United States Office of Water EPA 843-F-01-002b Environmental Protection Office of Wetlands, September 2001 Agency Oceans and Watersheds (4502T)
United States Office of Water EPA 843-F-01-002b Environmental Protection Office of Wetlands, September 2001 Agency Oceans and Watersheds (4502T)
United States Office of Water EPA 843-F-01-002b Environmental Protection Office of Wetlands, September 2001 Agency Oceans and Watersheds (4502T)
h eg
United States
Environmental Protection
Office of Water
Office of Wetlands,
Oceans and Watersheds (4502T)
EPA 843-F-01-002b
September 2001
Do you think all wetlands are the same? Think again. Each
wetland differs due to variations in soils, landscape,
climate, water regime and chemistry, vegetation, and
human disturbance. Below are brief descriptions of the
major types of wetlands found in the United States
organized into four general categories: marshes, swamps,
bogs, and fens.
Leigh Dunkelberger
Dave Davis
Trees found in
swamps are sometimes buttressed at
the base, which
helps anchor them in
the saturated soils.
Dave Davis
Bog ecosystems
blueberries, and
plants like the
pitcher plant.
erican Avocet
Wetlands Overview
Types of Wetlands
Sustainable Communities
Threats to Wetlands
Wetland Restoration
On the Internet
EPAs Wetland Home Page contains information and pictures on several
types of wetlands ...................................................................................................... www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands/types
Types of Wetlands and Their Roles in the Watershed, part of North Carolina
State Universitys WATERSHEDSS ...................................................... h2osparc.wq.ncsu.edu/info/wetlands/types3.html
Wetlands of the United States from the USGS Northern Prairie
Wildlife Research Center ........................................................... www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/1998/uswetlan/types.htm
Prairie Potholes ...................................................................................... www.greatplains.org/resource/1999/ppjv/ppjv.htm
In Print
Wetlands. 3rd Edition. W.J. Mitsch, and J.G. Gosselink. 2000. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, NY.
In Search of Swampland: A Wetland Sourcebook and Field Guide. R.W. Tiner, 1998. Rutgers University Press, Piscataway, NJ.
Adopting a WetlandA Northwest Guide. S. Yates. 1989.