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Kingdom Economics
Kingdom Economics
Kingdom Economics
Ebook64 pages1 hour

Kingdom Economics

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Rags to Riches

  • Self-Improvement

  • Power of Money

  • Financial Independence

  • Wisdom & Knowledge

  • Hard Work & Dedication

  • Importance of Tithing

  • Generosity & Blessings

  • Money Management & Prosperity

About this ebook

As Believers, it is imperative that we be prepared for the future, and the additional changes that are sure to occur. Not only must we be spiritually sound, we must also establish a firm economic foundation. In this book, Kingdom Economics, Bishop Bismark unlocks keys to economic empowerment.
Release dateJul 6, 2015
Kingdom Economics

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Reviews for Kingdom Economics

Rating: 4.466666666666667 out of 5 stars

15 ratings5 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title very good and it has much to offer. The book discusses Kingdom economics and provides a great summary. It is not just for Christians, but for everyone on this planet. The principles in this book are important for freedom. The readers appreciate the tree analogy and how it challenges false beliefs. They are inspired to rebuild their lives, families, and ministries based on the principles in this book. Overall, the readers are grateful for the book and plan to apply its teachings.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jul 5, 2022

    Very succinct. A great summary of Kingdom economics. I loved the tree analogy, it has ripped so many false beliefs and allowed me to rebuild the truth that my spirit has always known.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Feb 22, 2022

    This book is not just good it is very good and much to offer to prosper the work of God and oneself
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jun 29, 2021

    This book is not just for Christians as the title might suggest, but everyone living on this planet must know the principles in this book to be free. Most importantly, ask Jesus into your hearts to be Lord over you.
    Finally, I have put a hold to everything to begin restructuring my life, family and ministry around the principles in this book. I look forward to giving feedback soon. Thank you Bishop Tudor Bismark
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Oct 28, 2015

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Sep 26, 2015

    Bishop, I thank you so much for this book. This is five - talent book. We will certainly make 5 talent effort in its application.

Book preview

Kingdom Economics - Tudor Bismark



Although this is a small book, it is a power-packed economic tool full of proven money principles. It is divided into four sections which provide basic foundational information along with time-tested methods for growing, saving, and managing money.

Many statements in this book are repeated in other sections; this is not an oversight. Certain principles are repeated throughout the book in an effort to promote those principles and encourage you, dear reader, to absorb and apply them in your own lives.

Redeem the time for the days are evil.


We have entered into a new millennium, and this millennium is bringing momentous change. We see change in every facet of society; cultural shifts, economic upheavals, political changes, and more. Many that are familiar with economics know the terms G7, G8, G20—terms that refer to Groups of Finance Ministers of various countries, of which, the U.S., Japan, France, Germany, Italy, the U.K., and Canada have occupied the top seven places, ranked by overall national net wealth. Economists also refer to the BRIC nations which include Brazil, Russia, India, and China, and in 2010 South Africa was added, making the acronym BRICS. The BRICS nations are being recognized as players in the world economy, and some economists anticipate they will be the leaders by 2050. They are beginning to wield political power in the world and inevitably will influence the peoples and cultures around the globe. In fact, the four BRICS nations together may account for 41% of the world’s market capitalization by 2030. According to a 2010 report from Goldman Sachs, China alone may surpass the U.S. in equity market capitalization terms by 2030 and become the single largest equity market in the world. Many speculate that by 2020, America’s GDP (gross domestic product) might be only slightly larger than China’s. What happens in China is of utmost importance to America because we are bound to China, as a borrower serving a lender.

China owns 34% of America’s debt. America is approximately 17 trillion dollars in debt, and with each passing day, that number grows. In the last decade, America has lost much credibility around the globe because of increasing debt, fiscal irresponsibility, political weakness, and the lack of solid leadership and values for which she was once known. She is no longer perceived as the superpower she once was. China has become the lender and America the debtor. Recently, a Chinese banker in Houston told me that there is now a direct flight from Beijing into Houston. At one time, these flights went through Los Angeles or New York, but now a direct flight is necessary in order to accommodate the hundreds of Chinese businessmen coming to Houston to buy real estate. These Chinese businessmen aren’t taking out mortgages or bank loans either; they are buying real estate, tons of real estate, with cash.

The landscape of America is changing rapidly, and the future will look very different. Some readers may wonder why this economic review is important and included in a book entitled, Kingdom Economics. In order to understand the future, we need to know the past and the present. We’ve heard many times the saying that history repeats itself, and we can learn how to avoid future economic calamity by studying mistakes made in the past. Sadly, the church has yet to understand and embrace her ability to bring change into every realm of society, including the economic sphere.

For decades, many in the body of Christ have looked to the skies and prayed, Lord, come quickly, believing they would soon be rescued through the rapture of the church. The intent of this book is not to discuss the rapture of the church or other aspects of end-time theology. This is not the forum to debate pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post-tribulation eschatologies, or discuss the literal or allegorical interpretations of the books of Daniel and Revelation. One thing is certain: the future is now. Life on earth has continued for many decades beyond what so many predicted and may continue longer than anyone currently anticipates. My goal is to encourage the church to recognize her Godgiven power and to make and execute a plan for the future, regardless of how long that future may be. We must POSSESS the future, regardless of what the future holds; but, we CANNOT possess the future without a plan. A key element in our plan for the future is money. Yes, money. Money is not the root of all evil—the Word says the love of money is the root of all evil. Money, in itself cannot be evil. It is neutral and becomes either good or evil depending on who holds it. Money is a key ingredient to possessing the future, and the church has money and resources which could translate into power and influence if properly utilized.

The church

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