InternationalPolitical Economy

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Luciana Braga
M.Sc. Energy Planning
Analyst at Brazilian National Petroleum Agency

• Pre-salt discover in 2007: 50 billion barrels of estimated reserves; oil of good

quality – approximately 29° API.

• Changes in Brazilian Petroleum Legal Framework: Law n.° 12.276/2010

(Petrobras Capitalization e Onerous Assignment Agreement); Law n.°
12.304/2010 (create Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A.) e Law n.° 12.351/2010 (Production
Sharing Agreement and Social Fund)

• Three International Petroleum Contracts (IPAs) in Pre-salt Area:

Concession Onerous Assignment Production Sharing Agreement

28% 2,46% 69,50%

55 Blocks/Fields 7 Fields _

• Ribeiro (2005) defines unitization as the coordinated operation of the entire or

extensive part of an oil or gas reservoir by the owners or holders of rights of
the blocks situated over the reservoir, whose basic function is to provide an
efficient drainage of the reservoir, using the best engineering techniques, which
are economically viable

• Weaver e Asmus (2006) classifies unitization in three phases: Pre-agreement;

Agreement and Redetermination

• To Owen Anderson (1984) unitization process is usually complex and slow,

that begins with the operational committee creation, constituted by the
companies which has E&P rights under the shared reservoir
Pre-salt Area

• Tomasquim e Pinto Júnior (2011): considering that Pre-salt reservoirs can

have several sections hydraulically connected, unitization agreements (AIPs)
will be inevitably signed.

• Derman e Melsheimer (2010): Pre-sal area, due to geological structure, has

multiple reservoirs and, due the size and number of blocks, there is high
probability of many shared reservoirs, under different IPAs.
Brazilian Regulation

Law n.° 9.478/97

Art. 27 - Revoked

Law n.° 12.351/2010

Art. 33 - Compulsory, even when the same company or consortium has

the E&P rights of the blocks where the shared deposit is located
Art. 34 – ANP’s obligation to regulate unitization procedures and
guidelines, and monitor agreement negotiation
Arts. 36 e 37 – The Government (PPSA or ANP) will enter into an
unitization agreement in cases where the deposits from the Pre-salt
polygon and the strategic areas extend to areas which are not granted
or shared. The E&P regime is regardless of regime effective in the
adjacent areas
Art. 38 – Petrobras could be contracted directly in order to carry out the
evaluation activities
Art. 40 - Absence of agreement between the parties: ANP shall determine
based on technical report or termination of the IPA
Brazilian Regulation

Concession Agreement

• Regarding unitization clauses, Bucheb (2007) indicates three generation of

concession agreements: one from First Round until Forth Round; other of Fifth
Round; and other from Sixth Round onwards. However the basic structure was
kept in all the concession agreements.

• Foresee some of Law n.° 12.351/2010 dispositions, such as: use of the term
‘deposit’ instead of field; predicting that ANP will enter into an unitization
contract in case of not granted areas; requiring minimum information that
should be included in the agreement; monitoring the negotiations by ANP, and
predicting the operations suspension during the transactions. From the Fifth
Round, also predicted the IPA termination, if one party refuses to sign the
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

Ribeiro (2010) says the coexistence of different regimes (concession and

producting sharing) in neighboring areas can cause huge technical difficulties in
case of unitization
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area


The fiscal systems should be applied independently (and proportional) for each
portion of unitized field, respecting the contracts involved original features,
admitting specific ruling by regulator only to the contractual obligations that
need to be fulfiled entirely, observing the public interest, the social function of
the contract, the best practices of the oil industry, the principles of contracts
preservation and proportionality. (DAVID e LOPES, 2011 - Parecer n.°

* Art. 258 of Brazilian Civil Code provides that indivisible obligation occurs when the installment has as
object a thing or fact that cannot be divided by nature, by economic ordem reason, or given the legal
business reason
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

First hypothesis:

• the deposit extends to three blocks, one under concession agreement,

other under onerous assignment and the third block under production
sharing agreement

Concession PSA

Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

o Potential Problem:

• Definition of percentages and rules for local content commitment, given

the difference in contractual dispositions and the difference in
percentage of each International Petroleum Agreement (IPA)

o Indivisible Obligation

o Possible Solutions:

• adopt the lowest commitment defined in IPAs involved;

• adopt the biggest commitment;
• adopt an intermediate value in accordance with a rule of ponderation;
• define a specific rule for unitization cases
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

o Potential Problem:

• Defining the government take

o Divisible Obligation

o Possible Solutions:

• Calculation by IPA, proportional to participating interests

Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

o Potential Problem:

• Gold Plating: tendency of the contractor under the production sharing

regime to be less efficient in its spending

o Possible Solutions:

• Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A. (PPSA) monitor and audit costs and investments
related to Producing Sharing Contract.
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

o Potential Problem:

• Define the operator: Petrobras as the unique operator of Pre-salt Area

o Indivisible Obligation (carryng out the operations)

o Possible Solutions:

• Art. 35 of Law n.° 12.351/2010 permits an indication of a different

operator for AIP
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

o Potential Problem:

• Definition of unitized area: several alternatives in AIPN model of

unitization agreement (reservoir/deposit; stratigraphic horizon; depth or
full depth)

o Possible Solutions:

• Art. 33 of Law n.° 12.351/2010 establish that unitization procedure

must be done by deposit
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

o Potential Problem:

• Definition of unitization agreement duration

o Possible Solutions:

• ANP could standardize the IPAs’ duration authorizing, at its sole

discretion, the extent of the validity of IPA with lower lifetime to reach
the one with highest validity
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

Second hypothesis:

• the deposit extends to an area whose E&P rights were not granted or

Concession Onerous

Area not granted

or shared
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

o Potential Problem:

• Lack of IPA for the area not granted or shared

o Possible Solutions:

• Replicate the IPAs’ parameters - operator, local content, duration

(WEAVER e ASMUS, 2006)

• Government Take according the legislation in force– royalties rates

probably different

• Adopting an independent fiscal regime, according art. 36, § 2° of Law

n° 12.351/2010)
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

o Potential Problem:

• The future concessionaire or contracted under producing sharing regime

is obligate to obey the unitization agreement dispositions signed by

o Possible Solutions:

• Permit the future concessionaire or contracted under producing sharing

regime make the necessary adjustments in the unitization agreement,
since they do not harm the public interest, and be approved by ANP
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

o Potential Problem:

• Government participation in E&P investments

o Possible Solutions:

• Exploration costs: the Government can not assume any risk and,
therefore, operating costs

• Production costs: the Government will assume the costs in proportion to

its participation, to prevent unjust enrichment. This payment must be
made in kind, being compensated by the share of production due to the
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

o Potential Problem:

• Evaluation of the adjacent area not granted or not shared

o Possible Solutions:

• Art. 38 of Law n.° 12.351/2010: allows to contract Petrobras directly to

carry out the evaluation activities – exception to art. 23 of Law n. °
Practical Potential Problems in Pre-salt Area

o Potential Problem:

• Share of production due to Government

o Possible Solutions:

• Art. 45 of Law n.° 12.351/2010: establishes that the share of the

Government shall be delivered in kind, which will be commercialized by
Petrobras, after being hired directly by the PPSA

o For a more detailed analysis is necessary the analysis of the contractual terms
of the Brazilian PSA and the unitization procedure to be published by ANP as
well as their specific regulations

o Hypothetic analysis: none AIP involving more than a kind of IPA or involving
an area whose E&P rights were not granted or shared was signed in Brazil

o The solutions presented may not be the most suitable when faced with a
factual situation.

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