Fatherhood Principle - Myles Munroe
Fatherhood Principle - Myles Munroe
Fatherhood Principle - Myles Munroe
Title Page
Copyright Page
Part 1 - The Males Priority and Position
1. The Purpose of Fatherhood
2. The Male as Foundation and Anchor
3. The Cornerstone of Fatherhood
Part 2 - The Role of the Male: Ten Basic Functions of
4. Father as Source and Progenitor
5. Father as Sustainer, Nurturer, and Protector
6. Father as Teacher
7. Father as One Who Disciplines
8. Father as Head and Leader
9. Father as One Who Cares
10. Father as Developer
Part 3 - Fulfilling Your Purpose as a Father
11. Understanding Purpose and Roles
12. Fathering the Fatherless
About the Author
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from
the Holy Bible, New International Version , niv , 1973,
1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by
permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Scripture
quotations marked (kjv) are taken from the King James Version
of the Holy Bible. Scripture quotations marked (nasb) are taken
from the updated New American Standard Bible , nasb ,
1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by
The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
(www.Lockman.org) Some definitions of words are taken from
Merriam-Websters 11 th Collegiate Dictionary, s.v., Anchor,
Ancestor, Discipline, Husband, Progenitor, Train.
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2 Ibid.
The Purpose of
Akey theme that runs through all my books is that purpose is
inherent in everything that has been created. I have spent
thirty years studying the concepts of purpose and potential, as
well as counseling and guiding thousands of individuals to live
lives of personal fulfillment and social and spiritual well-being.
The knowledge and experience I have gained has led me to the
conclusion that the central principle of life is purpose.
Exploring the concept of purpose leads us to an understanding
of all aspects of our lives. We see an illustration of this in the
way purpose guides the development of products in the
business world. When a manufacturer creates a new product,
the products intended use and purpose govern the design of
that product.
The priority of purpose has its origins in our Creator, and it
has signifcant practical applications for us as human beings.
When our Creator made humanity, He designed men and
women to fulfill their specific functions and gave them qualities
and characteristics to enable them to perform His intended
purpose. From an analysis of Scripture, we can see that God
created the male with a particular purpose in mind. He intended
men to be fathers; therefore, He designed them to be so.
As we will see, fatherhood has a much broader meaning
than just the biological production of children. Fatherhood is
not a choice for a male but is inherent in his very nature. The
essence of the male is fatherhood. Every adult male is meant to
be a father, and his personal fulfillment is linked to living out
that purpose.
Purpose is the source of all true fulfillment and defines ones
existence. Without purpose, life ceases to be an existence
becomes a mere experiment. If men do not know, understand, or
fulfill their God-given purpose, then problems will arise both in
their identity and their relationships.
Lets explore the implications of the principles of purpose
and how they relate to the males purpose of fatherhood.
The Principles of Purpose
Purpose is defined as the original intent and reason for the
creation of a thing. Through my exploration of this most
important issue, I have identified seven principles of purpose
to assist you in better understanding the nature of life:
God is a God of purpose.
Everything in life has a purpose.
Not every purpose is known by human beings.
Where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.
If you want to know the purpose of a thing, never
ask the thing itself.
Purpose is found only in the mind of the maker of
the thing.
Purpose is the key to fulfillment.
Many of the problems males face come from a lack of
understanding their own purpose in life. Principles one and two
assure you that you do have a purpose on this earth. Without
an understanding of Gods purpose for you, however, you will
abuse your life and, most likely, the lives of those around you.
The solution is not to try to conjure up a purpose for yourself
but to discover your Makers original intent for you, because
your purpose is found in the mind of your Maker. The great
news is that discovering and living out that purpose is the key
to your fulfillment as a male, a son, a brother, a husband, a
father, a member of your church, a citizen in your community
and nation, and a human being in the world.
The Males Purpose
With these principles of purpose in mind, let us now turn our
attention to the concept of the Fatherhood Principle and how
it relates to the males purpose.
We have seen that everything was created to fulfill a
purpose and was designed according to the demand of that
purpose. The unique difference in design that distinguishes
each created thing from another is mandated and is critical to
the function it is expected to perform. In essence, the difference
between the physical, mental, psychological, and dispositional
nature of the male and female is providential, essential,
valuable, and necessary for the fulfillment of their particular
purposes in life. The nature of a thing is determined by its
I want to give you the purpose of fatherhood according to
the Manufacturers Manual (the Bible). Understanding the
purpose for the male is a critical and necessary step in
understanding fatherhood, because the male was designated
(design-ated) a father by the Creator. God was thinking father
when He created man. As a matter of fact, buried in every boy
is the potential of being a father. This means that God intends
every boy to grow up into fatherhood. Again, I am not just
talking about the males biological ability to father offspring.
Being a father is rooted in Gods image because God is
Father. He is not satisfied until the father comes out of the boy.
Fatherhood is the design and destiny of the male.
What Is Father?
We should begin with the meaning of father because one of
the greatest dangers to society is the misconception of what
fatherhood is. Definitions determine interpretations; thus, we
must start here. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for
father is ab. Abba, meaning Daddy, comes from this word.
In the New Testament, the Greek word for father is pater. So,
you have ab and abba in Old Testament Hebrew and pater in
New Testament Greek.
What do ab and pater mean? These words denote very basic
concepts that include the following:
The source of a thing is its ab or father. As the source, the
ab sustains and maintains. Another aspect of the meaning of
the word father is upholder. Father is the source that
upholds everything that comes from it.
There are some other English words related to ab and pater
that describe fatherhood and are absolutely essential to the
purpose of a father. Dont skim over the following words; they
are loaded with meaning:
This term comes from the Latin meaning to beget forth. It
also denotes precurser or originator. A father is the
initiator or source. Generations come from the ab and pater
the fathernot the mother. God created man to be fatherthe
progenitor, source, and supporter of generations. The ab
generates everything. Thats why there is no seed in women;
the male is designed as progenitor.
Ancestor. Ab also refers to ancestor.5 The English words
ancestor and ancestry ultimately come from the same Latin
verb antecedere, meaning to go before or precede. At the
start of an ancestral line is the father. He begins the heritage for
all his seed. This is very important. The man (father) was given
the responsibility not only to start and provide the future
generation, but also to give that generation an identity.
For example, when a child is born, it normally takes its
fathers last name, not its mothers name. When you use both
names, you are attempting to claim and produce two
generations and two identities instead of one. This causes
much confusion in the offspring.
In Scripture, there is no such thing as the son of two fathers.
God always speaks of lineage to one manthe father. James,
the son of Zebedee, was Zebedees son, not the son of
Zebedees wifes father. Why is that important? Because the
minute you start bringing in another ancestry or lineage, you
split the fatherhood. There can be only one source. That is
why the Bible says, For this reason a man will leave his
father and mother... (Matthew 19:5, emphasis added). When a
woman marries, her husband fulfills the roles of sustainer and
supporter and so on, which her father once fulfilled.
Hard to understand? Then consider this very carefully: the
wife doesnt carry her husbands fathers name. She takes on
whatever the husband is called. Why? All men are fathers. Its
tough being a man, because whomever you marry becomes
your offspring, so to speak. Thats what God intended, and
thats why wives take on their husbands names. The husband
becomes responsible for his wife one hundred percent. He
provides, sustains, nourishes, upholds, and supports. Jesus
Himself is never referred to as the Son of Mary in Scripture,
but rather as the Son of God. The Holy Spirit will come
upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow
you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God
(Luke 1:35).
I know that Jesus was single, but He understood the
principle of marriage as explained in Matthew 19. Thats why,
when the disciples learned this principle from Jesus, they said
it was better to stay single! (See verse 10.) When you marry a
woman, you are not taking on some sex object. You are not
taking on someone to brag about, saying, Thats my woman.
No, thats your wife, whom you have committed to sustain and
support spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Even the bride
of Christ, the church, has the name of her Bridegroomshe is
called the body of Christ. Jesus stressed, In My name you
will ask the Father everything. (See John 15:16.) We have too
many husbands who are not the ab or pater that God calls men
to be to their wives.
The concept of father also includes founder or
foundation. Thats why companies, institutions, and
movements use the word father to describe the person who
established the organization, institution, or movement. The
men who established the United States of America are referred
to as the Founding Fathers. Nelson Mandela is known as the
Father of the New South Africa. If someone founded
something, he is called the father of it. Why? He generated it.
He caused the genesis of it. God built the male to found future
generations and to be the foundation on which they develop. It
is essential to note that the quality of a foundation determines
the value of what is built upon it.
Father also implies authorship, as well as the legitimate
authority of something. Father possesses inherent authority.
[Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over
all creation. For by him all things were created: things in
heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones
or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created
by him and for him (Colossians 1:1516)
The triune God in Christ Jesus is the author of eternal
salvation (Hebrews 5:9 kjv) and the author and finisher of
our faith (Hebrews 12:2 kjv). What does it mean to be the
author of eternal salvation? Jesus initiated, generated,
produced, upholds, and sustains the salvation of all mankind.
He is the sole Source of our redemption.
If you want to come to God, therefore, Jesus is the ultimate
Source. Thats why, despite the works of Mohammed, Buddha,
and Confucius, you cant go to any of those men for salvation;
according to Scripture, they didnt generate, create, or author
mankinds redemption. Jesus is the Generator of salvation; it
germinated with Him and it is completed in Him. He is both the
Author and Finisher of our faith.
Im so glad Hes not just the Author, but also the Finisher.
Many men are merely authors of babies; they dont finish as
fathers. Jesus is a good Daddy. Hes the Finisher of your faith.
He didnt just start your faith; Hell see it to the end until it is
complete. He will cause you to grow up to the full measure of
His purpose for you so that you look just like Him. (See 2
Corinthians 3:18; Ephesians 4:13.)
Jesus provides the gene for the new generation of man. He
is the Source of seed for salvation. All fathers provide the
genes or seed that determine the attributes of the
generations they produce. In Isaiahs description of the
Messiah, he concluded with the titles Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. (See
Isaiah 9:6.) How did the Son become Father? He produced a
new generation of human beings. He became the last Adam
(1 Corinthians 15:45) or the second man (v. 47) who
produced the new man (Ephesians 2:15).
Father is also the one who teaches and nourishes. This
means he provides nutrients and resources that develop,
enrich, expand, grow, and deploy that which comes from him.
One of mans major responsibilities is to teach his offspring.
Many men are found lacking in this area of teaching and are
intimidated by the women they marry. Let me tell you
something: the male is wired to teach, so you dont need to
know much about teaching techniques. Males, by nature, love
to give instruction. The father-instinct of teaching is inherent
within them. Incidentally, this is why men often resist the
attempts women make to instruct them. If youre a man, youre
a teacher. Get knowledge and understanding from Gods Word
so that you can effectively fulfill this role:
For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come
knowledge and understanding. (Proverbs 2:6)
Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains
understanding. (Proverbs 3:13)
Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or
swerve from them. (Proverbs 4:5)
Some men are so ignorant that when they come into the
presence of a well-educated woman, they feel threatened. You
must get knowledge and understanding from the Word of God
so you can lead your family with wisdom, knowledge, integrity,
and confidence.
Creator. Father also denotes creator. We saw earlier with
the word founder that father is one who founds something.
The same concept applies to the creation and invention of
things; we refer to people who create things as the father of
them. For example, Thomas Edison, the inventor of the
lightbulb, is known as the father of the lightbulb.
5 See Strongs Exhaustive Concordance, #H1 and the New American Standard
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (NASC), The Lockman Foundation, #H1.
Used by permission.
Father as Source
and Progenitor
The Functions of Fatherhood
The standard by which we should measure and train fathers
can be found within these ten basic functions of true
Sustainer and Nourisher
Caring One
In chapter one, we saw that the word father in the Bible is ab
in the Old Testament and pater in the New Testament, and that
these words denote source and progenitor. God is the
Source of all substance and all life. He is the Progenitor who
creates all things and then supports and upholds them. In this
chapter, we will look at these vital functions more specifically
and how they apply to us as earthly fathers.
Father as Head
and Leader
One of the Latin words for father is fundus, which means
base or bottom. This is where we get the word foundation.
We talked about the male as foundation in chapter two. The
foundation of the family is the father who begins as the
progenitor and source and then sustains, nourishes, protects,
teaches, and disciplines his household.
The father is the head of the family as a result of Gods
timing and creation. Now, the fact that he is the head does not
mean he is superior, better, or greater than the woman. It means
that he has first responsibility and accountability for the family.
Again, being the head is not a value statement about worth
or intrinsic value. The father can never say that being the head
or leader makes him the greatest. Jesus as Head of the church
humbled Himself as a servant: Your attitude should be the
same as that of Christ Jesus: who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness (Philippians 2:57).
Heads and leaders are first and foremost servants like Christ.
It is impossible to assume a position of leadership without first
serving. Jesus said,
You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the
Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise
authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever
wants to become great among you must be your servant,
and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even
the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and
to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mark 10:4245)
We can use the physical body as an analogy for
understanding the spiritual functions of being the head of the
family. The head plans for the care of the body and, in general,
guides the bodys actions. Many men love to say, Im the
head of this house, but they forget the accountability and
duty of being the head. The father has the responsibility to
preserve, protect, nourish, and guide his wife and children.
Fathers Plan
First, the head contains the brain. If the man claims to be
the father and head of the home, then he must have the mind of
Christ (see 1 Corinthians 2:16), which includes the knowledge
and wisdom to lead a family in the ways of God. The father has
the responsibility to solve the problems the family encounters.
He calculates where the family is going and seeks Gods
guidance to make long-term plansten, fifteen, or twenty
yearsfor the family. The father is the counselor, career and
financial planner, and manager of the familys resources. All
those functions are in the brain. Fingers and legs do not make
those kinds of decisions; they are made in the brain.
Fathers Provide Vision
The father, if he is truly the head, becomes the visionary of
the family. The eyes are in the head and they see whats in
front of the body. The eyes are not in the back or in the
stomach. If you are the head, you are supposed to have a
vision for your family: insight, long-range goals, and a plan for
the future. The father discerns things that are happening in the
natural as well as the supernatural for the family.
As the visionary, the father anticipates things before they
happen and prepares and equips the family to face the future.
Fathers have perception, conception, and inception.
Perception is awareness of whats going on. A father knows
whats happening with his wife and children at all times. When
behaviors or attitudes change, he knows it. When spiritual or
physical needs arise, he is aware of them. Nothing escapes his
attention. The father is tuned-in and cares about each person
in his family. Too often I hear families complain, Dad just isnt
with it. He never knows or understands whats happening in
our lives. Hes too wrapped up in his work to notice us.
Remember, God cares about everything. Jesus was aware of
everything that happened around Him, even to the point of
noticing a woman in need barely touching the hem of His
garment. (See Mark 5:2434.) God the Father is aware of all
things. Jeremiah prayed, Great are your purposes and mighty
are your deeds. Your eyes are open to all the ways of men; you
reward everyone according to his conduct and as his deeds
deserve (Jeremiah 32:19). Like the Father, a father is aware of
all that happens in his family.
Conception is the creative beginning of a process, which
puts in motion a chain of events. God sets everything in
motion; He is the God who made the world and everything in
it (Acts 17:24). He initiates, conceives, and creates. Likewise,
a father conceives in his mind the beginnings of things for his
family and then becomes the source for bringing what he has
conceived into reality. As the head of the family, he takes the
initiative to listen to God and conceive Gods ideas, not just
what seem like good ideas.
Inception is the start or commencement of something new.
God the Father is always doing a new thing in our lives. He
said, See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you
not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams
in the wasteland (Isaiah 43:19). A father is willing to risk new
things for his family. He will break out of old traditions and
bondages. A father receives the words God has for him and his
family, rejoicing in the refreshing newness of Gods river in his
Fathers Discern
What else is in the head? The nose. The nose discerns and
detects. Are you a father who is always discerning? Discerning
is related to caring, which we will discuss in the next chapter. A
godly father can sense what is coming against his family in the
next several years. He also has a sense of what is going to
happen next week; he detects and addresses what is going on
with his children. Perhaps his teenager is experiencing some
tough changes and tremendous peer pressure. As the head of
the household, he discerns the problem and spends time with
that child to counsel, support, affirm, and advise. A godly
father also senses when his wife is in need of affection or time
alone. In other words, a father can detect the scent of his
family, his home, his business, and his neighborhood.
God the Father knew our needs and prepared for us before
the foundation of the world:
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every
spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before
the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his
sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons
through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and
willto the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely
given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption
through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance
with the riches of Gods grace that he lavished on us with
all wisdom and understanding. And he made known to us
the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure,
which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the
times will have reached their fulfillmentto bring all things
in heaven and on earth together under one head, even
Christ. In him we were also chosen, having been
predestined according to the plan of him who works out
everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in
order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be
for the praise of his glory. And you also were included in
Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your
salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a
seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit
guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those
who are Gods possessionto the praise of his glory.
(Ephesians 1:314)
God prepared (1) for Christ to die for our sins, (2) for the gift
of the Holy Spirit, and (3) for our eternal inheritance in glory.
Now thats a real father! God discerned our need before we
were ever created. Jesus was sensing our need before His
crucifixion and resurrection. He said, In my Fathers house are
many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am
going there to prepare a place for you (John 14:2).
Consider Adam in the garden before Eve was created from
him. God anticipated mans loneliness. Adam didnt know he
was alone. He had the garden, all the creatures of the earth, and
most of all, he had God. Adam could not possibly have been
lonely because he dwelled within Gods presence; however,
God knew the purpose and nature of the man He had created.
God the Father anticipated Adams need before he even had it;
therefore, God created Eve.
Fathers Listen
Also located on the head are the ears. You are a father if you
can hear for your family. The father should always be listening
to God and to his family, for God the Father always listens to
us. The psalmist wrote, I love the Lord, for he heard my voice;
he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I
will call on him as long as I live (Psalm 116:1). I hear wives
and children continually complain, Dad never has time to
listen to me. Fathers, please take time to listen. As a father and
head of the family, here are some questions you need to answer
for yourself:
Are you hearing the voice of God?
Are you getting instructions for yourself and for
the familys sake?
Are you getting information for your wife and the
Are you picking up on whats going on in the
world and preparing your family to face it?
Are you hearing correction, instruction, and
Are you hearing the true voice of your wife and
Many men think they are too busy to listen to their families.
Yet listening is a gift that fathers give to their families. Their
listening tells their families that they care for them, while a
failure to listen communicates a lack of love and caring.
Because God the Father loves us, He always listens to and
answers us. We fathers need to listen as our heavenly Father
Fathers Speak the Word of God
Finally, being the head means that the father is the
mouthpiece for the family. The father is supposed to speak the
Word of God in the home. Through the fathers voice, the
family hears Gods voice.
If a wife wants to hear from God, she should be able to hear
His voice through a godly husband first, and not only the
pastor, prophet, apostle, teacher, or evangelist in the church.
Likewise, if the children want to hear what God is saying, they
shouldnt go to somebody else first. The family should hear
from God through the head of the family, who is himself able to
hear from God and who knows His Word. Everything said at
church should confirm and support what has already been said
at home by the father who is in close relationship with the
heavenly Father.
For example, Paul said that women should be silent in the
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not
allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law
says. If they want to inquire about something, they should
ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a
woman to speak in the church. (1 Corinthians 14:3435)
It is important to understand the full context of this Scripture
in order to appreciate the true value and impact of Pauls
In the church meetings at Corinth, there were many
problems. This was because some of the people who converted
to the Christian faith came from prostitution and pagan
practices. Some of the services were at risk of becoming wild or
uncontrollable if those new converts reverted to their old
pagan practices. Furthermore, in the synagogues, men and
women were separated. The men would sit in the main area
while the women would sit behind them or in a balcony. In this
setting, many women would call out to their husbands
questions about what the rabbi was teaching.
First, Paul was saying that God wants order and decency in
the church. Second, it was not culturally appropriate for a
woman to speak in public. And third, Paul knew that when the
wife went home, she could then ask her husband to answer her
questions about what had been taught. The implication is that
the husband should know the answer. In fact, the husband
should have anticipated his wifes questions and taught her
the Word or law before she went to the synagogue.
Yes, a woman has ministry gifts and should exercise them.
The problem with women speaking in the church was a male
problem. When fathers and husbands fulfilled their
responsibilities as the head of the home, women did not have
to ask questions in the middle of a service. They received their
answers from the head of the family, who spoke with Gods
voice to the family.
The Father as Leader
As I said earlier, being the head of the family does not impart
more worth or value to the man. Being the head has to do with
responsibility. Too many men confuse being the head with
being the boss. A father is not the boss of his house; a father
is the head. A father doesnt rule his house; he leads his
house. We must understand the function of the father as leader
in the home.
Let me share with you some qualities of leadership the father
has in the home:
As leader, the father has a passion and desire to bring out the
best in all those under his care: his wife, children, and any
other family members.
A true leader does not suppress, oppress, or depress the
potential and talents of others; he releases them and cultivates
A true leader provides an environment for growth. He does not
try to inhibit family members or create an atmosphere of fear. A
true leaders passion is to maximize the potential of others so
they may realize their full and true abilities; his goal is to
eventually work himself out of a job.
In a very true sense, a father who is a genuine leader does
exactly what God said to do from the beginninghe cultivates.
To cultivate means to create an orderly environment that brings
out the best in a thing, to culture it. As a leader, the father
develops, expands, instigates, motivates, inspires, encourages,
and exhorts. All those functions cultivate the soil in which
others grow.
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts
off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch
that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more
fruitful (John 15:12). Jesus taught that the Gardener (the
Father) cultivates the Vines (the Sons) branches (believers, or
the church) so they can bear spiritual fruit. Likewise, the
earthly father is to cultivate his family.
Jesus is the Head of the church, His bride. He loves and
gives Himself for her continuously. In the same way, a father, as
head of his family, loves and gives himself daily for his wife
and children.
Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him
who is the Head, that is, Christ. (Ephesians 4:15)
For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head
of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. (Ephesians
Now let us turn our attention to the caring function of the
father for his family. As head and leader of the family, the father
also deeply cares for his family in every area of their lives.
Chapter Principles
1. Heads and leaders are first and foremost servants
like Christ. It is impossible to assume a position
of leadership without first serving.
2. Fathers must have the mind of Christ (see 1
Corinthians 2:16), which includes the knowledge
and wisdom to lead a family in the ways of God.
3. As the visionary, the father anticipates things
before they happen and prepares and equips the
family to face the future. Fathers have perception,
conception, and inception.
4. Fathers discern and address the ongoing needs
of their families.
5. Listening is a gift that fathers give to their
families. When men listen, their listening tells
their families that they care for them.
6. A true father speaks the Word of God in the
home. Through the fathers voice, the family is
able to hear Gods voice.
7. A father doesnt dominate or control his house.
He develops the potential of everyone in his
house through his leadership.
Chapter 9
Father as One
Who Cares
In many ways, the fathers functions of caring and developing
go hand in hand. His role as one who cares is rooted in Genesis
2:15: And the Lord God took the man, and put him in the
garden of Eden to dress [cultivate nasb] it and to keep it
(kjv). Once more, the word dress in this verse means to
cultivate. The word keep means to care for. To care is to
pay close attention to needs and also to meet those needs. In
fact, caring goes far beyond our normal thoughts of serving,
encouraging, and ministering to someone.
Anticipating Needs and Meeting Them
Again, the word care means to anticipate a need and meet it.
In other words, to care means that you calculate the next need
of a person before he or she is aware of it. You make provisions
before he or she even senses the need. I believe that is the kind
of caring that Psalm 8:4 describes: What is man that you are
mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? To be
mindful means to have ones mind filled with thoughts about
another person. God the Father has filled His thoughts with us.
He anticipates and thinks about what we will need before we
even need it.
Jesus taught us that our Father cares deeply for us:
So do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? or What
shall we drink? or What shall we wear? For the pagans
run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows
that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his
righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as
well. (Matthew 6:3133)
The Father knows our needs and cares about us.
A father, like God the Father, cares by spending his time and
energy anticipating what his wife and children need next. This
is the most beautiful picture in the world of a father. No matter
what he is doing, he is constantly thinking about what his
daughter will need the next day, what his son will need the next
week, or what his wife will need the next year. Hes constantly
thinking about caring for his family.
Work-driven cultures try to force men to continually think
about what the company or corporation needs, so that they
have no time to think about anyone elses needs. Men no
longer work to live, but live to work. Even at home, a mans
mind is often drifting off to work and either solving problems or
thinking of new projects. Or, the father comes home so tired
from working that he dozes off in front of the television.
Meanwhile, his family is left neglected and uncared for because
he is too tired or busy to think about their needs.
Fathers must set the right priorities. A father who cares like
the Father thinks of his wife and children before his job.
A father should see his job as a gift from God that enables
him to care for his wife and children. In other words, Gods care
has provided the man with a job so that he can adequately care
for the physical needs of his family. The job is a means to an
end, never the end itself.
Men who are wrapped up in their careers and running after
the corporate world have their motivation and priorities out of
place. They have taken their work, a gift from God that He
intended to help support their families, and made it an idol.
They end up caring more about the gift than the family for
which it was given or the God who gave it. Such idolatry will
ruin the man and his family.
Pastors as Fathers
One model that our churches often look to for fathering is
the pastor. I want to address a concern I have about pastors
modeling fatherhood for their people. In our society, pastors
have a growing divorce rate. Many could be properly classified
as workaholics. Often, pastors wives feel helpless in trying
to turn their husbands hearts back toward home. The pastor
seems to care for everyone else before his family. To defend his
workaholism, a pastor may say to his wife, You know Im
doing this for the church. This is my calling. Im doing this for
the Lord. Unable to compete with God, the family members
desperately try to get their needs met inappropriately and may
even end up blaming God for their father caring more for the
church than for his family. The church then becomes a
mistress to the pastor, as he leaves wife and family to suffer
without him.
Laypeople also need to take this caution to heart, for they
are often a major cause of the pastors problems. They expect
the pastor to be Christ and not simply the pastor. The man of
God can never take the place of Christ caring for His bride. Too
often, church members turn to the pastor to meet their needs
instead of to the Lord. As a result, the demands on the pastors
counseling, calling, and visitation become unrealistic. Only
Christ is omnipresent, omniscient, and ommnipotentnot the
The answer to this dilemma is simple and clear. Its found in
Ephesians 5, where the principles are laid down by Paul
concerning Christ and His bride, and the husband and his wife.
Heres a statement from Paul that wraps it up: Husbands, love
your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself
up for her (Ephesians 5:25). Pastors, and not just laymen, are
to love their wives as Christ loved the church.
As I said before, some pastors are committing adultery
with their churches. As a pastor, I am not married to my church;
Im married to my wife. The woman that I overseethe
assembly of believersis not my wifeshes Christs wife.
Ultimately, who meets the churchs emotional needs? Not me.
Who meets her physical needs? Not me. Who meets her
temporal needs? Not me. Who meets her spiritual needs? Not
me. Christ meets all the needs of His wife, the church. Some
pastors are destroying their wives and children because they
are spending all their time and energy trying to do what only
Christ can do.
As far as the church is concerned, pastors should be the
prime examples of fathers caring for their families. Again, one of
the reasons we have so many broken homes among pastors is
that they cared more for their work than their families. We see
pastors children who are wayward, disoriented, confused, and
backslidden because the pastor was not a father. He did not
care for his family. Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves
the church, and care for your children as the heavenly Father
cares for you.
A fathers care, therefore, is one of his major functions. He
sits down and calculates the upcoming needs of his family and
then plans and works to meet those needs. He does not allow
his job to overwhelm his relationship with his family. He pays
attention to the interests, desires, and fears of his wife and
children and shows concern for them.
In the next chapter, we will explore the final function of
fathering: the male as developer of his family.
Chapter Principles
1. A father, like God the Father, cares by spending
his time and energy anticipating what his wife
and children will need next.
2. A mans job is a gift from God that He intended to
help care for that mans family. When a father
places more importance on his work than his
family, he makes an idol out of his work and will
bring ruin upon himself and his family.
3. Fathers must set the right priorities. A father who
cares like the Father thinks of his wife and
children before his job.
4. Pastors should be the prime examples of fathers
caring for their families.
5. Both pastors and laymen are to love their wives
as Christ loved the church.
Chapter 10
Father as Developer
Inherent in Gods purpose is His plan. Before a developer
starts constructing a housing division or shopping complex, he
has a building plan. He presents the plan to the appropriate
governmental officials in order to obtain the required permits to
build. The plan includes what will be constructed as well as
how it will be used. Structure and usage are essential to a plan.
For example, the Father as Developer planned the garden and
also planned what would be in it. God structured streams to
come up from the earth in order to water the garden. He
provided food for Adam and Eve, had a plan concerning what
they could and could not eat, and gave specific usage
instructions to Adam.
Then God said, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the
face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with
seed in it. They will be yours for food.And the Lord God
commanded the man, You are free to eat from any tree in
the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will
surely die. (Genesis 1:29; 2:1617)
Preparing and Planting
Once there is a plan, the developer begins the necessary
groundwork for building. Earthmovers come in and drainage is
provided. The land is prepared to accept the buildingfirst a
foundation and then a framework. Likewise, a sower prepares
the soil and sows the seed in planning for a harvest. Now the
Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there
he put the man he had formed (Genesis 2:8).
Every developer protects his construction site. He may
construct a tall fence with barbed wire to keep out intruders. He
may hire security guards. The farmer who develops a crop uses
whatever means of protection his crop needs to guard against
insects, diseases, and vandals. He tends the crop by pulling
weeds and providing adequate irrigation. God the Developer
protected man by warning him not to eat from the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil and giving him instructions on
what to do in the garden. God also walked with Adam and Eve
in the cool of the evening. (See Genesis 3:8.) Keeping in
fellowship with God was protection for them.
Once a building is finished, the developer uses his shopping
complex, houses, or commercial building to produce income.
The farmer who grows a crop doesnt just leave it in the field.
He harvests it because he has produced fruits or vegetables
that can be sold and used. Likewise, the Father develops us to
be productive in His plan and purpose. Jesus addressed this
issue of development very specifically: This is to my Fathers
glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my
disciples (John 15:8).
Like the Father, an earthly father develops his wife and
children. He plans their growth in every aspect of life
physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
A father walks each step of the way with his family as he
prepares and equips them in the ways of God. He plants the
seed of Gods Word in their hearts. He protects them with
prayer and with his presence and provision for their lives. As a
godly father walks with his family, he is an example of holiness
for them. He expects the best from them in producing good
fruit, which gives glory to the Father. He develops his offspring
to glow with the glory of God. A father expects his family to be
the light of the world, the salt of the earth, and witnesses for
Christ in the world.
Light produces light. The light of Christ in a fathers life sets
his family ablaze for Christ. The prayer of every godly father is
that his children will become flames of fire, blazing with the
Fathers Spirit and shining as stars. Those who are wise will
shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead
many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever
(Daniel 12:3).
The Environment for Development
As a father develops his offspring, he disciples them by
providing an example of the Father. He encourages steady,
consistent, and progressive growth in his family. For example,
he will not give answers all the time but will show his children
where to find the answers. A father like the Father encourages
discovery and learning as part of the developmental process.
Development creates an environment that is conducive to
others encountering learning experiences under the guidance
of a fathers godly wisdom. So what does an environment that
encourages development and growth look like? Let me share
with you some environmental qualities of a father who
develops his offspring:
The father edifies his offspring. Therefore encourage one
another and build each other up, just as in fact you are
doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Fathers never tear down the
esteem of a family member. Paul wrote that God gave him power
to edify, not to destroy. (See 2 Corinthians 13:10.) Such is the
power that God gives fathersto build up their families, not
pull them down.
Positive feedback
Instead of criticism, a father like the Father gives
constructive correction. He develops his wife and children by
building on their strengths and focusing on what they can do
well instead of condemning them for their weaknesses. In fact,
the father bears the weaknesses of his family. (See Romans 15:1
kjv.) He coversnot exposestheir vulnerability, and he
protects them from attack with his own prayers and
Opportunity to try and fail
Fathers understand that some of the most significant
learning experiences in life result from failure. Children can
learn from their failures if a father uses the failures for teaching
and correction instead of judgment and punishment. A father
develops an atmosphere of acceptance for his family. He will
not reject them just because they tried and failed. He accepts
his family for better or worse, just as Christ has accepted
him. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in
order to bring praise to God (Romans 15:7).
Does not make comparisons
A father understands that the only standard for life is Jesus
Christ. He never compares his wife or children to others,
thinking that, by making a comparison, he will force
improvement. A father never says to his son or daughter,
Why cant you be more like So-and-so? They are such good
kids and never cause their parents any trouble. They make
such good grades in school; why cant you? He never says to
his wife, Why cant you dress and look like So-and-so? She is
such a good cook and helpmate. Why cant you be more like
her? Such comments by a father come from the father of lies.
Satan desires that we compare ourselves and our families to
others so that he can divide families and conjure up strife.
When we compare ourselves to Christ, however, we see that
we all fall short of His glory, and we see that everyone needs
grace. Even as He gives grace to us, we must impart grace to
others. Paul warned against false comparison. (See 2
Corinthians 10:12.) Every family member is a unique child of
God. Fathers, like the Father, are not to show favoritism. (See
Acts 10:34.) They develop an atmosphere in the family of
mutual love, respect, honor, and caring for one another.
Always Becoming
A godly father is constantly developing his family members
to grow in Gods limitless potential, to be their best through His
strength, and to accept others as they are growing in Christ. He
stretches his wife and children to achieve their utmost for His
highest. He continually tests the character and abilities of his
children. When assisting them with their homework, for
example, he will not give them the answers but will help them
learn how to solve the problems. When they are facing tough
decisions, he will not always tell them what to do. He will teach
them right from wrong and how to make godly decisions based
on the nature and character of God.
The objective of development is permanent growth. The
father cultivates his relationship with his wife and children so
that they will grow beyond themselves and into the believers
God purposed them to be. The powerful message of 2
Corinthians 5:17 is that new creations in Christ are continually
having old thingssin, bad habits, ignorance, and
strongholdspass away, while all areas of life are becoming
new. Fathers understand that Gods children are always
becoming! We are developing and growing into Christs image.
We are being changed from glory to glory (2 Corinthians
3:18 kjv). Fathers put a badge on their family members,
including themselves, which reads, Please be patient with me.
God isnt finished with me yet!
Fathers develop fathers. A man learns how to father from a
father. A father grows in fatherhood by leaning on the
heavenly Father. The goal of fathering is to develop men who
can father and women who can mother under the covering of a
godly husband. So when your son starts to make decisions as
good as or better than you have been making, you can affirm to
him that he is now a father while continuing to encourage him
as a father.
Jesus promised that when we are in the Father and the Father is
in us, just as the Father is in Him, then we will do greater works
than He did. (See John 14:12.) The application for fatherhood is
that a successful father will produce a child who is greater than
Chapter Principles
1. As developers, fathers plan, prepare, plant,
protect, and produce that which God has placed
in their care.
2. The godly father who develops his family has a
plan for their orderly growth: physically,
intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
3. A godly father is an example of holiness for his
family and develops them to be the light of the
world, the salt of the earth, and witnesses for
4. Development creates an environment that allows
others to encounter learning experiences under
the guidance of a fathers wisdom.
5. The objective of development is permanent
growth. A godly father provides encouragement,
positive feedback, and an opportunity to try and
fail, and he does not make comparisons.
6. A husband and father stretches his wife and
children to achieve their utmost for Gods
highest. He cultivates his relationship with his
family members so they can grow beyond
themselves and be the believers God purposed
them to be.
7. Fathers develop fathers. A man learns how to
father from a father. A father grows in fatherhood
by leaning on God the Father.
Part 3
Fulfilling Your Purpose as a
Chapter 11
Understanding Purpose
and Roles
Weve explored ten functions of fathers and how males are
the foundation and anchor of their families. In this chapter, I
want to address the subject of fatherhood from an overall
cultural perspective. This will enable you to better comprehend
how to put into practice everything weve been discussing.
In my book Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men, I
explain why many men are having difficulty determining what it
means to be a real man (and consequently a true father) in our
modern society. One of the things I deal with is the role factor.
For centuries, in many cultures, the male has determined his
manhood from the roles hes played in society. Men were
considered men based on what they did more than on who
they were. The societal roles were clear, and men knew what
they were supposed to do in life. For example, as long as a
husband could provide a house, food, clothing, and security
for his wife and children, he was considered a man. The
womans job was to cook, clean, care for the children, and
provide sex for the man. Once she did that, she was a woman.
These were mutually understood and mutually dependent
roles. The wife depended on her husband completely to fulfill
his role, and he depended on her completely to fulfill hers. In
many cases, couples didnt think about love as much as
helping one another survive. It was a partnership. Thats one
reason why most people up until contemporary times didnt get
For several decades, however, we have been living in a
transitional time, and these roles are not as clear as they used
to be. Perhaps your father or grandfather told you, Be a man.
You asked, What does it mean to be a man? And he supplied
the above definition: provide a house, food, clothing, and
security. When you went out on your own, however, and ran
into a pretty woman, you discovered a problem with this plan:
she already had a car, owned her own home, bought her own
food, carried mace for protection, didnt need your money, and
perhaps didnt even care if you had any (and maybe already
had children, as well).
The situation became even more complicated when she told
you, Im looking for a real man. You said, Okay, Im going to
marry you and buy you a house and provide you with food,
clothes, and security. She said, I have all that, but I want you
to be a man.
Many women do not depend on men in the way they used
to, and this is a crisis for many men. Males and females, even in
the church, are experiencing stress because they often seem to
be going in different directions. Men no longer know what it
means to be a husband or what their identity as a man should
be. The old formula isnt working anymore. A number of
women make more money than the men, and the men are living
off their wives salaries. Maybe your grandfather said, If she
doesnt behave, put your foot down. You tell him, Its her
floor! He said, You let her know who is wearing the pants in
the family! You say, She wears them, too! Men and women
often dont complete each other; they compete with each other
in the home.
You Must Know Your Purpose
To make it through this crisis of social change and become
true fathers, we must once more reconnect to Gods concept of
manhood in Genesis, which transcends culture and time
because it is part of His plan in creation. The only way for a
man to discover and live out his inherent fatherhood nature is
to maintain a focus on purpose rather than roles that are related
to a certain culture or time in history. Purpose is the key to
manhood and fatherhood.
Again, Genesis 2:15 says, The Lord God took the man, and
put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it
(kjv). God put Adam in the garden of Eden. He didnt allow the
man to wander around in an attempt to find it. He also did not
leave Eden as an option, which means that Eden is a
requirement for a male. God made the man and told him, This
is where you belong.
After placing him in Eden, God commanded the man to work:
he was to cultivate the garden. Remember that work was given
to the male even before the female was created. Note also that
work came before the fall. Just to set the record straight, work
is not a part of the curse! As I indicated earlier, we can cause it
to be a curse for ourselves and our families if we make it an idol
and become workaholics. But work itself is a gift from God. The
man was also instructed to keep or care for the garden. In
the Hebrew, this word donates guarding, watching over,
preserving, and protecting it.7
Vital Purposes of the Male
Genesis 2:15 reveals five vital purposes of a male, which
women need to be aware of also. But men need to know these
purposes first to bring restoration to their own lives and to
their families. As we have seen, most men were never taught
these principles, and thats why they are having problems.
These five purposes of the male involve doing, but they are
not based on what a man does; rather, they are natural
outcomes of who he is. We will use them as a brief summary of
the fatherhood purposes we have explored throughout this
book and as a reminder of the males purpose, priority, and role
on earth as he reflects the nature of God the Father.
To Dwell in Gods Presence
The first thing God gave the male was Eden. The word Eden
in Hebrew is written with five strokes, each stroke a symbol
representing a word or a character. My study of the five
strokes indicated spot, moment, presence, open door, and
delightful place. Here is my interpretation of the word. God
took the man and put him in a spot, for the moment, where the
presence of God was an open door to heaven. In essence, Eden
is not a place but an atmosphere.
The Scripture says that the Lord planted (Genesis 2:8) or
established, the garden. He established a spot on the earth
where His presence literally came down from heaven and
touched so that it was a door of open access to heaven. Adam
didnt have to do anything religious to enter the presence of
God. He had open access to Him. He walked and talked directly
with God in the cool of the day.
Why did God give Eden to the male first, before He gave him
the female? Because God knew what he was going to do with
this man. Remember that in Adams body was the initial seed
for all humanity, and He would bring everybody into existence
through him. He wanted the male to have access to Him so he
could always know the will of God for those who came out of
him. In other words, being in Gods presence is essential for
accessing the instruction you need to lead your family in Gods
In putting the man in Eden, therefore, the first thing God
gave him was His own presence. Likewise, the first thing you
need in your lifewhether you are a policeman, a politician, a
CEO, a mechanic, an IT specialist, a doctor, a carpenter, or
anything elseis the presence of God. You need Gods
presence before you need the presence of a woman. As a
matter of fact, Adam was already in Eden when God brought
Eve and presented her to him. Eve met Adam in Eden. Where
do you meet women?
For a male, the presence of God is like water to a fish, or soil
to a plant. If you take the fish out of water, or the plant out of
soil, it malfunctions and dies. If you take the male out of Gods
presence, he will malfunction and die. This is why Satan will do
anything possible to keep a man like you away from the
presence of God, which is attracted by your worship. As we
saw earlier, the devil doesnt care so much if women enter
Gods presence because they are not the foundation. But Satan
makes sure the men drop the women off at church and then go
to play or watch sports or do some other activity. Professional
sports matches are broadcast all day on Sunday, tempting men
to stay home rather than be in Gods presence. When they do
go to church, many men feel ashamed to lift their hands to the
God who made them; Satan doesnt want you ever to feel
comfortable worshiping God, because when you worship God,
you attract His presence.
When a man gets into Gods presence, when he falls in love
with Gods presence, that man begins to function. The Bible
says that God dwells in the praises of His people. (See Psalm
22:3 kjv.) In Israel, the priests were the ones who led the
worshipand all the priests were men. But today, when you
bring a man into a worship service, he sits there as cool as a
cucumber. Hes too cool to say amen, too cool to clap, too cool
to lift his hands, too cool to sing to God. He doesnt realize
Satan has him cold, because he doesnt want him to get into
Gods presence. At home, many men make their wives lead
family devotions. The devil doesnt want you to start leading
devotions because the presence of God will come to your
house if you do. When my children were growing up, every
morning I would say to them, We are going to sing praises to
Do you think youre too tough to worship? Who wrote the
book in the Bible thats filled with worship and praise? It was
someone who killed a lion and a bear with his bare hands. He
killed a ten-foot giant with a rock. Anyone can sit down in a
pew and fold his arms. It takes a giant-slayer like David to write
things like, O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in
all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens
(Psalm 8:1), and I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise
will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord
(Psalm 34:12). I love to worship more than anything else. Ive
led worship in our church for years. Ive written books on it.
Worship is the most important thing in my life because it
protects the rest of my life. Psalm 150:6 says, Let everything
that has breath praise the Lord.
When you become ashamed of public worship, you are an
embarrassment to Gods assignment for you as a man. On
Sunday, you should be the first one at church, sitting up front,
because you are the worship leader, not your wife, sisters, or
daughters. The first thing that makes you a man is your
capacity to enter Eden.
To Manifest What God Put inside You
The second purpose of a male is work, which actually means
to manifest what God put inside you. I researched this word
and found that in one sense work means to become. Work is
not something you do; it is something you become. What are
you becoming?
The reason many people are poor and struggling is that they
have found a job but have never found their true work. A job is
not designed to prosper you. It is designed to pay bills. A man
is someone who has discovered who and what he is supposed
to become. You are alive because theres some work God
wanted manifested on earth that He buried inside you. He
wants you to reveal it. You are not a mistake. When you go to
work, you are actually to go to become.
When you go to your job every day, are you becoming what
you dreamed of? Perhaps you are in the right place with your
employment and you thank God for it. But too many peoples
jobs stop them from becoming. They are told what to do, when
to do it, how long to do it, and when to go home. Theres no
room for them to become, and their manhood is stifled by a job
they hate. Every Monday morning, theyre depressed as they
sit in traffic on their way to their jobs because it is not their true
Work reveals the potential God has placed within you.
Suppose I have a mango seed, and I plant it and say to it,
Work. Im telling it that I want to see a tree with mangos that
have their own seed in them and can nourish people. Im telling
it, I know that inside of you there is a potential you must
reveal: a mango tree. Work, to a mango seed, is becoming a
mango tree with mangos that provide nutrients for the
community. Notice what happens when the mango tree fulfills
its purpose. No mango tree eats its own mangos. They are not
for their own benefit but for the benefit of people. They bring
people health.
You, too, were born with something trapped in you that
the world is supposed to benefit from, and thats your work.
Many men are afraid to talk about their dreams, but God is
saying to you, Manifest yourself! I want to see what I put into
I dont have a job anymore, but I used to. I worked for the
Bahamas government for twelve years. I taught junior high
school for five years. I worked in a food store before that,
packing shelves. I worked in a warehouse lifting boxes. I
worked in an ad firm, doing advertisments, drawings, and so
forth. These were learning experiences. But then I found my
true work of helping others understand how to manifest their
God-given leadership potential. I dont wake up in the morning
and go to work. I wake up and become what God created me
to be.
Jesus said, Let your light so shine before men, that they
may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in
heaven (Matthew 5:16 kjv). When other people see your
work, when they see you manifesting what God put into you,
they will glorify God. You were born to do something so
awesome that only God could get the credit for it. Some of the
most remarkable people in the world are reading this book, and
the world doesnt know it yet. Your work is your purpose, and
your purpose is the original intent of your Creator. Purpose is
the reason you were born; its why you exist.
While purpose is why you were born, vision is when you
start seeing it yourself. I believe most men have already been
seeing or sensing their purpose, but it is so big that theyre
afraid of it. Their dreams frighten them. Thats why they settle
for jobs they hate. Let me tell you something about Gods
vision and work in your life: if Gods assignment for you
doesnt frighten you, I question whether its really His purpose.
A God-given purpose can only be fulfilled through His
guidance and strength.
What Is Vision?
Vision is purpose in pictures.
Vision is the capacity to see beyond your
physical eyes. A male should never live only by
what he sees.
Vision is finished purpose. Thats why you can
see it.
Vision is your future, but since God has already planned it, its
in His past. Whatever you were born to do is already
finished in Him. Many are the plans in a mans heart, but it is
the Lords purpose that prevails (Proverbs 19:21). Gods
purpose for your life as a male is already established; Hes not
worried about your future. He wants you to cease worrying
about it and start making plans to go there.
Have you been seeing pictures of your dream? When you
turn the TV and computer off, and everything is quiet, do you
start thinking of your future? Your dreams are close to you, but
theyre being drowned out by your music, your phone, and
other people talking. In the Bible, whenever God wanted to
speak to a man about his work, He always took him away from
other people. God took Abraham to a mountain all by himself.
He took Moses to the desert. David heard from God when he
was out tending sheep in the hills. You cant hear Gods plan if
you are always around other people, always in the midst of a
group of friends. God needs to isolate you so you can see
pictures of your future again.
Purpose produces vision, and a vision produces a plan.
Once theres a plan, it produces discipline in you. Write down
your purpose, and then get some pictures symbolizing that
purpose and what you need to fulfill it, and put them on your
refrigerator. I cut out pictures of my dream and put them where
I could see them every day. And I would say, Thats what Im
going to do. I remember the first day I put a picture of an
airplane on my refrigerator. I needed one because of the
numerous speaking engagements I have. My son asked, Dad,
what are you doing? I said, Im looking at my future. I also
remember my first flight in that aircraft with my son. He said,
Daddy, it came off the refrigerator! I said, Yes, Son, you
have to see it first!
Stop thinking small. Your dreams are not crazy. They are your
work. Staying in a job that is not right for you is like a fish
trying to be a horse. Thats why you have high blood pressure.
Thats why theres so much stress in your life. Youre doing
things you werent born to do.
A woman was created by God to help a man, but the man has
to be doing something! Gods purpose for creating the female
was to help the male with his purpose-assignment. Thats how
important your purpose is. If you dont know what you were
born to do, dont get married yet. If you are already married,
and you dont know your purpose, your wife is probably living
with frustration. When a man finds his work, a woman finds her
assignment. I believe many marriages are breaking up because
women are not helping their husbands with the work God has
given them. Your wife is waiting for you to find your purpose
because her assignment in life is tied to it. She was designed to
help you. She may also have her own work, but for her to help
you fulfill yours, you have to know your purpose.
God designed everything with the ability to fulfill its
purpose. He designed a female to help a male, so everything
God put in the female works toward that purpose. Thats why a
woman is such a frightening creature. She is one mean helping
machine. When she shows up in your life, she has everything
you need. She has insight, intuition, stamina, wisdom, counsel,
the ability to carry burdens, and the capacity to incubate ideas.
She can talk about your vision and protect your resources. She
comes with a keen mind, academic degrees, and psychological
stability. Some men call all this aggression. Do you know
why they call it that? Women come to them with excellent
qualities and resources to help them, but they arent doing
anything, and so they are intimidated. And then this is what
happens: since the men arent doing anything for them to help
with, the women dont want to waste what they have, so they
help themselves. They start their own businesses with the gifts
they would have used to help their husbands. Now the
husbands get even more jealous and angry. So its vital for men
to understand their purpose in life.
How can you know what your purpose is? I want you to
make a commitment to discover and pursue your work. Ask
God to reveal it to you as you seek. He says, I am God, and
there is none like me. I make known the end from the
beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My
purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please (Isaiah
46:910). You were not born just to make a living, but you were
born to start something that is already finished in the mind of
God. That is why you dream. Make a commitment to the
purpose of God for your life, and to the God of that purpose.
In chapter two, we talked about the male as the anchor of the
family. You must be anchored to your God-given purpose in
order to give your family direction in difficult times. Even
though the storm rages, the billows come over your head, and
the winds blow and break the mast, if your anchor is already
attached to your purpose, you will arrive safely at your
destination. To be tough in tough times, you have to know
where youre going.
Here are some practical keys to helping you find your purpose
in life, drawn from my book The Principles and Power of
Vision. Ask yourself:
What is my deepest desire?
What is my reoccurring dreamthe one that doesnt go away?
What do I desire to change in the world? Many men have
thoughts of this nature every day, but they drown them out.
Theres something in your mind and heart that bothers you,
and you say to yourself, I wish I could change that in the
world. Whatever that thing is, it may be what you were born
to do.
What makes me angry? Whenever you see what you were
born to change, it makes you angry. If you hate corruption in
government, you may be called to be a public servant or a
reporter. If you hate to see young people hanging around in
the street with nothing to do, you were probably meant to work
with young people and solve their problems. If you hate
sickness with a passion, you may have been born to be a
medical practitioner. Think about whatever makes you angry
and what you might do to change it.
What is my deepest passion? You have to find out what you
could do for the rest of your life even if you were never paid for
it. The amazing thing is that, when you find it, you will get paid
for it because you will exhibit the energy, commitment,
knowledge, and skills that cause people to notice you.
What am I willing to die for? Perhaps you have never thought
about this question before. Thats why your life has little depth
and meaning. I would die for what I do. I was born to raise up
Third World leaders and to train Third World people to think
like leaders. My mission statement is Transforming followers
into leaders and leaders into agents of change. Thats my life
in one sentence. You have to be able to articulate your purpose
in one sentence. Jesus said, The Son of Man did not come to
be served, but togive his life as a ransom for many
(Matthew 20:28). Essentially, He was saying, Im a ransom.
That was His mission in one sentence. He didnt say, I am
going to give you ransom, but I have come to give My life as
a ransom. Remember that your work is what you are. Jesus is a
ransom. I am a leader-trainer. What are you?
Start dreaming. Close your eyes and see the future. Perhaps
you are thinking, I wish I had known this twenty years ago. I
would be much farther along in life than I am now. Its not too
late. Say, Im starting today. Im going from my job toward my
work. Let God speak to you about His purpose for you.
You dont want to waste another day on just a job. You dont
want to waste the next ten years struggling with what it means
to be a man who fulfills his purpose. Let God show you again
the dream you threw away. Ask God to shine on you the same
light He shone on Moses so you can see and hear your
purpose. Ask Him to show you what makes you angry, the
thing that wont leave you, the passion in your heart. None of
us knows everything, regardless of our education, knowledge,
and experience. We need God to direct us in our purpose and
vision. As an act of obedience, go before God and say,
Connect me to my purpose; anchor me to my destiny. I commit
to reading Your Word so that I can know Your commands. I
break my ego. I bow my pride before You. Show me who I am.
Give me a desire for Eden. Help me to want to be in Your
presence. Without You, I can do nothing. I surrender to the
lordship of Jesus. He knows whats inside methe seed of
my life. Let me hear His voice; speak to Me again. Reveal
Yourself to me. Ive gone about things in my own way. Ive
tried my own things. Ive made my own plans. But I come to
You now and say, Your kingdom come, Your will be done. Not
my will, but Yours, be done.
To Be a Cultivator
The third purpose of the man is to be a cultivator. We talked
about the fathers function of cultivation earlier, but I want you
to fully realize that you do not just cultivateyou are by
nature a cultivator. You are a cultivator designed by God. This
means you are one who improves things, who maximizes the
potential of the people and resources around you. You are
designed to bring out the best in everything under your care.
This is why God will not give you a finished product. For
example, He wont give you a business. Instead, Hell give you
an idea and say, I want you to bring the best out of that.
Cultivate it. I built my organization from seven people to one
hundred full-time workers with the potential of reaching
millions of people every week. People see the organization for
what it is today, but I had to cultivate it every single day of the
last thirty years.
Men are cultivators. God hid products and resources in the
physical world and watched to see what we would do with
them. Did you know that 98 percent of all inventions are by
males? You will never be given a finished product by God. Hell
only give you raw material. God wont even give you a
completed woman. The perfect woman you are looking for does
not exist. Many men get divorced because they are
disappointed in the women they married. They dont
understand that you have to cultivate your wife. God will give
you a woman who is raw material. It is your job to love her as
God loves her by helping her maximize her potential, improve
her life situation, and be the best she can be.
When I first married my wife, she was so introverted that I
had to make her talk to me. Four people were too much of a
crowd for her. She was afraid of expressing herself. When I
discovered being a cultivator was part of my purpose as a
husband (father), I began to draw out of her what she really
had inside her. Today, my wife travels around the world
ministering and speaking to thousands and tens of thousands
of people. This is the woman who was afraid to be in a room
with four people. God wants you to help your wife fulfill the
plans He has for her.
The Scripture says,
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church
and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her
by the washing with water through the word, and to present
her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle
or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. (Ephesians
Jesus Christ is a Husband. His wifes name is Ecclesia (the
church, the bride of Christ). He will minister to her and develop
her until she is radiant and everything He desires her to be.
He will present her as a glorious bride. This is the way
husbands are to love their wives. In other words, if you are not
proud of your wife, you are the failure. If you are ashamed of
your wife, you should be ashamed of yourself. The more you
criticize her, the more evidence there is of your failure. Instead,
the longer your wife lives with you, the better she should
become. A good man brings out the best in his wife.
Men, therefore, are designed by God to be cultivators who
dont just sit on good ideas but implement them, who dont
complain about others but see their potential and help them
reach it. Ask God to start working out the ideas He has put
within you. Tell Him you are sorry for your procrastination, and
decide today that you will begin to cultivate them. Repent for
criticizing your wife and children, discover their hidden
potential, and lovingly cultivate what God has placed within
To Be a Protector
The fourth purpose of the male is to protect. Even though
many women may feel they are able to protect themselves, you
are still called to be the protector of your family. Remember that
God told Adam to guard everything in the garden. You were
designed to guard and defend, and to cover everything under
your care and in your sphere of influence. That includes your
wife, your children, your neighbors, and your community.
Many men dont think about protecting othersthey think
about how they can use them. As I wrote earlier, if you are a
single man on a date with a young lady, you are supposed to
protect her from even your own sexual desires. She is
supposed to feel safe in your automobile. You are supposed to
guard her virginity, not destroy it. Real men protect; they dont
seduce. Again, God designed you with physical strength in
order to defend women, not to use your strength to overpower
them. That is abuse of power. You are supposed to be the
safest place any woman can be.
How many men use their gifts to destroy women? Christ
protected women! He was a guard for them. Children were safe
with Him. He didnt abuse them. He blessed them. A good man
always leaves a woman better when she leaves his presence.
Let this be the last day you misuse a woman. Say, Lord,
forgive me for any time that I have used, manipulated, or
abused a woman. Forgive me, and may they forgive me. Today,
I am a guard, a protector, and a preserver. Amen.
Men are called to protect their families and communities from
the negative and destructive currents of our modern society.
Remember our definition of an anchor? It is a reliable or
principal support: mainstay, something that serves to hold an
object firmly, and anything that gives stability and security.
If a boat is drifting with a current, and you put the anchor
down on a rock, it stops the boat from being controlled by the
current. This is very important for males. The current of our
modern society is filled with so many strong influences to do
all kinds of unhealthy things that the male needs to come back
in the family, put his anchor on the rock of a solid principle, and
say, Were not going in that direction.
Note that an anchor does not stop the current; the current
will come. Rather, it stops the boat you are in. How many
things have you stopped from happening to your son? How
many things have you stopped from happening to your
daughter? You see your daughter wearing certain clothes or
looking a certain way, or you see your son watching something
inappropriate on the Internet, and you say, No, not in this
house. A male is an anchor, and an anchor stops things. You
know that your daughter and son are being taught in school
that homosexuality and lesbianism are acceptable, and theyre
coming home and beginning to talk to you about whether it is
right or wrong, and you as a kingdom father have to put the
anchor down and stop them and say, Thats not for us.
Many times, I had to tell my son and daughter, That music
not in this house. That type of clothingnot in this house.
This boat is anchored. And they made it through the
turbulent waves. They are upstanding young people who
dont have memories they cant enjoy.
An anchor stops things. As a pastor, you are supposed to
be the anchor of your church. When divisive things are
happening in your church, and you know theyre happening,
you have to put your foot down like an anchor and say, Not in
this ministry. Youre the foundation. Men, in whatever setting
youre inhome, church, school, work, or communityyou
are designed to protect those around youthe weak, the
vulnerable, the oppressed, women, children, your brothers. A
real man is a protecting man.
To Be a Teacher
Fifth, the males purpose is to teach the instructions God
gave him. As I wrote earlier, you need to learn the Word of God
so you can be in a position to become the one who teaches.
Whatever God calls for, He provides for. Whatever God creates
something to do, He builds in the capacity to do it. God built
you with the teacher psyche. Men in all countries are wired to
be teachers. The problem is that many of them dont know the
You are the teacher in your home. You are the one who is
supposed to have the information, the instruction. It starts with
you. That means you have to hear from God first. Perhaps you
have never read the Bible. You may have read a few verses
from Psalms, but youve never read the Bible from Genesis to
Revelation. Youre forty years old and youve never read the
Bible, but youre attempting to be the head of the home!
Can you teach your wife the Word of God? Do you know
enough of the Word to become the teacher of your children? If
the answer is no, get busy and make a commitment to read the
New Testament first. We need men who know the Word, not
men who know the football scores and the names of every
player on their favorite basketball team. You know who got
drafted, but you dont know who Malachi is or why his book in
the Bible is important.
Realize you were born to be a teacher. Thats why you hate it
when youre driving and youre trying to find a certain place
and your wifes saying, I think we should turn here, and you
say, Be quiet; Im driving. She says, I think we just passed
the road, and you say, Im driving. Yes, men, were driving.
After about twenty hours, we finally turn around and say, You
know, I think I might have missed it somewhere. And then we
add, Dont you dare say I told you so. Even when were
stupid, we dont want to be taught. When a man doesnt know,
he doesnt want you to tell him he doesnt know. He wants to
be a sophisticated fool.
I challenge you to read and study. I read four books a month
because I am the foundation and anchor of my home. In a
sense, I have two houses: my home and my church. I have a
house with two thousand people in it every week. When Im on
television, my house has 1.8 million people in it. I have a big
house; I have to read even more because they listen to my
instruction and I have to know what I am saying.
The Marks of a Man of Purpose
To sum up, here are the marks of a man of purpose:
He loves Eden. He loves Gods presence. He
possesses a true self-image based on his
knowledge that God created him in His own
image. He knows who he is.
He desires to work. If you meet a man who
doesnt like work, hes not a real man, a man of
He is able to cultivate.
He commits to protect everything under his care.
He knows the Word of God, and he teaches it.
What a beautiful picture of what a real man isand what a
picture of fatherhood that reflects Father God. If I were a
woman, Id marry that man right away. He knows who he is,
where he is, and what hes supposed to be doing. Hes able to
cultivate, protect, and teach Gods Word. Thats the kind of
man every woman is looking for. Many women are confused
today because they cant find that man. They meet men who
have high-paying jobs, wear nice clothes, and own expensive
houses and cars, but who dont know what really matters.
They meet men who are wandering aimlessly in life and unable
to support themselves because they have no clear purpose.
The women are asking, Whats happening?
I want to see you change things in your life, family, job,
ministry, and community by understanding and fulfilling your
God-given purpose. You will discover your true image and
purpose only in your Creator.
We now turn to our final issue in The Fatherhood Principle
fathering the fatherless.
Chapter Principles
1. The only way for a man to discover and live out
his inherent fatherhood nature in a time of social
change is to maintain a focus on his God-given
purpose rather than roles that are related to a
certain culture or time in history.
2. Five vital purposes of the male are (1) to dwell in
Gods presence, (2) to manifest what God put
inside you, (3) to be a cultivator, (4) to be a
protector, and (5) to be a teacher.
3. When a man gets into Gods presence, he begins
to function again.
4. Work reveals the potential God has placed within
you. You were born with something trapped in
you that the world is supposed to benefit from.
5. God doesnt give males the finished product but
the raw material with which to cultivate.
6. Men are designed to guard, defend, and cover
everything under their care and in their spheres
of influence.
7. The male must know Gods Word in order to
teach the instructions God gave him.
7 See Strongs Exhaustive Concordance, #H8104 and the New American Standard
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (NASC), The Lockman Foundation, #H8104.
Used by permission.
Chapter 12
Fathering the
I pray that fathers who read this book will receive the Spirit of
the Fathernot just for their own families, but also for the
church and our culture. The spirit of a father is the awareness
that everyone around a father is his responsibility.
As we have studied in Genesis, the woman and the family
came out of the man. So every woman and child that a father
meets is his responsibility if they are fatherless. Godly fathers
must become fathers of their communities and nations. There
are many women who have husbands who are not functioning
in their lives as source and sustainer. There are many children
who have only a biological father, not a true father. So we, as
Christian fathers, must be sure that we take responsibility by
praying for these families and supporting them in other ways
so that they may be restored to their heavenly Fathers plan for
their lives.
There are also women and children who have lost husbands
and fathers to divorce or death. James wrote, Religion that
God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look
after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself
from being polluted by the world (James 1:27). The fatherless
should be fathered by Christian men who can step in the gap,
sustaining and cultivating them.
David declared, A father to the fatherless, a defender of
widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in
families (Psalm 68:56). What is the family into which God
places the fatherless? It is His family, the church. We are to go
wherever the fatherless are found and become a father and
family to them. If you are a widow or a divorced woman, I
encourage you to find a church that preaches the Word of God
and has godly men and women who can strengthen you and
your children in Gods ways and who will be a family to you.
Theres a fathering parable in Matthew 25 in which Jesus
reveals that those who truly follow Him will father those who
are in prison, hungry, naked, thirsty, sick, and strangers. Men,
inasmuch as we father the least of these, we minister unto the
Lord Himself.
Many of those in prison are men who never had a father like
the Father. How do we heal that? Godly fathers must go out
and father them. Recall once more the prophecy for our day in
Malachi 4:6: He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their
children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else
I [God] will come and strike the land with a curse. When
godly fathers fail to father the fatherless in a society, a curse
comes upon that land. Scripture never mentions returning the
hearts of the children back to the mothers because our greatest
problem is a father problem.
We must incorporate the scriptural functions of fatherhood
into our lives so that we will finally understand and fulfill our
true priority, position, and role as males. God the Father is our
Source. Masses of men must return to God the Father so that
the childrens hearts may be turned to their fathers and to God.
We need men of the Spirit to be responsible as progenitors and
providers for the future generations, and men who are fathers
to be willing to sustain their offspring.
My friend Jesse Duplantis told me a story about when he was
waiting at a traffic light in Louisiana and a man came up to his
car. This man looked terrible, was wearing dirty clothes, and
was carrying a piece of cardboard that said help the poor. The
Holy Spirit spoke to Jesse and said, Why do you think this man
is poor? He answered, Maybe he cant find a job, maybe he
has physical problems. The Holy Spirit said, No. This man is
on the street today begging because of bad family
relationships. When he told me that story, my life was
changed. I am from a family of eleven children, and my father is
now in his eighties. I decided that none of my family would
ever beg as long as I am alive. In other words, as long as
theres a man in the house, no one will be on the street.
As a fatherlike the Fatherremember that every child you
meet is your responsibility. You are to support and pray for that
childs father, or to be a father to the child if he or she is
fatherless. Every woman you meet is your responsibility; she is
to be treated with dignity and respect. Every elderly person
you meet is your responsibility; he or she is to be treated as
you would treat your own parent.
This book is a clarion call to men to be the fathers God the
Father created them to be. It is time that fathers answer Gods
call to be responsible for the fatherless in their churches,
communities, and nations. If the male doesnt hold like an
anchor, society goes adrift and crashes on the rocks of
immorality and broken values, and we lose the vision and
destiny of the country and the programs and resources of the
community. Everything falls apart when the anchor isnt
In Africa, there is a well-known concept that has become
familiar to many of us: It takes a village to raise a child. That
concept is also found in the Bible:
Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these
members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we
who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all
the others. (Romans 12:45)
[An expert in the law] wanted to justify himself, so he asked
Jesus, And who is my neighbor? In reply Jesus said: A man
was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into
the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat
him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened
to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he
passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to
the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a
Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when
he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged
his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on
his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The
next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the
innkeeper. Look after him, he said, and when I return, I will
reimburse you for any extra expense you may have. Which of
these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell
into the hands of robbers? The expert in the law replied, The
one who had mercy on him. Jesus told him, Go and do
likewise. (Luke 10:2937)
The whole community is responsible for each person, and the
destiny of each person is shaped by the whole community. We
have a corporate responsibility to father our fatherless. We are
not in this alone. Together, we are a community of faith; we are
the church, which is Gods family, in which every member
supports and cares for every other member.
I believe that the church should form the most magnificent and
magnanimous adoption agency in the twenty-first century.
The way you change a nation is not by attacking the
government, but by being a true father to your children and
those who are fatherless. Thats the way God did it in every
situation. Godly fatherhood is the key to this generation and all
to come.
Consider this final thought: Gods Son entered into this
world and had to be adopted by an earthly fatherJoseph.
Joseph could have rejected Mary as supposedly having been
unfaithful to him and gotten pregnant by another man, but he
didnt. He believed what God told him through the angel. At
great personal risk and sacrifice to himself, Joseph stepped out
responsibly and became the earthly father of Jesus, Savior of
the world.
Fathers, be like the heavenly Father to your own families,
communities, and nations. Ask Him to fill up any empty spots
in your life that your father couldnt fill. Forgive your father if
he wasnt there for you, or if he was alcoholic or abusive. Go to
your heavenly Father, and let Him make you a strong
foundation, a secure anchor, so you can help bring healing to
the land, restoring individuals and families. Then future
generations will rise up and give glory to our Father.
Chapter Principles
1. The spirit of a father is the awareness that
everyone around a father is his responsibility.
2. Godly fathers become fathers of their
communities and nations.
3. As Christian fathers, we are to go to wherever the
fatherless are found and become fathers and
families to them.
4. When we incorporate the fatherhood functions in
our lives, we will finally understand our true
priority, position, and role as males.
5. By being a father like God the Father to your
family, community, and nation, you will help bring
healing to the land, and future generations will
rise up and give glory to our heavenly Father.
About the Author
Dr. Myles Munroe is an international motivational speaker,
best-selling author, educator, leadership mentor, and consultant
for government and business. Traveling extensively
throughout the world, Dr. Munroe addresses critical issues
affecting the full range of human, social, and spiritual
development. The central theme of his message is the
maximization of individual potential, including the
transformation of followers into leaders and leaders into agents
of change.
Dr. Munroe is founder and president of Bahamas Faith
Ministries International (BFMI), a multidimensional
organization headquartered in Nassau, Bahamas. He is chief
executive officer and chairman of the board of the International
Third World Leaders Association and president of the
International Leadership Training Institute.
Dr. Munroe is also the founder and executive producer of a
number of radio and television programs aired worldwide. In
addition, he is a frequent guest on other television and radio
programs and international networks and is a contributing
writer for various Bible editions, journals, magazines, and
newsletters, such as The Believers Topical Bible, The African
Cultural Heritage Topical Bible, Charisma Life Christian
Magazine, and Ministries Today. A popular author of over
forty books, his works include The Most Important Person on
Earth, The Spirit of Leadership, The Principles and Power of
Vision, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer,
Understanding the Purpose and Power of Woman, and
Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men.
Dr. Munroe has changed the lives of multitudes around the
world with a powerful message that inspires, motivates,
challenges, and empowers people to discover personal
purpose, develop true potential, and manifest their unique
leadership abilities. For over thirty years, he has trained tens of
thousands of leaders in business, industry, education,
government, and religion. He personally addresses over
500,000 people each year on personal and professional
development. His appeal and message transcend age, race,
culture, creed, and economic background.
Dr. Munroe has earned B.A. and M.A. degrees from Oral
Roberts University and the University of Tulsa, and he has
been awarded a number of honorary doctoral degrees. He has
also served as an adjunct professor of the Graduate School of
Theology at Oral Roberts University.
Dr. Munroe and his wife Ruth travel as a team and are involved
in teaching seminars together. Both are leaders who minister
with sensitive hearts and international vision. They are the
proud parents of two college graduates, Charisa and Chairo
(Myles, Jr.).