InternationalPolitical Economy
InternationalPolitical Economy
InternationalPolitical Economy
Luciana Braga
M.Sc. Energy Planning
Analyst at Brazilian National Petroleum Agency
55 Blocks/Fields 7 Fields _
Art. 27 - Revoked
Concession Agreement
• Foresee some of Law n.° 12.351/2010 dispositions, such as: use of the term
‘deposit’ instead of field; predicting that ANP will enter into an unitization
contract in case of not granted areas; requiring minimum information that
should be included in the agreement; monitoring the negotiations by ANP, and
predicting the operations suspension during the transactions. From the Fifth
Round, also predicted the IPA termination, if one party refuses to sign the
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area
The fiscal systems should be applied independently (and proportional) for each
portion of unitized field, respecting the contracts involved original features,
admitting specific ruling by regulator only to the contractual obligations that
need to be fulfiled entirely, observing the public interest, the social function of
the contract, the best practices of the oil industry, the principles of contracts
preservation and proportionality. (DAVID e LOPES, 2011 - Parecer n.°
* Art. 258 of Brazilian Civil Code provides that indivisible obligation occurs when the installment has as
object a thing or fact that cannot be divided by nature, by economic ordem reason, or given the legal
business reason
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area
First hypothesis:
Concession PSA
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area
o Potential Problem:
o Indivisible Obligation
o Possible Solutions:
o Potential Problem:
o Divisible Obligation
o Possible Solutions:
o Potential Problem:
o Possible Solutions:
• Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A. (PPSA) monitor and audit costs and investments
related to Producing Sharing Contract.
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area
o Potential Problem:
o Possible Solutions:
o Potential Problem:
o Possible Solutions:
o Potential Problem:
o Possible Solutions:
Second hypothesis:
• the deposit extends to an area whose E&P rights were not granted or
Concession Onerous
o Potential Problem:
o Possible Solutions:
o Potential Problem:
o Possible Solutions:
o Potential Problem:
o Possible Solutions:
• Exploration costs: the Government can not assume any risk and,
therefore, operating costs
o Potential Problem:
o Possible Solutions:
o Potential Problem:
o Possible Solutions:
o For a more detailed analysis is necessary the analysis of the contractual terms
of the Brazilian PSA and the unitization procedure to be published by ANP as
well as their specific regulations
o Hypothetic analysis: none AIP involving more than a kind of IPA or involving
an area whose E&P rights were not granted or shared was signed in Brazil
o The solutions presented may not be the most suitable when faced with a
factual situation.