Why Do Trees Die
Why Do Trees Die
Why Do Trees Die
SP 615
The answer to “Why do trees die?” follows a re- • they are the chief building blocks of cell walls,
verse chronological sequence. Trees die because res- • they form the starting point for synthesis of fats
piration terminates. Respiration terminates because and proteins,
carbohydrate production ceases and stored carbo- • they are oxidized in respiration, and
hydrates are depleted. Carbohydrate production ceases • any amount still remaining after all these
because photosynthesis discontinues. Photosynthesis processes accumulates as stored food reserves.
discontinues because the factors necessary for photo-
synthesis are interrupted or obstructed. Those factors Carbohydrates are transported from the leaves
include: sunlight, water, nutrients, temperature, CO2 to the stem and roots via phloem cells for use in res-
and O2. Factors for photosynthesis are interrupted be- piration and other physiological processes, including
cause of human activities or environmental changes. growth. Excess carbohydrates not used in growth
Many are summarized here. and respiration are stored in roots, buds, stems and
To understand why or how trees die, we must first cambium.
understand the processes by which they live. Broadly, Respiration is the oxidization of carbohydrates
these processes can be categorized under physiology, to provide energy to keep cells alive and to fuel growth.
which is the branch of science dealing with the func- Respiration essentially works in reverse order of pho-
tions of living organisms and their parts. Major physi- tosynthesis, whereby the synthesized carbohydrates
ological processes in trees include photosynthesis, res- react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water
piration and translocation. and energy; e.g., food is oxidized and energy is re-
The process of photosynthesis combines carbon leased. The chemical reaction for respiration can be
dioxide with water in the presence of the sun’s energy written as:
to produce simple sugars (known as carbohydrates)
and oxygen. This chemical reaction for photosynthesis C6H12O6 + 6O2 ➔ 6CO2 + 6H20 + energy
Carbohydrate Oxygen Carbon Water
occurs in leaves and can be written as: Dioxide
6CO2 + 6H20 + Sunlight ➔ C6H12O6 +6O2 Unlike photosynthesis, which is seasonal in most
Carbon Water Chlorophyll Carbohydrate Oxygen
climates, at least some respiration occurs at all times
(even during the dormant season). This is why the pro-
Photosynthesis is the most essential and basic duction of carbohydrates through photosynthesis must
physiological process, inasmuch as tree growth is exceed the oxidation of carbohydrates through respi-
dependent upon successful conversion of the sun’s ration. Without a surplus of carbohydrates, tree vigor
energy into carbohydrates. Kramer and Kozlowski declines and eventually death occurs. As trees age, the
(1960) make the following observations about car- demand for carbohydrates increases, because the vol-
bohydrates: ume of respiring tissue increases while the amount of
• they are the substances by which all other organic leaf surface area (photosynthesizing surface) remains
compounds are synthesized, fairly constant. Less carbohydrate is made available for
root and stem elongation because more is demanded for (secondary growth) begin to show a narrowing, this
life-sustaining respiration. Perhaps this is why younger is a first indication that tree vigor is declining and
trees, having a higher ratio of photosynthetic surface that subsequent reductions in primary growth could
to respiring tissue, grow more rapidly than older, deca- also soon occur. As decline continues, carbohydrate
dent trees (Kramer and Kozlowski 1960). allocations are gradually pulled up the physiological
Translocation, the third major physiological processes ladder. For instance, if a tree must allocate
process, allows photosynthesis and respiration to carbohydrates to either branch and root expansion, or
function properly. Without the “piping” system of seed and flower production, it will choose the latter;
translocation, moisture and nutrients would not reach likewise, production of fine roots comes before seeds
the leaves, leaves would not produce carbohydrates, and flowers; lastly, respiration is a higher priority than
carbohydrates would not be transported to organs and fine root production. This reversal or recall of carbo-
respiration would cease. hydrates continues until there are essentially none left,
Through translocation, trees allocate carbohy- at which point mortality occurs.
drates to support five different physiological process- Tree mortality is not always a gradual, energy-
es. Oliver and Larson (1996) identify these processes, losing process. In A New Tree Biology, Shigo (1990)
placed in priority order for allocation of carbohydrates, indicates that tree mortality can also occur rapidly
as: through mechanical disruption. Examples include:
Table 1. Environmental factors and human activities that influence tree physiological processes.
Factor Subfactor Effect on Physiological Process
1. Low site quality a. Excessive drainage Prohibits absorption of sufficient moisture necessary for produc-
tion and distribution of carbohydrates
b. Poor drainage Creates a wet anaerobic condition, i.e., O2 is not available for root
c. Thin or compacted soil Challenges root penetration; both nutrients and moisture become
difficult to absorb; reduces photosynthetic rate
d. Excessive sun Transpiration increases, causing stomates (leaf pores) to close;
exposure reduces carbohydrate production while respiration continues
e. Nutrient deficiencies Decreases chlorophyll formation necessary for photosynthesis;
sufficient carbohydrates are not produced to sustain respiration
f. Abnormal soil pH Affects absorption of nutrients, which in turn has the same effect
as nutrient deficiency
2. Species planted Makes species less capable of performing normal physiological
off-site processes. Ex. – Trees adapted to wet conditions do not do well
on dry ridges or trees adapted to dry conditions are outgrown on
floodplain sites
3. Changes in habitat a.k.a. disturbances alter wind, sunlight, temperature and water
table conditions, all affecting photosynthesis, respiration and
transpiration rates. Ex. – lightning or wind breakage removing too
much of crown, new structures such as buildings and pavement
alter the environment
4. Competition from Reduction of resource allocation. Available carbohydrates are
adjacent vegetation redistributed from secondary growth to more essential needs
because of reduced photosynthesis; water translocation becomes
inadequate and predisposes trees to insect attacks.
5. Weather influences a. Prolonged drought see excessive drainage
b. Excessive rains see poor drainage
c. Sunscald see excessive sun exposure
d. Winter injury Dries or damages foliage and twigs, causing carbohydrate de-
mands to focus on restoration rather than growth
6. Human activities a. Soil compaction Creates drought-like conditions; reduces carbohydrate production;
exposes and damages roots, leading to fungal entry blocking trans-
location; reduces nutrient absorption, lowering photosynthesis rate
b. Air pollution Inhibits proper balance of CO2, reducing photosynthesis
c. Salt leaching along Draws water away from roots so less is available for replacement
roadsides upon transpiration; foliage dessicates and dies; photosynthesis
d. Improper herbicide Clogs leaf stomates and interferes with inward diffusion of CO2;
use transpiration is reduced, causing temperature increases in leaves;
photosynthesis becomes uneven
Kramer, Paul J. and Theodore T. Kozlowski. 1960. Physiology of Trees. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York.
Oliver, Chadwick D. and Bruce Larson, 1996. Forest Stand Dynamics. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Shigo, Alex L. 1990. A New Tree Biology. Shigo and Trees Associates. Durham, New Hampshire.
Wenger, Karl F., editor. 1984. Forestry Handbook, second edition. Edited for the Society of American Foresters.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.
Paving completely
around this ash tree
has completely altered
the tree’s rooting
environment and will
influence the health of
the tree.
Decline of sweetgum.
The tree has grown
Gradual decline from the top of a mature red oak tree.
larger than the limited
rooting environment can
support. The result is
dying back from the top.
Photos by Wayne Clatterbuck
SP615-12M-7/03 R12-4910-034-006-04
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The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture,and county governments cooperating
in furtherance of Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914.
Agricultural Extension Service
Charles L. Norman, Dean
Printing for this publication was funded by the USDA Forest Service through a grant with the Tennessee Department of Agri-
culture, Division of Forestry. The Trees for Tennessee Landscapes series is sponsored by the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council.