thing grease, are no exception. They need
your favorite fishing waters doesn’t I’m sure you’ve heard about blowouts versus just to be gone over annually to make
mean you’re immune to the same it before, always finding a flat tire sure all is in working order. And be-
towing woes as those of us who
cross state lines often.
be positive the air
pressure in all your By Mark Martin in the driveway is
it increases your
cause I am not the most mechanical-
ly inclined person, I take my trailer
In fact, due to the nature of the tires, including the chances of having a to professional mechanics—in my
road network leading to where you spares, are at the manufacturer’s bad, even fatal accident tenfold. case Matteson Marine on Gun Lake
fish most frequently, you may be a suggested pressure for the load in Shelbyville, Michigan—to make
better candidate for travel problems before hitting the road. Slip Sliding Away sure all is right with them; thus I
than those who pack on the miles. By keeping my tires at the Proper greasing of wheel bear- don’t have to spend my time waiting
From ruts, potholes, extended rough perfect pressure, I am allowing their ings is another must. Water and dirt for help along the roadside.
“wash-board” surfaces to every ex- tread design to perform to their can creep their way into hubs, even
terior in between, each road condi- maximum ability; permitting them if “sealed,” and when this happens Cover Me...
tion can and will take its toll on to move water, dirt, snow and ice it’ll only be a matter of time before I’m Going Fishing
your boat, trailer, motor and tow out from under them and keeping you, too, are one of those poor souls Taking a vacation with boat in
vehicle. the most pure surface-to-surface that have pulled off to the side of the tow? Looking to increase your gas
However, there are several traction possible. And this is a good road and are waiting for a flatbed mileage all the while keeping the
things you can do to keep problems thing. truck to haul your boat—with bent interior of your boat in good shape?
from occurring, as well money- Proper tire inflation will also al- axle on its trailer—off to the repair Then by all means, cover it.

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26 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
My Lund came with a custom-fit from Ludington, Michigan, to Mani-
canvas cover, and I use it when pull- towoc, Wisconsin, not only saves
ing it, especially for long distances. me the time of driving around Lake
It’s a proven fact that a boat Michigan, but even when paying for
wrapped in a snug-fitting cover my vehicle, boat and trailer and two
creates less air resistance, thus your passengers, saves me a quite a bit of
tow vehicle will have better perfor- money in gas and tolls.
mance than when pulling one that And it’s a short, four-hour ride
is uncovered. And then, of course, while the captain of the ferry does
there is the rain, dirt and sun dam- all the work of getting me west of By taking care of your boat
age that can be thwarted off by the big lake; heck, the employees trailer you can focus on catching
enveloping your boat in canvas. of the S.S. Badger even load my more and bigger fish.
In short, using a cover will save Suburban and Lund onto the ves-
you big money and lots of hard sel for me. All I do is pull up to the anglers I have found is through you have everything in working
cleaning up later on. dock and let the crew do the rest. Worldwide Marine Underwriters order.
Changing Times It’s a change of pace for me, to say
the least.
Great boat-owners insurance
Make sure your tires are fully
inflated, have no damage and that
You don’t need to have me tell Over all, in today’s economy, is my piece of mind that, no mat- their hubs are properly lubed. Cover
you that gasoline prices have been taking ferries or other means of get- ter what unexpected accident, no your craft when towing it, fine alter-
on the rise. A lot... Too much, actu- ting passengers, vehicle and boat in matter how major or minor, all my native routes that may save you time
ally (but I digress). tow to and from one point to another equipment, big or small (as well any and money, as well make sure you
It is the above-mentioned that more than likely is less than the cost human involved) is covered finan- are properly insured.
has me looking for less expensive of gas and wear and tear on your cially. Your days on the water will be
ways of travel and to reduce my per- vehicle. Do the math; it’s well worth Trust me on this, although boat much more stressed free, I promise.
sonal time behind the wheel as well. the time and expense. coverage from home-owners or car-
For example, the latest way Mark Martin is a touring wall-
I have found to save on both is I Didn’t See That Coming insurance companies may look to be
enough, rarely is it ever. Make sure
eye pro, as well an instructor with
actually quite old school. (Well, a Last but definitely not last is you are covered by a policy written
the Fishing Vacations/School put
re-conditioned means of travel since being prepared for the unforeseen. on throughout the Midwest. Check
for anglers and all the unique gear
1992, anyways.) This means being properly insured out his website at markmartins.net
they use.
After doing the math, when trav- so as to cover my boat, motors and for more information on Mark, his
eling west from my home in Michi- all equipment in case of an accident Tow, Tow Tow Your Boat schools and links to any of the
gan’s southwest Lower Peninsula, I both on and off the water. Looking to go fishing stress free information mentioned in this
have found taking the S.S. Badger By far the best insurance for this coming season? Just make sure article.n

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WNW NEWS MAY 2019 27
ATTACK OF THE GIANT WATER BUG! I responded to the scene to
investigate, for that’s what a some-
times foolish nature-embracing
naturalist does, even when the mys-
tery beast is described as a deformed
cockroach. Before I arrived I told
him it sounds like a water bug.
“No way; this thing is a mon-
ster” was the response.
With gloves and my camera.
A three inch long giant water
bug sluggishly crawled in circles
at the bottom of the coffee can.
Giant water bugs are members of
the order Hemiptera, insects that
are true bugs. They are the largest
true bug in Michigan and for that
matter anywhere in North America.
They are actually rather common,

By Jonathan Schechter but rarely seen for our worlds don’t

blend sweetly together and they are

sometimes mistaken as very big
he ruthless attack prey. And then the real nightmare sometimes still squirming victim, Their extremely large forearms
comes swiftly, and begins, for this voracious predator the rostrum is used to suck up the that are powerful pinchers make
the mystery beast with a seemingly endless appetite is slurpee-like partially digested soupy some think of praying mantises on
is not reluctant to equipped with a rostrum, a beak-like mix of flesh. That’s not science fic- steroids. The giant water bug has
take on prey many projection that is used to pierce flesh tion; that is science and the ambush a rather flat unexciting appearing,
times its size. It’s a and then inject a potent enzyme that hunting behavior of Michigan’s Gi- oval-shaped body that is generally
fierce predator, with poisons and begins to digest the ant Water Bug. brown, and as mentioned earlier
victim while it’s still alive. it also carries potent weaponry. A
a pair of powerful
forelegs that are tipped with hook- Once the enzyme does its work I WAS ATTACKED close handheld look (something I
shaped claws to grasp and hold and liquefies the internal parts of the Well sort of. I lived. do not advise everyone to do) will
Here’s my story of evasion and reveal a short, pointed beak (the ros-
escape with hats off to one of the trum) on the underside of the head,
most amazing bugs on our planet, and folded wings that overlap at the
the giant water bug, a fine-tuned bottom end of the abdomen, forming
oddity of nature that gets a 10 on the an “X” like pattern.
1 through 10 scale of weirdness, and
the same score on its ability to not A WATER BUG WITH WINGS?
only survive, but thrive rather se- Yes you bet, for giant water bugs
cretly in a human-dominated world. also fly, usually at night, giving it
My close encounter occurred the one of its two common nicknames,
last week of March when a fire- “electric light bug.” Their ability to
fighter friend called me in the early fly is a huge asset when searching
morning about a “very weird” and for new habitat. For reasons best
“scary looking” bug that was found known to the bug, they are attracted
on the concrete pad of a fire station to outdoor lighting and sometimes
in northernmost Oakland County the are seen under porch lights or flit-
night before. ting about near security lights, such
“We have it confined in an as the one that illuminated the back
empty coffee tin and it’s absolutely side of the fire station just a few
H-U-G-E and it looks like a de- dozen feet from a small marsh, its
NO TIME formed cockroach.” most likely over-wintering habitat.
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28 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
“Toe-biter” is their other collo-
quial name since their prime habitat
is shallow weedy water where most
of its hunting occurs. It can inflict
a painful “bite” on a barefooted hu-
I wanted to photograph the
fire department’s captive up close
without becoming a patient. I had a
plan and it’s important to note that
the temperature outside was still
hovering in the low forties. Bugs
are sluggish at that temperature
range. And so first with gloves on I
gently picked it up and set it on my Our Great Lakes may be salt and shark free, but our marshes are home to the toe-biting ambush
cap which was at that time not on hunter known as the giant water bug. Author photos
my head. It crawled slowly about. ginning to bob up and down. I could water, as it usually is, it remains food for thought for those that wade
I assumed it was probably too cold not decide if it “liked” my finger a motionless in the shallows waiting barefoot on the wilder side of our
to fly off or stab its rostrum into my heck of lot; it was spring after all, to ambush a meal, with the snor- state, a state gifted with wetlands
flesh and so off came my gloves or if it was thinking, “Dinner time, I kel reaching the surface. Bubbles from the last glacial retreat. Perhaps
and with a bit of coaxing it slowly can take this clueless thing down!” of surface air are trapped under its a giant water bug is waiting for you
walked onto my hand. I’ve never been bitten by one but wings and from there they enter the in those murky waters right now - - -
I’m not sure why it seemed so I took its increased activity as a sign spiriacles, a wonder of nature that think of the music from Jaws.
comfortable exploring my hand, but it might be time for us to part as just makes the giant water bug a master
perhaps a human was something friends. Just as I prepared to shake it hunter with its own scuba gear. Jonathan Schechter writes a
beyond its ability to comprehend off my hand it took flight on its own weekly nature blog for Oakland
and my hand was warm. Perhaps and in seconds reached a nearby TOE-BITING County Government, is a member
the bug was thinking, “Oh man, this tree. With the grand encounter over I Our Great Lakes may be salt of the Wilderness Medical Society
feels good!” Or perhaps this ambush headed home for a bit of giant water and shark free, but our marshes are and is always exploring the wilds of
hunter’s secret plan was to take me bug research and discovered two home to the toe-biting ambush hunt- Michigan. Email: oaknature@aol.
by surprise and suddenly jab me other oddities about this creature, at er known as the giant water bug, comn
and try to dissolve my innards. That least oddities to the human mind.
thought crossed my mind for they
will take on and successfully subdue DADDY DAY CARE
creatures many times their size The female lays eggs on emer-
including snakes and frogs. Most gent vegetation just above the water
of their prey however are minnows, level and then leaves her future
tadpoles, salamanders and aquatic babies forever. Daddy bug sticks
insects. around and guards them until the
hatch and will keep the eggs moist
PICTURE TIME during hot, dry spells.
For the next ten minutes it was
a photo capturing bonanza as the SCUBA GEAR
water bug slowly warmed up and The giant water bug is an air-
explored the back side of my hand breathing insect but they do not
and then my fingers when I went have lungs like you and I. They
palm side up. All at once I noted it breathe through tiny pores known
was moving more quickly, becom- as spiracles spread over its body.
ing more alert and it then began to Snorkel like breathing tubes are also
firmly squeeze my finger between located at the hind end of the abdo-
its firm legs just as its head was be- men. When the water bug is under

WNW NEWS MAY 2019 29

Fishing There are a multitude of lakes in
southeast Michigan that

offer great fishing for bluegills
and crappies in May. Author photo

Strawberry Lake has a very limited littoral

zone and sharp drop-offs, which means spawning
panfish can be very concentrated where you find
shallow water. Look to the northeast shore of the
lake, which is shallow and receives an inordinate
amount of spring sunshine. There are also several
mid-lake humps that rise to within a couple feet
of the surface where spawning panfish congre-
gate. Near the lake outlet is also a hotspot.
Strawberry Lake is located in south-central
Livingston County fives miles east of Pinckney.
Stony Creek Impoundment
“May might be a little bit after the peak, but
it would still be a good time to target the big
crappies in Stony Creek,” said fisheries biologist
Jeff Braunscheidel. “It’s not a body of water that
you’d go to for numbers of crappies, but there

are some big ones in there.” The Michigan state
record white crappie, a 3.39-pound, 19-1/2-inch
slab, was caught from Stony Creek Impoundment
in 2000.

Braunscheidel said that 489-acre Stony Creek
is full of stumps, laydowns and brush– the type
of habitat that crappies love. The impoundment is
very shallow, warms quickly and weeds make it

difficult to fish later in the spring. Try off East-
wood Beach, near the dam and where the West
Branch of the Clinton River and McClure Drain
enter the reservoir. A minnow suspended under a
bobber is pretty hard to beat.

April showers may bring May the west and south sides of the lake. Crappies Catch and Release Bass
topping a foot are common and they average ten Three of Michigan’s most popular catch-and-
flowers, but it also brings great release lakes are located in Oakland County and
angling action in Michigan. May is prime time. You’ll want to visit Kent,
Big, orange-breasted ’gills can be found stag-
Spring is in full swing by the ing early in the month on the drop-offs found on Pontiac and Cass lakes early in the spring if
time May rolls around. The the east and north sides of the lake. The bluegills you’re a bass fishing fan. “We see a lot of inter-
are likely to be tightly schooled, so you might est in the catch-and-release season, especially
weather is more consistent, the
want to drift and try a variety of depths until you on Kent Lake,” claimed fisheries biologist Jeff
snow has finally melted, waters Braunscheidel. “In fact, some of the biggest fish
make contact. Once the spawn begins, bluegills
are warming and angling will converge on the shallows in the southeast of the season are caught then.”
opportunities abound... and southwest end of the lake. The shallow fish Kent Lake has 1,000-acres and routinely
produces four to six-pound largemouths and the

typically get hammered so don’t be afraid to try
ollowing are some can’t-miss angling op- water from 15 to 20 feet where some of the big- occasional seven-pounder. And while Pontiac and
portunities in Michigan that you’ll want to gest bluegills spawn. Fishing is simple. Usually a Cass lakes don’t produce bass as big as in Kent,
put on your May calendar. No. 10 gold Aberdeen hook, a split shot and half they have healthy populations for great early-sea-
a night crawler are all you need. son fun. If it’s variety you want, Cass Lake has
Southeast Michigan Panfish smallmouths; Pontiac has largemouths; and Kent
May is prime time for panfish. Blue- Union Lake’s 465-acres are located southwest
of Pontiac near the town of Union Lake. Lake has both.
gills and sunfish move shallow in May For more information on great May fishing
as near-shore waters warm in prepara- Anglers will find public access off of
Union Lake Rd. on the west side of the opportunities in southeast Michigan contact the
tion for spawning. Panfish also move Lake Erie Management Unit of the MDNRE at
shallow to feed. Minnows migrate to the (248) 359-9040.
tepid shallows, insects become active and Portage Panfish
the whole food chain explodes in May. “The Portage Lake chain has decent St. Joe Salmonids
Southeast Michigan is blessed with a panfish fishing throughout, but Straw- The tepid water of southern Lake Michigan
surfeit of great panfish lakes anglers will berry Lake is one that stands out when it attracts a hodgepodge of trout and salmon off
want to target in May. comes to big bluegills,” the port of St. Joe in May. Salmonids congregate
“One of our better
lakes that time of year is
By Mike Gnatkowski suggested Braunscheidel.
Strawberry Lake,
there to feed before migrating farther north as the
summer progresses. May produces hot big-lake
Union Lake in Oakland County,” claimed Lake 257-acres, is part of the Portage Lake chain that action for a variety of species off this port.
Erie Management Unit fisheries biologist Jeff traverses Washtenaw and Livingston counties. “The fishing has been pretty good out of St.
Braunscheidel. “Union Lake is known for it’s big The chain includes Zuckey, Gallagher, White- Joe the last couple of springs,” said Captain Russ
bluegills and one of the best times to target them wood, Base Line and Big Portage. Getting to Clark who runs his 36-foot Tiara Seahawk out
is in May when they move shallow.” Strawberry Lake is not easy. Access can be of the port of St. Joe. “We don’t get the packs of
Braunscheidel added that there are some very gained via a private marina on Zuckey Lake that alewives off the pier heads and river mouths like
nice crappies in Union Lake also. The crappies charges a fee or at a public site on Big Portage we used to, but there’s still some good fishing to
will have probably already spawned by May, but Lake that requires a boat ride of several miles, be had.” Clark said there’s still some shoreline
they can be found in deeper water off points on but panfish fanatics will tell you it’s worth it. fishing early in the month for browns and Cohos,
30 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
but by mid-May captains start heading northwest using a variety of methods. Many anglers verti-
out of the port. “We usually start shallow and cal jig by slipping-the-current using ¼ oz. lead
then just troll towards deeper water, as deep as head jigs tipped with plastic or a night crawler.
240 feet,” said Clark. An alternative is to cast deep-diving crankbaits,
Captain Russ said, “You need to cover all the which works very well on the river’s expansive
bases when fishing out of St. Joe in the spring.” flats. Anchoring or fishing from the bank with a
Clark said the fish can be almost anywhere in the slip sinker and a crawler injected with a little air
water column regardless of the water depth from can produce big catches too.
the surface to 80 feet or more. That means pulling Boaters can launch at Gordonville Rd. down- THE ORIGINAL
out all the stops. Clark uses surface lines, divers, stream from Midland, behind Gamm’s Hardware 4 SIZES, 30 COLORS
downriggers and lead-core line pulling spoons for in Freeland, at Imerman Park, Center St., and at 1 7/8” MIDGET
a smorgasbord of trout and salmon that includes Wick’s Park below the confluence of the Saginaw through
lake trout, steelheads, coho and Chinook salmon. and Tittabawassee rivers. 3 7/8” LARGE.
The salmonids are gorging on a smorgasbord of For information on amenities and lodging Classic finishes.
alewives, gobies and freshwater shrimp. contact the Freeland Chamber of Commerce at
To sample St. Joe’s hot spring fishing contact www.2chambers.com/freeland or by calling (989)
Captain Russ Clark at (269) 429-6110 or online 695-6620.
at www.fishseahawk.com.
Saginaw Bay Walleye
Black River Brook Trout Once walleyes finish spawning in the Sagi- Silver & Blue
By May, northern Michigan rivers are getting naw River system they fan out into the shallows Nu-wrinkle
lower, clearer and warming. It’s the perfect time of Saginaw Bay. Hungry after their spawning or- #18
to catch trout on the Lower Peninsula’s premier deal, the ’eyes go on a feeding binge that anglers
brook trout stream, the Black River. can take advantage of. Favorites for
Early in the month there still may be some Two techniques produce the bulk of the wall- trout and salmon.
lingering snow banks in the woods and the water eye in Saginaw Bay in May. Diehard night owls Time tested
will still be pretty cold. Bait fishing excels then. troll the shallow four to ten-foot depths at night and proven.
Fish slowly and deliberately, giving the trout pulling inline boards and big body baits, like No.
plenty of time to make up their mind. As you get 18 Husky Jerks and Bombers. The stick baits
farther into May, warming waters will spur hatch- imitate smelt and other baitfish that the walleyes
es, like the Hendrickson mayfly and Little Black are keying on.
Caddis, which will get trout looking up. There is Other anglers who keep normal hours catch
a steady procession of hatches to look forward to limits of walleyes trolling with crawlers harness- Genuine silver, copper
in May. Hardware fishermen can catch their share es in six to 12 feet of water along the reefs found
of brookies, up to 16 inches, by casting Panther in the bay. On the west side, try off the Saganing, and 24K gold finishes.
Martin and Double Loon spinners into the tail Pinconning and Rifle bars and off Bay City State
of runs, near logs and under the overhanging tag Park. On the east side target Thomas, Callahan Proudly North American
alders the exemplify the Black. and Duck reefs and the area known as “The Slot” Made.
The best brook trout fishing on the Black between Sebewaing and Bayport. Key is to troll
occurs upstream of Clark Road Bridge on both super slow and keep adding or subtracting weight
the East Branch and Main Stream. Both rivers until you hit on the right combination of depth
average 20 to 40 feet wide and overhanging brush and color. The ’eyes will run from two to eight
makes them a challenge to fish. Prime access pounds. PROVOCATIVE
points on the East Branch can be found at Shingle For fishing reports, bait and tackle contact 1 SIZE 10 COLORS
Mill Bridge and Barber Bridge. On the Main Frank’s Great Outdoors at (989) 697-5341 or 3” 1/6 oz
Stream, you can get on the water at Chandler online at www.franksgreatoutdoors.com. Bait fish profile.
Road, at Town Corner, Main River Bridge and at
Clark Rd. Marquette Smorgasbord Ultra thin spoon.

For more details contact Parrott’s Outpost at Spring comes slowly to da U.P. hey. But by
(800) 733-0412 or online at www.parrottsoutpost. May, the ice has receded enough that early birds
com. can get their boats in to sample the great spring Yellow &
fishing found along Lake Superior’s south shore. Orange #53
Tittabawassee River Walleye Several species of trout and salmon are drawn
Saginaw Bay’s walleye population is boom- to the shallows between Marquette and Munising
ing and natural reproduction in the Saginaw in May. Numerous streams and rivers enter the
River system is largely responsible. One of the big lake between the two towns and fishing pres-
most productive walleye spawning rivers in the sure is nil. The water coming in from the rivers
Saginaw system is the Tittabawassee River. When are much warmer than Lake Superior and attract
we enjoy a cool, dry spring, the Tittabawassee a plethora of game fish. The catch can include na-
River is loaded with walleyes when the season tive lake trout, planted Chinook salmon, naturally
opens on the last Saturday in April. Savvy anglers reproduced cohos, brown trout, steelheads, pink Stamped in
avoid the opening weekend hoopla and wait until salmon and even coaster brook trout. spring brass to
May to catch their share of ’eyes. The fishing is simple. Use small spoons and maintain its
Schools of spawning walleyes collect below body baits behind inline boards or off flat lines. shape
the dam in Midland in March, do their thing and No need for downriggers or divers. Simply work
then drop back down the river. The post-spawn up and down the shoreline zigzagging between NOTHING MATCHES
females leave fairly quickly, but the spunky six and 12 or 15 feet. Onshore winds help stack THE VISIBILITY
males hang around for awhile, especially if up the warmer water near shore. If variety is the The flash of genuine silver
heavy rains or snow melt don’t flush them out of spice of the angling life, this is a must-do destina- and 24k gold finishes
the river. Most the of the walleyes will average tion for May.
one-and-a-half to five-pounds, but larger fish are For information on lodging and accommoda-
possible. The area from Freeland all the way to tions contact the Marquette Chamber of Com-
the river mouth at the Saginaw confluence can be merce at www.2chambers.com/marquette or call
good. There are plenty of other species that will (906) 226-6591.
put a bend in your rod. My personal record for May offers plenty of opportunities for Michi- /williamslures
one day is 10 species. gan anglers. The hardest part might be deciding
Tittabawassee River walleyes can be caught which ones to take advantage of.n www.mooselook.ca
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 31
Canadian Lynx and Wolverine...

Unusual wildlife of Michigan’s Thumb

ecently in early March, the animal alive on Sunday morn-
I heard that a video had ing, March 17. The animal was then
been taken of a Canada placed in a wire dog crate and it was
Lynx near Lexington, later identified as being a genuine
and experts determined Canada Lynx.
the animal in the video On Monday, March 18, the lynx
was definitely a Canada was taken to a rehabilita-
Lynx. The last known sight- tion center near Howell.
ing of a Canada Lynx in On Wednesday, March 20,
Michigan’s Lower Penin- it was then transferred to
sula was near Oscoda in the Detroit Zoo where it
1917 and one (per photos) can be more effectively
in 2010 in the Upper Pen- cared for by professionals
insula. who know how to do so.
On March 16, a Sanilac In the meantime, the lynx
County farmer near Ruth will be studied to determine

By Tom Lounsbury
discovered an whether it had
animal killing been an escaped
his ducks and or released
geese and was sure it was a lynx, captive (you’d be surprised at what
which actually displayed an odd, can be purchased on the black
calm behavior at relatively close market), or a definite wild Canada
range and didn’t appear to be very Lynx which may have managed to
afraid of him as it walked away. The cross over from Canada on a frozen
farmer contacted a licensed nuisance Lake Huron. It is rumored that there
animal professional who trapped might be a second Canada Lynx at


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Single Axle, large in the Thumb, but that has yet and Wildlife Service in 2000, what
Tandem Axle, Tri-Axle, to be confirmed. happens to this lynx falls under fed-
Bass Boat and others Because the Canada Lynx was eral jurisdiction. The majority of the
designated as a threatened species in Canada Lynx population (98%) is
the lower 48 states by the U.S. Fish found in Canada and Alaska, and the

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32 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
rest (2%) are found only in a hand- what findings might come about on
full of northern states (as well as it the Thumb’s newest wild (maybe)
has been successfully reintroduced visitor. As of Friday, March 22,
to Colorado in recent years). the female Canada Lynx is doing
The Canada Lynx is a mid-sized quite fine at the Detroit Zoo and is
boreal forest carnivore and its key receiving excellent veterinary care.
prey animal is the snowshoe hare. She was slightly dehydrated when
During a decline in snowshoe hare she arrived and had a cut near a paw
numbers (typically every 10 years) which was stitched up, and is receiv-
Canada Lynx will hunt birds or ing fluids and antibiotics. Examina-
other small animals in order to sur- tion of her teeth estimate she is less
vive, and has been known to migrate than a year old, body weight is 18
somewhat in search of food during pounds, and she has a total length of
lean times. Its body size is 30 to 35 4 feet.
inches long and typically weighs A blood sample was also taken
about 15 to 30 pounds, which is and sent to the U.S. Forest Service
very similar to its close cousin, the to analyze the DNA evidence which
bobcat. However, it has noticeably will determine what region this lynx
longer legs than a bobcat, and has originally came from. This is defi- Jeff Ford spent many, many hours setting trail cameras and follow-
distinctly larger paws which allow nitely a major investigative step into ing the movements of the famed “Thumb Wolverine.”
it to more easily stay on top of deep a mystery which, like Michigan’s
snows when pursuing snowshoe only wolverine (also discovered in tate to eat carrion to survive. DNA body in the Minden City State
hares. The Canada Lynx also has a the Thumb), may never be solved. collected from hair samples would Game Area. This discovery truly
very noticeable “ruff” of hair around Because it was considered as determine that the Thumb’s wol- brought closure to what might have
its face and neck, and ear tassels being nonexistent in Michigan, the verine was a female with a genetic remained a mystery as to what actu-
which stick right up. wolverine had been removed from relationship to wolverines found in ally happened to Michigan’s only
I’ve seen bobcats in the wild the state’s endangered species list. the Canadian provinces of Ontario known wolverine. An autopsy would
(per Michigan) and I was blessed Then on the morning of February and Manitoba. It remains a determine that she was nine-years-
on two occasions while black bear 24, 2004, the dogs of houndsmen mystery to this day as to how old and had died from old age heart
hunting in northern Ontario, to see seeking fox and coyotes struck a she ever ended up in the Thumb failure (degenerative cardiomyopa-
a Canada Lynx on two separate trail just south of Bad Axe, of a of Michigan. thy). Her full-sized mount can still
occasions. In my opinion, there is very unusual animal, and the chase, On March 13, 2010, a pair of be seen on display at the Bay City
no mistaking the true identity of a which would last for six hours, was hikers discovered the wolverine’s State Park.n
Canada Lynx from a bobcat (to my on. The strange animal would lead
eye after having seen both firsthand, the hounds in circles for over six
there is a distinct physical differ- miles before it finally climbed a tree
ence). near Ubly.
Actually seeing a bobcat in the Arnie Karr, MDNR Wildlife
Thumb, although rare, isn’t unheard Biologist for the Thumb at that
of. I saw my first bobcat when I time, received a phone call around
was a kid while wade-fishing on 2 p.m. stating that a wolverine had
the Cass River near Cass City. I just been treed. He headed right out
was sitting on a rock in the middle to investigate, but was pretty sure
of the river to change lures when a in his mind that the mystery ani-
bobcat suddenly materialized out of mal was anything but a wolverine.
the willows on shore to get a drink. Once near the site, Karr managed to
While it was lapping away we made hitch a ride on the back of a snow-
eye contact and it disappeared like mobile to reach the treed animal,
a wisp of smoke. I kept this en- and his timing couldn’t have been
counter to myself because I knew
nobody would believe a “tall tale”
more perfect, because the animal
decided to climb out of the tree and • Servicing most all ATV, UTV, Snow and MX.
from a kid, so why bother. Then a resume running as the snowmo-
few years later, my late father was bile approached. This allowed the • Polaris Digital wrench and & Ski Doo
the Tuscola County Drain Com-
missioner and was on hand when
snowmobile to draw up alongside of
the animal and Karr would be able Can Am B.U.D.S. diagnostics.
a dragline cleaning a ditch not far to take the pictures which would
from Caro, flushed out a bobcat. officially document the first ever • Ski Doo / Can Am & Polaris certified.
I’m also aware of a bobcat being wolverine in Michigan.
illegally killed near Caseville about The following morning (Febru- • Full engine rebuilds, chassis, lifts, portals,
20 years ago (it is illegal to kill a big ary 25, 2004) the wolverine was
wild cat in our zone which includes put back on Michigan’s endangered full service and insurance work.
bobcat, lynx and cougar), as well species list, and the discovery would
as about a dozen years ago when a immediately get national media • MX, off-road complete engine
MDNR Conservation Officer was coverage. The wolverine would end
dispatched to help a trapper release up spending the remainder of its rebuilds and service.
a bobcat from a leg-hold trap at Fish days in the Minden City State Game
Point near Unionville, which had
to be an interesting and challenging
Area in Sanilac County (actually an
ideal location for it), where it kept www.MCBPERFORMANCE.com
experience. to itself and never bothered anyone.
The recent discovery of a Can-
ada Lynx in the Thumb however, is
No doubt it was able to obtain the
necessary protein, especially from
MCB Performance
absolutely mind boggling to me. But road-killed deer (which isn’t all 14500 Foley Road • Capac, MI 48014
then, so was the wolverine!
I am eagerly looking forward to
that uncommon in the Thumb these
days), and wolverines don’t hesi- 810-395-7162
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 33
Find the flow, find the walleyes
Next Bite - Post-Spawn Flats Walleye...By Gary Parsons/Keith Kavajecz

he idea that post- gathered in spring looking for walleyes with Lowrance Structure tom. Do not worry if the flat varies
spawn fish scatter is sun-warmed water due to the sand Scan in this shallow water is just a few feet in depth across its length;
only partly true. A and mud. This can be as simple as not as efficient as throwing out a a crankbait in the lower half of the
better description is a six-foot river channel surrounded couple of lines and driving around water column will drive strikes
that they travel. At by a three to four-foot deep flat. for half an hour. We start these from these active fish.
some point in April, The larger the flat the better, and situations with a 5 cm Berkley We always expect scattered fish
nearly all of the fish were in rivers anything deeper than 10 feet is Flicker Shad Shallow 10 to 15 feet but unknown structure like a few
and sure enough, in another month probably not worth checking. behind an Offshore Tackle OR-12 rocks, a small depression or hump,
most of the fish will be on deeper Shallow deltas of rivers like Planer Board near shore or parallel can hold a surprisingly large group
reefs or well-defined weed lines. Brimley Bay near Sault St. Marie is to any reeds, bulrush, or simply as of walleyes. For this, we waypoint
Knowing key spots in between (and a shallow area with at least a small shallow as you dare. For the rest of bites while trolling and keep jig-
why the fish are there) can turn a amount of current. Further south, the boards, run a combination of ging rods ready. When two or three
mediocre day into a hot bite. some reservoirs only have creek Flicker Shads and Flicker Minnows boards go back at once in an area,
To understand the situation, inlets and others only have inter- on as many legal lines as possible you will be convinced to switch
think like a fish. Food levels in mittent flow that reduce the overall to start combing the area at a rela- too.
the river are not high enough, and pattern. With the right flow, the tively slow speed of 1.1 to 1.5 mph. To respond, we keep three or
larger fish must compete with the warm flats fill up with multiple spe- Standard trolling gear includ- four Cabela’s Prodigy 7’6” me-
lingering smaller males for every cies including crappies, white bass, ing 9-foot telescopic rods with dium-light, extra fast action rods
morsel. So, after spawn larger fish and catfish but the walleyes will line counter reels deftly handles a rigged with different-sized Bass
ride the river currents back to the be mixed in. As proof, the 2015 spread of planer boards. Fill each Pro XPS jigs on the front deck with
lake and they dive right in to the National Team Championship at reel with exactly the same amount 2.5-inch Berkley Gulp! Minnows
first food option they find. Milford, Kansas was won trolling of 10-lb Berkley XT monofilament in many situations but Powerbait
In most cases, food is wait- crankbaits on an inlet flat in May so that dive curves from the Berk- Jerk Shads and Powerbait Ripple
ing at the river mouth. All rivers that many other anglers labeled, ley Flicker Shad package or the Shads provide other options. The
cut through some sort of delta or “catfish water.” Precision Trolling Data phone app longer rod paired with 10-lb Berk-
shallow flat where baitfish have While possible, picking out accurately place the lure near bot- ley Nanofil or Berkley 8-Carrier

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34 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
braid makes long casts easy. Work
the shallow area quickly until you
contact fish. Later, a review with
sonar will indicate if the fish were
holding on something specific.
If we find some fish during
the day, we might come back at
night. Baitfish scatter in the sun,
but huddle together for safety in
low light. Obviously, this makes
it easier for big walleyes to feed.
Mark a safe trolling path during the
day and stay for a few extra hours
to see if trophy fish start feeding.
Flats fish are generally active so
one pass often clues you in on fish
densities. If not, another pass cov-
ering the four to six-foot depth will
be enough to know if the fish are
there. This pattern generally lasts
about two or three weeks depend-
ing on the stability of the water
temperatures. If the area warms
fast, the bait will eventually leave
for safer water with more depth. If
the winter holds a few more weeks,
the bait will stick around.
When the bait leaves, the wind
drives the next hot spot. Bait will The tough part is the water spring winds change so the whole water temperature holds the fish
end up at depths from six to 20 feet temperatures are optimum for both system moves. This is what makes hostage. As temperatures rise, it
in areas affected by the prevailing the bait and the walleyes so mul- the shallow flats pattern golden. is much tougher to find the ‘Next
wind. tiple patterns set up at once and the When it is on, the limited band of Bite.’n


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WNW NEWS MAY 2019 35
5 Tips for public land toms

consider each gobbler five tips that will help you fill your Land, State Parks and Recreation United States) Michigan the spring

that I have been fortunate tag on public land. Areas, National Park Service, and turkey season begins around mid-
enough to drape over my Research: Before walk- the US Forest Service. Another April and runs through the end of
shoulder and carry out of ing into an area blind I pull area that is oftentimes overlooked is May. Within this timeframe most
the turkey woods a trophy. up the DNR public land map. timber company lands. land that is open to hunting will see
But there is something This map highlights the areas that If you’re not tech savvy like a heavy influx of hunters. Serious
special about taking a bird are open to hunting in each county myself and prefer a printed map hunters should scout away from
on public ground. Combine throughout the entire state. showing these areas, you can either easily accessible areas where birds
the ingredients of hunting After clicking on the partic- pick up a map of these lands from a haven’t been pressured. This may
pressure and add them to ular county that you would government agency or give them a require hiking in longer distances or
the usual characteristics like to scout a detailed map call and request to have one mailed using some type of watercraft such
of a gobbler and you have appears allowing you to to you. Sometimes I highlight the as a boat, kayak or canoe to reach
yourself a challenging hunt. zoom in. A map key con- areas where I have been successful these non-pressured areas.
These types of birds are taining multiple colors will or seen turkey activity. This will During the early morning hours
smarter and more cau- indicate areas that are open save you time, especially when run- use a locator call such as a owl

tious than your typical to hunting. It also shows ning and gunning. hooter, crow or coyote call from a
birds found on private dirt. the different types of roads Boots on the Ground: higher elevation to elicit a shock
Filling your tag
requires patience, By Darin Potter that will allow you
to navigate around
During the fall and winter
months turkeys can be found
gobble from toms. This will al-
low you to identify roosting areas
perseverance, and public land. These in large flocks. This is a great time and mark them on a map or a GPS.
the ability to adapt to a variety of typically will consist of the follow- to keep track of the turkey popula- There are several different chunks
situations. ing governmental agencies-State tions taking up residency in seasonal of public land that I drive through
With that said, the following are Wildlife /Game Areas, State Forest areas where food and cover is avail- to get to work every day which al-

Green’s Deer Ranch

able. However, once spring ap- lows me to utilize my time wisely
proaches flocks will begin to break to find roosting sites. Oftentimes,
up and change their daily routines. these outings require several differ-
Although I scout for turkeys year ent stopping points before I hear any

Whitetail Deer Hunts

round I don’t get real serious until gobbles so it is important to cover as
about six weeks before the season many areas as possible.
begins. This narrow window helps Once you have established
to find birds that are more consistent where a good location would be to
BOOK N in their daily routine. For the last hunt turkeys put on a good pair of
FOR 20OW two years I have been hunting the hiking boots and begin scouting on
SEASO 19 late season, which typically runs foot. When I enter these areas the
N early May to May 31. Not only does types of things that I begin looking
this allow me to spend more time for is turkey sign. This consists of
3376 Mertz Road in the turkey woods, it gives me the tracks, droppings, drag marks, feath-
Caro, MI 48723 opportunity to see where other hunt-
ers are spending time.
ers, dusting bowls, and scratching.
The direction of tracks and scratch
989.673.2648 Patterning the birds that are in a marks will tell you which direction
989.553.6659 particular area is just as important as birds are traveling and their fresh-
patterning other hunters there also. ness and quantity could indicate that
In (most areas throughout the they travel these areas often.

36 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS

Reaching remote areas beyond
natural barriers such as rivers,
lakes, streams, steep topography,
or thick and gnarly cover can put
you closer to non-pressured birds.

Adapt to the Unknown: me, but when it does I take full
There are three differ- advantage of the opportunity. The
ent ways for me to drive into ability to adapt during these types of
work, but on this particular spring situations is the key, especially on
morning I decided to drive the public land.
route where I had the best chance Due to these large tracts within a
of seeing a fanned out gobbler. I forty-five minute drive from where
had seen numerous birds along this I live the best method is to drive
travel route during the previous year my truck along two tracks and old
while driving to and from work so I logging roads within these areas in
figured this would be my best shot order to cover as much territory as
at catching a glimpse of one during possible. This is commonly referred
the early morning hours. After all, it to as running and gunning. Being on
was opening week of my hunt and the move and making smart deci-
the first few days had been slow. sions on where to setup on a tom
I was hungry to get back in the that you discover can make you a

turkey woods again. The winding successful hunter.
and hilly road cut straight through The Road Less Traveled:

the heart of thousands of acres of From my observations
public land in Northern Michigan each spring, the majority of Small Tracts of Land: A brief scouting mission revealed
and was located only 15 minutes turkey hunters who hunt on public The majority of hunters numerous tom and hen tracks
from my house. This road allowed land set up within a few hundred head straight to public land, with wing drag marks along an
me to keep tabs on turkey activity yards away from their truck. They which contains hundreds if not old two-track. Within twenty-
prior to the spring turkey season and find the most convenient logging thousands of acres to hunt turkeys. yards of this travel corridor I
locate the best areas to hunt once the road or trail to hunt next to and This leaves many of the turkeys placed several sticks in the ground,
spring turkey season arrived. severely limit themselves by hunting on the smaller tracts of public land which were used to drape a 3-D
After cresting the top of a hill birds that have been pressured by free from any disturbances because cloth over to help conceal me.
the road leveled off. In my usual other hunters. In order to be con- most hunters overlook these types of A few days later I returned to
rubber-necked state this time of sistently successful on public land areas. this location on a morning hunt
year, I glanced to my left in an open- hunters need to take a GPS or com- Last spring I was able to connect and successfully called in a tom,
ing next to a stand of mature white pass and venture away from these on a longbeard within about a sixty- which made the Commemorative
pines and there they were– two gob- types of areas. Although this type of acre chunk of public land in north- Bucks of Michigan Records
blers with a small harem of hens– hunting requires more effort, your ern Michigan during the late season. Book.n
their iridescent colors shimmering chances of success will increase
in the morning sun. Throughout the the further away from easily
day while at work I daydreamed of accessible areas you are willing to
these birds and decided that once travel.
work got out I would take a walk Reaching remote areas beyond
through the area, which happened natural barriers such as rivers,
to be state land. With a GPS in hand lakes, streams, steep topography, or
I walked down an old logging road thick and gnarly cover can put you
and was pleasantly greeted by sev- closer to non-pressured birds. When
eral tom and hen tracks in a patch encountering bodies of water use a
of sand about a half-mile off the canoe, kayak or in some cases a pair
main road. The tracks confirmed my of chest waders to put some distance
decision to return to this location the between yourself and other hunters.
following morning before work. Push yourself to hunt in areas that THE FRIENDS OF NRA PROGRAM HAS BEEN OPERATING
Locating birds such as this by you normally wouldn’t consider NATIONWIDE SINCE 1992. DURING THE PAST 27 YEARS, OVER
happenstance seldom happens to hunting. $3,875,632 HAS BEEN SPENT IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN! AS


3/21/2019 HOWELL 5/11/2019 MUSKEGON
3/30/2019 UNIONVILLE 5/11/2019 SAGINAW
4/5/2019 PORT HURON 5/17/2019 HILLSDALE
4/6/2019 LUDINGTON 5/18/2019 LAWRENCE
4/12/2019 HOUGHTON 6/7/2019 ALPENA
4/13/2019 SALINE 9/5/2019 COMMERCE TWP
4/16/2019 SHELBY TOWNSHIP 9/11/2019 BAD AXE
4/19/2019 ITHACA 9/19/2019 GRAND BLANC
4/25/2019 IRONWOOD 9/21/2019 LANSING
5/3/2019 WESTLAND 10/3/2019 SAULT STE. MARIE
5/3/2019 GRAND RAPIDS 10/5/2019 MONROE
5/10/2019 CHEBOYGAN
Please consider attending an event in your area, or joining a local
FNRA committee to help support this great fundraising program!
Visit www.friendsofnra.org/mi For more information.
To find a committee near you; to help start a committee; or to request a grant application
Being on the move and making smar t decisions on where to setup and put this money to good work contact your Michigan NRA Field Representative.
on a tom that you discover can make you a successful hunter.
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 37
A pheasant for Sarabeth and Cooper and…
here is something that began shortly after World War II
spiritual about bagging was over and lasted until Michigan’s
your first ring-necked wild bird population spiraled down-
pheasant. Maybe it’s ward. You never forget your birth-
that priestly collar of day; better remember your anniver-
white or the stained- sary, too. But you are lucky, indeed,
glass panoply of color. I’ve seen if you can recall that initial pheasant
young hunters count the bars on hunt. Even now I can’t erase from
a long-tailed bird and prick those mind those pretty feathers, looking
thorn-like spurs. When admiring a like a spreading oil slick when the
prime rooster, it’s easy to get lost in sun catches them just so.
reverie, hypnotically so if On a Saturday in mid-
it’s your very first bird. March, I got to relive,
My own initiation oc- vicariously, of course, the
curred more than 60 years first-ever for several young
ago when I administered pheasant hunters at Pine
the fatal charge from a Red Hill Sportsman’s Club near
Ryder BB gun while Dad Belding. The event was the
held the rooster he had shot Third Annual Youth Hunt
during an opening-day hunt arranged by the Michigan
in Saginaw Chapter of Left: Sarabeth Beeke and her father Sean with Sarabeth’s first pheasant.
County. The
year was 1955, Michigan Meanders Safari Club
International in
Right: Cooper Faust and his dad Warren with Cooper’s first pheasant.
each hunting party. Adults got to get my first one, too.”
the date was
Thursday, Oc-
By Tom Huggler Hudsonville.
In all, 31 kids
tag along but were not allowed to
carry firearms. Judge assigned my
Months earlier Daniel and I had
hunted wild pheasants without suc-
tober 20, and signed up for 13-year-old son, Daniel, to Flight cess. Although liberated birds were
Dad had allowed me to skip school the complimentary hunt, sponsored 3 with a tentative hunt time of one on the menu today, success was not
and join uncles, cousins and an by Pine Hill, Rohde Construction o’clock. assured. Due to the onset of mating
older brother for a family tradition and others including volunteer lunch We arrived at 11:00 just as season, most roosters in particular
cooks, guides, dog handlers and SCI youngsters from Flight 1 were do not readily hold for pointing dogs
Come stay at organizer Bryan Judge. returning to the clubhouse for lunch. and can be tough to find and harder
Judge grouped the kids into four A happy Brendan MacLeod, age 16, to kill if they run before flushing.
Whispering Cedars Lodge flights, spaced about an hour apart,
with each flight further divided into
from Grand Haven was all smiles as
he reported pouching one pheasant
After Flight 3’s orientation and
mandatory safety seminar by Scott
Your home away from home! groups of three youth hunters each. and missing another. I knew what Brosier, owner of Pine Hill, the kids
A guide/dog handler accompanied Daniel was thinking: “Maybe I’ll were more than ready to go afield.
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from Alpena. Beautifully decorated, it’s
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38 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
First, though, came a few practice Lapeer, Macomb, Montcalm, Sagi-
rounds on clay targets. Using my naw, St. Joseph, Shiawassee, South
28 gauge over/under, Daniel busted Central, Thumb and Washtenaw.
six of nine targets. I was hopeful he More good news: The Michigan
could turn pitch and clay into feath- preserve hunting season is August
ers. 15 through April 30. No license is
Guide Brian Bachman and required.n
his six-year-old German shorthair
Quinn led our group into the mixed
habitat of native grass and food
plots of grain sorghum, still in sur- The author’s son, Daniel,
prisingly good condition after being held his fire on this rooster
hunted for months. Sarabeth Beeke, due to safety concerns.
12, from Dowling and Cooper
Foust, 11, from Hudsonville were
Daniel’s hunting partners. Bachman
spread them out while the shorthair
searched the cover for birds. Mean-
while three fathers, cameras ready,
walked behind.
Suddenly, Quinn struck a point
near Daniel. The guide flushed the
pheasant, a mature rooster, and
Daniel followed but didn’t shoot.
“I forgot to take the safety off,” he
“That’s okay,” Bachman said.
“You were being careful. There will
be another chance.”
And there was. Quinn was cast-
ing back and forth while staying
close to the gunners when suddenly
he locked up, stub tail trembling.
Seconds later another ringneck
exploded, this time in front of
Sarabeth, who made a perfect shot,
allowing Quinn a short retrieve.
I couldn’t tell who was happier
or prouder—Sarabeth or her father
Sean. Although Dad and daughter
had hunted ducks together, this was

Find your escape.

a grinning Sarabeth’s first pheas-
ant. Now, she was hooked. No one
would have bet it would be her last.
Cooper was next to score on a
plump hen while the others held
their fire. He, too, was ecstatic,
especially when Warren, Cooper’s No matter where your passion for the outdoors takes you,
dad, said he would consider getting GreenStone can help you get there. We’re experts in
it mounted.
financing homes off the beaten path and properties
This was hunting, of course, not
necessarily killing. Daniel had two of any size.
other chances, missing both a hen Contact your local branch office to learn more,
and a ringneck. By the time he fired,
though, the birds were out of range. or visit us online to apply today.
Suddenly with Flight 4 coming
afield, we were out of time. 800-444-3276
My disappointment, howev-
er, turned to pride when Daniel said,
“I knew I took too long, Dad. But I
wanted to be safe.”
There will be another day and
another place. As I write this, the
Shiawassee County Chapter of
Pheasants Forever is hosting a Youth
Hunt in two weeks. I hope they have
an opening for Daniel.
If not, at least 15 of the 34 Mich-
igan PF chapters host youth hunts.
Know a kid who wants to go? For www.greenstonefcs.com
contact information see www.Michi-
ganPheasantsForever.org. Alphabeti-
cally, participating chapters include
Allegan, Bay/Midland, Clinton,
Grand Valley, Gladwin, Ingham,
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 39
I’ve changed
hunting tactics
The Saddle Swingers Club…
Guest Column By David Ferianc

y approach to Having bought and read that
deer hunting has book in three days, a reoccurring
always been a bit theme in the book when hunting
different from the pressured areas was to do things
‘norm.’ While most other hunters aren’t willing or
my friends were are simply too lazy to do, which was The author took this trophy 11-pt. buck on a DIY hunt out-of-state.
spending energy, sweat, and time right up my alley. Oh, yeah, and this
toting, hoisting and hanging stands, guy used ScentLok and hunted from For my DIY freelance hunts, getting bigger because I was becom-
I was still-hunting in the swamps, a saddle and had a complete chapter there was the fact that the size, ing much more dangerous. Seven
thickets and fields and although they devoted to each. shape, and straightness of trees just mature does for the freezer have
razzed my methods, none of us were I had been using ScentLok, but didn’t matter anymore, I could hunt also fallen in those eight seasons.
killing much. found out after reading the scent exactly where I needed to. Why These stats aren’t to brag, but to
My ego and positive thinking control chapter that I was improp- didn’t I take it more seriously when prove a point about the versatility
thoughts were, if Fred Bear could erly caring for it, using it and not I first read about it in 2006? I was and effectiveness of saddle hunt-
stalk and kill deer from the ground, using everything else needed in con- completely sold after taking a doe ing. It simply makes you the most
so could I. In 1993 while wearing junction with my suit for a complete my first saddle hunt from a skinny dangerous hunter you can be when
military tiger stripe camo and toting scent free regimen. After learning split-trunk walnut that was crooked hunting from trees. If further proof
a Martin Warthog bow, I stalked what all I needed and how to prop- and leaning too much for any hang- was needed, I think the most recent
through some pines to within 10 erly care for and store my ScentLok on or climber. I’m exclusively of my kills is a perfect example and
yards of a mature doe and sent an garments, it made an immediate im- hunting public and free permission sums up the entirety of everything
arrow through the vitals. While I pact on my success on taking mature properties and since properly us- I’ve covered about converting to a
began deer hunting in 1989, this Michigan bucks. ing ScentLok and hunting from a saddle.
was my first deer and I have been I began assessing hunting areas saddle, I’ve killed all of my biggest For the third time I drew a
hooked on bowhunting since. differently and keyed on accessing bucks, with my most recent being a coveted Iowa tag and had no private
While I never lost the adrenaline hunting areas other hunters sim- 171 inch 11-point on a DIY public permission. I decided a DYI pub-
rush of that first harvest, the fact that ply overlooked, wouldn’t access land hunt and there’s absolutely no lic hunt would have to do and felt
I was getting busted on a regular because it involved crossing rivers way that buck gets killed had I not confident I could pull a decent buck
basis made me rethink my stalking or lakes, or were difficult to access been using a saddle. from one of the places I scouted
methods. Even though I hated how because the swamps, cattails, briars, Whether you believe me or not, back in 2011. I’d never actually
cumbersome, clunky and uncom- brush or whatever were too dense to I’m living, breathing proof with hunted there, and hadn’t been back
fortable hang-on and climber stands lug those noisy, heavy and cumber- before and after stories and photos since 2011, but aerial and topo maps
were, the benefits of hunting from some stands through and the book that hunting from a saddle creates jogged my memory of a steep sided,
above were obvious and I began mentioned those were the exact more kill opportunities. Since using twisting creek bed. It ran north to
using them. areas where mature bucks were a saddle I’ve been able to take bucks south through the entire public piece
Between 1993 and 2005 I pushed into during Michigan’s deer from trees that were previously too and that meant one thing; there had
took six 1 1/2-year-olds and two 2 season. small in diameter, too crooked and to be one or more preferred crossing
1/2-year-old bucks and several does. From that moment on I began sometimes even too big in diameter points for deer traveling east to west
Being a Michigan resident I was only targeting 2 1/2-year-old and (as in the case of a giant ancient burr or vice versa.
a realist so those monster bucks I older bucks in Michigan and quit oak in the middle of a corn field) From experience, I knew the
saw on TV and in magazines were considering even reaching for my to accept conventional hang-ons or steep banks along the creek would
basically fantasy to me as those age bow when a young buck came into climbers. somewhere drop down, creating an
class and antler sized bucks just view. That was a strange new feel- As the mature bucks began tal- easier area for deer to cross, sort of
didn’t exist where I hunted and I ing, but I felt empowered as a hunter lying up, I became a proud, card like a pinch point or path of least
missed the creative methods that when they casually passed by. carrying member of a club I created resistance. I showed up in the park-
secured my first few deer. I referred to the book during and termed as the “Swinger’s Club,” ing lot and was surprised there were
In early 2006 I stumbled across each season and the saddle chapter for saddle hunters that “hypotheti- no other vehicles. It was obvious I
an out of place book resting on a kept arousing my curiosity to the cally” swing in trees. wasn’t in Michigan anymore.
pile of marked-down hunting gear. point that I searched for what John In 2011 I took a good Michigan There I began my regimented
It was ‘Bowhunting Pressured referred to as a “seatbelts gone buck and another from out of state. DIY hunt procedure of dressing for
Whitetails’ and it was exactly what wrong” saddle and in 2010 I bought During a midday November hunt the weather and wearing a ScentLok
I didn’t know I was looking for. I a used one and quickly realized this in 2012, I took a 3 1/2-year-old suit as my exterior layer so as not to
couldn’t believe it when I read the was 100 percent for me. Michigan buck. In 2013 I killed two leave human odor on any vegetation
back cover and the author, John Its mobility, 2 1/2 pound weight, 3 1/2-year-old Michigan bucks and I may brush against. I checked my
Eberhart, was from Michigan! 360 degree directional shooting abil- three does. In 2014, I took two good map and GPS and packed only the
Also on the back cover was a ity, lack of noise, security and the bucks, one in Michigan and one out necessities for this hunt. Making as
picture of John kneeling in front comfort of being in a half sit/half of state. I believe you get the point, minimal noise as possible, I began
of a barn wall covered with mature stand position was it, I was all in. in the eight seasons since using a my blind hike into the timber walk-
bucks he’d killed on public and The saddle was a one time “stand” saddle I’ve arrowed and recovered ing slowly so as not to work up a
free permission lands in Michigan. I could roll up, store in my pack or 12 mature bucks ranging from 2 sweat. I traversed the south edge of
Those same positive thoughts once wear, and use in every tree I prepare 1/2 to 6 1/2 years of age and five the property heading west until I hit
again passed through my mind for the rest of my life. That alone of those bucks were personal bests the creek and followed it up the hill
again, if he can do it, so can I. was a monetary game changer! when I shot them. They just kept heading north. The twisting creek

40 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS

had wood debris and deadfalls all
along it and there were an occasion-
al set of tracks and a few rubs along
it but not enough at any point to
make me believe I’d found the spot.
Then, hitting me like a ham-
mer to the side of the head, just up
ahead I could see where the steep
creek banks dipped down creating
a narrow flat on both sides of the
creek. From a distance it looked
to be the perfect crossing point I’d
been searching for and once there
I wasn’t disappointed as the sign
was there to back it up. There were
tracks on top of tracks heading east Since changing his hunting tactics the
and west and rubs and active scrapes author’s success of har vesting older
on the small stretch of flat ground. class bucks has increased greatly.
This was “The Spot.”
I looked for a tree that could hunts. he was that much closer to reaching would be...deadly!
cover a shot to the closest scrape For the next 45 minutes I the outer limits of my effective bow With 45 minutes of daylight
and to the heavy creek crossing. A periodically heard leaves crunch- range. left, I quietly released my saddle,
twisted, leaning maple with a dead ing and twigs snapping beyond my Paying attention to where the descended the tree and backed out
tree leaning against it stood out sight over one of the ravine hillsides four-point had walked earlier was smoothly. While I hated the thought
plain and clear. I pulled my saddle to my left. At first I dismissed it going to pay off as I looked ahead of coyotes, the rain predicted in the
from my backpack put it on and as squirrels but some of the twigs and remembered a small opening early morning, and this being public
used it as my safety climbing belt sounded too large to be snapped by in the brush at about 45 yards. I land, I knew my best chance for re-
for attaching my Cranford strap- squirrels, hopefully time would tell. watched glimpses of his legs and covery was to leave him overnight.
on steps. I set up my ring of steps If it were a buck, due to the ther- colossal beams filtering through the It would be a long sleepless night.
where the dead tree intersected the mals and swirling winds created by brush, getting slightly farther away Back at camp my buddy Eric
leaning maple. I would be well con- the undulating terrain features, he with each step until finally he ap- waited anxiously to hear the details
cealed by the crisscrossed trunks at should be able to wind the ruckus proached that opening. and helped me pass the time with
roughly 20 feet up. that happened below if he had a I drew my bow as his eyes were conversation and dice games. Eric
In Michigan I rarely hunt below reason to do so. So, I tried to exactly shielded by a tree trunk and stopped sacrificed his morning hunt to help
25 feet because mature deer actu- recreate it audibly to arouse his curi- him with a vocal “myaat” noise. As me and we set out before first light
ally look for hunters in trees and osity and entice him over the hill. I carefully picked my spot I heard using our flashlights. I climbed
are simply much more educated and I performed two short grunts, rustling on the opposite ridge to my into my tree and told Eric where I
wary of elevated danger. However, followed by one long whiny doe right and to my surprise there ap- last saw the buck standing and sure
in Iowa, regardless of cover (even bleat and before the bleat com- peared another shooter buck! I knew enough he found blood. I joined him
on public ground), I knew I’d be pletely trailed off, the crest of the I better focus and send my arrow and we began to slowly follow the
okay at this height. hill exploded with a crash of sticks before something stupid happened sparse blood trail. After crossing
I attached my lead strap, pulled and a flash of antlers as a monster and as I squeezed the trigger on my several small ravines, on a heavily
up my bow, and was hunting. The came thundering downhill towards release, Murphy’s Law slapped me brushed mound topped with a fallen
forest understudy was thick and my set up! right in the mouth! Either to attack tree, there he lay. A monster by any
infested with thorny briars, just the The steepness of the hillside the other buck, or gain momentum standards but amplified by the fact
type of stuff big bucks like to hang gave me a bird’s eye view of his for the steep hillside, he lunged that he was taken on public ground
out in and transition through. thick rack and I knew immediately it forward and I watched in horror as on the first hunt of my ‘do it your-
For the record, my decision to was at least 20 inches wide and was my arrow arced towards the moving self adventure.’ A day in the life of
approach from the south had noth- a shooter regardless of how many target hitting him much farther back a bowhunter doesn’t get any better
ing to do with wind direction, nor points he had. He hit the flat patch than where I aimed. than this.
did my final choice of tree or its at the bank of the creek and came to The huge bodied buck spun There is a new company named
directional relationship to any of the an abrupt halt, head-on at 30 yards, and bounded back to where he first Tethrd Nation that offers a Man-
nearby signposts. I never consider staring in my direction, looking for appeared, giving me a glimmer of tis saddle and the saddle alone
wind direction for a hunting location what his ears told him should be hope with a glimpse of blood drip- weighs in at about 16 ounces and
or my approach to it. No, that’s not a there. I noticed a breeze blowing ping from the opposite ham. He was is the most lightweight, mobile and
typo, you read it correctly. I believe, and swirling in almost every direc- laboring to ascend the hillside and comfortable saddle ever introduced.
no, I know human odor is control- tion, including from me to him, and then stood motionless at the top, Tethrd also offers many accessories
lable and the wind is not… but that he never once got spooky or con- staring back towards the other buck to go along with the Mantis saddle
topic is for another time. cerned. as if offended by the interaction. and at this time you can only pur-
Within 20 minutes I saw move- Continuing to stare straight and I watched intently, hoping I hit chase them online at: www.tethrdna-
ment in the form of a harassed doe, then looking left and right, display- an artery and he would fall over. As tion.com. Saddles have become so
mouth agape and panting, running ing every angle of his character- the footfalls of the other buck closed popular that there is a talk forum
from an overzealous spike. Follow- laden crown, he was convinced that in on my location, I took my eyes site totally devoted to saddle users
ing him were two fawns, confused the deer making the noise must have off the wounded brute for just a few and there are threads on the site that
and just trying to keep up with moved off. What does a frustrated seconds and when I looked back, he will answer any questions you may
mom. They all used the dip in the dominant buck do, well this guy was gone. have. www.saddlehunter.com is the
steep creek bank and crossed the went about freshening his scrapes The mature eight-point passed talk forum site.
creek exactly where I suspected. instead of following the script and within easy bow range, unaware I have no monetary stake in
About 30 minutes later, a four point hitting the creek bed crossing. The that anything detrimental to his Tethrd or the saddle hunter talk
followed the exact same path, no biggest problem was he skipped the health was within close proximity. forum, but if you’re interested in
doubt picking up the scent of the closest scrape and worked the others This proving further that my map- upping your kill opportunities and
doe and her entourage. I paid close at bad shot angles! Also, the scrape scouted DYI location, meticulous rates, you really need to check them
attention to where he and the others line angled away from my position scent control and most importantly, out as hunting from a saddle is a
came from and went, storing away and it was semi-shielded by thick the mobility and versatility of my game changer with many advantag-
information for potential future bramble and with each scrape he hit, saddle, was everything I knew it es over any conventional stand.n
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 41
Traditional Black Powder Hunting
Henry’s Adventure of the Bones...

Monday, 9 May, 1763: the same distance from the French
firelock’s muzzle. Dark eyes grew
oose wings swished. big. The critter’s bushy tail flipped
Four birds passed and twitched. A sunlight spear il-
silent, shrouded in luminated its glorious presence. The
darkness, tree-top fox squirrel turned a bit, bounded
high. Deerskin moc- around a keg-sized oak trunk and
casins whispered on a disappeared into the clearing.
familiar earthen path. The pre-dawn A gray head popped up. The
stalk progressed through the dip, up young hen turkey’s beak swung with
the rise, then across the hilltop to the the supposed passage of the squir-
edge of a sequestered clearing. rel. A second pate appeared, then
Two close-growing young both heads dropped out of sight. The
oak trees formed the makeshift fusil eased forward and followed the
lair that pleasant spring morning. rise of the woodsman’s left leg. An
Wrapped in a walnut-dyed, wool anxious thumb pressed on the ham-
trade blanket, the forest tenant who mer’s jaw screw, but did not bring
spent his youth among the Ojibwe the sharp, amber flint to attention.
sat cross-legged, shrouded between Now and again a hen’s
the tree trunks. A French head jerked up, looked
fusil rested on his lap. The about, then returned to for-
muzzle pointed in the direc- aging. In all, five wild tur-
tion of the greening prairie keys milled about just over
grass. the crest of the clearing’s
“Whit, whit, tsu, tsu, little knob. Soft “pops”
tsu, tsu, tsu…” A crimson and “clicks” mapped their
cardinal claimed territory progress.
after first light. Sparrows
twittered about.
“Obl-obl-obl-obl!” Little details, such as priming from the horn or using a French amber flint
By Dennis Neely
Beyond the nasty in a French fusil, are impor tant if a traditional hunter wishes to cross
Crows cawed to thicket, up on the
the east. Robins time’s threshold and journey back to 1763.
hog-back ridge
hopped and pecked. Two blue jays and a tad to the north, a half-gobble hearing the “war-cry and a noise of ing on a bone. He thought it might
perched and peered, but uttered nary garnered Mi-ki-naak’s attention. general confusion” (78). He sought be that of a deer, but as daylight
a warning. Wild turkeys remained With the small flock of hens but refuge in a French trader’s attic, entered the cave, “I discovered, with
quiet. twenty paces distant, the woodsman was discovered the next day, taken some feelings of horror, that I was
The air smelled of rotting deer dared not cluck or yelp on the wing prisoner, and being English, faced lying on nothing less than a heap
pellets, stagnant snow-melt and bone. Patient waiting seemed best… certain death. of human bones and skulls, which
earthy freshness. In due time, two The patient waiting imposed A year prior, a Chipeway by covered all the floor!” (109)
sharp breaths, drawn with a kiss of upon a solitary wild turkey hunt did the name of Wa-wa-tam befriended The next night he slept under
the lips through a single turkey wing not reflect the tenuous events of that Henry. Wa-wa-tam considered “an adjacent bush.” When Wa-wa-
bone, beckoned an unknown suitor, date. A day’s travel to the east of Henry his friend and brother. Two tam returned, Henry told his bene-
“Arrkk…arrkk.” The clucks drifted the headwaters of the Riviere Aux days before the attack, Wa-wa-tam factor of his unfortunate discovery.
on the gentle breeze. Peeper frogs Raisins a Native American revolt warned Henry of “the noise of evil “Wa-wa-tam related to the other
provided a constant background began against the British. An Odawa birds” and urged him to leave for Indians the adventure of the bones.
medley. leader, Pontiac, organized a confed- Sault Ste. Marie (75). All of them expressed surprise at
A fox squirrel barked some- eration of Native peoples who laid On the seventh, Wa-wa-tam hearing it, and declared that they
where amongst the hardwoods, siege to Fort Detroit. Four smaller brought many presents to the chiefs had never been aware of the con-
northeast of the tiny clearing. Lazy forts fell within the month, then Fort in charge. With a great oratory, he tents of the cave before…” (110)
minutes ticked by. A bushy tail flit- Michilimackinac. secured Henry’s release. Wa-wa-tam Over time the small cave with
ted behind a tall, slender red oak, Alexander Henry was an English and his family took Henry to a near- the rounded back became known as
two trees beyond the forked wild fur trader at Michilimackinac. Ac- by island that resembled a turtle, “Skull Cave,” based on Alexander
cherry. The squirrel found a stout cording to his journal, the fourth of which the Ojibwe called michili- Henry’s narrative. Today, horse-
branch, sat in the sun and again June was the British king’s birthday. mackinac, modern-day Mackinac drawn carriage tours stop at the
chattered. Another kissing breath… Henry recalled that “the Chipe- Island. They scaled “the mountain” site. Some folks read the historical
“Arrkkkk…” ways” (Ojibwe) played a game of in the middle of the island. marker; others can’t be bothered.
The faint scratching of little “bag’gat’iway” (lacrosse) with the “After walking more than half a Few fully comprehend the gravity of
claws gripping rough bark hid Sacs “for a high wager” outside mile,” Henry wrote, “we came to a Alexander Henry’s harrowing situ-
among that morning’s chorus of the fort while the garrison watched large rock, at the base of which was ation in the context of the turmoil
woodland voices. The direction (Henry, Alexander, Travels & Ad- an opening, dark within, and appear- that surrounded the Great Lakes in
sounded south, then north, then ventures In Canada and the Indian ing to be the entrance of a cave… summer of 1763.
overhead. Keen eyes focused on the Territories, Burt Franklin, New Wa-wa-tam recommended that I For living historians and/or
prairie grass and raspberry switches York, NY, 1969, pg. 77). should take up my lodging...till he traditional black powder hunters,
with an occasional, inquisitive The game was a ruse. The ball returned…” (108) a portrayal of an authentic persona
glance to the tree tops. found its way over the fort’s picket Henry “broke small branches requires a significant amount of
Perhaps ten minutes later, a wall. The players and spectators and spread them for a bed,” then research. First-person accounts
bundle of cinnamon-colored hair rushed through the open land gate wrapped himself in a blanket and provide a vital source of historical
spiraled around the north oak, appearing to continue the game, but slept until daybreak. When he treasure that guides the fleshing out
a tomahawk’s length above the instead a massacre followed the pre- awoke, he felt himself “incom- of any character. Thus, the narra-
hunter’s head. The fox squirrel re- planned entry. moded by some object, upon which tives of Alexander Henry and James
treated, then thumped to the ground, Henry tells of writing a letter, I lay,” and discovered he was sleep- Smith, along with a journal kept
42 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
during the Siege of Fort Detroit, At Skull Cave, the mystic soli-
contain invaluable passages that tude ushered this traditional woods-
contribute to the creation of Mi-ki- man back-and-forth through time’s
naak, who hunts in 1763. portal. On the one hand, Mi-ki-naak
As my deerskin moccasins experienced a feeling of pristine
crossed back over time’s threshold kinship with his peers. On the other,
on that fine May morning, I mulled two and a half centuries later, his
through the chapters I read from alter ego stood on the same ground
Henry’s narrative the night before. as Alexander Henry, Wa-wa-tam and
As it happened, they dealt with the the Ojibwe warriors who came to
taking of Fort Michilimackinac, see the bones.
Henry’s capture, his ransom and his By its very nature, traditional
uneasy nights on the island. I had black powder hunting is a unique
visited Skull Cave several times, but endeavor. The history and traditions
I had never viewed it through the of our forefathers add an exhilarat-
eyes of Mi-ki-naak. ing flavor to the simple pursuit of
In early October, a heavy mist wild game. The linen-and-leather
and swirling fog hung all about the clothing, the handcrafted accoutre-
island’s fall foliage. No song birds ments and the ancient arms help the
sang, no geese ke-honked, no wild mind suspend disbelief.
turkeys clucked. The only sound Thus, five hen turkeys milling
was the “clip-clop, clip-clop” of about a knoll crest elevated one’s
shod horses pulling a carriage up being to a whole new dimension; a
“the mountain.” dimension shaped by 18th-century
Alexander Henry described the cave as “…nearly ten feet wide, I
found the fur ther end to be rounded in its shape, like that of an
oven…” Wild River tree photos

occurrences such as Alexander site devoted to traditional hunting at

Henry’s adventure of the bones. www.traditionalblackpowderhunt-
Give traditional black powder ing.com. The “How to” category
hunting a try, be safe and may God includes instructions for making a
bless you. leather carrying strap and binding a
Dennis Neely maintains a web blanket roll.n

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Dinner Banquet
April 16th • 5:00PM
Palazzo Grande
54660 Van Dyke • Shelby Twp.

Every aspect of forest life is available to the traditional black pow- Join our efforts to support
der hunter. An integral par t of most hunts is the construction of a
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the shooting sports:
excursions while “in character.” Women on Target, High School
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Muzzle Loading State Events
May 3-5 - Spring Shoot: Grand Valley Cap n Ballers™: 616-681-0164 or 269-792-4384
May 3-5 - Mega Woodswalk: Sauk Trail Longrifles; 517-879-3096
May 4 - Pistol Shoot: Columbiaville Sportsman Club: 810-223-3956 or 810-793-7799
May 5 - Black Powder Cartridge Shoot: Pine River Long Riflemen: 989-835-9660
May 5 - Woods Walk: Clinton River Muzzle Loaders: Detroit Sportsman Congress: Club Level Committee Exclusive 2019 Gun of the year
May 17-19 - Family Rendezvous: Grand Valley Cap n BallersTM: 517-435-3752 Raffles, Games, Auctions, Dinner and More!
May 18 - Service Rifle Woods Walk: Clinton River Muzzle Loaders: Detroit Sportsman
Congress: 586-292-6821 Reserve your seats online at:
May 18 - Sporting Clays (modern shotgun): Grand Valley Cap n BallersTM: 616-307- friendsofnra.org/eventtickets/Events/Details/23?eventId=56271
7728 or 616-836-5760
May 24-26 - Grand Traverse Rendezvous: Benzie Sportsman Club: 231-378-2145
Or email [email protected] for a paper form
May 30-June 2 - NMLRA Skeet & Trap Territorial: Grand Valley Cap n BallersTM:
616-836-5760 Questions?......Mike 810-523-5014
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 43
W Where and When to Find the Best Fishing
hile In the spring of the year clearer and clearer thanks to countless numbers of
there are lots of fishing op- zebra and quagga mussels that filter plankton from
portunities. Some anglers the water. To be consistently effective targeting
might argue there are simply salmon on Lake Michigan anglers have been forced
too many noteworthy fishing to use longer leads when fishing downriggers, div-
opportunities. Admittedly it ing planers and even on their lead core set ups.
can be next to impossible to take advantage of all The most common leads for downrigger fish-
the good spring fishing opportunities available in ing range from 50 to 75 feet behind the downrigger
the Great Lakes region. ball. In the diving planer niche, a growing number
May fishing opportunities are seemingly of anglers are using the Slide-Diver that allows
everywhere, but for me it’s hard to beat the tackle anglers to fish much longer leaders than with tradi-
busting action provided by chinook salmon in the tional divers such as the famed Luhr Jensen Dipsy
spring time. Chinook come by the nickname “king” Diver.
naturally as they are powerful fighters at any time The Slide Diver functions by threading the
of year. leader through the diver. The trip arm mechanism is
However, in the spring kings are literally super locked down at the point where the leader and back-
charged. Because the water in the spring is still ing line join. Fluorocarbon leaders ranging from
cold, king salmon spend most of their time in shal- 30 to 50 feet long are typically used with the Slide
low water. For anglers who have never caught a Diver and most anglers are using 40 to 50 pound
king salmon in shallow water it’s hard to describe test super braid as a strong backing line.
how much brute power these fish have. When an When a fish is hooked on a Slide Diver the
angler is lucky enough to hook up with a spring trip arm pops open and the diver slides down the
king, it’s the salmon that is running the show. Hold leader. A bead and barrel swivel tied in-line about
on and hope your gear is up to the test, because three feet in front of the lure prevents the diver
kings fight like a runaway freight train in the from sliding all the way to the fish.
spring. Like other directional divers, the Slide Diver
can be rigged to fish on the port or starboard side of
Where To Go the boat. Most anglers run their divers on a No. 2
Three areas of the Great Lakes host amazing setting that enables the diver to plane out to the side
salmon fishing in the spring of the year. The region of the boat and helps separate the diver lines from
of Lake Michigan from Benton Harbor south to downrigger lines.
Michigan City routinely winters the majority of On Lake Ontario anglers are blessed with more
the salmon living in Lake Michigan. The collective fish and also stained water conditions. Shorter
stocking efforts of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and leaders on downriggers and traditional divers like
Wisconsin can certainly be felt in southern Lake the Luhr Jensen Dipsy are still very popular and
Michigan during the month of May. productive on salmon.
Western Lake Ontario is another “must see” More stealthy trolling presentations such as
spring salmon fishing destination. Salmon show up sinking lines fished on planer boards and Slide Div-
in huge numbers from the Welland Canal on the ers are growing in popularity on Lake Ontario. Just
west to the Niagara Bar and the port of Wilson on a few years ago it was rare to see a salmon char-
the east. Fertile and nutrient rich waters from Lake ter fishing with in-line boards. These days, most
Erie pours into this region of Lake Ontario thanks charters and recreational fishermen have adapted to
to the Welland Canal and also the Niagara River. using in-line boards as a regular part of their salmon
Nutrient rich waters attract alewife and in turn trolling strategy.
staggering numbers of king and also coho salmon
B y M ark R omanack
Sinking lines like lead core are most often
during the month of May. Depending on the year fished in combination with spoons. The reason for
the best fishing kicks off in early May and runs this is lead core trollers like to stack two or three
through mid-June. lead core rigs per side of the boat. In order to fight
The third noteworthy spring salmon fishing fish without having to clear other lines, lead core
destination takes place on the eastern end of Lake B ig adult chinook salmon like this double header caught while filming an episode of F ishing 411 TV are the crown jewel of the G reat L akes . T he author recommends rigs are staggered in the water column by running
Ontario near the famed Salmon River. This historic three different destinations for anglers who want to target G reat L akes salmon including southern L ake M ichigan near B enton H arbor , western L ake O ntario near shallow diving gear (3 to 5 colors) on outside lines
region of Lake Ontario enjoys more aggressive
stocking efforts than the rest of the Great Lakes
the N iagara B ar and eastern L ake O ntario near the famed S almon R iver . and deeper running gear (7 to 10 colors) on middle
and inside board lines.
combined. If wobbling plugs are fished on lead core they
Because Lake Ontario warms a little slower on spoons produce the most consistent action when 4.0 are also popular with Lake Michigan salmon and rapidly drops off to 300 feet of water. The best starting to catch on. The biggest difference between
the eastern end than the western end, salmon fishing fished on sinking lines like lead core. Lead core trollers. Plugs are most commonly fished on down- fishing normally takes place on the narrow and the two lakes is water clarity. On Lake Michigan must be limited to the inside board lines. Because
near popular ports including Sodus Bay, Oswego, is fished as a segment of sinking line, sandwiched riggers or diving planers. rapidly sloping band of water found between 50 and the water is very clear and stealthy trolling tactics the plug actually dives down deeper than the lead
Pulaski, Mexico Harbor and Henderson Harbor fires between a backing line and a 30 to 50 foot fluoro- In western Lake Ontario magnum spoons are 100 feet of water. are required to consistently trigger salmon. core, you can’t stack multiple lead core line using
up a little later in May. carbon leader. very popular and wobbling plugs are equally effec- On the eastern end of Lake Ontario salmon an- Meanwhile, on Lake Ontario the water has more plugs without constantly running into problems
An in-line planer board like the famous Off tive on spring salmon. Because salmon anglers in glers have more room to spread out and as a result plankton and a nice green color making for nearly with lines tangling.
Top Presentations Shore Tackle Side-Planer are in turn used to spread western Lake Ontario are generally fishing along most boats are fishing a full complement of spoons ideal trolling conditions. Traditional gear including A more efficient approach is to limit plugs to
Because spring kings are routinely found in out these sinking lines in an effort to cover water the edges of the famed Niagara Bar, downriggers and plugs fished using sinking lines and boards, diving planers and downriggers are used to take the diver and downrigger lines and leave the lead core
shallow water and also defined bottom structure, and also to saturate the water column with baits. and diving planers are the primary ways trollers diving planers and of course downriggers. vast majority of the fish. lines equipped with trolling spoons.
The most popular spring salmon set ups include 3, 5 present baits at depth. Compared to Lake Michigan where everyone is Another trolling refinement that is growing in
seemingly fishing sinking lines and boards, on Lake S p r i n g T r o l l i n g R e f i n e m e n t s
two lure groups produce the best action including
trolling spoons and high action wobbling plugs. and 7 colors of 27 pound test lead core. The Niagara Bar is a narrow strip of bottom
In Lake Michigan standard and magnum sized Wobbling plugs like the Mag Lip 3.0, 3.5 and structure that starts out in water about 50 feet deep Ontario sinking lines and board fishing are just In recent years, Lake Michigan has become S p r i n g K i n g s P a g e 46
44 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS WNW NEWS MAY 2019 45
W Where and When to Find the Best Fishing
hile In the spring of the year clearer and clearer thanks to countless numbers of
there are lots of fishing op- zebra and quagga mussels that filter plankton from
portunities. Some anglers the water. To be consistently effective targeting
might argue there are simply salmon on Lake Michigan anglers have been forced
too many noteworthy fishing to use longer leads when fishing downriggers, div-
opportunities. Admittedly it ing planers and even on their lead core set ups.
can be next to impossible to take advantage of all The most common leads for downrigger fish-
the good spring fishing opportunities available in ing range from 50 to 75 feet behind the downrigger
the Great Lakes region. ball. In the diving planer niche, a growing number
May fishing opportunities are seemingly of anglers are using the Slide-Diver that allows
everywhere, but for me it’s hard to beat the tackle anglers to fish much longer leaders than with tradi-
busting action provided by chinook salmon in the tional divers such as the famed Luhr Jensen Dipsy
spring time. Chinook come by the nickname “king” Diver.
naturally as they are powerful fighters at any time The Slide Diver functions by threading the
of year. leader through the diver. The trip arm mechanism is
However, in the spring kings are literally super locked down at the point where the leader and back-
charged. Because the water in the spring is still ing line join. Fluorocarbon leaders ranging from
cold, king salmon spend most of their time in shal- 30 to 50 feet long are typically used with the Slide
low water. For anglers who have never caught a Diver and most anglers are using 40 to 50 pound
king salmon in shallow water it’s hard to describe test super braid as a strong backing line.
how much brute power these fish have. When an When a fish is hooked on a Slide Diver the
angler is lucky enough to hook up with a spring trip arm pops open and the diver slides down the
king, it’s the salmon that is running the show. Hold leader. A bead and barrel swivel tied in-line about
on and hope your gear is up to the test, because three feet in front of the lure prevents the diver
kings fight like a runaway freight train in the from sliding all the way to the fish.
spring. Like other directional divers, the Slide Diver
can be rigged to fish on the port or starboard side of
Where To Go the boat. Most anglers run their divers on a No. 2
Three areas of the Great Lakes host amazing setting that enables the diver to plane out to the side
salmon fishing in the spring of the year. The region of the boat and helps separate the diver lines from
of Lake Michigan from Benton Harbor south to downrigger lines.
Michigan City routinely winters the majority of On Lake Ontario anglers are blessed with more
the salmon living in Lake Michigan. The collective fish and also stained water conditions. Shorter
stocking efforts of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and leaders on downriggers and traditional divers like
Wisconsin can certainly be felt in southern Lake the Luhr Jensen Dipsy are still very popular and
Michigan during the month of May. productive on salmon.
Western Lake Ontario is another “must see” More stealthy trolling presentations such as
spring salmon fishing destination. Salmon show up sinking lines fished on planer boards and Slide Div-
in huge numbers from the Welland Canal on the ers are growing in popularity on Lake Ontario. Just
west to the Niagara Bar and the port of Wilson on a few years ago it was rare to see a salmon char-
the east. Fertile and nutrient rich waters from Lake ter fishing with in-line boards. These days, most
Erie pours into this region of Lake Ontario thanks charters and recreational fishermen have adapted to
to the Welland Canal and also the Niagara River. using in-line boards as a regular part of their salmon
Nutrient rich waters attract alewife and in turn trolling strategy.
staggering numbers of king and also coho salmon
B y M ark R omanack
Sinking lines like lead core are most often
during the month of May. Depending on the year fished in combination with spoons. The reason for
the best fishing kicks off in early May and runs this is lead core trollers like to stack two or three
through mid-June. lead core rigs per side of the boat. In order to fight
The third noteworthy spring salmon fishing fish without having to clear other lines, lead core
destination takes place on the eastern end of Lake B ig adult chinook salmon like this double header caught while filming an episode of F ishing 411 TV are the crown jewel of the G reat L akes . T he author recommends rigs are staggered in the water column by running
Ontario near the famed Salmon River. This historic three different destinations for anglers who want to target G reat L akes salmon including southern L ake M ichigan near B enton H arbor , western L ake O ntario near shallow diving gear (3 to 5 colors) on outside lines
region of Lake Ontario enjoys more aggressive
stocking efforts than the rest of the Great Lakes
the N iagara B ar and eastern L ake O ntario near the famed S almon R iver . and deeper running gear (7 to 10 colors) on middle
and inside board lines.
combined. If wobbling plugs are fished on lead core they
Because Lake Ontario warms a little slower on spoons produce the most consistent action when 4.0 are also popular with Lake Michigan salmon and rapidly drops off to 300 feet of water. The best starting to catch on. The biggest difference between
the eastern end than the western end, salmon fishing fished on sinking lines like lead core. Lead core trollers. Plugs are most commonly fished on down- fishing normally takes place on the narrow and the two lakes is water clarity. On Lake Michigan must be limited to the inside board lines. Because
near popular ports including Sodus Bay, Oswego, is fished as a segment of sinking line, sandwiched riggers or diving planers. rapidly sloping band of water found between 50 and the water is very clear and stealthy trolling tactics the plug actually dives down deeper than the lead
Pulaski, Mexico Harbor and Henderson Harbor fires between a backing line and a 30 to 50 foot fluoro- In western Lake Ontario magnum spoons are 100 feet of water. are required to consistently trigger salmon. core, you can’t stack multiple lead core line using
up a little later in May. carbon leader. very popular and wobbling plugs are equally effec- On the eastern end of Lake Ontario salmon an- Meanwhile, on Lake Ontario the water has more plugs without constantly running into problems
An in-line planer board like the famous Off tive on spring salmon. Because salmon anglers in glers have more room to spread out and as a result plankton and a nice green color making for nearly with lines tangling.
Top Presentations Shore Tackle Side-Planer are in turn used to spread western Lake Ontario are generally fishing along most boats are fishing a full complement of spoons ideal trolling conditions. Traditional gear including A more efficient approach is to limit plugs to
Because spring kings are routinely found in out these sinking lines in an effort to cover water the edges of the famed Niagara Bar, downriggers and plugs fished using sinking lines and boards, diving planers and downriggers are used to take the diver and downrigger lines and leave the lead core
shallow water and also defined bottom structure, and also to saturate the water column with baits. and diving planers are the primary ways trollers diving planers and of course downriggers. vast majority of the fish. lines equipped with trolling spoons.
The most popular spring salmon set ups include 3, 5 present baits at depth. Compared to Lake Michigan where everyone is Another trolling refinement that is growing in
seemingly fishing sinking lines and boards, on Lake S p r i n g T r o l l i n g R e f i n e m e n t s
two lure groups produce the best action including
trolling spoons and high action wobbling plugs. and 7 colors of 27 pound test lead core. The Niagara Bar is a narrow strip of bottom
In Lake Michigan standard and magnum sized Wobbling plugs like the Mag Lip 3.0, 3.5 and structure that starts out in water about 50 feet deep Ontario sinking lines and board fishing are just In recent years, Lake Michigan has become S p r i n g K i n g s P a g e 46
44 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS WNW NEWS MAY 2019 45
Spring Kings:
from page 45

popularity is using natural fishing free before applying scent products

scents that give off a scent stream in is to scrub them with a little non-
the water. Salmon can detect both scented dishwashing liquid. Lemon
natural and unnatural scents amaz- Joy (non-ultra) formula features
ingly well. The king salmon’s sense no fragrances or bleach and does a
of smell allows these fish to follow good job of cleaning artificial lures
roaming schools of bait fish and also when used with a scrub brush and a
to avoid predators. little elbow grease.
Pro Cure is an industry leader In the Pacific northwest, salmon
in the production of natural fishing anglers routinely use liquid WD40
scents, gels, sauces and oils. The Su- to clean their lures. This popular lu-
per Gel product is very popular and bricant is petroleum based, but dries
is made by flash freezing baitfish odorless and does an excellent job
such as smelt, herring, alewife and
gizzard shad. The baitfish are then In-line boards are a com-
dehydrated, ground to a fine texture mon sight on Lake Michigan
and mixed into a gel based stabiliz- where anglers use them to
ing emulsion that gives the scent a spread out lead core and
shelf life of up to 10 years without spoon rigs. On other Great
refrigeration. Lakes waters such as Lake
Most fishing scents are water
soluble and simply wash off as Ontario, fishing with boards
quickly as they are applied. Super and sinking lines is just
Gel is very greasy and stays on hard star ting to get popular. The
baits such as spoons, plugs and most productive salmon
spinners, giving off a natural scent lures for fishing sinking
stream in the water that lasts about lines are trolling spoons.
30 minutes. A small amount of scent Diving planers and downrig-
about the size of a pencil eraser is
all it takes to make artificial lures
gers are vitally impor tant
smell like the real deal. to spring salmon fishing
A big part of using fishing scents effor ts. The author recom-
effectively is understanding the need mends using Slide Divers to
to eliminate unnatural odors from lengthen out trolling leads
lures before applying natural scent and also to use longer 50
products. Some of the unnatural to 75 foot leads when fish-
odors that commonly find their way ing downriggers.
onto fishing lures include human
scent from bare skin touching the
baits, tobacco, skin creams, gaso- a few lures, put a lid on the jar and tions as they target baitfish in key
line, insect repellant and one of the of cutting through the greasy emul- shake it for a few seconds. Remove areas. These powerful fish are also
most important scents to avoid is sion left on lures after Super Gel the baits, rinse them with clean wa- routinely found in much shallower
fresh blood. is applied. It’s important to clean ter and they are ready to be stored or water than at any other time of year.
Often a lure that has caught lures after scent products are applied to re-apply scent again. Targeting adult king salmon in May
a fish will get soiled with blood. otherwise cross contamination of is the highlight of my entire fish-
Blood in the water puts game fish scents occur. Wrapping It Up ing year. Nothing in fresh water
on edge and makes them more wary. Simply place a couple inches of Salmon in the spring of the year fights harder than a spring king.
The way to insure that lures are odor liquid WD40 in a plastic jar, drop in are often found in huge concentra- Nothing.n


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46 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
Book delivers fascinating look at the
development of field biology in America

ou’re blowing snow is a fascinating and important text of the biologists by creating a
after one of those that both fills a void and establishes “family tree” of them.
blistering storms we itself as a cornerstone in one’s un- Four of the many take-
had in Michigan last derstanding of the history of nature aways from the book: For
winter. You pause and study in the United States. And it some reason, probably
notice fresh tracks does so by offering up exactly what because of their proximity
crossing the driveway ahead of you. it purports to: the tale of field biol- to the colleges, universities
“Whitetail, came through after the ogy as it developed in this country. and major museums, most of
snow” you tell yourself and continue Establishing a clear purpose ear- the “important” early field
on your way. ly on, Lannoo, Professor of Anato- biologists came from the
Or you’re leaning against the my and Cell Biology at Indiana Uni- Midwest.
nice, wide trunk of a white pine versity School of Medicine in Terre Also, scientific expe-
in the spring woods at daybreak, Haute, says, “Much of everything ditions played important
watching the sunlight slowly bring in field biology … can be traced roles throughout the
the dwarf irises into view as you back to Asa Gray, Spencer Fullerton 19th century even as American about
await the vocal interplay between Baird and C. Hart Merriam.” Near expansionism continued. Scientists it, the publisher
the hen and tom wild turkeys, and the end of the book he adds, “These were scouring the land to identify also could have created that fam-
you hear what sounds like one beep biologists were all there when it new biological samples at the same ily tree of biologists to save us the
from the cartoon Road mattered. … They saw, and time other Americans were ma- trouble of doing it ourselves.
Runner. “Woodcock,” you when they thought about neuvering to grab lands from First “This Land Is Your Land: The
note, and enjoy this portent it and wrote about it, they Nations people, through treaty, Story of Field Biology in America”
of spring. were eloquent. Their his- purchase or conquest. is a good read for anyone who is
You might be resting tory is largely the history of In another interesting move, as captivated by the notion that his
against the bank of your field biology in the United early as the 1840s, at the same time knowledge of things like deer tracks
favorite trout stream await- States, an endeavor whose they were exploring the wilderness, or bird calls can be traced to its in-
ing the start of the hatch. A commodity is so valuable testing themselves against nature ception over 200 years ago, not long
flute-like trill cascades from it continues to be exported and helping create the mythology after the birth of the United States.n
By Tom Carney
a tree behind you, globally.” that portrayed them as the most
engages your peace Between those rugged individuals to venture west
of mind, and you two passages he of the Alleghenies, mountain men
recognize, “hermit thrush.” presents mini-biographies of such would often appear at museums
At this stage of your life, it is biologists, which means he is also bearing plant samples for scientists
second nature for you to make those presenting the story of field biology. to purchase as a way of supplement-
judgment calls. But how did you The language is neither high- ing their income from hunting and
first learn that was the track of a spirited nor over-complex but rather trapping.
whitetail; the peent of woodcock; basic exposition in which Lannoo Finally, the second-last chapter
the clucks, purrs and gobbles of presents each biologist in the same of the book includes an intriguing
the turkeys; the dwarf iris or the manner, which makes things easy on discussion of the complexities of es-
song of the hermit thrush? How did the reader. Additionally, he identifies tablishing and maintaining effective
you find out about them? In most a historical ladder of stages to trace predator control measures through-
cases, one way or the other we learn the development of field biology out the 20th century and how those
these things from someone older. from its foundation, to natural histo- efforts evolved with the changing
And those folks had to learn from rians, ecologists, wildlife biologists, view of the predator’s role in the
someone older, and so on, and so conservation biologists and restora- natural balance of things.
on. But that knowledge had to start tion biologists. The mini-bios appear The only complaint about the
somewhere. as components of that framework. book from this end is the publisher
At some point in the not-too- The book is superbly researched, to could have spent a few more dollars
distant past, someone had to first
take note of and then establish the
the point where it would be under-
standable for a reader to keep track
to make the tables and graphs larger,
thus easier to read. Come to think Even the
identity of such common items in best turkey
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nature, even everyday species such
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WNW NEWS MAY 2019 47
Nutrition impacts
does’ maternal care
any factors
can influ-
ence a young
fawn’s growth
rate, general
and prospects for survival. However,
the mother’s level of nutrition dur-
ing her last trimester of pregnancy
is probably the most critical factor
determining fetal development and
survival prospects.
Malnourished does invariably
give birth to small, weak fawns
that die within a few days; some
nutritionally-stressed does may even
abandon large, seemingly healthy
newborn. In either case, scavengers
such as black bears and coyotes are
quick to secure an easy meal, often
leading to inflated predation rate
The nursing doe’s nutritional
requirements are probably equally
important. Lactation is considered
to be one of the most energetically
demanding factors of maternal care Lactation is considered to be one of the most energetically demanding factors of maternal care in mammals and can
in mammals and can impact the impact the mother’s fitness, behavior, and ultimately the young fawn’s chances of sur viving. Larry Piotrowski photo
mother’s fitness, behavior, and ulti-
mately the young fawn’s chances of fawns demonstrate a form of ma- delayed lactation or sometimes rainfall to as much as 90 percent
surviving. Unfortunately, this aspect ternal defense, or territoriality, for a produced no milk at all, but food during years of drought.
of nutrition in white-tailed deer has period of four to six weeks. shortage did not reduce the doe’s In contrast, on northern range,
not been well studied. Young whitetails are “hiders.” milk nutritive value. Hence, nutri- winter weather severity and length
Within a couple of weeks the new- tional stress can adversely impact a of snow cover determines deer
Behavioral Basics born are introduced to their mother’s nursing doe’s total milk yield (and survival and reproductive suc-
The northern whitetail’s repro- fawning range that generally varies her maternal behavior) but not milk cess. Even relatively short winters
ductive schedule is closely regulated in size from 20 to 30 acres. They quality. (January-March) of only modest
by seasonal changes in daylight seldom leave the boundaries of this winter food shortage may result in
hours (i.e., protoperiod). range, unless led by their mother. In- Possible Limitations 25 percent newborn fawn mortality.
Most does breed during a stead, they rely on inactivity Generally, this late-spring, If cold temperatures prevail well
relatively short period in and hiding cover separate early-summer period is a time of into mid-spring, delaying snow melt
early November and give from their mothers for their abundant resources necessary to and subsequent green up, the loss
birth to fawns during late first four weeks, while they satisfy the pregnant doe’s high may be much higher.
May or early June. This are almost totally dependent energetic requirements for late-term Typically, open areas lose snow
generally assures that fawns upon their mother’s milk fetal growth, subsequent maternal cover about two weeks earlier than
are born during times of for sustenance. Meanwhile, care, and lactation. However, there forested cover, and provide winter-
lush new vegetation, giving the doe must find sufficient are exceptions. Certain social and stressed deer their first source of nu-
them ample time to food within this environmental factors, which vary tritious forage. However, our studies
achieve maximum
body growth and
By John Ozoga relatively small area regionally, can sometimes nega-
to meet her physi- tively impact resource availability
conducted in Upper Michigan
revealed that opening green-up may
fatness prior to winter onset. cal needs as well as the enormous for whitetails during the time of occur as early as the first part of
Hence, natural selection has energetic requirements for milk lactation and result in higher than April, but sometimes not until early
minimized the occurrence of poorly production. expected reproductive failure. May. Likewise, vegetation killing
timed births on northern whitetail The doe visits, grooms, and For example, although less of a frosts are not unusual in June. Based
range. For obvious reasons, the separately nurses each fawn only problem on northern range, drought upon fetal examination, nutrition-
timing of breeding and birthing is two or three times daily (about eight has frequently resulted in high ally related newborn fawn mortality
less critical and more variable in the ounces per meal), then leads them newborn fawn mortality in Texas. rates ranged from 45 percent during
South. to a new bed site. Siblings normally In south Texas, researchers reported years of late (May 3) spring green-
Female whitetails live within do not bed together until they are that annual fawn mortality rates up versus only 5 percent during
a highly organized matriarchal about 25 days old – when they are varied appreciably, depending upon years of unusually early (April 12)
society. Related females socialize physically capable of fleeing from the amount of rainfall, which in turn opening green-up.
with one another and share ancestral predators. determined the quality and avail- High deer population density,
range during most of the year. In Studies conducted at Michi- ability of deer foods and newborn and associated social factors, may
spring, the pregnant doe may range gan’s Cusino Wildlife Research fawn hiding cover during spring and also contribute to limited resource
quite widely within her ancestral Station, in the 1960s, revealed that summer. Fawn losses ranged from availability for the lactating doe. An
range. However, does with newborn food-stressed does often exhibited 10 percent during years of heavy expanding deer herd can seriously
48 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
reduce deer forage quantity and totally dependent upon their mother days of age. their own good.
quality. Even at densities of over for sustenance. A total of 16 fawns also died As I’ve discussed in numer-
100 deer per square mile, our studies Eighteen prime-age (3-8 years during the study, 14 of them in ous other articles, it’s my personal
showed that deer preferred to feed old) female whitetails were used in the food-restricted group, all after view that limitations in nutrition
on spring vegetation instead of rich the study during two consecutive 16 days of age. Assuming equal – especially during late stages of
supplement feed. Unfortunately, as years. All were fed ad libitum diets distribution of fawns according fetal development and within a few
deer numbers increased, the quantity except in summer, when one group to mother’s diet, this amounted to days after birth – can retard fetal
of the best forage species decreased. of nine does was fed full rations but 88 percent mortality, versus only development, disrupt maternal care
Conversely, other less nutritious the other food-restricted group was 13 percent mortality in the control traits, and ultimately lead to aban-
plants increased, probably because fed only 80 percent as much from group. donment and death of newborn
they were less palatable, masking late May through August. Fawns Although researchers col- fawns. If study animals in the above
the true effects of deer overabun- had access to special feeder troughs lected and examined dead fawns, mentioned study had not been pen
dance. and were weighed as often as pos- they could not determine if fawns confined, I suspect outright aban-
Likewise, because does with sible on electronic platform scales. died from disease, starvation, or donment and fawn deaths would
newborn fawns defend their fawning Starting when fawns were about both. Clearly, however, compared have occurred sooner.
grounds, when deer density is high, five days old, the researchers ob- to controls, food-restricted fawns Most importantly, all available
subordinate (generally younger) served the behavior of both groups, gained 26 percent less body mass evidence indicates that summer
does must occupy less desirable until fawns were about 80 days old. from birth to 80 days, and suffered food stress, for whatever reason, can
habitat where they are more poorly
Nursing Behavior extremely high mortality. contribute to unusually high new-
nourished and their young are more
vulnerable to accidents, predation, The most striking differences Implications born fawn mortality that would be
in lactation behavior between the Despite the shortcomings of mistakenly credited to predation.
or abandonment.
two groups occurred during the first the referenced Therrien study, the From a management standpoint,
In Theory 30 days, when fawns relied almost evidence indicates that summer these findings also indicate that
Given nutritional shortage, for entirely upon maternal milk. Time nutrition can be an important factor certain measures could be taken to
whatever reason, Quebec research- spent suckling decreased sharply in determining white-tailed deer wel- minimize such loss. For example,
ers led by Jean-Fancois Therrien both groups after 30 days. Although fare and productivity. on northern range, early green-up
suggest the doe’s resource needs mothers and fawns from the food- In addition to high (24 percent) plant species should be encouraged,
may no longer be sufficient to cope restricted group spent more time for- newborn fawn mortality at birth, as should drought resistant plants
with high energy needs of lactation, aging than controls, they obviously I find it especially interesting that on southern range. In either case,
growth and replenishment of body could not compensate for shortages food-restricted mothers suffered controlling deer density is important
reserves. If so, they theorize that lac- in the artificial diet. such high (88 percent) loss after so that the abundance of preferred
tating does should adopt a conser- Fawns from the food-restricted fawns were 16 days of age. This plant species is not reduced or
vation strategy, ensuring their own group also spent more time suckling rather clearly indicates that stressed possibly even eliminated, due to
future reproduction and survival at and soliciting suckling from their mothers sacrificed maternal care for overgrazing.n
the expense of their current newborn mothers than fawns from the well-
offspring. Accordingly, they say, fed mothers, suggesting they tried
“This trade-off in energy allocation harder to get milk. Even so, fawns
could be expressed through changes from food-restricted mothers grew
in behavior. For example, females slower and suffered higher mortal-
may decrease nursing activities and ity.
increase time spent foraging when After the first month, differ-
food resources decrease.” ences between treatment in suckling
Some prior nursing behavior frequency and total suckling time
studies suggested that total time decreased, probably because all
spent suckling by the fawn could mothers reduced their energy alloca-
be an index to the amount of milk tion to milk production. However,
the fawn received. However, more fawns in the food-restricted group
recent investigations indicated this still solicited their mothers and were
is not the case. rejected more often than control
On the other hand, the rate at fawns, suggesting they were still
which offspring solicit their moth- trying to compensate for milk short-
er’s suckling and rate of rejected at- age earlier in life.
tempts by the mother could provide Food-restricted mothers also
information on offspring hunger and spent 21 percent more time foraging
motivation. This could also reveal than well-fed does, in an apparent
how other aspects of maternal care, attempt to compensate for energy
such as the mother’s willingness to shortage. This supports the energy
nurse, change in response to nutri- conservation theory.
The Canadian researchers fail More Questions
to acknowledge that outright fawn Than Answers
abandonment by wild food-stressed Note, this was a behavioral
does can be a serious factor, ulti- study, conducted under highly arti-
mately leading to the fawn’s death ficial penned conditions, the results
from starvation or predation. of which may or may not apply
directly to whitetails living in the
The Study wild.
Using captive deer, Therrien This study was also plagued
and his cohorts manipulated food with rather low conception rates (1.2
availability to simulate nursing doe fetuses/doe) and exceptionally high
food shortage during summer. At the newborn fawn mortality from the
same time, they monitored maternal start, despite does presumably fed
care traits and fawn behavior when full nutritious rations during most
fawns have high energy needs for of the year. Of 42 fawns born,
growth and survival and are almost 10 (24 percent) died prior to three
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 49
By Kathleen Lavey - MDNR

Surveyors of

Meridian Road, Baseline Road,
Townline Road, Rangeline
Road, Section Street...

hese road and street veyors and four technicians who
names refer all the mark as many as 1,000 boundary
way back to the early corners in a year on 4 million acres
1800s, when the U.S. of state forest land. They’re called in
Congress established to mark boundaries for timber sales
a General Land Office and resolve property line disputes
and created the Public Land Survey between the state and private prop-
System. Early land surveyors sys- erty owners.
tematically divided Michigan into a “We want to define the boundar-
grid of 1-mile squares, marked with
wooden corner posts at half-mile
intervals, following a north-south Above: Professional sur veyor Jeremy
Pipp uses a Total Station, an elec-
meridian, an east-west baseline, tronic theodolite (transit) integrated
township lines, range lines and sec- with an electronic distance meter,
tion lines. to measure angles and distances.
The posts – known as monu- Left: A Michigan Depar tment of
ments – would be the basis for docu- Conser vation corner monument from
menting ownership of land and es- the 1950s is shown. Corner monu-
tablishing cities and villages, roads, ments constructed from materials
streets, bridges and the boundaries such as steel, brass, and aluminum
of public and private lands. are used to increase durability and
Tough Job for longevity as compared to traditional
wooden post monuments. Below: A
First Surverors bearing tree is a marked tree used
Life for a surveyor back in those to ensure a corner could be found if
days was not one of luxury. Michi- the monument marking was de-
gan was vast, forested and swampy stroyed. Sur veyors mark trees with
with no roads, no GPS and no easy prescribed marks, noting the tree’s
ways for the surveyors to get where species, size (diameter), and loca-
they were going. It wasn’t uncom- tion relative to the corner. MDNR
mon for surveyors from southern photos
Michigan to make their way to the
western Upper Peninsula by walking
to Saginaw Bay, where they’d catch
a steamer to Sault Ste. Marie. There, ies for the benefit of the department, ments as to how far they are from
they might hook up with a canoe- which also benefits the adjoining monuments. These “bearing trees”
paddling voyageur for a ride west land owners and the public,” Pipp or “witness trees” help surveyors
before walking inland to commence said. “Good boundaries make for locate the monument again when
their surveying work. Now that’s a good neighbors.” needed. All the information is
rough commute. recorded in the county Register of
“The logistics of what they had DNR Surveyors Deeds’ office.
to do to survey some of the areas The DNR puts monuments on State surveyors are responsible
of our state is just amazing,” said its corners using galvanized steel for finding and re-marking the sites
Jeremy Pipp, a surveyor with the pipes, capped with an aluminum of the original boundary monu-
Michigan Department of Natural disc stamped with the land sur- ments put in place during the 1800s.
Resources who is based in the U.P. veyor’s license number and the That task often involves a good bit
town of Norway. “You’ve got to ap- corner’s location within the Public of old-fashioned sleuthing, which
preciate these extraordinary individ- Land Survey System. Mirroring the might start by looking up land
uals, enduring these hardships, and work of the original surveyors, DNR records at the county courthouse and
completing their assigned work.” surveyors mark (blaze) nearby trees, end by searching for clues out in the
Pipp is one of seven land sur- inscribe them and provide measure- woods after riding a four-wheeler or

50 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS

a snowmobile to the area. Besides marking the grid lines
“It’s a nice mold of art, sci- for townships, ranges and sections,
ence, archaeology, mathematics the original surveyors also were
and geometry all mixed into one,” charged with evaluating the environ-
Pipp said. “You gather all of this ment in the area where they were
information and say, ‘What does this working.
mean and how does this all come
together?’” Field Notes
The original wooden posts from A 19-point list of things to put in
those early surveys have weath- field notes included:
ered away over time, and often all • A description of the land
that remains is a depression in the surface, “whether rolling, broken or
ground or, just below ground, the hilly.”
pointed base of an original survey • The soil, “whether first-, sec-
post. ond- or third-rate.”
“Underground a post point can • Trees listed in order of preva-
be preserved like the day they put it lence.
in,” Pipp said. • A description of all rivers,
Finding one of those is “fantas- creeks and smaller streams.
tic,” Pipp said. • All lakes and ponds.
“Someone drove a post into the • All minerals and ores and “all
ground and took some notes nearly diggings therefore.”
170 years ago, and through your • All settlements, roads and
retracement skills you were able to trails.
recover this monument,” he said. Many of Michigan’s early
In 2012, state surveyor Matt state surveyors were meticulous,
Dontz and a student assistant found as is evident by comparing record
an original monument post set in measurements with those made with
1850 – a sharpened cedar log – im- modern equipment. Other survey-
mersed in water that protected it ors weren’t quite as precise, which
from the elements. can mean more detective work for
“At that moment I knew I was today’s surveyors trying to trace old
living the highlight of my survey- lines.
ing career to date and possibly my Michigan’s state surveyors
entire career,” Dontz wrote about these days use a combination of
the incident. old-school and modern techniques.
His quest started with handwrit- Surveying has continued to evolve
ten copies of original land office to use GPS, and some surveyors are
notes in Montmorency County, using technology such as drones.
north of Atlanta in the northeast But the heart of the profession is Top: General land office plat maps, original sur veyor’s field notes and exist-
Lower Peninsula. Those notes led to the same: to ethically determine and ing corner records are used to determine proper ty lines. Above Left: A cor-
a stream in a swampy area, where mark property lines. ner post from Michigan’s original sur vey is shown. This post was set on July
the original stake was found. “Some of the (early) surveyors 30, 1850, and was unear thed in 2012. Above Right: A tree shows township,
John Nutkins, who works out were really diligent conducting their range and section markings.
of the DNR’s Newberry office, has original surveys, and some were
been surveying for 19 years. He not,” Pipp said. When the original
points are elusive, “you’ve got to try surveying (Michigan Technological good moral character.
also has found an original post or
and come up with a hypothesis and University and Ferris State Univer- • Pass written and practical tests.
two, but said it is more common to
find evidence to support that. The sity offer them in Michigan). • Work in the field for three
find the bearing trees nearby. Those • Complete four years of expe- years for those who have a master’s
include originals and trees that were goal is to be in harmony with the
original survey.” rience for those with a bachelor’s degree and four years for those with
marked in the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s. degree or three years for those with a bachelor’s degree in surveying.
“Actually, you see quite a few Where Does a graduate degree in surveying. Learn more about professional
of them; it’s neat,” he said. “It’s the It All Start? • Pass two national examinations surveying through the Michigan
ones that haven’t been found by Michigan’s grid of townships, and one state-specific examination. Society of Professional Surveyors at
somebody else yet that you get re- ranges and sections originates from • Apply for a license and be of MISPS.org.n
ally excited about. a location southeast of Leslie, now


memorialized in the 108-acre Me-
Be sure to ridian-Baseline State Park. The park
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WNW NEWS MAY 2019 51
ell, with the Nice catches of steelhead, coho and
winter finally even lakers will be mixed in. This is
letting go of a small boat fisherman’s dream situ-
its strangle- ation, and quite frankly, not enough
hold on us anglers realize how easy this can be.
all. I’ve got Here’s the quick tactics.
a quick list of some “Must Fish” Fishing 12 to 40 feet of water,
opportunities. Many of you have trolling rods and reels with one to
known or considered doing day trips three colors of lead for the spoons.
to these waters to wet the boat in an Trolling rods with 14 pound mono
early fishing excursion, well this is for body baits and three sets of
the year, and here’s my “Must Fish” in-line trolling boards (I like the
list. Off-Shore boards). The colors are
oranges, greens, silver Take advantage of the great fishery out of Holland for coho.
Holland and golds. Simple flatline
trolling near creek mouths creek mouths, river mouths and pier
and Muskegon and pier heads can produce heads are best. Give this a try and
“into catching” nice gills and crap-
pie, then this west shore gem is the
This area offers some great catches. get hooked on early “near shore”
flat out awesome early shal- spot to get the boat wet early. The
Here’s a very important fishing! weeds start growing here right after
low fishing. I mean right off rule, find some colored wa- ice out and the fish are in the shal-
the beaches! ter. These shallow fish will Hamlin Lake lows in and around that new growth.
This bite starts as soon hold much better in water Another one of those “must fish”
as the floating ice is gone Without sounding like a broken
that is stained panfish lakes. Now this one is no
By John Bergsma
and will go for a secret but that doesn’t stop me from record, the presentation is bobbers,
from outflow.
good 2-3 weeks. That’s why reminding everyone that if you are light line and either small jigs with

with your host

n B e r g sm a
Jo h Now on...
CBSSN: Saturday’s at 7:30 a.m January-March
Fox Sports Detroit: Sunday’s at 7:00 a.m January-June
Online viewing at: www.fishermansdigest.com
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• Destinations • Fishing Reports •
• Our Show • Cooks Corner •

52 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS

live bait or hook and sinker with live Monroe Here’s my early season recipe for
and Luna Pier
bait. Let’s face it, one of the things success. I love trolling crankbaits,
that we all love about panfish is that and this is one of the best areas to
they are not hard to catch, and they Here’s some awesome early do this effective presentation. My
may be the best eating of all the walleye action. I have spent many three favorite early baits are Ban-
game fish. Hamlin is one of the best days fishing the great Lake Erie. dits, Strike King Banana Shads and
panfish lakes in Michigan. This lake always astounds me at Deep Husky Jerks.
how good it remains year after year. I prefer the new custom colors
that many retailers have come out
with. When choosing colors, I fol-
Chef Grant’s Country Smokehouse “Recipe of the Month” low these rules: If the bait has any
Smoked Salmon And Kale Salad combination of pink, chartreuse, or-
ange, green, white, black or purple,
1 bunch of fresh kale chopped it will work on Erie. I also adhere to
1 red bell pepper diced fishing metallic color combinations
1 orange bell pepper diced on sunny days, and florescent colors
1 yellow bell pepper diced on cloudy days. Early, late or very
1/2 red onion diced dark days means darker colors like
1 lb. diced cooked bacon purple will work best…well there’s
1 cup fresh shaved Parmesan no proof of any of this, but it has
cheese always worked well for me.
16 oz halved cherry tomatoes A couple other tips would be to
try to get a couple buddies to go and
1 1/2 cups poppyseed dressing
be able to then run six rods. This
The author loves walleye fishing
2 lbs. shredded Country Smokehouse smoked salmon
gives you the ability to put a spread on Lake Erie in the spring.
Combine all salad ingredients and mix thoroughly. Top with the of two baits at three different depths. up then troll 2-3 mph. Remember
desired amount of dressing and toss. Top finished salad with gently This really helps in finding where this, the faster you go, the more lure
shredded smoked salmon and enjoy! the fish are biting. Speeds will vary tuning is required to keep the baits
with water temperature, but this catching fish. I’ll switch to Dream-
should help. Water temperatures of weaver Mini spoons at about 2 mph.
This recipe was provided by Chef Grant Bergsma at Fisherman’s Digest TV. 35-45 degrees means I’ll troll 1-1.5 These little guys are fish catching
For more recipes and excellent video fishing reports check out mph. If it’s 45-55 degrees I’ll troll machines and come in a bunch of
www.fishermansdigest.com or on Facebook@Great Lakes Fishermans Digest. 1.5-2 mph, and 55-75 degrees and colors.n

Captain Mike Veine focuses on Saginaw Bay, which
many consider to be the Walleye Capital of the World.
Saginaw Bay Walleye
All through spring and
summer our charters produce
consistant, world class fish-
ing. Both eaters and lunkers
are typically caught on most
charters for the perfect mix.
Early Spring yields larger
sized walleyes with some
trout and salmon mixed in for
good measure. Late spring
and summer produces limit
catches on most charters
with more pleasant condi-
tions and some perch, bass
and pike mixed in. We fish
both the inner and outer por-
tions of the Bay including the
Charity Islands.

WNW NEWS MAY 2019 53
Early Season Tactics…By George Rowe

nglers across the these are the best eating fish that
State of Michigan swim in fresh water.
will be ready and
rarin’ to go when Finding the Fish
that last Saturday Finding walleyes in the spring is
in April (the 27th, even more challenging than finding
this year) finally comes along. Ice them in the summer or fall. There
fishing is okay but it doesn’t really are a couple of things you can al- Finding
stack up to open water fishing. ways try, however, and one of them
Bass probably still account for is likely to work. walleyes in
more fishing effort than walleyes The first thing to try is the the spring is
but the fish with the strange eyes water around likely spawning areas. challenging.
is making some rapid gains in this Opening day, late in April, comes
state and in many others. They just after the spawning period and
aren’t great fighters, even when many walleyes are apt to remain
reaching maximum weights, but around the mouths of the creeks fish and minnows which, in turn, water less than twelve feet deep.
they are a wonderful challenge. and rivers that run into your favor- will draw the walleyes and other Spring fishing methods can
They aren’t particularly hard to ite lake or around the rocky shoals predators to the area. Any source of be the same as those favored any
catch but they are hard to find and points that provide spawning warmer water can have that effect, other time of the year. Trolling is a
and the walleye angler is gravel right in the lake. There is and that water could stem from good bet, particularly for exploring
constantly called upon to figure another reason to fish those stream springs, or it could be water warmed and until you find the right bottom
out where the fish are and how mouths and that is warmer water. If by the sun. Shallow flats are espe- characteristics and depth that holds
to deceive them. There is a the meltwater or rainwater running cially attractive in the spring. fish. Then it will probably be more
special bonus, too, in fishing down in that creek is warmer than Finding the Food efficient to stop and cast. Once you
for walleyes – many agree that the lake water, it will attract bait Finding walleyes at any time discover, for instance, that fish are
holding on a flat with eight feet of

Tom Carney
of the year is often just a matter of
finding their food. In the spring, water and thin weeds on a mud bot-
they will be feeding on wigglers, tom, you can look for those charac-
minnows, fry (the young of any fish teristics elsewhere and probably find
and that will include perch, bull- fish there too. Feeding fish will take
heads, bass, bluegills, crappie, pike, small plugs readily, if you use one

Among the Aspens

suckers and even walleyes) and that has a good wiggle action close
crayfish. Those shallow flats can re- to the bottom. Leadhead jigs, tipped
ally be hot, especially if your special with a small minnow, can also be
lake has a good population of the productive and may be the best
giant Hexagenia mayflies. Those lar- choice for fishing the shallows. For
vae or wigglers will be getting fatter trolling, plugs or nightcrawler har-
Award-winning nature and outdoor
and moving around more along the nesses can be effective and so can a
writer Thomas Carney returns to
bottom in late April and May and spinner and minnow combination.
form in his latest collection of
the walleyes will really be getting As a general rule, trolling speed
essays, Among the Aspens: Stolen
Moments in Secret Coverts. after them. should be very slow and an adjust-
ment should be made to even slower
As with his previous collections, Fish the Shallows speeds if the fish seem reluctant to
Sun-Drenched Days, Two-Blanket Fishing the shallows is a good
strike. Walleyes never seem to be
Nights; and Bird Dogs and Betty bet early in the year. Many anglers,
Cakes, Tom employs a variety of new to walleye fishing, have a hard willing to move very much or very
perspectives and presentations time recognizing that walleyes feed fast to take any sort of lure and your
as his writing glides effortlessly in really shallow water, especially presentations need to have that in
across the lines that delineate during the low-light hours. It is their mind.
serious writing, humor, nostalgia, habit to invade the shallows at dusk Expect to find the fish ganged
analysis, description and storytelling. and they may remain there all night, up in the spring. The conditions that
Different this time around: Instead moving out gradually as the light in- favor feeding may be very limited
of moving from activity to activity creases in the morning. They can be in scope and the fish may be on
with the progressing seasons as he caught at dawn in water as thin as a one flat that seems to be exactly the
did in his first two books of essays, few feet and many are caught in wa- same as another but there is some
in Among the Aspens Tom delivers ter less than six or eight feet deep, difference that is difficult to discern.
the goods through a single form early in the morning. If their cur- If you find a fair concentration of
of outdoor recreation: upland bird rent source of food is concentrated fish on a given flat, it is usually a
hunting. in shallow water, the walleyes will good idea to fish the heck out of it,
To purchase: $34.95 (Michigan residents, please add $2.10 sales tax) plus remain there until mid-day, some- simply because there may not be
$6.35 postage/handling times. And, if they move, they will another situation that is nearly so
only move to slightly deeper water, productive on the entire lake.
Send check or money order to: Partridge Pointe Press, 2470 Strawberry if the bait fish or other source of Early walleye fishing – it’s a
Farm St. NE, Belmont, Michigan 49306. food makes that same move. Even really enjoyable challenge and a
when the sun is bright overhead, one wonderful opportunity for some real
Purchase online at www.tomcarneywriter.com can continue to catch walleyes in fishing after a long, cold winter.n
54 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
GUN CHAT: Savage 99
he first Savage 99 I saw for a long while but still don’t own over the years. The flat sides of the re- take the train to a neighboring county,
had been hunted with one. Prices started out high and have ceivers gave engravers lots of room to fish rivers there all day, and then flag
so much it had little fin- continued to climb while I looked. work. I’ve seen pictures of engraved the afternoon, or evening, train and
ish left. It was an early I borrowed a 99 in .308 and hunted 99s that could make collectors think ride it home.
version with the rotary with it for a day outside Crystal Falls about mortgaging their houses. The Since it was made for a small cali-
magazine and a round in Iron County. I didn’t have a doe tag wood was the best walnut available, ber my M99 is lighter and sleeker than
counter in the receiver. The caliber and only saw one large doe. The rifle and the engraving, if not perfect, must rifles in larger calibers. The peep sight
was .38-55 and the owner said he was felt good to carry and the lever-locking have been very close to it. I have never is one of the best Marble sights I’ve
having trouble finding ammo for it. safety intrigued me. I think that 99 handled one of those fancy 99s and used. The rear aperture is large enough
He also had doubts about the amount also had a rotary magazine although by that may be a good thing. to use quickly, but not too large for
of rifling left in the barrel. The words then the 99 was being offered with a The 99 I found is not that upscale precise shooting. The stock
“shot out” may have been used. detachable box magazine. Before pro- and not collectible either, having been is plain walnut, with no figure. It
I never got a chance to shoot the duction ended I heard some 99s were refinished. It’s a takedown rifle in .22 is well-shaped and feels good at
old 99 and see if it was still accurate. made in Spain and imported. Finally, High Power with a Marble’s peep the shoulder. The forearm is slim
I think the supply of .38-55 may be even that didn’t reduce costs enough sight on the tang. The original Savage but not a splinter. There’s enough to
greater now than in the late 1960s but and the 99’s production run ended. iron sights are still on the barrel. The hold onto.
the rifle owner and I have lost contact Arthur Savage of the Savage steel buttplate is curved and reminds I got two boxes of the .22 High
over the years. Repeating Arms Company developed me of the buttplates on Kentucky Power with the rifle and still have a
The looks of the 99 the rifle in 1892 and refined rifles. Since the .22 High Power is a few rounds left. The bullets were 70
always appealed to me. And it in 1895 and 1899. One of light-kicking round there was no need grain softpoints, and the velocity
they were more easily scoped its many good points is that for a soft pad. The takedown feature was quoted at about 2,800 fps. I in-
than some other lever deer it is a strong action that could may make the rifle less accurate but is tended to reload for the 99 when I
rifles. They were also strong safely use pointed bullets. interesting. got it but haven’t as yet. Hornady
enough to adapt easily to Rifles from competitors were In the old days, takedown rifles used to make bullets for the .22 High
calibers like the .308. A left- restricted to round, or flat- and shotguns were also practical travel Power.
handed hunter I met in Utah pointed bullets, because of pieces. Taken down they could be put The caliber is gone from the mar-
preferred the Savage 99 their tubular magazines. in cases that would fit into the luggage ket in the U.S. Because it was used in
to other rifles. His was
chambered for the .284 By Lee Arten Proprietary calibers
like the .250 and .300
compartments on passenger trains.
Some 99s could also take a .410 shot-
drillings, combination guns popular
in Europe, it was still being produced
Winchester. Another short-lived caliber Savage, and the .22 High Power gave gun barrel. That made the rifle into a there till recently. Supply there seems
in the 99 was the .358 Winchester. I Savage an early marketing boost. single-shot shotgun. I am not sure if shorter now too. I plan on making a
always thought that would have been The ability to easily adapt to modern the .22 High Power rifles could take more thorough search on ammo sales
a fine deer and bear rifle. The rifle also calibers like .308 and .243 Winchester the .410 barrel. websites for loaded ammo and, if I find
came in .300 Savage and .250-3000 kept the 99 as a factor in the deer rifle The idea of taking a train to the some, will shoot the 99 again this year.
(.250 Savage), and other calibers. I market for years. woods may sound odd now, but my It’s too fine a rifle not to shoot now
have looked for one in .250 Savage Some engraved 99s were made grandfather and my great uncle used to and then.n

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WNW NEWS MAY 2019 55
Chris Reed...The Rolling Hunter’s

ne of the biggest Crockett caliber antlers, and may be
bucks bagged in the first to do so in North America.
Michigan dur- And that’s not the first trophy buck
ing 2018 seasons to Reed’s credit. He collected big
was collected by a bucks each of the last three years.
hunter Chris Reed In fact, the 8-pointer Chris ar-
from Constantine. Chris, also known rowed during the fall of 2017, which
as the Rolling Hunter, is setting an has an official score of 161 3/8,
example for others like him that are according to CBM, also qualities for
disabled, showing them entry in national records
that his disability doesn’t maintained by Boone &
keep him from doing what Crockett. In 2016, Chris
he loves…hunting. While nailed a 10-point buck with
doing so, he arrowed an antlers that measure 156.
18-point nontypical in St. Reed’s string of big buck Chris Reed with his two trophy bucks taken the past two deer seasons.
Joseph County on Decem- success is exceptional for
ber 4, 2018 with a spe- able-bodied hunters much these things on his own. He credits mented. “All I do is pull the trigger.
cially-designed crossbow. less those who are handi- his circle of family and friends and Everybody else takes me out. It’s a
The buck has capped.
By Richard P. Smith
at least one landowner who are com- group effort.”
an official net Chris mitted to helping him do what he Reed was paralyzed during a
score of 193 has clearly wants. Their combined efforts have swimming accident in June of 1998
6/8, according to Commemorative shown that handicapped hunters made Reed’s exceptional success when he was 20 years old. He has
Bucks of Michigan (CBM). can accomplish the same things as possible. no feeling from the chest down. He
Reed is certainly the first any other hunter and his example “I want to make it clear how has limited use of his hands and
wheelchair-bound hunter in Michi- is inspirational. He makes it clear, blessed I am to have the support of arms. His right arm is stronger than
gan to bag a buck with Boone and however, that he didn’t accomplish family and friends,” Chris com- his left.


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56 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
“I grew up hunting and fishing with the family; my
dad, uncles and cousins. After the accident, I thought
I would never be able to do those things again.”
“A rope swing came off in shal- built a new hunting shack. I also
low water and I fell on my head, bought a new crossbow that year, a
breaking my neck.” Chris said. “I Mathews Mission. Up until then I
grew up hunting and fishing with the hadn’t had much luck.”
family; my dad, uncles and cousins. The Mathews crossbow was
After the accident, I thought I would customized like the previous one,
never be able to do those things which allowed Chris to use his
again.” hands to aim the bow. The cross-
Fortunately, that mindset gradu- bow also has a mechanical cocking
ally changed. Chris’ family made mechanism. Once on target, Reed
sure he was eventually able to blows into a tube to fire the cross- Chris Reed with his trophy buck from 2018, held by good friend Tim Miller
resume hunting. bow. and his circle of family, friends and landowners who are committed to
“In 2000, my dad decided to “Once the crosshairs are lined helping him do what he wants. Their combined effor ts have made Reed’s
adapt a crossbow for me, so that I up, there’s one little puff and the ar- exceptional success possible.
could start hunting again,” Chris row’s on its way,” Chris said. On the evening of November 9 that gest buck. He saw the nontypical
wrote on his website. “I had instant After Chris started hunting from year, I shot a 10-pointer that scores frequently on earlier hunts, but he
success! That fall, I shot a little his new hunting shack, he began 156. He came in behind a doe that would never come into the food
four-point buck from my wheelchair seeing a lot of bucks, but they were was coming into heat. plot. By December, the whitetail
and the thrill of being able to hunt out of bow range. Unable to connect “He was 28 yards away when was more interested in gaining
again gave me goose bumps. I real- on a buck, he shot a doe. Then in I shot him. That’s my sweet spot. I weight lost during the rut. The buck
ized that with the help of my family 2015, a 5-acre food plot consisting waited for the buck to turn broad- was 28 yards away like the other
and friends, I had achieved a unique of radishes, turnips and some other side before I shot him. I had to wait two when Chris finally got the shot
accomplishment. I knew that with things was put in by the hunting about a minute and a half for him to he was waiting for.
the support system I had, anything shack to help bring bucks within turn.” The 10-pointer that Chris got
was possible!” range of Reed’s crossbow. On November 8, 2017, a similar during 2016 had a dressed weight
After early success with his It worked. That fall, Chris scenario played out as a big buck of 186 pounds and he thought the
customized crossbow, Reed expe- connected on a 100-inch 8-pointer followed a doe into the food plot whitetail was seven or eight years
rienced difficulty filling more tags. during late November while hunting that was coming into heat. Chris sold. Both the bucks he got during
Things took a turn for the better in with his brother Aaron. also shot that buck at 28 yards, but 2017 and 2018 were aged at six
2014. “In 2016, we started getting he had to wait a nerve-racking six years old. The 8-point had a dressed
“We had been hunting property pictures of three big bucks on our to eight minutes before that buck weight of 185 pounds. The 18-point-
where the landowner gave me per- trail camera,” Chris continued. “So finally gave Reed a good shot. er only dressed out at 165 pounds,
mission to hunt for four years at that I started letting nice bucks go while Chris had to wait until De- but he lost a lot of weight during the
point,” Chris explained. “The guys waiting for shots at the big ones. cember of 2018 to shoot his big- rut.n

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WNW NEWS MAY 2019 57

Dog Training...By Len Jenkins

Introduction to gunfire
un-shy dogs are most of the rounds have been fired
not born; they are off. Keep up the happy noise. When
made. Shooting you’re about twenty feet from the
birds is the reward shooter, signal him to fire. Come
you’ll reap from up to within five feet of the gun and
good dog work. signal again, having your assistant
It will do you no good if your dog shoot another round or two. Keep up
handles easily, works the fields the happy noise by cheerful fun talk.
thoroughly and points stylishly, but If you do all this properly and if
runs for a place to hide when the your dog has never had any adverse
gun is fired. Gun-shyness can ruin experience with gunfire, you’re
a dog and complicate all training. almost done with this lesson.
Therefore, prevent this problem by The next thing we need to do is
properly introducing your dog to to couple gunfire with birds. To do
gunfire. this you need to set out one of the
Let your young pup get used to birds in either the release harness or
lots of noise. When he’s on point or spring launcher. Work the dog in this
pursuing game birds, make noise as direction, having your assistant hang
the bird goes up. If you’re training back a short distance while you
a young pointer or setter to whoa on advance toward the bird by making
point when working with the wing lots of excited noise like ‘birds in
on the fishing rod line, make noise here,’ or ‘find the birds,’ clapping
as you flip the wing into the air. You to the actual shotgun blast. To do hears gunfire. To get your dog to as you go. Then have your assistant
should also fire your blank pistol so this, you’re first going to show him this point, you’ll need an assistant. fire off another round. There should
your pup gets accustomed to the gun that the loud blast is nothing to fear. The entire process of getting the have been no negative reaction.
report when the bird flies up. In fact, by the time we’re finished, pup accustomed to and excited over As your pup approaches the bird,
Once your pup is used to noise your young pup will associate the gunfire takes only one well-staged ‘whoa’ him into a point. (If he’s a
and does not react adversely in any gun report with birds, expecting to training session. The tools for ac- flush dog, keep up the noise and
way, you’re ready to introduce him find a downed bird whenever he complishing this extremely impor- excitement by urging him on.) Flush
tant aspect of your dog’s training are the bird at the right time. Have the

Je n
basic: a shotgun (.410 or 20 gauge

assistant shoot the bird, dropping

n i ns
preferred), at least one box of inex-

it in front of the excited pup while

pensive shells, three birds (quail or you keep up the loud fun talk in an
pigeons), check cord, and a spring enthusiastic manner, yelling ‘dead
bird launcher or release harness. - dead!’ excitedly as the bird drops,
Here we go! running toward the dropped bird to

We’re going to prevent one of excite the pup over this new expe-
the worst problems of all through rience. If all works out well, as it
careful, systematic introduction to should, this will probably be an ex-
gunfire. Have your assistant, who perience your dog will never forget,
obviously should be knowledgeable leaving in his memory an indelible
regarding firearm safety, go out into imprint in which you and he were
a field about two hundred yards and having a great time in the field. He
wait there for your signal–a nod of located and handled a bird, the bird
the head or the loudly yelled word flew up and that wonderful, exciting
Custom Gun Dog Training English Setters ‘Shoot!’ While you are with your sound (gunfire) was heard. Then the
dog in the original location, you bird dropped to the ground, at which
4989 Abbot Road • Reading, MI 49274 should do everything possible to
keep him in a relaxed, happy mood
time you and your dog got very
excited, and you praised him for a
by playing with him and letting him
Hunts Conducted On job well done! Wow! This is getting

do things he already knows well better and better all the time! Set out
(whoa, heel, come, etc.). the other two birds and repeat this
Your manner and voice must be procedure.
In Good Cover (Including Blues)
very upbeat. While you’re doing Now that your dog is accus-
this, be noisy–clap your hands, talk tomed to gunfire and realizes that
We Don’t Fool Around, loudly, blow the whistle or have the sound is heard in conjunction
GUN DOG TRAINING another person talk loudly with you.
Then signal to your assistant to fire
with falling birds, we’re ready for

the next step which has already
into the ground, making sure that been introduced (fetch). We’ll find
Your Dog & You Will Be Great (Lunch Provided) the blast is just one of many noises the bird on the command ‘dead,’
being made simultaneously. This thereby adding one more piece to
QUALITY ENGLISH way the dog hears gunfire while he’s
active and happy and comes to real-
our mosaic. Before long the

picture will be complete, and
ize that this particular sound, like all you’ll have a gun dog that will
From 47 Years Of Selective Breeding the others he is hearing, is in no way thrill you by his performance
Farm Raised, Exposed to Gun Fire and on Pheasants frightening. and dazzle you with his style. All
Then walk toward the gun, this will be possible because you
making a lot of happy noise. As you
CALL NOW! 517.283.1559
were careful and thoughtful in the
do this, signal the shooter to fire, way you introduced him
getting progressively closer until to gunfire.n
58 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
I love bead fishing steelies above
nearly everything else I have tried

picked up some beads on to the beads in any given bait shop.
a whim several years ago. There are ways to tie the bead onto
My good buddy Easter was the leader and I have succumbed to
in town from Colorado. We using toothpicks when forgetting
had a day and a half to get to purchase more pegs. Pegs are
to the west simple and hold
side of Michigan to the bead well while
try and get him as still allowing you
many steelhead as to adjust the bead
possible to refuel wherever you like
his arms before he on the line.
was sent back to Above the bead
the Rockies. We on the mainline I
stopped at the Mus- have found using
kegon Fly Shop in the familiar tapered
Newaygo to get him split shot, ranging
stocked up on some from your largest
terminal tackle. The split shot just below
Muskegon Fly Shop your float tapering
has always treated down to three to
me very well. They five smaller split-
are always willing shots just above
to go the extra mile your micro swivel.
to hand out great How much shot is
There are many bead manufacturers on the market today that offer
By Nathan Miller
customer service. needed depends on
While we were depth, current, and a wide variety of colors and sizes. Although the author is par tial to
rummaging around float being fished. more natural colors, you need a variety depending on water clarity,
the shop one of the guides there Using a bead on a tapered split shot fishing pressure, etc.
asked us what we were up to. We rig really gets your bait out in front
told him and he asked if we had ever of the rest of rig. I believe that’s attention to. leader and trying new colors. I had a
tried bead fishing. I had heard of one reason bait fishing is so effec- I have become a big fan of 10mm purple bead in my box and I
it, read a little about it, but had yet tive and many have come around to Bloodrun Tackle Company. I have pegged it on. First drift through the
to try it. He managed to pique our doing it. The presentation it gives no affiliation with them, other than bend and I had a fish on. Three drifts
interest enough to give it a go. We has a better chance of hooking up on they also are a fellow Michigan later, I had another bright fat hen
picked up some beads and pegs and those days when the fish seem to be based company revolving around that would be my personal best. This
went down to the Mo to give them skittish or pressured. Float fishing salmon and steelhead fishing. They bead went through a half dozen fish
a try. can be manipulated in many ways pay particular attention to river and that day. I was happy to give out the
float fishing for steelhead. When I other two purple beads I had to my
The Rig and the bead bite has one of the best
ways of manipulating fish. am running beads or any float type fishing buddies, to help bring over a
If you are a float fisherman, then For the guys running fly rods, rig, I run their terminal tackle almost dozen fish to the bank this day.
the rig will be familiar and easy to I have seen them using beads on exclusively. Their Tailout Hooks are I am partial to more natural col-
set up. Just like rigging a simple a chuck-and-duck rig as well. The a straight shank hook designed for ors of roe when it comes to fishing
hook for a spawn bag, you are sim- only difference from fishing a float float fishing. They are a strong hook beads but I have fished many colors
ply adding the bead on before the setup to a fly or chuck-and-duck rig I have yet to break. Their sharp and I have taken fish on nearly all of
hook is tied. Preference to where the is I use an octopus hook on the fly hook and straight shank give suburb them. I feel it is vital to keep natural
bead is placed seems to be a com- rig instead of a straight shank hook, hooksets. Obviously, this always colors in your box and always have
mon question, but everyone is usu- as I would under a float rig. depends on how fast your reaction a few off colors (purples, pinks,
ally within an inch of the next guy. time is to setting that hook when the chartreuse) as well. Water clarity,
Personally, I run my beads one- The Hooks float dunks. Many other companies fishing pressure and just being dif-
and-one-half to two inches above When picking your hook for the offer the same hook orientation. I ferent can all play a part when pick-
my hook. I gauge this with my index bead bite, I like to go a size bigger am partial to the straight shank for ing the bead of the day and it goes
and middle finger. I’ve seen and than the bead itself. Seventy-five bead fishing, but will slide to their to show that steelhead love the bead
read where others will go as much percent of the time I am running an Skeena hook that offers a knot to be bite in a variety of colors.
as four inches above the hook. I 8mm bead; therefore, I will tie on
have run my beads that far above a size #8 or #10 hook. The other
snelled on the reverse bend of the
hook when floating spawn. Conclusion
in the past, but I felt my hookset 25 percent of the time I am bead The bead bite is such a simple
wasn’t there when it needed to be. fishing, a 10mm bead and tying a #6 The Colors and effective way to fish for steel-
I secure my beads with the plas- or #8 size hook. The type of hook There’s overwhelming choice of head. It works well from November
tic pegs that are usually found next is something I am always paying the colors of beads. There are many through the last stretch of the late
bead manufacturers on the market spring runs. This approach has
today that offer a wide variety of proven successful to so many fisher-
colors and sizes. Some friends and I men. A bead imitating a single egg,
were fishing the Betsie River up in much like an egg fly, can be used
Benzonia. We had made it down- to catch fish, whether from the boat
river a good way and had put in a or the bank. Enough can’t be said
couple hours of fishing with only about fishing beads and with the
a fish or two to show for it. When many options, bead styles, and col-
the fishing is tough I tend to start ors available to the fisherman, it can
The author’s bead fishing rig...he likes to run his bead one and thinking outside the box. I start set you up for some fantastic days of
one-half inch to two inches above the hook. moving my bead up and down my fishing in the future.n
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 59
Two unique
stories in our
great outdoors
Lake Trout and bottom, found it and swallowed it.
There really isn’t any other expla-
Corn on The Cob nation as to how the corn cobs got
Normally corn on the cob and inside the fish.
lake trout shouldn’t come up in a If indeed it was dumped into the
sentence unless you are serving both lake by a freighter, I wonder what
on a dinner plate. This is a strange else is being dumped into our great
story and if I hadn’t heard the story lakes by freighters passing through!
from someone I know and the pic- There you have it, another fish story.
tures to go along with it I wouldn’t A strange one, but a true one.
have believed it.
Marty Skiba, an avid fisherman Bobcats
and hunter from Alpena, told me a
fish story that was very unusual to Moving South Above: looking in
the mouth of this
say the least. If you recall I wrote a Living in northern Michigan I am
used to seeing bobcats, in fact I have 16 pound lake
story about Marty and his brother trout caught on
Jim who had each taken a very hunted them for years with a preda-
large bear in the fall of tor call and have called in Lake Huron out
2017. Marty was fishing for several for friends and my- of Alpena, you
Lake Trout in Lake Huron self. I was very surprised can see the corn
off Alpena. He was fish- when my son Joe, a Michi- on the cob. Left:
gan State Trooper, called
ing with friends Jeff Avery
me and told me about a
After cleaning
and Ray Henry. They were
bobcat found dead in east- and filleting the
fishing for lake trout when lake trout two full
Marty hooked and landed a ern Washtenaw County on
16-pound lake trout. Pontiac Trail. The location ears of corn were
is very close found?
By Jeff Pendergraff
getting the to the Wayne ing I have only once seen a bobcat moving into southern Michigan,
lake trout on County border when I wasn’t hunting them. I saw Mountain lions in the Upper Penin-
board they observed something very and the city of two at night crossing the road while sula, a lynx and a wolverine in the
strange inside of the lake trout’s Detroit. Detroit is located on the far driving in northern Michigan. thumb, and black bears on occasion
mouth. Upon further investigation eastern portion of Wayne County. I have several friends who moving farther south into metro
much to their surprise they saw a My son was working that day hunt southern Michigan a lot, trail areas, what’s next?
corn cob inside. in the Salem Detachment of the cameras out by the dozens as well as Keep in mind there is no open
Once back at the cleaning station Brighton State Police Post when two friends who spend the entire win- season on bobcats in southern
there happened to be a DNR Fisher- Washtenaw County road commis- ter chasing coyotes with dogs and Michigan. t would be illegal to
ies employee who watched Marty sion workers stopped by and told none of them have seen any cats on kill one or even possess one you
and his two fishing companions Jeff him they found a dead bobcat lying trail cameras, cut their tracks in the found that was dead. The bobcat
Avery and Ray Henry along with on the side of the road near a road snow, treed any with dogs or caught that was found was turned over
several charter captains witness the kill deer. There aren’t a lot of big them in traps. But they are here! to the DNR. If you’re interested
16-pound lake trout being filleted woods in this area, mostly farm Makes me wonder if there aren’t in hunting bobcat or trapping
and witnessed the corn being re- lands. Everyone was very surprised other areas of southern Michigan them, you can find the rules in
moved from the stomach of the fish. to see the bobcat in this part of the where bobcats have wandered into. the Michigan hunting and trapping
In total, there were two ears of corn state. My son said it appeared to There must be, they just didn’t de- digest that the DNR puts out each
inside the lake trout. have been just recently killed and cide to go from northern Michigan year.
No one there had ever seen corn weighed at least 30 pounds. He has to Livingston or Washtenaw Coun- Author is Jeff Pendergraff,
cobs being removed from the belly taken a 30-pound male while hunt- ties and decide to make it a home. retired Captain from the DNR Law
of any fish, let alone a lake trout. I ing with me several years ago with a Now we have proof bobcats are Enforcement Division.n
have caught fish with corn before. predator call and felt the bobcat was
As a young child growing up in as big as his or bigger.
Flint I used to fish for carp with I contacted Dennis Tison, a
corn and shredded wheat as bait on wildlife biologist for the Michigan
Thread Lake. But, I along with all of Department of Natural Resources
the witnesses had never heard of this who works out of the Grass Lake
before. Office. He told me that in the past
Marty also told me he was few years bobcats have started to
fishing in 150 feet in the shipping show up in the Livingston County
channel that the freighters use. Lake area. A couple have been hit by
trout are normally at or near the bot- cars. They are mostly males look-
tom of the lake. My thought along ing for new areas. These bobcats
with Marty is most likely the corn were tested and found to be from the
cobs were dumped overboard from a wild, not ones that could have been
passing freighter. At times there are an escaped pet.
several that pass through the ship- Bobcats are very nocturnal, out
ping channel every day. Most likely of the hundreds of hours I have Bobcats are wandering fur ther south, unfor tunately this one in
the lake trout was feeding along the spent in the northern woods hunt- Washtenaw County was struck and killed by a vehicle.
60 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
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WNW NEWS MAY 2019 61

This nice stand of Imperial
Whitetail Clover was grown on a
no-till food plot and is thriving
very well indeed.

it properly while keeping expenses


on marginal sites
Regardless of the shortcomings
of that first food plot project, I was
now among the legends of “official
food plotters” as I enthusiastically
worked on those two small plots
until they were covered with a thick
matt of Imperial Whitetail Clo-
ver. The deer took notice too and
inspired by that limited success, I
made more plans to really improve
the access on my property along
with greatly expanding my food plot
acreage too. This time though, I was
determined to do it right, but I’m no
rich dude, so it would still have to
be done on a budget.
After a lot of research, I decided
to rent an excavator and perform a
lot of the roadbed prep work myself.
I contracted for three days rental on
a mid-sized machine that was big
enough that it needed to be deliv-
ered by a semi on a low-boy. I had
never operated an excavator before,
but those things are actually pretty
easy to master and within minutes
I was good to go. Actually, it was
a downright blast to operate that
magnificent machine. It was big
enough that I could knock over trees

or just reach out and yank them up
from their roots and toss them aside.
t certainly would be great issues too. The property was a “gem ings on my property, so the food I built up existing roads and cleared
if all new food plot sites in the rough” with lots of potential plots would need to be carved out and built up new roadways with
were level, cleared and that would take a considerable in- of the forests by clearing stumps, great efficiency. In just a few days
easily accessible with vestment in time, money and effort tops and standing trees along with of work, my property was laced with
rich, heavy, neutral pH to realize. pushing rocks and other debris out new roads and I dug some real nice
soils. It would also be The land hadn’t been timbered of the way. This excavator had an water holes in strategic spots too.
nice if there were no rocks or other in over 100 years, so I didn’t waste hourly rate that seemed very reason- Had I hired an excavator contractor
debris in the way too. In the real- any time contracting for a timber able, so he seemed like a logical to do all that work, it would have
world though, especially in wood- treatment on the property. About 40 choice, but unfortunately I failed to cost me thousands of dollars more
lands, most food plot acres of mostly aspen research him adequately and ended than the rental rate, and so I saved a
sites are far from ideal. were clear cut and those up paying for that mistake big time. lot of cash in the process.
There’s no reason to be areas quickly sprang It first became apparent that I had Because bulldozers are expensive
discouraged though just back into lush, thick, made a mistake when he showed up to rent and haul, especially for a big
because your land poses deer preferred habitat. with just an old, run down bulldozer enough one (John Deere 550 is the
some food plotting Other areas were select that seemed inadequate for the task. minimum size for serious food plot
challenges. In fact, the cut and we also had Sure enough, the small dozer had work), I decided to contract with an
satisfaction level is ex- some strip cuts done great difficulty pushing bigger trees excavator to grade my new roads
ponentially higher when in some of the white and stumps and he floundered in and to clear more food plot sites.
productive plots are cedar stands to break up wet spots. He labored all day using This time I did a lot more research
produced on marginal that monoculture too. up my budgeted expenditure on the though and found an excavator that
sites. Read on for some Those strip cuts really project while only completing about had the right tools for the job and
tips and know how on created some highly one quarter of what he claimed he also lots of experience making food
how to cost effectively deer preferred habi- could get done in a day. What was plots. In eight hours of pushing,

By Michael Veine
produce world tat with young done was poor too. The roads were that experienced and highly skilled
class food plots cedars and brush miserable, muddy things that were operator had nicely finished off
on rough and right in there mostly impassable and the food my roads and had also cleared five
tough ground. with the great winter, thermal cover plots were only partially cleared. more acres of food plots too. It was
In 1995 I realized a dream and nearby. Lesson learned: When hiring money well spent.
purchased a chunk of Michigan’s Next on the hit list was improv- an excavator for hunting property Clearing small rocks (and other
Upper Peninsula for recreational ing access to the property and work, the hourly rate needs to be debris) from a food plot is not really
hunting purposes. This remote 230 improving the deer nutrition there factored into the size and quality of complicated. There’s the manual
acre parcel was unimproved, rugged with some food plots. In 1997, after the machines being used. Also, do way (the way I mostly did it) and
land composed of about an even mix walking the property with a local ex- yourself a favor and really learn all there is the easy way by using a rake
of high and low ground. A brush cavator, I hired him to improve and the nuances of whatever excavation attachment on a tractor. Where pos-
choked, beaver pond studded stream make some roads through the prop- work you’ll need performed so you sible I would just toss them off to
bottom runs through the property erty and also create a couple initial can really plan and conduct those the side, otherwise I would deposit
adding both character and logistical food plots. I had no natural open- projects with confidence on doing them in a small dump trailer pulled
62 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
behind my ATV and then relocate
them to a better home off my food
plots. Big boulders though require
more work. My ATV has a winch
mounted on the front of it. For a
bunch of boulders that the dozer
missed, I had to dig around them
with a shovel, and then winch them
out with my ATV. It took me many
hours of labor to remove most of
the rocks from my food plots and
every time I run a disk over it, more
always work their way to the surface
and need to be removed. It just goes
with the territory.
Over the years, I have created
additional roads and small food
plots on my own by renting mini-
excavators. These machines are
widely available at heavy equipment
rental outlets and are a true bargain
due to their utility and the broad
range of projects they are great for.
The best mini-excavators for taming
rough terrain are going to be on the
larger side, although small ones can
suffice, but will require additional A mini-excavator with a rock picker attachment on the bucket is ideal for clearing a food plot of
time. A couple years ago I rented a stumps, rocks and other debris.
John Deere 27D, with a nine-foot
digging depth and a two foot wide also get lots of use by waterfowl and selection for these no till food plots on my small plots. These sprayers
bucket. That machine weighed in at other wildlife too. is perfect for Imperial Whitetail require lots of water, but unfortu-
about 6,500 pounds and it was great There are spots on my property No Plow. Another awesome annual nately, my property does not have a
for pulling stumps and small trees. where I wanted food plots where that I really like on my no-till plots well and even if it did, I don’t have
It also has a dozer blade which is not even an ATV can easily ac- is Imperial Whitetail Secret Spot. electricity to pump it. In the past,
awesome for pushing stuff out of the cess the locations. The stream that Deer love forage variety, so in many I would just take water from the
way and leveling things out. With flows through my land creates an of my no plow food plots, I have stream that flows through my land.
it, I cleared and built up a new road- obstacle, but I can still have excel- some parts of the plot planted with Even a trout stream though has dirty
way piling up dirt from holes dug lent food plots even in areas where annuals while other sections are water that needs to be filtered or it
(borrow pits). Afterwards, I leveled access is limited to foot travel. The planted with perennials like Imperial will plug up the sprayer nozzles. I
off the road using the dozer blade. simple solution is no-till food plots. Whitetail Clover. made a filter using multiple layers
The road was about an eighth of a I have created a bunch of small food About any time a new food plot of cheesecloth fastened over the
mile long. I also created two smaller plots using nothing but hand tools is carved out of forest land where fill opening of the tank with a big
food plots of about a quarter acre and a backpack style sprayer. The trees once stood, the pH will likely rubber band. I filled the tank with
each that day. That mini-excavator best sites for no-till plots are on be rather low and acidic. My pH buckets of water pouring it through
had a rock picker bucket, so ridding somewhat level ground that is well was about 5.0 on most of my U.P. the cheesecloth. Eventually though,
the plot of boulders and other debris drained with plenty of sunlight. If plots, so lime was prescribed, and I dug waterholes on or near all of
was especially nice. I even dug there are too many trees in the area, lots of it. At first I applied lime from my larger food plots and rigged up a
some water holes with the machine that can easily be remedied with 50 pound bags, which worked OK 12 volt pump to fill my tanks. I still
and did some landscaping by my a chainsaw. I like to clear all the on the small plots. When I expanded filter the water through the cheese-
cabin too, and all in just eight hours trees and brush from the site and my food plot acreage though, I cloth. The pump hooks up to my
of working time for about $200. pile up the debris in strategic loca- knew I’d have to get serious about ATV battery and makes quick
I’m planning on installing another tions. Leaving stumps on the site is liming. I bought a small, tow behind work of the filling process
road, and food plot this year with no problem at all. The next step is lime spreader that I pull with my making the spraying tasks go
that same machine too and highly to spray the site with a herbicide. ATV. I get a bulk delivery of lime much faster.
recommend it for do-it-yourself Usually, it will take at least two or dumped in a centralized location on My U.P. hunting property cer-
food plot work. three sprayings, one month apart, to my property along the edge of my tainly presented food plot challenges
A great spot to install food plots really kill off all the unwanted plant largest food plot and then spread galore. Once my plots were estab-
is along wetlands as deer tend to life, which is necessary to properly the lime from there. I still spread lished and tamed though, my, they
gravitate to these areas due to the prepare the food plot seedbed. After the lime by hand from bags on my really produce a lot of high quality
thick cover provided. Swampy areas it is really “browned down” then no-till plots. Liming is certainly a forage for deer and other wildlife.
often dry up during the summer go over the site with a big leaf rake dirty, time consuming job, but the I have seen a marked increase in
allowing food plotters to access removing most of the dead grass and improvement in forage production is the average body sizes of the deer
these areas with a mini-excavator to debris, thus exposing the soil. I usu- well worth the investment. in my area that I attribute to better
dig out water holes with the dredge ally take a soil test of any potential I rely upon regular herbicide ap- deer nutrition. In fact, no less than
spoils being spread around the holes food plot site before starting any plications on my food plots to keep 20 dandy bucks that weighed over
forming the food plot area. I have work there and add some lime right them thriving. I mainly use an ATV 175 pounds dressed have occupied
created several of these types of away if needed. After raking the site sprayer with a double nozzle boom my buck pole over the last 20 years,
food plots/water holes and they have though, I add even more lime right that sprays about a six foot swath which is proof positive that food
all turned out to be fantastic hunting at the time of seeding. with each pass. I also use a five plots on marginal sites can pay big
sites that draw in loads of deer and Like the name implies, seed gallon backpack sprayer a lot too dividends.n

WNW NEWS MAY 2019 63

reasons to take
your children morel
mushroom hunting
Studies show that children spend 4-6
hours per day in front of a digital screen
and less than 30 minutes outside!
Guest Column By Eric LaPaugh

remember the first time I mushrooms.
found a morel mushroom. I Recent studies have shown that
was nine-years-old, it was children spend four to six hours
late May and I was staying per day in front of a digital screen
with my grandparents for and less than 30 minutes per day
the weekend. I remember of outdoor time. Dr. Richard Louv,
telling my grandfather that I was author of the 2015 book, Last Child The author’s five-year-old son found his first morel mushroom.
bored. That’s when he said, “Come in the Woods, coined the term
with me.” We were going out to “the Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD) due studies [show] that closer proximity floor for signs of morels. Mindful-
back 40 to find morels.” to the epidemic of loss of connec- to nature is connected to positive ness has recently been shown to be
I remember him saying that tion to the natural world and our effects on a wide range of health is- extremely beneficial for children
there is no way a kid should be youth. To connect/reconnect to the sues from obesity, hypertension and and adolescents in regulating their
bored when they have “all that the natural world here are six reasons to diabetes to depression and anxiety, emotions, anxiety, depression, ADD
woods has to offer.” take your children morel mushroom and many more, though much of the and ADHD. A 2014 Japanese study,
We hadn’t gone far when he hunting. research is still preliminary.” Forest medicine research in Japan.
pointed towards a southwest fac-
ing hill and told me to look over
there. He told me “that’s where they
1) Outdoor time is essential to
children’s mental health.
Research shows that children need
3) Spending time together look-
ing for morels builds stronger
connections between you and your
[Nihon Eiseigaku Zasshi. 2014],
found that being out in the woods
will increase your brain’s serotonin
like to grow first” due to the longer at least two hours per day outdoors child. Child development studies ex- and dopamine output and lower the
direct sunlight on those hills. After for optimal growth and develop- plain that the more time spent with cortisol; which will help your child
about an hour and a couple different ment. Researchers from Aarhus your children doing unique, or out to be happier, healthier, and sleepier.
locations, we came across my first University in Denmark found that of the ordinary things, the stronger For some children this will be as
morel mushroom. Well, actually, time spent in wild spaces is associ- the bond between you becomes. close to getting them to practice
my grandpa came across it and then ated with an “up to 55 percent lower This is because our brains are hard mindfulness as we will get.
called me over so I could find it. It
took me a minute and some guid-
ance but then, there it was; the mys-
risk of mental health disorders in
Residential green space in child-
wired to remember the out-of-the-
ordinary things as an evolutionary
adaptation for survival. According
6) Time spent in nature will help
your child develop an apprecia-
tion for nature. Studies show that
tical morel mushroom. Only about hood is associated with lower risk of to a 2017 study published in the the more children are exposed to the
three inches tall and barely peeking psychiatric disorders from adoles- Children, Youth, and Environments beauty of nature and all its splendor,
out from under a pile of fallen elm, cence into adulthood by Kristine Journal, spending time in nature that they will develop a deeper con-
maple, and ash leaves. I was ecstatic Engemann. I guarantee you will improves “dyadic cohesion,” or, nection and sense of stewardship for
and gave out a little squeal of joy. need to spend more than two hours relationships between two people. wild places.
He handed me his Case pocket
knife, the blade already stained with
in the woods looking for morel
mushrooms. 4) Having family traditions can
build stronger family bonds
Author Randy White explains,
“regular contact with and play in the
patina, and told me to “harvest” the
mushroom. I was hooked from that
day on. Every spring my grandfather
2) Walking in the woods looking
for morels can be physically
beneficial. Physical activity is nec-
that are beneficial through gen-
erations. We all have some family
traditions such as the holidays and
natural world” is what develops a
love of nature and a desire to protect
the environment or, in his words,
and I would walk out to the back essary for children to build strong what we do during those times. a positive environmental ethic.
40 and hunt for morels. It was our bones as well as strong muscles. It Other traditions include family Another study was conducted at the
tradition. has been shown that hiking in the fun night, pizza night, and annual University of British Columbia that
I still use that same Case pocket forest can burn 400-700 calories per camping trips. Building the tradition exposed a direct correlation be-
knife, even more stained with patina hour. Walking off trail, as you will of hunting for morel mushrooms is tween adults who wish to protect the
now, to harvest morel mushrooms need to do, will definitely give you a an amazing family tradition even if environment and their experiences
with my children. This past spring work out; ducking under and climb- you do not find any. Recent research with childhood outdoors. Catherine
my oldest son, five-years-old, found ing over fallen trees, hiking up and (Isolation. Retrieved from https:// Broom conducted the experiment
his first morel mushroom and I down hills all while searching for www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about- and found that “when outdoor
was able to vicariously relive that the elusive morel mushroom. th…/issues/isolation and Olien, J. experiences are positive in young
wonderful memory I have with my What you might not know is that (2013). Loneliness Is Deadly) has children, their love for and comfort
grandfather. hiking/exercising in the woods can shown that closer connections to in nature will carry on.”
I am now a mental health coun- improve you and your child’s cogni- family and friends is a better indica- Spending time in the woods
selor that specializes in wilderness tive ability, lower stress, increase tor of life longevity than diet and looking for morel mushrooms will
therapy and I have four young chil- self-esteem and release endorphins. exercise. expose your children to all that our
dren, all of whom I take into “the
back 40 to find morels” every year.
As a wilderness therapist I know
In a recent article (https://www.
google.com/url…) from the New
York Times, Dr. Zarr, a pediatrician
5) Looking for morels is a form
of mindfulness. When walk-
ing in the woods looking for mo-
natural spaces have to offer. With
the way morel mushroom hunters
guard their spots, it’s hard to imag-
how important it is to be in nature at Unity Healthcare in Washington rel mushrooms we are ever in the ine any morel hunter not advocating
together, even if we don’t find any DC, commented that, “…population present moment scouring the forest for a cleaner environment.n
64 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
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Woods-N-Water News
Michigan’s Premier Outdoor Publication
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 65
Michigan’s most remote state park
This is part of a series of stories to mark the centennial of Michigan state parks. On May 12, 1919, the Michigan
Legislature established the Michigan State Park Commission, paving the way for our state parks system. The
Michigan Department of Natural Resources is celebrating this milestone throughout the year with special events,
podcasts, historical stories, videos, geocaching and more. Find more details at Michigan.gov/StateParks100...

By John Pepin-MDNR

t was a strange late No- The family once owned thou-
vember afternoon with a sands of acres around Craig Lake.
couple of inches of wet They had also built a lodge, a
snow covering the twisting caretaker’s residence and several
dirt road that cut through outbuildings there. Unfortunately,
wetlands and wound up tragedy would mar the idyllic setting
into the hills of hardwoods at Craig the Millers had discovered in these
Lake State Park. The temperature tranquil north woods.
had climbed into the low 50s and Miller, a famous beer brewer
the boiling clouds on the horizon and former All-American tackle
told me it wouldn’t be long before for Notre Dame, was among those
rain would be falling. Rain showers, who helped bring the old Boston
with snow and ice on the ground Braves to Milwaukee. He was 48
in late November – strange indeed. and his son, Frederick Jr., was 22,
These conditions added to the mys-
tique of this most remote of Michi-
gan’s state parks. Rugged and wild,
Craig Lake State Park is known for
its wilderness-style experience – a
place in Baraga County glorious and Above: One of several ponds at
peaceful. Craig Lake State Park provid-
It was “Black Friday,” the day ing habitat for moose. Left: The
after Thanksgiving, when many
National North Country Scenic Trail
American consumers, with ferocity
and dedication, famously hunt holi- runs for more than 7 miles at Craig
day shopping bargains. I was among Lake State Park. Below: Campers
those who decided to take a break enjoy a sunny afternoon at Craig
from the November-December holi- Lake State Park. MDNR photos
day tsunami storm surge to opt for
the outdoors, to get some big deep
breaths of fresh air, here along the
bubbling waters of Nelligan Creek.
The tannin-laden, whiskey-colored
water, leached from the cedar
swamps, bubbled out from under when they died in a plane crash in
piles of snow and cascaded over ice- Wisconsin in December 1954. The
covered rocks. This little creek runs Millers were flying in a private
south, out of the park and across the twin-engine plane piloted by two
highway, but not before providing a brothers, Joe and Paul Laird, ages
great deal of beauty and atmosphere 39 and 32, respectively.
to this wondrous place. “The Milwaukee crash occurred
Just being here was a special exactly a minute after Miller and
treat so late in the season. After mid- the others took off for Winnipeg,
November, those attempting to drive Manitoba, for a pre-Christmas hunt-
the road into the park often find ing trip in the brewery-owned B34 The wreckage of the plane came Evening News reported in 1970.
themselves stranded, their vehicles (Lockheed-Ventura) plane,” the to rest in a snow-covered field. The By that time, the new state
stuck in the snow. Today, I was Holland Evening Sentinel reported. men suffered severe burns and other park-to-be had been dedicated, but
fortunate. I could drive in farther “The younger Miller, a Notre Dame injuries. All but the elder Miller funding had not yet been appropri-
than usual before parking to get student, had driven from the school were killed instantly. Frederick ated for its development. Michigan
out to walk the snow-covered dirt to make the trip.” Miller succumbed to his injuries at a Department of Natural Resources
roadway. Just after the plane had taken off, local hospital about five hours after Parks and Recreation Deputy Direc-
There are six lakes here, three witnesses saw sparks coming from the accident. tor Glenn Gregg explained to the
of them named for the children of one of the two engines. In the wake of the tragedy, the newspaper this park was expected to
Frederick Miller of the famed Miller “Paul Laird, at the controls, told family sold its land to a Marquette- be different than all the rest.
Brewing Co. In keeping with the the Civil Aeronautics Authority con- based logging company. The state of “This would be the first move
Miller beer theme, there is also a trol tower he had engine trouble and Michigan, which owned about 2,100 the DNR ever has made to manage
nearby lake, just northwest of the was turning back,” the newspaper acres in the area, acquired some of a park area for wilderness values,
park, named High Life Lake. Craig said. “The plane crashed before he the former Miller property. outdoor recreational activities and
Lake, the largest of these lakes, and could make the swing, however. “Through a series of purchases timber production,” Gregg said.
Teddy Lake were named for two of “Flames 40 to 50 feet high burst and land exchanges beginning in Craig Lake State Park was to be
Miller’s boys, while Clair Lake – out as the craft smacked down three 1956, the state acquired several key managed as a semi-wilderness park
known for its smallmouth bass wa- quarters of a mile from the airport parcels within the park area total- with limited development, but some
ters – was named for his daughter. near a residential section.” ing more than 2,300 acres,” the Soo of the back lands would be managed
66 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
for logging and timber stand im- cabins. The park has a main trail this single meandering animal came headed back. On the way, I discov-
provement, Gregg said. covering 8 miles, while the National from an old logging road that split a ered another set of moose tracks not
Today, the park covers more North Country Scenic Trail runs for stand of pines. The tracks continued far from a bridge over the creek. I
than 8,400 acres and has maintained more than 7 miles here too. Beyond as the side road headed to the south- took a few more long looks at the
its sense of wilderness. From the hiking and camping, the park offers west, stopping at a downed tree countryside.
granite bluffs that tower behind visitors opportunities to fish, hunt, before sidestepping the road into a Moments later, I was turning
Craig Lake to the numerous ponds paddle, bird-watch and take photo- wide clearing. No sign of the moose, back onto the highway heading into
providing homes for beavers, loons, graphs. but I could almost feel the living, the gathering darkness of a dying
fish, frogs and other wild creatures, Craig Lake itself is 374 acres breathing moose within those tracks. afternoon.
to the quiet backcountry campsites and features six islands and high Not too far back, a ruffed grouse To plan your visit to Craig
and trails, this park remains a vital granite bluffs along its northern had pointed its head down and ran Lake State Park, check out
refuge from the numerous challeng- shoreline. The forests here are quiet across the snow into a tangle of Michigan.gov/CraigLake and see
es to peace and quiet posed by the and green. Rounding a corner, the fallen tree trunks and low bushes. this park map. Find out more about
noise and pressures of daily living. tracks of a moose had been cut into The skies were filled intermittently special fishing regulations set for
Craig Lake State Park has walk- the snow on the road. They looked with small flocks of twittering gold- lakes at the park in a Baraga County
in campsites and other camping as though they had been made with finches. With the raindrops falling section of the 2019 DNR Fishing
options, including yurts and rustic a cookie cutter. The hoofprints of harder now, I turned around and Guide (pg. 28).n

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WNW NEWS MAY 2019 67

Hot Topic In The Outdoors - My Thoughts, My Views...

Senate Bill would allow baiting

SB-37 would override the DNR/NRC decision to ban feeding and baiting of deer...

enator Curtis Vander- Wisconsin’s DNR enacted a total numbers to recover and for success The loss of hunters and a lower
wall introduced legisla- baiting/feeding ban after they dis- rates to jump back up once again deer kill will make herds balloon in
tion (SB-37) that would covered CWD there in 2002. That too. Even with CWD in Wisconsin, the milder snow areas of the state,
take away the authority year firearm deer hunter numbers many hunters feel that they still but a loss of baiting and especially
of the DNR/NRC to fell by 11 percent and archery hunt- have some of the best deer hunting winter feeding in the big snow
regulate baiting and ers dropped by 13 percent as a direct in the country today and still lead country will have just the opposite
feeding of deer in Michigan. result of the baiting ban. That repre- the record books in many categories impact and could have tragic con-
This year the DNR/NRC made sents a net loss of millions of dollars too. sequences on the deer herd during
sweeping regulation changes ban- in just license revenue for There are other con- hard winters there, especially in the
ning the use of bait for deer. They the state not even count- sequences to worry about U.P. There are many places in the
even banned recreational feeding of ing other ancillary income with a baiting ban besides a U.P. where a loss of supplemental
deer in all of the Lower Peninsula. lost in the process. The real huge drop in hunter num- feeding would virtually wipe out
They are also considering expansion bummer though was a huge bers, lost DNR revenue, the entire deer herd. Deer numbers
of that ban in the U.P. too. These drop in the deer kill in 2002 and a decline in the deer are depressed enough in most of the
unpopular new laws were enacted with firearm hunters killing kill. Michigan businesses U.P., so a further decline due to a
to possibly help prevent the spread 40 percent fewer deer and stand to lose millions of feeding ban would be catastrophic
of chronic wasting disease (CWD) archers taking a whopping dollars as a result of the and would result in far more deer
being lost than CWD would ever
By Michael Veine
in Michigan’s deer herd. Many 47 percent less ban. Bait produc-
hunters, me included, feel that this deer. This was at ers, wholesalers claim.
baiting ban was a knee-jerk reac- a time when the and retailers will Because the majority of deer
tion to the problem was not thought Wisconsin DNR was trying to lower be hit hard with many going out of hunters in Michigan use bait, a bait-
through. overpopulated deer numbers, so the business as a result. Many jobs and ing ban will ultimately turn thou-
In a recent DNR poll, the clear baiting ban really backfired on those livelihoods will be lost and for little sands of normally law abiding hunt-
majority (71%) of Michigan’s deer efforts and certainly made matters if any gain. General sporting goods ers into violators. A baiting ban will
hunters still either support or strong- worse. Michigan’s main reason for sales associated with deer hunting create a lot of strife and discontent
ly support the use of bait for hunting implementing the baiting ban is will also take a huge loss too. Every among hunters too lowering the ma-
deer. So this new law that the DNR/ to combat disease, but how can a business that depends on deer hunt- jority of hunter’s satisfaction rate to
NRC decreed was enacted despite bigger deer herd as a result of fewer ers for income will feel the pinch. a new, low level. Even hunters like
widespread public disapproval. The deer being killed in the most popu- Even agriculture will get hit: Not me that don’t depend on baiting to
logic for the law is questionable too lated areas help that goal? only from a loss of income from kill deer can see that this was a bad
since the science on CWD does not In 2003 the Wisconsin legisla- bait sales, but also from more idea and support SB 37. As I write
support such baiting bans as hav- ture stepped in and overrode the deer eating their crops too. Vehicle/ this, SB 37 is scheduled for senate
ing ever worked elsewhere in other DNR’s baiting ban with a new law deer accidents are also sure to in- hearings on April 10 and April 16,
states where tried. There are many governing the practice similar to crease with fewer deer being killed, 2019. If you have an opinion on
negative consequences for a baiting what Michigan’s SB 37 is trying so virtually all Michigan residents this bill, then please consider con-
and feeding ban too that the DNR to accomplish. With baiting legal that drive the roads could be im- tacting your legislators and
failed to consider. again, it didn’t take long for hunter pacted. the governor.n

Want to leave a forest legacy? My Thoughts,

Federal Program can help...Prepared By the MDNR
My Views, My Opinions
andowners who want to these forests.” remains open to the public, at least
ensure that their prop- The program provides economic for nonmotorized access. Landown-
erty remains forested
and sustainably managed
incentives to landowners to keep
forests as forests, encourage sustain-
ers who don’t have an existing man-
agement plan will need to create Share your thoughts, views, opinions or short
forever are invited to apply
to participate in the Forest
able management and support strong
markets for forest products.
one before a project can be com-
pleted. stories with Woods-N-Water News readers by
Legacy Program.
The nationally competitive pro-
One successful Michigan project
is the Pilgrim River Forest on the
Applications are due June 14.
Projects that meet eligibility require- emailing: [email protected] or mail to:
gram, administered by the U.S. Forest
Service, uses federal and matching
Keweenaw Peninsula, a 1,299-acre
project awarded $550,000 in federal
ments will be reviewed and priori-
tized. The DNR may submit the top Woods-N-Water News,
funds to sustainably manage environ-
mentally important forests. This may
funding matched by local partners
with $350,000. Currently awaiting a
three projects to compete nationally
for funding. Projects nominated by PO Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444
involve buying the property outright
or purchasing development rights
funding decision is the Elk Forest at
Black River project (in Montmorency
June 14 will compete for funding
during fiscal year 2021, which begins Questions regarding Woods-N-Water News sub-
through a conservation easement.
“Loss of forested areas can cause
County), which would protect 597
acres with $1.5 million from the For-
Oct. 1, 2020. The state can request
up to $7 million for an individual scriptions, newsstand sales, Outdoor Weekend,
stories, trophy page, contact our office
big problems for overall health of est Legacy Program and a $500,000 project.
a region’s natural resources,” said match. More than 155,000 acres in
Kerry Wieber, forest land administra- All interests in land acquired Michigan are managed through the
tor for the DNR’s Forest Resources by the Forest Legacy Program last Forest Legacy program. Learn more Mon.-Fri. 9 am-5 pm 810-724-0254
Division. “This program helps private forever, and agreements must contain at Michigan.gov/PrivateForestLand
forest landowners make certain that language to ensure perpetuity. Michi- or contact Kerry Wieber at 517-643- www.woods-n-waternews.com
future generations can enjoy and use gan’s program also requires that land 1256.n
68 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
Dear Fish Diary: My Thoughts, My Views, My Opinions...

My dad told me to never talk politics

while out fishing with friends...
Dear Fish Diary: the door for others because it’s easier
to watch the door close in the face of
I didn’t think it was great advice the person behind us.
40-some years ago, but I’ve since We pound our chest, scream
changed my mind. Why would I from the hilltop and demean others
question Dad? He always had great because we know the facts. When
fishing related advice and some- the real fact is, no matter what side
times that advice spilled you’re on, we get only half
over into my non-fishing the proper information we
life. So, when he told me need to actually pose a
to never talk politics while proper argument. We launch
out fishing with friends, ourselves into these debates I like pike fishing. Maybe you
don’t like pike, but...
well…I just laughed. I was of scrutiny unarmed yet we
ten; I didn’t have a clue think we know better than
what politics was. I was five everyone else. None of us other countries. Yet, we all claim to before throwing long time friend-
years away from being able really know anything for know it all. We replace our history, ships away. I’m asking you spend
to vote for our class presi- certain and we certainly and as a result, instead of learning more time trying to find the positives
dent or home-
coming court at By Ron St. Germain don’t know the
whole truth. It’s
from our past we seem destined to
repeat our past mistakes.
rather than spending your entire
short life pointing out every fault
my high school, because we’ve We practice a double standard and injustice you can dig up. I’m
six years away from being elected become accustomed to believing by pointing the finger at one who asking you to keep opening doors,
class clown, and eight years away media articles that make accusa- we think is lying while protecting even if others let it slam in your
from being a registered voter. tions and implications but don’t list another we know is lying and finding face. I’m asking you to keep history
My fishing friends must have the actual sources or the names of skewed reasons to justify the unethi- alive in hopes our younger genera-
gotten the same advice from their the people who are being quoted or cal, untrustworthy actions. Like one tion takes heed and learns from past
parents. Over the years, amidst hun- giving the information, or actually liar is better than another. mistakes.
dreds of fishing excursions, politics giving us the entire story. But we We tell law enforcement how I’m asking that you not reckless-
never came up in conversation. It take it as fact if it’s what we want to to do their jobs when we’ve never ly, verbally attack someone simply
wasn’t until social media became a believe because that’s what we want spent a day on the streets risking our because you don’t have a reasonable
thing that political warfare became to believe. lives to protect the lives of others. solution to an issue or logical answer
ugly among friends. While hammer- What separates winning and los- Instead of holding our heads high, to a question. I’m asking that instead
ing on a keyboard, hiding behind a ing sometimes isn’t always about the our heads are down, stuck in our cell of calling others four-letter names,
screen, people’s inner bully began wins and losses, but how we handle phones, tuning out our surroundings, you call them by their first name
to emerge. Before long, they were it. The winners shouldn’t pound their while claiming we know better than when addressing a difference of
becoming the same exact people chest, ridicule and demean. Los- anyone else what is going on around opinion. I’d ask our politicians to put
they claimed to despise and doing ers shouldn’t point their finger and us. away the elephant and donkey when
the exact same things they ridiculed blame everyone else. To put things in perspective, I like taking office, and do what’s right
others for. At the same time, they Instead of pledging allegiance to pike fishing. Maybe you don’t like for us, regardless who the majority
were disposing of friendships, real the flag we’ve turned our flags up pike. Maybe you think pike are det- is. Nobody is going to remember or
friendships. side down. Instead of “to the repub- rimental to the bass fishery you love, care who gets the credit. As long as
It’s not my place to change your lic for which it stands,” we kneel. even though they have coexisted in the right thing is being done for the
mind, change your views or alter Instead of “one nation under God,” the same environment for…well, for right reasons, everyone will get the
your thoughts. I am however, try- we’ve eliminated God. Instead of millions of years. You should un- credit and all of us will benefit.
ing to change your tactics so your being indivisible we’ve become friend me on Facebook, but not until Because when it comes down to
fishing friends remain your fishing individual. Instead of justice for all you’ve called me every four-letter it, “us” is what it’s all about. Not
friends. Never in my life have I seen we’ve lost sight of justice altogether. word in the book, exposed me to you, not me, “us.” Be kind to each
such division among the American Regardless of where anyone stands your friends and let them recklessly other and look both ways before
people and such non-stop hate be- on the issue of God, it appears the pile on too. Tell me I’m an idiot for you cross the street or cast your next
ing spread on so many levels. And alternate way to honor and respect liking pike but never tell me why ballot.
for what? The personal attacks, our country is to eliminate the I’m an idiot for liking pike. That’s
the name calling, the finger point- pledge altogether because we’ve be- the way this new society seems to Funny fish stories wanted:
ing should have us all bowing our come afraid of attacking real issues like to handle things. Sad, but true. If Strangest thing you’ve ever caught!
heads in shame as we somehow have head on. Instead of putting our hands you’re having one of those days and Send a short description of your
become the stars and gripes. We’ve on our heart, we appear to have lost you just aren’t catching any fish, I’m “best or worst” fishing day, or worst
turned into a bunch of spoiled little our heart and we just make excuses pretty sure it’s because the fish know fishing-related adventure, or strang-
kids trying to play junkyard dog and find new ways to dishonor and who you voted for. I heard that from est thing you’ve caught to me. You
with people who may not see things disrespect this country I thought we a good source. don’t have to write the entire story,
as we do. all loved. So this is what I’m asking of my just a brief outline of what hap-
We’ve become a nation of search- With each mass shooting, car- outdoor friends. I’m asking you to pened. If it has some humor to it
ers, searching for anything negative jacking or armed robbery, we set a standard in hopes it will change I’ll be getting in touch with you and
rather than reveling in the posi- somehow think we can end these our culture and stop our downward we’ll work on the completed story
tives and opportunities we have and unthinkable crimes by ridding the spiral. I’m asking that you be a little together.
how good we actually have it. On a law-abiding citizens of their fire- kinder to those you may not agree Contact - Woods-n-Water News
whole, we’ve stopped saying thank arms, rather than just get tougher on with. I’m asking you to be part of columnist Ron St. Germain by
you when someone opens the door crime. the solution instead of part of the calling (517) 626-2814, e-mailing
for us, lets us into traffic, lets us cut We spend more on education than problem. I’m asking you to listen, [email protected]. Visit the
in line or gives us a helping hand. In any country yet produce lower tiered and think before you speak. I’m author’s Facebook page www.Face-
fact, we’ve kind of stopped opening educated students compared to those asking you not to rush to judgment book.com/BearwaveBooks.n

WNW NEWS MAY 2019 69

Customizing Midwest Finesse
Kayak Bassin’…Nail Polish, Trimming and Ned Heads

s I dug through the made by Gopher Tackle, but those
nail polish bins at jigs are currently hard to find these
the local Dollar days.
General the other A great alternative to these
day, the thought super-light jigs comes from Jade’s
occurred: “Man, I Jigs in Missouri. They’re tin/bis-
must just look super creepy.” Older muth alloy, not lead. Although I still
fellows comparing nail polish hues frequently use the stock ShroomZ
in broad daylight and a public and Ned LockZ from Z-Man and the
place can spur that kind of thought Gamakatsu 211 Round Head, these
amongst the general populace. But I tin/bismuth jigs can rock when the
really don’t monitor public opinion fish want a slower fall. Plus, owner
all that closely, and I needed some Joey Doza will customize them with
jig heads with different colors. For several different hooks to meet the
$10, I got 10 bottles of nail polish. buyer’s desires.
Nail polish is great, durable Jade’s Jigs is a part time endeav-
paint for the little jig heads we pair or by Doza, a firefighter in Republic,
with soft plastics to make Ned rigs. Missouri. He started the company
You’ll find out how durable if you
accidentally get some on a fingernail
while painting a jighead and it dries Above; nail polish offers an
before you can wipe it off. Ask me inexpensive yet durable way to
how I know. Almost 10 days later, spruce up jigheads for Ned rigs.
the fingernail of my index finger still
sports some squiggly lines of bright Left; trimming and painting a
blue. jighead can result in a creation
Ned rigs are so little and cute to that just plain catches more fish.
begin with that many bassin’ men
refuse to use them. Bass fishing, af-
ter all, is a manly sport. Set the hook its mouth wide open. Or maybe it
and cross that fish’s eyes! Choke looks like a sick fish with some sort
it with a frog! Finesse stuff with of fungus on it. White just works.
light line and lures that are less than For more info on Jade’s Jigs,
three-inches long can be just too, je
ne sais quoi for some manly men in to help pay for the medical treat- color contact Joey via email at jadesjigs@
yahoo.com or call him at (417) 841-
their Ranger and Nitro bass boats. ments that his daughter Jade needs. Considerations 7997.
Those guys like beefy tackle and Instead of lead, he uses tin/bismuth Two colors that have worked
lures that let them fish fast and cover alloy, which is lighter, less dense especially well for catching fish are Pizzazz Factor
lots of water, hopefully finding a and more environmentally friendly the stock red that Jade’s offers, and Nail polish adds more pizzazz,
bass that will react to the chatterbait, than lead. Among his wide variety white, which I apply from a dollar and maybe that gives the angler
spinnerbait or crankbait that blasts of hooks, his jigs with a sickle hook bottle of nail polish. Why red works more confidence using it. If you
through its strike zone. And there’s are flat out sick, as the kids might is probably the same reason blue have a favorite color, you concen-
nothing wrong with that. say today. They work great. Un- works. Fish just want it sometimes. trate on what you’re doing, not let-
Maybe for kayakers in particu- painted, the alloy is a bright silver However, I think a little color does ting your mind stray to whether you
lar, slowing down and thoroughly that hasn’t shown signs of tarnishing make a jig that otherwise looks should be using something else. As
covering a piece of struc- after a year in my tackle- natural to a fish, look a little “dif- the not-so-famous Irish philosopher
ture with a simple, single- box. But if you don’t want ferent.” There’s something wrong William Hazlitt once wrote: “As is
hook lure that looks like silver or one of his many about a minnow with a red face or our confidence so is our capacity.”
something the fish eat is other colors, you easily a crayfish with a tail that’s just too Another real good Ned rig head
the best way to go. Kayak- can customize with finger- bright of a blue. that can use a touch-up with nail
ers don’t have the option nail polish. His 1/16 ounce And then there’s pink. Who polish is the Gamakatsu 211 Round
of covering a 20-stop milk size is flatter and a bit knows why pink works, but bass Head Jigs, in either the 1/16 or 1/32
run over 40 miles of water, wider than lead jigs of the love that color, especially in clear ounce sizes. These jigs feature a
so successful ones same weight. It gives water. I gave some bubblegum-col- terrifically sharp, short shank hook.
generally find a con-
centration of fish and By Dave Mull a soft plastic lure a big
splash of color on the
ored TRDs to a young companion I
was mentoring in one of our kayak
The short shank allows the impaled
soft plastic lure to have more wig-
thoroughly work through it. Small nose, plus it sinks more slowly than tournaments and he caught five gle. With a shorter shank, the hook
lures such as Ned rigs can keep a lead jig. largemouth on them. Meanwhile, I gives the soft plastic less of a spine,
those fish chomping. If you want an even slower caught four, within sight of my little so to speak, compared to a jig with a
fall, you can take a side cutter or a buddy, on more natural colors. One standard, longer hook shank.
Slow Fall Dremel tool and easily snip or grind smallmouth fanatic I know who But as sharp as the hooks are,
Let’s focus on the fall of a Ned, off parts of the tin/bismuth and get fishes the storied big smallmouth the heads, unpainted, are just plain
and how a slow fall often gets a a much lighter jighead. Tin/bismuth waters of northern Michigan uses dull. A little nail polish makes them
lot of strikes. While a fast fall can doesn’t carry any of the warnings small pink tubes all the time. And look awesome.
garner reaction strikes, a slow, that lead does, so you don’t have to by all of the time I mean small pink This season, go to your local
tempting fall that looks natural can worry about the snipped-off pieces tubes are the only lures in his boat. dollar store and buy some different
also provoke fish into biting. Ned being toxic, either. After snipping, It’s easier to theorize why white colors of nail polish to spruce up
Kehde, the 70-something-year-old you don’t need to file to smooth the works. White on the leading tip of a your jigs. The results your painted
namesake of the Ned rig is a big fan edges; just coat with nail polish to Ned rig might look like a fish swim- jigs deliver will be worth feeling
of the 1/32 ounce Mushroom Heads smooth it all out. ming around carrying food or with creepy.n
70 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 71

just finished attending four zines including Field and Stream
spring sport shows in seven and Fur-Fish-Game magazines. The
busy weeks. Two were an- first year’s ads included typical hy-
tique fishing tackle shows perbole such as “The Greatest Fish
held in Montpelier, Ohio Lure on Earth” (where have I heard
and in Jackson, Michi- that line before), “This Startling
gan where I photographed vintage New Invention Revolutionizes Fly
and antique tackle for my different Fishing,” and my favorite “HUMAN
Woods-N-Water News articles. The BEINGS look at it in amazement
second two were consumer sport expecting it to creep or fly away any
shows – the Outdoorama, Michi- moment. . .” Twenty different pat-
gan’s Original Sportsman’s Show, terns were originally introduced in
held in Novi, Michigan and the 1932, each with beautifully colored
Grand Rapids Ultimate Sports Show details. The Colorado Moths retailed
where I set up my displays of an- for $.50 each.
tique fishing tackle, photograph all The Colorado Moth had a wood
kinds of fishing gear and offer free body and waterproof two-piece
appraisals to attendees who bring in plastic wings with air chambers that
old tackle for me to see. This year’s made the fly lure virtually unsink-
shows were the best ever, and I able. Both the top and bottom of
photographed some amazing tackle the wings were identically painted, Top: Five rare Colorado Floating Moths were sold by Denver’s Max Cook
ranging from some rare fly rod so the moth always landed upright. Spor ting Goods Company from 1932 to 1938 (Julie and Scott Vanderlaan
lures from the 1930s to several near Twenty-five new moth patterns collection). This colorful introductory 1932 ad pictured seventeen differ-
were added in 1933 for a total of ent patterns of the Colorado Floating Moth even though twenty patterns
perfect examples of Heddon classic were initially produced (July 1932 Fur-Fish-Game magazine).
lures to three unique Bud forty-five different designs!
Stewart lures. Hopefully, That’s a lot of different ly, they apparently did not catch fish crackleback”), with L-rig hardware
they will be of interest to bodies, wings, hooks, and all that well! And over time, they and a “downleaping bass box with
my readers. head caps to stock. could chip, bend or break. Regard- a red border.” First introduced in
Julie and Scott Vander- Sales had to be disap- less, Colorado Flying Moths are 1904, the #150 Underwater Minnow
laan of Hudsonville inher- pointing as the number of rare beautifully created fly lures and went through many transformations
ited some fly fishing tackle, styles available in 1935 highly coveted by today’s collector. in size, numerous new colors, and
which included some dropped to twenty-five, and Larry and Shirley Rose from changes in hardware over the years
extremely rare fly lures that in 1936 the offering de- Freemont brought in two excep- lasting through their 1956 catalog
I had previously read about clined to only fifteen mod- tional Heddon lures for me to see. year, an amazing 52 years! The
but had never
seen in person. Sporting Collectibles els. The retails
also dropped
The two lures were “near mint”
in every detail. The first lure was
Rose’s example had L-Rig hardware
that was introduced between 1915
They had five
colorful Colo- By Terry McBurney to $.25 for
the trout size
a Heddon Punkie-Spook, the fly
lure version of the popular Heddon
to 1918. It was packaged in a red
bordered downleaping bass box with
rado Floating Moths in near perfect and $.40 for the bass size. 1937 and Punkinseed lures. This one-inch a solid red lure in the fish’s mouth.
condition. The Colorado Moths had 1938 were the last two years the plastic lure weighed in at 1/20 of an This style of box dates from 1924
been invented and patented by Paul Colorado Moth was cataloged. Ten ounce and was introduced in 1939 to 1927. Prior to this, the lure in the
Haberl of Denver, Colorado where styles of moths were listed during in six colors: bluegill, crappie, shad, fish’s mouth was red and white.
he was a jeweler, as well as the own- a “Clean-Up Sale” selling for only rock bass, sunfish, and red and white Heddon’s new “upward leaping
er of the Perfection Tip Company, $.19 each. shore minnow. It lasted in Heddon’s bass box” was introduced starting
a manufacturer of patented fly rod The Colorado Floating Moths lineup through the 1956 season. in 1927, so we can date the Rose’s
tips. Haberl applied for a patent on only lasted a total of seven years What made their Punkie-Spook so #150 Dowagiac Minnow to about
his floating moth on April 17, 1931, from their introduction in 1932 exceptional was that it was “new in three years, 1924 to 1927. This
and patent #1834277 was granted to to their last year in 1938. They a very special Heddon cardboard makes me wonder where and why
him on December 1, 1931. probably were only produced for window box.” The box had a cutout these two near perfect Heddon lures,
Haberl apparently had an exclu- two years because they evidently where the lure was mounted with a one produced between 1924 to
sive sales agreement with Denver’s stopped selling, $.50 was a lot of cardboard harness over its back. 1927, and the second from 1939 to
Max Cook Sporting Goods Com- money during the Depression, and Their second extraordinary the late 1940s, had been sitting all
pany who introduced them in their several other challenges hurt their lure was a Heddon “Classic” – the those years!
1932 spring catalog, as well as pro- sales. They were difficult to cast. Heddon #150 Dowagiac Minnow I have been lucky enough to
moted “The New Colorado Floating The hollow wings acted like a pro- in fancy green back, white belly have photographed hundreds of Bud
Moth” in national outdoor maga- peller and twisted in the air. Second- (or as collectors called it, “green Stewart’s remarkable fishing lures
72 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
and spearing decoys over the last
several years, and when I opened
Don Watson’s “garage sale” tackle
box at the recent Grand Rapids
Ultimate Sports Show I was imme-
diately drawn to two of Bud Stew-
art’s lures. The first was one of his
common Crippled Mouse lures in Above Left: A unique Bud Stewar t Crippled
bad shape with lots of cracked and Mouse with an oval cutout on the top of the
peeling paint. Normally, I would
have passed by the lure because of mouse’s back where Bud Stewar t glued a
its condition, but there was some- swatch of squirrel hair. Above Right and Left:
thing special about the 2 ¾-inch Bud Stewar t’s 3-inch Cockeyed Pad Hopper
wood bait. There was an oval cutout had a hole inside its mouth that was weighted
on the top of the mouse’s back
where Bud had glued a swatch of
with pencil lead (Don Watson collection). Be-
squirrel hair! low: A rare example of a Bud Stewar t “Triple
Bud had trapped for quite a few Trouble” made with gold foil during the 1960s
years, as well as trading in furs as (Tony Przybylo collection).
a wholesale buyer. He earned his
nickname of “The Rat Man” be- it was weighted differently.
cause of that. Bud also had a sense The Montpelier Hootenanna is
of humor, and he was also always a great topwater bass bait that is
experimenting when he was carv- slightly weighted with a rear metal
ing or painting a lure or a decoy. I cap. The Bud Stewart bait, how-
was not surprised when I spotted ever, had a hole inside the back of
the little lure I nicknamed “The its mouth that was filled with what
Crippled Mouse with the Toupee.” looked like pencil lead, so it would
I wondered if this was a Crippled swim differently. The Stewart lure is
Mouse that did not pass his inspec- weighted so it would hang vertically
tion. Did it have a knot or a split on in the water after being cast with
its back? When Bud spotted a blem- about an inch of the lure extend-
ished lure or decoy, he would not ing above the water. It would move
throw it away. Generally, he covered quickly horizontal when jerked for- Stewart lure and wanted me to see Bud Stewart sold a number of the
up the problem area by painting ward spitting water with each pull, a it. Bud called it the “Triple Trouble” small single minnows ranging from
“flowing blood” over the imperfec- different action than the Hootenanna for obvious reasons. Bud created a 2 to 3-inches, as well as quite a few
tion. Was this one of his creations and hopefully a better fish catcher. whole series of hand painted cedar “Double Troubles.” He only made
concealing a flaw? I decided that it The Cockeyed Pad Hopper came bodies combined with gold foil dur- a few, maybe less than a dozen, of
probably was and a “one of kind” in two sizes – a smaller 3-inch ver- ing the 1960s. Most of them were the “Triple Trouble” versions. This
Bud Stewart lure. sion and a larger 3 ¼-inch model. some minnow variation from small, example’s front minnow measures
The second lure looked just like It got its name from the eye place- stubby ones with and without diving 2 ¾-inches in length with the two
a Hootenanna wood lure made by ment. The two eyes are placed on lips to crippled wigglers to shin- smaller minnows measuring 2
the Montpelier Bait Company, of each side of the head, of course, but ers to large “Hammer Handles” to ¼-inches.
Montpelier, Ohio during the 1930s are positioned about an inch off cen- a few spearing decoys. Bud carved I would like to thank the fol-
through the 1950s. It, however, had ter. I am hoping to find one in poor the bodies, painted the bait’s head, lowing people for bringing in their
an unmistakable Bud Stewart paint condition, so I can fish it. It looks back and belly and then applied the fishing tackle for me to photograph:
job, so I picked it up and closely like a “killer” of jerk bait. gold foil to the lure’s body. Finally, Julie and Scott Vanderlaan for their
inspected it. The 3-inch lure turned Tony Przybylo from National he sealed the entire lure with a clear Colorado Floating Moths, Larry and
out to be a Bud Stewart Cockeyed City, brought in this last Bud Stew- lacquer. He would press the gold Shirley Rose for their Heddon lures,
Pad Hopper and was a near copy art lure into the Novi Outdoorama. foil usually to some kind of metal Don Watson for his Bud Stewart
of the Hootenanna except for the Tony, a major Bud Stewart collector, screening to create a scale effect lures and Tony Przybylo for his Tri-
distinctive Stewart painting and that had just acquired this unique Bud before applying it to the lure. ple Trouble lure. I would also like
to recognize fishing lure historians,
Jim Brown and Cliff McDaniel for
their article entitled “The Colorado
Floating Moth” published in the
December 2003 issue of the NFLCC
(National Fishing Lure Collectors
Club) Magazine. For more on Bud
Stewart, read my two articles “Bud
Stewart, Michigan’s Extraordinary
Lure Carver - Part I and Part II”
in the November and December
2017 issues of Woods-N-Water
Feel free to contact the author
at [email protected] with
your questions. Photographs are im-
portant, so please send them. They
help me with identification and give
Left: This “Never-Been-Fished” Heddon Punkie-Spook in crappie was produced sometime between 1939 and the me an idea of the condition of the
late 1940s. Right: This near perfect boxed example of Heddon’s classic #150 Dowagiac Minnow in fancy green item.n
back was manufactured between 1924 and 1927 (Larry and Shirley Rose collection).
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 73
Woods-N-Water News Classified Section
queen iComfort mattress included. Amish lodge furniture. Call Dan fish for stocking. Large selection of Most varieties, pond, lakes. Specialist - We had 80% success. TRAILS END RESORT
New in plastic, As Seen On TV. 989-832-1866. M-4-14-TFN lake, pond and watergarden sup- Laggis Fish Farm 269-628-2056 Baraga, Gwen and Amasa Units - ON BIG MANISTIQUE
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www.stoneycreekequip.com FS-4-7 information on how to apply for bear ing. 2 Bedroom modern house-
A TEMPUR-PEDIC .............................................. permits on May 1st - 2730 S. Dort keeping cabins. Boats, motors
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Sell for $695. 989-832-2401. M-4- unique background in forestry for photos: 517-765-2207. approx. more information www.gonzo-
and planning and I can create area. Private Club with 1 ¾ mile 50 ACRES TOTALLY PRI-
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M-4-14-TFN 16842 Werheegen East, Leroy, Great Walleye, Small Mouth, good bucks. We have thousands of
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3-3 Trout for 6 nights $450 U.S. per $1200 per week. 248-559-7744.
SIZE $199. 5 drawer log chest person with 4 or more. Includes These farms are some of the best
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Black bear hunts available. .............................................. en, sat. TV, AC, BBQ. Over
To reach an immense outdoor market use the . . . 3.5 hours North of Sault Ste. 3,400 feet of private access
frontage and miles of wooded
Woods-N-Water News Classified Marie. See web site for specials
and more info . . .
BEAR HUNTS. Newberry/
Gwinn B.M.U. 1st and 2nd sea-
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25 years experience guiding for
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F = Fishing HL = Hunting Leases RVC = RV’s/Campers W = Wanted
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great pheasant hunting, 15 at 906-265-9420 or cell 906-284- RENT: 100 plus wooded
JUNE 2019 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE MAY 6, 2019 different farms! Excellent cover. 2216. Licensed and Insured. H-1- acres. Manistee Co. 231-590-
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Woods-N-Water News Classified Advertising ing, dog training. Half, full or
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(Please print clearly. We are not responsible for unreadable orders.)
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74 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
Woods-N-Water News 300 Acre

 E

Classified Deer
Located between Charlevoix

and Traverse City.

PAGES 75 - 85 10 foot x 3 mile fence.

Mostly wooded, mostly maple.
Trout pond, includes
shooting ranges.
with a not so rustic cabin located in the middle of
thousands of acres of state land. Hundreds of
miles of orv, snowmobile, and 4wd trails right out Near W

the front door. This is a Sportmans paradise. Call

3,960 ft
989-802-2095. RE-5-2
Marlette S

in Sanilac 121
acres. McMillan Township Section 2. Brook
trout, snowmobile, ATV, blueberries, deer,
bear. Great building site on ridge. $72k.
TO PLACE YOUR 40 acres of Hunting Bliss. Ranch home
[email protected] RE-5-1
with a full walk out basement, 3 bedrooms,
Will $
consider 2,600 per acre
2 full baths, gourmet kitchen. All season
25 ACRES with frontage on a private lake.
Located in Western Lenawee County. Four bed-
rooms, 3 ¼ baths. 24 x 48 Pole barn w/electric
Sun room with separate entrance. Attached
3 car garage plus a 32’ X 48’ Pole Barn (can
fit 2 semi trucks) 14 ft doors. Deer, rabbit
all offers. 1,320 ft

and water, 10-12 wooded acres. Priced Below

Recent Appraisal. Immediate Occupancy. P.O. Box 278 • 594 N. Almont Ave. • Imlay City, MI 48444 & turkey are bountiful. There also is a small
$375,000. Call Jim at Faust Real Estate, LLC Phone: (810) 724-0254 • Fax: (810) 724-8552 pond and swamp area on the property.
517-902-6655. RE-5-1 Check out our website: Hunters Paradise is at 2152 Five Lakes Rd,
www.woods-n-waternews.com Metamora, MI 48455 $459,900
HARRISON, Amish log cabin, Muskegon River
frontage off grid, bathroom, mature forest, wild-
100’ ON THE
life, fishing trails surrounded by State Forest. BLACK RIVER.
$168,000. Call 231-903-1080 or 231-788-3443. Just up river
RE-5-1 from Black
......................................................... Lake & seated
gently atop a
slight hill offer-
DOGS ing great views! GRAYLING LOG HOME ON 17 ACRES!
Nearly 3000 sf of living space, 3 bedrooms,
3 bedrooms, 2
full baths, stor- 3 baths, finished walk out basement w/fam-
TOPLINE ENGLISH SPRINGER ily room & 2nd kitchen, wrap around deck,
SPANIEL PUPS. AKC field bred 3 white and age shed, a ‘’Bunk House’’ by the river. Lovingly
maintained and move in ready. Some furnishings 3-1/2 car garage w/heated workshop, 1 car
liver females available. Ready for new homes are included. Natural gas too. Affordably priced at storage garage, RV station w all hook-ups.
May 4th. $1,000 each. Call or text for more info Whitetail Realty, $99,000 #302752 (Cheboygan area) Excellent hunting! $329,500 #313950
989-737-0825. D-5-1 Lake City, MI
PUPS FOR SALE. Tri-Colored, 1 female, 5
231-839-8142 or
[email protected]
males, 8 weeks on May 7, 2019. FDSB regis- lakecitymirealestate.com
tered. Excellent blood lines. Will have had their
first shots and be dewormed. $800 Call 989-670- North Missaukee • MLS# 201802412 • $82,900
4863. D-5-1 • 40 Wooded Acres on a deeded access
......................................................... • 12 x 16 rustic cabin with a wood stove 518’ LAKE NETTIE. Affordable up north get-away on a quiet 149 SECLUDED ACRES! Trail roads, 11 estab-
• Lots of good deer sign on the property all sports lake. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home with a full-length lished blinds, small clearings for food plots, trail
• Adjoins 1000’s of acres of state land deck overlooking the lake, a breezeway, tiered landscaping and roads and a creek. Nicely wooded with a mix
GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTER boat dock. Great fishing, swimming and year-round sporting of evergreens & hardwood, mostly high ground.
PUPS: Males and females available. Ex- North Missaukee • MLS# 21124526 • $22,000 activities. Snow trails & state land close by. Motivated seller Abundant game. Close to Hammond Bay Har-
cellent hunting dogs and superb family pets. • Rustic cabin in the north woods wants an offer! $129,000 #308591 (Millersburg area) bor. $159,000 #313641 (Millersburg area)
Close working dogs with strong point and • 9 Treed Acres for recreation
retrieve instincts. Reasonably priced for the • State land and trails are close by
sporting family. Money back guarantee. Eu-
lenhof Kennels, Gladwin, MI. North Missaukee • MLS# 201801783 • $249,000
http://www.eulenhof.com • 80 Wooded Acres of Prime hunting Land
989-426-4884 D-4-2 • 3 Bedroom 1 ½ Bath home
• Basement, Back entry/mud room
• 36’ x 60’ Pole Barn with 11ft door 325’ OCQUEOC RIVER FRONTAGE! 3 13 ACRES W/PRIVATE LAKE & 380’ ON
Classifieds • 16’ x 36’ 3 sided addition to Pole Barn ACRE PARCEL ON A PRIVATE ROAD. Gen- THE OCQUEOC RIVER. Beautiful rolling
tly rolling land that’s ideal for a walk-out parcel in a secluded setting. There’s a
work! North Missaukee • MLS# 201800647 • $89,000 basement. Great place to camp or build your small cabin roughed in, a hunting blind
up north cottage. Trout fishing or kayak- overlooking the lake with its own deck, a
(810) 724-0254 • 28 x 48 Pole Barn with Electric
ing. Land contract terms possible. Reduced! well and electric hook ups for your camp-
• 12 x 24 addition setup for sleeping qtrs.
Monday- • 15+ wooded Acres for recreation use $25,700 #295457 (Millersburg area) er. Land contract available. $99,900
• State land and trails just ¼ mi away
9am-5pm McBain Area • MLS# 201802322 • $94,900 Carol Steiger, Associate Broker
• 40 Acres of Recreational Property (231) 627-9991 Office
or try our • Rustic older House used a for Hunt Camp (989) 351-0110 Cell
• Butterfield Creek runs along West side email: [email protected]
website • Property has Open, wet & wooded areas 846 S. Main, Cheboygan, MI
• Several Hunting blinds included
woods-n-waternews.com www.liveupnorth.com

WNW NEWS MAY 2019 75

2 Bdrm cottage. Sturgeon River frontage, 3 Bdrm, 1 bth camp. Fish and Hunt! 40 Acres.
snowmobile trail access, Hwy 13. Nahma. Good access. Power, well, & septic. Perronville.
$63,900 1105794 $74,900 1106801

FROM $12,900 TO $325,000.
2 Bdrm 1 Bth Camp 155 Acres, Bar, Sheds, Blinds, 2 Bdrm, 1 bth, log home. On Cedar River.
Escanaba Food Plots, Orchard. Rapid River. Large garage. Cedar River.
2209 Ludington Street $260,000 1111078
(906) 786-1308
$199,000 1112404

W3776 US 2 & 41
(906) 497-4190

1401 Delta Ave.
2 Bdrm, 1 bth camp. Septic 1 Bdrm Camp. 4 Acres. Elec- 1 Bdrm, 1 bth Cabin. Large
(906) 825-9000
and drilled well. 36 acres. tric. Yr round access. Great bdrm with 3.5 acres. Extra
Great hunting. Skandia. location. Cornell. large garage. Rapid River.
$80,000 1112412 $33,000 1112567 $90,000 1107870
76 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS

52+ Acres, Benzie County,

Arenac County, Au Gres, 773.42 Acres, Near Interlochen and Traverse City,
Arenac Co, 167+/- Acres, 3,500+/- ft Whitetail Paradise, Road/Trail System, Great Road Frontage, Beautiful Calhoun County, 67+/- Acres Calhoun County, 80 Acres, Big Buck Gladwin, 142 Acres,
Lake Huron, 6 Bedroom Lodge, Guest Large Pond, 10 Gun Shacks, Build Spots, Great Hunting, 300 ft. All Sports Prairie Lake, County, Lots of Deer Sign, Fully Furnished Deer Ranch.
Cabin, Great Duck & Deer Hunting. Awesome Deer Hunting Property. National Forest Adjoins Property! Tillable Acreage Oak Ridges, Rolling Hills. The Rack Ranch
$550,000 $1,850/Acre $99,000 $275,000 $249,900 $835,000

Jackson County, 432 Acres, Jackson County 38.14 Acres,

Isabella County, 80+/- Acres, Duck Excellent Duck, Deer & Turkey Hunting. Jackson County, 105+/- Acres, WRP Jackson County, 76 Acres, Log Home/Cabin, Tillable, Lapeer, 102 Acres, This property offers
And Deer Hunter’s Paradise, Over Area Of Other Large Property Owners. Program, Mature Hardwoods, Great 50+ Acres of Tillable, Great Crop Timber Value, And 30 Year Old room for multiple building sites and is
A Mile Of Pony River Frontage. “Man Cave” w/Game Cleaning Station. Deer, Turkey & Waterfowl Hunting Yields, Beautiful Build Spots. Walnut Timber Stands! just 3 Miles from the city of Lapeer.
$160,000 $875,000 $199,000 $272,000 $249,000 $340,000

6+ Acres, Mis-
saukee County,
S Secluded 34’X16’
Pole Barn - Deer
Camp! This Is A
Must See With
An Incredible
Track Record Missauke County, 320+/- Acres, 3
Of Harvesting Bedroom, 3 Bath, Large Brick Home,
Mature 48’x80’ Pole Barn With Living Quarters,
Lake County, 7 Acres, Little Manistee 40+/- Acres Mecosta, Fenced Midland County, 80 Acres Tillable, Timber, Swamp, And Loaded Newaygo County 4+/- Acres
River Frontage, Cozy Cabin, In Pastureland And Pond. Perfect For 12 Miles To Mount Pleasant, Whitetails! Muskegon Riverfront, New Cabin,
Price Right!! With Deer Sign! This Property Truly
Great Hunting and Fishing Equestrians And Cattle Owners! Excellent Hunting Has It All And Is A Must See! Beautiful Landscaping, Secluded Woods.
$125,000 $97,900 $176,000 $55,000 $1,100,000 $220,000

38 Acres, Newaygo County, 80 Acres, Newaygo County, Oceana County, 40 +/- Acres, Oceana County, 67 Acres, Great Deer Oceana County, 149 +/- Acres, 1 Mile
White Cloud Cabin/Home, Five Food Plots, Mature Timber Value, Newaygo County, 125 Acres, Three 30 Acres Tillable, 20 Acres Planted In And Turkey Hunting, Tillable, Away From Lake Michigan, Multiple
Mile Creek Frontage, Deer, Loaded With Deer And Turkey, Spring Fed Lakes, Excellent Deer, Jersey Supreme Asparagus, Thick Forest Floor, Food Plots, Pond, Building Sites, 40 Acres Wooded, Great
Bear, Turkey, And Seclusion! Economically Price! Turkey And Waterfowl Hunting Great Deer And Turkey Sign! Hunting Shack And Pole Barn. Deer And Turkey Habitat!
$165,000 $160,000 $325,000 $194,500 $159,000 $349,900


Osceola County, Evart, 278 Acres, Presque Isle County, 1,500 Acres, Roscommon County, 480+/- Acres, Van Buren County 50 +/- Acres, Van Buren County 89.6+/- Acres,
Osceola County, 120 Acres, Trail Major Deer Sign, Multiple Food Plots, High Fence Deer Ranch, 50,000+ Sq. High Fence Deer Ranch, First Class Rolling Terrain, Creeks, Ponds, Producing Blueberry Farm, Duplex
System, Near Reed City, Tons Of Rolling Terrain,. Thick Bedding Cover, Ft. Lodge, Rolling Hills, Caretakers Lodge And House, 120’X60’ Pole Food Plot Areas, And Loaded With Currently Being Rented As Well. Great
Deer And Turkey Sign, Food Plot Areas Near State Land, Great Deer History. House, And Pole Barn. Barn, Quality Deer Herd. Deer Signs. Great Build Spot! Income Producing Property!
$255,000 $517,000 $6,400,000 $2,900,000 $210,000 $375,000


BLAKE VER WOERT: 616-308-3122
JAKE DYKSTRA: 616-916-8354
CURT BRYAN: 616-745-2759
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 77
NEWEST LOCATION Off US 31 2175 Riegler Rd. Muskegon MI
78 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
Recreational Property Leaders 877-843-0910
List and Buy with the Experts

Lake front home on beautiful Mud Lake, 6 80 acres, ranch home, creek & pond, 72 acres, contemporary home, hanger with
bedrooms/4 Bathrooms, 4.2 Acres wooded & great hunting! living quarters & air strip
$399,000 $315,000 $589,000

Little Manistee River, 15 acres stunning 83 acres, tillable, small stream, christmas 300’ of Muskegon River frontage, 3.60 acres,
home, secluded & pristine, guest cabin trees (less acreage available) fantastic views & great fishing! Build that dream!
$570,000 $210,000 $225,000

Awesome craftsman home, 4 bed/3.5 Bath, Muskegon River frontage for great fishing, 3 Beautiful condo, 3 bed/2 bath, spacious lofted
3-stall garage, spacious lot, near Lake Michigan bed/2 bath log home, 45 acres adjacent to hunt! area, walk to water front town of Grand Haven.
$309,900 $319,000 $232,000

243 awesome acres!! Stunning main home,

bunkhouse, carriage house, work shop. 40 acres with stone house & older cabins, Log home on 200 acres (more acreage avail),
Just fantastic! Gilchrist Creek frontage, artesian well. top notch food plots, pole barn, trails throughout!
$699,000 $129,000 $449,000

41 acres with 15 acres of high producing 57 acres zoned ag, approved commercial use
102 acres on private trout creek, formerly christmas blueberrys. Home has 3 Bed/3.5 Baths, as outdoor grow property. Land splits avail.
tree farm, wooded, mobile with well/septic 42x28 pole bldg. Irrigation. Hunting grounds!
$149,900 $540,000 $399,000


2175 Riegler Rd. Muskegon MI
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 79
North Hill Drive Lake Frontage – 120’ on all sports Rainy Lake. Has 24 x 40 garage, electric, well
Thompsonville, septic, etc. $65,000 #317996
120 acre farm with spacious home with 4bed/1.5 baths, full basement,
MI, 49683 attached garage. Numerous outbuildings in various conditions. $235,000

Parcels A, C & D #315022

Affordable 2bed/1bath home on double lot in Rogers City. Close to trails,
marina, beaches. $31,800 #318020
OWNERS RETIRING Beautiful ranch with 3bed/1.5 bath w/ heated attached garage, full basement,
landscaped yard. Detached garage. Close to marina, trails, etc. $198,000 #316501
OPEN TO OFFERS! Farm home on 3 acres. Features 3bed/1bath, eat in kitchen, small orchard,
several outbuildings. $65,500 #317916
Available on Land Contract at ...
20% DN., Monthly Bal. at 6% Interest. STATE WIDE REAL Check out our web site for
additional properties of all types.
ESTATE OF HAWKS www.statewideofhawks.com

Walter R. Berjeski Marilynn E. Berjeski OF HAWKS FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT ONE OF OUR AGENTS: 989.734.4840

313-410-8125 313-801-0473
All parcels offer great country views. (Parcel D has awesome views of Crystal Moun-
tain all the way to Kaleva). Very secluded, nicely sloped 5+ acre parcels. Parcels C
and D adjoin state land, close to snowmobile and horse trails, and Crystal Mountain.
Britz Realty inc.

Underground power and phone install on private road. A true nature lovers paradise. 758 West US-10 • Evart, Michigan 49631
Ph. 231-734-5554 Fax. 231-734-2055
email. [email protected]
Parcel A:
5.20 acres, rolling/hilly, sloped, 160 ACRES
PRICED AT $310,000.00 MLS #19002553
views, adjoins state land. POLE BARN ALSO INCLUDED. ONE OF A KIND. $153,500.00 MLS #19008299
5.10 acres, rolling/hilly, sloped, BUILDING SITE. PRICED AT $62,500.00 MLS #18035850
partly wooded, hardwood, LITTLE LONG LAKE
Mountain and country side. GREAT FISHING LAKE. PRICED AT $49,900.00 MLS #18012160

3 BD, 1 BA mobile on 10 10 wooded acres with a well 3 BD cabin in the Big Star 2 BD, 1 BA mobile home is 1 BD, 1 BA clean, comfort-
acres. It has been used as maintained 2 BD, 1.5 BA Lake area! Located on a qui- bright, airy, has washer, dry- able cabin nestled in the
a deer camp, yet has all the mobile close to town yet se- et, paved road in a great rec- er, pellet stove and an addi- woods across from Reed
comforts of home. The mo- cluded. Located in the heart reational area. Sitting on an tion for extra storage. Large Lake public access. Bor-
bile can be lived in all year of the trail riding and hunting acre of land with a detached garage has a work room ders Federal land with riding
with great access on a nice area it is within walking dis- 2 stall garage. House sits off area and more storage. trails visible from the front
private road. 10x14 shed for tance to federal land. Has a the road for privacy with a Year around home, week- yard! Home offers large loft
storage and room to roam. 24x32 pole barn! nicely wooded lot. end getaway, or AirBnB! and an enclosed porch!
MLS 18031425 $34,900 MLS 19010104 $65,900 MLS 18054346 $55,000 MLS 19000585 $46,900 MLS 19005485 $57,000

Nicely wooded vacant land Wooded 10 acres close to 2.69 acres within walking 2 acres right in Irons! Prop- Wooded 7.5 acres with
in Cherry Valley Township. public lands and trail access. distance to Federal Land. erty already has a clearing access from a county
4.48 acres just north of Year round enjoyment can be Borders snowmobile trail in place ringed with some maintained road. Enjoy
US-10. Enjoy year round had on nearby snowmobile & 340. Great spot for hunting very nice trees. Access is as a camping site or build
access and the benefits of ATV trails along with hunting, or camping. Easy access not a problem, off county a cabin for a hunting
camping in an un-zoned or fishing in the nearby lakes from a paved, county main- maintained Brooks Rd. with camp. Federal land only
township. Low down land and rivers. Land contract tained road. Land contract Federal land right across a mile away. Available on
contract terms are available. terms available. terms available. the street. land contract.
MLS 19004231 $15,900 MLS 17017427 $26,900 MLS 17037582 $13,900 MLS 18057396 $15,900 MLS 18022244 $23,900
80 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 81
Offices Serving Lower & I don’t use the term turnkey very often
Upper Michigan but this property is ready to go, just
show up and hunt! 118 acres over three
Bringing people and places together since 1945 parcels with diverse timber including soft
& hardwoods & fruit trees that are now
VISIT OUR WEBSITE TODAY! bearing consistent fruit (Apple & Pear).
Located off Hamilton Rd is a 40x32 pole
statewiderealestate.net building that has a 27x14 lodge neatly
tucked away inside that sleeps 6 and is
complete with wood stove, kitchen space, dining/card table and bar top. The property has been
• Houghton meticulously designed to maximize the habitat with food plots and a sanctuary for bedding.
Examples of forage planted include clover, brassicas, corn and a cover mix with millet, sorghum
• Newberry and native grasses. Take some time to view the pictures and also watch the video on YouTube.
Curtis •
Crystal Falls • Manistique •

Escanaba •

• Powers • • Hawks What will you do with 120 acres to
Menominee • Hillman
• Alpena call your own? Hunting, ATV riding,
Marinette •
• Atlanta nature hikes and so much ore are at
Mio • • Harrisville your fingertips with this property.
Not to mention a fantastic building
site boasting city water (available
at the road) and a perk site that has
been completed. Need more? How
about having all this and still be only
10 minutes from Midland Mall and Mid Michigan Regional Hospital? This property has not been
• Almont
Linden • timbered and will provide a great return right away if select cut, not to mention helping the
Howell • habitat. If you need more ground to hunt and play on, the Kawkawlin Creek State Wildlife Area
and Gladwin Forest Unit are close by, giving you an additional 8000 acres to roam. This property
is calling your name and won’t last long so call today!

Matt Smith
Contact Your Nearest State Wide Real [email protected]
Estate Office To Buy or Sell In Michigan 989-486-9770
Real Estate and Habitat Specialist • Modern Realty • NSCA Personal Trainer/NETA Wellness Coach
1100 W. Chisholm, 49707 430 S. US-23, 48740 1460 Marinette Ave., 54143

420 Acres With Private

email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
989-356-2142 • Fax: 989-356-2144 989-724-5711 • 800-655-5735 715-735-9964 • Fax: 715-732-1107
Fax: 989-724-6833

844 Van Dyke Road
[email protected]
8383 Hwy. 451, 49743
856 W. Washington, 49855
email: [email protected]
Lake in Central Michigan
810-798-8591 • Fax: 810-798-8079 email: [email protected] 906-228-9312 • Fax: 906-228-8069


225 Superior Ave HILLMAN 3631 10th Street, 49858
Crystal Falls, MI 49920 14938 State Street, P.O. Box 98, 49746 email: [email protected]
PH: 906-874-3500 email: [email protected] 906-863-9905
PH: 906-396-3002 989-742-4523 • 800-228-7856
email: [email protected] Fax: 989-742-3931 Fax: 906-863-7935

CURTIS/NEWBERRY HOUGHTON 102 West 8th St., P.O. Box 395, 48647
Main Street, P.O. Box 305, 49820 500 Shelden Ave., 49931 email: [email protected]
email: [email protected] email: [email protected] 989-826-3292
906-482-6955 • 800-676-6323 Fax: 989-826-2108
906-586-9606 • Fax: 906-586-9607 Fax: 906-482-7699

HOWELL/LINDEN M-33 & M-68, 420 acres with 100 + acre private lake All maintenance equipment included,
2209 Ludington Street, 49829 1285 S. Michigan Ave., Howell, MI 48843 P.O. Box 478, 49765 with dam for sale in central Michigan mowers, tractor, dozer, crane, etc.
email: [email protected] email: [email protected] email: [email protected] (great investment opportunity). Great Would make a great church camp,
906-786-1308 • 800-900-0777 517-546-9060 • 800-531-4449 989-733-6522 fishing and hunting—Michigan trout hunting resort or lake development.
Fax: 906-786-1388 Fax: 517-546-9148 Fax: 989-733-2427 stream, mature bucks harvested every Frontage on three county roads. Grave,
year. Over two miles of water frontage, sand deposits on property, also oil
standing timber with enough pine to rights. Ann Clark’s Trust. $4,000,000 or
MANISTIQUE make 30 log homes. Seven miles of best offer. Special terms for non-profit.
1401 Delta Ave., 10 N. State Highway M-149 W3776 US2 & 41, 49874
trails, rolling hills, paved roads, has
Gladstone, MI 49837 Cooks, MI 49817 906-497-4190 Call Robert Clark at
906-825-9000 Fax: 906-497-5328 natural gas line on property. Lodge
email: [email protected] email: [email protected] [email protected] (brick house) with fireplace. Three 810-629-9376
stoarge buildings and workshop.
Includes all boats with pontoon boat. Email: [email protected]
82 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
1953 S. M-33 3160 North M-65 2575 S. I-75 Business Loop,
West Branch, MI 48661 Hale, MI 48739 West Branch, MI 48661
10 miles north of I-75 exit 202 “Gateway to Huron National Forest” 1 mile north of I-75 Exit 212

Local: 989-345-2662 Local: 989-728-2540 Local: 989-345-0315

Toll Free: 800-535-6520 www.CAHANES.com Toll Free: 800-495-2540 www.CAHANES.com Toll Free: 866-345-0315


Well-maintained 2-bdrm home with a beautiful view of Nice 2-bdrm home w/garage & 120’ on 180 Spacious brick and vinyl 2-bdrm home with 1674 square Gorgeous 3-bdrm w/custom cabinets, mobile Spacious 3-bdrm, attached garage, open
all sports RIFLE LAKE and just across the road from 20 all sports lake! Wood floors, 2 full bath, floor feet of living space, formal dining, some appliances, family kitchen island, Amish built furnishings, FP, 2 floor plan, AC, master suite, full bsmt, natural
foot access spot! Spacious living area, hickory cabinets, to ceiling windows, beautiful views, some fur- room w/its own entrance, huge 72x39 heated 5-car garage covered porches, oversized garage and all NES- gas heat, blacktop drive, porch, generator &
knotty pine interior, carport, deck, covered porch & more!! nishings, AC & much more!! plus 24x32 pole bldg, both wired for electric & much more! TLED ON 20 ACRES w/groomed trails & 4 blinds!! more!!
$79,500 1847245 $289,900 1856419 $134,900 1848848 $249,900 1855393 $79,000 1856504

This 3-bdrm home sits on a deep lot with some shade 2-bdrm, 2 ba home just down the road from Over 2300 square feet of living space, 3-bdrm, 2 full bath Cute 3-bedroom, log home in great rec- Updated 2-bdrm home near many all sports
trees and has been freshly painted. On almost an acre boat access & near sandy beach! Wood and 4-car garage. Home has beautiful views from multiple reational area not far from lakes and State lakes!! Laminate floors, stainless steel ap-
of land and located in great recreational area and not floors, nice kitchen w/lots of cupboards, deck, decks & is located in great subd w/access to 2 all sports lands. Wood stove, garage, screened porch pli, attic that could be dbrm #3, garage &
far from lakes. Exterior of home does need some TLC!! 2 story garage & more!! lakes, golf course, tennis courts, trails, camping & more!! and mostly furnished!! pole bldg!!
$45,900 1848661 $114,900 1849895 $143,900 1846541 $49,900 1850311 $84,000 1856575

3-bdrm home on full basement with garage!! Some Beautiful, completely remodeled 3-bdrm, 1.5 ba 2-bdrm cottage on 2 lots & paved road. Near acres On 2 lots & totaling almost an ACRE w/garage in beau- Well-maintained 3-bdrm home & 2-story garage
recent updates include updates to kitchen and home w/detached garage & 75” on all sports Peach of State lands for the hunter and not far from many tiful wooded setting!! Not far from many lakes and the on 2 wooded lots. Affordable and located in
bath. Outside there is a large covered deck w/ Lake. Tons of updates, appliances, deck, sunroom, lakes for fishing, boating & swimming. This getaway gorgeous Rifle River famous for excellent fishing & ca- great recreational area also not far from lakes
beautiful views and trails for walking or the hunter!! gas fireplace, beautiful views & much more!! in need of TLC is a perfect “Up North” getaway!! noeing/kayaking. Nice deck for relaxing & great views!! and also the Ausable River for year round fun!!
$154,900 1840412 $249,900 1858694 $17,000 1857949 $39,900 1858010 $44,500 1838111

Cozy one bedroom home w/approximate $15K in up- Cozy one bedroom home w/deeded access to 190 acre Over 2100 square feet & 3-bdrm home on pleasant Large 4-bdrm on 9.8 ACRFES and frontage on 28 acre Spacious 4-bdrm, 2.5 bath Cape Code on 2 ACRES
dates, including remodeled kitchen and bath, newer coun- lake. Sunroom, wood floors, newer well, newer roof & Big Williams Lake! Master suite, large open kitchen/ all sports Mills Lake! Gas stone FP, wood floors, main w/both detached & attached garages, full finished
ter tops and appliances, newer flooring, newer oak pan- newer siding on heated garage. Nice deck for relaxing dining area, fireplace in living area, on demand wa- floor master, upper bedrooms, 3 season room, beautiful walkout bsmt, master suite, stainless steel appliances,
eling, newer pumps, newer doors, newer vinyl & more!! outdoors and there is a community boat dock!! ter heater, sunroom, deck, fantastic views & more!! views, patio, garage & shed for storage and level to lake!! stone field FP, office, AC, wood floors & much more!!
$64,900 1858471 $65,000 1818008 $92,000 1842289 $109,900 1858273 $249,900 1858287



Fantastic hunting parcel with a great mix of mature Heavily wooded property and an excellent spot Beautiful rolling property, nicely wooded with Fantastic hunting parcel with frontage on Nester Over 10 ACRES, mostly wooded and a 24 foot
trees and creek running thru the property! Lots of wild- for your hunt camp just across the road from Loon electric available, trails, hunting blinds, out- Creek, a hunting blind and trails!! Electric at road, the camper for sleeping is included plus a hunting
life in the area including deer, turkey & bear. Beautiful Lake with trails thru-out, driveway, lots of wildlife house, picnic area, firepit, lots of wildlife in the driveway is in and there is a large shed that could be blind! Surrounded by both open areas and woods
setting and the property has never been timbered!! in the surrounding area and 4 hunting blinds!! area and a 1998 29-foot Wildwood camper!! used as your sleeping quarters after a day of hunting!! with lots of wildlife in the area! Survey on file!!
$144,900 1848502 $119,900 1818920 $105,000 1828040 $35,000 1851406 $24,900 1852622

Beautiful, wooded and rolling property! Partially fenced On paved road in fantastic recreational area and po- This 7.7 acres would make the perfect place to Beautiful parcel of land just off of country maintained An entire NW quarter of WOODED property with Hope Creek
with gated driveway. Cement slab, well, septic and elec- tential site for bldg your new home or getaway. Great build your “Up North” hideway or year round resi- road and potential site for your new home or perfect flowing thru and fantastic deer hunting as well as small game
tric panel all set up for your RV or potential bldg site. variety of wildlife in the area for the hunter and near the dence in nice subdivision with underground utilities, place for your hunt camp with 1,320 feet also on and fowl. Rustic one room cabin on property could be your
Just a short distance to Rifle River and many lakes!! gorgeous Rifle River for excellent fishing & canoeing!! natural gas & more! Adjacent parcel also for sale!! Silver Creek for great fishing, including trout!! hunt sleeping quarters for you and your buddies!!
$44,900 1858615 $21,900 1851238 $59,000 1763263 $85,000 1855401 $285,000 1852503


WNW NEWS MAY 2019 83
C oventry R ealty LLC
810.678.2288 Office / 231.818.2157 Cell

Spring Into These Opportunities! (269) 623-4058 269-207-3280

118 E Orchard St. Delton MI 49046 Drew Chapple Associate Broker

3695 MERRITT LAKE - $625,000 5675 PHILLIPS – $439,900 Pleasant Lake, Barry County -
2000' of Pristine Pleasant Lake Frontage
RE NE & 35 Acres of Natural Paradise, rolling ter-
D! ! rain with Breathtaking views, Hardwood
Forest, Pine Groves, Spring Fed Pond,
Open fields covered with Wild Flowers
and Native Prairie Grasses. The Stunning
Estate offers 8352 sqft of Spacious Living Area including Main Floor Master Wing, 3
Bedrooms En Suites, 4 Fireplaces, Custom Kitchen, Formal Dining Rm, Great Rm
• 35 woodsy acres on Merritt Lake • Custom-built Red Pine log home w/Wet Bar, Game and Billiard Rm w/Kitchenette, Exer-
• 3000 sq ft custom brick, 3+ car garage • Beautiful appointments & woodwork cise Rm, 5 Car Garage/Heated w/Screened Porch, Boat
• 3 bed/3.5 bath, 1st floor master suite • Spacious kitchen. Hickory cabinets House, and 3 Car Garage. The Lake House interior was
• Kitchen w/dbl ovens, granite island • Newer appliances & large island designed to enhance the Lake Views from every room in
• Oak floors, Pewabic tiles, Trex deck • Bentwood railings, open staircase the house, and Decks give the opportunity to enjoy Na-
• Sunken family & living rms, frplscs! • 20 acres with breathtaking views ture. Additional Acreage available. Priced @ $1,900,000
• Custom Oak trim, newels & doors • 8 acres are hardwoods for hunting (19010447) Call Drew Chapple 269-207-3280
• Antique hardware, doors, generator! • Morton barn! 42X75, radiant heat
• LL w/o, fam rm, bath, prep bedr/study • Horse barn, run-ins, pastures, fenced Acreage - Pristine/Picturesque 23-acre Country Estate with
completely restored Turn-of-the-Century Farmhouse & Barns w/
DRYDEN RD VL - $124,900 - $172,900 BOWERS RD VL - $349,900 original beams & stone of the 1900's. Property is well suited for
• 3 Parcels: 24/18/19 acres, wood/pastures • 71+ acres, paved rd, nat’l gas, rolling a Hobby Farm, Horse Ranch, Wedding Venue, and A Family’s
• Metamora Hunt Country-61 acres total • E of Lapeer, close to schools & shopping Lifetime of Memories. The 3158 sqft Farm House includes 4 Bed-
• Perfect for horses, farming or hunting • Rent or farm for $3000+ yearly income rooms, 3 Bathrooms, Custom Kitchen w/Maple Cupboards, Rec
• Nat’l gas, paved road, schools of choice • Great Solar Field opportunity in place Room, Living room w/Wood Stove, and office area. Includes a
• Original family farm with easy commute • Develop a subdivision or private estate 32 x 40 Barn w/stable
area, 34 x 38 Barn
LEVALLEY RD VL - $194,000 BALDWIN RD VL - $360,000 Studio/Apt/Office,
• 60 acres total! Beautiful wooded parcel • 48 acres! Woods and Centennial trees! and 56 x 30 Pole barn. Additional Acreage
• 58 acre nature preserve w/10 acre lake! • Ponds and pastures! All split rights available. Property is a convenient drive
• 2 acre building site on Levalley adjoins • Paved road, nat’l gas,1900 ft frontage to Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and Battle
• Private, fruit trees, serene trails, wildlife • For an estate, development or hunting Creek. Priced @ $589,900 (19008705)
• Perfect for photographers/nature lovers! • Add’l 6+/- acres avail for $67,900 Call Drew Chapple 269-207-3280

Heritage Exclusive Marketing Agents for Northeast

House Michigan Properties
RealtyPC Located in the Heart of the Huron National Forest, on the
“Personalized Service is the Difference”
Shores of Lake Huron and the banks of the AuSable River
Greenbush Resort 4625 River St
With 300 feet on Lake 1248 sf, 2 bed 1 bath with
Huron this resort is a major attached garage and soon
destination for many with 11 completed new roof. Enjoy
cottages for rentals and the all the wildlife that visit the
main home for you to enjoy area daily while still having
the area as well. This is a the convenience of being in
must seize opportunity as town. $89,900
resorts this nice are rarely
for sale.

519 Lake St London & Goddard Rd

1058 sf, 2 bed, 1.5 bath with 123.5 acres at the corner
finished 2 car garage. with plenty of hunting
Enjoy the year round view available, flowing creek,
of Lake Huron from your current farming lease,
steps or cozy up around the woods, fields. All makes for
fireplace and relax. Great a great opportunity for the
location in town but still feel 4215 N US 23, Oscoda upcoming hunting seasons.
like your miles away. Great opportunity in this turn key business. Well $209,950
known Antiques and Furniture store complete
744 N US 23 with full inventory offering a unique blend of 840 S Stockton Rd
1200 sf, 3 bed, 1 bath with antiques, new furniture, gently used furniture, 1440 sf, 3 bed, 2 bath with
full basement ant attached jewelry, glass ware, cooking supplies, etc., too 61 acres ideal for hunting or
garage, easy access to recreating close to trails and
Lake Huron and Harrisville.
many items to list individually. Excellent state land. As a bonus
Enjoy the feeling of being customer base and ideal location just outside of includes a standalone guest
away from it all while still town making this a frequent stop of many while house ideal for visitors.
having easy access to town. traveling. There are also 10 residential rental $198,500
units and several commercial rental units
allowing for steady, consistent income streams,
Cedar Lake Rd with seller financing option, this will cover your 109 E Church St
monthly payment alone. This is one of those 1150 sf, 3 bed, 2 bath with
37 acres ideal for hunting,
attached garage and to
recreation, or just your new purchases that only comes around once and many updates to mention
retreat away from it all. Has with all the possibilities that exist for this the here. This is a must see
private deeded and locked
easement off Cedar Lake uses and future are only limited by your home that will not last long.
imagination. Call for your own personal tour . Fenced in yard ideal for
Rd for privacy and security.
family or pets.
Mostly wooded with newly
REDUCED $104,900
cleared access. $42,500

Call 800-650-5566 - Glennie or 800-982-0102 - Harrisville - www.HeritageHouseRealty.com

84 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
Southern Michigan
Brandon Cropsey 269.816.3010

David Cergnul 989.324.9443

Michigan Land & Lakes

Southeast Michigan America’s Land Specialist
Jim Lochrie 248.840.5668

(office) 269.357.7036 • MOSSYOAKPROPERTIES.COM


Cass County
Barry County 67.6 +/- acres Berrien County
99.6 +/- acres List Price $258,400 - An Calhoun County 160 acres Ontonagon County
List Price $549,000 - exceptional mixed use 67.6+/- 100 acres List Price $1,699,000 - 80 +/- acres
Beautiful cabin parcel of ground in Cass County, List Price $299,000 - 1/2+ mile of St. Joseph River List Price $119,000 -
overlooking a spring Michigan with EXCELLENT Recreational Paradise Frontage, 85+/- tillable acres, Wooded acreage in the
fed fish pond on Hunting, potential building with rolling woods, nice rolling woods with Western Upper Peninsula
rolling wooded sites, and tillable ground a creek, swamp, and timber, and a ranch home with beautiful turn key
acreage generating farm rent yearly potential building sites with 3 outbuildings D-style log cabin


Winning Over the Non-Hunting Wife
Okay, before I start, let me say I know of one who has done it mostly wrong. They fall painting, reading, or walking in the woods
plenty of women who hunt, so what follows is into three categories: people, passion, and may be something she treasures. The key is
not based on any gender stereotype. Rather, pampering. to encourage her to find things she enjoys
it is based on a simple factual observation: People: In general, women tend to be doing on the property as much as you enjoy
Most buyers of hunting land are men, and more relational than men (Gasp! Really?). hunting.
the number one obstacle I encounter to So, a hunting property must account for her Pampering: The third category is
men purchasing a hunting property is the desire to connect with people – children, pampering. Men, don’t forget that even in
lack of buy-in from their wives. Now, I am grand children, and friends, particularly other the wilds, your wife wants to be treated a bit
not blaming the women for their lack of women. This means the hunting property may like a queen. This may cost you something –
buy in – the cluelessness of most men (this have to be located within easy driving range bulldozing the musty old hunting shack and
writer included – just ask my wife) deserves of activities promoting these relationships replacing it with a nice cottage or newer RV
at least an equal share of the blame here. In – a lake front beach or a quaint town with for example. Or installing a sauna or nice
the Biblical account of the creation of man boutique shopping, restaurants, ice cream wood burning stove to cozy up an existing
and woman, some have noted that Adam was stores, putt- putt golf courses can enhance cabin. Plumbing is critical – many men don’t
created outside the garden of Eden in the appeal to young children, teens, or friends. care that much about hot and cold running
wild and is later placed in the garden by God, Or, if not located near these attractions, water, showers, and flush toilets. Most women
while the woman is created within the garden. sometimes encouraging wives to establish do. You’ve got to make the place somewhere
This may be the first clue that as a general their own traditions in the woods with friends she looks forward to relaxing in, a place
rule (not absolute), there is something about may be the trick. A quiet woman’s weekend where she feels a little pampered.
wilderness that seems to call to the heart of away, which may or may not be centered All this may mean buying a smaller
most men more than to the heart of most around activities of interest like art, crafts, hunting parcel in order to get the right
women. For whatever reason, women tend scrapbooking, whatever. location to appeal to your wife, or to leave
to be a much harder sell for the purchase of Passion: Passion is the second category. enough funds for a nice cottage. This month’s
hunting land than do men. While your wife may not enjoy hunting, she two featured properties both have the
So I come to the pragmatic for men may find other ways she enjoys connecting potential to score points with non-hunting
looking to buy hunting land and to those with nature. Possible activities include fishing, wives at two different price points. So go
who own it and love investing time and farming/gardening, planting wildflowers, ahead - scheme what it will take to make
money managing it. How do you bring your bird watching, photography, morel hunting, your hunting property appeal to your wife
non-hunting wife along as more of an equal berry or apple picking. Or, just getting and then give me a call to help you find that
partner? I offer here some suggestions from away in a quiet place to do some writing, dream place!
WNW NEWS MAY 2019 85
33 rd Annual Woods-N-Water News

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86 MAY 2019 WNW NEWS
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