United States Office of Water EPA 843-F-01-002b Environmental Protection Office of Wetlands, September 2001 Agency Oceans and Watersheds (4502T)

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United States
Environmental Protection

Office of Water
Office of Wetlands,
Oceans and Watersheds (4502T)

EPA 843-F-01-002b
September 2001

Do you think all wetlands are the same? Think again. Each
wetland differs due to variations in soils, landscape,
climate, water regime and chemistry, vegetation, and
human disturbance. Below are brief descriptions of the
major types of wetlands found in the United States
organized into four general categories: marshes, swamps,
bogs, and fens.

The Vernal Pool Association

ARSHES are periodically saturated,

flooded, or ponded with water and characterized by herbaceous (non-woody) vegetation
adapted to wet soil conditions. Marshes are
further characterized as tidal marshes
and non-tidal marshes.

Leigh Dunkelberger

Many vernal pools fill with water in

fall or spring.

Dave Davis

Freshwater marshes, like this one in

Sequoia National Park, are dependent
on rainfall, runoff, and seasonal
flooding for their water supplies.

Farmland surrounds these prairie

potholes in Nebraska.

Tidal (coastal) marshes occur along

coastlines and are influenced by tides
and often by freshwater from runoff,
rivers, or ground water. Salt marshes
are the most prevalent types of tidal
marshes and are characterized by salttolerant plants such as smooth cordgrass, saltgrass, and glasswort. Salt
marshes have one of the highest rates of
primary productivity associated with
wetland ecosystems because of the
inflow of nutrients and organics
from surface and/or tidal water.
Tidal freshwater marshes are located
upstream of estuaries. Tides influence
water levels but the water is fresh.
The lack of salt stress allows a
greater diversity of plants to thrive.
Cattail, wild rice, pickerelweed,
and arrowhead are common and
help support a large and diverse
range of bird and fish species,
among other wildlife.
Nontidal (inland) marshes are
dominated by herbaceous plants
and frequently occur in poorly
drained depressions, floodplains,
and shallow water areas along the
edges of lakes and rivers. Major
regions of the United States that
support inland marshes include the
Great Lakes coastal marshes, the
prairie pothole region, and the
Florida Everglades.

Freshwater marshes are characterized by

periodic or permanent shallow water, little
or no peat deposition, and mineral soils.
They typically derive most of their water
from surface waters, including floodwater
and runoff, but do receive ground water

Wet meadows commonly occur in poorly

drained areas such as shallow lake basins,
low-lying depressions, and the land
between shallow marshes and upland areas.
Precipitation serves as their primary water
supply, so they are often dry in the summer.

Wet prairies are similar to wet meadows

but remain saturated longer. Wet prairies
may receive water from intermittent
streams as well as ground water and

Prairie potholes develop when snowmelt

and rain fill the pockmarks left on the
landscape by glaciers. Ground water input
is also important.

Playas are small basins that collect rainfall

and runoff from the surrounding land.
These low-lying areas are found in the
Southern High Plains of the United States.

Vernal pools have either bedrock or a hard

clay layer in the soil that helps keep water
in the pool. They are covered by shallow
water for variable periods from winter to
spring, but may be completely dry for most
of the summer and fall.

Trees found in
swamps are sometimes buttressed at
the base, which
helps anchor them in
the saturated soils.

Forested swamps serve a

critical role in the watershed by reducing the risk
and severity of flooding
to downstream areas.

Forested swamps are found in broad

floodplains of the northeast, southeast, and
south-central United States and
receive floodwater from nearby
rivers and streams. Common
deciduous trees found in these areas
include bald cypress, water tupelo,
swamp white oak, and red maple.
Shrub swamps are similar to
forested swamps except that
shrubby species like buttonbush and
swamp rose dominate.
Mangrove swamps are coastal wetlands characterized by salt-tolerant trees, shrubs, and other
plants growing in brackish to saline tidal waters.

These tropical and subtropical systems have a

North American range that extends from the southern tip of Florida along the Gulf Coast to Texas.

OGS are freshwater wetlands characterized

by spongy peat deposits, a growth of evergreen trees and shrubs, and a floor covered by a
thick carpet of sphagnum moss. These systems,
whose only water source is rainwater, are
usually found in glaciated areas of the northern
United States. One type of bog, called a
pocosin, is found only in the
Southeastern Coastal Plain.

ENS are ground

water-fed peatforming wetlands
covered by grasses,
sedges, reeds, and
wildflowers. Willow
and birch are also
common. Fens, like
bogs, tend to occur in
glaciated areas of the
northern United

Dave Davis

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

WAMPS are fed primarily by surface water

inputs and are dominated by trees and
shrubs. Swamps occur in either freshwater or
saltwater floodplains. They are characterized by
very wet soils during the growing season and
standing water during certain times of the year.
Well-known swamps include Georgias Okefenokee Swamp and Virginias Great Dismal
Swamp. Swamps are classified as forested,
shrub, or mangrove.

Bog ecosystems
blueberries, and
plants like the
pitcher plant.

The Wetland Fact Sheet Series


erican Avocet

Wetlands Overview

Funding Wetland Projects

Types of Wetlands

Wetland Monitoring & Assessment

Functions & Values of Wetlands

Sustainable Communities

Threats to Wetlands

Volunteering for Wetlands

Wetland Restoration

Teaching about Wetlands

For more information, visit www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands.

On the Internet
EPAs Wetland Home Page contains information and pictures on several
types of wetlands ...................................................................................................... www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands/types
Types of Wetlands and Their Roles in the Watershed, part of North Carolina
State Universitys WATERSHEDSS ...................................................... h2osparc.wq.ncsu.edu/info/wetlands/types3.html
Wetlands of the United States from the USGS Northern Prairie
Wildlife Research Center ........................................................... www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/1998/uswetlan/types.htm
Prairie Potholes ...................................................................................... www.greatplains.org/resource/1999/ppjv/ppjv.htm

In Print
Wetlands. 3rd Edition. W.J. Mitsch, and J.G. Gosselink. 2000. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY.
In Search of Swampland: A Wetland Sourcebook and Field Guide. R.W. Tiner, 1998. Rutgers University Press, Piscataway, NJ.
Adopting a WetlandA Northwest Guide. S. Yates. 1989.

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