Jenis Fraktur Istimewa

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Name Definition Appearance

Bankart common complication of
Lesion anterior shoulder
dislocation and are
frequently seen in
association with a Hill-
Sachs lesion.

Barton Barton fractures are

fractue fractures of the distal
radius. It is also
sometimes termed
the dorsal type Barton
fracture to distinguish it
from the volar type
or reverse Barton fracture.

Barton fractures extend

through the dorsal aspect
to the articular surface but
not to the volar aspect.
Therefore, it is similar to
a Colles fracture. There is
usually associated dorsal
subluxation/dislocation of
the radiocarpal joint.

Bennett Bennett fracture-

fracture- dislocation of the thumb
dislocation results from forced
abduction of thumb and is
defined as an intra-
articular two-part fracture
of the base of the first
metacarpal bone.

Bosworth Bosworth fracture is no

fracture longer used. However, it
was classically used to
refer to a fracture-
dislocation of the ankle in
which there was fracture
of the fibula and posterior
dislocation of the talus.
Chance This fracture most
fractures commonly occurs about
the upper lumbar spine
(with the thoracolumbar
junction accounting for
~50% of cases 3), but it
may be observed in the
midlumbar region in
children. Chance
fractures, also referred
as seatbelt fractures, are
flexion-distraction type
injuries of the spine that
extend to involve all three
spinal columns. These are
unstable injuries and have
a high association with
intra-abdominal injuries.
Charcot Charcot joint, also known
joint as
a neuropathic or neurotr
ophic joint, refers to a
joint disorder in patients
with abnormal pain
sensation and

Chopart Chopart fracture is a

fracture fracture/dislocation of
the mid-tarsal
joint (Chopart joint) of the
foot, i.e. talonavicular and
calcaneocuboid joints
which separate
the hindfoot from
the midfoot. The
commonly fractured
bones are
the calcaneus, cuboid and
Colles Colles fractures are very
fractures common extra-articular
fractures of the distal
radius that occur as the
result of a fall onto an
outstretched hand. They
consist of a fracture of the
distal radial metaphyseal
region with dorsal
angulation and impaction,
but without involvement of
the articular surface. This
article describes
radiographic features to
check for and possible

Weber The Weber ankle

ankle fracture
fracture classification (sometime
classificati s Danis-Weber) is a
on simple system for
classification of lateral
malleolar fractures,
relating to the level of the
fracture in relation to
the ankle joint. It has a
role in determining

Essex- Essex-Lopresti fracture-

Lopresti dislocations comprise of
fracture- a comminuted fracture of
dislocation the radial
s head accompanied by
dislocation of the distal
radio-ulnar joint (DRUJ),
The force of trauma is
transmitted down the
forearm through the
interosseous membrane
causing disruption. The
DRUJ injury may be
missed leading to
permanent wrist pain and
Freiberg Freiberg disease, also
disease known as Freiberg
infraction, is osteochondr
osis of metatarsal heads.
It typically affects the
2nd metatarsal head (the
3rd and 4th may also be
affected). It can be
bilateral in up to 10% of

Galeazzi Galeazzi fracture-

fracture- dislocations consist of
dislocation fracture of the distal part
s of the radius with
dislocation of distal
radioulnar joint and an
intact ulna. A Galeazzi
equivalent fracture is a
distal radial fracture with a
distal ulnar physeal
fracture 2.=
Piedmont fractures

Gosselin The Gosselin fracture is

fracture a fracture of distal tibia
with a V-shaped fractured
fragment and intraarticular
Goyrand Goyrand fracture is
fracture another name for a Smith
fracture (reverse Barton
fracture) and is
predominantly used in
France or French-
influenced countries.

For a discussion of the

this fracture refer to the
article on Smith fractures.

Hill-Sachs Hill-Sachs lesions are a

lesions posterolateral humeral
head compression
fracture, typically
secondary to
recurrent anterior
shoulder dislocations, as
the humeral head comes
to rest against the
anteroinferior part of the
glenoid. It is often
associated with a Bankart
lesion of the glenoid.

Chauffeur Chauffeur fractures (also

fractures known as Hutchinson
fractures or backfire
fractures) are intra-
articular fractures of
the radial styloid process.
The radial styloid is within
the fracture fragment,
although the fragment can
vary markedly in size.

Jefferson Jefferson fracture is the

fracture eponymous name given to
a burst fracture of C1. It
was originally described
as a four-part fracture with
double fractures through
the anterior and posterior
arches, but three-part and
two-part fractures have
also been described.
Jones Jones fractures occur at
fractures the base of the
fifth metatarsal.

Kienbck Kienbck disease is the

disease eponymous name given
to avascular
necrosis (aseptic
necrosis) involving the
Le Fort Le Fort fractures are
fractures fractures of the midface,
which collectively involve
separation of all or a
portion of the midface
from the skull base. In
order to be separated
from the skull base
the pterygoid plates of the
sphenoid bone need to be
involved as these connect
the midface to the
sphenoid bone
dorsally. The Le Fort
classification system
attempts to distinguish
according to the plane of
Lisfranc Lisfranc injuries, also
injuries, al called Lisfranc fracture-
so dislocations, are the
called Lisfr most common type of
anc dislocation involving
fracture- the foot and correspond to
dislocation the dislocation of the
s articulation of the tarsus
with the metatarsal bases.
The Lisfranc joint is the
articulation of the tarsus
with the metatarsal bases,
whereby the first three
metatarsals articulate
respectively with the three
cuneiforms, and the
4th and 5th metatarsals with
the cuboid.

Maisonneu Maisonneuve fracture is

ve the combination of a spiral
fracture fracture of the
proximal fibula and
unstable ankle injury
which could manifest
radiographically by
widening of the ankle joint
due to distal tibiofibular
syndesmosis and/or deltoi
d ligament disruption, or
fracture of the medial
malleolus. It is caused by
pronation external-rotation
It requires surgical
fixation. 5
Malgaigne Malgaigne fracture is an
fracture unstable type of pelvic
fracture, which involves
one hemipelvis, and
results from vertical shear
energy vectors.

Clinical presentation
One of the clinical
features is shortening of
the leg on the affected

It comprises of two
ipsilateral pelvic ring
fractures, which are
vertically orientated:

anterior to
posterior to

Monteggia Monteggia fracture-

fracture- dislocations comprise of
dislocation a fracture of the ulna shaft
s and dislocation of the
radial head. The ulna
fracture is usually very
obvious whereas
the radial head
dislocation can be
overlooked, with
potentially serious
functional and medico-
legal ramifications.
Osgood- Osgood-Schlatter
Schlatter disease (OSD) is a
disease (O chronic fatigue injury due
SD) to repeated microtrauma
at the patellar ligament
insertion onto the tibial
tuberosity, usually
affecting boys between
10-15 years.

Pellegrini- Pellegrini-Stieda
Stieda lesions are ossified
lesions post-traumatic lesions at
(or near) the medial
femoral collateral
ligament adjacent to the
margin of the medial
femoral condyle. One
presumed mechanism of
injury is a Stieda
fracture (avulsion injury of
the medial collateral
ligament at the medial
femoral condyle).
Calcification usually
begins to form a few
weeks after the initial

Reverse Reverse Barton

Barton fractures, also known
fractures / as volar type Barton
volar fractures, represents an
type Barto intra-articular distal radial
n fractures fracture with volar

In fact, the reverse Barton

fracture is a type II Smith
fracture: intra-articular
oblique distal radial
fracture 1-2.

For a discussion of this

fracture refer to the article
on Smith fractures.

Rolando Rolando fracture is a

fracture three part or comminuted
intra-articular fracture-
dislocation of the base of
thumb (proximal first
metacarpal). It can be
thought of as a
comminuted Bennett

Salter- The Salter-Harris

Harris classification was
classificati proposed by Salter and
on Harris in 1963 1 and at the
time or writing (June
2016) remains the most
widely used system for
describing physeal
Schatzker Schatzker
classificati classification system is
on one method of
classifying tibial plateau
fractures and splits the
fracture into six types.
In the Schatzker
classification, each
increasing numeric
fracture category indicates
increasing severity,
reflecting not only
increased energy
imparted to the bone at
the time of injury but also
an increasingly worse
prognosis 1. The most
common fracture of the
tibial plateau, is type II.
Segond Segond fracture is
fracture an avulsion fracture of the
knee that involves the
lateral aspect of the tibial
plateau and is very
frequently (~75% of
cases) associated with
disruption of the anterior
cruciate ligament
(ACL) tear.

Smith Smith fractures, also

fractures, known as a Goyrand
/ Goyrand fracture in the French
fracture literature 3, are fractures of
the distal radius with
associated palmar
angulation of the distal
fracture fragment.
Classically, these
fractures are extra-
articular transverse
fractures and can be
thought of as a reverse
Colles fracture. The term
is sometimes used to
describe intra-articular
fractures with volar
displacement (a reverse
Barton fracture) or juxta-
articular fractures 1-3.
Pellegrini- Pellegrini-Stieda
Stieda lesions are ossified post-
lesions traumatic lesions at (or
near) the medial femoral
ligament adjacent to the
margin of the medial
femoral condyle. One
presumed mechanism of
injury is a Stieda
fracture (avulsion injury of
the medial collateral
ligament at the medial
femoral condyle).
Calcification usually
begins to form a few
weeks after the initial

Tillaux Tillaux
fractures fractures are Salter-
Harris III fractures
through the anterolateral
aspect of the distal tibial
epiphysis, with variable
amounts of displacement.
Weber The Weber ankle
ankle fracture
fracture classification (sometime
classificati s Danis-Weber) is a
on simple system for
classification of lateral
malleolar fractures,
relating to the level of the
fracture in relation to
the ankle joint. It has a
role in determining

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