Where's The Sodium?: There's Too Much in Many Common Foods
Where's The Sodium?: There's Too Much in Many Common Foods
Where's The Sodium?: There's Too Much in Many Common Foods
cannot be removed. However, manufacturers
and restaurants can produce foods with less
sodium. In addition, you can select lower
44% of the sodium we eat sodium foods when possible and you can cook
comes from only 10 types more foods yourself, to better control how
of foods. much sodium you eat.
* The words salt and sodium are sometimes used interchangeably
because most of the sodium we eat is in the form of salt (sodium
chloride). Some salts dont contain sodium.
To learn more about how to reduce sodium
See page 4
Top Sources of
Sodium in the Diet People who should limit their sodium
to 1,500 mg a day are:
Breads and rolls
People who are 51 years or older
Cold cuts and cured meats
African Americans
People with high blood pressure
Poultry People with diabetes
Soups People with chronic kidney disease
Pasta dishes
Meat dishes
2 Snacks
Sodium levels of the same food can
vary widely, so choose wisely.
This chart shows a range of sodium amounts in different
types of food. Serving sizes may vary for some foods, e.g.,
Sodium Le
bread slices which may be lower in sodium because of
thinner slices.
Check the Nutrition Facts label which lists sodium content per serving. For help
reading labels, visit http://www.cdc.gov/salt/pdfs/Sodium_Tip_Sheet.pdf.
Egg Breakfas
and chees t Sodium
e sandwic (in milligra
Orange ju h ms*)
Food Sodium Range ice, 1 cup
Coffee, 1 c 760
(in milligrams) up
medium k
1 slice white bread 80 - 230 Banana, 5
3 oz turkey breast, deli or pre-packaged
450 - 1,050
luncheon meat Vegetable Lunch 1
soup &
Iced tea, , sandwich
4 oz slice frozen pizza, plain cheese,
370 - 730 1 cup unsw combo
regular crust etened e 1,450
Snac 10
in) k
4 oz slice restaurant pizza, plain cheese, Ch ips (pla
510 - 760
regular crust
4 oz boneless, skinless chicken breast, fresh 40 - 330 Spaghetti Dinner 140
(without a
meat sauc dded salt)
3 oz chicken strips, restaurant, breaded 430 - 900 e (1 cup with
sauce, 3 pasta,
oz meat) c up
3 oz chicken nuggets, frozen, breaded 200 - 570 Garden sa
lad with ra 380
Water, 1 c nch
up dressing
1 cup chicken noodle soup, canned prepared 100 - 940
1 corn dog, regular 350 - 620
2 Chocola Snack 10
te ch ip co
1 cheeseburger, fast food restaurant 710 - 1,690
Skim Milk okies
, 1 cup
1 oz slice American cheese, processed 70
330 - 460
(packaged or deli)
Total 100
1 cup canned pasta with meat sauce 530 - 980
5 oz pork with barbecue sauce (packaged) 600 - 1,120
1 oz potato chips, plain 50 - 200
Note: Values greater than 10 mg of sodium were rounded to the nearest 10 mg.
Using the national Million Hearts initiative Read the Nutrition Facts label while shopping
to prevent a million heart attacks and strokes to find the lowest sodium options of your
over the next 5 years (http://millionhearts.hhs. favorite foods.
gov). Reducing sodium in the population is a
major part of this initiative. Eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and
frozen fruits and vegetables without sauce.
Encouraging its agencies and departments to
adopt the HHS/GSA or similar procurement Limit processed foods high in sodium.
guidelines that define how much sodium When eating out, request lower sodium options.
there can be in products that are sold or
served in their facilities (www.cdc.gov/ Support initiatives that reduce sodium in foods
chronicdisease/resources/guidelines/food- in cafeterias and vending machines.