Zilift Torque Converter II

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Product Bulletin

Zilift Torque Converter

Contactless, high-efficiency, high-torque transmission with
inherent overload protection

At the heart of Zilift TorqueDrive technology lies the Torque Converter, a unique device which allows the
motor to run efficiently at higher operating speeds whilst delivering increased torque and reduced speed to
the pump.
The high-torque magnetic gear was invented and demonstrated by Dr Kais Atallah from the University of
Sheffield in 2001. This pioneering research was been extended by Zilift and Magnomatics to provide a
downhole variant of this gear technology.
Principle of operation
A magnetic gear torque converter uses permanent magnets to transmit torque between an input and output
shaft without mechanical contact. Torque densities comparable with mechanical gears can be achieved
with an efficiency >99% at full load and with much higher part load efficiencies than a mechanical gear. For
higher power ratings a magnetic gear will be smaller, lighter and lower cost than a mechanical gear.

A magnetic gear consists of two rings of permanent

magnets with a ring of steel pole pieces in
between. These steel pole pieces act as flux paths from
each of the rings of magnets. This has the effect of
creating harmonics in the fields produced by each ring of
magnets. By careful selection of pole numbers one can
couple to the harmonic field and this creates a gear
ratio. One element of the gear is held still whilst the other
two rotate.

Ratio of magnetic materials and steel pole pieces determines the magnetic gear ratio for example:
23 pole pair magnets in the stator
27 steel pole pieces providing the flux path
4 pole pair on the high speed input rotor
Resulting gear ratio = 1 : 23 / 4 = 5.75

The operation of this gear assembly is analogous to a planetary

or epicyclical gear assembly, with the inner rotor acting as the
sun gear, the outer rotor as a ring gear, and the steel pole
pieces acting as planetary gears.

Since there is no mechanical contact due to meshing parts there is no wear and lubrication is not required.

Putting pumps where others cant

Product Bulletin
Zilift Torque Converter

The diagram (left) displays the flux lines and

the shaded plot of the magnetic flux density as
the gears rotate. The operation of the gears
can be seen from the plot of flux lines (right),
which shows the magnetic field in the pole
pieces focusing the magnetic flux from the
outer ring inwards towards the high speed

Inherent overload protection

Magnetic gears inherently protect against overloads by
harmlessly slipping if an overload torque is applied, and
automatically and safely reengaging when the fault torque
is removed.

The torque transmission capability is evaluated with

another simulation that runs the inner rotor at constant
speed, while gradually increasing the load on the outer
rotor. When the load exceeds the torque limit of the
magnetic gears, the outer rotor starts to slip. Before this
point, the outer rotor will lag the inner rotor and, in fact,
the relation between torque and lag is approximately sinusoidal, with a period equal to twice the rotor
magnet spacing.

Advantages over mechanical gears

Reduced maintenance and improved reliability
Lubrication free
Higher efficiency than conventional gears
Precise peak torque transmission
torque transmission is a function of active
magnetic length
Inherent overload protection
Physical isolation between input and output shafts
Inherent anti-jamming transmission
Significantly reduces harmful drivetrain pulsations
Allows for misalignment/vibration of shafts
Very low acoustic noise and vibration

Contact Zilift UK / Europe US / Canada

Company : Zilift Ltd. Zilift Inc.
Telephone : +44 1224 227 227 +1 661 369 8579
Email : [email protected]

Putting pumps where others cant

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